Journal 2016

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2016
Woke this morning really sore. Hard to believe, a pair of fifteen pounds dumb bells can be that challenging. It is a clear sign of all the neglect over the years. Betting that it will only take about a month for a need to overload and progress again, but I’m not sure I want to do that. Good thing I’m not doing a sprint, but rather a strength building weight lost marathon. But as usual, a good hot morning shower makes me feel good as new. I started to say the two fifteen pound dumb bells my true love gave to me, but not taking anything away from my darling wife, my true love is our Trinidadian God. I decided to pen my journal entry early, because I am anticipating there will be much celebrating later in the day. Funny, how we see the world. I’m not much on winter. Can’t say I like the cold and harshness it brings. But as a child, I saw it much differently. I could hardly wait for it to snow. My sibling and I would get to build a snowman and take turns on the red radio flyer sled. Through the lens of my children amid the falling snow, I briefly recaptured those childhood memories. Funny, we had to get a running start and the dive down to glide down the sidewalk, our kids got to enjoy sledding down a hill. They even liked skiing and snowboarding. LOL, clearly something I would never dream of attempting to do. The point is I’m failing to appreciate all of God’s creation during what now appears to be dull winter months. But as I began to muse more in the still, I remember as a child being amazed two snowflakes were identical. On this last day of the year, I am amazed at God’s creativity. It was a strange day. I looked back and reviewed the year and questioned it. “May we live in interesting times”, kept floating in my mind, the past few days. I’m not sure if it was cryptic penning by my friend or not. There was much conflict and disorder this year for sure. With two bad choices, between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump to lead this nation forward, I think this nation is more divided than ever. Looking forward into the New Year, prayers for wisdom for president elect Donald Trump and all in authority. With ISIS afar and nearby extreme violence in Chicago, I turned to the three short books of Habakkuk. And like the prophet looking at the state of the nation, being surrounded and touched by evil, in the darkness, we look to the light. We can also choose to look back on this past year and recount the Lord’s mercy and to look forward to the new year with anticipation of our Lord’s grace upon grace to come. Yes, many bad things are and have been happening in this broken world from our human perspective, but because of his grace, we can conclude that God is with us and is good. The prophet Isaiah remind us, “I will recount the steadfast love of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has granted us, and the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his compassion, according to the abundance of his steadfast love. For he said, “Surely they are my people, children who will not deal falsely.” And he became their Savior. In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them; in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.” (Isaiah 63:7-9). As we ring in the New Year and make resolutions according to God’s grace and God’s will, evermore celebrating and bringing in the New Year in his grace, love and blessings. "Remember us, 0 God; from age to age be our comforter. You have given us the wonder of time,blessings in days and nights, seasons and years. Bless your children at the turning of the year and fill the months ahead with the bright hope that is ours in the coming of Christ. Amen."

December 30, 2016
Wow, the year is almost coming to a close already. Made an interesting combination on comfort food for dinner. Chinese steamed eggs, steamed tilapia and stir fried lettuce. Basically, I was emptying out the refrigerator by cooking it and avoiding food waste. I came across an interesting quote, “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” I’m an advocate that good works are necessary, but won’t go as far as Gandhi, because our good works are like polluted garments tainted by the evil that is within us. It has been said, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16). We place the petitions of our intercessory prayers in God’s hand. What is more powerful? I agree with Kleinig, “Since I am a child of God I know that the best thing I could ever hope to receive from fellow Christians is their prayers. It's the greatest favour and kindness that they could ever show me.”

December 29, 2016
I gained a little bit back on today’s weigh in, but I’m good with it, since I did meet my goal for this year. The goal moving forward will remain a pound a week until I get to a health weight. There remains one more gathering that calls for a festival with an abundance of food, then I should be able to make much better weight loss strives onward. I’m glad that I got back my full range of motion with my right arm, but wish I can get back to lifting somewhat heavier objects over my head. Got 15 pound dumb bells on Christmas for other exercises! Not much but its progress from doing the pair of 10 pounds I got earlier in the year. Guessing it will eventually get to where it needs to be over time. Prayers for faithful pastors and their family.

December 28, 2016
Perhaps, I should have reflected first in joyful hope on this fourth day of Christmas waiting for God’s kingdom to be fully revealed. This morning news said that Chicago had a violent Christmas: 12 killed, 50 people wounded. Prayers for the victims and for the ending of the violence. How can we see the Christ in everyone the mist of all this violence? Perhaps, in prayer and in ongoing reflection in hopes of finding the very Christ within myself. Heavenly Father, open my eyes that I recognize your son in everyone I meet. Amen. It came as no surprise to me that Illinois tax payers pay the highest state and local taxes in all 50 taxes, 35.8% higher than the national average. Sigh …on top of that, we also rank dead last in property taxes. I was thinking the other day about how Christmas comes and goes, just like that for many of us. I remember Pastor Nelson once saying, “Every Sunday is Christmas.” Indeed it is, behold the Lamb of God is with us in Eucharist, the sacrifice at Calvary. So Christmas is not over, it just begun. And albeit, the season ends January 6th with the beginning of Epiphany, with the incarnation of Jesus we can continue to experience grace upon grace over and over. May the goodness of our Lord’s grace be reborn with every kind word and every good work and may the joy and hope of Christmas remain with now and forevermore while patiently we wait.

December 27, 2016
Amen, came across a most beautiful Catholic prayer this morning, "O God, who marvelously created and yet more marvelously restored the dignity of human nature, grant that we may share the divinity of him who humbled himself to share our humanity." Then came the afternoon woes. Jennifer had to pull over because her car was running rough. There were two major problems. A fuel ejector went bad and a spark plug cable went bad. We had it, it was at the point that it one thing after another and decided it was time to trade the old rust bucket in. We end up getting a like 2016 new low mileage demo car. Crazy how costly cars are, beit new or even maintaining an old one. It’s a good thing we have a decent credit score.

December 26, 2016
Hard to believe I woke to the somewhat heavy rain, so glad it wasn’t snow. What is going o with the weather? First it was gloom and dome looking and then the sun came out and warmed up to lower 50s around the noon hour. The snow melted and the grass was so green. Then later in the afternoon the warmth gave way and the temperature plummeted to the norm for this time of year, strange. I started to say then reality set in, but reality is reality and it did get usually warm. Slow getting to all my exercises, but I gotrdun. It dawned on me while celebrating the second day of Christmas, how differently and when we celebrate the birth of our lord. During our season of Advent reflective wait, the secular world celebrate the season by putting up bright colorful lights and start hearing songs about Santa Clause, flying rain deers, snow and what not. Now the world plans and waits to celebrate and bring in the new year while we reflect on what the Incarnation means in our lives.

December 25, 2016
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Christ is born! Glorify him! Woke this morning reminded of the joy of salvation by the memories yesterday’s full day of grace upon grace. We warmed up the house this morning by boiling the zongzi we wrapped yesterday for two hours. They came out pretty good, hats off to my sister Nancy who did all the prep work. All we did was wrap and bundle them in the bamboo leaves, but have to say, even that is quite an undertaking. But with all the joyful sound of laughter reminiscence of our childhood, I cherish and thank God for his gift of family, a pray that may I be a gift to them. Thank you heavenly father for our family and help us to care for each other in love and to love and praise you. Amen. I don’t always sing all the hymns during the Eucharistic distribution and sometime pray or reflect instead for one reason or another. Last night the Anima Christi prayer came to mind. While on the elliptical this morning, I spend time memorizing this beautiful and profoundly Christ center ancient prayer by heart. The Christmas gathering from my in-law side was at Rob ad Jean’s and of course the traditional delicious spiral ham with all the trimmings was the center of the Christmas feast. It always brings back memories of my childhood, when mom always made roast duck, much like the Christmas Carol of days past, it was some type of fowl. But times change for one reason or another. I don’t know who Bob’s butcher is, but he did a fine job making venison summer sausage. Clearly, a big dinner spread remains problematic to me. It was not fun driving home in the thick fog, but thanks be to God, we made it home safe.

December 24, 2016
Albeit, after sunrise, it woke up earlier then I have been for a while. Guess I’m still on holiday mode. It was a great day that started with a carry out dim sum breakfast from MingHin Cuisine. So much for being the Stern-Halma champ, that title and honor now goes to the challenger Jennifer by two moves no less. That’s what I get for chirping. That reminds me, other day I not only saw, but also heard a sparrow(?). Nice to be blessed with hearing aids and regret not getting them sooner then I eventually did. What a great afternoon, spending time with my siblings, nephews, nieces and my children making zongzi. Then it was to Fabulous Noodles for dinner before going to celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. I couldn’t think of a better way to end the day then celebrating Mass on a feast day Mass with friends and family, a sure fire was erase any hidden melancholy and dejection. Merry Christmas.

December 23, 2016
Today’s positive thought is at least the days are getting longer instead of getting shorter. Being in the light is a reminder of the true reason for our hope is in the birth of our Lord and Savior. In my Advent reflection, I was reading icons of the Nativity, and began rejoicing at the mysteries of the Incardination along with all of creation. One can not help but muse about Mary, the mother of God, during our reflective wait and on Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat. Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. I’m not in favor of excessive devotion to Mary, but do have high regards for her and would do well to honor her and follow her exemplary submission to God.

December 22, 2016
Been on a holiday, and waking well pass sunrise. Albeit, I still have been doing my exercises the last two weeks, I haven’t been eating as I should be. To my surprise I still almost a half pound each week. Next week will be the eighteenth and my final weigh in for the year. The goal was a pound a week; so far I lost 18.6 pounds. My think that living a healthier life style has drastically improved overall, but I still have a long way to go. My biggest weakness is when it comes to a big dinner spread at gatherings. One of my New Year's resolution will definitely be fully reassert myself my weight lost goals. I think I ideally still have around twenty more pounds to go. I was not just overweight, but was most likely on the verge of entering the obese range category. I still feel a slight soreness in my shoulder when I wake, but am able to fully rise and extend my arm now, but I still need to strengthen my arm and not over strain or reinjure it. Hard to believe I still can’t manage to lift a ten pounds dumb bell over my head with my right arm. Seems like the phone scammers are out in force again. I had to block four phone numbers this week so far. I started to call them unsolicited calls, but decided to call a spade a spade. This is the last week of Advent and I nearing the end of our reflective wait. Though it all, I can see the bible stories, as our pastors would say, is really only one story, a story of death and resurrection. Strange, how I thought about the spirits of our love ones that are in the presence of our Lord and our joyful reunion at the Eucharist. Looking back at this past year of turmoil, I prayed for the world in which we live, asking for mercy. It never really set in that either Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump would eventually become the president elect. My prayer is for unity, wisdom and humility, not only for president elect Donald Trump, but for also for all of us. Today’s Advent reflection on love begins with the belief that “Christ is in everyone” and that our worth is given to us by God at creation, when we were made in his image and likeness. Not only do we need to think about Matthew 25, on the things we fail to do, but also about the things we say or do that demeans someone, is a sin. May we, “walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2).

December 14, 2016
Brr, so cold. Temps was in the single digits with double digit negative degrees Fahrenheit wind chill. We layered up and braved the seemingly artic cold  to Edwards hospital for Fawn’s semi-annual checkup. It was so cold, that I even had to wear a ski mask. Fawn had to a few thinks to do at the mall and we were supposed to be done by noon. Yuk, yuk, fat chance, that women just love to shop. Well OK then, since it was already pass the noon hour, we stopped at Five Pie and got my free half birthday pizza pie. Then she said, I need to stop by Walmart, by the time we got home it was close to 2 pm, sigh. Well at least I got all my exercise in for the day. Then it was dinner and a movie, we made Chicken and shiitake mushrooms and watched, The Phantom of the Opera. Now a remember us getting the DVD and watching it once upon a time, many years back. How could I have forgotten that I watched such a good movie and the black mushrooms are sooooo good, like dinning in food heaven. Thought about out our Advent hope, who brings us joy and peace and taught us the true meaning of love.

December 13, 2016
Needed to be out the door early, so we woke in the darkness, but rejoiced in knowing that our Lord’s advent is one day closer. I woke early so that I could get one run on the elliptical in case we were out and about longer than anticipated. It was a good thing, because we were gone all day and was only able to get one more run in. We visit my sister Nancy until about three and then did a little shopping at the Promenade. I got me a safeTstep slip resistance shoe at Payless, but it still cost $39.99. I must not buy shoes often enough, because that don’t seem cheap to me. Albeit, the temps were in the teens, it took six layers of clothing for me to feel comfortable. When we got home, I kicked up the leftover fuzzy melon soup a few notches, with more than a few slashes of sriracha hot chili sauce. It didn’t give it the hot and sour effect that I was hoping for, but it did hit the spot. Fawn is in the other room watching, The Voice, while I’m here penning this journal entry. I’m not too interested in it this year, but heard someone singing, My Way, and was getting high praises from the judges. I personally don’t think anyone can sing it quite like Sinatra though. Every time I listen to the song, my prayer is to it our Lord’s way. And when I have fallen short, with regrets and repentant heart, I sought forgiveness. “Merciful and loving God, thank you for the gift of forgiveness. Help me to remain faithful to all you ask of me. Amen.”

December 12, 2016
Felt the love, I looked out front and noticed that one of my neighbor shoveled all the needed out front. All I did was the car, the house perimeter and the back deck. I listened to, The Phantom of the Opera, original 2004 Joel Schumacher Film 2-CD soundtrack and enjoyed it very much. I had no idea that we own a copy of the movie. I need to look around to see what other DVDs and CDs are in the shelves. Now all I need to find 2.5 hours free time to watch the DVD. How rude, I still get those annoying unsolicited calls every now and then, I guess the only thing I can do is to keep blocking them as they come about, sigh… I had the house to myself most of the day, Fawn went her sister Jean to Sandy’s to party plan what not. I pondered with marvel, that God would enter our broken and marred world as one of us. Albeit, we still live between the two advents with pain and sorrow, we look back with joyful wonder and look forward to his return, expecting the great unceasing promise of joy.

December 11, 2016
Hmm, lots of things went wrong today. I didn’t wake till nearly the noon hour. And that was only because Fawn woke e with a shout out. For starters I missed Mass all together and Fawn shovel most the snow already. All I did was finish off one of the cars and the back deck and salted down the front walkways and driveway. It seems like the meteorologists are having difficulties than usual with forecast snowfall. The last snowfall we got was close to eight inches and they predicted three to five. This time it was suppose to be a winter storm up to ten inches and we got about six. Thanks be to God for thermal underwear. I find it amazing folks have managed to survive harsh winters in the past. I think I would of mostly perished under brutal conditions. Made a pot of fuzzy melon soup, it’s so easy to make and so delicious. It hits the spot on cold winter days and helps warm and humidifies the house. Gaudete Sunday, rejoice. Now I wished I started penning today’s journal entry with that thought, I prepare my heart and seek grace to remove any sadness that hinders the joy and happiness that our Lord’s presence bestows upon us in his spirit of joy. Thanks, be to God for the light as we continue our walk journeying back to Eden with joy.

December 10, 2016
Up early and was a cookin fool with beef dishes. I made beef with bitter melon, beef with bok choy, beef with tofu and beef with broccoli and I pan fried some Cantonese noodles to go with a few of the dishes. No, we didn’t eat the all; they were actually readymade meals for Andrea and Jennifer to take back with them. After a couple hours of prep work and stir frying, I was then able to start on my daily exercises. Celebrating my grand niece’s (Andrena) first birthday. When celebrating at Peggy’s house, there is always so much good food. My favorite by far was Ćepavi. Being with most of the family is a blessing. So often, we rightly talk about our broken world, but our God is good and it is days like to today, when we gather with friends and family that we are able to easily see small glimpses of heaven and we get bathe in the peace of our Lord, here on earth. Now multiply this by countless times and we are celebrating at our Lord’s table during Mass. We tend to think of Leviticus as the book of God’s laws that emphasizes rituals, legal and moral practices, but he offers blessings for obedience saying, “And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people” (Leviticus 26:12). It is God’s ever present, that makes us aware of his constant love and concern for us. And it is this awareness that invites us to respond with love, peace and kindness toward one another.

December 9, 2016
So calm and peaceful with Fawn in the other room fill our house with beautiful Advent music. Strange, how cold it feels and it is nowhere near how cold it will eventually get this winter. And to top it off I’m hearing about amount of expected snow fall for this weekend, not good. I was planning to stop penning about my training workouts on the elliptical and just track it on my Excel worksheet, but I just had to mention about the fun runs I had today with Celine. I decided to also start doing left shoulder exercises with the right shoulder exercises that didn’t include them because albeit I still have the underarm bat wings, the jiggle on left arm is now more pronounce than the improving right arm. Wow, I’ve forgotten how beautiful her voice is. I ran on the elliptical and did my physical therapy exercises with her, These Are Special Times, CD in the background. I love listening to the prayer, Ave Maria, and believe that the Theotokos should be held in the highest reverence and devotion to the virgin mother, but I still have problems with the invocation of saints. Odd, am praying during Advent, “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.” Yesterday, I tried on one interval doing a 30◦ incline and am definitely not ready for that yet. Today was a fun run because I just toggled between a 10◦ incline and a 15◦ incline. As Clint Eastwood said, “A man got to know his limitations.” I just want steady and modest gains to keep it fun with minimal physical pain. It’s not a strange as it seem to be thinking about, joy to world with the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and at the same time pondering about Jesus Christ and him crucified. It is with that, that we are reconciled and at peace with the Father. Now if we can only lie down our swords and be at peace with each other. Aah, my baby is coming home early tomorrow for a brief visit and have some stuff to do with her mama go to a baby first birthday party and then her and Rob will have to dash back home before the expected winter storm sets in. LOL, clearly Andrea is my baby, she having me cook bitter melon beef and Cantonese pan fried noodles. I think it’s an acquired taste to actually crave for something bitter to eat.

December 8, 2016
It came as no surprise, only lost half a pound this week. All I can do is continue to the course and look at any weight lost as a positive. My cardiovascular system definitely is steadily improving and I feel a heck of a lot better overall. I hope to keep doing the elliptical at least once a day, but prefer to stay with the three twenty minute schedule as much as possible. Felt the heat on my thighs while at the 30◦ incline mark, but did manage to get all three 20:00 in on the elliptical. Albeit, my right shoulder motion range is almost where it needs to be, there is still quite a bit of work yet to be done to strengthen my overhead strength on my right shoulder. So I’ll be doing most of the stretching and flexibility exercises multiple times daily and the strength building exercises every other day. The furnace cleaning guy came today for the winter maintenance. It’s way too late; I think they should come earlier in the summer and winter. But I’m super glad the furnace to good to go, because it’s really cold. We usually have them schedule to come out in mid May and mid November. Wonder what happen this year?  Advent is four weeks long and I am not familiar with the history of the Advent season, other than the weeks of prayers for the light of Christ to fill our hearts with hope, peace, joy and love as we participate in the waiting of anticipated of the birth of the prophesied Christ in scripture and in our pleading wait for his return. As I look around our broken world and hearing about all the pain and suffering not far from here all the killings in Chicago. Then to hear the insaneness of the hateful bricking of the democrats and republicans leads me to more prayer and reflection on the Word became flesh and saw our brokenness and shares in our sorrow and pain. God weeps with and for us and stores our tears in a bottle and will wipe away every tear from our eyes. This is our Advent hope.

December 5-7, 2016
The day is almost over and I’m penning my journal entry while Fawn is on the elliptical. I’m surprise put on Advent music. I like listening to upbeat music to exercise with and play smooth jazz to relax. But Advent music is the boss this time of year. Busy as a bee, the last few days and didn’t have time to get around time to give much thought to anything in particular. I couldn’t believe how early I got up on Monday because I went to bed so early. I just had to hit the snow at the bottom of the driveway that the snowplows left behind and we were good to go. Well, I got in full blow workout at ATI and they gave me a copy of my physical therapy progress report to review with my doctor. Afterward, we went out and about all day shopping for birthday gifts and holiday gifts. Happy Holidays use to really bug me, but now I’ve come to terms that our nation has become so very secular diverse. Who knows, it is most likely the politically correct expression for this time of year. But for me, it’s still a Blessed Advent and Christmas season. It’s kind of awkward to say, Happy (?) Advent, while self reflecting though.  As we look back on Christmas Day, the angels celebrated peace on earth saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14). Indeed, with Christ’s saving work, we can have peace with God. Saint Paul reminds us, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). It is with this Advent peace, I am most thankful and rejoice in. “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” Went for my annual physical yesterday and was discharged from physical therapy. Then we went and watched our niece Victoria till the evening and from there we went to Downers Grove North High School to watch our friend’s daughter, Lauren, perform at a concert. It’s was a good evening out with friends. We don’t do that often enough. Usually going out with friends means just dining out at a restaurant. This morning we went to dentist and then finally I got time to myself, because Fawn went out shopping with her sister Jean, for a baby shower in February. So it was exercise city, I did my all my physical therapy exercises as well as my three 20:00 minutes on the elliptical varying the incline. My friend Dennis said no pain, no gain, so modest pain for gain it was. I noticed that I haven't penned what literally cookin in while, but I had to chirp about how exceptionally well the beef and broccoli dish turned out today, God is good.

December 4, 2016
Well, it eventual had to come. As a child, I use to dream of a White Christmas. Nowadays, reflecting back, was I nuts? Albeit, not a fan of snow, despite the misery hardship, one has to pause and be amazed that no two snowflakes are the same and one can begin to hear God whisper in the snow. Was up early and did all my exercises without weights or resistance bands. The plan was to give my sore shoulders rest every other day, while doing my physical therapy strength training, so that the muscle fibers can heal and get stronger. But I got multiple workouts anyway from shoveling the snow so many times. Good thing I got two 20:00 minutes in on the elliptical this morning before the snow started to fall. Not even going to attempt to do the go on the elliptical and just go to bed early and may have to dig out to go to physical therapy.

December 3, 2016
I’m back to doing all the physical therapy exercises with resistance. Thinking about doing that every other day now with resistance and every other day without and see hoe that goes. I have one more session with the physical therapist tomorrow and will see my physician the day after. I have more physical therapy session scheduled for Thursday, but not sure what is going to happen with that at this time. Did three 19:30 minutes on the elliptical and tomorrow I should be hitting my 20:00 minute milestone. Guess I should start reading up on the different twenty minute workouts for weight loss that vary the resistance and inline. Celebrated evening Mass and just knew it would be full blast from the get go. The processional Advent hymn was, O Come, O Come Emanuel and the hymn of the day was, We Praise You and Acknowledge You. How can one not love singing Advent hymns and bible canticles. Well, a week or two back, I did have a friend at church that did say he loves our church, but all the songs are old and only wish we sang more modern songs. I didn’t want to touch that with a ten foot pole in fear the conversation may end up being a bad thing. For me, I love singing songs of praise with the saints past and present. Now I can’t get, Creator of the Stars of Night, out of my mind. Maybe, that’s a good thing.

December 2, 2016
I decided to give my muscles a day of seeming much needed rest, so I did all my physical therapy exercises today without any weights or resistance bands. Since I didn’t run yesterday, getting on the elliptical, the plan was to go to 18:30, but I felt good and easily did three 19:00 minutes on it today instead. I can hardly wait, I think by next week, as my physical fitness level continue to improve, I can begin gradually increase the intensity of my elliptical workout. We always like our house well lit. How bright do we like it? Bright enough to have bought floor lamps with incandescent bulbs that are on steroids. Albeit, the three 400 watt halogen floor lamps are still good working order, they really are inefficient and costly to operate. With the days really getting short, we went out and brought three new LED floor lamps and are very pleased how well the replacement floor lamps illuminate the rooms. They actually look good and are energy efficient. I’m sure they will eventually pay for themselves. Now all we need to do is figure out what to do with the halogen floor lamps. At times I just don’t know, the seasons of Lent and Advent are so different, yet so alike in any ways. “When the Lord comes, he will bring to light things now hidden in darkness, and will disclose the purposes of the heart. In that light we confess our sins.” After baring our soul, how can I confess anything less than Saint Paul, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (1 Timothy 1:15)? Lord, have mercy on me a sinner, when you come with your angels.

December 1, 2016
I couldn’t believe my eyes during the weigh in, I broke out into my happy dance. I truly did not expect to lose a hair over my goal. Albeit, I did workout extra hard, I suspect having a light dinner last night had something to do with it. Although many indulge on holidays, I’m ashamed of going way overboard. Anyway, was up early and went for physical therapy and really worked up a sweat. The exercises are all really ramping up and I’m being challenged. How pale my suffering is as I reflected t the persecuted church and the Advent hope, after my arm was stretched out by a pulley and while on a table having my arm being bent like a pretzel. I laid there in prayer for comfort and protection for those who are daily threaten by violence, martyrdom and for those who are oppressed by uncertainty for their faithfulness. In my Advent world, Larry’s World, a portal for me and hopefully others who stumble upon this site, to see beyond our superficial joy of commercialize Christmas to the hope that will free us from the evil in our hearts and the evil in the world. Let us not be distracted by worldly things and dwell on eternal things of the spirit and the Advent hope we have been longing for. “Stay Awake! Be Prepared! The Kingdom of God is drawing near.After only five minutes on the elliptical, I call it quits. It just felt like my body was telling me it needed rest.

November 30, 2016
Wow, end of yet another month and nearing the end of another calendar year. I’ve been wake up stiff and sore for a while now, but I was able rest peacefully last night. Aah, Fawn loves me and brought me a wedge pillow to take some pressure off my shoulders. Albeit a modest setup, I think I have all my home physical fitness needs to get my shoulder movement range back as well as for my physical toning and weight lost needs. LOL, I don’t have any significant weights or resistance bands for body building, but think it is enough to meet my slow, but steady weight lost goals and overall health goals. The elliptical is now playing a major role in accomplishing the task at hand.  I'm now at three 18:00 minutes! It’s insane, that I am spending about 2-1/2 hours total a day on physical exercise. But I have to say, I feel much better overall and will most likely not need to exercise so extensively. I hope that my annual physical exam next week will bare out that I’m on the right track. Even with the increase time on the elliptical this week, I’m a little apprehensive about tomorrow’s weigh in … I really, really foolishly overindulged on Thanksgiving Day and am not expecting any weight lost. But I think my continued efforts will have to surly will make up for my foolishness the following week. Anyway, light comfort food for dinner, fizzy melon soup. I soberly entered my soul and repentantly reflected on Jesus, our Advent hope in life and in death. “For all our days pass away under your wrath; we bring our years to an end like a sigh. The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:9-10). This had me looking over the years past not as a road to the fulfillment of our dreams, but as the road taken through a vale of tears back to Eden, where we breathe our sighs in prayer. But, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4). Not saying all our dreams and aspirations are illusions, I thank God for my wife, children, family and friends on our Advent journey to the manger on the way back to Eden.

November 29, 2016
It must of been quite an workout yesterday at physical therapy, I woke this morning stiffer then heck. A hot shower and a wad of Aspercreame and I was good to go. Morning coffee in what seems like the middle of the night, crazy. “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12). What good advice this is, as I continue to reflect on our Advent hope while taking a critical look into the darkness and pondering on our human predicament in the brokenness. This reminds me about the time I was a catechumen at Saint John and remembering Fr Bruzek saying something about the LMCS having the cleanest shirt. Indeed, the day is near, more so than yesterday, when our Lord will come back to judge both the living and the dead. I keep thinking about the two parables found in Matthew 25, we must be ready and in our preparation for his return, examine ourselves. When we confess our dirty laundry (sins) and repent of them, God who is faithful and just will forgive them. Cool, three 17:30 on the elliptical, getting there. What’s nice is that increase the time by 30 seconds a day, is that my breathing is improving and my recovery time is improving too. I’m burning more calories and getting a better cardiovascular workout than doing the 10,000 step thing.

November 28, 2016
It is amazing to always be waking in the darkness in a season that expresses the longing in our hearts, “Come, Lord Jesus.” It is experiencing the darkness within us so that we can see clearly and give glory to God, the light of the world. I was thing about Black Friday and Cyber Monday and how people are seemly going from Thanksgiving mode to Christmas mode and bypassing Advent and the part of us that is patiently longing, hoping and trusting the return of our Lord. Mercy me, they upped the resistance on most of the bands for the various exercises as well as increased the dumb bell weights. I think I am real close to completing the needed physical therapy, because my range of motion is almost there and the focus seems to be starting to be on build up my shoulder strength. I plan to continue my resistance, strength building exercises as a norm. Albeit lame to be constantly penning about physical therapy, time on the elliptical and my weight, I think it’s good, at least for now, just that to keep me honest and motivated. I was reading on  about losing weight using an elliptical trainer and came up with a plan to work up to a twenty minute session three times daily, by continuing to increase the sessions by to thirty second every day.  I’m almost there; today I’m at 17:00. Once I get to my three twenty minute cardiovascular goal, I can then I can begin to incorporate high intensity interval training into my elliptical workout.

November 27, 2016
There is a lot to be said for going to bed early and waking very early to maximizing being awake during the time in daylight. I changed it up this morning and drank an English breakfast tea, whatever that means. All I know is that, it’s a black tea labeled “English Breakfast”, by Stash. But I did have my morning coffee when Fawn woke and made it. I’ve been humming the Advent hymn, Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending, all day. I’m guessing it from the coming of the Son of Man, “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven” (Mark 13:24-27). Strange that, “the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all” (Acts 23:8). During Advent, in our preparation, we tend to reflect in the past of when our Lord visit with the incardination and in the future when “he will come again in glory to judge both the living and the dead.” I can’t think of a more profound eschatological discourse then the Final Judgment. Now that’s what I’m talking about, I spread out three 16:30 on the elliptical over the course of the day. I’m glad I started back on the elliptical, because I’m starting to feel better and am able to reach the fifteen minute mark without huffing and puffing like I’m about to keel over now.

November 26, 2016
Up early and had my morning coffee in the still and read an interesting email that ties in with another I received several weeks ago and began musing on how our Lord calls his ordained to serve his catholic church. Then I did sixteen on the elliptical with Adele again. Upping it thirty seconds a day sees be very doable. Her music is perfect for me to cardio. Then it was time for sacred Advent music to go with my regular home physical therapy exercises. I upped the bands on some of the exercises to match what I was doing at ATI. While icing down I thought I would relax just listening to the beautiful music, but out of nowhere, I was assigned a honey do, to install additional shelving in one of the pantry. Weird having two small cabinet pantries, my childhood home had a walk-in pantry. Albeit, there was still a lot of thanksgiving food in the refrigerator that needs to the eaten, I had to cook a beef with green bean stir fry. Guessing Fawn and Jennifer needed to change it up. I got in my second sixteen in and then it was off to evening Mass. I love celebrating the liturgy of Advent each year when the church reflects back and have us ponder on the great mystery of the incarnation, when our Lord humbled himself and took on our humanity to free us from our sins. As we prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the first coming we prepare and renew our fervent desire for his second coming. “Father in heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of your love and our minds are searching for the light of your Word. Increase our longing for Christ our Savior and give us the strength to grow in love, that the dawn of his coming may find us rejoicing in his presence and welcoming the light of his truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.” Well, time to get a short go on the elliptical, relax a little and then call it a day.

November 25, 2016
Aah, sipping on oolong tea. I’m surprise we have that in our house, sort of. I’ve been drinking afternoon tea lately for some time now and am working on the boxes of tea that have been sitting around, guessing that no one cares for anymore or brought just to try. I normally only drink that at Chinese Restaurants. I much prefer to drink pu-reh tea. Funny how green tea, oolong tea and pu-erh tea are all made from the same leaves, buds and stems of the Camellia sinensis plant and the only difference is how it is processed. Green tea is not fermented, oolong is partially fermented and pu-erh ea is post fermented. Talk about a food binge, shame on me, I was totally out of control and indulged like a gluttonous pig. I think celebrating thanksgiving with food, friends and family is a wonderful tradition. Hmm, started thinking about the seven deadly sins and the nine circles of hell in Danete’s Infero. Started to but am finding it hard to collect my thoughts on them to be able to say something meaningful without going into a lot of details. If a person can’t say in five words or less, they don’t know what they are talking about. I’m sure there is a reason for complying such a list, but … for me, a sin is a sin is a sin, in need of repentance. “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death” (2 Corinthians 7:10). There is only one unpardonable sin that I am aware of, and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, found in the gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke.I will definitely need to work extra hard this entire week to keep from storing up fat from yesterday’s celebration with family and friends. Hmm, and then there is the matter of losing a pound. Well going to physical therapy this morning was a good start, as well as doing two 15:30. Perhaps, I can do one more shorter one later in evening an hour or so after dinner. That’s a good target, forty minutes a day. If possible, I’ll try to tack on 30 seconds a day and work it up to a single 30-40 minute session a day.

