Journal 2021

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

31 December 2021
Oh my, it’s the last day of the year; it will be interesting to see if it will be difficult to merge this new page to the existing 2021 journal page when I am done penning this journal entry. And it will be fun to create a 2022 page. I am grateful that my lower back pain continues to be improving. I think that walking around yesterday was helpful. Yummy, made us a Cantonese ketchup shrimp stir fry for our New Year’s Eve dinner! I thank God for my life’s journey with my wife. Each passing year of our life together is a milestone worth celebrating. I can't think of anything better this New Year's Eve then to invoke upon my family and friends the ancient priestly blessing: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). Like many folks toward the end of the year, I spend part of this day reflecting on this past year. I am reminded that days are long and the years are short. In our journey back to Eden this past year, there were times of great joy as well as deep sorrow. If I were to describe 2021 in one word, ‘gratitude’ comes to mind. Gratitude takes nothing for granted and the list is only limited to whatever is in our hearts. I am grateful for our veterans and for the men and women serving in the military, for police officers, firefighters, teachers, and people in the medical profession. All have given themselves this past year in an extraordinary and seemingly selfless way in their vocational calling. I am grateful to be vaccinated this past year. When I think about the covid-19 vaccine, say what you want about Donald Trump, I think the world should be grateful that Donald Trump was POTUS who put in place Operation Warp Speed to develop and manufacture covid-19 vaccines as soon as possible. As I pen in this stream of consciousness writing, I think of the many things we should be daily be grateful for like the unconditional love of friends and family. Everyone in our lives that we interact with is a blessing. May we be more than a flicker of light in this broken and chaotic world. I am grateful that we are blessed with negligible physical infirmities that comes with aging. Throughout all my rambling here, "grace" has been in the back of my mind. It is timely during this Christmastide, Saint Paul said, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (1 Timothy 1:15). As a sinner saint, Saint Paul has nothing on me. I am most grateful for the grace found in Christ Jesus.

30 December 2021

When I woke this morning my lower back felt pretty much the same as yesterday. We had to go to the Sam's Club to pick up some meds. Looked at The Gasbuddy app and the gas prices were literally all over map. LOL, I just had to get that one in, but in all seriousness, the highest price was $3.399 and the lowest was for $2.949 per gallon for Mobile. Since we were by Alex's we stopped by for a visit and made lunch there, grounded beef and peas over Cantonese pan fried noodles! The spike in covid cases is all over the news and Illinois is one of states causing the surge in the cases in the country. It comes as no surprise to me with friends and relatives now contracting the virus. I looked at the Edwards Hospital database report online and it is clearing showing a upward trend in covid cases, admissions and hospitalizations, especially a highly noticeable spike this month. It is not clear to me what the difference is between admissions and hospitalizations, but it can't be good. There is something in the news about Edwards Hospital limiting hospital visitors to just one person at a time into the building for each patient. Not sure what that is about either. These articles are so poorly written or aired. It's is just another example of just how poor journalism in America has become. Our plans for a New Year's Eve gathering are definitely canceled. Oh no, we are expecting 3 - 5 inches of snow on Saturday and subzero temps for the low and a whopping high in the mid teens on Sunday. If the forecasters are correct, praying that my lower back will be up to the snow shoveling task by then. Lord, have mercy. I finally got around to opening the 1,000 piece Toy Shop jigsaw puzzle Jennifer got me for Christmas and only had time to sort out the perimeter pieces. Just minutes into it, I began to realize that this will be the most challenging and most difficult jigsaw puzzle undertaking ever. The "blanks and tabs" are the most complex and have the weirdest shapes I have ever encountered. I would be totally surprised if this is the usual ribbon cut puzzle. Judging by how weird the puzzle pieces are, I suspect that this jigsaw puzzle is one of those random cut abstract pattern jigsaw puzzles. If we get the expected snow this weekend, it will be a good time to start enjoying piecing the puzzle together. Thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow. May the Lord lay us down in peace and raise us up again in life.

29 December 2021

I suppose now recovery from the mild strain injury to my lower back, moving forward iw only a matter of time. I feel well enough to move around and do a few stretching exercises. Recovery is taking much longer than I anticipated. I see that the Oakbrook Mall shooters on December 23rd were charged and were in court today for a bond hearing. It didn't surprise me that the two suspects were from Chicago, but I was surprised that the bond was set for $1M each of them. I thought for sure that the two defendants would be denied bail. We kicked back and did a matinee and watched, No Time to Die" Great 007 movie! "The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." The song of the day is a Christmas carol, The Wexford - Alison Krauss, Yo-Yo Ma. Best version of this carol, it don't get better than this, wow! Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thankgiving each and every day.

28 December 2021

Whew, albeit we got several inches of snow, it got warm enough mid afternoon and it all melted away. Thanks be to God for continual healing. Starting to feel like the lumbar strain is not far from full recovery. I definitely not ready to be shoveling snow just quite yet. Sad that has become vividly clear that the CDC is a political arm. Because of their illogical inconsistencies, I have totally lost faith and take any of their recommendations with a grain of salt. Blindly following what comes out of the mouth of Fauci and his ... or the recently politically appointed Walensky's smoke and mirror rhetoric would be utterly pure foolishness. I swear, the CDC seems to be pulling numbers out of the air and rolling the dice. One has to wonder if chaos is the new normal for the next three years. Today, we celebrate, The Feast of Holy Innocents. One has to wonder, why celebrate such a feast? It is hard to imagine the shock and horror of the gruesome slaughter of little children. As we ponder on the sadness of that particular day, we celebrate their place in heaven. Oh my, a Moink gift box was delivered to our doorstep! That was so mindful of Peggy and our niece Judy. I can hardly wait to start defrosting some of the meat later in the week went we finish the meat we have in the refrigerator meat draw. "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything" (Genesis 9:3). Thanks be to God for family and gifts from his bounty.

27 December 2021

Rejoicing on the third octave of Christmas. Despite the ongoing issues I'm having with my lower back, I am grateful that lower back continues to improve. For sure, it is getting betting better each day, but at a slower pace than I am hoping for. I know that isn't the same as rejoicing in all circumstances, but am rejoicing in the Lord. Kaboom! Wow, heard the sound of thunder, wind and the torrential downpour. Unbelievable, having a thunderstorm, it is the end of December, isn't it? I have been looking at a lot of recipes posted on Facebook's Cantonese Food Recipes group page lately, but today was different, I got all fired up looking at, braised beef short rib and roast turkey cooking videos on YouTube. God willing, both of these be first for me in near future. It was so nice of Janet and her kids to stop by for a brief outdoor visit on the driveway after visiting her mom and dropped off a gift for us. We were invited yesterday to join them for lunch today. As much as I wanted to go to the luncheon, I am so apprehensive about gatherings, because of the recent rise of covid. My of my Marcus, Nicole and Madison are growing up way too fast. My friend David posted a song of Facebook that was so good, that it is my song of the day, Sunshower - Thomas Bergersen. This recording made my day and just had to listen to all the tracks of Chapter III of his Humanity album. He is right that I need to listen more of Thomas Bergersen’s work, is very talented. I began musing on how the world is already beginning to packed away their, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus and his flying reindeers, Little Drummer Boy, Christmas Elves, and Christmas tree. Talk about commercial secular Xmas, the stores are already clearing their selves and getting ready for Valentine's Day. Hopefully in the homes the Belén will be the last thing taken down for storage and remain up during the Christmas season. I think the belén has to be arguably the best Christmas symbol reminding us that, “For to us a child is born,” the Son of God was born unto us. Let us remain festive and remember with thanksgiving what a remarkable great gift this truly is as we ponder on what is treasured in our hearts. Today we are celebrating the 3rd octave of Christmas, The Feast of Saint John, Apostles and Evangelist who penned the divinity of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men" (John 1:1-4). Thank be to God for his boundless grace. Praying for back pain relief and continual improvement.
26 December 2021

Ah, much better, but there remains a ways to go with the pain on my lower back. I am so grateful that my lower back continues to improve. I am so surprised how little relief to the lower back a hot shower offers, because the warmth from the hot running was so helpful when I had issues with my right shoulder. I woke up super late, because we got back home pretty late last night. I ended up eating ham sandwich brunch for the first meal of the day with my morning coffee. I will most likely stay indoors and pen random thoughts throughout the day. I was kind of surprised I penned a journal entry late last night before going to bed... I was musing about gifts and gift giving and about some of thoughtful and meaningful gifts that I received for Christmas like a puzzle, a chef's apron, hot sauce set and phone air time. Each of these gifts were well throughout and saids a lot about our loving relationship. This brings us the greatest gift of all found in Christ Jesus. This very gift was give to us by grace. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2:14). The gift of Jesus is magnificent. All praise be to the Father, the son and to the Holy Spirit. It always drive me crazy whenever I hear of my brothers and sisters in Christ who say that they have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior and ask others to do likewise. This sadly is a theology of glory. It is far better to think of it as receiving Christ and that we had nothing to do with how Christ comes to us. The world has imaged so many gods and in my mind when one say that they have accepted something in their own glory, they have a god of their own choosing... We took all the baby carrots and celery that was leftover from the vegetable tray from the party yesterday and diced them up with the honey baked ham, and then I diced up some water chestnuts, onions. Whenever I have a copious amount of celery I can't help but salivate and stir fried a concocted Chinese American chop suey inspired dish. Too bad you don't see many old Chinese American dishes in restaurants anymore... Two of our nieces have invited to get together, I feel so bad that I remain so uncomfortable and was not able to accept their mindful and gracious invitations. It was hard enough for us to gather for Christmas even with all the precautional step taken, there were still a few things people were doing that made me cringed. I love how my brother and my sister's kids have grown up to all be so mindful of others. Happy that Alex, Andrea, Rob and the Isaac and Peyton were on FaceTime with us. Crazy how you want someone near and yet not. I felt that way yesterday when Andrea's family opted out of attending the Christmas gathering. I personally still think fourteen people was still too many people in a house during this pandemic even with all the precautions taken. The same is Jennifer, I love her dearly, but worry too much because she has no issues about going in Chicago. In my mind, that place is a hell hole of a city. Think I will put away the pen for the remainder of the day before I work myself in frenzy. Thanks be to God from who all blessings flow.

25 December 2021

Merry Christmas and Joy to the World. Rejoicing that unto the world a Savior is born. I took my time getting out of bed this morning. Was on Messenger and got a bunch of video of the grandkids Christmas morning activities opening the presents under the tree. I was the first time I was on a Messenger call, awesome. This is so good to use wifi video chat on the phone and no need to use costly over the air mobile data. It was a slight struggle with pain to get up, so the days routine was pretty much the same as yesterday, wearing a thermal heating pad strapped on with my lumbar support belt. It's Christmas Day and seems to be I can't get excited about college football today. It is rare for me to look forward to nfl games outside of a playoff or championship game. I watched Aaron Rodgers work his Christmas magic, he is one tough hombre playing with a broken toe. Have to cheer on a nfc north teams, especially against an afc team. Next week, next week, so looking forward to the Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Day! #5 Notre Dame vs #9 Oklahoma State. This should be a good one. I put on a heat patch and took the covid-19 fifteen minute rapid test, negative and was good to go for the masked Christmas party at Alex's. Sandy did an awesome job with the decorations. Love the idea that four separate tables were assigned for each household when we were unmasked to eat. The bounty of food and desserts was delicious. In a world where some are hungry, may we always eat our daily bread with humble hearts. For the most part, I stayed away from staying too closing and talking to anyone too long. And was in the front room by myself for the most part.

24 December 2021

Thanks be to God as the issues with my lower back continue to improve. My slow strut to bath room for a hot wasn't pretty. So thankful that I was able to lift my lift my leg up over the tub to take a hot shower, it felt so good. All I thought about was how reminiscent it was of the time when I was going to physical therapy for my shoulder injury. I thought about sitting down and soaking in the tub, but was afraid I might not be able to get back up. The hot shower only provided minimal relief. My back brace and a microwavable heat pad was a game changer. I thank God for my wife who watches out and takes care of me. Insane, rain this late in December! I haven't been looking at the weather forecast and thought Fawn was pulling my leg that it was going to be in the mid 50s today. Anything can happen weatherwise here in the midwest. What is really odd is the grass is still green. Still remember how warm it was the day Andrea was born. Prior to that day, I was so anxious that we might have bad weather in January. God blessed us that very day with a beautiful daughter and fair weather. We facetimed with Alex, Andrea and the grandkids and its remains our joy. I also download more wonderful photos of them onto the laptop. I made us a nice big pot of fuzzy melon soup to warm up the soul. It was a worthy two bowler! Continue prayer for the pain on my lower back to subside. "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). Come, Lord Jesus.

23 December 2021

O Emmanuel

O Emmanuel,
            Our king and our Lord,
            The anointed for the nations and their Savior:
Come and save us, O Lord our God.

                                                       — Isaiah 7:14; 33:22

In our sorrowerful joy we pray, "O come, O come, Emmanuel"

I woke up slightly better off than yesterday, but the stiffness and pain remains. Fawn got me a heat patch for my lower back and that immensely relieved most of the pain. Thanks be to God, it was actually night and day about 15 minutes after she applied the patch on my lower back. I made us beef lo mein today; it was pretty tasty despite missing the flavorful mushrooms I intended to have as one of ingredients. They started spotting today so we had to toss them out. Praying that the pain in my lower back will continue to subside, better yet, completely go away. Spend the day mostly looking at postings on my favorite Facebook group, Cantonese Food Recipes. I saw so many childhood memories of common dishes my parents made for us. The DuPage County Health website reported that 96% of covid related hospitalization and 99.9% of covid related deaths in our county are unvaccinated, no surprises there. Other news for the day is our friend Victor was at the Oakbrook Mall when the shooting started, four people shot. Thanks be to God he got out of there quickly and is safe. 

22 December 2021

O Rex Gentium

O King of the nations, the ruler they long for,
            The cornerstone uniting all people:
Come and save us all, whom You formed out of clay.
                      — Jeremiah 10:7; Haggai 2:7; Isaiah 28:16

Oh no, I'm clueless as to why I woke this morning with a stiff and lower back pain. I kind of felt the lower back pain a little bit yesterday, but thought nothing of it. This morning was really challenging to move about, but it was really painful trying to sit on a regular chair, so I spent most of the time sitting on the recliner with a pillow for support. Wearing a lumbar back brace was very help while moving about the house. Crazy how I can't stand too long, nor I am I able to sit too long either. I even spent some time lying down on my back. The highlight of my day was a wellness check from Andrea and Rob. Praying that this a only a temporary and minor issue. Lord, have mercy and grant relief to my lower back pain.

21 December 2021
O Oriens

O Dayspring,
            splendor of light everlasting:
Come and enlighten those who sit in darkness
            And in the shadow of death.

     — Zechariah 6:12 (Vulgate); Luke 2:78-79

 "O come, Thou Dayspring from on high." Sin plunged the world into darkness, and is the winter solstice of our soul. Jesus Christ is the Light of world that overcomes all darkness.

Brr, we were out the door early to take the car to the dealership for an oil change. The frost on the grass and all the rooftops served as a reminder that today is winter solstice the shortest day and officially the first day of winter. I just remembered that one of the huge trees on the block was taken down yesterday. I was happy to see that because there are so many trees that have huge branches that can break and fall. Crazy how coincidental that fit yesterday the O Antiphon pray. Anyway, it must have cost a pretty penny to take down that tree, because there was a lot of trucks and equipment as well the workers to do the needed. I'm not totally against trees per se, but the need for our town to make this place seem like literally an urban jungle is ridiculous, especially when everyone is complaining about the leaves collection in the fall. Talk about spending a pretty penny, I suspected we would end up doing some costly maintenance on the car besides having an oil change done. We had the fuel/air induction service done as well a tune-up. Thankfully, the battery replacement was under a full warranty. We replaced the battery about a year and half ago and the battery was extremely expensive then. There is only a three year warranty for the car battery. I was totally surprised that the vehicle needed a tune-up; it had to do something with the EcoBoost system. I was happy that we were able to put off the recommended transmission fluid change. It was so nice of Alex to come and pick us up while the car was being serviced. Beats sitting in the dealership service department waiting room. The had a few super nice mustangs in the showroom ranging from $43K for the GTO convertible to $63K for the Mach 1 that gets a whooping 18 miles to the gallon. That's a far cry from the Biden's administration ambitious 40 miles to a gallon for all new cars by 2026. I'll be thrilled to pay off our car in March. It should bring about some financial relief. Surly this inflationary period will not consume all of available funds. It is sad to see how bad our economy has become. There was a time when I would be able to buy a new car every few years and not blink, and now the last few cars we owned we ran them to ground before purchasing new one. It could be my imagination, but the leftover steamed tilapia from the other day seemed to be richer in flavor today. Thank you Lord for being a Light in the darkness.

20 December 2021

O Clavis David

O Key of David and scepter of the house of Israel,
            you open and no one can close,
            you closed and no one can open:
Come and rescue the prisoners who are in darkness
            and the shadow of death.

                                                    — Isaiah 22:22; 42:7

“O come, Thou key of David, come, and open wide our heav’nly home”

"True joy doesn't come and go with change of circumstances. True joy doesn't even mean you're happy. You can have true joy and deep sadness at the same time. True joy is found when you have contentment, peace, and hope. True joy is when you experience unconditional love. True love is found in the little baby who we remember at Christmas time, and who grew up to die on a cross because he loves you so much." - Chisa Martin

Have spatula will travel. Since Alex is on vacation this week, we went over and made lunch at his house. Alex got me a nice chef cooking apron for Christmas, which I wore with pride while making us lunch. I made the same sausage and mostaccioli dish, as well as a ribeye steak that I made the other day for Andrea and her family. Whoo hoo, while at the store l finally came across some really good looking short ribs that were reasonably priced. I was stunned, because the price of meat has skyrocketing like everything else. In my mind, the blame for inflation squarely lies on the Biden administration caused by the side effects of implementing many of this president's policies. I'm so thrilled to now finally have an opportunity to cook something with the beautiful Dutch oven Rob, Andrea, Isaac and Peyton and Alex got me for last Christmas. Now I have to decide whether to make this very special meal to celebrate New Year or Andrea's birthday. I love family time, it brings me much joy. We will have a small gathering. There's that abstract word again. When I say small, it means small compared to our family pre pandemic holiday gatherings. It is comforting to know that everyone that will be attending has agreed to have a rapid covid test and test themselves negative on the day of the party before attending. I not sure who thought of this prerequisite, but I think it's brilliant. Nice weather we had again today, sunny and in the mid 40s! It was a nice day for a walk and doing curbside step ups. I can handle winters if it gonna be like this the remainder of the season duration. LOL, I wish. I swear that Nala has a way of growing on you; I'm beginning to look forward to her. It could be my imagination, but I think she really like me. We spent the entire afternoon visiting Alex. When we got home, I totally forgot we still had some leftover tilapia and made us a beef, tomato, peppers and onions stir fry over a bed of Cantonese pan fried noodles. That worked out good, because there was only one serving of fish and rice in the refrigerator anyway. The plan is to take the car in for an oil change tomorrow and was looking over the maintenance schedule and thinking we may possibly need to install new brakes pads, change transmission fluid, and a fuel/air induction service. It will be interesting what the service recommendations the service department will be making. Cars are so expensive to buy as well as maintain. We only have one car, so it is very important for us to keep it road worthy at all times.

19 December 2021

O Radix Jesse

O Root of Jesse,
            standing as an ensign before the peoples,
            before whom all kings are mute,
            to whom the nations will do homage:
Come quickly to deliver us.

                                                — Isaiah 11:10; 52:15

"O come, Thou Branch of Jesse's tree"

Drove up to the northern burbs to drop off Christmas presents for our grandkids and the pasta dish. A sunny day is always most welcomed and so invigorating. It totally beats the common old dreary grey skies this time of year. I enjoyed the drive there, but not so much coming back southbound with the sun so low on the horizon glaring at you. So glad that we are finally near the shortest day of the year and things will turn around. It’s a good reminder that the Light of World will be born. Come, Light of the world. Despite just going up there to just drop off the food and presents, we did get to briefly get to say hi at a social distance. It was a blessing none the less. I made us a delicious Cantonese style steamed tilapia fillets for dinner. That helped warmed up and humidified the house. It is difficult not to muse about the birth of Christ and not think about his passion. Thanks be to God for the blessing of love, grace, mercy, and eternal life.

18 December 2021

O Adonai

O Adonai and ruler of the house of Israel,
            who appeared to Moses in the burning bush
            and gave him the Law on Sinai:
Come with an outstretched arm and redeem us.

- Exodus 3:2; Nehemiah 9:13

Praying the second of the seven O Antiphons. The manifestation of God in a burning bush that was not consumed must of been somewhat overwhelming. I posted the first two O Antiphons on Facebook but saw that Pastor Cwirla was also doing it on Facebook as well and as long as he is doing it, it is best share his learned postings instead! O Lord of Israel, come. I finally went to the cloud gallery to downloading Peyton's one year old photo shoot to my laptop. The photos were exceptional. I expected nothing less from Jean, so gifted. Since I was logged on, I decided to print off a hard copy of the 2022 calendar. I done this annually for her since forever, clearly this is old school, but it works for her. And appointments are met and important dates are ever missed. Covid cases and the number of deaths are on the again for our county as well as the surrounding one. A staggering statistic is that 98 to 99 percent of the people who died from covid-19 were unvaccinated. Lord, have mercy. I made Italian sausage and mostaccioli toss with spinach. It's anything but authentic and is basically the same old same old dish I make all the time with different noodles concoction on the stove top that realized. I once made it for one of our pastor and his family on Holy week. It is a congregational tradition that parishioners make meals for them that busy week; we were up for one of the meals for one of the family that week. It was good enough that the pastor thought we brought it from a restaurant! Since I intentionally made extra for the kids, we made Isaac his favorite dish that I make for him, ribeye steak. It reminds me of how my mom used to make steak for my brother Bill, just because he liked it a lot. I can relate to that. The secret ingredient is love. It's not clear to me if it is the same in every culture, but cooking food is the way Asian parents tend show their love. Since I have food on my mind now, I was looking at a Hong Kong egg tart (daan tat) posting on the Cantonese Food Recipes group on Facebook earlier in the day. There were a lot of comments raving about Crème Brûlée Pastéis de Nata. Now that’s in itself is a hand full to say, I had to go to an online translator to learn how to pronounce that correctly. I saw images of this Portuguese custard tart and I'm game for trying one if it tastes anywhere near as good as they look. It is a given that daan tats are one of the main gotos besides char sui boas whenever folks go to a Chinese bakery. I am so looking forward to tomorrow with a grateful heart for the blessing of family.

17 December 2021

And so the countdown begins

O Sapientia

O Wisdom, proceeding from the mouth of the Most High,
pervading and permeating the whole creation,
mightily ordering all things:
Come and teach us the way of prudence.

 “O come, Thou Wisdom from on high
Who ord’rest all things mightily;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel!”

Brr, it's beginning to feel seasonal and the blessing of above normal temperatures l think is behind us for a couple of months, but who knows, midwest weather is a unpredictable and can change on a dime. I'm loving and appreciating the bright sunshine that the day offered. I'm seeing a continual up tick on covid cases and am hearing that some schools are going back to remote learning again. I often hear about the twelve days of Christmas, but never gave it much thought outside of the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, as possibly being a once upon a time Christian learning tool. Many people tend to think of the Christmas season as beginning after Thanksgiving. I think this is because many people think of it as being part of the secular holiday season and celebrate christmas with Santa Claus, elves and flying reindeers being front and center and ending on December 25th with gift giving and family time. However, for Christians, this period of time is the liturgical season of Advent, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. Christians celebrate Christmas as a liturgical season which begins on Christmas Day and ends twelve days later. It is believed that the twelve days mark the time it took after the birth of Jesus for the magi to travel to Bethlehem for the Epiphany when the three paid homage to the infant and recognized him as the son of God. I really enjoy looking at Cantonese Food Recipes posting that come up on Facebook. I think the group shares the same passion I have for cooking. This community also shares the fond childhood memories I had of growing up and gathering together as a family with countless family style food dishes. Seems it was so common back in the day that our parents would not only two or three different dishes for a given meal, they would make a pot of soup for the day to boot. I come up with a few good meals for Fawn and me every now and then. Yesterday I made us stir fried pork ribs with green peppers and onions with a black bean and garlic sauce. Because there is only the two us, there is always too much food. What is good about this stew like comfort food is that it just good the next day and arguably perhaps is even better tasting the next day, as a leftover lunchtime meal. Dinner was an easy go to at making stir fried beef and broccoli over rice. This dish works out for us, because all we need to buy is two young small crowns of broccoli. It is also good that she favors the tops and I the stems. I really prefer the Chinese broccoli (gai lan) because I grew us accustomed to eating the broccoli with the leaves, but it's impossible to come by outside of an Asian market in the burbs. A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” (Isaiah 40:3-5). O let us take heed and prepare to greet the birth of our Lord and prepare for his return by removing all the sinful stumbling blocks that we have created for others and in our own lives. Lord, help us prepare a royal highway.

16 December 2021
Oh no, covid cases are on the rise again, first with the delta variant and now we have even more contiguous omicron variants. Albeit, I personally know people who have gotten breakthrough covid and I am so grateful that none of them have been hospitalized and that their symptoms have been mild if any. It's my understanding that the large majority of people hospitalized or died are the unvaccinated. That is something that should be highly noted and weighed by people who are unvaccinated by choice. Folks are moving about more and more back toward their pre pandemic way of a life. Even, I was slowly beginning to slightly drop my guard, but now I decided to take a step or two back and am erring on the side of cautiously moving forward.  In general folk need to do social distance away from me, especially if they are unvaccinated or ill in any way. Lord, have mercy. Matinee and a movie, made a simple lunch for us, two leftover grilled hot dogs and a can of baked beans. We watched, Stillwater. Love watching Matt Damon movies. Not often, but it’s weird that I have a taste for franks and beans every then and act on it. I listened to, Creator of the Stars of Night – Pr. Will Weedon, hymn study on Issues Etc. This hymn is one of my favorite Advent hymns. I was truly blessed by the teachings by this most learned teacher of Christ. Our ultimate hope is in Christ’s promise to come back for us and make all things new. Come, Lord Jesus.
15 December 2021
Albeit a gloom and doom looking morning, we got out and enjoy some the insane sixty degree weather before the rain moved in. We have been getting a lot of rain in December. What is going on with this string of record high days? Anyway, it’s great that most of the folks on our block were able to be out ranking and bagging the leaves for the final pickup for this year. Where are all these leaves coming from? Every week our block gets cleaned up pretty good, only to be blown over by leaves from who knows where all over again. Been thinking more and more about the coronavirus that is plaguing us. I still think that the CDC is putting out, in my opinion, mixed and inconsistent recommendations guideline. All one can do is to try their best evaluate do what is best for themselves and the ones subject to your protection and care. “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44). Our Lord encourages us to always be prepared for his final coming, which he makes abundantly clear could be at any unknown time. We must stay spiritually awake and be aware of our Lord’s presence in our lives. Albeit, I only know a few Latin phrases, Coram deo comes to mind. I have been so preoccupied this Advent season and haven’t spent as much time as I would have liked preparing myself for the advent of our king. It is not an easy thing to rise above our sorrows without our hope in the Lord. So we carry on and continue our journey back to Eden knowing that we are being cheered on by a cloud of witness that have gone before us, to finish the race and bringing along as many of our neighbors who would follow along. One thing I’ve noticed for quite some time now is that the mainstream media is playing a huge role in hindering and plaguing us with day in and day out with the intention of shocking us in as many ways as possible to provoke anger in us to a point where we are so distracted by all the chaotic noise that we fail to open our hearts to the presence of our Lord and Savior. I suppose I can go on and rant about how loathsome many of these journalists (?) are, but I need to be focus and tend to repent of my own sinful shortcomings. Saint Paul said, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost” (1 Timothy 1:15), but the reality is that he has nothing on us, we are all the chiefs of sinners and Christ Jesus laid aside his glory and sought to save us all. May we fully be prepared this Advent season to worthily celebrate Christmas and the Final Advent of Our Lord.

14 December 2021
It’s already late, but felt it necessary to capture at least a memory or two of the day. Today's we laid to rest my mother-in-law at all familiar cemetery. I always find Chinese family funerals so distinctively fascinatingwhere Christians commends the souls of their love ones and others are performing traditional Chinese funeral rites. I learned a lot today about preserving and cherishing fond memories. I really thought I would able bring myself to start doing indoor dining, but I was wrong. I did however manage to take another baby step toward normalization. On the way to the cemetery from the funeral homeAlex and I stopped by a Popeye’s to picked up a couple of spicy chicken sandwiches. It was the first time I tried that sandwich and thought it was pretty good. Once upon a time I had a Chic-fil-A chicken sandwich and thought that was pretty good too, but this may be a better sandwich. I’m guessing that there’s no way to tell which is better unless you eat them side by side. It was the first time I ate drive-thru food without microwaving it first since the pandemic. After the burial, we went to visit my grandmother, father, mother and stepmother on their four adjoining burial site. Albeit my brother and sister, as well as aunts, uncles and cousins are laid to rest in this cemetery, I was totally unprepared and was clueless where their plots are in this huge cemetery. I'm not much on doing gravesite visitations, I’m sure there are many different reasons that compel a lot people to so though. There were many things that ran though my mind and now at the end of the day I seek comfort in the Lord. May my prayers rise before the Lord as incense. 

13 December 2021
Happy hair cut, first time in recent history that I had my hair before I managed to grow a Bozo hairdo. I’m paying my dues for yesterday's foodfest, a small portion of beef with green beans for lunch and tomatoes and eggs over rice for dinner. No doubt in my mind that I will wake up hungry as an ox tomorrow morning. I’ve seen death of family members my entire life, but three deaths in the family in span of a week is a lot to take in. Blessed be to God who comforts us in our afflictions. "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39). Lord, grant that I may more fully understand the depths of your love.

12 December 2021
Good eating day, it started off with the usual hot bowl of oatmeal, but I made French toast as a bonus for breakfast. Well sort of, I just dip my bread in egg only, nothing fancy. Making breakfast for the grandkids is my joy. I have countless childhood memories of so many great meals growing up. We celebrated Peyton's 1st birthday with catered food from Portillo's. The parents know how to throw a party, one can never go wrong with a ton of food from there. Parties in the home nowadays are so different; they have to be kept small with people who are vaccinated as a precaution. Small is an abstract word, and I doubt if I'll be fully comfortable under any circumstance. We had a three step ladder out to put up party decorations and I was so surprising to see Peyton like climbing up and down the ladder, clearly she is strong and fearless. I don't like being near and feel so uncomfortable being around people that I don't know if they have been fully vaccinated or not. That is why I wish the funeral for my mother-in-law was a private one. Well at least there will a mask requirement. I hope people will be social distancing, if not, they will need to do so from me. I thought for sure that my comfort level with the coronavirus would be much higher and that things would become more normalized for me after taking the booster vaccine, but I think the constant developments of new variants causes me to pause. I see so many people about that must be asymptomatic to covid, because they seem to move about freely in a crowd. Crazy how there are people like this while others get seriously ill and or die from being exposed to the virus. That makes no sense to me whatsoever. Lord, have mercy.

11 December 2021

I was able to sleep through most of the night despite the turbulent storm, but was eventually awaken pre dawn by a series of loud thunder claps, a torrential downpour and howling winds. Song of the day is no other than, Stormy - Classic IV. I thank God that he has preserved and kept us through the night and am thankful there was no noticeable damage. The northwest winds is insane, one look up at the sky and see the clouds seemingly wiz by. I really enjoy cooking and watching cooking video. I recently joined the, Cantonese Food Recipes, group on Facebook, and think some of the dishes look fantastic. They bring back a lot of great childhood memories of our family time meals put together by our mom and dad. We went out to pick up the cake from Jewels to celebrate Peyton's 1st birthday. Thanks be to God for crowning us with our second grandchild. I love the cakes that both Jewels and Mariano's bake to order. Not only does it taste good, but they are more reasonably priced than a standalone bakery would charge. The sun is so low on the horizon and days are super short now. We are only ten days away from the shortest day of the year. I started to say that I can't wait until the sun works its way back up north, but our planet tilts on axis. How fitting it is, that we celebrate the advent of our Lord this time of year. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5). Jesus came into the world as the light of the world, to illumine the blackened soul of man. It was through sin that darkness entered the heart of man, and it is through the Light of God's Son, that sin and death and darkness was overcome.

10 December 2021
Ah, that's much better. Finally finished the harbonero hot sauce yesterday and opened the eleventh of a twelve bottle set of hot sauce. Normally I go through an entire set of hot sauce in a given year, so I must be slowing down. Actually, the level of heat from the last bottle of harbonero was giving me a hard time, so I found the jalapeno a refreshing change. With all these dead leaves mold allergies is becoming problematic for me as I am going through my antihistamine nasal spray and eye drops like there is no tomorrow. Went because it was colder out than I initially thought it would be and was not properly layered up or maybe it was because I turkey trotted and began huffing and puffing. I even did less step-ups than usual, not good. I really enjoyed my morning time out in the sunlight, it was much better than watching the gloom and doom rain pour down in the afternoon and evening out the window. Crazy how all the clouds moved in and darken the sky so quickly. Once again, I'm thankful and love the fact that we are getting rain instead of snow. Thinking it may be time for me to start contemplating on hopping on the elliptical again. Nah, perhaps after the new year. I was surprised to see the temps back up in the upper 40s again and moved the garbage bin back out of garage because of the smell. It'll be back in there when we the weather forecasters predict snow again, but don’t look like any time soon as the weather is suppose to be yet milder. It’s my understanding that a severe and turbulent storm is heading our way and is due here sometime late this evening. Lord, keep us safe through this mighty tempest. LOL, calling meteorology a science has to be a joke. Amazing, it's been a while since I gotten a noteworthy and beneficial app software update. They updated Samsung Notes. What I really liked about this updated version is that the new features are settings enabled that you set by yourself. And yes, I turned on a few of the new features. I just penned something and decided it best to delete it. I'm finding that I am doing that more frequently now. Some things remain better off unsaid. It's good that I am able to see myself as the poor miserable sinner that I am in need of a Savior. May I repent of my sins against our Lord in my thoughts, words, and deeds. I have allowed myself to be distracted by so many things that I haven't been properly preparing myself to celebrate the coming of our Lord this Advent season. We must always remember, Christ First.
 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

9 December 2021
It’s only 7:30 and Fawn already went up to bed. It feels so strange that we are already in the still of the night. Guessing when now would be a good time to sit down and pen a muse on what has been crossing my mind these past few days. Lord, have mercy. Life is trying me. It wasn't that long ago that my sister-in-law's husband fell asleep. And now all of a sudden, this past week has been less than a good one.  First, my cousin's passed, and then my mother-in-law passed. I really hate Chicago, mainly because it's the murder capitol of the nation. I have more reason to despise that third world hell hole. My cousin's husband was shot and killed just walking down the street blocks away from his home in Chicago. I have this habit of looking up the number of people shot and killed by shootings in Chicago as well as the chaotic mayhem of in the city. I avoid Chicago like the plague. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18). As Christians, we are called to joy, not to hopelessness and negativity that surrounds us and should focus on what God has done for us instead of dwelling on our current suffering and pain. We are called to share this joy and hope with others. When the going gets tough, we are not very good at rejoicing, praying, and expressing our gratitude uninterruptedly. All I can say is that our Lord is faithful. It becomes difficult for us to act outside of God’s will, when we acknowledge his presence in our circumstances.  Albeit this be a short muse, I need to stop penning now and just lie down and close my weary eyes. Comfort us in our sorrow. Come, Lord Jesus.

7 December 2021
The day's was mostly in the teens and today's high was a whooping 25 degrees Fahrenheit. I finally got around to making us a pot of fuzzy melon soup it's the perfect soup for a day like today! We like to set our home thermostat set at 72 °F and at 70 during the whenever we are away. The warmth and humidity from the simmering soup was a bonus! I know folks for one reason or another dial down the thermostat in the house during the cold winter months. I think it is to save a few dollars, because the complaint is often high cost for energy. I complaint about it too, but in my mind, 72 degrees with 50 percent humidity is perfect. As cheap as I am, I am still one of those who put a higher value on comfort than on the energy bill. Remembering Pearl harbor, 80 years later, FDR remains correct , "December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy," Grateful to the veterans who protected our nation then and for the those serving now. Evil is mind boggling, in that how much death and misery can be inflicted by wars between nations before peace can come to past.  Nations have claimed victory, but the reality is no one wins. We all mourn the loss of love ones. May the light push back the darkness. It’s kind of a lazy day for me and I don’t feel much like penning. There is a lot going on these past few days, so I just leave it at that and call it a day.

6 December 2021
Listening to LPR playing with my ear plugs on, now I’m wondering why it’s been a long while since I’ve I have listened to sacred music here or to the Issues Etc talks. Dang, it’s cold out there. The day’s high was in the mid 20’s and the howling winds weren’t helping the cause. Everyone’s front yard on the block was looking good yesterday, but leaves were flying all over the place today. I decided it was time to move the garbage bin and recycling bin from out back into the garage, before the snow begins to fall. I spent the day musing about our holiness and our comfort at the grave. We are to walking in a matter that is a pleasing matter to the Lord and to grow in grace. Our hope is in the Lord and his return is imminent. Come, Lord Jesus, be with us now and forevermore. 

5 December 2021
Started to say, "rain, rain go away..." but then once again, I remembered that rain in December is better than snow. We loved that the grands came down for a visit; we celebrated our family time together feasting enjoying each other’s company. Albeit, family and community brings me great joy, I don't like being in large crowds. The day started with Big Apple bagels, pork sausage patties and scrambled eggs and then worked its way into a fusion brunch with a Singapore noodles carryout from Lucky Panda that Alex bought the night before, just for today's festivities. We are always thankful for the blessings from God's bounty. So much fun playing with the kids, their imagination and laughter is so contagious. Nice, a package came from Jennifer. It was the Christmas present I wanted, a jigsaw puzzle! I even got a bonus puzzle mat too! "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped" (Philippians 2:5–6). Our Lord set aside his glory to rescue everyone. He wants us to be mindful of each other. May the Lord transform our hardened heart and mind to reflect his passion.

4 December 2021
Brr, huge drop in the temps and back to reality that we are indeed at the start of of the meteorological winter season. I layered up for a short walk and then to go the Asian supermarket to get some vegetables for the week. I didn't have all the needed to make a fuzzy melon soup, so that'll have to wait. What do you do when you still have a taste for soup? Open a can of Progresso Chicken Tortilla soup, of course! Saturdays are made for football. Watched the SEC Football Championship game between Georgia and Alabama! So disappointing to see the dawgs go down in flames. I'm hoping to see these two teams go at it again before it's all over. We'll see who the final four will be tomorrow. Learned what was apparently a well kept secret about my very own family, why am I the last to learn what is going on? Clearly, I was left in the dark intentionally for reasons unknown by so many people, hmm. I saw a highly noteworthy Facebook posting this morning that shared two verses from Holy Scripture and was followed by wisdom. Psalm 119:18, ‘Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.’ And Psalm 119:37, ‘Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things…’ Setting our eyes on worthless things is one of the surest ways to blind them to the wonder of God’s beauty in Christ.

3 December 2021
I’m so happy Fawn is feeling better today, she had stomach issues the past few days, possibly from taking antibiotics? Anyway, she is taking probiotics and it seems to be helping. It was beautiful December day! So I ended my procrastination and went out this morning and ranked up all the leaves that were on the front yard. It's looking good and I'm sure that my neighbors appreciated my efforts. Ah choo, I'm so grateful for antihistamine eye drops and nasal sprays. Seasonal allergies this late in the year is for the birds. I’m experiencing some trouble emotionally expressing my feelings that my mother-in-law has passed away early this morning while under hospice care. I suppose that is where penning streaming of consciousness really maybe of value other than being therapeutic and a form of mental exercise for me. I'm certain that what I'm about to pen will shed some light about myself and the relationship I had with her. How much I will retain or delete in this journal entry will remain to be seen after reading it prior to publishing it. Normally, stream of consciousness writing is left as is and flows with just random thoughts, typos, grammatical errors and what not. A lot went through my mind while raking up three thirty gallon full leaves from out front. I thought about death of dying in general and how blessed are of those who die in the Lord as well as the death of unbelievers. There was a time that it was very bothersome of love ones who have fallen asleep outside of the Lord, because my family is made up of mostly Evangelicals and of ancestral veneration. I think that all people venerate their ancestors before them to some degree, but at some point it crosses a line and become problematic. I believe there is comfort and peace to be found because we don't know the true state of the souls of our love ones that may not have publicly professed faith in the one true God and that our Lord is abundantly merciful. The relationship I had with my mother-in-law wasn't always a rosy one and often times filled with misunderstandings that required long periods to mending, the tongue is a hurtful weapon. For sure I lacked Christian charity for the most part and failed to love people the way they needed to be love and found it easier just to love people that loved me back ... It gave me joy when I was finally able to call her mom. Those who know me well, know how much I like to cook and how much I like to watch videos about cooking. It is most fitting to recognize my mother-in-law to be among the best of the best when it comes to home cooking. She doesn't need to say that supper is ready more than once. This was actually a long muse and much has been deleted. I learned a lot about myself and have recalled a lot of blessings and fond memories that are to be cherished. It was truly a day filled with highs and lows and the phrase “God is greater than the highs and lows” remind us of his power in your life and that there is no situation in our daily life that is greater than him who work all things for our good. Anyway, it’s getting late and there are still dishes that need to be washed. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (Matthew 1:22–23). God is with us. Come Lord Jesus!

2 December 2021
Sigh... frustrated first thing in the morning getting on the Walgreen's website. It has to be one of the worst website to navigate on, and I've been on more than a few that are poorly designed. Oh well they lost out to Target on the needed. It was a first, satsumaimo gohan (sweet potato rice) for lunch! It was OK, I saw another rice bowl recipe with sweet potato and black beans that i have to give a go next time. I was listening to music last night and came across, I have Nothing – Angelina Jordan, and forgot to pen it as the song of the day. No doubt she is an outstanding singer. The weather was outstanding for a December day. It was in the upper 50s and now I’m wondering why I didn’t join some of my neighbors raking leaves. For sure I’ll need to do it tomorrow since the temp is forecasted to be in the 50s once again. Now the birth of  Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:18-21). Mary, is ever virgin mother of Jesus, is the Theotokos (Mother of God; Θεοτόκος) who bore the world a savior. The true meaning of Christmas is not found in a Santa Claus or in a shopping mall, but can be found in Mary’s song of praise. We have ask ourselves if our soul magnify the Lord?  Or if our spirit rejoice in God our Savior?  Only when the answer is a resounding yes to both these questions will we know the true meaning of Christmas.

Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat (Luke 1:46–56)

And Mary said,

               “My soul magnifies the Lord,
[47]       and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
[48] for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
                              For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
[49] for he who is mighty has done great things for me,
                              and holy is his name.
[50] And his mercy is for those who fear him
                              from generation to generation.
[51] He has shown strength with his arm;
                              he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;
[52] he has brought down the mighty from their thrones
                              and exalted those of humble estate;
[53] he has filled the hungry with good things,
                              and the rich he has sent away empty.
[54] He has helped his servant Israel,
                              in remembrance of his mercy,
[55] as he spoke to our fathers,
                              to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

[56] And Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.

1 December 2021
Oh wow, a blink of the eye and 2021 is almost over. Woke to the pour rain and despite it looking all gloomy and what not, I’m thrilled that it’s raining and not snowing and that the temperature is in the mid 40s. Hoping that the weather forecasters are correct in predicting that the next two days will be in the mid to upper 50s! We went out this morning for Fawn's annual physical, unexpectedly we had to go to the Sam's Club to get penicillin for a ear infection, otherwise she is given a good bill of health. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints" (Psalm 116:15). I've been musing about death and dying.  I have been exposed to early on in life, mainly because my father is the youngest of his siblings. I watched my grandmother past and then my aunt and uncles. By the time I was in high school my mother passed away early in life. Another blink of the eye my father and then my stepmother were gone. Death became very profound when my cousins and older siblings began passing away. So hard grasp the notion that my brother Dan and sister Mary are both no longer with us. I’m holding on dearly to my brother Bill and sister Nancy. The thought of death was in the back of my mind because death occurs more frequent during the winter months and is common when our immune system is weakened. Now death and dying is in the forefront because my cousin's wife Linda passed the other day and now my mother-in-law in near the end under hospice care. One of most comforting thing to me is whenever one of our love ones passes away in faith, yet we still grieve. The season of Advent is here and the beginning of the new church year. During Advent, we acknowledge both the birth of Christ Jesus in the past and to his Second Coming in the future as the Messiah. It is a good reminder that our time here is only temporary and is a wonderful opportunity to look back on our spiritual journey and think about the things that we can do to strengthen our relationship with God. The common Advent prayer is, “Thy Kingdom Come.”

30 November 2021

Was out the outdoor early in the morning to go to Alex's to greet the furnace service technician to do his annual tune-up so that they wouldn't interrupt his work day. The technician spent a long time servicing the furnace; clearly it was never done by the previous owner. Great now his home is good to go. Nice, Chef Alex made scrambled eggs. I like his technique and will give it a go. I was so surprised yesterday that I didn't encounter any network latency, because it has been so noticeable past years on Cyber Mondays. Go figure though that Comcast had an outage for a couple of hours today. Boy did November go by fast; it would be nice if the remainder of the cold winter months go by likewise. I wish that I could look forward to and learn to embrace the winter months like the young. "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30). Thanks be to God for blessing me with not only providing me with beautiful and strong women, but who also is a good and godly one.

29 November 2021

Not sure why but I woke up in the middle of the night and was sleepless. That is really so strange because normally I can just close my eyes and fall asleep in a heartbeat. Over time, I did eventually fell back to sleep though. The service technician came this morning and gave the furnace its annual tune-up and said we were good to go. Every year I say that we need to have it done earlier in the month of November, but fail to do so. I continue to be astonished how people years past made due without central heating and air conditioning. In my mind, using an electric fan during the summer months is roughing it. Whoa, albeit I knew that I was going to gain some weight this week, I didn't expect to have gain anywhere as much as I did. I'm sure it will go back down now that all that leftover fattening food is done with. It's not good that me hands are already need moisturizers. The constant use of a hand sanitizer all year round for so long is taking it's tow on my dried out hands. Sweet, I got ambitious and raked the leaves curbside. I was fighting the wind but managed to keep it most of it off grass. The timing was perfect and because the city came by while I was working and made the fourth and finally collection. I've been here for thirty eight years and this was the first time the city did a much needed fourth go because of late fall and no snow in the forecast. It ain't pretty but it looks a heck a lot better than it did with all the blown leave all about. The dark grey sky made and the dormant trees made doesn't lift one helps one's spirit one iota, but once back indoors with the warmth of the bean curd soup with oysters and shiitake mushrooms was good for the soul. Love how the soup warms up and humidifies the house. I was contemplating on starting on the new one thousand piece Christmas puzzle Fawn just got me, but decided that it best wait until thing got a little less hectic. Song of the day is, I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner. Been musing about the ugliness in the weed world and how much room we all have for improvement. "For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake" (Philippians 1:29). One has to wonder how is suffering a privilege? It's not unless it is for Jesus. May we be faithful and be counted among the worthy in our times of trouble, persecution, hardship and suffering.

