Journal 2010

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2010
Woke up early to the thunderous voice of God and the the sound of heavy down pour. The sump pump kept kicking on about every 10 minutes. Guess it’s better than it not coming on and flooding the basement. Wow, mid 50’s on new year eve. Starting work so early, I was done for the day by 11 am. I was outside a little in the early afternoon with just a sweat shirt. No sun today but nice anyway. I reflected the God’s mercy this past year and  prayed Stark’s beautiful evening prayer upon new year’s eve. I have many short comings and am far from perfect. But press on to make it my own because Christ made it his own. 2 Peter 1 was a great devotion bringing wisdom from above. 3 quick 10 minutes on the health rider. Sweet. All the kids were out of the house for the new year eve parties with their friends. Fawn had a nice quite dinner of what nots from frig and a game of Chinese Checkers. She challenged and won. Funny how I call it Chinese checkers as oppose to Stern-Halma when I victorious. What do I do to people? I get the link to The God Whispers site and the stop posting since 12/13. I did go back into their 2 day solid gold internet edition archive from Julu 15-16, 2010. Great compiled segments between the funky, Jesus is a Friend of Mine, polka. Rev Cwirla and Donofrio really do compliment each other well in conversation about our Lord.

December 30, 2010
15° - 15 minutes on the elliptical at a slightly increased pace. Huff and puff, but not bad. The Hymn Study of “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”  with Dr Just on Issues Etc is another keeper. I think it is from 2008. What a beautiful 4th century Christmas hymn. Man, that Dr Just is so learned. Have to mention the weather, in the 40s and tomorrow forecast in the 50s. Crazy. Seem like a New Year’s Eve Dinner. Fawn and Alex brought home a fine dinner selection from Fabulous Noodles. Yummy. Time for dinner so calling it a day and to relax ... The question to reflect on is, why would God knowingly from the beginning of time, sent this son to suffer and die on the cross for our sins? Why would love a sinner like me. Why? Solely, for the shake of his son Jesus Christ.

December 29, 2010
Fawn was in and out like that there was none wait whatsoever.  But in the short time I was able to place about a dozen or so puzzle pieces. Fawn humor at my jubilation by saying good dear. I lost sight at God’s blessings that her treatments are going so well. Kicked it back up on the elliptical, 1 x 15° - 20 minutes. Oddly enough, I feel so good after exercising. Makes me wonder why I stop taking care of myself  and become overwieght and out of shape. “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, 20 by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, 12 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water” (Hebrews 10:19-22). Thanks be to God for any degree of faith. Assurance of faith is a gift from God and can not be obtained by our works. However, we have a great responsibility to preserve it after receiving it. We need to keep God’s commandments and seek his his wisdom. We can’t earn salvation but we can certainly forfeit it. Remember we are in a spiritual warfare with Satan. I thought of my first new yew resolution. But I can’t post it, never know how will run into my stream of conscience writings. It is against the way the world would have it. Perhaps someday.

December 28, 2010
It was an excellent day at work until literally the final minutes and I lost my DSL connection. I call AT&T Internet Service and got someone from India. It was difficult to understand the technician but me slowed down his speech and gave me all the necessary instructions to get the modem working again. I got the following link of Weedon’s Blog: Unbelievable, I got wheezy. it was the roughest 7 minutes 46 seconds in a chair in front of a computer. Fawn’s treatment and meeting with her physician was good. That puzzle is still there with little progress. I manager to fit 4 pieces today. So frustrating yet you keep wanting to work on it. Did 2 x 10° - 20 minutes on the elliptical. It felt good. O Lord, we wait for you; your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul. Amen.

December 27, 2010
How long shall we thy children mourn our absence from thy face? I can’t wait until the bible studies begin again, Our pastor do as fine job “to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.” to our savior’s return. Our sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed to us. 2 x 10° - 20 minutes. It feels good. Strange, I enjoy eating, but I feel better doing it less and better after exercising.

December 25-26, 2010
The weekend was filled with Christmas joy and unexpected reconciliation. Family meals, hot chocolate and treat abound. I ate all weekend, At Peggy’s, my mother-in-laws and at my sister Nancy’s home. It was non stop football on the TV all weekend. Crazy. Vicar Hoem gave a classic sermon on how the world has turn now than we have God incarnated. It is blessing enough to receive the gifts of Word and Sacraments.  But just the sharing of the peace before during and after the mass topped off with back rubs, ahh... feel so good. I am so forgetful, I thought for sure this weekend would be different from the usual philosophies, world affairs, themselves and their family, the manger was no where to be found. I had the most fun at Nancy’s because there was prayer and the mention of Christ. The board games is an wonderful tradition of my siblings. We played Scrabble. Andrea and Jennifer, Alex and Natalie, Fawn and I made up the teams. Andrea and Jennifer won. Outstanding gamesmanship.  I thank the Lord for family and friends and the hospitality shown me and my family these past few days. I think my best interceding prayer is asking God to give his people the same peace and joy I have in the Lord, especially these past years at St John. It will be interesting as we will be getting back to normal after Christmas. Prayers that the light will shine forevermore. Amen.

December 24, 2010
It will be an memorable Christmas Eve for years to come. Everyone is home. Got snow and the kids went out and built their annual 3 snowman family. There not as tall as years pass, but still noticeably tall, I guessing about a little under 8 feet. Good job, drivers stop to take pictures with their camera phones. I worked half day today so the morning went by quickly. I made chicken and broccoli for lunch it all went fast. The kid must of really built up an appetite as well. I read Luke 1 and 2 and reflected on the birth of Jesus. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” I knew it had to be the Gospel reading. We went to the earlier Mass two cars because I also stayed for the late Mass. Pr Bruzek offered kind hospitality to his home between the services. St John is is a very warm place. The body in general, reflects a Christ like love for one another. Christe , lux mundi, qui sequitur te, habebit lumen vitae, lumen vitae O Christ, light of the world, whoever follow you will have the light of life. What a blessing it is to partake in his Eucharist and praise his holy name, twice! I really don’t understand why my family don’t allow God to steal all senses and be blown away by full blast Jesus. It’s almost 1 guess I should be getting to bed ...

December 23, 2010
How strange to be out side at the curb this morning to bring out the garbage and see a fairly new moon in a very clear sky. We can look forward to the days getting longer now. LOL, only was able to match a few pieces somewhere in the middle. Fawn laughed at me as said I must be getting frustrated. Seems like 300 piece is too easy and 1000 piece is no fun either. Got in another 20 minutes on the elliptical. Seems like is is getting easier. Maybe I’ll kick it up a notch next week, nothing drastic. Hmm... Still no encore sermon of bible study posted yet. O Emmanuel (Is 7:14): “O Emmanuel, king and lawgiver, desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come and set us free, Lord our God.”  We  are trapped in our sinful death, living in darkness and chaos. We have been moaning in the wilderness, pleading to Christ to come live with us and to dispel the darkness. What makes Christmas relevant? The jubilant answer Christ comes in his grace and mercy and teaches us his ways. And at the end, he lovingly pays the ransom. Prayers for Fawn, Joyce and Jean for God’s healing touch. Amen.

December 22, 2010
I was able to do a few more pieces of the puzzle. It remains less than a third complete. Painstakingly slow. But Fawns radiation treatment is is going along and she is feeling well and her blood pressure is coming down. Back to 20 minutes on the elliptical and it feels good. I was thinking about Christmas sharing at St John and how bad our economy continues plaguing it is on the lives people in this nation. I have so many friends and relatives unemployed or underemployed; Kyrie eleison. Is it Friday yet? Andrea asked why am staying for the Late Mass. She insist that the incense is bothersome. So what can I say? I told her the Late Mass is full blast worship. Jesus comes to us full blast touching all of our senses. I’m glad we got to sit down and talk about our joy being at St John over the delicious spaghetti dinner she cooked . Our Lord is so good and kind to gathers us where we needed to be. O Rex Gentium (Is. 2:4, 9:5): “O King of all the nations, the only joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch of man, come and save the creature you fashioned from the dust.”  Come Lord Jesus in your word to spread your holy kingdom. Amen.

December 21, 2010
Think again. To say it was a bad idea, is a under statement. No elliptical today, I’m stiff as a board. Shoveling 4 inches of snow this morning was no fun either.  The 1000 piece puzzle is coming about very slowly. There is nothing therapeutic about a challenging cardboard jigsaw puzzle, despite applying sound logic. LOL, Rob mentioned  I haven't mention him him here lately, so be careful what you ask. You can never know what I will pen. I think of today as the shortest day of the year, but  someone mentioned that it was the longest day of darkest. Isn’t it amazing that Christ, the light of the world, comes when the darkest time of the year. How strange it is, that we prefer darkness over the light and reject the light. We rebelliously hold on to our sinful ways and choose to walk in darkness. O Oriens (Is. 9:1): “O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.” Lord, open my heart that I may no longer be blinded by my sins and bring about  joy in the light of your salvation. Amen.

December 20, 2010
I changed it up today and did 4 x 5 minutes at a fast pace. I think I will to that every other day this week. Singing Creator of the Stars of Night several times today. This Advent song has been on my mind for several weeks now. Oh wow, The O Antiphons of Advent Study on Issues Etc by Rev Weedon. O Clavis David (Is. 9:6; 22:22): O Key of David, O royal Power of Israel controlling at your will the gate of Heaven: Come, break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death; and lead your captive people into freedom.” Isaiah had prophesied, AI will place the Key of the House of David on His shoulder; when he opens, no one will shut, when he shuts, no one will open.”  Lord, open the gates of your kingdom to me through the preaching of your gospel and sacraments. Amen. We’re still a day away and I’m already thinking about the winter solstice and Jesus as the light of the world.

December 19, 2010
Trifecta! God is good. The morning schedule was tough despite our family taking 2 separate cars up to St John. I still found myself needing a ride home after bible study. Thanks be to God, the wonderful Worhlrab family, that need was met. Wow. The God Whispers, how could I have not heard of this wonderful show before. I couldn’t agree with Pr Bruzek more in our discussion about leaders and followers. Congregational leaders are people that attend worship and bible study regularly. This is quite different than encouraging leaders to attend bible studies regularly. I was blessed being able to greet Joyce back to worship. Although she is not feeling well from her chemo therapy, we rejoiced that she was able to attend worship and receive the Eucharist at his altar. Prayers for Fawn and Joyce for God's healing touch. Amen. I would have preferred to have sung Of the Father’s Love Begotten, Albeit the St John Ringers did an excellent job. 2 x 15° - 20 minutes on the elliptical. Fawn encouraged me to do second set, which I cheerfully went about the task. Football, it is big in the family room. I can hear the shouting from where I sitting. I would join in their fun, but I  lost interest in professional spectator sports.  I enjoy the time I have to myself to muse over my highlight day of the week. As of now, looks like I’m the only one that will attend the late Mass. Seems everyone else is opting for an earlier service. So I guess I attend both. To me, incense is an important part of worship. I know they swing the thurible in salutary early in the morning. I look to Exodus 30 and wish St John would use it more frequently throughout the year. Incense is a symbol for the prayers. “Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!” (Psalm 141:2). During High Church we easily consecrate all of ourselves to God; mind and heart though our sense of touch, sight, taste, hearing and smell. I have been bound in Satan’s chain and dealing with the same sins year after year. Despite being bounded by death by my own sins, Christ’s love for me brings forth life. O Radix Jesse (Is. 11:1, 10): “O Flower of Jesse’s stem, you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples; kings stand silent in your presence; the nations bow down in worship before you. Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid.” Come Lord and release me from the chains of the evil foe that I may live to serve you. Amen.

December 18, 2010
What a full morning. Out the door at 9 am; Jewels, Ace Hardware, Sam’s Club and Target and back by 1 pm. I forgot to get on the elliptical and now it is too late. Parents know this all too well, we tell on children not to do certain things because it is not good for them. And so it is also with God the Father. O Adonai (Is. 11:4-5; 33:22): “O sacred Lord of ancient Israel, who showed yourself to Moses in the burning bush, who gave him the holy law on Sinai mountain: come, stretch out your mighty hand to set us free.” Lord teach us your law, so that we may repent and learn not to trust ourselves and trust fully in you alone. Amen.

December 17, 2010
Lunch at Carlucci. Man was that place crowded. Surprisingly, the service was still good, as well as the appetizers, but the food was not up to expectation. It was good to see the teksystems guys again. The contract firm arranges the luncheon 4 to six times a year . We got a very nice useful outdoor blankets as a holiday gift. Whoo hoo, made the 20 minute market! 1 x 15° - 20 minutes. What a nice peaceful work day. I think most people have left or are leaving for the holidays. O Sapientia (Is. 11:2-3; 28:29): “O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, you govern all creation with your strong yet tender care. Come and show your people the way to salvation.” It is mo15st fitting to begin our prayers asking for wisdom from above. Woe, I have seen the tongue of nameless people, prideful of their own wisdom, cause strife and discord. Come Lord Jesus and grant us your wisdom, yours alone. Amen.

December 16, 2010
I was astonish by the progress made on the 1000 piece puzzle at Edwards Hospital, it was about quarter done. Some very sharp people must be working on. I did most of the outer edge, that’s the easiest part. Fawn’s blood pressure was a little high today. Praying that it is only temporary. Busy, busy, busy at work today to get stuff done. A lot of people will be taking off work for the rest of the year so I had to get them the needed. Guess I only need to work half day tomorrow. I only had time to do 1 x 15° - 19 minutes. Got an encouragement note from Pr Genig. It is always welcome to hear from or see any of my kind and thoughtful pastors. Come to think of it, it is so with everyone at St. John. What an extraordinarily warm and friendly community.

December 15, 2010
I got most of the outer edge done on the 1,000 piece puzzle. Those those thing are addicting. Fawn had to ask me twice before I got up from the chair. Now she probably take her to her radiation treatment just to work on the jigsaw puzzle. lol. I thank the Lord for his many blessing. She is  feeling fine and there does appear to be any side effect at this time. 2 x 15°-18 minutes. My friend Tim C is already doing 20 minutes 5 times a week. I think I’m going to hit the 20 mins goal by Friday. Doing it twice a day is really helping. I got back up to 205 when I started and now I’m 200 without dieting. Watched a lively youtube video rendition of , Canticles of the Turning, on Weedon Blog. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I can see why, in a good way, people would like it. There are slower organ renditions I favor. Indeed the world is about to turn. Come Lord Jesus. One can not help to think about and say during this advent season, “Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus”. I read, Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat, found in Luke 1. "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior" To magnify the Lord, begins with worship, praise and adoration, for all that God is, for all that God has done, and for all that God in Christ has promised us, yet to come. Our spirit can rejoice in the knowledge that all our sins are washed away by the shed blood of the Lamb of God and that we are reconciled with God. We are even at Advent 4 and I’m already fired up about Christmas Eve Late Mass.

December 14, 2010
0° F when I went out the door at the crack of dawn. Seem warmer than yesterday because there was no wind. Lifted the following patristic  quote of the day from Weedon’s Blog - Concord is not in every case a good thing, since even robbers agree together. -- St. John Chrysostom, Homily 35 on Matthew. 2 x 15° - 17 minutes. I continue to amaze myself on my progress on the elliptical. We bought chicken pot pies from Boston Market for dinner. Filling and delicious. Weird that it brings to mind a childhood favorite of mine, chicken ala king. Whoo hoo, both the sermon and bible study posted.

December 13, 2010
How can one not mention  4° F. It was slippery, so I spread de-icer/salt everywhere. Fawn was feeling good today. She was under the weather over the weekend. The 300 puzzle was done, so I opened up the 1000 piece puzzle. I only was able to sort out the outer edge pieces and manage to complete some of them. 1 x 15°-16 minutes on the elliptical. Got to relax and watched Hawaii Five-O. I liked the old TV series, but like the new series even more. I started commenting about, Go Tell It On The Mountain, but somethings are better left unsaid.
December 12, 2010
More snow, but the roads were clear and we journeyed to receive our Lord’s gifts. It is always a blessing when the trifecta comes in. It just dawned on me that they never seen a missed heart beat in the Lutheran Mass at Saint John. What great care is given each and every time as we gather around the Eucharist. The heavy lifting has been brought back to the bible study the last 2 weeks. Parishioners are finding their place, increasingly building a strong and caring community. Albeit, we are a band of poor miserable sinners and beggars, our strength and comfort is in the Lord. Prayers for the undiscerning take heed that they do not parish in thoughtlessness. Ask the Lord to show the path of his way; Psalm 25:4-5 prayer was sung, “Show me the way O Lord, teach me thy path; Lead me in thy truth and teach me. For thou art the God of my salvation; And on thee do I wait all the day.” 1 x 15°-15 minutes. It is a good thing for me to tract my efforts on the elliptical.

December 11, 2010
Awesome day. I was out the door by 6:30 this morning. Breakfast at McDonalds with my brother Bill and went in the city as usual. We hit the bakery  and the meat house. LOL, I forgot to look at the again. Clueless what it is called, but their roast pig is awesome, had it for lunch. Stopped by my sister Nancy’s house for a quick hello. I got back home a little after 9 but all the kids were gone. They all went to St John. The kids love our place or worship. Rob gave my a hair cut. He did a fantastic job. I had to but in a few hours of work. I thank that I am able to work from home and that my hours are somewhat flexible. Ahhh ...  what a lovely dinner it was. Fawn bought black angus . There is something truly hedonistic about biting into fine steak. It bring to mine the decadence of a stately feast. 2 x 15°-13 minutes. Not bad. I think some people will chuckle at this, but this is a good thing. Fawn’s brother came by and dropped off soup and fish for her that her mother made. Prayers for Carl and Sandy for conception; for Fawn, Joyce and Dolly for God’s healing touch; for Bill, Andrea, Ken for stable employment; for Pr Bruzek, Nelson, Genig for good health and strong marriage for our benefit. Amen.

December 10, 2010
I said I wasn’t going to talk about the temperature but I will say we got hit with a couple inches of light snow again. Easy shoveling. While Fawn was get getting her radiation treatment at Edward’s Cancer Center, I work a little on a 300 piece cardboard jigsaw puzzle. It was fun and not difficult, for age 10+. It’s been a while since I attempted to assemble one. Fawn gets a break over the weekend but will be back at it on Monday. Ongoing prayers for my wife Fawn for God’s healing touch. Amen. Ah, the elliptical report; 2  12 minutes sessions and even bumped up the incline from 10 to 15. Have to admit I was breathing a little hard. I rewarded myself with 2 oven baked barbecue drumsticks. No sides. We are halfway into the double duty Advent season. It is more than the start of a new year, it is a time to prepare ourselves laudably to celebrate the anniversary of our Saviors first coming to the world as God incarnated. Advent also highlights Christ’s glorious return. We are to readily  waiting for him with a life of ongoing repentance. Prayers for my children. Andrea, Alex and Jennifer for a believing and godly heart. Grant them to be under the care of your holy angels that the evil foe have no power over them. Amen. Bless that all my children are home. They are a big help around the house. I have big busy working and can offer little assistance to household duties. Hey, Rob just made it here. Prayers for my future-son-in-law Rob for wisdom and God’s favor. Amen. Time to shut down and ..

December 09, 2010
OK last mention of single digit weather. I am no longer in denial, winter is only a matter of weeks away. Fawn’s treatment was quick. Didn't get far on the bible study homework. I only had time to muse over a few of the bullet items, because we were in and out of the hospital in no time at all. In no time at all? That really sounds weird. Whoo hoo, Alex! Back home. Just love that guy.  I did 2 10 minutes on the elliptical. I'm progressing believe than I though I would be able to. Rev Weedon did an tremendous job on Issues Etc in his hymn study on “Creator of the Stars of Night”. It’s a keeper! Come Lord Jesus.

December 08, 2010
What is with this low single digit in the morning now days? Starting work 6, that is before the crack of dawn now. We’re rapidly moving toward the shortest day of the year. It reminds me evermore of our need for and comfort from the Light of the World. Work. work, work, I worked around the clock and then some. I thought it was coming to be an easy month for me since our market meet the EOY expectations already and that I would just cruise helping other markets. Turns out, it’s full stream to wrap everything up. I’m so tire and I didn’t get a break to use the elliptical. I'm logging off now and will do 8 minutes. Intercessory prayers for Fawn as she starts her radiation treatments; God healing touch and for Carol to keep her job and income safe. Amen.
December 07, 2010

Whoo hoo, this week’s sermon and bible study already posted. What a blessing so early in the week. Advent is here and Christmas is near. So will Lutheran parents be spending time telling their Christmas stories? Woe! Christmas stories have been redefined! It is no longer about Christ. Rewind, will Lutheran, I guess I can say, will Christian parents preparing the family for the birth of Christ? This is the prefect time to skip santa and the reindeers, frosty the snowman, etc., etc., etc., and teach the OT promises of the birth of the promised seed as well as the NT details of the Word made flesh. God incarnated. What will it be? Dreams of a white Christmas, gifts, and a sleigh from the north pole? Or celebrate in the knowledge of Advent and incarnation of our glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and him crucified. Day 2, 6 minutes twice on the elliptical. Good for me. Watch out Rob, just kidding.

December 06, 2010
Brr, it’s cold out there. How cold was it? Cold enough to freeze my sump pump, single digit. It took forever to scrape off the thick layer of frost on the windshield. Had to cut out the frozen section and reattached the pipe. Man, I’m too old for this. Too funny. I can’t even walk away from a journal entry and leave it open. LOL, Fawn wrote “who’s fault was that?  did not listen to the wife like u should have.” Sad thing is she is right (this time). I should have made sure the hose was shorten an straighten the hose on Saturday after the snow shower. Where was I? Oh yeah, went to the other room to do 5 minutes on the elliptical trainer. K, hear I go, setting another goal, run on it several times a day and work up to 20 minutes straight by the end of the month. Let’s see if I can make that happen. I was Weedon’s Blog, a found out he is currently working on a hymn study of Conditor Alme Siderum. I can’t wait for it to air on Issues Etc. Joy.  I had the opportunity  to read the entire bible study handout. There is much to learn and for us to reason together. Fervent prayers for Fawn and Joyce for God’s healing touch, cancer. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen. Special prayer for Carol, her group is at risk. Lord, hear our cry. How much longer? So many friends and family members are either unemployed, under employed or are at risk. Lord, give us strength, courage, faith and trust that everything is unfolding perfectly, according to your plan, for our highest good. Amen.

December 05, 2010
A beautiful day and drive to Mass this morning. God is good, his mercy endures forever. The roads were clear and ice and snow free. Trifecta! Word, Sacraments and Bible Study. I find great joy in learning and musing over Zechariah, Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary roles in the Advent of Christ. Especially to bless St Mary and say, “O blessed Virgin Mary”, is to accord her the honor due the mother of God. Advent hymns are such a blessing. We sang Creator of the Stars of Night. It is among the greatest Advent hymns ever written. I especially enjoy listening to Conditor Alme Siderum sung in Latin and other ancient forms in the liturgia horarum. This will be an interesting week. Our bible study homework is the muse over on move to the north Campus. Excitement fills the air with opportunities limited to our imagination. Good things are going to happen. It is clear from the get go in Eden, the plan was not for man to be alone. But to dwell in a community. Serving God and each other.  As far as I can tell, most parishioners praise and acknowledge our Lord as I do. The reason to be at St John because it has a Lutheran School is not longer there. I never understood that. But no longer need to wonder about that anymore. My prayers are for the family that left our parish. May the peace of the be him them. I started to say more, but perhaps it better left unsaid. Prayers for Fawn, Joyce, Dolly and Paul for God’s healing touch. Continued prayers for unemployed, under employed and the at risk ; especially for Andrea, Bill, Ken, and Carol. I started to write about my former parish that particularly sadden me, but there is nothing new I can add that has not already been said, some people rather knowing drown in their own sins.

December 04, 2010
Got another snow again. Twice in one week. Several inches accumulated but not enough to bring out the snow blower. It day was busy from the get go. 7:30 at the Naperville Tennis club to sign up Jennifer and our neighbor Nick. Both play Tennis for Naperville Central. Then it was off to target to purchase, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, it when on sale today. It is only the second one I watched. It is my understanding there are quite a few of them. I thought the movie was OK but I don’t get get the hoopla where everyone is getting together and have been making it an event and a night out in town over it and forming teams. Anyway after picking up the movie, a stop to pick up Jennifer’s friends off to Wheaton for workday. I went to the catechumen class. It was good to sit is a bible study class with hungry parishioners. Awesome as expected from our most learned teachers of Christ. I tried to give it a go painting, but wasn’t feeling well after only 20 minutes or so. I am so physically out of shape. I was do OK until I started go up and down a ladder and forget to take my meds this morning didn’t help. Andrea mentioned her surprise that we didn’t go to the midweek Advent. Guess she didn’t want to disturb my late hour work. I had a brief conversation about the Christmas tree. Some believe it is Christian Symbol. Not sure where that comes from, but if it is/was, it isn’t that for some people. I know Indian people who say they are Hindu that put up Christmas trees. My parents were pagans and I always remember as a child a Christmas tree during the holidays. All I know is, for some reason, looks so nice decorated and lit up. Continued prayers for all my family and friends for their needs and for forgiveness for my sinful shortcomings. Special prayers for the Church; the bride of Christ was sin stained and he cleansed her up with with him blood and became the heavenly bridegroom. Too often congregations are playing church; much like children playing make believe marriage where the bride is oblivious of her importance. What a blow it would be to Christ’s dignity and honor when he comes back for his bride only to see her stained in sin again, “for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints” (Revelations 19:8).

December 03, 2010
I’m posting early so I can turn off the the laptop. I don’t want to log back on later because I am a little tire and want to relax. I started work so early to get the needed work done before EOB and have time to do lunch. Fawn and I went for a quick Mexican in downtown Naperville. We ate at the Front Street Cantina. Usually Fawn has the shredded beef enchilada and I get the roasted pork tamale. We have been doing this for years. This time, we both had the shredded beef enchilada, Está delicioso. Not sure why I switch today.
Anyway, dinner is ready, so ...

December 02, 2010
We got a very thoughtful card from Pr Bruzek today. My sister Mary passed on the first week of December last year and he remembered. He reminded us that our blessed us in countless ways since then. He wanted us to know the our Lord is merciful and kind, and cares for Mary too. And said to allow this to be our peace and joy. I can’t be grateful to God enough for his boundless mercy and giving us Pr Bruzek to guide us along the path as we follow Jesus back to Eden. Every time I listen to the posted encore sermon, I get more out of it. Each of our pastors literally brings something to the table when they preach. I went with Fawn to get her hair cut. Hard to believe the music was Moody Blues and Pink Floyd. It brought a memories of a time and world I just assume leave behind. By the way, Fawn look beautiful. Andrea and I talked about Jesus’ parable, the persistent widow, which teaches us the necessity of patient, persistent and persevering prayers. So we’ll continue fervently for family, friends and self. I have been enjoying Jennifer’s music the last two days. It is a blessing to hear music being played. She has been so busy lately it is becoming a rare treat.

December 01, 2010
Advent is a time of double duty. I reflect back on the coming of the babe and forward on his return. New heavens and a new earth, “but according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). I have said it time and again, I know of no place my family rather wait for the certainty of our Lord’s glorious appearing,  then at his sanctuary St John Wheaton.  I wish I had the words that can do justice to paint this beautiful hilltop. Prayers for the unemployed, unemployed, and facing possible layoffs. I am praying especially fervently for  family members and friends by name; Bill, Henry, Carl, Sandy, Janet, Ken, Carol and Andrea. Kyrie Eleison, for Fawn, Joyce and Dolly for health comfort and recovery. Amen.

November 30, 2010
Wow, last day of November. The days are distinctly short. Despite this and that it was cold and overcast, my world is well lit. Jesus said, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”  (John 9:5). The day was filled without frustration. I think 2011 will be a very interest year at work. I don’t know that to make of what was revealed to us for 2011. Martin Luther: Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent (1533) - Therefore I exhort that you listen eagerly and lovingly to this Word, receive it with deep gratitude, and beseech the Lord God from the bottom of your heart for a firm faith to cling to this teaching. You may be certain that this will bear fruit day by day, as you become more humble, obedient, loving, chaste, and godly, for it is in the nature and art of this teaching to create godly, decent, obedient and pious people. I posted the full sermon on the Sermons page.

November 29, 2010
I was so frustrated. It has been a while since that has happen. Odd, because I wear a shroud that veils the gifts of joy, peace, hope and love from our Lord. 2 Corinthians 4 tell reminds us that, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair ... so we do not lose heart.” The day is almost over and I am at peace and pray for the gift of patience and for our Lord to be patience with me. Amen.

November 28, 2010
Awake, awake O sleeper...Watch, keep awake, for the Lord will return...In him we shall be healed. What a beautiful day God has made and his Divine Service was as expected, the Lutheran Mass at its finest. Pr Nelson sermon on the gospel of St Luke the first chapel was, wow. I am left to muse about the self and the community during this first week of advent. Pr Genig Eucharistic prayer chanting brings about reverence, recollection and contemplation in Christ. I just knew Advent would burst in joy in song. “Savior of the Nation , Come”, “Creator of the Stars of Night”, “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending” “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”. Way to go! The bible study time was a worth hour, Pr Bruzek led our visit of the North Campus. The progress was amazing the started to laying down the beautiful stone floor tiles from Jerusalem. I We’ll be moving in on or before Easter. The evangelist symbols – Matthew  the man; Mark the lion, Luke the bull; John the eagle going on the altar were breathe taking. It was a blessing to see the Wohlrab family, it was complete with, Ryan was back for the holidays. Continued prays for Dolly. Prayers for Fawn and Joyce as well. What an unexpected blessing to see Tom Dubois again. He is a very gifted artist that I met last year just about this time. I’ve read and saw much of his work on the www and heard so much about him from Dave, that I feel I know him well. I was surprise when he mentioned he reads this site. I’m better be careful what I say, as readership increases. Maybe I do have something of interest to say. Hopefully I am sharing the promises brought by the blood of Christ for everyone. This site started pretty much for my own benefit and for who may accidentally stumble upon it, but now I feel it may also if someone follows my journey, they are also following he who leads me. I was stuck by the following:  NEAR STARBUCKS – A homeless woman sleeps outside the door. She smells of urine so the customers Who eat brioche and talk about the poor Step wide of her in winter and in summer. But she has noticed them in their retreat Of tea and café latte ambiance. Oh, yes, she sees their pious nonchalance. They give her quarters on the holidays And she would give them stories with her gaze; A childhood served on white enamel plates; A father’s drunk abuse; teen runaway; The search for something-love, or merely dates-; A candy-wrapper life of lingerie. But eye contact is precious on the street. She takes their pocket change and falls asleep. And I’m no better in my arrogance And its complacent cubicle. If I could be like Jesus, just for once, I’d wake her up and make her beautiful. Wilmer Mills in First Things, December 2010, P. 38

November 27, 2010
Up so early for breakfast at McDonalds with my brother Bill. He was sharing what he is doing with temp job repairing LCD TVs. It’s good until mid January. I happy he has this opportunity. These are real tough times in America. We went in the city and stopped at the cooked meat house. It didn’t go crazy like last time, I just bought a pound of roast pig and half a roast duck. LOL I should look at the sign, I don’t even know the name of the place. But it sure is good stuff. Rob was awesome. What a blessing he is. It was so nice of his helping install a new kitchen faucet. I couldn’t of done it without his help. I still have to replace various shut off valves. I’m not looking forward to doing that but I am looking forward to the 1st Sunday of Advent. I thank the Lord. My family is blessed because God has led us all into the life of faith. Joy and peace.

November 25-26, 2010
I didn't have the computer on all day. Albeit it was all that late, I was tire when I got back home last night. Overall it was a very good day. We stopped by my sister Nancy’s house. It is a good time there. Their family’s hospitality is unbeatable. Always good food and good conversation. Then we went to Fawn’s bother Henry’s home. It was the first time I been there. More good food and good conversation. LOL, I felt I almost ate myself into a comma. There have 2 interesting dogs; one was a big black labrador that was beating up everyone with its continuously wagging tail and the other a little dachshund that became blind. The important lesson for thanksgiving is gratitude, praising God from whom all blessings flow. It was a quite but long work day. There wasn’t any interruptions or meetings so a lot got accomplished. I looking at the beautiful lighted Christmas tree Andrea and Rob put up. It is not clear to me what a Christmas tree symbolizes but I like the color lights. I have been singing the Advent hymn, “Lo He Comes with Clouds Descending” all days. The study on this Advent hymn is by Dr Just, on Issues Etc. I can listen to this most learned teacher of Christ along with my pastors who are also are among most learned, until the last day. This study is a keeper. Prayers for Fawn, Joyce and Dolly for Comfort and health and recovery; for Rev Just, Rev Kleinig and  Pr Bruzek, Nelson and Genig for good health for our benefit. Amen. Heavenly Father, I offer one additional prayer to the many prayers which are better articulated for your persecuted children for your strength and comfort. Amen.

November 24, 2010
The cold rain couldn’t dampen the Thanksgiving Mass. My day is complete. We gathered as sinful beggars around his altar. Kyrie Eleison - Lord have Mercy, Christ have mercy,  Lord mercy. Usually we attend this Mass on Thanksgiving Day, but we just couldn’t wait another day. We do well  to join all creation in heaven and on earth, in praising our mighty God through Jesus Christ. There is nothing special about a Thanksgiving Mass other than it is on a secular holiday. However, there is really something special about evening worship, it is so peaceful. My family often do just that as in the summer months when strangely there isn’t any.

November 23, 2010
Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ; for his unending grace,  family and friends. I look forward in hope to the coming of our savior. Grant my a clean heart and live as he taught. Amen. Andrea and Jennifer when to St John to help sort food and clothing for Christmas sharing. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. I remember Pr Genig once upon a time said that good works are necessary. This is confusing for Lutherans, I fully agree because without it there is no indication there is faith. I would be perplex if not for our pastor’s bible that compared James and Paul’s writings. When you help someone, they may ask why are you going this? Sometime Christians  rely back, because of my faith. This is very telling and not the good. You are actually telling someone you don’t really love them and you are doing it to please God. It is good to do God pleasing things but be care it not become work righteousness. Give someone a coat just because they need a coat, feed them because they are hungry. This is loving our neighbors. I look forward to the Lutheran Mass midweek. Amen.

November 22, 2010
Gobble gobble, that turkey gobbles. It’s only Monday and I’m already ready. What a rare treat, I ate a Zongzi, for lunch. A dash or two of hot sauce and I was good. For dinner, it was chicken and green beans. Now that is funny, so far I talked nothing but food. The start of the holiday season is surly upon up. I am look forward and beyond thanksgiving to the First Sunday of Advent, when the church come alive with so many beautiful Advent hymns and the timeless words of the prophet Zechariah, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion, Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem. Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous and having salvation.” Hard to believe tornadoes this late in the year. But not surprising, since it was 68 degrees. The sky was dark and we had heavy down pours. And yes there was thunder and lighting. I think thunder is the fullest and deepest sound in nature’s harmonies. After reading the Psalms, I think of it all the time now as the voice of God speaking aloud in the heavens.

November 21, 2010
How can I not speak well of this morning, the last Sunday of the ecclesiastical year. To many, it is known as, Christ the King Sunday. In Pr Nelson Sermon, he call today, Fulfillment Sunday. This makes a lot of sense, because it really isn’t about Christ becoming king, but about the fulfillment of his kingship. On the last day for the day Christ will be revealed as king to all and every knee will bow before him. It was both joyful and less so. A true blessing to receive by his graceful mercy, his Word and Sacraments. It broke my heart when Pr Bruzek ask if I was staying for bible study on the office of the ministry. I told him we need to someday sit down and talk about what has become of the bible study. There was a query about the Epistle reading. We never did get to talk about it. I hope the question will present itself. Prayers for comfort, health and recovery, especially for Fawn, Joyce, Dolly and Pr McReynolds. Amen.

November 20, 2010
Great art thou, O Lord. Indeed Great art thou, O Lord. I was looking back at past journal entries. It reveals very little about my ascent from  sinfulness to faithfulness. Becoming Christ like remains a work in progress; evermore striving. I’m stunned, I was allowed to cook curry potatoes, onions and green pepper. It was great, albeit only Andrea and I ate ate it. Everyone else just looked on and later decided on Red Baron 4 cheese pizza. Fawn and I went out about running errands most of the  day. We hit 5 places in one big sweep. In the evening we did a dining and a movie thing at home. We watched  ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’, it was great. I was so surprise, because it was Disney, I thought it was an animated feature like “Beauty and the Beast’. I was wondering why people liked ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: the story’. Well it’s bedtime, tomorrow is the eighth day and the last day of the church year. The years has passed by seemingly evermore swiftly.

