Journal 2011

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2011
"The first element in worship is adoration. The Hebrews expressed this by their posture and not alone by their word. For they prostrated themselves before God. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. They did not come with an easy familiarity into the presence of God, but were aware of his greatness and majesty, and came with a sense of privilege to His house" - H.H. Rowley. Oh wow. It’s New Year’s Eve. I have forgotten all about it until I just logged on the computer to make my journal entry. My days are messed up. I only worked Tuesday and Friday so it was a little confusing. Bill came over this morning to help Alex with his 1099. We whipped up a nice big breakfast, fit for a king and it was nice to talk over hot coffee. I feel much better today. I think it is because I got out of the house and into some fresh air and sunshine. Fawn And when out several hours in the afternoon doing errands.  Then it was dinner at House of Emperor. Our family was Carl and Sandy’s guest. Great time, food and conversation. Sandy’s dad is a funny sort. Man, that guy got a grip. No new year resolution. But it would be nice to be able to tame the bulge.

December 30, 2011
Despite being a gloomy cold damp day, it was great. Why? Easy, no snow to shovel. For some strange reason I feel tire and sluggish. Off to bed early...

December 29, 2011
Nice sunny day. Took Fawn for more therapy and see continual improvement. I sat and worked on a 500 piece puzzle that has been there for a while. I quickly found out why. It is a tough one. I was only able to do 5 pieces during the hour I was there. Nancy and Ken stop by for a visit. We had a great time catching up. It was a rather chilly out, but we bundled up. I’m fished with all my call for the talent fair. The only things remaining is the final email with instruction and updating the little league draft document.  I’m never asked about the named Saint John. I’ve always assumed it was named after St John, Apostle and Evangelist. “Merciful Lord, cast the bright beams of Your light upon Your Church that we, being instructed in the doctrine of Your blessed apostle and evangelist John, may come to the light of everlasting life; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.” Amen.

December 28, 2011
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. We went to Edwards Hospital for a mammogram and got immediate onsite diagnostics.  Our Lord has shown his kindness, Fawn’s mammogram results were fine. The testing took awhile so I just walked around the hospital slowly for an hour. The hospital seemed like the size of a postage stamp after a while. Spent part of the day making phone calls and getting good results for volunteers to do the time and talent fair. This congregation is the bomb, the real deal. Most members in the congregation in engaged and finding or has found their spot. I took a moment to muse over a conversation with a friend. I thank the Lord for gathering me to his hilltop at Saint John. I several years after realizing I was at the wrong parish. I over look several things while making excuses for others. It all came to a head when … never mind, it’s not even worth talking about.

December 27, 2011
LOL, listening to, episode 169: christmas office party edition, The God Whisperers, while making this journal entry. Crazy guys. I get to work 2 days this week. So my next scheduled is Friday. No play no pay. But I can use a couple days off and rest, so it’s good. It’s going to be interesting how they will reorg next week to fill the gaps. Holiday stress is often time caused by trying to do too much so I try not to over commit. I took me a while, but I think I got to most of my list and made the calls for the time and talent fair at church. Challenging thoughts about Christmas; What would you have done it we were there at the birth of Christ? Could you? Would you? - have done better than the people at Bethlehem?  Luther is right; they are only our childish silly thoughts. We have Christ in our neighbor now, yet we often fail to demonstrate God’s love abiding in us.

December 26, 2011
Twas the day after Christmas and thinking Christmas day is always so grand. Often during the holiday season I hear the joyous shouts of the mere words Merry Christmas. Yesterday at Church the Merry Christmas was a The Lord be with you and the knowing of the cause was the holy Christ child. Fawn and I got up early, well not really , but early for a holiday morning. LOL, the sun was already out and bright.  Wow, talk about full on energy. We bundled up and went for a nice walk. We add a few blocks to the walk in an attempt to shed off a little of the holiday food. It eventually climbed the mid 40s later in the day. Did someone say its winter now? Looks like it raining out tonight. It would be great if the temps hold out. I'm good with no snow all winter.

December 25, 2011
Christmas morning with my entire family. How awesome is that?  No where as awesome as a savior is born, but still. Last night Mass as well as this morning continues to be a blessing for me and my family. I wasn’t scheduled but was asked to be an altar assistant for both. A new distribution is format which requires more helpers is proving to be very good. We got to meet Bob. He appears to be a very nice man. I never have seen Jean happier, love?  I really hope thing work out. Whoo hoo loved all presents under the tree, especially all the warm clothes and a gift card for Outbacks. There is a prime rib waiting for me with my name on it. Had a super time at playing with my nephew Zack on my lap, 5 months old a full of smiles. Everything seems to amuse him.  May he come recognize the blessings of our Lord every day. Amen.