28 November 2021

I stayed up late last night to watch the Notre Dame vs Stanford game. I only mentioned that, because Isaac was wondering where I was and had grandma wake me up to join a morning FaceTime call. I'm glad, but was a little surprised that he was mindful about me, because he is always happy just talking with grandma and Alex. I asked what he was eating and he said, "cereal." I told him that it looked so good. He then proceeded to inquire if I wanted some and told me that I could have some, but that I would have to come over to their house to eat it with him, too funny. Silly me, I thought we were done with shopping. Actually, we might of been, because all we did was go to a few store to pickup packages. It was nice drive to the pickup area and saw the store had plenty of employees that were walking in an out bring out merchandize to the cars. It's a real tough thing to find a balance between automation and allowing people to earn an livable income. I was sitting in the car looking at the toy called Pixicade, which is a mobile game maker where a child can draw to create and play their own video game. Wow, what a thoughtful and educational fun learning experience. When it comes to ordering stuff online from stores that are in town, I like this idea of just driving the store and having it bought to the car in a matter of minutes. It beats having dealing with missing stuff and having stuff being stolen by porch pirates. God willing, looks like I can order my annual 80 pounds of ice melt online next year and have it bought to and have it loaded in the car! Glad that we only had a few stops, because the bright sunny day was deceiving. It was cold when the window was down or when the doors were open and the howling wind blowing. I am so dreading how much colder it will get as we move on in the winter months. I'm glad of just sitting in the car aimlessly playing with my phone l thought of a friend l haven't checked up on for a while. It is hard enough to keep up with family in troublesome times. I've heard people used the term post pandemic, in my mind that is so premature, especially with yet another coronavirus variant about. And each new variant become more contagious and deadlier than the previous. Prayers that the booster we got will provide a high level of protection. So sad to learn that folks are still dying of covid, especially the ones who are needlessly being hospitalized and are dying because they remain unvaccinated by choice. Prayers for good test results and medical care for my friends and family members. As we age, more and more medical issues come about and more and petitions are needed for ourselves and for our love ones. May our Lord keep us near. Déjà vu, today's meal was the same as Thursday, Friday and yesterday's meal. Thanks be to God for the Thanksgiving turkey as well as for it being last of leftover gobbler. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:28–29). Thanks be to God for the great women of faith in Holy Scripture and for the godly women who have shaped my life and helped me with my faith.

27 November 2021
There was no need to make breakfast this morning, finally getting around to start on the ton of Thanksgiving Day leftovers in the refrigerator. I suppose we'll be doing turkey this and turkey that for the next several days. We went to Reese's first birthday party and since cousins were going to be around, we loaded up Santa's sleigh too. Albeit a huge contrast from last year, celebrating this year is a far cry from the large social gathering of the entire clan from days past. Before the pandemic, because the family has gotten so big, parties required renting a facility. Perhaps it's just as well to limit the size of the gatherings until the coronavirus is under controlled. I think it's here to stay though because there are far too many antivaxxers and the mutations will continue. I hope I'm wrong. Funny, fun all around, the birthday party was like a second Thanksgiving party. All the kids went in one room to play, the guys went in the family room to watch Michigan upset Ohio, and the ladies in another to do whatever ladies do. It was no surprise that covid came up in the general conversation. Sandra said she had anxiety about who to invite and whether or not if everyone got vaccinated or not. We drove by quite a few shoppers centers on the way home and noticed how seemingly hustling and bustling they are with the full parking lots. The holiday shoppers were most definitely out in full force looking for all the good deals. I'm expecting the internet to be running like a dog come cyber Monday. I've been musing about thanksgiving all we and know how poorly I give thanks and my inability to recount our Lords wonderful deeds. There is no greater gift than that of our Lord and Savior and his sacrifice for us on his cross. It's a given the most Saturday's are great, getting ready to kick back to Notre Dame moonwalk all over Stanford. So time to wrap up penning this journal entry with verse of the day and praises. "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God" (Philippians 1:27–28).  May we live our lives as if we have been redeemed. The days are really really short, Lord, in the darkness, we await your coming. Come O light.

26 November 2021
The only time I skip breakfast is when I have to fast before going in the doctor's office for blood work, this morning I did because I was still stuffed from the Thanksgiving celebration. The first post I saw on FB today was shared by Rob, Residents living permanently in Japan's cyber-cafés - Lost in Manboo. My reaction to video of that of disbelief and as the progressed, it went from sadness and then to that of gratitude and how our Lord has showered my family with grace upon grace. May we in our thanksgiving remember those who are lonely and are less fortunate in our prayer and in our deeds. It’s the day after Thanksgiving Day, may we continue to 365 24/7 offer prayers of thanksgiving. I am most grateful that in my heart lives life’s greatest treasure. We went to Bob and Jean home, because Jean was doing Peyton's one year photos. Dang, stepping out into the cold was no picnic. No doubt that the winter months are my least favorite time of the year. Nice, Alex came by with some appetizers from Lucky Panda and Bob made congee for our lunch time meal. I made the comment that I bet he never thought he would be entertaining making Chinese food, he chuckled a said that, "that's for sure!"   Clearly the recipe he used was not a recipe that was handed down, because it was made using pressure cooker and has been tweaked to accommodate the technology. Never say never, but it's a fair bet that I would highly not be cook using a pressure cooker. I have the freighting image of an exploding pressure cooker from the Boston Marathon embedded in my head. After everyone left, Fawn and I stayed behind and spent the entire day at just talked and sorted though a boat load of photos that were taken. I got pretty late so we ate dinner there. I was so cold out in the evening. How cold was it? Cold enough that I think it’s best to bring out my oversize winter coat and layer up under it. "no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17). Our Lord's victory is our victory and our lives will not be lived in vain.

25 November 2021
Penning this a.m. because it's gonna be a joyful and very active Thanking day. It doesn't get better than waking with up with a joyful heart giving all glory and praises to God. With a grateful heart, I thank the Lord for surrounding me with friends and family who blesses me daily with their kind words and deeds. I suppose every season has its troubles, but it sure seem like we are having so more internal than ever. "For you love all things that are and loathe nothing that you have made; for you would not fashion what you hate" (Wisdom 11:24). Our hardest struggle is to seeing Christ in everything and everyone. May the Lord continue to bless and keep us. The plan is eat as light as possible this morning and for lunch, after that not going into a food comma.

24 November 2021

Yep, I'm a chronic complainer. Yesterday I was complaining about the sun and today I'm complaining about it's nowhere to be found. It was 43 °F when we set out and about this morning, but there was no way of telling that it was above freezing other than the temperature readout. It was much better when it made it to the mid 50s in the early afternoon. It will be interesting tomorrow when the temperature will remain in the 30s all day. We went to Alex’s again and made up a super nice lunch. It’s not often when you have a black angus in-bone ribeye steak with broccoli for lunch, even Nala did a happy dance to that. Funny, she brought over three of her toy me and wanted to play with me. We went there to help him fill in a hair line crack on his patio and a few critter holes in his yard. I have no doubt in my mind that tomorrow is going to awesome day and am looking forward to celebrate Thanksgiving. "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand" (Psalm 37:23–24). Thanks be to God for his grace, glory and nearness, may he delight in our journey back to Eden.

23 November 2021

Weatherwise, today was very much like yesterday as inched its way toward the mid 40s. It should of felt warmer, but with the wind chill it felt just as cold as it was yesterday. Am I a chronic complainer? Man, that glaring sun being positioned so low near the horizon is so hard on the eyes. But I'll take it over gloom and doom looking days anytime. Tomorrow it will continue to inching its way upward into the 50s, but like today, it is expected to not a big deal because of the wind chill. But hay, better than Thursday, went it will drop back into the 30s once more. Enough talk about the weather. Alex took the week off from work. It's nice that this year is the first year that the day after Thanksgiving is a national holiday also. We went over to Alex's with our branch pruners to help him take back all his shrubbery for the winter. Good thing I had two of them so we were able to break it down quickly and bag everything. Yummy, nothing like making tacos on Taco Tuesday, well actually I made us soft tortilla bowls. But what the heck, it’s all good Pull into the gas station for a fill up and shook my head, I guess paying $3.479 is better than $3.579 on our last fill up. Have the Gas Buddy App to thank for that. The average gas price is up $1.30 per gallon from a year ago. I can only think of one person to point the finger at. Enough of that, let’s focus on two more days before gathering feasting on turkey. Talk about turkey, I think the one I’m going to cook for the first time will be sometime in December. I’m leaning toward baking it in an oven bag. Albeit the skin will not be crisp, I’m pretty sure the turkey would be super moist. But who knows, anything can happen as I continue to explore the different Thanksgiving turkey recipe videos online. Fawn amazes me as she time after time excels as wife, mother, sister, daughter, grandmother and friend. Song of the day, Don’t Stop Belivin' - Journey"Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!" (Psalm 31:23–24). Our Lord honors faithfulness and blesses his people and deal justly with those who mock and abuse them. May the Lord keep our hope passionately alive.

22 November 2021
It's a slow go on the hot sauce, I'm only half way into the bottle. Albeit I like enjoy a splash of habanero hot sauce on my food, it is so spicy that I use very little of it on it. Brr, it was breezy and cold enough that I needed to super layered up with thermal underwear before going out because we went to the Aurora Outlet Mall and to the Geneva Commons, both are outdoor shopping centers. It did eventually got slightly above freezing, it still was good. If I'm ranting about the weather now, what am I going to do when we hit subzero temps in about a month or so? Hard to believe how sunny and bright it was and the sun being so low on the horizon was really hard on the eyes. Good thing I had my tinted ultraviolet clip on shades for my glasses for eye protection. I was able to do my steps in the parking lot but did my walk in the Bath and beyond. The reality is that we will eventually acclimate to this and in another month or so we will be welcoming weather like we are having today. I finding it interesting this year that the shopping center holiday decorations and lights have been up for some time now, but they haven't been piping any of the secular seasonal music yet. We took along a couple individually wrapped biscotti with us to snack because we knew we were going to be out beyond the noon lunch hour.  Good thing, because we didn’t start heading back home until about 2:30. I’m still too leary about eating out and prefer to take restaurant food home and nuke it in the microwave before eating it. We were going to stop by Portillo’s on the way home and order food from the drive-thru, but who would of guessed the line would be so long that time of day. It’s so sad when you’re hungry and have worked up your taste buds for one of the Portillo’s sandwiches and end up not getting anything. Saw that the city had came down our street and collected the curbside leaves when we got home. Initially, we shook our head because there are still so many leaves still on the trees, but later in the day, the city sent out a notification that the city will provide an extra curbside leaf collection cycle beginning Monday Nov. 29 due to the late falling leaves and the current snow-free forecast. "Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God" (2 Corinthians 7:1). One of the greatest ways to praise God is to seek him in purity and holiness! Lord, purify our hearts and cast out any foothold that Satan have in me because of my sinfulness.

21 November 2021
Woke up slightly disappointed seeing the morning rain and dreary sky. Am trying to stay positive by noting that if it's raining, it ain't snowing. Nice that the sun did occasionally made a showing and that the temperature did miraculously soar up into the lower 50s. November hasn't been a good month for me, I've put back on a few pounds so far this month and Thanksgiving isn't here yet. I've been eating beyond the occasional second helping lately and have not been setting aside the needed time for exercising. I haven't been walking daily and when I do go, it's for a short one. Lunch at Nancy’s was outstanding today, we gather in thanksgiving praising God for our family time. What an impressive festive formal dining setting for a very special reunion with my siblings and their family. I thank God the gift of family. We ate so much food for lunch that we decided to only have ourselves a salad for dinner at home. I swear Fawn is so creative and always builds a great salad. Today was no exception, strawberry and mandarin orange spring salad with poppy seed dressing. "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20–21). Lord, grant us the sense of expectation and wonder as we live our lives for your glory.

20 November 2021
Gobble, gobble. Got on YouTube and watched a few cooking channels to see how folk prep and bake a turkey in an oven. I personally know that Heather makes a super moist and delicious turkey using a electric roaster oven, but there is no way I intend on buying one for a most likely once in a lifetime cooking endeavor. I wished for and got a dutch oven last Christmas and still haven't had an opportunity to try it out yet. I'm hoping to cook something really special with it. Lol, I like talking about food and was thinking about penning a little more about it in detail other than just saying I had it today and it was delicious. Not that anyone would care, but to do so a therapeutic mental exercise outside of stream of consciousness writing. Anyway, I thought writing something about sandwiches would be something simple to do as a way to get my feet wet. I began penning a little bit about it and piece it together and see where it will lead. Talked with my sister on the phone and the plan is to get together and do lunch tomorrow and we’ll finally get to meet Norah. The Notre Dame game against Georgia Tech was ridiculous, talk about a blow out, 55 zip. "When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul" (Psalm 94:19). The news media makes a lot of noise and creates a lot of confusion and brings about many thoughts that burden us with divisive concerns. Only our Lord's gracious presence can bring comfort to our restless and discouraged souls. Let us turn to him and confess both our own sins and our sorrows.

19 November 2021

We woke up super early and was out the door by a quarter after five this morning to go to watch Isaac. It's so weird to be out on the road pre dawn. We just missed seeing the lunar eclipse of the November blood moon. The full moon looked so huge that in made me think about movie, Moonstruck, with Nicolas Cage and Cher. I was a little surprised when Isaac seemed fine to me. He was easy watch and was more like hanging out. Funny how he sat at him little table and liked to color and voice commanding to Alexa play different songs. I was surprised that he knew the lyrics to the songs and was able to sing along. Isaac pulled out a bag of beads to play with. I knew that he could count numbers, but was curious to see if he could literally count, so I asked him how many beads did he have in the bag, and he took them out of the bag one by one and counted all 46 of them. Next, I played addition and subtraction with him using the beads, and once again he impressed me. Next I tried grouping the beads for multiplication and division. Albeit, he didn't understand the concept, I think the kid is pretty smart and think that he can learn it quickly. I'm sure, mom and dad teach him when he is ready. It was a fun day; I think Isaac does well when he gets all the attention that he needs to stay active. I love being in Both Rob's as well Alex's house because both homes allows for a lot of natural sunlight to enter in. Rob brought back a couple of Little Caesars pizzas for our dinner, it was the first time I had a Pepperoni and Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza and thought it was pretty good. Guessing I shouldn't of stuffed my face with so much pizza though before hitting the road back home. We took home the prize twelve pound frozen turkey Isaac won at the park district race, way to go champ. Not sure when I’ll be cooking that bad boy, but it’ll be the first turkey I ever will be making and will be praying I won’t be disappointing everyone. I’m so thrilled Andrea is trusting me with the bird. I'm becoming a little anxious and starting to muse more and more about anti-vaxxers. Albeit, they have been around for as long as there have a vaccine they have always been a minority and is mostly fueled by fuelled purely by fears about vaccines and harmful side-effects. Growing up, I remember almost child received the vaccine against the polio, measles, and the mumps. In my mind, vaccines have proven to be a safe and effective. If not enough folks vaccinated against the coronavirus I think it will remain with us. So now I'm wondering why our country remains so divided despite so many anti-vaxxers needlessly being hospitalized and dying. After Rob played, Stand By Me – Ben E. King, earlier today, How can it not be the song of the day? "So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding" (Romans 14:19). Both sides of this exhortation are two way responsibilities. We must pursue and share peace for making relationships work. Grant, O Lord, that I may become a blessing and an encouragement to others.

18 November 2021

Now more that ever I am glad we got our covid booster shots. It has somewhat mitigated the fear of covid this holiday season. It still boggles my mind that there are so many people adamantly are choosing not to take be vaccinated against the coronavirus. It has been a long while since our social calendar has opened up. We will be spending time with my brother and sister as well as our niece Natalie and her husband Dave. And will get to meet their child Norah for the first time. Our course Thanksgiving is coming up and then there is Reese's first birthday party and we will be seeing her as well. This pandemic has kept our family apart for much too long. May our Lord bless us keep us safe as we gather together as a family. One would think as often as we have been shopping for presents, we would have been done by now. Anyway, we layered up and braved the cold and thank God for thermal underwear. Funny, every time I put on a pair, I think about them being called long johns. Thinking when folks my age pass, that term will die with us. I couldn't believe how much more toys we brought from Target today. One has to wonder how and why Toys R Us could have ever gone under. Inflation is so notable now at the gas pump, utility bill, grocery store and now at the general merchandise store. Mmm, another first for me, tying out a $9.99 heat and serve prime rib from Mariano's. So would I but it again? You betcha bottom dollar I would! Served it with a head of stir fried iceberg lettuce, delicious. Away, got to wrap it up and go to bed early, we may need to be up early and watch over Isaac. Seem like he has been under the weather the pass few days and not feeling well in the morning but is fine later on in the day, prayers.  Song of the day is, The Bluest Blue - Alvin Lee"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen" (2 Peter 3:18). Bless us in our holy quest to grow in grace and knowledge in you, O Lord.

17 November 2021

I finished learning the fourth verse and hope to be able to sing praises to our Lord by Thanksgiving without any pauses. Gradually musing and learning, 'We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God' by heart, during my morning and Evening prayers has been and continues to be a blessing for me. I finally, got around to going to Walmart to buy 80 pounds of Clean Melt Ice Melt, glad to have it before a noteworthy snow storm come about. There are two good things about the rain today, if it is raining, it ain’t snowing and the rain soaked the leaves and they weren’t able to blow all over the place. Albeit, I was able to resist a biscotti today, the Chinese moon cake proved to be too much not to indulge in. "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing" (Zephaniah 3:17). Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, be with us.

16 November 2021
What a huge let down, when I brought up the weather app this morning. The forecasters have been predicting mid 50s all week, but it showed the 30s in the a.m. and the 40s mid day. I also brought up the interactive bulk leaf collection map on the City of Naperville website and it showed that the curbside sweep in our neighborhood is already in progress. Made us beef with tomato, pepper and onion for a nice lunch before going out to do the outdoor work. I had no choice but to dress up warm enough to do the needed regardless because all l saw was colder days ahead. Away, I climbed up the ladder and did the gutters and downspouts and was able to mow the grass out front and part of the backyard before I ran out of gas and wept blown leaves back into a pile along the curb, gotrdun. I still see that the leaves are going to remain to be problematic because about a quarter of the trees on our block still have a portion of their leaves still on them. Life is good, rewarded myself by indulging on a biscotti. Well actually, had a second one later in the day and then a third later in the evening. What the heck am I doing, chopping on so snack food? I added noodles to the fuzzy melon soup to turn the soup into a heartier one for our dinner. The thin noodles worked out well with this soup. I love making homemade soup during the winter months, because not only does it warm my soul, it warms and humidify our home. From time I pop open up a can of delicious Progresso, they are head and shoulders of all the rest of any store brought soup. Outside of the cold months, soup and sandwiches go well together. Time to wrap it up and relax in bed a little early.  "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" ( Thessalonians 5:16–18). Our Lord wants us to rejoice in his grace, pray for others and give thanks for your blessings. Grateful for the blessings of the day.

15 November 2021

Looks like all the folks on our block got the leaves to the curbside yesterday, it was nice of my neighbors to blow ours to the curb too! The only issue is that there are still a lot of leaves that remain on a lot the tree. I saw the dismal poll data on both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and it comes at no surprise. Actually, their approval rating is shockingly higher their disapproval rating is lower than one would expect. I saw a little children Christmas book ad about faith and not about Santa Claus and it made me think about Isaac. Several weeks ago I mention Santa Claus and he told me that he is not for real, smart kid to figure that out on his own. It is good that he knows the reason we celebrate Christmas. May all come to know Christ and raise their children in him. Nice, Fawn did most of the prep work for making fuzzy melon soup while I was doing my daily exercises on a resistance training day. Put the soup on a slow simmer and it turned out super good a made for a most delicious lunch. "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:44-45). We are called to love our enemies. That is no easy task. Our Lord encourages us to grow in love for all by praying for them.

14 November 2021

Leaves are continuing to fall off trees big time and the winds are blowing them all over the place and is creating a huge mess. I looked on line on our curbside leaf collection map earlier today and don't the truck to come by our neighborhood before Thursday or Friday at the earliest. It's so cold and the temps stayed in the 30s all day. I'm not sure how it will make it into the mid 50s on Tuesday, but praying that it does so that I can clean the gutters out and give the grass a final mow until I'm out of gas and put the machine away, God willing, until next spring. Took out my non slip shoes l had stored in the garage. Why doesn't it surprise me that I didn't clean off the salt and what not off them before storing them away? Anyway, tended to the needed and they're good to go for this winter season. Went out to do more holiday shopping, I suspect we will do a lot of that because we have a lot of family. I went in Angelo Caputo to buy a few items like pasta and tomatoes but walked out empty handed because the prices chased me off. It's not clear to me if this is the new economy we are facing or not. Food and cooking has always been of interest to me, so I am contemplating on starting a new page penning stream of consciousness about food. I don't expect it be of any value or of interest to anyone, but it will keep my mind occupied and working and will let people who will stumble across it know a little bit about me. We'll see if and how it will play out. The thought only crossed my mind, because I always wanted to cook a turkey and that opportunity may come to pass this year for the Christmas holiday. Isaac won a turkey yesterday for winning the 4 to 5 year olds race at the park district. I knew he likes to run, but was surprised he was able to beat out the older boy. We like to watch college football on Saturdays, but Fawn is nuts about pro football and has the television on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays. Somehow I knew we would end up at Alex's house so she can NFL football on a big screen tv with Alex. Alex use to go watch college football games in the stadiums but haven't done so the last two years because of the pandemic. Anyway I prepared us Beef with pea pods and beep with broccoli for lunch while they were watching football. It was so cold and windy out that I tried to walk indoors, but the stores are way too crowded on weekends, so I decided against it. Clearly, despite being vaccinated, even with the covid booster, I remain somewhat leary. It wasn’t clear to me if I was spelling ‘leary’ correctly so I googled it and it turns out it can be spelled either ‘leary’ or ‘leery’. Usually, typos and grammar isn’t important in stream of consciousness writing, so I surprised myself by taking the time spell check. Funny thing that I initially pen it as leary, because accordingly, “Leery is an adjective that means wary or suspicious. Leary is a variant spelling that hasn't been widely used in 100 years.” Am I that old? The coldness is felt mostly the wind chill. First thing I made myself was a hot cup of milk tea. Found a bag of frozen shrimp hidden in back of the freezer and made us a super treat for supper, ketchup shrimp. Now I remember buy several bag of the when they were on sale. Watch a little of the 2 hour CBS Adele ‘One Night Only’ Concert Special. Normally I would have been super excited, but the speaker on the television isn’t all that. This morning, I was musing on our veterans, one thing led to another and I ended up with the USO and Bob Hope, and ended up listening to a 1938 recording of, Thanks For The Memory –Bob Hope & Shirley Ross"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" (Psalm 34:8). Resting and savoring God goodness calls us to take refuge in his presence. Thank you Lord for this day and allowing me to savor in your goodness.

13 November 2021
It ended up being way too cold and windy to climb up a ladder and clean the gutters and downspouts. The next best opportunity will come on Tuesday, when the expected temperature will climb back up into the upper 50s. How cold was it? It was cold enough to don a winter coat. Actually, I was feeling pretty good about myself young and stylish in a hand me down medium size coat from the Gap. Hard to believe that I use to wear a XXL. Now all I have to do is lose the old man hand behind the back strut. Life is good when get to eat two breakfasts. We had oatmeal in the morning and then sausages and eggs omelets during the noon hour. Whoo hoo, time to brag about our grandson Isaac, he won 1st place in the Waukegan Park District Turkey Trot in 4 and 5 year old class race. He actually ran an impressive race, good for him. Came across, Ooo Baby Baby – Smokey Robinson."Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother" (Romans 14:13).  There is a difference fine line between being cautious and judgmental of others. Lord, help me be more patient with the short comings of others as you are with mine.

12 November 2021
Not good, looked at the weather app first thing this morning and the temperature read 41 °F and showed that it would continue to drop into the low 30s as the day go on with the possibility of rain and or snow. We were going near Alex's, so I made him E-fu. Alex doesn't cook as often as mama always want so she tries to make sure he gets a home cooked meal whenever we are out his way. Despite the rain with a little snow and sleet in the mix, the autumn colors are finally popping out and the leaves are showering off the tree and blowing all over the place because of the high winds. It's most likely too little too late, but we'll see as the weekend progresses. Folks are to move the leaves curbside as the last pickup round takes place next week. I'm officially declaring it winter tide. Our neighbor’s tree that slightly over hand over our garage; finally have all the leaves fall off it. Albeit the weather doesn’t look very promising, but hopefully it will be good enough for me to tend to the lower level gutters and down sprouts. I'm so glad that I got my covid booster shot and am able to do a indoor perimeter walk in the stores without freaking out during the weekdays. I'm sure it will become more and more crowded as we move more and more toward the holidays and people start taking time away from their labors. I was never a being in a crowd type of person and the coronavirus makes it impossible. The high number of unvaccinated people by choice is so problematic to me in my mind. "and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you" (1 Thessalonians 3:12). This is my prayer one and all.

11 November 2021

Woke to the sound of the heavy pouring rain and it made me think of the song, Forty Days and Forty Nights - Muddy Waters. I don't care for this much rain, but prefer rain over snow any day. We are expecting our first snow fall this weekend in the midwest, hopefully our town will get a pass. Think this had to be a first, watched, Out of Death, this morning. Who watches movies in the morning and what is it called? Was a little shocked that Fawn pulled out a frozen Gino's East Tavern Style thin crust pizza for lunch, because we have been buying only DiGiorno ever since we first tried it. Inquiring mind had to ask, it was on sale at Jewels and just wanted to give it a try. I'm pretty sure that the old school thin crust had a lot to do with it. Anyway, the pizza was a huge disappointment. I had high hope for a pizza with a Gino’s East name on the box. Thanks be to God that Carl’s angioplasty procedures went well and prayers for his comfort and speedy recovery. And I give thanks to God for our veterans, especially my father and brother.  Been looking at video of our grandchildren that or downloaded I my smartphone and painfully deleting as many as I dared to make the phone keepers more manageable and room for more to eventually be download. Learn something new everyday. I knew there was such a thing as RH and LH scissors, but always thought it had something to do the contour of the handle. It never dawned on me that it had to do with the position of the cutting blade Great that Rob got Isaac scissors that are designed for a left handed person. We are so oblivious of things and take so many things for granted. May we be more attentive of people’s needs. I heard a comment today that was somewhat bothersome and my reply was that I wish he would stop watching CNN and Fox News, both are so toxic. “As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions” (Romans 14:1). May we be welcoming.

10 November 2021

Up bright and early and went to the Oakbrook area to do some Christmas shopping. I simply love doing my outdoor walks there. I'm a little surprised that they were still piping in easy listening music throughout the mall instead of secular christmas music. Of course we had to to pickup a few sweets from the. Stans Donuts & Coffee shop. With great reluctance, I limited myself to buying just a single coconut cake, the Polynesian donut delight did not disappoint. Well, at three bucks a crack, it shouldn't. It became clear to me there was more shopping to be had when Fawn pulled into the Yorktown shopping mall. Another indicator was I was given a ham sandwich to picnic in the car while she went into the shopping center. We have so many grand nieces and nephews and two grandchildren to boot. Not to mention five were born in December and that three of them will be celebrating their first birthday! Yum, made a beef stir fry with an interesting vegetable medley made up of bok choy, pea pods, celery, ginger, mushrooms, onions and garlic. Basically, other than the bok choy, all I did grab a little of this and that from the vegetable draw. I watched the youtube Watch Live video of Kyle Rittenhouse testifying in his own defense as well cross examination by the prosecution. I have no comment other than it is fascinating to watch a trail in progress. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30). Life is hard, but it is not lived in vain because we know it lived out as God has intended for us with untold blessings. Thanks be to God for all good blessings.

9 November 2021

It's going to take some time to get use to waking in the dark and waiting for an hour longer for day break again. The ever more noticeable shorting of the days added to the mix doesn’t help either. Perhaps the quiet and the still of the night may be blessing, began learning verse three by heart. From time to time, I like to listen to sacred music while I take a leisurely walk, so it was so nice to be able to pray along this hymn of praise to our Lord like so many fellow saints have through the ages. We must of had a windy night, leaves are blown all over the place and talk about contrasting days, today was a much cooler than yesterday with a complete overcast the ugliest of shade of gray imaginable. No beautiful autumn colors popping out, that’s for sure. Crazy how so few trees are completely bare and the one that aren't, still have quite a bite of leaves on them, despite how much have fallen overnight. Passed the time to change back by FB cover. I'm surprised at myself that I had up the pink ribbon for the month of October during, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It was to honor survivors and to remember those lost to the disease. It was dinner and a movie. Made zucchini and mushrooms over rice for supper and watched, News of the World. Love my westerns and this was a good one as expected. Song of the day is, Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson, it came on while making morning coffee! He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:15–16). As believers, we must be able to answers our Lord as did Peter with conviction. May we grow deep in knowledge and love for our Lord.

8 November 2021
Nice, am sipping on a nice hot glass of milk tea and listening to an interesting song of the day, Tom’s Diner – Suzanne Vega, as I pen. Had a super good night's rest and woke up this morning energized. I'm able to soundly sleep almost every night, but last night was exceptional. I think it must have had something to do with the changing of the clocks. I still don't get this daylight saving time thing, in my mind; it's one of the dumbest and pointless rituals ever. Talk about pointless things, I decided to stop tracking how long I walk each day as just make a check mark on the days that I do so I can have a visual of my exercise activities. It's not clear just how many more great outdoor walks are left this year, but today was most excellent. How nice was it? It was sunny and the temp was in the upper 60s! Mmm, finished up the last of the delicious daikon soup today. I just realized that all the soups I make are all Asian inspired. "For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s" (Romans 14:8). No matter what we do or where we go, our Lord's grace goes with us. May he be glorified in me.

7 November 2021
Now that’s what I’m talking about, way much better to pen a journal entry without getting frustrated. Thanks be to God for allergy eye drops and nasal spray. Whoo hoo, was surprised that tracking the calories this week paid off as much as it did. Love making big breakfasts and celebrating time with the kids. Bagels, sausage patties and eggs. Albeit not an all out breakfast, it’s always a grand time with family at the table. I was wondering why mama had me set aside some of the hamburger that I browned yesterday, she made meat sauce for the store bought spinach and cheese manicotti. "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).Let us be glad and rejoice over each day the Lord who has made and planned it for us. It was so nice to enjoy the 60+ degree temperatures. I clearly had one manicotti too many, because I dosed off on the couch and missed a half hour of time with family. Doing more soul tonight, song of the day is, I Believe in You (You Believe in Me) - Johnnie Taylor. Rejoiced and am most thankful for this perfect day the Lord has made.

6 November 2021It seemed to take forever to bring up the 2021 journal page. I’m now positive that it has something to do with how large the page is because this new page I just created came instantly. I plan is to prepend this new page to the preexisting 2021 Journal page at the end of the year. What the heck, woke up in the middle of the night with a runny nose combined with a stuffy one and had to go down to clear my sinuses and have a glass of cranberry juice. Made the chili and hamburger peas in the morning. After lunch I swapped out the sump drainage hose and the yard work ended up taking much longer than expected, so I 'll tackle the gutters and the downspouts another day. It’s just as well, because there is still so many leave on the trees. Ahchoo! I didn't wear a mask and now I'm profusely sneezing in my foolishness. Song of the day is no other than, Turn Back the Hands of Time - Tyrone Davis. Hmm, wonder why? “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:2-3). Christ First!

5 November 2021
The super loud curbside leaf sweeper made its second pass this morning. The last and final go will be in three weeks. There is no way all the leaves will fall off the trees by then outside of a miracle. It is a good thing that the city will continue to weekly collect the leaves if the residents bag them or place them in separate containers on trash day, but it seems a lot of folks don't tend to the needed for one reason or another. Watch a handful of cooking videos to get an idea of how to make pork ribs and daikon soup this morning and then went about making the delicious for our dinner. The plan is to do the outdoor work tomorrow in the afternoon when the temperature should be in the mid 50s. We’ll be seeing the kid on Sunday, so I guess I’ll be making the chili in the morning. I saw four new dvd movie releases and online to place a hold on them to pick up at the library when the dvds will become available. I haven’t done that in a long while. "For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin" (Romans 6:5-6). Paul reminds us that in our baptism we shared in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Thanks be to God that our guilt is covered by your grace.

4 November 2021
Since I’m logged in on the laptop, might as well pen a journal enter. I had a little fun earlier with html code working on my homepage for this machine. Brr, it was so cold this morning. Hate to think about winter; because it’s only about mid way through the autumn and that we are in for actual extreme sub zero degrees Fahrenheit temperatures with snow during the winter in the Midwest. Started the morning splashing on an extra dash or two of harbonaro hot sauce to oatmeal! Thanks be to God, Fawn is feeling much better. The kids are coming down to visit this weekend, so we braved the cold to buy Chinese vegetables as well a ton of grounded beef to make chili. I make Texas beef chili for Alex and the rest of us favor a more classic beef chili with canned red kidney beans and pinto beans. When I make chili for just the two of us, I use a three bean can with red kidney beans, pinto beans and black bean. I’m pretty sure there will be a request for one kind or another Chinese American fusion concoction. Tee shirt, long john and a sweat shirt to go under my fleece lined autumn jacket, perfect. Out about in the mid 30s and almost made it into the lower 40s by the noon hour. "Long Johns" now that's a nostalgic term that will go to the wayside with my generation. Today was a cardio day and doing step up seems to be more vigorous than doing indoor walks, I decided to have extra eight minute go at it. Hoping to see near 60 degree temps this weekend to the outdoor needed. The days are definitely getting shorter as well, and will be even more pronounced as we will be setting our clocks back an hour to central standard time. Fawn was going to take out her spaghetti sauce from the freeze, but made us chicken parmesan bolognese for dinner. I liked the jarred Bolognese sauce, but have no plan to buy another one. It’s not as good as mama’s sauce, but is as good as any other jarred pasta sauce. Song of the day is, Gimme Me Shelter – Rolling Stones"For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him" (1 Thessalonians 4:14). People say two things are certain, taxes and death. But that isn't so, those of us who have faith in Christ, whether they are living or dead when he returns, will also share in his victory over death.

3 November 2021
Woke up this morning feeling great. I'm so glad that I don't feel any of the side effects a lot of people have encountered after getting their covid shot. It just feels pretty much the same as a flu shot. I thought it was bad enough wearing my hearing aids with eyeglasses, but it is ten folds worst adding a mask to the mix, but it’s better than always asking someone to repeat themselves. I imagine that gets old really quick. Song of the day is, Blue Velvet – Bobby Vinton. "For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit" (Romans 8:3-4).  We are freed from the bondage of sin. Luther said it best, “joyous exchange” of the “sinner's “sins, death, and damnation” for Christ's “grace, life and salvation.”

2 November 2021
Just as predicated, a slight stiffness on the arm where the booster vaccine was administered that quickly went away. I was able to continue with my daily exercises today without any problems. Fawn symptoms were pretty much the same as last time too. She had overnight chills and woke with a stiff sore arm and her ached and was tire most of the day. Things seemed to have gotten better as the day progressed for her though. Prayers for a better tomorrow for her. Alex got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine last time around, but opted for the Moderna booster and is doing fine, he had the same side effects as me. Got ambitious and replaced the screen part on the front storm door with the glass. Not sure how many more years I will be able to do that, because the huge full plate of glass seems to be getting hard to carry up and down the basement staircase. We were due to replace all the CO2 and smoke detectors in our home; they're only good for ten years, gotrdun. Since the weather will improve this weekend and the early part on next week, I’ll wait to until then to change out the outside sump pump discharge hose. I use a larger diameter hose during the cold winter months to prevent having a frozen line. I will say to the Lord, '"My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust" (Psalm 91:2). Thankfully trusting God for he is our strength and source of security.

1 November 2021
Went to bed early and woke up early and was super excited about going to get our covid booster shots. We cancelled our appointments at Walgreens and got our shots at the Sam's Club, because we have a good rapport with Donna, the pharmacist. She told us that the booster shot side effects should be about the same as the second shot. I hope that is true, because all I felt was a little stiff the next morning and I was able to work the stiffness out within a matter of minutes. So far so good. Dang, its cold going out and about. Not sure if it was our first frost, but it was evident this morning the temps were below freezing overnight the frost on the grass and rooftops. Only did the step ups outdoors and just walked around the indoor parameter of the Sam’s Club. Looks like early Mondays mornings is the best time to shop at there, because it seems to be went there are the fewest people around. "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring" (Proverbs 27:1).  All I know about tomorrow is that God holds tomorrow in his hands and that I will be sharing in his comfort and glory.

31 October 2021
Today was my weekly weigh in and it clearly revealed that I need to daily track my calorie intake. Besides guesstimating the amount of calories that I consume, I need to take in account the estimated calories that I burn exercising. I only went for a walk twice this week. Hopefully, I'll next fair better during next weekly weighing. It was a joy facetiming with the kids this morning. We polished off the last of the napa soup for lunch. I'm glad that's all did for lunch, because I we t big with seconds during dinner. Once a year Francesca's at the Promenade make a week long dine in only lasagna bolognese and we always looked forward to making the annual pilgrimage, but haven't done so the past few years since the pandemic. I came across a jar of bolognese sauce at Angelo Caputo's Fresh Market a little while back and decided to break open the store bought sauce, added Italian sausage and parmesan to the faralle. I won’t say fine meal is as good as mama’s pasta sauce, but will say that the jar of Balducci's Chicago Bolognese Sauce is pretty good considering. Away time to stop penning and go to bed early after uploading more photos and videos to the laptop. I’ve been taking the time to learn by heart, ‘We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God’ as part of my morning and evening prayers. So far, I’m able to join in with the first two verses by heart. I can’t enough good things about this well crafted paraphrasing of the Te Deum. Christ first!

30 October 2021
Oh happy day, thanks be to God that Fawn's came back negative! Albeit, mama is still under the weather, she is feeling better and out of bed. Glad I started doing many of my previous arm stretching exercises and am regaining some of my arm flexibility again. I learned so much from physical therapy when I fell and injured my shoulder years back.

29 October 2021
Wow, had to come back in and repen this journal entry because blogger isn’t behaving. Déjà vu, weatherwise. Wishing I wasn’t alternating between hot and cold cereals, because I sure could of went for a hot bowl of oatmeal. Thankfully the hot cup of coffee was a good warm me upper. I normally only wear my hearing aid to go to church, but I decided to wear them all day today because Fawn throat was still a little soar and I didn't want her to keep repeating herself. I converted yesterday's leftover egg drop soup into a large bowl of delicious hot and sour soup for myself and made mama a pot of napa soup for lunch. Simmering the soup warmed up the house in no time. Soup is so comforting, so very good for soul. We went to the Walgreens drive thru for Fawn’s covid test, prayers for good test results. Batman and batgirl superhero costumes, the grand kids are just too adorable.

28 October 2021
Sign, seeing a pattern toward the end on the year on how slow blogger become while penning a journal entry, I think it has something to do the size of the page. If it gets too bad, I’ll start a new page like last year and then merge the two pages at the end of the year. It was another one of those gloom and doom looking day filled with rain. I'm so glad now that I took the effort yesterday to finish mowing the grass. So strange how the body reacts to changing weather conditions. Laid in bed and was slow move. Ended up making us awesome omelet with spinach, tomato, green pepper, green onion and ham. Poor mama is under the weather, praying for a speedy recovery. She's made an appointment for a covid test as an precautionary measure. With all the free time, decided to log on to the lap top and upload more videos of our grands, joy. Song of the day is, She's a Mystery to Me - Roy Oberson. Verse of the day is, "I, I am the Lord, and besides me there is no savior" (Isaiah 43:11). Amen.

27 October 2021
I barely bundled up enough for my morning walk and was thinking that I may actually need to consider taking out my winter coat. But once I started moving, I was fine. Did the eight minutes doing high step ups and felt good that that I was actually feeling like I got a cardio workout. The autumn leaves are starting to look spectacular, but the problem is that it's already near the end of October and we are less than a month away from the last curbside pickup. It used to bother me, but now I just throw the leaves along the rear fence line. I've been neglecting doing a full body stretching routine that involves full range stretching and need to go back to doing what I learned while in physical therapy. Mmm, mama let me try a little of the bone-in filet mignon that we got from Hugo’s the other day, delicious. As much as I enjoyed the frog legs, I wished I ordered that instead of the frog legs now. But then that would had left me wondering how good their frog legs are. Waited until afternoon when it warmed up into the 50s before mowing the remainder on the grass in the backyard, gotrdun. Happy haircut! Like the grass, it is way overdue before it gets tended to. I can hardly wait to take covid booster shot next week a will reside to return to a higher level of pre covid normalcy. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might" (Ephesians 6:10). We are to put on the whole armor of God for blesses us with his power and might. It was a super good day and feeling blessed

26 October 2021
It was so very peaceful this morning playing classical music as background music. It is truly a gift from heaven. Finally, the sun was out. Bundled up and went out for a nice walk and did some step ups. Ever since this administration came to be, every time I go to the pump, I moan and groan about the high gas price. Even the gasbuddy app wasn't able to help us out much. We were only able to save two cents a gallon and ended up paying $3.579 a gallon for gas, while everyone else was $3.599 or slightly higher. Since I have been holding my weight pretty steady for some time now, I decided to only weight myself once a week and not track calories. I think from that, I can adjust accordingly. We finally to using our gift certificate from Hugo’s Frog Bar & Fish House and order a takeout. Naturally with a restaurant with a name like that, I ordered the frog legs! Expensive, but delicious. I’ve eaten frog legs many times before growing up in Chicago, but they were batter fried from Lawrence’s Fishery.

25 October 2021
It was a tough sleep last night, because of the constant howling winds. The loud bursts of thunder would shake house and startle. I usually can sleep though a torrential downpour beating on the roof, but it was impossible to do so last night. All was not lost; I got to break open a new bag of coffee! With just the two of us, we pay a little more for one pound bags, but that is the only way we can keep it fresh. Once upon a time, Gretchen Rubin said, “The days are long, but the years are short.” Once again I was reminded of this. The city came out to replace the water meter with a newer one. It seemed like they replaced the water meter a few years ago, but it has been twelve years. Both times it had to with how the meters are read. It's not clear to me why two different people came out, one to replace the water meter and one who came by fifteen later to install a transponder. Each of the installations only took a few minutes. Made us stir fried chicken and broccoli. Fawn thought it was salty, but I thought it was fine. The saltiness on my plate must be being masked by the chili garlic sauce eating g my food with. The sun finally came out mid afternoon, but by that that time, there wasn’t much of a hurrah, because the sun set pretty early nowadays. It rained so much that the sump pump continued to work hard all day even though the rain had stopped. I’ll need to finish cutting the grass in the back yard sometime this week, because it’s getting way too long. "even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will" (Ephesians 1:4–5). Thanks be to God for his desire to adopt us as his holy children.

24 October 2021
It was one of those waking to the phone reminder alarm days. Clearly, the first reminder alarm needs to be more gentle. How a kinder tone for the first reminder and was surprised that each individual alarm had a volume adjustment. Nothing like starting off this journal entry talking about the weather the rainy gloom and dark overcast. I can’t say with 100% certainty, but I don’t believe that the rain even let up at all. The sound of rumbling and thunder claps rang out loudly and the sump pump was working overtime. Sigh, got chewed out for attempting to do situps in the morning. Mama, is afraid I will injure my back and send me an article how hard situps are on the spine because it works against its natural curvature. Oh well, scratch that plan.

23 October 2021
I'm was super excited this morning that we were able to secure an appointment in about a week for our covid booster shots. Albeit, the sooner the better, the open shots were filling up fast. It was time to change up my exercise routine again and add in situps into the mix. I won't say how many I did other than it was ridiculously low, so I did them twice today for starters. It's hard to believe that my waistline has for sure gotten slimmer, yet it still looks extremely pudgy. Hopefully, doing some situps will firm up the bulge. Think inflation is super bad, everything is costing a lot more, if it is even possible to find it. I’ve noticed the grocery stores are stocking less as well as many of the retail stores. Our niece Natalie is back in town and they leased a place in the city for a couple months and are working remotely. They are contemplating moving to Chicago from California. That is very telling just how terrible California is. We did a Facetime with them and so happy for my sister to be able to finally meet and hold her granddaughter Nora. "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7). The Holy Spirit lives within us and helps us overcome sin.

22 October 2021
Was sure I was going to pen a journal entry tonight or not. We got home rather late tonight and need a shower. Unreal, 8 pm on a Friday night and 294 southbound was backed up because of road construction. It must be a nightmare during rush hour. Been away and the last few days to care for Peyton while mom and dad had to be at work, poor little girl. Even though grandma tended to most of the care, it still was taxing on me. It was somewhat a déjà vu like reading all those Busy Bear books to Peyton in the same manner as to Isaac when he was little. Happy to see the kids like reading like their mama. It's interesting that little girls with big brothers like to play with action figures. Peyton seems to like to play with batman and Jennifer like spiderman. Andrea well she had more barbie dolls than most. What a blessing it is to be able to participate in and entrusted in the nurturing of God's precious little ones. I've haven't exercised at all the last two days and have been feasting on Andrea's delicious baked ham with pineapple. It's been a super long while since I eaten a holiday ham which is usually reserved for Christmas and or Thanksgiving because of pandemic. I had a go at making vegetarian penne with spinach for Rob since he is back to being a vegetarian. I'm glad he is like the rest of my family and gives honest feedback, because getting honest critiques is the only way I will be able to improve on my culinary skills. Prayers for my mother-in-law as she is now under hospice care.