November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving! My first thought this morning was that I was thankful for God’s gift of wife and family. But the truth is I am most thankful for his gift of love. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Lord, open my eyes and grant me wisdom to respond to your love with love for you and my neighbor. Amen. I was thrilled to well exceed my weekly goal of a pound. I was talking to my friend Norm the other day about weight lost. I’ve seen him lose a lot of weight and then gained a good portion of it back over a relatively short time. I told him that I done that many times in the past and have come to the conclusion that the answer may be just losing it slowly and making it more of a life style changes, only time will tell. There was a time on this day, I'd be kicked back snacking and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade instead of doing morning exercises. It was good to listen to Adele while on the elliptical. She is definitely my favorite all time female vocalist. LOL, it was a morning gym in the house. My fifteen minutes on the elliptical paled to Fawn’s forty. Clearly, I need to kick it up. I only started back on it a few weeks back and need to gradually build back more endurance over time. Glad I was able to get in my physical therapy exercises early this morning, because it takes me about an hour and twenty minutes or so to do all the exercises and then there is ten minutes more to ice the shoulder. Guess I’m stop for now for lunch and maybe come back tonight (or not), and muse more on the blessings of the day.

November 23, 2016
Aah, stir fried beef with bitter melon, so good and good for you. It helps reduce your blood sugar level. I always look at a recipe for stuffed bitter melon with pork and shrimp. It looks wonderful, but never got around to getting all the needed to give this dish a go, perhaps someday. It will be a big day tomorrow, a weigh in followed by a food fest with family. Prayers for Fr Bruzek, Nelson, Buchs, Genig as we enter the new church year.

November 22, 2016
What a workout, about an hour or so and six thirty gallon trash barrel full later, I got all the leaves off the front yard. I can hardly believe that there are leaves still remaining on a few of the trees on our block. Hopefully, my neighbors will find the time to rake the leaves this holiday weekend, so that it just doesn’t blow all over the place again. Thanksgiving is just a few days away, so I already kicking it up a notch on the elliptical today and plan to do so again tomorrow because I doubt I will be able to do all the needed and feast multiple times on turkey day. We have so much to be thankful to God for. We are to, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). So the list is endless. Lord, look kindly on us and receive our heartfelt prayers of gratitude in this time of giving thanks and to grant us continued grace upon grace. Amen.

November 21, 2016
Watched the movie, Free State of Jones, last night before going to bed. I mused on slavery in the bible for a brief moment and then thought it wasn’t worth the effort. The only thing that came to mind was the Luther's two kingdom doctrine. I suppose it does matter, but then again it may not in the sense that, what is what is in the heart of man today. It is very telling that supposedly children of God can believe it is OK can own another child of God. There are plenty of examples throughout mankind that reminds us of how we need to stay on guard. Because of our sinful nature, the path back to Eden is difficult path to stay on. It requires us to discern, learn and pray for and do good to others and weep for ourselves. In Luke 23, Jesus made so profound of a statement on the way to being crucified, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children." One has to discern over why Jesus redirect our misplace grief from him to the real problem, ourselves. Another word, our fate will be worst than him. When we take stock of ourselves, we find that we are no better off than the evil people we point out. How bad is it? I don’t believe in work righteousness nor do I like the wording of just the five solas. Be it the fruits of one’s faith, good work are necessity. My point is that God doesn’t demand that we do our best. Doing our best, don’t cut it. God demands perfection. Fr Genig once noted that, ‘in the Western Rite of the Orthodox Church, the singing of the kyrie, actually sounds like a cry for help.” I think that the thief on the cross also being made an incredible confession saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:40-42). I have been singing in my head, this taize prayer, since Sunday Mass    Albeit, finding catharsis in penning daily journal entries like this, it pales to warmth given to us on the hilltop of Saint John. I think the rest did me a lot of good, because I had a great physical therapy session and was able to do all the shoulder functional movement exercises and even upped it one resistance band level on the draw the sword shoulder exercise. Dinner was at Jean and Bob’s. Good year for Bob, two bucks, one with a bow and one with a slug. So it was a choice of stuffed bell peppers made with venison or beef, so good. I just had to try the one with venison, not much difference in taste wise to the beef one Fawn ate.

November 20, 2016
Out the door first thing in morning to drop off the Escape to have the control arms replaces. Then it was off to the city to drop off Jennifer in the city. Her friends live in Wrigleyville just a few blocks from the ballpark. It’s unbelievable to see so much scaffolding with all the construction at and near the ballpark. Albeit, I don’t like going in the city nowadays, with all the commonplace Wild West violence there, but to take a peek at transformation of an urban area was appealing. Then it was déjà vu, off to spend the day with Rob and Andrea. Got back too late last night to pen my journal entry about the awesome time we had visiting. As I think back, all my children, in many ways helped me along the way, from infancy, through adolescent and now in adulthood, has help me in our journey to continue growing in Christ. I’ve grow to be thankful to God and see my son-in-law as a blessing from him. Andrea loves Chinese steamed eggs, so I taught Rob how to prepare this dish from food heaven. I wasn’t able to wake up on time to make the earlier service, so we rejoicing went to the house of the Lord and attended the later Mass. Wow, another last Sunday of the church year. “Jesus said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’”  (Luke 23:28-29). IT is clear to me now, the passion of Christ is not about weeping, but about repentance. I’ve stopped focusing on doing steps and doing more on the elliptical. Albeit, I rested my shoulder muscle for several days now, my shoulder still feels sore. I’ll need to consult with my physical therapist tomorrow morning, to evaluate what is going on.

November 18, 2016
Albeit, not due until February, I took the car in for emission testing today. Not thrilled to have to be doing the needed in the cold and snow. I’m not against testing and am exactly supportive of it, but I think testing every other year is too frequent. I’m glad all those nasty oil burners are off the road, now if they can only do something about the trucks and buses. LOL, the problem is it’s always the other vehicles, isn’t it? I did do most of exercises today without any resistance. I think I needed to rest the muscles and just stretch and extend the shoulder to try and get more upward motion range. With the extra time, I was able to push a little harder on the cardio on the elliptical. Trivia: I did not know that today is Mickey Mouse’s 88th birthday and that Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was before Mickey Mouse. I was looking at my Excel data sheet and graph. At the 12th week mark, I managed to still lose15 pounds despite missing my goal twice. Wow, has it been three months since I started? Guessing, deo volente, it’ll be sometime in the spring, when I will get to be where I need to be weightwise. Lord, “teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

November 17, 2016
Had to start penning my journal entry this morning just to say I lost a little over a pound this week. I was a little worried after eating a pre thanksgiving meal yesterday. I started my weight lost program twelve weeks ago and meeting my weight lost goal. Albeit, I never set a specific weight lost goal, I did set a goal of losing a pound a week. It was easy the first month but have noticed it gets more difficult as the weight drop off. Some weeks the weight lost is better than others, but there was two disappointing weeks where there was no lost at all. I'm guessing the healthy weight goal is whatever it is after I lose my flabby under arm and belly gut, if that makes any sense. Will most likely come back here later today and talk about how awesome the day was being out in the unseasonably warm weather. It’s forecasted to be in the 70’s was. For now, I have to get ready to go out to be bent like a pretzel at physical therapy.
I was taught two more new exercises to strength my shoulders muscles. Crazy, I had no idea that it would be taking so long  to get back my full range of motion. Last week, when we were visiting Rob and Andrea, we were reading the Christ Pantocrator icon. I have the painted version as my desktop wallpaper on my laptop. Every time I read this icon I can’t help but to take pause at the juxtaposing facial expression of divine justice and divine mercy. At times, I even read anger and sadness in the eyes. I think about the many times I hear people tell a partial gospel of story of Christ that forgives without justice, but when I contemplate on the Incarnation, I see a gospel that touches you and presents Christ as both a judge and forgiver.

November 16, 2016
Sad, been using Fawn’s three pound dumb bell and had to ask her if I could use her two pound for my doing my overhead extensions with the injured shoulder. That one upper motion exercise is painful as well as challenging even without a dumb bell. We started using the elliptical again yesterday and am cutting back on the steps. The routine strength building exercises are taking up so much time to complete. Besides, I think I’ll burn more calories faster and will definitely get a better cardiovascular workout.  Sweet, Alex went to an office Thanksgiving party in Lisles and brought home some catered leftover turkey and stuffing from Cuomo Catering in Northlake, good stuff, delicious. While reading the Didache, I was struck by this particular teaching through the Apostles, “But every Lord's day gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned. For this is that which was spoken by the Lord: ‘In every place and time offer to me a pure sacrifice; for I am a great King, says the Lord, and my name is wonderful among the nations.’” And began musing about the sacrament of confession and thought about the one and only time I went to private confession. I could be wrong, but … nah, best not go there. Every Lord’s day we are to gather and break bread, don’t see that in the LCMS, do we. This a gem in understanding public confession in the context of the Eucharistic Worship and living a life of repentance. I glad our parish holds Mass every service on the Lord’s Day, in fact, there is a Divine Service six days a week.

November 15, 2016
I was stunned this morning. What does one say to or about Pamela Ramsey Taylor who posted,  “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a (sic) Ape in heels,” ? And to or about Mayor Beverly Whaling who chimed in with, “ Just made my day Pam.”? Not a good thing to wake to in the morning. This shameful behavior is unacceptable, and by folks who hold an office with authority. I just learned that Taylor was removed from her position and that Whaling resigned. My prayers are that we all would grow in Christ and see through his eyes, so that we may grow to love as he does. Did my full physical therapy exercises and am finding it hard to believe that I am still finding lifting 3 pounds straight up over my head so challenging for my injured shoulder. Prayers to strengthen my faith and shoulder.

November 14, 2016
This morning’s reading from the psalms was, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). Was dwelling how I never took hot showers in the morning until I injured my shoulder and now how I can’t seem to do without it to loosen up the stiff muscles and how it bring relives some of the soreness. And of course there’s nothing like savoring a good cup of hot coffee in the morning and then going to physical therapy in the early morning. I feel much better after doing strength building workout. It’s interesting how easy it is to savor the things that make us feel warm and fuzzy. And yet it seems that we have to work at recognizing the presence of our Lord before we can delight and rest in it. Today was a good day; I’m at the highest resistance band on some strength building exercises and moved up on a few others. I’m thrilled that my painless raise greatly improved from 110◦ to 150◦. Albeit, I’ve been walking for some time, it pales to doing a workout to strengthen and tone my muscles. I’m paying the price now for forty years of doing various desk jobs without paying attention and neglecting routine physical maintenance. The plan is to continue my exercises to stay in shape after I get my shoulder up to par. Several months ago, Yahoo announced that 500 million accounts have been breached. I changed my password back then, but my friend Dennis alerted me today that leaves no doubt that my account has been breached, because he got spam (malicious?) email today with my name on it from a downloadable email database. Criminal, if you ask me.

November 13, 2016
Was out all day, from early morning until late last night. My allergies were so bad, that my left eye was bothering me last night and eye lid is swollen. Raking leaves just set my eyes on fire. Yesterday we were up in Gurnee visiting Andrea and Rod and didn’t get in all my steps. Good thing I woke up yesterday before dawn and did all my physical therapy exercises. I stayed indoors all day nursing my eye with hot water compresses. It felt much better in this evening, so I did all my exercises and am icing down now while I’m penning my journal entry.

November 11, 2016
It was a cold and windy day, but at least the sun was shining. Physical therapy was first thing in the morning. I got there before 8 am and they immediately had me jumping right in to warm up. They upped the resistance bands again and I really felt the burn. They added a few more different routines and dropped a few of the strength building exercises and was instructed to continue doing those at home on my own. Leaves were everywhere blowing about, yet there are still so many in the trees. I thought last year they hung on pretty late, but this year seems to be worst. There is no way all of them will be off all the trees by this weekend. We’ll still be bagging them bad boys Thanksgiving weekend for sure. At least the city will collect bagged leaves until December 9th. Was home alone and looking in the refrigerator for comfort food. I couldn’t remember the last time I enjoyed an omelet, so I whipped up a two egg vegetable omelet using celery, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms. A little salt, a little pepper and a dash or two of Cholula hot sauce and I was good to go. Only wished I would have used three eggs instead, but glad I didn’t, if that makes any sense.

November 10, 2016
Yeah baby, down almost a pound and a half. We finally got an overnight frost. It’s not that I like the cold, I just want all the leaves to be off the trees by this weekend so everyone can rake it to the curbside for collection. A week or so ago we honored the saints in glory, grateful to God for the example. I don’t know why I thought today was Veterans Day. Oh well, I can take time again tomorrow to honor and thank God for men and women, past and present, for their military service. I think a military calling is for sure unlike any other, because of the willingness to pay the ultimate price in servicing one’s neighbor.  Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Alex had a doctor’s appointment for his annual physical in town and came home to visit. I made his ultimate comfort food, beef with yu choy over Cantonese pan fried noodles.

November 9, 2016
Nothing like relaxing to a perfect steep cup of earl grey tea. I watched the election night news coverage last night for as long as this poor old body would allow and went to bed without remotely knowing who our president elect would be. This morning I woke to a new day with the sun shining and learned that Hilary Clinton concedes and Donald Trump will become our nation’s 45th president. I watched the recording of what Trump said in his acceptance speech and think it is a great start for his to be presidency. After viewing unfavorably at both Clinton and Trump for so long, and dreading how this day would challenge the very foundation of this verse, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18), I now prayerfully am looking forward with optimism that our nation will heal and to prosper. I am thankful to God to live in America and worship at the hilltop where he calls my family. I feel good about and am ready for tomorrow’s weigh in. Yesterday and today’s workout is 15 minutes longer and a little more challenging. I should be able to meet my original goal, but am finding that it is by any means a piece of cake to do so.

November 8, 2016
So glad I rested and only did stretches the last two days. I was good to go with the strength exercises at physical therapy. My progress was good enough to increase the resistance bands again as well as add a few new exercises to my exercise regimen. People were asking each other if they have voted yet and the conversation followed with people agreeing how divided the country was. I wasn’t happy with how I pulled the lever. Albeit, we Americans have the privilege to vote, given the choice of candidates, we clearly lack the maturity to be a democracy. The two most likely to become president are so flawed and are at best unlikeable by most and only a few voters even know anything about the other two candidates. I spent some time pondering why some people are enthusiastic about either Clinton or Trump, but it wasn’t flattering and not worthy of print. Enough musing on this topic, what will be will be. May all our elected officials seek the wisdom from above. Looks like Fawn is starting up the aerobic DVD so I have to stop penning now to finish the remainder of my step. Normally we do two fifteen minute miles. Then maybe do some stretches after dinner and then just relax the remainder of the day.

November 7, 2016
What a joy, have been humming, Sing with All the Saints in Glory. I can’t believe how sore and stiff I was again this morning. Had to put on a wad on Aspercreme just to my arm to move.  So I only did stretches and my steps again today. Hope I will be good to go tomorrow for physical therapy at ATI. Sigh … unbelievable, I just painted the weather board under the entry door the other day and the squirrel is already at it again. I’m pouring white vinegar and spreading black pepper outside now in hopes of keeping the squirrel away. “He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting” (Psalm 104:19). Nice to see the sun rise around 6:30 now, but the days will surly get shorter and it won’t be long before we’ll be in the darkness again. We get just over ten hours of sunlight now and will only get nine hours or so of sunlight in December. I was visiting the St. Innocent of Irkutsk Orthodox Church Website. I especially enjoy reading the articles by Dr. Joshua Genig, a most learned teacher of Christ. I think there is much to learn from the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.

November 6, 2016
We celebrated the Feast of All Saints and give thanks to God for the life of beloved friends and family member gone before us. Today we welcomed the infant baptism of Nathan Denny in the name of the Lord. How fitting is it that Nathan rises from his baptismal water and finds himself not only in relationship with God but also with the covenant community of all the saints. Justorum animae Wisdom 3:1-3 sung beautifully: Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt, et non tanget illos tormentum mortis. Visi sunt oculis insipientium mori, illi autem sunt in pace. (The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no malicious torment will ever touch them; in the eyes of the unwise, they seemed to have died; but they are at peace). Aah, the church organ pipes are starting to arrive, about time. I’ve been anxiously waiting.  I did my steps but didn’t do my strength building exercises because I my shoulder muscles felt like they were screaming at me. So I only did shoulder stretches. Jennifer went out with friends brought home com bo luc lac. It was clear to me why she didn’t eat it. I think that fish sauce is disgusting. I’ve eaten Vietnamese food on more than one occasion and thought lemongrass chicken is very good, as well as Vietnamese fresh spring rolls with peanut sauce.

November 5, 2016
Despite doing all the outside activities, I still managed to get all my exercises by a reasonable time and I am now icing down as I am penning my journal entry. I was wrong; it just made it to 70◦F. So we were doing outdoor work most of the day. We swept out the garage again, from all the leaves that have blown in. Didn’t wash the cars, but did fill all the tires with air and clean and vacuum the inside. Then I painted the entry door threshold and mowed the grass from the last time this year. Despite doing all the outside activities, I still managed to get all my exercises by a reasonable time and I am now icing down as I am penning my journal entry. I was surprise how many leaves were falling off the trees. There is actually hope that most will be off the trees in time for the last collection. I will be more surprise if we won’t have to bag any after that. I use to think Barbara Sterisand was the best female vocalist ever, but after listening to Adele last night, I don’t know.  To be fair, the sound recording technology was not the same back then. I will have to remember to set the clock back an hour tonight. I’m one of those who think moving the clock up and hour in the spring and back an hour in the fall is lame. K, twenty minutes are up. That black polyurethane Colpac is worth every penny. It's time to stop and make chicken and green beans for dinner.

November 4, 2016
Got my headphones on listening to Adele 25. I always thing of Andrea and Rob when I listen to this thoughtful gift from them. No fun waking in the darkness, but there is nothing to start off the morning like a hot cup of coffee and a hot bowl oatmeal.  Albeit, I’m up before the sunrises anyway, I can’t wait to see the clock pushed back an hour. Was at ATI a quarter till eight this morning and they add a few more challenging strength building exercises for shoulder. It was a piece of cake to raise my arms fully extended 90◦ with 3 lbs weights, but it was another story from the side, I was only able to raise my arms 45◦ with a painful strain. The physical therapist said my forward rise is 165◦ and my side rise is 160◦, so I’m slowly getting there. It’s clear now; this old dude is far less resilient than days past. I love praying the psalms, because there is so much to learn from them. I’m still pondering on the Psalm 193 where the psalmist asks the Lord to search his heart, to know him and try him. My aching old bones made me think about how being aware of our sin and how unconfessed sins ties together, “For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long” (Psalm 32:3). Unconfessed sins should bother us to the point they cry out and thanks be to God who is faithful and just, forgives us and restores the joy of our salvation upon our confession and repentance.

November 3, 2016
What a disappointing weigh in. After all that, I only lost six tenth of a pound. I could look at this as a positive, but choose not to, because once again, the weight loss goal was not met. Clearly, there still needs to be changes to bring about an avalanche to take down this plateau. For the amount of effort put forth, the rewards should have been greater. A better plan to achieve better results is still needed. I like doing the strength building exercises, so that is a keeper. Besides, I feel better after a workout and strengthening my shoulder muscles is a must to getting my shoulder back to a fully raised extension. I think I’m getting plenty of exercise so there must be something still wrong with my diet. I think walking is fine, but now think more time on the elliptical instead of walking and would be more beneficial then walking. Food wise, I guess I still need to tweet it by eating a little more vegetables and a little less carbohydrate. K, that’s the new plan for this week. Stopping now to hop on the elliptical...

November 2, 2016
It’s amazing the number of political ads hitting the air waves. We just need to be able to tolerate one more week of annoying barking dogs. Albeit still a ways to go, I able thrilled to be able to extend my arm a little further. I’m beginning to see meaningful progress from the shoulder exercises. After my workout, I feel energized and somewhat euphoric. I would be totally surprise if I don’t lose any weight again this week. My friend Mauri’s father pasted this week at the age of 93. We only met his father Alfonso a few times at birthday parties for the kids. We didn’t know the dad well but we attend the wake to bring our prayers petitions for the faithful departed and that our Lord’s comfort be upon the bereaved family members. I listened to some amazing stories and kind words.

November 1, 2016
Albeit, I woke up in the darkness, once the sun broke the plane, the light was most welcomed. Got more physical therapy this morning at ATI. The workout was intense enough to work up a sweat and it felt somewhat like being a gym. It must be close to 10 years since I been to the “Y”. To my surprise, they actual had my arm fully extended back. Boy, I can’t wait and would love to able to do that on my own accord again. I was thrilled to be out briefly enjoying a nice leisurely walk in the park with the warmth on the sun. It was in the mid 70s. I doubt if it will make it into the 70s again the remained of the year. Initially, I thought I would be musing about the saints or even about the dogma of praying to and for the faithful dead. As I began my walk to the park, I paused briefly in prayer remembering that is our God who called us to life and in prayerful honoring the saints that have gone before us. But then the contemplative calm gave way to the beautiful autumn colors. Wow, graced with a rejoicing and glad heart. It was if the trees in the park were waiting for me to take notice before freeing the autumn leaves. This somehow made me think about Romans 1 and how the unrighteous are without excuse. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:18-22). As a young man, I was without faith and at best agnostic. Thank be to God, who chooses us and seeks us out.

October 31, 2016
Wow, another month has gone by and a reminder of how time really flies by. Tomorrow is All Saints Day and yet another of that very truth that we are here for only a short time.  I’m glad it was a nice weekend and the raked leaf didn’t get all blown around, because the curb side leaf collection came. There will only be one more collection made in about two weeks, but the problem is, with most of the leaves are still on the tree and remain somewhat green. Today is Halloween and the haunting part of ghouls and goblins still remains a strange creepy tradition that I can’t understand. But I do understand the commercialism of a fun time love for going about collecting candy. So, why some do parents dress their children inappropriately? It could be just me, but I see a red flag that raises serious questions. Strange as the holiday is, I have to admit, I do love to passing out candy to little trick or treaters with adorable costumes. As I am penning this journal entry the door bell rang. Trick of treat, the boy was in a Chicago Cubs Uniform and the girl was a princess. Off to a good start. Earlier, on this eve of all saints, I was musing on the, “call for endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Revelation 14:12-13). How fitting it is so come across St. Therese and Her Little Way and was struck by her by her example of doing small things with great love for God. "Almighty God, we remember with thanksgiving those who loved and served You in Your Church on earth and who now rest from their labors. Keep us in fellowship with all Your saints and bring us at last to the joy of Your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen." Now that’s what I’m talking about, Green Bay Packer Football players, Star Wars Storm Trooper and Jedi, Prince Ledi. Hmm, the mother was a witch. O well. Boy it got real busy for a while. The kids are out early before supper, guessing it's because it's a school night. I am thrilled that majority of the fun with a little over fifty kids so far, only one grim reaper and a skeleton. The kids are so polite with there thank yous. I just got back and up the tally, ease to count, 51 pieces of candy in a bag. Getting plenty of extra exercise getting up and down walking to the door to greet the kids. This must be the after dinner crowd. Jesus said, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:10-12). I used to struggle over taking my kids out Halloween when they were small. But now a little wiser, I see that being in the right relationship with God and loving our neighbors as Jesus loves us is truly a source of joy.

October 30, 2 016
Talk about a workout, sitting here icing down as I begin penning my journal entry. One would think I would jump out of bed just like that and would be more a lot excited to go to Mass on the Lord’s day, but we were just too tire and opted to go to the later Mass. Tough to be a morning person when we were out late and waking to dark room. Even when dawn came about, the grey sky looked so gloomy. Since we were up, we decided to go do early voting and get it out of our way. It was tough to hold my head up walking away the voting booth. We just do what we can and pull the lever. This is a sad election year and prayerful we will learn from this. The two parties have leaders that are set in their agendas and seem so very mean spirited and are unwilling to compromise on anything. We are far from being an indivisible nation under God that we claim to be. Both candidates in my opinion have made a mockery of what is good and descent, for “Fools mock at the guilt offering, but the upright enjoy acceptance” (Proverbs 14:9). Lord, have mercy on us. Give us the strength to do what we can to bring your light into the world. Holy Mass was so comforting, Reformation Sunday was full blast from the get go. We got there early and mediated to the prelude suite of: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Love” and “Salvation unto Us Has Come.” I just knew all the ensembles would give it their all. The processional hymn was, “We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God.” I’m always a little apprehensive on Reformation Sunday. Albeit, the liturgical color is red, I still see glimpses of purple, because we are not one. Luther in one of his sermons puts things into perspective, “I opposed indulgences and all the papists, but never with force. I simply taught, preached, and wrote God’s Word; otherwise I did nothing. And while I slept, or drank Wittenberg beer with my friends Philips and Amsdorf, the Word so greatly weakened the papacy that no prince or emperor ever inflicted such losses upon it. I did nothing; the Word did everything. It's been awhile since we attended a late Mass. It could be my imagination, by things seems to move a a slower more relaxed pace, I am able to adore the Eucharist before partaking. After Mass, we took the time to catch up with friend we haven't seen in a while. The congregation is so large, yet so friendly and caring. How many churches do you know have about a thousand members without a school and average over seven hundred attending weekly Mass?

October 29, 2016
Just got home from visiting our baby girl in Gurnee, so I’m going to make this quick. We only spend part of the day up there and had a great time. We went to Outback for dinner and got there at about six o’clock and they were out of prime rib, unbelievable, a steak house out of prime rib. Sweet, the pendulum swung to the warm side and made it the low 70s, just the way I like it. Was up early in the darkness for my morning coffee and oatmeal before starting on my new morning physical therapy exercises. I kinda like working out with the resistance bands. Albeit takes up about an hour to do all the exercises plus an additional 10 minutes for icing down the shoulder, I can see this being part on my overall fitness program moving forward too.

October 28, 2016
Woke up a little stiff this morning from all that extra exercise. I normally don’t take hot showers, lukewarm works for me, but taking these extra long hot steamy showers since I injured my shoulder has been really helping a lot with the stiffness as well as the soreness. I think I really shouldn’t have to do all this extreme amount of exercising just to lose a single pound, but what I’ve been doing the last few months just ain’t cutting it anymore. I plan is to stick to the same diet and push hard this week and see if anything gives. I don’t know what else to kick start it again. Did my second visit to ATI and once again they manage to somehow bend and twist me like a pretzel. It’s amazing how these guys search us and find what is causing the stiffness and pain and then help us to work it out. I thought the workout I got last time was intense, but clearly I didn’t know the meaning of the word. Today’s session had me all over the place and doing exercises one after the other with greater resistance. I’m a little surprise I haven’t been mentioning the darkness and how the days have been shorting and how the fall days are beginning to buckle under to give way to the cold. The temperature swings are insane. It reminds me of the old silly kid saying, “chili today hot tamale.”  Albeit, still a little cool, I’m happy that the sun at least made it out a brief part of the day. Strange how we seldomly change our morning coffee brands, if at all, and how often we change it up on our elevenses and afternoon teas. Today, I’m enjoying a Numi organic rooibos tea.

October 27, 2016
Decided to make my journal entry this morning with my morning coffee, because I couldn’t believe my eyes, my scale measures in the tenth on a pound and I am exactly the same weight I was last week. Not good, that bad boy just doesn’t seem to wants to budge. That is more depressing than the cold damp weather we have been having the past few days. Well, yesterday I started doing additional exercises maybe that will help. I’m sure I’m eating habits are in check and the only thing that has changed is my shoulder injury. I’m thinking that is preventing me from swinging my arms the way I’d like.  My goal remains to lose a pound a week. I still have to believe that is very realistic and achievable goal. Even losing only a half a pound is bearable, but to not lose any weight at all, is unacceptable. I’ll give one more week and if I don’t continue to lose weight, then there will need to more changes. God only know what, maybe I could create some kind of fat camp at home for a week.

October 26, 2016
Wonder what my next water bill will be. Because I wake up with stuff shoulder pain, I’ve been take long hot showers in the morning to loosen up my shoulder muscles and bring about the much needed relief. I was right, woke up this morning hungry as a bear. But I stuck to the normal. It’s been a while, but I joined Fawn this morning doing the walk aerobic dvd. I think mixing it up in some ways is a good overall wellness thing. The slow leisure walk is good for stress wellness and the faster physical aerobics is good for the body. The initial visit to the physical therapist was pretty good. Talk about being bent like a pretzel and crying out uncle. Having to do so many different stretches as well as strength building exercises one after another was really something. I was so happy when it came time to icing down the shoulder and felt much better. Was thinking about an old sermon that had to pruning and how that pinch hurts. But once you find the cause we can do something about it. So when we petition God like the psalmist, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:23-24), we can repent of whatever takes us off the path back to Eden and not be like a withered branch that is thrown into the fire. Stir fried the other half of the iceberg lettuce with oyster sauce and for comfort food on this cold damp day, I made Chinese steamed eggs. I am really hoping this week’s meal plan will pay off.

October 25, 2016
Ring, ring … ding dong, ding dong, how rude. Volunteers have been calling and knocking on your door soliciting support for their political candidates. I find these folks so annoying and ready hate when they do that. Basically I can’t stand all solicitors, period. Is it me, or do other people find Elizabeth Warren barking about Trump's "nasty women" annoying? I think barking dogs don't help make a case, nobody listens to them. Lord, help us get through, perhaps the nastiest of campaigns ever. K, now I got that out of my system, on to better things. I’ve been struggling again with losing weight goal. Albeit, I’m still dropping, one would think losing a pound a week would be a walk in the park. Yuk, yuk pun intended. There really is no easy way to lose weight other than just keep plugging at it. I will start my physical therapy tomorrow at ATI. Maybe, just maybe the extra stretching exercises intended to bring my shoulder and arm back will also help with the needed. Ate stir fried lettuce with oyster sauce for dinner, betting I'll be starving tomorrow morning.

October 24, 2016
Aah, it’s already late so it a hot cup of decaffeinated Earl Grey. Had a doctor appoint early this morning, that was both a good thing and a bad thing. The good news was my numbers were good and there were no issues. The bad news was I got my annual digital exam from my urologist. On the way to the doctor office, we stopped for gas. I couldn’t believe it was for under two bucks, $1.979 to be exact. Talk about lucking out, an hour later we pasted the same gas station on the way back home and the price jumped up to $2.299, unbelievable. The 1.25 oz tube of Aspercreme I got two week ago is already used up so I went a got the biggest one in the store. The bad boy was a 5 oz tube. It was German bean soup and a salad lunch. Fawn’s salad was good as usual and so was the soup. Albeit was a canned product from Germany. Tons of tomatoes in the refrigerator so I stir fried beef with tomatoes for Fawn and I went meatless doing tomatoes with eggs, which she hates, but I think it is an awesome dish I found on YouTube several weeks back. I love to cook but hate cleaning up and doing dishes.

October 23, 2016
Yet another beautiful mass. In his, Lectures on Genesis, Luther words it best. “He (Christ) descends to us through the Word and Sacraments, teaching and training us to know him.” The margins of our worship folder was filled with more than the usual beautifully worded gems this week. I was struck by, “The Life of God in the parish implies an end of commercialism in the financial affairs of the parish. If we cook, it will be for the hungry; if we sew, it will be for the needy; if we collect clothes, it will be for the ill-clad; if we eat, it will be for the joy of being together as children of God and not to raise funds for Him who is the Creator and Owner of the world’s wealth. The kingdom of God is not buying one another’s pies, but in faithful stewards of the gifts with which God has bountifully endowed even the poorest. The problem of parish finance is not getting into people’s purses, but getting God into people’s hearts.” -- A.C. Piepkorn, The Life of God in the Life of the Parish – In the Church, p. 117-118. This was noteworthy, that I just penned in Larry’s World. Whoa, has it been that long since I posted there? I just looked at the hits and found it hard to believe I have nine hits last month and that and that old blogger site still have folks stumbling upon those old for whatever reason. I shouldn’t of been surprise that the Cubs baseball ball game on during the party last night. Normally, the house is noisy with 30 or so folks either people outside by the fire or indoors eating and jawing. I’m not sports guy but sat and watched the entire game. People were happy with the outcome of last night’s game and were exuberant that their Cubbies were going to the World Series and that the team actually has a good chance of going all the way. LOL, I’m from Chicago and the only Cubs player I know is Mr. Cubs himself, Erie Banks. But I have an excuse; I was born and raised in the south side, not far from then the old Comiskey Park. There is one thing I can say about Cubs fans through is, they have always been the most blindly optimistic obnoxious fans ever. Because I ate both a hot dog and a brat, it was only egg drop soup for dinner. What can I say; I need something to go with the delicious southern baked bean with bacon bits.