November 19, 2010
Whoo hoo, Alex is back for the weekend. I find great joy when all my children are about. Other good news, my contract is extended/renewed about year and our most loved pastors and vicar’s safe return. Thanks be to God. I am so grateful for hearing and answering our prayers this way.  Fawn and went to the market and brought groceries for the weekend. After all we have a full house  and much joy to celebrate. We are thankful and  acknowledge that all bounties are from our Lord. Among them was 2 package of oxtails. I didn’t do anything fancy to them. I just boiled them a couple of hours and threw hot sauce on them bad boys; good stuff. I offered thanksgiving well wishes to all my co-workers as we Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation is muse over. It was pleasant to exchange family well wishes. Naturally, this time of year encourages us to pause  and recognize just how blessed we are to be beneficiaries of God grace. Rejoice and, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Good things are overflowing; Rob just walked in the door with Nacho Chips and salsa from Waukegan. Laugh if you must, but that town has a large Hispanic community and you get the good stuff. Yummy. Cool, now my day is complete. Thanks be to God for his steadfast love. Amen.

November 18, 2010
Fawn asked a very good question about friendship. Over the years, we continued to grow and mature, always striving to be Christ-like. Albeit, we fail and fall short in many instances. Thanks be to God, by grace alone through faith alone, there is forgiveness to be found. As we continue to grow, we try to bring our friends along in our journey back to Eden, but this is not always possible. Some rebel and choose to remain behind and then become hurt thinking that you have abandoned them, in reality, they have become a threat, tempting you to do harmful things. As a child, I remembered my parents telling me not to associate with certain people. Now as a parent, I fully understand why they said that; because I  am saying the same to my children. They are not your friend, they do not have your best interest at heart; it is about them and what they want. Spiritual Warfare is a reality, and Satan have been using people to do his bidding for a long time. St Augustine said,  "friendship can be a dangerous enemy, a seduction of the mind." Like love, it must be subjected to reason if it is to be truly good. St John has been and continues to be in a nurturing community, I know of no better place to be waiting for our Lord. The weekdays are flying by fast, been busy as a bee. Prayers for the unemployed and under employed, especially for our team that our contract be extended; for Fawn and Joyce, for our Lords healing hand; for Pr Bruzek, Nelson, Genig and Vicar Hoem, safe travel; for persecuted Christians who suffer for their faith. Amen.

November 17, 2010
Whoo hoo. Good new! Rev McReynold is out of the hospital and resting at home. Thanks be to God. Not much of a day, it was all work and no play. Went out briefly and there is not doubt that is late autumn.

November 16, 2010
Fawn and Andrea was visitinging this site today. I didn’t think they were interested in what this old man had to say. To my surprise they visit here from time to time. Jennifer a bright young lady. She wrote a paper about breast cancer, the research and questions she asked was amazing. I’m not much of a note taker, I should jot many oracles down like Dave and Carol, I always see them writing things down in a note pad or in the margins. I think the pastors and vicar are due back in a couple days. I am stunned so people don’t understand, why robe. Perhaps what this learned teacher of Christ has to say be helpful, “The vestments help us forget the man who is in them and focus on the words the Lord is speaking to us by His use of the mouth that He has put there.  The Lord puts His seeds into your soil.  With His words He is sowing into you what those words say and convey with their potential fruit.  Thus to be receiving into us, from outside ourselves, His words with what they say and bestow, that is one of the glories of our liturgy and Lutheran heritage.” -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons, p. 366. Muse over the meaning of friendship and concluded that is the desire to do what is best for the other, but that it can not be separated from the love of Christ. Often the world talks about the me and I in a friendship.  What a Friend We Have in Jesus? This sentimental gospel is quite different than, “The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant” (Psalm 25:14). The fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. The Catholic Encyclopedia explains that this gift of the Holy Spirit “fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread, above all things, to offend Him.” Another word this is not servile fear but rather a filial fear. I hope to see Alex and Rob this weekend or at least over the Thanksgiving weekend.

November 15, 2010
I have been having a splitting headache all day. It must be from caffeine withdraw. We went to coffee with half the caffeine this weekend. Christians are to live a life of thanksgiving each day. We are to, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). My thoughts on thanksgiving are heartfelt gratitude to God to allow my family to worship freely in his sanctuary and in our daily lives without facing persecution. Shamefully I do not pray for the persecuted Christians outside of Sunday corporate prayers and will strive to be mindful to do so in my daily prayers. My prayers are also for the suffering Lutheran Church in America, even within the LCMS. In some churches Liturgical Worship is nowhere to be found and often times blended services where parts of the Mass is optional and incorporates in the glory of man.

November 14, 2010
The morning was above freezing, but brrr... it’s cold out there. I miss my pastors and vicar Hoem, but worship didn’t miss a heart beat. The Mass was intact and beautiful. It was good to see vicar Wietfeldt back standing guard. He sermonize like a season preacher. What can I say about the Eucharist I haven’t said many time before, without it the is little reason for the saints to gather. Without it, it is questionable if there is even Sunday worship. Who is severing you? Rev Balla was the presiding Celebrant. He was very reverend. It was a strange weekend without Rob, I have become become accustomed to  sharing part of my weekend with him. The ordinary days of Pentecost are nearing its end. Only the Sunday of the Fulfillment and Thanksgiving remains prior to the new Church Year. Prayers for God’s speed home from their pilgrimage  of vestments. I looking forward to seeing stunning chasubles and the fine needle work of these outer sacrifice garments which dates back to OT times. Truly liturgical worship for all times. I can’t believe I watch the Bears Viking game. Fawn is a football fan, so I sat and watched the game with her. I’m not much of a fan and tend to nod off, but have to admit there were a few exciting moments. Interceding prayers for Fawn and Joyce for comfort and healing and prayers of thankgiving for kind and thoughtful friends.

November 13, 2010
It was an uneventful day. I didn’t even go out the door. I just at sat around an watched TV and did some reading. I is a rare day that there were no demands or obligations to tend to. Perfect.

November 12, 2010
What an extraordinary day I had in conversation with God about the wonders of his creations. I have Herberger to thank for that. I don’t note in this journal all my daily gratitude and all my struggles, other than a simple thing such as a smile and that I do have shortcomings. But if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just will forgive our sins and cleans us from all unrighteousness. The ladies are out and about town, leaving me home alone. I got to just relax and sang about a dozen hymns. What a joy. Everyone in my family can hold a tune except for me. But I do make a joyful noise. Guess, when I start singing,  they always ask, do you mind? I stand in awe before the Glory of God revealed in  the stars above and in nature but I kneel and bow in humility, gratitude and hope before the Glory of God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Dear Lord God, awaken us so that when Thy Son cometh we may be prepared to recieve Him with joy and to serve thee with clean hearts; through the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. - Martin Luther (1483-1546)

November 11, 2010
Happy Veteran Day. It doesn’t matter what a vet did during his or her service, what matter is they served what ever vital job to their best ability. And so it is also in the body of Christ. It was in the upper 60’s. I can’t imagine the weather holding up like this much longer. Fawn and I took advantage of this good weather and went to Potbelly sandwich shop for lunch. We got an awesome sandwich called A Wreck and the best baked potato soup ever. I downloaded the sermon for The Feast of All Saints and attached it the sermon page. Found the following on Weedon’s blog: Oh, how beautiful Your redeemed in heaven will be, for it was for us You shed Your blood, not for the stars.  We too are Your creatures, not less than the stars, and yet You have loved us a thousand times more than the stars; in this I take comfort.  Though diseases may waste me and wither me, yet eternal bliss will make everything beautiful and rosy again.  Then I shall shine like the stars, yea, like the angels! -- Valerius Herberger, The Great Works of God, p. 42.

November 10, 2010
I can’t remember at milder October/November. Still in the lower 70’s. Bring on global warming, I love it, but pray the far north and far south ends are cold enough to prevent the ice caps from melting. Looking at the clear evening sky is breathe taking. So starry and a crescent moon to boot. I was thinking about my love ones. Most people hope is some way some how meet them again in heaven. What can one say when so many of my relatives are agnostic or worship idols? I read a posted observation by Dr. Hein on the topic of Lutheran Schools found on Weedon’s blog. A former parish solicited a survey to parents of school age children who don’t send their children to the parish day school. I submitted my observation many years ago but never got a response back. Away it is of no interest to me anymore, all my children are grown. I think they all turned out just fine, despite all my short comings as a parent. Thanks be to God, they are not conforming to the world and are bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of him. I still can’t get over how nice the nice the air is, I just had to step out for a moment before logging off and tending to my evening prayers.

November 9, 2010
Work, work, work. That’s all I did today. I only time I was out the door was to pick up Andrea. It was so nice out again it must be an Altweibersommer! Got to laugh when I hear the expression. It's really late so ....

November 8, 2010
How can I not mention it was in the lower 70’s today? I raked the leaves to curb during part of my lunch hour, hoping it wasn’t done in vain before the next sweep. I was still thinking about the mass and how wonderful it is. It is about Christ coming to us with his gifts. I am always blown away by the Gospel reading. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount begins by talking about the kingdom of heaven and the wonder and goodness of living under the reign of God. People under the kingdom of God are blessed. Lutheran understanding is Jesus does the verb. Another word, The word blessed always implies the one doing the blessing is God. To be blessed is to be favored by God, and is a passive term. We are immediately struck that Jesus is saying the unexpected. This is not the world view, it is stunned and considers this as someone not being blessed. I have been fervently praying for my wife Fawn for health and recovery, today I have included Rev McReynolds to my prayers.

November 7, 2010
LOL. Yesterday was a short day but today is a long one. I forgot to set the clock back an hour an was wondering why no one was getting up and getting ready for worship. The Feast of All Saints Day is a day that was never meant to be yet is it was one of those days the Lutheran Mass was at its finest. I confessed my sins and God who is just forgave my sin and cleansed my of all my unrighteousness. My family was blessed hearing the oracles of God, I just had to post it right away and not wake for the audio to be posted. Every hymn sung with the the saints in glory were timeless. Including  Agnus Dei and In Paradisum sung in the traditional Latin liturgy of the Roman Catholic Requiem Mass. Lutherans view death in the light of the communion of saints and of the Eucharist where there is no hopeless grief. Liturgically, perhaps it belongs in the funeral service, but how fitting it is in the Feast of All Saints and forever more. Prayers are for Fawn for comfort, health and recovery; for Dennis and family; send your Holy Spirit to guide him and let not his heart be troubled. Return to him the joy of his his salvation; for Pr Bruzek, Nelson, Genig and Vicar Hoem for safe travel; for my brother Bill, employment. Amen. Lord Jesus, come in glory. Amen.

November 6, 2010
One of the shortest day in recent years. It is because I didn’t wake up until 11 am. Normally I fair well with only about 6 hours of sleep. Guessing I must of really been tire. I trimmed the hedge out front. I took about 2 hours to do. Not because hedge is huge, but because I trim it back one twig at a time. I know, some will say I’m weird, but it is very therapeutic, so I do it. In the evening everybody went their separate way, Rob and I went out for a bite and good conversation and back home for a movie. Tomorrow is the Festival of All Saints. We will pause for a commemoration of the faithful, remembering love ones in Christ who joined the “company of heaven” this past year. Martin Luther said, “when we use the example and doctrine of pious saints to confirm our own doctrine and faith. And this is the true honor that we can give to the saints.”"Therefore, with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify Your glorious name, evermore praising You and saying ..." I am sure my eyes will burn and tear at awe at the prospect. Some people get confused what a saint is. A saint is a redeemed sinner with all their failings and short comings who reaches out in faith and grasps of of forgiveness offered to us in Christ and Him Crucified.

November 5, 2010
The day was lived with courage and cheerfulness. Discouragement is one of Satan’s most effective weapons. I seen it time after time and fell for it several times before recognizing it for what it is. As it was nearing the end of the workday, most were saying TGIF. It was one of those dry ichy eye days. What would I do without my Patanol eye drops?

November 4, 2010
It was just a simple ordinary day. Morning coffee and a bowl of hot oatmeal to start off the day. I was able to call it a work day by 5. It nice to listen to my playlist of chorale music all day, I haven’t done that in a while. Cook a nice tomato pepper steak over rice. I thank God for what is a normal ordinary day. Fawn got flowers today from Soo and Eddie. The flowers really cheered her up. I have been making entries  in this journal well over a year. Psalm 51 resonates much in my life the past few years and the restoration of the joy of my salvation. I am feeling very much part of a larger community. The details of our days may differ, but it is clear to me that we are bound together by the reason for our hope found in Christ Jesus. Striving to become the people we are meant to be on our way back to Eden. Thanks be to God, I have learned to appreciate life’s simple pleasures and to be grateful for every ordinary moment of every ordinary day. One of those pleasures is loving my children as they are. Prayers for Bill, for job opportunities, he told me all the temps were laid off today,

November 3, 2010
The day started out with a dark dark grayish gloomy looking sky. Within a matter of hours the sun was shinning and the sky was cloudless. Now the day is almost over, I look up at the evening sky and see a starry night and Genesis 1:16 comes to mind. “And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.” I called my friend Dave and confide with him God’s grace and  mercy. Friends like him are are to come by. My neighbor Ken came home for Rush Hospital today. Whoo hoo the reformation day sermon was posted. I can across a YouTube video on Christian Martyrs . I still got the sweet smell of Jesus the Rose of Sharon on my mind. Got a call from my sister-in-law Soo. She called to see how Fawn was doing. Happy 9th anniversary to her and Eddie. Congratulations to Captain Jennifer, Red Hawk tennis. Prayers for Ken for God’s care and comfort; for the persecuted Christian around the world; for Eddie and Soo for their anniversary of marriage. Amen. Lord grant us a quite night and peace at the last. Amen.

November 2, 2010
Can you believe it, November 2, a beautiful beautiful beautiful day and a time for change; Andrea and I went to the polls. Is tennis that dangerous of a sport? Alex stepped down on a ball playing tennis at school. I took my son to same the orthopaedics as Jennifer. Thanks be to God the x-rays show only a sprained ankle that only requires a ankle brace. Can’t believe we all asked, “Didn’t you see the ball?” Work was a lot fun, I got to work on a few SIAD sites. I always enjoy getting involve with projects opportunities were I can learn from other engineers.  Holy smoke! Seems incense in the church is becoming a topic of interest among Lutherans. Naturally opposing views are expected. Dave sent me  youtube video link of the what got to be the largest swinging thurible in the world. I see a few issues with it. I got to say it again, that young Genig is wise. Outside of reading, I really enjoy listening to what wise men have to say. Intercessionary prayers are for my wife Fawn, my son Alex and my neighbor Ken for physical  healing.

November 1, 2010
Super nice autumn day. There are still a few trees refusing to part with their leaves. Life is good and I am living in exciting times, as I am nearing the autumn of life. I’m not ancient as my children seem to think I am but I certainly have more years behind me than ahead of me. What a difference these past few years have been. I can’t overstate how much I have grown in such a short time.  My perspective have dramatically changed and I take the time to look at the world around me. I even take the time to look up at the beauty of the night sky an hum and sing the few lyrics I know by heart heart Con­di­tor al­me si­de­rum, Creator of the Stars of Night. It is one of my favorite Advent hymn. Amazingly, I am much less bothered by things that use to upset me. I heard Fawn say the other day, death is only a matter of time. The fact that death is approaching, when we die, does not alarm us. I seen too often, the anxiety of family members and love one who are outside of Christ. We just run with endurance the race before us, looking to Jesus. We have the the same confidence as Paul, who said, “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8. I gave little thought about finding and working a spot. Although I am not longer licking my wounds from the the post I held at a former parish that was totally overran, it is making a perplex puzzle of what is being asked of me by my current community. I know Satan is telling people, I have abandoned my post. He is truely a liar and deceiver. God is Good.

October 31, 2010
I’m don’t intend to spent any more time reviewing the reformation after today until most likely it comes around again next year. It is clear in my mind, based on doctrine, Lutherans are nothing like the protestants. Only someone that has not studied the Lutheran Confessions would make such an ignorant  claim. Enough said on this topic. It is amazing, how hypocritical I am this time of year, every year. I wish Halloween would just go away, and yet I pass out candy to the kids. I found in the October 2010 edition of the Lutheran Witness, “Dancing on the Devils Grave” by Rev Cwirla to be a helpful read. He advises,  “to spite the devil, honor Christ and wipe that sour look off your face. Remember who you are in Holy Baptism: a baptized priest in Christ’s holy priesthood “that you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Rob and Andrea thinks Halloween to fun. So maybe it is all about context and staying away from the dark side of Halloween. They’re dressed as whimsical clowns. So funny. There weren’t that many trick or treaters this year again but the weather is nice, guessing around 30 and it was over later than last year. It ended about 8:30. There good and bad news is one 1 Freddy, 1 Jason and 1 skeleton going about. Lord, Great Physician,
you invite all who are burden to come to you. Allow you healing hands to heal Fawn. Touch gently her life you have created, now and forever. Amen.

October 30, 2010
Up early to go to the Fords dealer with Alex. One car needed just an oil change and tire rotation while the other need 2 front tires, front end alignment and rear brake pads. Alex and went across the street to have breakfast at McDonalds. It reminded me of how my day use to do that with me and then later with my kids. I never realized that it was awkward for Alex to have a long conversation with me one on one. Perhaps it will come about as he gets older and we have more things in common again. It wasn’t Indian Summer, but sunny mid 60’s in nothing to complaint about this time of year. Alex and Jennifer naturally hit the tennis court. I am amazed Fawn is already able to move slowly about the house on her own. I spend part of the briefly think about Reformation Day and about the many protestant reformers and how they still got it wrong. And how many denominations have continued to reformed themselves into something all together foreign. Jennifer and I went the the Divine Service. We did Red. There isn’t that many parishioner there as compared the the Services held on Sundays. The none the less, the hundred boldly the Hymn of the day, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. How fitting is it so also chant Psalms 46. Cantor Doug Jones led it most beautifully. The Epistle Reading was from Romans, chapter three.  “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” being in the same boat brought me no comfort, but then verse 24 goes on, “and are justified by his grace as a gift, thought the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” Amen. I saw the following in the margins, If the blood of the lamb, sprinkled on the doorposts, preserved the Jews unharmed in Egypt, how much more the  blood of Christ, sprinkled on our souls?  - John Chrysostom (c.a. 407). I need to re-listen to Pr Genig’s sermon again before ... He is so brilliant. Like young Timothy, don’t let his age fool you, he is truly called by God. I say truly, because some are allowed behind the pulpit as he know are ... When we got got back, Jennifer and went across the street to the Miller home. Ken and Susan invited the block to their home for Oktoberfest. Naturally there was beer, brats and sauerkraut and tons of desert as well as a big fire with plenty of logs in the backyard. I only stayed there a short while, but completely enjoyed the hospitality and talking to all my neighbors. The kids all knew each other well. Almost everyone on the block has been been here for 10-15 years. I the early days I seen so many of my neighbors come and go. Naperville was literally a transient town. We bought home 2 slices of cake for Fawn. Everyone was elate her surgery went so well. Prayers for our neighbors, the Jones, Ken has surgery on Monday for a  blood clot in his leg. Well it’s getting late ...

October 29, 2010
A seeming long day it is despite the days are rapidly becoming shorter. The sun rises much later and seems to sets before. But by the course of midday we were rejoicing with prayers of thanksgiving. Our Lord had answered our fervent prayers kindly. Fawn’s lumpectomy had the best possible outcome. Thanks be to God. About a month ago we both had biopsies, mine was for the prostate. Mine was negative. We thanked the Lord, but it was not a time to celebrate. The sermon several weeks ago parable of the persistent widow was very timely. Prayer are for comfort and healing as Fawn undergoes 6 weeks of radiation therapy. Our conversations the past month was about our family and having complete trust in our Lord. We are to fear, love and trust in God above all things.

October 28, 2010
Whoo hoo, a refuge found in what appears to be a dreary day; I listened to the posted encore sermon. Truly our faithful pastors speaks as one who speaks oracles of God; in order in that everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. Wowed again and posted in the navigation pane under Sermons. Prayers of thanksgiving; my sister Nancy, she is full time in the pharmacy now at Sam’s Club; for my brother Bill, for a full time position moving from a temp;  for me, contract renewal as the current will expire at the end of the year; for Rob and Andrea, as employment the next school new as they will begin a life together in Christ;  for my family, good health; for Pr Bruzek, Nelson and Genig, good health for our benefit; for Dave, fedei defensor, the full armor of God. Amen.

October 27, 2010
Here we go. I went out to the car to get a poster that Jennifer was working on. No one wanted to go out to face the howling wind. Strange, my imagination and hearing of God’s voice. 8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8). I started to write something about people I know but then realized I should be discerning about myself and life in the spirit. 6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. (Roman 8:6-8). Reading the bible and hearing God’s word helps me to distinguish between the voices in the carnal mind. Indeed, we need to put on the full armor of God to fight off the luring voice of the world. Satan never let us, always accusing and discouraging us and casting doubt in our mind. I live in an area where narcissism is prevalent and very contagious. Sometimes when I speak about scripture not being clear or at least when I do not perceive it to be. I allow it to soak in by reflecting on the character of God.

October 26, 2010
Woke up early to the heavy down pour. My morning mediation was on our refusal to repent and how the Lord Proclaims Judgment. I mused over it throughout the day. “Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but see not, who have ears, but hear not. 22 Do you not fear me? declares the Lord. Do you not tremble before me?...” (Jeremiah 5:21-22). I am beginning to relate Pr Bruzek’s encouragement for us to live a prophetic life in Christ. The Bible is one continuous story about death and resurrection. All of scripture teaches to fear and trust God, “the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love” (Psalm 147:11). Like my pastor, I too stake my life and my families life on the one true God found in the Trinity. We were brought brought to fear God, to love Him, and keep His commandments. What a weird weather day. The sun popped out briefly, then it the winds kicked up, got cloudy again and the temperature plummet. Brrr.. already. I read a hysterical article by Fr Peters on the epidemic of asthma among Lutherans...when they spot incense.

October 25, 2010
I still feel refreshed, the workday was steady and I’m picking up some things. That keeps the job from becoming a bore. The days are getting shorter and it seem the ordinary days of Pentecost are already over. Sometimes I just cry out the  Advent Cry, “Veni Redemptor”. Alex was the bomb yesterday. I failed to acknowledge his handy work as a plumber. He installed a brand new shower head and tub spout for the master bedroom. I did do the hardware store run. That should count for something. I think I will spend so time reviewing all the liturgical components of the Lutheran Mass. Then I will give it a go as a writing exercise to something meaning.

October 24, 2010
Needless to say, we found rest and peaceful gladness in the liturgical worship of our Lord. I think it is best to curb my tongue on worship outside of the Lutheran Mass. And just convey the full blast Jesus found in the Liturgy. People will not understand what I mean when I talk about being lead to a empty battlefield or lead to certain death. Because of sinful lies, ultimately is seems to abandonment of post rather than a reality of sounding of the alarm to deaf ears. The lines collapsed; chaos and unhealthy relationships cause a community to transform. This kind of remind me of the 1966 film, “A Man for All Seasons”. I wrote a thesis on this film for an ethic class at  North Central where Sir Thomas More was convicted of treason on the perjured testimony of Richard Rich. There is a parallel to this where good names have been soiled. I haven't had time to muse over what was said at the retreat there are more pressing things to tend to at this time.

October 22-23, 2010
What a way to end the work week, it is a satisfying thing to be recognized at AT&T for my contributions toward the project I’ve been working on for the last 10 months. Thanks be to God for the opportunity. The the oddest thing is what is immediately comes to mind is recognition rite which brings glory to man at a former parish. I think it was odd that this thought surfaced, because I am no longer angry. Everybody will worship what they will, for even the ones that can not keep themselves alive, their kneel will bow before the name of Jesus. One of the thing I’ve waited patiently for is our move across the street to the North Campus, not just because of the space but for all the additional details placed on our senses on the awe and splendor of God. To this day, I remember saying to the pastors after Mass was the only thing missing were the kneeling pads. Some people may find this to be a strange thing to say, but for me, this is an intrinsically necessary gesture. I bend my strength before our living God as an acknowledgement that all I have received is from him. So odd as it may sound, I do find it odd how churches without kneeling pads try to uphold the Christian Liturgy. The liturgy bends the knee before the feet of the crucified and exalted Lord. In the named above all other names. Amen. So off we went. Albeit it was quite a drive to Woodstock, what a great drive with Dave. It ride was filled with great conversation about family and the anticipation of what was to be during the retreat. That be to God for Dave’s iPhone (AT&T), It guided us there and back flawlessly.  The Loyola University Campus was magnificent and the hospitality was more so. The food was exquisite and endless. I can add to what I always know about PR Bruzek, simply a brilliant and humble teacher of Christ. The seminar and show and tell was so edifying. As always most things I can say amen to just like that. But there are always lingering things said that require time to soak in because it is so different from what the world tell us. In deed we are in spiritual warfare with the Satan. The clearest thing in my mind is I thank the Lord for blessing my family is gather us to St John else I would have been lead to a empty battlefield. The beer, scotch and cigars time and dining conversations was on our participation in the need for a Eucharistic life. Even the name Larry Luder story resurrected that snowballed from a unknowing handing down of a Lutheran Heritage at the time. Part of the ride home was a nice Saturday ride in the country and though old rural towns. Sweet. As great and relaxing as retreat was with outstanding men, it was good to be home with a full house and the shower of his blessings. Six, yes 6 of us, I acknowledge Rob and a member of my family. I think all my kids turned of to be beyond just fine, amazing despite my shortcomings. Wow, at all this joy and the highlight of the week don’t even come until tomorrow. Visit us O Lord, in your mercy watch over us, I thank you for my marriage and family, may we live in harmony according to your Word. Amen.

October 21, 2010
No wonder Jennifer was out late at Dee’s house last night. No school today or tomorrow. These are extraordinary times. I’m glad I’m keeping a journal. It allows me and anyone who stumbles upon this site a glimpse at the life of a poor miserable sinner who dares to be a Lutheran. What has happen to our world? Submit to God, question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear. I keep wondering what this men’s retreat is going to be like. I went last year to a guy’s night where there was meat, fire and beer that was pretty cool. I thought the bigger the bonfire the better. For some reason I think to is going to be awesome because God will be in the conversation. I’m calling this overnighter beer, scotch and cigars. The agenda calls for a Divine Service and a presentation “Taking the Lead: How Strength and Kindness Fit Together in the Life of a Christian Man”.  Shame, shame, shame, on NPR. Bearing a name Lutheran and phases like “continuous reformation” and “spiritual justice”. I'm guessing this what happens until there is a God created in their own image. In the Holy Supper of our Lord we have a mystery placed before us that should cause the deepest awe and excite our profoundest adoration. There is the treasury and store-house of God's grace.  -- Blessed Johann Gerhard, Sacred Meditation XIX

October 20, 2010
It was a gorgeous day to be out and about. Whoo hoo, it was in the lower 70s. Good thing for eye drops. I use Patanol. Good stuff. How awesome is it to have the eternal Son of God dwelling in you and you in Him because you’ve eaten and drunk His Body and Blood at His Supper? What a remarkable truth. Wow, It’s 9 and i was listening the the encore sermon posted, Jennifer just walked out the house with Dee and said to lock the front door. Unbelievable, am I crazy or do I trust her that much? O God, grant us a clean heart and guide us to maintain it in its proper place. Amen. I’m temped to go to the bible study link and listen to the bible study, nah, best let it be. It is not good to dwell on sad things we can not change.

October 19, 2010
Unbelievable it’s already 11 p.m. and I finally got what I wanted done for the day. I’m getting really excited about the upcoming men’s retreat. to I saw images of Jennifer’s heart at the cardiologist. Pretty impressive. She is strong as a bull. I talked to my brother-in-law earlier today as usual we manage to encourage each other in Christ. Many of our relatives are pagans and try to share in our belief that Jesus died and rose again, and though Jesus, God will bring us along with him, so now and forever, we will be with our Lord. And so the fear death. I believe like them, that will be with their ancestors in eternity, because of their unbelief. I’m really tire ....

October 18, 2010
I was surprise and didn’t realize that I didn’t update the entry in the journal. The day was interesting in that there was no need cook dinner. Fawn had bought Fried Chicken from Popeye’s earlier in the day and stuck it in the refrigerator. I got to watch Chuck on TV only because the ladies watch Dancing with the Stars upstairs in the bedroom. Felt odd watching TV in the family room by yourself. Talk about strange things, I noticed in many of our Lutheran Hymns we sing, “we bow before thee”, or something to that affect; yet many will not actually ever bow. I wonder about the idle mind of people even in the Divine Service.

October 17, 2010
Sundays are truly the highlight of any given week. It always begin with us gathering around the Eucharist at St John. I come to expect Pastor Bruzek’s sermons to be nothing short of brilliant and he has yet to fail bring forth the oracles of God. I have no comment on the bible study, since I did not attend. Cooked up  delicious BLT sandwiches for lunch. Alex showed up mid afternoon. what a pleasant surprise. Before I could open  my lips everyone asked Alex why didn’t he come down earlier and joined up at worship. Interesting response, he will make sure I will do just that next week. Got and interesting bulk email from my sister-in-law Sandy. She was musing over an CNN article about Black Churches and also commented on the margins which had one liners signs. Epigrams used an evangelistic tool. Andrea cooked up a fine spaghetti dinner which included a tossed garden salad. Yummy. I shot off a email thanking him for responding to my bible study concern. What I initially wrote was only the tip of the iceberg. I don’t believe that the leadership and I are in full agreement, but we are walking in the same direction. To be a Lutheran is it live well and die even better.

October 16, 2010
Today was the bomb. Everyone was us early eager to begin the day. Bill and I only had coffee this morning at the crack of dawn at McDonalds and it was clear sailing into the city and back. We did stop at a bakery to buy baked Chinese barbecued pork buns on the way back. Why no no breakfast at McDonalds? It was pancakes and sausage at St John. We made it there by 10. Rob and Andrea was there at 7:30. They went to Waukegan to do volunteer work at St Martin de Porres High School. The tour of the North campus was great. We were amazed at the progress. I think we will be moving in by  Easter. I remember the first time I walked into the North Campus and compared it to the plans. The room was crying out Evangelical Worship: A place where Narcissism goes to church. Be then again many LCMS churches do cater to evangelical and  blended services too. I did query about the plans for musicians at times being on the ground floor. I didn’t want see see the mistake my former parish did by putting the choir and and musicians up front and it becoming a performance. In the short time we were at at St john this morning, I did get is talk to some of the elders and members of the governing board. I was so happy for Vicar Fred Gaede. He shared a lot on his hopes to service our LOrd. I really wanted to talk to Joe. our congregational president, but it did come to past. Everyone I talked to was of good cheer. As soon as we got home, bam, Jennifer was out the door. Woman with car on the move. LOL. I dozed off on the easy chair in a matter of minutes for 2 hours. Those 3 pancakes and 3 pork sausage links was not as light and fluffy as I thought. When I woke, my brother–in-law Henry was over to fix the upstairs shower that was leaking water downstairs. And he was actually successful. I dropped off Jennifer at a friends house. A big group of kids were over for dinner and they they went to Naperville Central Homecoming. My job is to pick them up at 10:30 and drive some of the kids home. Anyway after dropping off Jennifer we ate ate Chipotle . I got the chicken quesadillas. Awesome. Lately cause it get dark early now it reminds me of night drives in our early years. We stopped by Meijer’s for a few whatnots. That place is huge. I mused a little more about the recent, “The Pastor’s Bible Study”. Everyone is a theologian. The accurate question is what kind of theologian am I going to be, am I going to be a good or a bad theologian. We have become anti-intellectual and fail to think for ourselves. I can’t hang in there and go with the flow. Sloppy theology do not represent the character of God. I’ve seen enough of that. How are people going to move beyond being a lay theologian and becoming a ministerial theologian with bible stories and application? Am I now imagining catering to the lowest denominator as the most attractive to all? Well it’s time to get ready to go pick up the high school youngsters.

October 15, 2010
My contracting firm took me and another contractor out to lunch. We ate at Weber Grill. I love the beer can chicken. Good food, good conversation. I came across a brief post “people who eat Atkins...”  and mentioned a book called Eating Animals on Weedon’s Blog. I read the comments and found it striking the luxury we have in being overly sanctimonious. We even have laws on which animals can and can not be eaten. One thing I can say say about the the recent story telling/bible study format is it was thought out and not rushed into. This upcoming week’s ... is: Snakes on the Plain: When we complain, we lie about God. How can we propose change and make suggestions in a God-pleasing way? Guessing this is Numbers 21 The Bronze Serpent. Am I imaging that the studies are application studies? This is very disappointing. I don’t know how I hang in there, continue to attend the bible study and support this. It will be interesting to see if John 3 - You must be Born Again, will be part of this story telling. What will it take for us to see we are poor miserable sinners? And what will it take for us to repent and turn away from our sins? When we are lifted up, we will see how sinful we are, and we will see our hope is in the Lord, Christ Jesus. Jennifer got eliminated the 2nd round against the number one seed Benet Academy. What a great year. Thanks for a great year of Tennis, Lady Redhawks! Yummy can’t wait to make it the the family Pancake Breakfast and have some fun with fellow parishioners. I can not think of of a better place to find refuge and wait for for our Lord than at St John.

October 14, 2010
It started our as a cool brisk autumn day but worked its way up to the mid 60s. The leaves are rapidly changing colors and falling regularly. Soon the trees will be bare. I think most people don’t look forward to fall and winter as they do to spring and summer. I don’t know why Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing came to mind yesterday morning, perhaps it waking to my wife and family. I look around and all I see is God’s glorious creation and it becomes my Ebenezer. I was wowed by an elderly lady at Edward’s hospital. She is the greatest pianist I ever had the pleasure. Her live grand piano music was soothing and relaxing yet very uplifting. God is so good. Where’s Alex? I miss that guy.

October 13, 2010
I work up this morning to the thunderous voice of God and with a song in my heart. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. The sermon and bible study was posted today. With joy and thanking, let us present the Christ in ourselves  to the world that needs the love of God. I shot off an email to the president of our congregation my concern about the format that differs from systematic theology bible study. Next gospel reading is from Luke 18:1-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow – Jesus told this parable so that we realize that God want us to ask, and he does answer our prayer, so don’t give up and don’t lose heart.

October 12, 2010
What another awesome day. I wonder how many more days remain this year I will approve of weather wise. Simply gorgeous. Fawn and even went for a morning walk right after I drove Jennifer and Dee to school. Great kids living in their teenage wonder years. Talk about a random act of kindness, Rob brought and setup a wonderful DVD recorder. Sweet. Tim H is a funny guy, we were IMing and he paused for a moment to pop a couple corn dogs in the oven for lunch. So during lunch, I reflect back on when my kids were small, I would take them fishing at the riverwalk  during the summer months. Sometime we start the season just as the water start showing when the ice start melting. It was a given corn dogs at the park. Great memories. I got email  from Carl with the bin number to see the snaps of Sandy and him running in the Chicago Marathon 2010 over the past weekend. I think it is amazing what the human body is capable of. I was hoping there would be a early posting of the Sermon and bible study. I am eager to revisit them both. Got talking with a dear friend. Strange how the effects and damage of sin don’t go away without repentance and forgiving. I am often bewildered when I get to know a person. Mainly I am flabbergasted not at what they do, but mostly because of why they do it. Beit the person at the pulpit or the person sitting in the pew. My eyes are easily open and can see clearly the evil doings of others. It is much harder to see my own sins as clearly, yet they are there and exist. O Lord open my eyes to confession and create in me a clean heart. Amen. Will there ever be a time when I have only kind words to say?

October 11, 2010
Up early got  some blood work done for my meds. No fun fasting. Work was no fun the network was so slow. Thanks be to God that we are able to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus and can worship him in the splendor of holiness. Amen.

October 10, 2010
Rest and peace was found in our Lord’s Divine Service. However, I’m reluctant to call it a trifecta. Bible story/Bible study? Hmmm... strange indeed. This is the 3rd week of it, and I’m still wondering when they are going end it. I can’t say enough good things about the music during the mass. It believe it is as it should be, to the glory of God. All of it, Jonathan Mueller, Peter Sovitzky, and St John Brass all are a blessing. Amazing how the brass can change a hymn to a boldly sung as an anthem by parishioners praising out Lord. All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine. It is most clear in my mind, it is best the musicians should be in back of the church and not performing and bring attention to themselves. I’m surprise that  the sign up for the upcoming Men’s Retreat is significantly lagging. I am grateful I will be attend to attend. Hopes and prayers the opportunity for more men to join the retreat will come about. Amen. What was I thinking? I went overboard with that meat thing yesterday.