20 October 2021
Today was a pretty good cardio day, because it actually felt like one. Fawn told me this morning  that I really need to pick up my pace while walking. I agree that my walk has slowed down considerably over the years and has become for the most part a leisurely one, so this morning I walk intermittently between a faster pace and a leisurely one. I also bumped up the step ups to eight minutes and did them at an aerobic pace, good for me. The downside of power walking that it takes away the peace in listening to scared music while doing so. It's not clear to many how many more good days we have left to enjoy the outdoors before sheltering for the most part from the cold and snow. But today was most beautiful and it's late October! It's so weird that the temp is swing back and forth between the normal and temps well above the average for this time of year, no complaints. We did healthy for lunch, had the hairy gourd soup and a garden salad.
19 October 2021
Yummy, fuzzy melon soup, got this soup down pat. I can't agree more when folks say that soup is good for the soul, especially during the cooler months. The list of soups that I like seems countless. Heated up a little bit of leftover rice and gravy and broke open bottle of habanero hot sauce. Whoa! Bottle 10 of 12 is hot, hot, hot! The plan was cook the store bought frozen pot stickers and have them for appetizers before making supper. They were so delicious that I ended eating eight of them bad boys and called it dinner. Strange that I don't care much for the ones made in restaurants, they all have something in common; the dough way too thick and chewy for my liking. Everyone else see to like it that way though. "Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned" (Psalm 34:21). God has promised day of reckoning where each person will have to face up to there deeds. Those that hate righteous people, will be condemned in their own hate by God's righteousness. Lord, create in me a revulsion for what is sinful and evil.

18 October 2021
I normally like to cut the grass in the morning, but I waited until it warmed up nicely into the upper 60s in the afternoon. I only mowed the front and along the fence line in back, because I wanted to make sure I had enough to do at least one more time. Crazy how much leaves remains on the trees this late. The curbside leaf collection begins this week and there is hardly any on the ground to collect. We went to the Sam's Club to pick up my meds. It's stunning how much the gas prices continue to rise, so reminiscent of the Obama years. Chugging along and now easily up to seven minutes doing step ups. I'm beginning to think that will not achieve the results that I am aiming for, because I don't think it challenges the muscles enough, but I still think there are enough merits in doing the exercises to continue doing them along with doing squats. 

17 October 2021
We were out the door right after morning coffee and off to visit and have lone time with the grands. We stopped off McDonalds to takeout breakfast. I was surprised to learn that Isaac doesn’t care for pancakes, but did ever inhaled the sausage patty. Clearly there is a need for me to catch up on all the different toys little boys play with, because I was clueless what Isaac was talking about. I just gave him a nod and followed along best I could. We stopped at the Portillo's on the way home to pick up a late lunch. That place is always busy, good thing they got that drive thru down to a science. It's been a while since I gotten their burger and have forgotten just how good it is. Mmm, so delicious. Half their burger and some fries did me in or was it watching the Cowboys Patriots game that pits me to sleep?

16 October 2021
Torn between a brr and a danggg. Bundled up and was out and about this morning grocery shopping in the ridiculous cold. It isn't right that it was only in the low 40s without a chance to acclimate the cold weather. Achoo, it's one of those days where I am most grateful for eye drops and nasal spray. Was so proud of myself to avoid the temptation of increasing my time doing step ups and stayed at six and a half minutes, because I was at the high sidewalk tree boarder. Looks like the stores are beginning to rearrange their inventory and beginning to set up for the Christmas season. And not a day too early, because it looks like Fawn is already starting her seasonal gift shopping. Watched the Auburn at Arkansas game and expected it to be a good and close game, but the tigers blew the hogs away. Game two was featured game between the two undefeateds, #11 Kentucky at #1 Georgia. Albeit I expected Georgia  to win, I also expecting a much better showing by Kentucky. The cats were no match against the dawgs. Love the energy that a college football game generates. Nice got digital school pictures of the grands and a video of Peyton enjoying sitting up on a folding lawn chairs. These two kids own me. Grateful for this most relaxing day.

15 October 2021
I wore a sweat shirt, sweat pants and a windbreaker and it was barely enough brave the morning chill. I clearly underestimated the weather conditions this morning as it was in the low 60s. The worst part was it was the high for the day. I swear, albeit the forecast called for rain, it was expected to move in until mid afternoon. So yes, sigh, we were caught in it. Turn on the furnace, because the temp was dropping fast dipping into the 50s. The overnight lows are expected to be in to lower 40s and tomorrow's high in the mid 50s. Well the beginning of the cold had to come about sooner or later, time to put away the summer clothes. I love making fried rice, because it is one of the most flexible comfort food I know how to make. Sometimes I make a specific fried rice, but most of the time it's whatever is leftover in the fridge. I made it with a couple slices of ham and the little remaining pieces of char siu. I use more eggs than usual, because there was so little bit of meat. Albeit, there are some basic methods and ingredients to making fried rice, it's pretty much a free for all to what ever fancies one's fusion taste buds. I however do get a chuckle at some folks who make fried rice cooking videos that claim their dish to be an Chinese authentic recipe. I know Uncle Roger does, the comedian's reaction videos are hilarious for the most part. Even more funny is that a lot of people take him seriously. One more sleep, #11 Kentucky at #1 Georgia. College football games are pretty exciting this year. "The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth" (Psalm 34:16). We are not to admire those who do evil. Their legacy of hate and wickedness is despised and forgotten. I was thrilled to see many confederate statues being removed, but know that there are those who differ from me and see it as somehow erasing history.

14 October 2021
With all this rain, the grass is as green as can be and is getting taller than I would like it to be. Albeit, I was figuring on two more clippings, I was hoping more of the leaves would be off the trees so that I could mulch and bag them while mowing the grass at the same time to distribute along the back fence line. So much for Alex making the teriyaki salmon. Yummy, I'm getting better at it and think I can improve it closer to a Japanese restaurant by further tweaking by breaking down and buying honey. Was going to bump up the step ups to seven minutes, but did 6.5 instead. I'm finally learning to gradually making small adjustments. What A Difference A Day Makes – Dinah Washington. "The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry" (Psalm 34:15).  We are righteous because of God's grace. He watches over us and hears us because of God's faithfulness. Great is our God’s faithfulness.

13 October 2021
Big mix today with rain and sunshine. The sunshine was deceiving in the cool of the morning. Looked at the gasbuddy app before heading out and saw that the gas price near Alex's was substantially cheaper near his house, hopefully that will stay true when we go there for lunch this week. Crazy how the price of gas continues to soar upwards. We were out and running errands, shopping for this and that, and making all sorts of quick stops here and there around the Fox Valley area. I just stayed out walking around the sidewalk or at the far end of the various parking lots for the most part, except going into the Chinese supermarket. Since there are no issues with doing step ups for six minutes I decided to stick with it for a little while and give it a little longer go at it in the future. Wow, albeit the tearing down and construction has been going on since early spring, seeing the start of the raising of the three story residential buildings being realized now. No fun getting caught in the rain picking up the ordered cupcakes from Jewel for the surprise party we had for Carl to celebrate his running at Boston Marathon. It meant a lot to him not only qualify, but to also actually run in it. Albeit we've been getting more than our fair share of rain, it's been a while a while since been a while since we gotten a heavy thunderous downpour like today. Grateful for the gift of family and friends.

12 October 2021
With the cooling down and morning drizzle, it's starting to look and feel like autumn has finally arrived. Almost forgot about our family weekly Zoom call with my mother-in-law being changed to Tuesday mornings. The nursing home must be less busy or there is more staff on Tuesday, because the call the call was on time and we didn't have to chase anyone down. In fact, "ma" was still asleep this morning during the call and the nursing home offered to do another call after lunch. It’s not clear to me if my mother-in-law was having a good day or was it because she is wide awake later in the day, but it was good to see her alert and so talkative. Love doing taco Tuesdays. In our early days together we dated and go out and eat at Chi Chi’s. It’s a shame the restaurant chain went under just after the turn of the century. Stepped up doing my step ups from five minutes to six, but limited my resistance training on the dumbbells to the ten pounders. For sure, no more trying to push it. It’s clearly not worth it. Got lunch plans later in the week, he’s going to have a go at making teriyaki salmon. Thanks be God for his patience and mercy.

11 October 2021
Woke only to a little soreness on the deltoid muscle of my right arm. I probably could of did either the push or the pull exercises with the dumbbells, but played it safe and just did my daily exercises instead. Growing up, I never thought too much about Columbus Day, other than a day out of school. Today, the holiday is filled with controversy. In my mind, he is a reminder that we are sinner saints. Downloaded a Boston Marathon app onto my tablet to track my brother-in-law progress during the race. I had mixed emotions about cheering him on and praying for him. I rejoice in that he has achieved his dream of running in Boston Marathon, but it comes at a time when his health less than ideal. I thank God that he was wise enough to slow it down (3:26:47 to 4:35:43) as promised and finished the marathon with no apparent damage to his heart. Hmm, made myself a couple of barbecue chicken tacos and tossed in the leftover egg omelet from yesterday. It kinda tasted like a breakfast burrito. Funny how I'm penning more and about what I cook and eat. Once upon a time I thought it strange to take pictures of food, now I 'm doing the like. Made us a tasty zucchini carrot onion mushroom stir fry medley for lunch and e-fu for dinner. For my lunch, I identically made the other half of Korean ramyun noodles and tossed a little of the stir fried veggies in the mix, so good. Thanks be to God for the harvest from his bounty. As for the e-fu, it came out so and so. I tried out using regular egg noodles because it was a lot cheaper and figured that egg noodles were egg noodles, but that didn't turn out to be the case. Logged on to the laptop and download a bunch of new photos and videos of our grands. Can’t get enough of them, it’s one the next best thing to being with them beside a video chat. When the Isaac and Peyton grow up the will have a treasure trove of stored memories. I’m pretty sure Rob and Andrea have most of the stored away too. I Honestly Love You – Olivia Newton John. “Therefore, preparing your minds for action and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1 13:16). We are called to be holy. Amen.

10 October 2021

I must be feeling one of those, "no pain no gain" moments, because I woke with some soreness in my shoulders and arms and had to work out the stiffness in them. Outside of a few stretching exercises; it was pretty much a rest day. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to minimally resume doing the light daily exercises at least. Making good use of the char sui today. Made  us a omelet stuffed with char sui, tomatoes and onions for lunch. Made the Nongshim Shin Ramyun Korean noodles the way Alex taught me, but added my char sui and half a hard boiled egg to the mix. Not sure why they make come in a two serving package, but the other serving will be calling my name tomorrow. Saw a FB posting about JBJ Soul Kitchen and the good Jon Bon Jovi does. "Find your good and do it." Love his song, Livin' On A Pray. "The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:10). Fear the Lord your God and you lack nothing.

9 October 2021

Did away with the normal again this morning and fished off the remainder of the chicken chow fun. Talk about cleaning out the sinuses, the red wine vinegar and Chinese hot mustard. Today was a push day. Albeit I wasn't able to bump up the number of reps, I did do an extra set with both the pairs of ten and fifteen pound dumbbells. Watched #13 Arkansas at #17 Mississippi. Doubtful, but just might sneak in a late game, #14 Notre Dame at Virginia Tech. Love the back and forth drama between Ole Miss and Arkansas, one of them had to be bumped out of the SEC title race. The game was right down to the wire, the hogs scored a TD with one sec on the clock and could had went into OT with the extra point kick, but opt to go for all the marbles, but they fell short on their gutsy move. Autumn weekends were made for Fawn; she watches college football on Saturdays and NFL games on Sunday. Did I say autumn? It felt like its still summer and made it to the mid 80s today. Was planning to watch #4 Penn State at #3 Iowa game, but it was too nice of a day to stay in. "Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack!" (Psalm 34:9). The fear of the Lord, takes away all other fears, a gift of the Holy Spirit.

8 October 2021
Great, waking to no more than the usual stiffness this morning. I surprised myself and made egg fried rice for breakfast, I have no recollection of ever doing that ever before. Today was a pull day and I was not only able to increase the number of reps on both the pair ten pound dumbbells and the pair of fifteen pounders, I was also able to tact on an extra set of curls on them too. Because of the ongoing scheduling difficulties at the nursing home, after today's Zoom call, we decided to move our Friday's weekly family Zoom gathering calls to Tuesday mornings instead. Alright, the ketchup shrimp was every bit as delicious as I remember it to be! Both my mom and dad made Cantonese style ketchup shrimp insanely delicious. But of course, they would give it a splash of Seagram's VO or 7 Crown Whiskey while whipping up the dish. I’m so excited, one more sleep before making barbecue char siu, I’m so ready!

7 October 2021

We had great sleeping weather night. How good was it? I hit the snooze this morning. Almost always, I awake way before the alarm goes off, because the alarm is actually a query reminder about whether or not I remembered to take my morning meds. Yesterday I did a pull and today I a push. Somehow I feel it is way too easy. So tomorrow I'm thinking that I'll either add a few more reps or an extra set or just to see how it goes. During my walk, I came across a sidewalk tree curb ring that I'm guessing is about fifteen to eighteen inches high and did five minutes of step ups on it. How my legs will feel tomorrow morning will be interesting, because I've been doing the step ups on curbs somewhere between six to nine inches high. Yummy, yummy, yummy! shrimp was on sale. I was licking my chops thinking that that was going to be making us Cantonese style ketchup shrimp for dinner! It's been so long since last made that dish. I was disappointed informed that beef was taken out of the freezer a couple days ago and was already thawed out in the refrigerator. Made us beef tomato peppers with onion over steamed rice. Can't go wrong with Chinese comfort food, but... Oh well, one more sleep. Found a nice pork shoulder butt and am planning to make char siu on Saturday. Since we'll have the oven going, thought might as well barbecue drumsticks while we're at it. Since the beginning of the pandemic there has been no need to be going to the meat shop. I've doing the meat myself and portion freezing the cooked and that works out very well for us. Best version of, I Saw Her Standing There. Grateful to the Lord for the day, feeling blessed.

6 October 2021
Clueless why I woke this morning pre dawn humming a song I haven't heard in a very long time, Candy Girl - Four Seasons. Albeit loosens and easily goes away, I can't believe that my hamstring still feels stiff when I wake up in the mornings from doing only five minutes of curbside step ups. It's just as well, because it's so boring do them. I think doing step ups are really more suitable doing them with an step up aerobic workout video. There is no doubt the step ups work the lower body more than the elliptical, which works the entire body. Changing it up again this month back up push pull resistance training days, it is suppose to be good to change up every so often. I like going over to Alex's house, because it is so relaxing there. We enjoy breaking bread with him and I sure her enjoys having a personal chef preparing him meals He has a nice spacious kitchen with up to date appliances. I made us bone in skillet pork chops and stuffing. "O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways" (Psalm 139:1-3). It is far beyond our understanding that there is absolutely nothing about us to which God isn't aware of. Our Lord loves us and all we only need to do is open ourselves to the intimacy he has for us. Closing the night off with, O, Pretty Woman - Roy OrbisonSighs, I just noticed the fonts are jacked up on the page from the mixed journal entries made from different end devices, O well.


5 October 2021
What is going on Chicago? Kim Foxx... shaking my head. Enough said, it's in the hands of the voters that live in cook county. Love it when I 'm the one who gets to break open a fresh bag of coffee grounds. Got ambitious this morning and mowed the grass front and back. A overcasted sky and temps in the mid 60s made the chore relatively easy. I didn't bother to take out the leaf blower because it was basically raining leaves, but I did even take the time to collect a thirty gallon trash can full of the fallen leaves and tossed it along the rear fence line. The back ten feet of so of our backyard has vastly improved since I been doing that the past few years. It use to be so muddy for days upon days after a rain fall. We went to Jean and Bob's house to drop off a quarter of gensing and pick up the candy that they got for us from the Albanese Candy Factory. That is a must stop place on the way home whenever one of us pass through Indiana. The autumn colors are so amazingly beautiful just before the leaves die and fall off the trees. Stopped by Walmart on the way back home for a few items and remembered to buy a couple of outdoor light bulbs. What a joke, LED light bulbs are guaranteed and are supposed last between three to five years. Who goes through the trouble of keeping the receipt and tracking the light bulbs? I'm doubtful if there is a single person who ever went through the hassle of making a claim on a two dollar light bulb warranty. Away, installed! Made e-fu for dinner. The second helping almost put me in a food comma, why do I do that to myself?
4 October 2021
The headline this morning read, "CHICAGO SHOOTINGS: 40 SHOT, 3 FATALLY, IN WEEKEND GUN VIOLENCE" but more striking was another headline that read, "Here's the Full List of All 185 Chicago Expressway Shootings This Year" I know Naperville have shootings and robberies as well as other crimes too and seems to be on the rise. I don't know that for sure because it is difficult to find published crime statistics that will put our town in a bad light. Looked at three different weather apps, The Weather Channel, Weather Bug and Accuweather. And yes, all three had different predictions. Weather Channel showed no rain; Weather Bug forecasted 60 percent rain between 2pm - 4pm. and Accuweather forecasted 58 percent rain between 3pm - 5pm. It was really a nice day and this time around and, The Weather Channel was the only one correct. We were outside doing yard work. I was able to trim the hedge and shrubs out front, hit the fence line out back and cleaned the lint from the dryer exhaust vent. Tons of tiny leaves have already fallen off of our parkway tree, what a mess. I think it's a Kentucky Coffee tree, but am anything but sure. LOL, what do I know. Made penne with Italian sausage and spinach. Since we were going out and about in the Bolingbrook Plainfield area we dropped off some for Alex as well as the leftover manicotti from yesterday. Alex was happy to see and received with thanksgiving what I call meals on wheels or care packages. With just the two of us, it is tough to cook smaller portions the way most groceries are packaged. There is only so much repackaging and freezing one can do.

3 October 2021

Going at the daily exercises and the resistance training full throttle today, my body is feeling pretty good. Lunch was awesome. Whenever the cook say it is without even asking, you can take that to the bank that it was. I made napa soup with allumette sliced pork and pork bones, waterchestnuts, satakii mushrooms and green onions. And that wasn't the end of the good eating, Fawn made her infamous pasta sauce. Normally she would have me contribute to the meal by having me boil some type of pasta, but she didn't ask and remained so mysterious about what she making. Since she didn't have me boil any pasta, I just assumed that we were going to have chicken parmigiana. Yummy, I was pleasantly surprised she made us spinach cheese manicotti roll ups for dinner. I never had this dish before, so I can't say it is restaurant quality, but I can say with certainty that her pasta sauce is better than any other I ever tasted anywhere. I had two of those, ricotta romano and parmesan with spinach roll ups swimming in a pan of pasta sauce. I'm clueless why it needs to be baked in the oven for about forty minutes when I think it only needs to go in the oven to warm up the dish and melt the shredded parmesan cheese on top. I asked her what made her come up with dish, to which she replied that she sees it one the Italian restaurant menus all the time and always wanted to try it. LOL, she is a lot like me, whenever we go to any particular restaurant, we tend to order a handful specific things over and over (e.g. the usual). As I'm penning this, it's becoming clear why she would try making something new, we haven't eaten out in a restaurant for over a year and a half with the exception of eating dim sum once at MingHin with our niece who visited us from California. I'm still surprised we made that one exception, because it was tense. To this day since the beginning of the pandemic, I'm still adamant about microwaving carryout food before eating it. In my mind zaping it will kill any viruses. I've read and about the coronavirus and mitigating coronavirus and still can't believe if everything the CDC is saying and factual, how can everyone not have the contracted covid, especially me. At least Arkansas and Notre Dame didn't slip too far in the NCAA rankings. I think these teams should fare well next week against Ole Miss and Virginia Tech. I  haven't looked at next weekend's college football games schedule enough to determine which games will be worth watching yet. I accidentally came across literature about Biosphere 2 and thought it was a real fascinating read, enough that I think I would love to visit the facility. The leaves on the trees in the neighborhood are beginning to change colors are look spectacular! Crazy that those leaves are so beautiful because they are dying. Song of the day is, Forever Young - Rod Stewart. "Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!" (Psalm 34:3). I join in on Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral that is televised on Sunday mornings or on YouTube, but it is not the same as gathering together at the Divine Service to receive his gifts and exalting his name in thanksgiving. Anyway, going to stop here and get ready to watch the Patriots take on the Buccaneers. I usually don't get excited about watching an NFL game and when I do, I tend to quickly fall asleep. But c'mon, it Tom Brady in Foxborough. Will the fans be giving  Tom Brady a homecoming standing ovation? I can I not watch to see if, before falling asleep?

2 October 2021

Much better, the soreness and stiffness from the flu went away! One of my morning habits is goggle, "covid deaths dupage". It's absolutely stunning that we are still needlessly facing a high percentage deaths related to covid. Covid deaths are on the rise and 99 percent of them are among the unvaccinated. Lord, have mercy. Made us kung pao chicken for lunch, sort of. I  stir fried the chicken and the vegetables and just pour on some of the store bought Panda Express bottled Kung Pao Stir Fry Sauce. It tastes just the same as in the restaurant. Now I'm guessing that is why they are constant, they must be stir frying the meat and vegetables and just adding on the premade sauces on their menu items. Huge disappointment watching the dawgs feasting on hogs. I expected #8 Arkansas to put up a way better fight against #2 Georgia, not a blowout. At the end of the third quarter, I switched to watch the start of the Notre Dame Cincinnati game. Albeit the #9 ND lost to #7 Bearcats, it was a pretty good game. Desmond Ridder proved to much for the Fighting Irish to handle. I limited myself to two games today. So blessed, we got a bunch of pics and videos from Andrea of their family outing. That was a bonus to the joy of also facetiming with them today! Fawn brew ginseng roots again today. Growing up as a child, my mom brewed it for the family, but I just thought of it as Chinese mumble jumble. Everything I’ve read about it says may be beneficial to me. I still remain somewhat skeptical, but drink it anyway, never know. "My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad" (Psalm 34:2). Amen Amen, praise the Lord for his glory.

1 October 2021

It was a total do nothing day. I didn't feel a thing yesterday after getting my flu shot, so I was totally taken by surprise when I woke this morning with sore arm and stiff body. It took most of the day for my shoulder to loosen up enough to raise my arm up pain free.

30 September 2021
Sigh, it's so disheartening to see that the lowly scammers are at it again, last week it was a email with a link to something (I forget what to) and now text message link to something about validating a driver's license waiver, this is so annoying. Praying for bad people is seemly so taxing, but Silouan the Athonite wisely said, “If you see a man who has sinned and you do not pity him, the grace of God will leave you. Whoever curses bad people, and does not pray for them, will never come to know the grace of God.” Wow, it's already the last day of September. It's surprising because of the above normal temperatures we have been getting all week long. We went to the Sam's  Club to get our annual influenza (flu) shots early this morning. It was another one of those zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay days. Albeit we seen clouds in several days, they were so high and thin as well as so translucent one could not tell there were clouds in the sky by the shadow on the ground. Loving the morning walks. I've been told by several people how skinny my legs are, so I added the curb step up exercise to hopefully build up some muscle on my leg. I'm not sure how this and the balance exercise will fit into the mix in the long run, but I'll do it as part of my cardio exercise day routine for now, since I'm limiting the duration to ten minutes for each of the exercises for now. I imagine I could use the stairs or eventually the incline on the elliptical during the winter months, but knowing myself, that would highly be unlikely. Love giving Gasbuddy a toot, when I'm able to find a nearby gas station selling gas for 23 cents cheaper than all the other stations in the area. I won't call $3.269 a great gas price, but it's a heck lot better than paying $3.499 a gallon. Crime is rising here in town as well as in our surrounding burbs. Sigh, I'm shaking my head at the blurry images recorded by businesses by their cheap security surveillance cameras. Mmm, awesome late lunch. Made us steak tacos with corn tortillas, but because I had to marinade the steak, we started out the meal enjoying appetizers. American potato salad, ham and pickle roll ups, and cantinas style thin white corn tortillas chips. Afterwards we each had a deliciously refreshing cara orange for a whooping guesstimated 800 calories. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9). This calls for gentleness and avoiding needless conflicts.
29 September 2021
Broke with the traditional breakfast of oatmeal or the occasional cold cereal this morning and ate half a bagel. We have a ton of them leftover from Sunday, so into the freezer they went. I have two go to favorite go to bagel favorites, blueberry and Jalapeño. But when it comes to a breakfast sandwich, nothing beats an asiago bagel. I heard some good medical advice from a doctor. It had nothing to do with medicine per se, but rather sound wisdom. It had to do with not only protecting yourself with against the coronavirus, but protecting yourself period, because there might not be a ICU bed available. That prompted me to look at the availability of hospital beds at Edwards Hospital in town. According to the Edwards Hospital database, All all hospital bed 463. The last weekly posting was on September 17th average was, Inpatient bed 91.4% 313.4 of 343.0 beds used, ICU beds 64.2% 37.9 of 59.0 beds used. Hospitalized Covid patients 24.7. That is not very not very reassuring, but is without a doubt we and surrounding area hospitals are faring better than communities where people are needlessly dying of something that is treatable because of the unavailability of a ICU bed. I have a opinion on this matter but it is best left said. Funny, I made fried rice today and all the time I was, I had Uncle Roger on the back of my mind. Albeit he doesn't know squat about making fried rice, he makes YouTube reaction videos of people demonstrating how to make egg fried rice on YouTube. As lame as the subject is, I have to admit this comedian is oddly enough funny. I just deleted a large portion of journal entry, because I caught myself penning about a few fails by celebrity chefs and piling on and belittling them needlessly. It is so easy to that on social media. We're only days away from October and am tickled pink about the outstanding weather. Did twenty minutes on the elliptical on a resistance training day, how about that? Not foreseeing any reason why I wouldn't be able to have thirty gos on the elliptical when it will become unfeasible to do so during the winter months. Listening to, The Sky is Crying – Gary B.B. Coleman, in the background. Sounds pretty good. I listen to and enjoy all types of music genres, well almost. Never acquired a taste for that hip hop rap stuff, the only words I can make out are derogatory ones. "And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" (Matthew 10:38–39). We are to examine our hearts and surrender those things to the cross that hold us back from following and serving God.

28 September 2021

"Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me" (Psalm 119:133). Lord, lead me in your way and guide my footsteps in righteousness. We went for morning walk at the outlet mall in Aurora. A morning walk doesn't get better than when the temps are in the seventies, outstanding! I spent a little time on doing a few simple balance exercises. I'm not sure why it came to mind out of the blue, but I should add doing balance exercises to my daily exercise routine. Heck, why not! Talk about blue, the sky was as blue as can be and not a single cloud anywhere to be found. Thanks be to God for bringing us through this day.
27 September 2021

This morning's headline read, "8 killed, Chicago police officer and a paramedic among 59 others wounded in weekend shootings in Chicago". Every week I wonder why I go out of my way focus on the shooting violence in the city when we have our own crime in town. Can't ask for a better day to go for a walking walk! I loop played, "We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God" and now know the first verse by heart. While out at a strip mall, I noticed one of previously vacant store front is now a temporarily opened, Spirit Halloween store. Does this mean halloween is on this year? Every year, I ask myself, "Why do some parents dress their kids up in demonic or ghoulish costumes?" Insane, the high today was late afternoon and it hit 90 degrees Fahrenheit! Made us hamburger peas over spaghetti noodles for lunch. The only problem with this dish was that it demanded a second helping that was almost as large as the first. That forced me to make us green peppers onions and tomatoes omelets for supper. "The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is perverse" (Proverbs 10:32). We know right from wrong and our poor choice of words are more issues of our heart than issues of social skills and demureness. Guard my lips and sanctify me, O Lord.

26 September 2021

Life is good. With the kids home bright and early, we started off celebrating our time together with breakfast sandwiches. I really like it when I put together sandwiches with Canadian bacon and egg with an Asiago bagels. Love playing the left right center dice game with Isaac, playing games is a good family past time. We went to watch our Nephew Zachary play flag football at the Jefferson Junior High park district facility in Woodridge. I was taken by surprise by the beautiful outdoor turf and track. It was good catching up with my brother-in-law, Carl. Finding out that Peyton doesn't like to be carried very long now, because she likes to be on the ground and walk like everyone else. I also always thought she was fine with people holding her, but once she sees or realizes Andrea isn't in the room she freaks out now. Good eating, the beef gon chow was tasty. Song of the day is, Wishing You Were Here and the verse of the day is, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6).  Our noble end is tied to God's goodness and mercy which our Lord longs to shower upon us with until he brings us home to dwell with him forever.

25 September 2021
Was up early and all fired up! College football is the greatest game on the planet. The Fighting Irish Badgers game did not disappoint. Despite being, what I presumed was as super nice day, I stayed indoors all day and watched college football all day. I'm clueless as to why a Wisconsin team and a Indiana team would be playing at Soldier Field, because both team's home stadium seating is way more. The energy level in this game on a neutral field is amazing. Betting the game had a bowl game feel for these two student bodies. I thought for sure it was over when Jack Coan got injured, but Notre Dame opened it up in the fourth quarter. Game two was between Texas A&M and Arkansas. This was my first look at the Razorbacks outside of highlights and what an awesome team. This could very well be their year. Next week they will be facing Georgia. That should be an awesome game. I wasn't a total coach potato pigging out on steak tacos and left over pizza I found in back of the refrigerator today, I did do my daily exercises and did do a fifteen minute go on the elliptical. I deceived myself to believing I was going to hop on the elliptical two or three times today. Off to bed, a big day tomorrow! Glory, honor and praise be to you, O Lord.

24 September 2021
Grr, I hate Windows software updates, now I feel better… Awesome day, felt totally energized. Had a good resistance training workout as well as cardio makeup go on the elliptical. Not sure I should that, but it's done. Did a walk in the various shopping areas. Had to pick up several packages of rice noodles for the beef gon chow that I'll be making this weekend as well as run a few other errands. While walking lame idioms like, "Chili today hot tamale" and "What a difference a day makes" passed my mind. Albeit the weather can change on a dime here, the midwest weather is insane, one day you’re layered up and the next day, your wear shorts and a tee. Yummy made e-fu for dinner! Andrea loves eating just about anything noodles, so it came as a surprise to me went she told me didn't care for my e-fu noodle dish. Like I said, all my kids and Fawn will tell me whatever I cook is good or not. They are smart enough to know that if they don't speak up, that is what they're going to get next time. Fawn, Alex and Rob said they like it and I think it's better than what I can get at a restaurant for a fraction of the cost. Am looking forward to, but can't think of what to to prepare for a big game tomorrow. Steak tacos? Albeit #12 Notre Dame is favored over #18 Wisconsin, I think it  be an awesome game to watch tomorrow. Go Irish! A true test for #16 Arkansas will be against #7 Texas A&M. This might well be the year for the return of the Razorbacks. Every time I come across a Stevie Nicks music video, it automatically becomes a candidate for the song of the day, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around (with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers). One of our friends have a son who is a Minnesota farmer and posted a picture that made me think of the following psalm, "Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who the walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you" (Psalm 128:1-2). Farmers  are the backbone of America. Thanks be to God, we are blessed by their labors.

23 September 2021
The weather continues to be cool, but at least the sun is out. I really don't care for the darkness. Interestingly I seem to start off most of my journal entries with the weather or at least mention it somewhere in the mix in my stream of consciousness penning. So why is that? One reason for sure is that it is a safe and neutral topic that diverts the conversation away from uncomfortable topics like politics and beliefs. Everyone knows right from wrong and often times choose to adamantly deceive themselves. Weather, affects the daily choices we make. It determine we dress and whether to enjoy and do outdoor activities or stay inside. Today, I took a nice walk to the bluest sky with a few contrasting white cumulus clouds and listened to sacred music. I think the two greatest hymns ever written is, "We Praise You and Acknowledge You (Te Deum)" and "Of the Father's Love Begotten". We got a carryout from Portillo's. It seems like it's been a while since we got a carryout from there, at least I would like to believe that. We still don't do dining out, beit indoors or out, because I still nuke food from strangers. The one time we did since the start of the pandemic was at MingHin with our niece and I was totally uncomfortable. Getting back to Portillo's, the food there is undeniably delicious, but the calories! That's now two days in a row of consuming high calorie foods that is not considered healthy. I did poorly and didn’t fare well on the elliptical today, clearly too much Portillo’s is to blame. Grr, I was briefly bummed out at the lowliness of scammers. Yeah, I got one of the scam emails about missing information that was needed. Can only pray that the Holy Spirit move them to repent of the sin of stealing. The grands are coming down this weekend and Andrea asked if I would make gon chow ngau ho. No problem, I love that dish too. It takes a little of work, but what a tasty return. The verse of the day is, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). Meekness is perfectly displayed in the life of our Lord and with the utmost clarity in his passion.

22 September 2021
Dang, we went out to run errands in the morning and it was in the low 60s. Didn't see a large temperature swing today either, the high of the day was only in the mid 60s. I had to wear a sweat shirt and sweat pants as well as a windbreaker. Crazy how summer seemed to have collapsed into fall. Now I'm wondering if I will be able to eventually  acclimate to the subzero coldness of winter. Initially I thought four layer might of been an overkill, but it turned out to have been barely enough to the needed against the wind chill. Anna lives in Downers Grove and it's her birthday, so went to the nearby Oakbrook Center and stopped in the Stan's Donut & Coffee shop to gift her with some yumminess. Naturally, we blessed ourselves with a few of them bad boys too. I'm sure the hour long walk I took barely put a dent in the havoc the coconut cake doughnut wreaked. Thanks be to God, today and tomorrow will only be a foretaste of what is in store for us and temps will return back into the 70s. Now that it's dark on Wednesday nights, I much prefer to go to the Divine Service at noon. I really wish the church would have kept it then instead of moving it to the evenings. I wonder what brought that about. Seems like only a few of us parishioners are really masking up and social distancing and most are maskless now and clustering, I don’t get it.

21 September 2021
I'm finding that counting calories is just a guesstimation, because there is no necessary correlation other than a ballpark one on dairy expectations. Crazy went your weight goes up or down contrary to expectations. The overnight rain is making for a breezy cool dreary day. Guessing it's nature's way of saying goodbye to summer. Today's high was in the mid 60s and we're only expecting tomorrow's high to be on the lower 60s. Looks like it’s time to break out the fair weather windbreaker. Yummy, we had fish tacos and a cheese quesadilla to boot for dinner. Good eating for sure! It's the weirdest thing that the number of covid cases seems to going down, but the number of deaths and hospitalizations are on the rise.

20 September 2021
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). Praying this psalm saids it all about our day. We were up by four and out the door by five to drive up and care for Isaac. I think he's just fine, but mama want Isaac to get another day of rest before going back to preschool. So strange, hate waking to the sound of an alarm. The weather forecast called for overnight rain until noon. Thrilled they were wrong and only got a little drizzle on the way up. Albeit, the rains did come about, it was light and nothing to freakout over. I think we will be seeing more and more dreary days like today ahead of us moving forward. It's nerve racking watching Peyton, she is walking so fast and am so scared she will trip and bang her head on something. Favorite activities with Isaac today was playing with Legos and Candyland. I especially love playing board games as a family activity. What is there not to like about playing with Peyton? This morning's headline read, "CHICAGO SHOOTINGS: 56 SHOT, 9 FATALLY, IN WEEKEND VIOLENCE". Sadly, nothing new there. Since we were stuck indoors and couldn't go for a walk, I did steps. Albeit I didn't carne asada infused the meat, I did marinate a ribeye and mmm, steak tacos and tortilla chips for dinner. Totally was surprised about how light traffic to and from.

19 September 2021
Hard to believe we are well into September and October is just around the corner and the high temps of the day is still in the upper 80s. Glad the humidity wasn't high and was able to enjoy a nice walk. Strange that the dehumidifier is still drawing so much moisture out of the air. Glad to be up to ten minutes on the elliptical. Watched the Bears Bengals game, sort of. I dosed off some time during the first quarter and woke with a little over five minutes left in the game. I just knew that was going to happen. Song of day is another one from my wonder years, Charms - Bobby Vee.

18 September 2021
Totally surprised this morning to be wakened by my phone alarm, normally I'm up way before then. Surly, I've completed all the needed REMs cycles and then some. Mmm, Fawn made us tuna sandwiches for lunch and we watched the Nebraska-Oklahoma game. Fawn called it, the Sooners over the Cornhuskers. Game two was between Alabama and Florida and it was a good close game as expected. Getting ready to watch game three, Penn State-Auburn. Looking at the jammed packed college stadiums, one would think the pandemic was all but over. It’s interesting that I can watch college football all day and could care less about watching an NFL game. When I do watch a pro game, I tend to fall asleep. Came across an oldie but goodie, from my wonder years, All I Have To Do Is Dream/Cathy's Clown - Everly Brothers.
17 September 2021
We went to bed early a got a real good night's rest. At least that's what I thought, somehow I dosed off while watching Sesame Street. Albeit, Isaac is not 100%, he well on the way. Thanks be to God, he's eating and drinking as well as sitting up and is talkative. Andrea and Rob only had a half day work day today so we were able to get out of the house and enjoyed some of the beautiful weather. It was nice to get out in the fresh air and go for a walk. Gave my brother Bill a call to wish him a happy birthday. Song of the day is, Sound of Silence - Paul Simon. This song truly conveys a powerful warning against the dangers of indifference.

16 September 2021
We were up at four and out the door at five. Crazy to be on the road in the darkness. Was thinking about yesterday walking around wearing just a tee shirt and a pair of shorts during the day. This morning we were out the door wearing a sweat shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I not sure what the overnight low was, but the temperature  swung from the mid 50s when we were up and soared again into the daytime high in the mid 80s. It was bizarre seeing Peyton getting up and walking around instead not crawling. Poor Isaac remains under the weather and after the pediatric visit yesterday, the pediatrician wasn't able to pinpoint exactly was wrong with him. Fawn took care of Peyton and I watched Isaac. For the most part, all that meant was being in the room with while laid in bed watching cartoons, taking his temperature and keeping him hydrated, when he's not sleeping. I remember taking our kids temperature with a thermometer under the tongue and thought it was a godsend advancing to a ear digital thermometer. Learning how convenient infrared thermometer are, impressive. Saw a friend's Facebook post about yet another scam tactic. It was a good reminder that we need need to remain vigilant against these evildoers. As I muse on such people, I work myself up and begin to loathe them instead of praying for them and lifting them to the throng of grace. It is not clear to me if it is possible for us to change and plant love in the hearts of other, or even to change or own heart, without the help of God. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10). Being away from home and stuck indoors when only equipped a smartphone, I did a lot of googling on crazy random things that crossed my mind like, why do some people like playing loud sub bass music? Most articles point toward it stimulates the sacculus and the brain releases endorphins. I use to think that people who crank up the stereo with the sub bass in the car are just insecure and want attention. Albeit I think that still hold true, that explains why they self medicate with noise and harm themselves like a drug addict. Personally, it drives me crazy. So what gives? Andrea had a great idea for supper, penne rigate with Italian sausage and spinach! Song of the day is, Dreams - Fleetwood Mac.

15 September 2021
Looked at the headlines, "4 Killed, 10 Wounded, in Shootings in Chicago Monday" and "1 killed, 7 wounded in shootings in Chicago Tuesday". Clearly the violence in Chicago aren't limited to the weekends. Covid cases continue to rise, but deaths seem to remain the same at about one death a week. Only nearby cook county popped out with 16 deaths reported yesterday. Because of the rise of hospitalizations due to the coronavirus there is a real concern about the availability of icu beds.  By far, the vast majority of covid case hospitalizations are unvaccinated people. "DOH: 97% of Pa. COVID deaths, 95% of hospitalizations and 94% of cases are among unvaccinated people" Not sure what else can compel the unvaccinated to do so. It's slightly cooler today, but we are still getting above normal temperatures. The only way we can tell it's autumn now is the leaves are beginning to slightly changing color and the leaves are beginning to fall. Think it's because the overnight temperatures dips into the 50s. It was an awesome day to be out and about and am thankful for the perfect mixture of the bluest sky and white cloud for a leisurely walk. We went to the outlet mall in Aurora. This time around, I felt comfortable with less people around now that summer vacations are done with and kids are back in school. I normally like to listen to sacred music while doing a solitary walk, but the the piped in mall music prevented that, but  will give it the pop music that was piped in was quite good. I use the word solitary, because it too difficult for me do a side by side walk with Fawn. She walks way too fast for me to keep up with her. Poor Isaac, hearing he is under the weather. We're up for our annual flu shot in a couple of weeks. As for a covid vaccine booster shot, I'm gamed for whenever I become eligible to receive it. Viewed a fascinating video, Nagel Ng | Nagel Ng Meets Uncle Roger | Talks at Goggle. Nagel Ng is so unexpectantly different from his character. Anyway better stop penning now, because is going to be a big day and we’ll be getting up super early for it.

14 September 2021
"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). I won't get into the details of this morning's phone conversation, but once again I'm reminded of just how short and fragile life is. Heck yeah, we did a taco Tuesday lunch. And yes, I said, "Heck yeah, doing taco Tuesday! And yes, I did say, "¡Buen provecho!" more times than I should of. Funny, how were all like to wistfully think we burn off an overindulgence just like that, with an after meal walk. Thankfully I started back up on the cardiovascular exercises using the elliptical again. I added another minute again and now up to eight minutes. The goal is to be able be on machine for 30 minutes. That way, I will be able to get in my 150 minutes of cardio a week with one or two days of rest during the winter months. Dinner was light, leftover chicken with celery and a bowl of fuzzy melon soup. A Facebook friend, I assume thinks the removal of Confederate monuments and statues isn't a good thing. Sadly, there are over 700 of them still standing. I've heard countless time of the notion of "erasing history", but I think we can remember past horrors without venerating the perpetrators. I can't say with complete certainty, but I believe they were not erected as memorials, but were dedicated to advancing supremacist southern heritage of capturing, buying and selling and torturing human beings. So yeah, every time one of these toxic Confederate statues comes down, it's a good thing. Biggest joy of the day is watching a video of our grands playing with their computers. Isaac was so focus doing something on the machine and Peyton just happily banging away on the keyboard on hers. Today is Holy Cross Day and the collect of the day is, "Merciful God, Your Son, Jesus Christ, was lifted high upon the cross that He might bear the sins of the world and draw all people to Himself. Grant that we who glory in His death for our redemption may faithfully heed His call to bear the cross and follow Him, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever."

13 September 2021
The headline read, "Chicago Shootings: 60 shot, 7 fatally, in weekend violence across city". So sad that this continues not to be a surprise to anyone. Stand in your authority, against all evil, O Lord. Send forth your light and your truth. Lead all to true repentance that we may all rejoice in your forgiving love. Amen. We're back to above normal temperatures again with the added humidity, not good. Can't figure which is worse, having to tolerate the dog days of summer or tolerating cold winter days. How people were able to survive without air conditioners or central heating is beyond me. Nice, I was able to find time to do a walk as well as hop on the elliptical. Song of the day is, What a Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong and the verse of the day is, "Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God" (Proverbs 30:7-9).

12 September 2021
We turned on the television a little early to watch, Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral. The news was on prior and the first thing we heard was 47 people shot so far this weekend in Chicago. The report failed to mention how many people were killed. A goggle search revealed 5 killed so far this weekend. Sadly, "so far". Albeit I've loss quite a few pounds, I did another physical self assessment and felt the need to get back to using the elliptical as part of the needed. I was on the machine for only a very short time. It is kind of embarrassing to be on the elliptical for only six minutes, but I just want to ease back into exercising on it and not risk injury or worse. I know, I know, "no pain no gain", but I feel much better without the continue soreness when I resistance trained with the twenty pound dumbbells. Wondering if Alex is making use of them. I don't necessarily eat all that healthy and have been known to knowingly indulge in poor but tasty choices. Today was far from that; made us a chicken and celery stir fry for lunch and fuzzy melon soup for dinner!

11 September 2021
The day began in a moment of prayer and silence in remembrance of September 11, 2001. "O Almighty and merciful God, you cannot be understood by one who sows discord, you cannot be accepted by one who loves violence:  look upon our painful human condition tried by cruel acts of terror and death, comfort your children and open our hearts to hope, so that our time may again know days of serenity and peace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen." Thanks again to gasbuddy, we were able to get gas for $3.169! Went and got game food, made ham and cheese sliders with Portuguese sweet rolls and tossed a Digiorno frozen pizza in the oven and we were good to go. Totally relaxed watching the US Open Women's Singles Final between winner Emma Raducanu and runner up Leylah Fernandez. I didn't think either one was capable of taking it in two, but Raducanu did so 6-4 & 6-3. Funny it was reminiscent of watching Jenn in high school playing because both players were teenagers, but in a high stakes match. The winner won $2.5M and the runner up $1.25M, wow!

10 September 2021
Yummy, opened bottle nine of twelve, teriyaki hot sauce, and had it with my morning oatmeal. I go through a three ounce bottle a month, so good thing the hot sauce comes in a gift package of twelve bottles. But as good as I think these inexpensive variety packs are, they have all pale in taste to my favorite hot sauce, Cholula. The days are really getting noticeably shorter and shorter, but the reality is, “The days are long but the years are short”. We blinked and all our kids are grown and we are living in a empty nest. I think technology like Facebook, Zoom and Facetime are a blessing. As a matter of fact, this morning's weekly Zoom call with my mother-in-law was most excellent. After the call, we went out and about runs few errands. Thanks be to God for nasal spray and antihistamine eye drops. Our first stop was in downtown Naperville and it was hustling and bustling. It was near the noon hour and lots of people were doing outdoor dining street on the sidewalk near the curb, insane. We're nowhere near dining out indoors or outdoors, let alone on a sidewalk near passing cars. Albeit, the temps was in the low 80s, the humidity was low, so I was able to get in a very nice and comfortable walk. Albeit, Fawn is feeling much better, she still doesn’t have much of an appetite. So I made her more egg drop soup and I just made me a package of ramen noodle. I tried to copycat the Korean ramen, but I didn’t come close. The Maruchan noodles and nowhere near as good as the Nongshim brand. When I started up my laptop this morning for our weekly Zoom call, it came up with a random login breathtaking screenshot of coastal fortress at Dubrovnik, Croatia. I immediately thought of Psalm 46, “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress”. 

9 September 2021
I had the other half of can of soup for lunch and had no idea of the calories found in saltine crackers. For some reason I thought it was about 5 calories for one.  Whoa, it turns out to be three times that. Enjoyed a little more the beef gon chow. Not sure why I feel the need to rant about empting the dehumidifier today, I don't think it was bothersome to me this summer at all until now. Must be just tire of summer and and ready for autumn. The only problem with that is it will be followed by the likes of a cold and harsh winter. "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Ecclesiastes chapter three is very encouraging. Our Lord has made everything beautiful and has put eternity into our hearts that we may take pleasure in life and do good. God has purposes for the seasons of nature, he also uses seasons in our lives. Song of the day is one of my all time favorite, Stand By Me - Ben E. King.