December 24, 2011
First time I got enough sleep and woke to the bright morning sun. Fawn normally prepares either cold cereal or hot oatmeal and raisin toast. This morning Alex scrambled eggs! Twas the night be for Christmas and plans for evening Mass at Saint John so I’m posting early. I am so glad Andrea a Rob came down and joining us on the most beautiful night in anticipation of the coming of out Lord. I peeked at the worship folded and the selection of sacred music is outstanding. Lord, may we who are yours offer genuine hospitality toward the seeker. Lord, grant that we be worthy and when Hospes venit, Christus venit be the customary maxim of hospitality shown at Saint John. Amen.

December 23, 2011
Peeked at the worship folder for The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and was wowed. Dr Just’s Sermon was posted and the weeks Bible Study. Got started on and almost finished with the list the fair while listening. Hope to start making calls early part of next week. The day revealed a lot of contractors were notified yesterday, they were let go. It was a tough day even working from home, having to say farewell to Hank. I was in need of humor so I came up with a little humor of my own trigger by often humorous Manly Doctors of Divinity: A funny thing happened to me the other day. I agreed to go with my friend Paul the Pentecostal to his church. The service started about 15 minutes late. Everyone was just standing around confused waiting for the senior pastor. Then all of a sudden, over the PA  system,  came “shut-da-butt-da-hunt-da , shut-da-butt-da-hunt-da,  shut-da-butt-da-hunt-da “.  Then the room burst in a loud prayer with everyone waving their hand repeatedly praying aloud in tongues, “shut-da-butt-da-hunt-da”. The excitement filled the room and was overwhelming. After the service we got into the end of the line to meet and greet the pastor. The pastor asked us if we didn’t mind going with him to the parking lot to give him a jump and mentioned he SHOULD OF BOUGHT A HONDA.

December 22, 2011
Come, Lord Jesus. Come and visit your people. We await your coming. Come, O Lord. Amen. Being the shortest day brought to mind a past sermon where Pastor Bruzek mentions how fitting it is that at the very moment when the days are the shortest and the darkness seem to have conquered light, Christ, the light of the world is born. I have been musing about this for some time and come to realize what is actually being celebrated. No, it is not about singing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas morning. It is celebrating the incardination that turned the world. I submit we are actually celebrating our redemption in Christ Jesus and being transformed by his divine presence among us. X Factor the Finale was outstanding, Congrat to Melanie. Josh and Chris did a good job. No surprise the holiday theme was a Santa Christmas with Christ nowhere to be found. The show did briefly take my mind off the bad news; a few more contractors got laid off. Hmmm… even after announcing extending contracts. Guess you have to listen to the actual wording more closely. If so, why even bother making an announcement? Lord, provide comfort and for the needs of the families impacted, especially Hank. Amen.

December 21, 2011
Father, in the wilderness of the Jordan you sent a messenger to prepare people's hearts for the coming of your Son. Help me to hear his words and repent of my sins, so that I may clearly see the way to walk, the truth to speak, and the life to live for Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. This morning I went from a short walk while Fawn was in therapy. I was only 15 minutes because it began to rain again. I hear it rains a lot in England and in Seattle. I guess it is better than snow. I got an interactive e-card from Austin and Nancy. They are really fine couple from my old parish. I know many fine Christians families. It is really sad that the church catholic is so fragment. It seems so impossible that we can be one. But all things are possible with God, so we pray fervently with Jesus in his priestly prayer that we be one. Many people don’t feel don’t feel the urgency of going to bible study and learning from a learned teacher of Christ. I was mistaken about many things and am now growing leaps and abound without question a long way to go. We are to continually learning solid truths that will push one out into the world which reflects the love of Christ. I come to know that being passive is not an option. We can say, “faith alone”, until we drop or have a , “What a Friend I have In Jesus”, ministry all they want, but I submit if our living and loving is not the reflection of our Lord and Savior, we are not living a life aligned will his will, “you done it to me.” Waiting it out? Really? Wow,wow, wow. 2 stellar performances on the incredible Final X Factor show by Melanie Amaro. Unbelievable, she sung, “I Believe I Can Fly” - duet with R. Kelly. Then she took my breath away singing, “Listen”. Way to go girl!

