Journal 2019

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2019
Initially I was going to let my pen rest until the beginning of the year, but the overnight snow kept me in most of the day with the exception to shoveling. Took advantage of the indoor time to finally download the boat load of videos and pictures that were sent via email over a week ago unto the laptop for storage. I still can’t get over there is 2 terabyte hard drive on a laptop. Sigh… found another reason to hate the start/stop feature on Ford cars, the battery for it is expensive to replace, even with the $25 rebate. Alright, finally broke open the Disney 300 piece “made in USA” COCO puzzle I got from Andre, Rob and Isaac for Christmas. LOL, the pieces are nice and big, guessing it is for younger kids (10+) and old men so they don’t get frustrated. Did manage to complete all the perimeter pieces before putting it away. At the close of the year, no new year resolution for 2020, grateful for God’s for showering us with grace upon grace.

December 28, 2019
Party, party, party, all day Christmas day 4 celebration starting at noon at my sister Nancy’s. Enjoyed the day with family on the Lee side. So many cousins, nephews, nieces, children, grands, and friends from near and far all about. Joy to hold little babies and watch the kids opening their presents. Thanks be to God for my two remaining siblings. God has blessed our family in so many ways and as I look our family, it begs the psalmist’s question to God, “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4). Blown away by how each age has its own unique trials and tribulations along with all its unique blessings to prior generations. Well, looks like my battle of the holiday bulge will begin tomorrow.

December 27, 2019
Really hate the cooling off and knew this day was coming, but am grateful for the spring like weather while it lasted. Think maybe there may still be one or two still good days yet to come before the reality that it’s already winter sets in. We were all sitting around looking at Chin family photograph albums, such a treasure trove of stored memories. It was nice to go for an evening walk around the neighborhood with Eddie. Am being to realize one on one time is important to relationships. I found out so many wonderful things about him that I never knew like our shared like of doing puzzles and his joyful passion singing in a performing choir that tours and he got to learn about me and my pen. Funny thing that he mentioned puzzles, because we just picked up a new jigsaw puzzle mat at Walmart. It was marked $9.99 but we compared it to the online price and was able to purchase it for $5! Mmm, mmm, came back from the walk in the cold to nice hot bowl of congee the Jean made to perfection. Later Alex showed up with a Chinese carryout from Lucky Panda, so it was another good eating day and we even got to enjoy recording of the choir to boot! It’s already late and tomorrow is another big day of celebration on the 4th day of the twelve day celebration leading up to the Epiphany of Our Lord.

December 26, 2019
Albeit I knew I over indulged yesterday, I didn’t think it be a three pounder day. Put in a little extra on the elliptical today just to make myself feel a little better about the binge. Was out and about do what not and enjoying the day and yeah, it was another awesome day in the Midwest and in the 60s, I can easily acclimate to this. There was a big sale on the lactose-free milk at Mariano’s, so we stocked up on it. Am so glad it has a long shelf life, has something to do with the way the milk is pasteurized. After being out all day, was wondering what I was going to make for dinner. Fawn ended up making one of her wonderful salad creations, life is good. The scale will be telling tomorrow, because I didn’t think I went over 2,000 calories. Hard to say when not counting at a party. Looking back on FB this past year, I am totally surprised I have posted there as often as I did. I original intent was just to be in the shadows and rejoice in the going ons of my nieces and nephews and their family as well as a few friends. Listening to music from the 60s and early 70s, Up On The Roof Could Be We're In Love – Cryan’ Shames and I Will Always Think About You – New Colony Six. Whoo hoo, just got a Face Time call from Isaac…

December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas! Gloria in excelsis Deo! I’ve been reflecting this morning on the joy of Christmas, for unto us a savior is born. I went into a long rant about the how divisive the mainstream media is and deleted it and will just let what I just penned speak for itself. In our darkness, may the Christmas light pierce the heart. Today is a cardio, stretches and light weight exercises day, but somehow feel I should be doing a little more, so I added balance exercises to the mix. I just learned that balance exercise is one of the four types of exercise along with strength, endurance and flexibility. Dang, am I dreaming, 58 ยบF on Christmas day, reminiscent of the day Andrea was born on January the 16th! I’m the kind of guy the thinks anything above 72 is hot and anything below 72 degrees Fahrenheit is cold, but I can get use to winter days like today. Don’t think I’ll ever learn not to stuff my face at parties, because there is so much good food and conversation around. Thanks be to God for family and friends.

December 24, 2019
O Holy Night, come Lord Jesus. Winters is the hardest season for me, don’t like care for cold or hot don’t like to shovel. The days are short and the sky is more times than not a dreary grey overcast. So I’m going to keep praising God for the beautiful relatively warm sunny days we having all this week. I’m even seeing 60 in the forecast later in the week now! Mmm, love steamed tilapia with French green beans amandine, so wonderful. Jennifer made me a hand drawn Christmas card, little simple things like this fills my heart with so much joy. Glad she’s home and joined us to celebrate, The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. The sacred music on feast days is always extraordinary. We stayed a short bit after the Divine Service and chatted with friends. Can hardly wait for tomorrow to see all my family and Soo and Eddie are flying in for the holidays. 

December 23, 2019
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word" (2 Thessalonians 2:16–17). Went to O’Hare to welcome back Andrea, Rob and Isaac from their visit with the mouse. Thanks be to God for their safe travel. Can’t help but to talk about the beautiful day the Lord has made. Another bright sunny day that made it to the mid 50s. It’s so sad that days like today are still so short. Only saw Jennifer briefly, thought she was coming home for the holidays. Thought wrong, staying with her brother. Glad all our children get along so well. Aah, The Young Rascals: Groovin' and It’s A Beautiful Morning. The day is almost over and, The Nativity of Our Lord is almost ever so near and along with its message of hope. So come Lord Jesus and bless us. Guard and guide us and deliver us.

December 22, 2019
Whoo hoo, hard to believe the five day forecast calls to temps in the low 50s each day. If this insane weather is brought about by global warming, bring it on. The bright sun and the above normal temperature made for an awesome day. So now the days begin to get longer and up away from the horizon. Talk about a woman that takes her fresh fruit platter seriously, we went to Jewel, Meijer and Mariano’s to buy fresh fruit for the Christmas Party. While at the store, I saw a 10# bag of russet potatoes on sale for 97¢! So it was skillet potatoes with green peppers and onions for dinner. I love mine with a dash of Cholula. I’ve been wanting to embed music for some time, but hate the way how blogger embeds audio music to be stored externally and requires a player, at least that’s all I can figure out. Decided to and enjoyed creating a new page (Music That Feeds Me) and embedding a few music videos that can be found online. So I’ll be adding new music video every now and then on that page that feeds me.

December 21, 2019
I’ll take mid 40s and the bright sky for the first day of winter and the shortest day. So glad the days will start getting longer moving forward. Jesus said, “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (John 12:46). Went out and about early to beat the crowds, first stop was Sam’s Club to pick up my meds. Normally, I go to the $3 car wash, but sometimes you got to cut loose a few extra bucks to get a decent basic wash. Since we were near Sparkles Express Car Wash in Oswego, a got their $5 basic wash. Then it was off to the Target and then Dick’s Sporting Goods for few last minute shopping. I’m sure there will still be a few more stops before all the Christmas shopping is complete. Am a little frustrated because a brunch of videos was sent to my gmail account a few days ago from an android phone, but is not showing up in any of my folders. Hate when things don’t go accordingly. Did a resend today and it when through this time and will download them to the laptop another day, Meanwhile, am enjoying the pictures and video of Isaac having the time of his life at Disney World. I love French green beans. My first go at garlic chicken and green beans and onions, came out oh so good, chirp chirp.

December 20, 2019
When to Edwards Hospital for Fawn’s checkup. I love working on the puzzle in the waiting room. My contribution was ten pieces! I know I’m slow on puzzles, but enjoy the challenge. Alex went shopping with mom and came back for lunch. Nothing special, just boiled up linguine pasta and heated up the sauce. Raping up the last of the psalms: Psalm 149, the psalmist encourages us to put a new song in your heart and praise God. Psalm 150, the final psalm calls for everything that has breath to praise the living God with every means imaginable.

December 19, 2019
It was one of those. what a difference a day makes. Albeit the only days away from winter, the temperatures were in the mid 30s, it felt like an autumn day. I can hardly wait until the days to begin to lengthen. How do the folks who live in the polar region stand months on end in the darkness? Only started, but didn’t finish penning my journal entry yesterday, because I was away from my laptop and wasn’t going to poke in an entry using my tablet. We went up to Grayslake and spent the day and stayed overnight joyfully spending time with our daughter and son-in-law and overwhelming joyful time with Isaac. He’s growing up so fast. Got home this evening and made a super nice supper, ribeye steak and fuzzy melon soup. Didn't have any bones to make the stock, so I ended up opening a can of chicken broth, but it tasted pretty good anyway. Psalm 148, praise the Lord all of creation. Imagine that, God spoke and all things literally were created and capable of praising the Lord.

December 18, 2019
Dang, even though the temps are in the teens, it feels like we are having subzero weather.

December 17, 2019
Opened an Amazon package with my name on it and it was a Christmas gift from Alex. Exactly what I wanted, a SB Wallet! Good eating day, mama makes the best plate licking spaghetti! Couldn’t think of a more fitting meal before fasting for blood work, will be getting my end of the year annual physical exam tomorrow morning. Psalm 147, praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted. Started to say there are many reason to praise God for, but the reality is we praise him for everything. Most people I know tend to gather together with family and friends for big feasts this time of year and are grateful for God’s provisions for life and for his kindness toward us. Our Advent reflection should lead us to God’s greatest provision toward mankind. When we had no hope of eternal life, he sent his only begotten son to provide eternal life through his sacrificial death on the cross.

December 16, 2019
Woke up way earlier than usual and listened to this week’s exceptional bible study online, The Unexpected Kingdom. Albeit, I think all of parish’s sermons and bible are well thought out, this teaching caused me to pause and pierces Advent heart. When translucent daylight came about, I was thrilled to see only a light dusting of snow. Went out and about to the Plainfield area to stop and pick up some photos the Jean had taken for my neighbor and did a little shopping. Of course all I did was do my usual indoor walk in the stores. Clearly, I didn’t get enough sleep last night, because I dosed off and napped in the afternoon, haven’t done that in a long while. Psalm 146, Can’t say it any better than the psalmist as we near the end of the Psalter. “Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul!” (v. 1) as he encourages us to put our trust in the Lord.

December 15, 2019
Often times my tongue gets ahead of my mind and am quick to say thoughtless things in resentment or in gossip. Lord set a guard on my lips and create in me a clean heart that extends your spirit, overflowing with love, kindness and self control. Alex came home and visited again. Can’t say it enough the joy that is within meal whenever I see any of our children. Psalm 145, "On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate" (v. 5). How can the wondrous works and glorious splendor of the Lord majesty not lead all of creation to praise him?

December 14, 2019
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). We spent an awesome day with my brother Bill, sister Nancy and nephew Kevin. But the blessings didn’t end there, got a call from grandma’s little man asking for me! Isaac wanted to tell me about his new binoculars and walkie talkie toy from aunt Michelle. Psalm 144, the psalmist wonders and asks, "O LORD, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him?" (v. 4). I can’t help but to likewise wonder and join in his conclusion, “Blessed are the people whose God is the LORD!” (v. 15).

December 13, 2019
Friday the 13th, not superstitious but going to the urologist this time of year for my annual DRE is never fun. Thanks be to God for the good results. Had a relaxing day, even took out my air guitar and jammed to, Stranglehold – Ted Nugent. It was a nice of a day to be out and about with the sun shining and no wind to speak of, so we didn’t have that wind chill factor that made yesterday so horrid. Today is The Feast of Saint Lucia, Virgin and Martyr. It is good to remember and venerate the saints before us, who shines a light in the darkness and point us to our Lord. Thanks be to God of the liturgical season of Advent that afford us time to have those difficult conversations and to inwardly grasp the difficult passages of Holy Scripture. Psalm 143, I was struck by, “Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul” (v. 8). Don’t get a better start in the day than this.

December 12, 2019
Not sure where the pair of 6# dumbbells came from, but I started using them today instead of the pair of 5 pounders for the triceps skull crushers. It is amazing how a much a difference a single pound is one each arm. Plan to stick with the pair of 5# dumbbells for toning my arms, but for some reason, my underarms are still flabby. If it wasn’t for the before and after video pictures of people able to tone down the underarm flab, I would think it is impossible. I’m sure it’s more tone than when I before and is just not where it needs to be yet. This Christmas gift shopping is so time consuming. I can only do so much mall walking and the dealing with the crowded mall is something else. At least the millennial are smart enough to do their shopping online. How can I not complaint about the wind and the coldness it brings, not to mention all the leaves on everyone's front yard again. Psalm 142, the psalmist is a prayer to be rescued from his persecutors. Our loneliness and troubles should lead us cry out to the Lord to bring your soul out of prison, so that we can give thanks to his holy name.

December 11, 2019
“He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth” (Luke 1:14). Got a light dusting of snow this morning and folks were saying, “It’s starting to look like Christmas!” and of course I sighed. Snow is something I can definitely do without. Didn’t end up watching the movie last night, so we made it a matinee. Love all of the “Fallen” movies. Psalm 141, is one of my favorite psalm with beautiful liturgical imagery. The psalmist prays to the Lord for wisdom to guard what he says and to remove all desires to do evil; for good friends and for help and protection. “Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” (v. 3) and create in me a clean heart.

December 10, 2019
“Come, thou Redeemer of the earth, Come manifest thy virgin birth: All lands admire, all times applaud: Such is the birth that fits our God.” - St. Ambrose. It just wasn’t another cold day, but a very cold day that we were out about in temps mostly in the upper teens with wind chills in the single digits. Thanks be to God warm clothing and shelter and nourishment. Finished the last of the daikon soup. Did my walk at the Walmart and Meijer in Plainfield. Am thinking we were premature in thinking we could routinely go to the indoor track in December. Ran twice on the elliptical to Adele. I also do my best with her. Perhaps that will happen after the new year. Second day on the new workout routine and think it is going to be fine, time will tell. Psalm 140, Deliver Me, O Lord, from Evil Men. Evil flourishes and deceit thrives all around us in this broken world and sometimes we are targeted either by physically or by their venomous tongue. Let us join the psalmist in praying that such evil men will not succeed in their evil ways. Got to stop penning, we’re are getting set to watch, Angel Has Fallen.

December 9, 2019
I’m always taken by super bright and beautiful sunny days or by nasty looking dark grey gloom and doom dreary looking days. Today was a nasty looking one and the rain didn’t get me down. After all, rain is by far, better than snow, come thou fount of every blessing. I was time to change up my exercise routine again and am going with the push/pull workout plan. Psalm 139, "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" (v. 23-24). Albeit, wonderfully made in God’s image, both God and I are well aware of my shortcomings. This is a comforting reminder to be vigilant about my actions and the choices I make Coram deo. I find God’s involvement in our knitting in the womb so fascinating. Some people would argue life begins at “quickening” while others sadly enough don’t really care when life begins … (deleted). "My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth" (v. 15). Let us marvel at the beginning of life from the moment of conception. The plan is to hop in bed early a little later and watch, The Nativity Story, on Godtube before retiring for the day.

December 8, 2019
So happy that Alex came home for lunch and was glad that the daikon soup was mmm, mmm good. All I did was boil it in clear chicken broth with celery and green onions and seasoned it with light soy sauce and white pepper. Am surprised Perl Harbor Remembrance Day didn’t come to mind when I penned my journal entry last night, guessing the peace of the Lord was with me. I was troubled after watching a December 7, 1941 documentary on that which FRD described as, "a date which will live in infamy". I remain flabbergasted at the sheer evil malice that have been unleashed during WWII and beyond and can only imagine the violence on humanity by psychopaths in antiquity. We can’t fathom the mysteries of God. Psychopaths are no more and no less evil in the eyes of the God and more importantly, neither are these evildoers excluded from God’s unconditional love or from his offer of salvation and redemption. Psalm 137, I always have to pause whenever I pray an imprecatory psalm and this psalm is perhaps the most difficult muse because this chapter closes with, “Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!” I’m always stuck by the gasp of people who come across this verse and yet are passionately proud abortion advocates, but today’s muse is different and in light of God’s purpose as to why the psalmist would cry out to God in righteous anger that seeks justice in a manner that is not rooted in personal vengeance. Psalm 138, “On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased” (v. 3). This is so encouraging in the midst of trouble. Thanks be to God, for his mercy endure forever. 

December 7, 2019
Can’t believe how cold it feels whenever the wind picks up. The translucent sunlight was more suitable for driving than yesterday’s glaring sun that made driving very difficult. Life is good, made a beef stir fry with tomatoes, onions, and green pepper over rice. The fragrant black bean garlic sizzling in the pan is so euphoric. Really love the collects during Advent, “Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to make ready the way of Your only-begotten Son that at His second coming we may worship Him in purity; who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”  Not to most the offertory from one of my favorite psalms, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit” (Psalm 51:10-12). Always love it when the Rev Dr Arthur Just visits our parish and preach. He is truly among the most learnt teacher of Jesus. Psalm 136, the psalmist’s historical recounting of God’s love serves as a reminder of God’s steadfast love despite our periodic unfaithfulness.  “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever” (v. 1). Time to relax and listen to some doo wop, Doo Wop Collect ...

December 6, 2019
We went out to lunch with my sister Nancy at, The Patio and then we went to IKEA and shopped for what nots in preparation for a big family Christmas celebration. Like always, enjoy spending the day with family. Outside of driving on icy road this time of year is dealing with the hazardous glare of the low winter sun. Psalm 135, we are called to praise God and remember his ways and to bless the Lord. Our sovereign Lord does what he pleases. The psalmist offers many reasons to praise the Lord. I’m at awe of the self sacrifice to justify ungodly sinners as myself.

December 5, 2019
A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God” (Isaiah 4:3). I need this liturgical season to remove myself from all the strife found in this world. O, let us prepare our hearts to the ways of the Lord, for this broken world is filled with crooked and roads, needs Advent, the world needs Christ. Watched and downloaded a ton of photographs and videos from Thanksgiving. It’s amazing how we can readily capture memories using smart phones. Since Whole Foods was on the way home, we stopped in to pick up some organic oatmeal and do a little grocery shopping and saw a daikon radish. I never cooked daikon radish before but it looks so good that we decided to give it a go. It’ll be interesting to see how I will end up cooking it tomorrow, think it’s suppose to be boiled. Psalm 133, there is joy praise found in brotherly fellowship and unity that flows like water parched ground, as this Psalm offers hope and the promise of kinship in Christ. Come, Lord Jesus. Psalm 134, this psalm encourages to us to praise to God with bent knees. Interesting piety to raise one’s hands in worship and am not sure what to make of it.

December 4, 2019
Got on the scale this morning and was thrilled to see I was able to get rid of the Thanksgiving dinner! Not an easy task to accomplish during the month of December for sure. Took out the lawn mower and went over the front lawn and threw the mulched leaves along the rear fence line. Penned about … then deleted. It was one of those days. Lord, have mercy. Come, Lord Jesus. Psalm 132, God’s sovereign plan for his people found in Christ Jesus, for our Lord has visited and dwelled among us. Chilling to two awesome song from the early days, Judy Blue Eyes – Crosby, Stills & Nash and Layla – Eric Clapton.

December 3, 2019
Woke up super early in the wee hours and overcame the depression found in long darkness meditating on the psalms. Psalm 130, is a timely prayer of repentance, mercy and mostly hope in the Lord. My soul waits for the Lord more than the watchman in the morning. Surly as the sun rise, our Lord comes. Psalm 131, on our journey back to Eden, we humbly present our worries and joys, our successes and our failures to the Lord, who gives us peace in the midst of our sinful and chaotic world. Made it to the fitness center again, but was disappointed that there were so many people on the track and wasn’t really about to walk as fast as I would have liked to. Besides the stores are starting to get somewhat crowed during the holidays. Dinner a movie, well sort of, nuked left over stir fried chicken with celery and watched, The Farewell. I really enjoyed watching this movie. This movie centers on a lie of saying goodbye to grandma in China while keeping her in the dark about her terminal cancer and unlike my experience with sharing time with my sister as well as with my step mother who both knew they were dying of cancer without any known cure at any stage. Not judging, but I personally think it’s best to be told and know. I dearly miss my sister Mary; a few days from now will the 10th death anniversary of her death, about a month a month away from her 60th birthday.

December 2, 2019
Surprised to see a light dusting of snow at daybreak, I initially thought is it was just overnight frost on the ground. Albeit in the mid 30s, it seemed so bitterly cold in the wind.  What am I going to do when it drops to single digit or sub zero? I wonder how people survive in ancient times. Stopped in Trader Joe’s and it was the first time I saw Brussels sprouts on a stalk. Decided to time the mile as an incentive to walk at a brisk pace and it paid off, this time I managed to do an 18:30:87 minute mile, whoo hoo! Of course I don’t expect to shave this much time off on my next go on the track, but it would be nice to shave a few seconds off each time. Three more episodes and I’ll be caught up on season 11 of NCIS LA. God willing, it looks like I’ll be able to complete the Psalter before year’s end! Psalm 128, There is great joy for those who follow the ways of our Lord for his blessings are concrete from generation to generation. How can our grandson Isaac not be a blessing from our Lord. Psalm 129, is a desperate cry for help to the Lord. I concur with the psalmist’s observation that cheerful exchange, “The blessing of the LORD be upon you! We bless you in the name of the LORD!”, would never be spoken by unbeliever, especially those who would go out their way to persecute God’s people. So let us greet one another in the name of the Lord by saying, “Peace be with you.

December 1, 2019
“Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come, that by Your protection we may be rescued from the threatening perils of our sins and saved by Your mighty deliverance; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”  What a most beautiful collect for the first Sunday in Advent. So, so short is the day and the darkness comes about so quickly. O come, Light of God. Psalm 126, “The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad” (v. 3). Indeed, our Lord has restored our fortune and have done many great things that have caused us to say that we are, “living the dream.” There is great joy found in Christ, who restores us to who we are created to be. Psalm 127, every time I come across this wisdom filled psalm, I reflect on all my children and life in general and how our endeavors are worthless apart from God’s providence and blessings working through daily our efforts. It boils all down to not being about us, but about loving God and trusting in him.

November 30, 2019
Never a good thing when one wakes in the darkness and only to find a doom and doom looking sky at day break. It was definitely a day for tending to indoor chores. Decided to hop on the scale to see the damage from gluttonous Thanksgiving feast. No need to pen the obvious. Been musing about two walking goals on the indoor track; do a mile walk in 15 minutes and being able to walk three miles at a brisk pace. Our plan is to go to Fort Hill couple times a week and accomplish that goal before the end of spring. I don’t think that is very ambitious goal and should be able to easily meet that. Who knows, maybe with some effort I can achieve that in a short time. What better way to spend the last day on the church year and the eve of Advent, then to listen to an Advent hymn study by no other than the learned Fr Weedon on Issues Etc, Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding. Jennifer volunteers someplace around here and came home to do her laundry, so I made baked paprika salmon for dinner.  I love the season of Advent and I treasure her hymns. Think I’ll do my best to post one each day during this liturgical season. Psalm 124, "Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth" (v. 8). Blessed be his holy name. Let us remember the times we have been recued from the wrongness of this broken world, our help comes from the Lord. Psalm 125, a prayer for God’s blessing upon his people. May our Lord surround his people from the scepter of wickedness now and forever.

November 29, 2019
Slept like a baby last night, guessing because I stuffed myself merciless last night. Surprise, surprise, turkey sandwich for lunch. We had the same plan like a lot of folks; there were a lot of people at Fort Hill. Walked at what I thought was a fast pace and now agree that when I walk the perimeter of stores or in the mall, I walk super slow, because I only managed to walk a 20:05:47 minute mile on the track. Well, at least I have a baseline now and will clock myself in about a month and hope there will be some improvement. Starting to realize that these psalms of ascent are short prayers. Psalm 122, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” (v. 1). Some will debate the where the house of the Lord is, be it a building, city or a community. I'm not sure if the even bares any importance, but this psalm is a prayer for the peace Jerusalem, “For the sake of the house of the LORD our God” (v. 9). Psalm 123, our eyes look to the Lord in patience and trust for his mercies. The world is just plain old mean and our troubles are many. “Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt” (v. 3).

November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving! “Glory to God for All Things”. Slow start indulging; the day began with the usual morning coffee, oatmeal and fruit. But lunch was an entire different story, Andrea, Rob and Isaac visited us and we made what I would call a dinner. Classic pan seared in-bone Black Angus ribeye steaks with broccoli and steamed rice as sides, good eating. Happy haircut and hard to believe I could fit a hand me down Gap coat from Alex, looking young and smart. I’m so glad and thankful that there was no wind damage to our house. The Thanksgiving gathering was at Henry and Heather and I was given the privilege of carving the turkey, think it has a lot to do with my culinary skills. The table the laid was impressive. And as usual, everyone always has a joyful time with family and friends. Two short psalms, Psalm 120, similarly like the psalmist; I allowed myself to be surrounded by lying and deceitful tongues and was in distress. God answered my prayers and I turned away from the mainstream news media. We can’t even get a news story without a commentary nowadays. Psalm 121, the Lord is our keeper and watches over us day and night.

November 27, 2019
Tough night to sleep with the torrential rain beating on the rooftop and the sound of howling wind. The wind didn’t let up most of the day. It was amazing to look at awe to see the tree branches wavy like lifted hands praising God. Well all the leaves are finally off all the trees as far as I can tell. Crazy all those leaves that blew onto everyone’s front yard again. More scare of what I might see tomorrow when I will inspect for possible wind damage to our home from today's high winds. Added and new page, The Akathist Hymn: "Glory to God for All Things". Truly a remarkable hymn of thanksgiving. Psalm 119, blessed are those who love and live according to God's law. O let us mediate on God's wondrous works and keep our Lord's precepts and delight in his statutes, that it may give us life in his ways. This is an extraordinary mediation of the heart that I claim. I am struck by the imagery and confession of the psalmist at the end of the chapter, "I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments" (v. 176). O Lord, rescue me. Am so looking forward to gathering with family and friends and indulging all day with good food, conversation and playing with Isaac. Rocking: 
Light My Fire – The Doors and Every Breath You Take – The Police.

November 26, 2019
Got on the scale this morning and wasn’t surprised that I’ve gained a few pounds since my last weigh in. With the holidays upon us, I decided to double up on the cardio on the elliptical and go the extra mile, literally on the walk. We were out the door early running errands and what not, to get all the needed amount of rain shower. I saw a really old man walking ever so slow with his walker. One has to admire him for not giving up, God bless him. We did a DVD matinee and watched Black Butterfly (2017). Albeit the movie got less than favorable reviews, I thought the movie was an outstanding thriller and give it two thumbs up. Psalm 118, “You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (v. 28-29).  Thank you Lord for all the blessings bestow upon me and my family.

November 25, 2019
Penning my journal entry early, because I am super bored. The days are so crazy short, we are down to 9 hours and 30 minutes of daylight. On the shortest day, we get a whopping 9 hours and 8 minutes of daylight. Albeit a mostly cloudy day, it diffidently was an awesome start for the thanksgiving week. one can’t complain about the rare treat of above normal temperature in the mid 50s for this time of year. Alex was over for lunch and brought over a package ground turkey. First time I made a tiny turkey patty melt just to try and didn’t know what to expect. Think it’s just OK and by far much prefer the traditional hamburger patty melt instead. I browned the rest of the ground turkey meat for the spaghetti sauce. It was Fawn’s second go at it and her tweak was spot on. Gobble, gobble, was so good helping myself to seconds was a given. I’m ready, bring on the thanksgiving dinner. Jennifer was home yesterday and Alex today. We love it our children come home to visit and can’t put in words that express the amount of joy that brings. Psalm 116, a beautiful offertory prayer of thanksgiving. In the courts of the Lord’s house, along with the psalmist we vow accordingly during Mass. Indeed, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” (v. 15). Psalm 117, the shortest psalm that speaks for itself as a call to all nations and people to praise the Lord. O sing my soul … Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying.

November 24, 2019
Albeit I did regular cardio this morning, it paled in comparison to the sweaty workout I got from raking and bagging 90 gallons of leaves. So glad Fawn helped me with sweeping out the dryer vent, that need attending to at least two to three times a year. Glad the rain gutters didn’t need to be cleaned again. Joy, we FaceTime with Andrea, Rob and Isaac, my day is complete. Psalm 115, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” (v. 1). We live in a broke world that tells to seek the glory of man, which is marked by pride, envy and foolishness. This psalm causes us to self reflect where we may be seeking our own glory above the Lord. I was struck by the irony found in psalmist’s keen observation that people become like the lifeless gods/idols they make/worship.

November 23, 2019
Was looking at exercise log and am disappointed that I was failing to commit to set routine all this week, today was not the case. It was a good eating day, three course lunch. Caesar salad, pan seared ribeye steak, and tiramisu cake for dessert. Have a lot of daytime chores to do tomorrow, so we went to the evening Mass today. Saw another gem in the margins of our worship folder. How did I missed see it yesterday? Psalm 113, exhorts us to praise the Lord. There are countless reasons why we should praise the Lord. Interestingly in this psalm the reason the LORD is to be praised is because of his providential care for the lowly in the ashes. Psalm 114, the psalmist praises God’s providence in freeing his people from Egyptian bondage, in his divine providence sets us free from the bondage of sin. “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:4-7).

November 22, 2019
Albeit cold, love whenever the sun is out this time of year as the days get shorter.  Thanks be to God for the blessing of the day. We had lunch at my sister Nancy and later and then dropped off the old television sets for recycling in Plainfield. Saw a gem in our worship folder for this upcoming last Sunday of the church year and just had to post it. Psalm 112, the righteous man, "He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD" (v. 7). Our righteousness in found in of Lord. Not totally afraid of receiving bad news and find it especially difficult when it come to my love ones. Lord, “I believe; help my unbelief” that I may boldly trust thee fearlessly.

November 21, 2019
Thanks be to God for blessings received. Get put into words the joy in my heart when Dr. Azuma called and told me that the bone marrow biopsy and a bone marrow aspiration test results came back normal! It turned out to be a funky day weatherwise. Grey skies are so depressing and the dampness from rain didn’t help one iota. So indoor chores it was. Replace the batteries on our smoke detectors and then we loaded two old CTR televisions to the car to take to recycling tomorrow. I’ve forgotten how heavy those old bad boys are. I am realizing that I’m still making comments that I should refrain from making. Lord, set a guard on my lips. Listened to sacred music on LPR. Psalm 110, purely a messianic psalm that speaks to the ascension of Jesus, "The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool” (v. 1). Let us contemplate our victorious king seated at the right hand of the Father, a merciful priest who gives forgiveness and salvation to all who seek him. Come, Lord Jesus. Psalm 111, "Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them" (v. 2). God performs his ‘works’ on behalf of his people. We too can tell of the wonderful works of the Lord in our lives. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10).

November 20, 2019
It doesn’t get much better than a nice hot cup of earl grey anytime after morning coffee. Nice, to see we’re back to average temperature range again, after being below average for so many days. I didn’t think I’d see the 40s again this year, let alone a forecast for the mid 50s for tomorrow. We went to Alex’s to help replace all his hardwired smoke detectors. Well actually, just watched and made sure he didn’t fall off the ladder home alone. Smoke detectors are suppose to be replace every ten years the one he had were clearly the original one when the house was build and way over due to be changed out. While at the hardware store we picked up 60 pounds of driveway salt, a nice mixture of sodium, calcium, and magnesium chloride. hope it will be enough for this winter. We got carry out from Lucky Panda; their food is so good and reasonably priced. How is Thanksgiving only a week away? So excited. 
Psalm 109, oh my, what a dire imprecatory psalm that recognizes the reality of human sin and divine judgment. As Christians, we are called to love and forgive our enemy, which is easier said than done. Often times, the best we can do is to suppress our feelings of anger and hostility. While praying for deliverance, we should always pray for the repentance of evildoers and let God sort what is just. Note that the psalmist who prayed for God’s justice for his enemies also petitioned God for his mercy and steadfast love.

November 19, 2019
Nice, Alex took the day off and came over for lunch. Just tossed a frozen pizza in the oven. I can’t say enough about the joy that is within me whenever any of our children spend time with us. Bought a new Husky tire inflator yesterday from Home Depot yesterday and filled the up to specification. It’s ashamed that they make such a quality product, but have a cheap hose and don’t even make a replacement part that can be purchased. It a common complaint and they don’t seem to care about it. Anyway, I can take a closer look at it sometime down the road and see it I can do something with the damaged hose. Normally I just cook one dish but for some unknown reason, I had a crave for curry, so I made Fawn teriyaki chicken and made myself curry chicken for dinner. Psalm 108, I was struck by the opening two verse of praise, "My heart is steadfast, O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!” (v. 1-2). What beautiful imagery of heartfelt praises that brings forth the light of day capable of waking up creation. I can’t think of a better way to start the day than to praise the Lord with a grateful heart for his steadfast love and for his faithfulness. I thank God for the day.