October 22, 2016
Looks like its jacket time and eventually to wearing the coat. It’s been bouncing between the 50’s and 60’s. Fawn is out with the ladies at their annual event, so I’m home alone in the quiet. I read a portion of an online article about when wedding guests reveal the moment they knew the bride and groom would get divorced. Actually, it was just a small write-up and more of a list on comments of cringle-worthy moments by people. It made me think about red flags in relationships when there is a need for strippers, prostitutes and what nots at a bachelor or bachelorette party just prior to a wedding. Talk about bachelors and bachelorettes; I watch that show briefly, but long enough to get the just of the reality show and to perceive a false definition of love by their different characters contestants (?). On the contrary, true “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends …” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). God calls us to love one another in way to compel us to put others ahead of ourselves without expecting anything in return. Well, got all my steps in, so we’re off to the Millers to celebrate Oktoberfest with our neighbors.

October 21, 2016
I was watching TV early this morning but forgot who said that one had to be really careful what they say on TV because you can never take it back. This suck in back of mind most of the day as I mused on the reasons why need to careful, examining what we say? Why are we saying it?  And the manner in which we say it. Thanks be to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives to help us make wise decisions. Prayers that I'd grow to be more a small flicker of light at times in the darkness by following your son's example of love and kindness each and every moment of our days in Christ our Lord. I’ve been struggling on the elliptical; one would think it would get much easier over time. I think it must be because I’m on it toward the end of the day after I get in my steps. I may have to rethink my aerobic strategy on using the elliptical to perhaps incorporating it earlier during the course of the day instead.

October 20, 2016
Albeit, I lost some weight, I was taken by complete surprise that I didn’t meet my goal of a pound. I’m still below the graph, but need to find a way not to count on the weeks that I exceeded my weight lost goals. I had hopes indulging at our block Oktoberfest annual celebration; after all, we missed the annual parish one this year. I watched the debate last night. Albeit, was the best one where tough questions on major policy issues, both candidates still had their arrogant and juvenile moments. I pretty sure the world is looking at these debates with great interest and some perhaps with amusement. Saint Paul reminds us that we are to guard what we say and do. “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). Lord, give me the courage and will to change my sinful ways. Amen.

October 19, 2016
I was finally able to lift my arm high enough to cut the grass. It was so high I had to cut it half the blade width and tilt the mower up every now and so that it didn’t jam up and stop. It was the first time I ever ran out of gas had to put more in. With all this good weather, I’ll most like will cut it one more time and run the lawn mower dry and then put it away until next spring. It was nice not to have those barking dogs around anymore, so much more peaceful. Now that the dos are gone, I think about what Saint Paul said about staying away from barking dogs. In his epistle, he pens, “Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh” (Philippians 3:2). Wondering what they are going to do with the house next door. It’s been empty and no one living there for some time now. I still get one of those unsolicited calls on my phone every once in a while, hard to believe I have 46 block numbers now on my phone. Well, tonight will be the last debate between Clinton and Trump. I just deleted my thoughts and am not sure why I’ll be watching and will just leave it as, I’ll be watching it later tonight the race to the bottom for both political parties, but first, I’ll need to put in the extra work out on the elliptical.

October 18, 2016
Went to see my doctor for the follow up on my shoulder injury. The x-rays didn’t reveal any broken bones and the doctor didn’t feel a need for a MRI at this time. Just as I expected, there is a 4-6 weeks need for physical therapy. Afterward, we went to Oswego, to do lunch. Fawn went shopping and walked around at the outdoor strip mall and got in well over the needed again. I felt pretty good today, so I hopped on the elliptical, but was only able to do a ten minute cardio on it before huffing and puffing. Silly me, I forgot to do intervals and got in trouble by going too fast at a steady pace. I love my morning cup of joe, but in the afternoon and evening there is something about the calming effect of a hot cup of tea to soothe the mind. It’s been a while since I drank green tea, so it initially tasted bitter. But by mid cup, aah, sooo good. Between doing a cardio, relaxing with a hot cup of tea and penning this journal entry, I feel immensely full of good cheer. God is good.

October 17, 2016
I would have never predicted the weather today. This morning I could have sworn with the grey skies and all it was going to rain, but by the noon hour it was sunny and in the mid 80s, unbelievable. Albeit, my shoulder is getting better, it is nowhere near where it needs to be. Still wondering what the doctor has to say about it. Thanks be to God for Asperacreme, because it’s not safe for me to take Ibuprofen because of my diabetes. While Fawn was in the dentist office, I walked for an hour nonstop! It's been a good walking week so far this week, been easily doing over twelve thousand steps each day. Hoping to see good results on my weigh in for this week. It’s interesting that I have to watch what I eat and combine some exercise plus steps just to lose a pound or so a week. Sure seemed like it was much easier putting it on.

October 16, 2016
Aah... earl grey. Watched Holy Mass and Canonizations with Pope Francis on EWTN. The last one I watch was an about a month back for Mother Teresa. I’m not familiar with the names of these saints canonized today and still don’t understand the concept of canonizations in which a church body declares a dead person a saint. Then again, it is perhaps it’s how a saint is defined. When it comes to saints, I tend to think of the epistle reading from Ephesians, the first chapter, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:1-2). There was a time I did comparatively examined Catholic, Lutheran and Evangelical teachings. And recently, out of curiosity I looked into some teaching of the Orthodox. I just deleted what I penned about other teachings in Christ that I’ve read and thought it best left unsaid here. I thought the Liturgy that followed was beautiful. Mass was celebrated in Latin with translated for the viewers. The Word of God, were found in the scripture readings, the homily, the prayers of the church and in the words of consecration, together in an act of reverent worship and praise.

October 15, 2016
I wonder if it is ever good to talk politics with friends. I learned something the other day, it bothers me when people talk so negative about Trump and never have a single negative think to say about Clinton. In my mind, both of them don’t have a leg to stand on and have some real serious issues. Yikes, there I go again. Happy thoughts, think happy thoughts … I picked up my shoes from the cobbler shop on Ogden and Naper. I’m a happy camper, what a super job on the heels and shine on them bad boys. If only I could jump up and click my heels, I would. It seems like I’ve been going to evening Mass more than usual lately. There is something to be said for partaking of the Holy Eucharist in the stillness at times. We hung around the Common afterward a little to catch up with friends. It was also nice to talk a little with Fr Bruzek outside the normal salutations as well as with Pr. Gaede, we haven’t seen him in a while. I read generalized trash talk about Specific Ministry Pastors, but I know of one worker priest that God blesses his church with. What a beautiful evening, it was in the lower 70s, just the way I like it. So, I just walked around the strip mall before going home just to get in all my steps for the day. Well, dinner was a bowl of Ramen Noodles and I’m done with it now. Fawn really like football, she’s having hers and watch football and I’m making my journal entry with mine. That’s all one can expect for a late dinner.

October 14, 2016
Was gone all day from dawn to a little after 10 this evening. Well not exactly, I wait until about 9:30 this morning for the traffic to lighten up before heading out to Gurnee. Well we stopped at the Hawthorne mall in Vernon Hills to shop and do lunch. It’s been a while since we ate at a Corner Bakery, now I remember why. Then I did my walk while Fawn shopped at Gurnee Mills. When Andrea and Rob got off work we had dinner at Tacos El Norte Restaurant, not the best Mexican, but it was good. Guess I’m just too spoiled. Albeit it, I have known for over several months now, Andrea is on her second trimester. By the grace of God, looks like I'm going to be promoted from dad to grandpa. It’s really too late to muse tonight, so time to call it a day.

October 13, 2016
I was apprehensive on my weekly weigh in this morning, but was stunned and couldn’t believe it, and with jubilation, I stepped on scale two more times just to confirm that I have indeed met my goal and then some, whoo hoo. I’m going to have to convince Fawn to make me a salad for one of my four meals every day at least until I’m back to 100%. Don’t need a salad bar, because I really like how creative she is. Her salad never fails to taste as good as they always look. I decided to start lifting the dumbbell again with my good arm. Talk about a cold morning, I wish I’d turn on the furnace last night, but didn’t because it’s suppose to swing back up to the 70s again by this weekend. Not sure why, but I prefer mall walking at the Yorktown Mall than the Fox Valley Mall. Perhaps it is because it is a little smaller and not as noisy. Looked at the worship folder and the life together and wouldn’t you know it, two more infant baptism this coming week. Hmm, the hymn of the day is, What a Friend We Have in Jesus. I know that this is a well known hymn of comfort in times of sorrow, but I have a problem with us so easily calling Jesus our friend. I could be wrong, but I can’t find any place in the bible where anyone has referred to God or Jesus as their friend. However, I have found places where God calls Abraham and Moses his friend, as well as Jesus calling his disciples his friends, but they called him Lord and teacher. Even years later, in his glory, the Apostle John, in his Revelation of John, fell to his feet as a dead man. Whether we are or not we are friends with Jesus, we should maintain John's example of reverence. That is why I never understood CoWo. I rather be musing on and be asking myself, would Jesus call me his friend? It’s just that there are so many better hymns left out of our LSB. Besides, I think it is bad theology, but I’m assuming that because it is in the hymnal, people disagree with me.  Time to stop, Alex is home visiting.

October 12, 2016
With the sky being such a gloom and doom looking dark grey overcast and the occasional super loud thunder clap, I was expecting the hold nine yards, with high winds and a torrential downpour. But to my surprise, we only got a somewhat steady rain shower. I’m wondering how I’ll do tomorrow on this week’s weigh in. I didn’t do well last week, but hopefully the all the delicious and healthy salads made this week will make all the difference. I’ve been getting all my steps in, but without doing the weights, I’m a little apprehensive. Even if I don’t meet my goal of a pound, some lost is definitely a must. Albeit, there is improvement, I was hoping I could have had much more improvement on the range of motion on my shoulder and thought for sure I would have made much more progress by now without the need for physical therapy. When I meet with my doctor next week, I’m guessing we will be opting for help from a physical therapist.

October 11, 2016
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:15-17). I know it’s out of context, but I really need to be more careful about very step I take as I walk. Slip, trip and falls are not a pretty thing at any age, but at my age recovering, from an injury clearly takes a lot more time. Saint Paul gives us good advice in our daily walk with Christ, telling us to wisely walk with great care while giving thanks, in love and in the light, “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). I like the word reverence, a clear reminder about how how we worship is a reflection of what is in our heart. I did most of my walking outdoors today, because it was so nice out and thinking that there surly won’t be many more days like this before the winter cold will set in. I was way behind on my steps because I was leisurely walking and was so glad Fawn needed to get gas for the car as well as something at Walmart. While walking around in the store, I began shaking my head as I heard jingle bells and walked pass all the Christmas tree displays, ornaments and indoor/outdoor lights. I couldn’t believe the huge outdoor Christmas inflatable characters.  I’m use to seeing the winter snowman, but was struck by how even Saint Nicholas has evolved to Santa Claus to now a Mickey Mouse with a Santa hat. Taking Saint Paul advice from the distraction, I sang one of my favorite psalms, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:10-12). Albeit, I also like Psalm 116, What Shall I Render to the Lord, I miss the Psalm 51 offertory, in our Eucharistic service. But at least I’m not out in the wilderness still wondering how is possible a have a Lord’s day without a Mass. Tried to relax by watching a little TV, but I am being annoyed by the political commercials. I have friends that have been Clinton or Trump supporters from the get go and are able to separate the issues from candidate’s character. I suppose I can eventually reluctantly do just that. After all, the choice is binary. But what remains are the issues, and both candidates and their party's mix bag positions on the issues, are so extreme. I think I’m like some folk, and finding a high level of untrustworthiness among some and their outright among others. It’s time to let go all my anxieties on this matter of politics and the order of love and will just prayerfully pull the lever comes time. Now I’m back to musing about years past and how I use to celebrate godless Christmas at times even an unbelieving chreaster whenever invited. In the world of acronyms, I was one of those occasional Christmas and Easter Only (CEOs) that fill or perhaps overflow the otherwise empty pews during. For believers and non believers alike, the holidays means time off from work and a reason to travel home to be with family and love ones. So I guess its happy holidays for some and Merry Christmas for others. And judging from the retailers already starting this early, it’s a critical economic stimulus for them. Too bad, most of the things we buy aren’t “Made in America”, any more.

October 10, 2016
Whenever I go out and about running errands, I get my steps in effortlessly. Although my dress shoes are not very expensive pair, it was still cheaper, only $25, to have the cobbler remove the very unevenly worn out heels and replace them with brand new ones. I've been humming, Creator of the Stars of Night, all day. “so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11). It was one of the many beautiful hymns we sang this this past weekend. Wow, came across another gem, Of Our Father’s Love Begotten, beautiful. After watching the somewhat bare knuckle second presidential debate last night, they did nothing to change my mind about them. Neither one of these two candidates would be the ideal president. These two finalists may just well be the two worst things that can happen to our country, but only history will tell. I spent a lot of time musing about so many things wrong with Clinton and Trump, now it time to spend less time on them and prayerfully bow my knees before God and discern my own sinful ways and repent of them. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Amen.

October 9, 2016
Fawn made the morning run to get some Big Apple Bagels. The norm for me is a bowl of hot oatmeal and a cup of coffee for breakfast. 150 calories for the oatmeal and oatmeal and 1 whopping calorie for coffee, but this beautiful morning crisp autumn morning I opted for half a Jalapeno pepper bagel with a tad of walnut cream cheese which is, believe it or not, 145 calories, and of course 1 for the coffee. So I’m still on track, each weighing in at 27 grams of carbohydrate. Albeit, could be beneficial to be counting carbs to lose weight and control diabetes, I don’t. I’ve been watching my portions and limit my intake of bread, potatoes, rice and pastas to super small portions rather than to avoid them altogether. I did look up the bagel today because whenever I eat bagel, I only normally eat a quarter on one any given day. Not often at all, but every once in the while looking out at quiet morning light with my coffee in hand I start up my old hand me down XP laptop from my son I start my musing and stream of conscience journal entry. Fawn read a few of my journal entries once upon a time and commented to me that my writing is terrible. She thinks my spelling and grammar is very poor. I agree and perhaps can at least proof read and collect my thoughts before saving and signing out, but that’s not stream of conscience writing then. I’m not a blogger per se just penning down how I see the world around me and finding it to be therapeutic. At times I am blessed to catch glimpses of our broken world through the eyes of God. But more often than not, I fail to see with the eyes of God because I fail to the Christ in everyone. We would see each of our neighbors as a precious soul. Several weeks ago I briefly mused about the unrest in Charlotte where the protesters were a mix of peaceful demonstrators to angry thieves and vandals. Albeit I'm clueless to the solution, I'm guessing like most folks, in my own sinfulness, I saw the rioting protesters as asses and should be incarcerated and completely dismissing their frustration that their voices are being ignored and that their lives dismissed. “… For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7). Like most Americans, I’m frustrated and disgusted with the ongoing presidential campaign mudslinging rhetoric. There is a lot of truth, half truths and outright lies being dished out shamelessly. Compulsive dishonesty and lying is nothing new in politics, so what make these two wannabe presidents drives me up the wall? For sure, I will be watching the second debate tonight. For now, I'll just be basting in the blessings of the remainder of the day.

October 8, 2016
It was a sunny and beautiful day in the upper 60s and I was out and about like a walking fool and already over my ten thousand steps before mid afternoon. We went over next door briefly because our neighbors daughter Ashley and her husband Perri was visiting home and announced that they are expecting their first child!  Since Jennifer was home and was done with her studies, we decided to go to evening Mass. Glad we got there early and listened to the prelude, Now Thank We All Our God, to the Divine Service sung beautifully by the Saint John Kantorei. The processional hymn, The God of Abraham Praise, what a magnificent entrance procession of the priest and other ministers taking part in the Mass. Once again, everything teaches, a reminder that all we are journeying on a narrow path starting at the font back to Eden. The only thing bad about going to Mass this evening is that we will miss the baptism. After church we went out for dinner at Fabulous Noodles. I surprised myself and tried something new. I order the Fish Fillet with Black Pepper Sauce over Rice. Given the price, I was surprise how big the portion was. It was super good but I could finish it all and can’t wait to eat the leftover tomorrow.

October 7, 2016
Fall, is definitely here, as the temperate dropped from the mid 60s to the lower 50s and will continue to drop into the low 40s tonight. I’m a little surprised at myself for penning my stream of conscience thoughts in this journal about the different Abrahamic faiths, especially only giving it very little thought as I did so. I was compelled to look at the this morning read, The Joy of a Generous and Faithful Lutheranism, and found it very encouraging and lifted my spirit. Like most folks, I include The Lord ’s Prayer several time in my daily prayer life. After all, it is the perfect prayer our Lord has taught us to pray. From Luther’s Small Catechism on the Lord’s Prayer, The Fourth Petition, The daily bread here goes beyond goes beyond our basic needs, or does it? As a child, we were taught that our “basic needs” are food, water, clothing and shelter, but I think Luther’s contemplation is a more complete list. What is really striking is how Luther goes on explaining the remaining petitions. Indeed, the perfect prayer reveals God’s will, our daily substance, forgiveness, and deliverance from evil as our basic needs and how God meets our basic needs in the way we meet the needs of our neighbors. Talk about a guy not really interested in profession sports, I was clueless until today after googling what the “W” the meant in relationship to the Chicago Cubs, I just assumed the “W” was for Wrigley Field. Now I learned that at Cub home games they fly a white flay with a “W” when they win and a blue flag with an “L” when they lose. Yuk yuk yuk , not bad for a guy not really interested in watching professional sports. Did the mall walk at Fox Valley and easily got the needed steps in and then some. I was thinking about what seemed like torrential rain like the other day and thought about, “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock” (Matthew 7:25).  How fitting the hurricane Mathew is named as it makes it way along the southeast coast of our country. The rain we got vastly pales in comparison.

October 6, 2016
Woke to the thunderous roar and torrential rain. The rain was coming down so heavily it gave way to a biblical imagery of the onset of great flood, but it eventual slowed down to a drizzle. What the monstrous hurricane Matthew will bring to the southeast? I was hungry as a bear. Funny, I can’t remember the last time I used a simile, it was most likely when the kid we still small. My weigh in was disappointing, even after only having a small salad for dinner, I gained two tenths of a pound. Clearly, just being able to only get one day of the needed steps in this week and just hoping the weight go away just doesn’t cut it. Albeit, I suspect it’ll be a while before I’ll be lifting weights again, I’ll need to do whatever I can to stay the course and not be discouraged. We went over to visit my sister Nancy and she made a super delicious wonton soup. It’s been a while since I had that kind of soup. Afterwards, we went over and pitched most of very old documents from my parents that have been in two old boxes for quite some time. Apparently, my late sister Mary kept them I’m guessing for sentiment reasons and my brother-in-law dug them out and gave them to Nancy. I was just looking at our worship folder for this coming weekend and noticed that, The God Abraham Praise was the processional hymn. I find very interesting that we have taken the Jewish hymn, Yigdal, and Christianized it. In discussions of Abrahamic Religions, I don’t see how some people can rightly say that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same God when, “The catholic faith is this, that we worship one God who has made Himself known to us in the three persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Some would even say God will sort it out. Indeed, he will. Rejoicing, because there looks like there will be yet another infant baptism this weekend of Lydia Grace. Better quit now perhaps muse more before saying more, besides I need finish off doing my steps, if I'm to stay the course on my weight loss goal.

October 5, 2016
Sigh, woke up this morning and both shoulders were sore. Then I remembered that I got my annual flu shot yesterday while at the doctor’s office. I started using Aspercreme yesterday and am now able to increase the movement range of my injured shoulder and with the aid icing down my shoulder before going to bed am able to cook stir fried meals again. I whipped up a beef and snow peas dish, good stuff. I’m also finding that rotating my shoulders back and forth in a hot showers ready helpful too. I was musing this morning and thank God for people who selflessly serve and protect us, especially for the men and women in the armed service, police and fire department. Strange, it wasn’t until last night that I even thought of leaders in government. Albeit, I join in the congregational prayers for them during the Divine Service, they usually aren’t prayers of thanksgiving, but prayers that they prayerful serve our nation and her people as God’s wills. I am thankful for the love of my family and for love of my neighbors. Thanks be to God, from all good things flow. Just by the few key points and by his much needed presidential temperament that has been lacking, if Election Day was today, even though I don’t know him well enough, I’d vote for Pennce, but he’s not running for president, is he? Guess were still stuck with Clinton and Trump, and I’m still undecided between those two grandstanders. I really shouldn’t be saying what I just did, because I’m not sure that if he were to run for president, what all his own views are. Both the Democratic and Republican Party platforms don’t completely match up to what thing and are extreme in many cases. Guide me Lord to choose wisely. What an educational jip, it’s hard to believe I never even heard of Jones County Mississippi and the “Free State of Jones”, until I saw a movie trailer. I have to believe this slice of U. S. History was most likely intentionally hidden for whatever reason. Good for me, I got in my full ten thousand steps and has a spring salad for dinner. It’s not fasting, but I’m wondering if that is enough to stay the same or hopeful still lose a tad. I know that it a long shot, but you’ll never know.

October 4, 2016
It was one of those nights that I wish I could afford one of those adjustable beds like they have in the hospitals. I ended up propping up a bunch of pillows to  take the pressure off my shoulders. It seemed to have done the trick, because I was less sore and stiff this morning then the previous days. I simply love days like today weatherwise. I’m a happy camper whenever the temperate is in the low 70s. Was musing this morning on how we continually ask for forgiveness for not loving our neighbors as ourselves. It is a mark that we fail to praise God in the way we treat each other, because in our walk in love, we are to submit to one another out of reverence to for Christ. I remember one time when a friend of mind thought it odd to have a crucifix in a church and asked, “Doesn’t that scare little children?” That thought never crossed my mind, because all my children were never remotely afraid of the crucifix. Perhaps it is because like Saint Paul, they know nothing except, “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”  Indeed, as we reverently love and fear God, we “walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2). Made it to the doctor’s office and he ordered x-rays and now I’m just icing the shoulder to get the swelling down and waiting for the results. Hopefully it isn’t that bad and that I will get the nod to start working out the kinks in my arm. Albeit wasn’t a ten thousand steps day, I was well enough to start do some walking. I'm not expecting to gain any weight, but it'll be a bummer if I didn't lose any weight at all. I just watch the VP debate on ABC and thought it was much better than the first presidential debate between Clinton and Trump. Too bad that tonight's debate was talking a lot about Clinton and Trump. I think Kaine was overly aggressive with attacks on Trump and was constantly interrupting Pennce. One thing for sure, these two are a zillon times more likable than Clinton or Trump and think these two should be running for president instead.  

October 3, 2016
Hmm, my shoulder seems a little better, but is still stiff so I made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow. Clearly the injury is worst than I thought it was. I was expecting to be able to move it around much more by now. I heard on the news as the monstrous category four hurricane Mathew approaches Cuba, all the non-essential personnel are being evacuated from Guantanamo Bay. I wasn’t surprised to learn that there was still a naval base still there, but was surprised that there were still 61 terrorist suspects were still held at the detention center there and that the detention center was still open. After all, it was one of Obama’s goals to close the facility from the get go of his presidency, citing that “keeping this facility open contrary to our values.” I’m not sure what he meant by that, but I personally rather have that facility remain open then to have the detainees transferred unto American soil. I’m starting to worry that I won’t be able to meet my weight loss goal because I haven’t been exercising since last Friday. I haven’t been walking nor have I been doing any weight lifting. Because I’m sure just dieting will alone will be enough, I’d be tickled pink just holding the line. Fawn making her spaghetti sauce didn’t help, it was tough to fight off the urge for a second helping. Some of the things like eating with a smaller plate seems to be helpful. I'm right handed and have been eating using my left hand since injuring myself not by choice. It is somehow suppose to help with weight lost, but I'm not sure how one becomes less inclined to overeat. I can't believe how difficult it is for me to use a fork and using a knife is out of the question. And brushing my teeth using my left hand is not picnic either.

October 2, 2016
Last night I thought for sure I wouldn’t be able to go to Mass but I thankfully I was up to it and accepted our Lord’s invitation to his Eucharistic banquet and to share in his blessings.  My shoulder is still stiff but at least it is not as sore. Normally, I do most of the cooking, but since I’m out of commission, we stopped by Jewel on the way home and picked up a rotisserie chicken and deli meat. Think I’ll just kick back a rest. Do I have a choice?

October 1, 2016
Man, I woke up this morning and my arm was stiff as can be. Over the course of the day, I managed to slowly free it up a tad but choose to let it rest and heal up more before fully stretching it out. Today’s meditation and gospel verse reading is from Luke the tenth chapter, “And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’” (Luke 10:2). I have heard much said in many different ways and mused many times reflecting on when Jesus sends out the seventy-two. We are the laborers and the harvest is our neighbor, people we get to know. Some say will say that the harvest is all the people who come across our paths, but I am reluctant concur, that is the case. I was struck when I read the harvest could even be the person sitting next to you in the pew, because I was that person sitting in Lutheran pews for sixteen years before the Holy Spirit pierced my harden heart. I was thinking about an interesting time when I visited an International Church in Shanghai. Between the sing along with the bouncing ball and the big screen, the preacher said the all familiar saying, “You may be the only gospel a person reads.” At the time I foolishly said to myself, “why not just give them a bible?”  I now think what the preacher said back then was profound and think that one of the best way a lay person could begin to proclaim the gospel could be to actually live it in a caring and loving way toward our neighbors.

September 30, 2016
What a great morning, we went to Jennifer’s White Coat Ceremony. All glory be to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who bless this child and our family. I should have known better that there was going to be an interfaith invocation and benediction to a god who is known by many names. We did a celebration luncheon with our family, her guests and several of her fellow classmates. Glad to see Dee Dee there. She has been a long time friend of Jennifer dating back to high school. To my surprise instead of continuing on, she came home directly home afterwards and started hitting the books right away. I am amazed how disciplined she has become. With only 38 days before the need to pull the lever for either a candidate that has a highly undesirable disposition or for a candidate whose preemptive lies are more insidious than her husband’s. We will surely be watching the VP debate between Pence and Kaine this coming Tuesday night. Perhaps these two vice presidential candidates can make some sense of this election year. Ouch, I fell and landed on my shoulder, but I think it’s OK but it is sure stiff and sore. No lifting weights or several days now. Time seems to be flying by so quickly as yet another month swiftly goes by.

September 29, 2016
My digital weight scale measures in tenths of a pound and in this morning’s weekly weigh in, I was just a tad shy of my goal, but it was close enough to call it meeting my weekly goal of one pound or more each and every week. I guess I really have to not only watch how much I’m eating; I will also need to watch what I’m eating. Now is the time not to lose hope, but to re-energize and push a little harder. Lord, bring me wisdom and help me better plan and portion what I eat and enjoy the gifts from your bounty. Amen. I’m not sure why my son-in-law asked me, but I have have been musing about whether telling a lie is ever justifiable since Sunday. My initial respond was an example of where lying would spare one feelings but resulting in actually not helping one’s neighbors, but placing them in denial. There are many places in the bible that clearly condemns lying, but what led me to more reflection was a counter scenario that Rob gave that was similar to a modern day case of when Rehab hides the spies (Joshua 2:1-6). What would I do? I don’t know. Guess I am Christian still journeying back toward Eden and yet to be marked in the character of the “Spirit of truth”, because in my own sinfulness and brokenness, I think there perhaps maybe times in this broken world, where the extremely rare case where one maybe compelled to deceitfully tell a lie that perhaps maybe justifiable, given the outcome of not withholding the truth. Come Lord Jesus.

September 28, 2016
I thought it was cold and windy yesterday morning and that it has also been rather cool most of this week, but this morning it was insane, it was in the low 50s. Later in the day, that left over spicy beef noodle soup sure came in handy and hit the spot. of Clearly I’m showing signs of getting old; I’ve wearing a sweat shirt and socks in the house just to be comfortable. Albeit, not as frequent anymore after taking measures to block unwanted calls, I still get a few every now and then and have to go online to manually block annoying and unwanted calls from perhaps unsavory solicitors to my mobile phone. Most of them I look up on the internet and people appear to people saying they are scammers. I spent a little time musing over Titus 2 and about aging in our wait for our blessed hope. I finally got around to looking up the origin of Oktoberfest, to my surprise; it only has a little over a two hundred year history, celebrating a marriage. I didn’t know that doubt if folks today are celebrating Oktoberfest for that reason. Sometime equate the world joining in Oktoberfest and Saint Patrick’s Day as an excuse to drink, but it only becomes problematic when people drink to the point of drunkenness. Otherwise, I think why not have a festival where the family and a community can enjoy good food, music and a fun time together. Talk about good food, Fawn went out and did lunch at Omega with Sandy and brought home for me an awesome gyros. I’ve noticed in my journal entries that that I complain about one thing or another and fail to note the reality that we something to celebrate each and every day. It seems like I’ve been squeezing a hand grips forever. About four years ago I started using a Grip Master for and thought it was the greatest thing in the world compared to the old fashion. It’s small and great for releasing energy which in turns release stress. About two month ago I brought an inexpensive Gold Gym adjustable hand grip and keep it by my bed and squeezing off about fifty or so in the morning when I get up and about the same before going to bed. Clearly I never have been challenging my hand strength. But then again I’ve been only using the Grip Master to relief stress.

September 27, 2016
It was a piece of cake to get my steps in while Fawn was at the hair salon. Afterward we went to Fabulous Noodles. I love their spicy beef noodle soup. Not only is it delicious, the bowl is huge and will dwarf anything the Noodle Company has to offer and much cheaper. I can never finish their soup and always take the remainder home. Once again another one of my friend got their pink slip yesterday and will finish off the week at Lenovo. If the economy is improving, I’m not seeing it. Was hoping Sunday’s sermon would have been posted.

September 26, 2016
Whoa, stepped out this morning and walked right back in and grab a light jacket. I couldn’t believe it was windy and only in the upper 50s. Finished mowing the backyard and was wondering if I could get away with doing it only cutting the grass just one more time. Betting I will have to do it at least two more times before it’s all over. Just got through watching the presidential debate on NBC and it wasn’t the circus I thought it would be. Tie? To me, I wish I didn’t have to choose between Clinton and Trump come November 8th, both really turn me off. Talk about being disingenuous, flips and outright lies. Outside of troubling issues from both sides, in my mind,Clinton remains extremely untrustworthy and Trump a loose cannon. Bracing for all the spin coming our way between now and the next debate.

September 25, 2016
Awesome, day starting with morning Mass. Albeit, we got to church later than usual this morning, we were there ten before the Divine Service, and the main parking lot was already full, so we parked at the lot across the street. Wondering if it was because people knew Rev Dr Kleining was preaching this morning. I would continue to say that he is arguably the most learned teacher of Christ alive on the planet. It is such a blessing when we have guest preacher like him at the pulpit. Last month we were blessing with a visit from Rev Dr Just. And to be shepherded by Rev Dr Bruzek on our hilltop, what more can I ask of the Lord? And what can I say about the hymn of the day, I was blown away by the second verse of Lord of Glory, You Have Brought Us. I am amazed how more beautiful the voices of the St John Kantorei has become since Dr Brown became the director. After church the ladies went out shopping, I hung out with my so-in-law Rob. Funny, love love to cook and watch cooking shows, today we were looking an cooking videos on YouTube. We stopped by Jean’s house and she mentioned possibly visiting Shanghai, China sometime next year. I was out there for six weeks 15 years ago on a business trip. So we talked about some of the must see interesting places like strolling along the Bund, Pudong and taking a Huangpu River cruise. There is so much to see and do in a big city. Much like New York, I remember it taking me days to adjust to the noise. Not sure which channel is best to watch the first presidential debate tomorrow, but it will definitely not be CNN or Fox News. So which station can I watch without getting an interrupting slant?

September 24, 2016
I watched the opening ceremony of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture. Many years back, visited the DuSable Museum of African-American History in Chicago and thought it was a must see even though I wish it were bigger and be more in depth. Surly a national museum like this will go far beyond just a collection of artifacts and share the story of part of the American experience with the good, the bad and the ugly. The reality of most likely Clinton or Trump will be sitting in the Oval Office comes January is beginning to set in. No doubt, most eyes will be on the presidential debate on Monday. Prayers that we are guided to choose wisely and for the elected to serve God and country.

September 23, 2016
Can’t remember the last time we ate at the House of Emperor Restaurant. Seem like that’s the place of choice for a big family gathering on my wife’s side of the family. All of her sibling was able to make except for her brother Henry and his wife. I love family gatherings; they are always filled with joy and laughter. I can relate joy of mother-in-law to see most of her family together. Just having Alex and Jennifer there was a joy for me. I think her; just get out of the nursing home for a short time is a blessing. It’s got to be tough being old with so many medical problems. Away, got to stop now and get in the rest of my steps for the day.