8 September 2021

Dang, I must have been way off on my guesstimated calories intake yesterday. I thought I was a good boy yesterday, but I somehow gained another half a pound. Sigh, hopefully it's water weight from drinking green tea all day long. It's September and past the Labor Day weekend, so it's autumn as far as I'm concern. The weather is outstanding and the plan was supposed to go outdoors filling in chipmunk holes, but Fawn was under the weather. I hate it when Alvin, Simon and Theodor pay us a visit uninvited a burrow the ground. Away, I made Fawn a pot of egg drop soup and I opened me a can of Progresso chicken tortilla (tortilla y pollo) soup. Good day for comfort food, made beef gon chow ngau ho. So glad Fawn bought two packages of the rice noodles, because I'm like Isaac, love and stuff. Been thinking about it since making it for him over the weekend. Song of the day is, I Don't Want To Talk About It - Rod Stewart. 
7 September 2021
Well the holiday weekend has come to a close and it's time end my insane celebration with food. I hopped on the scale and there was no surprise there. It's time to go back to eating normal, resuming my daily exercise routine and getting in a nice 40 minute walk. Albeit the sky turned really dark and looked like we were in for a major storm, we lucked out and it stayed to the north and to the south of us. Thanks be to God for sparing us.

6 September 2021

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints" (Psalm 116:15). We attended a memorial service this morning that had elements of a celebration of life for our brother-in-law Eddie. A proverb notes that people should speak well of the dead, “Speak well of them, for they cannot speak for themselves.” The Latin version is De mortuis nil nisi bonum – ‘Of the dead nothing but good.’ This all came to mind after service because with Eddie, he was and will continue to truly love. I regard Eddie as a man for all season. I heard someone say that he has never heard of anyone ever saying a single bad or ill thing about Eddie and have always heard people speak well and highly of him. From my experience, this is most certainly true for this kind soul. "Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; And let light perpetual shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen." This was the first time I’ve ever attended a Zoom videoconferencing memorial and can readily recognize advantage of doing so for distance guests. We gather together to celebrate Eddie’s life with emotion, humor and love, from four different continents. Prayers for our comfort and peace for friends and family, especially Soo.

5 September 2021

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). A fb friend shared a vintage metal Band-Aid container meme. It brought back many childhood memories. I don't miss the boo-boos and owies, but do miss my mommy. It's always a great day for a family gathering when they have become so infrequent. We got asiago bagels from Big Apple and I made us McDonalds inspired breakfast sandwiches with fried eggs and Canadian bacon. It must be my imagination, but I swear that Fawn makes a better cup of coffee. How is it possible when brew it same way? There is nothing quite like playing with the grands. I still can't get over how you can't sit Peyton on ground very long before she'll get up and start walking. There I go again stuffing my face at lunch time by getting myself a second helping of mama's spaghetti. Went into a food coma watching the 16th round of the US Open, but after a short nap watched Leylah Fernandez win and advance to the quarterfinals. Saw pics and videos of Isaac fishing with dad and uncle Bob, just like an Opie Taylor. Grateful this holiday weekend for those who work enriches our lives. May all we do, we do for the glory of God.   
4 September 2021
Am starting today's journal entry this morning while having my usual oatmeal and coffee and am planning to append to it throughout the day between dishes. I expect the big cook to take up most of the day because there will be quite a few of them being cooked with loving care. Even mama will participate beyond helping prep and cleaning up the mess I create. She'll be making her infamous pasta sauce! Starting out taking care of Isaac and Alex with the Cantonese pan fried noodles followed by the beef gow chow!… K, checked, two thinks off the list. The next thing on do list is to stir fry the riblets with green peppers and onions. That should be a good place to stop for lunch. Got Fawn steaming the rice... Mmm, that was a tasty lunch, next thing to do is browning the ground beef for hamburger peas for Alex and some for Fawn's meat sauce followed by the hamburger patties stuffed with green peppers and onions... Funny, how this post looks with all the different food log entries. Anyway, the burger for dinner was so juicy and flavorful. Facetimed with the kids and can’t wait to see them tomorrow. Was so thrilled to see Peyton getting up and is steadily walking around now at eight months, a whole month earlier than Isaac. She sure is a strong little girl!

3 September 2021

Love holiday weekends and have no intentions to track calories or to hop on the scale until Tuesday. Went to Edwards to for Fawn's semi-annual doctor's visit there. Normally I like going for a walk in the courtyard in the cool of the day there, but for some reason there was a lot of people walking through this morning and it really made me feel very uncomfortable. So I just went back to the car and peacefully listened to sacred music. Good news, Fawn will only need to see her oncologist annually moving forward! I made us beef lo mein for lunch. Albeit I prefer it with chicken, the noodles where spot on. I took the time to separate the fresh store bought noodles individually and got an even cook on them that was lacking on the previous go. Now I'm at point where I looking forward to making this dish more often, good stuff! Parboiled the riblets today in preparation to stir fry them bad boys tomorrow. It's always good practice to refrigerate the bone broth overnight to get the fat out of it to make the sauce. Song of the day is, Yesterday Once More – Carpenters. Karen Carpenter’s voice is so incredibly beautiful. Whenever I’m penning a journal entry toward the end of the day, I tend to think of the evening prayer psalmody: Let My Prayer Rise Before You As Incense. This morning I came across wisdom, “Morning prayer to begin each day aligns our heart and mind in thanksgiving, humility, and love for God.” May we pray without ceasing. 

2 September 2021

Feeling so great and am excited about the holiday weekend and a chance to be with family. What another extraordinarily beautiful day to be out and about. We went grocery shopping at the Chinese grocery story to get wide rice noodles to make Isaac gon chow ngau ho and Cantonese noodles to pan fry. Do you think the little man likes noodles? We also got some pork riblets to make stir fried stir fried pork ribs with green peppers and onions, one of our family ultimate umami flavors go to comfort food. Naturally, I'll be making hamburgers stuffed with green peppers and onions for the holiday weekend. There is nothing like celebrating God’s goodness with food. Dang, I’m licking my chops already. I’m stunned, learn something new about Fawn everyday, She has been watching the CMA Summer Jam for a couple of hours already, but then again I’ve been tapping my toes every now and then as it has been background music for me. I think the country music has come a long way. "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). Indeed we can rejoice and face all circumstances life throws at us, because we know that Christ Jesus is Lord!  

1 September 2021
Sigh, I swear... out of the blue we got overnight rain. I was literally at the bottom of the barrel but didn't feel like breaking open a new container of oatmeal. Because  I already had the usual amount of water boiling, it turned out a little soupy. It worked out OK for me. After I skimmed out my portion, the remaining oatmeal thicken nicely. I didn't rain all that much last night and I was able to completely mow the grass. I so glad I started tossing the grass in the catcher along the fence toward the far side a few years back, because it was impossible to tend to the grass five to ten feet before for days after it rained. I rewarded myself by heating up a DiGiorno pizza, best frozen pizza I've come across. All in all, it was a drop dead gorgeous day. If only every day could be year round like today. Well, if that don’t beat all! Only in America would something like this happen: San Francisco will pay people to not shoot others: 'Cash for criminals'. What is this world coming to? Hard to comprehend all that is coming out about what is and has happened this past week in Afghanistan. Lord, have mercy.

31 August 2021

As usually, I’m always stunned at the end of the month on how quickly the pasting of yet another month gone by is. Was reviewing covid stats in and surrounding counties, as well as hospitalizations and the availability of ICU beds here in town this morning. It is clear to me that that covid cases and hospitalizations are both on the rise and we are averaging one two deaths a week except for Cook which remains much higher. With the kids back in school, it is anybody's guess what the numbers will be. The indoor masked mandate and the soon to be roll out of the covid booster shot vaccine couldn't of become at a better time. Not sure why, but I was super glad Fawn ordered a dim sum carryout from MingHin for lunch! The temperature and humidity was finally bearable as it got into the low 80s with 47 percent humidity. Looks like I'll be able to tend to outside yard work tomorrow morning. As temperatures are expected to remain in the 70s! Anyway, going to bed early and rest up for the chores ahead of me. With a grateful heart, I thank God for this day. All laud, glory and honor be to you, O Lord.

30 August 2021

Was looking at images of hurricane Ida and wondering why people choose to live in New Orleans, but then again, why am I living in Illinois and just outside of Chicago? According to NBC, "Chicago police say six people are dead and at least 49 others have been injured in shootings across the city so far this weekend." Albeit, our suburban communities are largely safe in comparison to Chicago, the overall crime trends and number of shootings are alarming. I saw meme regarding the POTUS and would have chuckled at the humor, but didn't because I sadly thought it was actually very plausible. We bought 2 quarts of the ginseng Fawn brewed yesterday over to Alex's and stayed for lunch. I pan seared us the in-bone BOGO free pork chop along with stuffing and Alex made spiral noodle salad in advance. It was a mighty fine meal, especially because I'm the only one in the family that enjoy sucking the meat off the bone and get to carve the bone away before serving the pork chops. On the way home, we stopped at the Plainfield Meijer on Route 59. I love walking indoors in that super large store with big aisles on weekdays. And especially now the indoor state wide mask mandate is in effect again. I even felt good and was very comfortable about after seeing that all the employees and shoppers were complying with the indoor mask mandate. In our grief and mourning, I've been musing about death and dying most of the day. My understanding is that death is the separation of our mortal bodies that rest in the grave from our eternal soul of those who die in faith are immediately joyfully in the presence of Christ and will receive glorified resurrected bodies that are free from tears, pain, sickness and age. The world think of death as something being natural. But that is an untruth and that death is a horrible reality and not part of our created nature, but was a curse that fell on creation through the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. For unbelievers, upon their death, their souls are immediately in the presence of Satan and immediately begin to suffer the torment of eternal punishment in hell. We should face death the same way be face life, with our eyes fixed on Christ and evermore trustingly cling to his promise, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also" (John 14:1–3).
29 August 2021
We received some bad news late last night about my brother-in-law as he continues to deteriorate under hospice and palliative care. It is so heart breaking learning that he pasted away early this evening. Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord. Albeit Fawn often brews a pot of ginseng tea using dried ginseng roots, it's rare that I accept the offer for some. However, today I did sipped on a cup of the bitter tasting herbal tea. Guessing because it may very well be actually beneficial in some way. I don't feel like penning much and will just stop... Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
28 August 2021

A Facebook memory came up on my News Feed first thing this morning from three years ago today. It was my very first entry to, "What's on your mind?" Looking back, I'm somewhat surprised I penned there, since I've been penning journal entries here for a long time and only intended to see what was going on with my nephews, nieces and grands. So many have moved away and family gatherings have become less frequent. It was also a way to get to know my church family beyond the casual but sincere, "Hello and how are you doing?" in the "Commons" over coffee. Since then, albeit virtually, I've been taken along on many trips, heard many fascinating stories and shared in the joy of people I love. There has been rightful criticism of FB, but it doesn't bother me. It's all about choosing your friends wisely. "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm" (Proverbs 13:20). It was a good eating day, made a most flavorful 80/20 burger stuffed with onions and green peppers for lunch. And the pepper Jack cheese only added to the sandwich.
27 August 2021
I’m limited to very light resistance training this week. Albeit, were on the Zoom call for the a short time with ma, we were on the call for about two hours following and there was a lot to talk about, our human trials are many as we age. Dang, we got out of the house, it was already mid afternoon and the temperature was well up into the 90s. Still wondering when all this heat and humidity is going to let up. We got out of the house, it was already mid afternoon and the temperature was well up into the 90s. It was so hot and muggy that I had to take my walk indoors and walked the outer aisles of Target and at Meijer. I wasn't thrilled being among the maskless and can hardly wait until Monday when our state wide indoor mask mandate be reinstated because of the surge of covid cases and related deaths. So thankful that it is a weekday ad that the kids are back in schools making it easier to stay at least six feet from other people. I’m so tempted to join in on criticizing the POTUS on his handling of the withdrawal, but the polls verify that there is enough of that. We took out the last two pieces of my home made char sui and sliced up one into thin slices piece for the ramen noodle soup. This time I also added boiled baby carrots to it. There are still a few packages of the Maruchan brand left. I can hardly wait move on and get a case of the Nongshim brand. Song of the day is, More - Andy Williams. As much as I love this song from days past, I would argue the greatest love the world has known is found in Christ Jesus. Albeit, totally out of context with how the world thinks, this is the love I am most grateful for. "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:6-8). Gracious Heavenly Father, I am thankful I am for all the blessings of the day. I know I am not worthy of the grace You have given me, for I have sinned much. Do not withdraw your presence from me. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Grant that I may continue to reflect upon this day with thankfulness. Amen.

26 August 2021
"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words" (Romans 8:26). Prayers that I don’t complaint to much in my foolishness. Many of the little things we complain about is very telling, just how blessed we are. I was taken by complete surprise yesterday and today when I got on the scale. I didn't mention it yesterday that on Tuesday, my total calorie intake on a liquid diet was 77 calories and doing an overnight colon cleanse, I weighed about the same. So I just thought it must be so fluid in me. After all, I drank four liters of solution. I ate normal yesterday and I still weighed the same this morning. Mmm, we went to Alex's and made us a sausage links, scrambled eggs pancakes brunch. I love going to his house because it feels like retreat. His house is well lit from a lot of windows letting in the light. We went to his house because I must be like a personal chef. Strange he requested hot dog fried rice. It was one our kids childhood favorite fusion food concoctions I whipped up. Funny Andrea called and hopefully planning for a family gathering and asked if I would cook. I really like to cook and am happy that our children enjoy my cooking. And whenever it is subpar they are brutally honest and let me know it. I made us broccoli to go with the leftover ribeye steak from yesterday for dinner. Funny how I only ate Chinese broccoli growing up and when I move out to the burbs. I had to get use to eating the broccoli that is commonly sold in the supermarket, mostly because was strange to see and bite into the florets. Song of the day is, Baby Come Back - Player. I’m aware of the idiom: ‘Be careful what you wish for’ lest it come true, but all this summer heat and humidity is getting old. So thanks be to God for this day with all its blessings.
25 August 2021
"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul" (3 John 1:2). Thanks be to God who watches over us. I'm thankful that the gastroenterologist did not find any polyps this time in my colon and if God willing will not have to see again for five years. I was so hungry after my colonoscopy, that I inhaled my apple juice and Chex Mix they gave me. Poor Fawn waited in the car for well over an hour to pick me up. Apparently they couldn't wake me up, because it was already 10 o'clock by the I came to. An all nighter will do that to you.   Steak and eggs brunch! Dang, I'm a good cook. Anyway, going to kick back this afternoon (doctor's order) and will most likely go to bed super early. Grateful...

24 August 2021
The plan is to pen several times today and stop doing so early because I won't be able to later evening. If fact I plan to take a late afternoon nap and will be preoccupied all through the night. I'll spare the detail, but it's going to be anything but fun. I've been hovering between 145.4 and 145.2 this week, so I'm hopeful about this morning's weigh in, we'll see when I go downstairs...

Unbelievable, whoo hoo, 144.8! Now to do a one day liquid diet to prepare for the colonoscopy. Just mixed a four liter container of polyethylene glycol 3350 and electrolytes for oral solution, to be taken toight. Lord, have mercy. It will be interesting to see how much I weigh after a colon cleanse. I'm thinking 2 to 3 pounds and know it isn't a fat loss, but interesting to find out none the less. Breakfast was a cup of black coffee and a cup of chicken bouillon for a whopping six calories...

Lunch was another cup of chicken  soup, apple juice and jello for 35 calories. I can't remember how I survived the day last time, but it must have been doable... 

For dinner, well my choices are limited, so it was chicken bouillon soup again and a cup of black coffee. The plan is to do an all nighter.

23 August 2021

Great news, the results of my covid test came back negative! Now it's only a couple days before getting my colonoscopy. Prayers for a safe procedure and good test results. Just had my last solid food meal and will be on a liquid diet all day tomorrow. I think my next two weigh ins will be interesting, the before and after colon cleanse. It's possible to be at the goal weight on the before but highly unlikely, given my track record. Albeit, only about a quarter tank down, it's funny how we can't resist pulling in a gas station when we come across one that a out 38 cents a gallon cheaper than most in the area.   


22 August 2021
We were out the door predawn in the darkness. I was thrilled that the person who administered the covid test was very gentle. I did feel the swab pressing the back of both nostrils, but wasn't anywhere as painful as many on the internet made it out to be. Continued petitioning our Lord for protection and for good test results. Being out so early this morning, made for an exceptional well over an hour walk in the cool. I was surprised to have been so energetic without breakfast and my morning coffee. Was debating McDonald's but that would have been counterproductive, so I hungrily struggled through the waiting for the oatmeal to finish cooking. I'm so hopeful to be at 145 by Tuesday, more so just to say it, because I've come so close several times. I know that's silly. Mmm, now that's what I 'm talking about, the taro and riblets dish was spot on, chirp chirp! The pork riblets were so tender and the taro was so flavorful, talk about fighting off my gluttonous desire for a second helping. There was a time when a second or third helping was not out of the question. It was a lot of work to download so many pics and videos and to rename them and put into the different folders, but gotrdun. Song of the day, Wonderful Tonight – Eric Clapton.... Oh wow, Andrea just texted us a video (I'm guessing) of Peyton taking her first unassisted steps! Awesome milestone at eight months.

21 August 2021
Oh well, crazy that I keep talking about making the taro and riblet dish and it still hasn't come to past. We ended up going to Alex's house to dog sit while he went with friends to Wisconsin. It was one of those days when you just want to stay i doors because of the heat ant high humidity. Opening the patio door to let Nala out is like opening a hot oven door. We had the Bears Bills game on and naturally I dosed off a couple minutes into the 2nd quarter with the score off 13 zip with the Bill's on top. Whoa, I woke back up with score 41 - 12 and the game 41 - 15. Clearly, the Bears have plenty of room for improvement on both side of the ball. The highlight of the day for me was face timing with the kids this morning. Outstanding, Isaac understands the concept of addition and has mastered single digit addition! Anyway, I have to keep this short because we'll have to be out the door early and be at Edward's by 6:15 to take a covid test first thing in the morning. Prayers for good test results.

20 August 2021
Happy haircut! Guessing mama got tire of the bozo thing I had going on again. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). Prayers for Afganistan. Mooncakes, total madness. One of these little bad boys packs a whooping 790 calories. So my tiny morsel treat was about a hundred calories, that's insane.  No doubt in my mind the red bean paste is loaded with sugar. Albeit, it was not a sauna today, the humidity was still uncomfortable enough that I went to the Target store get in a hour long walk. Good thing it was all that busy, because about 30 percent of the folk chose to be maskless. With all the uncertainty of this covid delta, I’m back to trying to keep at least six feet from as many people as possible. I can hardly wait until it’s our time to receive the booster vaccine shot. I like to simmer the pork riblets and refrigerating them and the broth overnight before finishing them off in a dish the next day. I found it is the best way for me to scrape off the floating fat from the gelatinous bone broth that I often use to make the sauce. I’m so excited about the pork riblets and taro dish and have high expectations of conjuring up a most excellent meal. LOL, I’ve been running a cooking kata in my head all day. I download a boat load of pics and videos that were texted to me this month onto the laptop but didn’t have the time to rename them and move them to this year’s August folder year.

19 August 2021
I'm three days away from getting my first ever covid test, one would would think that I would be praying for good test results ahead of musing about having a swab rammed up my nose. Got a call this morning to confirm my appointment for next weekend's procedure and go over prep details and my diet for the week. Hmm, with an actual limited diet, I might meet my weight loss goal! Well, I'm pretty sure by mid week I'll be at or below 145 pounds. We went to the Chinese grocery store mainly to buy tins of moon cakes as gifts to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. I like eating moon cakes, but them bad boy are way too rich and can only eat a very small piece at a time. Besides, they are a pretty expensive treat. We also bought a taro and pork riblets so it looks like some good eating tomorrow, I already had the beef defrosted to make a beef and peapod stir fry for today. We didn't really need to get gas today, but who could pass up a fill up when it's $3.139 per gallon? "For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God" (James 3:7–9). Lord, guide my tongue and grand that the words I speak are of mercy and compassion.


18 August 2021
I know so little about the on goings an iOS machine. This is the first time Fawn's Mac laptop needed any attention. I think the laptop is about five years old and the software on it was dated. I'm glad I have my smartphone and android tablet and don't need to use my windows laptop that often, what a pain in the butt machine that requires tons of updates. Anyway, we brought the laptop to Alex's and had him to all the needed to get her machine running smooth again. We made pan seared bone in pork chops with a chicken stuffing side as a reward. I don't know what to make of covid vaccine hesitancy, but I'm thrilled that that covid booster shots rolled out will begin on September 20th for all Americans. Is there anything as refreshing as the taste of cold watermelon during these dog days of summer?


17 August 2021
Normally, I like a dab or two of hot sauce with my oatmeal, but I spiced it up this morning with a couple pieces of leftover curry chicken, mmm. With all the ongoings happening in Afghanistan yesterday, I forgot to google "chicago shootings". I'm accustomed to seeing headlines like, "56 shot, 8 fatally, in Chicago weekend gun violence" on Monday mornings, but this morning's headline read, "5 killed, 9 wounded, Monday in Chicago" is a reminder that the violence in Chicago is a daily occurrence. I'm glad I went to the sitting position while doing the dumbbell bicep curls, because I can get in the resistance training in with a lot less reps. It was a nice day for a walk, but it wasn’t an ideal one. We didn’t get to the outlet mall until about 11:00 this morning when the stores opened and by then there were so many people at the outdoor mall. I was never comfortable being in a crowd, so now with covid, just image how I felt trying to walk and avoid being near so many maskless people. We didn’t stay there long and decided to head back home. Oh well, nice day for a drive? Mmm, Fawn cut open a whole watermelon that was red and juicy and sweet as can be, perfect. Talk about oblivious; I’m clueless when she bought it. I’m pretty sure we’re together all the time. Song of the day, What Becomes of the Broken Hearted – Jimmy Ruffin. Thanks be to God.


16 August 2021
Hopped on the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty, but I knew that before going in. It's nothing to be alarmed about, and eating normal will eventually bring it back down. Nice, love the GasBuddy App. We got gas for $3.159 while most other filling stations were selling gasoline for $3.459 per gallon in our area. "Keep your tongue from evil  and your lips from speaking deceit. Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it" (Psalm 34:13-14). May the Lord grant us the will to do good and to live a moral life.


15 August 2021
We celebrated Rob's birthday with a surprise all you can eat foodfest. Pancakes, sausage links and scrambled eggs for breakfast. And we moved on to bruschetta appetizers and spaghetti for lunch and ended it a chocolate birthday cake. Olive Garden has nothing on Fawn meals. It’s amazing how well together family celebrations are along with good food. I’m clueless about my total calorie intake for the day, other than that it’s a lot more than it has been in a long while. Great joy playing with the grands. I even convinced Isaac to walk on my back! I’m feeling slightly apprehensive about next Sunday's literally, up your nose, scheduled covid test. Lord, have mercy. I'm learning that, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and covid is becoming highly problematic. Prayers for the young kids and for the pediatric doctors who will be treating them.


14 August 2021
Funny that I’m getting ready to pen a journal entry about today, but I’m more excited about tomorrow. I was able to mow all the grass in the cool of the day and went on to do the weed whacking, but I only managed to get to the front and most of the side before I ran out of line. And I wasn't interested in winding a new line on the spool. In my frustration, that the bump feed hasn't worked in years and that having to stop and open up the retainer to manually let out more line every couple of minutes, I contemplated on buying a battery powered weed whacker like the one Alex owns. But who am I kidding, I'm so cheap. I won't even break out my wallet to replace line trimmer with another inexpensive corded weed whacker. It was a great idea that Fawn had me make us chili for lunch. The chipotle hot sauce goes extremely well with everything I've splashed it on so far. Seems like July went by so quick and here we are already in mid August. I saw a pic of Peyton with her new shoes and think she will be walking pretty soon. May she never walk in the counsel of the wicked. I googled when children begin to walk and was surprised to learn that they walk between 8 to 18 months for the first time. From my experience, I always thought it was around 12 months.

13 August 2021
Joy first thing in the morning, Andrea texted us pics of Peyton. What a happy little girl with a most beautiful smile. I think she'll be walking super early. We went over to Alex's to help him assemble a new desk for his soon to be upstairs office. Not sure why he feels he needs two home office though. I was totally blown away with the Autonomous SmartDesk 2. This ergonomic desk is definitely no run of the mill desk. Kids nowadays love to reward themselves, but I guess this is a good thing. I thank God for the time I have with our children, be it leisure or working on projects together. If we don’t get any surprise overnight rain, I’ll be tending to the outside yard work.


12 August 2021
It's the weirdest thing, I was expecting my weight to be the same or slightly higher when I got on the scale this morning, but it went slightly down instead. I think that I guesstimate my daily calories pretty well, so the reason is most likely something that I best not pen. Made up stir fry chicken with French green beans, mushrooms and onions over rice. Finally broken open bottle 8 of 12, Sweet Chipotle hot sauce, perfect.


11 August 2021
I didn't have much of a choice but to set aside the twenty pound dumbbells, at least for the time being. The level to perform the bicep curls correctly in the sitting position is proving to be more a challenge than I would like. I suppose that I can still lift the dumbbells from a bench position, but decided just to put them away at least for now. Now that I know that, the plan is the increase the number of sets for the pairs of ten and fifteen pound dumbbells on the next resistance training day. What gives with the string of turbulent weather we have been getting? Thanks be to God, who watches over and keeps us. We were left with twigs and leaves all over the yard and fared better than other with downed trees in town. Hearing it was brutal for folks especially in the counties just to the north and to the west of us. The only good outcome was, I had time to whip up a delicious lunch. I made us penne with Italian sausage, spinach and pepper jack. Life is good whenever the eats are good. We got to watch our nephew and niece. I started to say babysitting, but Zachary is already ten and Victoria is five. Every time I'm close quarter with people, it takes me a little time to turn down turn down my initial anxiety. Wish the covid numbers would go down. The kids got the McDonald's Happy Meal and I was clueless about the Beyblade Burst Valt & Shu toy. I thought they were Pokemon characters, so confusing. We moved on to a Disney wooden cube puzzles. There were sixteen cubes that created six puzzle scenes and you know how I love working on solving puzzles. Then it was forming objects Kinetic Sand before naming the fifty states, I was able to name all but Maryland and Idaho. Zach fare well, but he was no match for me. Taking turns naming countries proved to be more challenging and Zach was able to keep up with me and we ended up calling it a draw, good for him! There was two highlights of the evening. The first was doing a jumbo 24 piece Toy Story puzzle with Victoria and having her walk on my back. She is the perfect weight, so reminiscent of days past when our kids were small. Sigh; there must be a thing about kids like to grab my hat off my head. Zach use to do it, then it Isaac, and now Victoria is doing it. Was blessed by the pen of my FB friend Chisa. Kaboom, here we go again with yet another severe thunder storm warning. It’s late and calling it a day, grateful.

10 August 2021
All is well, thanks be to God who preserves us. There were six confirmed tornados in northern Illinois yesterday. I was looking at several of the videos today and was awestruck seeing the devastation as the tornado move through. The serve thunder storm that moved in tonight didn't help the nerves any either. It's never a good thing to go for a morning wall without having your morning coffee. The caffeine stimulant somehow makes all the world of difference in your energy level. Fawn thinks that I more likely tired out and did didn't finish my walk because of the heat and humidity. There is some validity to that, because albeit I tried to walk in the cool of the, as soon as I stepped out of the house, my eyeglasses instantaneously fogged up. Regardless, I diffidently enjoyed the taste of freshly brewed coffee that Fawn made, to which I told her how great she makes it. Clearly, she doesn't know how to take a compliment. LOL, she thinks I say that to make her brew it. Took out a couple pieces of the char sui I made from the freezer and had some of it with ramen noodle soup. Eventually we'll finish up the Maruchan brand and move on to the Nongshim brand. I am my by no means am saying that the Maruchan brand is bad, I'm just saying that I am willing to pay more for the pricier Korean noodles because l think that it tastes better. I don’t think the weather forecast is nowhere near where it needs to be, but I think that the radar map feature is pretty good while imminent weather approaches.


9 August 2021
Penning early because a severe storm is heading our way that includes a tornado warning for most of northern Illinois. Lord, have mercy and protect us from harms way. What a huge contrast between now and earlier in the day. Between the overnight rain and the grey gloom and doom looking sky, we had mild temperatures in the upper 70s. But with the mild breeze, it made my walk most enjoyable. Starting to notice the days are getting shorter, it is really noticeable because we've been waking in the pre dawn. Hopped on the scale and am slowly gaining weight again. It didn't come as a surprise because I've been eating a guesstimated 1,500 calories all week. I'm glad that I am coming terms with that and hopefully stop deceiving self that a little cheating here and there is alright. This morning's headline read, "Chicago violence: 72 shot, 11 fatally, over weekend, CPD says". Saw a fb post, "The movie that traumatized me most as a child was ______." One of my fb friends replied, "The Bird." We literally saw several strings of birds flocked together on a telephone line over the weekend and it freaked me out and it immediately reminded me of the Alfred Hitchcock movie. Today was a resistance training day and I almost forgot to do the bicep curls in the sitting position. I was happy to see that I was able to more reps than I did the last time. Albeit it is about 25% less than when I was standing, I feel that doing the curls correctly in a slower and steady motion is also paramount.


8 August 2021
Lord, have mercy. We're back to the hot and muggy dog days of summer. It's so weird that going out through the garage door was felt like going into a furnace. OK, so I was embellishing, but my idea of ideal temperatures are in the low to mid seventies. The 80s are a typical summer day and when it is reaches the 90s, it's a dog day. To my surprise, it hasn't soared to 100+ degrees Fahrenheit that many times in the last twenty years, so I still don't understand this global warming alarm. Crazy how it has been booming and pouring the last couple of hours. The sump pump is truly getting a workout. In my mind, if there was once upon a time an ice age and there isn't one now, stands to reason there has been global warming for quite some time. We watched, The Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral and think that Cardinal Cupich's homilies are very good. Albeit I don't hardly use it anymore except to download pics and videos, I decided to start up my laptop just to run the full virus scan on the machine. Naturally, it had a update that required the laptop shutdown and restart. And it took almost two hours to complete the scan to boot. Video chat on FaceTime with the kids and grands. I think it's funny what captures the mind of little boys, one moment its Pokemon and the next it's Mario Brothers. What happened to all the superhero action figures? I was struck that at eight months, Peyton is getting up and is firmly standing without any support on her own accord. Funny how Alex noticed she looks like Pebbles from the Flintstones. Tried my second at go at making the e-fu noodles, but it wasn't as good as my first attempt at it. The taste was about the same, because I used the exact same ingredients. The only thing different was the noodles, because we brought two different brands and the one we got from Pete's was surprisingly way better tasting than the Vietnamese brand we got from H Mart. Not looking forward to do googling, "chicago shootings" to see the number of people shot and fatalities this weekend. I already sadly learned that Officer Ella French was fatally shot in the line of duty this weekend, R.I.P. Condolences to her family.

7 August 2021
We went to Edwards Hospital for Fawn’s annual mammogram, prayers for good test results. Her appointment was at seven o'clock, so I was able to get in about a thirty minute walk on their beautiful campus in n the cool while listening to sacred music. Hmm, while I doing standing bicep curl, Fawn said that my posture was super bad, I did my best to correct it, but found it more difficult to maintain a good posture while doing so. Moving forward I think it's best to do the bicep curls in the seated position. I love it whenever I see our Olympians medal and don the American flag. I'm surprised that I didn't mention pinning a elbow at the bottom of the downspout with a sheet metal screw yesterday, because I get the satisfying sense of accomplishment for completing even the smallest of task. I had my first go a making braised e-fu noodles. Almost taste as good restaurant quality for a fraction of the cost. I was missing two ingredients, ginger and chives. I thought it was interesting watching the YouTube how2 video in Cantonese and was able to understand the verbal instructions even with the close captions.

6 August 2021
Normally I don't care for a overcast sky, but this morning's translucent grey sky along with a cool breeze allowed for a most pleasant morning walk. I was surprised again how doable it was to do five sets of twenty reps squats holding a ten pound dumbbell. I still remember the difficulties I had when I first started doing just a few squats and how my knees were making cracking sounds. The expected rain forecast was somewhat correct, we didn't get the overnight rain and the rain we got came in four hours earlier predicated from this morning's adjusted forecast. We went out to shop for some Chinese vegetables and we were a little surprised that the vegetables Park to Shop was not up to their usual high standards, since we already out and about, we went to the Lucky Panda and got a carryout. I personally think that the taste and the value of their food is by far head and shoulders above other Chinese restaurants in the western burbs. "but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31). Lift me up, O Lord, and renew my strength.

5 August 2021
Loved the smell of breaking the vacuum seal of a new bag of ground coffee. After doing my squats holding a 5# dumbbell, I decided to give a 10# dumbbell a try. I had feeling that I would be able to do it, because the lighter weight was getting easy. I was surprised that I was able to progress so rapidly in such a short time. I don't think Alex is into doing yard work, neither am I, but for some strange reason, I find some peace in tranquility in manually hand pruning. Crazy, I know! We were Alex's and I did his shrubs and yanked the weeds out of his flowerbed. Clearly, a vocation in landscaping could never have realized. An insane thought came to mind. As a young man working in an air conditioned office building with a widow view, I would occasionally gaze out and envy the construction workers who got to work in the freedom of the outdoors. Laid back a watched the Olympics. It's the first time I ever heard of handball, let alone watched a match. Song of the day, Field of Gold - Sting.

4 August 2021
Went to the Oakbrook Mall and enjoyed the leisurely walk in the beautiful outdoor surroundings. Fawn keep telling me I should pick up my pace. I know I'm not getting the cardio workout and am only burning a few calories by walking so leisurely, but so relaxing and peaceful. It must me again, because I was noticing that less than ten percent of folks are wearing mask. I feel I'm only able to be in that environment on weekdays in the early mornings when the people are few, because of the less than know, Delta variant of the coronavirus. I wasn't able to resist the temptation of making a stop at Stan's for one of what I call their Polynesian delight. It is highly unlikely that I walk burned enough calories to offset the calories of a coconut cake, so to ease my conscience, I only ate half of one them bad boys for dessert. The barbecue chicken sandwich with pepper jack cheese I had for lunch was really good. I knew I would eventually end up eating the entire donut, which is why I went for a second walk mid afternoon. Feels so weird now that I completed the jigsaw puzzle, so I went back to playing sudoku on my tablet. Nicole is back home this week to visit her parents, we are so happy she was mindful enough to come over for a short visit with us and say hello. It's amazing to fully grow up to adults from babies. I'm sure that I mentioned the diy weed killer recipe that I got off YouTube. It seemed to somewhat work on the sidewalk and driveway, but was slow in killing and the weeds would come back. I upped the game with the salt, vinegar, dish soap and water concoction by not diluting it so much and using more vinegar and salt to make the solution. After spraying the weeds growing in the concrete lines, I poured more salt directly on the weed. All the weeds were all completely dead the next day and so far nothing has grown back! "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). Thank be God for his grace, crediting us with Christ's righteousness through our faith in him.

3 August 2021
I'm only a pound away from my weight loss goal, but I seem to have reached yet another plateau. I average about a guesstimated 1400 calories and am stuck at 146 pounds. When I was doing a guesstimated 1500 calories, I plateaued at 150 pounds. Oh well, the focus has changed and hoping doing more core exercises the resistance training will add to my overall fitness. Perhaps the routine change will burn a few additional calories. Had a outstanding jalapeño bagel with a tasty walnut cream cheese from Big Apple Bagels. I only intended to half, but the temptation was overwhelming, I just love the spicy kick. Alex asked and Fawn said that I would be happy to help with his yard work. It's crazy with the long hour that corporations demand of their employees. Good thing I was out in the cool of the day and faced the drop dead gorgeous outdoors. Define gorgeous, it's 72 °F, 58% humidity with a cloudless sky. Albeit Alex's backyard is only about a quarter of the size of ours, it proved to be challenging because his electric lawnmower wasn't a self-propelled model. That's a young man's game. I was going to help pull the weeds near the flower bed but was all puckered out. Alex rewarded my efforts with a huge bowl of his spicy Korean ramen soup. I swear that soup is winner, despite being about a whopping 650 calorie meal. After the hearty meal, I could barely move, so I kicked back a watched the mesmerizing women's duet synchronized swimming. I was motivated to go for about a forty minute mid afternoon. It was about 80 degrees by then and was an uncomfortable walk. Was so glad to get home, shower and enjoy the AC. Finished the 1000 piece Hershey jigsaw puzzle, whoo hoo! Does this officially make me a dissectologist? “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD!” (Psalm 119;1). Guide me, O Lord, that I may walk in your ways.


2 August 2021
Yesterday I decided to increase the number of sets of squats I do daily from 3 sets to five. As part of my new fitness transformation initiative, I am now doing the sets holding a five pound dumbbell. I know that five pounds don't seem like much, but you can really feel a noticeable difference. I'm guessing that I can eventually progress to a ten pound dumbbell and be able to cut back on the number of sets over time. In my mind, small victories are better than none. I have two queer habits: I google, "covid death dupage" on a daily basis and on Monday mornings I google, "chicago shootings". I was struck by today's CST headline, "Chicago mass shootings: Over 1,000 victims, 126 dead, just 2 convictions since 2016." Made us beef with peapod, onions and mushrooms for lunch. I  think that the mushrooms gave the dish an added savory dimension. Got in another good hour on the jigsaw puzzle. The pieces were coming together very quickly today and the tossed backs were so few that I can taste the finish line closing in. Another fun day facetiming with the kids and looking at all the fun snaps and video that Andrea sends us of our grands. LOL, Isaac is a hoot and Peyton just melts you heart. Thankful and grateful for another day. Bless us O Lord.

1 August 2021
It was another drop dead gorgeous day and it looks like this string on 70s will carry on into Tuesday. And who is going to complain about a string of low to mid 80s for the remainder of the week with no rain, unless the forecasters are wrong. Now that I'm only a pound away from my weight loss goal of 145 pounds... I just deleted a rather long blah blah blah about visceral and subcutaneous fat and the need to do something about it. Looks like the herbicide spray from yesterday is already starting to work. I really hate seeing weed, and this year is the worst I've seen with all this rain. Crazy, googling weed, and all that comes up is cannabis. Had my first slice of Digiorno pizza and thought that their, Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizza, was really really good and has become our new king of the hill go2 frozen pizza. Fawn got an Alex hand me down Pixel 4 XL and I unsuccessfully tried to sync it to our car well over a year ago. We tried again to today but it was still not cooperating until Fawn got the bright idea to use a USB cable to attach the two devices to set up the bluetooth synchronization so that her phone could work with the car stereo system. Another hour closer to completing the jigsaw puzzle. I think I can have it done within another seven one hour gos. Got another boat load of pics of yet another outing of our daughter and her family. Lots of weeks off for the summer is one of benefits of them both being teachers. Understandably, it's a huge financial trade off that only few can manage well. Think I'll wait to download them another day. Thankful, grateful and blessed.


31 July 2021
Fawn said the July went by fast, I couldn't agree more. Couldn't have asked for a better July day to do the outdoor needed. While cutting the grass this morning, I had random thoughts, some bizzard. When I was a young man, the American dream was to has a perfect family, a secure job and a perfect house in the burbs. No one said anything about lawn care. Strange that one can still work out a sweat using a self-propelled lawn mower on an overcasted morning with a cool breeze. Normally, it takes this old man two or three gos on a hot July day, but I gotrdun in one attempt this morning. So why did I think about having no recollection of it being so difficult to cut the grass with a two wheel walk behind unmotorized push mower, when I first moved out to the burbs? Could the old school mower be a better machine? JK. I really must of worked up an appetite, because I polished off all the leftover taco meat with a little rice, lettuce and nacho chips. Don't know if one can rightly call that a taco salad though. After lunch I got in a hour closer to the puzzle end game. One would think that it would get easier, but I  actually getting fewer and fewer pieces pounded in per hour and shaking my head wondering why didn't I see that earlier or why did I thought that piece initially belonged in that sorted pile bag? The truth of the matter I had a second go and snuck in another hour because I made so little progress on the first go. The trick was to further break the one of the sorted bags into even small groupings and that panned out really well. Hmm, is "snuck" even a real word? Seem like it should be sneaked, but we say snuck. "Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long" (Psalm 25:5).

30 July 2021
I came across a Youtube channel last night of someone who takes on a 30 day challenge to learn new skills each month and binge watched it. I found the 30 day fitness transformation video most interesting, because my BMI is in the normal range and I still have a flabby midsection bulge. Because I'm so very close to my weight loss goal of 145 pounds, I'm guessing the next step is to eat healthier and get stronger. Anyway, I got out of bed early and was motivated to resume my resistance training. Albeit, I never stop resistance training, I've been a slacker with the reps and sets. And it has been several weeks since I worked out with the twenty pound dumbbells. Hoping to stay in the groove. Oh wow, got a video of Peyton standing on her own without any support. Balance, another milestone! I made us hamburger peas and linguine noodles for lunch and dropped off some over for Alex. I must be coming around to Nala, I actually played with her a little and fed her some doggie treats. I'm another hour closer to finishing the Hersey 1000 Jigsaw Puzzle. I'm guessing, another two weeks? Covid-19 is becoming a concern, may the Lord protect us all.

29 July 2021
Kaboom! The forecasters were spot on for a change, the major thunderstorm moved in at about 3 a.m. with high winds, rumbling and a notable downpour. Went for a morning walk and saw twigs and leaves all over the place. At least no branches appeared to have snapped off from the trees. I was totally surprised to see the garbage and recycling bins held their ground. I only took a 30 minute walk today because it was so hot and humid out. I worked on the jigsaw puzzle several times today. The best thing I did was to start using the digital kitchen timer for cooking from the dollar store and limiting myself to an hour of fun, otherwise I would carry on for hours upon hours. 
It turned out great that all those videos and images got deleted, because I was able to readily redownload the keepers that I want my phone! I came across a quotable quote, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou.

28 July 2021
Kaboom! Woke to the sound of a series of loud thunder claps, followed by rumbling and a brief torrential downpour. The rain was much needed, because the extreme heat we been having has been very taxing on the grass. It's my understanding that this was only a foretaste of the major thunderstorm heading our way that is expected to arrive sometime overnight. Albeit, I still do resistance training, I noticed that I've cut back on a lot of sets and often time don't even get to the pair of twenty pound dumbbells during the summer months, because I go out and about and do more walking. I've noticed that for some time now, that whenever we are in a shop center with a GameStop store, Fawn would go in one. I finally was curious enough to ask her what she looking for. Pokemon stuffed animals. I worked up an appetite walking indoors at three different stores, but I limit myself to only two tacos for lunch. Fawn worked on the lettuce and tomatoes while I browned the hamburger, we make a great team! Normally, I think the taco kits are only so-so but today, for some reason, I thought it was pretty tasty. Fawn thinks it is because we haven't had Mexican food in a while and that I must have been really hungry. After lunch, I worked on the jigsaw for an hour today and am finding it a lot for fun setting a timer for a hour instead of getting carried away for a long period of time. Got a chuckle out of a dad joke posted on fb. "I've started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It's all about raisin awareness." Is it just me? It seems like a lot of time is spent on commenting on about the Olympics and on the drama going on, instead of actually broadcasting the actual different Olympic events. I downloaded more picks and videos that were texted me onto the laptop. While trying to clear up space from my smartphone and decided to delete most of the snaps and video off the device and save a few keeps. Sigh, I ended up wiping out all the photos and videos, because I thought wrongly of what the category in the file meant, oh well. Good thing I didn’t end up deleting the phone contact list pictures.

27 July 2021
I must have been out of my mind last night. I laid down most of the sorted puzzle pieces. I knew it was late, but working on the puzzle is so addictive and I couldn't stop and go to bed at a reasonable time. After all, time flies when you're having fun and I clearly lost track of time. I worked on the puzzle again today in the afternoon, but was able to walk away this time from the fun after working on it for a little over an hour. We went out this morning to IKEA to cash in on Fawn's IKEA's birthday gift; I love it when we get freebies She chose to get new plates! Naturally, I did the maze walk while we were there. Happy, my brother Bill gave me a call. Funny, he was like me, saying how he finally got around to getting a smartphone and went with AT&T. He was more old school than I was, transitioning from a pre flip phone with push buttons and an antenna. LOL, I used Jennifer's first phone, which became a hand me down flip phone with push buttons an antenna from when she started middle school, until Rob and Andrea a smartphone for Christmas several years back. When I first got it, I was on it like a teenager, mostly trying to learn how navigate my way around. I'm still amazed how powerful of a machine the end device is. Going to IKEA today was very timely, it just so happened the nearby gas station had the cheapest gas price in the area, $3.259 and the next cheapest was eight cents more. Made an appointment for a compulsory covid test next month and am hoping that if it's one of those long stick up your nose tests that people say is super painful and that it is an exaggeration when they say that it is a brain scraper. Crazy that I am more nervous about the testing than the results. "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

26 July 2021
Went out in the cool of the day and took stroll at the outlet mall in Aurora. I saw a huge dragonfly and it brought me back to a funny memory when I was at Fermilab and either saw a mayfly, dragonfly or damselfly and thought it was a mutant radiated mosquito, so embarrassing. Anyway, it reminded me about last night, when I heard all those noisy cicadas. Guessing it must have been the first time we were out and about after sunset this summer. I think the outlet mall is overall best suited for outdoor walking because it's not overly crowded in the morning during the weekdays and the overhead canopies allows just the right amount of light/shade and shelter. It didn't take long before the temperature and the humidity soared, but I was able to get in my hour before that happened. Good thing Fawn only had two stores to go to.

25 July 2021
Funny how I psych myself out and think of Alex's house is like a mini retreat. He's out of town for the day with friends, so we were sort of babysitting Nala. It was a piece of cake watching a dog for a day compared to sitting a baby or a toddler. Nala needed very little attention and only wanted to play fetch once. Anyway, back to the how peaceful and relaxing of a day we had what fantasy getaway. I was surprised how nice it was to sit outside on the patio in the late afternoon when there was a cool breeze in the shade, while Nala ran around freely in the backyard. The intent was to sit and read a book off my smartphone, but the lawn chair was too comfortable and relaxing. So I just sat there and enjoyed the silence until Nala started whining and wanted back in. Hard to believe it was in the mid 80s, because it was so comfortable. Thanks be to God for the low humidity. "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" (Psalm 27:14).

24 July 2021
After morning coffee, we went off Alex's and made the breakfast sandwiches as promised. Fawn and I split one so that there would be room for the dim sum. It is the only way to have been able to have kept the calorie count reasonably low enough and still be able to enjoy a little of each of the dim sum dishes. I've come a long way in redefining what it means to be pigging out in a good way. Joy to see Isaac having a fun time with his uncle Alex baking funfetti birthday cupcakes. We watched some of the televised Tokyo Summer Olympics and found the mixed team archery to be the impressive sporting event. To be able to consistently hit the bullseye 70 meters away with an arrow is super impressive. Congratulations to South Korea. It was not only much hotter today than it was yesterday, it was way more humid. It was so humid that my eyeglasses instantly fogged up when I stepped out the door. I opened up one of the sorted bag of sorted puzzle pieces and worked on the puzzle, next thing I knew a couple of hours have gone by. Albeit it was Alex’s birthday, my greatest joy of the day was playing with Isaac and getting to hold Peyton. An outstanding day, blessed with good food anf time with our family.