November 18, 2019
Busy day driving all over the place, we went to get Fawn’s osteoarthritis bone scan, then to Jewel for cold cuts and a few what nots, then we picked up our nephew from school and then to drop off Sandy to pick up her car from the auto repair shop. But the day isn’t quite over yet, we still has a late night airport run to Midway to pick Jennifer and drive her home in Oak Lawn. Busy, busy, busy ... Psalm 107, urges us not to forget God’s works of grace and to be wise and consider the steadfast love of the Lord to which we should respond giving thanks and live our lives with grateful hearts.

November 17, 2019
So glad we left the house early to stop at the 3 dollar car wash to get the road salt off the car and had plenty of time to mediate and prepare for Mass while the bell choir was singing praises to the Lord. What a huge blessing to have my ears (hearing aid) on. Love the hymn of the day, Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying. Alex is such a great son and brother, we took Jennifer’s car back to Oak Lawn and to feed her gold fish Patrick. A little surprise she didn’t replace Sponge Bob when her other goldfish died some time back. We got an early thanksgiving treat; mama got adventurous and made a ground turkey pasta sauce with linguine noodles. Psalm 106, the close of book four and a reminder of God is good and that he remains faithful despite our ungratefulness and rebellious nature against him. Let us praise his holy name and pray that we will be faithful to God and to cry out him to keep us from sin which so readily engulfs us.

November 16, 2019
One of the better days, that was sunny and actually made it into the mid 40s. The curbside leaf sweeper came by yesterday, but most of the leaves are back on the parkway because the snow plow pushed them back there. The last pickup will begin this week, what a joke. Strange that there are still some dead looking leave still on quite a few trees some trees. Fun night out on the town at Granite City with Paul and Joan. Good food and quality time with friends is always a blessing. Psalm 105, the psalmist exhorts us to give thanks to the Lord and to make known his deeds as well as to seek his strength and presence continually. Song choice of the day, Let's Hear It For The Boy -Deniece Williams.

November 15, 2019
Had fun jawing with folks as we waited in line for about twenty minutes for the freebie confetti bundtlets at Nothing Bundt Cakes. And then did tacos for lunch at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana. After that, it became a long day; I can’t believe we were out and about most of the day. How can Fawn enjoy shopping so much? Christmas has to be her most favorite time of year. Psalm 104, praying with the psalmist, we find comfort and rejoice in the reality of God’s power in creation and providence. 

November 14, 2019
We drove Jennifer to O’Hare early in the morning. She has several interviews, one in Oklahoma and the other in Arizona, prayer for safe travel and a match. Afterwards, we went to Good Samaritan to do my bone survey. So all I can do now is prayerfully wait for the both the bone marrow and bone survey results.  
Psalm 103, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (v. 2). We get so wrapped up in our daily challenges that we overlook to giving praise to God and whine when in need. It is sad, how readily we forget about or take for granted God’s blessings. More often than not, we’re more inclined to express momentary gratitude for God’s blessings than to consistently living a humble and grateful life. Listened to this peaceful music with my morning coffee, Eno, Roedelius, Moebius: By This River.

November 13, 2019
Outside my morning cup of coffee, love sipping on earl grey. Felt good this morning and back to doing my routine exercises. It’s so cold and dry, doing my best to keep my skin moist with cream to help preventing it from cracking. Love L’Occitane en Provence Shea Butter. Today is, but I am clueless to what World Kindness Day is being celebrated. In Christ, we are to put off the old self and “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). Heated up a can of Progresso chicken tortilla soup and a made tuna fish sandwiches for lunch and mused on Psalm 102, this psalm wanders much like my penning and is all over the place. The psalmist wanders quickly from being desperate into a deep depression and then leaping into a person with great hope and faith. This psalm teaches us to confess our sins and that we can plead without restraint, holding back nothing went we poor miserable sinners are begging God to be merciful. Song of the day is, Maggie May with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Rod Stewart. Since there is a need to get up early tomorrow morning, the plan is to relax a little and then go to bed early.

November 12, 2019
Was totally surprised this morning; I was a little soar but my body was stiff as can be. Guessing it was because of tow from shoveling snow.  Think I’ll be saying, “Dang, it’s cold” or “Brr” for some time now moving forward. Insane, that it’s this so cold this early. We couldn’t pass up the sale at Mariano’s so we bundled up accordingly to the single digit this morning to do some grocery shopping. Guess we could of waited until afternoon with the temps reached a whopping high of 20 ยบF.  Albeit wasn’t on sale, I couldn’t pass up the apricot almond biscotti. Great the sun is shining. Could this be why some die hard leaves persist on some trees? Nice, Christmas came early, got a new pair of house slippers! Getting new video regularly always brings me joy, today Isaac was playing Batman, the kid is a hoot. Oh my, two thirds the ways through the psalms already, with a better than a good chance that I’ll journey through the five books, God willing, before the end of the year! Psalm 100, give thanks to our faithful Lord for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 101, encourages us to ponder on and to live a life committed in walking with integrity before the Lord.

November 11, 2019
LOL, was truly hoping the weather forecast would be wrong, but that wasn’t the case. The wind NNW wind added to the mix wasn’t helpful to the cause either. I hate snow and having to shovel it even more. All be the three inches of snow we got wasn’t fluff, was able to manage all the shoveling in one undertaking in about an hour. Remembering my father Hawk and brother Dan on this day. Thankful for all the brave men and women who have served and are currently serving in our armed services. Despite reminiscing our fond and precious moments together as a family, my heart aches as I miss my mother and father and my sister and brother. I have one remaining brother and sister who I cherish. Have forgotten there are so many short beautiful psalms of praise there are.  Psalm 97, let the earth rejoice and be glad in the Lord and give thanks to his holy name with the understanding that God reigns over creation and upon his return the reality of judgment and salvation. Psalm 98, the psalmist calls to sing to the Lord a new song. The psalmist also calls for all the earth to make a joyful noise, to which my voice able to do. So what is this new song? It gives to the voice of the new spirit of the heart that is within us that remembers all the marvelous things our Lord has done for us. Psalm 99, as needy recipients of God's grace, we are called to reverently worship the Lord our God in awe because of his holiness. I want to say more on this, but feel it best to set a guard before my tongue.

November 10, 2019
Brrr, no doubt about it, it was time to take out and start wearing a winter coat. Oh my, today’s outstanding Sermon on the twenty-second Sunday After Pentecost, was meditation on Jesus’ death and resurrection, by Pr Nelson. After church we went to MingHin for dim sum. The question, “What was your favorite dish?” Of course the correct answer is, “It’s all good!” And yes, I was unable to keep from over indulging. Then we all went to Alex’s, Isaac got to play with Nala. Was surprise to see Jennifer taking a dog for a walk. Anyway, it’s always a good day when the whole family is spending time together. My day is complete and full of joy. Two short psalms: Psalm 95, is an exhortation to join in worship as well as a word of warning calling us to obedience and not to harden our hearts and failing to enter God’s rest as we journey through a fallen world on our way back to Eden. Psalm 96, is a universal call to ascribe to the Lord and for all of creation to join in praising him. O let the earth rejoice and ascribe to the Lord our God.

November 9, 2019
We went to the Garage Band U fall performance this afternoon at Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill in Bolingbrook to support Sara, our friend’s high school daughter drummer, fun time with friends that are close enough to be considered family. Last time we went there was to support her aunt Ana. Thanks be to God for earplugs. Psalm 94, seems like our sinfulness has not changed much and encourage endurance that the faithful that we might have hope.  We live in a time when Christian heritage has been casted aside and the wicked are socially and politically powerful and unconcerned about God or godless altogether. Even many forms of an apostate christian religious faith have become main stream.  “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul” (v. 19). May God’s consolation renew and refresh our spirit and bring us joy.

November 8, 2019
Dang, its cold outside, am beginning to think global warming is a hoax. Up super early and went to Alex’s to let the serviceman in for his annual furnace cleaning and tune up. Afterward, we went to Sam’s Club and because to the good price on flank steak and chicken, we seemingly brought out the meat department. I felt like I was a butch and spent a couple of hours cutting up the meat, while Fawn portions them in baggies. Good thing we have plenty of freezer space between two refrigerators. It’s been a long time since I made a London Boil, so good. Psalm 92, it is so encouraging that as Christians we shall flourish in the courts of our God, and continue to bear fruit in our old age. Thanks be to God for his salvation. The next psalm is five verse short, so why not? Psalm 93, we are called to look at the roaring waves of the sea and note that God is mightier. He is in control of his creation.

November 7, 2019
Lots to do super early tomorrow, so this got to be a quick pen and then off to bed and just relax. It was great day, the tone was set from the get go by a FaceTime call from Isaac; love the little man so much. No pain and only could from touch on the very spot is there any tenderness, so I did my full resistance workout routine but did avoided hopping on the elliptical. We went through the medicine cabinet and bagged all the expired in medication disposal pouches. Dang it’s cold outside, it never got above freezing. Was expecting a call from my doctor today with the my biopsy results, but that didn't come about. Psalm 91, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty" (v. 1). the psalmist stresses that he finds refuge in the presence of the Lord and urges us to live faithfully to God and to also seek refuge in the presence of the Lord too. It is so very encouraging knowing that God will deliver protect because we made him our refuge. Indeed, God is our refuge and our fortress. Song of the day, As you Are - Daughtry

November 6, 2019
Feeling pretty good, was able to do some resistance training and went for a walk. Think I’ll be back to my regular workout schedule in a matter of days. We went over to Nancy’s for lunch. Couldn’t believe she made chopped Thai salad, it was a first for us, delicious. But the love didn’t stop there, New York strip steak and bake potato and baked dinner rolls. Always love visiting my sister, her hospitality is second to none. Aah, so we begin Book Four, Psalm 90, I struck by, “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away” (v. 10). Hits home for me as I near my winter season of life. The psalmist notes the brevity of our earthly life in comparison with our everlasting God. “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (v. 12). The world teaches us to associate the mind with knowledge and wisdom, but the reality is that wisdom comes from the heart. So let us be wise and number our days seeking the wisdom from above. Ending with, Before the Marvel of This Night.

November 5, 2019
Can definitely feel that I had the procedure yesterday, but am able to carry on without the Tylenol. Love when the sun comes out during these less than ideal shorter and shorter and when the sky is overcast more times than not. Energy Saver came out and did their annual furnace cleaning and tune up and we’re good to go. Made fuzzy melon soup, definitely enjoy melon soup this time of year. Psalm 89, I am somewhat amazed at the boldness of psalmist in this and the last few psalms; clearly we can go to our gracious God during our dark times and remind him of his promises. Unlike the psalmist, we know that the promise made to David of an eternal throne was kept in Jesus.  Thanks be to God for his steadfast love and let us exalt in his name all day long.

November 4, 2019
Aah, earl grey and two Extra Strength Tylenol, went to the oncologist for a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration. Prayers for good test results. Still need to make an appointment for an X ray bone survey.
Hard to believe, I thought that I would ever say, “What a beautiful autumn day”. So glad the forecast was wrong again and that it was a sunny warm day in the mid 50s. That’s pretty good above normal temperatures for this time of year. But man, did the temps drop quickly toward the evening. We stopped by Patio and shared their Barbeque ½ Chicken dinner, they do it so good. Psalm 88, oh wow, talk about overwhelming depression, being shunned by his friends and love ones left in the darkness. This psalm is so different in that it is a total lament seemingly without hope and a full blown complaint with no confession or ending with praise. But a closer look reveals that the mere fact that the psalmist complains to God, means that he continues to believe that God exists. Not really sure how to take this psalm other than even in the midst of the psalmist seemly endless suffering, there is faith in God who can end his tribulations if he chooses to do so. It is astonishing that this psalm is a prayer that Christ prays on our behalf in his passion. So in our groaning we pray this psalm as my own and perhaps can share in Christ suffering.

November 3, 2019
Ugh, allergies. Took forever for my nose to stop running and thanks be to God for Alaway. It is stunningly remarkable that literally, a few die hard trees still have a lot of leaves on them while most are bare. The positive side of the month of November is that it has been proclaimed as a National month of Gratitude. Gratitude allows us to shift from focusing on the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives. I am grateful to God who showers us with grace upon grace. One of the best thing I did this year was to stay away from the network news media as possible both on air and print, their venomous agenda presentation is so toxic and problematic. Psalm 86, while in our desperate cry for God to hear and act on our behalf this psalm encourages us to keep our faith in God while appealing for his mercy and grace. The psalmist is driven to earnest prayer for God to save him, perhaps because he realizes he could not save himself from the band of ruthless men that were seeking his life. God’s abundant love, grace, and mercy invite us to humbly come to him in prayer with all our needs. Prayers that God will pour out his grace and mercies to our nation that we see our sinfulness for what it is and return to the Lord our God. Psalm 87, in this psalm, the psalmist admires and praises the uniqueness of Jerusalem and watches the pilgrims visit the city. Many Christians today see and visit Jerusalem as the birthplace of the faithful, where the Lord records and register our name born in her (The Lamb’s (Christ) Book of Life?). Rejoice, for our hope is found in that our names are written in heaven. Dinner was pretty awesome, made stir fry beef tofu and a side of sautรฉed spinach and garlic, so for sure, there are exceptions to healthy food don’t taste good. Rob and Isaac are too funny, LOL, saw a their, "Andy's coming" videp clip.

November 2, 2019
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Revelation 14:13). Hard to believe we are commemorating the departed on All Souls’ Day in winter-like weather. Aah, Now The Laborer's Task Is O'er. If it weren’t for the remaining leaves in the trees, one would think in was mid December. The second curb side collection is this week, so we all went to work cleaning out the gutters and raking the leaves to the curb. It’s normally doubtful all the leaves will be off the trees within the next two weeks for the final collection, but with this early cold, who knows. It’s OK by me, I just mulch the remainder and place it along the rear fence. Psalm 85, this psalm has revival written all over it. Revival is God’s work in our mist. God answers the psalmist cries for restoration and revival with peace, salvation, righteousness, love and faithfulness. We are restored in Christ Jesus’ righteousness and rejoice in it. Not sure why all of a sudden I’m having streaming issues with my Chrome browser, after playing with it until I became impatient, I decided to download Foxfire and I back doing the happy dance. Talk about a happy dance, just viewed a video clip of Isaac dancing in his Woody costume, my day is complete.

November 1, 2019
With the sun out, it was deceiving. So glad to layered up and brave the cold. Albeit, not comfortable for taking walks, I love my non slip shoes, because it makes walking so much easier when there is ice and snow on the ground. Didn’t get the test results that I was hoping for and more tests are required. Leaves are falling off trees like crazy today, thinking the sudden cold winter-like weather had a lot to do with that. The plan is to tend to the gutters and hope there will be another opportunity when most of the leaves are off the trees later in the month. Psalm 83, initially I thought this psalm to be imprecatory when the psalmist ask for the enemy to be defeated. Then I was blown away when the psalmist didn’t seek for their annihilation, but for their conversion, “Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek your name, O LORD. He is asking for their defeat but not” (v. 16). Psalm 84,For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness” (v. 10). Reminds me of a six week business trip I took to China, many years ago, and being apart from the Divine Service. Albeit I visited to several churches, there was no Eucharist. They did have some sort memorial they called communion and the sermons were light and fluffy. Just glanced at what I penned yesterday; hmm, name calling on my part. Instead of calling people weirdos, am praying that they would realize that they would be better off trick or treating at a more reasonable time in the future. Anyway, am closing with a collect in celebration of the Feast of All Saints: Almighty and everlasting God, You knit together Your faithful people of all times and places into one holy communion, the mystical body of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Grant us so to follow Your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living that, together with them, we may come to the unspeakable joys You have prepared for those who love You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

October 31, 2019
With two days of more cold and more snow, I’m officially calling it winter. Thanks be to God for all his provisions. Sat our niece, Victoria. So nice to see that she is fully potty trained. Listened to a podcast interview that led me to watch the movie Gosnell: The Trial of the Biggest Serial Killer; Lord, have mercy. With the cold and snow weather, I was stunted that there some die hard trick or treaters out and about the neighborhood. With the coats and hoods on, clueless what costumes were being worn. Of course there were weirdos ringing the doorbell after eight o’clock, but I didn’t bother answering the door for them. Psalm 81, mused about my stubborn heart and on God’s invitation to open our mouths wide and receive the best of his blessings by listening to him and walk in his ways. Psalm 82, since this psalm was a short one, I gave go. Turn out to be a longer muse than I anticipated, because of the state of a seemingly less than a “divine council” found in our judges and national leaders who do not remotely reflect God’s character. Lord, have mercy on us, a poor miserable sinner. So glad Halloween is  over a now begin mediating on the eve all saints celebrating all the saints known and unknown.

October 30, 2019
Unbelievable, I heard the possibility of us getting some snow, but really didn’t think it would come to past. Fawn had blood work and a doctor’s follow-up appointment this morning, so I went out so shovel the snow, so I thought. It was so heavy and wet; I gave up only after a few minutes, so I just drove over it. Afterwards we stopped Alex’s for a brief visit and then to the Fox Valley to do a mall walk. It was empty enough that I was able to 40 minute walk and trot. This was much better to be able to catch a breath and go at. Had a second go at vermicelli dish and knew I could out do myself from the first go, love this dish.  Nice, saw Jennifer yesterday, Alex today, and talked to Andrea, Rob and Isaac on the phone (sort of) anyway, love the precious moments. Psalm 80, "Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!" (v. 3). A prayer for restoration and a priestly blessing to boot, that we may be saved and call upon your name. Never gave Halloween much thought until we had children and kept them away from the stupid scary and would dare to say evil costumes. As a parent, I don’t get haunted houses. For the most part, I think a lot of the costumes nowadays are cute and going out collecting candy makes it a fun holiday, but then again, there are still those parents that don their kids as witches, skeletons, villains or some sort of evildoer weirdo that linger around like a bad penny. Lord, keep the children safe and embrace them in your love as they go about trick or treating.

October 29, 2019
A sure sign old age continues to set in, I increased the magnification on my laptop, oh well. It’s that time of year again; open a new tube of L'Occitane en Provence Shea Butter Hand Cream. It works so well on my dry skin during the winter months, good stuff. Had to break up my resistance training to two sessions, not sure it’s a good thing to do often, but it sure felt right and worked out well for me today. I set out to do a thirty minute power walk, but after twenty minutes, I was huffing and puffing and did the remaining ten like Bill Slowsky. Clear in my mind there is a huge difference being on pavement than on the elliptical. Psalm 79, the all too familiar story of complaint, prayer, and promise to be good this time. But then I was struck by the humble words, "Do not remember against us our former iniquities; let your compassion come speedily to meet us, for we are brought very low. Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name; deliver us, and atone for our sins, for your name's sake!" (v. 8-9). Imagine that, making sure our life glorified and honored the name of Jesus who himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

October 28, 2019
Mmm, mmm good, made winter melon soup for lunch. What a wonderful and refreshing soup to warm up the soul. Psalm 78, reminds that we are to hand down from generation to generation the stories of salvation history filled with our sinfulness followed by discipline and ends with grace “so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments” (v. 7). With his discipline of his ten words, he subdues our rebellious hearts and showers grace upon us even the face of our disobedience. Nice the bible study is already posted, a slice of the reformation in regards to, Holy Absolution. For sure, the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Mumme is learned and a very good speaker.

October 27, 2019
My understanding of the Lutheran Reformation is that it is a call to remain and grounds to call for celebration. An outstanding, Sermon for Reformation Sunday - Reverend Dr. Jonathan Mumme. I heard that his bible study was outstanding also, so I am hoping it will be posted on the parish website. Psalm 77, in the midst of our disappointments, often times we begin to wonder like the psalmist if God is there for us and fail to understand why God did not help us in our time of need. The more we give mind to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the more we will be able to exult with the psalmist, "You are the God who works wonders;" (v. 14). Lazy cooking day, made baked beans and hot dogs, all I was missing was a slice of cornbread.

October 26, 2019
Got to pay attention to the calories to avoid slipping with the holidays season coming upon us. A long morning coffee consisted of oatmeal, and a cup of strawberries, blueberries and kiwis while listening to, Bishop Robert Barron: "Religion and the Opening Up of the Mind" | Talks at Google, wow. Psalm 75, the psalmist’s imagery of the cup of wine as God’s coming judgment really stood out, “For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup with foaming wine, well mixed, and he pours out from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs” (v. 8). Thanks be to God for Jesus, who drank from this cup and offer this cup with his very blood so that you might savor the cup of salvation. Psalm 76, the psalmist reminds us of the power and justice of God in destroying the enemies of his people. Our proper response to his protection, power, goodness and anger against sin is to fear him in reverence, awe and love. Here we go again, Reformation Sunday. Is it a time for us to celebrate, morn, or perhaps a little of each. Lord, have mercy. Regardless, the full blast Divine Service and the music will be amazing and one of favor hymn will be the, Hymn of the Day, A Mighty Fortress is Our God. I’m looking forward to assisting at the altar and listening to the sermon from our guest preacher, The Reverend Dr. Jonathan Mumme. Can’t really believe how funky it is with cold rain even hearing now that it’ll rain more and that could be cold enough later in the week for precipitation to change to snowfall. Warmed up with a large bowl of chicken tortilla soup.

October 25, 2019
Was sadden last night when I read blog comment from an anonymous commenter with a chip on their shoulder on Pastoral Meanderings about his parish appearing to be a Roman Catholic wanna be. Easy enough for me say though. I live in a area where there are so many different churches even with the catering to every theological whim. As for the LCMS, you can’t tell your in church body from one parish to another… shoot, you may not be able to tell you were in the same parish from one serve to another. The curbside leaf collection truck passed by today, so I did quick rake on the parkway and gotrdun. Psalm 74, encourages us to articulate the agony of our confusion and the joys of our faith and to continually look back to God’s work of creation and redemption and declare, “Yet God my King is from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth” (v. 12). We enjoyed a nice evening out with Jim and Mary at the fish fry. Good thing I went for a long walk prior. First time I ever heard this live and version of, Maggie May/ Gasoline Alley – Rod Steward, the old man is still rocking it. And of course, Forever Young!

October 24, 2019
In the Midnight Hour – Wilson Pickett. First thing that came to mind when I turned on the computer, so predictable in the wee hours of the morning. Went to bed early and this is what I get. So why not pray another psalm and meditate? Psalm 72, a prayer dedicated to praising God, asking him to grant us the privilege of his glory and serves as a reminder that the kingdom described here is the Kingdom for which the world still waits. Come, Lord Jesus.

After a few hours of being up I actual went back to bed an fell into another deep sleep for a few more hours and was totally refreshed for the day. I wish I can enjoy all the seasons like in my youth. I know it’s all in the mind, but there is something about the extreme cold and darkness of winter that I am so not into. I suppose I can say the same for the long and extreme hot days of the summer heat. So instead of bemoaning, at least for today, I began musing about the mysteries of the seasons found in God’s covenant with Noah, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). Since all of creation if created by God to and for his glory, the changing of the season must also be a reflection of his glory. I’m always astonished in how God seemingly cloaks himself in mystery as well as revealing himself in it. It is far too easy to forget God in the midst of prosperity and to grumble against him when we endure the slightest of hardships. I’ve been guilty of questioning why, God is the author of both abundance and need, learning that whether our refrigerator and cupboards are full or empty, we are trust and delight in God who gives all good things. This is where love of neighbor and good works comes to play. Came across a worthwhile 30 page read, Synopsis of “The Sacramentality of Marriage in the Fathers”, by John C. Cavadinity. Thanks be to God for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Nice, time enough to begin book three of five and pray another psalm, Psalm 73, as the psalmist reflects on his own experiences that led his envious fears to his richer and purer faith. It is not hard to be eaten up like the psalmist in our American culture, but then again it is such a commonplace the it is one of God’s Ten Words, “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's” (Exodus 20:17). I love that this psalm virtually helps every believer who has ever enviously pondered the well being of our untroubled and godless neighbors in contrast to our own personal faithfulness.

October 23, 2019
Psalm 71, the psalmist’s hope which reveals his habitual trust in God is very encouraging. He remains joyful in the midst of his trails. At times the grumpy old man within me comes out from its hiding. Prayers to be like this aging psalmist. Did a lot of catching up on sleep. "Do not cast me off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength is spent” (v. 9). Was so stiff that I only did a small fraction of my resistance training workout. Hopefully, I’ll be back into it on Friday. Sitting in the same position driving for so many hours is truly taxing on the old body. Went for my four month follow up on my oncology baseline, prayers for good test results. According to the ten day forecast, looks like the coldness has arrived, fifties this week and the forties next. Any chance of a Indian Summer before the harshness of the winter months and the deep freeze is highly unlikely at this point with the overnight lows being regularly at or near freezing.

October 19-22, 2019
Just got back from tour first road trip of any kind in a long while and of all places the destination was Amelia, Ohio! Crazy, to come across deer, saw one lying dead by the road side and another instant with one dashing across the road. We were taken by surprise that this small burb just outside of Cincinnati was so beautiful and well planned. So why Amelia? Our Jennifer is in Amelia doing a rotation. No trip is complete with shopping and the area is seemingly more prosperous, at least from the stand point that the malls are busy and the stores are well stocked. On the way back, fun stop at the Albanese Candy Factory. If only sugarless candy were calorieless. Saw two videos of Isaac, One of him in a Spider Man costume doing a Spider Man dance, what a hoot. The other was really impressive, as him reading skills continue to improve. Psalm 70, is a very short psalm seeking with a great sense of urgency a response from God for our needs. It is good to know that whenever we are pressed to time, God is not and is our deliverer. Thanks be to God for his holy angels and his traveling mercies and a big thank you to Denise for her hospitality.

October 17, 2019
Only did a partial on my resistance workout. Just was in the groove. Looking at bright and beautiful autumn foliage against the bright clear sky. Not much is falling off and think the first sweep with be very limited. Betting there will still be leaves still in the trees after the first snow fall. Lunch and a home matinee, watched Spider-Man: Far From Home and enjoyed teriyaki chicken over rice and a stir fried lettuce with oyster sauce side dish. Cooking with love and the best Spider man movie of the many, so far. Psalm 69, the psalmist calls to God is for salvation, rescue, and redemption from confessed sins. We learn from this psalm that the consequences of sin can not only bring about one’s personable shame, but also bring about disgrace and shame upon other believers and to God himself. Imagine the field day the enemies of God would have ridiculing the hypocrisy of the believers. Time to relax a little bit before I’m off to bed, a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Bless us and keep us, O Lord.

October 16, 2019
Midway into this early autumn month and am already hoping that this weekend forecast of temps back into 60s will be correct. The foliage on trees are noticeably changing colors and are beginning to fall off the trees just in time for the first of three leaf curbside collections to begin this weekend. I think the best advice I ever got regarding exercising is doing squats was from my brother-in-law, Henry, who seemingly has been into crossfit training forever. Still musing on Sunday’s sermon about the healing of the ten lepers. More important than a lesson on gratitude is the failure of nine to return worship and glorify the living God. Psalm 68, God is actively involved in the victories in our lives, beit large or small, and is worthy of praise. We were talking about the former defense secretary Jim Mattis and the beginning withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria this morning. It's crazy in the middle east, one war after another and all the battle victories are just temporary lived against the evildoers. The only lasting victory that was ever won was by Christ at the foot of his cross. This is a very encouraging psalm of God’s promised victory over all evil and set things right. “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Our God is a God of salvation, and to GOD, the Lord, belong deliverances from death.” (v. 19 – 20). In this, we shall rejoice, sing praises and extol him.

October 15, 2019
I never met and know little of the late Rev Dr Norman Nagel Norma, I was compelled to watch the funeral service mostly out of curiosity. Still don’t have enough of the needed ingredients to make a reasonable vermicelli salad, so I had my first go at an Asian vermicelli stir fry. Albeit room for improvement, I’d call it a success and look forward to having another go at making a smashing dish of it. Psalm 66, this psalm encourages all the earth shout for joy for God does not reject our prayers nor remove his steadfast love from us. How awesome are you deeds O Lord. May God holy name be glorified in our lives as we believe in him enough to come before him in prayer. Let us rejoice in his salvation. Psalm 67, God’s blessing is entrenched in his grace and is the blessing he gives us is for his glory, that he may be known. May his face shine on us.

October 14, 2019
What the heck is going on in our back yard? One of the decking was flipped off the joist. We went out with a hammer and some nails that did the needed repairs. My brother Bill and build the deck almost thirty five years ago. Think it’s time to either replace the decking and rails or take it apart all together next summer. Should be playing Adele more often, I was so energized doing my go the elliptical with her music in the background. Nice, Sunday's 
sermon on the Gospel reading is posted online. Psalm 65, this psalm is prayer of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest under the blessing of God. Was looking out the window late last night at the full hunter's moon which is the first full moon following the harvest moon, how timely is praying this psalm? Interesting, this kind of make me think that our national day of Thanksgiving should be based on a lunar calendar rather than a fixed day. But nowadays that's not practical, because most of our society has moved from the land. More times than not, I fail to seek the blessings of God’s bounty before meals and give thanks for satisfying us with his earthly gifts after meals. Much like St Paul, “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Romans 7:15). This joyful image of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest can be in our lives in the context of God’s love, who showers us with the gift of, grace upon grace, sustains us, is to be shared with our neighbors. Made beef with bitter melon beef. I was amazed that them bad boy were amazingly fresh. The dish requires an acquired taste, which I have, especially when stir fried in a garlic and black bean sauce. Why eat bitter food? Because bitter foods are essential to good health.

October 13, 2019
This morning’s sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost given by Pr Bruzek was outstanding. Not settling for normal but expecting much more than normal. “Normal life is just extending our dying.” I can hardly wait for it to be posted online to hear it again. Congratulations to my niece Janet and brother-in-law Carl for completing the Chicago Marathon. Not sure why I decided to cut the grass this afternoon, but it has to be the first time I didn’t work up a sweat. I took it down low again and think I have enough gas left for one more go, before putting the mower away and calling it quits for the year. Psalm 63, “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you” (v. 3). “Steadfast love” and “better than life” describes the satisfying love of God that we thirst for. The psalmist focus and dependence is always on the Lord, he is able to face the problems of the day. Am encouraged to pray without ceasing by abiding in Christ. Psalm 64, I started to say that this psalm reminds me of countless old story themes of good versus evil, where the evildoers plot in secret their schemes for injustice, but nowadays we can see the political parties not only do just that, they do it openly with a mob like mentality as an opposition party. People in general carry an innate sense of right and wrong, but true righteousness only comes from God. It will be hard for the unbeliever to comprehend that we have no righteousness in and of ourselves and that by confessing our sins and repenting of them, our sins will be covered with his righteousness. We got FaceTime with Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Not sure why Isaac got upset when I joined the call, think it was taking time away from grandma. Love the little man anyway. Saw the family’s FB post out at a pumpkin patch(?) farm of some type. Oh, always forgot, I also saw clip of Fr Joshua doing car blessings on FB and thought, why not? It is truly good, right and salutary to consecrate all aspects of our lives to God. Still remember being sprinkled with Holy Water by him.

October 12, 2019
Baroque classical music playing in the background with my morning coffee, God is good. Interesting how we look at things in different seasons of our life. Don’t know what to believe about Saint Anne, mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. All I read about her is from reading the, Protoevangelium of James and am not scholarly enough to differentiate what could be factual or embellishments. Psalm 62, O rest in God alone, my soul. In a dog eat dog delusional world in quest to be on top, God is our mighty fortress where we can find true rest in him alone. In our supplicating communion with Christ, we pray, "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us" (v. 8). All power belongs to God. Charlie Chaplin has great insight in his quotable quote, “You need Power, only when you want to do something harmful otherwise Love is enough to get everything done.” Man O man, the cold weather, had me humming the tune from the old movie, Neptune’s Daughter, Baby It’s Cold Outside. Anyway, I layered up with a tee shirt, thermal shirt and a sweat shirt as well as autumn jacket. Even set aside my baseball cap and donned a yarn hat. It was so nice of Jean and Bob to treat us to dinner.  It’s been a long while since I’ve eaten at Chilis. The last time we ate in one when my brother Dan passes away. What happen to their something for everybody massive menu? Anyway, their bbq ribs are outstanding. Not sure how we ended up talking about the Eucharist, but I agree with Pope Benedict XVI ‘Without the Eucharist, the Church Simply Does Not Exist’ and with Pope Francis ‘Without the Eucharist, everything the Church does is vain’. So it was great evening, with great food, great conversation with a great couple.