September 22, 2016
Albeit, the sky was much like yesterday, I was off to a much better start. Whoo hoo, I met my weekly weigh in goal! I was finishing off the Jalapeno bagel Fawn brought me Monday. I’ve been eyeballing those bad boys at the store for months. I can’t eat that much at once and stay on course, so I broke the bagel up into quarters. Eating bread often makes me think about the Eucharistic table. Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh” (John 6:51). Thanks be to God, who nourishes our spirit and lives with himself. I’ve been listening to the news about the fatal police shooting of Keith Scott and the violent aftermath unrest in Charlotte for several days now. I heard the term multiple realities mention multiple times, really? I reminded me of a person that blew my mind when he argued that perception was reality, bzzz. Wish I could find a better onomatopoeia that could do justice for a wrong answer buzzer sound.  There is only one reality, and that is truth. The unrest seems to reveal a group with a mix of folks raging from peaceful protesters to folks caring enormous rage and yet others that seem to be just vandals and thieves. Soo and Eddie came into town so we when out for dinner at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana. I'm so happy that I changed it up this time and got the grilled steak tacos with beans and rice, good stuff. One thing about Naperville, plenty of great places to dine out.

September 21, 2016
I probably muse about more than a couple times before, but it is bothersome what is going on in Chicago. I was born a raise in the south side of the city. Albeit, tough going up there back in the day, I think it pales to the extreme violence that seems to now rule each and every day. The CPD had a news conference today in which the police superintendent announced a plan to hire about a thousand new officers over two years two combat the surge in Chicago violence. Some say this will curb some of the violence, I pray for the end of the violence. Come Lord Jesus. All I can think about CEO Heather Bresch But I can not put my thoughts into words, so I’ll just say shameful. She still fails to convince me of the need to justify the cost of why Epipens are so expensive. I’ll have to tend to side with the members of congress in accusing Mylan of using the product to, “get filthy rich at the expense of our constituents.” Her responses to the questioning were absurd. A prayer for the unemployed, underemployed and for those at risk as the U. S. economic forecast remains a looming uncertainty. It’s been gloomy as today’s weather for a while now. Wonder if the funky grey overcast almost the entire day was making me think about all these gloom and doom things in this broken world.

September 20, 2016
I think this week will be like last week, a struggle to meet my weight loss goal. Even though I set my goal at minimal, it is hard to loss the needed after taking the liberty to eat full portions twice this week that is how tight it is. Albeit, I’m still expecting to meet my goal this week, I will need to watch my diet much closer. Lord, grant me the wisdom and desire to choose carefully what I eat, how much I eat and the enthusiasm to keep up the exercises needed to strengthen my body. May this endeavor glorify you. Amen.

September 19, 2016
It was a summer like day in the mid to upper 80s. Quite warm compared to the nice cool autumn like weather we been having this past week. Guessing it alright, since fall won’t officially be here until later in the week. I’m looking forward to seeing the harvest moon. I might be exaggerating when I say that this old body nowadays thinks anything above 80◦F and anything below 60◦F are extreme weather conditions.

September 18, 2016
It was a feast day, but it sure felt like one, but I’ll get to that in a moment. We welcome Jackson Michael in the name of the Lord. Saint John is a young parish with so many infant baptisms, last year we welcomed 25, I sure there will be more than that this year. Like so many, at times we neglect our prayers because we think we are unfit and unworthy. Martin Luther reminds us that our prayers are pleasing and highly necessary and shall not and cannot be offered in vain. It was sad to say our goodbyes to the Euhus family, who will be moving to North Carolina this week. I find it interesting they said, like so many other Saint John parishioners, it’ll be hard to find another parish like this. There was so much food. We bought a package with two good flank steaks from Sam’s Club, so there was beef this and beef that to go with I Cantonese pan fried noodles, and with steamed rice. Let’s see, beef with tofu, beef with bitter melon and beef with bok choy. I even made egg drop soup. I was totally surprise, when I opened the carton of Goldhen eggs from Aldi, it had the bible verse printed inside, “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). Indeed, we did.

September 17, 2016
Fawn and I took my brother Bill out for breakfast. It was his birthday! For the life of me, I can’t figure why he opted for Golden Corral. For whatever reason, he seems to enjoy eating there. I think it is mediocre food at best and would never be my choice. It seem like we were shopping for a holiday dinner party. The kids will be home tomorrow and I guessing there will be plenty of leftovers for them to take back with them. We spent most of the day prepping everything for tomorrow. I love big family dinners because God gave them to me, a reminder to me of his grace and faithfulness.

September 16, 2016
Well, the dryer vent work just as expected. Went to Fox Valley Mall to do a little mall walking. To my surprise Macy’s already have their secular Christmas display up, nice big tree – Happy Holiday.

September 15, 2016
The morning started out with my weekly weigh in. Was extremely happy that I am still continuing to meet or exceed my weekly goal of losing a pound or more a week. Talk about having confident, we hooked up the dryer ventilation duct work and didn’t feel the need to give it a test. Laundry day is tomorrow so we’ll know then. On August 25th I was reminded by Saint Basil the Great that we are thieves, holding back what belongs to poor. Today was garbage collection day and we had a boat load of junk they picked up. I’m not sure why it was still tough part with some stuff but we load it up to the back of the Explorer. Even that will most likely go sometime next year. We’ll at least there is room in the garage now.

September 14, 2016
Since it was another beautiful day in the low 70s, we started another project.  Fawn watched a how to install a dyer vent on Youtube. So it was off to Home Depot to get at the needed. The most challenging part of the entire project was drilling out the exit hole on the exterior wall, but we gotrdun and installed the dryer vent with a bird guard. I learned the hard way many years ago that they were needed. So mad, I had the house built and the builder didn’t have them installed with them on the vents. How it is not a one piece given is beyond me. It was not fun pulling the nest out with new born baby birds chirping. Sizing and hooking up the duct work will have to wait until tomorrow, because I got side tracked, because after chalking the dryer vent I ended up chalking all the windows and doors on the lower level. Clearly I’m too old to be climbing up and down ladders. Funny how I feel a sense of accomplishment when I am able to fix something, clearly a sign of working a desk job way too hours and too many years.

September 13, 2016
Hoowee, we got ambitious spent two hours cleaning the garage. This is the second time we did it this year and sure we didn’t throw out all we should of. We even tossed out two basketballs that were in real bad shape. Of course, for whatever reason, I kept three of them that were still in really good shape. Sometimes it’s just too hard to let go of things that are filled with good memories. It was tough getting the ten thousand steps in but I did it.

September 12, 2016
Is it OK to say yet another beautiful autumn like day? I love it when it is the 70s. Still thinking about the Sunday baptism and how incapable we are of living out our baptismal life without the help of the Holy Spirit. Sunday’s sermon leaves me still thinking about my own adult baptism. After all these years, I remain at awe that our Lord, the heart of the Good Shepherd reached out to likes of me, a poor miserable sinner. I was tempted to do a early weigh in to see the damage done on the Friday outing, but opted not to because I might gotten discouraged. I wasn’t super bad, but I did eat a full dinner portion. I don’t think one filling meal will alter my progress, will it? Nah, Thursday will tell. It was dinner and a movie night. I made beef with tofu and kicked the dish up a few notches with the heat of Siracha. Hard to believe I was disciplined enough not to go back for a second helping.  Watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Just like the comic books of days past, it was simple, entertaining, good against evil and no need to think. What more do you want in an action adventure?

September 11, 2016
First thing we saw on the morning news was the New York observance of 9/11. Hard to believe it was 15 years ago since the al-Qaeda terrorist group attacks on 9/11. The news media use the term Islamic Terrorism. I’m sure I’ve use that problematic term on more than one occasion and continue to wonder. Best for us to just pray for the victims, their families and for hearts of the terrorists themselves. People claiming to be Christians are not guiltless and leave some people wondering also. Like Pope Francis said. The devil engages in 'a dirty war'. Ah, yet another infant baptism and even got to sing Beautiful Savior. A clear reminder that we are a community formed by Jesus in Baptism and gathered around Holy Scripture, Prayer, and the Eucharist. Fr Bruzek sermon gave yet another outstanding of who we are. Oh how I love the sacraments, I am memorized by the words, this is my body” and “this is my blood”. I was musing about what a parishioner was saying about Mass at Saint John at the men’s outing the other day. He said the after Mass, be actual felt like he was at church, (whatever that meant). He then went on to say that our tradition worship was much like it was during the reformation; it’s not clear to me how true that is. Luther, spoke about three different Kinds of Divine Service. The first was in Latin called the Formula Missae. In 1526, Luther goes on to say, he didn’t want the Latin tongue to disappear out of the Divine Service. In fact he wished parishioners were familiar with Hebrew and Greek as well. Luther thought that the youth should be practiced in many languages like the Apostles so they can speak to people wherever to go and to this end also schools that schools were established. Next was the German Mass and Divine Service for the simple laymen, both Christians and non believers. And the third type is of the Evangelical type with a lot of catechism. I do agree that at Saint John, our teaching and preaching do incorporate much of this. Back in the fifteenth century there was no end feast and people frequent daily Masses. We are also likewise blessed, well, except on Mondays, to hear, to smell, to touch, to taste and to see. Worship is always special when doing so with a caring community, but there is always extra joy when we sit in the pews with Fawns sister Jean and her husband Bob. After Mass we stayed around in the commons to catch up with them and with friends. We went over to the Hatley’s for dinner, sort of, biscuits and gravy. Their like us, breakfast any time of day works :-). I love visiting them, always great food and conversation. I think the recipe for biscuits and gravy is simple. As I grow older I’ve come to realize if we stick to the simple recipe which we confirm our calling and election found in 2 Peter 1:3-15, life would good as the Hatley's biscuits and gravy. Normally, I like to keep my stream of writing journal much shorter, but from time to time I get on a row, for better or worst. It’s so easy to just write for the sake of writing events of the day, but I was reminded just why I did starting penning my journal entries back in 2009, it was and remains therapeutic and revealing. I’m able to reflect upon my own sinful nature and the broken world around me.

September 10, 2016
It was a nice cool autumn like day and was able to mow all the grass in one sweep. I didn’t have time to make a journal entry yesterday because I got home late last time. It was boy’s nights out at the annual Saint John Men’s Streak Fry. I went with my friend Tony and we literally pigged out. It’s funny how the name stuck even though we had a pig roast. Steve had the bad boy twirling on a spit for twelve hours and it came out nice and tender. I really liked it, but I think it pales in comparison to a Chinese roasted pig. Perhaps it’s a matter of taste.

September 8, 2016
Woo hoo, what and amazing week, I lost more weight than expected. So the plan seems to be working. I think it’s timely, since I plan to be pigging out tomorrow. It will be a big test to see how discipline I actually am at controlling myself and yet be festive. I’m glad Fawn made one of her super spring salad for lunch. I lack the patience to put the effort to have so many different little ingredients to make up such a delicious salad.  These are desperate times; I even took the time to look at the bullet points of the libertarian party as well as the green party. I know I’ve been sadly brainwashed into a two party political system. Albeit, I think I once upon a time considered both Ralph Nader and Ron Paul.

September 7, 2016
Nothing exciting, just an ordinary day. It was dinner and a movie, sort of. We split a rib eye steak. I’ve been watching my portions really close and getting plenty of exercise, so I should do well in the scale on tomorrow’s weekly weigh in. We started out watching, Labyrinth of Lies, together, but Fawn was turned off by the fact the movie was in German and required having to read the subtitles. I ended up watching the movie alone. I thought the movie was good. We watched the Commander-in-Chief Forum and still find it hard to believe we have to decide between Clinton and Trump in a couple of months.

September 6, 2016
Did a little yard work, but only for a short while, because it was a steam bath of a day. Albeit it September, it was hot and humid and felt like a mid July day. I did manage to fill one yard waste bag though. I was surprise that it took me all the way until nine to hit the ten thousand steps mark, especially after easily doing over sixteen thousands steps yesterday. Not sure why it took me so long to foster enough gratitude for my physical health to actually stay committed to doing something about it. Perhaps it is partly because the older I get, the more keenly aware I am of just how fragile we become as we age. Glory to God in all we do.

September 5, 2016
First thing in the morning, we went to Weathertech for floor liners for the new car. I think it’s a good investment to protect the car’s carpet. Then it was off to run errands and what not. Hard to believe I got the ten thousand steps in before the noon hour. I’m looking at my wrist pedometer and it’s about 100 steps shy of 16k, a new record, I’m sure. I use to track my steps daily, but found it to be a waste of time. Early to just make sure I do at least 10k daily. I did create a spreadsheet with a graph with a realistic goal of losing 1 pound a little over two weeks ago. With my current exercise regiment, I’m easily exceeding that goal, for now. A week or so ago, I said whatever about Colin Kaepernick about him and his disrespectful protest during the national anthem, but I think his cop-as-pig pair of socks is just another thing that reveals the content of his character.

September 4, 2016
It was a different kind of day. I spent the entire day indoors. I went to different extremes, exercising hard, relaxing and watching a Tom Hanks movie, The Bride of spies, in a relining position. I also spent part of the quiet. It was like being at a mini retreat. I find it very interesting the different postures we assume during prayer throughout the day and how each different posture we assume during prayer expresses the attitude that is in our heart.

September 3, 2016
It was a little tough getting my steps in today, because the stores were pretty busy with consumers taking advantage of holiday sales during the day. But I did manage to get them all in the evening after church. I was surprise that the sky was starting to get dark as dusk was setting in when I finished off my walk at the Danada Square strip mall.

September 2, 2016
Well, it was the last straw. It was costing too much to maintain the Ford Five Hundred, It cost to replace the transmission is whack, so we bought a new Escape. Fawn seems to be happy with it. After spend a a couple grand on the other Escape, I hope it will run good for a long while.  Its crazy how there is so much technology in placed in the new cars today. Even the base cars are way more loaded than I care for. The dealership show room is really something to behold. Hard to believe what the high end fully loaded cars cost.

September 1, 2016
What a great start to a new month. Awesome, the sun is shining and the temperature is in the low 70s, just the way I like it. It was cool enough that I was hoping to be able to cut the grass in both the front and back, but the grass was too wet on the bottom part of the backyard. I was wondering how I was going to account for the steps for mowing the lawn. I couldn’t believe it, to my surprise, there was about 3,500 steps on my pedometer. We went to IKEA, it’s a nice place to browse around a get some of your steps in. The holiday weekend is about to start, betting we can find some good deals on meat and what not at the supermarket.
August 31, 2016
Pushing hard the past three days, getting in plenty of exercise. Now, if only if I can stay the course and remain motivated.

August 30, 2016
I really thought that I was disciplined enough to gradually lose weight, but I haven’t been able to lose any weight for awhile now. So I decided to make sure I get in my steps one way or another. I hope that the lifting of weights is the reason for no weight lost because I am seeing my stomach starting jiggle, guessing that is a good thing. I think the running in place in short bursts to get my steps will be helpful. Albeit walking is considered a cardiovascular exercise, I don’t walk fast enough to raise my heart rate. I’ll most likely go back using to the elliptical in late autumn, but until then, hoping for the best. The days are becoming more tolerable as the temperatures are becoming routinely in the 70s and 80s. I the perfect day temp wise is 72◦F with 49% humidity.

August 29, 2016
Yep the antenna was at the car dealer. They took the antenna off when they wash the car and forgot to put it back on afterwards. Took the car to Naperville Exhaust Works, $700 and with yesterdays water pump and etc the grand total was almost $1700. To date myself, I could remember buying a brand new spanking car for less than that. We got more pouring rain, but this time it was midday. Why it always pours down heavy instead of a drizzle nowadays and so often is beyond me. Just glad we haven’t flooded. Started to comment about the SF 49ers QB, but whatever…

August 28, 2016
Wow, nearing the end of yet another month already. We took a drive up to Gurnee to visit Andrea and Rob. We visited a short while then the ladies decided to go shopping, so I tagged along just to get my steps in while Rob stayed behind to grade papers. What happen to the car antenna? Doubting the mechanic had to take it off, or did he and forgot to put it back on? Guessing it might have come off when they washed the car. Have to call the dealership tomorrow about it tomorrow.

August 27, 2016
Can’t believe how often I’m getting woke up by heavy rain in the early morning. Guess the good thing is at least it during the day. Sigh, took the car in for a routine oil change but ended up having to replace the water pump also. Still have to eventually fix the muffler. If it ain’t thing, it’s another. What to do with all these old car that are falling apart? OK now that I got all the bad stuff out of my system, rejoiced that Alex came home for a visit and moved a little more of his stuff out. Strange that Jennifer is back at home but is studying all the time and that we hardly know she is about.

August 26, 2016
Mylan CEO Heather Bresch responds to the outrages EpiPen pay or die cost price was, “No one is more frustrated than me”, really? I agreed with the legendary consumer advocate Ralph Nader, “This is greed on steroids.” If in fact prices increase is justifiable, a better case needs to be presented. I know that most of the people would disagree with me, but I’m an advocate of universal health care in America.

August 25, 2016
We were reminded, "When someone steals another's clothes, we call them a thief. Should we not give the same name to one who could clothe the naked and does not? The bread in your cupboard belongs to the hungry; the coat unused in your closet belongs to the one who needs it; the shoes rotting in your closet belong to the one who has no shoes; the money which you hoard up belongs to the poor." - Basil the Great

August 24, 2016
Woke up to yet another morning rain. With so many heavy downpours, I can’t remember the last time it drizzled. Funny, can’t get the song, Have You Ever Seen the Rain, out of my mind this morning. So hey, why not go to YouTube and play a John Fogerty Playlist? I muse on the wryness of humanity the lyrics of, Have you Ever Seen the Rain, and how at times tend to self destruct. Here we have the ultimate rock and roll band at the time who was on the top of the charts who had have surpassed all their expectations of fame and fortune, and yet they were depress and unhappy. Sad that they ended up breaking up at a time they should have been enjoying their success. Lord, grant us wisdom though your word, that we move away from folly. I love praying the psalms, but every time I pray one of the imprecatory psalms like Psalm 137, I have to take pause and reflect on them in light of God’s purpose and the psalmist’s attitude which is not rooted in personal revenge, because this is indeed is the inerrant word of God. “Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!” (Psalm 137:9). I think that vindicating justice was being cried out in a righteous anger, against Babylon. There is much to be learned from about ourselves in this psalm of the sins we allow to continue unopposed and the sins what we are repulsed by. It is clear in my mind that in light of the cross, we should be praying the imprecatory psalms with the hope that comes with Christ and him crucified. In John 3, For God So Love the World, we see that truth in that the very blood of Christ brings both forgiveness of sins for those who repent and condemnation for those who do not. I think it’s best to do as our Lord asks us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. It was a so-so dinner and a movie night. I finally, got around to cooking the skirt steak. It was disappointing that I made it a little too peppery and the taste pales in comparison to Burrito Parrilla Mexicana, oh well. Not sure Fawn will give me another chance anytime soon to attempt to redeem myself. Anyway, we watched the movie Eye in the Sky. Albeit, an entirely different question is posed, the moral and ethical dilemma of military ethics on collateral damage estimates, brought me back to the day when we I took an ethical class where we did a study on the movie, A Man for All Seasons.

August 23, 2016
I decided I had enough, so I created a login to mange my mobile phone account. I was so tire of getting these annoying calls from unknowns so I went online to blocked numbers and completely disable my voicemail. It took a little while to do all the needed. Hopefully the frequency of the annoying calls will be somewhat curbed. Was gone all day and still had ribs left from yesterday so I didn’t bother to cook dinner. The good news is the skirt steak is marinated and good to go. We left early morning to run a few errands then it was off to the dentist office and then to Geneva Commons to do lunch and do some shopping. We were so glad we ate at the Pot Belly, we love splitting a wreck sandwich. Talk about a good time, as an add bonus, there was a musician there with an electric acoustic guitar that sang and played a boat load of John Fogerty songs. Yet, another beautiful day the Lord has made.

August 22, 2016
I surprised myself today by being able to completely mow the grass today. The normal is to do the front one day and the back another. Today was rib day at Portillo’s, everyone except me love their ribs. For me, they’re just OK. We haven’t have ribs for a while, and their rib night promotion will end the first week of September, so we we’re not going to past up getting a half slab free when you buy a full slab deal. I think they like their ribs because they are tender enough to fall on the bone. Went to Jewels for some polish ham and saw skirt steak on sale so I bought it and plan to give pan fry carne asada a go tomorrow. Funny, my chops are already drooling just thinking about tomorrow’s dinner.

August 21, 2016
Cruising back to 85’  with Eurythmics – Would I Lie to You as I begin to pen this journal entry. Love to play old song videos on YouTube from time to time. I was scheduled to serve at the altar this morning, so Fawn dropped me off and did errands. I use to think the Divine Service were pretty much the same until today. The music is so different. I was blown away when the Saint John Chamber Choir sang the second verse of one my favorite hymns; We Praise You and Acknowledge You. After Mass I sat around the common area. It’s great to have large area like that where everyone get to socialize and enjoy each other’s company, what a friendly and welcoming congregation. We were next door to celebrate Mary’s 17th birthday and it seems like only a short while back when we first saw her in a crib. A true mark that time indeed does fly by fast. And Nicole just graduated this year from college and will be leaving home to Hawaii for a year. Guessing there are worst things than finding a contract job in Hawaii coming out of school. Not sure what is going on with my other neighbor, I think they may be moving out. They kept pretty much to themselves. I didn’t take the time to get to know them basically because they didn’t seem to have any control over their dogs.

August 20, 2016
We have heard that families are close to God’s heart and so it in also with us. I’m always thrilled when all my kids come home and visit. Jennifer is the only one living with us now. It is interesting that we raise them and teach them diligently to walk in God’s ways and preparing them to withstand the constant humanistic indoctrination that deviate from the teachings of our Lord. It’s been a good week, we even spent time several times this week we with my brother Bill and sister Nancy. First Saturday Night Mass we went to in a long while. It’s hard to explain, but there is a still full peace in the evening the Lord gives us that is quite different than on a Sunday morning. There is great joy when my family is all together worshiping. Afterward, we went to Best Buy to get a new black and white printer for Jennifer. By then it was getting last so we stopped at Fabulous Noodles for soup on the way home.

August 19, 2016
“For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:7-10). I started to pen about the many examples of outright lies on the news, but came to the realization that it would be best to focus on the 8th word in my own life and to honor the truth and speak it in love, mercy and compassion. With the exception of the barking dogs next door, it was a pretty good day.

August 18, 2016
Was awaken by a heavy downpour. I can’t remember a time when it has poured down this heavy without thunder booming in the background. Went down to the basement to check on the sump pump and then went back to bed. I must have been super tire, because the next thing I knew, I totally over slept and woke to a sunny sky and most of the morning has pasted me by. It made me think about the story of “The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus” and still don’t know what to make of stories like this and others, other than not to simply just discard them and just to call them interesting and perhaps even profitable reading.

August 17, 2016
I was musing on my prayer life. At times I struggle to even start and have found the Lord’s Prayer to be a good starting point. I was fascinated that how noticeable it is that so many parishioners at Saint John could ritually recite much of the liturgy. I remember in our new member catechumenate classes, Fr Bruzek would stress the importance of liturgy and how everything in the church teaches. It became clear to me that many had learned much of the liturgy by heart. The idiom learn by heart was a new concept to me, as a child I was taught to learn by rote. It is quite a difference between when our lips are reciting the Lord’s Prayer than when the heart is praying for the will of our heavenly father to transform us and our world. Ahh, today was the first time I saw the lovely monarch butterfly this year and couldn’t help but to pause.

August 16, 2016
Because we went out last night with Fawn’s brother’s family, we each order a dinner entry instead of splitting a order, so the was plenty of leftovers which we took home and made it a dinner and a movie night. We watched the Dark Knight Rises. I liked the direction the movie went, but could believe the movie was 2h 45m long. Was reflecting earlier in the day on the moral life and what Jesus said about the tree and its fruit, “For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:43-45). One of my many problems is not being able to guard my lips. Albeit, I pray for and am curbing much for my entries, I have failed to completely do so on some. Many of my fellow Lutherans will disagree with me, but I believe that good works are necessary. Yes, resisting sinful thoughts, words and deeds is part of living a God pleasing life, but I think seeking to do good works is also important too. Call it fruits of your faith if you must, but produce fruit. I thank God that we are nurtured by the grace of his word and sacraments, that allows us to grow in his grace for the service of our neighbors.

August 15, 2016
I really like my Copper Fit StepFX Activity Tracker because it wears on your wrist and is easy to personalize and read. I’ve been extremely motivated to get my 10,000 steps in on the week days. Been meaning to dine at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana for a while. It’s great that they opened one nearby us in town a few months ago on Maple. So we went and dined out with Carl and Sandy. Boy do kids grow up fast, our nephew Zach will be starting kindergarten this week. It was an a fun evening with great food, love their Carne Asada, and of course great conversation.

August 14, 2016
Talk about having a farmer’s tan, we were at it all day again and finished off the apple trees, so we got ambitious. Albeit it was a giant redwood, the 40’ 45 year old maple tree sure felt like it. I couldn’t believe we took that bad boy down without killing ourselves and or damaging anything. Of course my brother Bill did all the climbing and sawing. I’m too chicken to venture up that high off the ground. I don’t like working on big ambitious projects all that much, but do enjoy spend time with my brother Bill; he’s always been my hero.

August 13, 2016
It wasn’t pretty, old dudes operating a chain saw, but brother Bill and I went at taking down three apple trees in his back yard. We were able to completely cut down the smallest tree and the other two we were able to cut down all the branches that we were able to reach. We’ll need to go at it again tomorrow when I bring over my ladder. Albeit my brother is three older than me, it is clear that he is in much better physical shape than I am. How people are able to work the outdoor trades year round is beyond me. My parent weren’t privileged or financially well off. They had five children and lived from paycheck to paycheck.  I remembered my mother cutting sewing our clothes from a pattern. I am thankful to God for the blessing of getting an education and working in the electronic, IT, and telecom industry. Albeit the last eight years were less fruitful as previous years, it was more enough for us get by.

August 12, 2016
Couldn’t enjoy my morning coffee, with the neighbors barking dogs. They were gone for the summer and just moved back in this week. A big thunder storm moved in with heavy rain and quieted things down. I wonder why don’t dogs constantly are barking. Wishing it was election day already, I’m tire of the new media. We can’t even get the news without a reporter’s commentary or added drama. For sure it’s going to be hard to pull the lever for either Clinton or Trump, both are so unlikeable. I would even go as far as saying they are outright dishonest and mean spirited people full of lies and deceitfulness in their words and deeds. It was no fun pulling the lever in the primaries and expect the feeling I will be left with in November will be even worse. God help us as a nations and as individuals.

August 11, 2016
With the heat index, today had to of been the hottest day of the year. Didn’t want to stay in the house, so we went up to Gurnee and spent time with Andrea and Rob. We later stopped by Olive Garden to do lunch. I had the grilled chicken piadina, good stuff. I’m thinking the dishes are most likely not authentic are dishes tweeted for the American palette, which is fine for me. Bottom line is there are very few authentic dishes that I like from all over the world, but taste wonderful when Americanize.

August 10, 2016
Today was yet a good day. Albeit got into the low 90s, it was humid. The word is will be very hot and humid tomorrow.  I was a good day because we visited my sister Nancy and my brother Bill stop by too. Earlier in the day we stopped by Bath and Beyond to pick up a few things and I saw a $15 rubber watch with the pedometer. Albeit it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles like the Fibit, it does have the needed at a reasonable price. The day’s mediation was on the gift of the Holy Spirit and how he guides us we grow in understanding and knowledge of God’s truth. I remember one of my earliest conversations with Fr Bruzek as he explained to me that as he continues to grow, so will I. It is amazing how much more deeply my understanding has become and the things that I once misunderstood are understood differently in a new light.

August 9, 2016
Today was a good day. Albeit, everyday is a good day, sometimes we fail to see all the goodness of the day. More importantly, we fail to do our part in God’s goodness by making the day a blessing for our neighbors. I rephrase it by say it was an exceptional day, Andrea and Rob came down and visited us. Their school year will begin next week and they’ll be super busy stimulating the young mind of their students. I’m all for the model of a Jesuit high school education.  I once asked the question about how being a student Lutheran day school would differ my children’s walk with God, without a respond. That was very disappointing for me, but I’m sure that it is beneficial for some families. Much like how LCMS parishes vary, I'm guessing their school system is very much the same way.

August 8, 2016
Hmm, Jennifer took the left over beef and tofu for lunch so I put together a polish ham and hard salami on a butter croissant with a little yellow muster and had some kosher dill chips on the side. One would think I would know what kosher was. Well I thought it was food just blessed by a rabbi, wrong. Googled it and was surprise to learn some of the kosher rules and regulations. Hope I didn’t make a poor choice to only mow the front yard. The plan is to get the back done tomorrow before the expected return of yet another heat wave. Made BBQ pork fried rice for dinner with the barbecue pork that Peggy gave us to take home from the party on Saturday. So it was a dinner and a movie, well actually we watched a double feature. First we watch a Clint Eastwood movie, Trouble with the Curve. It was right up there with the movie Gran Torino. Then we watch Risen. Albeit inaccurate, I thought the fictional retelling of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of a Roman soldier, was good.

August 6-7, 2016
I seemed like there were zillions of kids and babies all about. It is amazing that our millennial nieces are having babies. Talk about joyful noise filling a house. We didn’t get home until late evening and it too late to penning a journal entry because we went to Rush Copley to visit my cousin Jimmy. We learned at the party that he had stroke earlier in the week. Prayers for health and recovery as he begins his needed physical therapy. We had yet another duel baptism this Sunday. The two young sisters were fully submersed in the font. After Mass we stopped at the grocery store to by a variety of cold cuts from the deli. Jennifer will be starting school tomorrow and plans on bringing sandwiches. From time to time, I have a craving for certain sandwiches, but would much prefer a hot meal any day. Sat around most of the day watch the summer olympics.

August 5, 2016
Took a trip back into memory lane with REO Speedwagon - Keep On Lovin’ You. Funny how music brings back memories to the time it is on the air. I can remember it being a popular song when Fawn and I was dating. We watch Miracle From Heaven. According to the movie which is supposed to be a story true, Annabelle Beam, saw Jesus. I’m sure there were some Hollywood embellishments. I was pondering on the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light” (Matthew 17:1-2). If that very moment wasn’t a life changer, nothing is. From time to time I go to Youtube and watch videos that are labeled amazing acts of kindness or restoring faith in humanity. I think Christ is in everyone and when  see acts of kindness, the disciples we too get to see glimpses of God in the people around us. At this point we should be reflecting on the final judgement in Matthew 25.

August 4, 2016
I woke up this morning and rejoiced at blessings revealed from the get go. It didn’t take long for the world to try to kill the joy. The first thing I read was, “Georgia is one of 21 states that do not require its members of the electoral college to adhere to the results of the popular vote in their state. I have the right to vote for a write-in candidate in the electoral college, Vu said.” Really? How corrupt is that? And how is that even possible? Seems to me the only freedom we have is to love God and love our neighbor. At times, I even think that is in jeopardy. I am thankful for today’s mediation, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:10-12). I was ranting in my mind about the low down leaders instead of praying for them that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all goodness and holiness. I think it’s been a while since we sang the Psalm, Create in Me LSB 956 in our liturgy, wonder why or is it just me? I can’t even remember it it was a offertory prayer of a post communion canticle. Talk about a prayer that is able to say so much with so few words. Not only do we confess our sins, but also are acknowledging the Holy Spirit and that we desire and need God’s presence and that only by his power, not ours, we are able to know the joy of him salvation.

August 3, 2016
I was surprised that Jennifer was up early and out the door again this morning. I didn’t realize that her school has a three 8 hour day orientation. Guessing there must be a lot of things to get acclimated to prior to the start of their academic endeavor. Watched AGT Live Show 2 and thought the show had a lot amazing acts. Whoa, in one danger act, a gut got hit by a flaming arrow. Good thing it didn’t pierce him and only bruised him; the act had to be stopped. I especially liked the magic acts because for the life of me I am clueless how the predictions were made. It was interesting that there were no surprises this time of all the acts that made it through to the semi-finals. This evening was a true blessing, we had dinner at at my sister Nancy. Her husband Ken is fantastic cook. His red snapper was out of this world. I have only two siblings still with us and every time I see one of them, we talk hours on end. On niece is having a birthday party this weekend and all the family on my side is going to be there. I love it when the family gets together, be it Fawn’s siblings or mine. I think family get togethers are a blessing.