October 9, 2010
Up early, it was a big day for Jennifer, DVC. I dropped her off at Central at 8 and then when in the city with Bill. Naturally we stopped off at McDonalds for breakfast on the way in. Thanks be to God, Bill has a2 month contract. Seem like that is the trend nowadays. That is all that comes my way the last 3 years. Before this current one, I was out 6 months. We loaded up at a cooked meat house, a carnivore’s paradise. I bought roast pig, roast duck, chicken, and barbecue pork. We made it back by 10:30. The family load up car with lawn chairs and blankets and went to the DVC as a family outing. There was plenty of food water and a good time. The weather was simply beautiful during the morning games, but warmed up quite a bit during the afternoon games. It was sunny and in the lower80s. The spectators found refuge under and between the rows of trees court side. Naperville North Campus is really nice. Last year DVC was at West Aurora and it was really cold. By 3 o’clock it was down to Naperville North and Naperville Central 1st and 2nd place doubles left on the court both playing tie breakers. If they split it would be co-champions. Naperville Central took both. Go Redhawks. Jennifer and Lisa medaled! I’m glad Sectionals will be in town at NN next week. I took a peek at the this week bulletin and saw in the margins, The thankless nine do not realize the eschatological significance of what happened to them, that is God’s kingdom has arrived in Jesus. Arthur Just, Concordia Commentary: Luke 17:11-19, p. 268 God is gracious and merciful. Though the encouragement of God’s word, found in Holy Scripture, we find hope in Christ Jesus. I have come to realize that God’s kindness leads us to repentance. Amen, amen, amen.

October 8, 2010
TPed again. Harmless fun? It is no picnic, getting  the toilet paper out of the tree. Too gorgeous of a day to stay in for lunch, Fawn and I went to Fabulous Noodles. I love Egg Foo Young, but rarely order. it because there are so many other dishes that make the cut when looking over the menu. Fawn often order the roasted duck noodle soup. Toward the end of the day, I IMed a co-worker wishing them a good weekend. The reply was that’s the plan. He mention he was going to St Charles to see Kansas in a concert. We got to chat a little about, Dust in the Wind. It somehow evolve to him not being Catholic any longer and not believing the host wafer is not the body of Christ and though of the Eucharist is a showy extravaganza. I told him we were opposites and that I think well of high church and the gifts it brings. I told him we need to talk more about this. Anyway I muse more on melancholy song, Dust in the Wind earlier this evening. I paints a terrible picture of perceived uncertainties and brevity of life. All we are is dust in the wind... Sadly, this means total abandonment and no salvation to be found. Truly, life outside of Christ Jesus is vanity and dust in the wind. Here in Naperville, narcissism is prevalent. A brown field to bring people back. What an opportunity the North Campus brings to invite people and say, O come let us worship him. Our Lord declare, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live” (Ezekiel 33:11). John Lennon is all over the news. People like the song Imagine. Lord have mercy, the tragic  lyrics goes, Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today. Whoo hoo, Jennifer won her doubles match today. More tennis tomorrow. Just got a call from Bill for tomorrow. Better shut down and get call it an day.

October 7, 2010
It was a super long day at work, but it was on my own accord. I want to document the things I am learning while they are refresh in my mind. Have a blast with this new technology. Tim told me he forward a resume I sent him to a firm that contacted him. Lord, for the unemployed and under employed, have mercy. Amen. I have been reflecting on Ecclesiastes 3 for the past month. Ecclesiastes 3 for various reason. Partly because of the sermons and partly because of what is happening in my life and my family. Scriptures speaks of the brevity of life and spending our time wisely while there is a time for everything. May our lives be not a check list of dos and don’t dos, but be productive lives bearing the fruit of our faith to benefit our neighbors. Thanks be to God for his assurance of an eternal time with him.

October 6, 2010
I drove Jennifer to school this morning and we actually talked and I was was a pretty good listener. It great when the kids grow up and we know have to instruct and remind them of things. They call it something else though. The temperature remains mild. God is good. Fawn shared with me her joy she had today in being able to articulate her faith the the strength given to by grace. What an most excellent workday. I got to try something new and it was truly beneficial to me to learn the the newer 4G technology. I ‘m like a kid with a new toy, trying this and that, exploring. Fawn and I went out for a night drive to Boarders to get Jennifer a paperback book so she can write in the margins. I think I mentioned I enjoy an early evening drive and how it is kind of reminiscent of our early days. I just purchased Norton Utilities 2011 on line and installing it now as I’m doing this journal entry. It is mid week and I’m still think about St John. Like the psalm of 122, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go the the house of the Lord!” So glad Sunday’s sermon as well as the bible study is posted. I am wowed again by Pr Nelson’s sermon. Week after week, for the last 2 years, I am glad to be in the house of the Lord. I understand now why Dave want people close to him to come to “what is best.” But people will not understand this saying. I have to listen to this sermon several more times.

October 5, 2010
Yesterday was too good of a workday. I paid for it with a long day today. In was doing the African bible study in preparing for next weekend’s worship. This is the way catechumens were reflect and muse  over the  gospel reading. Jesus Cleanses Ten Leapers (Luke 17:11-19) – (1 time) Odd, I have been reading the psalms and “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High, 15 and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me” (Psalm 50:14-15) Amazing, the Jew demand signs yet the 9 were unthankful. Often times we fail to see what God has done for us in our daily lives while other times we take the glory as if it were our own doing. Let us give thanks to the Lord and tell everyone what he has done. (2 time) It is not clear why Jesus showed mercy to the 9 Jewish leapers other than they asked for mercy while the Samaritan who came back to give thanks was made well because of his faith. Thanks be to God for the work of God in my life. Albeit I am undeserving and he owns me nothing. Most merciful and gracious God. Sing the Kyrie.  In prayer, especially by name, the people most dear and close to me for their needs. Kyrie Eleison. Amen. (3) Got to love rhetorical questions. Already looking forward to the Gospel Sermon, is it Sunday yet? Worship at St John is the highlight of our week.

October 4, 2010
Wow there was frost on the windshield early this morning, but by the afternoon it was a nice fall day in the lower 60s. I talk to David, we’re pretty excited about the upcoming men’s retreat. He also invited me to join in blessing the Catechumens this Saturday. The fact of the matter is they are truly a blessing to me and our congregation. Besides, every time Pr Bruzek, Pr Genig and Pr Nelson open their mouth, I become wiser in the knowledge from above. Perhaps another time. Dave showed me an awesome Higher Things 2011 Conference logo he designed. One can immediately see a great deal of thoughtfulness and effort was place in the details of the divine nature of our Lord who went willingly to cross for us  for the forgiveness of our sins. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I went to the HT website. My God, my God. What have they done? They reduced it to .... Coram Deo literally means “before the face of God”. It carries the notion of our living in the presence of God, under the authority of God and to the honor and glory of God. This is our intended life. Anything less is subhuman. We need to understand that whatever we are doing and wherever we are doing it, we are acting under the gaze of God. Pr. Nelson’s fine sermon is still ringing in my ears. As well the Table of Duties found in the Small Catechism. I make it a point to read Luther’s Small Catechism at least once a year. I shared it in depth with my sister Mary and was the best of times. I was thinking about past friends in my old parish and can only thank God that he has gathered my family to St John. I said a few direct things last we with true candor. 3 people took it well and there were no ill feelings and good relationship continues to flourish. Thanks be to God. However, one person told Fawn and Andrea yesterday, while I was in the other room I was acting unchristian like while I was in the other room in my house. Clearly she did not understand a single word I said. I is truly hard not to become angry at people who disregard your wishes. One can tolerate disrespect only so much. I don’t why I put this in my journal, but it does show that everything is not always rosy. In a couple of weeks I will share things that are not sharable at this time other than our Lord is with us and never against us. It is getting late and yet there is a joy in heart as the day is almost over thinking about today and what tomorrow will bring. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11). Gracious Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me a hope and a future; for loving and delighting in me. Create in me a clean heart and mind to the good plans you have for me; for Pr Bruzek, Pr Nelson and Pr Genig, guide them is you ways. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

October 3, 2010
We were greeted by Pr Genig before the service. He queried about how were we doing. It brought about a smile when I replied that all is well now that we are here. It is truly a blessing to find refuge where the Lord dwells and his where his gifts are freely given. Pr Nelson sermon on the gospel reading of Luke 17:1-10 was very good. I gave muse to  to, “We are unworthy servants; we have only what was our duty”. I even fail at this. The little good that I do however, is done with a cheerful heart in the name of our Lord. Our lord said to the apostles, “If you had a faith like a grain of mustard seed you could ...” Odd that they ask for increase in faith. Clearly our faith is less then that of a grain of mustard seed, as least I know mine is. However, hearing the pure Gospel and partaking in the Eucharist these past few years have nourished an enormous growth in faith and appetite to live the eight day life – to live in the spirit of the resurrection, which is  the spirit of new creation, which is ultimately the spirit of forgiveness. It was a trifecta! Pr Genig lead the bible study on Forgiveness, Our Lord loves it, we resent it. I’m not much on the bible story telling by lay people as part of the study. I think it is nice for 3-5 graders. Wonder how long this will be going on. Hmmm... I think bible studies are always best left fully to the pastors. Regardless, I hear the Word that gives us the peace of the Lord and received the full forgiveness when I touched Jesus with my lips. I signed up to go to men’s retreat. I really excited to hear what Pr Bruzek has to say. I was bothered by the song Amazing Grace a couple days ago, despite knowing something about its background. Amazing Grazing in itself is not the problem, it is what us sinners have done to it or allowed. It has become an performance song played in church beit the pianist or the soloist. This is best said “Liturgical music must be like John the Baptist: always point to Christ, never calling attention to itself.” – Brother Roger of Taize, in conversation with Robert Batastini, October 1983. That is what exactly happened at the recent installation of Dr Harrison as President of LCMS. It only bothered me because it is call a Divine Service,  despite all the people jumping up and moving about with cameras flashing all over the place. It is slightly warmer today and the kids were outside carving several pumpkins. I’m not much of a Halloween fan. Actually I wish it would just go away or morph into some other fun day for the kids. Some Christians view it as harmless while others are concern. It is plainly a stupid secular holiday. I’m not much of a football fan, but it was actually exciting to watch a successful 59 yard field goal kick.

October 2, 2010
The temperature plummeted 20 degrees. It is in the mid 50s all day. A grim render it is after all autumn.  I was in denial despite the leafs changing colors and has begun falling off the trees.  Fawn and I bare the cool weather to cheer our baby girl on at the quad hosted by Naperville North. Jennifer was 1 and 2. The 2 lost were both tie breakers. The matches were really tough. There were very few errors the scoring shots were well placed. I have to say good tennis. Jennifer was cheerful about the outcome but really enjoyed herself playing the first time with Melody as a double partner who is a senior that normally plays 3rd place singles. I thought they played very well together. Fawn and I met her mother. She is an extremely nice person. Only kind words came out of mouth. That thought carried throughout the day and into the evening. St Francis said, "take pains to refrain from sharp words. If they escape your lips, do not be ashamed to let your lips produce the remedy, since they have caused the wound." Glory be to him who loves and has freed us from our sins by his blood. Amen.

October 1, 2010
The number came out for the Midwest Region today. Our teams hard work paid off, we blew away all the other markets in our region for the month of September. Another sweet day. I went to the doctor’s office and got my H1N1 Flu and Pneumonia shots; one in each arm. Believe it or not, this is my very first flu shot ever. Now days it seem painless. As a very young lad,  it would take two person to hold me down for a shot. Fawn and I went to Good Samaritan Hospital to visit our good  neighbor and friend. Most gracious heavenly father, let it be your will to place thy healing hand on all your children, that they may live long lives proclaiming the many great things you have done. Prayers for good health for our pastors for our benefit; for work for the unemployed and underemployed, especially  for Bill and Andrea. Amen. Galatians 5 Walk by the Spirit -  the fruit of the spirit is .... self-control. I don’t know how many pietist were in my former parish, certainly there were enough of them in the leadership to stop wine from being served a spaghetti diner in the gym. LOL, hypocrites. But aren’t we all in one thing or another. Anyway, things like drunkenness will keep one from inheriting the kingdom of God. Let us be sober and live self controlled, upright godly lives, waiting for our blessed hope, come Lord Jesus. Amen. I guess I picked this out of all the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirits is because it is the month of October and Oktoberfest is upon us. Actually there are several activities this month at St John consider like the family pancake breakfast and the men’s retreat. I already missed the guy’s annual beer, fire, meat thing last month. Whoo hoo, Rob made in, just as I was about to logout the jounral. So where is Dee and Jennifer? The H.S. football game should be over by now, hmmm...

September 30, 2010
Again unbelievable, sure there isn’t many days left like these past few days left in the year. It is the same again the over loaded tools allowed me to take the afternoon off and work again in the evening. There was much talk about a newly discovered planet in the constellation of Libra. I give thanks to our Lord. Creator of the star of night. Grant me a clean heart that I may live my life to glorify you. Shine a light for me, O Lord,  guide this soul back to Eden.  Amen. Prayers for St John and her pastors. It will be interesting how reverent and orderly the distribution of the Eucharist will be at the North Campus. I trust it will not become a drive through. Almost the weekend.

September 29, 2010
Just have to mention what a drop dead day it was. Super nice. I took a long lunch, in fact later took the afternoon off and ended driving south on route 59. There is a Mega Pentecostal denomination contemporary worship call Calvary Church of Naperville. Driving by one can’t help but to notice the huge complex. You can see at a distance a large sign. I was guessing it would try to say something clever like, “Go to Church or to Hell”. I was wrong it simply said, “Divorce Care”. Got is listern to Sunday's sermon and bible study again. Is it Sunday yet? What a bless this technology to preserve such wisdom from above. Patristic Quote from Weedon’s Blog, For it is not enough to show mercy, but it behooves us to do it with a largeness and an ungrudging spirit, or rather not with an ungrudging, but even with a cheerful and rejoicing one, for not grudging does not amount to rejoicing. -- St. John Chrysostom, Homily 21 on Romans

September 28, 2010
Overall, it was a pretty good day. No real big pressure, just busy as usual.  It is really something to worship in the splendor of holiness. Psalm 96 Oh sing to the Lord a new song; the rest of psalm say what this new song is. So many people use this verse totally out of context by singing idle songs in worship. Often times in thisidle singing is in theform of “I” hymnody over psalmody. One of these day I’m going to find out why people sing, What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Maybe it will not be distracting when it is occasional slipped in the LCMS Lutheran Mass. LOL, I keep hearing the old song Jesus is a Friend of Mine between the phrases. Then I become sadden and become prayerful. Hard to believe it made the cut in the LSB over so many solid hymns. I heard the cantor explanation from my previous parish, but I didn’t buy it. I rather leave it alone for the time being at St John.

September 27, 2010
It was a weird day and I was compelled to share candor words. It is my hope and prayer that it is received as something healthy.  To the Elders like himself, Peter said, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you” (1Peter 5:6). I know of no women more humble a servant in Christ than my wife. Our Lord ask us to be lower ourselves, to be humble and serve our neighbor. Peace to all who are in Christ. Amen.

September 26, 2010
Worship at St John awesome as usual. Word and Sacrament. There was great joy at the rails, with bent knees my entire family, our Lord delives his true body and blood into our mouths. Pr Genig sermon help puts much of last week’s sermon into perspective. There was no singing of idle songs is worship. We even made it to the the extended LW 440 Hymn From All That Dwell Below the Skies. We have been doing that for the last several weeks. Joy is it is a great hymn and joy in it means more people are back in the pews receiving gifts from our Lord. Andrea told me the are 16 kids in her Sunday School Class. That means parents are staying for bible study? I need to turn around. I am clueless how many are attending adult bible study.
Pr. Bruzek is a wise man. Helping us with our journey back to Eden by always pointing us to Christ first. Our God is is what we love, trust, cling to in life and death. I was taken by surprise that Pr Genig mentioned he knows about this site. The joking said we hope I have good things to say about St John. It is where God has gathered my family. Need I say more?

September 25, 2010
I day started out early as heck today. I dropped Jenifer off a NCHS at 5 am. They went to Champaign to play a 16 team tournament. Jennifer came in 3rd and the team took 1st place. Go Red Hawks! Bill and I didn’t have breakfast this morning and go in the city this morning. He did it with my sister Nancy. Something about picking up my niece Natalie in the city. Everyone on the own; Andrea and Rob went to Schaumburg to reunoin with Andrea’s college friends she shared apartment with, quad date. I’m glad Rob cut the grass. It needed it, with all the rain we been getting. Alex went to Michigan to see big ten football. So Fawn and went out all day doing this and that and capping it off with a nice prime rib dinner at Outback. An awesome day the Lord has made. Getting goose bumps thinking about tomorrow where God gathers us poor miserable sinners. Rev Weedon posted this on his blog this evening: That membership [in the catholic church] is powerfully expressed as you worship your way through the liturgy, which is the pattern of worship in which you join your fellow members in the catholic church of many centuries and many places.  This reaches its climax in the Holy Communion when we acknowledge ourselves to be together with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven. -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons, p. 307. Dr Nagel in spot on and a noteworthy New Lutheran Quote of the Day.

September 24, 2010
The best day all week. Lunch with Fawn at the Front Street Cantina. Sweet.

September 23, 2010
Super long day at work fighting fires. So that was my day. It is a blessing being married to a strong and courageous women Christian women. Thanks be to God Christ though her I heard Good News. I got a little spunky  when COMCAST went down again. It is tough calling in to resolve the problem with Indian on the other end of the line. Bad news. I think we are stupid to stay on with COMCAST. Prayers for Christ healing hand. Amen. I was think about the Installation Service again today, this isn’t as bad as glory outside of Christ in the Divine Service. But none the less a bad thing blending in anything less the worship some erroneously call for the life of the church. A better name is Ceremony, not Service. The Liturgical Lutheran Mass is for sinners only, gathered by Christ to receive his gifts found in Word and Sacraments and responding is thanksgiving and praise.

September 21-22, 2010
Yesterday there was nothing really to say. Fawn seems to like watching dancing with the stars. I watched it when Santana and Daughtry  on. They were awesome. I was glad I was in the room at the time. We been getting a lot of rain and the pluming is failing. The plumbing company came out and fixed the problem in about 30 minutes and $190 later. Wow I did not see that coming. Andrea got to teach at Naperville Central High School people were saying your Jennifer’s sister. She said the school is really huge now and nicely remodeled. Our tax dollars at work. Sunday’s tough sermon lesson on tithing was poster along with Pr Bruzek’s sermon several weeks ago. One thing for sure. money is needed for our journey north. I was looking back at this journal and took notice of June 12th the anniversary of this journal and prayed Psalm 104. My hope verse 34 May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord.

September 20, 2010
I am reluctant to to full enter fully the day, so I won’t, at least for now anyway. I will cast all anxieties on the Lord, because he cares for family. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

September 19, 2010
Here I go again starting out with a I didn’t. I didn’t make it it back last night. The day was mostly lost sleeping. After doing a few chores I laid down. Laying down isn’t good, it’s so easy to nod off. It was great to to a return email from Rev. Miller and Jeni, they are doing well. This morning at St John we were blessed with the wonders of St. John once again with Word and Sacraments. The Gospel reading and sermon was interesting. Surly something to muse over. I can’t believe I groan as I went before our our Lord at the altar with bend knees. I’d do again a thousand times over to receive his gift of body and blood. Today there wasn’t a bible study per se, but I think it was important enough to have moving forward, moving north, as a congregation with stronger disciples. It was good sitting table catching up with Allen and Fay and with Dave. I’m beginning to think I lost my family on Sundays. Seems I’m in the other room while the family watch football. I think Jennifer and I are the only one that are not addicted to game, she is in her room with her friend Dee Dee studying and/or hanging out. No need to check up on the 2 great kids. Anyway, I spend quite a few hours today  in simple way to grasp how Christians view Levitical law. Clearly it can’t be understood in one sitting and without pastoral help.

September 17-18, 2010
I didn’t login to my computer yesterday, so it’s going to be a 2 day entry. I’ll leave out the not so fun part of prepping for the prostate biopsy, but the biopsy went better than I anticipated. Guessing I have a higher tolerance for pain than most people. Continue prayers for good test results for Fawn and me. I can’t say much for the day because I laid down most of it and slept it away. I didn’t get a call from the Vicar reminding about the men’s day for beer, fire and meat. I was really looking forward to going but now I it believe it would be a bad idea to go under the circumstances. I though it was a little odd that some of the guys thought of it as time away from the whatnots of church life, and get to know and hang out with each other. I contend it is one in the same. How can the Christ in us, the Christ around us, and the Christ though us not be part of the conversation? I found the several internet reads of Yom Kippur interesting. It’s mid morning now and the skies have darken and I hear the thunder roaring from afar. Time to stop and go about the day. I’ll finish the day’s entry later tonight. For now, I’ll be holding on the thought on the compassion of the Lord, Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; 7 let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55 6-9).

September 16, 2010
The morning skies seem to be all gloom and doom. But before you knew it the sun was shinning and all was well. I’m glad the work week is over for me. For Lutherans, Jesus always does the verb. And so it is also with justification, it is entirely the work of God. We are saved by grace, through faith. To put it another way, we are restored to a right relationship with God only by God's action, freely given to us, on account of faith. I was a dead man walking for most of my life. Nowdays I rejoice and thank the Lord daily for his grace and guiding light. But I have been showers with his gifts way before I came to know him. Lord, help me to recall the history of your grace in my life. Amen. Fawn got biopsy on Wednesday and mine will be tomorrow,  prayer for good test results. Amen.

September 15, 2010
Can’t conclude the day's work in 10 hours. I’m still starting to work before the sun comes up. But I did stop just before the the sun set and took out the garbage.  I talked briefly to my neighbor Ken. He was ribbing me that he wasn’t sure I was still living next door. During the lunch hour got the the LCMS website to view the highlights from the Installation Service. What ever that mean. From what I gathered from the bits and pieces I saw from video gallery, it is a pseudo blended service unfit to be called anything other that a installation service. The procession into the Chapel was interesting. A lot of people jumping up take pictures of the event. Surprisingly there was 2 contrasting music styles the first highlighted is a  hymn of praise from Revelations, This is the Feast, it was sung boldly. The second highlight is a singing performance of Psalm 121. It was so-so, seem they could of use a tad more practice. May if would have sound better it performed on a sound stage and someone working the sound engineering better that doing it in a chapel. The sound quality on both was not all that. I say it was a good day. I don’t much about President Harrison but I do something about the previous one. So I guessing it is a good day. At least it is a new day and we have another chance. I wished I saw the video streaming of it. So I could get a clearer picture of the whatnots, because Rev Weedon and McCain paint a completely different picture. I’m sure things like this are not intended to be a model for liturgical worship. I think differently from most people, to me why not have a Mass then follow it with the installation of the elected officers, but that’s just me. Hey, I made egg drop soup 2 days in a row. Wonder when they will get sick of it and stop asking for it. Odd, I didn’t  mention I made beef with bitter melon the other day. I usually do when I cook it.  Probably because I said it many times over all I could say about this strange looking vegetable. Yummy.  I keep repeating myself about St John. Joy. Prayer for the Holy Christian Christian Church and for my family for good health and from protection from harm and the evil foe. Amen.

September 14, 2010
It was  a beautiful sunrise this morning, but I can tell the days are getting shorter. I’m up before the sunrise and the sun sets most days before I’m done working. For sure my workdays are getting shorter. Whoo hoo! Sermon from The Feast of Holy Cross is posted on the sermon page already. For sinners only. Unbelievable, so was the bible study. God is good. Both are keepers. I am listening to both of them as I am making this stream of conscience journal entry. What an awesome way to cap the day off along with my evening prayers. I am thankful that my family is gathered to St John; for her stewards of God’s Grace that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. It is truly a blessing when learned teachers of Christ preach and teach the oracles of God. My dear friend and brother Dave W reminded me this morning about Dr. Kleinig short story: The disenchanted Wise-man at the foot of the manger who wished only to adorn the Baby Jesus with the very finest the world could offer. And Jesus speaks, "All I want is your sins." We are re-created as a joy filled people with open eyes which are able to see Christ in us and with us and around us and to see all the good things our Lord wish to give to us and though us to give to others. Amen.

September 13, 2010
It was a long day again. But it’s OK, the plan is a 4 10s this week with Friday off. What is going on. I can’t get enough of the sermons and was hoping for the encores. But the last one they posted was for August 16th. Hmm... Psalm 51:10 was ring in ears all day. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within in me This verse is very familiar with Lutherans. In fact most Lutheran know verses 10-12 by heart and sing it. I thought it was interesting that we chanted verses 10-17. Repentance is more than just being heartedly sorry for our sins. Repentance is turning away from the things that keep us from getting closer to God. Many of us sinners are good at asking for forgiveness when we mess up. This is a good thing, we can’t go it alone. But how many of us ask for a clean heart. A heart that is centered on God and not one on our own sinful desires. Psalm 51:10 is another key verse O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth declare your praise notice who does the verb again. There is nothing more certain in life than the word and promise of God.

September 12, 2010
Today is one of those days I could start the days entry with almost anything joyous. So whoo hoo! is good as any. LOL. I can tell my stream of consciousness writing will refresh and unburden me. It is also my hope that the reader who stumble upon my journal will ponder  on come to know that the hope of this poor miserable sinner can also be their hope and joy also. I simply love feast days. Toady is the Feast of Holy Cross. And what a t day it is. It was a special day for our catechumens seeking to be baptized members of St John. My nephew Adam is among them. Thanks be to God. The procession hymn was  We Praise you and Acknowledge You Our family love this anthem. I can't even get through the first stanza without cracking my voice and shedding tears of joy and praise. Dave came up with the word trifecta when we are blessed with Word and Sacrament and get a bible study to booth after the Mass. Today we hit the trifecta. Pr Genig was the celebrant and chanted the Words of Our Lord. Beautiful. We are blessed with 3 pastors who are among the most learned teachers of Christ. What is more amazing is the when we have a guest preacher and teacher. It would either be Dr Arthur Just or Dr John Kleinig. I thank Jesus for gathering his people this morning. Jesus Sinner Doth Receive. I can’t understand why Evangelical can’t get this. My sister Mary finally did. I’m sure it will offend some people, but I believe Jesus is a Lutheran and my sister died a Lutheran. The theology of glory have the verb in the wrong place. It has to be Jesus doing the verb else  our conscience could never be at peace. Incredibly my day was complete by 11 am. Full blast Lutheran Mass! OK not quite, the incenses and the kneeing pads are missing. I got out and went with Fawn to drop off a few things ant the drop box. We we amazed that the Good Will box door was ripped off the hinges. Sign of the times? We picked up some odds and ends from target. It is always nice to be out and about with Fawn. I stopped doing that for the longest time. I Now I wonder why I did that. Wow, I got the request from everyone that they wanted me to cook  my sausage and spinach dish over noodles. I got rave reviews again. Thank you Lord for this day and the week ahead. Next Sunday can not come too soon. Amen.

September 11, 2010
I dropped Jennifer at NCHS at the crack of dawn. I couldn’t believe the team went out to Geneva in the pouring rain. Within an hour they were on their way back. Andrea and Rob had to pick her up I was already on my way to the city with my brother Bill. And yes, of course we stopped off at McDonalds on the way in. Wouldn’t you know it by 10 the sun was shinning a not a cloud to be seen. I got an email from Austin, he is the Head Trustee of a former parish.  It was bulk so he most likely didn’t know it was me. Interesting it was about stained glass windows. I love stained glass windows, but not the contemporary pattern ones found in … they bring no glory to God. The current windows in the North Campus are a eye soar. I can’t wait until they are replaced by the one we have now when we move across the street. I don’t know what to say about the stain glass situation at Bethany. I do know God is merciful and forgiving. I couldn’t agree with Rob more. I believes it is impossible to find a church half of what God has blessed the parishioner with at St John. It is sad when I think about the 9/11. A lot of things run though my mine when terms like Islamic Terrorist and Moderate Muslims are used. It really says something doesn’t it? Then there is always the shame of Yankee Stadium brought upon the LCMS. I totally disagree with the idiom let bygones be bygones. But will agree it was a sad day for the LCMS. It’s not only the LCMS but the day is tainted by interfaith worship. There always crazies like Jones. What possible good would burning a Quran do? No love and no Jesus in it. Awesome day, I even got to play catch with Jennifer. I suggested using a nerf ball.

September 10, 2010
I got the needed done this morning., so it was time to celebrate. Fawn and went out and about downtown for a couple hours midday to enjoy the good weather and had lunch at the Front Street Cantina. When we dated in the early years, are dinner dating were mostly at Mexican Restaurants. It was both out favorite food. Nowadays my favorite is Indian, but Fawn can’t stand the smell of it. It was another big step today for Jennifer, we allowed her to drive to school solo. I’m so tire from sleep depredation, so ...

September 9, 2010
So what do one say about the day, when it was all work and no play? Well I can reflect on the Lutheran understanding of work as a Christian vocation. That is, it is grounded in our baptism. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). At times like this, vocation seem to be so taxing and full of struggles. But at the end of the day, sometimes I feel as great sense of accomplishment while other days it is just feel burdensome. But I know my confidence in what was accomplished or what was left undone, but is found in Christ alone in service of neighbor. Pr Gening once said, “the Christian can not do everything, but the Christian must do something.” Other words, if we bear no fruit ... often time this is confused with work righteousness. It's a shame they haven't posted last Sunday's sermon yet. I was looking forward to it all week.
September 8, 2010
Looks like I’m going to be working the rest of the week 12 hour plus days too. Not much of a life; there is a big push. I’m not clear what that means, O well. Prayer are for good health.
September 7, 2010
I don’t want to dwell too much on how long my work day is, but it is more hours than I care for. It is actually frustrating at times. I thank God for evenings like today. Fawn and I went out and ran a few errands. I was nice to cruise around town. It was for a brief moment, reminiscent of our early years.  A good marriage includes God. Without the author of marriage blessings, how can we stand as a couple? As a family? Fawn and I have been married now a little over 26 years, I thank the Lord for this great blessing. Sometimes, I think about the happiness and fulfillment Andrea and Rob are longing for. I’m don’t know how our pastors do their marriage catechesis, but I’m sure Andrea and Rob will learn about how their love is to mirror Christ’s love for the Church.
September 6, 2010
Labor Day, so much for it being a holiday. Last year, this time, I was out of work and this year I had to work or my family lose out the income. At lease there is money coming in this year. Lord, before you, I remember those who suffer from lack of work. Amen.
September 4-5, 2010
I didn’t turn on the computer yesterday, so I’m doing a double entry. Let’s see,  Alex came home so that’s always a good thing. Alex did the cooking and came up the tastiest hamburger ever. I cracked open my bible foe r the first time in months. Normally, I read the ESV  bible on line, in fact, it’s my default page. I have to comment the the recent days, it has cooled down to were it is not only bearable but it is also to my liking. Worship is wonderful at St John, today was no exception. Refreshed by God’s Word and Sacraments.  The oddest thing happened to me on the way in. I wish I would handled it better. I find it very peculiar that what I hear is not necessarily what a few do not. Perhaps it is because they are listening because what is being said is not what they want to hear or it is not what they want God to be saying. I am at awe with the sermons. They are posted on line days midweek. Seems there are people that still don’t get it. They cry out wanting to hear something reverent to them and fell the sermons are too short because they are without application. So I thinking they think there is someplace in the that bible says, if you are a white middle income family living in the Wheaton area you should ...  The Savior spake follow me, perhaps that is asking too much. And it was not about them. Too much bite? I hope not. My prayers are that, just as the body is one with many members ... so it is with Christ. I just don’t know, All I know is that Christians are predestined to be conformed to God the Son. May the body build itself up in love. I thought foolishly thought it was over. I heard something to muse about. The question was what does God do all day? He spends the day mending what is broken. Interesting. We went over to my sister’s Nancy’s house and celebrated Bill’s birthday today. I was a surprise! The food was great, hamburgers and beer brats. I thought it was really nice spending the day with my brother and sister. Al and his family was there as well as Dan’s girls Janet and Julie. I thank God for this day with many revealed a blessings.

September 3, 2010
Not much to say about the day. I was up early early again to work a full day and some, like the entire week. After diner, I sat down to watch a little TV put didn’t get to. I was got like a light. I’m chuckling, because I replace the outside bulb that burned out during last night’s storm, this morning. It always remind me who is truly the Light of the world. Up in time to welcome Rob home just minutes into this journal entry. I got into an IM chat after a meeting about Indian people names, seem like it is popular to be named after on of their gods. And it later evolved to the use of the word G_d. How fitting this quote, “Above all He gives us His name -- into our words for us.  These words convey Him to us.  We know Him through His name.  We do not know God directly; we know His name.  His name is Him for us.” -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons, p. 258. Rev Weedon wrote that thing about how Macs take care of themselves. He found out that is only true if you allow the Mac to download and install it’s regular updates. I really like Rev Brown’s comment, Likewise, the Christian life only remains the Christian life when one is refreshed and restored by the Word and Sacraments. Do not get into the habit of refraining from updates, as some of you have. The plan for tomorrow is Work Day, at least that's the plan. Now what will I do after evening prayers. I’m wide awake.

September 2, 2010
Sweet. Took advantage of the morning Eucharist. Sometime thing just run smooth. The domain migration was almost seamless. It is really booming loud. It must of really been something when Moses spoke, and God answered him in thunder.

September 1, 2010
I thought it was tomorrow, but it is only today and tomorrow is a day away. Everyone knew that was coming. There is freshness in the air. Ah, the sweet smell of Jesus. With all newness found in Christ, it always begins with repentance. Why repent? John the Baptizer said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” If that is not enough, Jesus said it too! In fact, that is how Jesus began his ministry. I really got a lot out of our bible study on the “Circle of Redemption”. Satan only made us stronger. Like the tax collector, I dare not lift up my eyes to heaven, but beat my breast saying, “God be merciful to me, a sinner."

August 31, 2010
Work, work, work. That is all it seem like I’m doing. I’m glad a holiday is coming right around the corner. I did managed to take the time to take a nice walk with my darling wife. I forgot to mention the other day the Comcast Cable TV went down. It was been quite a while time since that happened last. It use to happen often regularly. Tomorrow. I been humming the tune all day. I don’t know the lyric except for “bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be a sun.”  I’ve been waiting almost nine years for tomorrow. Tomorrow we get a fresh start. Prayers for our new Synodical President. As for St John, our Lord has strengthen us though his gifts found in his Word and Sacraments.  We have put on the full amour of God to fend off Satan’s devises. Sunday’s sermon was already posted. Sweet. Pr Bruzek. Living Prophetic Life. Now that is something to muse about. The aim is to simply say what Jesus said and do what Jesus does. Nothing more and nothing less.

August 30, 2010
It was a long day at work, but I have to admit I found great pleasure in the day’s accomplishments. Strange how some people are so great to work with while others less so. I was thinking about the weekend. It is so fascinating that some people on feasts and festivals  days have no problem venerating a martyr like St John and shiver at the thought of venerating the Holy Mother of God. Today was quite unorganized, my mind was racing ever which way in brief random thoughts on justification, sanctification, repentance, then leaping to peculiar  thought  like why do Christian do this while others do that. It was weird. Anyway, time to settle down while evening prayers. Jesus suffered in order to sanctify us  in his blood. May the God of peace himself sanctify us completely, and may our whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

August 29, 2010
The morning started out in a funky way. I got up extra early to get a report out so that  could be free the rest of the day. It was originally my intent to do it Monday the morning. But it was bothersome and occupying  my mind. The demands and expectations are extremely high. Anyway I got it out of the way and went eagerly to The Divine Service to receive God’s gifts. Jesus promises to be with us always. He continues to fulfill his promise through his precious Word and Sacraments. I left off yesterday by saying how much I loved high church, there is no mistake on what is going on. It truly reflects salvation. He hear God’s Word which brings us faith. In respond we declare his praise. We are given an amazing opportunity to respond the Kyrie, Gloria in Excelsis, The Song of Isaiah, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, along with other hymns that clearly declare his praise and can not be misconstrued with singing to entertain ourselves. Ah, the Blessed Eucharist. My Lord has led me his holiest of place. I is an irony that self proclaiming confessional congregations and yet do not adhere and offer the Lord’s Supper when there are communicants present. This clearly is denying Christ to his people. Scripture clearly places the Lord’s Supper at the center of worship. We are to gather on the first day of the week, when we gather to break bread. How much clearer can it be said? Our Lord freely given us the Bread of Life that we shall never die. St John got it right. My prayer are for St John John and a fresh start; for her pastors to remain faith and for their good health for our benefit; for the Body of Christ to reflect the Light of Jesus.  Amen. Andrea and Rob knows this well. They mentioned when they get married and if they have to move away it would be very difficult another congregation like St John. Today is was the day of the big announcement that I have been waiting patiently for quite some time. LOL. Men’s Pig Out. Food, Meat and Fire. We had a interesting discussion about the Martyrdom of St John the Baptist as well as about Divorce and Remarriage. Jennifer first week of school was great for her. She hung out with most of her friends all summer, so it was no big deal with that. But tennis is with her. She’s off  off to a good start 5-0 and so is the team 4-1. Go Red Hawks! Funny, the ladies are in the family room watching the Emmys, no thank you.