October 11, 2019
It’s bad enough that the sun don’t rise until around seven o’clock, the dark grey skies and the pouring rain, just added to the darkness and the temperatures started in the mid 60s and just kept plummeting throughout the day into the low 40s and we are expecting overnight lows near the freezing mark. It begs the question, “If global warming exists, why is it so cold outside?” Wished we could of avoided going out this morning in the pouring rain. It must of rain a lot harder than I thought overnight, there were leaves and branches all over the road. Regardless, happy Friday! For $6.49/lb., we couldn’t pass up the porterhouse steak on sale at Jewel-Osco. It made for an outstanding lunch with baby carrots and the best part is, I got to gnaw on the bone. The leftover steak made for an awesome taco dinner. A $7.46 steak was good for lunch and dinner for two, life is good. Believe it or not, there are still enough pieces of steak to make one more taco for another day. Psalm 60, can hardly image being in a battle field where thousands are being killed. There is a lot going on in this psalm that reflects God's hand in our lives and that we are to give thanks for it, even when times are tough. Psalm 61, ordinary people just want is a simply place where they can make their homes, work, raise their children, find contentment, and enjoy their lives. I pray that our leaders seek God's wisdom that we may live peaceful lives, but here in Illinois it's an uphill battle, and we don't have to look far to see the chaos and suffering in the world. Without God, there is no hope, he is our refuge. The psalmist concludes, "So will I ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day" (v. 8).  To grow in faith, knowledge, and understanding and to reached out in love of neighbor.

October 10, 2019
Happy double ten! Remembered growing up this was a big time celebration in Chicago Chinatown. Don’t know much about it anymore. I try to stay away from Chicago as much a possible, avoiding it like the plague. Just googled, Shootings in Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune, as of October 6th, 2141 people have been shot. The good news is it’s 204 people fewer than the previous year. Albeit, Naperville isn’t free of violent crimes, including gun violence, it’s not at a concerning point as much as fighting to make sure the city council don’t allow recreational cannabis to be sold in town, #OptOutNaperville. Sigh … who would of thought. Fawn left early this morning to spend time with her sister Jean, I’m sure shopping was a part of the plan. I guess I could of made myself a sandwich for lunch, but I opted for my goto frozen meager meal, Stouffer’s Chicken ร  la King. Psalm 59, a prayer for deliverance from the wicked men who howl like dogs, that they are not merely killed, but are to be brought down so that they may live and serve as an example and a warning that God rule over the earth. I stayed indoors all day except to take out the garbage and bring in the mail, so I doubled up on the elliptical. Watch the movie, War Pigs. Reminded me of days past, when I use to watch WWII movies with my dad. Am thankful for the men and women in the armed services and their families.

October 9, 2019
It was so mindful of Fawn to bring home several slices of Boar’s Head Madrasala Curry Chicken Breast. Betting in would for a tasty sandwich with naan bread, but I only had to tortilla so it made for tasty taco?
Psalm 57, when burdened down with worldly tribulations we offer prayers of trust, appealing to God for his mercy and steadfast love to come to save us from our distressing situations. For God's faithfulness we sing praises to him among the nations. Psalm 58, wow, some prayer that contrasts man’s lying heart parading as righteous judgments and the judgments of God’s truth. Some will see this as a prayer of vengeance, but if we pause and see that we too by nature are sinful and are enemies of God, this psalm takes on a new perspective that there is a God who judges in the earth and rewards the righteous. We watched the movie, Awake, and liked the who done it? thriller.

October 8, 2019
So relaxing, enjoyed listening to, Max Richter - On The Nature Of Daylight (Entropy), with sip my morning coffee. Love the music my friend David posts on FB. We went to visit my sister this morning and enjoyed a serious eat for lunch. Can’t remember when the last time we ate Chinese bacon. I’m not sure what the vegetables were, but the dish was so good that I’m still savoring the complex flavor of cinnamon, star anise, and cloves infused in the juicy fatty meat, wish I could cook like her husband Ken. The cool morning turned into an awesome afternoon, so we made a few stops on the way home. Psalm 56, Satan preys on our suffering, uncertainties and fears, trying to persuade us that God is unsympathetic and distant. I'm most fearful about our children’s safety, health, relationships and their faith. To overcome our fears, the psalmist reminds us to trust God and praise his word. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Love the gifted singer, Dรฉbora Roxo Silva - Someone like you/Adele  (Cover).

October 7, 2019
Now that was a nice cozy night with the furnace set to 71 ยบF. To routinely change ones fitness workout routine is supposed to be a good thing so that’s what I did again to today. Love praying the psalms. It is so remarkable how helpful they are in our journey back to Eden as they speak to us out of the depths. Psalm 55, I was asked the other day about what is a friend. I think one can have many friends by definition and the idea of ideal friends varies a great deal between people. Albeit we make friends is many different ways, I think to be a good friend is a person who helps you to be more comforted to the image of Christ and that Jesus is the model of friendship. When we are betrayed by a friend evil takes on a whole new meaning. Indeed the psalmist shed light on just how very painful treachery is. We can learn and likewise bring and bring forth our grievances to God who will hear our voice.

October 6, 2019
Mixed emotions happy for, but also sad that it was Pr Buchs last Sunday at St. John. Best wishes for him and his family. Most beautiful day. Decided to take out the ladder and clean out dryer vent and cut down a few boxes to fit in the recycle bin while Fawn sweep out the leaves that blown in the garage. Back on track with three psalms. OK, they were three very short ones. Psalm 52, our broken world confuses man as beginning basically good and blame weapons rather than the radical evil as revealed by man’s willingness to murder or even mass murder. I think that the key point of the psalm is that a person culpable of deceit, gossip, or verbal abuse will face the judgment of God and that we should avoid thoughts of seeking revenge. Who knows, the evildoers may repent and serve God, if not, they will answer to the righteous judgment of God. Our responsibility is to grow from the experience, and insure that we do not fall into such sinful practices as well. Psalm 53, total depravity, we are sinful by nature and choice and fall short of the glory of God. Our justification comes by his grace, freely as a gift. Psalm 54, taken by surprise by those who should be for you are against you. God is steadfast love is always for us. Who then can be against us? Our God delivers us and gives us all gracious things. Last night was cold enough for us to turn on the furnace, so am expecting a good night’s rest. Thanks be to God for his provisions.

October 5, 2019
The days are getting noticeably shorter. Out the door at the crack of dawn and went to Grayslake to see what was going on with the dryer. Good thing Rob is a young man and climbed up to remove the vent cover. We blew out the lint with a leaf blower  from the inside out and gave the dryer another go. Everything was honky dory, so we got in plenty of playtime with our grandchild. Stopped by the Millers for their annual Oktoberfest with all the neighbors. Too bad no backyard fire this year because of the rain, nice to be able to sit down and enjoy good food and conversation anyway. Funny how the dynamics have changed over the years, now that all of the kids on the block are all grown up and have moved away.

October 4, 2019
Started to think it was going to be another lousy cold day, but it’s all in the mind. I layered up, tee shirt, thermal shirt and a sweat shirt and I was outfitted for an awesome autumn day. Going up to see my Andrea, Rob and Isaac and hopeful get their dryer to work. Thinking all that is needed to cleaning out the lint from the machine and vents. Went to the oriental mart and got the needed rice noodles. Fawn got a recipe for a rice vermicelli salad. So got some of that also. One of the ingredient was fish sauce. First bottle of that ever, that'll be interesting. It also called for rice vinegar, but I'm planning to substitute that with a red wine vinegar which I have. I'm an old school kind of guy, Alex keep telling me to use amino acids instead of soy sauce. Made the chow fun and steamed tilapia to bring up tomorrow. Happy haircut. Don't know why I don't ask Fawn to cut my hair more often, I always feel much better after I get one.  Psalm 51, crying to the Lord for forgiveness, a penitential psalm of true repentance, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (v. 10). The confession of guilt and awareness of one’s own wretchedness do not end in fear of judgment but rather in the hope of purification and deliverance of the new creation. Love this psalm.

October 3, 2019
Crazy, it was only less than a week ago, I was complaining how hot and humid it was. Went out the door to run errands this morning and the low 60s was near the high of the day with mid autumn temperatures. It just seems so cold, but am reminded it’s the norm for this time of year. Joy this evening while visiting our long time friends Angelica and Saul as dinner guest in their new home. From time to time, we’ve thought about downsizing too, but would surprised if we would ever commit to even exploring to the notion. I’ve journeyed through a third of the psalms with the ancient psalmist in prayer. One striking thing I’ve learned is all this evangelical talk about a personal walk with God is a dangerous individualistic piety. Whenever we pray or sing the psalms, we do so with all the church along side of all the faithful throughout the ages. Psalm 50, God himself declares he is judge and summons all the earth with promise to the faithful and warning to the unfaithful. We would be foolish to try to bargain with God when everything in the world is his. May we offer a grateful heart to our Lord with thanksgiving. Aah, Spooky, Stormy and Traces, haven’t listen to these Classic IV songs in a long while, can’t get over so many great tunes from days past.

October 2, 2019
Went out to get Fawn her flu vaccination. I took out a package of ramen noodles and asked Fawn if she wanted some. She responded with a quick and decisive resounding NO! I jazzed it up by just tossing in the noodles into some boiling water without the flavor packet, mixed in the leftover bok choy and the leftover marinara spaghetti sauce. I thought it was pretty good. Hmm, the Samsung Galaxy Tablet A battery could hold a charge anymore, so I’m giving the other hand me down old Samsung Galaxy Tablet E a go now. I was surprised that Fawn had a brand new Herschel Anchor Sleeve available. I couldn’t believe she got the $30 sleeve for $5 at Ross, what a bargain! Psalm 48, the psalmist celebrates Zion as God’s city and dwelling place. In times of antiquity cities were a highly desirable place to live, because it provided protection from predators, beit human or animals as well as provide community support and commerce. The psalmist invites us to walk around and look at the beauty protective refuge the city walls offers. There is great joy in acknowledging the greatness of God who remains faithful and merciful to his people and is worthy of praise.  "We have thought on your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple" (v. 9). Albeit, I find worldly cities repugnant, how can one not desire to become a citizen of the great city of the great King, heaven! Psalm 49, the psalmist offer godly words of wisdom not to seek wealth at the expense of your own soul. The ungodly rich will die and leave all of their wealth behind, while the believer will live in the wealth that Christ has given them by purchasing your soul. I rejoice in the life of Jesus and the salvation he gives to mankind, I know my redeemer lives. Old school … Sunshine Of Your Love - Cream

October 1, 2019
Wow, where September go? And why do I feel so tire and sleeping so much lately? With all this rain and high humidity, it’s amazing how green the grass is. Psalm 46, can only think of the hymn, A Might Fortress Is Our God. When I think about this nation and the direct it is heading with great despair, because we are affected by the problems of the world. We went from, “Just say no to drugs” to having to deal with the state of Illinois promoting the sales of drugs, #optoutnaperville. It’s enough to struggle with our own sinful nature. It’s only the peace of the Lord who tells us to, “Be still and know that I am God …” (v. 10) that we find refuge in the promise and peace of the Lord in this problematic world. Psalm 47, about a month or so ago, I was taken by surprise by Fr Christian, when all of sudden during Mass, he starting clapping his hand and started joyfully singing, but quickly realized just how biblical and timeless his shouts of joyful praise was. I was struck by, “God has gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet” (v. 5). Prophecy pointing to Christ? I think the outrageous liberal news media paints a out of control POTUS and a rosy world otherwise. The reality is both have their good pionts and their bad and despite the dark predictions in stored for us, we know that God is in control and that everyone has been afforded the opportunity to be joined with the Living God now and forever. Dedicated , Twilight Time and The Great Pretender, by the The Platters, to my FB friend Mary Ellen.

September 30, 2019
Crazy weather, to say the least. Went out to Sam’s Club to fill my monthly prescription and to Home Depot to pick up a new shower diverter in the cool and by the time we stopped by Alex’s for lunch, it was already hot and humid. I’m not much on pets, but think his new puppy, Nala, will be good for him. Anyway, feeling a lot better, but seem to be low energy. It was easy enough to replace the old shower diverter, but to remove and replace the old chalk around the glass shower bathtub door proved to be a challenging task, gotrdun. Am I becoming a football addict? Laid on the couch and watched Monday Night Football. Cheer on the Pittsburg Steelers only because I like to see him do well on his opportunity to play.

September 29, 2019
It's 7:30 and only going to do a short pen and go up to bed. Slept and then slept some more. Woke around the noontime hour and just laid on the couch and watch two football games, sort of. I faded in and out. Don't think I'm sick but am low on energy.

September 28, 2019
Aah, baroque classical music and baked char sui boa with my morning coffee! Even got to see and hear a musical clip of Don play with harmonica accompanied with a guitar play by his nephew Jim, life is good and filled with many pleasant and totally unexpected surprises. So happy to that Andrea, Rob and Isaac was mindful to come and have lunch and spend the afternoon with us. Upon her request, was going to make beef chow fun noodles ( gon chow ngau ho), but the oriental store didn’t have the needed rice noodles. So the next best thing was to order a Chinese carry out at the same strip mall. I think beef chow fun and Cantonese beef chow mein have to be the most favorite all time Chinese comfort food. Was only able to play outside with Isaac for a short time, because it was just too cold. Psalm 45, a wedding song where Jesus is the bridegroom of the church, his bride. Another words, the king is Christ and the Queen his bride is all of us pointing forward the ultimate Messianic love story of God and his people. Sigh ... just noticed that the journal entry for the 26th somehow got deleted and had to pen back my best recollection of the day.

September 27, 2019
Whoa, the loud thunder claps throughout the entire day, had us jumping with the jitters. Had me singing, "Every time it rains, it rains, pennies from heaven ..." LOL, what that even mean anyway? Read an article and was struck by, “The air on Facebook has felt a bit toxic to me lately. So, I announced I’d be taking a little hiatus.” I love my FB friends and think this issue with the writer of the article just has toxic FB friends. But I know what he means, I have several FB friend the talk politics every now and then, not sure why, but they do and I just sigh. I do my best to avoid the mainstream media because it is toxic and poising us with hate. Dinner and movie, steamed tilapia and sautรฉed carrots with onions as a side and watched Plus One, both the movies was good and the meal delicious, mmm. Psalm 44, this made me think about the persecuted church and the martyred. Surly, all of complaints rest in a mindful cry of integrity. At times, we get confused and feel abandoned. We may feel that we are faithful, scripture tells us that no one is faithful, not one. We can learn from the psalmist, even in his confusion and pain has not given up and calls out to God for help and redemption. Soul at its finest and perhaps the best duo ever, Sam & Dave: I Thank You and You Don’t Know Like I Know.

September 26, 2019
With the small window I have, I decided to mow the grass down low and think two more gos should do it before for calling it a season. Nice, Fawn made bowtie pasta with her usual awesome marinara sauce,  life is good Psalm 42 & 43like a deer that needs the streams of waters for survival and pants for those refreshing waters, our souls thirst for God.

September 25, 2019
Great, no soreness this morning. We were up early and out the door early to go with Nancy to the Wheaton Eye Clinic in Naperville. Thanks be to God, no cataract surgery is required at this time. We dropped off her car for an oil change and was stunned that her car requires synthetic oil, talk about expensive. Love spending the day with sister. Thought I was one bad hombre when the spring broke on my adjustable Gold’s Gym hand gripper. Seems like that’s not uncommon according to the reviews. Fawn got me a new Bally adjustable grip exerciser. Hopefully this will prove to be a better product. If nothing else, the new hand gripper is a better fit for me, I have small hands. Am so close, that I decided to muse on the last three psalms of Book One of Five: Psalm 39, there is much wisdom to have self control and muzzle the tongue. The psalmist may be refraining because the word he wants to say would be sinful or may be scrutinized and used against him. It is good to realize and appreciate that life is but a breath. When we understand that how fleeting our lives are, we begin to recognize that we are mere pilgrims in this world journeying back to Eden. Our way of living must always reflect that we are children of God and citizens of another kingdom. Psalm 40, my sister, much like psalmist brings glory to God by speaking of our Lord’s faithfulness and steadfast love, evident in her life. Love hearing her sing, Doxology. Hopefully, I can in some small way, glorify our Father in heaven with my penning to a reader that may stumble upon this journal. Psalm 41, rejoice and be glad praising God in all circumstances despite the tribulations of in our lives and live a life filled with integrity even during our darkest times. It is simple to be of service to one’s neighbor when God seems to be acting favorably toward us. The greater challenge in life is to oppose Satan and uphold our faith in the midst of immense despondency.

September 24, 2019
Woke up a little sore and stiff on the arm I got vaccinated, but after a few minutes of stretching exercises to loosen up the arm, I was good to go. Another beautiful day and was out all day and was a walking fool, began at the outlet mall in Aurora. Then we did a few strip malls along Randall Road. Worked up an appetite so we split the three entrรฉe meal at the Panda Express; sweet fire chicken, chicken teriyaki and walnut shrimp. For the sides, we got the super greens. Should of told Fawn nixs to kale. What happen to the vegetables they use to have anyway? From there we went to the Geneva Commons. The last stop was Tuesday Morning at Danada Square East. I just had to go to Pete’s to look at their huge prepared food department. Everything looks so good, but I gave it several tries before and was disappointed both times. I want to wait for something extraordinary before giving it another go, because I only allow three strikes and they already have two marks against them. I really love the day we spent together, reminiscent of the days when it was just the two of us. Unchained Melody – Righteous Brothers. Thanks, be to God. Psalm 38, like praying a general confession on bent knees, this psalm portrays the thoughts, words and deeds of a truly repentant heart. Outside the quite, I rarely mull over the poor choices I made or unproductive conversations I had with others and like the psalmist it eats away at you. Confess, repent and have faith in his mercies.

September 23, 2019
It’s the first day of autumn and what a most beautiful day it turned out to be. We were out the door early this morning because Jennifer was coming over for her last weekly visit. She’ll be off to Ohio this weekend on a new four week rotation schedule. Not sure why, but the ladies left me behind and went out. It was a big mistake to have pig out on two hot dogs. Don’t know why I always feel the need to have two of them bad boys, was so stuffed. Got my annual influenza vaccination this morning and was wondering if I should be exercising or do I need to let the body rest. Turns out that it’s not only typically safe to exercise after getting a flu shot, a single workout will result in twice the response from antibodies! Psalm 37, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (v. 4). The delight in hallowing his Holy Name is all-encompassing and supersedes every other desire beyond the limits of this life into eternity. I guess the opposite would be to oppose a worldly heart that desires God’s stuff rather than God himself. More times than not, we are concerned about the way the corrupt and the wicked seem to prosper when we should be focusing on departing from our own evil ways and on doing good and on trusting in the Lord.  
Blue Collar Man – Tommy Shaw and how can we not have a song about fall? Autumn Leaves - Eric Clapton.

September 22, 2019
Am somewhat surprised we woke for the early Divine Service. Love the quality of the new sound system.  Amazing how beautiful the hand bell choir sounds ever since I got my hearing aids. Psalm 36, our Lord is the source of life and light has opened our eyes to the deceitfulness of sin and does not ignore or remain indifferent to our trials, but intercedes for his own, for his mercies are precious and yet vast. The affectionate intimacy of God is so astonishing in the mist of the immensity of all his creation. Listening to a few lost songs from the 60s, Sukiyaki – Kyu Sakamoto and Different Drum - Stone Poneys.

September 21, 2019
It’s late and we just back from a Chin family backyard barbecue gathering. Albeit, it rained, it didn’t dampen the party, we just took it indoors. There was plenty of good food and conversation. I feel right at home with Fawn’s siblings and their family and think of them just like I do with my own siblings and their family, am so blessed that we both have close families. Even got to Isaac, oh and Rob, Andrea and Jennifer. Psalm 35, have to confess that I don’t understand the imprecatory theology of appealing to God in prayer, but do recognize as the psalmist does, the reality of human sin and divine judgment. With the help of the Holy Spirit we move away from our struggles towards backbiting like the ungodly non believers.

September 20, 2019
Saw on FB that that Rob, Andrea and Isaac had a tire blowout on the road yesterday and am thankful they are all safe. Nice, got a FaceTime call from Isaac and has notably become so talkative rattling on about this and that with little coaxing. Listened to Rev. Dr. John Kleinig  at St. John Sermon and Bible Study. We tend pray as last resort, but pray is not the last resort, it is the first resort. Arguably, he is the most learned teacher of Christ alive on the planet. Psalm 34, “My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!” (v. 2-3). Boasting in oneself is an inescapable sin for even the most introverted among us. Yet the psalmist brag about the Lord and not in himself and invites us to magnify God with him. So let us all exalt God’s holy name together! The psalmist goes on and gives a magnificent testimony to the goodness of and tells us how to enjoy God and his blessings by repenting and walking in his way. Let’s Stay Together – Al Greene and one of favorite UnderPressure – Queen & Dave Bowie.

September 19, 2019
Still could use a little more sleep, but am far more rested than the day before. I can’t think of a better way to ponder on the miracle of life than praying the psalms. Psalm 33, at times when I look at the world, it looks so bleak and fill with uncertainty, the Lord looks down from heaven and sees all the sons of man. God wants us to open our eyes looking all the way back to creation and look all the way to forward to how it will end and ponder on each guided step of our journey back to Eden under the steadfast love of the Lord. And for this reason we give thanks and praise as our soul waits for the LORD. Someday We'll Be Together - The Supremes and Laughter in the Rain - Neil Sedaka.

September 18, 2019
Was so busy last night and again early this morning. Never fun when something goes wrong with the car. Late last night, we went to jump started Jennifer’s car and though it was good to go, but this morning the battery was dead and required another jump. We drove to the dealer and the test revealed the battery had a dead cell. It was time for a new battery and while we were at it, it was a good time to replace the battery on the fob. Albeit, all our children are adults, a parent’s job never ends. We continue to take pride in their accomplishments and pray for them.

September 16, 2019
Mowing the grass in the summer and shoveling the snow in the winter are among my least favorite routine chores. But the daily chore of emptying the 70 pint dehumidifier once or twice is annoying, but will say it is fascinating that so much water is sucked out of the air. Ugh, the alternative I suppose is winter.  Albeit, I made tuna sandwiches countless time, have no recollection of either making or every eating a tuna melt. Had the sandwich with the melon soup, mmm, so good. Talk about good, not sure why I’m the only one in this family that eats red bean and rice. Jennifer came home for her weekly visit to say hello, do her laundry, volunteer and have lunch. Can’t say enough about the joy of whenever any of our children about. Psalm 32, talk about sins forgotten, albeit sin abounds in our broken world, the grace of God abounds the more! After praying this psalm, one can’t help but to rejoice in the backward reality of the comfort of confessing one’s sin to God. Indeed, “Confession is good for the soul.” We learn that the psalmist first tried to hide his sin and kept silent about them. The weight of his sins was a big burden and took its toll. It was only after declaring his sins and stop hiding his guilt, was the psalmist able to find relief and proclaim, “Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” (v. 11). May be confess and repent of our trespasses and not harbor bitterness in our hearts or repay evil for evil to those who trespass against us. Although, forgiveness is to be withheld from those who do not confess and repent, at the same time, we are to be extending the offer of forgiveness and maintaining the attitude of readiness to forgive others. Of course there will be those who will disagree in my understanding of forgiveness and will just say, “I forgive you” to unremorseful and unrepentant transgressors. Believe it or not, near hear of the new wave group, The Cars. A FB friend posted, Bye Bye Love. Guessing the post had something to do with the recent death of the lead singer, Ric Ocasek. Like most people one can identify a time in life with the song we listen to. So strange that I never heard of, The Cars, or any of their songs. or is it? Anyway, Magic Caper Ride – Steppenwolf and Dream Lover – Sandra Dee & Bobby Darin.

September 15, 2019
Rain, rain and more rain, a sure sign autumn is upon us. Life is good, made a pot Chinese melon soup. We have so much chicken in the freezer so I made it with that instead of pork. It was so delicious and refreshing. Psalm 31, inspires us to keep on trusting God in distressing times and the importance of taking everything to him in prayer. I love praying the psalms because they provide us with words of grateful praise for all the times we have been touched by his saving and redeeming love. I was struck by, “Into your hand I commit my spirit;” (v. 5) the very word declaimed by Christ on the cross in his passion. May the grace of our Lord suffice in keeping us humbly dependent on him for daily grace and strength in our unworthiness. But It’s Alright – J. J. Jackson.

September 14, 2019
I glanced out to the east late last night after a FB friend posted a picture of the micro harvest moon and imagined all the people who gazed up at the bright harvest moon reflecting the light of the sun and ponder on being able to muster up more than a flicker of out Lord’s light. Not sure why I like penning about delicious food I eat. Guessing its similar to folks that take pictures of food they eat and post it. It was Alex’s ideal to make linguine pasta with chicken and mushrooms. First time and it came out really good. Way overdue, I couldn’t postpone mowing the grass any longer. Between all the rain and the heat, I just kept putting it off, so mowing in the heat it was, gotrdun. Had yesterday’s song choice in my head all day, so I posted them in FB. Psalm 30, am so glad I’ve taken up sing and praying the psalms in this manner again. Good to know that we can rely on and turn to God for comfort and his help.  However, it is just as important to gratefully prayers of thanksgiving when we are on the mountaintops as well as in the valleys of life. It’s so easy for us take credit and say, “Look what I’ve done!” while the soul in prayer declare, “that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever!” (v. 12). Classic IV: Stormy and Traces. Brings back so many memories.

September 13, 2019
Psalm 29, Indeed, “the God of glory thunders,” most of time I can sleep through anything, but was awaken by the sound of thunder and the torrential downpour beating on the roof in the middle of the night.  It is so typical of David, to channel all his thoughts and experiences upon the Lord God. Everything in nature reflects the attributes of God. We are called to worship God and to believe and trust in Him in the beauty of his holiness. Interestingly, the psalmist penned, "The voice of the LORD ... " so many times. God spoke and it came to be. Even our modern voice activated technology pales to the power of the voice of God. In times of storm in nature and in life, “May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace!” (v. 11). Two days in a row, another awesome day of eating healthy. Well almost, had a thin plain bagel for breakfast, a summer fruit medley green salad for lunch. Alex stopped over for dinner on his way home from work, so I made oven baked wild Alaskan salmon in foil and simply seasoned it with just smoked paprika and cumin. It was delicious, by far, it was so much better than my teriyaki salmon. Next time I make teriyaki salmon, I will try baking it wrapped in foil instead of grilling it on the stove top in a pan. Since its Friday the 13th, I’m compelled to say something lame about the number 13. Personally, I think Chinese people are more superstitious than most and are overly obsessed with the implication of numbers. I’m not sure why, but superstitiously here in the west, the number 13 is considered unlucky. Albeit, China has numerous numbers considered to bring about bad luck, the number 13 is considered to be very lucky because the “digit 1 when it is in the position of tens sounds like the word 'definite' (shi or ๅฎž) in Mandarin and dialects such as Cantonese; while the digit 3 sounds like life, living or birth (็”Ÿ) As a result, 13, which is pronounced as shisan in Mandarin, can mean 'definitely vibrant'.” So how can being born on the 13th be unlucky? Superstitiously, I've seen and heard of people wearing a crucifix or placing one in the car as protection. A cross necklace is not a good magical charm, but is a constant devotional reminder to live as Christ’s disciple. 
Happy Friday treats: Mustang Sally - Wilson Pickett and Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) - The Hollies.

September 12, 2019
Psalm 28, “To you, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if you be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit” (v. 1). Our Lord is not silent, but comforts and strengthens us in His holy sanctuary. Like the psalmist, we rejoice and confidently rest in the Lord’s salvation. God and God alone will deal with those who reject the gospel and have no remorse. After getting the needed work done on the car, we went to Sam’s Club to pick up our meds. Always hear politicians talk about doing something about the high cost of prescription drugs, well? Still waiting... "drain the swamp". Bought a box of frozen salmon and can hardly wait for it to thaw. Dinner and a movie, cleaned out the refrigerator, heated up the egg drop soup and threw in leftover rice, tilapia, and the garden salad mix. We watched, ‘Avenger: Endgame’, wow! Had fun on FB reminiscing with Meg about back in the day. What A Wonderful World - Sam Cooke.

September 11, 2019
Jennifer came home for an overnight stay, swapping cars so we can take it in for an oil change. Made my baby steamed tilapia for a healthy dinner. Actually, ate healthy all day today. Oatmeal for breakfast, soup and salad for lunch and snacked on strawberries and Clementine. Only thing that wasn’t on the up and up was a Coke Zero. Am so thankful our Lord has led us to his hilltop found in Saint John with his Most Learned Teachers of Christ. Psalm 27, How appropriate is this psalm on 9/11. With the Lord in your heart we have nothing to fear from this life. Let us seek to gaze at the beauty of the Lord. Ave Maria. Got to go to bed early, have to bring the car in the shop first thing in the morning.

September 10, 2019
Was on FB early in the day and my friend Meg inspired me to listen to, Shake, Rattle and Roll - Bill Haley and his Comets. I have great and interesting FB friends, Dave’s 9/11 posting made me think about the parallels between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Both of these attacks similarly killed thousands of Americans and led to more long wars with a high death toll. But there was light at the end of the tunnel, after 4 years the fighting ended and our former foes are now friends. According to U.S. Department of State website, “Germany is one of the United States’ closest and strongest allies in Europe.” and “he U.S.-Japan Alliance is the cornerstone of U.S. security interests in Asia and is fundamental to regional stability and prosperity.” I see no light at the 9/11 tunnel and ask, “Lord, how many lifetimes and how many more lives?” Satan stepped his game and has globally hidden pure evil in plain sight. Come, Lord Jesus. Continued musing on the perpetual virginity of Mary and have no difficulty believing that this is so. Albeit dogmas are important, it is not clear to me the importance of why holding to or not holding to the “Ever Virgin” teaching is. Psalm 26 “But as for me, I shall walk in my integrity; redeem me, and be gracious to me” (v. 11). This verse truly holds a rich tension between our goodness and the God’s mercy. It begs the question of which is it, did the psalmist walk upright or does he need redemption and mercy? Living a sanctified life that brings glory to God requires walking in his light with the help of the Holy Spirit.

September 9, 2019
Soul baby, Fawn broke out and old Temptation CD this morning. Nice. Was looking out the rear window this morning and began to wonder if they ever stop growing. It’s insane the number of trees our neighbors have on their lot to the east and the lot just north east of me. Turns out they do stop growing once they reach a certain height, but will continue to bulk. I personally think they are dangerous and will eventually fall. We did lunch with Jennifer at the Yorktown Center food court, but not before doing the mall walk before meeting up with her. As usual, we spit the chicken teriyaki from Sarku Japan Not sure what Jennifer order from Nori Sushi, but it was raw. I don’t know about her. Psalm 25, "For your name's sake, O LORD, pardon my guilt, for it is great" (v. 11)., because they are now under the blood of Christ. Whenever past sins come back to mind, I try not to dwell on them too much, but will say that they do remind me of just how corrupt my heart was then and just how susceptible I still am to these very same sins. Thanks be to God for his grace and mercies and may we, with the help of God, extend his grace to our neighbors. Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel.

September 8, 2019
Were did the day go? Just got through watching four hours and fifty minutes outstanding US Open Single Championship Match between Medvedev and Nadel, Nadel won. One of the great things about being flexible enough to attend Mass on Saturday night is to sleep in late on Sunday mornings. I know it’s all purely physiological, because I can do that most days if I choose to do so.   We finished off the leftover oxtails from the other day. This most flavorful fall off the bone meat, is for sure worth the initial wait. Psalm 23, once upon a time, I use to always associate this psalm with a funeral, but have come to realize that it is a Eucharistic prayer of trust more suitable for every day of our lives. Psalm 24, A beautiful messianic psalm regarding the ascension of Christ to heaven and the result of our hope found in, “He is risen.” On the first read, “Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place?” (v. 3) there was a tendency to look at this personally and despairingly look back at, “The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one” (Psalm 14: 2-3). Recognizing we are prodigal sons, better to dwell on verse 10 and ask, how does my belonging in God’s kingdom impact our daily walk in sanctification? It Could Be We’re In Love – The Cryan’ Shames.

September 7, 2019
Joy first thing in the morning, Andrea sent us an email of Isaac doing Cรฉilรญ dancing. Love the little man. Out the door early in the cool of the day. Literally, the weather now is reminiscent of the San Francisco Bay Area, where it’s cool in morning and nice later in the day. I remember needing to wear a light jacket in the morning and then tying around the waist by the afternoon during my time there. So very nice to walk around in the most favorable weather and kept thinking it’s, A Beautiful Morning – The Young Rascals. Had to cut the morning activities short, Alex came over for lunch and a visit. Made him the chicken lettuce wrap again. Still so much chicken in the freezer. I think it’s wonderful the kids still routinely still enjoy coming home to visit us. Served at the altar this evening for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Always quite moving to sit so close to the altar during the Divine Service. Busy, busy, busy, had my hands full with many tasks. Needless to say, somehow we ended up being short handed. I’ve been pondering about invoking prayers to the saints for intercession for a very long time, especial to that of Mary, the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven. I actually don't have a problem with rightly calling upon Mary for help, but should recognize the power in every way is God's alone, not Mary. As with intercessory prayers for the dead by reminding God of his promises and lifting them up to God calling out for his mercies, until the final judgment, is a good and noble thing to do. Psalm 22, this is truly a psalm to behold. While praying and mediating this psalm, I was immediately struck by all the messianic truths found the psalmist's prayer. Was especially taken by, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" echoing from our Lord's passion hang from the cross. So astonishing how this psalm parallels Christ hanging from the tree. In our brokenness, we can face with grace and faith the problems that come daily into our lives by remembering his promises.