August 2, 2016
Went to IKEA. Every time I go there, I forget how huge the store is. All we needed was a few shelves for Jennifer’s room. We had to do a lot of walking to get to where it was. The store is design to herd you through the entire store like a maze. I got a free membership card. Not sure what it is for though. I’ll need to look up what the perks for having the card. Whoo hoo, prayers answered, Andrea and Rob are back safe from three week road trip, nice to be young and have that kind of energy. I just had to look up and muse about praying to the saints, especially about Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers. Sad, I always thought they were talking Christopher Columbus, but it’s Saint Christopher of Lycea. To celebrate, the homecoming, I cooked up Beef and Snow Peas with water chestnuts over pan fried noodles.

August 1, 2016
Wow, had the day to myself. Not sure where Fawn and Jennifer went, so after cutting the grass. I went down in the basement and sort things out and cleaned out my tool chest and the later did some paperwork. I had the Saint John Bible Studies playing in the background. I thought the four week study on the book of Tobit. I think the book as an interesting novel but fail to see how it could be considered a book in the bible by some. Clearly, I must be missing something, maybe it’s not.

July 31, 2016
Yesterday, I was had an brief conversation with my friend where we were exchanging our thoughts on how videos fail to capture the beauty of Mass and how it pales to be actually being present and partaking in the mysteries. During communion I thought about what was said the night before, where only we engage only in audio and visual while in the full blast Divine Service, we all of our senses participate in the sublime sacramental gifts our Lords brings us. Albeit, we even had two difference families infant baptized in the same time during the early service. A week or so ago, I mused about Jesus telling us how we are to live a God pleasing life according to the Gospel of Matthew. St Marks words it a little differently, “Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:29-31). We are to not only engage our mind, but also all our senses. The entire liturgy is all about Christ’s life and what he does for us. Wow, another month has gone by. We went to the Yorktown Mall after church. I thought it was for Jennifer getting ready for school next week, but it was Fawn buying birthday presents for my niece’s baby (grand niece?), getting old. So Jennifer sat with me at the food court and we had a good talk. Think it was the first adult conversation we ever had, all my babies are all grown up and now I am enjoying all my children as adults.

July 30, 2016
Went out grocery shopping since the kids are back from their week long vacation. It was an easy drive in and out midway, a zillion times better than O’Hare.  Thanks be to God for their safe travel. It was nice to go out and do lunch earlier in the day at Fabulous Noodles. We don’t do that often enough nowadays. It look like it was going to rain some more but it didn’t and the sun broke out, Whoo hoo. Today, the Holy Spirit led me to visit the St Innocent of Irkutsk parish website to read articles written by Dr. Genig. I think this most learned teacher of Christ pens very noteworthy scriptural meditations. Took a peak at our worship folder, a realized I am more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit during the season of Pentecost.   When thinking about the Eucharist the hymn, Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling, often comes to mind. Pange Lingua Gloriosi Corporis Mysterium was written by St Thomas Aquinas(1225-1274) for the Feast of Corpus Christi.

July 29, 2016
It was the first time in a long time since I saw Clinton speaking without seeming to be yelling at people, so we listened to her entire speech before going to bed. One thing I noticed about Clinton and Trump is that they both can’t help but to bad mouth each other a lot and spin everything the other says in a way that is not only insulting the other, but to the listener as well. Both parties are good at that. So I guess it boils down to the issues. It’s going to be tough, because there are things I like and dislike from both parties and need to be weight the pro and cons. I did that once and chose to walk away in a different situation, but when you’re a independent voter, what do you do? Once again we are getting heavy rain, but at least this time we’re home. The ground has to be super saturated, because the sump pump is working overtime. Currently, old faithful has a 1/3 hp motor, for sure I’ll be looking at an ½ hp motor replacement pump. The forecast has issues a flash flood warning for later this evening. Praying the pump will be able to stand up to the expected flash flood. It’s been a while, but the Holy Spirit led me back to Weedon’s Blog today, I am glad to see that Fr. Weedon is reflecting and sharing useful insights and nuggets to feed upon. He had a link that pointed to the complete LCMS July 9th Opening Service. Albeit, not as beautiful as a local parish Mass, I thought it was amazing that I’m guessing a convention hall could be turned into a temporary place of worship. Never thought a big screen could be put to good use in a Divine Service. I know that the LCMS worship varies greatly. In my mind, I think the way we pray is a reflection of what we believe. Been trying to eat fish on Fridays whenever I remember, but today all we had was a 1 pound package of ground beef, so it was smash burgers with grilled onions for lunch and I’m guessing also for dinner later tonight. Opened up the jar of free Vienna Kosher Dill  Chips. They went well with the burger, just like the burger joints, crunchy and busting with favor.

July 28, 2016
Talk about starting out with a nice sunny day and then being caught out in Geneva under a thundering dark sky with a torrential rain by mid afternoon and then followed by more sunshine. Whenever it rains like this I always think about our foolishness. Jesus said, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built. But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:46-49). Wow, I was surprised that Hara didn’t make it through AGT Show 1, oh well. I think this season has a lot of great acts and I’m not sure why, but Simon Cowell seems to bring a lot to the different talent shows he judges. The plan is to briefly watch Clinton’s Democratic Party’s presidential nominee acceptance speech.

July 27, 2016
Really enjoyed watching AGT first 12 of the 36 who made it to the live show. Some acts were disappointing while others were off the chart. I’m from the city and liked Musicality thought the high school choir from the city and thought they were inspirational, but I fail to see how it could become a show in Los Vegas. It will be interesting to see which 5 acts will get cut later tonight. I think Jayna Brown, Hara, Jon Borenbos and Laure Bretan will most likely make it through. So far I have 31 phone callers that I am clueless of and set them to no ring, how annoying. I really hate dealing with solicitors, beit on the phone or at your door steps. I won’t be watching the DNC anymore, except perhaps any interesting highlights and will be watching AGT results instead. Thinks it’s best to wait until the end of September for the debates to begin. Was so hot that I only cut the grass in front and praying for coolers days.

July 26, 2016
Praying, “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (Proverbs 12:18). Starting to read proverbs for no special reason, but this led me to another verse, “And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place” (Revelation 22:6). I stopped and paused when I read these words and briefly allowed the worldly distraction of the perceived trustworthiness of the candidates. I don’t know why I sit through some the speeches of the party speakers when I know the rhetoric is disingenuous or what they say truly what they believe is so? LOL, can’t believe in am penning that I watched the Bachelorette earlier. Lord, grant that I self reflect and pay attention to how I speak and to choose sound words. Amen.

July 25, 2016
“When the tempest passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever” (Proverbs 10:25).  How fitting today’s outstanding retreat, Diamonds in the Rough, was after yet another night of thunder storms. It cooled down to the mid 80’s which I’ll take, since the humidity in surprisingly way down from yesterday. I’ve been listening to the speaker for both convention and have to believe that the speakers actually believe what they say. So it must be me that believe that it out of touch with the bulk of both parties platform. I decided not to listen anymore and just go for the highlights. Decided instead to take a trip back into memory lane with the 1970 Nisei Ambassadors Drum Corps. Albeit, I stopped marching 1968, most of repertoire was the same and I suppose the younger musicians are the seniors. Some actually come back from college and march in the summer. Too bad this was the only recording I found on YouTube. Hard to believe they are that good without me, just kidding.

July 24, 2016
Could hardly believe how loud and frequently the thunder was clapping last night. I was surprised that the heavy rain didn't provide any succor to the ongoing heat wavy. Went to bed with the sump pump working just fine, only to find that the float guide broke off some time last night. I looked at several hardware stores on the way home from Mass. Too bad Fawn had to miss Mass and stayed home toggling the sump pump on and off as needed. It’s unbelievable that no carries the universal replacement part in stock and that I had to order one on line. Why would the stores stock floats, float switches, and float rods, but not float guides? Sigh, they’re all standard interchangeable parts. Fawn went with brother to visit their mom at the nursing home this week. I ended up staying behind jury-rigging a float rod guide with a coat hanger. Hopefully it will stand up to the task until one arrive express mail. I shouldn’t have, but pigged out anyway by doing a brat as well as burger along with the usual sides, so it’s just a spring salad for lunch today. Guessing most eyes will be on the DNC tomorrow. One thing for sure the two towering parties have corrupt, self interest leaders that are shameless in their ranks.

July 23, 2016
Have to make this quick, just got back home from a backyard barbecue in Montgomery. Jim and Mary always know how to throw one. “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). Jesus leaves us no guess work here on who we are to live a God pleasing life. I was looking at a Police Shooting in North Miami. It’s not clear to me why the policeman pulled the trigger when he did, but for sure something went terribly wrong. Turns out it was the wall switch and not the ceiling light was bad, but we replaced both of them anyway. Tired and have to go to bed was up early to drive Alex and Jennifer to the airport.

July 22, 2016
Wow, Trump had a big night last night. I listened carefully to all the speakers and thought the Donald Trump nominee acceptance speech was huge. Then this morning I was Trump on TV yapping about Cruz and starting wondering if there is more than I Donald Trump. How did we get to the place where we are choosing between Trump and Clinton to lead our country? Unbelievable, Obama is talking about the sun shining and the birds are chirping this morning in respond to Trump security concerns. News of shooting deaths in Germany again today. We had a good week so far this week in nearby Chicago, nobody got killed, but it’s only Friday and the weekend is just about to start and only 13 people wounded by shootings so far this week and no media blitz. Does anybody care? Trump cited Chicago gun shooting stats in his speech and I guessing it just went over everyone’s head. Well next week we’ll get to watch the DNC and the Fox News and CNN spin will flip the other way.

July 22, 2016
Wow, Trump had a big night last night. I listened carefully to all the speakers and thought the Donald Trump nominee acceptance speech was huge. Then this morning I was Trump on TV yapping about Cruz and starting wondering if there is more than I Donald Trump. How did we get to the place where we are choosing between Trump and Clinton to lead our country? Unbelievable, Obama is talking about the sun shining and the birds are chirping this morning in respond to Trump security concerns. News of shooting deaths in Germany again today. We had a good week so far this week in nearby Chicago, nobody got killed, but it’s only Friday and the weekend is just about to start and only 13 people wounded by shootings so far this week and no media blitz. Does anybody care? Trump cited Chicago gun shooting stats in his speech and I guessing it just went over everyone’s head. Well next week we’ll get to watch the DNC and the Fox News and CNN spin will flip the other way.

July 21, 2016
Happy Birthday Alex! We went to Jewels to buy a a couple of rib eye steaks to celebrate. They turned out beautiful. Got a got deal on the Vienna Beef product promotion: got their hot dogs, mustard and dill pickles all for just $4.99! Love Chicago style hot dogs ever since I was a kid growing up there. Hard to believe it was so hot again and that there will be few more 90+ degrees days in a row ahead of us, mercy. Watched AGT Judges Cut 3 & 4. I like watching variety shows like AGT and the show has gotten a lot better with Simon Cowell as one of the Judges. Big night ahead on the final night of the RNC. Will definitely be watching, toggling between Fox News and CNN. I don't know who's more obstinate, Sean Hannity or Anderson Cooper. But it's clear to me that Trump is correct is saying the the network media in general has a liberal bias.

July 20, 2016
Out the door first thing in the morning to take Jennifer to the dental office. Hard to believe we go all the way to the west side of Aurora. It’s the dental office that Fawn has been going to since she was a little girl. Funny how relationships go and that everyone in the office is like family. It was already hot out so I walked around in the West Plaza Super Walmart. Fawn and I went all over to shop for lighting fixtures. The plan is to install them this weekend with the help of my brother Bill. Watched a few speeches from day two and then watched a few more live. I was not surprise that Cruz didn’t endorse Trump, but was surprise that he went out of his way to reopen wounds and was booed out of the convention hall. Pence and Gingrich gave compelling enough speeches worth dwelling and use to measure against what the Democratic Party will bring to the table for American people. I find it fascinating who well mannered and well spoken Trump’s children are. I earlier penned what I thought about the invocational prayers and deleted it. I think it is best to leave it alone and just say that not things called “prayers” are pleasing to God

July 19, 2016
Out early and walk around indoors at Sam’s Club while Fawn filled prescriptions and returned the phone. It’s just as hot and humid as it was yesterday. I think, technically a heat wavy in the Midwest is three or more continuous days at or above 95◦F and that is forecasted to happen later this week. For me, anything at or 85◦F is a heat wave. Days like today remind me of the old song Heat Wave. It was song we use to play as a youth in a marching band, talk about old school. Not planning to watch day 2 of the RNC later tonight. Plan to watch recorded video stream instead, hate listening to the extreme network spinning.

July 18, 2016
Wow, can’t believe the big thunder storm with a heavy downpour last night. Was worried about whether or not the sump pump would be able to keep up, but old faithful did. I keep saying I’m going to replace it, but still haven’t yet. Something I may foolishly regret. We went to the DuPage Medical Group free Medicare informational seminar. It was about 1-1/2 hour long with the QA and well worth the time. Brought a new AT&T corded/cordless answering system, but that didn’t resolve my ringer issue. Watched the rules committee report streamed on C-SPAN and the failed last stand effort by the stop Trump forces. Delegates voting their “conscience”, really? Later in the evening, I watched the RNC and listened closely to speakers like Patricia Smith, Giuliani, Melania Trump, Flynn, and Ernst. It was truly an emotional first night theme of “Make America Safe Again”. I had to toggle between Fox News and CNN to avoid the commentators. It’s hard to describe how bias they are and how insulting it is to listen to spinning of every little thing instead of saying informative.

July 17, 2016
Albeit it rained this morning, it didn’t start until we in Mass and done by the time it was over. Unbelievable, I thought for sure all the incandescent light bulbs have been changed out in my home. But the rarely ceiling light over the sink went out and needed to be changed out. It took me a while to wise up. It’s best for home owners to buy a heavy duty three step stool ladder from the get go.

July 16, 2016
It was yet another a nice cool morning so I cut the grass in the front yard and sprayed the weed and feed. Hopefully the lawn will be looking better. It doesn’t get much better weather wise, considering it’s in the 70s on a July day. Sigh, the ringer on my cordless phone / answering machine stopped working. Guess I’ll be looking for another one tomorrow. I had to plug in an old phone just to have a ringer, but without an answering machine, I’m force to pickup and deal with solicitors and scammer. The next couple weeks will be interesting with the RNC and DNC, now we can get away from the candidates barking and ranting and see what is on the two party’s platform. Between now and November, it will be interesting time to discern what is of value in my life.

July 15, 2016
Now that all the AGT auditions are over, and I'll sitting here trying to pen my journal entry between the acts while watching the judges cut 1 & 2 streaming On Demand. It was a nice cool morning and was surprised that the grass was dry enough to cut. It rains so much I have to keep putting out diazinon. I see weed and guessing its white dutch clovers, so another application of weed and feed is needed. It’s a tough fight this year. Need a pro next year? Went for a nice walk at the outlet mall. I use think it’s pretty easy to love family, but when there isn’t cooperation, it begins to feel somewhat burdensome. Lord, help us to be more patience and understanding and to serve you with a joyful heart. Amen.

July 14, 2016
Whoo hoo, albeit will still be on the same meds, it will be cut in half. Amazing how good news like that energies you and motivate you to do a little more exercise. Gas has been steadily dropping to something reasonably affordable until today it spiked up 20¢ to $2.399.

July 13, 201
I saw our nation’s flag was flying at half mass and it made me think that it seems to be that way a lot nowadays. And I was right, under Obama it has been ordered to half mass 67 times so far and under Bush 58 and under Clinton 50. I just deleted a lot of my stream of conscience writing. Although I think I was correct in my assessment of the broken world we live in, I wasn’t sure this was the best to pen it and feel it much better to have the conversation, end the evil rhetoric and violence in our mourning. Spending time pondering on God’s glory at half mast. My blood work came back and my A1C and was slightly elevated from my last test 6 months ago, but was still in the normal range. Let's see what the doctor say in the office visit tomorrow.

July 12, 2016
Did I ever mention I hate robo calls? Something is inherently evil with them and now turning something annoying now as a reminder that this is a good time for a prayer. “We welcome you in the name of the Lord.” Was thinking about Sunday’s baptism and how the Lord longs to us all into his family. Often we rightly think of Mary as the Theotokos, but interestingly Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:50). I briefly watched a little of the live stream voting of officers at the LCMS convention. I was clueless  on who’s who. Fried up some nice ribeye steaks, seems like the cost of beef is finally down to what is affordable.

July 11, 2016
Was reflecting on the judging others. In a desperate attempt to ward off opposing critical I heard Matthew 7 quoted out of context. A lot of people have different opinions on what the judging of others is. Because of the many views, I’m not even sure what people are even talking about when they speak about it. I started to pen my thoughts and realized it word take an entire article in order to say something meaningful. It’ll take more time than I care to take to pen. So I’ll briefly just say that I believe judgment is a natural instinct. We all know what is good and what is. Jesus commends us to judge correctly not to be like hypocritical Pharisees but to look at our own sins before judging someone else, as we are called to softly admonish another in love. I thank God my family rightly admonishes me went I am off the path. It’s been a while since I make corn beef and Pastrami sandwiches for dinner, aka “the Ruben” and “the Rachel”, good stuff.

July 10, 2016
Beautiful Mass with yet another infant baptism. Our Lord heals the souls of us poor miserable sinners. Nice, lunch was on Rob and Andrea. Did Chinese, boy oh boy, I really love eating egg rolls. Walked it off at the Mall where it was nice and cool.

July 9, 2016
Happy birthday darling wife. Hmm, was off to a good start until … It was nice and cool this morning and was trimming back the bush when ouch; cut myself with the small hand pruner. Good thing it was a cut and didn’t slice off a finger, dumb. The question became, what was I thinking? The answer was, I wasn’t. The plan was to go walking around while Fawn went shopping at Geneva Commons, but that all changed, she went with Alex instead.  Alex has been buying this and that the last few weeks, getting ready to move to Plainfield with a friend at the end of the month. Was looking over our worship folder for tomorrow’s Mass. Saw one of my favorite hymns, Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness. To be fair, I actually have countless favorites, beit German chorals or Georgian chants in the Liturgy. Started to pen about hymns I don’t like and then deleted my rant wasn’t productive time spent. Since Alex and Fawn was gone, I got to spend a little time talking to Jennifer alone. We don’t get to do spent time together as often as I would like. The highline read: Faced with Trump and Clinton, America yearns for a third choice. The article goes on to read: “According to the July 1-8 poll, 21 percent of likely voters will not back Trump or Clinton. That compares with about 13 percent of likely voters who opted out of the two main choices at the same point in the 2012 race between incumbent President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney.” But then the platform of both, Libertarian Party Gary Johnson or Green Party Jill Stein doesn’t resonate with me either.

July 8, 2016
Fasted last night and went to get blood work this morning, prayers for good test results. Out and about all day and did a lot of walking. I wish I had my pedometer with me. I’m sure I would of broken my personal record of number of steps on a given day. Walking out for me is relaxing and fun exercise if you take your mind off the walking itself. I mused about if people actually physically walked with God. Then it dawned on me, of course Christ walked among us. But God did take walks in the Garden. Albeit, God did appear before people Christ I think when the bible mentions folks like Enoch and Noah walking with God, should be viewed in a fugitive sense as living a faithful life. And so as I walk, I do so with the knowledge that God is with us. It was painful to paid my our second installment of our property taxes. Taxation without representation and a tea bag actually came to mind. Funny being out all day, it was fast food at Taco Bell. It's been a while since I been to one, but the steak flat bread sandwich commercial hooked me and it actually was pretty good and reasonably priced. We later ate at Burrito Parrilla Mexicanna. We always split their carne Asada. Talk about having a taste for Mexican all day, went we got home, I made ground beef and rice burritos for dinner.

July 7, 2016
I was up early and cleaner the gutters. I hate the annual cleaning of the decomposed leaves that turn into slime that would eventual clog up the drain if not attended to. Albeit, I only did the ones on the first floor, it is never a fun task. On top of that, I’m not fond of climbing up ladders. Perhaps it is no wonder why I can’t relate to the icon, Ladder of Divine Ascent.

July 6, 2016
Last night it rained so hard my old faithful sump pump had a workout. I keep saying I’m going to replace it, but yet to have done so. This morning’s mediation calls us to live a life that give witness to the presence of Christ, who brings healing to the world. It was followed by prayer:  “Lord, heals those things in me that keep others from discovering your presence.” Amen. Just about very morning, it has been coffee, oatmeal and prayer. I probably should break open Luther’s Small Catechism more often. I revisited the petitions and the “What does this mean?” of the perfect prayer. Much like my daily morning ritual it is done so routinely, one has to begin wondering how often we just simply recite the Lord’s Prayer without meaning the words which gives praise and glory to God and asks for what we need. Lord, may your word dwell richly in my heart. Amen.

July 5, 2016
We have routine maintenance done twice a year to our central air conditioner/furnace. I’m am glad all is well and that our air conditioner is a high efficiency environmentally friendly R-410A unit and do not require R-22 Freon refrigerant which will be completely banned 2020. It’s been so cool out that I completely forgot to call to have the AC tune-up done last month. I think the history of the Freon gas is amazing. It was hailed as a miracle non-toxic compound; today it is infamous for greatly depleting our planets ozone shield. Today was a hot and humid day in the 90s and was one of days when I can’t help but to wonder, how can air conditioning not be a necessity?  Was thinking more on the beautiful float and am not surprised how great it was. After all, things at Saint John are not taken likely. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

July 4, 2016
Got up early and went to celebrate the 4th of July at Saint John. It was the first time we went to a Wheaton parade. I’ve haven’t been to a parade since the kids were small. No wonder the church win the best float year after yea. I’ll be stunned if St John doesn’t win again this year. The float looked amazing. A lot of planning and effort is put into it. This year’s parade theme was Celebrate. Totally out of context, but the play of words with the Leviticus verse was clever. What could be better than watching a parade with family and friends while sitting in the bleachers with a hot dog, chips and a coke? Thanks be to God for the miracle of our nation’s founding. May our Lord’s ways be our guide. Amen. Plan to kick back the rest and enjoy the remainder of the day.

July 3, 2016
This morning was the complete opposite, walked out the door to a nice and unseasonably cool morning. Once again, yet another outstanding sermon. Living our life of Christ’s expectation as we rejoice that Jesus has written our name in heaven. Met Vicar Frisque and wish Vicar Cowell Godspeed. What a pleasant surprise to have a visit from Dr Just. After Mass we went to Outback to celebrate Fawn and Alex’s birthday. Everyone was there except Jennifer, she is on a road trip to Saint Louis.

July 2, 2016
Woe, watched the DVD 13 Hours twice and believe that there was a wait and stand down order. Talk about people in harms way. Every once in a while I hear fireworks going off in the neighborhood. I was thinking how stupid we were when I was a kid. Beside firecrackers, we were able to buy and played with m80s and cherry bombs. Think our parents would of freaked out if they knew how foolish we were at times. I thank God none of us got hurt.

July 1, 2016
What a great retreat. Today’s meditation was on the verse, “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). I started to reflect on the perspicuity of scripture in regards to baptism, but then decided that it would serve no purpose at this time. Better to reflect on our response to the reality of our newness. I once heard evangelicals in Shanghai say that the only bible some people will ever read is you. My thought at the time was, why not just give them a bible? The good thing about continuing to grow in Christ is that we continue learning to appreciate certain things previously misunderstood. Wow, now that’s what I’m talking about, out and about on a bright sunny day in the mid 70s. Did a lot of walking and got plenty of fresh air. Mused about today being a perfect day, but what else can God make but a perfect day.

June 30, 2016
Started exercising again. I wish always seem to start and then stop for one reason or another. Much like our spiritual lives, exercise require disciple. I’ll be giving it another go. Dr Kleinig was on Issues Etc: Respective Spirituality. Everything is a gift. Thanks be to God.

June 29, 2016
Been a pretty good week weather wise. I can deal with summer if the weather holds. The mold and pollen have also been low so far this week and have been able to walk outdoors. Praying that July will not be kicking off a hot rest of the summer. I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but we have been visiting my mother-in-law at the nursing home more than I like. It is so uncomfortable and when we leave it is so depressingly sad and dreary. The air is so warm and stuffy, guessing if the AC was full blast, it would be too cold for the residents. It takes a lot of effort to set aside your own feelings and to remember that the visit is not about us. Been musing about our aging to the glory of God evermore showing that Christ and not the world is where our treasure lies.

June 28, 2016
Got the weed out and finally did the back yard, looking good. With the overcast it was nice and cool. As I doing the needed in the back yard, I thought about a foolish comment I made about needing to take out the weed whacker. How did people put up with the likes of me? I pray that my demeanor has since improved. Strengthen me O Lord, according to your glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. Amen. I like the Mission Impossible movie. I don’t think I ever didn’t like with Tom Cruise in it. I’m too old for the double feature; I fell asleep on the second movie, so I was looking forward to the witch hunter dinner and a movie, I always have to comment how much I enjoy Fawn’s perfect spaghetti sauce every time she makes it, both were good.

June 27, 2016
LOL, that old sump pump is still hanging in there; it got to be over 25 since I replaced the original when we brought the house. It really really needs to be replaced. Had to jury rigged it last night to getr goin. It must be me; I did listen to a word Cruz said because I can’t stand his stilted sounding voice.  And talk about rough around the edges, what come out of Trump’s mouth, sigh. Clinton and Warren both sound like bitter and angry old women, they shout when they talk. It was a Pie Five Pizza night. Hmm, Jenn and her over night guest, not happy, but she was in need this time with her friend’s car in the shop. Anyway, going to bed early and leave the house to the kids. Two DVDs came in. The Last Witch Hunter and Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation.

June 26, 2016
Step out this morning in a sauna. The little rain we got last night brought us no relief whatsoever. I was suited up and sat next to the altar. Albeit, more than a tad warm, I simply love being able to serve the congregation as well as be up close and personal at the altar. Thought the sermon was outstanding. I’m right and you’re wrong, hit home with me. I think that the Mass is the highest and most perfect form of prayer. As we hear God’s words, we begin to ponder over them calling Christ to help us, begging for forgiveness and expressing gratitude. Everyone is home today. I thank God for my family, a gift, what a blessing. It was too hot to cook, so it summertime fun with quarter pound burger, with all the fixins. Wouldn’t you know it, a broke world. Lord, have mercy. If it ain’t a hate a group like ISIS in the news, we have our neo-Nazi in Sacramento, CA. the gang violence in Chicago and list goes on and on. Not to mention the repentance of our own sins and moving the precepts of loving our neighbors the way they need to be loved. We were talking about the upcoming 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, the color red and the color purple.

June 25, 2016
Thought I’ll get an early start on the yard work, but was only able to use the weed whacker on the front to put an edge on grass. The plan was to weed whack the front as well as do along the backyard fence, but the heat proved to be too much for this old guy. I’m not talented enough to make it like a lawn manicure like the guy on YouTube, but it’s better than not doing it at all. Used Roundup ® where needed again on the driveway and sidewalk. Had to buy another bottle of weed and feed for the grass. This had been a very bad year, so much weeds and pollen, totally out of control to name of God. Amen. What a beautiful and much needed reflection for the day.

June 24, 2016
I dare not ever again ask, what else can go wrong? Now I got an oil pan gasket leak. My cars are so old and run down, but I keep repairing them because it’s cheaper than buying a new one. I like my new system of just cutting my grass over two days whenever possible. It’s just too hot and muggy to do otherwise. Then another day is for the weed whacking, trimming and what nots. It’s hard to say which season is worst, cutting grass or shoveling snow. OK, now that I got that out of my system, I turn to the spiritual gifts of faith, hope and love and pray that these virtues grow in me be offered as gifts to others to give glory to name of God. Amen. What a beautiful and much needed reflection for the day.

June 23, 2016
Looks like St John website has gotten another new face lift. Too early to say for the better or not yet. In our foolishness some have abandoned making the sign of the cross while others continue to do so as a reminder of the depth of Jesus’ love to which we are called to serve love and serve one another. Reflected more on the vision of both the unlikable presidential candidates and the parties represent. I’ve come to the conclusion that the neither party represent reasonable people and is an elitist two party system, God help us. Lord, bless us in our diversity so that we may open our eyes and see our unity. Grant us clean hearts that are responsive to you and your ways. Amen.

June 22, 2016
Scared me half to death. Kaboom , woke to thunder and a torrential downpour. We stopped by the Wells Street Popcorn since we had to do some shopping in Downer Grove. Best fresh popcorn, but it comes with a price tag. Didn’t have too much luck with the DVD, Gods of Egypt. It get just gets an OK at best. So the last two movies I watch were duds. I came across a free online Orthodox Prayer Book and prayed a few of the beautifully written prayers. I started to pen a comment, but thought it best to leave it unsaid and just be grateful that I came across such a blessing and bookmarked it.

June 21, 2016
More going through and getting rid of old stuff that have been cluttering my desk for years. It’s a slow process looking over some things while others were, why did I kept this? Came across my troubling thoughts about why my family needed to move on from our old parish and synod. It was an agonizing time for us. Hindsight looking back it should have been an easy thing to do for us. I noted things that were most troubling for us, but looking back, there were more issues than I care to mention. I read solid articles that had good points on why a person should stay as well as articles why it’s best to move on. But the bottom line is God placed us where we needed to be. Bitter melon beef was dinner, so stuff and good for you! Sigh, don’t know why Jennifer is having overnight guest friends again, second time this month. It’s not like she is still in middle school, high school or college any more.

June 20, 2016
Today is the summer solstice, longest day of the year. I’m like a plant, love the light; we’ll be getting a little over 15 hours of it, sunset ~8:30 or so, sweet. Days like today makes me think of youthful summer days of marching bands and drum and bugle corps. Back in the day we did old school military drill formations, nowadays these young kids are so multi talented adding theater and dance Best 2015 DCI Moments.  Decides to clean up under my desk, have boxes of Saint John bible studies. I hate to pitch it, but it’s take up too much space. It seemingly took forever to rifle through all that good notes and teachings. I even found and am keeping the worship folder from Rob and Andrea’s wedding Mass as well as a DVD Consecration of Saint John Lutheran Church. As I was watching the video, I found it hard to believe that is Mass now even more beautiful now than that tearful day of joy. Was musing more on Father’s Day, thanking God for blessing me three most beautiful children.

June 19, 2016
Normally we get to Mass at least 15 minute early and in the quite analyze a bit the dichotomy in all our lives between what we desire to be, what we should to want to be, and the way we actually are. But it wasn’t the case this morning we got there just as the processional hymn began.  So we ended up sitting in at the way back. Little kids were all over the place. "Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa" beating our chest during Confession and absolution, right from the get go is an amazing part of the liturgy. We get down on bent knees confessing to God and our brothers and sisters we have grievously sinned.  I came across an article on foreign aid. It is stunning not only how much US tax payers give in foreign economic assistance, but also to which countries, especially when we can’t even don’t even have enough money to balance our own budget. I was shaking my head when I was looking at the US Debt Clock, currently more than 19.2 trillion. The weather is so hot and humid, am floating away from drinking iced tea all day and eat light, a small portion of steamed tilapia. My eyes are feeling pretty good today and I start back working out do arm curls with lighter weights.

June 18, 2016
"Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee." ― Augustine of Hippo, Confessions. I came across an article about an amazing way to cook bacon and funny how one thing leads to another. It made me think about The God Whispers. Episode 324: trinity was very good.  Got a good chuckle this morning from an 8th grade kid on YouTube Impersonations during graduation, loved his Sanders impersonation the best. Was looking at the worship for tomorrow and mused a little on the entrance hymn, The God of Abraham Praise, and on the Abrahamic religions “And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:29). I find it fascinating that the LORD said to Abram, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3). There is no way, Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God and am convinced that unless one confess this catholic faith in the Triune God, one cannot be saved.

June 17, 2016
My eyes were so itchy and red, I just wanted to puck them out. I thought they were infected again, but lucky the optometrist said this time my chronic dry eyes were causing the eye inflammation. So now in addition to the Alaway ® and Refresh ® for my eyes, I’m using Systane ® too. Getting old is a good thing, but is not a picnic.  St Paul reminds us in his own physical demise, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16). In our sinful nature, much of our outer self are idols. So at the end, the new selfless man will be stripped of everything except for his love of God and the love of his neighbor. Made an outstanding juicy quarter pounder hamburger with grilled caramelized onions, if I may say so myself. I think the ball park hamburger buns made all the different. We got the 8 ct package which is normally $2.98 for only 98¢ with a Mariano’s mailer coupon as well as 18 ct eggs for 85¢. It’s great to be able to get these deals.