23 July 2021
Dog days, walked out into a sauna and am hearing that it's only going to get worse as the week progresses. It was a very good day to drink ice cold lemon water. We go to the Bakers Square for pies on special occasions and today was no different. We continue to celebrate Alex's birthday and picked him up his favorite, French silk pie for tomorrow's celebration. Had a little fun this morning sorting jigsaw puzzle pieces and placing the sorted pieces into separate little baggies. It was an easy cooking day, all I had to make was to two dishes, but it still took me about two hours to do the prep work and cook the food, after all, it was a times three affair. I did all the beef and bitter melon first and had it for lunch and then cooked the three vermicelli dishes for dinner, so that worked out pretty good. While at Jewel Osco Fawn saw that thick juicy Angus ribeye steaks were on sale, so she had me pan sear the bad boy for the kids. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:6–7). Going to bed early because we’re going to Alex’s early and I’m going to make him a asiago bagel, egg and Canadian bacon breakfast sandwich, first thing in morning. I think I overheard that Rob and Andrea telling Fawn that they are coming a little later and picking up dim sum! Lord, thank you for the gift of family.

22 July 2021
I'm still musing about visceral fat and trimming my tummy. I don't understand why burning fat can't be targeted. Between doing a lot of walking and resistance training with dumbbells, I have slowly loss some weight and some inches around the waist. It is very telling that my biggest and fastest weight loss came about in the first year after retiring. I worked long hours sitting at a desk job for so many years and did nothing about gaining weight year after year. I decided that I need to be patient and to stay the course, but begin to work on gradually increasing the number reps and set, at least for a while. Anyway, it can't hurt. Talk about lousy forecasting, the plan was to weed whack the back and spray the weed killer today, but just like yesterday once again we're go to get some unexpected overnight rainfall, so I only weed whacked along fence and called it a day. Blessing to be able to tend to whatever whenever. It was nice to have a slight breeze and an overcast. I was able to do the weed whacking in just under 30 minutes. One might ask, "Why does it take me that long just to weed whack the back yard?" Well, that is the very reason I think my next weed whacker will be a battery powered one, the one I have now requires me to roll out my 50' and 75' extension cords and to stop four times to let out more trim line, because the tap feed doesn't work anymore. Anyway, gotrdun. The plan is to get together with the kids this weekend and for me to cook a few dishes. Interesting that Isaac chose Chinese vermicelli and Andrea wanted beef and bitter melon. Anyway, we went out to buy the bitter gourd at Park to Shop. It was worth the trip, them bad boys looked pretty good.
 Fawn went to a few other stores in the Fox Valley area, so I was able to get in a real nice walk. I’m starting to routinely log on to my dreaded laptop because I keep getting all these awesome pics and video of the grands to download. Love seeing Peyton sitting on her high chair and being able to pick up and eating an avocado on her own. The grands are growing up way too fast. "For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:11). Amen.

21 July 2021
We celebrated Alex's birthday with an Olive Garden to go. I only ate in a restaurant once since the pandemic and I wasn't comfortable despite going early with only a few people in the very spacious MingHin dining room. If I didn't cook it myself, need to reheat or nuke it before putting it in my mouth. I know it sounds crazy and illogical, but it is what it is. Good thing I've been watching my calorie count closely now, so despite eating good and keeping up with a reasonable amount of exercise, I'm able to have a deficit and am able to break through my long standing 150 pound plateau and am slowly losing a little weight again. So I think it's possible for me to get down to 145 or even down to my high school weight of 140. I really don't care about my weight, my only goal is to get rid of the unhealthy flab, especially the problematic belly fat. We totally binge watched more than a few episodes of, Never Have I Ever. Normally, I think family sitcoms shows like "Black-ish" and "Fresh Off the Boat" somewhat lame and lame, but I surprising found this ethnic family comedy sitcom is quite good. Andrea told Alex about the show and he told us. We have a lot of episodes to watch because it's was into season 2 of the show on Netflix, which we don't have. Our neighbors from across the street have been talking about taking down a big healthy tree close to their house since the tornado struck about a month ago, a tree removal service did just that today. I never understood why folks like so many trees on their property and then complain about having to take the leaves in the fall. For some unknown reason to me, our town government prides itself on being a urban forest. Today's video captured Isaac's first rollercoaster ride. I still can't get over how we are able to spontaneously snap photos and video record with smartphones for everyone to enjoy. Our Lord continues to bless our family. Thanks be to God.

20 July 2021
Just viewed and downloaded some hilarious pics and videos of Peyton. Funny how all parents throughout time amused themselves at their kid’s expense. Went to the doctor's office for my semi-annual checkup and everything was fine, just need the blood work and results. Rewarded myself with a Culver's pork tenderloin sandwich. Half for lunch and the other half for another day. I'm always at a tossup between getting their Reuben sandwich or getting their pork tenderloin sandwich, they make both of these sandwiches so good. I really like their north Atlantic cod dinner too, but haven't had it since Jennifer moved out to college. I used to manage to mooch off one of the fillets from her all the time, no wonder why I was so big. Now I'm wondering with they went joking or if they were serious when they used to say that they were skinny because I ate all of their food. After lunch we went out grocery shopping and made us beef and broccoli with mushrooms for dinner. The savory umami taste of the mushrooms put the stir fry dish over the top. Oh how I love watching a western, the plan to watch, Breakheart Pass, when I done penning this journal entry. Hoping it’ll be a good one. It was a good day and am thankful for his blessings.

19 July 2021
We were pretty ambitious this morning and did about three hours of tending to the outdoor needs around the house. The first chore was tending to the gutters. I was pleasantly surprised that there was hardly any debris in the gutters, so all I needed to do was stick the garden hose into the all the downsprouts and flush them out. There was a insane amount of leaves that poured out of them. I also climbed up the ladder to clean the lint from the dryer exhaust. I normally only to that twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, but since I already had the ladder out, I thought why not. Next job was nerve racking for me. The Comcast cable had blown loose and out of the vertical sliding trim leading to the attic, so I needed to edge the cable along the inside of the trim. It's not an ideal job for me, but "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do". I was so glad that our neighbor Ken came out when he did, because we were debating how to go about the last four feet of cable at the top and he completed the needed. He has no fear of height because when he was a young man he climbed and worked on cell towers, before finishing college and becoming a transport engineer. We are so blessed to have good and caring neighbors. After that I trimmed the hedge and manually pulled the weeds out front that been neglected. So the only work remaining on the 2do list is weed whack along the backyard fence and spray grass with weed killer. Thanks be to God, my sister Nancy called with good news about Ken's blood work, but ongoing monitoring is needed. Normally, I like to solve a few Sudoku puzzles daily to simulate my mind, but today I changed it up and started a Master Pieces Puzzle®. The 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle pieces are somewhat small, so not only was I exercising my brain, I also was exercising all those small muscles in my fingers and eyes. Lord only knows I can use all the help I can get to improve my dexterity motor skills. It will be interesting to see how often I will roll out the puzzle mat and work on this bad boy, because this is definitely not the season to be working on a jigsaw puzzle.


18 July 2021
I really should be wearing my hearing aids other than just on Sunday, because there are a lot of sounds going unnoticed that I'm missing out on. The only thing bad though is that my brain has to relearn how to filter out certain annoying background noises all over again. Sigh, between my eyeglasses and the cloth mask... it was a beautiful day despite being back to diēs caniculārēs, (e.g. the dog days is summer). The cool was really nice while it lasted. Not looking forward to doing outdoors chores tomorrow morning, but I can’t keep neglecting the needed. The forecast for the week looks promising, so at least I don’t have to tackle everything all at once. Got more really nice picks of Peyton, but better yet was facetiming with the kids.

17 July 2021
Finally, no rain for 24 hours and was able to cut the grass in the front and back, well as do the weed whacking in the front. I really worked up a sweat and decided against carrying on. There is a ton of outdoor work that needs attending to do, like weed whacking along the fence line in the backyard and the gutters need to be looked at. I've come to the conclusion that the battery powered weed whacker that Alex has is way better than the one I have that requires multiple extension cords, but I'm too cheap to purchase one. I had a battery powered one once upon a time. What was bad about it was it didn't have a removable battery like the one Alex has, and the battery went bad during the winter months hanging in the garage. I think there may be a lot of twigs and leaves in the gutters that was blown in them from the tornado. Sigh, with all the rain we've been getting, it looks I'll need to spray herbicide again for the third this year too. 
Downloaded a brunch of great photos for the grandkids at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Love seeing Rob and Andrea taking the time to doing so many activities with the kids. Great way to close the day. Thanks be to God for his mercies.

16 July 2021
Sigh, déjà vu with the serve overnight storm thing again. Every day this week has been almost identical weatherwise. The only thing that I like was how cool it has been, so reminiscent of April. After our weekly Zoom call, we went to Sam's Club to get our meds. Alex made milk shin ramyun soup for me. I was initially skeptical on the taste test outcome, but to my surprise, the creamy soup was outstanding but high on calories (~600). I was doing so good the past three days keeping it around 1400 calories until today.

15 July 2021
Can’t believe we are still getting so much overnight thunderous torrential rain. I'll be surprised if are not enduring a near record amount on rainfall. For sure the sump pump and dehumidifier in the basement is getting a workout. I was fortunate enough to get up early this morning and break open a new bag of coffee. Think the only thing better to smell is if you daily grind the beans yourself. Fresh ground coffee always brings back memories of going with my dad to the A&P and grinding his Eight O’Clock Coffee at the grocery store. We went to the outlet mall and got in a nice hour long walk. Even got in a little turkey trot here and there. Last night, I ended up watching the outstanding season 2 finale of, The Chosen. So the perceived boring day I had, actually ended with hearing a big chunk of the, Sermon on the Mount; life, hope and truth. I was struck by a prayer that included, "Help orthodox Christians to struggle." I suppose there is something wrong if Christians don't struggle one way or other. In our struggles, we are encouraged to, "Put on the whole amour of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11). Nice, the kitchen sink aerator replacement part arrived today, so we able to install it and use the kitchen sink again without worrying about the water splashing all over the place. Song of the day is, Misty - Ella Fitzgerald. Got a call from Peggy, happy to learn our nephew Jonnie and his girlfriend Susan are moving back in the area from Ohio. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of someone ever moving back to Illinois.

14 July 2021
Will be keep a close eye guesstimating on trying to stay under 1400 calories and doing at least and long walk for some time. It was just another boring day. The plan is to watch the 1991 Michael Landon movie, Us, this evening. Thinking it should be a good one.

13 July 2021
The weather has been cool with grey skies for quite a few days now and beit with rain every now and then, it was still nice, regardless. We really enjoy our time with family, especially with Jennifer's back home visiting. That is the chief reason I haven't had time to pen any journal entries. Thank be to God for her safe travel here and back. I always regret celebrating the way I do with food binges. If only if I could have the will power to enjoy good food in a moderate manner. Luckily I only gain a few pounds each time and am able to lose it back in a week or two. I wonder what it will take to get below 150 and down to 145 and keep it there. I've plateaued at around the 150 mark for quite some time now. I actually know that I'll need to decrease my calorie intake and/or increase the amount of activity/exercise instead of just wishing it to make it so (eg. weight loss occurs when you consistently consume fewer calories than you burn each day). Got gas for $3.189, there was another station that sold it for $3.159 in town, but we would have had to drive out of the way to get it, oh well. I never get tire of looking at pics and videos on our grandchildren, got another boat load of them send to me via text messaging to enjoy and download. "You yourselves know that these hands ministered to my necessities and to those who were with me. In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:34–35).

10 July 2021
The plan is to be in denial and not to get on the scale until after Jennifer leaves town. I know that is a bad plan and will most likely result in gaining a few unwanted pounds, but I want to enjoy celebrating with food while our daughter is here visiting. It don’t get much better than sitting at a table and breaking bread with all our children.

9 July 2021
O happy day! Happy birthday to my darling wife and happiness in welcoming Jennifer home for her summer visit. It was the ideal day with just the right mixture or cloud and sunshine. Most stunning and beautiful, temperature hovering in the low 70s and the humidity at about 50%, who can ask for anything more? Drove into the city to pick Jennifer up at Midway and between driving in the hectic traffic and worrying about one crime or another just waiting to happen, I swear it’s a stressful drive. "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). The key to this verse is that we are able to love others because God has loved us first. Thanks be to God for the love poured out on us in giving us his son Christ Jesus.

8 July 2021
Every once in a blue moon, I really enjoy a complete overcasted sky. Especially during the hot and humid summer months to keep the sun from beating down on me while I'm out and about doing leisurely walk. I was right, the city is already going ahead full bore planting replacement trees in the parkways of the trees that got destroyed during the recent storm as if it was Earth Day. This town really loves their trees. I'm most likely only one of the few residents in town that don't care about our city's desire to create an urban jungle. Rat’s, just got a pop-up notification for the 2021-07 and 2021-06 Cumulative Update for Windows 10. I really hate updates, especially the ones that alter your settings. Now that's what I'm talking about, I've been free promotional bagel from Panara Bread the other day, so I toasted up that bad boy in a skillet and made us a Canadian bacon and egg sandwich for lunch. We each had half a sandwich and soup. Mmm, so good. How good was it? It was so good we made the same thing for dinner! I thought the 1981 version of the Lone Ranger was by far the best version of the movie, not to mention how terrible I thought the 2013 version of the film was (I just had to get that in).  Love the pics and video of Peyton's first slide ride that Andrea texted us. "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working" (James 5:16). By our sinfulness, we are a broken people. At the heart of confession we can see what is before the eyes of God and be truly remorseful about our participation in it. Thanks be to God who has provided a means of forgiveness. Lord, please forgive our sins and help me overcome the sins in my life. Amen.


7 July 2021
Whoa, stepped out into a sauna. Totally taken be surprise that it was so hot and muggy at nine in the morning. We had no choice but to go out and run errands. Funny, even after I heard Jennifer told us it was 109 degrees where she is, I was still moaning and groaning because it was in the mid 80s in the cool of the day and soared into mid 90s for the high. Thanks be to God for air conditioners. Crazy, how I horrid I think the weather forecasts are and yet how optimistic I get whenever the forecaster predict good weather. So I hoping there are correct for tomorrow and Friday. The rain fall that just started is suppose to cool thing off and provide some succor for us the next few days. I was getting a little concerned, so I’m glad that the grass is getting watered. Sweet, love Gasbuddy! Found and brought gas for $3.199 when all the other stations in our area were at $3.399 or higher. We had a hard time trying to find a replacement aerator for the kitchen sink. One would think there would be a standard size and threading, but noooo. After unsuccessfully trying to find the needed at Home Depot and Menards, we got desperate and tried Wm F Meyers Co. to no avail either, so we gave up and just called the manufacturer to supply us with the warranty replacement part.  The order conformation email stated to expect the ordered part delivery within seven to ten day. I'm a little apprehensive because I was told by the customer service rep that the part number I gave them was old and have since been changed, now I am praying it is so. 
I felt like I needed to get at least one thing done today, so I took out a can of silicone lube spray and gave the sticky key lock that Fawn has been complaining about for some time. I’m actually surprised that she has allowed me to go this long without doing the needed. So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord" (Ezekiel 38:23). May the Lord forgive us for not reverencing you by reflecting your greatness and holiness. Lord, help us honor you faithfully in our words and deeds. Amen. Time to watch a good (?) western, The Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981), before going to bed.

6 July 2021
Changed it up on the daily five pound dumbbell exercises; because I think I have been doing one of the workout routine incorrectly. My niece Melissa is in town so we met up with her for dim sum brunch at the MingHin Cuisine in town. It was the first time I went in a restaurant since the pandemic. This was a huge leap for me back towards normalcy. I know it's all in my mind, but it is what it is. I thank God for his loving care. Afterwards, we went to the Yorktown Mall and did a 90 minutes indoor mall walk and talk. My oh my, how time flies, we could of just went down on and on just talking and walking. I'm pretty sure that didn't put much of a dent in my estimated 900 dim sum calories brunch. I was reminded today that, “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs 31:10). Will be chilling to music back from days gone by for the remainder of the day. Off to a good start with, Page and Plant: Ramble On Live at Birmingham. Thank you Lord, for this most joyous day.

5 July 2021
Sigh, I truly must be an old geezer, I know people are celebrating the 4th, but I found the continuous rumbling sound of exploding fireworks last night so annoying. The noise didn't start to subside until sometime well past eleven, way pass my bed time. I have a bad habit of occasionally googling, Chicago shootings on Monday mornings, today's headlines read, "At least 82 Shot, 14 Fatally, In Independence Day Weekend Shootings In Chicago" I've always had a place in my heart for "tv dinners", so I also look at the frozen entries section to see if Stouffer's are on sale. I only buy a couple of them when they are sale for around two bucks. I bought two Stouffer's Classic Meatloaf. Normally I like to buy a meatloaf and a Chicken A La King and sometimes I like to buy their stuffed peppers, but they didn’t have any of the chicken and I didn’t have a taste for the stuffed peppers this time around. Funny that Jennifer thinks I'm crazy to by what she calls a meager meal. I'm not sure why frozen meals are called tv dinners. Anyway they go in the freezer and wait for me to crave it or when there is only a single leftover meal left in the refrigerator that Fawn is calling dibs on. "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain" (Psalm 127:1). Without the Lord, frustration. Plans to watch the movie, Love Lasting, on Youtube, following this journal entry. The movie trailer looked pretty good. Grace heavenly father, thank you for this day.

4 July 2021
The sound of exploding fireworks was loud last night. I use to enjoy watching the fireworks, but all the oohs and ahhs gradually faded away many many years ago. Guess there will be more of the same later tonight. The last time I made an effort to watch fireworks was when the kids were small. I can hardly wait until the day our family can all gather together again. Seems like I’m using the laptop a lot again nowadays, because I keep getting a lot of photos and videos. That’s OK, because I like viewing them! “For your name’s sake, O LORD, pardon my guilt, for it is great” (Psalm 25:11).

3 July 2021
Great prayer to start off the day, "Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul" (Psalm 143:8). We went over to Alex's first thing in the morning to help him dig out a dead flowering bush. Want to get it done while it was still cool. Strange how it all of a sudden died so quickly in a matter of days. Rewarded ourselves afterwards with a big hearty breakfast: French toast, scrambled eggs and Canadian bacon. I swear, it like being on a mini vacation, so very peaceful and relaxing. Made us silken tofu soup for supper. There is nothing quite like making the broth with pork chop bones, napa, bok choy, and shiitake mushrooms, delicious! Awesome, all the kids got together and facetimed us. We love it when they are so mindful of us. Happy that Jennifer’s rotation this month has a somewhat reasonable schedule. The number of hours a resident doctor works is insane. Peyton has mastered how to get up on her own to the sitting position and is on the verge of mastering the full blast crawl. Gracious heavenly father, on the eve of the birth of our nation, forgive our past sins we have committed as a nation. Grant wisdom to our leaders and strengthen all those who strive to do your will. Protect us from all subversive or terrorist acts. Turn our hearts from sin and death that you alone graciously give through Jesus Christ. Amen. Think I’m going to quit penning here and make time to watch, Season 2 Episode 7 of, The Chosen.

2 July 2021
It was so super nice and cool this morning and the ground was dry. How can I not go out the mow the grass? The sound of grinding stumps all about was full blast. I suspect the city will be going around planting trees in the parkways where the trees were destroyed by the recent storm. I was able to do the front and back with ease and join the Zoom call. Prayer for overcoming the adversities in our lives. With so much char sui on hand, I made us bbq pork fried rice for lunch. It turned out to be one of my better gos at fried rice. We went out to the Sam’s Club to pick up meds. Albeit my procedure is almost two months away, the order was made in advance because at times the needed is not available and has a long shelf life. The Ford vs Ferrari was 2½ hours, but Matt Damon and Christian Bale kept the movie interesting and lively for me, but not so for Fawn, she gave up on it after about an hour and a half into the movies and went upstairs. Getting old is no fun, Between doing the yard work and going for a long walk, I’m all tuckered out and plan to go to bed early this evening. Lord, thank you for this day. Grant us a peaceful rest.

1 July 2021
July??? Can't be, it’s was way too nice of a day to be. Took a super nice walk in the cool of the day and there was no need for clouds too make it so. Mmm, the piece of char sui I had today was much better. I don't think lean cuts of pork are as good as pieces with a little fat in them are. The Hawaiian buns made the sliced char sui pork sliders all the better. Mama likes taking care of her babies; we dropped off some of the chicken and pork at Alex's. Albeit we already did a couple of sliders, we couldn't turn down Alex's offer to do a Lucky Panda carryout lunch. All we had to was to pick it up on the way over to his place. Finally got around to picking up the movie, Ford vs Ferrari. A Matt Damon movie never disappoints. It was so mindful on my nephew Zach who made me Happy Father's Day! Was musing on what is being called the strange ending of the Gospel of Mark. Where later manuscripts do not includes: 1) Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene, 2) Jesus Appears to Two Disciples, and 3) The Great Commission. I don't know to make of this other than that the Gospel of Mark as well as any of the four canonical gospels don't have an ending unless we end it. Since the gas price is already spiking again, and we were near the cheapest one in our area ($3.399), we decided to pull in the crowded station and filled it up. Anyway, this was a somewhat early pen because I'm doing a dinner and a movie. Going to keep it light with a single drumstick, a side of rice and a small yogurt that need to be eaten before it will expire. Thanks be to God for cool sun filled day.

30 June 2021
Oh wow, it’s already the last day of June. With each passing day, I am slowing getting more comfortable with normalization. We went to Oakbrook again this morning! I don't mind driving all the way there because I really enjoy taking a leisurely walk at this absolutely beautiful outdoor mall. Today was much like yesterday; the clouds kept the temperature down and made the walk very pleasant. On the drive back we saw the new Ford Bronco, it was so disappointing. Was stuck indoors in the afternoon because of our daily dose of rain we have been getting, so it was an opportunity to do so oven barbecuing. There is no need to wait till this weekend to start celebrating the 4th of July. I had my own mini meat shop going on. I made a ton of char sui and barbecue drumsticks. Still haven’t perfected the char sui yet, but it’s getting pretty close. Thanking God for our freedom.

29 June 2021
With the ongoing rain and all, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do a walk today. But the rain came to a screeching halt around noon and I got about an hour in. The nice and cool breeze was most pleasant, but after an hour or so the sun popped out and the temperature quickly rouse and it became uncomfortably hot and humid. Rats, I forgot to pick up the DVD, Ford vs Farrari. That would had made for a great dinner and a movie night, because I whipped up a delicious beef with bok choy that had plenty of mushrooms and peapods mixed in it. Adding an entire package of sliced baby bella mushrooms made the dish very tasty. That’s the thing about stir frying at home, you make due with whatever you have in the refrigerator. 
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5). Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.

28 June 2021
Happy Monday! It's my understanding that only retired people say that. Was able to get about a 30 minute walk this morning before a more than substantial downpour of rain moved in with a thunderous roar. When we get torrential rain, Noah and the deluge always come to mind. May we rest in the ark of Jesus. 
Ton of photographs taken on smartphones from yesterday poured in today. It’s taking me forever to download them all because I keep stopping to enjoy them. I suspect future generations will be enjoying the treasure trove of pictures and videos being digitally preserved. Being stuck indoors and feeling somewhat energetic, I decided to do the full resistance training exercises instead of just making up the push exercises I neglected to do yesterday.

27 June 2021
Hmm, looked at the forecast for this morning to make sure it was going to be rain free, and it was! The next four days in the ten day forecast looked like it belonged in April, what gives with all this June rain? Wow, today was the first time I wore my hearing aids in a very long time. Great joy in celebrating Peyton's Baptism. So glad I got to hold Peyton in my arms a while and spend some time with Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Today was a resistance training day but I only had time to get in the exercises with the dumbbells. 
Gave my sister Nancy all call and all is well with family. She’s pretty excited about Natalie coming home this fall and finally getting to see her granddaughter. Covid has prevented so many family reunions. I was looking and the CDC pages online and I wasn’t surprised to see that they were all over the place, they have lost so much of credibility. One of my FB friends posted this today, “Challenge of the day: name something that organized crime does that our government does not do.” Now that is one heck of a challenge. So far I’m stumped. "The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to those the soul who seek him" (Lamentations 3:25). Great is our Lord’s faithfulness.

26 June 2021
Enough already, don’t you think we have had our fill of rain? It has rained everyday this week! That sump was working overtime as the rain was steadily pouring most of the day. I started cooking food for tomorrow with the kids in mind. Chow fun (Isaac), Cantonese pan fried noodles (Isaac and Andrea), hamburger (Rob and Alex), bitter melon beef (Andrea and Alex) and hamburger peas (Andrea). Downloaded a QuickTime video of Peyton. She’s now 6 months old and her first tooth came in. She is pretty strong months old and able to sit and crawling. Facetimed with the kids and got a big kick watching how Peyton babbles on. Getting really excited about tomorrow.

25 June 2021
Albeit ma wasn’t very talkative, it was still a nonetheless a nice Zoom call. It looks like the city has done a great job collecting all the cut down tree trunks and branches in our neighborhood. And the roadways are no longer blocked off. All that remains now is for the homes to be repaired. The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3: 22-24). Was hoping the Oriental Mart had some char siu, guess we got there too late. Next time we still have a taste for it, I’m going to just make it myself. We will be seeing the kids this weekend so went out again today to buy some more hamburger meat and buns. The kids are asking for stuffed pepper and onion hamburgers. We already got some lean hamburger to make hamburger peas, but you have to have 80-20 grounded beef if you’re going to do hamburgers right.

24 June 2021
It was a nice day to do a morning walk with ear buds and sacred music, by far my favorite hymn is, We Praise You and Acknowledge You (Te Deum). Day four in the aftermath of a tornado that deserves a name, brum-brum-brum-brum-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Great progress, the sound of chainsaws, hammering, and trucks hauling away downed trees and debris and repairs on damaged homes. Glad to see that Bailey Street is reopened and am hoping likewise to all the other entrance/exit streets leading to and out of our subdivision is too. We went Chinese grocery shopping at Park and to get gas for the car. Was happy to see the gas price came down to $3.129 a gallon. Made us chicken with bok choy and pea pods.

23 June 2021
Glad we went out yesterday, because we had to go dentist office this morning. It would have been a stressful attempt to be on time for the appointment just trying to find a way out of our subdivision. Since it was raining, I stayed in the car listening to sacred music and read the, Didache, as well as chapters from, The Imitation of Christ. I love my smartphone. It was the best gift ever, making use of downloaded music and ebooks. We stopped by the Hallmark store on the way home and I was able to squeeze in a 20 minute walk in the parking lot, since the rain ended and the sun came out. Got ambitious this afternoon and took out the weed whacker. Hard to believe I was sweating bullets just tending to all the needed. Stopping to watch, The Chosen Livestream Season 2 Episode 6.

22 June 2021It was a beautiful day to be out and about. We were driving in circles to find an open road that would allow us out of our subdivision. We went all the way out to Oakbrook to enjoy the outdoor shopping mall. We still feel unsafe to eat out, so we brought peanut butter sandwiches to picnic for lunch, reminiscent of days gone by. Thankfully it was more leisure walking than actually shopping, not fond of carrying bags. Once upon a time they called me, "Mule." The mall is so big and beautifully well kept. All caught up with season 2 of, The Chosen.

21 June 2021
Whoa, stopped laughing about the weather last night. Albeit about eight hour late, the forecasted severe storm was an understatement. We ended up with the heaviest of downpour with an EF3 tornado to boot. Thanks be to God for sparing us. Our neighbors down the street were less fortunate. It's crazy that it took Fawn and me to clear the twigs and debris from our property. Afterward we took a sobering walk and 1/2 a block and beyond, the damage was unbelievable. Lord, have mercy. Chicken tortilla soup and a Thai salad, fusion food at its best. Wow, I set out to watch the season 2 premiere of, The Chosen. The series is so good that I ended up binge watch four of the five episodes that have aired thus far this season. No doubt in my mind what I’m going to be doing right after I finish penning this journal entry. Just learned today that we will be celebrating the birth and Baptism of Peyton Emma this Sunday, my heart overflows with joy. 

20 June 2021
The day started out with an awesome FaceTime call from my kids wishing me a happy Father’s Day! I know I will lose credibility by say, “The Eggo frozen pancakes I had this morning were good.” I even like the one at McDonald’s. Of course they’re not as fluffy and delicious as a fresh one of the grille. Funny how I mentioned how I missed eating out at a restaurant and enjoying a good breakfast. God is good, this morning must of dug deep in the freezer and pulled out the frozen pancakes and topped them with strawberries and blueberries. Today we celebrated the birth and Baptism of Emmaline Grace. I thank God for our pastors and their mindfulness. Our Lord blesses us and has brought us to a hilltop. O how I love to be in God’s courts. Happy haircut! I swear, does a great job, so grateful and feeling great! Mmm, teriyaki chicken for dinner! Opened bottle 7 of 12, Texas Red Pepper, this hot sauce is made from tabasco peppers. And yes it tastes like Tabasco Sauce. Had a splash or two of it on my broccoli stir fry side. LOL, there's no sign of rain at all except in the forecast. I saw a forecast that called for severe rain early afternoon and it kept getting pushed back. In fact the sun has been shining for several hours now. I suppose if they keep pushing it back, the forecast will be correct. Time to stop penning so that I can watch the season 2 premiere of, The Chosen, before going to bed. Thank you Lord for this day, your presence suffices. 

19 June 2021
Yessiree bob! Who needs a gym, when I can do all my resistance training in the safety of my own home?  Had fun watching and moving videos and picture to store on the laptop. Grr, I swear, it seem like most time I login to the laptop there is some sort of update is required. Glad I don’t deal with it that often anymore. I mostly use the tablet and outside of the huge storage available to me the laptop has little value to me. I like having access to 2TB of storage memory. I’m not a fan of the cloud for storage and only see value in the cloud as a sharing platform. “For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace" (John 1:16). I thank God for the joy and blessings of the day and for showering my family with his grace.

18 June 2021
Completed my normal daily exercise routine, had a nice walk and appetite for eating! Hopefully tomorrow I’ll feel energetic enough to resume the normal resistance training exercises. I heard how nice it was out the past few days and wouldn’t you know it, today was the first day I got out and about for a little while and naturally it was hot and humid, go figure. But hey, it’s better than staying indoors and feeling poorly. I will continue to go through and pray a psalm, but feel I’m not learned enough to pen about them, but will mediate on them. Happy 10th Anniversary to my daughter and son-in-law! May God continue to bless them and their family now and forever.

17 June 2021
Wasn’t felling all that the past few days, but I’m back! Sparing this journal the details because it wasn’t pretty. Thanks be to God, I’m back on my feet. "O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?" (Psalm 15:1). In Psalm 15, the psalmist answers his own question by describing the blameless character of who can come before God. Only one fits that description.

14 June 2021
I drank a cup of gingseng last night before going to bed, but it didn’t seem to help my sinuses at all this morning. The original plan was to cut the grass on Tuesday, but since it was nicer than anticipated, I decided it was best to do it today instead. One can't trust the weather forecasters, because of their poor track record. We all know how things can change on a dime here in the midwest. I also was able to get to another quarter of the hedge with the hand pruner. That was exciting as it got.

13 June 2021
Great joy sitting around the table and sharing a meal with my family. Got to spend time and play with Isaac and Peyton. Isaac is growing up way too fast. "The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good" (Psalm 14:1). The foolish depraved man denies that God is and the righteous man finds hope in God for deliverance.

12 June 2021
Awesome start to the day. Coffee, oatmeal and a facetiming with all the kids (that includes Rob and the grands). Peyton is really strong and able to pivot and scoot now. It won’t be long before start crawling.
I got ambitious and did a little work outside on the front side of the house morning shade. The only problem was that it was already hot and muggy and was only able to be out for about an hour and a half. I know my neighbors think I'm crazy, because I do a Mr Miyagi with a hand pruner. Yeah, I know my hedge isn't a bonsai tree, but it is like a recreational therapeutic activity for me. I only got to about a quarter of it the needed, so there is plenty of work that remains. If the forecast doesn’t change, looks like next Tuesday will be a grass cutting day. We split a store bought zongzi. It was kinda pricy, so it was kinda disappointing that it was only so-so. Last year we got it for $3 each and now it's $4.50 each. Guess that is how things gonna be now that the hourly wages will routinely increase. After seeing me cashing in on birthday freebies, Fawn signed up to join several online e-birthday clubs. I’m sort of surprised that Fawn has done it sooner. I’ve them cashing in on them for years now, ever since I retired! I watered the grass today, just kidding. The only way I would water the grass is if I was seeding or if I need to do so to keep the grass from dying. It was stunning to hear and see a thundering rain storm move in mid day so quickly and out and within an hour turn back to cloudless sunny day. Sigh, now I’m hearing firework being set off in the neighborhood, so annoying. It may be a tad early; we are still three weeks away from the Fourth of July. Nice, Andrea and Alex called and said they wanted to Father’s Day. And of course Isaac isn’t shy to ask if I would make his steak. Think the kid likes steak? The kids want to celebrate with a feast. I’m not ready for eating indoors and wasn’t interested in anything particular. Since I needed to go out to buy nice ribeye steak to make for Isaac, I decided I would make a big brunch like meal for everyone tomorrow. Planning on scrambled eggs, French toast, pork sausage links and shredded hash browned potatoes. "I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me" (Psalm 13:6). Thanks be to God for his grace and mercies. While God is ever-present and all-knowing, it does not always feel that way. Psalm 13 teaches us how to cry out to God, express our sorrow, and trust in his salvation. My closing thought for the day is on fatherhood. The care for of children are not only the father’s responsibility; they are remarkably also a father's privilege bestowed upon them by God.

11 June 2021
Just got thru watching Hoosier on Pluto TV. So glad I decided to do a 80s rewind instead of watching an old western like I normally do when I’m on the Pluto App. The movie deals with countless life lessons like, second chances, teamwork, faith, sobriety and discipline makes this movie a worthwhile viewing. Clear sign we are old, most of the conversation on today's Zoom talk was on what ails you, what meds are you taking for that and different tests. I know I have one coming up. The fun side of getting old that no one talks about until your there.  Fawn makes a pot of panax ginseng every other month or so. Normally I never drink the panax ginseng, but out of desperation I drank a cup today because my allergies have been really troublesome all week. Since she made a fresh pot this morning, naturally we had to drop some off at Alex's. I can’t tell if it will be beneficial and will bring about relief, but the plan is to drink a cup of the stuff every other day for now. Crazy, got gas for $3.459 a gallon. I mostly blame Biden for the high gas price as well as the recent increase county and state fuel tax increase.

10 June 2021
Man O man, 'twas a hot and muggy day, but I still got in a nice walk and cooled down with my large birthday freebie iced coffee compliments of Dunkin Donuts, delicious! "The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times" (Psalm 12:6). Not only are God's words are true, they are also pure and of great and intrinsic value. Much the psalmist, the world seems to be spiraling out of control and is sinking deeper into sin. As I pray Psalm 12, in these troubled times I know that he is control and thank him that things are not worse than they are, and pray that they will be better in his due time. Lord, have mercy. Interesting, I just ran a spell check against Psalm where I typo Psalms and didn't realize that I've been praying and penning the psalms all along, but not daily as I would like. 

9 June 2021
Happy Anniversary, 37 years! The thought of going out to to celebrate didn't even cross our mind. I don't think I will ever completely go back to pre covid mode, baby steps. I can't remember the last time we had a prime rib. Fawn took out ribeye steak from the freezer the yesterday for our celebration dinner. Mmm, sweet potatoes side and sweets for dessert. So glad mama enjoyed the meal. I forgot to mention the freebies sweets I got from Portillo's, Panera Bread and Nothing Bundt Cakes, for my birthday! I fell in love head over heels in love forty years ago and at the time couldn't fathom that this love would grow to inestimable heights. Truly I am undeservingly most blessed. Talk about an urban jungle, it's insane, the number of new trees being planted in town every year. Yesterday it looked like it was snowing near Bailey and Washington. I'm surprised that cottonwood trees are allowed to be planted in town. Why in the world would anyone plant a cottonwood trees when they wreak havoc on air conditioners. For me, I am most grateful for over the counter prescriptions like nasal sprays and antihistamine eye drops to relieve my allergy symptoms. Surprise surprise, government websites are the pits. Always seem to have to come up with a work around. One government website instructs you to go to another government website to download a document that needs to be uploaded. K, but the download PDF is a “pdf .action file” Sigh… I ended up taking a snapshot of the .action file and pasted onto the Paint App and saved it as a .jpeg which could be uploaded. Good for me, I was able to go for a nice walk and was so at peace listening to the beauty of the sacred choral music of the church. One of the best things I ever done was to downloaded that onto my smartphone. "In the LORD I take refuge; how can you say to my soul, “Flee like a bird to your mountain, …” (Psalm 11:1). In our faithless times of doubt and fear, we can take refuge in the Lord. Outside the one hiccup, it was an awesome day. God is good.

8 June 2021
It was a drop dead gorgeous to do a morning walk. Too bad it only stays in low 70s in the early hours. The afternoons are still hot and muggy. I can't comprehend it, when I hear people say that it's beautiful out when the temps are in the 80s. Heard some good news about Ken from my sister. There is no sign of infection in his blood and he is off the ivs. He has an appointment to see his surgeon next week about do skin grafting his hand. The next step is to attend to other medical concerns. Prayers for good test results.


7 June 2021
Funny how whenever it rains on a Monday, Karen Carpenter and the song, Rainy Days and Mondays - Carpenter, seems to come to mind. It's one of the rare times I'm happy to see it rain and was hoping that it would provide us some succor from the heat we have been having, but it only added to the alright high humidity. Aah, saw a mukbang of Peyton eating her solids. Gotta love the food ring around the mouth, so hilariously rich. "Why, O LORD, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" (Psalm 10:1). What is amazing is even as the psalmist cries of God being distant and injustice prevailing with the wicked, hope is still there.

6 June 2021
I know it may seem crazy to make soup on a hot day like today, but we wanted something light for lunch. I have to toot my own horn, because I've mastered making a pork tofu soup with Chinese napa cabbage. The pork chop bones and the shiitake mushrooms make all the difference. The word 'ambrosia' comes to mind. Viewing and downloading more videos and photos. Still can’t get over the insane numbers of keepers in the treasure trove. Is it me or is it our grands just the most photogenic kids alive on the planet? Psalms 9, recounting God’s wonderful deeds. "I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High" (Psalm 9:1–2) I fail in my penning of God's faithfulness and more often than not foolishly fail to turn to him in the mist of my struggles.

5 June 2021
I was reminded of how blessed and loved I am with so many birthday well wishes I have received today from family and friends. Thanks be to God for the gift of family and friends. I can't decide which stir fry tasted better, I made beef with bitter melon as well as spareribs with green peppers and onions. Both dishes have black bean and garlic in them and the rich umami flavor had me licking the plate. My lack of dining etiquette at home away from the public eye is quite humorous. Talk about humorous, we were dog sitting Nala, and was watching a video. Nala heard Alex's voice from the family video recording and was looking around confused. Psalms 8, the glory and greatness of our creator. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4). How can you not marvel and wonder? Lord, beit your will to continue to bestow blessings of health and joy on my life.

4 June 2021
Life is good, made us penne with Italian sausage and spinach for lunch after our weekly family Zoom call with ma. Hard to believe I still managed a walk after lunch in the low 80s. Guessing the humility was reasonable, and was feeling blessed whenever there was a shaded stretch. Finally got around to watching the movie, Taking Chance. I was expecting to get a little emotional, but it was more than that and offers us an opportunity to render honor to our fallen. Two thumbs up and three words, God and country. Psalm 7, is a petition requesting God for his help. "O LORD my God, in you do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers and deliver me" (Psalm 7:1). The biggest lesson in this psalm is, whenever need of help, we should turn to the Lord.

3 June 2021
Have the most beautiful hymn, Beautiful Savior, in my mind and adding to this most beautiful morning to be out and about. Strange how taking long leisurely walks makes me feel so good both physically and mentally. Guessing a lot folks feel the same about being out and about. Mixed feeling about seeing more and more people going maskless indoors and outdoors. Not clear to me if opening up everything back full blast is a good thing or not. Praying for more than just not seeing another spike, but for an end to what is plaguing our world. It's been longer than it should be since I've given loved ones a wellness call. Prayers for good test results, ongoing prayers for health and recovery as well as peace and comfort for the loss of my friend's mother. Blessed in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Rest in peace Pauline. Amongst many blessings, most joyest is, "May you see your children's children" (Psalm 128:6). I was parched and you know made myself a tall cold glass of lemonade! Just about anything with ice in it would have hitted the spot. Doesn’t get much better than a hot dog with a cold glass of lemonade on a hot day. Psalms 6 is a penitential psalm, confession and humility before God and seeking God’s deliverance. "Turn, O LORD, deliver my life; save me for the sake of your steadfast love" (Psalm 6:4). Thanks be to God for he is merciful and gracious abounding in steadfast love. I give you unending thanks to you, Beautiful Savior. The day is almost over and you have brought us once again to the end of another day. I am grateful that you have kept us and blessed us this most beautiful day and ask that you will continue to bless us during the night and continue to guide us as we journey back to Eden.

2 June 2021
I really didn't feel like mowing the grass today, because it was already in the mid 70s by 8:30. But it was either that or do it in 90 degree temps later in the week. Gotrdun, front and back! Gave up on the idea of weed whacking. We celebrated, The Feast of the Holy Trinity. I think I can get use to attending Mass on Wednesday nights. O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.

1 June 2021
A little bored this afternoon so I decided to take to the pen midday. I hopped the scale first thing this morning, but am not going to feel sorry for myself. After all, I knowingly went on the four day ˈseeˈ food frenzy. Sad how easy it is gain weight and how difficult it is to lose it. I was only expecting to gain a pound of so, not two and a half pounds. Hopeful I got that all out of my system now. Fawn had an early morning dental appointment to clean her teeth, so I was able to get in a nice walk in the cool. This afternoon we had classical music playing in the background and it was so peaceful, "But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield" (Psalm 5:11-12). Let us rejoice and joyful and shout for joy, because our Lord ultimately defends us from our enemies and from all evil. Psalms 5, laminates about how wicked men are using their words to destroy the righteous... 
Partly because it’s is the 1st of June and we are only three week away from the longest day of the year, that it has become highly noticeable. And partly because I sitting here penning and the sun is still up and because we were up early this morning and the sun was already up. Joshua 10, The Sun Stands Still, almost always come to mind around this time of year. "At that time Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD gave the Amorites over to the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, 'Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.' And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day" (Joshua 10:12-13). This is totally beyond my comprehension. O Lord God Almighty, as You have taught us to call the evening, the morning, and the noonday one day; and have made the sun to know its going down: Dispel the darkness of our hearts, that by Your brightness we may know You to be the true God and eternal light, living and reigning for ever and ever. Amen.

31 May 2021
The first thing I saw on FB this morning was a memory of a posting from a year ago. No wonder I can't stand the MSM, they were calling destructive looters peaceful protests. Enough about my loathing the evil that has overtaken the MSM. Was struck by, Taking Chance. A Memorial Day Tribute. Well the foodfest is over and it will be interesting to hop on the scale tomorrow morning and to deal with my gluttonous self. I’m penning from my laptop, because I logged on to download a bunch of photos and videos from yesterday’s most joyous get together. 
Still chomping on them Chinese peanuts, love them little addicting snack. My baby love the too, now another generation is going at them too. Saw a video of Isaac learning how to crack open the shells, he’s a hoot. "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety" (Psalm 4:8). In the mist of all our troubles most are us would not be able to lay down and our anxiety would keep us awake, but the psalmist is able to do both because he has committed himself to the care and protection of God. Psalm 4, is a fine evening prayer, finding peace and refuge in God.

30 May 2021
Albeit we went early on a fresh bagel run, folks had the same idea to do the like, as there was a line formed outside the door of the Big Apple Bagel shop on Washington. Was disappointed there were no jalapeño bagels to be had, but I was happy to see that there were asiago bagels in the mix. Alex has a really nice and big home, so it convenient to gather there. Everyone was blessed and got to hold and Peyton for a bit. I could be wrong, but was Nala a little jealous when Alex as holding Peyton? But I think Nala was happy play with Isaac. Isaac is so full of energy, he might of tired her out. I even got to read a book to Isaac. Andrea mentioned that Isaac has just surpassed checking out one thousandth book from the library. I think it's great that Isaac like to read books and likes to be read to. It was nice out, so we all went for a walk around the neighborhood. Folks waive and say hello and seem to be exceptionally nice and friendly. After contrasting life in the burbs to life in the city, how can one not feel blessed? Lunch was special, the kid ordered takeout food from the Olive Garden Restaurant. I had the Tour of Italy; chicken parmigiana, lasagna and fettuccine alfredo with a garden salad. I stuffed my face, but even then, I couldn't finish the meal. I had more for dinner and I haven't even touched the lasagna yet, and there is still some fettuccine alfredo! Thanks be to God, that we live in a country blessed that can eat to our hearts content. "But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head" (Psalm 3:3). This psalm is a prayer by an afflicted soul pierced by the betrayal of his son. Our Lord sustains us. May we pray and rejoice like David in our insecurity, displacement and mistrust, the Lord is “a shield about me.” And in shame and self-discrepancies, the Lord is “my glory.” And in defeating discouragement, the Lord is “the lifter of my head.” At the closing of another day, I thank God for surrounding me the love and joy of family. Nice to get a birthday strawberry filled chocolate birthday cake to boot! 