September 6, 2019
Visited my sister for a brief visit this morning, had to leave early to watch our niece Victoria for a couple hours so mom could be free to tend to a few things. That little girl is a hoot. We stopped by Walmart to pick up a package and ate at Culver’s. Fawn got the usual Grilled Reuben Melt, normally we would split the sandwich, but I opted for the Pork Tenderloin. BPT is a Midwest classic sandwich that is similar to the famous Weiner Schnitzel.  Maybe not so much here, but is huge in Indiana. Pausing for, Just One Look - Doris Troy, and You Beat Me To The Punch - Mary Wells. Boy of boy, so many awesome songs growing up. Praying the psalms: Psalm 20, Using the Lord’s prayer is a great way to pray for God’s will in our lives. In the same way, this psalm offers beautiful some words for other others. O let us trust in the name of the Lord our God in prayer. Psalm 21, This psalm full of rejoicing, thanksgiving and hope, because the petitions prayed for were given. O let us come in full trust before God who hears and answers His people’s prayers. And like the psalmist placing our full trust in His power, that we too can join the psalmist in exalting the Lord's strength, by singing and praising the God who does the verb. I can hardly wait to celebrate, The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Sweet, La La Means I Love You. Just going to close my eyes and listen to a few more before calling it a night.

September 5, 2019
Was out doing our grocery shopping early morning in the fall like cool. The sun did eventually made to the ideal temp of the low 70s in mid afternoon, so out shopping and walking about it was! Since we were near Fort Hill was stopped in and looked at the remodeling that was done. We did a single lap on the new synthetic rubber-like indoor track. So much better than asphalt and rubber materials used previously. Should be nice to start going again when the weather turns. Amazing, wore sweats pants and shirt in morning and shorts and a tee shirt later in the day. Something weird is going on with Facebook, seeing some incoming posts days later for the first time. Psalm 19, So many people ask, “Is there is a God?” while other spend so trying to prove there isn’t a God. Have to wonder what’s that all about? Just look all around and hear the heavens declare God’s glory. Was struck by the psalmist question asking, “Who can discern his errors?” There are times when we are so caught up in world that we unknowingly do things are wrong. Therefore, we petition along with the psalmist to, “Declare me innocent from hidden faults” (v. 1). How can I not listen to one of my favorite Advent hymn? Creator of the Stars of Night, wow, wow, wow, beautiful.

September 4, 2019
Stayed up late last night to watch the live streaming of the city council meeting and took great pride in the way the meeting was conducted. I took greater pride in the citizens who spoke in favor of opting out of the sale of recreational marijuana. I thank God for Jennifer Taylor, #OptOutNaperville, and for Naperville Councilman, Kevin Coyne. The city council plans to create a referendum in the future to see how residents feel. I think concerned opt out voters, like myself will also need consider the reelection of Mayor Chirico and council members Brodhead and Sullivan in their poor decision to opt in the 6 – 3 vote to opt out. I didn’t realize that Fawn took the last of the oxtails out of the freezer several days ago. Tossed the oxtails in a stock pot early this morning and them bad boys made for a tasty stand alone carnivore lunch. What ever happed to the war on drugs and “Just Say No”? How times have changed. Dave reminded us at the beginning of the month in FB that we have begun the “ber” months, to which I replied by the 4th “ber” we’ll be pronouncing it “brr”. Thinking we have a handful or so more times mowing the grass before taking a short break before shoveling the snow. I can say that I don’t care for either and don’t know which outdoor chore I hate doing more. 
Psalm 18, This entire psalm is a blow against the teaching and preaching of grace alone that takes away our personal responsibility and gives little to what we do. Yes Jesus does the verb and saves us, but I also believe that true grace leads to good works and albeit they are the fruits of our faith, the presence of good works is necessary for salvation. We are created for good works, so by God grace, our free will, our faith and our good works are all connected in our sanctified walk in our journey back to Eden.

September 3, 2019
Kaboom! Woke to sound of an enormous thunder clap that shook the entire house. It took a while for the torrential downpour to subside. It must of dampened Alex’s extended holiday plans, because he came over and spent most of the day with us. Well he spent most of it with mom, watching several U.S Open Tennis matches. Still remember how terrifying thunder storms were for Andrea when she was a baby girl, but what a cuddling comfort she was for Alex and Jennifer when she became the big sister. Enjoyed making my version of a chicken lettuce wrap for lunch. Set aside a few shiitake mushrooms and made a little chicken and   Love the sound of accolades and clean plates. For dinner, simply tossed in the oven some frozen beer batter cod from Sam’s Club. We talked about our concerns about the retail sale of recreational sale of marijuana in Naperville and are wondering how can we trust our divided city council to opt out.
Prayers for wisdom from above to guide their deliberations tonight and will be watching the live streaming of the city council meeting. Psalm 17, is the prayer of an individual aware of his righteousness before God. It took a lot of guts for me to boldly pray this psalm along with the psalmist search, try and know if there are any grievous thoughts or intentions within. I think the intention is, we all think we are in the right in what we say and that the opposition is wrong seeking vindication by asking God for his assessment. May we be like the psalmist not long for worldly treasures and when the time comes after the grave, behold the face of God in righteousness and be satisfied with God’s likeness. One quick oldie, This Magic Moment - Jay and the Americans.

September 2, 2019
Relax, it’s Labor Day! Now that is something I’m good at. Crazy how the relationship between work and leisure is out of balance nowadays for those able to fine employment. Most people I know are or have been office workers and this shift from physical to being mental and spiritually taxing can only go so far. Took meat out of the freezer, nothing thawed to cook. So popped a frozen pizza in the oven for lunch and watched the U. S. Open. Great tennis and examples of humility. Back tracking my generalized low opinion of professional athletes. Namomi is so gracious at winning as well as in defeat. Because of her humility, I suspected that she may be a Christian and looked up her bios. Sure enough, but what did come as a surprise was that her mother was and that her father was not Japanese. Learned women in Japan take on the sir name of the town they were born in. Psalm 15, In this journey to Psalm 150, this short psalm requires us to pause on the rhetorical questions being asked, “O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?” (v. 1). Here the psalmist doesn’t offer the direction for access to God’s presence, but rather a description of those living within the bounds of God’s covenant grace under the gospel. Psalm 16, Am struck by how poetic this psalm is. Albeit this and the previous psalm are not very long, they require mediating over multiple reads. Which actually is a good way to allow the word of Christ dwell in you richly. I once heard something to the affect that if you cut the bible anywhere, it will bleed the blood of Christ. Finding the fullness of joy in our Lord and Savior who delivers us. Giving thanks to God for the day and closing with some music from the 4th Impact, Unleash the Diva – 4th Impact also love their impressive cover of, Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody – 4th Impact.

September 1, 2019
Up early and was on the road before sunrise. Heard a pretty good sermon and the preacher reminded us of Pr Mc Reynolds. The service well, let’s just say, am reminded how blessed we are to be parishioners at St. John. Albeit, ate under two thousand calories, dining out all day felt like I pigged out. Glad to see that at least one of our city councilmen replied back and that we are in full agreement.

August 31, 2019
Great day, Jennifer came home after her doing her volunteer work and did her laundry. Made us stir fried chicken and green beans for a healthy balanced lunch. Am always concern that our children are not taking the time to routinely eat good healthy meals in their busy lives. With the overcast, mid afternoon was still rather nice and Fawn encouraged me to go out and mow the grass. OK, the reality was she said with an exclamation, “Go out and cut the grass!” Psalm 13, Whenever God seems so distant that we tearfully cry out, "How long, O LORD?", let us be encouraged by the words of the psalmist to call to him and trust in his unfailing steadfast love. Let us sing to the Lord and rejoice in our salvation found in Christ Jesus. Psalm 14, Oh wow, "The LORD looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God" (v. 2) and “Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!” (v. 7). God did not ignore what has become of his creation, he responded to the prophetic psalmist prayers by sending a Promised One, The Christ, from the family lineage of David. Let us rejoice and be glad. Only in America and only in 1969 could a one hit wonder Jew could market a psychedelic rock song, Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum, by making several references to Jesus. Have so much chicken in the freezer, made stir fried chicken and broccoli and am now wrapping up this pen to get ready to watch the U.S. Open tennis Championship.

That was a quick two straight set domination, Naomi proved to be too much for Coco to handle. Love the emotional passion and exemplary sportsmanship displayed by the two young ladies. Am now looking forward to seeing the round of 16 on Monday when number one seed Naomi Osaka go up against the number thirteen seed Belinda Bencic who Naomi is 0 and 2. Thinking this should be a very good match.

August 30, 2019
Almost the end of the month and the beginning of a holiday weekend. Yeah, I know, everyday is a weekend/holiday for us, but it’s not so for everyone. It’s slower pace in which I get to see family and friends in a relaxed environment set aside and away from the business. Psalm 11, the psalmist is facing some discouraging challenge to his faith and asks, “if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3). We live in a broken world in which there are many downhearted people questioning their faith and asking, “Where is God?” And in desperation ask rhetorically, “What can the righteous do?” Clothed in Christ’s righteousness we are to remind ourselves of his trustworthy refuge for God is the very foundation of life. Apart from a trusting faith in him and his eternal justice, life itself have no definitive meaning. Psalm 12, I love praying the psalms, they are so insightful of God and of man. The prayers of the psalmist remain our prayers today, because albeit the forms of wickedness may have changed, the fact of wickedness hasn’t. In fact, as time pasts, we wander farther and farther from God’s truth, dreaming up newer ways to rebel against him. Today, nations are capable of hurdling weapons of mass destruction across the entire globe and with the internet, the venomous tongue can spread its poison in the time in take a hummingbird to flap its wing (hah, got that in -will get that in a little bit). All ages live in a wicked and twisted generation and the more sanctified our walk becomes in our Coram deo, the more we realize just how broken this world is. What a contrast between what comes out of lips of man and faithfulness and assurances of God’s words. It's stunning that any of our Naperville community leaders would even consider allowing the sale of recreational Cannabis in town for thirty pieces of silver. We are supposed to be a family friendly community, yet with the 5-4 vote to draft the banning opt out law, I was forced to pen a email to the Mayor and the entire Naperville City Council to address my concerns, #OptOutNaperville, just in case the vote flips and to hopefully persuade a chance of heart. Back to the thing about the hummingbird, I failed to pen about a dinner and movie night we had the other day. Didn’t want to mention, we ate food out of a can. Made ham omelets and heated up corn beef hash from a can and watch the movie, The Hummingbird Project, and was referencing the need for, targeting 16 milliseconds, which is the time it takes for a hummingbird to flap its wing. It was a tug a war 3 set thriller between Coco Gauff (140 seed) and Timea Babos (112 seed) with Gauff on top, whoo hoo. I’ll be cheering for the American for the long shot third round win tomorrow night when she will be facing a huge undertaking against the defending champion and number one seed Naomi Osaka. It’s a good time to stop penning and to relax to classical music, have CHLOE CHUA / Menuhin Competition 2018, Closing Gala playing, The Four Seasons composed by Antonio Vivaldi, in the background, beautiful.

August 29, 2019
Psalm 10, "Why, O LORD, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" (v. 10). In this psalm, he psalmist invites us inside the blasphemous worldview by recounting the wicked man’s heinousness from the point of view in the unbelieving heart. It sounded so hopeless for until the psalmist confesses that, "The LORD is king forever and ever;" Pruned back a few small branches on the parkway tree yesterday and tried to look at images of trees to see if I could identify what type of tree was out front.  LOL, was only able to rule out a few trees that it was definitely not. Tossed in a little leftover spicy fish into my oatmeal this morning, mmm tasty. Surprised I failed to mention we stopped by a got a carryout at Lucky Panda when we stopped by Alex’s during the noon hour, because it’s one of our greatest joys, whenever we see any of our children. Slowly, but surly, I’m getting a little better at using my new tablet. Learned how to transfer videos and music from the laptop to the tablet J. We FaceTime with Isaac, Next best thing being present. The machine is so old and had to perform a lot of software updates. It’s too difficult to pen and watch the U. S. Open, cheer on the young American, Coco Gauff. She had an easier go yesterday durng the first round …

August 28, 2019
Where to begin? Happy haircut, was way over due. What an exceptional relaxing midday. “Hey google, play smooth jazz” that’s all she wrote, so nice just to enjoy a few hours of serenity. Strange how these oldies come to mind for no particular reason just now. Love Can Make You Happy - Mercy. Remember this song big time back in high school. Everyone back in the day liked to join in singing it whenever it was played. Then there are those awesome bands that just seemed to have faded away, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy – The Buckinghams, Smile A Smile For Me – The Flying Machine and The Locomotion – Little Eva. I suppose I can go on and on reminiscing, but let’s just move on and pen stream of consciousnessly elsewhere. Psalm 9, we learn from the psalmist that we should turn to God in the midst of our struggles and give him praise. Continued prayers for our leaders to fear God and gain his wisdom. More so now more than ever for their governance has all but fallen into complete foolishness. I couldn’t agree more that the nations have sunk into the pit they made. Paused for a moment
, we were, with great joy, looking at all our children's baptismal and confirmation certificates. Made me think about the Eucharist. Luther said in his, The Treatise on the New Testament, that is, on the Holy Mass, "Do we not read of St. Cyprian, the holy martyr, that in Carthage, where he was bishop, he gave both elements to the children, although that has now ceased, for good reasons? Christ permitted the children to come to Him, and would not suffer any one to forbid them. And in like manner He has withheld His blessings neither from dumb or blind, nor from the lame; why should not His sacrament also be for those who heartily and in a Christian spirit desire it?" The withholding of Eucharist has been a sticky point for me from the get go. I question, why gather at all, if not around the Eucharist? And even would go beyond Luther and do as the Orthodox Church and commune infants. But hey, that just me, a beggar and a sinner.

August 27, 2019
Just got through watching the 6th episode of Suits, American drama at its finest. The Look of Love – Dusty Springfield and Everything That Touches You – The Association. Don’t exactly know why I like to pen about some of things I eat. Guessing it’s related to why some people like to take pictures of food they eat. Anyway, been wanting to say that Potbelly doesn’t have anything on our homemade version of their “wreak” sandwich. Sigh, it really takes some getting use to pecking on a screen all over again, when using the tablet. It’s so annoying for the time being, but do see tablet’s portability merits. Psalm 8, How can one not contemplate the glory of God, creator of heaven and earth and not exceedingly marvel? I was stuck by, in the mist of the psalmist’s marvel, he asks, "what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (v. 8). The only thing I can think of is, God is love and that we are his precious creation. More clear of his mindfulness to us, is through our Lord and savior, Christ Jesus, to whom we give every praise, thanksgiving and honor.

August 26, 2019
What a cloudy rain filled day, the sump pump worked OT staying on for long periods because it down pouring big time on and off throughout the entire day. Saw a FB video ad of a pizza parlor with a Pac Man video game machine. It bought back memories of a part-time job I had, once upon a time, for a supplementary income as a tester at a factory that assembled those machines. It was an interesting time for arcades transitioning from pinball machines to video games. The advancements since those days are unbelievable. Was looking at videos that Fawn took over the weekend, wish this type of technology was around when our kids were small to capture their youth digitally for posterity. Psalm 7, "Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may you establish the righteous you who test the minds and hearts, O righteous God!" (v. 9). I think there are countless cries of the saints ascending to the righteous judge pleading for justice in this evil world, but see in his passion, the victory found in mercy over justice. Old Time Rock and Roll – Bob Segar and Kiss From a Rose - Seal.

August 25, 2019
We celebrated the Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle as well as Rob’s birthday. Always love the gospel procession and music on feast days. "All praise for him whose candor Through all his doubt You saw When Philip at the fig tree Disclosed You in the law. Discern, beneath our surface, O Lord, what we can be, That by Your truth made guileless, Your glory we may see.” Life don’t get better than time with my family. When celebrating a special occasion, one of our goto restaurants is a Michelin's Bib Gourmand restaurant in town, MingHin, on Sundays for dim sum. Our help is in you O Lord, maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 5, The blood of the Lord and savior, Christ Jesus is our shield here on the earth and clothes us in his righteousness and learn here the provision God has made for the righteous and the punishment that is in stored for the wicked. Psalm 6, is an appeal to God to be merciful and that the effects of personal and social sins be removed that has been a great physical toll. Think this is a very suitable prayer that expresses repentance. Whoo hoo, played around a couple of hours with my new toy, familiarizing myself with the freebie hand-me-down Samsung Tablet. How’s that for being blessed? Both Sides Now – Judy Collins and Put Your Head On My Shoulder.

August 24, 2019
Psalm 3, "O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying of my soul, There is no salvation for him in God" (v. 1-2). Regardless of our past sins, with repentant hearts, we are renewed each day by the grace of God. So easy for us to vigorously finger point at the sins of others with the harshest of words, sounds familiar? We are not immune from the troubles filled world that will surly come our way and it has nothing to do with karma and think the psalm is a pretty good model on how best to deal with it. Talk about our troubles with God and let him know how you rely on his care. Acknowledge that all deliverance, victories and blessings comes from him. O how I love praying the psalms. Most of these psalms are short, think I’ll double up whenever I can. Psalm 4, "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety" (v. 8). May we have the gladness that the world can't take away from us like the Psalmist and be able to lie down and sleep in peace, trusting in the Lord. Jennifer comes over every now and then to do laundry and volunteer somewhere nearby. Don’t know how she is able to do her rotations, study and find time to do volunteer work. Made what I thought was a nice meal, but got no accolades from her or Fawn, tough crowd. Thanks be to God, the weather is finally beginning to cool down and become reasonable. Love the video of Isaac getting a cookie at the grocery store and doing a happy dance. Can hardly wait till tomorrow, when we’ll get to see the little man. Gimme Little Sign – Brent Wood and Duke of Earl – Gene Chandler.

August 23, 2019
Psalm 2, “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?”  (v1). The enemies of God rage and plot in vain, because all their plotting is predestined by God for his own purpose. This verse popped out from the get go, because the nations rage not only toward God, but also toward each other. Sigh, here in the United States the leaders of our nation can’t even guard their mouth with gospel grace, barking with a vile tongue at each other. Got up super early and got in the weight training exercise before tending to the outdoor chores. Because the temperature was stayed in the lower 70s, I able to mow the grass, edged and weed whacked along the fence line. It was a lot of work that took me 2.5 hours. I still can’t get over soaking in sweat when the temperature is so mild. That makes no sense to me, when I own a self propelled lawn mower. I Will Always Love You - Maddison McNamara.

August 22, 2019
I love opening my heart and praying the psalms and it’s been a long time since I picked up the Psalter and attempted to pray a chapter a day, mull over a verse that sticks out at me and then pen my muse. Don’t know how it came to be, not routinely praying the psalms on a daily basis. Hmm, there are 150 chapters, but only 131 (?) days left in the year, o well. I’ll give a go and will most like miss days here and there, should be done sometime in the January – February time frame. 
Psalm 1 - The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers” (v1). Imagery of the holiness and happiness of a godly man surrounded and living in a broken world. The psalmist presents a startling contrast to the character and ending of the ungodly that perishes in their sinfulness and misery. Was hoping to be able to cut the grass, but it was still too wet this morning, so maรฑana. Best stop now and relax; yard work is not my cup of tea. Oh almost forgot, The Sound of Silence – Simon and Garfunkel.

August 21, 2019
Last night I look up at the look at the still beautiful waning gibbous moon and thought about the creator of the stars of night. Albeit still doing resistance training three days a week, I’m so glad that I substantially cut back using the ten and fifteen dumbbells and am focusing on using the pair of twenty pounders. I’m saving a lot of time and am feeling much better, but will most likely need to adjust my calorie intake accordingly. We went out in the cool of the morning running errands, but man, it got really hot and muggy by ten o’clock. So happy, my niece Julie and Nem begot a son, Luka on Tuesday and joins his sister Adriana!  Saw a video of Isaac playing, what a creative imagination. Love the little man to death. Wow, the Amazon rainforest is burning out of control comes as surprise to me, because we are talking about a rainforest, right? How is that even possible? Was watching Magnum PI and heard, Dancing in the Street - Martha Reeves & the Vandellas. I brought me back to the days when I was in a marching band as well as in a drum and bugle corps, play a French horn and dancing in the street. It’s amazing that there was music before the foundation on earth.

August 20, 2019
Could hardly wait to pen we saw three fox in our backyard this afternoon. Woke to a gloom and doom dreary looking day. Ooh wee, so strange to be out and about in 85% humidity so early in the morning. Good thing the temperature was only in the lower 70s. We were trying our best to beat the downpour, but failed and we got rained on. I had low confidence in the weather forecast that didn’t for rain until after the noon hour, but it started to pour a little after ten o’clock. Didn’t even come close to having the ingredients to build Chicago style hot dogs for lunch, but the grilled National Hebrew hot dog on a sesame bun with a bead on yellow mustard and loaded it with hot giardiniera peppers. Aah, what a beloved Chicagoland condiment. Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog. Isaac, Isaac, my beautiful Isaac. God’s blessing, indeed. Mused on how we are called to praise God for his love for us by the way we love one another. Ben E. King, Stand By Me and This Magic Moment. Anyway, time to stop penning; want to get in another episode of ,Suits, before calling it a night.

August 19, 2019
Here I am yapping about crime in Chicago and crime in Naperville is up in every category. Albeit, still low compared to the national average, is very telling. The city should be rethinking the number of police officers needed, and perhaps an increase number of police officers is warranted to protect our community. Surprise, surprise, Alex came over in the morning, because the AC wasn’t working at his office building. Mmm, made stir fried chicken and snow peas with water chestnuts over rice. So glad we stopped by the Whole Foods in Wheaton and picked up some organic snow peas on the way home yesterday, they were the freshest I’ve ever seen. It’s already into the 5th episode of the final season of Suits and I finally got around to watching episode one, what an awesome tv show. Listen to garage band music; Louie Louie – The Kingsmen and In the Midnight Hour – Wilson Pickett. Oh heck, Proud Mary – Ike and Tina Turner.

August 18, 2019
A huge kaboom and then some. Woke to a thunderous storm that was shaking the house this morning. Several periods of torrential pouring gave the sump pump a workout. Was glad the storm let up and made it to the late Mass. Seem it was so for other folks too. Nice to chat and catch up with Nick as well as with Alan and Fay, love my church family. Happy 50th anniversary of Woodstock? Wasn’t there, but watched the 1970 Academy Award winning documentary film on the big screen with amazing soundtrack in the theater. It was stunning to see a half a million people gathered at a music festival and the amazing bands who played at the venue over a three day period at a small town no less named Bethel. In retrospect, am seeing differently than as a young man fifty years later, Woodstock as a gathering of both angels and devils in the mix. The legalization of drugs in Illinois breaks my heart. The foolish things we do after a time of war against drugs. Was so happy to get a FaceTime call from Andrea, Rob and Isaac. It’s the next best thing and am looking forward till their next actual visit. Just had to listen to Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young , Woodstock and Suite Judy Blue Eyes. Prayers for friends and family in their time of need.

August 17, 2019
It’s been a while, so I’m glad we got some rain today, because grass was start to brown a tad. Dragged out lifting the dumbbells throughout the day, because I spent a good part of the morning cutting up the meat and freezer bagging them. Jewel had a super sale on organic chicken, so she bought a boat load of it. So glad we have the freeze space. Blessed, Jennifer came home for a visit, so that makes it an exceptional day. What a life; work rotations and study all year round. Didn’t have all the ingredients, but had a go at making minimalist chicken lettuce wrap with just chicken, water chestnuts and hoisin sauce. Had Carol King Greatest Hits playing in the background. I still remember playing the Tapestry vinyl album like it was yesterday.

August 16, 2019
Haven’t been getting on the elliptical daily, in fact this morning was the first time this week and noticed the effort required to complete the cardio exercise. Although I’ve been doing a lot of walking, it’s just not the same as hoping on the elliptical. Going to have to make a concerted effort to doing so more often during these summer months in addition to the walks. Totally love listening to, Mission Field: USA - Sacramental Church Planting on KFUO Radio, so encouraging. I like the conversation, because it touches on a lot points that many of our congregations can do better. God bless Rev. William Weedon and the Rev. Dr Steve Schave. Aah, from, clearly we don’t venerate the Theotokos nearly enough; The Dormition of the B.V.M and the complete audio of the sermon 8-14-19 Dormition.mp3. Well nice way to close the day, Canticle of Mary. Thank you Lord, for this day.

August 15, 2019
Finally, an awesome day. Glad the forecast calling for mid 80s turn out to actually be in the upper 70s. So nice to be out in the morning hours an walk around while Fawn did the shopping. Middle school and, The McCoys, Hang On Sloopy and Come On Let’s Go. Yeah, those were the wonder years and the future was a calling. Now in these latter years, thanks be to God, life is like one long vacation. Haven’t mused about my prayer life and praying for others in a while. Once heard our pastors say that the most loving thing a person can do for someone is invite them to church and the best gift anyone can give to another is to pray for them. Amen. In his, Four Homilies On Prayer, St. Theophan the Recluse the Bishop of Tambov, offers a lot of insight.

August 14, 2019
While penning my journal entry, I like pick a few songs that come to mind for no particular reason. Today, I thrilled to be reliving, "All I Have To Do Is Dream" / "Cathy's Clown" - Everly Brothers. Have to talk about the weather, because there doesn’t to be a cool down anytime soon. Looks like the mid to upper 80s in the ten day forecast. So glad to come across this singer/songwriter, I’m impressed. Saw a funny, The Wizard of Oz, cartoon on FB that had to do with cartoon understanding which requires some background knowledge and deconstructing the cartoon. One would think it would begin a gradual cooling by now. O my, Luck Sugerman – Reach Daylight. This cause me to search for her on the internet and lo and behold, found her on TEDx Talks – Songs from the Heart. Wow, what an amazing voice and outlook she has on life. God, be on my side.

August 13, 2019
Second day, I woke to a gloom and doom looking day. Surprisingly we didn’t get rain until overnight.  At least the sun is popping up every now and then today. Not sure why I was so stiff yesterday and today, especially my calves and shoulders. I opted for an additional day of rest. Ate the second half of the jalapeรฑo bagel with a little honey walnut cream cheese. There was a time when I could of ate two whole ones and then some. Funny, whenever I eat a bagel, I think about a fellow engineer at Fermilab that would mention how Americans don’t know what they’re missing by not eating lox with plain cream cheese and bagel and would laugh at all the favored cream cheeses. I’m guessing if it isn’t cold smoked, it would be alright, I don’t do raw. Anyway, better start doing my resistance exercises now...

'Twas a hot and muddy day, but life is good, gon chow ngau ho, a.k.a. beef chow fun. There are so many wonderful things to eat from all over the world, beit with or without meat. Been musing about a FB post about the Impossible Burger by my nephew Jason. In my mind, why eat vegetables that is suppose to taste like meat when it requires a ton of salt? Think it has to do with saving the environment and not to do with eating healthy. I tried a bite of a plant base hot dog once upon a time from my son-in-law, _ _ _, not for me. I’ve become interested in taking charge of my diet several years ago. Albeit, far from making nutritious choices more times than not, I’m getting better at it and getting in both the cardio vascular as well as the physical exercises in to boot. For sure we Americans can do with far less meat consumption. For that matter in general, we can make do with a far less calorie intake and move away from being an obese people. I’m not a fan of going diets, because I’ve seen so many people drop a lot of weight only to gain it back, once off the diet. I personally loss about 45 lbs. in about a year and a half and have held that weight since, by tracking my calorie intake and exercising. I don’t understand why my body isn’t tone yet, but I guess that will eventually come in time. Song picks of the day are, It Could Be Were in Love – The Cryan’ Shame and Soldier Boy – The Shirelles.

August 11, 2019
It’s late so, I’m only going to pen a quick journal entry. God is good and blessed us with the gift of him and family. Took out and steamed the frozen package bean curd roll and shui mai. Albeit, far from being an all out dim sum breakfast, it was still a small slice of heaven, a cultural blessing. All my children came home for brunch. Got to play with Isaac, it doesn’t get any better grand kids. Later in the evening went to Jean’s 60th birthday surprise celebration. Awesome time with friends and family. Joyful laughter, more great food and great conversation.

August 10, 2019
Was up super early to get in most of my weight training workout before tending to mow the grass. It was such a beautiful morning, that I was able to get the front yard and back as well doing a therapeutic Mr. Miyagi with a hand pruner to take back the hedge out front. I haven’t done that in a while. Surprised myself and finished up the remainder of the workout later in the day. Now that’s what I’m talking about, Member’s Mark Real Beer Batter Wild Caught Cod Fillets, for dinner, delicious. Was playing my sacred music and converted all the wma to mp3 in hopes of embedding them on a page on the site. Seem the music files need to be uploaded elsewhere, just going to give up for now. Listening to my friends, Zazz Jazz.

August 9, 2019
Why do I do this to myself? Am up in the wee small hours of the morning, because I thought I’d join Fawn watching the Bears preseason game, last night. What was I thinking? Naturally, I fell asleep before halftime. It just didn’t work out, so I changed up my resistance training days yesterday again. I saw no need to push it any longer and am going with a more modest effort. After all, I’m not a spring chicken and the goal is to firm up, not build muscle mass. So, I decided to less sets of the same and add a more diverse resistance training routine. Feels so strange being up in the predawn quite …

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this entire week in the a.m. and this morning was especially so. I thought about mowing the grass, but we opted to do the malls. I was a walking fool, and walked for two hours. I’m feel good now and dared not hop on the elliptical and am wondering if I’ll be sore and stiff tomorrow morning. Guess that’s what a hot shower is for. “And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate” (Luke 15:23). Half off an in-bone Black Angus rib-eyed steak. We asked Alex to join us for dinner, because the huge $16 streak for $8 was more than enough for the three of us. Say we were living the good life, with green beans and rice as sides. Listening to Hits from the 60s, Mustang Sally – Wilson Pickett and But It’s Alright – J.J. Jackson, on So many fond song memories from days past.

August 7, 2019
Happy birthday to my sister-in-law Jean! The day started out super nice in the low 70s and within a few hours shot up into the upper 80s and became hot and humid; summer is still putting up a good fight. We ran a few errands and picked up a few items from the Sam’s Club. Hopefully, we are at least done with the 90+ temps. Mmm, soup and salad for lunch. I reheated the most flavorful bone and opened a bag of prepackage garden salad. Just added a honey crisp apple and a plum tomato to the mix. Just got through slicing up the flank steak when I learned Alex was stopping by on the way home from work again, so happy to have him. Alex made a good choice, steamed minced beef and waterchestnut patty. I would of love to have added shiitake mushrooms to the dish, but it would of took too long to rehydrate the dried mushrooms. Fawn asked him over so we can learn more about what is involved in internet streaming. Our Comcast promotional contract has expired and the price hike is totally insane. Been long time customers of Comcast, but am thinking it may be time to be moving on. Love closing the day listening to a few songs, today songs of the day are, Walk Away Renee – Four Tops and Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Crying – Gary and the Pacemakers. Dave posted a noteworthy prayer, “Thank you God for loving me, forgiving me and never leaving me” Amen.

August 6, 2019
Free time on my hand and decided to pen my journal entry early. Albeit it a mostly cloudy day, it was so nice to be out and about in the cool of the day. And albeit it was briefly in the low 80’s midday, it was ten degrees cooler today than it was yesterday! I read that, “social media is lighter fluid to anger.” I guess that is could be somewhat true, but think the main stream media is by far much more volatile. Yes, I do have a few FB friends that, from time to time, would post their political outrage, for one reason or another, and wish they stop and just pray for our political leaders to seek wisdom from above so that we may live a peaceful and quite life, godly and dignified in every way, instead of spewing their vile political discourse. Midday meal and a movie, store bought friend chicken and watched Polycarp, on YouTube. I am limited by two thumbs, so can only offer two thumbs up for this movie and post quoting him on unspeakable joy.