August 28, 2010
I was up and out and about early at breakfast at McDonalds with my brother Bill. He still hasn’t been able to find work. It’s bad that he is turning 62 next month and is counting on the little income social security will provide. When I got home there was a little coffee still in the pot.  I made iced coffee. It’s just one of those pleasures it life I thank God for. Enjoyed it while reading Weedon’s Blog. “For while all vices manifest themselves in wrongdoing, pride lurks also in our good works, seeking to destroy even them. “  The Rule of St. Augustine, 1.7 I had too much free  time on my hand this morning. I actual surprised myself and looked the the Steadfast Lutheran website, sigh ... Now I know why I have not adventured there for a while. I think this site has a lot of potential. If only the ranting would stop. It is a big turn off to see Christian so un-Christ like and only bring temper to boil points. Anyway started this post early for the day and will come back later this evening. Andrea and I went to O’Hare to pick up Rob and his friend Nicolia. It was a real treat to meet Nicolia. It is rare to meet someone so bubbly. We drop her off at nearby St John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church where she made it in time to worship. I was thrilled to see the procession. I love high church.

August 27, 2010
It was somewhat of a restless night. I don’t know why, but I was up by 3:30am and wide awake. So I just logged in to work. I have been working hard long hours. I consider what I do, a Christian vocation. In the meetings, as the go though the markets, I am offered thanks your really do a great job in your market, to which I simply say thank you. I often think I should be more humble, because at times I find myself becoming arrogant and prideful. It is a bad road that leads me thinking less of co-workers commitment and abilities. May the Lord grant me true humility is his likeness. Fawn and I went out for a nice lunch in beautiful downtown Naperville. Nothing fancy, but the food is really good at the Front Street Cantina. I was reading this weekend’s bulletin love reading the Welcome section. “Eucharist - thanksgiving – in the end, comes from above... Our little lives become great – pert of the mysterious work of God’s salvation... nothing is accidental, casual, or fertile anymore. Even the most insignificant event speaks the language of faith, hope, and, above all, love.” Henri J. M. Nouwen, With Burning Hearts, p124-126.

August 26, 2010
I don’t intend on always commenting on the weather, But how can you not say anything about the beautiful day the Lord has made? 75° F need I say more? I am thankful for the email I got from Dave. He knows more than a thing or two about the Lord’s Table.  I like worthy quotes like this posted on Weedon’s Blog - To neglect your church, your prayer, your Bible study, your devotions, is to tell God that you have no desire to grow, to become more and more His child, that you are satisfied with being a weak and shaky Christian, and that you have had as much as you want from Him.  How perilously such a person is slipping away from God. Everything that is not in accord with God's will is given over to death and the power of darkness. But, my friends, if we cling to Christ and His Word, growing daily in the will of God, striving to bring our lives into harmony with that will, what strength is ours, what then can harm us? When we are given over to the will of God, nothing can destroy, no more than God and His will can be destroyed.  The unshakeable strength of the will of God is in us, though the world turn upside down.  -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons, p. 245.

August 25, 2010
It was a beautiful drop dead day. I spend part on my lunch hour in therapy. I’ve been told how peculiar I am. When I’m under stress, I go out to the hedge and prune it back with a small hand held garden pruner. And  no I’m not sculpting just trimming it back. It just simply relaxes me. I got my weekly report out on time. It was literally down to the wire. I was home alone most of day. Jennifer is back in school, Andrea was substitute teaching and Fawn was in and out about town. By evening, when everyone was home, it struck me, I should be thankful to God for the employment he has given me.  Rev Mark Henderson post in Weedon’s Blog, “Btw, on the equality of bishops, it might interest American Lutherans to know that in the Lutheran Church of Australia all pastors, from the President down to the latest ordinand, are paid the same salary.” to which Rev Weedon replied, “That is interesting. And I think it is downright healthy for the Church.” In America? What a pipe dream. Thank you Lord for your love and mercy and for your patience with my continuous straying and complaining. Amen.

August 24, 2010
LOL. I call someone that had a voicemail message in the third person. I got a response back to re-baptism back from Pr Bruzek with many good talking points. The clearest response to me is found in the answer to the question,  “Who does the Baptism?”  If Jesus does it ... if we do it ... Pr B has great insights. I thank God for the blessing found in Pr B I was in Weedon’s Blog and found this Old Lutheran Quote: To say to a person, "You must take comfort in your Baptism," is the same as saying, "You must turn to Jesus Christ." -- C. F. W. Walther, Law and Gospel, p. 392. Walther got this one right. The oddest thing, I got a reminder call about an doctor appointment that had supposed to have made this morning. What was odd was I never called to make this appointment and they had all my information. Sounds fishy.

August 23, 2010
I shot off a short email to Pr B about my thoughts on Re-baptism. I just wanted to make sure if I have the correct understanding. In the pass, Pr B always gave me additions things to muse over. I can’t believe I wasted my time watching Bachelor Pad on ABC. I is a racy show where the people scheme to win money. I made Beef with Tomato and Green Pepper over rice. It was plate licking good. LOL, I can’t believe I wrote that for the world to see.  I saw the following pray on Cyberbrethren: Almighty and merciful God, by Your gift alone Your faithful people render true and laudable service. Help us steadfastly to live in this life according to Your promises and finally attain Your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

August 22, 2010
Worship was awesome. But of course it was. Pastor Nelson as the preacher. I think it is one of his finest sermon. I’ve hear sermons on this Gospel reading many times but never more clearly, filled with God’s truth. It will be indeed a rude awakening when the master closes the door. I never understood until now what it meant, the Christian, who are first will be last, and the last first. My family rejoice with our parish and with Trinity in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in the ordination of one of our former vicars. May the Lord keep Rev David Miller and his wife Jeni. Amen

August 21, 2010
I was already mid morning and I got a wake-up call. No, I wasn’t in bed sleeping. I was reading the Holy Gospel according to St Luke, the thirteenth chapter,  in preparation for this week’s worship. Notably  in the margin next to the Gospel was a spot on commentary on Luke, Homily 99 by Cyril of Alexandria (c. A.D. 444) It appears the more to it than to hear, believe, repent, confess and be baptized. I am looking forward to the Lutheran Mass tomorrow. Rob came over, it was great to celebrate his birthday.

August 20, 2010
It was a interesting and calm day. After the IM conversation it somehow led to a short chat and how this person was evangelizing to people who claim to be atheist by first trying to convince them they are agnostic and then eventually pointing them to Christ. It was not clear to me if he was trying to do all the work because the was no mention of the Holy Spirit. Anyway it was interesting. I couldn’t believe my ears. I hear the word re-baptism. I was stunned. There was a list of associated for denying one’s baptism. I sort of listened halfheartedly because it was about a person I didn’t know, who was going to do this thing in the context of a “church” that teaches contrary to the God’s Word. Basically this is just another body of  a god  made in this particular groups image. To me this person is just continuing to be a participant to a host of many of Anabaptist teachings. This decision theology of glory is based on a false understanding of how we become believers and what baptism does. Thanks be to God for his gifts in Word and Sacraments. The intent of my candor on this subject is not to offend but to enlighten. My prayers are that the Holy Spirit mightily bless whoever stumbles upon this website to assist them in correct understanding of the inerrant Holy Scripture, in their studies. Pax Domini. Amen.

August 19, 2010
Psalm 150 Let Everything Praise the Lord – Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! 2 Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! This reminds me of the Service of the Sacrament where the celebrant say “Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Your glorious name, evermore praising You and saying:” to which we reply with the Sanctus. Praise the Lord! This is a fine way to end the Psalter. I did not begin to do Praise the Lord until late in life, may I be be among the elected praising him now and forever. Amen. The past 150 plus days I prayed through a book that examines the depths of human sorrow of being away from Eden. The promises of Christ’s death and resurrection is written all over it. I realize now the I want to slow down and get to know each Psalm in depth and for it to be a book I continue to muse upon.

August 18, 2010
I had to go in the office and plug in to the wired network as part on a domain migration. It only took 30 minutes, so it was enough time to say hi and bye. On the way in, I was bless with the morning Eucharist! I was disappointed I didn’t smell the incenses. I found out they don’t burn and swing the incense censor in the sanctuary on Wednesdays. Something to do with the Joy Club. Psalm 149 Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly! I can’t count the number of times I heard this verse use to defend the desire for what I call new secular sounding loony tunes with questionable lyrics. A new song is a thing of joy as well as a a thing of love. We love God because he loved us first. This love was poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We are to sing this new song and to make sure we don’t contradict our words. To praise the Lord is to live good lives by loving our neighbors.

August 17, 2010
Psalm 148 Praise the Name of the Lord – All of creation is to praise the Lord. The first thing that comes to mind is praise is marked by joy and prayers. When we are in his sanctuary we are at peace. And do willing to go all out praising the Name of the Lord. That is less likely to happen outside his sanctuary. We are not to just speak and sing praises to the Lord alone. That is just lip service, even evil men can sing alleluias. We are to praise the Lord by presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice. This means along with the five solas, we must do good works. Pr Genig got it right. Most Lutherans will not understand this. I admit, I didn’t from the get go. I was hemorrhaging when I first heard this. Open my eyes, O Lord, that I may see the evil I have done. Touch my heart and covert me to yourself. I praise you and acknowledge you, for you alone are worthy to be praised by all creation. Amen.

August 16, 2010
It was weird. The IM conversation at the close of the day, started out with  the question, “Isn’t life wonderful?”  Only to get a reply back with news from my friend Carol about her friend taking his own life. Reading the Psalms has revealed numerous times the deepest affliction and depression that can be cast upon a person. And yet the psalmist is able to find refuge in the Lord and remarkably is able to rejoice and give thanksgiving and praises to the Lord. Prayers are for the family and loved ones; May they find comfort in Christ, our Lord and Savior. There is no day that dark in Christ, the Light of the World. Then the conversation continued with more bad news. Friends from my former parish were having difficulties with worship. The reason is not clear as to why, other than Satan was getting the best of this one. My prayers are this family also, may they find rest and peace in his sanctuary. It is funny how people get to know other people though their children. At least that is often the case early on. I am more comfortable with people now. Or maybe it is people are more comfortable with me. I am more tolerant now than I ever been. Maybe tolerant is not the correct word, perhaps I am more patience up to a point. But then again that might be wrong too, I blew a gasket today. There are certain buttons I call on the Lord for help with. Perhaps it is better to so before rather than after the fact. Psalm 147 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds This is a fitting psalm given the days events. We are from time to time wounded and scared from things in this broken world. Life isn’t pretty outside of Eden, we can find it the Eucharist. We always manage to ruin it and it becomes only a brief reality. But it get better each and every time be move toward being like what in cup and in the bread. There is hope in the Lord and is no circumstance beyond healing.

August 15, 2010
I is always seem strange on Sunday morning, not being a worship. It is the day most Christians traditionally gather around the Eucharist. Makes me wish I lived in Wheaton where my parish has the Divine Service 6 days a week. It seems silly to gather and not have the Mass. Well it was nice out the Rob helped me with the front. Got rid of some weed, trimmed back the hedge a little and laid out some pea gravel. Alex went back to Dekalb again. I can’t keep up with his where abouts,  lol. Than man always seem to be on the move. No cooking need for supper today, ton of leftovers from dining out last night. I can't believe it, Jennifer is out TP again. Sigh ... THry must be divided in different groups because we got TPed Psalm146  Put not your trust in princes Obama is our 44th and current President. Need I say more? I put my complete trust in the Lord and will sing praises to him all my days.

August 14, 2010
It was a sauna. Thanks be to God for air conditioning. It is nice to go to worship on Saturday when the is no bible study. It is amazingly that it is acceptable to the congregation that it is not offered for so long. The pastors are Ok with answering so many of my personal study questions. I still have this tendency of wanting to compare apples with oranges. That’s not good thing, it is better to rejoice in the Lord and bless his holy name. Vicar Hoem preached his first sermon. Pretty impressive for being his first, and so early on. Alex made it back. He just went up there for the tennis team. None of his roommates were up there this weekend so he decided to come back. I was nice to be at the same Lord’s table together with our Lord. Last year, Rev McCain posted What do Lutherans Believe about the Lord’s Supper. It was very useful. I found,  Dr Barry’s, What About ... Fellowship in the Lord’s Supper and Luther’s Small are also good resources too. We were talking about Rob and Andrea’s wedding next year. It will most likely be in the sanctuary at the north campus. I remember Dave authoring an Sacristan Rubric for my former parish. Humorous that it took so long for people to  review this document. I say this because of the lack of reverence and the failure to reply to a simple and direct questions. I actually believed that some were even less than receptionist and oppose the the idea of any presence. Dinner at Fabulous Noodles. I really enjoy their boneless duck with taro casserole.  I had to remind where the boundaries are. The sinners we are, always want to cross them. I’m very good at that, I have many sinful shortcomings. We are lost without our Lord’s help with our struggles. and ultimately with his comfort and mercy. Psalm 145 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable We can’t even discern fully the greatness of God in our own life. God’s greatness is surpasses all understanding. St Paul tells us, in his thanksgiving and prayer, “so as to walk in a manner worthy in the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:10). Despite this doctrine, we truly know through scripture that God is love, that God is light, that God is spirit, and that God is Righteous. My prayers are for the parishioners at St Paul especially for the families impacted by the closing of the day school. I don’t pretend to even begin under their pain but do know when the big toes is injured, the rest of the body is also traumatized.

August 13, 2010
Whoo hoo Jennifer is slated for 2nd place doubles. The only game she lost was for doubles by 1 point. She remains hopeful to win that top spot with her new partner. Year year’s partner was a senior that graduated. This year her partner is a sophomore the just made the varsity team. She is so happy about that. People were shock they did some well against the incumbent team. It was expected to be a blowout. She went out to do the TP run, the parents are really going to love that. Alex went back up to Dekalb and said he’ll be back on Monday. I really hope Jenifer appreciate her brother. One has to think what goes on in a young man’s mind. I’m bless to have a brother like Bill. Rob is here for the weekend though. I reminded him he is family. I am glad he feels the same. Rob likes to think he is the best Chinese Checker player and wants me to believe that. He is amazing and I wish I could have an imagination like him. LOL. Rob and Fawn are very much a like, I can't walk away from the computer and leave my journal open. Every time I stir fry beef with bitter melon, I never fail to put in the journal because it is just that good. Actually when you think about it, why in the world would want to eat something bitter. Some people say it is an acquired taste. I wouldn’t know, I ate it all my life. Sometime I think about the Jewish Passover meal went eating it but has nothing to do with a reminder of the bitterness of the slavery of our Old Testament forefathers in Egypt. Often times instead I think about Christ has set us free (Galatians 5). The last hymn study for the week  is a hymn about baptism. Rev Weedon calls “God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It” his walk out music. I didn’t care for the child like nursery tune when we sang it in the Divine Service. I would rather chant this one. But It think the little children enjoy it. I can appreciate that as much as the rich words. Guess I’m an old school type of guy. Psalm 144 Blessed are the people to whom such blessings fall! Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord! Indeed! The psalmist offers many blessings and concludes with the greatest blessing of all, to be granted true life in Christ. Anything less is to be subhuman. Dead.

August 12, 2010
The work day wasn’t the best and it is best not to say anything and not let it bother me and play out the hand dealt me as best as I can in a Christian manner. Things are never as smooth as one like them to be. Alex is continuing to help Jennifer with her drills early in the morning before the 2 day of tryouts . She is happy with her progress  and remain undefeated. “Thy Strong Word”, We have been singing this hymn as the closing hymn of the Lutheran Mass for the last 3 weeks, 2 verses at a time. I don’t have a very good singing voice, but that stop me from shouting a joyful noise to the Lord. We praise God for his mercy, for sending his son Jesus, the  shining Light to the world that dispels the darkness. Alleluia. May our Lord’s powerful word do its work in us and though us. I have come to regard Dr Just as a church father. I think Rev. Wilken is right, one is compelled to bow the entire last verse. Psalm 143 Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my pleas for mercy! In your faithfulness answer me, in your righteousness! 2 Enter not into judgment with your servant, for no one living is righteous before you. I can’t agree more with this psalmist. My hope is the Lord. For your name's sake, O Lord, preserve my life! In your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble!

August 11, 2010
Did I ever say I really really hate software updates? Pork Chops. Haven’t had them in a while. Good stuff. Yummy. “Lord, Thee I love with All My Heart” What a beautiful prayer to sing directly to God. There are not many hymn like this gem. Great job by Paul McCain on Issues Etc. Psalm 142 You are My Refuge - With my voice I cry out to the Lord; with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Look to the right and see: there is none who takes notice of me; no refuge remains to me; no one cares for my soul. First glance at this and I said to myself, how can the be? I have my faithful pastors who always remind me I am never alone and I am loved by them and Christ. I have my friends in the body of Christ and I have my family when the going gets rough. Then the reality kicks in and overrides the perception, it is only God that can change what is happening in our lives. It is his plan that allows me to grow in faith even in the depth of despair. I thank the Lord for his grace; for his holy angels; for my pastors; for my friends; for my family. Heart of Jesus ... Kyrie Eleison

August 10, 2010
Dr Just said that the hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation”,  is the perfect hymn that it does every a hymn should do. To love Jesus is to also love his church. I think the Rev Dr is brilliant and a modern day hero in the church. Rev Wilkand Dr Just does an good job is studying and talking about Samuel Stone rich and perfect hymn. May all that sing this hymn might have that mystic sweet communion. I can’t remember the last time I had corn on the cob, Fawn did a good job. Simply delicious. She is  the good women that takes care of me. I love her dearly. Alex is a good brother to Jennifer. They have been training for the Jennifer’s tryouts starting tomorrow. They teased me again about Jennifer should practice with me because they said I hit like a girl. Give me a break, I’m a old man. Psalm 141 Give Ear to My Voice – This is a fine evening prayer. I sing this psalmody quite often. I love the sweet God pleasing aroma of incense in the sanctuary at St John. Let the incense of our repentant prayers ascend before You. O Lord, and let Your loving-kindness descend on us that, with purified minds, we may sing Your praises with the Church on earth and the whole heavenly host and may glorify You forever. Amen.

August 9, 2010
Sigh ... What a long day at work. Had scraps for lunch, so I did stop to cook a nice chicken and broccoli dish over fettuccine. Good stuff. I listened to Rev Cwirla review and study of the hymn “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” Secular hope as a fondly wish vs the Christian hope based on a promise and a certainty. What joy, nothing less than the work of Christ. It’s going to be an awesome week at Issues Etc. Psalm 140 I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and will execute justice for the needy. 13 Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall dwell in your presence I am confident and trust that the Lord will deliver  justice and not let me down. Albeit in his own time. Despite being a poor miserable sinner, by his grace, I claim perfect righteousness in the shed blood of him crucified. To Christ alone, I cry out for my salvation.

August 8, 2010
Strange I forgot the late service didn’t start until 11:15, so we were there 35 minutes early. It was nice to catch up with some families I haven’t seen for a while before the Mass. That is why I’m hoping we can move in and start worshiping  in the north campus soon. The sanctuary is will 3 times the size of our current so there will on be a need for 2 services instead of 3 on Sundays. I finally got to meet and talk briefly with Vicar Hoem. It was an honor and privilege to witness the Holy Baptism of Ellery Bonna and welcomes her in the name of the Lord. Pr Genig sermon about not being anxious was very timely. It is a very apprehensive time for parents who have in various ways surrendered their duties to raise their children Christ to others. I can’t think of any other reason where the anger stems from. The hymn of the day was Sing with All the Saints in Glory. Amazing Grace is a popular hymn listed in the LSB as a hymn of hope and comfort it it is actually about forgiveness and redemption though the mercy of God. Personally, I think the disruptive tune has no place in Liturgical Worship and am for chanting it personally instead. Ah, taste and see the Lord is good. Six days a week the Eucharist is offered in the Divine Service at St John. I wish St john was closer to my home so that I could frequent. Psalm 139 O Lord, you have searched me and known me – There is no need to foolishly deny our trespasses. God is omniscient and relentlessly pursues poor miserable sinners like myself with his love. Be not afraid to say, Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way everlasting!

August 7, 2010
It was a beautiful and complete day. It started with McDonalds with my brother Bill and then we were off to the city. I ran in my friend Dennis in the city, what a small world. We both use to work at Lucent and only lived blocks apart and our children grew up and went to school together. I lost touch of him when he moved to the city. I got to know him really well in on a business trip in Shanghai. He did a fine job raising his children in Christ. It was a complete day because I got to spent it with Jennifer. We went to play tennis, at least it was the initial intent. We started out just hitting the ball around. That was fun. Then she wanted to be serious. I couldn’t return any of her serves, so we couldn’t play a game. So I just volleyed 3 baskets of balls to her for practice and let her do 4 baskets of serves. I knew she was good, but it is amazing to see just how fast the balls come at you on the court. After an hour I was bushed a called it quits. How these kids can play hard a couple hours is beyond my comprehension. Ok, the truth is I’m old and out of shape. I told her I couldn’t believe I couldn’t return any of her serves. With a smile she chirped, most people can’t. Dave returned my call from the middle of the week. We hardly get to talk much anymore during the summer months. It was great to catch up with what was going on with the family and life under the Rock. Jennifer went to a party, so Fawn and I went out for a Prime Rib dinner at the Outback Steakhouse in town. It is really special when we get to go out alone. Psalm 138 I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart Indeed. Prayers for St John, may we live in peace and do your will. Amen.

August 6, 2010
What a beautiful day. I wasn’t outside very long but it sure felt nice. I got the results back from my kidney ultrasound. It was good. Thanks be to God. The next step will be a prostate biopsy. Psalm 137 Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock! I struggled with this psalm as I do with all imprecatory prayers. So I shot off a email to Pr Braze. He is truly among the most learned teachers of Christ and has reminded me of the ways of our Lord. This is reality of human sin and divine justice. Our sinful desire for revenge and God’s Justice. God is merciful, but not forever. He is perfect and holy and we are not.

August 5, 2010
It was nice to get out and go for a walk this morning. The cicadas are not nearly as noisy as they are in the evening. Rob came to visit so I made barbecue chicken just for him. That man  loves just anything with barbecue sauce on it. Alex is the same with ketchup. Whoo hoo Alex aced hid C++ final exam. Now that’s what I’m talking about. A chip off the old block. He feels good and the business communication course, but he’ll have to wait and see. I am so grateful that Rob is cutting my grass for 2 reason; first that means I don’t have to do it, and secondly, I just looks so great when he does it. He cuts it with a lot of pride. I read a post by Rev Ball in Four and Twenty + Blackbirds about “Marriage in 2010” and commented on it. It reflected partly on my experience with a LCMS ... that thinks premarital counseling mean meeting the couple 3 times. Once to come in so say hello and fill out the paperwork, 2 time for the wedding rehearsal,  and the final time for the ceremony and for the couple to not see the inside of a church since. It was anything you wanted it to be but sacramental. Psalm 136 His Steadfast Love Endures Forever – The psalmist reminds us to give thanks to the Lord and reminds us numerous times the that his steadfast loves endures forever. Indeed it does. The psalmist also provides a fine list of reasons for doing so. Verse 23 stood out to me, It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever Something even more astonishing than just remembering us in our low estate, he entered it also to become one of us (John 1:14). Prayers like this one are awesome. I really enjoy chanting God’s words back to him.

August 4, 2010
Strange how it keeps thundering and how it continues rain. The Sun finally broke and Jennifer was off to tennis boot camp. Tryouts for the tennis team is next week. She has only been playing for 3 weeks, but I think she is good enough to make the team again. It is doubtful she will be top gun from the get go. But she will play her best. I wonder if Alex will come home this weekend, this is his finals week. Never can tell with these young folks. Psalm 135 Your Name, O Lord, Endures forever – Indeed it does. I truly enjoy singing  praises unto the Lord, albeit it my not be pleasant to earthly ears. One would think, since God can see a poor miserable sinner like me as righteous through the shed blood of Jesus, my singing will surly be music  to his ears. He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses The store house door must be wide open. LOL. People with idols are dead men walking, They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see; 17 they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. 18 Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them! This is the Word of the Lord.

August 3, 2010
I woke up early to the thunderous voice of God. It was booming loudly all night along with a constant heavy down pour. The sump pump was working overtime to keep up. I have been sing the Songs of Ascents since Psalm 120. Oddly, it made me dwell on church music. I thank God for the fine musicians that accompany our joyful noise unto the Lord. I hope when we begin to worship in the North Campus the musicians and chorales will all be in the balcony. I believe that is the plan. Bethany has a beautiful sanctuary with a high ceiling and a beautiful altar. But it is a shame where the organ and choir is located. When the musicians play and the worshiper are not singing it become a performance. And  at St John, the musicians sometimes are off the the side, that is not ideal either. I have work hard not to take my focus off the Christ. Maybe its just me. I rather sing every song and not watch and listen to a performance during the Divine Service. However,  I imminently enjoy being entertained by these  talented musicians and chorales in a concert performance. Psalms 134 Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord This brings back grand memories of the first Christmas Eve late evening mass. I was so filled with joy tears just streamed from my eyes. Let us bless the Lord from whom all blessings flow. It is important to be alert and without drowsiness in our evening prayers and devotions and is best to go to bed early the night before morning services.

August 2, 2010
I had problems loading the editor to this page. The solution was to download Firefox. It works like a charm. Psalm 133 Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity I use to think that it was an absolute must that we agree in doctrine. I now think it is impossible. As Lutherans, we subscribe to the Book of Concord – which are the confession of the Lutheran Church and the norm of the Holy Bible. Over the years I learned that not everyone is interested in learning and growing in the Lord. And so there will always be division and the tares will grow with the wheat. To be honest, I am somewhat  flabbergasted at why some bother to make the trip on Sunday when it appears there is no truth nor spirit. I even wasted so much of my time in roundtables with leaders where there were suppose to be articles for reasonable discussion with reasonable people. At least I thought that was what it was suppose to be. Now days, I believe this unity is not 100% doctrine, but is also based on mutual concern for one another. Only when the heart is one, we can entertain the notion of a us striving to all go to Eden together. Being at Bethany and at St. John, I learned that so many of us were put to shame because of selfishness. Some even put themselves above the community and above God while others did their evil cheerfully as religious conviction. The Lord warned, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 7:21).

August 1, 2010
We worshiped early at the 1st Service of the day. I can’t think of anything I rather do. Psalm 132 Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool My soul continuously longs to worship him in his Divine Service.

July 31, 2010
Alex and Jennifer went out to play tennis. So Fawn I went out for soup at fabulous noodles. It was a nice light lunch. I spent the afternoon quizzing Alex and getting him ready for his finals exams. Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent (Luke 24:29) So I am am saying my evening prayers and the sun is just setting. Were going to bed early so be can make the 7:45 tomorrow. Jennifer was playing  in the doubles USTA tournament today and tomorrow. She didn’t get as far in the singles as she did last year, but that was expected, because she is coming back from a blown out ACL that required surgery. Psalm 131 I Have Calmed and Quieted My Soul  O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. 2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. 3 O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore This psalm is only has 3 verses so I decided to post it here. And I do want to go to bed early for be fresh so the I am able to worship in truth and spirit. This psalm is short and sweet and as humble as the last one. The Lord knows how easy it is for me to have a proud heart and have a tendency to arrogantly take on what is rightly his. My prayer is to allow God to calm and quite my soul. Verse 3 is indeed a message to the world, to have hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore.

July 30, 2010
Daja vu on the morning walk. Alex made it back today. He has one more week of school and then he’s done for the summer. LOL. I think he only has a couple of weeks then back to for his final year. I was surprise Jennifer wasn’t pacing today. LOL, it was only a matter of minutes before they were off to the tennis courts. Rob call to talk to Fawn, but I answered, seems like he is working on his strategies to attempt to defeat me in Stern-Halma. I just love playing this game. I ask Fawn if she wanted to play, but she declined. She said it takes me too long to make a move. It drives her crazy. Psalm 130 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?  Talk about a rhetorical question. But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared Amen. This poor miserable sinner’s hope is in the shed blood of Jesus. Interestingly, this pslam is a confession of one’s own sin and a plea for mercy.

July 29, 2010
Fawn got up real early and went for a real nice walk in the cool of the day. No sweat, no huffing and puffing. I had a great IM chat with a friend/coworker, Tim C, about original sin after work, I was asked what I thought about it. Adam was created perfect and fell is sin on his own accord with one decisive act of disobedience by eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. This sin has deprived us of free will to avoid sin with out God help in is passed down to all generations tainting even the unborn. We looked at Genesis a little bit. What a gloomy picture for mankind without the grace of God; but didn’t seem to to fully support the notion of original sin. The notion of original sin is from the Apostle Paul in Death in Adam, Life in Christ found in Romans 5. I wish I have more  knowledge of the Old Testament. Like many lay Christians we tend to read mostly read and study the New Testament. Life under the Rock is Word and Sacraments.  I have been listening to every word that comes out the mouth of our most learned teachers of Christ. and partake of the Eucharist. This has allowed me to mature to a closer likeness of that is within me and toward the Eden that Adam once experienced. PSALM 129 -The plowers plowed upon my back; they made long their furrows Initially, this cracked me up. But then I began to  realize, this was indeed typifying a deep affliction in the sense or plant iniquity. I look at my life in the same light. The Lord is righteous; he has cut the cords of the wicked. I was adult baptized. May the Lord grant the wisdom from above as I continue my studies and grow in him until the day of Jesus;  the Lord grant me help to be obedient to him. Amen.

July 28, 2010
I went to the dentist this morning to have my teeth clean in Aurora. I just love talking to Sandy, she has been cleaning my teeth since I guessing 25 years. We always have a good time talking about our kids and family, she knows our whole family. In the evening I went to Plainfield to get a kidney ultrasound to make sure everything is OK. I have a urine was infected. Psalm 128 Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord Jesus said, “I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him! (Luke 12:4-5). The psalmist ends with May you see your children's children! Amen. That would be a blessing indeed. Well it midweek and I’m already wishing it was the weekend and I was “in my Father’s house”; let my prayers rise before you as incense.

July 27, 2010
Fawn and I went for our morning walk. It was nice and peaceful with only a few neighbors out and about. I had a great chat with a co-worker. I’m covering for the lead engineer in the OHPA market for 2 weeks while he is on vacation. On of the contractors need a few days off this week so I am covering for him also. When the notice for the second person came out, I got an IM stating they were shocked at the expectation. And wondered how I was going to manage. I said, “I was god.” LOL, right away they said they noticed the small g, and we had a nice short chat about life under the Rock, him being Roman Catholic and me being Lutheran. It ended in Christ’s fervent prayer that we be one. Amen. Dinner was awesome. Fawn and Andrea went out for a carry out and brought back home ribs, chicken and fish from Patio. After dinner it was game night for Rob and me. Stern-Halma was the game and the out comes was as it should be. Psalm 127 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain I think about the North Campus at St John. We truly need to be mindful that this is the Lord’s house not ours. The past year we forgot that, and allowed Satan to breach the walls. My prayers are that we have learned and will be able to be steadfast and ward off the great deceiver next time from the get go. And there will many more next time until the day of Jesus. Although this psalm is short it also about the blessings of having children and the having honor and a privilege to raise them in Christ.

July 26, 2010
Psalm 126 The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad This outlook is a good measure of a healthy state of one’s soul that recognizes the divine grace and mercy God given his children. Ah, what joy it is, even during difficult times, I manage to be glad and shout words of praise and thanksgiving. Pr Genig hit the mark on this one on this week’s sermon.

July 24, 2010
Wow, that a super day. It began with a call from my brother Bill. We went out for breakfast at McDonalds. $1 breakfast sandwich and a Medium coffee. Rob was a big help outside cleaning the gutters and cutting the grass. I have acrophobia and it doesn’t help to have occasional vertigo too. Rob also cut the grass, be really takes pride doing that chore. He does an immaculate on the lawn. I love young bucks around the house. Andrea mentioned that Rob's dad wants tus over for a barbecue sometime in August. I'm not much on socials but I think it will be a nice. Alex is doing a super job taking 2 classes this summer and still acing them. That is amazing. Talk about a blessing, Alex got a notice from NIU that he is getting an academic scholarship this year. I has been applying for numerous ones since the get go. I’m glad he didn’t give up and appreciate him for being so thoughtful. Whoo hoo, thanks be to God. Psalm 125 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion - Odd I think about the book, Why I am Lutheran, by Daniel Preus. It is because Nick and I went through it with the youth group. Rev Preus uses 3 mountains in Holy Scripture (Sinai, Calvary, Zion) to point out God’s redeeming work in Christ. Mount Sinai can only bring death  because of our sins. Contrasting it to Mount Calvary as a mountain of forgiveness and triumph over death. This brings us to the 3rd mountain, Mount Zion and my point about thinking of this book. Rev Preus refers to Mount Zion as the Holy Christian Church. “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, 23 and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.” (Hebrews 12:22-24). Ok, enough of of the side bar, To those who trust in the Lord are given a peace that is real and present forever more. I can’t wait and am looking forward to tomorrow...

July 23, 2010
It was a strange day weather wise. I altered between being a sunny day and a heavy thunderous down pour several times. It it truly a blessing, Andrea and Rob is home! We have a full house. Joy! Psalm 124 Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth God comes to us in his word and his sacraments. Pr Bruzek reminded me about the remarkable work of the Holy Spirit. Noting it’s the fruit of the daily Eucharist, where Christ gives his physical touch. It has unveiled my heart, my soul and my  mind to receive the heart, soul and mind of a loving God that touches me. Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” The work of the Holy Spirit has brought my great peace in the wisdom of our help is in the name of the Lord.

July 22, 2010
Great walk this morning. Gosh I love wife. She is so good to me. Fawn and Jennifer baked Alex cup cakes, how nice. Thursdays has to be by far the funniest day of the week. Just watching Jennifer pace up and down waiting for Alex to come home. You would think just spending so much time with her friends would be enough. I’m glad she gets along with her brother so well. I thank the Lord for Alex return. Psalms 123 Our Eyes Look to the Lord Our God – I sang this short prayer and it was music to my ears. We always say we lift up our hearts to the Lord during Mass. Interesting here the psalmist saids eyes. We look up to the Lord because he is higher than we are and we are to acknowledge his sovereignty and to focus our eyes on the throne of God. Our God is a merciful God, it is an honor and an privilege to be  a servant to the one who serves us with his generosity.

July 21, 2010
We went the distance and made  the walk full walk in 35 minutes. We shaved 5 minutes off and still was able to have a nice conversation ¾ the walk before I was huffing and puffing. I never worked up a sweat like this before just walking. I was Alex’s birthday today. I wish he was home so we could celebrate. I just love that guy to death as with all my children and darling wife. This weekend will be a good time to celebrate. Weekends are the best with worship being the crowning highlight. Psalm 122 Let Us Go to the House of the Lord – Indeed, Amen. We have been good to Good Shepherd (WELS) in Downers Grove for about two months, but was was glad went my friend Dave said, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” So we went to visit St. John. We were at awe to be in a Lutheran Mass in this Evangelical Mecca. I was misty eyes. We are coming up two our two year anniversary. Peace be within the walls of St John and peace be within my fellow parishioners and peace be  within our most learned teachers of Christ. Amen.

July 20, 2010
Busy, busy, busy. Didn’t have time for a morning walk again, but Fawn and I did take short but  brisk evening  walk. I just gotta comment on the weather, it was ideal.  Psalm 121 My Help Comes from the Lord - The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore How awesome is that? This prayer simply puts a smile on my face.

July 19, 2010
I was so tire this morning because I foolishly stayed up late last night. Monday morning meetings  has too be the worst time to call a meeting. What a long day working, I finally called it quits at 10. Several time  I still thought about Christians who act like pagans. Sigh ... Psalm 120 Deliver Me, O Lord In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. I think  it is a good thing  to depend on the God for resolution to our problems. After praying these many psalms the past few months, I realize it it is best to call out to God when we need help and not wait to do so as a last resort.