December 20, 2011
Lord, fill our hearts with your love, and as you revealed to us by an angels the coming of your Son as man, so lead us through his suffering and death to the glory of his resurrection, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Less than 48 hours away and the days will begin to get longer and the day draw nearer to the birth of the babe who will make radiant the night of the waiting world. O radiant dawn guide our feet away from the darkness and into the path of peace. Amen. Why is it that Christian charity doesn't come easy for people I know. Christ knows us and yet he is merciful. Ah, God Whisperers with  a beautiful Enya rendition of  Veni, Veni Emmanuel. The Manly Doctors did an awesome job dealing with Calvinist theology. Wow, not for worship, but a awesome banging heavy metal guitar version of Veni, Vieni Emanuel. LOL, listening to car banging music.

December 19, 2011
Funny I been saying in the dead of winter for several weeks now. The weather was outstanding, a reminder that it isn’t even winter yet and is still days away. It was sunny and in the low 50s; simply glorious for this time of year. We went for 2 walks, totaling an hour. It was really nice. Fawn asked if Ascension posts their sermon. I that would be awesome it they did, but no. Prayers for Fawn as she does her arm exercises to regain motion and strenght.

December 18, 2011
The Forth Sunday In Advent. It was one of those perfect full blast Mass.  Dr Just was the preacher and the Gospel reading and sermon was from St Luke, the first chapter. Need I say more? Magnificat anima mea Dominum – My soul magnifies the Lord. Hail Mary, Full of Grace; The Lord is with you; Blessed are you among women, And blessed is the fruit of your womb (Luke 1:28,43).It is fitting to revere the Blessed Virgin, Mary, the Mother of God. It’s all about the Mass; I never thought it was possible to even grow in appreciation and love for the Holy Eucharist. Just imagine, at St John, the stone under our feet is literally stone from Jerusalem. For us, the full blast Liturgy, is like taking a walk back home and between the font and the altar is the locus of our life on the road to Emmaus with Jesus. I’ve seen the beautiful Gospel Book up close before, today I got to open and look inside. It sent joyous shivers up my spine. The tradition of baking cookies at Jean continues. Wow 5 different kinds. I was a good day, a very good day. What is the measure a good day? It’s a day when it; isn’t about Larry; your able to see God's blessings and am thankful to God for them; when your able to grow and mature in Christ. One of the greatest lessons I learned about finger pointing is it does no one any good. There in no love, kindness or mercy.

December 17, 2011
Woke up to another light dusting of snow. Fawn, Bill and I stopped off this morning just for coffee at McDonalds on the way in to the city. We picked up my cousin David and took him shopping at target. Then we went to Home Depot and loaded up with 250 lbs of salt. He is doing a great job watch over my parent’s property. I think were lucky to have him. It is amazing how things work out in God’s plan. We ate at Lawrence’s Fisheries, a childhood fast food favorite of ours in the old neighborhood. Then we hit the Chinese bakery, good stuff. I was thinking about Pr Genig and his family, they are in our prayers. I really miss him and him family. His hope in Jesus’ priestly prayer that we be one really brings actual hope that the church will have a chance at being one so that the world would see that the Father sent His Son. The Church is fragment to the point that there are so many denominations. Sadly, even so many mainstream denominations and individual churches are not even recognizable as even being Christian. I am sadly disappointed in many ways of some I thought were modern day heroes of the church catholic. I know we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, but … I guess it is best to just focus on repenting of my own sinful shortcomings. There are more than I care to admit and confess publicly. I am constantly reminded and thank the Lord for gathering my family to Saint John. I only drive a mere 25-3o minutes, while my daughter Andrea and Rob drive over an hour to church. It is amazing to be in a congregation that gathers processions and buys new from stores just to give it away to others in need. I thought this church amazing when I first climb to the hilltop where the Lord has gathered us. Three plus years later, I have seen the discipleship of this congregation grow leaps and bounds. Andrea and Rob got married before our Lord at Saint John and the Mass was most beautiful. The story of the miracle at the Wedding at Cana was told. So much was said packed in on the sermon. There was trust without hesitation when Mary said, “Do whatever he tell you” to the Eucharistic undertones of Christ the “good wine.” I can imagine the sarcastic remarks I would have made if I were asked to fill jars with water to serve the guest when the wine ran out. As disciples, we are challenged to “Do whatever he tells us.”  I am continuously amazed at the amount of effort our pastors put into the viva vox. Their faithfulness to our God and their sheep of his flock is a blessing. My Lord is kind. All Truth, all Beauty, all Goodness point to Him. Amen.