August 5, 2019
I usually sing/hum the Hymn of the Day from the Divine Service several times  during the week, but today I find myself singing the procession hymn,
Holy, Holy, Holy Know it wasn’t the smartest thing to do this time of year, but we yanked out two packages of oxtails from the freezer. It didn’t surprise me that Alex and Jennifer came over for dinner, silly me as to why Fawn had me make this most wonderful delicious dish. I gave the oxtail it’s due respect by making sure I got every bit of the tender and flavorful meat off the bone. Again I pray, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Normally, I dread rain, but am looking forward to the possibility of some overnight thunder storm to provide some succor from all this heat this week. Looking forward to the eventual cooler and more reasonable weather that comes about during the latter part of this month into the earlier part on next. Hard to believe there was a time in my life that I looked forwarded to a summer breeze. Nowadays, it’s AC or bust. Time for one song before calling a day, Four Tops – “Ain't No Woman (Like The One I've Got)"

August 4, 2019
Achoo! Woke to big time itchy eyes and a runny nose, allergies. Thanks be to God for eye drops and nasal spray. A couple of drops of Alaway in each eye and a shot of Fluticasome Propionate in each nostril and I was good to go. I notice that there are more people the last few times I’ve been at the eleven o’clock service. It’s always a mixed emotion, saying farewell to Vicar Miguel. Today was last day of service as vicar at Saint John. Needless to say how much I enjoy serving at the altar, but I like saying so anyway. How can one not love to serve in our parish community? "Father, we thank Thee who hast planted Thy holy Name within our hearts." Watched the movie, When the Game Stands Tall. High school movie that was truly inspiring. Up another level than, Remember the Titans, two thumbs up. 

August 3, 2019
Funny, the little silly things I do to …. Had two gos on the elliptical and ate a salad for lunch for lunch, just to pig out at Zack’s 8th birthday party. His birthday was actually several weeks ago, but Sandy wanted most of the family to be around and attend the party celebration. Glad to celebrate with friends and family. Bonus to have Alex and Jennifer present and prayers for Andrea, Rob and Isaac (home sick). Nice, when Fawn makes one of her all out summer fruit chopped garden salad plus. Now that’s what I call love.

August 2, 2019
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Love, praying the psalm. It doesn’t get better than praying back God’s word to him. It’s so easy to rejoice and be glad in the day, whenever we spend time with one of our offsprings. Think we spent time with Alex three times this week already! The other day I was musing about not seeing the monarch butterfly as often as days past. Saw my second monarch butterfly this year in Oswego, so breathtaking. Can’t really call it dinner and a movie, just had left over egg rolls from a Lucky Panda carry out lunch at Alex’s. Watched the movie, All Saints. Thought Christy Lemire’s movie ¾ rating review on was interesting: “And if this small, sweet movie opens people’s eyes to the importance of welcoming refugees in need—especially during a time when notions of rejecting them unfortunately are taking hold—well, that’s just an added blessing.” Am I that naรฏve a person to think people are not rejecting immigrates and just rejecting illegal immigrants? So now I’ve seen both parts of the Detroit Debates and strange enough, it seems the Democratic presidential candidates are extremely left of Obama making the likes of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi the moderates of the Democratic Party. I’ve seen enough. Time for one quick song before calling it a day, Baby Love – Supremes.

August 1, 2019
Since it is the 1st of the month, did a weigh-in and am faring good. Only wish I was more tone, so I’m still working on it. So far, I think my trial exercise routine is flexible enough to get in the needed. Of course it will have to be adjusted again to accommodate the different seasons. Between the resistance training and mowing the grass, I got a pretty workout. Was able to hit the front and back as well as edge in the cool of the day. The plan was to tend to the front and back, but to be perfectly honest, it got warm and was going to quit after doing all the needed out front, but Fawn came back and drove up the driveway. I felt I needed to man up finished the task at hand, gotrdun. I always feel prideful when I take the time to manicure the front lawn, just looks so smart. Aah, ice water, so refreshing. Forgot to mention I saw a lone monarch butterfly, beautiful. Watched the movie, Paul the Apostle of Christ. I didn’t know what to expect, because there are so many ways a film can tell Paul’s story, this one focused on his last days tying three storylines together. The story starts with Paul imprisoned Rome and Luke visiting him and recounting Paul’s life in the writing of Acts. Luke is imprisoned and the second storyline concerns Luke and Paul’s relationship with the Roman warden, Mauritius. The third storyline had to do with the suffering of the Christian community in Rome who are hiding under the threat of persecution. Because the bible does not say how Saint Paul died, I just assumed that he was martyred by crucifixion. So I was totally surprised in the movie he was beheaded. Learned that is plausible, because Saint Paul was a Roman citizen and was exempted from crucifixion.

July 31, 2019
Wow the end of yet another month. Having a good time listening to oldies like Johnny Angel - Shelley Fabares and Venus in Blue Jeans - Jimmy Clanton. Dรฉjร  vu, well almost. They delivered the bed frame this morning, so we went to Alex’s again today to do the needed. Was surprised that he got a low profile bed frame, but the full ՛Tuft and Needle՛ full size mattress is awesome. Jennifer stopped by after school for a short visit in the afternoon. So basically all my plans were altered for the day. We ended going to IKEA in the evening for Fawn’s freebie birthday meal and $15 spending spree. The evening out was just as nice as the daytime. Thanks be to God for this beautiful day, for the time with two of our children and am offering his ordained priestly blessing praying, "
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26). Didn’t get to see today’s candidates debate, sure I’ll be able to see a recording of the debate on the internet tomorrow. Pause … Where The Boys Are - Connie Francis. Mercy, Just the Way You Are - Barry White & Liane Foly.  I’m just going to have to stop penning and just relax the rest of the evening to Barry. 

July 30, 2019
Oh my, what a drop dead beautiful day with low humidity and a perfect mixture of cumulus clouds. With all the talk about the Perseid meteor shower, I just realized that I’m seldom out at night and hardly take the time to look up and gaze at the stars of night. Just had to paused to play, Creator Of The Stars Of Night, amen. I should really put Adele on more often when on the elliptical, because I do so well with the jogging tempo that my time is always extended. Mmm, hamburger and peas over spaghetti, simply delicious. The kids loved it growing up and so did I. Not sure why Alex need a king size bed, but we went over and helped him put the bed together and moved this queen to his guest bedroom. Grrr, turns out the mattress was delivered but not the frame. Watched the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates to see where the party is and what it stands for. Clearly the party has diverse ideas. Albeit, the moderates are still left of center, the far left is very extreme and it is definitely a hate Trump party. I plan to watch the debate on the second group candidates and see what they have to say. It is so hard to stomach both the Democratic and the Republican parties and can only hope that there are moderates from either party are somewhat reasonable. After the debate, I watched the CNN commentators/analyst. It didn’t take long to realize that was a huge mistake.

July 29, 2019
Fusion food, heard about it, but this was the first time I made me an egg foo young sandwich. Prefer the omelet with gravy and rice, but will say, if the occasion calls for it again (too lazy to make rice and gravy), I’ll have it this way again without reservations. Saw a couple of videos of Rob playing a sharing his new Pet Patrol RC toy and sharing with Isaac, indoor fun on a rainy day with super dad. Grand Funk Railroad - I'm Your Captain/Closer To Home. Ahh, next in day of full bass. Think I’ll hop on the elliptical, relax and then call it a night.

July 28, 2019
Cicadas, Do I need to say more. Can’t believe I failed to mention them last night, because I had my hearing aids on the loud high pitch noise was so pronounced. Like listening to and posting music I enjoy from my past: Crystal Blue Persuasion - Tommy James & The Shondells. Days don’t get much better than days like today, Alex drove us up to Grayslake to visit Rob, Andrea and Isaac. So blessed with the time to play with Isaac. Even got to have him read to us. I was stunned he was able to read all the letters in the alphabet. Struggle a little with numbers, but he was able to identify most of them and he can advanced from reciting numbers to actually counting objects.  Anyway, it’s been a long day and am so tire now …

July 27, 2019
A cheerful wake this morning and had, Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles on my mind. That in itself is quite amazing, since I’m not a Beatles fan. Nice, Alex came for a visit! Mused on the doctrine of salvation, as well as the means of Grace. In my mind, great care in needed, in the wording of this teaching and counter teachings. Served at the altar and as usual an extraordinary blessing. Kinda nice to have this Sunday obligation free and to just rejoice and be glad in it. Mmm, hamburger tacos from Los Burritos Tapatios, as a late night snack. Not a good habit to get into.

July 26, 2019
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Waking to a grey sky had to come sooner or later, but that didn’t dampen my day, got to see my little girl and new videos of Andrea, Rob and Isaac. And Jennifer came for a visit, how can I not rejoice and be glad in it? Chillin’ to Dancing in the Moonlight – King Harvest and These Eyes – The Guess Who.

July 25, 2019
We took advantage of yet another beautiful day and went out to run a few errands and to visit my sister Nancy. Was doing so good until today, got my first mosquito bite of the year. Wow, wow, wow, was blown away by V.Unbeatable on AGT. Albeit, I’ve seen this group before and thought the group was amazing then; they’ve kicked it up to an unbelievable level. Am actually fearful someone may get injured in their daring performances. Weddings and funerals at church: Couldn’t agree more with Rev Peters, “We don't need to celebrate the life of the deceased but to celebrate the fact that those who die in Christ are not dead and death has not been allowed by Christ to have the final word in their lives.” Amen. Been to beautiful weddings outdoors and in a banquet hall with and without a pastor, as well as so many beautiful weddings in churches, but none more beautiful than a full blast Wedding Mass where everything teaches.

July 24, 2019
I have little faith in extended weather forecast and the five day forecast only fair slightly better. Sad that I even have my reservations of the hourly forecast, so now I look at both the forecast on both the Weather Channel and AccuWeather and compare. This morning, both of them are forecasting temps in the mid 80s for the next two weeks, with one day in the upper 80s, while one is forecasting the possibility of rain one the same day and the other is forecasting an additional day. With that said, lol, this evening that has changed. Even with super computers, predicting the unpredictable is challenging. Funny, how we tend to place weather forecasting under public scrutiny more so than politicians. Rightly or wrongly there is a low opinion of our legislators. Perhaps funny, is not the correct word to use and perhaps that is why they tend to finger point at each other in such a ugly and vile way. O wow, New York. Thought Chicago was bad, well it is, but … come on man, back law enforcement officers in their noble calling.

July 23, 2019
Since it’s only the second day, I probably should wait before saying how much I like the new exercise schedule, but so far so good. I know it sounds crazy, but I have my oatmeal with hot sauce and am finally cracked opened one of the freebie bottle of Tabasco we got on Cinco de Mayo. I’ve try many different hot sauce, and my three favorite are Cholula, Louisiana and Tabasco. What is very interesting is their Scoville Heat Units all vary greatly. Once in a blue moon, I like Sriracha with Asian cuisine but prefer hot chili oil or a chili garlic sauce. Was yet another awesome day outdoors, so in the cool of the day, I cleaned the gutters and cleared the lint on dryer exhaust vent. It was cool enough to even mow the grass font and back as well is with a little self motivation weed whacked, gotrdun. I think it was the third time I had to clean the gutter. The neighbor tree has been dying a slow death for at least the last five years and there are so many dead branches on the tress, despite removing all of them in the spring. I keep thinking no way that tree is going to be alive next year, but low and behold, albeit fewer and fewer branches each year, new life. Although I don’t view the tree as a potentially dangerous tree, I wish they would just take it down. Getting a ribbing from our neighbors. Guessing their happy I sold the van and am enjoying the spacious view down the street. The big conversion van wasn’t a sore spot, but rather just sat there all the time and people couldn’t see down the street. We went out for late lunch at Colonial Cafe. Fawn got her birthday freebie Rueben Sandwich and I opted for their delicious beer battered fish and chips. Thought I was done with chores for the day, when the sump pump back up battery system low fluid level alarm sounded. Thought that was strange because I checked the fluid level on the standby battery not that long ago. Turns out the wire broke free from butt splice wire crimp connector. I struggled getting the senor rod free from the other end of the connector and thought I had to buy a new battery fluid level sensor. Patiently wiggled and wiggled it with two pliers and finally got it free. Crimped the two together with a new connector and it was good as gold. Thanks be to God for the strength and abilities to accomplish all the needs for the day.

July 22, 2019
I know I said weather isn’t the key to a beautiful day, but …. So nice of a day to be out and about enjoying walking in the outdoors at the outlet mall in Aurora. It was definitely one of those Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah days. On this rare and beautiful day, the sky couldn’t of been bluer and totally enjoyed my time at the mall. Was a little surprised that there were a lot of people at the mall enjoying the day. Good to see folk smiling and cheerful. Made me believe there is truly a  phenomenon called Mean Syndrome World. No, we all don't utter songs and dance with Satan. I ate more than I should of yesterday and the scale concurred. Decided to change up my exercise routine/schedule this morning for the next four or five weeks as an experiment to get in a little more exercise with less time/more balance time invested each day that has to do with rest and working the different muscle groups. Finished up all the leftovers from yesterday and then sat and watch family videos. We tend to chuckle at the ones of Isaac because he is such a hoot. Hard to believe how clear he speaks and his ability to articulate is remarkable. Posted wisdom from on the care of children from the most learned teacher, 
St. John Chrysostom.

July 21, 2019
Happy birthday to my son Alex, love you. The torrential rain poured multiple times during throughout the day and were so lucky we missed all the downpours while out and about. Glad to see Pastor Bruzek well again and Dave well enough to attend Mass. May the Lord watch over them and restore their health. Thanks be to God for physicians in their vocation serving their neighbors. 
Whenever I don’t recognize a name of countries in our prayers of the church for the persecuted church, I look them up and read a little about the country, I looked up Azerbaijan. I was surprised Palestinian Territories in the prayers. According to Open Doors, there are 46,600 Christians living in the Palestinian Territories and make up 0.9 per cent of the population. Albeit it Fawn’s mom’s birthday isn’t until next month, today was the only time that the worked for the siblings. We celebrated grandma’s 89th birthday at her favorite restaurant, House of Emperor. Am reminded that the weather doesn’t make or break a day, it’s who one share a grateful day with.

July 20, 2019
Like a grumpy old man I suppose, was whining about the ongoing tropical heat wave and have been amusing myself singing, Heat Wave, throughout the day. Albeit still warm, am looking forward to temps to cool down into to 80s this coming week. It’s been a long while since we had cold cuts; it made for a tasty lunch time meal with the canned Progresso chicken noodle soup. And yes, the sandwich did include a slice of bacon. Updates are really old, hate getting them so often. Ran a full scan after the update and it took 2 hours 23 minutes, insane. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say - Bianca Wilke, wow, made my day.

July 19, 2019
Whoo hoo, the little one’s back safely. We shared midday meal (linner?) with joyful conversation about her time in Peoria. The ladies then went out to Oberweis for ice cream and I stayed home in the cool. Her stay was shorter than hoped for, guessing I’ll see her again on Sunday when we’ll be celebrating Alex’s and my mother-in-law’s birthday. Today was the day, albeit only two short go on the elliptical, it felt good. Good to be doing the cardios again, beats doing mall and in store walks. And there aren’t any issues with the big toe anymore, what a cluts. Watched, Five Feet Apart, and think that I must be desensitized, because the movie didn’t touch my heart as I anticipated it would.  However, I did get a glimpse of the sad reality of patients with Cystic Fibrosis.

July 18, 2019
“At this also my heart trembles and leaps out of its place. Keep listening to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. Under the whole heaven he lets it go, and his lightning to the corners of the earth. After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice, and he does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend” (Job 37:1-5). Kaboom, up close and personal. Woke to a loud thunder clap and to rumbling and torrential down pour. Haven’t seen a dark doomsday sky like this in a long while.  How can this proclamation of God’s majesty not inspire reverence among us and not draw us to not only bow before the thunder, but to listen to it. I really love FB. I get to learn about and share the joy of friends and family that I don’t get to see that often. Hid indoors all day, with the exception of rolling back the garbage and recycle bins from curb side as well as the procuring the mail. Didn’t care for the heat and the high humidity that the day had to offer, even for the brief time I was out. I’m relieved, now that Alex is back home safely. Prayers for safe travel for Jennifer as she will complete her rotation in Peoria. Thanks be to God for his enduring mercy.

July 17, 2019
We went to the dentist office early this morning, for Fawn’s teeth cleaning. We been going to Dr Soderstrom seemingly forever. Fawn has been with him since she was a little girl and everyone in the office been there forever  too, feel just like family. Anyway, we got there early and commented about the familiarity of the 60s music. Funny we started reminiscing about yester years and seemingly a happier more innocent time and began singing along and reliving the 60s exchanging stories. It was most a most enjoyable time. The 60s hits genre being played was from the free internet radio station, Been playing the station as background music most of the day and so far lovin’ this new joy. My eyes were itching so bad and wanted to pluck them out. Thanks be to God for relieve via Alaway®. Our dentist is in Aurora and since we were already out, we made a few stops in route home, I normally like to do some solitary walking while Fawn is in the stores, but it was way too hot and humid, so I just did the best I could in the various stores.

July 16, 2019
We have been contemplating selling our van for more than a few years and now thought it was time sell it, so we sold it to a used car dealership. I think what made it hard for us to give it up was there are so many fond memories of vacations and road trips we went on with that Ford Custom luxury conversion van. Picked up the movie, ´They Shall Not Grow Old´. I shook my head the entire time. The word, wow, is an understatement and begs the question, “Is conflict and war inevitable?”  Mused on our sinful world and it appears there is a season for love and hate, for war and peace. Let us pray for our domestic and global leaders to turn to God for wisdom, so that we may live in peace.

July 15, 2019
The must daily morning ritual is having our coffee with our grandson mug. It just makes the day go better. Morning exercise went well. I took Henry and Heather’s advice and was able to trim some time off the time between sets. Both of them do cross fit training and are so amazingly fit. The plan is to trim time off between sets over time to the recommend optimal time of 45 seconds to 2 minutes for recovery. Albeit, looks like my big toe is healing well, I think I’ll still wait until it is fully so before getting back on the elliptical. We picked up a Chinese carryout and did lunch with my sister Nancy. Always a blessing to spend time with any of my siblings. Thanks be to God for the gift of family.

July 14, 2019
Hate driving into the city, dropped Alex off at Midway. Was able to avoid most of the congestion caused by road construction and a fatal accident near the airport. Happy Alex arrived safely for his NJ/NY business trip. Finished the other half of the humongous pork chop sandwich and it was just as delicious as it was last night. Watched a YouTube video, Divine Liturgy - 4th Sunday After Pentecost. It was more beautiful than I anticipated as well as pleasantly surprised by some unexpected.  Hope the rain we got late in the day will provide some succor from the heat. Musing for some time on 'free will' and agree with Elder Joseph the Hesychast, "Give up your own will, for it is one's spiritual death."

July 13, 2019
Nice, the van fired up like a charm this morning. Awesome evening breaking bread with Jim, Mary, Henry and Heather. While having dinner a torrential rain storm moved in. Freaky, how it blew over in a very short time and how the sun popped back out. So far all I noticed is that my FB settings have been altered, coincidence? Wow, phenomenal. Came across a new video, Courtney Hadwin - Sign of the Times (Acoustic Cover), Thought she was a Janis Joplin kind of singer. Surprise, surprise, what a soul rendition. Have to go to bed early so I can take Alex to the airport. I’m so surprise that there is still a need to travel so often on business trips in this modern age of technology, but I sure there is an accountable reason.

July 12, 2019
Seem like I have to do the outdoor things in the a.m. if I don’t want to be sweating bullets. Finally, got around to doing the weed whacking and laying down the grub killer. The front yard looks pretty good even with the edging done with the trimmer. Had to put the charger to the battery on the van to start the bad boy up. Hopefully the battery is still good and can hold a charge, but I’m not holding my breath. That what I get for just letting it sit there. Installed the new Illinois license plates that came in the mail and was not impressed with the graphics. LOL, wondering if it was designed by a kid in some kind of contest at the state fair. We went to Portillo’s for her free birthday cake. There was no way I was going to pass up their Chicago style hot dog, good stuff. We watched the movie, Hotel Mumbai. A reminder of the callousness with which terrorists operate is overtly evil. Led me to googled the Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the American Taliban John Walker Lindh. Because I hate watching the news, I just learned that Lindh was released for probation back in May, so much for twenty years. Not thrilled about getting more updates again today, wondering what will break this time when I startup the laptop tomorrow.

July 11, 2019
Mama not happy this morning, she didn't think what I said the other day about her was even remotely funny. Guessing now it wasn't and backed spaced it out. K, it wasn't, sorry. Now I know what led to criticism of my penning. Just looked at the weather forecast for the day and it promises to to be gorgeous for a mid summer day in the low 80s. Let's see it that will hold true. The forecast has been dramatically changing day to day and proving to be unreliably.

So glad I took to FB before logging back in to pen. Andrea posted a video of Isaac beginning to learn how to read. It just my heart melt. Can’t even get the same day forecast right, the day turned out to be hot and muggy. Sigh, not sure if my last computer update is causing my issues again with my email with my conflicting at&t/yahoo account. Had to reset my password in yahoo and seems for now to be able to login at at&t, weird. For one reason or another, I started musing about my perception of the bias presentation news of the new. Even the newscasters are snarly so don’t even get me started on those commentators show they call analysis. LOL, too funny, even the good and bad that what one sees is being staged a times. I am even skeptical of the fact checkers is a world of Pinocchios by media Pinocchios for media rating. Why am I letting stuff this occupy my mind? I should be heeding Saint Paul’s exhortation, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8). Nice, seem to routinely make a light tuna salad sandwich lunch now during these summer months. Was wanting to get on elliptical after Fawn’s go on it today, but was wise enough to resist the urge and am opting to continue waiting until my big toe fully heals. 

July 10, 2019
Up early and went to the dentist office to have my teeth cleaned. It was already 80 ยบF by 7:15 when I was out the door. Since we were in the Aurora, we stopped by a few stores in the Geneva Commons. Talk about being out in a sauna, it was in the mid 90s. My friend, Cheryl Magness, wrote an article for the Federalist, Megan Rapinoe And Colin Kaepernick need to Watch Robin Williams Celebrate America’s Flag. I did, and thought his tribute was humorous, entertaining as well as educational. Mmm, had a slide of homemade strawberry rhubarb pie that Bob made yesterday to celebrate Fawn’s birthday. Rhubarb is one of those weird vegetables I don’t think I never eaten rhubarb other than paired with strawberries in a cold pie. For sure, I never cooked rhubarb. Took out the garbage and rolled out the garbage and recycle carts curb side. Fawn claimed I’ve taken credit for taking out the garbage when she done it in the past today. Wonder what brought that up?

July 9, 2019
Happy Birthday to my ... Oh, did I just pen that? Meant, happy birthday darling wife who completes our family. Love you more each day. My initial admiration of her calling was of wife and mother, but was reminded by happy birthday well wishes of her vocation as sister, aunt, grandma and friend and so on and so forth. Not sure what prompted me to google Chicago Crime, but the headline read, ‘6 killed, 63 wounded by gun violence in long Fourth of July weekend’ I’m left speechless, with the city ramping up cops on the streets by 1,500 police officers and still being unable to curb the violence that repeats itself every 4th of July weekend in Chicago. What will it take? Clearly, Chicago doesn’t have the answer as of yet. Oh my and whew, Pr Bruzek had a minor heart attack that required a stent. Prayers for health and recovery and for his family.

July 8, 2019
A complete sunny day, So nice in the a.m. hours. Albeit, did climb to the mid 80s, but the relative humidity remained the same, so all in all, good for a summer day. How is that for not whining about the summer heat. We went to the Lewis Joliet Mall and don’t make it out that way that often anymore. Decided to go by way of Weber Road instead of getting on I-55 just to see what was going and was amazed at all the construction going on. Pulled in a Super Walmart on the way down. Hard to believe how huge the store was. Was glad I brought a lot of reading material with me, because I didn’t want to do the mall walk and only intended to sit in the food court area and read, but because the Walmart was so spacious, I did my walk there. Was pleasantly surprised how nice they spruced up the mall and the surrounding area, definitely the area is poised for comeback. I’m glad I listened to Fawn and brought my Bible with me. It’s been a long while since I cracked open my hardcover ESV, because I prefer the online version at home. I came in handy while reading the Lutheran Witness Magazine. I briefly mused about what I heard on the radio … then deleted. Need to stay focus on turning away from my own sinful shortcomings. The chicken and shrimp carbonara from yesterday proved to be a challenge, but made for a deliciously portioned lunch and still remainder for yet another meal for tomorrow. I supposed I could of polished that bad boy off in a single meal, but would have been over stuffed like yesterday. I’ve been craving for fried chicken for some time and since, “It's Cheep Chicken Monday!” that’s what we had for dinner. So good, fresh out of the fryer. Fawn said there was line, just for chicken at the Jewel and that the ladies didn’t whole back, telling the workers that they that should just throw out the old dried out ones that have been sitting around rather than mix them with the freshly fried ones. Now that’s telling them, ladies.

July 7, 2019
Early Service with Andrea, Rob and Isaac and am so glad that they routinely attend Mass. Am clueless as to why Pr Buchs is prayerfully considering a call in Minnesota other than He and his wife are from there. May Christ, our ‘Wonderful Counselor’, be with him and his family, our and the calling parish during this time of prayerful deliberation. Our time in the commons chatting with the pastors and catching up with fellow parishioners was pleasant. Once upon a time, I didn’t understand the hospitality of good coffee that welcomes the stranger and community. Afterward, we went to Olive Garden to celebrate Fawn’s birthday. Mmm, first time I had chicken and shrimp carbonara, so good. Since it was in the upper 70s and I was still stuffed early evening, I decided to cut the grass. By the time I was half way through mowing the back yard, I was sweating bullets and wanted to call it quits. But that would mean I would have to come back out tomorrow to finish the chore in 80+ degree weather, no thanks. So I gotrdun, front and back in one big sweep. The big toe looks like it healing fine, thanks to my darling wife for changing out the bandage. I still so surprise that my toe has feeling but is not the slightest bit tender.

July 6, 2019
“Haste, Lord, and act; stir us up, and call us back; inflame us, and draw us to You; stir us up, and grow sweet unto us; let us now love You, let us run after You.” – St Augustine. Owie! I stubbed and cut my big toe last night. The gash was bigger than I thought it was and should have had Fawn looked at it last night instead of this morning. Hope it doesn’t get infected. It’s actually surprising that it’s neither tender nor painful as it looks. Looking at a bunch of new videos of Isaac this morning and noticed how much the little man is talking now with so much clarity. His complete sentence structure is really good. Mama and dad are doing an awesome job raising and communicating with him. Watched, How the West Was Won, love watching westerns, but this one was almost three hours long. Found more joy in the evening, thanks to Face Time with Isaac, Andrea and Rob.

July 5, 2019
OK that makes sense now, about the teleprompter going haywire because of the rain, during the president’s speech yesterday. Hope I’m not going to regret putting off mowing the lawn this week until early part of next week when the temperature is expected to be in the eighties. It mid to upper nineties is for the birds. Talking about chores, the Gorilla Glue project worked out really good. Folks are still celebrating with fireworks. Hope everyone is taking care and safely enjoying this holiday weekend. Albeit, Alex was working from his home office today, we went to Alex’s house to let in Four Seasons to have his HVAC inspected, cleaned, and serviced; so that he could work undisturbed. I always love the open view from back as well as all the natural light from all those windows. Mmm, made us Cantonese steamed fish for lunch. Sometimes the simplest dishes are the tastiest. Must of played the Spiderman video Andrea posted on FB of Isaac a half a dozen time. It brings about great joy and is an awesome reminder of God’s crowning gift.

July 4, 2019
Whoo hoo, Happy Fourth of July! Went to the Oak Lawn area, to feed Jennifer’s fish and water her plant. So we did two malls, Chicago Ridge Mall and Orland Square Mall. It’s been a long while and can’t recall the last time we been to these two malls other than we been there before when my sister Mary lived in Oak Lawn. Made myself the best patty melt ever, 1/3 pounder with green onion, salt, black pepper, garlic powder, pepper jack cheese and toasted 12 grain bread. Nobody, I mean nobody got this over me. Watched Donald Trump delivers July 4th Independence Day speech at the Lincoln Memorial. Wow, what an unexpected unifying speech that celebrated the American story. Albeit had a few, what????? moments, all in all, not bad. The president is seemingly full of surprises and never know what is going to come out of his mouth.

July 3, 2019
Penning a little early for another round of relaxation. Think perhaps an old NCIS rerun so better hurry since it’s on network tv. Normally, I prefer watching shows on Xfinity On Demand. Last night the distance rumbling moved in and became huge thunder claps that shock the house around the midnight hour. Normally, I’m able to sleep through almost anything, but last night was something to behold. Made a most colorful and flavorful scrambled eggs with tomatoes dish that was literally plate lickin’ good. How often does someone go about shamelessly licking a plate? Relaxed, listening to Six Queen Piano Covers performed by Cole Lam, and then he played and sang Hallelujah upon request, to boot!  He was amazingly talented and entertaining young man. I was wrong, Andrea does recalls playing the shell game with me! Tomorrow is the Fourth of July; and we got ahead of it with hot dog and beans for dinner. Ha, the NCIS show wasn't what I thought it was, real cases. I just want entertainment and a brief escape from the ongoing bombardment of negativity. Was musing about the Betsy Ross flag / Nike controversy and am wondering if this stuff is master minded from free publicity are just divisive crap. The said flag was flown on President Obama 2nd inaugural in 2013. What changed?  

July 2, 2019
Out the door early to run errands in the cool of the morning. Ha, cool of the morning, it was already 79 ยบF by eight o’clock. Well it’s a lot cooler than it was at 11:30, when it soared up to 91 ยบF. I remember there was a time when the temperature would soar over 100 ◦F this time of year, but haven’t seen that happen since the summer of 2012. Praying for my sister-in-law Soo and her husband Eddie, who live in Tucson, Arizona where the temperature is routinely above a hundred this time of year. Don’t think I could bear living there under those conditions. Anyway, had a good cardio day, was on the elliptical twice and did a hour long walk. Enjoyed an old video earlier in the day of Isaac with his hands behind his back doing the grandpa walk. Reminded me of Andrea doing the same with her grandpa. Yesterday video was a classic, dad playing the shell game with the kids. I doubt if any of my kids remembers playing that with me. Today’s video of Isaac pretending to juggle was hilarious, happy Isaac. “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3). Indeed, children are a blessing from God.

July 1, 2019
The joy of the day was looking at Isaac videos, what a hoot. The little man is such a bundle of joy. The two fifteen pound dumbbells are pretty much useless. I’ve been only doing two twenty reps arm curls and two twenty five reps bench press with them as warm up for a while. I think that five pound increases on a single fixed dumbbell is not as good as having a in between ones. I have a pair of 5#, 10#, 15#, and 20# and would of loved the in between weights. But that wasn’t in my budget. Yeah, I could of got that going with the cheaper adjustable pair of dumbbells, but I opted for a grab and go over extending the time I allotted for weight training exercises. I also think that all the fiddling around would have been a big turn off. To put things in perspective, I had other honey dos to tend to and wasn’t able to complete my weight training workout routine. When mama wants something done, it’s usually right there and then. And I found it best to do as request and oblige. Can’t remember where the 2#, 3#, and 6# dumbbells came from, but did use them when I began my physical therapy. Imagine, once upon a time, straining with doing repetitive lifts with them. Just as predicted, it was oatmeal for breakfast and the steak and eggs for lunch. Still can’t get over how inexpensive the steak was. Today’s verse is, “You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter” (Psalm 74:17). Have said it often, “not much on winter (too hot) and not much on winter (too cold)”, but at least for today, I stopped my whining and thanked God for his blessings of the day. Since it is the 1st of July, earlier in the day, I was musing about the red, white and blue, America and our freedom. Somehow I digressed and thought lowly of several nameless athletes. Started to say, “Sigh, why do I give any time of day for stupid things?” but prayers abound for people trying to cope with their frustration, anger and struggles. May the peace of the Lord be with them. Rejoice and be glad. Live a sanctified life.

June 30, 2019
Topped off the gas tank today, just because tomorrow Illinois will double the gas tax. LOL, managed to pump 3.9 gallons. We will be paying about a $100 dollars a year more with our new gas Illinois taxes alone. It’s hard to believe it is better for the environment to ride bus, driving near one of those things is so nauseating. Porterhouse steak! Expensive dinner? Not today, $4.99/lb. So this bad boy was just under eight bucks and had organic carrots with it as a side, so good. Of course there were leftovers, and am already thinking scrambled eggs and breakfast steak. The reality is it will most likely be tomorrow’s lunch and will not be deviating from the normal oatmeal. I don’t wish to get into any specifics about why I began musing about reasons why people interpret Holy Scripture differently. For sure, the fault is not with God or with scripture, but with us. The biggest reason I can think of is that we are all poor miserable sinners and that our unrighteousness keeps us from seeing things clearly (Romans 1:18-32). Sometimes I wonder any or more so, which of my thoughts have been compromised. And also wonder about the cause of the text that I struggle with. I total don’t get it with those in my side of the family who are non denominational evangelicals and question their hermeneutical skills. How does that even work?