June 16, 2016
Watched both movies last night. I thought the movies was OK, is the best I can do. Clearly, I’m anything but a movie review critic. The movie seemed to be a mix of a lot of different movies with storm troopers, romance, and a modern day Joan of Arc heroin leading an army and shooting down fighter jets with a bow and arrow. I was shooting off my mouth this morning and Fawn said that the Welcome section of the worship folder was about me. I knew she talking reminding that essential to the work of reconciliation is a nonjudgmental presence. Jesus says it clearly: “Be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, … do not condemn, … forgive” (Luke 6:36-37). Good to have someone keep me in check. I trimmed back the hedge with a hand pruner. Albeit not a bonsai, I love the calming effect of simply slowly trimming back branches are. One would think I would muse on John 15:2 and how our Lord cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit. But instead it made me though of my young but wise old pastor. This friend once told me that he reads my journal entries every now and then. I like how he cleverly said,“ to see what’s cooking, literally.”  Not sure why I pen what we ate, but there is an old saying that we are what we eat. And so it is with the Christian life, we become what we eat. The Eucharist is, “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh” (John 6:51).

June 15, 2016
Sad, this old man fell asleep watching the movie. I’ll have to give it a go earlier. BLTs again, well at least if we're going to do them it best to go with stay with Canadian bacon.

June 14, 2016
BLT, need I say more? It’s a rare treat nowadays, any it’s down to three half slices of bacon to make a sandwich and only a splash of mayo. But I did pile on the lettuce and tomatoes, good stuff. Paid $2.759 for gas. I can't believe how fast the gas price continues to rise. Borrowed two DVDs, The Hunger Games: MOCKINGJAY part I and II. Hoping it’ll be a great night for the movies.

June 13, 2016
I was a little stiff this morning. I might of pushed the weight a little to much. Was only able to cut the front and the lower back before the mosquitoes swarmed all over me. I can’t decide which is worst. I can’t stand the cold winters nor do I care for the hot summers. Clearly at times I fail to be appreciative of the blessings at timesand that everything is grace, Lord have mercy. Need to finish it up the chores tomorrow. At least I was able to cut the lower back without it being all muddy. I should of did it yesterday when it was cool.

June 12, 2016
As we were praying the Psalm, “I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin” (Psalm 32:5) this morning my mind drifted into a muse I had early in the week. Dr. Klinig once said that when our mind seems to wander, how do we know it wasn’t led by the Holy Spirit? I was surprise after Mass we went for dim sum at MingHin. It was a early father’s day surprise!

June 11, 2016
I was so happy to be able to do breakfast with my brother Bill this morning. We had so much catching up to do that three hours were by before we realize they were changing over for the lunch crowd. Thanks be to God for family and friends. It was a pretty nice morning and we walked out into a sauna. It was already the upper 90s, insane. I wonder what type of catechesis is going on in mainline protestantism nowadays or is that they are progressive and have moved away from the historic doctrine. I can frame the previous in a different way but will leave it as is and that people who abide in his word will know the truth.  I ask this because of remarks made by the two presumptive presidential nominees on faith. LOL, she wasn’t The Brave Little Tailor, but the fly didn’t have a chance against Fawn and the electric fly swatter. Best gadget ever, no fuss and no spatter to clean up after.

June 10, 2016
Musing a little on Christ like love and how it disposes us to do good. St. Mark the ascetic said, When you have done something good, remember the words of our Lord “… for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). This is most certainly true.

June 9, 2016
Started doing indoor exercises. I am prayerful hoping that I will be able to do it routinely and get back into shape. I’ve been struggling with my weight for way too many years now.

June 8, 2016
There are so many things that can go wrong with a car. I really really hate the cost of car repairs. $320 for a new crankshaft position sensor. Sigh, I never ever heard of one before. At least the problem wasn’t a more cost fuel pump I predicted. The Explorer is running like a champ once again. Well, it’s somewhat official. If nothing changes at the conventions, the choices in November are between two unlikable. The weather was outstanding today. We were out and about and it'll be what I consider the last nice one this week. I'll be stormy tomorrow and will be hot and muggy over the weekend. I have to admit I have been being back on the pounds, I did exercise to today and did a lot of walking while Fawn shopped for the needed.

June 7, 2016
Good thing I cut the branches back yesterday. The city came by and collected them today. What the heck, I just passed the emissions test on the explorer yesterday and today, it wouldn’t start today and had to tow it from the driveway.

June 6, 2016
When to do the emission test facility first thing in the morning and it was still a 40 minute line. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, what did you do? At least the car passed and that is off my plate. Didn’t realize it was going to be that much work. Had to bring out the ladder and saw to trim back the bigger branches of the tree. When I initially brought the extendable tree pruner, I should of got one with an attachable saw, but what did I know at the time. The bad thing about the job was that I always have to do part of the neighbor’s tree every year too, because it grows over my garage and over my driveway where I park my car. The tree looks so odd looking because it gets cut back on one side. It take that back, they did cut it away from hitting their house last year. The good thing was I gotrdun. I know these things are normal tasks, but I get a sense of satisfaction from even for the smallest accomplishments, weird.

June 5, 2016
What’s going on? It looked like Easter morning at the early service with so many parishioners celebrating Mass this morning. But then again, that’s exactly what the Lord’s Day is. During the summer months, the norm is fewer people because they are either on vacation or go Saturday evening. But then again, with three services, one can never tell when people will worship, especially when the Eucharist is offered six days a week. The weather is beautiful. So first thing I did when we got home was put up the new mail box that was purchased over a month ago, talk about procrastination. LOL, even got Alex and Jennifer to help do the needed. Guessing, they pitched in because they saw the old man struggling. Sweet, Alex brought dim sum home from MingHin. Have to say its pretty good stuff, but the entrees are pretty expensive.

June 4, 2016
Normally I eat oatmeal for breakfast, but this morning Alex was up before me and made scrambled eggs. Albeit, I enjoy cooking, it’s nice to have someone else cook and change it up. I finished cutting the very end of the yard this morning because it was finally dry enough. It was just time for more rain before the afternoon rains. Hard to believe I was only out there for a very short time and worked up a sweat. I was unbelievably humid in the overcast sky. Amazing, the gloomy grey sky gave way to the sunshine just before seven in the evening, as I am penning this. The days are clearly longer now. We all sat around and watched the French Open ladies title match between Muguruza and Williams this morning. Funny that Serena, an American, spoke in French and that the Champion, Garbine, a Spaniard, spoke in English. T made me think about the importance of bible translations being guided by the Holy Spirit.

June 3, 2016
We watched the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on EWTN this morning and was reminded that the son, second person of the Trinity, in his love for humanity, and became a human being with a beating heart and lived among us. “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). As I began musing on the heart of Jesus, I immediately thought of his sacred heart of flesh and of God and about his very love for us to the very end. The afternoon was completely spent with my mother-in-law at the nursing home and the hospital for a CT scan. Hard to believe how much barium sulfate she had to drink. Years ago, I use to think of honor your father and mother as being obedient our parents. As I gotten older, it came to be honoring and caring for our elderly parents in a way that serves God. It’s not an easy task to hold the emotional course when dealing with our struggling parents when they are uncooperative. At times the demands of caring for our parents seem overwhelming and stress and frustration sets in. Just helping because that’s what Christians do just doesn’t seem to cut it this is when we count on our Lord, who care for us as we care for them.

June 2, 2016
The bad news is that I’m calling it a hot and muggy day and it only got into the upper 70s. What will I call it when it makes it over a 100◦F next month? I was sweating bullets. I only managed to cut the grass in the front, side and part of the bark yard. I did give the front a manicure with my weed whacker. It’s not as pretty as using an edger though, but you use what to have. Then I spread some diazinon granules. After heavy rains I always seem to get tons on ant hills all over the place. And finally I sprayed Roundup on the sidewalk and driveway. All that remains is trimming the bushes and the rest of the back, but that’s for another day, moderation. I’m not a young buck anymore. Earlier, I looked over the worship folder for this upcoming Sunday and once again, I am reminded that everything teaches, even our worship folder. O God, who doth teach the hearts, of thy faithful people by sending to us the light of thy Holy Spirit; Grant us by that same Spirit, to be enlightened in our minds, sanctified in our hearts, kindled in love and strengthened by grace, through Jesus Christ, thy blessed Son, our Lord. Amen. My birthday is only a few days away and I pray to continue to grow in age, wisdom and grace, evermore thanking God for those who share their wisdom with me.

June 1, 2016
I drove the explorer for emission testing, since I was driving pass the facility anyway.  The radio news was not kidding about long lines at all the test facilities, so that didn’t happen. Good thing I have until the end of the month to getrdun. Guessing the long line is because the cars must now pass the emission test prior to renewing the plate registration. Well, at least I was able to stop by the MV and renewed my driver’s license. Nonetheless, it was still a great day and did the needed grocery shopping instead.

May 31, 2016
Avoided watching the spin from both Fox and CNN. It made for a nice day. Ahh, it's the traditional start of the summer season de facto it here. Albeit, hot muggy days certainly lies head, so are the promises beautiful summer days of leisure. Clueless to why I started thinking about the LCMS. Perhaps it is because I started thinking about the gift of faith. I Once upon a time, I really had a big problem with the synod, especially during the Kieschnick years. I think most problems are the result of top down leadership. I’ve come to realize that the church bodies are basically congregational and that the only thing they may have in common is that they are creedal, but I think they might even be theologically divided. I am somewhat surprised at myself for not deleting my synodical. Oddly enough, Lutherans don’t view themselves as being Roman Catholics, nor do they view themselves being Evangelical Protestants.  I know there are Lutherans as well as Catholics who will surly disagree with me, but in my mind, I believe Lutherans are to be rightly regarded as evangelical catholics. We are catholic in the sense that we hold nothing more and nothing less than what the Holy olHolyScripture teaches and what Christians have always believed throughout the ages and in that we hold the evangel of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sins of the world. Sadly, with the realization that the synod is comprised of just mere autonomous bodies without a brand, I thank God, that I am at peace and am able to receive his gifts with a grateful heart in the 1 Corinthians body of Christ in the church catholic.

May 30, 2016
There is nothing like a holiday pig out with food. Brats, burgers and hot dogs and God bless apple pie. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t like apple pie. Remembering God’s blessings with a grateful heart this Memorial Day.

May 29, 2016
It was a beautiful morning. We were at church early because I had the privilege of assisting at the altar. Even the robe of ordinary times appears most beautiful in morning sunlight. I watched the Daily Mass on EWTN late last night before going to bed. The Lutheran Mass is outwardly remarkably similar in appearance in so many ways and is celebrated at the highest reverence. I’ve been use to talking to Andrea and Alex as adults for some time now, but it really feels strange now viewing my youngest, Jennifer as an full adult. Where did the time go? Strange, how we sometime look forward to tomorrow. But tomorrow will be special, everyone will be home!

May 28, 2016
I live two blocks from the middle school but was still able to hear the marching band practice for the upcoming big parade. It reminded me of my youthful days past. I played a French horn in a drum and bugle corps as well as in my high school marching band, go Eagles. I loved my time in the Neisse Drum and Bugle Corps. I don’t know about now, but Chicago was pretty much a segregated city. The neighborhoods were understandably pretty much developed along newly immigrant ethnic lines. It was a way to get familiar groceries and get transitional support. I think ethnic has many merits as well as many flaws. Being in a Drum corps I was able to meet different people and do a little traveling. Lord, protect the armed forces of this country. As we honor the men and women who have given their lives in service to the nation on this Memorial Day weekend, we especially give you thanks for you for their sacrifice for our well-being and may it be your will to grant peace among all nations. Amen.

May 27, 2016
My poor itchy eyes, drove me to look at the pollen forecast. There must be a lot of folks like me, because not only the weather channel forecasts the weather, it also forecasts pollen. Looks like this memorial day weekend the pollen count will be high and with Monday, very high. Thanks be to God for Alaway® and Refresh Tears ®. As time pasts we mark new milestones in our journey which allows us to look back at how God has been gracious to us. Because on my poor writing skills, my journal entries fails in many ways to capture and serve as a testimony to glory of God in my life. It makes me think of how blessed we are that we the gospel and epistle writers. In his, the Gospel According to John, Saint John writes, “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31). And just as importantly, in his, Second Epistles to the Corinthians, Saint Paul writes “And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (2 Corinthians 3:3). Let the commemorative holiday weekend begins …

May 26, 2016
Whoo hoo, broke down and got me a new flip phone for twenty bucks at Best buy. My last Virgin Mobile phone was Jennifer’s mid school hand me down flip phone eleven years ago. Pop up is still $20 every 90 days, but now I have to go up from 18¢ per minute to 20¢. I’m either not rich like my kids or just plain too cheap to buy one of those do everything smart phones. The truth is, I am content not owning one. For the most part, I see folks that have one seem to be addictively preoccupied with them. Sure habitual signs of being unchecked and undisciplined. Being glued to a device has to be so unhealthy. Once again, I penned something about daily interactions and just deleted it … a sure tell sign to stop, for now. Be with me O Lord, renew my relationship with you and with those around me. Amen.

May 25, 2016
There were tense moments between Trump supporters the anti Trump protesters in Anaheim, CA. But there was no major violence about, compared to the seemingly lawlessness witnessed at Albuquerque, NM. I think it better to hold rallies during the day and to have a prepared police force that is willing to make arrests. All the racial slurs slung were very problematic for me, shame. Tensions are extremely high, and the party’s presidential nominations are viewed negatively at historic levels.

May 24, 2016
Always a happy camper when mama makes her spaghetti sauce. Had it with bowtie pasta for lunch. It was pretty much an ordinary day until the evening and news about broke about the violence at Albuquerque, NM. Déjà vu, seem like Costa Mesa, CA all over again. One would think that these Mexican flag waving, US flag burning, potty mouth, rock throwers would know this lends to what Trump and his supports and only hurts their cause . I’m amazed at the restraint the police displayed as they tried to disburse the protesters with pepper spray and smoke grenade the crowd. The smoke that was rising was anything but our prayers rising like incenses; Lord, have mercy.

May 23, 2016
Home made pancakes. I think they’re great, because you get to have them anyway you want and I’m sure you save a little over the premix. Glad Jennifer made them, because I think the prep time is insane. I’ve been using the 3 minute retreat for almost two years now instead of the pray as you go. I forgot the name of the site of the previous used, so I went back to older journal entries to find the needed.  Ignatius Loyola, hmm, what was I thinking? I must have been confused that day. I like both sites and each have merits. I remember why I stopped using pray as you go now, some of the background music are a distraction for me during meditations.  Looks like summer like weather had been upon us thing week. LOL, I’m already complaining how warm it has been and need to turn on the AC before going to bed.

May 22, 2016
The first news blurb this morning was that 4 killed; 29 wounded so far this weekend in Chicago. Albeit, I was born and raised in Chicago, I avoid it like the plague and only go in the city on a need to basis nowadays. I wonder why some people or groups of people have contempt for the sanctity of human life. Globally, governments are failing to protect its people. One would think that would be their first duty. Jennifer had a good idea, tilapia with chili oil, good stuff. Now I wish I made more.

May 21, 2016
The 85-15 ground beef I got from Jewels the other day were made into 8 oz. patties. Who eats half pound burgers? I reformed them into quarter pounders and grilled them bad boys up for lunch. I tried reading the deuterocanonical book, the Wisdom of Solomon, twice now and both time faith to see any profitability beyond what is already written in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. A lot of folks continue to tell be they love it, so it must be me, I guess. I was up super early this morning and saw the sun rise and prayed, Thanks be to God, the light of the world. Wisdom: “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble” (Proverbs 4:18-19). It was a beautiful day out, and ding dong the doorbell rang. I didn’t bother to go to door, I’m guessing they were the standard pair of JWs or LDSs. Rightly or wrongly, I’ve become apathetic toward them.

May 20, 2016
Happy Friday! Awesome, make a toasted teriyaki salmon burger for lunch. It was simple, light and delicious. Sometime we get frustrated and don’t think well of others. Regrettably, today was one of those days. Undoubtedly, I frustrate others from time to time. I don’t get when folks say they have any regrets. In my mind, that implies that given the chance for a do over knowing what you know now, you would make the same decision to do it as before. Better to acknowledge shame and regret and repent of them. It is a great comfort to know that there is no condemnation for those in Christ and walk in his newness by to Eden.

May 19, 2016
Had some free time on my hand and spent in reading and musing. Seeing my family at a recent gathering made me think about the church as the body of Christ. The majority of family members on my side are Evangelical Christians. I my mind, when we partake of the holy mysteries, we partake in the very Body and Body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that we may ourselves be members of the body of Christ: the Church. Gathering around the Eucharist is pivotal. Strange, how differently communion is viewed and the how the sacraments are marginalized. This makes me wonder about worship without receiving any of the sacramental gifts. For me the hymn, Behold a Host, Arrayed in White, says it best, “They now enjoy the Sabbath rest, The heav'nly banquet of the blest; The Lamb, their Lord, At festive board Himself is host and guest.”

May 18, 2016
Cutting wet grass is no fun, nasty green chlorophyll stains all over me and my clothing. Don’t think Fawn going to appreciate that. But at least I was able to do it in the cool of the day and only worked up a minor sweat. I really really hate the barking dogs next door. Several days ago, it was the first time ever receiving a grocery discount coupon from Jewel in the mail, 10%! On the way home, we decided to go in and see what they were doing to compete. Sweet, lower prices. I hated them when Dominick’s close and the prices sky rocked a couple years ago.

May 17, 2016
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). This made me think about the Jesuit Latin motto I saw on a banner at Loyola University last week, Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, “for the greater glory of God”. Both Luther and Ignatius were contemporaries that saw the abuses of the church and had difficulty reconciling conscience and authority. I think Luther saw things as black or white and was rough around the edges while Ignatius was less abrasive and could live with the grey. So Ignatius worked on reforms within the church and Luther outside of the Rome. On salvation, Ignatius taught that good are means for salvation, but scripture says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Luther is right, noting that by grace you are saved and, “Then good works are bound to follow, which are the fruits of repentance." However, in my mind, good works are indeed necessary. Just read Matthew 25, The Final Judgment. A good way to look at justification is in his preface to Romans, Luther said, “Faith doesn't ask whether good works are to be done, but, before it is asked, it has done them. It is always active. Whoever doesn't do such works is without faith; he gropes and searches about him for faith and good works but doesn't know what faith or good works are.” Albeit Mariano’s has been opened for a week now; we finally got around to going to the grand opening celebration. We brought the announcement flyer with us that had coupons for freebies and discounts. We were able to walk out of there with three bags of groceries for about eleven bucks, sweet. So glad a nice store opened nearby and created price competition. Not sure Jewels will be able to though. I made egg drop soup for lunch, but added mixed vegetables in it to make it heartier. I love the simple to make soup but never order it the Chinese restaurant because it is so simple to make it yourself. I usually order the delicious hot and sour soup because it a rather complex soup with many Asian ingredients. I suppose I can give this popular soup a go someday. I saw a few good authentic soup videos that I think would actually be better than the restaurants. Most I thought weren’t very good. After all we have different taste preferences.

May 16, 2016
I came as no surprise when another one of my friend got the word in the telecom industry was being let go today as the expected laid offs continues; prayers for the unemployed and underemployed. I wonder why we made life so complicated. I think the American work culture nowadays impose long hours which unduly burden people. Making the bottom line by having less people work longer hours isn't the norm, it's about making large profits in a short time. So many of my friends work so many hours and never take off because they are so fearful of losing their job. Working harder and longer doesn't necessarily save your job. I don’t think this is the kind of life God has intended for us. Once upon a time, it seemed well enough to work hard for 40 hours and then go home relax and spend time with friends and family. It seems we complicate our lives by choice. By working day and night we have failed to give diligent attention to what really matters, such as reading and mediating on the scriptures, worship, devotion and parenting. At least that is what I get from reading and pondering over Psalms 127. Fawn has been watching out for me, because I tend to like to consume portions that more than likely will eventually cause serious health problems.

May 15, 2016
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14). Déjà vu, celebrated Pentecost Mass this morning with Jennifer. Glad she was able to adjust her work schedule. Spent time reflecting and prayed for the continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit and how we believers are led to Christ and his church. I was adult baptized. And like the ancient church, received the sacrament of baptism and confirmation at the same time, and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. I never thought too much of the gift of the Holy Spirit as being the life of the Church or being filled with the Holy Spirit, but it is so. Luther does a great job in his Small Catechism, explaining the work the Holy Spirit does in the third article of the Apostles Creed. Prayed a beautiful prayer: “Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.” - St. Augustine

May 14, 2016
I can’t tell if my memory is failing me, because I can’t recall the weather ever being this unstable. Rain, rain, rain and then more rain and one nice and the next day super cool. Insane, it was only in the upper 40s. I was kind of sick listening to news in general. I started to say that it seems it’s mostly political news, but it’s really more like opinions and political spins from all of the networks. We went to a private family party at Traverso’s for lunch. I’m surprise that they do that. It was so good to see my nieces and nephews as well as my first cousin, their children and their children’s children. It was so strange to see so many babies. Thanks be to God for family. To top another, we went to celebrate the Solemnity Feast of Pentecost, in our Doxology evermore praising God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May 13, 2016
To my surprise, the headline read, “Exclusive: U.S. plans new wave of immigrant deportation raids”. I never would of never guessed in a million year that the Obama administration would ever do such a thing. Perhaps, now some people can come in the front door now. Hopefully it will be a while before ever needing to go to the city again. At least the drive on the Lake Shore to Jennifer commencement ceremony was scenic. Now only if they would fix all the pot holes in the city. We went in early and did lunch at Rice Thai Café and Sushi. It was a small hole in the wall, but the food was good. From the name, I should have guessed it was Thai Japanese fusion food. The Pad Thai with Chicken lunch special came with miso soup. It was the first time in a Thai restaurant. I was expecting the food to be spicy but it wasn’t spicy at all. The only experience with Thai food was the Thai Curry soup at a Noodles and Company. We meet up with Andrea and Rob at the graduation commencement. We later did a dinner celebration at the Vernon Hills Maggiano’s. It was a full and joyous day and now I’m here penning with a smile. God is good.

May 12, 2016
Fawn was at her sister’s all day, so it was a strange kind of day. I decided to try my hand at making a taro dish. It didn’t come out as well as I expected it to be, but edible and won’t call it bad, just wanted the root to be firmer. I over cooked it. youtube videos were wrong about how long to boil the root. If I added more water it would have been like the Hawaiian poi. Wow, poi, haven’t had that since our honeymoon. Read and agree that, “Through the Word of God we know that all existence is the manifestation of the Lord. As people of faith, we do not need tangible proof to believe, and yet because we believe, we see tangible proof all around us.”

May 11, 2016
So Jennifer didn’t stay the week in the city because of work; we went to pick her back up this morning, but she did say what a great time she had the couple of days back on campus. And once again the drive was lame in the somewhat fog. Glad the temp stayed in the perfect lower 70s rather than the forecasted upper 70s. The sump pump was acting up again with all the heavy rain. Not sure what Fawn did to get it to cooperate.

May 10, 2016
The barking dog next door is driving me crazy. It is amazing that it has been doing just that continuously most of the day.  I was frustrated today with my health care provided who mistakenly took me off the policy and spend a long time on the phone trying to get it straighten out. I was calm down be being reminded of God’s abundant blessings. I was reminded that a, “Covenant is a sacred promise that has a profound impact on those who enter into it. We know how, in our lives, situates change. Keeping commitments can be difficult. In the Bible, we find a different message. Our God is a faithful God who desires to give his people abundant blessings. The covenant made with Abraham finds its fulfillment in Jesus, who renews and fulfills the promise of abundant blessing given to Abraham.” Interesting contrast that Trump brought up the pledge the Republicans candidates made to eventually support the GOP nominee. Trump slammed Bush and Graham as ‘not honorable’ for saying they are not going to vote for him. This lends to supporting that politicians will say and do anything and not mean it to get people’s vote.

May 9, 2016
I read an article today that stated, “Trump is the candidate who finally figured out how to exploit the fact that much of the Republican voter base does not share the policy preferences of the Republican donor class, and that it is therefore possible to win the nomination without being saddled with their unpopular policy preferences.” I think that could stated that the Democratic Party is pretty much in the same dilemma. Clearly, I’ve forgotten what is like being young because I was surprise that Jennifer was all excited about going back to Loyola for senior week. We drove her to the city to the week with her friends. I don’t like to drive into the city nowadays because of all the shooting. According to the Chicago Tribune, so far 1,225 people were shot this year in Chicago. More than 50 people were shot, 8 fatally over the Mother’s Day weekend. Normally, the Lake Shore Drive beautiful scenic drive, but it was any but that against the nasty grey sky backdrop. I think it is amazing my made it through what the worldly gantlets. When I grew up, there wasn’t all the foul language and nudity and immoral acts in the now seemingly uncensored TV series and movies. The movies stars nowadays shamelessly parade around half naked. I think universities are perhaps the most godless and atheistic place we send our kids. Albeit, Lutheran, I find it interesting that all my children found refuge on campus among their Roman Catholic friends. At NIU, the campus ministries were Evangelical and their non liturgical and non sacramental theologies foreign.

May 8, 2016
It was a day that began with attending The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We had a few hours to kill before celebrating Mother’s Day, so I went with Jennifer to the Naperville Tennis Club and watched her teach a session to middle school and high school age kids. Guessing she has to enjoy that more than giving lessons to little kids that can barely carry and a racquet, let alone swing it. Of course that is only my unsubstantiated opinion. Then it was off to Fabulous Noodles and enjoyed a feast fit for a queen. Sad, I almost ate myself into a food comma. I gave up on all the excuses on why I couldn’t cut the grass. Of course I couldn’t with all the rain we have been getting, but I did it this afternoon away, just to work off some of the calories. I grass just grows so fast. There was no way I to cut back the last five feet. It was so wet and muddy and the grass is so tall at it will kill the motor even when dry. I normally cut back inches at a time back there. Will most like have to weed hack it this time though. Albeit not optimal, with all the heavy rain, I needed to take this first 48 hour window. At least the rest of the lawn was doable. I cannot end this day in prayer, without thanking God for my incredible mother, my incredible stepmother, and for my wife incredible mother of my children and thanks be to God for Mary, mother of God and the church.

May 7, 2016
I’m so tire of hearing the all political and celebrities ego maniacs giving their endorsements. Stayed away from the T.V. and turned to the depths of silence in prayer and meditation on God’s word. I was musing on baptism, on becoming a “new creation” and “putting on Christ.” The question becomes, how well do we wear the garment in our daily life? Do we take up the full armor of God?

May 6, 2016
Dropped off the car at the dealership for repairs. Keeping a car for so many years is so costly in it’s own right, but it’s still cheaper than buy a new one. Albeit, a costly maintenance repairs on the front suspension and what not, it feels like it new again. Still need work on the all wheel drive that is just as costly, but I’ll need to wait another month are so. We ended up making a left on Modaff onto Bailey and just realized it’s been a long time since we did that. It’s been eight years since we routinely did that. Wow, has it been that long already? Phew, that cilantro has a strong smell, no taste testing. How can one not mention the summer like weather of the day. Blue skies and in the upper 70s, just walking about enjoying the weather and reflecting on today’s 3-minute retreat on David’s contemplation on creation and man’s place within that creation. “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet” (Psalm 8:4-6). We are uniquely formed in the divine image and are called to imitate and return to God with praise.

May 5, 2016
It was another super day with plenty of sunshine. Brought a bundle of cilantro. It was a first for me. I can’t stand the smell and taste of it, but am planning to make soup with it tomorrow to take my mother-in-law. Pie Five had a cinco de mayo deal, so Fawn and I split a 9" pie for lunch. Nowadays, it's hard to believe there was I time I could of inhale a 9" pizza and then some in one sitting. I eat so little nowadays, yet still find it hard to lose any weight. I exercise as well as walk a lot and lose a few pounds and then level off again. So clearly more is needed, but ... As a consolation, glad there is a gap between Paul Ryan and Donald Trump. What to do in November… can’t stand the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.

May 4, 2016
Hmm, orka. I’ll put it this way, in the best possible light, never again. Good thing I also made black beans and rice sides. I actually like red beans better than black beans. Funny how I associate black beans as being a Hispanic dish and red beans as being Cajun. I’m not a country music fan, but I really liked Mary Sara – Stand by Your Man. Once again the weather is unstable. It was in the upper 60s yesterday and today it was in the low 50s. The only thing that seems to be a constant is rain. The dark grey skies made it definitely a gloomy day … but life is beautiful. Came across, “Life is beautiful. And for good reason... God, in His perfection, created it.”  Got to love reading the psalms, “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!” (Psalm 27:13). Thanks be to God, for his goodness leads us to repentance.

May 3, 2016
I’ve been eating more fish lately. Steamed tilapia is anything but boring, love it. I really like blacken tilapia, but Fawn prefers it steamed and it’s too much work to it both ways for a meal. The weather was so nice we went out and about. So glad to be out walking. I was stunned and asked what that you put in the grocery shopping cart? It was an Orka. Never noticed this particular vegetable ever. Fawn said you put in soup. So when we got home I had to google it. It’s an ancient vegetable with an interesting history. I went to youtube for recipes. It seems there are many ways the vegetable can be cooked. Seems lots of people like it fried. Most of the recipes didn’t suit my fancy, especially the stews and soups. I guess I’ll just wing it tomorrow the way Fawn must have had it once upon a time. She says all I need to do is add it the soup broth and it’ll be fine. I just reduced my initial journey entry to about a third of what I was ranting about the democratic front runners Clinton and about the GOP presumptive nominee and will just leave it at that. But then again all the other candidates are no prize the country could rally around either. Lord, have mercy.

May 2, 2016
Was up early and made a big pot of winter melon soup, good stuff.  I see nothing wrong with canned soup. I use to often bring a can of Progresso soup in for lunch to work. It pales in comparison to homemade soup. There is really something to be said about tossing in bones in large pot to make bone broth. Fawn went out with Jennifer to drive golf balls at Naperbrook. Seem that is becoming a regular now with Jennifer. So for lunch I found a small can of red salmon. I tried to heat it with teriyaki sauce. Bad choice, it wasn't very good, won't be doing that again. Better to make salmon cakes with canned salmon. It was nice of a day to spray the weed and feed again. I normal wait to do that after I cut the grass, but the heavy rain we got last night left the grass too wet to mow. Is it me? Are ants now immune to diazinon? Most likely it’s because of all the heavy rain we have been getting that I’m seeing ant mounds in yard again. I’m sure in some way; insects play a vital part in our planet ecosystem. But I like to think we can do without the universally hated mosquitoes. And what is it with skunks? What is there place in nature. I tried to listen to, but still failed to understand the the defending of U. S. flag burning and offensive waving of the Mexican flag (by Americans?) by protesters.

May 1, 2016
Assisted at the altar during the later Mass. Unbelievable, it was the first time I was administering Holy Communion from the chalice. Albeit, I’ve been asked before, I always thought it better to have other assistants that were more comfortable be charged with guard the reverence of the sacrament. This time all the other assisting was just as apprehensive as I was, so with the help of the Holy Spirit, I stepped up and did the needed. I was so slow but was able to complete what was asked of me. I contained my composure to what was quite an emotional experience within me. We didn’t have time to go home and make lunch afterwards, so we stopped at Potbelly and split a Wreck sandwich, before going to visit Fawn’s mom at the nursing home. It’s awkward to be talking about an awesome sandwich when my mother-in-law appetite has diminished. Stayed up a little to watch the first episode of United Shades of America, this episode explored the KKKK group’s beliefs and rituals. Yep, they are still around. It reminded me of the motorcycle dude that still celebrates the darkness in America history. Pastor Thomas Robb, cross burning (cross lighting?), recognizing that Christ is the light of the world, really?

April 30, 2016
Was up early and was listened to LPR while going through my emails. I’m surprise I haven’t did that in a while. The music is so peaceful. Nice to get an email from Tim, haven’t heard from him in a while, but then again I haven’t given him a shout out either. Why do we do lose touch with folks? I think it has to do the modern aspects of our time. We are closer to people we actually see and talk to routinely. As time and our proximity and our circumstances changes, friendship begins to falter. That is why I love my church community. We see and support each other on a weekly basis. When people are the same path, they continue to journey together though life. In the case of parish friends we stay on the same path on our journey back to Eden. The other day at the hospital, I told Carl that what a fine name Zachery was. I was surprise he didn’t realize it was a Hebrew name meaning, remembered by God. I didn’t ask, but it made me wonder, how he came up with the name? I pondered on how God loves us and knows everything about us and our every thought. He loves us in an immeasurable way that is difficult to understand. So we just rest in his love. “O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways” (Psalm 139:1-3).