29 May 2021
Cooking up a storm for the holiday weekend. First things first, have to take care of the little man with his favorite grandpa dishes. Cantonese style rice vermicelli, Cantonese style pan fried noodles, and ribeye steak. Albeit, the two black Angus ribeyes weren't bone-in Flintstones, they were both still 16 oz inch thick beauties. Of course I made enough for everyone too, but I had to make sure I take care of our crown with the dishes he likes most. I agreed to make hamburger peas but discovered there weren’t any sweet peas in the freezer. Anyway it was good to get out a do a short walk while Fawn went in the pick up a few grocery items. Crazy to be needing to wear a windbreaker jacket toward the end of the month of May. Ha, no way was it my jacket, nor would it have been one that Fawn would have bought me without me trying in on first, because it was a medium size jacket from Old Navy. Did I say, Medium?” The windbreaker must be Alex’s, but guess I’ll be claiming it. Anyway, finished up the cooking making steamed tilapia and the hamburger peas. I really love cooking and am glad the kids enjoy some of the dishes I put together. I don't whip up anything fancy, just the same everyday dishes my parents made us that are common in Cantonese families' home in America. I call it Chinese-American fusion food. Mmm, Chinese wife cake. The winter melon cake is kind of stretch to say that it is kinda like a fig newton, but that’s what they remind me of. I may have cut back a little too much on my resistance training days, because I  have zero soreness the following day for quite some time now. Think I need to kick it back up a hair. I still like to be strong enough to do the needed around the homestead, but still avoid getting into the what is called the, no pain no gain mentality. That was OK during physical therapy. Crazy, how the pair of five and ten pound dumbbells were so challenging after starting physical therapy after my shoulder injury. "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him" (Psalm 2:12). Psalms 2, the psalmist urges the rulers of this earth to serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Likewise, we are all called to love and serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as he is the only one who can restore us to fellowship with God the Father. Big day tomorrow, we’ll get to spend some time with our grands. Best to go to bed and rest up, will be up early to make a bagel run first thing in the morning. There’s even talk about dim sum too! Am so looking forward to spending time the kids. Wishing Jennifer wasn’t so far away, but at the same time, it might be best for her being away from Chicago. Maybe it’s me, but in my mind that place a hell hole to avoid at all cost. I came a FB posting about a shooting on the Dan Ryan Expressway and said, “Looks like they’re at it again with a shooting on the expressway in Chicago.” Fawn replied, “Again? When did they even stop?” We use to get creeped out going into the city when Jennifer was going to school at Loyola.

28 May 2021
Not sure why, but I suppose it is helpful that I  hop on the scale daily, because I have been hovering around 150 for some time now. It however has been a plateau that I have been unable to conquer. Today is one of those days that I purposely avoid doing because I'm in denial and will deal with it again on Tuesday, after the holiday weekend. However, I will continue to guesstimate the calories to keep from totally letting things get out of hand. Enjoyed our weekly Zoom call. Ma seems to be having problems with her hearing. Made us pork chops for lunch and was a little surprised that they were as tasty as they were, because they were boneless. Fawn took them out from the freezer yesterday. I have pervious deboned them and froze them to make soup with the bones. Pausing to honor the men and woman who have died while serving in U. S. military. It is hard not to also be grateful for the men and women who have served in and are currently serving in our military. "Lord, make us appreciative of the blessings we enjoy as Americans, and of the lives which were given that we might live in peace in this land."

27 May 2021
Hard to believe was wearing a sweat shirt, sweat pants and a sweat jacket and saying, "brrr" to temps in the low 50s while doing my morning walk. OK, so 'brr' may be a slight exaggeration because I did bundle up accordingly. Albeit was quite windy out, I'm glad I chose to wear the sweat jacket instead of the wind breaker. Today's walk was somewhat interesting in that in didn't play any sacred music nor did I muse on anything, it was a aimless and a completely blank walk out and back. It made me think about few of the times I was driving to work and the next thing you somehow was there in the parking lot, scary. The weeds on the sidewalk and driveway did turn brown and has wilted enough to call the DIY weed killer a success. I'll give it a couple more days to see it will require another application or not, regardless I'm a happy camper. It has been a long while since I prayed the psalms, so it's high time to start doing so again. Psalms 1 contrasts the righteous and the wicked and in a nut shell, the righteous are blessed and the ungodly will perish. "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;" (Psalm 1:1). This verse portrays a godly man. I’m not even sure if I will remember to pray the psalms again tomorrow. Hoping I will get into the rhythm of doing so. Yummy, fresh bagels! The other day, I noted how people seem like Starbuck coffee and how I much rather have a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. It’s the same with bagels. A lot of folks seem to like Panera Bread bagels, but I like Big Apple Bagels bagels far more. I especially love their jalapeño bagel. Because of the drop in temperature today, it was a good day to toss something in the oven. Clearly less than healthy frozen food tend to be tasty treat. Fish and chips and battered shrimp made for a most excellent dinner (tastewise). For sure, I ate more than I intended. No wonder, it’s days like today that is preventing me from forging below 150 pounds. For some strange reason, I like to feast on holiday weekends. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to download more pics and videos of Isaac and Peyton to the laptop. Love Isaac in his Ash Ketchum costume playing with his Pikachu. Peyton is a hoot in a video reaching for her dad’s slice of pizza. I just learned that Naomi Osaka refuses to talk to the media. Well, good for her for not subjecting herself to negative people. I’ve come to despise and distrust journalist and tune most of them out altogether. 

26 May 2021
Went to bed with the sound of torrential rain falling on the roof. The white noise that it produced was so relaxing that I instantly fell asleep. But oddly enough, I woke to the sound of heavy pouring rain. Now I'm wondering if it rained continuously overnight. Nancy called us last night before we went to bed and updated us on Ken. We continue to pray our intercessory prayers on his behalf and trust in the Lord. Happy to see that my little finger is completely healed and that I am able to to grip the pair of dumbbells again and resume my resistance training. Nice, went for a walk without droopy draws on. Mama got me a pair of size 34 cargo shorts! There's no doubt that my waistline is slimming down, but it is anything but trim. Sadly, the bulge and flab still remains. People have managed to firm up the mid section, so I know it can be done. Guess I'll need to do some research on the topic. Albeit, it's more important to get the visceral fat around my abdominal organs, it would also be nice to shred some of that subcutaneous fat too. I saw someone jogging and he was profusely sweating bullets. I can't help but to wonder why people push themselves to that extreme. I don't buy that they are doing so for pleasure. All I see is someone painfully pushing and torturing themselves. I think running can be an enjoyable form of exercise, much like taking a walk, if the runner does it without timing and racing again a clock. I say it’s more like a sport than a form of exercise. Made a DIY driveway weed killer using white vinegar, salt, dishwashing soap and water. It'll be interesting to see if it will work. I have weeds growing on the sidewalk and driveway this year, because I’m hesitant/reluctant to buy Roundup because it may be carcinogenic.  Lord, dispel the darkness in our hearts with your brightness.

25 May 2021
Every now and then I get creative and do a fusion change up thing with my food. This morning I tried something new, the curry oatmeal was so savory. I wasn’t able to all my daily exercises yesterday, because I had a lot going on yesterday. It you to bother me, but now I see the foolishness in that and do whatever I can, whenever I can. I like that my hand gripper allows for each individual finger, because I  still want to give my little finger a little more time to completely heal. Thanks be to God, the healing seems to be coming along. Got ambitious again today and was able to clean the gutters, weed whack and give the front lawn a manicure with the edger before the rain moved in. The pros and cons between a cord and battery powered whacker were just as I said it was. It is a big hassle to need to unwind and rewind 100 feet of cord, but the weed whacker is definitely way lighter than one with a battery pack. I can go either way. For Alex, the battery powered weed whacker is definitely way more suitable for him because he has to tend to both sides of his fence. Circumstances these past few months cause me to muse about well being and vulnerability of infants and young children. God has entrusted parents with his children and that is no easy task. One might wonder, if parenting ever ends. Once a parent you remain a parent until you die, only the process changes. I love Gregorian chants, so I was thrilled to come across, Veni Creator Spiritus. “Come Creator Spirit, visit the souls of thy people, fill with grace from high the hearts which thou hast created.”

24 May 2021
Last night, I somehow got a slice like cut on the proximal joint on my right hand little finger. I cleaned the cut best I could and applied antibiotic cream before putting a band-aid on it. I really take cuts and scrapes more seriously now, even a minor one like this one more than ever, because I  know what can happen if it get infected, like what happened to Ken. Prayers for comfort and healing. Fawn had a doctor's appointment this morning that required her to fast, so I just had cold cereal this morning, because it didn't make any sense to make oatmeal. I was surprised I didn't even bother to make a pot of coffee. It's just as well, because afterwards, we went to Dunkin' Donuts and got store bought coffee. As much as I like the Dunkin' Dounuts coffee we make at home, the Mr. Coffee maker can't compete. Maybe it's because it may not be fresh ground. I just don't know. Lot of people like Starbuck coffee, but we don't understand why. I got in a short 30 minute walk around the Bay Scott Circle while she was getting her annual physical. It was just hot and humid to enjoy anything longer outdoors. Alex got his battery powdered Greenworks weed whacker a couple of weeks ago, but we finally got around to assembling and putting it to use. Of course mama had me go out and do the needed. I like the fact that it is cordless and was able to go about the entire property and do all the needed. The down side is that I had to keep switching hands because it was a little heavy hold for an extended period of time. I like Greenworks because the batteries pop out of the machine and can be charger indoors. So it looks like I got in some good exercise. How people are able to toil long hours in extreme heat or extreme cold in beyond my comprehension.

23 May 2021
It was a hot and muggy day and am looking for the day when, "They will hunger no longer, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat" (Revelations 7:16). I already think its like being out in a sauna and we’re still only in the month of May, wait until July rolls around. I was so glad to get back into our air conditioned house. Yummy, haven't made seamed tilapia in a long while. Not only is it healthy, but it is one of the few dishes that is good for you and is so delicious. Outside of eating a salad, when I think of healthy meal, I say steamed fish is right up there with poached chicken with a ginger and green onion dipping sauce. It's kind of ironic to be streaming food after complaining it being hot and steamy outside, but the a/c is working fine. How timely, I logged into my laptop (did I mention I hate Window devices? only thing saving them is that their cheap enough to purchase, sometimes I don’t think their worth the hassle though) to download a bunch of photos and video of our two grandchildren when Fawn said that Jean posted pictures of Peyton on Facebook. I was completely blown away and have no doubt that Jean is a master photographer. Now I have to stop penning and download the amazing photographs that Jean took unto this laptop. Wow, wow, wow… That’s be to God for the outstanding day.

22 May 2021
I went to bed super early and closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep last night, only to find myself waking up in the middle of the night. Was up for a tiny bit and turned to Ecclesiastes for a short read and now I'm giving it stream of consciousness muse. I am so blessed that I can close my eye and am able to fall asleep in a matter of minutes if I really really choose to. Ecclesiastes demonstrates that our lives are meaningless unless we live it in the fear of God, keeping his commandments and enjoying our lives as a gift. And at the end, God will have us account for every deed, beit good or evil. Woke totally refreshed this morning. Normally, making coffee would be the highest priority, but I started the day off by doing a few of my daily workout routine before breakfast. I'm clueless if doing exercises in a fasted state is a good thing or not, but it's what I did this morning. One of best thing I did was splitting my weight training workouts to some in the AM and some in the PM. Nothing I do is set in stone, but I do try to get in a reasonable amount of exercise. Another option was to split the resistance training to do alternate between the pushing exercises and the pulling exercises. It’s hard to believe about five years ago I tripped and fell on my right shoulder. Because of the injury I sustained from the fall, I was barely able raise my arm let alone lift a three pound dumbbell over my head during my first physical therapy session at ATI. I’ve been lifting dumbbells and stretching resistance bands ever since. I’m not a body builder by any definition of the word; initially the resistance training workouts was to improve strength and flexibility. Now I weight resistance train solely to improve my overall general health. It must one of those days went folks are up early on a Saturday, we facetimed with Andrea and Alex @ 6:30. And then @ 10:30 Jennifer facetimed us with Alex. All of our kids are great and call their mama almost every day. It was an ambitious day! By 8:30 I was already out mowing the grass in the cool of the day. Cool is a relative word because it was already in the mid 70s. And the partially cloud filled sky was helpful and is always a Godsend when doing outdoor chores. The decision to do the yard work was based on the next good opportunity to do so weather wise is to otherwise wait until next Saturday and it has already been ten days since I mowed it. I'm counting it as the cardio for the day since I had to peel off the tee shirt from my back from all that sweating. It's clear to me next time; I'll have to raise the lawnmower's blade height. Albeit, I feel that the ten day weather forecast is not very reliable, it's the only game in town. I was intending to do the whacking, but it was too much, just like last time cut the grass. We ate the other half our Portillo’s hamburgers for lunch and it was still tasty. The loaded sandwich is just too big and filling to finish a whole one in one sitting. But once upon I was able to do just that, no wonder how I got so big. Having a job back then sitting on my butt all day didn’t help either. I think just about everything on their menu is very good, over the years I had their char- broiled hamburgers, Chicago style hot dogs, chili dogs, Maxwell street Polish sausages, Italian beef sandwiches, Italian beef & sausage combo sandwiches, chili, chopped salad, fries and onion rings. And in some of their locations their barbecue ribs! All super good. LOL, all this rambling about food, think I love the food there? This entry is getting too aimlessly wordy, so I’ll just stop penning. Lord, thank you for blessing us with the gift of a meaningful and joyful life. May your will be done in my life throughout this world.

21 May 2021
Oh wow, right in the middle of our Zoom call, emergency vehicles came the street. The road construction workers that are doing curbside repairs on the block ruptured the gas line and caused quite scare. I didn't see any ambulances, so I don't think anyone was injured. Thanks be to God that there wasn't a natural gas line explosion. Yummy, made us a simple delicious vegetable egg omelet with green peppers, onions and tomatoes. We went out to pay the first installment of dreaded annual property taxes. I suppose that I can go into penning a rant about taxes, but what good would that do? It was so warm out in the mid afternoon that I only took a short walk. If you going to do an outdoor walk, you got to do it early in the day or else it becomes too warm to do so during the warm humid months. Of course I can start do indoor walks on the week days when less people are around. Call it whatever you want, but albeit I've been fully vaccinated for a while now, I still intend to continue wearing a cloth mask in public indoor spaces and outdoor spaces with or without a lot of people around. More than a few of my FB friends are celebrating the lifting of covid restrictions and the fully reopening of the economy. I pray that all goes well. Best idea all day, food stop at Portillo’s for a couple of burgers and fries on the way home. We’re only able to eat half the burgers before getting stuffed, so looks like we’ll be eating burgers again tomorrow. They got this drive-thru line down to a science. Jeff posted a funny meme regarding a tomato that dealt with knowledge, wisdom and philosophy. “Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not to put it in a fruit salad. Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as a smoothie.” MSM dishonesty should be not come as a surprise to anybody. Crazy how folks allow the media to work them up into a frenzy. Seems like whenever story is being peddled as a news worthy story has been manipulated and framed in a divisive way to stir up some type of controversy. I have no doubt in my mind that the mainstream media is poisoning society with hate and shaping us into antagonistic tribes. Lord, keep me under your watchful eyes and guide and protect me my evil ways and from the clutches of the evil one. Bless me, O Lord, that I may be a blessing to others.

20 May 2021
Really?  Can't believe I dreamt about food. When was the last time you ate goulash or stroganoff? I probably shouldn't of eaten the bowl of chili just before going to bed or probably it was a childhood memory of my sister Mary and her learning to cook meals from her high school home economics class. Love and miss family members that had gone on ahead. I saw a FB posting that had to do with Demi Lovati and it's the first time I ever heard of her and of the term "non-binary". Seems like it means different things to different people, so this term is not very descriptively helpful. The heating and cooling serviceman can first thing in the morning. The refrigerant was a little low so the service tech topped it off, so everything is ready and good to go to take on the summer heat! The a/c was working fine last summer and in theory should never need to be filled, but then again we've had our air conditioner for 15 years now so it is plausible that the unit could be low. I'm from the school of better safe than sorry. Blessed that it wasn't that tough of a financial decision for us to make. That stimulus money we got this year sure is coming in handy. For sure unexpected expensive are not never a good thing. The serviceman was done early enough that we were able to go out and about and still take advantage of the cool of the day. It however didn't take very long to leap into summer time temps. Dang, when we got back home, it felt like we walked into a walk-in refrigerator. Looks like we got the a/c tune-up and fired the air conditioner just in time. Made us hot dogs for lunch and you guessed it, chili dogs for me! It's always stunning to me to see Fawn and the kids eat a hot dog with just a bead of ketchup on it, never can get use to that, because I'm from Chicago and that's definitely a no-no. Was musing about our dehumidifier, there’s no way it could possibly be a 70 pint unit. that will mean that will be about 73 pounds of water. Was I looking at this all wrong? Sigh, you bet I was. It turns out that it means that the unit is capable of extracting 70 pints of moisture from the air in a 24 hour period. To make things worse, the testing standard changed and so what was a 30, 50 and 70 pint rating is now a 20, 30, and 50 pint standard. Anyway, the research was done because has a basement in his new home and it need a dehumidifier. As the day ends and night falls, may our evening prayers rise before you. Lord, I hand over all my cares and worries and our joys and pains, grant us rest in you alone.

19 May 2021
Funny, looking out the window while we were having our morning coffee, I mentioned the gloom and doom looking sky. Fawn said, "Oh please, you're such a drama queen!" To which I replied, "Your right, you are my sunshine sweetheart!" Talk about a head shake and an eye roll. So yes, I should be turning my eyes on God's blessings instead of on grey skies which tend to bring me down. As the day progressed, we did eventually get glimmers of sunlight. Watched episode 14 of, The Rookie, on On Demand. I wasn't expecting it to be the finale for season 3, because season 1 and 2 both each had 20 episodes. Guessing it because of the pandemic. The good news is, there will be a season 4! Andrea sent us a video clip of Peyton. Our little one is full of giggles and is ticklish too! I can see why Fawn doesn’t have any hankering to take up stakes from think in this wretch state. Can there be such a thing as making too much chili? Albeit I did make a lot, I made the usual large pot of the stuff forgetting that there was no need to make it Andrea’s family. I only came to mind because I’ll be eating the remainder because said she was sick of eating chili every day. So far, it’s not an issue with me. I became highly motivated to go out and tend to the list of outdoor chores, mama criticized my sloth. Knocked two more thing off the list, I laid all the remaining bags of decorative gravel and repaired the window well cover. The window well cover I constructed many years ago has a interesting story. Our neighbor’s little girl, Nicole, stepped on the original store brought plastic window well cover and somehow crashed through it. So I constructed one out of wood from remnant pressure treated wood I used to build the wooden deck in back. So it been around somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 years. I replace all the one and one half inch screws with two and one half inch ones, so I’m guessing that bad boy will be hold up better than me moving forward. Can’t believe how many samaras are all over the place. The guess I’ll have to add sweeping, raking and clearing the gutters of these winged seeds to the outdoor chore list. The dehumidifier is filling up daily now. That’s amazing for this early in the year. Better get ready for bed, the service technician will be hear early tomorrow morning tune-up the A/C and have it summer ready. "In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" (Psalm 4:8).

18 May 2021
It was still another dreary day, but we we out early to run a few errands before the spotty light rain moved in. I didn't go in any of the stores, but Fawn said most people were still erring on the side of caution and still wearing a mask. She said that she only came across four people in the stores that were maskless. I wish I could say that I continue to be wearing mine strictly for noble reasons, but it mostly for cautious reasons to protect myself as well as others. I believe that it will eventually become useless to wear a cloth mask when the general population at large stops wearing them. One of our stops was at the Sam's Club to pick up meds so how could we not get Chinese takeout from Lucky Panda? Yummy, we ordered their shrimp and lobster sauce and orange chicken lunch specials and a few appetizers. Albeit egg rolls come with the lunch specials, we also ordered fried shrimp and potstickers to boot. Lucky Panda is one of the few Chinese restaurants I really really like. We stopped by Alex's with the food and after lunch I helped him out with mowing the grass with his battery powered Grassworks lawn mower. I like that it quite and do not require gasoline, but (of course there is a "but") even though his yard is nowhere near the size of ours, I tuckered out, so Alex finished off yard work. I give the lawn mower two thumbs up even though he didn't purchased the self propelled model. I ate so much for lunch that I only had a small bowl of chili for dinner. We had a store bought bagged Caesar salad and there still a little bit of parasam cheese left, so I tossed it in with the chili. Oddly enough, it kinda made me think about the Olive Garden pasta e fagioli. Got a pic last night with Isaac watering his flowers. It's my understanding that he learning about gardening. I was brought up in the inner city and we didn't even have any grass or trees except in the parks in our neighborhood. Naperville on the other hand seems to be proud of its urban jungle, I don’t get it. 
I can hear the thunder roaring and the sound of pouring rain now. I called Ken to see how he is doing. Albeit, there are still so many uncertainties, there are also many signs of improvement and thank God for them and pray for health, comfort and healing. Lord, thank you for your faithfulness and another day.

17 May 2021
Hmm, looks like I've hit yet another weight loss plateau. My weight has been hoving at or have been slightly bouncing up and then back down for more than a couple of weeks now. I'm not sure it my estimated calorie intake is that far off or what, but my carry on choices are clear. Cutting back a hair more and making healthier choices of what I'm eating. I'm already doing a lot of walking, so I guess I'll have to make adjustments to my daily exercise and resistance training routines. I'm not expecting nor is my goal a rapid loss in weight, but I do want to see a downward trend in weight as well as progress in reducing my visceral fat. Of course I'm only deceiving myself with just minor changes and need to make changes to tone myself up any time soon. I'm already so close to where I need to be weight wise, but am still jiggling. Guessing I just need to be more a little more patient and rejoice in that have already accomplished a lot toward my health goals. The Monday report of the staggering numbers of weekend shootings in nearby Chicago don't seems to phase a lot of folks and the number will surly go up during the summer months. Albeit Naperville is somewhat safe, sadly, we to have our share of shootings, stabbings and other traumatic and violent crimes. Looks like things are opening up more and more covid mandates are becoming less and less stringent, soon things will normalize. It will continue to be very slow go toward normalization for me. We have faced more than a few pandemics during my lifetime, but this one is quite different for me since I'm older and feel more vulnerable now. As you get older, the more you begin realize that you have no desire what so ever to engage in any type of conflict or drama in your life and that all you really just want is to simply have is good food on the table and to be surrounded by people you love. We stayed indoors all day until I took the garbage out and got the mail. Since I was out, I finally got around to replacing the missing vertical pole cap by the gate. Woo hoo, it's another thing that I can check off the of outdoor task list. Awesome, love facetiming with the kids. Love them all so much, am looking forward to a time when we can be together again. Lord, I am grateful for blessing and keeping us and for guiding us to the end of another day and ask that you will continue to bless and guard our family during the night.

16 May 2021
We went to Plainfield to drop off the chili and spaghetti we made yesterday. Ha, Alex mentioned like a proud daddy that it is going to be Nala's second birthday tomorrow. Wow time really to fly. Has it been that long? Looking back on life seems like a mere blink. O let us live the "eternal life" that flow the Father. We ended up visiting Alex and watching the, Italian Open, men's finals between Djokovic and Nadal. I don't watch enough tennis to know who was favored to win on this clay court, but Rafael Nadal came up on top. Alex told us that the women's final was earlier in the day and was a blowout. We stopped at a few stores on the home, so I got a little fresh air and walked around in the parking lots while Fawn was in the stores. We were happy to see people wearing a mask while they were indoors. I know eventual people will become more comfortable not wearing one. I’m one of those people who like to cautiously take baby steps and even still wear a mask outdoors and still try to my best to social distance myself. It seems like social distancing have gone by the wayside for a lot of folks. I was in bone heaven today; I made us juicy thick in-bone pork chops and stuffing. I came across several, “Best Western Movies of All Time” rankings on the internet. Surly they are one of the most beloved genres of all, well at least by guys. I was surprised by some of the choices so much that I thought to myself, you got to be kidding. Anyway, enough penning, I rather just be kicking back and relaxing. Come, Lord Jesus.

15 May 2021
The bottle of garlic habanero went fast, so good. The problem was that I was splashing it on potato chips. Sometimes you have to chuckle at the name given to the small bottles of hot sauce. Bottle number six of twelve is labeled, Howlin Hot Mexican style hot sauce. It's made from aged red cayenne peppers. One would think I would know not to count on getting a reasonably accurate weather forecast. Anyway, I don't grumble about it as much I use to, because I'm retired and can attend to the outside needed with less urgency. The only reason I bought it up was the rain we got was nowhere to be found last night on the weather app. Funny that they all offer an extended forecast version of the app for a fee when the hourly forecast is not even reliable. I'm definitely not a fan of grey skies and rain, but the kids all brings sunshine in our lives. It's was nice that they all on the most part call their mama on a daily basis. Life is full of tough choices. I use Fawn's spaghetti sauce to make my chili, so I was torn between choosing between having spaghetti or chili for lunch. Just kidding, I ate the spaghetti while the chili was simmering on the stove. Funny how differ in our pasta preferences, I like the regular spaghetti and she prefers cannellini. A question on Facebook asked, "If you had to binge watch your parents' favorite show... what would you be watching?" That brought back fond childhood memories of the family watching, The Lawrence Welk Show and Sing Along with Mitch Miller. I’m all catch up with season three episodes of, The Rookies. I think there is so many crazy talk about defunding or even abolishing police. Albeit, support law enforcement, but also believe bad cops need to be dealt with. Lord, the night is almost over, grant that I may have a peaceful night to reflect on your goodness and grace.

14 May 2021
It's early in the morning and I'm just sitting here having morning coffee alone with a nice hot bowl of oatmeal. Not sure what's going on, but Fawn is still upstairs on the phone. I hear laughter so that's good. I am clueless who she could possibly be talking to so early in the morning other than with Jennifer. I think I will change it up by continuingly appending to today's journal entry… Got in my daily exercises before this morning’s Zoom gathering. Nice to gather this way, because Soo and Eddie live out of state. I asked Sandy about Carl, but she felt it was not best to share his status with us at this time. I’m not exact what to make of that, it could be anything, but ongoing prayers for him and his family. We talked about electric and hybrid cars as our cars continue to age and the price of gas continue to rise, it seems like it’s the sign of the times. Anyway, time to make us lunch and then go out to do a few errands and do a walk…
72 degree Fahrenheit and 50 percent humility is idea and today was all that along with a perfect mixture of clouds. It was so nice of a day to be out and about. We joined a Zoom Student Topic Presentation: Social and Behavioral Health Sciences by MPH candidates at Harvard University. We've watched Nicole grow up since birth and are so super honored to be a guest and watch the live student presentations and are so proud that she is graduating from such a prestigious university. That is quite an accomplishment. Aargh, I really hate software updates on my laptop, seems like things always get screwed up after the get installed and now I have to run a full scan and figure out what settings got changed. Right now all I know is that my Google Chrome is messed up and am using Firefox. Hoping that if there is a virus on the laptop, it will be detected and contained. The plan was to download pictures and videos to the laptop since I’m logged on it for the Zoom presentation, but that totally out of the question now. It’s best to stop penning for the day now and will wait until the full scan to complete. This is not the way I hoping to end the day, but give thanks to God in all circumstances... It’s hard to believe that it took 2 hours 36 minutes to do a full scan. I know I said I was done for the night, but things seem to be back normal again so here I am. I’m not sure that it is a good thing or not that zero threats were found, because the issue I had earlier have gone away on its own. So once again, since I’m still logged in, I decided it was probably safe enough  to download the pics and videos. Hoping I don't regret doing what I did. Now I'm wondering it things were happening in the background still reconfiguring after the software update. I have been musing about something that was said the other day and pray that our Lord will bless and keep our family and will bless family members who are not Christians with understanding and wisdom that they will come to know and love you because you loved us first.

13 May 2021
Happy haircut! Mama said she was surprised that I haven’t asked for a haircut, guessing Fawn was tire of the Bozo thing I had going on. Was surprised that I was up in the pre dawn quietness. The funniest thing about walking for me that it is a form of exercise. That is a good thing for me, because I enjoy routinely walking at a leisurely pace for about thirty minutes to an hour on a regular basis and I especially enjoy listening to sacred music while doing so. Oddly enough at times the walks become meditative. It's always a bonus to get in a nice hour long walk in on a resistance training day. It was only possible to do it on this beautiful day, because I woke up super early and because I split the workout into two sessions by doing the pulling exercises in the a.m. and the pushing exercises in the p.m. Albeit, I'm still doing a high number of reps because of the light weights, I'm glad I reduced the number of reps on the  pair of twenty pound dumbbells and improving my form with a slower  and more steady form instead of doing an awkward jerking movement trying to get in the number of reps. Thank be to God for antihistamine eye drops and for fluticasone propionate nasal spray, the pollen count was high today and tomorrow is expected to very high. Great joy, we received a phone call from our niece Melissa and had a great time catching up over a rather lengthy chat. Prayer for family members near and far for comfort, health and recovery.

12 May 2021
It is crazy to be cold for so long and to have so many early morning frost advisories this time of year. But I'm sure in a couple of months I'll be complaining about how hot and humid it is. Love fresh vegetables, it's so worth all the time cleaning and prepping them. I'm so glad to be able to go out and routinely go out for fresh fruit and vegetables. I've watched a lot of cooking shows and videos over the years and always cringingly wondered if they really prep the food and cross contaminate everything like that all the time. The irony of my rant is that Fawn thinks I have room for more improvement on the slightest and expect even more vigilance on each step along the way. Anyway, mama was up early prepping the bok choy wanted my to make Alex a stir fried vegetable medley. So I stir fried a bok choy, peapods, waterchestnuts, shiitake mushrooms and onions veggie dish. A Mother's love never ceases and is a small glimpse of our heavenly Father's love for us. After cooking all the food and having our lunch, we dropped off the food for Alex. Well at least that was the plan, we ended up going in and since Fawn was watching her show on Netflix, I decided to watch part 4 of 4 of Lonesome Dove - Return. I think Robert Duvall is a very good actor and is an exceptional one when it comes to westerns; Lonesome Dove is right up there with, Open Range. Got home mid afternoon and it warmed up into the mid 60s. I wanted to get
 at least one chore chore out of the way for the this week, so I started up the lawn mower and mowed the grass front and back in a single go. Thank be God for signs of improvement. Nancy called and Ken is showing signs of some improvement and is now on home care. Another day filled with blessings. Glory to God for all things!

11 May 2021
Whoo hoo, hopped on scale first thing this morning and it showed no evidence of me pigging out during our Saturday's Mother's Day celebration. That is one of the reasons why I don't understand why people all of a sudden extremely restrict their food intake. Staving one's self and then stopping after reaching the target goal never worked for me. I'm one of those who really don't get the concept of global warming. Some scientists claim once upon a time there was a ice age. I thought is if there was, then of course there is global warming. The thought of the cooler than normal temperatures we have been having lately is what is triggering this aimless muse. Funny about some of the things that crosses one's mind while walking in the cool of the day. If this is all that troubles me in our broken world, I must truly be blessed, because I have enough warm clothing to enjoy my hour long walk. We still have leftover Cantonese pan fried noodles from the other day, so I made us beef tomato peppers and onions to serve over it made and it made for a most awesome supper. I started to say it was a perfect marriage, but just about any stir fried dish would go well with the noodles. 
I fried up my son some sinanga. He seems to like it as a side dish with his meals. I see some mama have plenty of dried shiitake mushrooms rehydrating and frozen chicken thawing in the refrigerator. Looks like I’ll be making steamed chicken with shiitake mushrooms and oyster sauce for lunch as well as some for Alex. Am loving the Lonesome Dove miniseries and plan to watch part three, The Plains, as soon as I put down this pen.  Today, in my home wisdom post, I am reminded by St. Pio, of how we undermind God and will someday have to give account of oneself to God.

10 May 2021
What a fun filled day! We were up pre dawn to go to and ... Ha, started to say baby sit, but Victoria is already five years old! Fun stuff playing with Play-Doh and playing Candy Land. Kids are brutally honest, l was doing inclined pushups as part of my daily morning exercises and Victoria said, "Hey, do real pushups!" Lol, I told her that this was the only way I can do them. Naturally she not only demonstrated how to do them on the floor, she switched over do doing a few of them with one arm. Prayers for Carl as Sandy drove him to the city for more diagnostic testing to determine the best surgical course of action. Anna came over around noon and joined in on the fun. She actually came to take over the watch, but we stayed for a couple of hours jawing while Victoria was taking an afternoon nap. Since HMart was too far away, we decided to do a little shopping for some Asian groceries.  We haven't been there for a long while, since the Park and Shop opened. I was so surprised to see the progress made on the second huge Costco being built in town. Too bad they closed the Sam's Club in town. I'm clueless to what will happen with the functionality of my smartphone now that I disabled the background data usage to the applications. Hopefully I didn't screw things up on my phone. Continued prayers for Ken as he is still in the hospital and for Carl for good angiogram test results. 

9 May 2021
What an incredible amount of constant pouring rain we got overnight. Hmm, hopped on scale this morning and despite eating a light dinner I gained back a half pound. I don't think that my calorie guesstimation could of been that far off. Will have to take another look at it tomorrow morning. At times I don't like the idea of getting on the scale daily, because the way I'm going about losing weight is a very slow one. But other times, it seems like it is the only way I'm going to keep things in check. Diet and dieting other than the redistricting of food is somewhat a confusing term, and people go about it in so many ways. Fawn had me make an interesting chicken stir fry for lunch with a lot of different vegetables; broccoli, peapods, shiitake mushrooms, waterchestnuts and onions. Mmm,  chirp chirp, it turned out rather delicious over Cantonese pan fried noodles if I may say so myself. Watched part II of, Lonesome Dove - On the Trail. There’s nothing quite like a good western. Happy Mother’s Day.

8 May 2021
Ding dong, what an early morning surprise! Sandy went out for Big Apple bagel run near our home and was mindful of us. She surprised us with a half dozen bagel and a tub of our favorite cream cheese. That was only the beginning of an awesome Mother's Day weekend. We met up with the kids at Alex's to celebrate Mother's Day. The kids ordered a dim sum brunch! I rode shotgun to pick up to food from MingHin and enjoyed the hour long round trip drive with our son-in-law. I was foolish to think that I going to try to keep the dim sum gastronomic extravaganza eat under 800 calories. I sampled a little of everything except for the shrimp dumplings and estimated I did 975. That is a lot of food for a single meal. A joyous time with family gathered around the table with delicious food to boot.  You betcha, I did an hour long walk before having a minimalist dinner, but that was OK because I was still somewhat stuffed. All this talk about food and a little time muse about the God’s unique gift of the selfless love of a mother. Let us revere our mothers who unconditionally love us. Praise be to God for the blessings of our mothers. Came across a boat load of talent sharing a stage, My Back Pages

7 May 2021
Was restless and energetic this morning, even after doing my daily exercises, so I decided to against a rest day from weight training and did the push exercises. Not to worry, I'm not into no pain and no gain. My goal is reducing vascular the fat. I know that my waistline is getting closer to where it needs to be, but the ongoing process is taking forever, I’m hoping this is the year. Alex got his new battery powered lawn mower the other day and tended to the needed yesterday, but Amazon hasn’t delivered his battery powered weed whacker that was supposed to be part of the combo order yet, so we went to Alex’s after our family Zoom gathering with ma. I thought I was just dropping off my corded electric weed whacker, but ended up being the groundskeeper. The area rug for the hardwood floor he got looks really nice. Glad I was physically able to lift and help Alex move some furniture around and get that taken care of. Verse of the day is, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). We are not to worry and be troubled about our needs and should depend on God for our provisions instead about how to obtain them and be assured that God will provide. May we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. The plan for this evening is to watch the first of the four episode miniseries of Lonesome Dove –Leaving. It should not come as a surprise that I simply love watching westerns.

6 May 2021
Nancy updated Ken went into surgery for the second time this morning and now we are in another wait and see for the next few days again. Prayers ascending. Turning Cinco de Mayo into a two day festival and enjoyed a hearty bowl of chicken tortilla soup. Albeit from a can, the Progresso Soup was tasty and hit the spot. Ate two exceptional tasting snacks today, honey crisp apple and cara cara orange. That and between doing a hour long walk, the daily exercises and doing the pull resistance training exercises with the dumbbells, I feel pretty good. A homeowner's work is never ending, the toilet tank started making gurgling sounds so I replaced the ballcock fill valve with one that doesn't require a long float arm and float ball. Now two of our three toilets have a Fluidmaster universal toilet fill valve. One thing for sure, they are way easier to install and are much quieter flush. I'm sure I mentioned it before that I really hate dandelions. Albeit the weed killer was starting to show signs that it is working on them. It was still driving me up the wall, so I yanked them out by hand in the front yard. Oh wow, nice. Had to briefly stop penning to join a Facetime call with the kids. Now my day is complete and am rejoicing is his grace and blessings. 

5 May 2021
Albeit it was slightly on the cool side, it was still a nice sunny day to be out and about taking a stroll along the riverwalk this morning. We were surprised that there were so many people were downtown on a weekday. And yeah, we did stop to get carryout tacos for lunch from Los Burritos Tapatios because it’s Cinco de Mayo. This dine in restaurant is a hole in the wall but they do great tacos to go. Any excuse will do to stuff your face with tacos. One small victory today, the wind was minimal enough to spray the lawn weed killer out front. So disappointed that the weed & feed l sprayed mid April didn't kill all the weeds like it was suppose to on the first go. Hopefully the lawn weed killer will do the needed. Did feel like having a full go with the resistance training so I only did the pushing with the dumbbells, and saving the pulling for tomorrow. 

4 May 2021
Yet another grey sky day with blue sky thoughts. As the saying goes, "April showers brings May flowers." But in our neck of the woods, it seems like we mostly have overcast more often than not and it rain a lot between mid April until mid May. Love it when I'm able to get in a full hour walk on non resistant training days. We went to Alex's to eat drop off food and eat lunch. We stayed for a little bit, while Alex went back to work remotely. He set himself a really super nice home office. I'm not sure what show Fawn watches there on Netflix, other that it is season one of the show. I'm not much on pets, so I'm perplexed as to why Nala likes to follow me around. We called Nancy today to see how Ken was doing and she basically said he is about the same. Strange after all these years I’ve only had small talk and very light and casual conversation with Ken. It is mostly because my Chinese is terrible and his English is limited. Watched and pushed more photos and videos to the laptop. What a treasure trove for the grands and future generations to someday enjoy. Funny, last night I thought it was late, but when I got upstairs and really for bed, I realized that the time on tablet was wrong. I just went to settings and manually changed the select time zone from Eastern Daylight Time to Central Daylight Time. I was about to do the DST rant, but whatever… Talk about funny things, overheard mama talking to the kids about something to do with a touchless motion sensor trash cans. Funny as that may seem, I can see young folks getting gadgets like that. I’m just an old cheapskate. I’ve been using a flip phone with an antenna until Rob gave me a smart phone with three years of air time as a gift two Christmas ago. That’s like optimistically buying green bananas. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5). Whether we lack wisdom or not, from time to time we all do foolish things out of ignorance. Before each day and before every challenging situation that confronts us, we should ask God to pour into our hearts his gift of wisdom so that our thoughts, words and deeds not only be please to him, but that they may also be blessing to our neighbors.

3 May 2021
"I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me" (Psalm 13:6). Woke to grey skies morning, but I had blue sky thoughts all day. I jumped at the opportunity when Alex called and asked if I could make him oven baked barbecue drumsticks. Naturally, my response was, "Anything for you son!" Never mind that I love eating bbq and that chicken is my favorite meat. So we ended up making a quick run to Jewel. Fresh Express Thai 'N' Cashew Salad Kit made for a deliciously light lunch, but the bbq chicken was anything but a light meal. Not to worry though, I kept my day's estimated calorie count where it needed to be. I find it so strange that I am able to manage my portion sizes at home, but am not able to curb stuffing my face at celebrations with family and friends. Anyway, it was a good eating day. In addition to the chicken, he also requested Sinanga. I can easily see why Alex likes this garlicky Filipino favor bomb. Sinanga is traditionally a breakfast item, but I'm guessing he wants it as a side for the chicken; at least it was for me. I watched two episodes of, The Rookie, and am caught up with all of the episodes for this season. On my, I didn’t realize that it was so late. Calling it a day and am grateful for his grace and blessings shown toward me and my family.

2 May 2021
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!" (Psalm 100:4).Woke up early excited to go to Mass. It was a huge step for us to return to our parish after being away for so long. We became accustomed to watching Mass televised from Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday Mornings. Of course it is not the same as worshipping in person. There was great joy in our heart. I mused a little about today being Pascha for the Orthodox Church in the car on the way to up Wheaton, but as I sat in the pew before the Divine Service, I began to realize that every Sunday is Easter. My next big hurdle is going up to receive the Eucharist; I still have my reasons for abstaining. Only three hours have passed since we had oatmeal for breakfast, but I wanted to eat something before tending to the yard work, so I made us a three egg omelet to share. The cool of the morning wasn't really cool, but I managed to mow all the grass in one go. Wouldn't you know it, I almost finished the weed whacking along the fence line and the back of the house when it reached the end of the trimmer line. Since I had to refill the head anyway, I when ahead and gave the front lawn a manicure. By then, I was sweating bullets as the temperature starting climbing into the lower 80s. There still is plenty of yard work to do, but I'm guessing that is true no matter what I do. For sure the window well cover is in disrepair and the gravel still need to be spread along the back fence area. Got back in and had to peel my tee shirt off, a cold shower never felt better. Rewarded myself by making us beef chow fun for a late lunch. The plan was to do the daily exercise at a short rest, but that didn't happen, as I sat down on the coach after lunch, I instantly nodded off. Nancy gave us a little update on Ken condition.  He seems to be doing a little better, but it's still a more a wait and see as is treated with antibiotics. Continued prayers to our Lord for healing. By the time dinner rolled around we were still full, so I just made us oatmeal again for light supper. It’s great that the days are noticeably getting longer now. I feel as relaxed, guessing it is because I got in a nice short nap this afternoon. I thank God for his steadfast love.

1 May 2021
Rejoicing in the outstanding day the Lord has made. Albeit we social distance visited Jean and Bob tons of times since they moved into their home in Naperville last summer, but today was the first we actually went inside their new home. Jean spent a lot of time taking four month old pictures of Peyton. Yummy, we had a super brunch, We brought bagels from Big Apple and Alex bought pot stickers and fried shrimp from Lucky Panda and Jean made a one pot congee meal using a pressure cooker. I would have asked for the recipe, but I don't do pressure cooker. Rightly or wrongly, the two Islamic terrorist brothers always come to mind. Loved visiting with Jean, Bob, Alex, Andrea and Rob and especially Isaac and Payton. Albeit temps in the mid 80s, today's 40 minute walk was a literally a breeze. The high winds made the warm summer like temps bearable. We had a couple hot dogs left in the frig and that was enough for our dinner, because we have been stuffing ourselves all day at Jean and Bob’s. It’s still a wait and see with Ken and tomorrow the team of doctors will be making a decision on how best to proceed. Lord, grant us grace and help us in our time of need.

30 April 2021
It's like the two oldest never left. I cooked up a storm after making oat meal for ourselves for breakfast. Made Isaac his vermicelli noodles and Cantonese pan fried noodles. For a bonus I also made him hot dog fried rice. Then it was a Zoom break time to gather with my wife's side of the family. Mmm, made enough penne rigate with sausage and spinach to feed a army (+ Andrea, Rob, Isaac and Alex), we’ll be seeing them tomorrow! It was a tough go, but I even managed to get half the resistance training and got in a 30 minute before the day was over. We were busy out and about running errands, so I only got in the pull today. I probably could have gotten it all in but nah. So, I guess I'll be doing the push on dumbbells tomorrow. Even managed to pull in the $3 car wash on 75th Street and they really did a great job. The car really needed it. Hmm, the car. I know that some folks like to name their cars; obviously I'm not one of them. I bought weed killer last weekend and really been wanting to spray it on the lawn since the beginning of the week, but it’s been too windy. On top of that we got a wind advisory for tomorrow. Continued prayers as Ken continue to fight the infection and his compromised immune system with antibiotics.

28 April 2021
Woke up a little later than normal, most likely because of the overcast, but felt totally rested. What was I thinking when I bumped up the number of sets for resistance training days? I came back to my senses and pulled it back some. I never cared much for the notion of no pain no gain. I have to keep in mind the goal is to get in some exercise to get in physical shape. Just chuckled because I was going to pen, 'stay in shape'. Tried on some new long pants that Fawn found some on sale at Kolhs. Nice to have pants that actually fit me again. Woo hoo! It's official, congratulations to our newly elected councilwomen, Jennifer Bruzan Taylor. I'm so happy for her and for our community. Was thinking about our conversation with Nancy yesterday about a journal that Natalie gave her mom to hand pen entries to Norah, what a nice gift. The reality is parents / grandparents love and don't go a day without thinking about each of their children and grandchildren. Not sure why I tend to mention what I eat so often, guess it's not much different than people liking to take pictures and post what eat on social media. Made us beef and bitter melon with black bean sauce for dinner. Interesting that I've never eaten a bitter gourd from India. It is my understanding that the taste is the same as the Chinese type and that the only real difference is that appearance of the wart-like looking exterior of the vegetable-fruit. Almost every time I make the dish, I tend to talk about how underappreciated the medisible properties dish that is a serious Asian eat. It is so delicious, but may take some time to acquire a taste for. Been glad and rejoicing in the day just chillin' indoors and listing to music. Two songs especially stood out for me, While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton and Incidental Neshabur - Carlos Satana. Oh no, just learned from my brother Bill that my brother-in-law Ken was rushed to Good Samaritan this morning, something about sepsis. Prayers for healing as we wait...

27 April 2021

Happy birthday to y sister, Nancy! We gave her a call and gave her our well wishes for the day. Thanks be to God, she and Ken are scheduled for their second shot next week. So much for doing some yard work today. I woke up a little stiff, but worked most of it out with some stretching exercises. It took me most of the day before I was able to complete my 20 minute daily exercises, how sad is that? I however did go for a nice hour long morning walk though. I ate linguine noodles for lunch and it made me think about my daughter Andrea, because eats buttered noodles and I just splashed on several dashes of the aged red harbaneo hot sauce and ate my noodles plain. The heat from a habanera is my limit; I don’t think I would enjoy anything spicier. So now I'm on my fifth bottle of the twelve bottle set. I still have some of green tabasco pepper hot sauce and that bottle continues to be a slow go. Gas was $2.959! Albeit a nominal drop in price per gallon, it was a drop none the less. I penned that I'm a poor miserable sinner with a repentant heart and then deleted my confession and will leave it at that between God and myself. We finally feel comfortable enough to and just signed up to attend Sunday Mass. I made a dish that was inspired by a nostalgic comfort food dish found in almost every Cantonese home, steamed pork patty. My mom made so many variations of this dish and it was one of mine and my sibling’s favorite childhood dishes. I think the same can be said from generation to generation. Funny how little kids all shamelessly fight over their portions and calling dibs on the sauce. I say inspired, because I recently changed it up using chicken instead of pork. But the point is regardless of the meat used, the basic ingredients to make the sauce is the same and the countless varying things that you fancy can be tossed in the mix, like shiitake mushrooms, water chestnuts, green onions, etc.

