21 July 2021

Obtaining the Divine Prize

Hence, if we desire to obtain in its entirety that divine prize of which it is said, 'Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God,' [anger] must not only be cut off from our actions but must even be uprooted from the depths of our soul. For as wrathful anger that has been checked in speech and that has not manifested itself in deeds is of no value whatsoever if God, from whom the secrets of the heart are not concealed, sees that it exists in the recesses of our breast. For the words of the Gospel command that the roots of our vices be cut off rather than the fruits, which will certainly never grow anymore once the shoot has been pulled up. And when they have been pulled up not from the surface of our deeds and actions but from the depths of our thoughts, our mind will then be able to abide in utter patience and holiness.

        John Cassian (360–435)

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