July 18, 2010
No walk this morning, Fawn went to the cemetery with her mother and her siblings. Fawn told me how her witness for casting down the incense altar of idols fell to daft ears. I find it amazing the foolish objects they trust. Worst yet some know better. I use to think about how foolish the Exodus people were and now I see them before I very eyes. This is when the tires hit the road with Matthew 10. Psalm 119 TAW - Let my cry come before you, O Lord; give me understanding according to your word! 170 Let my plea come before you; deliver me according to your word. 171 My lips will pour forth praise, for you teach me your statutes. 172 My tongue will sing of your word, for all your commandments are right. 173 Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts. 174 I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my delight. 175 Let my soul live and praise you, and let your rules help me. 176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.” I was struck by the psalmist final eight verses to this extremely long chapter. I pray this psalm with misty eyes. Amen.

July 17, 2010
It was a sauna; though I was going to die. Fawn was full on energy and decided to walk even further. It turn out to be a 40 minute walk and I was sweating bullets. We went to the Evening Divine Service again. I like going on Saturday since it rather peaceful. It is quite busy on Sunday but since there is no more bible study until August, we’ll most likely will continue to worship on Saturday until then. Vicar Wiefelt was the preacher. He’s back off to Fort Wayne Seminary after this weekend. He is a fine man and is surly be a blessing to the church catholic. We went to Fabulous Noodle afterward but it was so full and we didn’t want to wait for a seating. Fawn wanted to try Lucky Wok carryout we been meaning to go there to try it out literally for years but never did. This place is so small and somewhat dinky in appearance. I was pleasantly surprise the food came up rather quickly considering it was busy. The portions was good and the food was most excellent. Can't wait to next Friday, Andrea will be back home from her summer teaching gig. Psalm 119 SIN AND SHIN - Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble There is perfect peace in God, but we will never fully experience it here outside of Eden because of our sinful nature. Some say that day waits us in eternity but it is here and now when the Lord comes to us in prayer and in his Word and Sacrament.

July 16, 2010
I started to say I keep bring up Fawn and my morning walks for two reasons, first, to keep me honest and motivated and secondly, because I always look forward to love walking and talking to my beloved wife. But in reality, when Fawn said, “let’s go”,  I jump and the second is most certainly true I love the walk and time with Fawn. I made one of my favorite meals; oven baked barbeque chicken. I baked it a little longer at a lower temperature and the meat was ready to fall off the bone. I think this was my best yet! Psalm 119 RESH -“Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek your statutes” and“The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever” both really stand out. In a nutshell eternal life or eternal death.

July 15, 2010
Despite being hot and humid, we braved the walk. It was still OK. Couldn’t believe we worked up a sweat walking. LOL. Alex made it back and they hit the tennis court. I can’t believe they play in this heat. Things take a while for me to really soak in. I was reflecting on Pr Genig’s statement about half a story is no story at all. I think about some churches that attract large number of people who are hungry for God’s Word but don’t want to hear about them being sinners and a worm. This won’t work for a poor miserable sinner like me. St Paul got it right in proclaiming Christ crucified, And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, 4 and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”  (1 Corinthians 2). Psalm 119 QOPH- Long have I known from your testimonies that you have founded them forever This reminds me of justification by faith; Sola Fide. “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.”  (Galatians 2:20-21). The only way we can reflect the Christ in us is though his Word and his Sacraments. It is necessary to daily read God’s Word and pray and gather with saints around his Holy Word and Holy Sacraments. For me, anything other than the Lutheran Mass is less. Some people just settle for less than what our Lord has to offer.

July 14, 2010
I really look forward to our morning walks. It is peaceful time when we can open up and talk freely. I walked with my newer gym shoe and it was a lot better. After dinner, we listened to Issues Etc. Fawn doesn’t know too much about President Harrison struck by admitting he was a sinner needing to repent and needing the same forgiveness as poor miserable sinners like ourselves. Fawn said, “does that mean Kieschnick is out?” With a smile,  I simply relied, “yep” and she responded with, “ that’s good.” I took the time to listen to quite few of Jewel Kilcher’s music videos on YouTube. Her songs are old school where the lyrics don’t repeat and tells a story. Her voice is very good and the songs makes you want to sing along. I finally got around to replying to Pr B’s email about making sure everything is alright and letting us know if there is anything he can do. Psalm 119 TSADHE - Your testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live. This psalmist petition in my continuous prayer for the Holy Spirit to help me understand and guide me in the way of all truth.

July 13, 2010
We kicked it up again, walking the same distance in 30 minutes! So much for a leisure walk. I watch the LCMS balloting and was elated for on the outcome of president elect Rev Matt Harrison. His address was simply wonderful. I was struck by his honesty. I believe this poor miserable sinner, with the help of God, will help change countless rebellious hearts. People view things so differently are do what they will on any given Sunday. Even some church claiming to be liturgical pick and choose whatever. So it is basically comes down to the local congregations. My family and I are blessed our Lord has gathered us to where we need to be and not where we deserve to be. Psalm 119 PE - Make your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me your statutes Our Lord’s face shines upon us when we spend time in his Word to learn the statutes of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and the truth and salvation found in Christ Jesus.

July 12, 2010
Fawn I kicked it up notch , went went a tad further and made it a 35 minute walk.  It went by fast. We talked about our relationships knowing all too well we are not of this world. There are constantly choices of what to tolerate, what to avoid as well as battles that just can’t be avoided.  Jennifer drove the neighbor boy solo to the tennis court.  It is always nerve racking to let them go unsupervised for the first time. Psalm 119 AYIN - My eyes long for your salvation and for the fulfillment of your righteous promise. The promises of God is fulfilled in Jesus Christ; Amen to God for his glory.

July 11, 2010
Fawn dragged me out of bed this to go for a 30 minute  morning walk. It must be cause we have been pigging out the last couple of days. Actually, I surprised we haven’t been doing it since the weather was permitting. I can’t believe I lost my temper over something silly. I was accused of eating Fawn’s egg custard. I was offended when everyone thought I ate it and was lying about it. I apologized  for the outburst of emotion. I should of had better control. We never did get to the bottom of the missing egg custard. LOL. I wonder how long Fawn will stay mad. Clearly she still is. God forgives just like that, but people are a bit slower. She has 24 hours to get over it. Never mind I was falsely accused. I’m glad it rains at night lately. Better at night than the daytime. The roaring sound of the thunder so loud. Again I think of the voice of God. Fawn and I was looking at the the Living Water Evangelical Church Website. It is a nearby church in town. I might be something Fawn’s mother may be interested in. I wish I was in a position where I could kindly admonish to stop the free fall of new lows. It is not easy to obey God’s laws but some people just outright pick and choose the ones the wish to follow at times and are OK with it. I viewd the opening worship of the 2010 LCMS Convention. It was not recognizable. Kyrie eleison. Psalm 119 SAMEKH – I hate the double-minded We poor miserable sinner so often hold contradictory thoughts and deliberately harbor sins by choosing to conceal, repress or ignore them, be it ours trespasses or those against us. St James warns us worldliness by encouraging us to, Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” (James 4). Lord, show me where I am double minded. Amen.

July 10, 2010
Bill and I went in the city to run our usual errands. We got off to a late start, so we broke the tradition of stopping off McDonalds. We even went to pick up some odds and ends and what nots for Nancy and Al. Fawn and I was talking about lamenting to a point the wailing is in anger and becomes all about the self. I find it amazing how people attempt to keep the peace not by dealing with the the sinful offense, but by simply saying they didn’t really mean it. Of course they did, it becomes a matter of regrets and repentance. Covering  things up by presenting half truths is in itself more repugnant. It is good to know these good and righteous things by of Savior who makes us righteous. I have fallen into to these traps set by the great deceiver. And need to be touched by by God. I can’t help but to think about the darkness that all about us and how it will someday end for  the believer and will extend forever to the non believer. For the time being, out Lord and Savior, comes to us in Holy Word, Holy Baptism, Holy Confession and Absolution and the Holy Eucharist and all it brings. This is the third week in a row we decided to Worship on a Saturday. There hasn’t been a Sunday bible study for awhile. I guess in these green ordinary times things become less then a trifecta. Pr Burzek hits a home run from the pulpit. This week it was out of the park. It nice to talk to Vicar Wietfeldt, he’ll be heading back to to the seminary in a few weeks. It was great to stop off at Fabulous Noodles for soup. Everyone was ribbing me about how cretain songs just don’t sit right with me. It just that they have a Evangelical flavor and we can do much better. Psalm 119 NUN – The wicked have laid a snare for me, but I do not stray from your precepts what a coincidence this verse came about after my confession. This Psalmist is doing better than me. I just love Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path Christ Jesus is the Word made flesh and the light of the world. May my heart be inclined like the psalmist to perform God’s statues forever to the end. Amen.

July 9, 2010
Alex and Jennifer baked fudge brownies for mama’s birthday. Happy birthday, Fawn! God is good, I am blessed in the life and the way given me by the grace of God, I wouldn’t have it any other way. We celebrated over dinner at the Outback Steakhouse in town. Their Wedge Salad and Blooin’ Onion are awesome starters. The Prime Rib is out of this world. Conversation about reality came about. We were musing over consciousness as a perceiving mechanism that creates a separate reality in one’s own mind apart from the one true reality. This allows the humanist and quasi christian to see everything around them in their own godhood.  Satan is good at what he does. Psalm 119 MEM - I have more understanding than all my teachers I don’t know if I really want to go here or touch this one. But now I have rejoice in the grace that I have pastors who are among the most learned of Christ. Pr Bruzek told Fawn and me last Saturday what a blessing it is to have our family in the congregation and that we would never fully know how how encouraging our support has been to the pastors. How can one not support faithful pastors and flee  What a blessing it is to continue to learn and grow. Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way Amen. Amen.

July 8, 2010
What a boomer last night, but it was nice all day today! It is so funny to see Jennifer pacing about the house waiting for her brother Alex to come home. Within minutes, bam, just like that, out the door to hit the tennis courts. It was interesting looking at the website of St. Martin de Porres High School. That is where Rob teaches and where Andrea is teaching summer school classes. I was a totally surprise to see that the school didn’t have daily chapel. I thought for sure all RC schools would. The high school did offer 4 courses in religion as part of the curriculum. I’m still confuse what the purpose of parochial schools, beit RC or Lutheran. They seem to lack purpose even though I keep hearing the phase they offer a Christian education. I don’t see or get it. They only appear to be an affiliated private school. I found the following worthy of muse: You will have found Christ when you are concerned with other people’s sufferings and not your own – Flannery O’Connor (20th) Psalm 119 LAMEDH - Two thins stand out and are astounding: By your appointment they stand this day, for all things are your servants What a wonderful world, see it though the eyes of Christ and the glories become beautiful in that everything is serving God by doing the intended work. LOL What does a skunk do?  I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commandment is exceedingly broad Here I go with the untruth that perception is reality, when actually reality is reality. Humans see a limit to perfection and our creativeness is limited, but God’s Word is boundless and can take us to evermore new heights where it is fixed in heaven. What joy there is back to Eden.  Thank you Lord for the blessing you give in your Word. It is a treasure no human heart can fully appreciate. Amen.

July 7, 2010
Alex called and was happy about his grades going into midterm exams tomorrow. I hope and pray that with God’s grace, his efforts are crowned with success. Psalm 119  - KAPH -  For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, yet I have not forgotten your statutes. Smoked wineskin can’t be a good thing. Seems like this psalmist is going into a very deep depression and in his darkest hour turns to God’s Word for comfort. My prayers are for an ongoing passion to reflect on God’s Word.

July 6, 2010
Psalm 119 YODH - Your hands have made and fashioned me; Immediately Jeremiah 18 The  Potter and the Clay comes to mind. “Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand” May I be sculpt into the image of Christ, a vessel of honor, fit for the Master Potter’s use. Amen.

July 5, 2010
I was a little suprise that Alex stayed home today instead of heading back up to Dekalb. Guessing he enjoys playing tennis will Jennifer. I saw and Amen the following prayer from Weedon’d Blog: “May the Lord have mercy on our Synod and grant us a leader and a vision for the future that upholds our faith (and doesn't war against it) and that can lead us to greater unity in our worship of the Blessed Trinity and in mission and outreach!” I think Higherthings is wonderful and is happening this time og the year. I full support it over the LCMS National Youth Gathering. I never been to either one but my children have been to them. And they favor Higher Things. My children think St john is better than Higher Things. I think is is because St John have learned teachers of Christ who actually take the time to tend to all in the flock. Psalm 119 TETH - Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your word. Our Lord’s commandments are good and are given to us out of love. We are blessed by Him Crucified when afflicted to the point which we sorrow over sin and brings about repentance.

July 4, 2010
God bless America. God bless the world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:16,17). Psalm 119 HETH - The Lord is my portion; I am reminded that I live in a different world, I call it Larry’s World. This world is is not my portion, nor is this world my rest. Christ Jesus is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. God has removed the worldly portion from me which we all fondly and idolatrously lean toward.

July 3, 2010
I got up early in the cool of the morning to do some yard work. Where did all the weeds come from all of a sudden? I'm weird, I always seem to think about Jesus' parable of tares pruning and tending to the weeds. 'm glad Alex took care of mowing the lawn. It is good to have young bucks around to make my yard look beautiful. I picked up Andrea and Rob at the train station. I am so happy, everyone is home for the weekend! There is a July 4th celebration tomorrow in downtown Wheaton forcing St John to only have 2 Mass on Sunday. We decided, apparently like so many others, to attend the Divine Service today. We went to dinner afterward at Macaroni Gill. There was no holding back; good food and conversation. We talked about Pr Bruzek, his sermon and how wonderful is is having him back. Truly the words that comes from his mouth is the voice of our lord and Saviors. “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Luke 10:16). We must of missed the announcement several weeks ago and was wondering, where is Pr Genig? Andrea was telling us about her first week on teaching summer school. She like the kids in her Algebra and her geometry class. I did know she was teaching two classes. She is very busy. Prayers are that she will be a blessing and the children can learn from her. I sat outside and had a chat with Rob, I think we have a good and honest relationship. This is a good thing, I didn’t have that with my father-in-law, so I rejoice in what we have. I think Rob still has a way to go, but he is leap years ahead of where I was at his age. It is not easy to see clearly with all the liberal and dangerous garbage that was fed him in college. Psalm 119 Zayin – I’m starting to see  why Psalm 119 is titled, Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet, it becomes clear in the light of Jesus when he said, “Do not thinkthat I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17). With Him Crucified, I am able to live life in the Spirit (Romans 8). I remember your name in the night, O Lord.

July 2, 2010
I can’t believe I had to fight a QOS fire on a Friday before a Holiday. I ended up work a 14 hour day. Now I accumulated 25 hours of comp. I’ll use some of it next week. I simply have to post this following gem: ... Irenaeus says that our bodies even now are no longer corruptible when they receive the sacrament, but have thereby the hope of the resurrection. For we see that the ancient doctors spoke of the sacrament in such a way that it even bestowed upon the body an immortal nature, though hidden in faith and hope until the Last Day. Now, of course, ordinary bread cannot sustain the body eternally or make it incorruptible. For it is a corruptible food, even when Christ himself pronounces thanks over it, as he himself in John 6[:27] calls the bread which he had distributed among the people a food which perishes. Hence, according to Irenaeus’s opinion, there must be present in the sacrament something heavenly, which lives eternally and can and does give eternal life. For he speaks of the physical eating when he says that our bodies receive the sacrament, and that through this same physical eating our bodies are already incorruptible in hope. This, of course, can be nothing but the body of Christ, of which he says in John 6[:55,58], “My flesh is food indeed. He who eats my flesh will live forever.” (Martin Luther, “That These Words of Christ, ‘This is my Body,’ etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics,” Luther’s Works, Vol. 37 [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1961], p. 118) Psalm 119 WAWand I shall walk in a wide place, for I have sought your precepts.” This really pops out, and I’m loving it. It is so beautiful.  How awesome is it to live unconfined. In hearing and doing the Word, St James sees the perfect law as liberty. Our ultimate  freedom found in Christ Jesus. It is really late and I’m so tire...

July 1, 2010
I drove up to Hoffman Estates to have lunch with my contracting firm and we got my mid-year review. It was great and so was lunch at Millrose Restaurant. It  is a really nice place to dine. I ate simple, a bison burger with a nice cold microbrew, Ebel’s Weiss, its a traditional German Hefeweize. Now that’s what I’m talking about! The drive there and back was longer than the lunch and meeting. I am truly blessed to be able to work and from to work from home to boot! I was pleasantly surprise that Alex came home today. Hope Andrea and Rob make it here for the weekend. Andrea is working out of town for a 4 week teaching job this summer. Jennifer is back playing tennis with the boys again from the school tennis team. My three kids love and excel the game. I can’t beat any of them, even in the past finest hour. They all play a mean game of badminton too. That sport is too fast and hard hitting for me. How they follow and hit the birdie is beyond me. Psalm 119  He – Often I hear about the broke world we live in and ironically even Christians fall prey to the worldly view of what is good. I am often stunned by what comes out of the mouth of professing brothers and sisters in Christ. Sadly, we are weak and dependent on ourselves to be obedient to God. Only God can keep us through Christ Jesus within us though prayers, word and sacraments. We need to be reminded for fear that we deceive ourselves in trusting in our own strength.  I read this earlier today and had to muse: “76] Moreover, the declaration, John 6:44, that no one can come to Christ except the Father draw him, is right and true. However, the Father will not do this without means, but has ordained for this purpose His Word and Sacraments as ordinary means and instruments; and it is the will neither of the Father nor of the Son that a man should not hear or should despise the preaching of His Word, and wait for the drawing of the Father without the Word and Sacraments. For the Father draws indeed by the power of His Holy Ghost, however, according to His usual order [the order decreed and instituted by Himself], by the hearing of His holy, divine Word, as with a net, by which the elect are plucked from the jaws of the devil. 77] Every poor sinner should therefore repair thereto [to holy preaching], hear it attentively, and not doubt the drawing of the Father. For the Holy Ghost will be with His Word in His power, and work by it; and that is the drawing of the Father.” (SD XI:76,77).

June 30, 2010
Wow, half the year has gone by and we are well into the green season of ordinary time. Odd I was singing advent songs like Lo! He Comes, with Clouds Descending and Conditor Alme Siderum. Drives my family nuts. Last night and tonight seem exceptionally peaceful. I thank the Lord for opening my eyes to his many blessings. Psalm 119 Daleth My soul clings to the dust; give me life according to your word! We are filthy sinners only a new life found in Christ will make me a human being. Often I ask for the Holy Spirit to help me understand the ways of God’s precepts. The psalmist kicks it up a notch, he aske God to make me understand and strenghten him according to his word. I will do the same. Often times, people would say that God has give people free will. I say our freedom is in him to run the path of his commandants. The more we partake in the Eucharist and studyhis word and walk in obedience, our lives will be filled with his joy and peace, even in times of sorrow. Prayer are for Anthony may he come to know the one true God found in the Trinity. O God who in the burning fire of thy love wast pleased to pour out the Holy Spirit on thy disciples: Grant us by the same Spirit to be new lit with heavenly desires and with the power to fulfill them; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Gelasian Sacramentary

June 29, 2010
Psalm 119 GIMEL Eden is our home. It is the place we were we are meant to be. Like the psalmist, I realize I am living out my faith as a sojourner on earth. My family and I are humble beggars, always seeking and receiving the blessings of God’s grace and mercy; sanctified and hungers after the word of God as food for life. Most people don’t seem to get it, they just merely seek God to be part of their life. God and his Word is the driving force of my life. I made fully dependent on the Light of the World to open my blind eyes. I am reminded of what Dave said the other day, “We war daily with the sinful nature of our flesh, and refuse to believe faith requires instruction to mature;...” Pr Bruzek often said that the heavy lifting is done at the bible study. I happen to agree whole heartedly, but with a caveat, the teacher needs to be a learned teacher of Christ. Prayers are for Bill and Charles for employment opportunities.

June 28, 2010
Psalm 119 BETH This starts out with the rhetorical question, “How can a young man keep his way pure?” I’m not a young man, but I think this a great one for all of us;  By guarding it according to your word. The psalmist elaborates on how this is done; by reciting, memorizing and meditating on God’s word and rejoicing in it like riches. We are to remain faithful to God’s word through regular reading.

June 27, 2010
Psalm 119 ALEPH A couple of days ago I read the shortest chapter in the bible and was wondering what what the longest. LOL That didn’t kake long to find out. I’m orignal goal was to read and reflect on one psalm a day. Change of plan. There is too much here and I will break up 119 accordingly. God’s laws are given to us out of love.  No matter how hard I try, I simply can not keep the commandments perfectly. There is great peace in our lives when we are obedient. Most of us often worry about how we look in the eyes of man. It only matters how we look to God.

June 26, 2010
Saturday morning breakfast at McDonalds with Bill and trip to the DMV for stricker renewal. Stricker renewal and emission testing are no fun.  The long lines are proof Jesse White clrar do not over staff. We were blessed to be able to go to the Divine Service this evening. His Kingdom was at the altar. I spoke a little after the service with John Crowe, he is really a nice man. Pr Nelson caught me on the way out the door. He had some questions as well as cordial conversation. He is a keen pastor watching over the flock entrusted. Dinner aftward a Fabulous Noodles, yummy. Psalm 118 The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 23 This is the Lord's doing it is marvelous in our eyes. 24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Oddly enough, this is the Good News we share. The Holy Spirit reveals the stone the builders rejected is Jesus, the rock of our salvation. “This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4: 11-12). Pax Domini +++

June 25, 2010
Psalm 117 Praise the Lord. This has to be the shortest chapter in the bible. It is short and sweet. The first verse tells us what to do and the second verse why we do it. The pattern is God’s love and our response. Oh why not put is all here since it is short, Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! 2 For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord! We praise God by thoughtfully venerating his goodness, greatness, faithfulness, grace and and steadfast love toward us. We are to continually praise his, each time more fervently increasing daily in reverence. I think even is a short psalm like this no one can fully understand the magnitude of the Lord’s faithfulness which endures forever. I got an email from Dave. He is such a great writer. What is striking about his pen is its brevity in which he is able to discern.

June 24, 2010
I rejoice that Fawn and the two girls were able to to give a witness of encouragement on the unambiguous biblical mandate prohibiting women from serving as pastors, to so called, self proclaiming, Lutherans no less. Of course, it fell to deaf ears. What mockery and heresy. As expected, this women gave  false hope to the mourners. At least my family understand. Sheep, Goats, Wolves, Satan unrelentingly assaults the Church creating a great paradox: the church is at war and the church is at peace until the day of Jesus. Come Lord Jesus. Psalm 116 I love the Lord. Verses from this psalm is the Offertory we sing, in gratitude for all of God’s blessings, paying vows to the Lord. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. I recited these very word in the eulogy for my sister Mary. Her joy is complete.

June 23, 2010
Wow, talk about booming thunder, tornado sirens and high wind. It sent be to  dashing to the basement. Psalms 115 Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory The Glory belongs to God alone. Idols. Seem like the idol were made of gold and silver in the past. Nowadays, they seem to be made of ceramic. It is clear that you are who you worship. The more I hear God’s Word and partake of his body and blood, I will be increasingly transformed into his likeness and reflect his glory. But those who worship idols will indeed become idols; spiritually blind, deaf, and dead. It is also true the reflection of how you worship is a reflection of what is in your heart. Guard us, O Lord, against  Satan’s lure of idolaty. Forgive us O Lord, we foolishly steal your glory. I was struck by this in what was suppose to be a Divine Service. And has been on my mine ever since.

June 22, 2010
Where does the week day go? The days are at it's longest, yet it seems like all I do is work from sunrise to sunset. At least my late evening is spent on evening prayers and devotion. Psalm 114 Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord Often times the secular works tries to explanation God’s miracles with natural phenomena instead of accepting it as God’s power and might. Never take for granted who we worship and that we will stand before his judgment seat. Some in the LCMS already trivializes our Lord. Instead of honoring and magnifying God’s glory, he is reduced to a buddy. What a friend we have in Jesus at a happy clappy rock concert or some other type of entertainment. O Lord, I will forever bow before you in humble worship.

June 21, 2010
Psalm 113 Who is like the Lord our God? There is no one like the Lord; he is worthy of praise all day long. Help me O Lord, to take this to heart. Life with relatives that are pagan and ostensibly Christian at times just drives me crazy. This is especially true when it comes to Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings and  Funnerals.

June 20, 2010
Christ’s true body and blood, for you. Who dare doubt it? We praise and thank the Lord for he has again refreshed us with this gift of his holy body and blood. We are blessed in thecomforting sacrament with the joy and peace that we are reconcile with God. I was thinking about my sister Mary with all the company of heaven. As far as I am concerned she dies a Lutheran. But what do I know, I believe Jesus was a Lutheran. Congratulations to Lauren Wohlrab’s first place entry in the 2010 Congressional Art Contest entitled “Faceless Selfless Portrait.” Psalm 112 How fitting a psalm on this father’s day. Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! I pray to be such the righteous man of psalm 112. Men have a great influence over their family and need to behave godly. We either walk the way of the righteous or the way of the wicked. The Lord knows the way of the righteous and the way of the sinner will perish.

June 19, 2010
It was an odd start for the day. Fawn and I went to McDonalds and brought all sorts of go0ddies to take home for breakfast and to bring some over to her parent’s home. Her sibling are there gathered because her father is expected to past.  Fawn was gone all day, she came back late, a little after 10 and said that her father had past early afternoon. Prayer are for those who morn, may the Lord give courage in their loss and sorrow. Psalm 111 Great is the Lord’s work. We will all bow the knee to God when he comes to judge the world. Each time I come before his holy Eucharist, I come before him with bent knees. This psalm really fits well following Psalm 110. “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. 2 Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.” I always dwell on it on this and delight in it. I learned from Dave and call it a trifecta (Word, Sacrament and study)! For nearly 2 years I have not been distracted and am able to give thanks and whole hearted praise, glorifying God in response to his greatness. We are reminded in the preface of the sacrament of the Sacrament, to give thanks to the Lord our God. I is right to give him thanks and praise. My prayer is that I be filled with the fear of the Lord.

June 18, 2010
TGIF. It was a long hard week. Alex cooked the dinner today so I just decided to stop at 5pm. LOL, I was about to say early. He made blackened tilapia, it was really good. The beautiful day turn into a boomer and heavy down pour. Strange, very time it thunders, I think of God. Psalm 110 It is clear here that the Father is talking to the son, But I really don’t know anything about Melchizdek “King of Righteousness”. My best guess is Christ Jesus. But I rather not guess and let it be a mystery. I can and do strive to get to know the Trinity. I remain humble so that my may learn new things from your Word and by grace trust you in things that are beyond my understanding. There is so much to learn about the Christology from below and above. I thank the Lord for the joy of reading his Word and the privilege of studies by the pastors who are among the teachers of Christ.

June 17, 2010
Psalm 109 Help me , O Lord my God. I prayed? Read? I just don’t know. I can’t imagine this entire Psalter being used in public worship at St John. This psalm has by far the most anathemas pronounced in a single prayer. I asked about imprecatory prayers during a bible study that in part covered “… love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” (Luke 6:27-28) in which Pr Genig did not easily dismissed them. But warn that these prayers were toward true enemies of God by the righteous. All scripture is profitable, but this is perplexing. My uneasiness comes perhaps an distorted view of God. Most people like me like to think of God as terms of love and mercy and not in terms of judgment justice. I can tell you how many times I hear people say hate the sin, love the sinner. I don’t think it is possible to separate the sin from the sinner. God does offer forgiveness and mercy to everyone, but also promises judgment and justice to those of us who reject Christ Jesus and sends them to hell.

June 16, 2010
Went for a short trip with Fawn to get some papers sign with a notary. It was gorgeous out. It felt weird driving; I haven’t done it for a while. It was a super long day at work because the tools had several issues. Psalm 108 With God we shall do valiantly I am wishful that the presence of God will be felt around me so that sinners feel convicted. The world tells us to forget about and ignore sins. As Christian we need to deal with them and forgiving them. Prayers are for good health and a steadfast heart; for Brandon, that he may see the light and inherit the wisdom from above; for Fawn and her siblings, that they find comfort in the Lord and his rest. Amen.

June 15, 2010
Man, the front lawn and the back yard is looking pretty good. Rob takes pride in the way he mows the lawn. It was funny when I said that I can remember when the last time it looked so good. Andrea said, the last time Rob cut it. Fawn and I have been praying for a week now for wisdom to consider being a Catechist. My work schedule and the time and distance permits no peace and joy to accept this work. Ah, Book 5, the last book of the Psalms. Psalm 107 Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So There is much to learn from God’s working in the lives of his people. It is amazing how we poor miserable sinners repeatedly follow him and then fall away get into trouble and ask for help and come back to the Lord. The wise observes what happens and understands the steadfast love of the Lord and is glad. O let us extol and give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever! Amen.

June 14, 2010
Psalm 106 Oh I see, this is a continuation of recounting the good works of God and the rebellious response. Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. It is so easy to think how foolish the children of Israel were. Yet I make the same mistake and sin over and over again and often forget God’s wondrous works. Thanks be to God for the shed blood of the Lamb of God. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

June 13, 2010
My family and I were absolutely where we needed to be this morning, at the only heaven there is on earth, to be served and saved by our gracious God. Rev Rolf Preus (ELS), puts it best, and bluntly states, “the way I worship God won’t save me, but the way God serves me will save me.” Thanks be to God for leading the Lees to the hilltop where the assembly of believers are among whom the Gospel is preached in its purity and the holy sacraments are administered according to the Gospel. Christopher Ferrer is a wonderful Cellist. Beautiful cello music to accompany our praise the Lord in song. Saint John is truly blessed with so many find musicians. Alex went back to NIU for summer school. It is great having him around. Andrea look smart in her yellow dress. Rob is off this week. I think he is spending most of the week with us. Funny how he asks me every week if I miss him. Jennifer is working hard to get in shape for fall tennis. I think she wants to push harder but she is limited to the things she can do as to avoid reinjuring herself. She is playing her drums today. What a wonderful beat she has playing the percussions. I’m actually bobbing my head. LOL. I always wanted to do that. Fawn and I watched August Rush after dinner. Awesome movie. It is a must see. Psalm 105 This Psalm recounts a long history of God’s work among his people and calls to praise and serve the Lord. I think it is easy to be grateful for all the good things that happen to us. Every week we are reminded in song to thank the Lord and sing his praise, tell everyone what he has done. Soul of Christ, sanctify me; body of Christ, save me; blood of Christ, refresh me; water from Christ's side, wash me; passion of Christ, strengthen me; O good Jesus, hear me; within Your wounds hide me; never me not to be separated from You; from the malicious enemy defend me; in the hour of my death call me, and bid me come unto You that with saints I may praise You all eternity. Amen. -- The Anima Christi Prayer (14th c.)

June 12, 2010
I went to the city with Bill in the afternoon, we went to Lawrence’s Fishery. That place has been around when we were kid. The fried fish and chips are as good as they always been. I’m surprise I did get the frog legs dinner. Good stuff. I went to some of my favorite websites like Weedon’s Blog and Cyberbrethren. Both William Weedon and Paul McCain are learned teachers of Christ. I’m glad I bit on the picture of a beautiful intricately carved rosette on a very unique cello and listened to arguably the most beautiful cello music ever written. Psalm 104 God is great. This psalm reminds me of Genesis and allows me to thank God for his created works. May my mediation also be pleasing to God; for I also rejoice in the Lord. Bless the Lord, O my soul! How excellent is your greatness. Christ Jesus is my hope and joy creator and sustainer of life. Wow, today is the 1st anniversary. Thanks be to God. It was a good year.

June 11, 2010
Thanks be to God. Andrea got the summer teaching position. Woo hoo! It’s a good as well as exciting day for her. Fawn, Andrea, Jennifer and the bridesmaids went out to look at dress. Ladies night! Psalms 103 Bless the Lord, O My Soul. There are many benefits that accompany God’s love that inspires me to bless his holy name. He forgives, heals, redeems, crowns and satisfies us. It is phenomenal privilege to have my trespasses forgiven in accordance with the riches of God’s Grace (Ephesians 1:7). In the Lutheran Mass, Confession and Absolution follows immediately after the Invocation. Luther put matters well when he wrote, "It would be far too great for any human heart to dare to desire if God Himself had not commanded us to ask for it. But because he is God, he claims the honor of giving far more abundantly and liberally than anyone can comprehend like an eternal, inexhaustible fountain which, the more it gushes forth and overflows, the more it continues to give. He desires of us nothing more ardently than that we ask many and great things of Him; and, on the contrary, He is angered if we do not ask and demand confidently" (Large Catechism). Saint John got it right; it’s not optional nor is the Eucharist.

June 9-10, 2010
Talk about burning the night oil, I worked last night till about 10:30. I have to get the needed out because I was taking most of today off to get a prostate ultrasound. Prayers are for good test results. And Fawn was at a family meeting until about 11. What a way to spend our anniversary. It was a drop dead gorgeous day. Fawn drove me to the Edward Hospital Plainfield Outpatient Facility. What a relatively new beautiful new facility. Prayers are for my Fawn and her siblings as they face some very difficult decisions; for Andrea for a good interview. She is excited for an opportunity to teach a high school math class. I wonder why they haven’t posted the bible study yet. Psalm 101 I will walk with integrity. The Christian’s daily intention is to live each day with a perfect heart and not to touch the evil them. Without a doubt I will fall short, confess my sins, in thought, word, and deed. And God willing, at the dawning of the light, I will have another opportunity to live a Godly life. Merciful and everlasting God, You did not spare Your only Son but delivered Him up for us all to bear our sins on the cross. Grant that our hearts may be so fixed with steadfast faith in Him that we fear not the power of sin, death, and the devil; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Psalm 102 It is helpful to understand the normal structure of laments; else they will sound like rambling complaints. The psalmist addresses God, tell God what he is going through and then he tells what helps him cut though the darkness. One of my favorite steely maxims is, “Our hope is in the Lord.”

June 8, 2010
I have been sharing my story for close to a year now. I have fell short of doing everything to the glory of God. I am better at telling about his glory than reflecting it in my life. This is no surprise to me. Yet I live each in the spirit of joy and gladness. It takes time for me to dwell on and allow things to soak in. Our pastors talk about what it is to be a human being in Eden. We are taught simple lessons such as to touch only holy things and not to touch evil things. Because touching evil things can and will kill you. By this, we realize the dignity of man to be holy before he sins and to be made holy by the blood of the slain Lamb of God after he sins. Fawn and Soo are seeking the guidance of our Lord the great Physician regarding their father. Who hoo Psalm 100 His Stead Fast Love Endures Forever. The psalm was only 5 verses so I read it silently. I found it to be very comforting and encouraging; knowing that the Lord is God and that the Lord is good. He made us; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. The second time, I closed my eyes and listened to it read from the ESV Audio Bible. What a response to His goodness. Shout for joy and come before with a joyful song. Worship in gladness: come with joyful thanks and praise; bless his name. Then I chanted the prayer. True worship comes from the heart filled with the presence of God because of the Christ and Him Crucified. Prayers are for my wife Fawn and her sister Soo, may the Lord lift up his countenance upon them and give them peace; for Andrea for a successful interview for a summer school teaching position; for my brother Bill for his job search. Amen.

June 7, 2010
Psalm 99 The Lord Our God is Holy. One of the most important teachings of scripture at St John is that God is holy and wants us to walk in holiness. God will surly judge the world in the beauty of His holiness. I hear Holy, Holy, Holy written in the air. Try to figure that one out.

June 6, 2010
Lord guide my thinking, prayers, and writing. Amen. We enter into the “ordinary times” the Second Sunday After Pentecost.  I don’t particularly know why I was lost in the sermon today. But then God is good, I got a call from Dave and we somehow got talking about Pr Genig’s sermon. Often time we think of joy and happiness as one in the same. Happiness is a temporary emotion that fades away. But joy in the biblical context is not an emotion; rather it is attitude of the heart. It is given to us my grace and gives us peace in the middle of a storm. That is why the enemy does everything in his power to steal our joy. The great deceiver will tempt us with things that will give just transitory happiness which drifts our wayward hearts away from God. Christ said for us to abide in his love so that our joy may be full (john 15). I can’t believe there was a Bible Study and we left. We could of swore they announced there wasn’t going to be one today. Andrea made a fine dinner, we started out with bruschetta and the spaghetti was awesome. I had to log into work and put out a few fires, but I’m OK with it. I need to be away later in the week for a prostate ultrasound, positively no fun for sure. Late last night I watch a TV show about Marian Art in the Catholic Church. It was very edifying. Yet, I still don't understand people's devotion to Mary and the praying to saints. I think it would be such a fine day to actually meet the very mother God. Psalm 98 Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord I literally do just that. This psalm also rejoices at the coming judgment. Not only people but all the earth!

