Luther's Seal

The Cross
"First, there is a cross, black on a heart in red, as its natural color. This is to remind me that faith in the Crucified saves us; for if one believes with the heart, one is justified.

The Heart
Now although it is a black cross, although it mortifies and is designed to inflict pain, it nonetheless allows the heart to keep its color, it does not destroy its nature, that is, it does not kill but keeps alive. For the righteous lives by faith, but by faith in the Crucified.

The Rose
"Such a heart is to be centered in a white rose in order to indicate that faith yields joy, comfort, and peace and straightway beds one on a white, pleasing rose. Nor does faith yield the peace and joy of the world. Therefore the rose would be white and not red, because white is the color of the spirits and of all the angels.

Blue Background
This rose is on a field tinted with the hues of heaven to indicate that this joy in the spirit and faith is a beginning of the future heavenly joy, a joy which, to be sure, is even now present in faith and embraced by hope but is not yet revealed.

The Golden Ring
And around this field runs a ring of gold to show that the blessedness of heaven endures forever and ever and is more precious than all pleasures and possessions of earth, as gold is the most precious and the noblest metal."
--Letter sent from Coburg Castle to Lazarus Spengler, July 8, 1530