26 April 2021
Was at doing the needed out back in the cool of the day. We got a lot done, mowed the grass front and back all in one sweep; replaced the two broke fence rail end caps on the back fence; adjusted the height of the gate to swing freely and clamped back the chain link fence when I swapped out the large sump pump discharge hose we use during the winter back to the normal standard one. The easiest job to check off the list was to go old school and did a duct tape bin fix on the lid. We went to Meijer to buy three more cubic foot of pea gravel to lie down along the fence line. Was so glad Fawn was able to help me load and unload the six bags of pea gravel each .5 cu. ft. bag weigh 50 pounds. The plan is to weed whack and then lay the gravel. Was disappointed at the job the weed and feed did, because dandelions are popping up again, so I bought a spray bottle of lawn weed killer that attaches to the garden hose. While I tending to the need today, I was thinking how wise it is to be doing all the yard work that can be avoided during the summer heat. Better go to bed early because I need to get tomorrow’s planned chores done before the temps climb up to the mid 80s. I suppose I can wait until the weekend when the weather is more seasonable. But I think I can manage to do some if not all the needed in the cool of the day. One thing for sure, being retired is a rushless plus, because the goal is to just make some progress on the needed without killing yourself. Only had time for a ham sandwich for lunch, but we rewarded ourselves after a hard day’s work. I made us a stir fried chicken with French green beans, garlic and onions, so good. Last tune for the day, Summer Breeze – Seal & Crofts. Thanks be to God, for another awesome day.

25 April 2021
Mama put me to work right after I made us delicious oatmeal this morning for breakfast. I thought I was only going to make the hamburger peas with Cantonese pan fried noodles. I had no idea that she also bought some more of those bogo packages of in-bone pork chops. Glad the kids enjoyed the way I try them up now. I'm glad I'm the only one that like eating the meat off the bone, and was able to cut back the meat away from all the bones before reheating the chops in the microwave at Alex's for lunch. Rob and I went for walk around the neighborhood while Andrea got to spend time with mom and Alex hung out with his nephew. Nice, I got to hold Peyton! This is so strange to be indoors with family and still be wearing a mask despite we have all been vaccinated for covid. Spent time watching and downloading another boat load of videos and photos unto the laptop. Thanks be to God, the past few days have been exceptional and so relaxing. But that’s all going to change tomorrow. I’m not sure how much of the outside chores around the house I’ll be able to get to, but I hope to at least get to most of them, so that I won’t be in the projected Tuesday heat. The forecast calls for 75 tomorrow and 85 on Tuesday, that’s insane.

24 April 2021
I'm really loving my Samsung GalTab S4. And being able to pen my journal entries and post wisdom on this blogger site. I find it fascinating that I routinely get over 500 hits a month now from all over the world now for well over a year. I started stream of consciousness penning my journal entries at Google Sites and ended up moving as much as I could here when Google messed everything up with their new version of googlesites. Woke to a gloomy looking day, but that all quickly changed when we got an exciting  FaceTime call this morning from Rob, Andrea, and our two grands and brought sunshine into our hearts. So cute to see Peyton with her butt up in the air doing a crawl. I was wondering how the day would turn out. The sun did pop in and out in the afternoon and he temp was in the mid 60s, so we were able to social distance gather and celebrate Victoria's 5th birthday with friends and family. Since Andrea was coming down for the party, I made Isaac vermicelli to take home. I love to cook and am happy that he enjoys my cooking. I think Rob and Andrea are doing a super job raising our grads. It was fun seeing another yet another generation beginning to blossom. The only drawback to celebrations is there is always plenty of good food and my inability to keep from overindulging. I stuffed my face with a one and a half slice of Lou Malnati's pizza and a fried chicken breast. I thought it was interesting and a little bit surprised that when we were talking about exercising is that I have been doing lifting dumbbells for some time now and I’m still unable to do a single push up and mentioned that as a young man, I was able to do a hundred pushups and one hundred sit ups, eye rolled in disbelief, oh well. Not sure why that happened, because that was pretty much the norm with kids in the neighborhood. We stopped at the Jewel on the way home to buy a couple pounds of hamburger. Looks like tomorrow's plan is to meet at Alex's and I'm suppose to make hamburger peas over Cantonese pan fried noodles for lunch. I'm game, that dish is goto comfort food. Anyway, got to get ready for bed. Thanks be to God for the blessings of a most beautiful day with family and friends.

23 April 2021
Hoping the weather forecasters are going to be correct on their forecast for the next Monday and Tuesday. Planning to do the needed yard work do some fence maintenance and repairs as well as tend to any other outdoor activities around the house like finally swapping out the sump pump drainage hose we use during the winter months to the regular drainage hose we otherwise have. Albeit we got the weekly Friday Zoom call, nursing home for some reason didn't patch ma in our session today. After lunch we went over to Alex's and finished up cutting and installing all the cabinet liners. The door locks where replaced and the remote garage door opener and keypad reprogrammed, so I think he's good to go. 
I’m not much into pet animals, but is it me getting soft or is Nala growing on me? On the way home, we were clueless what to make dinner, but one thing for sure, we weren’t going to opt for another carry out, so we pulled into the Jewels to buy a little grocery. I was so happy when she came out with some in-bone pork chops and never mind that these bad boys were two pork chops in a package on a buy one get on free sale. Dang, chirp chirp, just finished eating a most delicious supper if I may say so myself. I made us pan seared pork chops and stuffing on the side. I always thought that my pork chops were pretty good, but once upon a time, Jennifer told me that thyme was better than rosemary, so this time I decided to give it a go, and her call was spot on. Although they are both from the mint family, we agreed that the thyme had a more savory flavor and made the pork chops pop. While we were having of supper, Fawn mentioned exactly what was on my mind, that the a single pork chop cost us less than a $1.25, our entire meal for both of us cost us less $4.50 to make and we still had leftover stuffing. And she compared that to us spending over $20 yesterday for the awful meal we got from the Patio. I chirped and said that even on their best day; I’m still a better cook than most cooks, and yes she agreed! But it’s one thing to take your time and cook a single fine meal at home and being able to quickly pound out so many meals after meals continually in a hot kitchen professionally. I’m only say that because I watched so many cooking shows and seen so many poor habits from the pros and have to wonder what do they do in the kitchen when no eyes are on them. Anyway, I’m betting Fawn will have me fried up the other package of pork chops in a couple of days, but the only question remains to be seen is, “will it be for us or will she have me make them bad boy for our son?” Alex looked so exhausted today. I think he should rest up over the weekend, it’s been a super hard long week for him, working none stop moving out of his townhouse and moving into his new home. I thank God for the food he provides us from his bounty and for the rest in him he gives freely.

22 April 2021
I normally have oatmeal in the morning, but this morning l took out the last frozen char sui bao and had it for breakfast. Thankfully it was the last one because they're a far cry from a freshly baked one. A funny thought came across my mind and I  shared with Fawn that when I was a kid, you to see all the old men in the coffee shop eating the char sui bao with their morning coffee and we chuckled that I became that old man eating on a boa and sipping on a cup of coffee. Anyway, we are out the door super early and stopped at the Walmart and bought new shelf liners for the kitchen cabinets. Fawn did all the installation while Alex and I put together the guest room bed and reassembled the desks. Guessing Nala the new place, she has her own room and a back yard to run freely around. Alex H bought over his battery powered lawn mower and battery powered weed whacker as well as his dog Sheila. The two always love playing together. I could have sworn Nala was walking around with a swagger all day long. I helped out doing the weed whacking along the fence line because there was going to push a lawn mower. I own a self propelled one and oddly enough for some strange reason I can still work up a sweat cutting the grass. Rats, I forgot to bring home the bags of grass clippings to spread along the rear side of the backyard fence. Ann (Alex H’s mom) who recently retired is babysitting Samantha came with Alex to see the house. And yes, naturally we grandparents ended up talking about our grands. She treat our Alex over all the years as if he was one of her own. We left around 4 PM and stopped by Walmart on the way home to buy more cabinet liners. So I'm guessing we still have another day of work ahead of us tomorrow and he should be all settled in. I didn't feel like cooking so went to the Patio drive-thru and ordered the barbecue rib combo and chicken. We were totally stunned, turns out that was a terrible choice, the rib and chicken were both dried out as if it has been sitting for a long time keeping it warm. We’ve eaten there tons of times at the four nearby locations before the pandemic and it was always so good, so this was huge disappointment. How bad was it? Argh! It was so bad that if a restaurant has enough nerve to dare plate something like that, it isn’t worth complaining to or worth going back there ever again. Too bad, the Aurora Patio has loss us as a customer. Hopeful, the other three locations are still good. I have no intention of going to a Patio drive-thru ever again and have no plans to dine-in until this pandemic is under control. So who knows when I’ll be in another Patio restaurant again? That’s too bad, would of love to be supporting them, now that I’m a little more comfortable eating food that I haven’t cooked myself. Wow, now I feel a little better getting that rant off my chest. Think I’m in a better mood now that we facetimed with all the kids and am feeling blessed. Oh well, enough stream of consciousness writing and should be signing off without failing to give thanks to God who watches over us and is guarding our hearts, our minds and our bodies now and forever. May we lay claim to God's presence, cling to his character and become overwhelmed by his generosity.

21 April 2021
Went to bed last night close to midnight and fell sound asleep as soon as I hit the bed. I woke fully rested enough to even do a little resistance training on top of daily morning exercises. It’s funny how a lot of people like playing the high energy music when they are working out. I do that sometimes on the elliptical, but I generally like the overall soothing sound of classical music. I started getting on the scale daily now and now think that should have been doing that along in additional to estimating my calorie intake. I think that is the only way to consciously visualize and achieve a steady and meaningfully progressive weight loss. Spend time downloading and enjoy another bout load of videos and pictures that I haven’t had time to enjoy. Alex didn’t ask for our help until late afternoon after the two Alex move all the furniture. We got the in time to help unload the small boxes as well as all the stuff that was in our car. While the guys went for dinner, we wiped the cabinet down and started put things in them. This was the first time we seen the house and we thought it was pretty nice. It was to weird with two Alex in the room, so I asked them what do their friend call them to stop the confusion. My son is called Lee and the other Alex is called H because no one and pronounce his last name correctly anyway. Anyway, we got home late again so guess I’ll stop penning and get ready for bed. Thanks be to God for another day of grace.

20 April 2021
What a long, hard working day. We didn’t get back home until a little past ten and thought I wasn’t going to be too tire to post wisdom on my home page or pen a journal entry, but here I am unable to wind down. Obvious the first noticeable thing at the beginning of the day was how unseasonably cold it got overnight. The day started out with a mixture of rain and sleet that turned into snow flurries and then into snow. By the noon hour we even briefly saw the sun! Then it snow again in the evening, but thanks be to God that it was just warm enough that none of the snow accumulated. One again the weather forecasters were wrong and we didn’t get the expected one to two inches. Turns out Alex's friend Alex had to work and wasn't to help with the move until to this evening but offered his garage as a staging area, so rather than waste time. I’m clueless what happened to Alex’s other friend Nick. So with just Alex, Fawn and me on deck, we were only able to load all the lighter stuff on the truck and when Alex H got off work, they unloaded it to his garage. It was perhaps best, because that way we didn't have to play the rearranging game to fit everything into the truck to do a single go. Crazy that it didn’t seem like he had that much stuff, but he did. After everything was out of the house, the fun part still remained, sweeping, vacuuming and wiping everything down. It was nice seeing Alex H again. What a very nice and super energetic young man. Anyway, tomorrow is the big day for Alex; he’ll be closing on his new home in the morning and closing the sale of his condo in the afternoon! Albeit was a hard and long day, we thank God that we were able to spend time with our son and his friend and able to physically contribute at some capacity.

19 April 2021
We put end a full day’s work packing things into boxes. Glad to see Jean and Bob come and help out; Bob provided the muscles and Jean the managerial skills to move things along. Everything upstairs is completely moved downstairs now. One good thing spending the day at Alex’s is getting lunch from Lucky Panda, their food is so good. We order one of their chef’s specialty dishes, the salt and pepper fish. We still have some outstanding loose ends to just randomly just toss whatever in not in to box into one tomorrow while Alex’s long time friends Alex and Nick load everything in the 15 ft U-Haul rental moving truck. It’s not clear to me if it will require one or two trips. I’m guessing it will only require a single trip. I think it so awesome that Alex has been blessed with two very good long time friends from high school who all went to NIU together and shared an apartment together there, How is that for friendship?
18 April 2021
Déjà Vu, busy day helping Alex pack and getting to ready for his move. It was only two and a half years ago that be bought moved into his townhouse and now he sold it and bought a single family home. We were able to pack and box everything away that was in the kitchen and think that was the bulk of the stuff that was fragile. I think the young bucks are coming over tomorrow to bring the heavy stuff downstairs tomorrow and then load everything in to a rental truck the following day. Think we can be of some help boxing everything that is in the walk-in pantry. Nice to Facetime with all the kids again today. We are so blessed that kids are so routinely mindful of us and know that they bring us great joy.

17 April 2021
My claim for getting credit for meeting my resisting training was clearly legit  because I woke up a little stiff this morning. Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. We went meatless on the potatoes, peppers, eggs and onions skillet for lunch, but the was still plenty leftovers for dinner, so I changed it up and added some Canadian bacon to the mix which made the dish even more tastier. I watched a live feed of Steve Martin memorial service. I am blessed to become a virtual FB friend of him and his wife Chisa. They are both remarkable sainted icons of the church for us to model. 
Sigh, I don’t know why I was binge eating all day today. What is the matter with me?

16 April 2021
Went out first thing in the morning to speak with the foreman and was happy that he was apologetic and cooperative and did a good job on the redo. It’s clear to me that they were capable put back up my gate the way it was and making the necessary repairs to the broken post cap, so why didn’t they have pride enough to just do a right in the first place. I was late for the Zoom gathering, but got on with the rest of the family toward the tail end and got to say hello to my mother-in-law and rejoiced with some shared good news. Afterwards we went out to run some errands. I got in my hour walk in the parking lots while Fawn was in the various stores and then we brought three cubic feet of decorative pea gravel in .5 cu. ft. bags. I’m pretty sure that I’ll need at least six more bags to complete the needed yard work. The day was so nice that I decided to finish mowing the grass in the backyard sweep out and rearranged things around the garage. Made us beef chow fun for dinner as a reward for hard day’s work. Today was supposed to be a resistance training day, but I excused myself from that and considered it accounted for. God is good and know we love facetiming with the kids and especially the grads. The day is almost over, so a quick muse on today’s verse of the day. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children" (Hosea 4:6). We are destroyed when we don't know God and his love for us. We don't listen and fail to follow his ways. Let us mediate day and night and immerse ourselves in holy scripture. Teach me daily, O Lord, what you will have me learn and increase my allotted measure of faith. Protect our family, especially the children you have entrusted us. May they grow in grace and knowledge of you and may we all learn to revere you beautiful and holiness, for you have loved us first.

15 April 2021
We initially sounded an hmph at the loud motorcycle roar coming up fast behind us on Route 59. As the motorcycle passed us, we went from being annoyed to a wide eyed whoa, noticing that the motorcycle that blew pass us was up in the air doing a wheelie. Then the next thing we knew, we became awestruck when the motorcyclist all of a sudden leaped up on the seat and did a standing wheelie. As insane as it was, how in the world is that even possible to do that on a big bike? It’s my understanding that thrill seekers don’t have a death wish although it sure seems like it to me. Practiced signing today and surprised myself on how much I remembered. I have the ASL alphabet down pat but still struggled with the set of numbers between 20 to 30. In my mind, signing these numbers is anything but intuitive. I’ve been eating an estimated average of about 1600 calories a day for a long time and have been 160 pound for quite some time. With extra hard work and not dieting I was able to get my weight down to 150 pounds. But when I went back to my norm routine exercises I gained back three pounds in a very short time. What I should have done was starting eating about 1500 calories average to keep the scale at 150 pounds. Away, the lesson learned to get my weight down to 145 pounds is to slowly work my way down to about 1450 and/or increase my cardio / resistance training workouts. Actually, weight wise, 145 to 150 pounds is actually fine and is in the norm BMI range for my height, it’s the flabby subcutaneous and visceral fat around the waistline that is the real health issue. Talk about an annoying day, the contractors working on our neighbor’s yard like bulls in a china shop with their heavy equipment. Don’t worry we’ll repair and repair and fix anything we damage. That’s not the point, that’s like saying if I smash your car I'll fix it. Naturally, they took apart part our fence and damaged it and of course after the put it back together it was off. I had to even re adjust the crappy job they did to even make the gate usable. I’ll have to have a talk with them tomorrow to see what they are going to do about the cap piece that they broke. Sigh, they didn’t even put the post back in the original place and there is a big gap between the gate and the locking post. Lord, help me stay calm.

14 April 2021
Wow, had a real good full night sleep and woke to the bright sunshine. We go to bed early and still tend to wake pre dawn this time of year. Brr, too bad that it was so deceiving. I wish it would warm back up into the lower 70s and stay that way. These huge temperature dips are a big turn off. Happy day, got a call from sister that she and her husband got their first Pfizer vaccine shot this morning and is scheduled for their second in three weeks! Thanks be to God, our help comes the Lord who watches over us and keeps us now and forevermore.

13 April 2021
We took our car to the dealership for an oil change this morning. So much for oil change appointments. We were expecting to be in and out within 30 minutes to 45 minutes tops; it ended up being an hour and a half. Well at least with the $10 off coupon, for a total $32, we gotrdun with a car wash from the dealership to boot. Hard to believe that synthetic blend oil is so expensive. Anyway, we didn’t want to sit in the waiting room despite that it was setup with social distancing seating, so we went for a nice long walk. I mowed the grass in the front and side of the house and sprayed the weed and feed. I supposed I could of mowed the back yard too, but nah, will hit it on another day. Did good and made myself a garden salad for dinner. It was nowhere near as fancy as the one Fawn made, all I did was add a hardboiled egg and tossed in a handful of blueberries and a handful of croutons and two tablespoon of dressing.

12 April 2021
Now that’s the way to close the day, we just got off facetiming with all the kids, God is good. It’s been a long time since we watched American Idol, twenty minutes in, we turned it off and remember why. Once upon a time I thought AI was an outstanding show. I increased the number of set the during my last resistance day workout and I’m it very doable. But I did change it up again and did part of the resistance training in the morning and the remainder late afternoon and was able to shorten the rest interval between sets. I’ve noticed the pair of twenty pound dumbbells is getting easier and easier to work with over time, but I have no intention of getting anything heavier or increasing the number of reps and the number of sets any more than I am doing now. Days don’t get much better than this morning’s hour long walk while listening to sacred music. As I muse about our blessings, thoughts of our neighbors on both side of our home comes to mind as well as friends and family. I was reminded that no one has been worthy to receive communion and that the greatest humility and obedience is to accept the gift in joy and gratitude.

11 April 2021
Hard to believe that I’ve been watching Sunday Mass televised from Holy Name Cathedral for well over a year now and Cardinal Cupich has been a blessing. It’s slowly coming time to return to attending Mass in person at our parish soon. I miss Saint John dearly. Mmm, Fawn made us white albacore tuna sandwiches along with tomato basil soup for lunch. Albeit a not an all out effort to eat healthy an abandoning all our eating vices, we are moving more toward embracing in a more healthy lifestyle. With all this rain we have been getting the grass is crazy green and I haven’t even sprayed it with the weed and feed. A few dandelions are already popping up, so that’ll have to be done sometime soon. Looks like I’ll have to give it a first mow after we get a couple of dry rainless days in a row. I still can’t get over learning this year that people eat dandelions greens and drink dandelion tea. Clueless to what it would taste like, but just the thought of it sends shivers up my spine. Lots of people eat cilantro and kale and I don’t get that, so what do I know? Downloaded a ton of new pics and videos sent to me to my laptop. It was a joy to look over the snaps and view the videos. Lord, help us live anew in gladness and grace.

10 April 2021
It was one of those rainy gloom and doom looking stay indoors at home day. Albeit I was a little surprise that the doctor took me I still need to lose some more weight, since I’m already down to 153 pounds. Yeah, I gained back three pounds. I guess that was bound to happen since I stayed at about 160 pounds for several years and then loss ten pounds by sheer exercise. Well guess what, if you loss the weight by doing above the normal daily fitness exercise and don’t then stop the extended push and eat like you still 160, you’ll eventually go back to 160. Guessing I should cut back a hair on for now a push a little harder for couple of months and shoot for 145 by my birthday. I think I had a desire to be down to 145 pounds by my next semi-annual primary doctors visit in July anyway. The important thing is to somehow burn away the “visceral” fat. Away, I drifted away about staying indoors. It was a resistance training day and I did a few extra sets as well as did steps instead of going for a walk. Probably should of got the elliptical instead. Fawn made up one of creative garden salads for dinner. We have been avoiding raw vegetables since the beginning of the pandemic and have been. Song of the day is, The Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel. I saw a YouTube video of people not being able to answer why we Easter. We live in a time where Easter and Christmas is so secularize that Santa Clause and the easter bunny comes to mind and that Christ is a afterthought if even at all for many. Albeit Christ is present in our broken world, his presence is seeming missing for many in our daily lives. As we celebrate this Eastertide, we can celebrate and see his presence in the world through the lens of gratitude. A grateful heart allows us to see our blessings and brings joy in the mist of struggles. Saint Paul wisely instructs us to, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). I’ve been ranting about the poor rollout and about the difficulty of getting scheduled to get a covid vaccination petitioning our Lord with intercessory prayers especially for my sister Nancy and brother-in-law Ken. Thanks be to God they are scheduled to be inoculated this coming Wednesday at the pharmacy in Meijer. May all who desires to receive the vaccine be administered to readily.

9 April 2021
Had my annual Urology doctor’s visit early this morning and am good to go for another year. Albeit a normal thing to see psa numbers creep up every year, it is none the less a reminder of our mortality. The only other doctor exam visit that is worst is a having a colonoscopy which is due sometime later this year. It was strange to go in the doctor without Fawn because she has been my health care advocate all these years. She is so medically knowledgeable; I think she could have became a physician if she chose to do so. Got back in time for the Zoom call and after my mother-in-law got off, the call went on a lot longer than usual. I eventual walked away because the sisters were yapping about everything under the sun. It started as a rattle cold and damp gloom and doom looking day, but by late afternoon the sun came out and the temp soar all the way up to the lower 60s. I’ve been wowed by the Samsung Tab S4 clear and stunningly brilliant screen ever since I got it, but today I was even more pleasantly surprised by the powerful stereo sound emitted from the Dolby Atomos speakers on the device, when I didn’t have on my ear buds. Decided to play a few song from Youtube on and came across a most beautiful song from yesteryear, Both Sides Now – Judy Collins. Thanks be to God for his generous gift of music.

8 April 2021
Kaboom! Was waken early this morning by the sound of the overnight thunderous torrential rain storm. Have to say that we’re beginning show signs of spring with all the green coming in, not to mention there were two cardinals in the back yard and we don’t even have a bird feeder. Albeit, it rained off and on throughout the day, I was able to sneak in a 40 minute walk. Fawn found a 5# bag of russet potatoes for 89 cents the other day at Walmart. Now that’s a lot of potatoes for just the two of us. I decided to make us a breakfast skillet for dinner with half the potatoes, onions and green pepper and went meatless because that was already a lot of food. I forgot to mention that we were able to get for $2.999 the other day, hoping that means the gas prices are going down. Happy Eastertide, rejoicing in the Lord.

7 April 2021
Not really sure about why I stopped penning the last few weeks, but here I am now. It’s the weirdest thing to being away from away and taking a hiatus from social media how refresh one gets. More strange is the first thing to come to mind to pen is, I’m on my fourth bottle hot sauce. Bottle four is Tangy Tijuana, which is made from green tabasco peppers. It’s not all that, compared to all the ones I tried in the collection. One would think I would be penning Jennifer coming home for a week or about Alex getting his Janssen covid shot couple days ago, or us getting our second Moderna shot! Also happy to learn that my brother finally got his first Pfizer vaccine shot and didn’t have any side effect. As for our second shot, we had very noticeable pain the next day in the arm where we got the shot. Most concerned about my sister Nancy who are still waiting to be scheduled. This Illinois vaccine rollout is frustrating; this every man for himself hunting for an appointment online is so stressful. We cautiously celebrated Jennifer’s and Isaac’s birthday. Can hardly wait until all my friends and relatives are fully vaccinated. More news is Alex sold his townhouse and bought a single family home in Plainfield. We’ll have to still have to take extra precautions for a couple week so that we can help Alex pack and move. Have to mention our crazy Midwest weather swinging back and forth from day to day with temps below freezing and back up into the mid 70s. I have to say, the days when it makes it into the upper 70s are outstanding. Corned beef and cabbage made for a fine Easter meal. For some strange reason, the Irish and St. Patrick’s Day comes to mind whenever we have corned beef and cabbage and German whenever we have a Rueben sandwich. I got a replacement battery for my laptop, hard to believe the huge cost difference between the different manufactures. I picked and middle of the road cost one that had good reviews on Amazon for $33, because we basically only use the laptop on Fridays for Zoom calls and for storing digital photos and video recordings. Laptop batteries are said to last between 2 to 4 years, so looks like the original ones made it all the way to the tail end. It will be interesting to see how long one will last with little usage. 
Locally, the result from yesterday’s election was very telling. One of our two incumbent city councilmen that both promoted the sales of cannabis in our city limits was reelected.

24 March 2021
Got Cream playing with my headset on. Love, In the White Room. One week left in the month and albeit the temps are fine for this time of year, I see little hope in this month going out like a lame. Can’t even trust the weather forecast for beans, even for a 24 hour period. Tried to go for a walk but it was way too windy and turn back after going out a couple of minutes. After a lot of repetition, I was finally able to do my ABCs fast enough to sing and sing the alphabet song and practiced finger spelling names.  Interestingly for me, this is a great hand exercise, because my fingers and hand dexterity isn’t very good. I also managed to sign the numbers 0 to 10. I hope there is a pattern to make it easy to sign count to larger numbers. Loving my Samsung Galaxy Tab S4. Lord, be with me as I renew my life in your spirit.

23 March 2021
Albeit was gloom and doom looking day, I was able to take a nice walk this morning before the rain moved in. Lesson two is turning into a nightmare. I decided it best to learn signing the alphabet and the numbers before continuing with the sentences as a compulsory prerequisite. I already knew  most of the letters but had to refresh my memory on the remainder. It clear to me that I can only learn to sign is through a lot of repetition.

22 March 2021
Almost forgot, just gave youngest child a call to wish her a happy birthday. Sad, had a little difficulty doing simple math in my head to figure out her age. Glad she is on vacation and having fun with one of her college friend visiting her, go Ramblers. Must be nice being vaccinated. It was an unbelievable day in the upper 60s, four degrees shy of being the optimal 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 50 percent humidity. Have to believe that is what the weather must be like in heaven. Today’s hour long walk was a leisurely one, listening to sacred music. “Walking alone has always given me the best conclusion for the reason I have been walking alone.” Did a fusion lunch thing with the leftovers in the frig because there wasn’t enough spaghetti left for a meal, so I had it with a pepper jack cheese quesadilla. We went meatless for dinner, made the egg foo young with just bean sprouts, diced bok choy, diced onions, eggs and seasoned it with salt, white pepper and garlic powder. I was one of my better go at it. Still moving along and having fun with my signing lesson two sentences. Lord, look upon my soul and erase my sins and grant that I may be more observant of your grace.

21 March 2021
What a most fitting song for the day performed by James Taylor and Yo-Yo Ma, Here Come the Sun. Requiescat in pace, Steve Martin. Loving all the facetiming, watched Isaac joyfully opening his Pokémon birthday presents from uncle Alex.

20 March 2021
I have it in my mind that the first day of is more often than not a cold dreary day, but today it was a nice cloudless day in the mid 50s and was an awesome one to take a walk. Actually, I took two, because I only lasted 40 minutes on the first and did 20 minutes more on e second walk to get my hour walk in. The reason I wasn’t able to do more on the first go was because I held the pace of walking one minute going out and power walked back in 40 seconds! Funny, I ran back twice and both times, time wise it was no faster than power walking. So much for thinking I was actually running full bore. Clearly it wasn’t worth while pounding the pavement and putting shock on my knees and lower back. Nice as my Skechers walking  shoes are, they’re just that, comfortable "walking" shoes. Made beef chop suey for dinner. Normally, I would put it over the rice, but I made sinangag as the side. The chop suey has a lot of layers of vegetables going on, peapods, white onions, celery, bok choy and bean sprouts. Facetimed with all the kids and sang happy birthday to both Jennifer and Isaac. The only thing that could have topped today would be to have all our family physically be together. Really looking forward to the day when  we can all gather and break bread with our love ones. Lord, by your goodness, sanctify us and keep us blameless. Anyway, have a bunch of photographs and videos to download before calling it a day.

19 March 2021
Got news of findings from Carl’s cardiac catheterization and angiogram test. The results was not as we hoped. We stopped by Jean’s and dropped off an empty oatmeal container on the way to Sam’s Club. Talk about not wasting time, she already posted her DIY: headband holder. Pretty creative! Gas prices are still over three dollars and considered we were lucky to gas up at $3.099. Stopped at the Park and Shop on the way back and Fawn found fresh bean sprouts and bok choy. Of course, I was able to get an hour of walking around the various parking lots while Fawn was in the store shopping. We had spaghetti for diner! I love the idea that Fawn was able to freeze her pasta meat sauce in bunch of small containers. Normally went she makes her sauce, she would divvy up the sauce of us and the three kids in one quart containers. Nowadays, we freeze them in one pint containers and take out a container full every now and then unless there is a request from one or more of the kids. Looks like a nice weekend before a lot of rainy day moves in later in the week. I’ll be stunned if things don’t start turning green soon after. After all, tomorrow is the first day of spring! Lord, be with us and keep us, you are the one who heals us.

18 March 2021
“Be humble, be simple, bring joy to others.” - Saint Madeline Sophie Barat. Albeit signing is not as easy to learn as I hope, it is hands down easier than trying to learn a foreign language. Setting up and loving our hand me down devices. Fawn got a Google Pixel phone from Alex and I got a Samsung Tab S4 with a keyboard! I beat poking a screen on the Tab E.
17 March 2021
Been busy the last few days and didn’t have the chance to practice signing. Did so today and moved on to the sentence part of lesson two. I lesson one, I was able to get away with signing my name, because I previously learned to sign the alphabet when Alex was in the cub scouts and remembered enough of it to spell my name. Lesson two seems to expect the student to have previous knowledge of how to sign numbers. .There was no need to cook today, we just ate whatever leftovers there was in the refrigerator. There was a time when I took leftovers to work of ate all the food in one setting. Between eating so much and not exercising for so many years, it’s no wonder how I got so big. Lord, help me see your love in the passion, death and resurrection of your son.

16 March 2021
We went to the Sam’s Club to fill my prescription and stopped by Alex’s house again to drop off a four step and help him rearrange his furniture. Basically, outside of sliding furniture glides for hardwood floors underneath the needed, I was basically there to make sure Alex was ok while up on the ladder painting the ceiling. And yes we did get pot stickers and the shrimp egg foo young lunch special from Lucky Panda. That was exciting as it got today. Did make a pass around the exterior of our house to make a visual inspection in case there was some wind damage from all the high winds we have been getting. Lord, grant unto me a spirit of patience, humility and love.

15 March 2021
It was one of those days when we had a craving for a
Portillo’s Hamburger, so we went out and got us a the cold weather turned for the worst. Brr, cold rain, snow and sleet, all in one day. I still won’t eat food I didn’t cook myself without nuking it first in the microwave. Whoo hoo, talk about a good eating day, Carl brought over Sandy’s infamous Columbian Chicken stew! I’m really looking forward for this summer, when we can gather with the company of friends and family for good food and good conversation.
14 March 2021
I had the village of Oymyakon on my mind this morning, but I might have overreacted. But it sure felt cold though. Looks like winter isn't going down without a fight. We might even get some snow tomorrow as the is expected to hover in the low 30s most of the day. We went over to Alex’s to help patch some drywall holes and drop off some sausage spinach pasta. Filling in holes made by drywall anchors are bad news, I learned the hard way it’s always best to locate a stud instead. Mmm, ended up making a napa cabbage and silken tofu soup. Not only did it tasted good, it warmed up our home and soul. Song of the day is, 
Needles and Pins – Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks. Blessed are you, O Lord, for the gift of family and friends to be with us in times of joy and sorrow that aids us in our days of need and rejoices with us in our moments of celebration.

13 March 2021
I was partially correct, did make the Italian sausage spinach with penne noodles, but the pork bones are for the napa soup tomorrow. No plans to set the clock up an hour tonight, that chore can wait until first thing tomorrow morning. The song of the day is,
May I Suggest – Susan Werner. As a friend suggested, this song is a most “Lovely reminder for us to try to see the best in even the most unique of times.” Lord, you are in control and know what you’re doing. Help me to find joy in that, O Lord.

12 March 2021
Decided to pen a little since I’m logged on my laptop waiting for our weekly Friday morning Zoom family get together. Just downloaded a few more pics of Isaac and Peyton that was texted to me yesterday. Isaac and Peyton will have a treasure trove of digital photographs for sure. Hmm, the Rector Chat is cancelled for tonight, hoping there will be a posting of last night’s bible study. The plan is to whip up something quick and meatless for lunch right after the Zoom call, oyster eggs, stir fried lettuce… 
Debated back and forth about whether to go out today or wait until tomorrow to look for toys at Target. So weird not having a Toys R Us store. Since the wind was less than 10 mph, we went out and I was able to do a nice 45 minute walk at the far end of the parking lot while Fawn was in the store. Hard to believe at I’ve been only been in a store less than a handful of times in over a year. Twice in a Chinese grocery store to carry a 25 pound bag of rice from the store to the car. Once in a hardware store to buy a emergency battery sump pump system and once in a Walmart to buy winter salt for the driveway. I can’t wait until this nightmare ends. What a great way to end the day again, blessed again with the joy of facetiming with all the kids again. Do we have great kids or what? Learning that everyone in Illinois will become eligible for the covid vaccination sometime in April, now that is some good news. I know what’s for dinner tomorrow. I see that Fawn bought out two Italian sausages as well as some pork chop bones from the freezer. I can tell we’re having Italian sausage spinach pasta and some kind of soup made with pork broth. "even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love " (Ephesians 1:4). Even before I took my first breath, you already knew and loved me. You have given me so much, even when.

11 March 2021
Fried up the sinangag for Alex. It only requires four ingredients: oil, salt, garlic and rice! Fawn also had me make him beef and peapods as well as steamed chicken.  After we dropped the food off, I wasn’t going to let another day pass without at least a short walk, got in a twenty. Guessing that hoping for less wind in March is like wishing for no snow in February or no rain in April. Toot, toot, Alex called me just to say how especially good the food was. I need more hot sauce for my potato chips and was going to skip bottle three of twelve, Fire Valley Garlic Hot Sauce, until I saw that it was made with aged red cayenne peppers and habanero peppers, good stuff. I’ve come to conclusion that I enjoy most vinegar based hot sauces. Got a photograph of Peyton last night that was so cute. She is so long and with her thick hair brushed down, she looks a toddler. Was surprised I was able to sign though the remaining sixteen words. Hopefully I will fare well in the vocabulary review tomorrow. Learning to sign in small chunks seems to work best for me. I thank God that some folks I know are finally getting their first and some their second. I hope that means that our state’s dismal covid vaccine rollout is beginning to recover from their fiasco. Time to stop and make us dinner. Think I’ll fry up some sinangag to go with the leftover celery chicken. Lord, give me the grace to rise above my human weakness... 
How can I not come back and pen an amendment to today’s journal entry when the climax of the day came about after supper? The kids got together and facetimed us! The only great joy than facetiming with all the kids is to actually physically spending the day with all of them. Funny, how observant Isaac is and noticed that it was still daylight where Jennifer was and asked if it was morning time where she lives.

10 March 2021
Happy haircut! It’s amazing how good one feel after getting a haircut. Ooh-wee, talk about a windy day. Was able to do the push as hard as I did the other day with dumbbells as I did the other day. Hoping it will become easier in due time. Lesson two of the self paced ASL online course is going to be a tough one and may require a slow go. There are 26 vocabulary words on the list and I was only able to get to the first ten. My goal is to learn to sign eight more tomorrow. Have pity on me, O Lord, and take away the awful stain of my sin.

9 March 2021
Last night’s movie wasn’t for me and it didn’t even come close to what I thought the movies would be about. Wow, it made it all the way up to 69 ºF! We went out first thing in the morning to return Alex’s laptop and then we were off out and about enjoying the awesome weather. Normally on such a awesome day, we would of just stayed out and enjoyed a nice lunch somewhere, but we haven’t eaten restaurant food without microwaving it before eating. It was pass the lunch hour when we were on our way home so we stopped by Lucky Panda and ordered us some egg rolls, pot stickers and the shrimp egg foo young lunch special. Started on ASL lesson 2a vocabulary. Not sure why I’m penning this, but I’m sucking on some coffee candy and it’s so good. Every time I indulge in coffee candy, I think about my mom. Weird, Alex asked if I would make him some  “sinangag” I googled it and it looks simple enough to make. Was wondering if he missed the Philippines, but he said he just wanted to change it up and that he ate it there a liked it. We get that way too and sometime don’t really have a taste for anything. Thank you Lord for our children, hold them close and bless and keep them.

8 March 2021
Whoo hoo, I just aced the ASL quiz! It got all the way up to 63 ºF. Albeit I did take an hour long walk, it wasn’t all that because it was rather windy. Later in the day the wind did subside and it was briefly pleasant. I came across a Youtube movie, Pain & Gain, which I am planning to watch right after I am done with penning this journal entry. Oddly enough I was motivated enough to push a little hard on my resistance training this morning. Funny how little things trigger certain memories. I thought about my old friend Dennis while benching the dumbbells, who once said, “No pain, no gain.” Learned from Marlyn that Ashley is pregnant and carrying her second child due in October! Fawn forwarded me two new photos from Andrea today; one was Isaac eating shrimp alfredo and the other of him holding up his are art work. I learned that Andrea and Rob made the shrimp alfredo dish. Andrea would always order whenever we ate at an Italian restaurant. I never had a go at that dish, perhaps our baby will make it for us sometime, it looked pretty good. I was impressed at Isaac’s drawing. I noticed and was struck by that Isaac only drew her mother and himself in the picture. I asked Fawn, “Was I reading too much into that?” She told me that Isaac drew the picture after Andrea and Isaac came back from a walk during their mother and son lone time. Hard to believe he is going to be four years old in a couple of weeks. Lord, protect us against the realities of spiritual warfare. Give us the strength and courage to boldly fight the evil one and preserve us O Lord to the end.

7 March 2021
Hard to believe today’s high was 53
ºF because it felt rather cool with the wind blowing. I only managed two twenty minute walk while we were out. The kids facetimed us this morning and it was nice to learn that both Rob and Andrea got their second covid vaccine shots. We’ll be getting our second shot at the end of the month. Still praying for a speedy distribution of three approved available vaccines. Fawn had me whip up a beef lo mein dish for Alex’s and dropped it off house, mama always thinking about her babies. We had to go to Jean’s house for a quick visit and go over the food order for the month and drop it off at the House of Emperor Restaurant to be delivered to their mom’s nursing home. We had to gas up the car and about fell over when I saw the price was $2.999 per gallon. Why am I surprised that the gas price is climbing, when Biden is at the helm? 
I think I’m ready to Ace the ASL quiz tomorrow. Just one more review just prior to the exam and I think I’m good to go. Lord, grant that we may seek you in those we often ignore.

6 March 2021
When for a nice long walk and feel at peace. Spending this weekend like a college student preparing to take the ASL lesson one quiz on Monday. Just thankful I’m going about it in a self pace manner and really trying my best to learn it. I weighed myself at the beginning of the month and gained back a few pounds. Because I eat like a 160 pound person and without walking routinely for exercise, that is understandable. The weather has been cooperating and I’ve routinely been walking again and only missed one day this past week. I wonder if things are going to reopen and go back to some form of normalcy this summer. If the POTUS is correct and the vaccine will be available for every American adult by Mid-May, I say let’s all get on with our lives. Updated my Facebook cover, because I’m overflowing with hope.

5 March 2021
Lord, protect us from being led astray by any temptation. Lord, teach us to pray: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (Matthew 6:9-13).We went out in the cold this morning but we had a nice 30+ degree swing later in the day. This morning’s Zoom call was pretty good; much of the conversation was about covid vaccinations and the slow row out by local government just to get on a list just to be scheduled and the need for people to be proactive and scramble to get vaccinated. I happy that Soo said she is scheduled for her first shot in a week because parts of Arizona in down to age 55 and higher. Got a reminder notice that there is no Rector Chat this week. Made cheese quesadillas using shredded parmesan cheese for lunch, because it was the only game in town. Albeit not the ideal cheese for a quesadilla, it was still tasty, but I wouldn't recommend it … 
I was so happy when my sister Nancy gave us a shout out this afternoon. Seems like the covid vaccine is on everyone’s mind nowadays. Happy to learn that everyone is doing well despite being a little anxious waiting to get vaccinated. We did a dvd matinee and watch the 2020 Mulan movie. I liked the movie better than the 2009 Mulan: Rise of the Warrior. I don’t know why I was surprised by the Disney version adding magical witchcraft sorcery mumble jumble into the mix though.

4 March 2021
Nice, woke with no pain in the arm! Out and about early in the morning to take the car for emission testing and to get the annual license plate sticker. Fawn had some shopping to do at several stored, so I did today’s walk in the parking lot while she went in to get the needed. Taking a walk on the riverwalk or even through the neighborhood is so much better than just walking around aimlessly in the parking lot. Swapped out the filters for the range hood and replaced the burnt out halogen lamp. Funny how feel a sense of accomplishment whenever I complete even the simplest of tasks. There wasn’t enough leftover beef chow fun for the both of us, so I gladly boiled a little spaghetti noodles and ate it with Fawn’s pasta sauce I took out of the freezer over the weekend that I use  my homemade chili. I swear it’s hands down the best pasta sauce ever. Stayed up for the Thursday night Zoom bible study because last week’s study didn’t get posted nor did I see last week’s rector chat and I need help with Lent. Kyrie eleison. So glad to have joined the Pastor Bruzek’s chat. Better stop yapping and go to bed, Fawn has an haircut appointment super early so that we can get back in time for our weekly maternal family Zoom gathering.

3 March 2021
Déjà Vu, woke with a sore arm again and it went away after doing my morning stretches. Today was a resistance training day and I had no problems with the dumbbells. The forecast called for a high of 50 degrees this morning, but they were wrong, it made it to 57 degrees! It was so nice we went to downtown Naperville and did a morning walk on the riverwalk. It seems like it’s been forever since we did that. I spent a little time knocking down the snow mound along the side of the driveway to help the melt along when we got back. That goes to show how much I loathe the sight of snow. We had leftover pork chops from yesterday that made for delicious pork taco dinner. Isaac Facetimed us with a riddle and wanted to know if we noticed anything new. Of course we did, happy haircut! He is so handsome. O Lord, increase my faith, help my unbelief. 
2 March 2021
There was slight soreness in the arm when I woke up this morning, but that went away after completing my daily morning stretching exercises. Mmm, more than one comfort food for today! Fawn found inch thick bone-in pork chop at Sam’s Club for $1.54 a pound! I love gnawing the meat off a bone, so tasty. I was in food heaven. I made gon chow ngau ho for Isaac the other day and it’s been on my mind ever since. I was actually surprised when he told me that likes my stir fried rice vermicelli better than beef chow fun, because he always ask me if I could make him beef gon chow and ribeye steak to bring up whenever we go for a visit. Going to have to go to Lowe’s tomorrow to replace one of the halogen light bulbs for the range hood. Not making a special trip because the pair of charcoal filters has been long overdue to be replaced. I’m pretty good with signing the ASL 30 word vocabulary now. Albeit, I got 18 out of 20 correct with the sentences, I still have to pause and think about how to frame the sentences. I’m pretty sure I will be able to take the lesson one quiz and do well on it by Friday. Clearly, I’m not a fast learner, but I’m progressing and am still enjoying it. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” (Psalm 103:1). I thank God for all his benefits shown to me and my family.

1 March 2021
Tried going for a walk this morning and ended up only a twenty minute walk because the wind made it too nippy. Feeling somewhat relieved now that we got our first dose of the Moderna covid-19 vaccine today. So far we’re not feeling any side effects. I limited myself to briefly get on Facebook twice today. I really need to curb my activities on there. I’ve over extended myself need to slow things down.

28 February 2021

The plan was to go up and visit our grands yesterday morning, but the heavy fog prevented that from happening. One thing good that came out of that was I was able to spend the day yesterday cooking this and that we were playing doordashing it today. I’ve so busy, this is my first chance to even get on a user end device. I wasn’t that far off about the melt, I can see most of my yard now and the final hurdle is what remains of the snow pile along the edge of the driveway. Another month had gone by and tomorrow we will be welcoming in March. No doubt March will roar like a lion and only the question remains, will it leave like a lamb? Decided to limit the ASL studies to weekdays so that I don’t completely over load myself. Listened to Pastor Bruzek’s  Thursday 2/18 bible study, but this Thursday’s 2/25 bible study and Fr Joshua’s 2/26 Rector’s Chat hasn’t been posted yet. I have joy of family on my mind and can’t imagine living life without them. I thank God for the gift of family. The verse of the day is, "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of da warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate" (Psalm 127:3-5) and the song of the day is, If These Walls Can Talk – Wayne Bake Brooks.

26 February 2021

Happy Friday! Love bright sunny mornings and temps warm enough to melt the snow. Think I was overly optimistic about all the snow possibly vanishing by the end of the weekend, but you never know! Not sure why two of Fawn’s siblings weren’t on the weekly family Zoom call this morning, but it still was nice to be able to get together. It may be premature to say spring is in air, but there’s nothing wrong with making some oven baked barbeque chicken in anticipation of better weather. Whoo hoo, got 30 out 30 on the ASL vocabulary review. Albeit there remains a slight processing pause, I moved on to part two of the first lesson: Sentences. There are twenty sentences to learn for part two and part three a quiz for the first lesson… Mmm, mmm, the barbeque drumsticks were spot on. Changed up my resistance routine, it’s my understanding that is good practice to that from time to time. Missed the Rector Chat today because we had to go out unexpectedly and run some errands. I hope to be able to get a recording of today’s study as well as catch up on the last two Thursday night’s bible studies. Got to go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a big day!

25 February 2021
Albeit it didn’t snow and we still got above freezing, I went out and totally reclaimed the entire driveway by shoveling the snow bank back and spreading it back on driveway for a quicker melt. Got 28 out of 30 on the ASL vocabulary review this time around, but can tell this is going to be a slow learn for me. Got a little frustrated with most of the rules and the reasoning behind them are absurd in the first place as well as the reasoning behind the easing of them. Between the quacks, politicians and the media, Lord have mercy.