June 5, 2010
We celebrated Marcus’s 1st birthday. My niece Janet, really knows how to throw a party. I pigged out twice in one week, not good. Psalm 97 The Lord Reigns. It took many years for the Holy Spirit to soften my hardened heart which rebelliously exercised my own sovereignty. I look forward to the judgment of God to come, evermore blessing the Lord and giving thanks to his holy name.

June 4, 2010
Today was pretty a good productive work day. There were only a few minor interruptions. Near the end on the work day I got to chat with my market leader about interim expectations. Someone from the team was let go. Afterwards we had an opportunity to talk about our weekend plans and family life. I found it interesting about biases that I tend to have. I people I tend to have conversation outside of work with, are people I have a high regard for their work ethics. I’m not sure if it is because of frustration. Often people don't like the still of the night, but I find it to be a peaceful time to spend with my Lord. Psalms 96 Now that’s what I’m talking about! What a glorious psalm of praise and imagery. Worship in the Splendor of Holiness. Amen. I don’t want to get into fruitless arguments about worship styles of others, been there done that. Everyone needs to make that decision for them self. I can only share what Christ brings to us in His Divine Service. Arguably, no one appreciates and rejoice in our corporate respond to God’s gifts found in the Lutheran Mass at Saint John more than me. Image the long history of the church when we sing the Sanctus (Isaiah 6:3; Matthew 21:9). Such blessings are ours when we, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!”  We are only able to worship God and come before His presence clothed in the righteousness, given to us by grace, in the blood of the Lamb. All of life is worship; we are to engage our neighbors in hospitality, acts of mercy and in sharing the Good News.

June 3, 2010
I really like to write in my journal. Sure journals are usually a personal diary, but my life is an open book for the most part. There is nothing to hide. Everyone knows I’m a sinner, yet at the same time, thanks be to God, I’m also a saint. People sometimes are amazed at what comes out of my mouth. People that know me well never are. They know that I am not concerned about what see or think of me and am concern only about what God sees and thinks of me when He looks at what is in my heart. It is nearing a year since I first starting writing. I'm not sure what everyone else thinks about what I say. Alex really like playing tennis all day. The has a lot of energy. he plays with Andrea and Jennifer and then later plays with his friends. I enjoy reading the psalms and picking a few passages to reflect on. Every once in a while when IMing, God is brought up in the conversation. Pr B once said, that there are small windows of opportunities to proclaim the gospel. My prayers are that I continue to grow and reveal Christ in a more meaningful way. Psalm 95 Ah, love this psalm. It is first canticle in the Matins. I open my Lutheran Service Book most mornings and late nights. I like doing Matins, Vespers, Morning Prayers, Evening Prayers, and Compline. I use to go to the Vespers in my old Parish with my kids. They had it for the catechumens. Nowadays, I couldn’t imagine not gathering around the Eucharist. My stream of conscience writing must be difficult to follow. Getting back to the psalm, we are encouraged by the psalmist to come and worship, sing and bow down; kneel before the Lord.

June 2, 2010
Thunder and heavy rains woke me up several times last night. The sump pump really got a workout. I could hardly believe that Alex was able to cut the grass. I’m lucky to have him around. I’m already get tire and can barely keep my eyes open. Betting I’ll sleep though almost anything tonight. Psalm 94 “When I thought, “My foot slips,” your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up. 19 When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”  Thanks be to God for helping me recognize the temptations, the liar and great deceiver sets before all to pull us away from God. Without the support of Christ Jesus, I would surly slip and fall, touching unholy things.

June 1, 2010
It is always a great joy to get a card from one of the pastors.  They carefully guard over our souls and still manage to find the time to send notes to parishioners. Especially to a high maintence sinners like me. Psalm 93 The Lord reigns over everything. Indeed!

May 31, 2010
I can hardly believe it. It is nearing an entire year since I started rambling on about my views opinions about my world, a different world. I am grateful to God for my learned pastors and friend, as I am always learning and changing, growing in Christ. The day started out bright and sunny, and then all of a sudden, the skies darken, the thunder roared, and then came a heavy down pour by 10am. Every time I hear thunder now I think of David’s metaphor for the voice of God. Anyway the rainy didn’t get me down. I used the time to clean up this site. I simply just ran out of memory for data. It is important to me to continue making entries in this journal. I spent a little time investigating Weebly as a possibility for a new site. Alex uses and like it. We made it to Natalie’s graduation party. The trip down her memory lane was shared and filled with laughter. Psalm 92 “It is good to give thanks to the LORD” Thanks is on my lips every day, O Lord. The stupid man cannot know; the fool cannot understand, how great are your works. It is only through God’s unmerited grace that my family and I have know and understand how great are God’s works and become gracious and humble by it.

May 30, 2010
The Feast of The Holy Trinity. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. Yesterday we talked briefly in the car ride back from the city about agnostic atheism and agnostic theism, interesting today we sang, “Through the eyes of sinful man Thy glory may not see.” I am so captivate and behold the beauty of the Lord that is found in the Trinity icon by Andrei Rublev. I find the liturgical year helpful and fascinating, but the reality is that every day of the liturgical year is as Pope Alexander II declared, “devoted to the honor and adoration of the Sacred Trinity.” Skillet ribeye steaks for dinner. A dab of A1 sauce on the plate with stuffing on the plate. Sweet. Psalms 91 Indeed, the Lord is my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust. Interesting that we conclude our morning and evening prayer with, “Let Your holy angels be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.” because, “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” When Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives, “And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him.” Luke 22:43 If one ever wonder about the Eucharist, they only need to look at Luke 22. And what is in the cup, verse 42. Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast granted Thy servants in the confession of the True Faith, to acknowledge the glory of an Eternal Trinity, and in the power of Thy majesty to adore Thy Unity: we beseech Thee that by the strength of this faith we may be defended from all adversity. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. +

May 29, 2010
The morning started out with the traditional breakfast at McDonalds with my brother Bill. Fawn even got up early and joined us. We all went on and picked up my brother-in-law Ken on the way to the city. Ken went along to shop for the party on Monday to celebrate Natalie’s graduation from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. We went to our favorite bakery. Up to 90 what a joy to muse upon, sing and pray over the psalms. During the day I talk about God and in the quite of the night I talk to God in prayer of thanksgiving, laments, and praises. Psalm 90 I like this psalm by Moses. It is refreshing not to hear crying to the Lord with complaints and asking for revenge. Oh, my! Where did years go? I spent most of my life (dead) without God. It was nasty and brutish.  We have 70 maybe 80 years … Lord, make me aware of each day, and fill my heart with your wisdom. Amen. Fawn and I from time to time talk about our close relatives, so many of them are agnostic. Then Philippians 1 comes to mine in the context of the brevity of life in the flesh and asking God for His favor and establish the works of our hands!

May 28, 2010
I was listening to my weekday playlist and was moved to go the Issues Etc archives and listen to Dr Arthur Just study of the hymn, The Lamb. The sacrifice of Christ Jesus, the lamb, (FOR YOU), is the most significant event in Holy Scripture. The Great Exchange, ‘This is that mystery which is rich in divine grace to sinners: wherein by a wonderful exchange our sins are no longer ours but Christ’s, and the righteousness of Christ not Christ’s but ours. He has emptied himself of his righteousness that he might clothe us with it and fill us with it; and he has taken our evils upon himself that he might deliver us from them.” – Martin Luther Psalm 89  “a God greatly to be feared in the council of the holy ones” When I read this, I think about the 1st Commandment and how we carry ourselves in worship. Before coming to St John, I use be in a confused assembly of the saints with mixed intentions of the heart. Albeit, there is no perfect council of holy ones, we rejoice and gather around the Eucharist and move forward toward Eden.

May 27, 2010
I got really early this morning fully rested. So I took the time to catch up on personal emails. I so glad I did. David and I share a joy in hymns that are truly praise worthy. I am blessed with the hymn The Lamb It is 547 in the Lutheran Service Book. Sweet to add this to my daily music play list. He also pointed me to a link to our Pastor Bruzek 's invite to sit in with a Methodist and Baptist on a Panel Discussion - "Who's Invited to the Table"  held at Wheaton College back on February of this year. Listen careful to our pastor’s outstanding defense given calmly and respectfully, always pointing to scripture. May God watch over and keep our most learned teacher of Christ in good health for our benefit. Psalm 88 I cry out day and night before you. I had to read this psalm twice. I is so different from all the psalms I  have read to this point. No positive hope is given or reference to past experience or assertion of who God is or even a concluding note of praise. Talk about feeling depress, helpless and distraught. I can still remember early on when Pr B encouraged me to read and think beyond and not limit myself. So in this dark psalm, I see, “O Lord, God of my salvation;” That’s the Lord Jesus who we find hope in His death and resurrection.

May 24-26, 2010
It took several days, but I’m finally back to normal from the sedation. Thanks be to God; I got back good test results from my colon0scopy. The only thing remaining is for a prostate scan. I can’t believe I missed AI yesterday. I got all ready to watch the show and fell asleep, in a matter of minutes, before the show even started. It was a tough and stressful day at work. I had a lot of catching up to do. I give the AI Season Finale B- grade compared to pass years. I like both Lee and Crystal, they are both winners. But only one could the AI and that was Lee. Performers like Alice Cooper and Chicago brought back strange memories. Many of them can remain in the past. I thought Janet Jackson and Joe Cocker were awesome. Psalms 85 “Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints;” God has indeed spoken to us. He has made shown His Son our Lord, the Word made flesh. He has spoken to the world. Every week I hear the proclamation of the Gospel and share this good news. Psalms 86 “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” This is truly what I want. I confess the division in my heart that takes me away from the wholehearted devotion in loving and fearing God. By His y grace, May I remain righteous and evermore bow before God in reverence and living a sanctified life in His Glory. Psalm 87 It would be hysterical to say I am from Naperville or Chicago, but born in Zion. It’s late again and need to get a early start in the morning.

May 23, 2010
The Feast of Pentecost. Veni Sancte Spirtus, “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” (Acts2:1-2) For the OT Jews, Pentecost was a thanksgiving feast for the first fruits of the harvest. For Christians, it is a thanksgiving feast for the harvest of souls which the Holy Spirit continues to bring into Christ’s Church. What a blessing is the inclusion of Jews for Jesus and Gentiles as part of God’s people. I can’t say enough about the Hymn of the Day, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God. I either listen to or sing this song most weekdays. But there is something about singing it with the gathered saints that always causes tears to flow from my eyes and my voice to crack. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name was such a appropriate Recession Hymn. The Ensembles, Saint John Kantorei and Symphonic Band, got resounding accolades outside the Divine Service, at the voter’s meeting that was held immediately after the 2nd service. It was strange for me not to claim the Mystery of the Eucharist. A concerned parishioner was concerned enough to make a query. Now that is what I called Christian love. I didn’t partake in the Eucharist, because of medical preparations for an examination tomorrow. I am limited to a clear liquid diet. Anyway, I believe with the help of the Holy Spirit, St John is healing well. Psalm 84 What a fitting psalm for today. My family and I are truly blessed to be at the altar of our King and our God. “Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!” [Selah] I have to add that our hearts sing only because He dwells in us. It was great talking to Paul and Joan; we share the same blessing of restore joy in our salvation. Prayers are for good test results.

May 22, 2010
Despite being a little warm, it still a gorgeous day. Fawn’s dad is in the hospital, he seem to in there a least twice a month. I only think about it, because she is under a lot of stress caring for him. The relationship with him has be broken for quite some time and has come to head last year with no hope of reconciliation. At times I wonder why I limit myself to only praying one psalm a day. My poor reasoning is lack of time. I don’t even spend a great deal of time reflecting into night anymore. Psalm 83. O God, Do not keep silence. I know that our God comes and does not keep silence. This is stunning that this extreme distress is found quite often in the psalms. I realize how difficult it must be for people distance from what happened at Golgotha.

May 21, 2010
All this talk about the Eucharist, I just had to make the trip up to the hilltop to receive the morning Eucharist. The Madison Middle School marching band was parading around the neighborhood. I’m guessing they are getting ready for the Memorial Day Parade. Not sure why Fawn went out and got Chinese, but I’m glad she did. I hardly eat popcorn, nut or seeds, but I do enjoy them went I do. It is funny and very telling, I am restricted from eating them for a 3 days prior to myexamination on Monday, amazingly I feel some lost of freedom. Palms 82 Arise,” O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!” Jesus rose on the 3rd day and sits at the right hand of God to judge both the living and the dead. We are truly blessed to have other debts paid in full by our risen Lord and advocate. It was be a victorious day on my final judgment. I'm sure I can reflect on the two Kingdoms and Obama but this is not the place. My prayers are for His Saints to remain steadfast and for those who rebel against God, it we truly a terrible day for them; may Christ Jesus’ face shine the light of His Gospel upon them.

May 20, 2010
I glad I took a long lunch. It was a glorious afternoon. Later in the day the rains came again. Everyone speak about April showers bring May flowers. I also thought it rains more around here in May. It is hard to believe that Rob is in his mid twenties and just getting ready to have his wisdom tooth extracted now. Sweet, I got a great gift today from Dave. He said to, “Now have some fun, enjoy the warmth and comfort that will engulf your senses!” I most certainly did. I must be too Catholic because it is part of Larry World now. I removed the drum thing and replaced it with a greater love (see navigation – Sistine Chapel) It was quite impressive and the background music was excellent too! Psalms 81 Oh, that my people would listen to me. “But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”  If we turn God with our whole hearts, he will feed us honey from the rock. For it is the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist – the gift of finest wheat and ultimate honey from the rock. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!

May 19, 2010
So the showdown is between Lee and Crystal. It is the show I have been waiting for. This season had its moments, but it was nowhere near as good as a past years. It was fun watching Lee and Crystal improve over the course of the season. Psalms 80 Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved! The key here is “us” and “we”. Christ Jesus did come and died on the cross so that each of us may be restores in Him. So behold and let us rejoice in where he shines forth and stirs up His strength; Jesus comes to us in His Word and comes with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven in the Eucharist.

May 18, 2010
What a killer day. It is already 1 am I had a heavy work load but a still took an hour to relax and watch AI. They are down to the final three. Crystal gave a really good showing but Lee out performed her tonight. Psalm  79 These laminations are really something. How long, O Lord? At time wonder myself. But the psalm end in sweet praise. I am blessed with 3 God fearing children, “But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will give thanks to you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise.” K, that’s it. I'm totally beat.

May 17, 2010
After dinner, I sat a watch Dancing with the Stars with Fawn. I really wanted spend some time with her. To my surprise, it was the semi finals and the dancers were fantastic. It is quite amazing to watch. We haven’t been spending enough time together. I’m always busy with the job and she is busy taking care of her parents. I really miss our walks and talks. I got an email from Dave W. I am humbled that he continues to read my poor writings. He is a gifted artist, musician, and writer. Psalm 78 Tell the coming generation. Fathers are to teach their children so that they should set their hope in God. Once I allowed others in the church to teach my children. They became very confused. I am grateful not to depend on my own exegetical abilities but relied on the Holy Spirit for the correct understanding of scripture. It became so clear that I needed to take charge of the training of Biblical truths. Today, my children are grown; we are blessed with pastors who are among the most learned teachers of Christ. I can hardly wait until the Bible Study is posted later in the week. Pr Genig seems so happy to be able to teach again. Where else but at St John would you find pastors willing to literally wrestle for the opportunity to teach the class?

May 16, 2010
I still can’t believe I slept more than 8 hours yesterday. I must have been really tire. Today was not the case.  I was up bright and early, eager to go to have fellowship with the risen Christ. Why go to Saint John and attend public worship? Most importantly, because Jesus is there! Our Lord comes to us in His Word and Sacraments. Also failing to worship regularly is to transgress from remembering the Sabbath day by keeping it holy as well as to love one another and bear one another burden. It was finally somewhat dry enough to cut the grass at the lower portion of the bad yard. We have been getting way too much rain for this time of year. Our neighbor Ashley graduated today, it was so sweet of her to bring over cake. We watched he grow up from about the age of 5 to an outstanding young lady. Psalm 77 “In the day of trouble I seek the Lord;” At times when we fail to see God faithfulness and how he recues us when things seems hopelessly impossible. I can’t say it enough, perception is not reality. Reality is reality. God is not bounded our own foolish perceived veracity. “Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen.” God’s pathway was unknown to no one except Himself.

May 15, 2010
Today has got to be the laziest day of my life. Normally I’m up no later than 6, but I didn’t wake up until close 10. I just slept so peacefully and no one even bother to wake me up.  The only thing I managed to do was take out the garbage and went to pick up Andrea at the school. They get good at state. I tried loading the audio sermons, but ran out of room. Now I have to think about what to do moving forward. Psalm 76 “Surely the wrath of man shall praise you; the remnant of wrath you will put on like a belt.” human opposition enhances God Glory. I continually pray that I am right with God. When I hear the words, For You, I will claim the blood of Christ as payment for my sins.

May 14, 2010
I was thinking about the entry I made yesterday, having to do with vocation. Martin Luther said, “We are daily bread to one another.”  In other words, God uses our vocation to serve the needs of our neighbors. This surly made the day feel different. Psalm 75 I was struck by what is poured out from The Lord’s Cup. Here and other places in the OT, the Lord pours out His wrath. In the NT the Lord pours out the forgiveness of sins. May we live the Eucharistic life, evermore toward Eden. Lord in your mercy, hear my prayer.

May 13, 2010
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I got an urgent email to turn up additional network capacity for Toledo Ohio. I was part of a small successful team, focused on this short fuse endeavor. The American Idol finalists are going back to their hometowns for an emotional homecoming. They will be stopping by an AT&T store and performing at a concert later in the day. Crystal Bowersox is from Toledo. This was somewhat gratifying, knowing that your vocation contributes in a concrete way. Silly me, you would think the care I put in E911 would be more rewarding. Andrea got a early start to take her girls to state. She simply love to coach Badminton. She went to state as a player when she was a student at Naperville Central High School. They’ll be coming home Saturday evening. Go Warriors. I finally found some time to post Sundays Sermon. I hope add the audio by this weekend. Psalm 74 A call for deliverance when the temple is destroyed. This is spot on, St John mirroring. Satan was tweaking us. God was allowing the enemy (our sins) to damage everything in the sanctuary when we turned from Him. We have repented and are making an earnest a turnabout. Because God is faithfulness, He will never abandon us poor miserable and undeserving sinners. Prayers for St John as we continue to move forward as His reconciled children; for daughter Andrea a good time and a safe drive there and back; for Tim and Stephie H a safe flight to Virgina and back. May they carry with them the strenght and comforting words of Christ Jesus to share with the family in their time of sorrow; and for my niece Natalie upon her graduation from University of Wisconsin; for steady employment opportunties for Andrea, my brother Bill, my sister-in-law Soo, and my friend Dave.

May 12, 2010
What a long busy day. It didn’t start out pretty. My NT password needed to be reset after spending a half hour with IT guys from India; I needed to go in to the Hoffman Estates to be on the network for my new password to take. Jennifer was invited by North Central College to learn more about the Lederman Scholars Program. It was weird sitting in the room with all the prospective students and their proud parent. So by the end of the day, I looked back and saw it as another day of a string of routine days as well as a new day to express my faith in Jesus Christ. Night time is so peaceful. Psalm 73 Asaph is a very interesting psalmist. He went from being envious of the arrogant when he saw the prosperity of the wicked to making God his refuge and telling of His good works. Often times we focus on the wrong things. It is good for me to be in the sanctuary of God and near the altar.

May 11, 2010
It was fun watching Alex try his hand at programming in C++. He is a natural and all smiles. I grilled steaks and stir fried some vegetables. The steaks came out good and thought for sure I would get a few compliments. But wouldn't you know it, everyone raved about the vegetables. I did not see that coming. AI final 4 was not disappointing for me. Although I wasn’t wowed, it was still a very good show. I think the final show is going to be between Crystal and Lee.  Psalm 72 Praying to and praising God until we are no longer needed. I think Pr Bruzek gave us very good advice on Sunday. He said, “Trust the incarnation. Trust Good Friday. Trust the Resurrection. Trust the Christ. Trust the miracle done to you in Baptism and Eucharist. Trust the Way forward, and go out, healed, renewed, enlivened, refreshed, and have a little rebellious fun living in mercy and hope.”  What an awesome sermon he gave, I’ll have to post it later this week when I have some free time. It’s really late and I really need to rest.

May 10, 2010
I have been dwelling the on how our faith requires us to use our holy imagination which trusts a limitless love to forgive and goes beyond any boundary to reconcile. On a clear spiritual day, we can see Eden, if we would only do what Jesus asks us to do, just follow him. Psalm 71 The psalms tend to repeat many things over and over. But here David also looks back at his youth. We grow more dependent on God as we grow older and yet there is a calling to continue to praise God and to proclaim God’s wondrous deeds to another generation. I find it amazing that I can even see how gracious God has been to me my entire life, despite my unbelief as a youth.

May 9, 2010
It was quite an amazing day. It started out with our hearts to heaven and back. Despite, making an all out brunch, I didn’t fare as well as the kids with Fawn. The Ice cream cake they got her from Cold Stone was a big hit with mom. Psalm 70 O Lord, make haste and be pleased to help me, do not delay. In the quite of my evening prayers, I ask, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew within me a right spirit.”  The Sunday bible studies have been a blessing to help me move on past anger and hurt. It helped me realize that what happens to the wicked is God’s problem and what happen inside my heart is my responsibility. Satan uses anger and resentment to keep us from getting closer to God.

May 8, 2010
I was taken by surprise, it is a very cool brisk day. Bill and I went to the city. We ran across our childhood friend Roland at the bakery. He has been out of steady work for nearly a year and just picking up odd jobs here and there. Bill found temporary work taking the 2010 census. He doesn’t think it will be for more than a month. I was surprise Jennifer is not able to play tennis yet. Alex and Andrea went out to play. I came across an exceptionally beautiful prayer written by Bishop Bo Giertz. I don’t know how many more gems like this prayer I run across again, but it inspired me to create a page called Prayers. Psalm 69 O God come to me quickly, I need your assistance or am unable to do it at all. At times I feel evil doers are so in to themselves and feel no public shame with their onslaught of deceitful lies. Even Blessed Martin Luther called down anathema. Despite, the psalmist usual change to praising God in his situation, imprecatory attitudes are difficult to harmonize with Jesus’ teaching that we are to love one another and to pray for our enemies. I think it may be best just to let God sort it out.

May 7, 2010
Happy day, everyone is home today. Alex is home for a month! Too bad he wasn’t able to find an internship. I guess he decided to take a class this summer. Andrea badmiton season is over, so her substitute taught a couple day this week. She is so good with kids. Big one too. The girls really like her and asked for her help, so she still help the few girls that made it to state. Jennifer is dancing around with her brace to get use to it. I have to believe it the weather is fair this weekend, Alex and her will go at it. Tennis is their game. So where is Rob?  Psalm 68 “Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God!” Through His Word and Sacraments, He delivers to us all the benefits of His work on the cross. Through the power of the Holy Spirit working through those gifts, we are forgiven and strengthened until the day of Jesus.

May 6, 2010
Jennifer cracks me up. She has been trying to study and do her homework, but she keeps looking out the window. The person finally made it to the house with her custom fitted sports brace. He made a few adjustments and gave Jennifer instruction and now she’s all smiles. I added By The Way to the Navigation Pane. BTW is a KFUO broadcast service of the LCMS that provides a brief uplifting thought for the day. Psalms 67 Short and sweet. Truly there is no greater gift than to have the glorious face of God shine upon you and give you peace. I find great peace knowing that when God looks at my family, He is well pleased. Not because of whom we are, but because of Christ in us.    

May 5, 2010
Work just consumes so much of the day. It is odd how I look forward to AI to relax and be entertained. Carol and I think it is pretty pathetic. We’re big fans of the show. Psalms 66 Because God is pure and holy; we cannot approach Him without the purity of Christ Jesus. I bow and fall down before my Lord and Savior in forgiveness. Only then will God see the purity of Christ instead of my sins, and will answer my prayers. “Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me!”

May 4, 2010
The day went by quickly. During the day, I found myself reflecting about Satan being constantly among the children of God (Job 1:6) and the Parable of the Tare which the enemy has sowed in the field. I pray that we progress in Christian love for one another. AI is normally relaxing for me. Why in the world would Frank Sinatra? Lee was the only one that rose to the occasion. I like listening to smooth Jazz every now and then. But I don't any of the top 5 five come even close as a Jazz singers. Psalms 65 It is amazingly awesome to be among the elected and to break out in praise evermore realizing that God truly loves and forgives the likes of a poor miserable sinner like me.

May 3, 2010
I worked at Fermilab for almost 16 years. It was an exciting place to work. But I have not kept in touch with anyone there for some time. I was a different person back then. Strange that I left there only 14 years ago but have less than a handful of memories about that place. I was reflecting on how refreshing it is to see most learned teachers of Christ have such zeal to share the oracles of God’s love for us and His Word which leads us back to Eden. Psalm 64 The wicked encourage each other in evil plans. I think what happened in our community mirrored this psalm. As we now move to a church of repentance and restitution, it may not be as jubilant as we all hope for, because it is impossible to undo all the harm. I am so sorry that this happen at Saint John. This is the second parish I have been in that this has happen to, but it is the first time I have learned and believed with extraordinary hard work, restorations are possible.

May 2, 2010
Week after week I talk about the wonderful gifts we receive in Word and Sacraments. I simply adore resting on the hilltop at Saint John, despite how we toward each other. Thanks be to God, I am sensing a renewed calmest and joy and a greater love for one another. Pr Genig said something striking in bible study. Like most, when we tend to think when Christ said to follow Him, it is because he indeed knows the best way. But also consider this; you are in a safe place behind Christ as He leads the way. At times I think it is quite a drive to Wheaton for the Divine Service, so just imagine what it like to do it on foot. Can you believe it? Rob ran back to Naperville after worship. He is getting ready to run another marathon. Psalm 63 I earnestly seek the Lord and cling to His wings. Because my family is always become thirsty in the wilderness, we go look upon the Lord in the sanctuary.  Satan spends a lot on time tweaking us. We often say Satan is the enemy in Spiritual Warfare. Often times Satan is found my sins. I look forward to the day when all my sins are destroyed forever. I have seen the power and Glory of the Holy Spirit work on my heart, and my unholyness given over to the sword. We sang Jesu Dulcis Memoria today. It is indeed a beautiful and the lyics so full of truths. I have to wonder about and question Bernard of Clairvaux's deep devotion to the Blessed Mother and Marian Theology.

May 1, 2010
It was queer waking early this morning, I kept dwelling about several related conversations and a recent sermon. The subconscious mind works oddly. Perhaps it was the loud thundering storm the past last night (e.g. Psalm 29). It brings to mind the public restoration of Peter. Prayers are for pastors to give themselves to Christ and do as Christ ask, feed my sheep, tend my sheep, feed my sheep. Jesus restores us by showing us our short comings and challenges us to follow Him. Psalms 62 Christ Jesus is my source of confidence and hope. David gives good advice, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” I tend to and try to always use Christ Jesus, as to make sure that I am conveying the one true God found in the Trinity. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.

April 30, 2010
Glory be to you O God. Wow, I’m glad Tim C sent out a reminded that a report was due today. It is hard to believe it is the end of the month already. Psalm 61 Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. When I am overwhelmed, let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings! There is not over relief from the stressful complexities of daily life. Even though God already knows our needs, let Him know and He will answer our prayers. We are to trust God in all circumstances, be grateful and worship our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, all the time. I wish I had more time to muse over the psalms.

April 29, 2010
Psalm 60 The help of man is vain. I see St John written all over this psalm. The body of Christ, weaken by internal strife. Whoa to the double-mindness of some who seek out for compromise. They begin dividing their loyalties between God and their earthly idols, the school. What a pitiful existence. Some will say the Holy Spirit has left St John. I say, by God’s grace, the Holy Spirit has granted us the virtue of fortitude, to move forward with intrepid hearts, as servants of the Lord. May we be worthy of His love. Lord, have mercy. Prayers are for Dave, Bill, Dell and Andrea for employment.

April 28, 2010
I was a interesting day and with great joy. Jennifer got her Driver’s License.  I ran across a friend from my former parish. He still goes there but on the brink of answering the Catholic Come Home Ads after being a Lutheran for 35 years. That is very telling. There was more said, but the problems are no longer mine. I got a call from T-mobile about a 3 month contract; I was thankful that they were mindful of me but am working a year contract at AT&T. I got an email from my friend Dave R from Lucent. He is luckier than most. He is able to find refuge in the Lord. Prayers are for Dave, Bill, Dell and Andrea for employment.  Psalm 59  God will come to meet us in the changing circumstances in our lives. God is our defense and refuge. We are to live in the confidence of Christ. Prayer are for our
church leaders, may they remain steadfast, and hold to our confessions so we can live in concord.
April 27, 2010
What a long day. It is now 10p and I finally got the day’s work done. It was Nancy birthday. What a great baby sister. I totally missed AI. It is a great show to watch and relax to. Psalms 58 Since Christ, mercy is shown to everyone in the hopes changing the hearths of the wicked. May I be awake and be
a light the shines for Christ.

April 26, 2010
Went to the doctor’s office for a follow up and plan the year course of action. It begins with a blood test tomorrow and something not so pretty next month. Psalm 57 What a poor miserable sinner’s cry; Be Merciful to me, O God. I pray for continued growth at Saint John where the heavy lifting is done in Bible Study. His word teaches us the correct view of redemption and the value of making wrongs right.

April 25, 2010
I always like it when Vicar Wintfeldt is given the opportunity preach. He sounds like seasoned preacher. The afternoon voter’s meeting was a little over an hour. The church budget was approved by a ratio greater than 9:1 It is not clear why 24 people cast a vote against the motion. I was happy to see that people were not only united by was able to speak in a kind a gentle matter. Psalm 56 Davis extraordinarily asks God to put his tears in a bottle and write them in His Book. God is always for us and never against us. Whenever I am afraid I will trust in you. It kind of felt a little sad to see Alex and Rob leave. Funny how Rob asks, “Mr. Lee, will you miss me?”  I actually do. Prays are for Dell, I saw him at the voter’s meeting, he has been out of work nearly 6 months.

April 24, 2010
It's a good day, Alex is back and so is Rob. It is truly a blessing to have everyone home. Psalm 55 Cast our burdens upon the Lord in constant prayer. One of the most painful things to endure is betrayal by someone we are intimate with. I think that our joy restored by candidly laminating our pain. God will take care of us and never let us down and keep us away from Satan’s traps.

April 23, 2010
I’m not sure where Andrea and Jennifer went out to tonight, but I ‘m glad they get along and bond. Psalm 54 Since we are in the body of Christ, take to heart and intensely pray for persecuted Christians asking God to hear our pray. God is faithful and will deliver us from every trouble.  It is good that, “We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God.”

April 22, 2010
Psalm 53 At times I feel remorseful at the depraved things that crosses my mind. It is amazing that we are capable of rising to great heights as humans under the cross and capable of sinking to great depths as less than human. I reviewed the Circle of Redemption rejoicing in the knowledge that we are not beyond redemption. Thanks be to God; Christ Jesus has freed us for the captivity of sin.

April 21, 2010
I was surprise that James Casey was in the bottom three. It is a wakeup call for him. Psalm 52 We should choose wisely who we associate and identify in life. The way of evildoers leads to destruction. Prayers are for Bill and Angela for employment opportunities; For Jennifer and Holly for health and recovery.

April 20, 2010
AI Crsytal Bowersox. Psalm 51 Like David, sins becomes a great grief to Christians. I sing Create in Me a Heart, O God, so often I know it by heart, and fall before God in confession. Only after receiving what I ask, do I feel the joy of my salvation. Writing in this journal will tell a story when it is finish. It will reveal many things about what is in the heart of this poor miserable sinner and about the Lord.

April 19, 2010
Psalm 50 In our bible study discussion about Mercy and Justice, Pr Bruzek mentioned that we are to be a mercy people and God will sort it out. This psalm is very sobering in that we are to bow the knee before Christ. Prayers are for the unbelievers as well as the unrepentant for surly the day of judgment comes closer and we only have so many heartbeats.

April 18, 2010
Blessed by the gracious service God gives us in His Divine Service. I’ll get back to this. There was so much going on this day the Lord has made. Indeed let us rejoice and be glad. I find it amazing that over so many years reading about and hearing sermons about the restoration of Peter. The riveting dialogue between Jesus and Peter was never clear to me until now. I was apprehensive about going to the voter’s information meeting. But it was OK. Overall it was a zillion times better than the last one. The presentation about St John present and future was very good. Despite, the leaders coming up with a good high level plan to give the school an opportunity to succeed, there was still a little tension. I always enjoy when we talk about the North Campus and our treasured Lutheran Mass where our focus is focused on the means of Grace, on the gospel proclamation in Word and Sacraments that comes to us from the Holy Trinity. It sad there so many LCMS churches think that the sacraments are optional and denies access to Christ. God speaks to us in His comforting words of Absolution, in the covenant of grace granted through Baptism, and feeds us with the precious body and blood of Christ Jesus in the Eucharist. My prayers are that our worship is a fitting response. Psalm 49 I play lotto every now and then if I happen to go in a 7-11. Talk about a long shot. But hey, a dollar for a short lived dream and you’ll never know. We are to be on guard never to seek wealth at the expense of our soul. Christians live in the wealth purchased by the blood of Christ.

April 17, 2010
My brother-in-law Al and I went over to my brother Bill’s house to help spruce up his yard. I’m so unfit I started huffing and puffing almost from the get do. Our economy is such bad shape. Bill has been out of full time work for a year now. His unemployment is exhausted and so is most of his savings. Working part time is not enough. He is forced to put his house up for sale. I’ve heard learned pastors speak about tithing with opposing views and never wanted to talk about this subject because the debate is fruitless and personal. In fact, I only told this to one friend and she has been praying about it on my behalf.   It is hard on the ears to hear admonishment about people not tithing to the church. Especially when you know a large portion goes to the parochial school. I’m not saying they are a bad thing but they are not essential to raising up our children in Christ. Is this a noble use of God’s treasure? It really feels like subsiding people’s children or people’s vacation. I just can’t do that and not be able to support family and those nearer and dearer to me in true dire need. So am I truly part of this church community? Am I stealing from God? Why am I asking rhetorical questions? I reflected on what I just wrote and considered deleting it. I thank the Lord for His abundant blessings and let people say what they will of me for God is refuge and salvation. Psalm 48 It is good to give praises to God in all things, walking in the full knowledge that He is our refuge now and our guide forever. I am grateful that with the help of the Holy Spirit, we inherited a Lutheran Heritage. Bill and I went to O’Hare to pick up Alex; his plane didn’t get in until 9 pm. This was the first time I used the cell phone lot there. It’s only 4 minutes from the terminals, sweet. My Prayers are for my brother Bill for employment opportunities.

April 16, 2010
I had to drop off the Explorer for an oil change. So I did it during my lunch hour. I had a taste for Chinese, so Fawn, Andrea and I went to Fabulous Noodles. We went all out; Pot Stickers, Egg Rolls, Singapore Rice Noodles, Slice Beef with Broad Rice Noodles, and Kung Pao Chicken. The ladies had Egg Drop Soup, I had the Hot and Sour Soup, hog heaven. It was a nice lunch. Psalms 47 is an incredible Psalm of worship and praise. I most certainly sing praises with a psalm. I find it odd, how some make noise in singing along with a worldly sound. I not sure what is going on, it looks like entertainment. Surely this isn’t so, there’s got to be more to it than that, I’m just missing it. It is hard for me to recognize the worshiping in truth and spirit. Some say, what is called Contemporary Worship a bad thing, I just say it not how I would keep the Lord’s Day. I must say, musicians with guitars and drums are quite a difference sound than the pipe organ and chorale music I am accustomed to. How fitting it is, the last two weeks I have been daily singing the most wonderful song of worship and praise, Laudate Dominum. TGIF. Prayers are for Dave for the worship task at hand; for a safe journey home from Arizon for Alex and the rest of the NIU Tennis Team.