June 29, 2019
Albeit, I only been using a pair of fifteen pound dumbbells, I decided to do my squats without weights. Just don’t feel like pushing myself too hard and making it feels like work. Guessing that’s why they call it a workout, but it need to feel like fun. I’m not looking for a muscular transformation; just want to be physically fit. Interesting that the temperature for the day was pretty much the same as yesterday, but because the humidity was much lower, it was a bearable to be out and about. Did the mall walk at the Yorktown mall and it remains my favorite mall to wall in for now. I say for now is because it became a dog friendly mall. I saw only one person with a dog and the dog was a disciplined one. I am apprehensive the mall will be over run my uncontrolled filthy dogs and them doing their nasty business. I see so many untrained dogs about town. Calling out disrespectful owners is never fun and by nature they tend to be so defensive and even a kind admonishment never goes over well. What to do? Can't believed I just got worked up over nothing. Time for bed, had somewhat of an exhausting day.

June 28, 2019
Out the door early and made it Edwards just before the road construction crew started setting up the cones. What a nightmare that would have been during the morning rush. Had fun working on a jigsaw puzzle at the hospital while Fawn was her doctor. Thanks be to God all is well, and good for the next six months. We went to IKEA for lunch and cashed in on my free birthday meal and did the maze walk afterward. There’s nothing like having a go on the elliptical with Adele. I tried to go full bore for eight, but was only able to do six before flaming out. I can hardly wait for the ninth and final season of Suits to begin next month. Funny, how this made me muse about the idiom, “All good things must come to an end.” The reality is that good things never really end; we just come to the end of them. Ha, once heard that the gospel of Mark, has no ending, unless we end it, so very true.

June 27, 2019
Up early to roll the trash to the curb. Normally, I would do it in the evening, but didn’t want to go out in the rain. Changed it up this morning, having half a blueberry bagel with morning coffee. There are so many different little things in the refrigerator. Hard to keep from wasting food when there is just two in the house. What a wonderful day, we spent the day with my sister and my niece Melissa. My, how time flies when there is so much catching up to do. Weatherwise, it was pretty much the same as yesterday, hot, and yeah, yesterday’s rain made it muggy. So I’m guessing the storm that moved in this evening will do the same for tomorrow for another 90+ day. Got to stop whining about weather, Fawn called me out on it today. Awesome, Feast of Pentecost, homily by Fr Joshua. May we begin our summer journey of our souls.

June 26, 2019
So far so good with the wifi to pc transmission, no drops, so I’m guessing the router firmware update did the trick. This morning was only the second time I hopped on the elliptical this month, been walking instead while Fawn been doing two twenties on that bad boy. Whatever happened to those downtown riverwalk and neighborhood walks we use to do all the time anyway? Probably, should be doing at least eight minutes on the elliptical daily to get some kind of cardio in these summer months, come on man. Crazy summertime warmth, it was already in the mid 70s when we went out the door this morning. We stopped by Alex’s house to check on it while he is away and was surprised he was home. He was suppose to be back tomorrow, but got back in the middle of the night a day early. Thanks be to God, he is back safely. Naturally, we got Chinese from Lucky Panda! The food is so good there. By mid afternoon, it was in the upper 80s and was singing the old tune, Heat Wave. While looking for the link to the previous song, I came across and was wowed by the, Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band. And talk about high energy, how about these same high school kids performing at the, 2018 Pasadena Bandfest? Away, what a boomer we had this evening accommodated with an unbelievable torrential downpour. Prayerfully, it with provide some succor from the heat we got earlier, but it will most likely make it a more muggy addition to the heat. What will I do when it gets even warmer, beside doing more whining?

June 25, 2019
Snacking on, Framer Brand Peanuts, from Indonesia. Eating ´em like there’s no tomorrow, so addicting. Was so energized this morning, that I upped the reps on the twenty pound dumbbells. Am surprised I have been gradually and painlessly progress a few times in such a short time. Am having issues with losing the internet connection on my pc, so I downloaded the latest updated onto my laptop and upgraded the firmware on the router. It took me a while to refresh myself and figure out how to do the needed. Hopefully, the firmware update will resolve the issue. Hit the front and the sides of the house and applied Roundup on the walk way, drive way and curb side where needed. So all that remains for now, is the backyard and the weed whacking. Not sure if that will be a one or two days project, because of the heat and humidity. Looking at a few pics from Alex in Colorado doing white water rafting with his friends. Makes me so prayerfully nervous and wishing he comes back safely soon. It’s so rare that he has a crazy tight knit group of friends dating all the way back to middle school, to high school and to college.

June 24, 2019
You know you have a great coffee mug, when you look forward to having your morning coffee with grandpa mug. It just brightens up an otherwise dreary rain filled morning. When to Edwards Hospital for Fawn’s exam. Guys are so lucky not to tend to these annual female gender related exams. Thanks be to God, all’s well. Kinda glad it was raining this morning; otherwise it would have been a problematic drive on Washington, between people trying to compute to work and the ongoing road construction. Betting we will have another record month of rainfall this month, either by total inches of rain and/or number of days rain. One of wiper blades was acting up and needed replacing. Funny how things are never as simple like the ideal condition instruction videos make them out to be. Check, gotrdun. Melissa’s flew in town this week and is staying at my sister’s house, working a time to spend with her. Enjoyed watching the pics and videos of yesterday’s surprise party, what awesome friends and family. The sun came out later in the day and it became even more of a long beautiful day. Crazy how tend to think about Joshua 10, when the Lord stopped the sun in the middle of the day.

June 23, 2019
Waken by a loud thunder clap that shook the entire house followed by torrential rain and ongoing loud rumblings. But was able to fall back asleep after the storm blew by. Saw a meme, "Thank God I don't have to hunt for food - I don't even know where tacos live." Haven’t been to the late Divine Service in a long while, so it was good to friends that I haven’t seen in a while. So many good folks at our parish. It doesn’t get much better than to sing for joy and gladness, seeing what our Lord has mercifully done. The plan was to watch our nephew Zach and niece for a couple hours today, but we were totally taken by surprise that it was a large gathering surprise birthday party for Fawn. Remarkable how they were able to pull it off.

June 22, 2019
Dang another awesome day thus far. Slightly warmer in the upper 70s, but still good. I see a string of 80s for the next two weeks, but even that is OK because 80s in the summer is good. Can the forecast be trusted? The rhetoric, be it foreign or domestic, is so disparaging and difficult to avoid. Like barking dogs yapping about this and that and what not. Prayers for tongues to speak not too much and only profitably with only kind words. Love celebrating the full revelation of the divine Trinity during this season of Pentecost. In recalling our baptism, we have all died and risen with Christ and have received his Most Holy Spirit that dwells in us.

It actually made it into the lower 80s this afternoon, so I retreated from the warm and mugginess to the cool of the indoors and ended up cleaning the stove and finally changed out the toilet seat. Went to celebrate the second week of Pentecost and served at the altar and got to ring the sanctus bells at Mass. Ah, the beauty beyond the smells and bells at Mass. We decided to do tacos for dinner at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana. The vicar asked if I could help out at the altar again at the late service tomorrow, so I’ll be back to joyfully serve again. Mused about prosphora bread, a lot of questions remaining. Prayers for Jennifer for safe travel and stay in Peoria.

June 21, 2019
Summer solstice and the longest day is officially here! And what a super nice day it was, until the early evening when the rain clouds moved in. It hasn’t rain yet, but suspect we will mostly likely get some overnight showers. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish my weight training exercises today, because we went to visit my sister, but did finished where I left off and gotrdun. I was tire and struggling, but the shower after getting my haircut, rejuvenated me.

June 20, 2019
Sigh.. looks like I’ve added to confusion from a poorly written article. I called the city just now, over my concerns about what I thought was an issued a precautionary water boil. It was supposed to be an informational process of the city will be issue if there ever becomes a need. Thanks be to God, that’s all it was. What a relief this morning and can enjoy my morning coffee, loving the pics on my grandpa mug .

Mmm, it’s been a while, but I made us tuna salad sandwiches for lunch with pickles on the side. It was so good that I’m surprised we don’t have it more often. Attempting to compile a list of western flicks was kinda fun, but now think it’s lame to track them. I felt too much like work, so I deleted the file. Jennifer stopped by briefly to help her out with her laundry and for a quick dinner. And she she off and running again. My baby will be moving to Peoria for her next rotation, what a crazy life and schedule she is enduring. 

June 19, 2019
I always do the happy dance when mama makes pasta, definitely one of my all time favorite meal. Naperville issued a precautionary water boil, because of a water main break. Albeit, there is no evidence that our water have been compromised, we are taking measures because has become more susceptible to contamination. Prayers for our health and safety.

June 18, 2019
Love drink my morning coffee with my new grandpa mug, musing about Isaac is a blessing. The silly things we do and over react to. Didn’t pen last night because I was frustrated at myself and not in a good mood. I obviously was in denial, that I didn’t press the wrong gas choice button getting the expensive high octane gasoline, but over it now. Anyway time to tend to mowing the lawn…

Nice, was able to take it all the way back to the fence line. Got the entire job in a single sweep in the cool of the morning, but still managed to work up a sweat. One would thing that couldn’t happen with a walk behind mower. Ha, talk about sweat power, still remember when I first moved to the burbs and stayed with brother Bill and mowed the grass with a mechanical reel mower. I love and watched countless westerns since I could remember. It would be impossible to list all the tv episodes but just for kicks, I decided to start an spreadsheet an log and date the western films as I watch them. I’m sure many of them will be reruns along with ones I never watched before. 

June 16, 2019
Happy Father’s Day and Trinity Sunday. Thanks be to God for my dad, miss him. Awesome is the day the start off with celebrating, The Feast of the Holy Trinity, with my family. Albeit, the Divine Service is always full blast, the music is always exceptional on feast days. Happy dad and papa, I am I am. The kids took us to MingHin for dim sum! Yeah, I over indulged, but at least not to the point of going into a food comma. Got the best custom coffee mug ever with images of me and Isaac. Also love the frames art work by the artist Isaac. Now that’s what I’m talking about, true love, Rob gave me a shoulder massage! Albeit our children may leave your homes, they never leave our hearts. Indeed children are a gift from God. “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward” (Psalm 127:3).

June 15, 2019
Been a quite day. It was time to replace the toilet seat, decided to pick up one from Walmart since it was near the nursing home. Now it’s only a matter of being motivated to do the actual replacement installation. Came across, Lily & Madeleine – Can’t Help the Way I Feel. Never heard of them, but pretty good. There wasn't going on much yesterday either, I was a walking fool and did two forty-five minute walks. O how rewarding was the peaceful solitude.

June 13, 2019
How can I not start off with a rant about how cold it seems when the temps are in the low 60s? We met up with Jennifer at the doctor’s office, allergies. Anyway, I just took a walk while they went in. Albeit, I was wearing a hooded sweat shirt and sweat pants, the cold demanded that I should move briskly. I set a goal visioning myself trotting half the distance around and then walking the second half, but to my surprise, I made it all the way around, I’m guessing about a half mile loop before needing to walk again. Have to pause, Panic! At The Disco - Bohemian Rhapsody (Live) [from the Death Of A Bachelor Tour]. I enjoy the meditative leisure walk more than a power walk or a slow trot, but today I seem to be benefiting from the mix of the seemly unworkout exercise to the physical pushing. 

June 12, 2019
Sigh, what the heck is going on with all these Windows 10 and Dell updates? Went all out and decided to go with the Fluidmaster Toilet Tank Complete Repair Kit. No stone unturned and gotrdun. Turned what was left of the oxtail into a beef stew as a reward, so glad I save the bone both from yesterday. Nice the Jennifer can home. Think she comes to do her laundry and study. So glad I’m able to make her a home cooked meal. She seems so busy with her studies and looks so thin. Listening to sacred music and am going just kick back and relax …

June 11, 2019
Well, got the fill valve from Home Depot and a braided supply line just in case. We were out and about all day enjoying the weather, so it’s another procrastinating maรฑana since it’s suppose to be a dreary rain filled day. Good to be living a seven day weekend, where non urgent chores can but postponed. Dinner was dictated by the fact that lone package of oxtails was on sale for half price. Tasted so so good.

June 10, 2019
What a super nice day out, went out and ran a few errands and briefly enjoyed the outdoors as well as a doing breakfast at Baker’s Square before going home to do a toilet repair. Had to replace the rotted toilet to bowl gasket that started leaking water when flushing. I was totally surprised the tank to bowl bolts came off with the need to saw them off like last time. Unbelievable, now the old ball-cock supply valve is trickling water and the adjustment screw in maxed out. Oh well, time to replace it with an up to date fill valve, maรฑana. Love the videos Andrea sent of Isaac beginning their summer adventure. Already playing soccer and dancing in his cowboy boots. Love the little man.

June 9, 2019
Albeit, today is our 35th wedding anniversary and thought it was going to a big deal prior to today, but it just seems like a ordinary day in our extraordinary Coram deo life as one flesh. 

June 8, 2019
Was all fired up this morning to do my exercises. Fawn went to Kolhs yesterday with my sister Nancy yesterday and bought three pairs of Croft & Barrow cargo shorts on their Father’s Days sale. What got me all fired up was the 34 inch waist size! My journey started with 38 inch pants that I wore below the belly to the now 34 inch good fit along the actual waistline. Still sad, that my belly still jiggles and that I still need to reduce the somehow firm up that bad boy. If I remember correctly, I was 140 pounds and had a thirty one inch waistline when I graduate high school. Been doing way too many reps with a lot of my I did licked the weights up where I could to do less reps. Fawn dug even dug up one of my ancient hand grippers that is more challenging. Interesting, how my strength training exercises have evolved from using mostly resistance bands to almost using all dumbbell weights. The only resistance band I use now is for doing old school strand chest pulls. It was a beautiful day the Lord has made and finally dry enough to mow all the way back to the back fence and take the weed whacker to all the needed. It was so nice out; I even gave the front yard a manicure with the lawn edger. Dang, if it doesn’t look pretty.

June 7, 2019
Sigh… I hate major Windows updates. Bad enough we got two updates this week already, but to throw in a feature update on that seem to take forever just to download and install.  There, got that out of my system. "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17).We visit my sister Nancy today and what a treat, zongzi! It’s always a great day to spend time with her. Fawn and I are blessed with the God given gift of four siblings.

June 6, 2019
Yikes, weighted myself after our morning coffee conversation, about the bad habit I recent started, eat and snack before bed. So glad she is watching over my wellness. Amazing, what a few added calories over time will do. How does one still work up a sweat in the cool of the morning with a self propelled lawn mower? Cut the grass best I could out back, but the last five feet or so along the back fence line remains so muddy and undoable. The overall dampness on the ground was enough for me to still put off using the a/c weed whacker. Watched a D-Day Documentary. Needless to say, watching recounts of honor and sacrifices is overwhelming and a lot different than Hollywood movies of the like. For sure, “Freedom is Not Free.”

June 5, 2019
Nice surprise, I thought Panera forgot about me, but got an email this morning wishing me a happy birthday and an invite to come in a get a free pastry! We went out mid morning to run errands and it was already is the mid 70s. We headed towards the Sam’s Club in Montgomery and stopped at the Nothing Bundt Cakes to pick up my free lemon raspberry bun cake as well as by Portillo’s for my free chocolate cake. By the noon time hour it was already hot and humid and in the mid 80s. Ever since turning the dehumidifier in the basement, been having to empty the 70 pint unit once in the morning and once again in the evening. It’s finally down to sucking about 100 pints out of the air a day now. It was nowhere near this bad last year. Fawn, Jennifer and I went to Colonial Cafรฉ to celebrate my birthday. The food was good and mine was on the house. I got a Ruben sandwich with fries and a two scoop sundae as a birthday freebie. Normally I’m not much on celebrating my birthday and keep a low profile with birthday well wishes from family members, but this year with FB, I’m getting a lot of well wishes and am somewhat cheerfully blushing. Always happy when my siblings give me a call, and when I hear from my children, but there something to be said about a video chat with Isaac that just makes the day complete. I was going to wait until tomorrow, when it is forecasted to be a much cooler day to cut the grass, but it was just too high and awful looking, so I just bore down and got the front done in the heat. I was actually surprised that the grass in the front yard was dry enough to cut, especially after the big thunder storm we got last night. So hopefully it will be dry enough to mow all of the backyard and weed whack done. Still thinking about all the freebies I got for my birthday, but none surpasses God’s glorious freebies, when he showers us with grace upon grace. With a grateful heart in deepest gratitude, I recall my baptism. Lord, daily grant me forgiveness of sins and steadfastness in saving faith all the days you have prepared in advance for me.

June 4, 2019
Been so busy, but am finding a little time this afternoon to pen. We did a quick and dirty wiring that got Alex’s Ecobee 4 thermostat up and running with his furnace late last fall, but didn’t test to see if it was wired correctly with the air conditioner and of course it didn’t. Alex and I went over the wiring diagram and did the needed to get the central air conditioner up and running. I really enjoy working on small projects with my son. This is going to be a good birthday freebee week:  sandwich at Colonial Cafรฉ, Swedish meatballs at IKEA, cake at Portillo’s and Nothing Bundt Cakes, and pie at Baker’s Square. The new Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, has her work cut out for her. Fifty two people were shot and ten killed over the weekend. That even ellipses the thirty three people shot and seven killed the week before during the memorial day weekend. Clearly, tending to violent crimes are still not a high enough of a priority in Chicago. So school is out for the summer this week and am going to miss watching Isaac. Don't like being away from family and not seeing them. Jennifer is the least one I get to see, and don't think I will get over the emptiness being away. Hopefully there will be enough family gathering to celebrate God's gift of family.  Been away and got on FB. Wow, a niece in Morocco, riding on a camel in the Sahara and a nephew in Viet Nam on a last minute whim. Lord, “I believe; help my unbelief!” I’m feeling the pinched, while being pruned musing on our call by grace to discipleship and my own sinful attempts to establish my own terms for discipleship.

May 30, 2019
Nice day to be out and about running errands. For some unknown reason I felt energized and did a thirty minute of a run and walk and am convinced that running is not my cup of tea and fare better getting in my cardiovascular exercise in on the elliptical. If I get motivated to do the run and walk thing again, it will have to be substantially much less of a go at it.

May 29, 2019
Started penning my journal late morning at the dealership using a Word document and planning to cut and paste it later. No way was I going to get on a public wifi. Jennifer came home for visit and had some stuff to tend to with her mama and I got volunteered to take her car in for an oil change. It was about an hour before they were able to get to the car, but I was prepared for the long wait, and knew that I was going in for a long wait and took my laptop with me and extended my Excel calendar tracker. Hah, it’s like optimistically buying green bananas. It was a good plan until I got to the bad news, it needed rear brakes, so I had Fawn come and pick me up. In hindsight, a better plan would have been just to drop the car off, but who knew. I’m counting on it to still be in good shape when she will be able to get one on her own, we’ll see. It may be years when she’ll be able to be fully on her own financially. Was reminded how fragile life is, when I learned the other day that Rob’s uncle passed away in a boating accident over the Memorial Day weekend. Prayers for the comfort of our Lord for family and friends upon the death of this young man. Been slowly kicking it up a notch ever so slightly this month and have been avoided getting stiff and sore in the morning. Guessing I’m stronger than I’ve been in a long time, that just shows how out of shape I was (am?). Anyway, at least I’m trying to do something about it, I guess. Just got the ‘low battery’ notification pop up …

Save a few bucks and replaced the windshield wipers myself. Jennifer’s next rotation is in Peoria, so we got online to look for temporary housing in Peoria. We found a few possibilities, but will have to wait until tomorrow to clear up some details.

May 28, 2019
Thanks be to God, received good results from coronary arteries ultrasound imaging, no need to retest for another two years. We just can’t seem to get a break, getting round after round of rainfall. No doubt rain is in the forecast; the only question is will we getting drizzle, scattered showers, a thunderstorm, or a torrential downpour? Watching Isaac jumping up and down all over the place on a thirty-six inch trampoline is too taxing for me, but the kid was having a blast on it. Today wasn’t a strength training day, but lifting Isaac felt like doing a thirty pound kettlebell workout. I just can’t lift and play with Isaac like I did with mama when she was small. Oh my, super loud thunder clap and rumbling and talk about a sudden temperature drop.

May 27, 2019
Wow, a tornadic thunderstorm just south of us, we got torrential rain and hail and for about fifteen minutes. Glad to see that the sump pump was able to keep up. This pedestal pump been faithful for a very long time. I’m really playing with fate and should replace the bad boy, been talking about that for years now.  The first thing that came to mind is how short the weekend was, then again, I’m living a seven day weekend life. The reality is that it was a holiday weekend and it was good to pause to remember and honor the lives of our servicemen who died while serving our nation. No disrespect, but I can’t help but to think about the men and women who have served and are currently serving and offer them also words of gratitude for their service also. Celebrating with family and doing the traditional American food thing all weekend long with hamburgers, hot dogs, barbecue meat, baked beans, corn on the cob, corn bread, watermelon, apple pie and spaghetti. Funny, one would think nothing says Italian food like spaghetti and meatballs, unless you’re Italian of course. I grew up in Bridgeport, now known as Chinatown, and the neighborhood was mostly an Italian neighborhood at the time and spaghetti and meatballs was consider an Italian-American dish, much like egg foo young is considered a Chinese-American dish. Anyway the weekend just seems short, because I seem to be the only time families are able to find time gather. With the school year soon coming to a close, started working on transitioning to a summer exercise regiment. Interestingly, I knew that cardiovascular exercise burn more calories than lifting weights, but didn’t know that the amount of calories burned after weight training is higher. That is because the metabolism increases after cardiovascular exercise only lasts 30 to 60 minutes, whereas post weight training metabolism increases up to 48 hours. I’m routinely doing both, but find this fascinating. I’m not interested in losing any more weight and am thrilled to have been able to routinely manage to maintain a steadfast weight, but the waistline still persist. From how lose my pants are, I know that my pot belly is way smaller than before, but it is nowhere near where it needs to be. As the day is almost over, I find myself praying a psalmody, Psalm 141 – Let My Prayer Rise Before You. May the Holy Spirit guide me toward being more gracious in my speech and manners.

May 25, 2019
Craziest thing, I never had or ever heard of an issue with a seatbelt buckle before. Mine failed to latch and had to take it in to the dealership to replace. The car is just under three years old and was still under warranty, $0.00 music to my ears. I’ve been doing a lot of walking this week and have been neglecting the elliptical and am not sure if that is a good thing or not. I didn’t walk today so I got on it and only did ten minutes on it. Now that’s what I’m talking about, finally found good organic celery. Made chicken and celery, as well as red bean and rice for myself and made it a lunch and a home matinee movie, Vice. The family got together to finally take my mother-in-law out to celebrate a Mother’s Day dinner at her most beloved House of Emperor restaurant. It’s not an easy task when she is not very lucid nor is she very mobile. It’s a major undertaking to take her out physically from the nursing home. It was an emotionally bittersweet day.

May 24, 2019
Got the additional blood work out of the way first thing in the morning. The roads were seemingly empty even for a Friday morning, guessing folks planning to make it a four day weekend. We went to the Meijer afterward on Route 59, it’s nice to shop for groceries without being caught up in the mix. There is no plan to watch the calorie intake this holiday weekend except for not eating myself into a comma. I’m beginning to think that I am over thinking about the teaching and preaching of cheap grace. For some, that is all that they want to grace themselves with, milk. A call repentance and obedience, "And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him" (Hebrew 5:9).

May 23, 2019
Climbed up the ladder to check on the gutter and to my surprise it was OK. I thought for sure it would be near clog with the flowers from the neighbor’s tree and from the hail of helicopters from the huge maple tree across the tree. That tree has to be close to a hundred feet tall. Glad it rained during the night as opposed to raining during the day, and what another boomer it was. The grass is so green, but was so wet that I couldn’t mow it in the morning, but was able to get to the front and part of the backyard late afternoon, after doing lunch with my sister Nancy at Famous Dave’s in Montgomery. So nice that the air condition is humming like a charm. It didn’t take long for the dehumidifier in the basement to fill. Watched the NCIS Finale and the prior episode and can hardly wait for next season. Wow, watched, Relive Every Performance by Voice Winner Maelyn Jarmon - The Voice 2019. Surprised I didn’t catch any of the season 16 episodes this year. Been musing on the doctrine of free grace becoming a doctrine of cheap grace. Being a Christian in more than making a profession of faith and going to Worship for an hour on Sunday. I was struck and remain blown away when I first heard a Lutheran pastor say, “Good works are necessary for salvation.” After all, faith without works is dead. Too often we fail to include the call for repentance and holy living. Jesus asks, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” (Luke 6:46). May the fruits of our faith abound in love for our neighbors. Guessing I should go to bed, got additional blood work tomorrow morning. Prayers for good test results.

May 22, 2019
Went for a pleasant solitary walk in the cool of the day while Fawn was getting a haircut. While out we got a call that about an opening today for the annual A/C cleaning and maintenance, so timely. We called too late this year and were originally scheduled to have the A/C worked on all the way out to July the 3rd, so yeah, was doing the happy dance. I love their heating and air conditioning service and maintenance policy. I’ve seen so many different quotes from, The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer that it may prove to be a very good read. Just from reading about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is in itself sparks an interest in the theological writing of this martyred theologian. I can a ready tell that this is going to be as slow read and muse for me, as I dive in and examine his pen. Went to Sam’s Club Pharmacy mid afternoon to pick up some meds and stopped by a few stores in the Oswego area for what nots before heading to Alex’s for supper. Naturally we stopped by our favorite Chinese, Luck Panda and order carryout. Hard to believe the temperature was in the mid 80s and wasn’t muggy, so I got in a second walk for the day. Alex and I are NCIS fans, and he called it is episode 13 that Cote de Pablo’s Ziva David will return to the show as a guest star or regular this season, what an awesome fictional character. I’m too episodes behind, now I wish I watching it live without knowing. Funny, how I like NCIS:New Orleans but he don’t and that he likes NCIS: LA and I don’t. Anyway, about to binge watch the last two episodes before calling it a day.

May 21, 2019
Up early because I went to bed early around 8:30 last night. It didn’t take long to be out of the darkness. A little surprise I started a few of my morning exercise before brewing a nice hot cup of green tea. It’s so peaceful in the quite. Isaac, will be up soon and then the fun and games will begin. He’s quite a handful, moving from one activity to another. The kid really loves his grandma and I’m good with being secondary and have to let him know that I’m an old man and need to take frequent breaks. Well, time to get finish off my workout before every else it up. It’s amazing that Fawn is up every day by five just like clockwork, Alex is pretty much the same. Silly me, thought I misread the forecast, the huge warm up in not until tomorrow.

Is it me, or is it raining more in May than in April? For kicks, I googled top trending music and the #1 on the top playlist was, Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber - I Don't Care [Official Video]. Played it and couldn’t get into the music nor the video. Fawn sampled, Aidells Cajun Andouille Smoked Sausages at Marinao’s and brought a couple packages on sale. I can see why, mmm, first time and definitely won’t be the last. Now that’s a solid flavorful spicy sausage that can be sautรฉ with green peppers, onions and tomato sauce over a bed of rice. I didn’t know what to expect, so I just followed the package instructions and found the sausage had a tasty kick to it. Funny guy, one minute Isaac is hoarding all the toys and the next minute is handing them over to you. Gas finally dropped below three bucks and now $2.899 seems like an amazing deal. I look back to see when I penned my first journal entry, not quite my 10th anniversary. So thankful for the art work by my good friend Dave Wohlrab who is truly a gifted artist and illustrator. Thinking back, it was somewhat of a therapeutic exercise that unveiled the life of a sinner saint in the face of God. My stream of consciousness writing is most likely hard to follow for those who stumble upon the entries. A lot of my penned thought would most like curl people’s toes, but are helpful while considering my sins with great displeasure and sorrow before deleting them and crying, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." 

May 20, 2019
Just have to start my pen with, “Chili today, hot tamale” A chilly high of 52 degrees today and an expected insane
 high of 81 degrees tomorrow. Got to love those thirty degrees Midwest temperature swings. Learned this morning that Laine Hardy is the 2019 American Idol. Watched the Chicago Mayoral Inauguration of Lori Lightfoot with prayerful optimism. May our Lord be merciful and guide her, that we may live peaceful lives. I know I don’t live in the city, but their massive problems are out of control and resonate throughout our state. Took out and defrosted the bratwursts sausages that I cooked several weeks back and sliced and diced them bad boys and added them to the stir fry zucchini. Also pan fried a in-bone rib steak and pulled barbecue chicken. Starting to look like a typical Chinese table with multiple communally eating dishes, with fusion food. Have I become my parents? Had a fun time watching several stir fry zucchini videos on YouTube with Isaac. I asked, “Isaac, are you a good cook?” He laughed and said, Papa good cook” and gave me two thumbs up and made my day. Until becoming a grandpa, I had no idea that ‘papa’ is a less frequent used word for grandpa. Seems he is like me and is fascinated at how people cook. As a kid I loved watching instructional food shows. I still remember shows like, ‘The French Chef Julia Childs’ and ‘The Frugal Gourmet’. As I got older, I thought of celebrity chefs as rock stars. I give ear to amazing chefs like, Martin Yan, Emeril Lagassรฉ, Bobby Flay, Wolfgang Puck, Cat Cora, and Paula Deen and Rachael Ray. In my mind Bobby Flay is a culinary legend and can do no wrong in the kitchen. I’ve seen him taken down countless people with their own signature dish on “Beat Bobby Flay.” Anyway, the steak and pulled bbq chicken was tasty, nothing new there. I was thrilled that the zucchini with sausage was given everyone’s stamp of approval and then some. It’s always a good thing whenever a new dish is successfully prepared and enjoyed, for "I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil this is God's gift to man" (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13).

May 19, 2019
I have my laptop on my lap and am watching American Idol Finale. No doubt in my mind that this is going to be a very slow pen, because I’m only typing while the judges are yapping blah, blah, blab … between the singing competitors and singing stars performances and commercials. My favorite between the three is Madison VanDenburg and really hope she America agrees with me. Hmm, Oh well she’s out of the running and am no longer interested in the show and in the other room while Fawn seems to still be enjoying the show. Ha, back to talking about the weather like the Brits. Think meteorologist are able to within reason ballpark forecast the temperate but are finding forecasting rain and snow remains challenging for them. Did have to get up early this morning, but did so anyway to get in my workout before preparing stir fry dishes to take up to Grayslake for a visit, beef and tomato, and chicken and green bean. Both dishes are considered staple Cantonese rice plate dishes. Isaac’s asleep and now I don’t feel so bad, because Andrea and Rob are watching AI with her now. Memorial Day is next week, but am already thinking about our fallen soldiers and am praying for their family and for those that are in harm’s way. In his honor, I am remembering from congregation, 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment Hero, Spc. Samuel T. Watts, who died on May 19, 2012 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom while serving in Zharay, Afghanistan.

May 18, 2019
Today is Armed Forces Day and decided to do a early pen because I’ve been thinking about our military for a lot since during the May is National Military Appreciation Month and U.S. citizens are encouraged to honor current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces. I do so with high regards, especially for my father Hawk and brother Denton. The plan is to go to Mass tonight and it started me musing about Churches that do things that seem to honor God’s people, the nation or the flag during worship services. Albeit, see it as a good thing, I find it troubling. It drives me crazy whenever churches are turned to political platforms rather than a place of refuge. Anyway, better get in my morning exercises and do stuff around the house before heading out this afternoon and enjoy the crazy summer like weather in to lower 80s. Hope it won’t be too warm…

Back, what an awesome day ... Achoo! Don’t know why I’m compelled to make this loudly sound during a sneeze. Apologetically, I know I’ve unintentional startled so many people over the years. The pollen must be high, been relentlessly sneezing with a runny nose. And thanks be to God for Alaway and Fluticasone Propionate to bring relief to my itchy eyes and nasal symptoms. I upped the ante for my dumbbell squats, now it feels like I’m accomplishing something towards my overall fitness goals. Am so glad I took Henry’s advice to start doing squats. From what I’ve read, it’s one of the best functional exercises for promoting overall fitness. Yuk, yuk, now I see a pun coming up. Two fifteen pound dumbbells is ‘nothing for me sneeze at’ for me, that’s thirty pounds. I can see why I had to work my way up to even do a single weight free squat. I’m more than forty pounds lighter than I was at the start of my weight loss journey, but still a long way from being in shape. It would be nice to eventually do two twenty pound dumbbell squats, since I have them. One thing I learned is, “One of the most time-efficient ways to burn more calories is actually to gain more muscle! For every pound of additional muscle you gain, your body will burn an additional 50-70 calories per day. So, if you gain 10 pounds of muscle, you will automatically burn 500-700 more calories per day than you did before.” No wonder why these young bucks can eat big meals and not gain weight. Nice, Alex came over for lunch. Mom ran out to buy a couple rib eye steaks. I guessing they must be on sale, not often we get to eat them bad boys two days in a row. He is thrilled that the tool he designed and implemented was so successful that it was tweaked and rolled out this week all the regions this week. So happy that he has a job that he really enjoys and is good at. Didn’t get to be out in sun, because of the son. That didn’t come out as good as I thought that would. Just as well it was nice after the rain passed, just in time to go to Church. Easter triumph, Easter joy found in the Eucharist. After Mass, you bet, headed to the popcorn shop. Gonna enjoy their white kettle corn tomorrow watching the American Idol Finale.