24 February 2021
I was totally taken by surprise this morning, out of the blue my true love said to me, “Let go for a walk to the library.” I was game for the 2.5 mile walk in the 40+ sunshine. It’s been a long while since we went for a walk through the neighborhood together. Everyone did a good job keeping the sidewalk clear because 99.999% of free of snow. I was able to keep up with Fawn on the way there, but it didn’t take her long to be so far ahead of me to appear like the size of an eraser on a pencil on the way back. Got to talk about the above normal temps we have been getting, if this continues, I believe all this accumulated snow on the ground could possibly completely vanish by the end of weekend! I was so over dressed and profusely sweated as though I did an extreme workout at the gym. Nice, as soon as we got back, we got a Facetime call from Andrea, Rob, Isaac and Peyton! Who can ask for a more outstanding start for the day? I love sausages and have my eyes set on frying us Italian sausages for lunch, so for now, it’s time to stop and make up lunch… 
I swear, nothing Google does is intuitive to me. It took me a while to figure out how to maneuver my way around the google drive and was able to download a video from the cloud-base storage system. I’m sure I done it before but apparently not often enough to recall the procedure. Thought more about this morning’s walk and how pale it compares to the eight mile hikes Jennifer does with her friends. I can’t see myself on a trail. The Italian sausage sandwich hit the spot. I know there are countless number of sausages from around the world that I never tasted, but from the ones that I have, salsiccia (Italian), bratwurst (German), cevapcici (Serbian), kielbasa polska (Polish) and breakfast (American) sausages really stands out. I started to say I reviewed yesterday’s ASL lesson, but all actually did was take the review test and only got 9 out of 30 correct. No wonder why I have such a hard time learning languages. Next time I ought to review prior to taking the review test. I really hope I will be able to stick to this and not lose interest. Actually, I think this is a good way to exercise my brain. It’s been a real great day.

23 February 2021
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork" (Psalm 19:1). Unbelievably blue skies. The overnight’s temps stayed above freezing and is forecasted to be likewise again tonight. It got into the mid 40s and we’re getting a deceit melt and our sump pump is beginning to routinely come on. Once again, I feel restless waiting to receive our covid vaccination. 
To take my mind off things, I went to Youtube and took the first lesson of an American Sign Language course. I’ve taken a few other beginner language courses online like Chinese and Hebrew, but never got past a couple lessons before giving up or losing interest. I wonder how far I’ll get trying to pick this up. I did learn the alphabet once when Alex was in Cub Scout. Yummy, made ketchup shrimp stir fry. It’s one of those tasty and memorable dishes that many Chinese-American kids grew up with that you just can’t find in any Chinese restaurant.  Anyway, got to stop, a new tv series, Superman & Lois is about to start.


22 February 2021
Mmm, cracked open the second bottle of hot sauce and splashed it my oatmeal. The Horned Lizard Spicy Cajun Hot Sauce is made from aged red cayenne. Whoo hoo, albeit snowed last night, am so thrilled that didn’t get the expect 2 to 3. It fact it looks like we only got a dusting. We have a gloom and doom looking grey sky this morning, but the sun is suppose to come out this afternoon and the temps will rise above freezing and stay that way going into Wednesday! Anyway, stopping to download a few more pics and then go out spread a 
little salt on the driveway and all the walkways… It’s a good thing I went out to salt, because it was like an ice skating rink out there and we are expecting a parcel delivery today. I came across an oldie but goodie, Venus – Frankie Avalon.

21 February 2021
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit" (Psalm 51: 10-12). During these 40 days of Lent, may the Lord cleanse our hearts from what keeps us away from him. The plan was to clear the snow away from the base of all the downspouts, but that failed to materialize. I was in no mood to go outside. It’s around 1:30 p.m. and the temperature is 36 ºF as I pen, there is no doubt that some melting going on as I hear icicles crashing down making big banging noises on the back deck. I’ve been crying uncle for some time, but the weather remains relentlessly merciless. It’s been a crazy record braking snow fall for the month of February and it not over yet. We are expecting another 2 to 3 inches of wet snow to begin to fall in a couple of hours. Seamed us cod for lunch. I love fried breaded cod a lot, but think and prefer to have steam tilapia over cod… 
It didn’t start snowing until a little after 5, so I won’t be doing anything with the snow until sometime tomorrow morning. Wondering if there is any change that it will be warm enough to melt the snow and that there will be no need to do any shoveling at all. With all the melting today, our sump pump has been pretty active. Been wanting for about week to mention how noticeably long the days are finally becoming. Watched a few contestants auditioned on American Idol and can’t remember when the last time I did that. But it is clear to me why I stopped watch that show. Flashback to yesteryears while listening to, Lightin’ Strikes – Lou Christie.

20 February 2021
Since I’m on the laptop this morning collecting data for the inevitable need to file and pay taxes, I decided to pen here in my journal. Oh my, another bright sunny day! Only wish that the temperature would at least warm up enough to melt the snow away. The plan is to go out sometime later today and try to get a little more snow off the roof. I can hear newly formed icicles falling off the roof this morning. It just dawned on me that we are still in single digits Fahrenheit and the snow is still slowly melting and now I'm wondering how this can be. So what is this confusing global warming and climate change is really all about? Seems to me that even in the cold, the glaciers are going to melt and recede regardless of what we do and that only another 𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒈𝒆 (? if there ever was one) will prevent that from happening. Anyway, that was my lame muse sipping on my morning coffee
Déjà Vu, we were at it again today raking snow off the roof of the garage. This time it was a lot tougher because the snow pile along the driveway was too high so we had to shovel the fallen snow and carry it all the way down to the parkway. Today was a great day, albeit separately, we got to talk to each of our kids on the phone. It is so good to listen to them share what is going on with their lives and take comfort in how our Lord is blessing them in their daily lives. Yesterday I spoke with my sister Nancy and today I was blessed with time on the phone with my brother Bill. As far as covid goes, I’m starting to believe Dr. Fauci is wrong about returning to normalcy can’t be achieved until 2022. He is only one “expert” with an opinion and there are others with different opinions. My plan is to go back to normalcy as much as possible after we get vaccinated. I made us a huge pot of mixed vegetable soup by fine slicing a couple of thick in-bone pork chops as base for the soup and poured half a container of store bought chicken broth for extra flavor. We had the soup with capellini pasta, perfect. Learned something new today everyday; noodles and pasta are not one in the same. Noodles are usually made with flour milled from common wheat, while pasta is processed from durum semolina. 

19 February 2021
Was just thinking about when Friday comes around, I notice that I seem to be living in a weekly cycle of a Zoom family gathering in the morning and a Zoom Rector Chat late afternoon. One thing that is different this Friday is that it’s the first Friday on the Lent season. Not sure if I can remember next Friday, but we abstained from eating meat and ate Italian pepper and egg sandwiches. They were so good. 
Rejoicing in a phone call from my sister Nancy, all is well with her and her family. It is always good to stay in contact with family. Am anticipating in a joyful reunion this year after everyone gets their covid vaccination. Albeit didn’t snow today, we went out and knocked some snow off the garage and icicles from the roof the second story gutters with the roof rake.

18 February 2021
Was happy to see less than an inch of fluff this morning. It was easy pickings and was even able to reclaim about two feet back along the width of the driveway. Thinking spring can't come too soon, because just as I was finishing up doing all the needed, it starting snowing again. It seems to be slow accumulating, so I have no plans to go back out and shovel again today. Andrea facetimed us this morning because Payton was wide awake and we were able to see the cutie. It could be our imagination, but she looks longer than Isaac did at two months. I viewed a Zoom talk recording, Yoga: It isn’t what they say it is! - Fr Serahim. There’s no need to convince me that Christians should stay away from Yoga, “to yoke.” How can one fully strip out the Hindu religious connotations to mere physical exercising? In my mind, Christian Yoga is blasphemous.

17 February 2021
The 2/11 bible was most excellent. Learned that, The Venerable Macarius the Great of Egypt was asked, “How should one pray?” The old man said, “There is no need at all to make long discourses; it is enough to stretch out one’s hands and say, ‘Lord, as you will, and as you know, have mercy.’ And if the conflict grows fiercer say, ‘Lord, help!’ He knows very well what we need and He shows us His mercy.” Ate the last package of store brought rice noodle rolls from Park and Shop. They were terrible and have no plans to buy them ever again from there. The store bought ones at, The Oriental Mart are by far, way better. I’m so glad the string of overnight snowfall has been finally broken and there is plenty of sunshine! Now if we can only break the cold spell too. Chicken Parmigiana with spaghetti is one of my favorite Italian dishes I’m able to make for supper and of course Fawn made the pasta sauce. Funny how chicken is my favor meat, I actually like veal when it comes to parmesan better, but veal seems hard to come by. I really wanted to stay indoors today, but I had to roll out the garbage and recycle bin curbside. Man o man, one or two more noteworthy snow storm and the driveway will become problematically narrow. Nice, had to momentarily stop penning, the kids are facetiming up! … LOL, a short call, Isaac just wanted to show his uncle Alex the French silk pie that he got from him. That was one happy and appreciative camper.  One of the things that was foremost on my mind today is remembering that we are dust and to dust we will return. A reminder that we are both human and mortal. But in my muse, more importantly that God loves us, dirt and all.

16 February 2021
We now have nine consecutive days of measurable snow. This time we got about three and a half inches of overnight snow. But clearly the drifting snow was worse than the snowfall it took me an hour just to only work my way to the back of the house to clear the snow away from the patio door and the covered sump pump drainage hose on the first go. We were really concerned the drifting snow covering the furnace vents. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. My neighbor did our driveway and sidewalk with his snow blower before I could go out and have a second go at the snow. His act of kindness is a reminder of God’s blessings in our daily lives. Unlike the psalmist I am not as mindful enough to appreciate and recount all of God’s deeds. “I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1). So with a concerted effort, I am thanking God for neighborly love, the technology that connects us and for so many of my inspirational friends and family. 
The day is almost over and I just got though viewing new videos of our grands, can’t get enough of them and yes, I downloaded this one to the laptop too. Going to listen to the 2/11 evening bible study before closing the day with evening prayers.

15 February 2021
Only got less than two inches of overnight snow, but had a hard go at tending to it because of the bitter cold despite wearing multiple layers of thermal clothing. I can hardly wait for this upcoming weekend when the temperature with soar up to the mid 30s. Image that, having temps above the freezing mark for a change. Springtime can’t come too soon and neither can getting inoculated with a covid vaccine. Was surprised Fawn had me make us steamed chicken, because it has been a long time still I made that dish. It was not only tasty over rice, but it also warmed up and humidified the house. Read a timeless and noteworthy quote from William Martin about
not asking your children to strive for extraordinary lives and on making the ordinary come alive for them, wisdom. 

14 February 2021
Celebrating Valentine’s Day and the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Recognizing the blessings of friends and family this day. “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). We've been routinely watching Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral on ABC7 since the beginning of the pandemic. Never thought I'd be doing that for so long in my wildest dreams. Read several transfiguration icons. Christ is crucified and risen, and death no longer having dominion over Him. The transfiguration gives us the hope of the same immortal glory as your Lord. The hope of another life beyond the present life is quite comforting. With Moses and Elijah appearing with Jesus teaches that they had never really died, and that there is yet another life besides our earthly life. We Valentine facedtime with the kids and it was nice. Learning that a lot of folks are also virtually social gathering together using audio visual tools like Zoom, Facetime and Skype. So nice to have technology like this. Enjoying another bunch of photos we got from Andrea and downloaded them to my laptop. Lord, have mercy, it started snowing again this evening and we are expecting another 4 to 8 inches of snow this evening through Tuesday morning. I’ve been neglecting my exercises for more than three weeks now and today I got motivated to slowly start it up again. I think all this snow shoveling has wore me out and broke my routine and the exercising became sporadic. It’s also been too cold to do any outdoor walking and it’s been a long while since I used the elliptical. Most likely I won’t be get fully back in the groove until early April.

13 February 2021
We are so blessed to be surrounded by caring neighbors with snow blowers. We got about three inches of snow overnight, but I only needed to clear the snow from our walkways leading to the front porch and to the back patio door this morning, because our neighbor tended to the snow on our sidewalk and driveway! This is the first year that the snow was so bad in a long while. I watched a couple episodes of, Black Saddle. Being a western fan, it’s hard to believe this is the first time even heard of the 44 episodes, short lived, tv show that ran on NBC.


12 February 2021

We are supposed to get 3 to 6 inches of snow overnight and then 2 to 4 more inches going into Sunday. Nothing yet, knock on wood. The kids facetimed up early this morning and offered Chinese New Year well wishes. This morning Zoom meeting was really nice and everyone was in good cheer. Funny how we were all talking about how little we actually know about the Chinese language and culture. Had my first go at making beef lo mein. It wasn’t what I imaged it to taste like, but it was none the less somewhat tasty. I feel there is room for improvement and hope to achieve that on my next go. We were supposed to study chapter two and three of the Didache on this evening Zoom Rector Chat, but we only got through the first two verses of chapter two, because there was a lot of questions and discussions on viewing the didache in the light of, teaching and training, dos and don’ts, as well as on imperative and indicative. There was a lot of discussion on sorcery during and mostly after class about yoga and its demonic pagan roots. Think I’ll stop penning and work on adding the didache as a new page to my homepage on Larry’s World and then download the picture I got from Fawn unto the laptop and then call it a day. Still can’t believe I have a 2 terabyte machine.

11 February 2021
I updated my Facebook profile and cover photo temporarily to celebrate Chinese New Year even though my knowledge of Chinese culture is very limited a few Cantonese phases and Chinese American cuisine. was struck in the prayer by, "Our Holy and God-Bearing Father" to Hierarch St. John the Wonderworker. For certain, I always thought that referred to the Apostles because of their foundational exemplary lives and their teachings and maybe the early Church Fathers. But clearly this was an intercessory prayer seeking succor from a foundational teacher. Now I’m wondering if there any other that may be included as, “Holy and God-Bearing Father” in Orthodoxy? Or is the “our” limited to each parish’s founder in the Orthodox church? I’m somewhat confused and hope to learn more about this by raising the question in our rector chat tomorrow. 
Dang, it’s snowing again. I can’t remember it ever snowing so routinely in a given year. Luckily, I’m retired and can deal with the 1 to 2 inches at a time; it’s when it’s 3 or more of the heavy stuff that is problematic for an old dude like me. Was just out to rowing back the garbage and recyclable carts from curb side and bring in the mail, seeing yellow snow is so gross. What an awesome way to finish the day, first we facetimed with Alex, Andrea, Rob and the grands, then later Jennifer by phone. I then finally just got off of Facebook going back and forth with my niece Melissa. 

10 February 2021
Albeit we only a light dusting, it makes one wonder, “Why are we seeing so much snow?” Climate change? Only two more servings of soup left for tomorrow, this one is going fast. Song of the day is, How Deep is Your Love. Make me wonder why they don’t write songs like this anymore.

9 February 2021
Seems we have acquired a taste for cabbage. Made us a pot of napa soup, delicious. I’ve been preoccupied with all the snow and the coldness. Looks like more snow is forecasted for tomorrow as well as for the weekend and am not thrilled about the number of subzero temps. Hearing -13
ºF for Sunday. Anyway, it was too cold with the added wind chill to do any shoveling this a.m. but was able to tend to the needed early afternoon when the temps soared into the teens and the wind had subsided. I was so happy that my good neighbor did my sidewalk with his snow blower. The Chinese lunar new year of the Ox will be this Friday the 12th. My nephew Jayson posted meme on various Chinese New Year Taboos and thought it was funny how many Asians, even though may not believe the superstitions and taboos attached to the lunar new year, we attempt to hang on to these ancient customs. When I think about the festival, red envelopes and great traditional celebratory dishes never fail to come to mind... 
Always love whenever the kids calls and facetime. Alex, Andrea and Rob are so mindful to facetime several times a week and check up on us. Only wish Jennifer was on our same schedule and could join in more often. We especially love whenever we are able to catch a glimpse of Isaac and Peyton. We love how Rob and Andrea are caring for them not only this past year with the coronavirse about, but also raising them in Christ. I was reminded today of our greatest responsibility as parents that God has entrusted  to us is to become theologians that are capable of teach their children sound doctrine.

8 February 2021
Since there is an open package of Canadian bacon and still a English muffin that needs to be eaten, I treated myself to an Egg McMuffin minus the cheese for lunch and considered it a reward for this morning’s go at the snow once again. Insane how it just keeps on snowing and how freezing cold it remains. We finally got around to last Thursday night’s bible study,
Cure of Mercy 2/4. Hope is welcoming the future in the proximity of Christ. Worrying is a waste of time and the cure is in the nearness of Christ. Albeit the snow is very light and could have tossed it up on the existing pile on this go, I was in no mood to be out in the cold longer than need be, so I just pushed the inch or so snow to one side of the driveway. It’s important that I also keep the patio door and sump pump discharge hose clear. Now the driveway is about two feet narrower, but should make the next go at shoveling again tomorrow morning as our winter advisory calls for 1 to 3 inches of snow this evening. I boiled some spaghetti noodles and mixed it in with some of the leftover cabbage and turned the once side into a very tasty main dish. Guess what were having tomorrow again, Even a medium size head of cabbage goes a long way when there are only the two of us.

7 February 2021
Last time I we had cabbage, I made fried cabbage with corned beef and it was so delicious. Today’s fried cabbage with Canadian bacon wasn’t as tasty but was still good and is still way better than just boiling it. One of these days I’m going to get ambitious and have a go at making cabbage rolls. Was totally disappointed at how one sided Super Bowl LV was and what about that rendition of our National Anthem, just as terrible if not worst. I ate too much junk food all day, bad bad bad.

6 February 2021
Too cold to go out, decided to do a matinee and watch, The Scarlet and the Black, on Youtube. I give this two popcorn two and a half hour movie two thumbs up. About two thirds the way in, I took myself an intermission and made us a beef tomato pepper dish with a fried rice side for an early supper, so I guess we can say it evolved to a dinner and a movie, right? I thought the fried rice with peas, Chinese sausage and the leftover hotdogs from lunch was one of my best go at making fried rice. Looked out the window and was taken by surmised by an inch of snow. It was starting to get dark out, so I only make sure to clear the snow away from the patio door and to get to and clear the end of the sump pump discharge hose. The snow was so light that I could have also did the driveway and walkways but I was so cold, that there was no way I was going to stay go in the cold.

5 February 2021
Sometimes cognitive changes can really be frustrating today was one of those days. Albeit it normal for conceptual reasoning, memory, and processing speed, decline gradually over time, it becomes more and more frustrating as we age. If it is so frustrating for me, I can’t image how frustrating it must be for my wife who is much younger than I am. Enough about that, am happy that the overnight snow was only a half inch of powder and was easy to shovel. Got back in time for the morning Zoom call and was happy that Soo has a closing date on her previous home before downsizing to her current home. A Facetime with the kids followed and there was more good news, Rob is getting his first covid-19 shot later on today and Andrea will be getting her vaccination next week. That will definitely easy our worried minds. Still praying for Alex and us to get the nod soon… 
Pork chops, do I need to say more. If you’re from Chicago, then a Chicago style bone-in pork chop sandwich with mustard and onions is a must. Have made these bad boys in a long while; wish mama would buy bone-in pork chops more often. Once again the Rector Chat was most excellent. Fr Genig move on from the Psalm studies started a new four to five week series this week on, The Didache. His teaching was so good that I was compelled to add a new link in Larry’s World to the book that all Christians can profit from. We cranked up the furnace a couple of notches because the temperature has already begun taking a deep dive into the deep freeze. Been doing like the Britons and adding milk to my black tea. Been doing this most of the day to stay warm and cozy. Lord, bless my friends and family with good health, peace and joy. Amen.

4 February 2021
Thought wrong, got in a short twenty minute walk. It was just too windy and cold to do any more than that. Heated up the rest of the beef and sausage combo for lunch and it was just as tasty as yesterday. The snow has begun to fall and am not looking forward to get out there and start shoveling. Got to tend to it as much as possible today, because we got an appointment at Edwards early in the morning. Besides, the temps are going to drastically fall and we will be in the deep freeze... 
Albeit was wet and heavy, my first go was a piece of cake to tend to all the needed in an hour and fifteen minutes! But the problem is that it is still continuing to snow. Praying that  it will stop soon and will remain quite overnight so that I can have an easy go at half the driveway in the morning before heading out for Fawn’s doctor appointment. I can finish the remainder when we get back. Got back the results of my blood lab work and surprisingly some of the number are elevated, but were still in the good range. So there was no need to change the any of my meds. I was surprised because I was expecting improvements mainly because I loss ten pounds from my last semi-annual visits. Anyway, I hope to drop another five pounds by my next visit. We got on Facebook and looked at the videos that Andrea posted there. We had a great time looking at Isaac. It seems like Isaac is growing up so fast and the three years has gone by just as the time we spent viewing the videos.  Was going to join in on Pastor Bruek’s Thursday night Zoom bible study but decided I’ll go to bed early and rest up. I’ll just wait for the recording to be posted instead.

3 February 2021
It’s about time I could say, “Happy haircut!” Got in a nice 40 minute walk, but then went and got a Portillo’s Combo Sandwich, good thing I was only able to eat half of it for lunch. There was a time in my life I could have eaten one of those bad boys with an order of fries and a milkshake all in one sitting. Call me paranoid, but I nuke carryout food even if it is still warm, being fearful of covid-19. Am clueless if it will kill the 
coronavirus or not. We facetimed with Andrea, Rob, Isaac and got a glimpse of the little princess. I swear Isaac is getting so big, he was showing off his running and climbing skills. Albeit his coordination is outstanding, we were still nervous none the less. We got another winter warning advisory, looks like another snow storm moving in tomorrow going into Friday and expecting between 2 to 5 inches of the stuff this time around. But that wasn’t all of it, the temperature will drastically drop and we will be in a deep freeze (subzero Fahrenheit) for a week or so.

2 February 2021
Not exactly a Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay day, but there is plenty of sunshine in a cloudless morning thus far. The kids are enjoying the snow we got over the weekend; small kids are heading to the water retention pond hills by the school with their sleds. I think a better name is neighborhood dry pond, since they are really storm water runoff pond that prevent flooding and are otherwise dry. Was musing on the Groundhog last night and musing on the life some of us we have been living this seemingly groundhog day we have been living this past year and posed the rhetorical question, “Anyone have a suggestion on how to break this covid 19 groundhog day cycle?” Like in the movie, we can be like Phil, who was released from the loop when he finally lived, a selfless day and similarly we can find ways to do large and small good works with the love of Christ toward our neighbors. 
We are so blessed to have good neighbors, literally. We are especially blessed, to have mindful neighbors like the Jones. I can’t even begin to count how many times I woke to the sound of Ken’s snow blower and saw that our driveway was free of snow. Mused on the, Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord. Collect of the Day: Almighty and ever-living God, as Your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in the substance of our flesh, grant that we may be presented to You with pure and clean hearts; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Time to stop and start dinner. Another awesome dinner is planned, beef and bitter melon over rice.

1 February 2021
Yesterday I was just guessing we moved easily moved over 4,000 pounds of snow. This morning I was curious about how much snow actually weighed. A rule of thumb is that it weighs approximately 20 pounds per cubic foot. Our driveway is 18’ x 35’ and I think it’s safe to say that almost everyone in northern Illinois got about a foot of the stuff yesterday when it was said and done. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we moved about 12,600 pounds of snow off the driveway alone. That is not even counting the about the 450 cubic feet of snow from the walkways and etc. Insane, I think we are all accustom to tending to 1 to three inches of snow at a crack, but this is ridiculous to do be doing this two weekends in a row. Well at least it isn’t anywhere near the 23 inches that fell all at once in ’67...
 The sidewalk was crazy slick and mama yes that she almost slipped. Thanks be to God that she didn’t fall. It was warm enough to start melting the snow and cold enough for the water to freeze. I went out with the ice chopper and broke up the ice and then salted the entire driveway and the concrete walkways. Today was a good comfort eating day; I made beef chop suey over Cantonese pan fried noodle for lunch and Fawn made us some solid white albacore tuna sandwiches for dinner, delicious. Saw a noteworthy quote from St. John the Wonderworker, on words of help, that I’ll be posting tomorrow on Larry’s World. Finally got around to downloading a bunch of pics and videos of our grandchildren to my laptop from my smartphone that were send to me via text messages. It’s still hard to believe that a laptop have two terabyte of memory.

31 January 2021
Lord, have mercy. What a way to be ending the month of January in the Midwest. We got 9.5 inches of snow thus far. Our plan tending to the snow is doing a hour go at a time. On out first go, we managed to shovel only about 1/4 the driveway a enough of the deck out back so that the patio door don't get damaged. Hopeful we can quickly get rested enough to have another go at the needed. Other kind neighbor with a snow blower offered to do our snow but he quickly learned that the snow was too heavy for even his two stage snow blower… 
it took four go to get all the snow because it continued to snow the entire day. The last go was just before dusk and am waving the white flag until tomorrow morning. Relaxing now reminiscing, watching, 85: The Greatest Team In Football History, go Bears! Reminded me about the Challenger explosion 35 years on the 28th. Last day of January and one day closer to spring.


30 January 2021
Did more musing this morning on Psalm 136 and seeing the world as our Babylon and the Church as our Zion. Getting a little anxious as the day goes on and preparing to get hammered again by another heavy winter storm as it approaches. Because there is still so much snow piled up, we decided to shovel back the snow pile. Warming up with the last of the melon soup and relaxingly listening to the Carole King, Welcome to My Living, album before the snow fall begins… 
Not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but it didn’t start snowing until after dusk, so we won’t be doing any shoveling until tomorrow morning. Got a wellness call from my brother Bill. I’m so blessed to have a great older brother like him. Anyway, am off to bed, will be needing plenty of rest for early go at the snow. Hoping for less snowfall than the six to ten inches expected total accumulation.

29 January 2021
Much joy in this week’s Friday family Zoom gathering. Everyone was thrilled at how well Henry was recovering after his quadruple heart surgery and was going being released from the hospital today and offered prayers of thanksgiving. The weather was above freezing so I was able to do a nice 40 minute walk. Today Zoom Rector Chat was on Psalm 136 (137). I was struck by the verse, "Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!” (Psalm 137:9). I always misunderstood this verse because it was always used out of context whenever it was quoted. We see this verse in an entire new light if we see the rock as Jesus. Living Coram deo life have always reminded me that we live for an audience of one. Last night you spoke of letting our whole life be a witness in a way that does not contradict that spirituality. In my mind, Evangelism is bringing someone closer to God on on journey back to Eden. Indeed, it’s not about witnessing only to our beliefs, but also to our experiences which includes sadness, loss, alienation and failures. But most of all, our experiences also include love, joy, hope. In everything we do, we are to do for the glory of God and one way is to witness to the ways God’s unconditional love has transformed us. Today was a very good day, we facetimed with the kids, albeit not complete whenever we’re not able have Jennifer join in. Rob made a huge snowman in his backyard. It reminds me about the time when Rob, Andrea, Alex and Jennifer made the snowman family in front of our house and a picture of it was in the Daily Herald newspaper! Mmm, made a very flavorful beef fried rice for dinner, delicious. And yeah, I went back for seconds, oh well. Now I’m glad I was able to go for a walk today. Because there is only the two of us, we always tend to have some left over rice. So fried rice is always is a super non wasteful way to be creative with whatever is available in the frig  to toss in the mix.

28 January 2021
Went to the doctor’s office this morning for my annual physical and the doctor was very pleased with my weight loss. Now the only thing to do now is weight for the results of the urine and blood work to come back. Albeit a cold one, it was still nice being out on a bright sunny day. Am pretty excited about Pastor Bruzek’s Zoom bible study later tonight. Not sure why it’s so late at night. I’m usually getting ready for bed by 8:30 this time of year. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ll be joining in the call lying in bed with the video turned off from my end... Am so very glad I joined this evening bible study. No doubt he is a most learned teacher of Christ. Looked at a FB posting by Andrea, Peyton is such a cute and adorable little baby girl.

27 January 2021
Kinda surprised that I wasn’t sore this morning from doing all that snow shoveling yesterday. Looks like we are going to have another snow storm this weekend with the same characteristic as the one we just got.  Crimes is so bad in the Chicagoland area that we are so thankful we have no need to go into the city. The recent crime spike in DuPage county is enough of a concern.

26 January 2021

Shoveling snow is for the birds, we were so thrilled that the snow stopped and we were able to shovel all the snow off the driveway, sidewalk and back porch in one go. Sigh, now it’s starting to snow again. Well at least that's about four inches less we have to tend to later. For now, time to make some fuzzy melon soup (mo gwa tong)… I spent some time mid afternoon musing about the glory of God and was all over the place. When I enter do a bible search on the glory of God” a lot of verses come up. My only take away seems unrelated and am reminded of God’s call to holiness by receiving his gracious gift of righteousness found Christ Jesus. Prayers abound, have a new Facebook friend, Steve Martin, his glory bound faith is inspirational. Good grief, I did a second pass shoveling the snow and it’s still coming down. I’m done shoveling for day as darkness sets in rather early this time of year. We got a most welcome call from Fawn’s brother, Henry, letting us know that is OK and recovering. Already up and walking and doing breathing exercises. He thinks he will be able to go home as early as Friday. From then it will take about six weeks to recover. I thank God for his mercies.

25 January 2021
Thank, be to God for my brother-in-law Henry’s a quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery without any complications. Prayers for comfort and recovery. I got on the scale this morning and was not surprised that I have already gained back a little over a pound, because my walks are getting shorter and less frequent because of the weather. I was able to take a 20 minute walk today. We are under a winter storm warning and the latest forecast is snow accumulations of 5 to 8 inches with winds gusting up to 40 mph. God is good, we gathered with all the kids on Facetime. Jennifer even was able to even briefly join in. She was hiking with friends. Looking like it finally is cool enough there to comfortably be out and about midday. Clearly my favorite vegetable is celery, made stir fried chicken with celery water chestnut and onion over Cantonese pan fried noodles. Sigh? Well at least it’s some progress, got a call to confirm if I am to be on a call list to be schedule an phase 1b appointment for a covid-19 shot. I have no idea when to even expect the call, sad. Guessing it’s better than nothing. Anyway stopping to make dinner, chicken parmesan!

24 January 2021
Not sure what is going on with this Blogger editor, but it is painfully slow right now and am having to wait for the penning to catch up. Awesome Facetime start to the day, get to see the most of the family. We can have it all if only Jennifer was on our schedule. Getting to See Alex, Rob, Andrea, Isaac and Peyton is always a joy. Thinking it’s going to be a long all day football kind of day and betting I’ll get a great afternoon nap. Looks like folks are saying the Packers by 4 and against the Buccaneers and the Chiefs by 3 over the Bills. Fawns likes rooting for the underdogs, but I just like to watching Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, and Patrick Mahomes play. I don’t watch enough football to even remotely cast an informed prediction... 
Oh, I forgot to mention that I shook fervently to get the last drop of 12 oz bottle of the Cholula hot sauce out the bottle last night. I broke open the Desert Fire Hot Sauce Collection that Fawn got me for Christmas. It’s an impressive 12 three oz bottles of various flavored hot sauces. Rather than trying to decide which one to try first, I’m just going to go through them one at a time from left to right. From experience, it takes me about a month to go through a 3 oz bottle, so looks like I good for the year. Hmm, the beef with peapods, onion, water chestnuts tasted great with several splashes of the NM Chile Pepper Sauce. It made with aged red cayenne and habanero peppers, good stuff.

23 January 2021
I stepped out into the frigid morning and took a brief walk. It was helpful to take brisk steps that shaved off five minutes from a normal thirty minute walk. We watched episodes 2 and 3 of, The Rookie, and are all catch up. Season three is turning out to better than ever. Wished I would have made more barbecue chicken yesterday. The one drumstick we each had, especially a tasty one at that just wasn’t enough for a meal. Many public schools are being opened and the children are beginning to go back to the classrooms. I personally don’t think that this a good idea and would not even consider sending a child under my care, but what do I know?

22 January 2021
Huge temperature contrast from yesterday. Brr, crazy bitter cold in the teens, now I know the limitations for my winter clothing. Was going to try to do a walk while Fawn was in the store shopping for groceries at Jewels, Mariano’s, and Meijer, but no cigars. Yikes, looks like a major snowstorm is heading our way and will give us a one two punch in a couple of days. So good that there are three grocery stores nearby and that we are able to shop and compare prices and find good produce. We got BOGO chicken drumsticks that I oven barbequed and turned out to be one of my better gos at it. Can’t say the same for my noodle dish though. Not feeling the Italian sausage we got from Mariano’s. Once upon a time I got their bratwurst sausage and thought the same, think there is a lesson to be learned moving forward about their sausages. Chuckling on some funny bemittened Bernie Sander memes that are showing up on social media. This morning’s family Zoom call was OK, just wish there wasn’t any politics and commentaries though. The early evening Zoom rector chat was on Psalms 120 (121) was really good. We tend to worry about our bodies, but our first concern should be our souls. The Lord is our help and will preserve our soul. Awake, my soul!

21 January 2021
Given that it’s January, it was an awesome day for a walk in a sunny and above freezing temp. It was warm enough to melt all the snow that was piled up on the grass. Fawn did good, and we received correct refrigerator light switch from Amazon. We were able to replace the bad switch fairly easy and the new one is working fine. As simple as the job was, I still feel a great sense of accomplishment. Wow, that was quick, finished the 500 piece jigsaw puzzle. Funny, how I have Isaac on my mind when working on a jigsaw puzzle, the little man is so good at it.

20 January 2021
First thing after my morning coffee I went out and shoveled the snow. I was surprise that it was only about a quart inch of very light powdery snow that was so easy to tend to. It is amazing that the snow just didn’t melt away in the sunlight, guessing it was just too cold. Made napa soup for lunch to warm up the soul. Dinner was much heartier with a nice big plate of beef chow fun (gon chow ngau ho). Wow, twice in one month and it was one of my best go at it. Mama gave me thumbs up without me having to fish for a compliment! Still finding information on the CVS and Walgreen sites horrid and scarce.


19 January 2021
Finally, got around to starting on, The Last Supper 500 piece jigsaw puzzle that Jennifer got me for Christmas! Think I about 1/3 the puzzle completed on just the first day! As I was working on the Leonardo da Vinci mural mural painting, I convince that his frescos depiction of the evening meal before Christ was betrayed isn’t all that, but who am I to say. But it did allow me to muse on the events of that day. It’s still snowing, so it looks like I’ll have to tend to the snow first thing tomorrow morning. Can’t remember when was the last time I snacked on a chocolate pretzel, but the one I had today was an awesome treat. I swear, either I’m stupid or it’s impossible to sign up to get the covid vaccine shot in DuPage. I can’t find squat on how to get the needed.

18 January 2021
It’s not clear to me if it because of my new warm Dickies coat or because of the pair of thermal underwear, that I was able to enjoy a nice hour long walk this morning with the temps in the upper 20s. It was most likely both. With the pandemic there is a need to get out as often as possible instead of going insane just staying at home all day long all the time. The exercise was most needed, because late last night, Fawn’s brother Carl, stopped by and brought us a pan of lasagna that Sandy made for us. We stopped by Alex to bring him some on the way to the pharmacy. We think the refrigerator light switch went bad and needs to be replaced. Judging from all the repair videos on line, the task at hand seems simple enough, but one never knows until one gives it a go. I was going to pull the switch for the part number, but Fawn’s said that she would rather find out online and order it instead. I learned over the years just to say, “yes dear,” that make life over small things a lot less complicated. Reading a little more about the Illinois Phase 1b rollout next week for about 3.2M people. Unless there is an drastic improvement I don’t think phase 1b is going to go well and be more dismal than the phase 1a rollout of the covid-19 vaccine. Help us, O Lord.

17 January 2021
Déjà Vu, well sort of, more overnight snow, but this time around only about half the amount and I didn’t bother to shovel it. Pretty much a lazy and unproductive day doing a whole lot of nothing. Oddly enough, as I am penning this now, the thought of Yom Kippur comes to mind. "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen" (Galatians 1:3–5). There is nothing we can do for ourselves to atone for our sins. Let us rejoice in the final work of our high priest found in Christ Jesus.

16 January 2021
Happy birthday to my baby. Glad I went to bed early, because we got the expected overnight snow this time around. Albeit only about an inch of light fluff, I initially only tended to the snow on the driveway because we were in a hurry to hit the road for a brief social distance visit and drop off some food to celebrate Andrea’s birthday best we can under the given circumstances. Got back and finished off the snow on the sidewalk and on the back deck. So happy that we got together on Facetime and was able to see Peyton in the evening. Getting anxious about the Illinois coronavirse phase 1b inoculation January 25th start date, but the problem is that there isn’t any details on how to sign up or exactly where to go in DuPage County anywhere to be found as of yet and all the pharmacy websites have a common thread of keeping people informed and booking will become seamlessly available. Trying my best not to be anxious. "Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:5–7). I believe anxiety comes with life, especially in these most troubling times, but it doesn’t need to be dominated it under the sovereignty of our Lord.

15 January 2021
Woke this morning chirping that the forecast was wrong and we didn’t get the expected overnight snow. Then I thought I jinxed it, because it started to snow super heavy and thought for sure in accumulate 4 to 6 inches at least. But then it stopped about a half hour later and got about a half an inch. It was warm enough to melt away by the noon hour, no shoveling required! Gotrdun, completed making all the dishes on the big cook by mid afternoon, so I was able to get in a short walk. Stuffed, the bad thing about doing a big cook for me is that I do a taste sampling of a little of everything I cook. Saw a video on Peyton already turning over, strong girl! I could be wrong, but I don’t see a 2/3 vote in the senate to impeach President Trump once he is no longer in office. Apparently, Nancy Pelosi and the House think it’s possible. Either I’m still missing something or it’s just a waste of time like the first time around, guessing only time will tell. Praying that our country will come together and heal. Going to bed a little early and hopefully we don’t get over night snow so we can hit the road early to drop off food and wish our baby a happy birthday! And as a bonus we get to see Rob and the grandkids. Not sure if we’ll be able to see Peyton though. Wish this coronavirus thing will soon become just become a thing of the past. Lord, have mercy.

14 January 2021
I was given the list for the big cook tomorrow and spent most of the day doing food prep. It feels like I’m working in a restaurant, but I’ll make tomorrow task so much easier. Of course it is anything but, because I’m not under the pressure of get the food out quickly and all at once. Missing my sister Mary on what would have been her 
71st birthday as well as my mom and dad and my step-mother and my brother Dan. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.”

13 January 2021
Went out and about grocery shopping. Going to do a big cook this weekend to celebrate Andrea’s birthday. The plan is to whip up some of her favorites that she wasn’t allowed to eat during her pregnancy and then some. Of course I have to make the little man his steak as well as beef chow fun (gon chow ngau ho). It’s amazing that Isaac can pronounce it perfectly in Chinese. I can hardly wait to see my baby, Rob, Isaac and Peyton. Anyway, while Fawn was in the store I was able to get in a nice 45 minute walk in the parking lot with the temps in the upper 30s. I’m hearing poor weather moving forward for the remainder of the week. I still can’t fathom what is like to lose one’s sense of smell and taste and don’t want to learn firsthand. Just dawned on me, happy one month old to my granddaughter!

12 January 2021

Finally got a weekday that was both sunny and nice enough to go for a nice hour long walk. It was nice over the weekend, but there are just too many people out and about. I don’t want to get near people because it seem like folks in town seem to refuse to wear mask when they are out except when they are in the stores. I can hardly wait until we get our covid-19 vaccination. I’m so happy Jennifer got her second dose of covid-19 vaccine today. Getting back to the weather, I’m really hope we don’t get any of that sub zero weather this winter and will be so thrilled not to see any more snow. Of course that’s only wishful thinking. Was musing last night about 1 Corinthians 10 Do All Things to the Glory of God, and then I read an article on the internet about, 15 Ways to Glorify God in Your Eating, sigh.

11 January 2021
Finally feel well rested after a good night’s sleep. Mmm, spaghetti!

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). Imagine that, we are to glorify God in thought, word and deed. For your glory, O Lord.


10 January 2021
Must be super tire, woke up again a little later than usual and was good for an afternoon nap. NFL is great for taking a siesta. It never fails that I would fall asleep during a football game. I fell asleep some time during the first quarter of the Ravens Titans game and woke sometime in the third quarter of the Bears Saints game just in time to make supper. Yessir, made a mall style teriyaki chicken that is so simple to make and yet so tasty and delicious. Now I’m wondering if I will be able to fall asleep later tonight. LOL, who am I’m kidding, of course I will. I often hear about people with various sleeping disorders like insomnia, but I can’t relate because I’m anything but a light sleeper and can sleep through almost anything.

9 January 2021
Thought it was going to be just another ordinary day, but I was wrong. The doorbell rang and we weren’t expecting an package deliveries, so I thought to myself, really? a solicitor during covid? Turns out in was my brother-in-law, Albert. How mindful of him to be dropping off boxes of N95 masks to family members. Turns out our nephew partnered and started a new N95 manufacturing company somewhere in Texas! I was doing pretty good today until dinner came about, well sort of, made a scrambled egg with pepper and onion. The problem came about when I decided to open a can of corned beef hash and then the calories piled up. But I still managed to stay at the estimated 150 pound calorie level. I was previously lost for words and avoided calling an old friend that I haven’t spoken to for some time to offer my condolences for the lost of both their daughters in an automobile accident three weeks ago. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3–4). The call was very emotional and I still can’t even begin to fathom how devastating it is to lose a child, let alone all your children. Prayer for prayer and comfort. Eternal rest grant unto Cassidy and Angel, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

8 January 2021
Nice, Facetime with the kids first thing in the morning. Thrilled that Peyton was wide awake, now we have double the joy. The weekly Zoom chat was nice. We’re a little apprehensive about Arizona being the Covid hotspot in the world. Lord, have mercy. It’s so remarkable that the temps are every now and then in the 30s in the month of January. Finally got around to donning the Dickies fleece hooded jacket and it passed the morning walk test. I’m not walking as much as I was when I was trying hard to lose weight without dieting and am finding that I will need to up it a little more to maintain of eat a little less to stay 150 or I will eventually end back up at 160. Didn’t think I would be upping my game with the weight training, but decided to have a go at it. “Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.”

12 January 2021
Finally got a weekday that was both sunny and nice enough to go for a nice hour long walk. It was nice over the weekend, but there are just too many people out and about. I don’t want to get near people because it seem like folks in town seem to refuse to wear mask when they are out except when they are in the stores. I can hardly wait until we get our covid-19 vaccination. I’m so happy Jennifer got her second dose of covid-19 vaccine today. Getting back to the weather, I’m really hope we don’t get any of that sub zero weather this winter and will be so thrilled not to see any more snow. Of course that’s only wishful thinking. Was musing last night about 1 Corinthians 10 Do All Things to the Glory of God, and then I read an article on the internet about, 15 Ways to Glorify God in Your Eating, sigh.

7 January 2021
My curiosity got the best of me this morning and I Goggled what was the big hoo ha going on in DC. Whoa, shear madness at the capitol building. I don't trust the news media enough to do any reading on what was actually happening, but I was struck by a photo of a person carrying a confederate flag breaching the capital building uncontested as well as by a mob being able to storm the building. Lord, deliver us. I didn’t realize that the Neil Diamond big box actually consisted of a set 5 CDs and a DVD of a July 2002 show in Dublin and a documentary. We watched the dvd this afternoon and couldn’t think of a better way to spend this dreary greyed sky day.
6 January 2021
Joyous Epiphany! May the glory of God manifest in your life! Heard, there is some kind of madness going on in Washington D.C., but I didn’t look into it. We have our own seemingly insurmountable political problems in Illinois and locally in Naperville to deal with. Good Lord, deliver us.

5 January 2021
I was kinda surprised that I woke up a little earlier than usual time this morning, only because I stayed up a little later the usual last night watching a whacky WWII sci-fi movie. I won’t say  that “Shadow in the Cloud” is a good or a bad movie to watch, but that it is at best a watch at late night with nothing else to do Godzilla type of movie. Unbelievable, just when I was resolved to doing indoor walk in place exercises, it got back into the mid 30s and was able to go out for a nice walk. The most exciting thing I did today was change a light bulb. But before I could do that, I had to use a broom and remove the spider web that was on the porch light fixture. Lay your hands on us O Lord and heal our body, spirit and soul.

4 January 2021
A freezing fog advisory was issued this morning. I’m surprised I never heard term before today. It was just as well, because we stayed indoors and listened to Stages. It’s a 6 CD box of Neil Diamond live performances from 1970 – 2002. I was totally blown away by the sound quality given they are recording from his live concerts. We’re four days into the new year and am finally getting around to walking in place since I am no longer doing outdoor walks. Shocked at USPS, we sent Jennifer her winter coat priority mail Saturday and she got the package this afternoon! Still not use to the new Facebook layout, clearly not everything is intuitive to navigate around. My heart just melted when I saw the two photographs that Andrea sent us of Isaac caring for his baby sister Peyton. I haven’t got around to trying out the awesome Dutch Oven and the stainless steel skillet impressive high quality chef knives I got as Christmas gifts. I also keep staring at the 500 piece puzzle wondering when I’ll get around to doing that. I’ve been addicted to playing Sudoku and find it difficult to moderate the time I spend playing. “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14). O God of boundless mercy, kindle in me a forgiving spirit.

3 January 2021
Three days in and it still feels like 2020. Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst (John 6:35). Without Christ, we spend our lives hungry and thirsty for a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Déjà Vu, well almost. We got about an eighth of an inch or so of overnight snow, so shoveling it this morning was a piece of cake. The good news is there is no more snow forecasted for the remainder of the week. One can only hope that is true because our Midwest weather is completely unpredictable. Whoo hoo, I the loved the first two seasons of, The Rookie, so I'm super excited about the airing of the season 3 premiere later this evening.

2 January 2021
We got about a half inch of new snow overnight that I had to tend to this morning and sigh, I think we are going to get more overnight snow again tonight. Wish I knew why my mobile data stopped working the last couple of days. Guess I’ll have to call and get some technical support come Monday. One of the bad things about this trying to avoid going out and shop for groceries often because of the pandemic, is limiting the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables and having to make due with frozen this and that as well as freezing whatever you can. We’re into the second day of the new year, Lord, inspire me with the spirit of joy and gladness. 

1 January 2021
Sigh … starting off the new year with a morning rant. Arrg, I’m not really excited to, but am going to have to confront our neighbor from across the street who was setting off fireworks last night from across the street. Not only was the noise annoying, some of it landed on our front lawn near the house, this is totally unacceptable... Now that the air is clear, all is well and a gracious apology is accepted. Not totally sure if being as candid as I am with folks is a good or bad thing, but everyone is for sure knows exactly where they stand with me. I leave
no room for any doubt. I feel much better now and at peace.