April 14-15, 2010
So where do I begin. I guess with yesterday and eventually it will explain why I did have an entry. I work up the last minute, had dinner and dash off to Wheaton. There is little I can say about what was said other than it was an eye opener to me. It was really nice that both Pr Genig and Bruzek queried about how may job was going. I told them about the long hard hours I was putting in. And that it was lacking balance with my God and my family. It was sweet to get my neck and back rub.  I did read Psalm45 when I got home, but did not have time reflect on until today. I was all over the place, but there are a few things I reflected on. We can’t praise God enough; yet during the course of the day, I do so little of it. Amazingly, some people wonder why I seem to do it all the time. “11and the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him.” Ah, Christ delighting in the Beauty of the Righteous. Don't kid yourself, we we poor misable sinners desire isn't pretty. So why do some people have a hang up on reverently bowing to Him in prostrate adoration?
Today was interesting; the new big push on top of everything else is to expedite the older work orders. It seems like the plan is simply we need them done so just get them done and keep working on what you are doing and get them done too. Wonderful. I realized that the work is endless and I just can’t get it all done, so I just worked normal hours today and said hello to my family. Why do I bring up work on bad days, anyway? I should be setting it aside. Psalm 46  Even in the most trying times, God is truly is and will always be my refuge and strength. Blessed Martin Luther’s hymn, A Mighty Fortress is our God, is based on this Psalm. It is in my Music Video 2. Please take the time listen and to be blessed. Prayers are for Andrea, she got an interview next week; for St John and her pastor.

April 13, 2010
AI took on Elvis. Crystal and Lee owned it. Casey was cool with the girls. These three dominate the show week after week. A big surprise for the last two weeks was Tim Urban and Katie Stevens. What an huge improvement. Psalm 44 “In God we have boasted continually, and we will give thanks to your name forever.” Most Christian see God as loving and merciful. But fail to realize He is also a jealous God and commands honor and worship. We are to repent, seek forgiveness, the offer thankfulness. Throughout the entire day give adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. I had a nice IM chat with Tim H. We are indeed lucky men. Thanks be to God for our wives whom we love as Christ love us. I wouldn't have it any other way.

April 12, 2010
Psalm 43 God has sent out His Light and Truth. Christ Jesus leads me to His holy hill and dwelling place and I go to the altar of God my exceeding joy.

April 11, 2010
It is truly a blessing to gather on the hilltop on the 2nd Sunday of Easter at St John. Some would call worship at St John “high church”. In some ways would agreed, for certain it is very reverent. For my family, worship is very special at St John, we call it mountaintop worship. We are sure we are in the presence of God, His grace and mercy. I find it remarkable that there is room for worshipers and visitors this week, especially when last week the sanctuary was overflowing into the vestibule. However, a noted joy is that we heard about the Resurrection of Our Lord last week, believed in it, confessed it, and came back this week. In the Eucharist we are able to touch, taste and see the goodness of God. We are filled with Christ and we are to bring His goodness into the world. I made one of my favorite meals; oven baked barbeque chicken and baked potatoes. It is a very simple meal to put together and taste so good. Psalm 42 This Psalm brings back memories. There is emptiness in our lives that only God can fill. The same way the deer is thirsty for water my soul thirst for God. Without Him we are subhuman. O how I daily long come to be in His presence. There is a great joy to be with Him in the Eucharist, but I also long to enjoy an audience at the wedding banquet. Chanting the Psalms with spirit and understanding is always a blessing to me. But the popular, As a Deer, among evangelicals comes to mind. I heard this many times being near my sister’s family.

April 10, 2010
Bill and I had a nice time today. Of coarse we did the usual coffee thing at McDonalds. Bill brought out in conversation that he really enjoys the time we time we spend together. So we indeed do share the same joy. It was beautiful day, 72º F. It is the perfect temperature. Taxes, taxes, taxes, I spent most of day doing it. Psalm 41 Blessed is the one who considers the poor. We are to be mercy people; giving ourselves to others. Often times those that we show kindness to are ungrateful. This is Satan, the deceiver, at his best trying to get us to stop doing what Christ wants us to do. I use to think that one of the highest challenges is to figure out how to live a Godly life in a ungodly world. Now days it is best to simply live a Eucharistic life. Prayers are for awareness of the needs of people around us and be mission minded. I looked back at few of the beginning entries just to see what is I started to do and why I was doing it. I am reminded that, Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lip! (Psalms 141:3). May what I write be beneficial to me and to the reader who stumble upon this site and do no harm. I have a burning desire to write about things theological in nature. But it takes a lot of time to put into words what gifted men truly called my God are able to do on a drop of a dime. Pr. Bruzek once mentioned the small windows of opportunities we have set apart Christ. He was referring to 1 Peter 3:15,  “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” This past year and half, I have learned and grown much. Think twice, if you believe that where you worship and the yoke you follow doesn’t matter.

April 9, 2010
As usual I procrastinate and I finally  got around to organizing my all my tax information. Guess what I’ll be doing this weekend. What a challenge to read one Psalm a day. 110 to go. I wish I really had the time to reflect on the more because there is so much going on in David's poetic and lyrical stream of conscience. Psalm 40 The boldness of David to in the Psalm to share His faith without apology is inspires me. Often we pray for missionaries and for others who are spreading the Good News. I think of the song, “Thank the Lord and sing His praise. Tell every one what He has done …” Fawn and I seek the Holy Spirit to help us convey, to our godless or weak in faith friends and family members that despair, the peace and joy in spite of the evident circumstances in our lives. Great is the Lord, our salvation, here and now and forevermore.

April 8, 2010
I had a wonderful IM chat with Anonymousad after work. He sounds like quite the family man. Again the day was long. Email is going back and forth trying to find a time when everyone can meet this upcoming week as a nominating committee. Psalm 39 This really hits home in our community. Our pastors spent a lot of time on untruthful, angry and malicious speech. It is best rather to use our tongue for pure, true, kind and loving words. Our days are numbered; May God delivers us from a life of meaningless activities and helps us make the most of our life rejoicing and being a blessing to our neighbors.

April 7, 2010
It wasn’t much of a day. Mostly just work, work, work. I wish I could ride in to work with Carol tomorrow. It is always a joy to do so. I hadn't seen Tim in a couple of week too. Be there is just too much to do. I don't mind working hard the load heavy and continuous. Psalm 38 “For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever before me.18I confess my iniquity;” Look to Christ as your advocate when you find yourself sinning against God. Do not carry this burden. The Lord is always there and will hear you. The reality is that Christians do continually sin and need the Eucharist. Prayers are for St John, that everything we do brings Glory to His Holy Name; for friend and family for our sins are most apt to offend those closest to us.

April 6, 2010
We got an at-a-way on the weekly carrier project meeting for the 1st Cluster; 8 more clusters to go. It is really tough getting all the needed on top of meeting the normal market needs daily. I just had to stop for AI. It was a really cool show; all nine did a bang up job taking on the Beatles. Crystal, Casey, and Lee were huge and each a star in their own right. I found a beautiful thanksgiving video and simply had to add it to my music video 2. Psalms 37 Trust the Lord. He is the one providing all of our needs. Our response for all His gifts must be to depart from evil and do good.

April 5, 2010
We can’t stop talking about the joy found in worship at St John. In God’s presence, we find His life, His love and His light and take to the world. I really don’t understand what a bad year means. Nothing has change and I believe the rage still goes on despite all the good teaching. I think it has to do with people trying pleasing themselves rather than receiving God’s gifts and offering back praises and thanksgiving back to God in a pleasing way. I hope I am wrong. We got a couple more of those voter's meeting coming up soon and prayers are for St John parishioners to appreciate how Christ comes to us and that what we do as a community is done to glorify God. Psalm 36 God’s faithfulness, righteousness, justice and steadfast love is boundless.

April 4, 2010
The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord was absolutely a beautiful and stunning liturgy. Standing room only I might add. The Gospel Recessional and Hymn of the Day was, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God is an anthem to behold. I listen to it most weekdays while working, but what a joy to be able to sing it to God, the Lord, and the Father everlasting along with His gathered people and the Brass. What a joy, so many people received the Eucharist. For You, for the forgiveness of all your sins. We went to Peggy’s home for a family gathering. The food was utterly fantastic as usual. We had prime rib, ham, mash potatoes, green bean casserole, fruit, salad, and endless selection desserts. Psalm 35 It is right to recognize evil for what it is and pray for it’s defeat, but also to pray for the evil doers and their salvation.

April 3, 2010
It was absolutely a great morning, Alex and I went to Ken and my sister Nancy’s home and made golden glutinous rice dumplings. We had a good time and Bill help eat. There was a little drizzle and it was a little cooler which is welcome succor from yesterday’s heat. The sun did come out in the afternoon. I was struck by the Old Lutheran Quote posted on Weedon’s Blog, “If, therefore, you are heavy-laden and feel your weakness, then go joyfully to the Sacrament and receive refreshment, comfort, and strength.” -- Blessed Martin Luther, *Large Catechism* V:72  It moved me to read all of Part V. The Sacrament of the Altar. Psalms 34 Verse 8 pops out, so I took time to mediate on, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”  I use to think of in the context of the Eucharist. But what is mean is that we should take refuse in Him. We are to taste (experience) God’s goodness and in so doing see (realize) God’s goodness. Part of yesterday’s conversation with Rob was about faithful witnessing. I felt it was important to be truthful and just. However, my shortcoming and sadly often of other Christians is that we do not always demonstrate our humility, love, joy and patience in the sight of others. Prayers are for His strength as to draw people to His Good News and that our shortcomings not hinder and repel. Amen.

April 2, 2010
The hard work paid off. The needed was completed mid-morning. So naturally in afternoon was spent relaxing and taking a short nap. Lazy? Nay.  I could hardly believe the drop dead weather we are having. It got in the low 80’s and was forced to turn on the air conditioner. Rob had had a nice talk about Galatians, while the ladies were out and about. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.25If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”  I have been giving a lot of thought the past few months about worship. Mainly because there is a chance it could be impacted by budget constraints and the use or misuse of God’s treasure. The character of worship found in the Lutheran Mass is joy in knowing that the Lord accepts us, saves us, and gives us a new upright spirit. I am confused at times about certain people in our congregation their worship and praise seems foolish to me and sometimes offensive. So is our worship in truth and spirit our natural response to His grace and mercy? I’m not sure of the outcome of our conversation, but it was nice to reason together. Psalm 33 David mention the joy and fullness of worship with the choir and musicians last Sunday. This Psalms starts out as praise. We are called to loudly shout for joy by including thanks with musical instruments and singing a new song. I had many conversations with people about the meaning of a new song. They wrongly use in defense of songs used in what has come to be known as contemporary worship. I content it a new song means a different song of the world. Verse 20-22 is a good way to respond to God’s greatness and goodness. “Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.21For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.22Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.” Gracious heavenly Father, I ask pardon for all my sins which I have ever offended you, and for having caused your sorrows and sufferings on the cross. May the sanctifying power of grace help us put on the likeness of your son, Christ Jesus.  Amen.

April 1, 2010
I’m so tire, I going to make this short and go to bed right away. I can’t believe I am working so hard. I wanted to take a long lunch today, but I helped out a peer instead and worked though lunch. I told him he was killing me; of course in a kind way. The pressure is on, but the progress is good. My niece Melissa sent a sharing and elaborating on a two year old email her mother sent her to the family. It was quite moving and an opportunity share the Holy Work on Christ Jesus this Holy Week and the joy of knowing the peace of the Lord. There is little time to read and reflect on scripture lately. Psalm 32 I like this instructive Psalm. I begin with the joy of the forgiveness of sins. If we confess our sins, with no deceit in our spirit, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sin. Therefore, Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous; and shout for joy ...

March 31, 2010
Despite take a few hour off for lunch, It was a long day at work. Got a tough dead line for next week. I really enjoyed lunch with Andrea. We went to Red Lobster. The food and service was great. I was surprise at the price, normally I don’t flinch went I go out. Beautiful weather we are having, 79 ºF and the sun was shining. Go Warrior victory over Elgin. Didi Benami was eliminated from American Idol. I think it is too soon. Psalm 31 We should turn to God for deliverance from suffering of public shame.  Part of verse 5 really pops out.  Into you hands I commit my spirit; … It was Jesus’ dying prayer. He died in public shame, not his, but for ours. It is hard to image Jesus hanging on the cross as the biggest sinner of all time. Prayers for God to reveal to me my sins so that I can with His help turn from them; for Andrea and Bill for employment; for chreasters to open all their senses that they have follow the Good Shepherd; and for the unchurched to make a pilgrimage to the hilltop. Amen.

March 30, 2010
The American Idol Top 10 Show was a mix bag for me. I can’t say enough about Crystal Bowersox. She consistently gives great performances. Her Midnight Train to Georgia is sheer joy. Lee DeWyze and Casey James were doing it. These three are so far ahead of the rest of the pack, they made the rest of the show seem just alright to absolutely boring. I heard it was a nice day out today and tomorrow promises much the same. I’m planning to start work early tomorrow, so I can take a long lunch and enjoy the midday blessings. Psalm 30 Give thanks to God for the life He has given us ask that He will give joy in the midst of life’s burdens. Acknowledge that His abundant grace is more than enough by singing your praise and not be silent.

March 29, 2010
So where did the day go? I had so much to do. Psalm 29 I’ve been out and about in a few heavy duty thunder storm, it was freaky. The voice of Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty serves as a powerful exhortation to give adoration and worship in the splendor of holiness. All glory be to God, who alone gives his people strength and peace.

March 28, 2010
This Sunday was an extraordinarily all around feel good day. The Service was amazing and I even got a pre-service and post-service shoulder and back rub. The Kantorei and Brass was spot on. At times I think about what full blast worship and use to share it that with … and was led to believe I would be a church of one. I don’t want to say too much except that I was truly in the wrong place. Now days, I worship at St John, with the angels and archangels and all the company of heaven and dwell in splendor peacefully waiting until the day of Jesus.  Christ’s hour. What is this hour? And when will it ever come? The theme of Christ’s hour runs as a thread throughout the Gospel of John. I added an entry about this in Random Thoughts of a Lutheran. Pr Gening’s sermon was taken from John 12 will be added to Sermons when it comes out later this week. I think it must the lack of good catechesis. People seem to want to keep things elementary and remain feeding from the breast. I’m flabbergasted that some Lutheran shuns The Sacrament of the Alter being called the Eucharist. It is derived from the Greek word (eucharistia) meaning thanksgiving, and is found in the Words of Our Lord. How natural it is to give thanks to the Lamb of God who comes to you for you. Fawn and I enjoyed the same 30 minute walk again. Psalm 28 There are two classes of people, the wicked and the righteous. Sadly, sometimes we fall short and we can’t tell them apart. There was enough gossiping and backbiting to cause significant chaos in our community. As Disciples, we can trust and turn to Christ Jesus our Advocate we can go before Him with bent knees, crying for His help to keep us from our wicked ways. Prayers are for Dave's father for health and comfort; blessings for Nick and Randy Malleos; for Bill for employment.

March 27, 2010
Things was slightly different this morning. Fawn and Alex join Bill and me for our usual Saturday morning ritual of breakfast at McDonalds. Then we were off to the city. Fawn and I went shopping at few of the wonderful bakeries where I grew up as a child while Alex and Bill when to tend to things and buy frozen dim sum. On the way back, we stop by to visit Nancy. We change the plan for Friday to spend it with her on Easter making fried pastry. I can’t wait. Then we stop to visited with Al and gave his some goodies from the bakery. Things are well and life moves on. Al and Nancy drive together to Church. Fawn was happy and thought the morning was a blessing and good to get out and about. It was nice going for a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. I enjoy our walks and the conversation. It was game night, a I still find Stern-Halma to be such a wonderful board game. Rob played an awesome game, but I was able to hold him off and prevailed by a single move. Whew. I have to admit, once upon a time, he was able to beeee, beaaa. We got Jennifer a ukulele for her birthday. I can't believe what we paid for it. Why couldn't she like the $39 one. It is amazing that in less than a week she is able to compose and strum a tune. My brother-in-law’s wife, Sandy, is a Saint. She remains a selfless person under inexcusable circumstances. Psalm 27 What a wonderful prayer praise and declaration of faith. Christ Jesus is my stronghold and bring us the light of God. Like David long to be at the temple, I have the same feelings about St John. I find the quite security and the peace of the Lord there. And in the Lutheran Mass His very presences found in the Eucharist. At times I hear things that causes me to wonder at times. I think offers a good opportunity to examine our reasons for going to church. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord. So let move forward in His Benediction (Numbers 6:24-26) continuing in experiencing the goodness of God. Prayers are for Alex to find a summer job. He was working hard sending out resumes. He is flying out to Arizona some time in April to play tennis. All of his NIU games were in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. Go Huskies!

March 26, 2010
I heard the craziest thing today and saw how secular and diverse the work place really is. It was nice to take a break midday and spend time with Jennifer. She is on her spring break. Her rehabilitation is progressing nicely. She does not need her brace to walk anymore and is climbing steps. She will be fitted for a sports knee brace in three weeks. I received a thoughtful card from Pr Bruzek reminding me about the Holy work of Christ on Holy Week which brought my sister Mary to a place of indescribable light and love. I’m guessing by now, there are some people are tire of me saying Thanks be to God for the Shepherd God has provided my family and those He called to gathered at His Hilltop. I pray that all people come to know and celebrate the overflowing Joy I feel, which is in reality His Joy. I’m so excited about Holy Week. Fawn and I was saying it feels like Palm Sunday and seem it was no that long ago. Boy the year flew by so fast. Then we realized that it only seemed that way because of Ash Wednesday. Psalm 26 We are to take the call to worship seriously and hold heartedly. Because of our confession, gather to receive His gifts, Word and Sacraments, standing on level ground thankfully praising him. Then we leave and strive to be Christ like and worthy of our salvation. We will fall short and come back to the Eucharist. Pray for strength to walk toward the place where God’s glory dwells. I have heard many say that God, the Holy Spirit, dwells in our heart. But since being at St John, I’ve been taught we are to be a mercy people. When the Word was made flesh, God dwelled where we least expected, born in the humiliation in a stable, living among the out cast, and suffering on the cross. Is your heart there? Turn around and walk toward the cross and your heart will be where His glory dwells amidst the suffering and brokenness. Ah, such a blessed day; Alex is home and Rob just walk in the door. God is good, everyone is home!

March 25, 2010
What a long day, I had to make up the time from yesterday festivities. I can’t believe the incredible work load. Psalm 25 Since being at St John I have mature in faith by leaps and bounds. I am able to see scripture in a bold and new light. I have come to realize when we say Jesus does the verb it is according to his love and Mercy. Of course the Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer. But I admire how this psalmist petitions are made in humility and reverence while fully believing in absolute sovereignty and goodness of God. Prayers are for my joy to be a blessing; for Holy things; ongoing prayer for Fawn’s father, Dave’s father and Jennifer; for Andrea, Bill, Craig for full-time employment opportunities; for St John leaders to point us the foot of the cross. At times, I think voter’s meetings are absurd; the sheep seems to be telling the shepherd where and how to lead them.

March 24, 2010
I drove Jennifer to school this morning. It was good to see progress with her therapy. She was carrying her brace. I was good to chat briefly with my dear friend Dave. It is always a joy to see him. I’m sure it is because we share the same passion of lifting up our souls giving praise and glory to God. This could perhaps be our greatest weapon in spiritual warfare. Carol is so awesome; she really makes the ride to and from utterly a joy. We are there and back before you even know it. We get to share the astonishing ways God has blessed our families. It is fun to talk about American Idol. We are big fans of the show. I agree with who was the bottom three in the top ten show, but not with Paige Miles not making the tour. My contracting firm took the team out to lunch at Jersey. The food was good, but there are so many better choices of place to go in the area. Psalm 24 This is so beautiful. Only by Christ are we able to ascend to his hilltop. I know I say harsh things at times to people to the point when I was not speaking softly or kindly. However, it is said out of love and with a clean heart. I truly wonder if I am up to another voter’s meeting. It isn’t a pleasant thing to stomach. I’ll have to trust my pastor when he said it was a bad year. So now a year has gone by, will the fig tree bear fruit?

March 23, 2010
It is wonderful to say something nice about life in the work place. After all most of the day is spent at it.  It is amazing how a conversation comes about our Lord and the living a sanctified life found in Christ. I am learning more and more about people and their walk. Although I am a Choral Anthems type of guy, I enjoyed reading about and listening to Anonymousad. It is hard to believe I work with such a talented composer/musician. Siobhan Magnus and Casey James gave a very good showing on American Idol, but Crystal Bowersox was the bomb singing “Me and Bobby McGee” like she owned it. Pr Genig’s Sermon and Pr Bruzek’s Bible study are already posted. Fawn and I reviewed the, Some Very Basic Direction on Stewardship, outline. Psalm 23 is the most recognizable Psalm in all of Christendom. Indeed, our Lord is the Good Shepherd and we are his sheep. I thank the Lord for his compassionate care over my family and by our pastors whom Christ has left to feed his sheep. What a joy it is to walk in peace because our faithful Shepherd leads us in the way we should go. Sweet and is truly a beautiful prayer. Prayer for Comfort, health and recovery for Fawn's father, Dave W's father and Jennifer. Andrea is doing good as a high school coach, 2-1. Kudos! Wow, I can’t believe how late is …

March 22, 2010
The day is almost over and is ending with cheerful good news. However, this morning was quite different. Fawn normally takes her father for dialysis in the morning. But this morning she found out he was admitted in the hospital. Be he is fine and well as can be expected. Sadly, he is has been admitted there routinely for the past few months. Our relationship is a broken one and with little hope of reconciliation for various reasons. I’m just being to understand acts of mercy.  My true flesh naturally desires to destroy those that dare to reproach me, but the Christ that is me guides me. My prayers are for comfort, health and recovery; for the Holy Spirit to rip out the veil from the heart that robs the gospel. Psalms 22. What a blessing to pray this Messianic Psalm seeing the Passion of Christ. Evermore knowing that Christ fully aware our suffering and is always there to intercede on our behalf. What a wonder coincidence while writing this I am listening to this past Friday’s St John Women’s bible study on Psalm 22. What amazing insight and revelations Pr Genig has to share. I am optimistic about the future of worship at St John. Thanks be to God for giving us Dave Wohlrab, a steadfast and learned lay leader, at a time of transition and past turmoil. May our praise in liturgical worship remain a God pleasing response to Christ who serves us and be a blessings to all though Word and Sacraments. Amen.

March 21, 2010
Thanks be to God from whom all good things flow. This Sunday’s flow was no different, St John is where we receive His Word and Sacraments. It is often said, that we hear these parables so many time before. Yet each time I hear them again I continue to grow. I thank God for His most learned teachers at St John. I have learn to let listen and allow His truth to soak. It is amazing that Jesus, the Son tells the story, The Parable of the Tenants, because he is son the tenants throw out and killed. More amazing is that though this death we have the gospel of forgiveness. The upcoming voter’s meeting will reveal if we have repented of the sin of attempting to redesign God’s plan for His vineyard to fit our own desires. May we turn around, back to the cross and receive the full forgiveness found in Christ Jesus. Pr Genig revealed something simple that never crossed my mind. I’m not sure how folk view grace, but I mistakenly always thought of it as a thing or as an attribute of God. My new understanding is Christ Jesus is grace, the free and undeserving favor of God though His Christ Jesus who has given us a chance to live the resurrected life found on the 8th day. I was blown away by the Angelus Prayer and have to muse. It was the prayer found in our worship bulletin as a prayer upon leaving; Lord, fill our hearts with your grace: once though the message on an angel you revealed to us the incarnation of your Son; now, though his suffering and death lead us to the glory of his resurrection.  Psalm 21 Fawn and I see the problematic difference in or relatives and people near and dear who are believers in Christ and the one who are pagans. The nonbelievers are left with their despair and their anguish rages at all the people around them. May our Christian prayer be that God will grant us His peace and joy during life’s tribulations and that we will continue sing Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise. Prayer for the unbeliever, that the Holy Spirit pierce their harden hearts, ripping away the veil that steals the Word from their heart; for blessing on Jennifer’s 16th birthday tomorrow; for my lips to say things in a kinder way; for Lutherans Rome-aphobics, that Christ’s fervent prayer that we be one catholic body. Amen.

March 20, 2010
What a difference a day make. Most people that know me could see that coming when days contrast. I’ll get to that in a moment. Yesterday was the perfect weather day. It snowed today and was in the lower 30’s. Crazy. What a difference a day make is the first song I learned to play on the French horn. Bill and I did something out of the ordinary; we went to Golden Corral breakfast. We had such a good time jawing, we didn’t even have time to go to the city. Alex made it home today. So despite the poor weather, today is a good day the Lord has made. Psalms 20. Pray to God that we will constantly be aware of His presence and peace and be fully absorbed in His community found in the body of Christ; the Church for evermore.

March 19, 2010
I don’t care if I sound like a weather report, but 72° F in March? Sweet. My 100,700 miles, 12 year old Ford Explorer past the emission test! Guess it should with all up keep. It was fun driving old school with the window down. The only thing missing was Motown on the radio. Nowdays, it is the news or the occasional smooth jazz WLFM. I was clueless when someone said 5000 bro to me. I had to go the urban dictionary to look it up. Only the highest level or bro-ness you can bestow upon someone. Quite possibly the most awesome moniker ever. I don’t think I can talk like that. Psalm 19 Indeed. What a beautiful revelation of His glory and a blessing to pray this Psalm to God. May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in God’s sight. Amen.

March 18, 2010
Work, work, work. What a long day and I’m really tire. Psalm 18 This is a tough one. Verse 24 really stands out. “So the LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hand in His sight.” I took a little while. I’m able to sing and pray this Psalm because the God the Father sees only Christ when He rewards me. David is really a hard guy to figure out. I like to listen to the pastor led Woman's  Friday morning Bible Study, they study the Psalms. I listened to “By the Way” they give a new, wonderful and uplifting thought each day. It was great to sit and talk to Fawn over coffee. I really miss how often we did that before. It isn’t that easy to just make the time.

March 17, 2010
Sorry to see Lacy Brown let go from American Idol. Oddly enough, currently my top three are Crystal Bowersox, Didi Benami and Siobhan Magnus. The guys really need to step it up. Psalm 17. In the mist of all the wickedness that surround us, I entrust my soul to God that He my preserve it to His heavenly kingdom. It is so easy to clearly see the sinful shortcomings of other, yet so amazingly difficult to self examine and confess our own sinful shortcomings. Prayers are for St John Governing Board; may they seek the Holy Spirit for His wisdom from above; for abundant blessings for all efforts to direct hearts toward our Lord Christ Jesus. Amen.
March 16, 2010
Thank you Lord; it was a beautiful day well above the average for this time of year. It hit 62° F; unbelievable. Well the explorer is back in the shop. It just wouldn’t start up, so I had it towed in. I’m  glad I got AAA last month. I loved American Idol. All the top 12 contestants kicked it up a notch or two taking on the Rolling Stones. I’m afraid Tim Urban might be in trouble. Psalm 16 What a wonderful praise. We can rejoice in our joy and hope.

March 15, 2010
I had so much work that needed my immediate attention, so worked from home today. Fawn requested that I cook stir fried Beef with Bitter Melon for dinner. Chip, chirp; it was excellent. Psalm 15. Another short one. Sweet description of those who dwell on His holy hill. I feel the pinch when I read this because some things are harder to bring about than others. I pray to God for His help to bring out the Christ in me so that I can become more and more like Him while at the hilltop He has gathered me at Saint John.

March 14, 2010
It’s Sunday and I can’t get enough Jesus. Pr Genig sermon was from the Gospel reading of Luke 15. Most people refer to it as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. This is the first time I get it from the view to the younger son, the older son and the father. I agree with Pr Bruzek and think that praying for people is better an imprecatory prayer. We sang Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Your not human if your not moved by this hymn. I it added to my Music - Video 2. The hour day light saving is playing games with the mind. I feel amazingly lazy and tire. Andrea cooked spaghetti for dinner. Buon Appetito, it was cooked to perfection! Psalm 14. I never noticed how short some of the Psalms are. I was foolish most of my life. I was adult baptized and since live in the confidence and peace of knowing my God watches over me because of Jesus. There is none who does good, not even one.

March 13, 2010
Life is wonderful. I love the ordinary things I do like having breakfast with my brother and driving into city with him Saturday mornings. I saw my sister Nancy and made plans to make fried pastries with her on Good Friday! She is awesome at it. The best the world can tell us is it’s a great day when we wake up in the morning. I say it a great day either way. Fawn and I went to Tim H house out Hanover Park for what was to be a barbeque. It rained so it turned into a lasagna and baked rib dinner. It was nice of him to be invite out of town co-workers into his home. Psalm 13. Another short Psalm but not so sweet. This is a real desperate cry to God. Clearly David brings everything to God. I have to wonder why David seems to think God has forgotten him. Maybe it’s something in the line of O Lord I believe, but help me with my unbelief. My prayers are for those going through hard times; for Andrea, Bill and Craig (employment); Lord hear our prayer. Amen.

March 12, 2010
What an outstanding day. It started with being at the morning Eucharist. I took a long lunch at Sweet Tomatoes in Schaumburg with my Ken K. We shared an office a Lucent for many years and became very close friend. It was hard to believe he comes down to the Naperville all the way Buffalo Grove, until now. I drive all the way up to Hoffman Estates to work now. I’m glad he gets to work from home on Fridays. It was good to share family stories again. Psalm 12. Short and sweet. God calls us to move away from the flattering lips and our proud tongue. Someone once said that perception is reality. Our pastors corrected that statement with reality is reality. Sinful flesh sees a world that only exist in their mind instead of the reality of the world created by and ruled by God. My prayers are that with the help of God, we continue to live our baptismal and Eucharistic life; for Heather’s friend Aaron to seek reception to St John from orthodoxy; for St John leaders to prayerfully and clearly see Holy things and not allow the things of the world to interfere.

March 11, 2010
I have to rewind a little to late last night. I was watching TV in bed. I know it’s bad after evening prayer. I watch a little of TBS Praise the Lord. I could believe what Clifford Davis and Dale Bronner were saying. They talked about how they were able to tell their own life stories to bring people to accept the Lord. That it was more effective than preaching. Christians were the bridge to bring the Christ in us to their salvation. I had to change channels to ETWN Daily Mass. Outside of pentence, Fr. Michch Pacwa gave an awesome Homily. I’m not Catholic but This is better than a lot of Lutheran Pastors can do. I went the Divine Service. I confessed my sins and inequalities and received the Eucharist. I got home late from work but manage to whip up sausage and spinach. Psalm 11. This prayer is very encouraging to me and should be for Christians. I look all the evil personally around me and around the world and wonder, how can God let this happen? Verse 5 is the answer. I pray for fervent trust in God and His promises. Glory be to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

March 10, 2010
What a day. On the positive, I was a nice mild day. 60°F in March? Wow. Sigh… I came to the decision not to talk about work anymore after this posting unless there was some noteworthy joy. It was total chaos. I lost the logins to many of my most needed applications. I fought off evil thoughts and it was exhausting fighting to remain calm. I failed to put the best possible construction on things. It really didn’t help matters that it took 1-1/2 hours to drive home. I’m glad I got to relax watching American Idol men’s night, the guys did well and are improving. Lee DeWyze, Todrick Hall and Michael Lynche. Psalm 10. Our view of wick people is not quite the traits from God’s view. I’m pinched by this. I may have already mentioned that our pastors are working with the Circle of Repentance. I pray that God will keep me humble and reveal to me my own sins so that I may overcome my sins and come before the Lord in repentance.

March 9, 2010
The work place is a funny place. Despite being unbelievably quite, I put on my headphone and listened to my favorite choral music. What a blessing. I add a few steps to my walk today. That’s a good thing. It’s Tuesday, American Idol ladies night, Didi Benami and Crystal Boxersox were the bomb. Totally awesome singers. Psalm 9. I guess I can reflect on God judging nations, but what stands out for me is how David praises the Lord privately and publicly.

March 8, 2010
Went in the office today. That was the extent of that. I did do 2 15 minute walks though. Away, I did a couple more at home. So the bottom line is my days are longer. Fawn went and the Comast service office to get another digital box and swapped it out herself. We done it so many times that it was piece of cake. Sad. Psalm 8. I just chanted this magnificent song of praise to God. I’m not too much of a praise guy outside of praying the Psalms. How majestic is His name in all the earth. It boggles the mind how mindful He is of us. I love the picture that NASA provides of the heavens. Just the other day, I was looking at snaps of earth from space and awe at His creation. I think David’s jaw would have dropped.  I put the snaps in Art Appreciation for a lack of a better place.

March 7, 2010
Lent 3. Obviously we gather as the body of Christ to receive His gifts, Ps Genig continues to beautifully sing as parishioners listen to our Lord’s invitation to eat His very body and drink His very blood, for the forgives of our sins. The sermon was from Luke 13. Jesus calls us not to speculate about other people sin, but to be sorrowful over our own sins. The fruit of the fig tree is repentance. What can I say, in a nut shell, hear the Gospel, Jesus was sinless and did not deserve to die. He became the biggest sinner by taking on the sins of the world, was crucified and simply say to us, “For You.”  How’s that for love? What do we do in return? Ouch. Today’s sermon and bible study is classic Bruzek a must hear again when posted. We enrolled our new members today! 30? Comcast, Comcast, Comcast. It didn't surprise me the service technician did show up, or that they didn't even call. Had to contact them myself again and they rescheduled for Tuesday. Why don't we just drop them?...  Psalm 7. This reminds me of spiritual warfare that continual goes on around us that Dr Kleinig speaks of. Pray for spiritual strength to rely on God, the one who fights our battles.

March 6, 2010
I think that Comcast is the devil. Their digital cable box is evil and has literally angered me. It was bad enough that I needed to swap out their digital box several times in the past. This time, swapping out is didn’t work, a technician will have to come out. It is added frustration that … just don’t want to change cable company. Alex is back home for spring break! Better stock up on groceries. Corn beef was on the table this evening and one in the refrigerator. I’m sensing corn beef must be on sale and that St Patrick Day is just around the corner. I was speechless when I ran across this, Pray for Obama – Psalms 109 an a imprecatory pray in hopes of saving our country and soul. I will need to reflect on this when I get to Psalms 109. This seems to be at odds with the Jesus way. For now, Psalm 6.  Initially, I thought the started out in a horrible way. And there were some spotty moments in thought and words. Surly, it fair in comparison to the suffering outside of community. But, we are assured that we can cry out in confidence that our Lord will hear our cry for mercy and accepts our petitions because of his unfailing love. Because I was venting out in thoughts and words, I cry Psalm 51, create in me clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

March 5, 2010
It’s really a shame. I truly enjoyed working from home. Contractors are now required to work from the office. Sadly, I think everyone loses, even AT&T. Guess I’ll be going in on Monday. I just chanted Psalm 5, but I’ll get back to the chanting. Let us put our trust in our Lord and shout out in joy. This Psalm fairs well with our recent Bible Studies at Saint John. We learned to take a real close look at evil and to recognize it and compare the godly to the ungodly. There is  no middle ground; you are either in God's kingdom or in Satan's kingdom. Often times the flesh sees sin as some being worse than other. So we need God’s help to see full horror in all sins and will not tolerate it, period. It is tough for me to pray for the evil doers; but find it extremely easy to pray for God’s help to keep me from touching evil. What a great joy it is to have God’s shield of defense to protect me. Some people are still having a hard time with the chanting to whom is in the Chalice. So what chance is there for the use of a Biblical treasure such as the Ave Maria Canticle in the Divine Service? Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen. Tonight is the third time I Dave's summary of last Saturday morning's class. I am forever grateful to my pastors for challenging my heart and my mind. “Our life is about going to the Eucharist... the Eucharist is everything... Even in the Scriptures - everything points to the Eucharist”.  The Eucharist is indeed the central activity of the church where we encounter Christ crucified, raised from the dead, and glorified in His personal presence. How can this not be the hour Jesus speaks of? We climb to the hill top, ascending to be embraced by His boundless love. When we depart in peace, we are descending back to the broken world a new man. Bringing Christ Jesus, joy, peace and hope to people. We continue to do this every week until the day of Jesus.

March 4, 2010
Worked from home today and getting a lot done. Fawn and I went to Eileen’s wake. The Heimsoth family’s faith is really strong. They are missing her yet rejoice knowing God is good. She is an example of what Pr Bruzek is talking about when people look at you and what they should see.  By now you should have guessed I’m trying to read one Psalm a day. Psalm 4 By His grace, because God has elected me to be among His chosen people,  I can take all my difficulties to Him and lie down in peace and sleep.

March 3, 2010
Ditto back in the office again today. Got the scoop and has no impact on me. I was able to bring into the conversation about workplace ethics as try thinking about it as a Christian vocation. Sweet.  So many of us are blessed by our most learned teachers of Christ. Not getting any time to go for a walk.  Psalm 3 It is easy to lose heart as a Christian. At times we seem to be overcome by the prevailing ungodly way of life that is all around us. We need to pray that for the confidence that we are not alone and that our Lord will indeed shield us. Read a summary about last Saturday’s Catechumen Bible Study written by Dave. It is a lot to take in and may need time to soak. Mark Heimsoth called me and told me his mother passed away Sunday. Eileen is Fawn’s godmother. Prayers are for comfort found in our LORD Christ Jesus. 