May 17, 2019
I started to say another small gain by upping my squats by doing them using a pair of fifteen pound dumbbells instead of a pair of ten pound dumbbells, but really felt the difference. The plan was to make a celery and chicken stir fry, turns out pork was mistakenly defrosted so it was shredded pork and celery stir fry for dinner. There wasn’t any leftovers, but not for the reason one would guess. The organic celery hasn’t been up to par the last three or four times I brought them, but this time was the worst. Normally there are two stalks in a package, but this time there was only one and I had to discard about 60% of that single stalk. I feel like I am an enabler of allowing bad produce to be sold by grocery stores. The price of celery is crazy high this year because of the heavy rain as well as there is a high demand for celery juice. I only buy organic celery because conventional farmed celery is the most contaminated veggie founded to have the most pesticide residue. So what to do? Ribeye steak for dinner! Made it a dinner and a movie night watching the episode leading up to the finale as well as the Big Bang Theory Finale. Awesome steak and awesome way to end the final show.

May 16, 2019
I penned the day before yesterday a little about the awesome day, so what do you call a day like yesterday? Most awesome? We were out and about most of the day doing all the needed and simply enjoying the weather. At least we were able to actually string two days weather that agrees with me. It’s not often we stay out all day and eat out. We split a beef tomato pepper lunch special at Lucky Panda and for dinner we split the 3 taco plate at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana. I’m glad the servers at most places are friendly and accommodate us with an extra setting. I usually mow the lawn about every 1-2 weeks, depending on how much rain we gotten, but struggled to whether or not to hold off this week. I’m sort a glad I decided to, because I was able to cut back a little closer and am two feet from the muddy fence line. Instead of ranting about having to cut the grass, I rejoice in a season of life where I am living a seven day weekend. Along with this season of life comes a series of medical tests. I hope I’m over reacting for the need today for the call for addition blood work as a result of the last weeks scheduled test. They had an opening for today but there was no way I was going out in the afternoon with the approaching heavy thunderstorm and albeit it brief, what a boomer and doozy of a thunderstorm she was. It’s amazing how green the grass turns after a thunderstorm. It has something to do with nitrogen. It was crazy nice, after the storm moved past, but then again, just wait a tad and it’ll change. The world tells us that finding our own truth is the most path we will ever walk, but will also be pulling us a million of different directions and finding what resonates with us isn’t necessarily the truth. I came across a meme, “Life is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Waldo Emerson.” eh'nt, wrong. It's more like, 
"Nothing whatever, whether great or small, can happen to a believer, without God’s ordering and permission. There is no such thing as chance, luck, or accident in the Christian’s journey through this world. All is arranged and appointed by God. And all things are “working together” for the believer’s good.” – J.C. Ryle. The Christian life Coram deo is a greatest journey of all with Jesus as our guide on our way back to Eden. “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5).

May 14, 2019
Oh my, ate 1340 calories at the Olive Garden last night. And that only eating half of the Tour of Italy, Guessing I shouldn’t of had two bowls of pasta e fagioli soups and two of their delicious bread sticks. Bread is sadly a whopping 140 calories each, but who can resist breadsticks that naturally pairs so well with the soup. There is nothing bad about all the celebrations, but it’s been a bad three days for trying to hold the calorie intake while enjoying the festivities. Even my 760 calorie leftovers had to be broken down to two small portions. Just think about it, I think the average person today in America today eat more calories from a wide variety of food, live in well heated homes with air conditioning and indoor plumbing, and have access to many forms of transportation to travel locally or far distances then the kings and royalty of antiquity. I penned and deleted my political thoughts several time in the past and I am thinking about sharing them again. Because I hate reading or hearing political things and feeling a need to react to the media feeding frenzy of publishing non news in a angry tone from both the left and the right, I deleted it once again after reading my stream of consciousness penning. But at least, I’m giving the underlying discourse a fair hearing. Casting a vote for a democrat or a republican comes with a lot of baggage and is a difficult thing to do. Seem like for every good and reasonable stance, comes along with more than a few outrageous party line views and/or extreme positions the candidate holds that negates any clear conscience free vote for that particular candidate. I have a habit of either starting or entering the weather in almost every conversation; after all, small talk about the weather is an entrรฉe to our shared humanity. So what about it? It’s was an awesome spring day with plenty of sunshine. Now if we can only string a brunch of days like this would be nice. Been listening to my sacred music recordings, maybe during a funky summer day, I’ll have another go at attempting to figure out how to embed music unto this site.

May 13, 2019
Nice, Andrea, Rob and Isaac took us to the Olive Garden for a mother’s day dinner. Ha ha, I said us, after all, in marriage; we have become “one flesh.” Surly, it was either Andrea or Rob that put the little man up to asking, “Grandpa, who is singing?” while we were waiting to be seated. Got to love those Italian-American singers back in the day. Dean Martin - Volare. I can name more than a few like, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Tony Bennett, Frankie Valli and Frankie Avalon. LOL, Andrea said that she knew I would know those old singers. One has to love music from the Olive Garden Playlist. Fawn and I will be celebrating our 35th anniversary next month. Guess for some that is an amazingly a long time, but when we realize that marriage is all God’s doing and is intended to be a lifelong display of his glory. I agree with Pastor Bruzek that married couples are icons of the Church. I was going to mention Holy Matrimony as being a sacrament, but to on whether or not and to quibble about the number of sacraments acknowledged, is being unLutheran. Albeit, I think the majority of Lutherans do tend to acknowledge two or three sacraments and remaining four or five of the seven, as being sacramental. I personally am not only comfortable with acknowledging the ‘seven sacraments’ and would not limit or isolate other actions of the Church that possesses the characteristics of a sacrament, as being so. Call it what you want, it’s all God’s doing, he gives himself full to us. It’s not very often that I prefer eating out over a nice home cooked meal, but special celebrations do call for eating and enjoying good food that I don’t do well or requires a lot of prep or cleanup. Talk about messing up, I’ve successfully made chicken and broccoli stir-fry countless times, but today wasn’t one of them. The broccoli was way overcooked and salty. “What went wrong?” Fawn rhetorically asked. I agreed and knew what she meant, but still replied, “I overcooked the broccoli and used too much oyster sauce.” There was no saving face on this disastrously sad lunch I prepared for us today.

May 12, 2019
Been busy busy busy, with a whole lot happening over the weekend. Saw my sister Nancy who got us a bunch of bbq pork from our favorite bakery in the city. We also celebrated Adam’s graduating college, what a great kid. Not sure why Jean went fusion, but both were good. Her chicken congee was good enough for seconds and a general recipe query. Love the carnitas and enjoyed assembling my own tacos. I didn’t ask because I don’t do slow cookers. They make for wonderful meals, but I’m too impatient to start a meal that I have to wait a long time before enjoying it. Good thing I cut the grass before the weekend, because it was cold and rainy which wasn’t in the five day forecast. Fawn even made the comment that they can’t correctly the weather for the next day; ruin her plan to go shopping. Thinking the weather has to eventually break sometime soon and will become seasonable. Mmm, talk about live the high life, Fawn made the perfect meat sauce to go with the farfalle noodles and boxed them for the kids. Spent time reflecting on with both sadness and a joyful heart about my mother, sad because she is no longer here with us and joyful because she was, best mom ever. Best mom ever, well I can say that about Fawn also. My life with her is an amazing one. Not only is she stunningly beautiful and smart, she’s also an awesome wife and mother. I thank God for her gifts of nurturing, teaching and protection in her holy calling of wife and motherhood. Watched the AI semi-final show last night and thought the performances were pretty good. I was surprised that America agreed with me on the top three going forward to the final.

May 10, 2019
After my fasting bloodwork, I went all out at McDonalds with a senior coffee, hash browns and a sausage mcmuffin, a whopping 570 calorie breakfast. Guess that’s better than a typical 700 calorie full American breakfast that also includes two eggs. I thank God that my biggest concerning dilemma was whether to cut the grass today or wait until tomorrow. I opted for today, because something always come up. I really don’t care for mowing the lawn, but gotrdun. Well almost, the weed whacking remains. It’s amazing how much better the grass looks after a trim. I still was able to cut the back five to ten feet along the back fence because it was so muddy. Hopefully I’ll be able weed whack it back some tomorrow, but am betting I won’t be able to full attend to the needed until we are done with this extraordinary long rainy season. 
What’s this? Sports Illustrated came in the mail with my name on the mailing address. Fawn bought the subscription for some magazine fundraiser drive for one of our friend’s kid. Bad enough she watches a lot of sports and sport channel talk shows, but now she adding a sport magazine to the mix. I’m not generally interested in sports, but did thumb through and looked at more than a few of the swimsuit and am not clear at what this has to do with sports. All I know that SI annually publishes a controversial Swimsuit Issue year, but am not sure just why. Guessing it’s all about money and that there are some men that are not really interested in the magazine per se but would be interested in purchasing this single issue annually. Party, celebrated Victoria’s third birthday. The food at the party led to my second dilemma of having to choose between the pulled pork and the beef brisket that was catered from Fire Water BBQ, so I put some of each on my plate. Could of sworn we did that already on her actual birthday last month. Oh ha ha, guessing month long birthdays that goes on and on, like her mama. But hey, a party is a party and it’s always a good to celebrate with friends and family. Prayers for good test results.

May 9, 2019
Christ has arisen, alleluia. Nothing like the season of Easter, let us sing praises to him with endless joy. Had to post this gem I saw on FB this morning. Great no soreness from yesterday’s exercise and can easily add a few more reps to each twenty pound sets.  Mmm, mmm, made pork and napa cabbage soup, so good. A fitting meal before a twelve hour fast prior to my semiannual bloodwork. Well off to bed early to avoid thinking about food any further.

May 8, 2019
Thrilled the forecasters got it wrong about the expected cool damp rainy day for today. It was an awesome mix of sun and cloud with the temps in the low 70s. Fawn has been under the weather and had a doctor’s appointment, so we were out and about for that and to the pharmacy. I needed to adjust my resistance workout, because I finally got the nod to get the pair of twenty pound dumb bells that I’ve been wanting for a long while and put them bad boys to use today. I have to go easy and build it up. If I injure myself, I’ll never hear the end of it. It was only after our night out on Friday and consulting her brother Henry, that I got her blessing. When we talked about weight training, we compare arms. LOL, he is so buff that his forearm is bigger than my upper arm. And all I want is just tone up and be fit. Oh wow, listened to a most excellent homily for Thomas Sunday by Fr Joshua.

May 7, 2019
Something about a chilly raw day that is outright depressing. It seems more like the start of April than the start of a day in May. But like they say, its days like this that makes one appreciate awesome days in the low 70s. Be patient …

May 6, 2019
Changed it up this morning and had frozen packaged char sui bow with my morning coffee. The steamed bread wasn’t all that, but the filling was really really good. Don’t know why I was expecting it to be as good as the fresh ones from the bakery that I have froze in the pass. Ha, need to watch and brush up on my toy story. Was playing Buzz and Isaac was Woody, but I only knew a few story lines while Woody was rattling away and of course I had to wear the Buzz helmet and Isaac the woody hat. Was somewhat surprised we went from on activity to another and kept me busy, because he usually likes doing a few activities with me and mostly with grandma. Playing hide and seek with a toddler has got to be one of the most hilarious thing because they are the worst at hiding and would always pretend that I don’t see him. And after a while, he would do the “ollie ollie oxen free” thing laughing “here I am.” In a similar or not so similar way, thus says the Lord, "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). The school year is nearing the end and will most likely only get to see Isaac, mom and dad sporadically. One thing good about them being educators is being able to have the summers off and making the most of family time. Recently Andrea asked me if Marriage was a sacrament, to which I replied, “Of course it is. Minimally, who could argue that marriage between two Christians is not sacramental?” Once upon a time I penned a random thought on how, "Married Couples are Icons of the Church ". Perhaps I can give this another muse and pen on this more as I kick the can down the road. I can see why Fawn don’t want to move away, but that don’t change the fact that living in Illinois isn’t all that and that I prefer to be living elsewhere. I didn’t think I was going to be posting on FB and now finding that is not the case. The original intent was just to see Andrea’s posting of Isaac and to see what’s going with the nephews and nieces and their family, but now I also get to share in the joy and interesting stories of friends.

May 5, 2019
Hard to believe how wet the grass still is. I was suppose to mow the grass on Saturday but with the overnight rain the day before it was impossible. Most of my neighbors were out today doing the needed, so I did the like. It was doable mowing the front and the sides, but the back of the house was a different story, especially the back ten feet or so along the fence. I thought I resolved that problem last year. Hoping it is only because of the extraordinary amount of rainfall we have been getting. I was huffing and puffing and worked up so much sweat, it was hard to peel off my t-shirt. The self propelling lawn mower wasn’t much of help because it was hydroplaning most of the time and required me to do a lot of pushing. Made chow fun. I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t like this tradition Cantonese dish. It hasn’t always been so, but I definitely make this better than any restaurant I’ve been to. Albeit flavorful, most restaurants tend to make the dish way too greasy for my liking. Today was one of the most relaxing day, didn't have the tv or radio on at all.

May 4, 2019
Just got back from the Phoenix Club. We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Henry, Heather, Jim and Mary. Met Mike and Lynn who joined us. Albeit, this place cater to a lot of people, it is very spacious and has a cozy place to enjoy a meal as both a gift and means of grace. I was planning to eat a taco salad bowl but the chicken fajita smelled too good to pass up. It’s always a great day when going out to dinner with friends and family. “Blessed are you, O Lord God, King of the Universe, for you give us food to sustain our lives and make our hearts glad; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Dang, disappointing weather forecast, the overnight rain came from nowhere. Looks like meteorologists still a long way to go in their discipline/studies. Climbed up the ladder and cleaned out the gutters. One would think they would only have to do that in the autumn after all the leave fall off the trees or in late spring when the whirlybirds from the maple trees fall, but this year I couldn’t wait, between the crap from the exterior siding clean and the next door flowering crabapple tree the downspout was clogged. A lot of people think that tree is beautiful, but I think otherwise. It was a big mistake yesterday to curl the pair of twenty pound dumb bells in the store yesterday without a warm up and woke up a little stiff and slightly sore, but I still managed to get in my workout. Happy hair cut, Fawn clipped the little hair I had before the Bozo look could come about. I feel so much better with a haircut. It must be psychological, because there wasn’t much there to begin with. Love is in the air, been reading posts lately about marriage by FB friends. So many of them have been happily married for so many years. So rhetorically I ask, “What gives with millennials and marriage?” For sure, they are redefining when to get married and what a marriage is. I think that couples that put God first is the key for a long happy marriage, at least that’s what I’ve been banking on.

May 3, 2019
Hooray, cheering because the sun was out and the temperature reached the normal high of 65 ยบF. That’s how bad the cold and damp weather has been. Tomorrow promises to be even better, just in time to do the needed outdoor chores. Albeit suppose to be only a cardio day, while out running errands, I went to the Target while Fawn was at Kohl’s and while doing the walk indoor walk, I stopped at the sporting goods area and did twenty pounds curls. I’m really going to have to make a case for buying pair of them bad boys. Looked at some old photos and took pictures of them with a smart phone to digitally preserve them and shared a few of them on FB. Better get ready for bed, big day ahead of me with a lot going on.

May 2, 2019
Another small gain, I upped the weight effortlessly to two ten pound dumb bells from the two five pound dumb bells doing my squats during this morning’s resistance workout. Since Jennifer had classes today, we met up with her to do lunch at the Yorktown Mall. Naturally, while at the mall I did the mall walk while Fawn went about the different shops. So what does one do when on a cold wet day? Stay in a watch movies and eat the leftover teriyaki chicken from Sarku for dinner. Can you believe it, a single order of teriyaki chicken with extra meat, is enough for three servings and leftovers to boot? Watched, “Mile 22” and “The Darkest Minds” and didn’t care for either one. Now that day is almost over and am less focus on self and more on God. There is so much to be grateful each and every day that we overlook in our busyness. We give thanks for the hope we find in Christ Jesus. 
Armed Forces Day is several weeks away as well as Memorial Day later in the month and with a grateful heart I recognize and remember those who serve and have served our nation and to give thanks to God in honoring the men and women who faithfully answered the call to serve in our nation’s military. 

April 30, 2019
Goodbye April and April showers and guessing hello May and May Showers. Thinking so, because of the heavy and prolonged rains we’ve been getting and is being forecasted moving forward. I suppose it will be an uphill and ongoing battle with all kinds of well rooted weeds. I hate with a passion the ones with prickly thorns. Healthy eatin’ day, so much love goes in the spring mix and spinach salad, like the blackberries and strawberries, honeycrisp apple, avocado and a hardboiled egg, Fawn made for lunch and I made Ma Po Tofu for dinner. Of course we had the normal oatmeal for breakfast. Mused about, you are what you eat and the Eucharist. No need to rehash John 6 and how the Eucharist nourishes us now and in eternity. We watch Call Day for Vicarages and Pastors. Welcome Vicar Dylan and Abigail Smith and we’re excited for Pastor Joshua and Rachel on his call to Zion Lutheran Church in London, AR.

April 29, 2019
Looks like we’re nearing the end of yet another month and supposedly a third of the way into spring with so little spring like days to show for it. We even got a little bit of snow the other day. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing. Amen. One can pretty much do whatever they want with fried rice. A little too spicy for Isaac, so it was hot dog fried rice for the little man. But nothing beats the whole gamut for dinner, mama make one of her full blown Italian meals beginning with a garden salad, spaghetti with meat sauce and bruschetta as an antipasta to boot. We had to do something with all the brats we have in the freezer, so bratwurst fried rice it was. I think it was a first for me. I was supposed to read the books from the library to Isaac today, but he insisted having grandma. Guess I’m only good for building blocks with him. Wow, impressive, a Walt Disney World Castle Playset, with fireworks! It’s been about twenty something odd years since we been to the Disney World Resort in Florida. Way over due and can’t convince the Mrs. to do the trip.

April 25, 2019
So much for relaxing in front of the tv this evening, Fawn claimed it and is watching the first round of the NFL draft. So here I am penning my journal entry and listening to sacred music on LPR with my headphone on. Why headphones? In the family room and can’t have conflicting sound, besides, everone knows how bad the speakers are on laptops. Will most likely get on FB afterward and then watch something on Xfinity OnDemand. "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live yon all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us" (Acts 17:26-27). And here I thought I worked hard to make a home for myself and my family, when all along, it was God who orchestrated all the places I called home as an invitation from him to seek him. Things are starting to shape up and lookin’ good. What a difference the exterior looks after being power washed. The grass looks awesome with the manicure and trim. Also got the weed whacking done and applied the Scott’s Tuft Builder Weed and Feed. So looks like I got almost everything done, except for applying the grub killer. Comcast must have been here recently to bury the cable leading to the house, nice job.

April 24, 2019
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people” (Luke 1:68). The monks of the Abbey of Keur Moussa sing the Benedictus: ‘Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, He has visited his people and redeemed them.’ As I enter in prayer, I rest for a moment in that confidence, that reassurance, that whatever has gone wrong in the world, whatever has gone wrong in my life, ‘The Lord has visited his people and redeemed them’.  Easter Wednesday was slightly cooler than I would like, but was a winner none the less. It was supposed to be an upper body workout day that turned somewhat into a cross fit one instead. Was out and about most of the day, so there was whole lot of walking going on. Even did what I call “the circuit” at both Walmart and Target doing the walk and stop and had a few goes with the various dumbbells. Can hardly wait for to tomorrow, expecting awesome weather. Planning to do yard work like mowing the grass, weed and feed, and applying insect and grub killer. And if time allows, maybe even give the lawn a manicure with the electric edger. Better go to bed, expecting the handyman to be here a 8 am to work on the damaged sliding and power clean the exterior of the house. "And now, O Lord God, you are God, and your words are true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant. Now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you, O Lord God, have spoken, and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed forever” (2 Samuel 7:28-29).

April 23, 2019
I’m must be a simple man and easy to please. Became a happy camper when I split a bratwurst lengthwise, placed it on a slice of bread and gave a single bead of yellow mustard, and that’s all she wrote. It’s an even toss between bratwurst and Italian sausage, but the Sheboygan Bratwurst brats won out this time because they were on a buy one get one free sale. Glad they hold up well for months in the freezer. Only had fresh pineapple at home less than a handful of time, always preferred canned Dole pineapple because I never had a knife that could cut it up with ease. Not sure where the fresh pineapple came from, but Fawn easily cut that bad boy in a matter of minutes with the ceramic Santoku knife. No doubt about the edge retention on this knife and being most excellent for slicing fruits and vegetables. Been neglecting to download the videos that Fawn sends me via email to my laptop. So I spent time this afternoon doing just that. It’s very telling to see myself in some of video background dosed off and doing Zs and not even knowing that I did that. Getting around to penning how bad I feel about causing a noticeable scratch on Andrea’s hardwood floor in her family room.

April 22, 2019
Many people think of Easter as a single day of celebrating the resurrection of our Lord, without even taking a heavy pause to reflect on the significance of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Many will asking, “How was your Easter?” without realizing the liturgical season is actually fifty days long. Today Easter Monday and a new beginning, and “the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, the is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you” (Matthew 28:5-7). I believe that the angel also invites to “go quickly” and proclaim this message of hope and joy. He is Risen, talk about resurrection being the game changer that broke the stranglehold death had held on humanity. Indeed, our faith stands or falls on whether or not Jesus rose from the dead that first Easter Sunday morning. Feeling much better now after paying the price late last night of my overindulgence that actually turned into a sinful weekend of gluttony. Played golf with Isaac in the basement while super dad was upstairs putting together Isaac's first bed. He get big so quick and has outgrown his crib. The kid is a hoot, so hilarious when he shouts, fore! Mmm, changed it up using Sheboygan Bratwurst instead of Italian sausage and made us a one pan skillet pasta dish for dinner. Spaghetti noodles tossed in a simple sausage and spinach is quite tasty. Add shredded parmesan and pepper jack cheese, salt and pepper to taste, and a little bit of ketchup, oyster sauce and chili garlic sauce, and viola. Oh, talking about food, I read and mused on John 6 and wonder why Evangelicals  aren't able to see and is so easy for me to see the Eucharist and Real Presence in the Bible. I think it is something as simply because they are told and taught that the Eucharist is only symbolic. Interestingly, I came to faith and was adult baptised. Before becoming Lutheran, I read and studied and compared Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Protestant teaches. I actually consider myself a evangelical catholic. Since then I included teachings to my studies from learned teachers of Christ from the Eastern Orthodox church. What really stood out for me in the Holy Gospel according to Saint John, the sixth chapter was that Jesus kept repeating himself to the grumbling of the confused Jews that his body is true food and his blood is true drink. It really gets interesting was the Jews’ reaction of, “After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him” (John 6:66). It is doubtful the Jews would have left over a taking what Jesus was saying as being mere symbolic and it is even more doubtful that Jesus would have not clarified his hard teachings to the grumbling so many times instead of insisting. Anyway, I see Eucharist as being spoken literally. In the Institution of the Lord’s Supper, “Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:26-28). “Symbol” or “Real Presence” forgiving sins? This is just my take away of Eucharist theology.

April 21, 2019
HE IS RISEN. And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad. The day was perfect from the get go celebrating, The Resurrection of Our Lord with my entire family and so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad; He is risen indeed, alleluia. It’s been a while since I saw a need for the angels to stand during the entire Divine Service. It’s also been a while since we glorified God worshiping together as a family and the actual passing on of our faith from generation to generation. Bully (adj.) for Andrea and Rob. Love Teddy Roosevelt’s colorful language. There is a lot to say about Lutheran chorale and our gifted musicians at Saint John. The preaching of the Word being answered by congregational singing is more than a sacramental ritual; it is in the right sense, “evangelical.” Am so thrilled to be among so many joined on both side of heaven in full blast worship (taste and see, hear and feel and even smell, incenses, beautiful art, stained glass, candles, and song). It was good to catch up with a few friends I haven’t seen in a while that normally attend the early Mass. Wish we had more time, but had reservations at MingHin and met up with Bob and Jean for and dim sum brunch. Afterward we joined friends and family for family fun with a good old fashion Easter egg hunt. Couldn’t ask for better weather with the sun out and the temperature reaching the upper 70s. Wouldn’t be surprised to learn it might of topped 80 at one point. It definitely not a cooking day, so stopped off at the Jewel for some fried chicken, potato salad. Besides the fried chicken not being so good for me, it was a two meal day. Normally, I would eat four to five smaller meals, so yeah, I was stuffed both times, not good. I was carrying on a stream of consciousness rambling earlier about this and that and just deleted it altogether. As the old saying goes, “Some things are better left unsaid”. May God set a guard on our lips while we labor humbly and mercifully in the vineyard where sometimes some things are better left unsaid.

April 20, 2019
Awesome time at my sister’s home. My niece is home for the week on a business trip in the city and the cousins gather to have fun making various Chinese dumplings. They all came out so good, and yes, I over indulged. It is clear; I have zero will power to resist the temptation presented. My nephew Alan even made coconut garlic basil fried rice. First time I ever had that, pretty good. Saw a video Andrea posted earlier on FB of Isaac on an Easter egg hunt, can hardly wait to see the little man tomorrow. Big day ahead tomorrow so …

April 19, 2019
Was up super early this morning and was able to get a morning muse as well as pretty good cardio workout. Even did my squats using a pair of five pound dumbbells. Albeit nominal, it’s a bump none the less. Read and mediated the gospel account of our Lord’s Passion. It is beyond belief how he suffered such a horrible treatment at the hands of sinful men by bore the just punishment of a just God who hates sin and will not allow sinful man to stand in His presence. But what are we to make of the Jesus’ willingness to endure the thrashing, the insults and shame, the pain and suffering, the dying of our Lord? Not everyone, but many do sorrow for Christ in His last hours in their reflection of the passion while others will only pity the Jesus unjustly condemned. As Christians we sorrow this day, but not for Christ but rather sorrow for ourselves, for it is from our sin for which Jesus died to deliver us by the means of his own blood. We have no savior when failing to recognize that it is God’s mercy towards us that led him to the cross. It is only when see ourselves as deserving of what Christ suffered, will we be able to see the Passion of Christ rightly and partake in his Passion. Heavenly Father, look not upon our sins, but see Your only begotten Son, who, in our stead, took upon Himself our sins and even our death, that we might have eternal life.  Amen.

April 18, 2019
Today is Holy Thursday and my reflection on what happened on this day gave way thoughts on various doctrines regarding the Holy Eucharist. In his Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus describes himself as being the true bread of life from heaven and promises that whoever eat his body and drink his blood has eternal life. This night Jesus gathered with his Apostles to share with them the gift of his most sacred body and blood, soon to be broken and poured out on the cross for the forgiveness on sin. I found it really strange that people get so tied down on the metaphysical define doctrine specifics of trans and consub stantiation. My heart affirms without details, the real presence in the sacred mysteries as being the very body and blood of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Ukuthula: Peace, in this world of sin, the blood of Jesus brings. Hallelujah. Redemption, in this world of sin, the blood of Jesus brings. Hallelujah. Praise, in this world of sin, the blood of Jesus brings. Hallelujah. Faith, in this world of sin, the blood of Jesus brings. Hallelujah. Victory, in this world of sin, the blood of Jesus brings. Hallelujah. Comfort, in this world of sin, the blood of Jesus brings. Hallelujah.

April 17, 2019
Ding dong, first pair of JWs for the year, just passing tracts. Made me take pause and think about, The Athanasian Creed. Unbelievable, was out and about all day in seventy-seven degrees weather. While at the Walmart, I had a go at doing twenty pound dumbbell curls and found it very manageable. Now, if I can only convince Fawn that I won’t injure myself. Ended up at Alex’s at dinner time and ordered a Papa Saverio’s Pizzeria pizza. Love spending time with my son and despite all my shortcoming, what a fine young man he turned out to be.

April 16, 2019
Saw a divine and inspirational prayer posted by one of my FB friends: “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.” (Revelations 1:7). Today is Holy Tuesday, Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem, and the Pharisees and Sadducees issued various challenges over subjects such as marriage in heaven, paying taxes to Caesar, and the source of his authority. That evening he delivered the Olivet Discourse and spoke his eight “woes” against the Pharisees and concludes with his discourse with four well know parables about the end times. The first parable, No One Knows That Day and Hour, concerns the wicked servant whose master punishes him upon his return home. The second parable, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, encourages readiness and watchfulness. The third parable, The Parable of the Talents, teaches faithfulness in the fact that we must all give an account of ourselves one day. The fourth parable, The Final Judgment, Jesus ends his discourse by dividing of the saved from the unsaved, using goats and sheep at the end of the tribulation. Isaac went easy on me today and role played mostly with his Lego Woody and Buzz Lightyear. Funny to hear, “reach for the sky and to infinity and beyond,” every now and then, while I just sat back watching him and enjoying a nice cup of coffee and an awesome sandwich and listening to smooth jazz. How awesome was the sandwich? Just have to describe it: Turkey, ham, roast beef, American cheese, beefsteak tomato and mayo on twelve grain bread. And the small spinach salad had raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, avocados with honey French dressing. Indeed, "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels" (Proverb 31:10). Good wife, good life. Albeit, there is something to be said about the worldly view of, “Happy wife, happy life” It really all about, blessed is the man and women who fears the Lord. It was a good eating day; I made curry chicken with yellow potatoes. It’s really all about the curry sauce. Crazy nice day weatherwise, spring is finally in the air and hearing for now it will be cooperating on Easter Day!

April 15, 2019
Heart breaking news to learn that a massive fire engulfed the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, kyrie eleison. It's Holy Monday and Jesus enters and cleanses the temple. In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade” (John 2:13-17). What really stood out for me was that Jesus gets so mad, flips over tables and drove out the money-exchanger. Jesus said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers” (Matthew 21:13).At first glance, I could imagine what Jesus was seeing or not seeing. Instead of solemn dignity and prayer, there was the bellowing of sheep and cows. Was thinking… nah, best leave that one alone and just say that, one of meaning of holiness is that which is set apart. Somewhere in the muse there is scourging of the sacrificial animals and the scourging of Christ the sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of sins and the displacement of worship moving forward. Had quite a workout today, for resistance, we played lifting Isaac high over my head. I can only do it about half a dozen times before needing a break only to hear him say, “again.” Then there was the parade, marching around the house. I high leg lifts create quite a cardiovascular workout. It kept me wondering, if the kid will ever tire out. I was taken by surprise, because we like playing with wooden blocks and tossing a ball. Today he managed to stack and balance the blocks himself. Until today, we always played, I stacked them and he knocked them down. And the ball toss game became toss and catch, amazing milestones. Talk about a quick melt. Only a small hint remains that it snowed yesterday. Anyway, awesome dinner, Fawn made her spaghetti sauce and I boiled the noodles and baked the garlic bread using hot dog buns. 
Thanks, be to God for the blessings of the day. 

April 14, 2019
Good think I had a hearty ham and scrambled eggs breakfast with my morning coffee before going out. Just got through having my first go at the heavy wet snow and felt compelled to pen my displeasure with the need to go out and tend to the snow and for the need to go at it one or more times. Albeit, expected to wake to snow, did not expect so much of it and for it to be an ongoing fall for the entire day. The forecast called for one to three inches and we already have four inches. I am predicting six to eight inches when it is all said and done. Lord, have mercy. 

Started to say prayers answered, but then God answers all prayers. Perhaps not always the way we like, but tend to think that prayers are answered if they go our way, not realizing this answer could be, yes no or wait. Anyway, the snow slowed to a light flurry shortly after my sighing, “Lord, have mercy” and was melting on the pavement and back deck. I did manage to get in a partial resistance workout in the afternoon and called it a done deal.

April 13, 2019
Recently, I’ve been doing a second go on the elliptical at least twice a week and am feeling much better overall. Who knows, maybe I’ll even take up jogging … nah, that’s not happening. Oh no, going to get a temperature drop for a high in the 30s tomorrow and the forecast is calling for an April snow shower. Good thing I was serving at the altar tonight and can deal with the snow at a leisurely pace in the morning instead of rushing to dig out to go to Mass. Besides, it was sweet to celebrate the baptism on this Passion Sunday Eve. We welcome Addyson Paige in the name of the Lord. The hymn of the day was, Lift High the Cross. Remember it like it was yesterday, it was Andrea’s wedding processional hymn. Now I got that humming in my head along with, Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying. We stopped by the popcorn shop on the way home. I always get a kick out of going to this tiny shop that is 49 inches wide by 60 feet long, in between two buildings. Came across and was wowed by a street performer, Allie Sherlock  and went on to listen to a few more of her covers on YouTube, a couple more and then to bed …

April 12, 2019
Wow, one big thunderstorm and the grass looks so green. First time at the Lombard DMV and think it is very nice facility and is way more organized than the hectic facility in Naperville. Albeit, there were a lot of people there, the facility was very large and had an adequate number of people to serve everyone within a reasonable wait time, good for them. Bundled up in my winter coat and took an outdoor a nice thirty minute walk. It was going to be a double feature night, The Mule and Prospect. Two thumbs up for the first show, but … let’s just say, ten minutes in Prospect, we turned off the dvd player. Fawn went up to bed and I stayed down and watched, Men in Black, on cable tv. Oh, that reminds me, JULIE was out back marking the ground. That means Comcast will be out soon to replace the temporary cable and the faulty underground cable line to the house. Was reminded by Mary Ellen just how blessed we are to receive his Word and Sacrament and be part of our loving church community at Saint John.