December 16, 2011
The morning start out not pretty, but the dark grey clouds gave to the sun. I had a flash back about Carly Simon, Touched By The Sun, but am clueless to the meaning of the lyrics. It was nice enough to go out and painted the wood under the front door. I should of done it last spring. Guessing someone likes to kick the snow off their shoe before entering. No damage just needed a coat of paint. Prayer for the Church and Preschool. I was wowed by the brilliant article Dave emailed me, Josh Genig on the Sacramentality of Preaching , it made my day. May each bring glory to God in it’s own purpose. “Rejoice in the Lord always, Again I will say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). Now that is one hard to do under all circumstances. Lord, guide my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Amen.

December 15, 2011
One can really tell the extreme darkness that is upon us. Advent really is a time to reflect. I know we are in rose but the purple remains. Rose reminding us to rejoice and purple to remind us of our repentance. We are to turn away from our sins. I haven’t openly confessed any of my sins in this journal. Often times I hear about the broken world we live in. I was thinking about the circle Pr Bruzek drew and the need to live within the boundary I saw picture of Zach with a helmet. Nickname like speed racer and kingpin are the favorite thus far. I submitted ansel or aselm. Love is the way of Christian living. Our Lord tells us we must love one another. We are to abide in faith, hope and love. I didn't want to do it, but Fawn encourage me to do the morning walk. I put on multiple layers of clothing a face the cold dreary walk in the dreary greywinter day. This week’s sermon and bible study is already posted, beautiful.  A life joined to Christ is who we are.

December 14, 2011
Wow, even more strange than yesterday. I woke in the roll of thunder in the middle of the night. We are experiencing heavy rain in the middle of winter. It is the middle of December, isn’t it? It rained all day, can you imagine it if it snowed all day?  I hate the gloom and doom looking weather and much prefer the warmth of the sun in early June. I guess it is fitting in that we do get to say in and ponder. What makes it bearable is we come to joyfully realize and celebrate the coming of our salvation and redemption. And if your vision of faith is clear enough, you will see at the Altar not merely bread and wine, but the Christ-Child, the Word made flesh. After Christmas?  You will do the same as did the Wise Men. They went home by another way, not by way of Jerusalem. You will go another way, the way of the new life. And with the shepherds you will make known abroad all that you have seen and realized. – B. von Schenk. The Presence. P. 55. Now that is a priceless quote I saw posted on Weedon’s Blog. Sadly, we missed Advent service tonight. Fawn and I had to be at the senior parent’s meeting at NCHS. I ended the day IMing with my friend Tim. He still got a little Catholic in him. Interesting how some cling on to the notion of purgatory. I'll need to do some investigation on that.

December 13, 2011
In this season of short days and long nights, it is hard to find yourself waking to the darkness. It was several hours before there was enough light to see the gray overcast, I’m surprise it didn’t rain as forecasted. Fawn and I went for a early morning walk thinking it rain later in the day. I was able to keep up! Not sure why Fawn is picking up the pace, but it is making me huff and puff. Almighty God who art the Light of the world, grant us Thy heavenly blessing. May the radiance of Your Light illumine our hearts and brighten our home with the spirit of faith and love. Let the Light of Your Presence guide us, for in Your Light do we see light. Bless us also with Your Spirit, that happiness and peace may ever abide in all men. Amen.

December 12, 2011
Topping the night with The God Whispers as I entering this entry. I found myself dragging somewhat today as Fawn was in power walk mode. So we managed the day’s walk differently and worked out meet points where we could pace briefly together before I end up getting left behind. Steam Chicken with green onion and ginger, good stuff. Gaudete and Christmas Sharing remains in my mind. There is much joy in Jesus Christ. I am still at awe about the reality of Christ in everyone. For Emmanuel says, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). We thank the Lord for enabling us to do some good and for faith in Christ Alone, our salvation.