April 29, 2016
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!” (Psalm 33:12). I’m not exactly sure why, but I find it strange that people would wavy or fly a foreign flag in the United States. I think it must have something to do with not being comfortable with letting go of their ancestry and to fully embracing being an American. Why come to America? Albeit, we still have a way to go as a nation, we grown quite a bit from pre civil right days. I actually can remember once being told by a border guard that I didn’t look American. All these thoughts are coming about, because I saw the old, big, heavy set, long grey hair, motorcycle dude stereotype with an American and the offensive confederate flag noticeably flying on the backside of his big bike cruising in town, sad. I can only wonder and pray for such a person to see the light. Seems like many are reflecting our nation and emotions are running high. So much is at stake. I could be wrong, but I think there is disconnect between the political leaders and who they are suppose to be representing. I had to go to Lisle township administrative building to sign some documents. For sure there is no favoritism for filling pot holes. The street leading up to the building and the parking lot is in pretty bad shape. Seems to me this year is worse for pot holes on the roadways as well as parking lots. We went to Fabulous Noodles for lunch. I really like that place, the food and service is very good and is reasonably priced.

April 28, 2016
Unbelievable, we were only suppose to be out for a short while shopping for the needed. Sigh, that short while turned out to be almost five hours running all about town. Target, Marshal, Buy Buy Baby, Sam Club, Audi, Whole Food and finally Jewels. I got tire of all that walking, so I spent some of the time taking a nap in the car on few of the stops. Good thing I wore a cozy warm jacket. Strange to be pondering on the notion of the existence of purgatory. Albeit, I believe the soul does need to be purge of all remaining sins prior to entering heaven and remain doubtful purgatory is a place and may at best be a process.

April 27, 2016
Dang, it’s been damp and relatively on the chiily side the past few days and it looks like its going to remain so for a while. I had to turn back on the furnace this morning. Listened to The Voice and my favorite was Alisan Porter: Stay With Me Baby.

April 26, 2016
Went to the hospital and saw our new born niece, Victoria. Cute little bundle of joy with wide open eyes. She was so small, only 6 lbs, but healthy. Then it was off the do lunch with Al and our niece Mellissa at the Minghin Cuisine. Been dying to dine fairly new restaurant everyone has been raving about. And yes, it was as good as folks have been saying. Definitely, serious eats and being new, it’s beautiful and super clean.

April 25, 2016
Desperate is an understatement for the Cruz and Kasich frenemy collusion in an, none of the above primary election year. Before, I didn’t care for either of these candidates, but now I think they have reached yet another new pathetic low and am annoyed at these two new bedfellows. Whoo hoo, Sandy went into labor so Fawn when over to stay overnight to take care of Zach. Prayers for our Lord’s help during labor and delivery of the baby.

April 24, 2016
Another perfect day. Of course it was, being it is the Lord’s Day. And of course it began with morning Mass. From there we went to visit my sister-in-law Peggy. My niece Julie was there and we finally got to meet our great niece Andrianna. What a bundle of joy. I am thankful to be given time to be with family. I watched the movie Spotlight and thought the movie is a definite must see. Hard to believe it’s been about 14 years since the horror of Catholic Church’s clergy sex abuse story broke. There is a lot going on and much to muse over. While some folks maybe pondering over, why did God allow this to happen? I still believe the church is perfect because Christ is perfect. It comes as no surprise to me that albeit the church is instituted by Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit, the members of the body is comprised of sinners; even those who hold authority. We can be thankful that regardless of the personal holiness of the men that administers the sacraments they remain the intended gifts that strengthen us for our journey back to Eden. I met someone briefly the other day and don’t know what to make of it. Maybe it’s best to leave things I don’t fully understand alone.

April 23, 2016
My niece Melissa was in town so we went to visit this morning got to see my sibling too, so the was blessings abound. Later we went up to Gurnee for a short visit with Andrea’s and Rob and then it was off the Gurnee Mill shopping center. The place is so huge; got over 10,000 steps at the mall alone. Was out all day and just got back late, but wanted to get a little penning. Thanks be to God for a beautiful day filled with his grace and blessings ...

April 22, 2016
Picked up my new glasses. Funny how we still call the eye glasses when they are nowadays mostly made of high tech plastics. I had no idea that today was earth day, until I saw the discount in the stores on eco friendly product displays. “You can’t love God and ignore the earth.” (???) Hmm, don’t know about that, but do believe that how we care for the planet does reflect how we care for our family, neighbors and the future generations. Holy Scripture declares the earth is filled with the glory of God. Shouldn’t we take precautions to keep from carelessly destroying his creations?

April 21, 2016
It was a good day to be out and about, especially in the cool of the day. We had to go to the library and to Walmart to refill the eye drop prescription. Hopefully tomorrow the optometrist will say all is well. I can’t wait to try out my new eyeglasses too. One would think I would learn it wasn’t going to happen, Jimmy John sandwiches for a buck today. Since it was by the house we decided to swing by, lol there was a long line. Just as well, we made ham sandwiches along with a Caesar salad. Then it was off to the assistance living center to move Fawn’s mom belongs out, she is now out of the hospital and staying at a nursing home. Hard to believe how much stuff she accumulated there, it took us into the evening to get everything out. We took some clothe and toiletries over to the nursing home and made sure she was settled in.  We were too tired and it was too late to cook, so we went to patio and for a rib dinner. Now it’s time to relax with a little moscato and enjoy Star War, The Force Awaken DVD.

April 20, 2016
Albeit, we're are well into the rainy season, I’m so glad we have mostly been seeing PM showers. Overnight rain works best for me. Every now and then I like to look at the upcoming week’s worship folder ahead of time. It’s hard to believe it going to be the fifth week of Easter already and the Easter for the Orthodox is yet a little more than another week away. I know it has something to do with staying with the complicated lunar Julian calendar and something to do with Passover, while the west moved to the more accurate Gregorian calendar. Away, the Gospel reading is from John 16 where Jesus reminds those who follow him will have sorrow while the world will be rejoicing. He goes on to say that he will come back and our sorrow will turn into a joy that can never be taken away. Today was a very good day muse more about how my life has changed throughout the years and how the liturgy has become the source and apex of our family’s life in Christ on this side of heaven. It just dawned on me that the one true gospel message is the most essential message one can hear and reflect upon it and rejoice in it and allow it to color our world.
April 19, 2016
Wow, Over The Rainbow & What a Wonderful World - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, this big boy can sang!  The music video made me think about why we don’t live a slower life. Jennifer got a set of golf clubs and bag from her uncle Eddy last year. She brought the bag up and we went to Naperbrook hit a couple of buckets of golf balls on driving range. I was kinda surprise and thought tennis was her whole world. When she was young she liked playing basketball. Eventually I got too heavy and out of shape to carry on. Kinda bad how I let things slip. When the kids were still small, Fawn and I always took them to the rollerblade rink. I think how the workplace dynamics changed played a lot to do with folks not staying active. People were expected to work longer hours. Away, we went from Naperbrook directly to hospital to visit. I admire how supportive the family is of their mother. I could just be over thinking things, but …. For sure, it makes good business sense for hospitals to have interfaith chapels.

April 18, 2016
Ants, went and laid the triazicide insect killer along the perimeter of the house. Hopefully it will get rid of them bad boys.  Sigh… not what I wanted to see, the ten day forecast forecasts a better than even chance for rain every single day. I think most of my neighbors have the same plan and are all doing the needed. I relaxed and looked at The Voice results show and the top twelve level of talent is so high and it really about music genre and song choice moving forward. Right now I have my earphones on listening to Adele.  I really enjoy her music a lot. She’s truly a gifted singer. Guess I'll just relax, my thighs are a little stuff from pushing too hard the elliptical.

April 17, 2016
Initially, it was so strange to be by myself, driving to the Holy Mass. But once I was at the house of the Lord, I was right at home where everybody knows your name and everybody is the same. LOL, catchy lyrics to a tune about a bar? Oh wow, talk about joining in on the fun; ten people serving. We have our three pastors and two guess pastors, Rev Ledic was our guest preacher and the Rev Dr Just taught the bible study. Also serving was the vicar and the regular four lay altar assistants. The Rev Dr Just is so learned. He led study: The Eucharist in Hebrew. Got to love the way seminary professors lay out all the background and social settings at the time of the writings. The term “sacrifice” was used as noun as well as a verb. I had to turn to my Book of Concord, on the article of the Mass, to get a firmer understanding that our Lutheran symbols indeed do call the mass a sacrifice, but eucharistic rather than propitiatory (Ap XXIV 20 ff.). I sat and spoke with a friend that still has a job at Nokia. He told me this past week they announced an additional 15% companywide staff reduction in the near future, oh well. Just saying oh well, is very telling. Bob is back from his South African business trip and Jean had him cook a fine salmon and asparagus dinner. It was only an eat and run though, Fawn and Jean wanted to get back to the hospital and Bob had to drive Adam to the bus stop in Woodridge so that could catch the last bus back to Champaign Urbana. Just as well, it gave me time to get on the elliptical.

April 16, 2016
Strange how the mind works, there was a Catholic grade school down the street where I grew up as a child in the city. For sure all the kids abstained from meat on Fridays. I’m not sure if that still hold true if this disciple is practiced any longer outside of Lent. I never understood it, but it like fish. So, whenever I remember, I make it a point to eat some sort of seafood on Friday. Growing up, I loved eating delicious fried perch with mac & cheese. Last night’s dinner was steamed tilapia, good stuff. I pondered a little more on the tradition of doing penance. Everything I ever read about it doesn’t make sense to me. In my mind, the Evangelical Holy Catholic Church theology of justification is in line with biblical teaching, but that’s just me. Lord in your steadfast love, “Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name” (Psalm 86:11).  How can one not mention how crazy it is with summer like temps topping off at 80◦F. It was too hot and muggy and my allergies are too bothersome to go for a walk, so I used the elliptical instead; it’s actually a better workout for me. I guessing the low 80s will be a sign of relief in July. No one was around today psyched myself out with summertime fun and made a couple Chicago style hot dogs with potato chips and ice cold coke. Living the life, better get ready for bed, need an early start, assisting again at his altar.

April 15, 2016
Went to see my optometrist to follow up on my eye infection. Although the swelling went down I still need to continue with the antibiotics and follow up again next week. I was able to take my annual eye exam and everything was still the same again, sweet. The comprehensive dilated eye exam is so creepy. Everything is so bright for a couple of hours. Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22). Another word, our eyes can see what is good and what is evil. If we see things in the true light that will radiate us from within. If our eyes are weak, we will see a darkness which is a false light, deluding our mind and body into thinking we will be happy chasing and lusting after earthly treasures. I’m so glad Alex had time to drive me there, because Fawn is at the hospital with her mom. Guessing things are better, because they move her out of intensive came. Looks like Fawn is going to stay overnight to care for her.

April 14, 2016
It’s only my opinion, but I think that in bone pork chops are the only way to go. They cook juicy and tender every time and goes well with stuffing. I think it is about time I spend time reading the deuterocanonical books. I don’t know how far I will get, but I’ll start with the Book of Wisdom of Solomon. I’m hesitant to use the term Apocryphal books because my Catholic friends find the term offensive. It is not clear to me how Luther is able to conclude that these books are not to be regarded as equal to Holy Scripture yet are good and profitable to read. In my mind, what good and profitability is there in reading something, if is not true and erroneous? I was almost a picture perfect day. To be considered outstanding since it was sunny and 65◦F mid April. Although very nice and most likely the grass was dry enough to mow down, I didn’t get a chance to do so because we went most of the day to visit my mother-in-law who was hospitalized yesterday with a perforated colon. Albeit, she is still in intensive care, the surgery seems to have gone well. She was awake and seem to be in good cheer. All my wife’s sibling were at the hospital. What a real nice family.

April 13, 2016
Went out to fill the gan cans and was stunned. The gas was $1.299 it was under two bucks on our last fill up. It could be my imaginations, but the price of gas always seen spike up without mercy and when it goes down it’s pennies at a time. Anyway, got the grass mostly cut. The end five feet or so has been a sore spot for me because of slope of the yard directly behind us leads into my yard, how rude. The grass there is still too wet to cut down. I’ll have to give it another day. Then I can spray the lawn. Yikes, I already see a few dandelions in the mix. I was surprise I wasn’t huffing and puffing, but then again it was still a cool day and the summer heat wasn’t beating on me. Watched The Voice: Live Playoff and the show and I think the coaches to an amazing job, because you can see(?) hmm, hear the improvement as the singer progress in the competition. I especially enjoyed two singers this week Owen Danoff: Hero. A made me think about my kids and clear reminder of the pressures of life a young person goes though. And of course there was Alisan Porter: Cry Baby who was amazing from the get go. Talk about slaying a Janis Joplin song. Thanks be to God for men like Sean Parker who donated $250M to research a breakthrough cancer treatment called immunotherapy. When I come across stories like this, it just brightens up my day. I’ve been pondering on the throne of heaven and glory of God in the sacred liturgy for quite some time now as to not lessen God’s splendor and serenity. “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created” (Revelation 4:11). It is clear in my mind the liturgy is patterned after the worship in heaven. So, that begs the question, is any glory and honor and thanks given to him seated at the throne, outside full blast liturgical worship?

April 12, 2016
Had to take the car in for emission testing. I’m never thrilled to have to drive so far to get the testing done, but I’m it beats gagging on the  road behind all those neglected oil burner that use to be round. Now only if they would enforce testing all those trucks and school buses. It was near the outlet mall so we stop by there and walked around a bit. It must be me, but the prices of sportswear at the Nike, Adidas and Reebok stores seem pretty steep. On the drive back we just shook our head when we heard on the news that according to the all the most recent polls, none of the remaining presidential candidates have a high favorability rating. In fact, all of them are more disliked than liked. It’s like being in the only restaurant in town and there is none thing on the menu you like. Got an email from my friend Bob, telcom work has been dried up is the Pittsburgh area for some time too. So he just gave up and opted to collect social security early just to have an income. It’s pretty much the same here. My friends in town are still hanging onto their jobs at what is now Nokia are going to get axed in a month or two. Prayers for the unemployed and underemployed. The plan to to cut the grass tomorrow and then apply some weed n feed. Hoping my eyes don't get re-irritated again.

April 11, 2016
Albeit, the temps will be about ten degrees below the norm for today and tomorrow, moving forward on the remainder of the ten day forecast promises to be at or way above the April norm of 60◦F. And since there is no rain in the forecast for this week, the plan to begin to begin the spring yard work later in the week when it’s a little warmer and the grass is drier. I think the changing of the season is here at last. I always welcome the changing from winter to spring and am thankfully continuing to enjoy and reflect on the celebratory season of Easter. I really like watching talent shows, especially when there gifted singers like Beau Dermontt is on the show.

April 10, 2016
“One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:4). Yep, we went to the late Mass today since I filled in as an altar assistant. We came to the conclusion all three weekend services are beautiful. That doesn’t surprise us, because they’re all the same. That is one thing that can be said about the liturgy, it is familiar and without surprises and the house of the Lord is our home for the time being. I glad that from time to time, we are able to worship at different services. In fact, there are worship opportunities every day of the week except for Monday. Things are slower at and after the late service. There was time to speak with the pastors, friends we haven’t seen in a while and time to meet a few new parishioners. We all share the joy of our risen Lord.

April 9, 2016
Beautiful day. Albeit, quite a drive up to Gurnee, it becomes a great day when we get to visit Andrea and Rob. Blessed that the gas price dropped below two dollars a gallon again too. Usually we buy certain items from the Aldi when needed in Wheaton since it’s on the way home from Sunday worship. Today we happen to be by the Aldi in town on Ogden Avenue. Hard to believe we lived in town all these years and never been in that particular store. It was larger than most and so clean. I think it is better choice and will most likely be the new norm. I watch the movie Concussion, kudos to Dr Omalu, if the movie is a true portrayal of his good character. I was surprise Will Smith was that good of an actor. I didn’t know he had it in him. Guess I wasn’t following the news that closely and was clueless to what so going on with CTE. I haven’t been into professional sports for some time now (go ’86 Bears, best team ever) and thought it was just players getting banged up in the hazards of the game. Much like the hazards of smoking, just a no kidding it’s bad for you, a risk choice, prior to what I now know. With that said, there is no place for guys like Charles Martin in the game.

April 8, 2016
O Lord, heal my body and my soul with your unfailing remedies. Amen. My allergies were so bad this morning that I had to go see my optometrist treat the eye infection. I didn’t really want to go out into the funky rain mixed with snow, but good thing Fawn insisted I go. The swelling went down and my eye feels much better already. We stopped by Five Pie on the way back from the pharmacy because there was a promotion to buy one pie and get one free today. I really like their pizzas; you get to tell them which as well as how much ingredients. The pie is piping hot in five minutes just the way you like it. I finally got around to viewing the first episode on the National Geographic’s Story of God, but fell asleep through most of it. To be fair, I watch it late night n bed. Basically, I think series is an exploration of world religions and without any substance. Basically, from what I saw, it is from a soft worldly perspective or at best from an agnostic which probes God’s place in man’s mind. The sunny did eventual came out, but the temps remained in the mid 30s, far below the norm.  I am looking forward to next mid week where we are expecting gorgeously warm sun filled days with temp way above the norm.

April 7, 2016
Even on gloomy days when it's cold out there are always something to be thankful for. Thanks be to God for Alcon Naphcon A eye drops. Instant relief foe my red itchy eyes. Literally hate it when ants come in the house. Had to go out and spray the ant block around the perimeter of the house. Not an easy task to when it rains every day and on the cool side. The grass is already green and taller than I’d like it to be. Need to get a dry day so I can mow it down and applied weed killer and spectracide. Man-o-man, enjoying a delicious honey crisp apple as I am penning. It brings to mind, David has an amazing way with words as he prays, “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings” (Psalm 17:8). How can one not daily pray God’s own words back to him? One of my favorite table prayers is “The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing” (Psalm 145:15-16). Jennifer is baking some kind cookie, biscotti? Better to stop now and do some strides on the elliptical.

April 6, 2016
One week in and April showers are pretty much norm. It won’t be long before I’m out there routinely mowing the grass. I was reflecting more on those in position of power and authority. Much like the Pharisees, it is hard to even find the slightest glimmer of the fruits of truth amongst our political leaders. Where is their honesty?  Where is their integrity? Who do they serve? Lord, grant all in authority the strength and wisdom to know and to do your will. Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness. Make them mindful of their station to serve this people who love and fear thee. Amen.

April 5, 2016
Wondering when we will begin having spring like days. After all, we are already two weeks in. We couldn’t wait any longer for the weather to cooperate, so we bundled up and went for a walk in the neighborhood park. They must have done a controlled burn earlier in the day, because we could still feel the heat from the back burning. I’m not thrilled about prairie restoration; I have enough seasonal allergy issues. "If you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, everything changes." Let us pray, "O Lord, thank you for my faith. Sustain it. Strengthen it. Deepen it. Don't let it fail. Make it the power of my life, so that in everything I do you get the glory as the great Giver. Amen."

April 4, 2016
I was surprise there was only a small blurb the news about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on this day 48 years ago. I actually own a vinyl record album recording with his “I have a Dream” speech that I brought while I was in grade school. Albeit, all deaths are tragic, his death is a nation’s loss. He was a true moral champion in a time in our country’s need. He is also arguably one of the most inspiring and quotable people of all times.

April 3, 2016
Slightly on the cool side, but a beautiful sunny day none the less. We had an unusually slow start this morning, so we went to the later Mass. It was noon by the time the Divine Service was over so we thought why not do lunch. So glad Fawn wanted Fabulous Noodles, because we shared the boneless duck with taro.  Spend a little time researching sump pumps. I’m contemplating purchasing a Wayne ½ hp pedestal, but will hold off just a tad longer. Perhaps till the Memorial Day weekend I can start on three projects: install new sump pump, patching the concrete driveway and putting up a new curbside mailbox.

April 2, 2016
Sigh, spring is here? Weird day, one minute the sun is shining, the next moment seeing snow furriers and yet the next by hail. Only to be followed by more sunshine and so on by some winter band of some sort, even brief blizzard like conditions and what nots, so creepy. It was noticeably cold and extremely windy when I had to go out to the post office. The postage is very cheap anymore, but it is very slow. For sure, snail mail even by pre internet standards. I saw an “autoblog” with a video of a confrontation over a person illegally parking in handicap spot. The man that originally posted it now regrets posting a public shame. "I don't want to grind this woman into the ground," he said. "There has to be a way for her to recover." There is something to learn about casting stones. Rightly or wrongly, I ranted about Ryan yesterday. His unrighteousness suppresses the truth and don’t give my approval. Perhaps I should just keep these thoughts to myself or not even dwell on the like of folks like Paul Ryan and Rand Paul.

April 1, 2016
For some reason this day is a worldly day of confusion. I say, one’s supposedly light-hearted joke might be fun to them, may be another’s cruel jibe, best to love thy neighbor and distance one's self from such folly. As more primaries come about and the candidates speak on their positions the more I shake my head in dismay. Apparently, they must be representing the people at large rallies. For me it’s a fine line between voting for none of the above or for the lesser of the evils. It’s not just the candidates I’m concerned about nowadays. I am concerned that some of party’s leadership is questionable and wonder, under who authority they rule?  Albeit, not a presidential candidate, there is something unchristian about the gospel according to Paul Ryan.

May 31, 2015
Hmm, after a night on ongoing booming and downpour, the heavy thunderstorm gave the sump pump a real workout. After many years of faithful service, it may be time to finally retire it. Yet, we remain hesitant to do so. Than in itself is very telling to how we feel about the quality and lifespan of products nowadays. Sadly we have come to the conclusion that new is not always better. I read an excellent post on Pastoral Meanderings. He noted that, “The Gospel is offensive.  There is no way around that. Preach the Word faithfully and it will offend those who refuse the Spirit and repentance.” I fully agree that there is no way to get around being “offensive” because the fullness of the gospel says something that people don’t want to hear. The gospel says we are sinners and are in rebellion against God. The world hates that the gospel. No one would care if the gospel would say this our way and allows for other to find their own way, but God “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Christ himself said , “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). But I’m pretty sure this has to drive all the inclusive religious communities bonkers.

May 30, 2015
“Keep listening to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth” (Job 37:2). Know I’m thinking like the ancient when I hear the thunderous voice of God. The roar is shaking the house. Went down to basement to start the dehumidifier and lubricated the float rod and made the sump pump was in good working order. Went out and did lunch at Pan Express with Fawn. Love t when we get coupons because the food is cheaper than I can make it at home. Their portions are so large, we always just share. It was the first time I tried their Pacific Chili Shrimp, good stuff.

March 29, 2015
LOL, just noticed that I have been dating my journal entries as May this past week, crazy. OK, edit in the correction. I only caught part of CNN discussion about Clinton wanting to extend Obamacare to illegal immigrants, really? I advocate universal healthcare for our own citizens, but question if our divided nation is able to or willing to fund such a mission of mercy. I find it so strange; she would even go there when we can’t even agree if we would even care for the least among us as a nation. There are still five candidates remaining in the race to the oval office. None of them bring me any hope or comfort whenever they speak.  Albeit, relieved when I pulled the level a few weeks back, I did it uncomfortably and continue to ask for God’s favor. After reading about Taliban’s Easter bombing targeting Christians at Lahore Park, prayers for the persecuted church especially in Pakistan. It is a sobering reminder that the world is not our friend as we are sojourners and exiles living in two kingdoms. I read something interesting, Obama on faith: The exclusive interview. To the contrary, Jesus is the one True God. “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4-6). Also, Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14:6-11). These truths infuriate people like nothing else. For me it is all about biblical inerrancy. But I guess folks can alter and tweet to create their own god and say whatever they want to. Fawn went out to do lunch with her friend Angelica. She still loves me, brought the Maggiano's complimentary eggplant parmesan.

May 28, 2015
Easter Monday(?), clueless what it is and why it is celebrated (holiday?). Guessing it has something to do with the octave of Easter. Anyway, drove up to Gurnee and spent the day with Andrea and Rob. It was a day of leisure and joy. I do have a few project like putting up a new mail box and patching patching serval cracks on the driveway, but ...

March 27, 2015
This morning we celebrated the Resurrection of Our Lord. He is risen, alleluia. Hallelujah until God’s Almighty Son. Praise the Lord, ye bright angelic choirs in holy songs of joy. That was exactly what happen at the Easter Mass from the very get go. The St John Festival Orchestra and Kantorei is a true blessing. We normally go the Easter Vigil Mass but for whatever reason didn’t and made it to the morning Mass and was blown away. It was amazing to see so many people come and partake in our Lord’s gifts. The balcony and around the altar are usually not filled, but that wasn’t the case this morning. We need the encouragement that church attendant affords. “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” (Psalm 122:1). I acknowledge that people have their own worship preferences, but being wounded by the beauty of liturgy is everything. I recall Fr Bruzek once saying the building always wins. I wonder if he means when we see the architectural beauty of our church, our eyes tell us we have entered a scared place with structure and disciple. Every week is so beautiful; one can’t help but to realize how much pastoral care is place into the liturgy that reflects the light of Christ’s gifts given. Talk about smells and bells and all the senses receiving the divine grace. Since every one was home, I made a full blown brunch. Pork sausage links, corn beef hash, hash brown potatoes and scrabble eggs. I have musing about Starbucks and the narcissistic pursuit of self-indulgence for the past few days. It cries out to let Christian fast become fertile; sharing what we hold back in self-indulgences and distributing it in alms to the poor and the needy.

March 26, 2015
Holy Saturday, the earth waits in stillness for the Resurrection of the Lord. This led me to muse on what happened in our stillness. We studied the Nicene Creed at the Men’s Retreat this year. It was interesting to learn that it was (is?) the only agreed upon creed. I use to recite the Apostle’s Creed regularly, sadly because prior to Saint John, strangely Mass was not at the center of the church I was in. But the Eucharist has to be center of the church because the Eucharist is nothing less than Jesus Christ himself. Now it makes sense to me why it would be best to recite the Nicene Creed with all the saints past and present. I thought to myself , wouldn’t it be be wonderful to someday chant the Nicene Creed in the Divine Service, much like the way we chant the Lord’s Prayer from time to time? I did not realize that this credo which teaches that Jesus descended to hell has, been a long subject of disagreement. I’m guessing that this conflicts with what Jesus said to one of the criminal while on his cross, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43). Luther believed in Christ descended into hell, he offers no clear cut explanation to the controversy of Christ’s descent into hell in Book of Concord. This and many other incomprehensible mysteries do perturb me and simply just believe and reserve these mysteries to be revealed in the life to come. It just dawned on me why pagans celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter in their own secular way. Christmas with Santa and Easter with the Bunny, it’s simply fun for kids. They magically receive gifts over night. Weird how most the world culturally sanctions the deception of Santa and the Easter Bunny to gullible little kids. Prayers that when these telling of secular Christmas and Easter tales are revealed, the heart will leap with joy in the good news of Christmas and how it is intrinsically tied to Easter.

March 25, 2015
Good Friday, The death of Jesus. “After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), “I thirst.” A jar full of sour wine stood there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:28-30). Not able to pen all the horrors of that day without choking up, but am now standing at the foot of the cross, tetelestai – debt paid in full, because Christ welcomes us to. His cross brings to mind, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16) and “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). Today was a fish eating day, had both cod and flounder on our day of penance and prayer. Merriam-Webster defines penance as: an act of self-abasement, mortification, or devotion performed to show sorrow or repentance for sin. This seems to have grown easily into the meaning of doing something to atone for sin self-infliction or punishment in expiation for sin. Thus it came to be righteousness by works. Of course, there is satisfaction to found in doing penance, even the righteous deeds we display are like filthy rags. “We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away” (Isaiah 64:6). Albeit I consider Confession and Absolution to a sacrament, I also confess, I haven’t mused enough on what is called the Sacrament of Penance and why Jerome says that "Penance is a second plank after shipwreck.

March 24, 2015
Holy Thursday, Institution of the Lord’s Supper. Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom” (Matthew 26:26-29). The Holy Eucharist is the center of the Church’s life, rejoicing in the profound mystery of the Real Presence of Christ to strengthen our spiritual pilgrim journey back to Eden. For me there is no question or debating the reality of Christ’s very body and blood in the Eucharist. Not a hard saying, it’s good enough for me with no offense taken, Jesus is the bread of life and like Simon Peter said, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”  HOLY SNOW BATMAN! Yuck, yuck, doubt even Robin never said that, but hey. It started snowing like an arctic blizzard for about 5 minutes, but didn’t stick. Brrr, temps at 35◦F. Didn’t see that coming. Found roasted baby yukon gold potatoes in the frig and aten them for breakfast this morning. Clueless where they came from, but these little bad boys are the best ever! Made wonton soup for lunch, sort of (semi home made?), the wontons were store brought frozen and the used chicken both from a can, but nonetheless, it tasted pretty good, all things considered. At least I put in fresh vegetables and seasoned it correctly.

March 23, 2015
Holy Wednesday, Judas to betray Jesus. “Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him” (Matthew 26:14-16). Fascinating, that I chose to muse on Judas and Peter, over the many other things that happened on this day. One has to wonder to wonder how Judas, an apostle, could deliver over Jesus or how could Peter another apostle would deny him multiple times. But then a close look at our own lives, how many times have we cashed in when God’s plans don’t line up with our plans. Like Judas, we often taken the bread with Jesus and perhaps sold him out for money out or anger or personal gain. When Judas messed up, sinned, instead of turning to Jesus for forgiveness, he tried to fix the problem himself by throwing the coins back in the temple. We can either can response like Judas who abandons him in despair or return to the Lord like Peter by seeking forgiveness and repenting. I walked through the Stations of the Cross adoring Christ again today petitioning our Lord to help us walk in his steps. As we proceed with the mysteries of Holy Week, we do not pretend not to know how the story ends. The other day Alex watched part of Fox special, The Passion. He said it was some sort of semi-live, New Orleans pop musical, and said the little he saw was so bad and was not what he was expecting to see. It is not clear to me what reenacting brings, if anything. For me, this week literally enters us and joins us into Christ’s Paschal Mystery brings suffering, death and new life. I was more musing about the former parish and the one our Lord has gather my family for the full assurance of faith. “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:19-25).

March 22, 2015
Holy Tuesday, the chief priests and elders where freaking out when they saw Jesus teaching and questions his authority in an attempt to discredit him. “And when he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came up to him as he was teaching, and said, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?” Jesus answered them, “I also will ask you one question, and if you tell me the answer, then I also will tell you by what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, from where did it come? From heaven or from man?” And they discussed it among themselves, saying, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say to us, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’ But if we say, ‘From man,’ we are afraid of the crowd, for they all hold that John was a prophet.” So they answered Jesus, “We do not know.” And he said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things” (Matthew 21:23-27). It’s fascinating, the profound way Jesus asks the perfect question.  If answered rightly, they would have already answered their own question. The Reverent Dr. Klinig once wisely advises to ask why they are asking question and that the one who asks the questions controls the conversation. This is helpful when we apologetically give a reason for our hope. We must examine ourselves to determine if we are pharisaic. We are to let the authority of Christ rule us and allow it unveil the hypocrisy of the Pharisees within us. Jesus said, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” (Matthew 23:27-28).

March 21, 2016,
Holy Monday, Jesus cleanse the temple. "And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, "It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers" (Matthew 21:12-13). At first glance, it would seem that Jesus lost it and was throwing a tantrum. I’m guess there are more than a few biblical scholars able to explain the significance of the flipping over of tables. For sure there must have been a lot of people and the merchants were setting up shop in the temple trying to make a buck selling pigeons. But I’m more intrigue about what is being stolen. After musing most of the day on this, it’s probably somewhat equivalent nowadays to moving out pews to make room for a Starbucks in the nave. This led me to see a remarkable contrast from where I’ve been to the mountain top where I am at now, but I deleted what I penned and thought it best left unsaid.
"for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land" (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). Temps are now in the upper 40s, which is the historic average for the month of March, but the overnight lows are in the 20s, which was why I had to scrape the ice off the car windshield this morning. Hard to believe the large temperature swings in a 24 hour period here in the Midwest. Regardless, got to love the first day of spring when you hear the voice of the turtledove singing on the Lord’s Day. It was a full blast Palm Sunday Mass. I use to think that the hymn of the day, Lift High the Cross was just a so-so hymn. That all changed today, when it was boldly sung with support of the Kantorei and Brass. The hymn is an extraordinary response to Christ’s stunning sacrifice, calling us to triumphantly bring the story of the cross of our victorious king to the entire world. Fawn and watched Spectre together, this was the first James Bond movie she ever watched to its entirety. I’ve only seen a few 007 movies, most are just so-so. I liked Skyfall but no one else did. At lest agreed with me the this latest 007 movie was good.