April 11, 2019
Am totally surprised to have woken in the middle of the night to the sound of the howling wind. Usually I am oblivious and can sleep through anything. Funny how the mind conjures up the weirdest thoughts and biblical imagery. "He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10). Living in the grace of our Lord, we can rest assured in that amazing promise even though we may find ourselves in a  howling wasteland, God will still come and find us watch over us. It’s kinda nice to sit in the silence and sip on a hot cup of rooibos organic tea, the earthly vanilla red tea goes well with a tiny splash of milk. Thinking it I stop penning for now, I can get my cardio workout done before dawn…

Good for me, had two goes on the elliptical and did the mall walk at the Yorktown Mall. Best mall to do an indoor walk because it is so well lit with natural light during the day, an acceptable noise level, as well as one having the option to walk around the outdoor plaza when the weather is nice out to boot. Oh wow, saw the trailer for, The Lion King. Normally I wait for the DVD to come out and then wait in line to check it for free through the local library, but this may prove to be a hard wait like the, A Star is Born, movie was and may call for a senior discount matinee at the theater, have until July before the movie hits the theaters to decide. Decided it’s time to empty out the freezer before stuff get freezer burn. Alex and Jennifer came home after work for dinner. We had some free Maggiano's Classic Pasta from once upon a time in the freezer, but it didn’t thaw in time to reheat. So looking further in the freezer, we found some fish sticks and breaded shrimps and tossed those bad boys in the oven and called it dinner. Anyway, it’s been a long day.

April 10, 2019
This month seems to be moving along rather quickly. It’s just as well; I’m not much into the April showers thing. Was so cold, hard to believe it didn't snow. With all this rain we have been getting, the humidity is high enough in the basement to warrant turning on the dehumidifier. Lunch and a movie? Calling it a not to over think Jennifer Lopez matinee of street smart vs. book smart and canned chicken noodle soup. Download and watch a brunch of videos of Isaac that Fawn took with her smart phone. I always enjoy watching the little man do his thing. I stayed indoors until it was time to go out and celebrated Carl’s 52nd birthday with tacos. Sandy surprised Jennifer with a birthday cake to celebrate her niece’s birthday too. Because I stayed in, I had time to have an extra go on the elliptical. I normally don’t do that on resistance days and reserve that for cardo days. Always a great time being around family. I tend to complain about living in Illinois. In my mind, this has to be one of the most dysfunctional state, but this is where most of the family reside and if one want to be surrounded by a loving family, one just has to bare the bad along with the good.

April 9, 2019
Last night while out and about and on the way home, the sun was blaring in our sight nearing the westward horizon and it was 7:30 in the evening. And this morning dawn is coming rapidly, making the morning coffee even more enjoyable. Albeit, slightly cooler than yesterday, all in all, it was yet another beautiful sun filled day, not so promising tomorrow as we are expecting the makings of a cold damp day. Will have to put on the full armor of God to be able to rejoice fully and be glad in the day the Lord has made. Started to say that I only ate a salad for lunch and snacked on apple just so I could eat mama’s pasta and garlic bread guilty free, but who am I kidding with that half truth, I always love the salad creations she crafts and the sliced up honey crisp Isaac and shared was a sheer delight, delicious. I had a rant going on earlier in this entry, but deleted it realizing that all endure one way or another and that there is no need to exasperate.

April 8, 2019
‘Twas a beautiful morning and had to fully draw rear the window blinds to enjoy the light as I had my morning coffee and cold cereal with fresh strawberries, life is good. Know we are to rejoice in all circumstances, but certain circumstances just seem more joyful then others in our worldly view of things. Fawn need to make sandwiches more often, watched her build that bad boy with a slice of hard salami, turkey, black forest ham, Roast beef, American cheese, lettuce and mayo on twelve grain bread, so good. Learn something new every day, learned a that a cut and paste from note pad to excel delimits automatically, silly me. Shame on me, strange how I hold some people in high regard that I barely know and less so with some people close to me. That is most likely because I am aware of their apparent faults and weaknesses. In our brokenness, we tend focus on those qualities rather than on their good qualities. I often ponder on God is in everyone and believe he is alive and active in every soul around me. So instead of speaking lowly of people, especially those who are closest to us, we should ponder on the ways that God is alive in their lives and allow the christ in me to behold the christ in them. It was so pleasant to be out and about in what I deem as ideal weather. We even spent time in the Gurnee Mill Mall where I was able to pace myself and enjoy a brisk mall walk just to keep up with the ladies and Andrea even had a stroller with Isaac in it. The last time I here was on a weekend, talk about a noisy packed mad house full of people. Don’t think it gets much better than a day out and about in the mid 70s.

April 7, 2019
Busy, busy, busy, it was crunch time, so I only did a subset of my resistance exercises this morning. It was a big cooking day for the family. Alex came for a visit so I made kids some of their favorites and enough to bring food up a home cooked meal up Grayslake and enough for Jennifer for a couple of days. So I made beef with bitter melon, beef chow fun and chicken with broccoli. Usually, I just cook one dish for a meal, but believe it or not, it’s customary for Chinese meals to consist several dishes to be severed communal style even at home. Still thinking about the chow fun, good stuff. Don’t know why I’m the only one that uses it, but think it was the splash of red wine vinegar that makes it for me. During this beautiful Lenten season of pain and hope, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the mortality and immortality of my life and on the sorrow Jesus must have felt at my sinful transgressions and failings hanging on the cross. Cor mundum crea in me Deus et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus mei.

April 6, 2019
Since I didn’t want the leftover beef bok choy with pea pods to go to waste, I tossed it into my portion of oatmeal, added boiling water, a dash of soy sauce and Louisiana hot sauce and voila, a fusion oatmeal soup. Nice cardiovascular go on the elliptical today, I knew I had it in me when I was able to double it up the other day. It would be nice if I resolve to move forward with doing just that at least twice a week. Don’t know where Fawn brought the four big beautiful bitter melons, but I just had to cook one of them bitter gourd in a curry sauce since she went on a mother son luncheon. No sir, the curry dish did not disappoint, delicious. Was surprise to see a little gas in the lawn mower and that bad boy fired up on the very first pull, unbelievable. That left me with no choice but to mow the front and both sides of the house. Got ambitious and then took the weed whacker to take back the overhang on the side walk, but a manicure with the electric edger is still required. Was so glad to be out in spring time weather.

April 5, 2019
"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion" (Proverbs 18:2). Was going to say more on the nasty, who said what about so and so garbage called news nowadays. Better to remind myself and other on how a tree is known by its fruit, “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, son the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:33-37). Been eating in front of the television a lot lately, today was no difference. Ham and eggs along with leftover spicy Korean fried chicken wings that Jennifer had for lunch I’m guessing. The wings were pretty tasty. The only other Korean food I ever ate was kimchi and bulgogi and that was a long time ago. Keep this up and I’ll have to buy tv tray tables. Been picking pretty good movies, two thumbs up for the movie, Gifted.

April 4, 2019
It was another dinner and a movie night, made beef with snow peas as well as a bok choy stir fry and put on, A Private War, two thumbs up. I knew it, I just knew it. Good thing I set the alarm last night. I haven’t woke up to the sound of an alarm in a long while. Some will think I’m nuts for setting it without a need, but on days like today I tend oversleep. The comforting rhythmic pitter pattering of gentle overnight rain hitting the roof and window pain, seems to me nature’s way of singing sweet lullabies and would have surly continued on sleeping like a baby. I am clueless to why to the lethargic effect of gloom and doom looking days, but I energized myself and exercised my body and mind and doubled up on my cardio time on the elliptical. I mused on life in these United States and am optimistic, pessimistic and realistic about the present and future. So what does that say about me? Well, whenever I’m optimistic about something, I stay motivated, in my I pessimism look for way for improvement, and as a realists I find balance. Although I think being more optimistic more frequently than being a pessimist, I think they are equally necessary. I suppose I can pen my thoughts, perhaps maybe another time and place. Wow, nice, Jean's shot of the Longji rice terraces in Guilin, China is featured in the April 2019 issue of Shutter Magazine.

April 3, 2019
Whoo hoo, played the monopoly tickets game and won five bucks cash and a few freebies. Dinner and a movie, made ham and egg omelets, happen to have around onions and peas as filling and microwaved leftover yellow potatoes to go along with the omelet. Splashed on some hot sauces and turn on, Green Book and I give the movie a, thumbs up. Learn something new every day, it doesn’t surprise me, but I never knew there was such a thing as a travel guide for black motorist called, The Negro Motorist Green Book. Looks like plenty of April showers ahead of up, so I expecting to grass to turn green very quickly and am expecting to have to mow by the grass in about two to three weeks. How does the spring saying go? Oh yes, “April showers bring May flowers.” Literally. Giving this deeper thought to this as a lesson in patience, we learn that a period of discomfort (rain) can provide the basis for a period of joy and happiness (flowers).

April 2, 2019
We just got though downloading and viewing all the photographs that Jean took of Isaac’s 2nd birthday party. The pictures were so amazingly good and they captured the joyful celebration for posterity. It could be just my imagination, but it seems like there is a lot of rage and angry people who launch personal attacks on the internet. That is one reason I don’t allow for comments to my journal entries for those who stumble upon my pen. However, I am interested in what people have to say about theology, but over the years, I’ve only seen a handful. I think that the news media plays a big part of anger in society and is best to stay away as much as possible from the noise they generate. Not all things are bad on the internet, Albeit, I started a FB account back in 2011 when I was searching for an alternative to googlesite. I never went beyond just creating an account until last August. For the most part, I love the shares from my FB friends. Their lives are showered with grace upon grace and a blessing to me. A few of my FB friends from time to time post something political in nature. I don’t care for nor do I engage in it and suppose I can set the available social fixer filters to remove all politics from my FB, but the postings are few and less than heavy handed to go through the process. Mused on and mediated with delighted in God’s revealed word, The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked (Psalm 1). What a stunning metaphor of our lives as a tree planted by a stream that is being well nourished and bearing fruit. Albeit, God shows love and mercy to both the blessed and the wicked, the difference is that Lord watches over the blessed man while the wicked have no such help to turn to. May our journey in the face of God lead us to that sacred place where our roots and river meets. Isaac remains such a joy, despite him showing multiple tell tale signs of his terrible two declaration of desiring to do things on his own. Made him his seemingly favorite dish, a flavorful chicken and green bean stir fry. Bam! I kicked it up a notch with coffee spoon (always wonder what the tiny spoon was called) of chilli garlic sauce on my plate, ooh wee. First time I ever used a five inch Santoku ceramic knife and couldn’t believe how sharp the blade is. If it holds its sharpness it will be my go to knife for cutting vegetables moving forward. Funny, once upon a time the Chinese cleaver was the only knife I needed. Over many years, it wore down to the thicker portion of the blade and was no longer feasible to try to sharpen blade, then I went on with several seven inch stainless steel Santoku knives that was much lighter and safer to use and have around overall.

April 1, 2019
Postprandial somnolence… the plan was to stay off the internet as well as the tv for as long as possible to escape all the broadcasted negativity in order to refresh and renew myself. It has become quite evident that this Lenten time of self reflecting would be beneficial to me and people around me. So why am I here penning? Well, in my foolishness I ate more than I should of in a given setting, two chicken taco with rice and corn tortilla chip. That may not seem much to most folks, but it is more than what I am accustom to eating and enough to put in a semi food coma. Sigh, I went to bed at seven and now I’m up in the twilight sipping on organic green tea penning a journal entry. Time to finally get around to all those Jewel-Osco Monopoly Game tickets in the shoe box and sit in the still of the night…

March 29, 2019
Life is much better being retired and living a life of gratitude then being place under the stress of unrealistic deadlines and burning out from working long hours. I’ve always been an advocate for hard work and being productive, but the American work place have changed so much and has became so demanding in the last twenty years or so, that we are working ourselves to death. There is no real work-life balance in corporate America. Whatever happened to the forty hour work week? Thanks be to God, that all behind us now. Every day is Saturday except for Sunday. If it weren’t for my pill box, most of the time I wouldn’t know what day of the week it is. So what do I do? Pretty much whatever I want: I can choose when to stay up late and wake whenever I choose to. The calendar is very flexible and not just for scheduling doctor’s appointment. I enjoy meeting friends, going out to dinner parties or events, exercising and spending time with my children and grandson. Even running errands are now done at a leisurely pace. Ugh, that reminds me, I normal enjoy my morning coffee … let’s just say I didn’t finish the cup this morning and forced down what I did drink. I don’t get it, but lots of people do like and drink Starbucks. Way too strong of a burnt bean taste for me, I rather brew Dunkin Donuts. Saw a video of Isaac celebrating his birthday with mom and dad; he’s growing up way too fast. Funny, the kid is in denial, already claiming he is three. It’s been too long, joined Jim, Mary, Bev and Bert for a Friday Night Fish Fry at the Phoenix Club. Nothing like a night out with friends, great food and conversation. Anyway, going to bed right after I see what going on with my FB friends.

March 28, 2019
Was expecting my calves to be a little stiff and sore this morning, but to my surprise, no soreness or stiffness whatsoever and had no problem doing my resistance workout routine this morning. Was looking at Jewel mymix website, I never seen a site that is riddled with so bugs in it. Just had to send them unsolicited constructive feedback with examples, because website was so bad. That’s all she wrote, a sweatshirt and was out and about running errands. Managed a two thirty minute walks, one indoor and the other outdoors in sixty five degree weather! Drove pass the Royce Road and Route 53 intersection and was thrilled to see traffic lights being put up. Last year there was some type of construction going on in that T-intersection I almost caused an accident making a risky left hand turn with an obstructed view. Was musing about, The Holy Bible, all scripture is breathed out of God’s mouth. The climax of Jesus’ story is his death and resurrection. It’s no wonder why St Paul preaches, “Christ and Him Crucified.” Yes sir, made comfort food for dinner, hamburger peas and brown onion gravy and yes, I did served it over rice. Andrea loves this dish without the onions. Girl, don’t you know, that’s what makes this southern classic?

March 27, 2019
Sold, seasonal weather for a change for today and tomorrow, 60 ยบF and staying above freezing overnight! Slowly getting where it needs to be for my liking. We made to the municipal center to cast our vote. Then it was off to fox valley area for shopping. Normally, I would walk around the interior perimeter aisle while Fawn shop, but couldn’t pass up the opportunity of being outdoors in the sun and walking up and down the strip mall. Oddly enough, heading out into the wind, I mused about our sanctification struggles and while heading back with the wind to my back, I managed a slow trot or at least a power walk and gave thanks for the many blessings we receive. I felt my calves tighten, so I hope I didn’t over do it, because I pounded the pavement for about an hour on top of my routine cardio exercise on the elliptical early this morning. I might be exaggerating, but it seems like doing the elliptical is ten folds easier than outdoor running. “For I know that nothing good dwells in me ... Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Roman 7). I can relate to everything St Paul is saying about serving the law of God with my mind and serving the law of sin with my flesh. Thanks be for God, for from his fullness, he showers us with grace upon grace. I think that God’s grace is best understood in the midst of our sins, sufferings and brokenness. Nice dinner, beef with bitter melon over steamed rice, but since Jennifer came home, Fawn made a quick dash to the grocery store and brought back a nice filet mignon medallion for me to make her along with broccoli stir fry and steamed rice sides. The girl knows how to eat, that’s for sure.

March 26, 2019
How fitting it was for us to watch the movie, The Front Runner (2018). Well, not really, it had nothing what so were with the interesting day we had talking local politics as we were reviewing the candidate profiles and going over the pros and cons on the propose consolidation referendum, in preparation to cast our votes during the early voting period tomorrow. I suppose our community is like a diamond in the rough, Illinois is not all that. And don't get me going about Chicago.

March 25, 2019
Started out as a gloom and doom looking day, but quickly turned into a rather cool and crisp sunny day. I’m seeing a remarkable tease of 60 for Thursday, something to look forward to for later in the week. K, got the weather out of the way. Today’s post, With the Heart, is another gem I came across in the margins of our worship folder and is a reminder of our duty to live a fruitful life filled with the love of the Holy Spirit. Joy that Andrea, Rob and Isaac came down and joined the celebration. Couldn’t believe how much fried rice Jean made all at once. I would have been tired out stir frying an insane amount rice in a wok for 10 people. First time I seen rice cook in a pressure cooker. I never used one before. They are supposedly safe, but to be honest, I get nervous being around one and have images embed in my mind about what could happen when one explodes, ever since the Boston marathon terrorist attack six years ago. So no thanks, I’ll stick with an electric rice cooker. The best way is to cook rice is the traditional way using a clay pot like my parents and their parents did before them. Actually, I can still remember some tasty one pot meals my mom use to make using a Chinese clay pot growing up. Aah, a fond memory of my mom occasionally making these classic one pot wonders.

March 24, 2019
Most likely am guilty of all of the seven deadly sins, sloth and gluttony notably stands out this past on my journey. I think the dessert fathers correctly identified pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth as being highly problematic and needs to be overcome. Today was a good day, backing to limiting myself to a reasonable portion and a good go on the elliptical. It was like falling off the of food and exercise moderation wagon. Anyway, back on track. It is not often that I have the will power to just eat a single chicken taco when there is so much delicious food about. So glad the food was order and enjoyed around the table instead of being in a noisy restaurant. Weekends are just horrid in my opinion for dining out. The day’s retreat was a noteworthy muse on, The Parable of the Prodigal Son, from the Gospel according to St. Luke, the fifteenth chapter, about being lost and being found. We’ve all lost things at one time or another and oh what a relief it is when we find what we lost and celebrate with a happy dance. It is good that we have been celebrating time with Soo and Eddie all week long, much joy when family can visit. Much of the conversation is on catching up time apart, but in the mix was indulging in enjoyful recollections of days past. My sister Nancy once shared with me how grateful she was for people whom God placed in her life. As I reflect back on my life, I rejoice at the times when I can recollect God’s love and for the people he placed before this poor miserable sinner along the way on the journey back to Eden. We were talk about the Thai dish drunken noodles last night. I only had it once and thought it was delicious. I look at a few different cooking videos on this popular Thai dish, but was particularly taken by a Thai-Western fusion dish, Drunken Spaghetti Recipe (Pad Kee Mao). Fawn sent more videos of Isaac’s birthday party, what a happy kid. For sure, he’ll have plenty of video recordings of his childhood to enjoy and share with his family someday. "Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" (Psalm 107:1).

March 23, 2019
Just did a speed test on the internet and I'm a happy camper again. Albeit, I’m still waking pre dawn, the wait is getting shorter and will soon be waking with the sun already about. It is so cheerful to be having sunny days again instead of having gloomy grey skies. After seemingly begging God with my sighs, forever for good weather, I give grateful thanks to our Lord for the noble and holy joy of this day. We went up Grayslake to celebrate Isaac’s second birthday. Andrea and Rob got a room at the park district again to accommodate friends and family. Love the chaotic sound of kids gone wild. Was kinda surprised that I was more than OK with the temps being at around the mid 50s. Made for the apple pie and lasagna both were so good and sitting at the table is far better than sitting in a noisy restaurant. After dinner Soo and Eddie went for a walk, it was too nippy for me the venture out, so while Fawn and Jean going over all the pictures Jean took at Isaac’s birthday party, Bob and I watched a couple episodes of, Criminal Mind, on Netflix and am thinking about dropping Whiskey Cavalier from my tv shows watch time and replacing it with Criminal Minds. Anyway, back to about eating, second time this week, I ate to my fill, not a good thing to do. 

March 22, 2019
Rolled my eyes and sighed, just when I thought all the issues were resolved with xfinity, my internet download speed is about a third of what I should be experiencing and the upload speed about half. Just opened a ticket and hoping will be resolved when I’m back on the internet tomorrow. At least I can login and pen this journal entry and say, happy Friday and wish my baby girl Jennifer a happy birthday. Nice bright sunrise and a day with plenty of sunshine throughout. Only wish it was mid May, when the temps begin to be reasonable, just wishin’. I was taken by images of the unprecedented flooding we are incurring in the Midwest region of the United States. We watched Victoria for a couple hours while Sandy drove her sister to the airport. I think toddlers are hilarious. Went to H Mart for a twenty-five pound bag of Three Horse Jasmine Rice. I normally hate going in that store, because it often smells so bad for one reason or another, that why it’s great that rice has an indefinite shelf life. I walked outdoors for about forty-five minutes and only wore a sweatshirt and a jacket. It was fifty degrees Fahrenheit and no winds around two o’clock, but one could feel the difference while being in the sun or in the shade. I opted out of going to dinner with everyone to celebrate Jennifer’s Birthday at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana – Lisle.  I was thrilled when I learned they opened one nearby, but … let’s just say the one in Lombard, is much better. We had so much leftover food in the refrigerator that I didn’t want see go to the waste, so I nuked some of this and some of that and called it a meal. I did intend to join in the celebration at Jean and Bob’s later in the evening; Uncle Bob baked one of his legendary homemade apple pies. But the plan to regroup for pie when by the wayside. Anyway, all in all, another beautiful day, the Lord has made. Tomorrow promises to be the same and a early rise, so off to bed; “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8).

March 21, 2019
Didn’t think much about it yesterday, but pizza has to be the best food on the planet. Like I rhetorically queried yesterday, who doesn’t like pizza? With the addition of hours upon hours of great conversation and laughter at the dinner table, we were all blessed. Fawn is an awesome android videographer. She was showing everyone video clips on her smartphone. I especially like the one how Isaac was leaping for joy with his happy dance when he got and excitingly donned his Woody costume t-shirt. It’s hard to tell if two slices of deep dish pizza in a couple hours would be considered body slamming them bad boys though. I commented how stuffed I was and of course Carl who is fifteen years younger than me said two slices is nothing. That may be true for the young bucks like my son Alex. Caloriewise, I was only a little over for the day, but it sure felt like an over indulging thanksgiving dinner and I slept in late like a baby. Played my sacred music playlist during my go on the elliptical, as much as I love sacred music, it’s definitely not idea for a cadio run. There is still so much to learn about blogger, but I’m not sure I want to invest the time training myself on the ins and outs on implementing my desired realizations. Here we are at the end of the day so, "Let my prayer be set before You as incense, The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice" (Psalms 141:2). May the prayers ascend before God from the golden censor of his angel’s hands.

March 20, 2019
Aah, my favorite bible verse for the first day of spring, "for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land" (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). Despite the dreary looking day, it was anything but that. I was in good cheer, my baby girl came home for an overnight stay and since Soo and Eddie are in town we had a family get together and celebrated with Lou Malnati’s pizza. I don’t know, perhaps arguably one of the best pizzerias in town, since that what everyone wanted to order their Deep Dish Malnati Chicago Classic classic. I voted for pies from Little Italian Pizza, because I’m not really a deep dish pizza lover and prefer a thin crust pizza, but will say their deep dish is better than most. No doubt, everyone has their own favorite pizzeria, that’s why there are so many different one around. Me, I like Papa Saverio's the Pizzeria in nearby Aurora and wish there was one in town. After all, who doesn’t like pizza? OK enough about pizza. The day kept getting better with everyone sharing stories and the joy of laughter with family. Capping the night with Nos autem gloriรกri opรณrtet, in indeed we ought to boast. Hard to believe our youngest is going to be twenty five years old in a couple days, I knew we shouldn’t of blinked.

March 19, 2019
Tomorrow will be the first day of spring, so they say. The temps seem to make it briefly to around 50 ยบF most days now, but the lows remains at or around freezing. The 60s are reminiscent of spring for some folks, but it really not until it makes it between the upper 60s and lower 70s and stay that way before I’ll make that call. I’m really liking all the sun we’re getting the past few days as we begin to move away from the dark cold wintery days. And with all the prior rain, the grass is starting to turn green. It also looks like the American robins have found their way back already. It’s so easy to spot these fairly large orange breasted songbirds. Started pondering about the voice of the turtledove being heard. Jesus says that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name and there will be great joy in heaven over the one who repents. I’m so sick and tire of hearing angry rhetoric by politicians and their trash talk about each other and the media political commentators are just as nasty and toxic, if not more so. We are bombarded with plenty on negative rhetoric daily for sure. Today’s timely retreat reflected on our health and wellness and to continually work on our health by exercising and eating nutritiously and staying away from detrimental and how spiritual health can be thought of in much the same way with daily prayers and staying away from negative influences.

March 18, 2019
Finally, got all the old journal entries moved over, what a mess and a big bit in butt, but gotrdun. Got to work on “the puzzle”, thinking it will take many months to complete this bad boy. Andrea is not a quitter, that’s for sure. Love spending time with ‘my girl’, funny that I still call her ‘baby’. Oh wow, came across, Maddison McNamara I Will Always Love You - The Voice Australia 2018. Guide us on our Lenten journey to the path that leads us to you. Fill our heart with gratitude and patience, as we strive to be like you. Grant us strength to honestly admit to our sinful shortcomings and repent of them.

March 17, 2019
Got 2011 moved over, so just two more years to go, before I can start on other more difficult undertakings to this site. Just learned that Soo and Eddie will be in town sometime this week. Why am I always the last to find this out? The closest thing to celebrating St. Patrick’s Day was enjoying the Arby’s buy one get one free corned beef ruben sandwich special for the day. Don’t like driving anywhere near the city, but wanted to welcome Alex back from his business trip at the Big Apple. Was in and out of Midway like a flash. Funny, it’s been a while since I did the Target circuit, for each walk around the store perimeter followed by a set of dumb bell curls at the sporting goods section. Didn’t think we would be able to make it up in time for dinner with Andrea, Rob and Isaac, but made it up to Grayslake a little after five. Nice that traffic was light. Now, I know why we were shopping at Target, toys for Isaac’s upcoming second birthday! Not with a very good voice, but I’ve sung prayer Psalm 51 most of the day wallowing from the depths of my woes, “Create in me a clean heart, O God!” and “O Lord, have mercy upon me!” I think that often times Lutherans unknowingly cry with a penitential fervor in the silence.

March 16, 2019
Still have three years of journal entries left to move over still. Can’t believe it’s not just a simple select all cut and paste.  Awesome lunch, Fawn made farfalle, this pasta can really trap and hold her sauce from the plate to my mouth without splattering all over the place. Been going to Mass on Saturdays more lately and serving at the altar, just seem like so much going on Sundays; love the flexibility, because Saturdays get that way too.

March 15, 2019
Had Adele playing in the background while doing my morning cardio on the elliptical and had forgotten how amazing a singer she is, because I’ve been mesmerized by Lady Gaga in recent weeks. I should be playing Adele more often, because I get lost in her music and go on longer and get a real good workout. Dice vegetables for lunch; celery, onion, water chestnuts and snow peas. Mmm, mmm, so tasty, really should make this delicious stir fry more often. Good for me, saved some celery hearts to snack on. Bundled back up in a winter coat and ran errands in the cold, looks like the vernal equinox temps are not going to be all that and am refusing to call it spring until it warms up some more and stay that way. Did an nice mall walk and stairs at Fox Valley. Wonder what the plan is there for the space left by the two anchor store that went under last year. On the way back we picked up spicy fried fish carryout and picked up a movie from the library. Was planning to make it dinner and movie night, but we watched the, Elizabeth Holmes - Theranos scandal on 20/20, instead.

March 14, 2019
Was out and about before getting epic kabooms with torrential downpours. Picked up my new glasses and albeit the prescription never change I get an eye exam and two new pairs of glasses every year. Moved 2015 and 2014 over, only five more years to go. Was reading a few of my journal entries as I was cut and pasting them over and think my penning is awful, but stream of conciseness writing is what it is.

March 13, 2019
Just got through moving 2016 over and added another external link, slowly, but surly the transition over here will be realized. So far, am liking this google blogger publishing platform a lot more than their googlesite 
publishing platform . It’s hard to believe that I’m calling it a nice day, despite grey skies with it raining every now and then. Crazy that it was about sixty degrees and hardly any wind. Went to Sam’s Club to fill a prescription and went then to Blain’s Farm & Fleet and got grub control, weed and feed and grass seed. Since we were in the area, we stopped by Lucky Panda for lunch and ordered their shrimp chow mein Cantonese style and beef tomato pepper. Like always, everything was so good and enough left over from their lunch specials that make for a delicious dinner to boot. I know, I know, we’re not supposing to seed until the fall, but I’m a rebel and tossed out about a third of the three pound bag out front. Went around the house to see if there was any wind damage from the high winds the other day. Yep, found a section of vinyl fascia trim in backyard. Going to have to get the handyman to repair it. Oh wow, found a bright orange cable drop out back running to my house. Nice, On Demand, working again. Wish Xfinity would of said something. Wonder how long that’s been out there and am assuming it is temporary. Was musing about our offertory prayer for the first Sunday of Lent, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit" (Psalm 51:10-12). Amen, this prayer always brings me in the deep. And much like the psalmist I continue on praying, “Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise” (Psalm 51:15).

March 12, 2019
Awesome morning start with a changeup, total breakfast cereal with blueberries and banana in the bowl with my morning coffee. Guessing I can get use to sunrise at 7, but I’m really diggin’ sunset at 7. After reading Hebrews 11, mused on God’s providence in the bad choices and situations I’ve gotten myself in my life. There is much wisdom found in desiring God’s assistance instead of trying to do it alone as we journey back to Eden. Moved 2017 over and several other pages this morning, as adding a few external links. Just like riding a bike with my javascript and html coding. Currently studying up on how to embed audio files to blogger and hope to get that up and running soon. Nice, the next three days will stay above freezing and promises spring like weather, some wind and rain but more importantly, above normal temps! Not always, but have been eating more healthy more frequently with soup and salads as well as  using less meat and more cruciferous vegetables portions in my stir fry.

March 11, 2019
Albeit, made it into the lower 40s again today, with the March winds it still feels cold. It took longer than I expected to move over my 2018 journal entries over to blogger, because it was anything but a clean cut and paste. So the plan is to move over a year a day, working all the way back to 2009. Fawn was surprised, that I managed to lose my journal entries from the beginning of the year to a few days ago and not be able to recover. Yeah, the lost of version history feature in the “new googlesites” is a huge step backward from the “classic googlesites”. What a hoot, watching Isaac mimicking grandma doing her stepping exercises. Nice that the sun came out in the afternoon. Despite being somewhat nippy, what a beautiful clear day. Sure spring is only nine days away, but it ain’t springtime until it warms up a heck of a lot more and I start seeing flowers blooming and trees flaunt fragrant flowers and are starting to sport glorious green leaves. Around this time, much like clockwork, I tend to ponder the imaginary of God’s love from, “for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Solomon 2:11-12). What’s going on with the price of gas? $2.799, going to have to pass and wait a few days and hope it drop some even though I suspect it is possible to climb even higher, how nauseating.

March 10, 2019
Sigh…. am so mad at google sites, this time I lost my previous 2019 journal entries and am starting a whole new site in a “Classic Google Site”.  There are just too many bugs and quirks and am wishing that I never converted to the “new googlesites”. Even the conversion of the site to “new” was full of bugs. I start creating new pages and enjoyed coding the javascript for the journal menu. will be cutting and pasting what I have over to blogger over time and will eventually close that site. Listened to sacred music on my laptop playlist to keep me from being over the top consumed with frustration.  Was musing about the sermon in regards to fasting and being able to see what we’re really hunger for. May we fill our hearts with a hunger and thirst for God.

March 9, 2019
Hooray, finally temps above freezing yesterday and this morning sunrise was the bomb. Baby pink clouds against a baby blue sky. Albeit, it started raining in the afternoon and continued throughout the evening. It still feels cold even though the temp was in the lower 40s. Good thing we go all the grocery shopping done in the a.m. Glad Alex came by to brighten up the day. Good news yesterday, my sister’s numbers are coming down toward where they need to be. Will have to go around setting all the clocks, watches and what nots up an hour tomorrow. Went to the evening Divine Service and served at the altar. Aah, the hymn of the day was, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, definitely one of my favorite hymns. With the changing of the time, beats getting up even earlier and adjusting. Truly an added blessing being retired there is no jolt to my circadian rhythm. Being retired, I can sleep and wake whenever and not be sleep deprived. Getting enough sunlight during the winter is the only issue. Stopped by for quick shout out for Heather’s 40th. Interesting how young folks party, too noisy for this old geezer.