March 2, 2010
I decide I should go I the office and work from there. There are earthy things going on that may impact me. The consolation was I enjoyed the ride there and back. I got to talk briefly a little theology with Dave and I got to chat about family life with Carol. I’m not able to accomplish as much in the office. I wish I had a headset in the office. I had the phone glued to my head for one and a half hours. It was fun picking up Andrea at Waubonsie High School. Practice was running late and I got to see her coaching after school sports. My baby is all grown up. The men did much better this week on American Idol. Psalms 2 captures a lot of what the pastors have been teaching lately. Basically, we as disciples are in this world, but not of it. In God’s eyes, there are only two types of people, true believers or unbelievers.  But the LORD said to Samuel … For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 The point is, we must pray to God to help us live faithfully before him; often we fail, so we ask for forgiveness, repent, go to who in the chalice and go on. I so tire I’m going to bed early to night so I can am fresh for the day ahead.

March 1, 2010
It was a long day. Taking on all the extra responsibilities on top of the associated normal duties is really draining. Hopefully I can catch on the rhythm of the work flow. I thought I would be only be attending weekly meetings, but I should have realized I would be pulled in on sidebar conferences. There wasn’t much of a day left after completing all the needed. So what did I do to relax? I sat down with Fawn to watch a show called The Bachelor. Jake was in love with two women, Vienna and Tenley. The show was lame and not really worth mentioning. But yep, that’s what I did. Psalm 1 was a nice sweet read. Blessed is the righteous man who is like the a tree planted by streams of water, that can be counted on to be consistently faithful.

February 28, 2010
It is Sunday and no doubt my family and I was at Saint John. “The church is the assembly of saints in which the Gospel is taught purely and the sacraments are administered rightly.” (AC VII) The Divine Service in which God serves us has made it possible to offer back a worship found in the life God has given us to live in our vocation. It was somewhat peculiar to hear that Evangelical would think that they do not know doctrine but do things and that Lutherans know a lot of doctrine but don’t do anything. To the contrary, I think Lutherans participate in many acts of mercies. But perhaps it is rightly said never enough because we fail to fully venerate the Christ that in us. Pr Bruzek referred to David P. Scaer in doing acts of mercy in all that we do and expecting nothing in return. I agree, indeed, God’s Perfection is Seen in Mercy. The world should see the image given us. Yet, those acts of mercy are filled with sin. That is why our family keep going back to be served and be saved by our gracious God. We sang Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart! I listen to it every work day. It is among the few songs I have downloaded. Denyce Wendte played, Just as I am, during the distribution. It was my sister’s favorite hymn. It joyfully reminded me that the only heaven on this earth is found in the Divine Service.

February 27, 2010
It is really funny the routine my brother Bill and I go through when we go into the city. It always starts off with breakfast at McDonalds. We talked about our economy being in really sad shape. I only just started working again last month after being out of work for 6 months. As for Bill, he just got an unemployment benefit extension. He said if that runs out and he has not found work, he will have no choice but to collect social security. Thanks to my neighbor Ken and Rob for helping me replace the pull cord on my Toro snow blower.  It’s good to go again. I been shoveling the snow all week the old fashion way. It is hard to believe it snowed everyday this week. The pastors at Saint John have been teaching us how to give a good confession and encouraging our congregation to reflect on our life’s journey found in Christ and repent.  It is bliss that Dave often reminds me that his family rejoices with my family and embraces the Godly Wisdom and His faithful gifts delivered at each of our visits to St. John. During joyous occasions the Hellel are sung. My favorite is from Psalm 116:12-14,17:19 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and uphold me with Thy free spirit. Amen. Strange that we are asked to extinguish the Hallelujahs and Alleluias. It is often said in this solemn season, not using alleluia helps us focus on the suffering and solemnity of Christ’s sacrifice for us. I find this ludicrous, aren’t we focus when we worship in truth and spirit during the Lutheran Mass each and every week? When our faithful pastors preach and teach Christ Crucified? When we partake in His salutary gift found the Eucharist? Don't we praise and thank Him? Enough said on this …

February 26, 2010
After another grueling day working in a environment that talk in acronyms, I can really appreciate TGIF. Andrea brought home Singapore Noodles; awesome, I love just about anything with curry in it.

February 25, 2010
Meetings, meeting, meetings. I’m starting to take on an integral engineering role. I am humbled by the faith and trust in being asked to provide opinions and some case to offer alterative solutions. This was the role I was expecting from the get go. This is fun, challenging and spread sheet heaven. Oh my.  I was surprised that Jenell Wheeler was eliminated as a contestant from American Idol. I finally got around uploading sermons unto a file cabinet on this site. Listening to Suday’s sermon again was indeed a blessing. Thanks Carol for letting me it was posted.

February 24, 2010
Cool, I got the needed done for work. A brief sigh of relief then went onward to the next big thing on the list of to do. It was the least entertaining nights for American Idol ever. Only Jermaine Sellers, Casey James and Andrew Garcia gave a worthy performance. Oh well. I was pondering on the countless symbols in the church catholic that touches all our senses in beneficial ways that oddly appear to be offensive to some, simply because they are also found in the Roman Catholic Church. I fully understand the need for patience in edification, but I also know how harmful it is to continue giving an ongoing platform for things less than Holy.

February 23, 2010
What a long hard day working from home. The pressure is really on. It is not easy to take up the slack when the lead engineer is on vacation. It was ladies night on American Idol. My favorite for the night was Paige Miles, Crystal Boxersox, Lily Scott, Katelyn Epperly, Didi Benami and Siolina Magnus. I can’t believe how late it is … I am thankful for the kind words from my friend Dave.

February 22, 2010
The day started with vigorous exercise. I had to remove several inches of heavy wet snow from the sidewalk, walkway and driveway. No fun. I decided to work from home. It was truly a very long day. The lead engineer for the OH/PA market is on vacation this week. I am being referred to in his absence. It is a lot of work but this is a good thing. I got the news that Louise Bolt passed on to glory yesterday. I thank the Lord for allowing me to know Louise for almost a decade. They just live around the corner, but I never knew the prior to meeting them at our former congregation. Recently, I come about to understand God’s sovereignty over life and death and directs all things for His glory and for our sanctification. Dave put it best, “joy - of life, after death after life!” O Lord be with and comfort us during this time of grief.

February 21, 2010
Ah, refreshed on the First Sunday in Lent with His salutary gifts.  There is little I can add to what I have been saying about how we are truly blessed by God with the rich treasures found in liturgy, hymnody, preaching and praying. Pr Bruzek was the preacher, speaking the oracles of God, by far the best sermon I ever personally heard. I’ll have to include a file cabinet to include these fine sermons give by our most learned teachers of Christ. Meanwhile, all I can do is point people to the St John website and invite all to listen. Better yet, continue to offer an open invitation for any given Sunday. What can I say differently about joy found in Pr Genig singing the Service of the Eucharist and the slow reverent posture? I can not even begin to say how painful it is participate in a hurried clock watching eat on the fly supper.  Pr Bruzek pricked our conscience rendering our need for confession. We were able to work through the reflection of self examination in the first, second, and third commandments. Andrea made a nice spaghetti dinner. It’s the recipe handed down from Fawn. Good stuff. It was good having Alex home for the weekend, abeit most of he was studying and doing homework. Rob was over visiting for the weekend. No game night though. He is paranoid what I say about him on the internet. He is a solid young man that works hard at his vocation to be a blessing to his students. Oh, I forgot, wonder if he ever replaced the nut on the fan in the hall washroom. LOL, got to remember to ask next time I see him. Next week? Most likely, a young man in love. Tonight’s reflection will be on the evil I have touched and repent of them and rejoice in the good news and the fullness of humanity found inside the boundary of Christ. Sometime I wonder how many people read this stream of conscience writing that reflects my world found in Water and the shed blood of Christ Jesus.

February 20, 2010
Fawn and went to drop off the 500 for an oil change and it also needed a new battery. I stunned at how expensive cars are to maintain let alone the cost for gas. I spent about $3K between 4 vehicles. Some day the kids will grow up and be independent, so they say. What a nice family gathering at Cafe Jasmine. It was my niece Janet’s 30th birthday. I couldn’t help myself from over indulging. The food was tremendous as well as bountiful. I can’t remember eating a finer feast outside the Lord’s Supper. It was good to see and talk to everyone.

February 19, 2010
I drove my baby girl to school this morning. It was nice of TEK Systems to buy the team Bagels and donuts for breakfast and Rosat’s Pizza for lunch. The bad thing is I didn’t even go for a walk.

February 18, 2010
Don’t want to continue sounding like a weather report, but it the first time it got a above freezing in a while. It always seems cold to me regardless. However, the difference between single digits and above freezing is highly noticeable. The Morning Eucharist is always good, but Thursdays are special. In addition to the readings and Lord’s Supper, we are blessed with a sermon. Pr Bruzek is amazing, with a minimal amount of words; he is able to preach about the nature, the effect, self examination, the remedy, the removal and the joy of Holiness after sin. Terse and sweet. I didn’t get to see American Idol yesterday, but saw the top 24 list. I see some of my personal favorites like Crystal Bowersox, Didi Benami Janell Wheeler, Casey James and Andrew Garcia made it.

February 17, 2010
It was really nice to be able to work from home part of the day. I took Jennifer for her physical therapy and still find it hard to believe it starts so soon. Today was her first day out and about. Andrea and went to pick up the van on the way up to the evening Mass. Pr. Genig and Pr Nelson did the Imposition 0f Ashes. Pr Bruzek was the Preacher. Pr Genig presided over the Eucharist and beautifully chanted the Words of Institution. It is hard to believe, but wow, the bracketed black vestments and the chasuble were stunning. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

February 16, 2010
The day started out beautiful. Made a stop at St. John on the way to work for the Morning Eucharist. It is really peaceful getting there early and saying my morning prayers and smelling the incense. I am struck by how reverently Vicar Wietfeldt swings the censer in a one man procession the entire nave and altar.  It is since a little nippy, but the sun was shining all day. I dropped the van off at the dealership for 4 new tires and to give it a safety check. Hope I wouldn’t end up with a big bill like the Explorer. I like the work Fair Oak Ford do and have a high level of trust in them. Alex showed me his resume. It looked pretty good. Prayers are that he do well at the NIU job fair tomorrow. Jennifer’s physical therapy starts tomorrow. Hard to believe it begins so soon after surgery. Prayers for continue healing. Talk about drama. They didn’t show all the top 24, but for tonight I really like Didi Benami  and Casey James.

February 15, 2010
The day seemed very ordinary compared to yesterday. Perhaps that is a good thing. Of course, each day we are showered with many blessings. Among them is that Jennifer’s doctor visit revealed that she is heal well from her surgery. Thanks be to God. The day was long at the office. I only did steps for 15 minutes. There was a lot to do. It was just as well, because it snowed again, and was best to leave after traffic cleared.  How do you hold back frustration about Comcast? This periodic need to reinitialize the digital box to get a picture is ridiculous.

February 14, 2010
The observation of the Transfiguration of our Lord was most marvelous. Jesus’ divine nature veiled in human flesh and the transfiguration a foretaste of that glory. The transfiguration offer Peter, James and John a glimpse of his glory. His glory is veiled to us sinners in His good gifts found in His Word and Sacraments. Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory didn’t make the cut, but I have to say I liked the hymn selection and the Kantorei and Bass is always a welcome addition. Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise was a exceptional anthem. Sweet. Pastors at St John are teaching us how to give a good and proper confession and asking us to examine ourselves closely. For now, O Almighty God, merciful Father, I a poor, miserable sinner, confess to you all my sins and iniquities with which I have ever offended you and justly deserved your punishment now and forever. But I am heartily sorry for them and sincerely repent of them, and I pray you of your boundless mercy and for the sake of the holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death of your beloved son, Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me, a poor sinful being. I'm afraid to say there is still food leftover for tomorrow, but only slim pickings.  Jennifer will be seeing her doctor tomorrow. Prayers for my baby girl for comfort, health and recovery.

February 13, 2010
Bill and I went to the city and we did the McDonald breakfast thing on the way down again. I asked if he wanted to go elsewhere, but he said he likes it. I think it may have something to do with my dad taking us there all the time. In fact my dad took Andrea and Alex there all the time. We stopped my Motor Vehicles for license plate stickers. That place was really busy, but our line was short. Well working 4 hours at home is more productive than the 4 hours at work Friday, it is no fun making up the time on a Saturday afternoon. Bejeweled is a stupid PC game. It took a while to play the game. Rob doubled my score, but it took about 1 hour and 40 minutes to finish the game. What a total waste of time. Of course I am competitive, but I’m not going to invest that kind of time against a computer game ever again. I think cards and board games are more fun. Nancy made some Chinese pastries. I’m clueless to what it is called but it tasted awesome. I think Melisa helped her make it yesterday night. Dinner was leftovers from yesterday. There is still plenty for tomorrow as predicted. I am Looking forward to Transfiguration Sunday tomorrow. I hope we sing Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory.

February 12, 2010
Can you believe it, the Morning Eucharist two days in a row. Only put in half a day at work, planning to make up the time this weekend. I just found out it was Chinese New Year this Sunday at work. Silvo stopped by looking for the traditional red envelope. None was to be found. Fawn ordered Chinese food to go from Fabulous Noodles. It was a feast. Thinking it may be enough food for the entire weekend.

February 11, 2010
I couldn’t think of a nicer way to start the morning off than receiving God’s gifts with his people at St. John. It is a blessing and most certainly true that our pastors do all they can to ensure all our senses receive Christ Jesus full blast. It was weird being in the office at two days working from home. I am certainly less productive working in the office with all the noise and interruptions. Thanks be to God Jennifer’s surgery went as plan and she is of good cheer. Her friend Dee Dee baked her a cake and came over to visit in the evening. What a sweet young lady. I just thought of it, Jennifer is home recovering, I can make it to morning Eucharist tomorrow again!

February 10, 2010
I was surprise with so much snow, one would think the schools would be close, but nope. I got out and had to clear the driveway and sidewalk so the neighborhood kids could walk safely to school. Sen. John Edwards was headliner news; Andrea remarked how so many people are unfaithful and so glad mom and I together and that we would never cheat. It is because the life we live is the Christ that is in us. Again, I can’t help but to comment on how wonderful and productive it is to work from home. Carol called; plans are to make a stop at Saint John on the way in to work. How wonderful it is to start the day off attending the Divine Service. Love watching American Idol, but this group thing they got going on was weird. However I did enjoy Middle C, Jenell Wheeler and Casey James was in the group. The other group, Three Men and a Baby was good too, Andrew Garcia was part of the group. The Lord have granted Jennifer the joyful acceptance which await her tomorrow, we now turn praying to you O Lord to guide Dr. Matlock hand and that the procedure be without complications and restore her to sound physical health . Bless Jennifer as she enters surgery, knowing she is secure in your love. Amen.

February 09, 2010
It was sweet, working from home. Actually my wide screen monitor at home is better suited for this type of work. The snow fell and fell and fell as forecasted. At last, American Idol Hollywood, no more crazies. The new judge, Ellen DeGeneres, is funny and very entertaining. Of all the nights for Jennifer’s equipment to come, I’m glad the machine operational instructions/demo only took 30 minutes. The current concept in ACL reconstruction is physical therapy 2 times a week along with the home electrical stimulation unit. Getting back to American Idol, the best I saw was Andrew Garcia, he may go all the way. I also liked Didi Benami, Janell Wheeler and Casey James. Prayers are for Jennifer’s upcoming surgery.

February 8, 2010
Pretty much just an ordinary day. Blessing is that I made it home safe and will be able to log in and work from home tomorrow. I simply don’t care much for snow. Thanks be to God for virtual access technology.

February 7, 2010
Sundays are always great days. We hit the trifecta, although it is sad that Pr Bruzek continues talk about our community and the damage. We should just move on. Wish Alex was home with the rest of the family. I’m not a sports fan of any sort. But since everyone else was going to make Super Bowl part of day merriment, I went to Popeye’s for Chicken. It must have been part of everyone else’s plan too. I intended to watch the entire game and even cheer for the Colts I made it to part of the 3rd quarter before zzz…  It was depressing and bittersweet to watch The Who halftime show. It is clear that their best days are behind them.

February 6, 2010
What a nice way to start a Saturday morning. It is a great joy to continue to learn about the Lord’s Supper from our most learned Pr Bruzek. There is something extra special sitting in a room of catechumens; evermore sensing their hunger to learn and becoming a member of a community of disciples. Fawn and I went out to a nice quite lunch at the Front Street Cantina. Rob challenged me to a game of Stern-Halma mid-afternoon. When will he learn? It was brutal for him. Yeah baby, the huge triumph merited a victory dance. I was adult baptized and would describe most of my life as being an agnostic atheist. Most people are surprised and ask how I came to faith. The super simple answer is God gives faith to us through the preaching of the Holy Gospel through his son Jesus Christ. It is best not to leave it at faith comes from hearing God’s Word, because it only causes confusion. Not all who hears the Gospel will believe. Pr Bruzek said it best, think of it as sown seeds, some but all will take. Thanks be to God our righteousness, holiness, and redemption are found in Christ alone.

February 5, 2010
I listened to this past week’s sermon again. I absolutely find it amazing how Pr Nelson can present the Gospel with such imagery. Seem like each of our pastors are really emphasizing that there is much work ahead of us to move forward as a people of God. I am stunned how oblivious I was to the amount of harm Satan has afflicted. Happy to have got in my usual walk and steps during lunch. Glad Carol got my back. The snow alert got me home safe and sound. Working from home is actually better. I have a bigger monitor. I can use all the real estate I can get a hold of.

February 4, 2010
Carol is such a joy. I truly enjoy the seamless ride to and from work. There is a ton of things to do from the get go. I did take the time to do the walk and steps. It is enjoyable again because I am no longer huffing and puffing. I had the pleasure and benefit to listen again to last week bible study. In hopes of preserving it for myself and those who may stubble upon, I move the bible study to The Circle of Redemption site found in the Navigation sidebar.

February 3, 2010
Words can not express the joy I experienced this morning and though out the entire day. Partaking in the Eucharist, my day is complete by 8am. A noted observation, is generally the parishioners at St. John frequently come to treasure the chance to Taste and See That the LORD is Good (psalm 34). The days are full only has time for a short walk, but Idid do steps. I ran across an image surfing, that was so beautiful. It took a little research, but found that it was a 15th century oil on wood painting called The Institution of the Eucharist by JOO van Wassenhove. I added to my Art Appreciation page. I’m not doing too well there. It has been too long still my taking a college elective AP class and engaging in a conversation about art.  American Idol was pretty good today; I like Crystal Bowersox and Hope Johnson.

February 2, 2010
Busy, busy, busy. The day went by so fast. I was up to the full walk today, steps and all. Good for me. American Idol Denver was a waste of time. Haeley Vaughn was the only one I thought was good. But I don’t see her making it past the first round in Hollywood. I thought about what I wrote yesterday. There should always be hope. But the sin I describe is nothing compared to the sin against the Holy Spirit. I just think that people love should love enough to admonish as to not allow the sin flourish. often people choose to just get along as best as possible, but I failed also. My public disapproval was a back in your face and out of anger. I don't wish I could take back, but do wish it was said gently instead of a angry response. Got to go bed now, I’m a little excited, well actually really excited. I have plans to make stop on the way to work tomorrow.

February 1, 2010
Love getting a docking station and a monitor. It is so helpful to have the extra real estate to work with and the extra screen is easy on the eyes. I continue learning and it fun. I was bad and just walked and didn’t do the steps. I think Fawn is an amazing person. She is truly merciful. I don’t think I could, well actually I know I am not as tolerant as her. I started to elaborate, but backspace and think it is just one of those times things are better left unsaid. It will not benefit and will only cause additional harm. There is no hope of repentance nor hope for reconciliation.

January 31, 2010
I am simply just a broken record on Sundays mornings. How many ways can I say how my family and I are blessed gathered on top of the hill. Lunch was simple, hot dogs. I took the Escape for gas and a badly needed wash. The car wash was down, so I went to the nearby self service car wash on south Washington. It was the first time I ever went to one other than my driveway. It is actually pretty easy to manage. Dinner was awesome, Fawn made her showcase slow simmer spaghetti sauce. It is by far the best sauce homemade or otherwise I know of.

January 30, 2010
Went to the city with Bill and did on morning coffee thing at McDonald’s. We talked about upgrading to IHOP or Baker’s Square; we’ll see. Hard to believe the Sears gas heater that was in the house is the same one we had when I was a kid. It looks like the gas value needs to be replaced. Rob challenged be to a game of Stern-Halma but later backed down. I tried to download last week’s Bible to this goggle site but the file was exceed the 20MB limit so I set it up as a link, too bad. That may be easier to try and embed. I need some free time to explore the technology. I got a call from my sister-in-law Peggy, the conversation was awkward. Anyway, toward the end of the conversation, I invited her and her family to join my family and attend worship at St. John. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will move her to do so.

January 29, 2010
Fridays are good. It is still a bit nippy out, but hey the sun is shining. LOL, I can’t believe I just wrote that. The sun is always shining, just overcastted. The light that God willed, he approved. Thanks be to God. Light is good for the spirit. What a wonderful surprise, Tim gave me inspirational wall calendar. Sweet. It motivated me to add a crucifixion in my messenger as a reminder for all. Not sure why I listened to the CTS Fort Wayne, Morning Office. I use to go to the Daily Chapel site faithful years ago. Perhaps there was a great need for me to truly find a source to hear the Gospel proclaimed. The recorded worship services remain worthy. I found the following in the margin of our upcoming worship bulletin that is noteworthy: The word “rebukes” is use three times in this section. Jesus makes no distinction between body and soul… This word ties together not only demon possession and sickness but also sin, for Jesus encourages his disciples to rebuke those who sin, and if they repent, to forgive them. (Luke 17:3). – Arthur A. Just, Luke 1:1-9:50, p. 200  So often people think to forgive someone is to simply ignore or allow for the sin. I can't wait until Sunday Bilbe Study to finish Psalm 32 and the Circle of Redemption. I think I will put the study outline under Lutheran Resources.

January 28, 2010
The morning was so very cold and I had to shovel the half inch of light snow. Did I ever mention I want to be defined not by what I hate, but by what I love? But then again, I hate single digit weather in the morning. I was shivering all the way from the parking lot to the entrance. The walk was a little easier today. So does that mean improvement? I listened to the sermon and bible study while eating my lunch. I have to find a way to increase the volume. Most likely I will use an amplifier on my home desktop, if I can find it somewhere. It was nice listening to Pr Furgeson and Pr Fiene round table on Issues Etc on the Apology to the Augsburg Confession: Baptism. There is a lot to chew on.

January 27, 2010
Brrr. It is cold and back into the single digit. I woke and was still so very tire. Prayers are for Mark Kuba’s mother as she is aging and is becoming more dependent on others on daily living. We finally got our desk phones. One would think that would be on of the first things we would have access to. I did two 15 minutes walks that where mostly steps, it is becoming a workout where I was huffing and puffing. Come it be I am starting to actually do cardiovascular exercise? Oh my! It was a slow crawl home, it was an 1-1/2 hour drive. I hate leaving at 7 and getting back at 7. I was surprise who find a Portillo’s Italian waiting for me. We talked about the massive recall by Toyota and how long it took to finally do the right thing. I wanted to say something about coming out of darkness and into the light but I’m too tire to think clearly, so I’m just going to go to bed early.

January 26, 2010
What a nice ride I had to and from work. After dropping Jennifer off at school, I met my old shotgun buddy Carol at the school. Dave and Carol are awesome, we share the same joy receiving God's gifts at Saint John. Sigh what a funny couple,  Dave dropped Carol off at the school and their goodbye was all lovey dovey like my baby girl and Rob.  I simply love the company and conversation to and from. She was instrumental in helping me download and setting up my VPN. Carol got to met Tim, I so glad when the people I love get to meet each other.  I decided to do 2 twenty minutes walks today and did more stairs. I finished off the last of the chicken while watched American Idol Los Angeles Auditions with the best side I ever had. Fawn made an out of this world potato casserole. This beats out the green bean casserole by leaps and bounds. Andrew Garcia, Chris Golightly and Mary Powers were my favorite. I weighted heavily on where to go to Men’s Bible study tomorrow evening and realized, just having to think about, I decided against it. General prayer for the close of the day.

January 25, 2010
What a pleasant surprise at work today. My video 2 was working. I got to listen to the usual songs and the music video in the background as a bonus. I also listened to Issues etc. I haven’t done that for a while. I was delighted to listen to Dr. Arthur Just speak about the Conversion of St. Paul.  I think I’ll keep document my walk here to keep me honest. Tim was looking at this site and actually reading it. We often have conversation about our Baptismal life during break. Richard read a little and most just peeked at the site for its IT Google site value. I ’m assigned to work the Cleveland market. The drive home was 15 minutes longer today than normal because to the snow. There wasn’t much accumulation but it was blowing. There isn’t much to say about family life today. Dinner, how was your day conversation, and this Journal entry. My prayers are for a steadfast faith and oddly for the control of the tongue. O lord, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking deceit. May my writing glorify to you; through Jesus Christ, out Lord.

January 24, 2010
Whoa, woke to a heavy rain storm 5 a.m. It is January, right? I’m glad it stopped by the time we were out the door. Can you believe it was 48 °F? Too bad the temperature steadily dropped as the day progressed to below freezing. Triple blessing with Word, Sacraments and an unbelievable bible study. SJ simply just does it right. Prayers of encouragement are offered to our pastors as we move forward an grow in Christ Jesus. Bobak Smoked Maxwell Polish Sausages for lunch. It doesn’t get much better than that. I showed this site to a co-worker on Friday and he asked how I found time. I told him I had plenty of free time when I was between jobs and yes it is very difficult now musing over new discoveries from my most learned pastors.

January 23, 2010
It got up to 41°F and I calling it a nice mild day, but where oh where is the sun? Drop off the Escape and it needed a replacement ABS ring that cracked. I’ll have to wait until Monday to get the SUV back. I’m glad it is under warranty. I went to the city with Bill then he helped me with replacing the front porch light fixture. What a great big brother. Oven baked barbecue chicken and baked potatoes. Mmm, did I ever say I love chicken? It was cool to watch Andrea preparing for her Sunday school class.  Her lesson plan this week is is to teach about Jesus’ Baptism. Fawn and I listened to last week’s bible study on line; Pr B is truly a shepherd.  He continues to help us with evil resulting in anger and dealing with it in the form of the way justice or the way of mercy.  I can’t wait until tomorrow to heard Pr Genig wrap up with how to give a proper confession and how to live a proper forgiveness.  

January 22, 2010
Sigh, I was clueless and must be out dated or something. Working in the telecom industry people use acronyms rampantly. Someone wrote that something was a real PITA. Now I know. My noon walks are great. I feel better mentally and physically, even though I am finding myself massaging my calves more often. I went to Dekalb to get Alex and bring back the Escape for service.  It is frustrating. I just did the brakes last month and now the ABS light is on. Fawn, Jennifer and I went over ACL Reconstruction procedure to replace the torn ligament with healthy tissue (graft). I hate to do it but feel it is the best option we have for Jennifer. Please be mindful and keep her in your prayers.

January 19, 2010
The team got laptops and logins today and things got busy really quick. I’m so happy to be able to listen to my chorale music again daily. It was a long tiring day. I gone 11-1/2 hours work days. I started spending half my lunch hour walking again; it feels so good.

January 18, 2010
I am assigned the OH/PA Region which has ALU Technology. This is pretty exciting since I have many years experience in it. I also like and have worked with Ericsson. The talk of the day was on Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy and the Massachusetts Senate race. I can still remember and revere Dr. King as he led the Civil Rights Movement and argued for equal rights for all Americans. Scott Brown is not my idea of a Republican at best, if he wins, does not red the blue state red, but at best a purple state. Prayers are for the leaders of our nation and Saint John.

January 17, 2010
Things are back to normal with Word, Sacraments and Bible study. The day was remarkably quite. Everyone was out and about doing there own thing.

January 16, 2010
It was Andrea’s birthday. We went out for dinner at Fabulous Noodles to celebrate. There is enough food left over for several meals despite Alex being around. My favorite dish was the stewed duck with taro casserole. I was taken by surprise that Alex went back to NIU after dinner. Thought for sure he would stay for Sunday worship. It was really nice of Jennifer to bake the cake. She seems to be the go to person when there is a cake or some for some type of baking. I’m so happy the kids get along so well. Thanks be to God the head of our household.

January 15, 2010
It is interesting how good Satan is at what he does. It never fails that the wrath of God always seem to come about as part of the conversation when there is a disaster of magnitude. The foolish things people will speculate on.  I have to get use to getting up early and working again. I was tire and fell asleep around 7. It is now 11:40 I hope can fall back asleep after doing a little surfing on the web. Oh, I see where Dave got the pictures of the baptismal font. I'm surprise the email from Saint John was in a different folder.

January 14, 2010
I’m not much of birthday guy, but it would have been Mary’s 60th birthday today. Don’t know if there is such a thing as a birthday in heaven, but if there is she is spending it with the Lord!  The only thing exiting is it was a thawing day in January making it all the way up to 40º F, so do we call this mild?

January 13, 2010
It’s late, I just got back from men’s bible study. Dave and I stayed an hour afterward with the guys planning to host an event. I missed American Idol but it was for something better. I guess I can read about it and hear about it from Fawn tomorrow. I’m sure she didn’t miss it. Among the blessings of the day was breakfast and conversation with Tim Howard and sighing with joy at a picture of the new baptismal font for the Saint John new sanctuary that Dave sent me. Prayers are for the men to be the spiritual leaders in their home and for Saint John and her faithful shepherds.

January 12, 2010
The drive to and from work is pretty good using County Farm Road. I don’t think I’ll use I-355 again; it is too stressful of a drive. American Idol was on. Two hours premiere is a little too much. My 2 picks are Maddy Curtis and Justin Williams. I have a thing or two to say about idols, but it is late; perhaps another day.

January 11, 2010
Thanks be to God, I’m back in the saddle on a hugely ambitious and exciting project. I just got a call from Dave when I was starting this entry; Precious in the sight of the Lord in the death of His Saints. I wasn’t very close to Bill Schoen but I was always happy to see him while at my old parish. He always had kind words for my family. He sang in the choir with Andrea. I loved him for the kind words and hand written letter in Christian love and defense for a church worker. Fawn saw the funeral details sent by Donna from Bethany and ask if we were going. Bill is home and has no living relatives and that there is nothing redeeming at Bethany.

January 10, 2010
Unbelievable, the morning started at -4° F. The car started up just like that and we made it to Wheaton to gather around the Eucharist, hear His Word and venerate the baptism of Christ at Saint John. Choral singing is truly a blessing. Thanks be to God for our fine musicians. The recessional hymn We Praise you and Acknowledge You, O God brought me to tears.  I listened to this anthem daily at work for many years. BTW, I am excitingly looking forward to start working again tomorrow. I was surprise to get a game night, victory over Rob by 3 moves, I'm back! We thank and bless Thee, O God, for Thy full and perfect grace; make our life one great and joyous amen to the Word of forgiveness which we have heard in our Baptism, where we died to this world with Thy Son, Amen. Martin Franzmann, New Courage for Daily Living, p. 48

January 9, 2010
Hate to keep talking about the weather but I can’t believe how cold it is again -1° F. Went to the city with Bill this morning. It seems like we enjoy having coffee and breakfast at McDonalds on the way down. There was a big accident that closed all out bound lane. We saw the traffic backed up pretty far on the way end. There were ice patches on I-55. Glad it was cleared up the accident scene and de-iced the roadway by the time we headed back to the burds.  Burds is an interesting word; it made me reflect a little on what is called ‘life in the burds”. Pr Genig spoke a few months back about our lives in comparison to what he recently witnessed in his brief stay in streets of NY, a place where one see our country in constant poverty and asks, “What recession?” Prayers continue for Dell, Bill, Andrea and Craig for employment opportunities.

January 8, 2010
Woke to 4 more inches of snow! The problem is not driving out and about town but just digging out of the driveway. Without being serious, I’m thinking Kyrie Eleison, knowing full well our Lord is truly merciful.  I hate game night. Actually, just hate losing. I lost to Rob by one move in Chinese checkers.

January 7, 2010
Sweet, 4x4 baby! There was so much snow falling this morning. I can’t believe there weren’t 203 school closings. I got Jennifer there safely and even went to the dentist office in Aurora. No problem.  Woohoo! Rob got a teaching contract at St. Martin de Porres. Funny how Andrea told mom with a big smile, “both our men got jobs now!” I’m so glad the weather broke and we didn’t get the predicted 6 – 10 inches, still 4” was a lot of snow for only a few hours of snow fall. I looked at Pr. Bruzek’s streaming video recording of the October 2008 sanctuary design rollout presentation. Things are going pretty much as planned. I still am breathless from the field trip last month during bible study. May the hollow become hallow.

January 6, 2010
I really enjoy reading Weedon’s blog. His posting are really interesting, down to earth and edifies with the wisdom from above. I am totally surprised at myself and can not believe I gave precious time pondering on BJS yesterday. I should have known better and just laid the sword on the ground of the hopeless battlefield that reeks and sentinel worthy post. I was out and about doing lunch with Fawn and Alex at Champps in Lombard.  They got the best Bourbon Glazed Pork Chop. I also like their Potato Soup. I can’t believe I am thinking that 23º F is a nice day to be out and about. Jennifer torn ACL may require surgery I’m opting for a brace. Prayers are for healing.  Fawn and I ran into Keith Lures at Fair Oaks Ford. We got to catch up and about family. We met at my former congregation. He asked about Saint John and knows that Dave and I worship there now. I told him how blessed both our families are being gather by Christ. The Mighty Men of the OT men’s bible study is awesome.  The 6 week study is led by Vicar Wietfeldt. I could tell there are a lot over effort put in this and had to ask afterward. He started prepping 2 months ago. Dell was at the class, he is a very nice man. Prayers are for employment opportunities for Dell, Bill, Craig, Andrea and Rob.

January 5, 2010
I’m definitely going to bed early. I have been sluggish from staying up late and getting up early, so I’ll have to make this quick. Fawn and Alex went out to De Kalb to pay some bills and get books for the new semester. I thought it was good that they get some one on one. Since those two went out to lunch, I got some bonding time with Rob doing lunch at Burger King. I know, not a healthy choice and I got an earful. I'm suppose to be watching what I eat and begin exercising again. I got a new pair of sneakers waiting for my lunch hour when I start my job next week.  I read a recent posting on a blog that was deceptive. A pathological lie comes to mine. The comments on the thread were mostly less than Christ like and do not serve His church well. I often submit to God Psalm 25 and in daily prayers for my pastors and Saint John.

January 4, 2010
Jennifer is back in school and I dropped her off. It was a little tense because the explorer was not cooperating. But it finally started. I’m thinking it hasn’t been used the since Friday and just sitting in the cold. The SUV was fine the rest of the day. I’ll be starting work again next week. Most people think about their careers as their vocation but it is only part of it. Vocation is what God has given us to do with our lives. We are also spouse, parent, brother or sister, neighbor, etc.

January 3, 2010
Word and Sacraments. What can I say; Vicar Wietfeldt gave another outstanding sermon. I think this young man wholeheartedly said yes in answering a vocation from God. I can’t believe I had to scrape off the ice both inside and out the car. I had to use chemical deicer on the sidewalk because the salt was ineffective. It was good to talk to Alex alone as father and son. It has been a while since we have been able to do that. I’m always happy when see him. I love my dad the same way and have many fond memories of him. I was blessed to be brought up by great parents.

January 2, 2010
I thought 6º F yesterday was bad. Well actually it was, but today’s low was 0º F. I had to bare the cold weather and go to the library and grocery store. Brrr. Prayers for the clemency of the weather are in order. I reflected on Mary and the birth Christ Jesus and included Pope Martin’s famous image in Random Thoughts of a Lutheran.

January 1, 2010
The apostle Peter tells us to, “…grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18. I find that there is ample room for improvement, I am therefore resolved to be stronger in the Lord with more: love, understanding of His Word and commitment in doing His will, with the help of Holy Spirit. In the judgment at Christ’s coming, it is encouraging that the apostle Paul prays for us, …that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, 12so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12. There is nothing that warms you up on a cold day like homemade chili. I made huge pot and shared it with the Moys. Al is doing well. Prayers are for Melissa, she is a tad under the weather.