March 19, 2016,
What the heck, dog crap on the sidewalk and grass at the front of my house, how rude. More than a little. The dog had some serious issues. I’ll have to curb my thoughts on owner. Drives me crazy and leaves me thinking less of my neighbor. Guessing I am somewhat blessed, if this is all I have to worry about. Could be living in a much darker world. Life could be better, pray that the Christ in me is a more than a flicker of light. Yesterday, I walked past a young man perhaps in his twenties, smoking a cigarette. It dawned on me that I don’t see folks smoking that often anymore. I was a little surprise in that I thought that was an older generation thing of yester years. It just so happens that I came across an article on the internet news about the high cost of a pack of cigarettes. I was surprised to learn that a pack of cigarettes was generally over ten dollars a single pack in Illinois because of imposed taxes placed on cigarettes. For that kind of money, if one is going to ignore the obvious health risks associated with the use tobacco products, makes more sense to enjoy a fine stogie. The resent average temps are at about the historic norm with days here and there feeling like it’s May. I may be crazy imagining that our moods are affected by the weather. Perhaps, that is why I often pen about it. Season are not a random thing, they follow principles that govern nature, revealed in what we call science. But God remains sovereign over these laws and does him bidding. “fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word!” (Psalm 148:8). Albeit, I think we have been singing the Nunc Dimittis since the beginning of Lent, I not sure why we don’t sing the ancient post communion canticle more often. I also noticed I pen figuratively as well as literally what’s cooking. As a child, we grew up meagerly, but there was always good food on the dinner table. Like my parents, I learned to enjoy preparing meals. I’ve been watch cooking shows forever. I date all the way back to Julia Childs and later Jeff Smith. Nowadays there are so many food channel not even counting the countless folks who upload their culinary passions on YouTube. My rules include cooking only food you enjoy eating, using fresh cut meat and fresh produce. Own a sharp knife and buy good pots and pans. A pinch of this and some of that always seem to work for me. And of course presentation play a big part. After all, we eat with our eyes first. Tonight we’re having BBK pork fried rice. Can hardly wait, tomorrow is Palm Sunday and I'll be assisting at the altar, up close and personal.

March 18, 2016,
Out this morning at the Fox Valley Mall, mall walking while Fawn was shopping. I’m surprise she still has a few gift cards. We stopped at pie five on the way home. Their 9” pizzas with classic crust are really good and for a single reasonably price. I load mind up, marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, italian sausage, mushrooms, spinach, red onions, pineapples and jalapenos. I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it was my lunch and dinner. Was watch the battle round of The Voice, It’s a Man’s World. Wow, a three chair steal. Hmm, man and his ways.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8). We are the summation of our thoughts, our words and our deeds.  There is a connection between our thoughts and our deeds. Much of what think about tends to increase in our lives, beit it in the words we say or not say and the deeds we do or leave undone. This is reflected in our corporate confession we confess on sins to God the Farther. "Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve Your present and eternal punishment. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name. Amen." Best then for us to make time to ponder the ways of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit, find ourselves living them.

March 17, 2016,
“While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them” (Luke 24:15). I have been musing over the timely walk on the on the road to Emmaus. Albeit, we are free to debate all thing that occur in our lives, the manner in which we debate downcasts the heart. Never mind how ugly the mud sling of politicians. We need not look further than what we do or have done ourselves. May the Lord walk with us offering us insight and support. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Funny, regardless of one’s heritage, most know that today is Saint Patrick’s Day and dip a toe into Irish Culture. Well, Irish American anyway. For me it’s eating corn beef and cabbage around this time of year. Perhaps in a day or two, there is corn beef and cabbage in the refrigerator that is waiting to be boiled, crying out, eat me. I hear corn beef is a slow cooked in a crockpot is delicious, but I don’t have the disciplined enough to do slow cooking. I could be wrong, but I don't think that Saint Patrick's Day is an official religious holiday. If it is, much like like Saint Nicholas, see what the secular world has done, not to mention the Christ Mass.

March 16, 2016,
Went down to the city to pick Jennifer back up. I think she’s done volunteering down there. Call me paranoid, but I truly hate going to city. Here are so many shootings and assorted crimes.  Besides playing tennis regularly, seem Alex and Jennifer are now also playing Pickleball now. I was clueless what it was until I watched the video on YouTube. I thought badminton was a fast pace game. Seems like pickleball is combination of pingpong, tennis and badminton. I’m glad my kids has always gotten along so well. It made a whole lot easier when they were growing up. I believe that married people are symbol of God’s sacramental grace and that the vocation of a family is a luminous sign of God’s love. If the world is getting darker, it is because our light grows dimmer.

March 15, 2016,
What, no lever? Sad, finding myself laughing at my own bad joke.  Away, feel better now that I got the voting thing over with. I can hardly wait till November. Years ago the neighborhood use to vote at the Meadow Glen grade school. I always that was glad strange moving it from the Madison middle school. The junior high was much larger and it was able to section off the polling area away from the older kids. Call me paranoid, but I thought it was troubling went the polling place moved to the much smaller grade school and having so many people near little kids. So I was glad when the polling place was moved to the Living Waters Church. Once upon a time, I read an article that claim some people feel unease voting at a church, really? Maybe it is true, but I’m not sure why though. After casting my votes, we went about doing the errands in the sunlight and temps in the mid 60s. I use to think 72◦F with 49% humidity was heaven on earth. Of course I know better now, heaven on earth is found in the liturgy of Eucharist. Albeit, my eyes and the eyes of the nation will be on the Super Tuesdays results this evening, I am comforted by the idiomatic expression, "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."

March 14, 2016,
Drove Jennifer into the city this morning. She’s wrapping up her volunteer research project at Loyola. With grey skies, the drive was uninspiring.  Well tomorrow is the day. How disheartening it is.  Heck, I can’t even make a decision on which party to choose. The last time I was so anxious in a elections was the first time I ever voted. I'm guess most people are frighten and angry, I have some of that but I mostly just frustrated. Some say our economy is stalled, I say it remains in a downward spiral. The anger stems from a dysfunctional politics on both side of the aisle.  Guess I select one once I get the polling place. It's been said that Plato once advised, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” I don't know if he did so or not, but if he did, one has to wonder what he would say today. Lord, have mercy.

March 13, 2016,
Awesome start for the day. Mass this morning was beautiful. I love the Eucharistic liturgy. It is an integral part of our rapport with God. Ever wonder what eating all day looks like? Today is one of those days that we ate ourselves almost into a coma. I made beef chow funn and stir fried beef with yu choy over Cantonese pan fried noodles. We had to wait for Jennifer to get off of work to go out for her early birthday celebration. Rob and I was look at his twitter account. It had some interesting discussion on and trying various innovative math tricks, pretty slick stuff. Like most people, I always use a trillion to describe a very large number. A trillon was put in perspective in time, one trillion seconds is slightly over 31,688 years! When Jennifer finally got off work, about 3:30, we head out to the Olive Garden. It was jab pack with about an hour wait. Rather than waiting, we decided to go to Fabulous Noodles. What a crazy good feast, we had egg rolls, crab Rangoon, pot stickers and fried shrimp for appetizers. And for the entrees, we had walnut shrimp, ma po tufu and boneless duck with taro. When we got home it was sing happy birthday and had tiramisu cake.

March 12, 2016,
Fawn and I sat over our nephew Zach for a couple hours this morning. It’s wasn’t what this parents need to do but he is always a joy. He started reading scholastic series books a few months ago and is come along just fine. I love asking questions and see how he articulates his responds. Kids do say the darndest things. Albeit, we did the groceries the other day, need to buy more since everyone will be home tomorrow. Planning to make chow fun and Cantonese pan noodle dishes. All of candidates are pointing the finger at Trump, blaming the violence on him. That did not come whatsoever a surprise to me, but what was a big disappointment on the part on the candidates was that none of them disavowed the violence, shame. I have no doubt in my mind this is collectively the worst lineup candidates on both side of the aisle to discern. This is like a horror movie slowly playing out. On democrat side we have Sanders and Clinton to choose from. Sanders is a socialist with zero chance of getting anything pass. Clinton is carrying the baggage of Benghazi and the private email controversy like an albatross around her neck. I find it hard to trust her. Then on the republican side we have Trump, hard to believe what comes out his mouth and yet he is the front Republican front runner. But after musing the other GOP candidates like Cruz, it is easy to see why Trump is on top. Cruz, is deceitful as well as a gifted liar. On a side note, I wonder if anyone else thinks his voice is super annoying. As for Rubio, his support of H1B is enough to turn me off. I think the polls even shows he won’t even come close to winning his own state of Florida. Well it time to stop, plus we’re move the clock up an hour. Really getting anxious and can’t wait to get the voting over with, I should of went in to do the early voting with Fawn and Jennifer.

March 11, 2016,
Carson endorsing Trump, I did not see that coming. Days are nowadays routinely nice for the most part. I always love out drive up toward Plainfield. Every time we drive by the Calvary mega church of 7,00o, I am at awe of the size of the campus. Yet I have no desire to see what it is like on the inside. In the southwest corner of Naperville is Angelo Caupto’s Fresh Market. They stock just about everything, but their select of Italian imported goods is huge. I love to cook but they have aisles and aisles of Italian ingredients. LOL, talk about needing a guide book to olive oils and pastas. Back in the day, I grew up in what is known today as Chinatown. It is officially is in the northern sections of Bridgeport and Amour Square where there was a large Italian populations. I lived on 23rd Street. Both the original Connie’s and original Rocobene’s Pizza Restaurants were just three blocks south of me on 26th Street. Away, the point is that all the mom and pop grocery stores back then were Italians grocery stores with a few Chinese vegetables. Albeit, Angelo is real big, the smell reminds me of the neighborhood store. There is an Asian supermarket  in town, H Mart, I don’t know why we bother going there from time to time, guessing we forget it smell really bad there until we get there. I rather shop at the smaller mom and pop size Oriental Mart in Lisle. Is it me or is the USPS getting super slow? Last time it took a little over a week to get a power cord for router which was suppose to take 3-5 days from Amazon. This time we ordered batteries for the cordless phone more than a few weeks back from Amazon at it is once again stuck at the Chicago Metro Hub. According to tracking, looks, like it left the hub today. So hopefully the Naperville post office it delivers it tomorrow. Too bad, Amazon ship items under approximately 3-4 lbs via USPS Priority Mail. I’m listening to nightly news in the background. No surprise what is going on in Chicago at the Trump Rally. Peaceful protests are a rarity in Chicago where high level of criminal violence is a daily reality. All of us kids were fortunate enough to be able to move out of there and move to the burbs. It is hard to believe as children we lived a life with childhood innocence in the mist of the darkest of the darkest. I can see Trump will dominating the air time again. I think those protesters will be helping just thinking about voting for Trump is now motivated to do so. Election day is coming up next Tuesday. I know there is such think as a perfect candidate or even the best candidate, only there is a better candidate. I don’t look at it as voting for the less evil anymore. It’s getting late, so I’ll craft a short prayer for all the candidates and go to bed. Lord, bless all the candidates according to your will and that your will be done in their lives. Guide our discernment that we will vote according. Take away our fears as we place our nation in your hope. Amen.

March 10, 2016,
What a great evening, after dinner we sat around watching The Voice. I think the season started a few weeks back, so I'm glad we have On Demand. It's been more than a while since I got to enjoy the many talented singer. Every time when political elections come about, we listen to candidates chirp about themselves and trash talk their opponents be it in the same party or opposing one. One of Donald Trump’s campaign slogans is, “Make American great again.” In a veiled response, Hillary Clinton response she said, “America never stopped being great.” Got to love these somewhat meaningless and abstract one liners. Of course America has its moments of ongoing national greatness worthy of celebration as well slippage of the way we were. Rightly or wrongly by the way they speak; I think they may hold many false self images of our nation. It is hard to see an ounce of humility in the candidates. I don’t think they are talking about the same greatness I think about found within our humanity. Of course the candidates must make the assertions that are sometime true that we are a nation full of good and hard working people who are generous and just. How else are they going to get elected? Today, the gallup: congress approval rating is at 11%, very telling. “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2). Prayerful, my assessment is incorrect. The wisdom is that the welfare of the people is better served when those in authority are righteous than the wicked. The righteous person will be fair just and cannot be bought. The wicked will make decisions with selfish motives and have no regards for welfare of others, just his own. Lord, graciously regard those who have been elected to authority among us that, guided by your Spirit, they may be wise in counsel and firm in good resolutions, and that under their leadership we may be governed quietly and peaceably. Amen.

March 9, 2016,
Only in America, when unemployed one actually has time to muse about the mundanest of things like pancakes. On a side note, one can actually define mundane as lacking interest or excitement; dull or mundane as meaning of this world rather than heavenly or spiritual. Anyway, Jennifer made fluffy pancakes from scratch for breakfast. Which leads to who makes pancakes from scratch anymore? Obviously, she does. Let’s face it, I can’t tell the difference between a mix or from scratch once the syrup goes on. Albeit, you do save a little bit in cost there is prep time involved when made from scratch. Whenever, Jennifer bakes, she bakes the old fashion way, from scratch. It brings back childhood memories of a slower time with my mom. Talk about old school, dinner tonight was most excellent, spaghetti. One could mistake her being Italian because she cooks pasta sauce like a real Italian. We were out last night at the Lisle Park District without a jacket. I was still in the upper 60s. Zack just earned his yellow belt! I don’t know about kids truly being able to develop basic martial art skills at such an early age, perhaps some coordination skill at best. But I do believe they can learn some things about respect, discipline as well as leadership. It’s really getting close to vote in the Illinois Presidential Primaries, what to do? Sorting out the parties and candidates is so frustrating when I despairing vet over the candidates still standing. I think we can safely leave out the six candidates personal religious beliefs out of equation when deciding who we are going to vote for. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). It is very rare for me to pray for those in authority outside of Divine Service. Instead of my ongoing criticisms of those past, current, future in authority, I should be praying that God grant them wisdom.

March 8, 2016,
It drives me up the wall anytime I hear or see the name Paul Ryan. He seems to very proud of the fact that he is one of the most despicable members of congress. His extreme libertarian agenda lacks all compassion for the poorest among us. I hate waking to the morning news with him on it, but wasn’t going to let him and his ideologies ruin my day. Morning prayers and a nice cup of hot coffee was all it took to turn it around. Glad we went out first thing to check Fawn brother’s house. Just being out in the sun with the sun shining, already 69◦F is a game changer, sure it will be 70s later in the day. Too bad there will be overcasting intermittently and perhaps some rain later today. Let’s face it, if it weren’t for lousy days, we wouldn’t be so appreciative of days like today. Better yet, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Not all things we should thank God for is easy. Strange how we sometime tend to turn away from self reflecting and focus on the trouble we have to endure. If it wasn’t for Eucharist, how does one nourish one’s self for the journey back home to Eden? I think in our living out a sacramental life, we reveal Jesus in a unique way, as we gratefully suffer current troubles as temporary afflictions and will have the best possible eternal future. I really enjoy cooking. Guessing that is why I mention what’s cooking a lot in my journal entries. Last night was the bomb, Fawn made a cobb salad and I made steamed tilapia. Hmm, hmm good. My mind wandered as I mused above the price of the Eucharistic meal that Christ willing paid in his passion to the meal.

March 7, 2016,
Learned a new word today, xenophobia. The word was used in reference to the statements by Trump on immigration. Albeit, America does have a history of xenophobia, I don’t think waiting orderly in line and being properly vetted qualifies as having a dislike for foreigners. We are down to six candidates to chose from and a write in is out of the question for me, what to do? For sure, there are many folks have a no matter what choice in mind, for or against, when it comes their time to pull the lever. I’ve only been outside the United State twice in my entire life, once to Canada for vacation and once to China on a business trip. So it is hard for me go get a global perspective of America. I am against the H1B program that displaces American workers H1-B. It’s bad enough that many jobs have been gone offshore, H1B is in your face and in my mind needless. We have plenty of smart talented people sideline. On the other side of the coin, I’m sure it is a blessing for them to get a visa. Why else would someone be willing to leave home and go to a foreign country? For better or worse, at least a process was followed. Thanks be to God for sunny warm days.  60◦F in early March with several more exceptionally warmer days to follow. How phenomenal is that? A reminder spring will be upon us soon and that season of Lent is more than a time of prayer and personal austerity. I use lack wisdom and dread Lent but have since discovered like springtime it is a time for new growth in the ways of the Lord. Teach me your ways, O Lord. Amen.

March 6, 2016,
I know the 50s isn’t all that warm, but it was nice enough for me to make a pitch of cold brewed ice tea. In the past, I always use to boil the tea and then chill or in make sun tea and then chill. Nowadays, I simple just take the cold filtered water from the refrigerator and cold brew it. Believe it or not, cold brew taste better if done right. Good eating today, made stir fried beef with snow peas over Cantonese pan fried noodle. It was a lot of work, but believe me, its well worth the effort. I was musing more on Lent disciplines of self examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, alms-giving and works of love. God is good, we have learned so much since he led onto the hilltop in Saint John in our time of need and hunger. Hmm, did some more reading of the eighteen benedictions and think these prayers are beautiful, but have to wonder what goes on in the mind of Jews when they pray the 12th benediction. I brought up the question about the cry for justice as examples of legitimate prayers by the Psalmist in a bible study once upon a time and learned that Jesus didn’t teach us to pray against our enemies, but actually encouraged us to pray for them. As one can tell, I stream of conscience write and so it is whenever I pray. I’m all over the place that is how I am when I pray, clueless where my prayers are going to go, evermore searching for words to say. Albeit better now, I clearly don’t have the gift of a praying tongue. That is why I love using a prayer book. The prayers are short and powerfully saying what is in my heart. More importantly, the prayers quiet me and l allow God to speak to me. “Gather us all this Lent, O Lord our God, in Your embrace, that we may be formed into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

March 5, 2016,
I couldn’t believe it, the weather forecast was correct. Albeit, I wore a jacket out yesterday, it was still a nice day to be out. It was a sunny and in the mid 40s, which is nice considering its still winter. But I was completely skeptical that there would be over night snow. Yet this morning, behold a little over an inch of snow dawned. I thought to myself sigh, got to bear down and go out and shovel in a bit. I wasn’t in any hurry. LOL, by the time I was ready to shovel and what not, it all melted. It’s in the 40s again today and will climb into the 50’s tomorrow and onward into the 60’s. How crazy is that? I’m sure our El Nino blessings could be a curse for others. For me, I welcome the usual winters and cooler than usual summers brought about. I was home alone this afternoon so I heated up canned soup. Progresso Chicken Tortilla and a dash or two of Cholula Hot Sauce. Talk about clearly out the sinuses, good stuff. The plan is to go to the Divine Service tonight. In preparation for the Mass, I looked over our worship folder online. On the cover page I noticed the following: “Heal us, O Lord our God, from the pain of our heart; and weariness and sighing do Thou cause to pass away from us; and cause Thou to rise up healing for our wounds. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who healest the sick of Thy people Israel – Eighteen Benediction” I never heard of the eighteen benedictions prior. This was one of the eighteen blessings and petitions prayed by faithful Jews three times a day. Guessing I can assume that Jesus prayed it too? One thing for sure, when asked, Lord teach us to pray…, coming from the lips of Christ he taught us the perfect prayer, the Our Father.

March 4, 2016,
Well it was the last of the green bagels. Jennifer brought up the name Sam. For the life of me, I totally couldn’t make the correlation between Sam and the color green. Turns out she was talking about Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham. It was then out the door and all about doing the needed, be it groceries or what nots. I wasn’t thrill to be out for so long. We didn’t get home till about 5. I promised myself not to waste my time watching anymore of the presidential primary debates. I don’t think there was any “debate?” winner. Am I imaging it?  I don’t think I’m hearing embellishments, but think what I have been watching unfold, along with the rest of the world, is outright psychopathic lairs duke it out, embarrassing. Too harsh? I don’t know, better just to reflect on my own short comings called sins. “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin” (Romans 7:25). There is some comfort in knowing that even the Apostle Paul shares in same sorrowfulness and difficulties as I do when trying present myself to God and one that has been brought from death to life. Truly the Bible is story about Death and Resurrection.

March 3, 2016,
Yuck, snowed last night and the forecast calls for more to come later this evening. OK, so it’s still winter, I get it. I am so glad to begin penning again. A friend did query me why I stopped. Mostly because there was so little free time when I was working. I am surprise that anyone would find what I muse about would be of interest. But that is not 100% true. I find my stream of conscience writing in many ways therapeutic. And who knows, it is my hope that if someone should stumble upon my Lutheran Evangelical catholicity view of the world, they may see more than a flicker of light in the darkness during my journey back home to Eden. It's been a long while since I went to Weedons Blog, it's away a trip there. Now I can't get In the Midst of Earthly Life out of my mind. What in the world is going on with the GOP? Seems they are in many ways on self destruct mode. I have made hard choices voting for both Democrats and for Republicans in my lifetime and remain clueless on who to pull the level for on the 15th. Both parties have moved so far to the right or so far to the left it makes my head spin. Talk about spin, abeit rude, I am sure that when Trumps said he could’ve got Romney to drop to his knees, it wasn’t said with vulgar overtones. Trump was clearly talking about begging. I know something about bent knees as a beggar for God's mercy. In Holy Mass, I believe that bent knees are symbols of strength and humility. After all, the way we conduct ourselves in worship is a profound act giving evidence of what we believe in out hearts. One thought lead to another. Being March, I still have Saint Patrick’s Day in the back of mind. That led me to think about Notre Dame. Summer days in my youth was spent much in South Bend, Indiana. LOL, I’ll date myself by noting that I actually remember when Clashmore Mike was the Mascot. Anyway, Notre Dame, Our Lady led me to pray the collect for Saint Mary, Mother of Our Lord. "Almighty God, You chose the virgin Mary to be the mother of Your only Son. Grant that we, who are redeemed by His blood, may share with her in the glory of Your eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen."

March 2, 2016,
In addition to the usual oatmeal to start the day, green colored bagels.  Ha, a clear sign Saint Patrick’s Day is looming about. Guessing El Nino is causing our crazy seesaw weather. El Nino is Spanish means the child. I’m clueless what this has to do with the warmer than average temperature we are experiencing this winter. Albeit, still winter, next week will give us a glimpse of an early spring. It will be mostly in the 60s. How crazy is that? I stayed up late last night following the Super Tuesday Presidential Primaries. With our increasingly poor economy, passions are running higher than the norm and for whatever reason, it looks like Trump and Clinton are leading their parties for their delegates by a rather huge margin. Whenever I muse over how to vote, often the following quote comes to mind: "Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least" -- Robert Byrne. Although each party have some principles that line up with I think actually makes sense, it is so sad some of what each parties hold up as their banner principles that I would not embrace.  Lord, have mercy.

February 28, 2016,
Initially thought today was the last day of the month, but it turns out this year is a leap year. I am so at peace during the Mass. Oh how true is the Latin maxim, lex orandi, lex Credendi, lex vivendi”, - the way we worship reflects what we believe and determines how we will live. I just had to pen the joy in my heart after mediating on the, Scriptural Stations of the Cross, which is based on those celebrated by Pope John Paul II.

February 27, 2016,
Never thought I would be routinely following politics this closely, but the hurling of personal insults one after an another is dominating the news. They are just sling mud, but they seem to all be rowing it it. I hope this stop. Like most folks, when announce asked, Trump running for president, really? Seems like our ongoing poor economy has a dramatically had a negative impact on people lives. It surly has on mine. Nowadays, it is evident that people are really angry enough to elect Trump as the next president of the United States. Looking over the presidential candidate landscape for the upcoming primary election, one has to wonder just how much we can sink as a people. Both parties seem to like to jump to the opposite deep end on many issues facing the day. I use to chuckle at the two cows economics jokes, but now fail to see the attempted humor in it any more. Some more people I know are just got laid off this week. According to IDES, jobs in Illinois continue to decrease and unemployment remains well below the national average and employment will not recover until September 2017. I am clueless to how they can predict this, when in my eyes there is no recovery in sight. All I can do is to continue to pray for the unemployed and underemployed.  Enough of the gloom and doom this morning and get out and about to enjoy some of the most sunny spring like weather.

February 26, 2016,
Unbelievable, we watched the Republican Debate last night. What a fiasco it was. I couldn't believe how absurd it was, much like a  three ring circus, entertainment. Trump, Cruz and Rubio was making a lot of noise that we could barely make heads or tails of what was being said between all the name calling. Not sure I should be laughing or cry. It didn’t seem fair that Carson and Kasich didn’t asked much and were left out of the debate for the most part. I’m neither a Democrat nor am I a Republican and look forward to the debate between Clinton and Sanders. I can hardly wait until tomorrow; will definitely be out and about. We ate an unusual dinner that Alex whipped up. He made “the all American burger dog.” My initial thought was really? But it was pretty darn good. Not sure why. Perhaps it is just the novelty of it all. I was somewhat annoyed at all the annoying telemarketing phone calls today. Normally it is not an issue because I usually let all the call go to answering machine, but I was expecting a call that never came to pass. Being at Saint John and learning about prayer, fasting and alms giving has really prepared me for this year’s Lenten journey and working on discipline. There are many less than Christ like attributes I need to patiently work on in order to be ale love like him. May the mysteries of the suffering and dying of Christ be foremost on my mind this season. Amen.

February 25, 2016,
Albeit, not everyday, I noticed that I'm penning more frequently again lately, good. Thanks be to God, albeit we got some snow, it was only just a cold dusting. There was no need to bring out the shovel. A little salt on the front steps and we were good to go. We avoided the blizzard like conditions which caused havoc to the neighboring counties just south and east of us. Hmm, last night was the first time I tried oven barbecuing chicken hindquarters, big mistake. The thighs are way too greasy. Oil was splattering all over the oven.  Way too much chicken, the drumstick portions only got eaten up. Guessing the thighs are for lunch later today. It was only in the 30s today and tomorrow will be much the same, but it’ll be in the upper 50s this weekend! I was pondering over countless bible verses with regards to God’s sovereignty over the weather. Seems I like to talk a lot about food and the weather.  Perhaps when springtime rows around and I'm out and about feeling good, I'll be walking and seeing nature in a more noticeably.

February 21, 2016,
What a beautiful morning. Serving at the altar is such a great privilege I enjoy. Especially, whenever I am seated on top near the altar where I can see everything up close as well as having a panoramic view of the sanctuary and nave. It was game night and played Blokus. Hmm, talk about being mercilessly competitive; I Fawn, Alex and Jennifer each won a game. I got creamed and only came in second place once. Who said it was no fun to win all the time? Come to think of it, have I ever won at Blokus? Board games have been a fun for me since childhood and now I’m glad my kids albeit adults now enjoy it too.

February 20, 2016,
The spring like weather inspired us to go the Aurora Outlet Mall and walk around yesterday. The only problem tough was the wind, but all in all it was still a nice day to be out and about. Unbelievable, it was 62◦F. The weather was very much the same today, but without the wind, so we went for a leisurely walk to at the neighborhood park. Young kids were running around and playing with just shorts and a tee shirt. Hard to believe nowadays I need to wear a jacket to keep warm. I started to say that the winter reality will return and will set back in tomorrow, but the above normal wavering temps is the reality of the day. It must have been a while since I’ve been at the outlet mall because I couldn’t believe all the pleasantly unexpected changes there, then I just remembered all the long hard killer hours I worked last year. The mall must be at least around 50% larger. Ahh, just brew a nice hot cup up earl grey tea and popped in the Adele 25 CD Andrea gave me for Christmas, sweet. We have been sitting around glued to the TV this morning watching the Roman Catholic Funeral Mass for Justice Antonin Scalia. I thought this particular Mass commented Justice Scalia to God was a most beautiful funeral liturgy. I think it’s going to be a good week; Fawn is making her infamous pasta sauce, so delicious.

February 18, 2016,
What am I doing still up? I can't believe it's past midnight. I asked when is Chinese New Year today, well technically I asked it yesterday. Fawn said it already pasted. I just Googled it and it was last week, sigh. One would think I would have heard something leading up to it. O well, it’s no biggie. Got the email for the vicar with the new altar schedule which eventually led me to listening to this year’s Saint John, Week 7 Catechumenate online audio recording. Over the years, I must have heard Fr Bruzek reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son more than a handful of times. Yet, I am still struck each by how he amazingly tell the story in a way that allows the story to unfold within the listeners to completion. Every time I muse on this parable, I become more convinced it should be called the Parable of the Forgiving Father. How liberating is the unconditional love of the father. This gospel story seems to be a snap shot of daily dramatic struggles in our lives, beit when we are the younger penitential son that wants forgiveness or the elder self-righteous son that has estranged his relationship with his younger brother and his father. I find this gospel story very helpful in the sureness of my willingness to make a good confession of sins and in the sureness of the need for repentance. "Lord, create in me a clean heart." Amen.
Oh my, in bed late and up early. Ahh, oatmeal and piping hot coffee and feeling the need to make another entry. I have been reflecting on the changes I need to make in my life to be fully human as God has intended. Sadly, this year I didn’t go to worship on Ash Wednesday because of sloth. Albeit, on the of our Lord, I do publicly confess what a poor miserable sinner that I am before the congregation of the like, but to bear the ashes upon the forehead more publicly is another thing. I think I would curl ones toes if they knew all the secrets within my blacken heart and the sins which I contemplate and scheme upon doing. Indeed I fall short of the faith I claim, what to do? The answer can be found in the sacraments and carry on with the ancient prayer, … "and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalms 51:10) in our ongoing transformation, during our journey back home to Eden.

February 16, 2016,
Well the temp is above freezing and today. Anytime that happens during the winter is a good day in my book. In fact, the forecast is predicting it will be up around 50 by this weekend. Crazy weather, I had my boots on and was in the freezing cold manually shoveling 3 inches of snow yesterday. I did the mall walk at Fox Valley this morning. Not many folks out and about.  LOL, I just looked out the window and it’s snowing again. Hmm, how can it be snowing and the temperature is above freezing? At least it’s clearly not a rhetorical question like, can it snow when the temperature is above freezing? It’s coming down pretty heavy, but hoping it will not meaningfully accumulate. One thing good is that I am repose as I sit back penning and sipping on a nice warm cup of earl grey taking a break for rest and renewal. It was literally Taco Tuesday today. The Old El Paso Taco Dinner Kit that has been sitting in the pantry came in handy. Just added ground beef, lettuce and tomatoes and we were good to go.

February 13, 2016,
Sweet, the modem power cord came, and I’m back in the saddle again. Last night was game night for me and Jennifer. I lost in Chinese checkers but got my revenge in chess. We then whet on to play gin rummy but it got too late to finish the card game. the other day I heard the old phrase, “God’s green earth.” It’s hard to imagine it during our brutal Midwest winters. Winter is my least liked season. Despite hating the cold and grey skies, we bundled up and braved it, doing the needed grocery shopping. While out, I saw a Jack Frost and Old Man Winter display. For some reason it made me think of Elihu Proclaims God’s Majesty, “By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen fast” (Job 37:10).  Anyway, time to start dinner. Stir frying Chinese yu choy tonight.

February 10, 2016,
I was attended our annual Men’s Retreat this weekend and learn a little bit more about and gained an greater appreciation for the Nicene Creed from the learned Dr  James Bushur. One of my friends asked me about journal and noticed that I haven’t pen an entry in a while. Talk about a while, I’m thankfully am glad I haven’t said, “brr, it’s cold out there” for quite some time. So I guess the deep freeze is back. My internet when down on Saturday. It is amazing the diagnostic pinned pointed it down to a faulty modem power cord. I hope the diagnostics were correct since I order a replacement cord online from Amazon. So here I am in the public library penning this entry. I can here to pick up a DVD, The Martian. Two thing unbelievable things come to mind. The first, just how warm it’s been this winter and secondly, how low the gas prices are. As I begin to pen again I find that stream of consciousness writing once again to be very therapeutic. I am able to gain some insights of myself and the world around me. I find it fascinating how much I actually write and am far more amazing how much is actually discarded. Perhaps, because it far better for it to be left unsaid.  At lease left unsaid in this format anyway. Indeed, I see that it has been a while since I have penned anything down and there have been lots of things going on since. My writing has been sporadic this past year because my contracting job left me with so little down time. That project ended the last day of December. Since then, I have been doing a lot of the neglected as well as doing some reading. I replace the 10,000 steps with a daily aerobics dvd done at home with Fawn. It’s much harder to do than one can imagine. Although, I still make sandwiches every now and then, I enjoy cooking most meals. The bad part is that is creates so many dirty pots and pans. Talk about dirty pots and pans. We took a break from the usual hot oatmeal breakfast. Jennifer made delicious berries, bananas, and walnuts pancakes from scratch. I’m lazy and use a mix without all the frills. I hope Jennifer gets around to making biscotti again, good stuff. Nowadays, I end up having to do the dishes twice a day instead of just once in the evening.