December 11, 2011
Lord Jesus Christ, we implore You to hear our prayers and to lighten the darkness of our hearts by Your gracious visitation; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Gaudete Sunday: rejoice the Lord is nigh. This is the first time I seen rose instead of purple. The rose vestments emphasize the veni joy as in our hearts. The Advent church music is outstanding. I’m so glad the musicians are in the balcony. There is no confusing distractions or mistakenly viewing the music as an entertaining performance. It is good not to be in a mindless congregation. We are transformed into a caring and discipline. The effort put into the details a blessing. One can tell how much time is put into the brilliant sermons. The music and other arts are really coming along. New bids are being taken to install the stain glass windows. Truly the building always wins. Bible Study was a little different today. It is really something to have a bible study with 200+ people every week since we moved. Pastor Bruzek started with the question, how is everyone doing. The bible study became a Q&A, the vision, and joyful comments about how thrilled and blessed we are. I investigated image thief on the internet. The only way to prevent it somewhat is to watermark the image. Not pretty but maybe useful in some cases. Fawn was tied down taking care of the sick kids. I was happy for her being was able to go out to dinner with her mother and sister Jean. It's got to be me, I actually think the TV sitcom, The Big Bang Theory is hilarious.

December 10, 2011
I haven’t been thinking clearly the past few days. I’m reminded what cold is and that it can become even more colder in the Midwest as I drops into the teens. It was a hustle and bustle day. It gets that way this time of year. I often hear the idiom, hustle and bustle, associated with city life. I was brought up in the city but can’t relate to it being busy and noisy. As an adult with children in the burbs seem to be handful when the kids were younger, taking them here and there. Talk about a busy life. I’m thrilled how the kids turned out despite my many short comings. Bible study this morning and more Christmas sharing. I’m so glad we are able to host it as a congregation and sad at the same time there remains a need for it. I am so blessed to be learning and growing in Christ. I am not a very good writer. I just deleted words because I couldn’t express how I am growing without saying things about how other parishes …. It’s the dead of winter and I finally got around to cleaning the dryer exhaust vent, serves me right for my procrastination.  I see a joy in Fawn I haven’t seen in a while, we both Christmas shopping. Not just any kind of shopping, but shopping for infant toddler clothes. Clothes for Marcus 4 and Nicole 4 months. They are Janet, my brother’s and sister-in-law’s kid’s kid. Wow, another generation. Prayer’s for Vicar Jacobson’s grandmother who suffers a sudden stroke.

December 9, 2011
Woke up to a very light dusting of overnight snow. It didn’t keep us from doing the morning walk. We just had to it since there wasn’t the slightest breeze under the clear blue sky. Christmas sharing was the bomb, God is good.

December 8, 2011
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14). The Holy Gospel according to St Luke, the second chapter. Brrr… its cold out there. I knew the day was coming when I would start the journal entry with it. Despite the cold weather, Fawn and I braved the walk after we dropped Jennifer off at school. Of course it was Fawn’s idea to do the challenging morning trek. I have to admit, I feel a lot better after a brisk walk. After a walk sometimes it think about Genesis which mentions that God walked around Eden in the cool of the day.

December 7, 2011
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). I’m so glad I changed my wallpaper to the Jesus Icon. The stillness gives me so much peace and a sense of communion whenever I’m logged in. Listening to Gregorian chants all day. Loved Dies Irae enough to add the link and also post on blogger. Sometimes I forget the God made this day and think of days as being either a good or a bad one. Lord, thank you for ordinary days in your love and faithfulness. Amen.

December 6, 2011
First thing first. Got to talk about is about the Great O Antiphons ancient hymn,  “Veni, Veni Immanual” – Anne Dudley  it bought me much joy the entire day. I also came across Veni , Veni Emmanuel – Robert Kent close your eyes and listen to 7+ minutes of intoxicating instrumental. And yet another Veni, Venie Emanuel – with lyrics  Loved it so much, I embed it into the larryluder on blogger.  The thin slice steak on sale at Jewels made of a delicious simple jalapeno steak sandwich. All I did was toasted thin slice bagel in a skillet, slightly salt and pepper and tossed in the skillet turned over and tossed in sliced jalapeno peppers from a jar. And then a slice of pepper jack cheese. It is good as it gets. Got my weekly fix of the God Whispers, it was really interesting what the Manly Doctors of Divinity had to say, especially about the Roman Catholic reforms and the Lutheran Church. Indeed were are catholic and pray The High Priestly Prayer. I think Rev McCain can learn a lot from Pr Genig and other more learned teachers of Christ.

December 5, 2011
Advent season reinforces what we confess every Mass. Most of my family is either pagans or Evangelicals. I am always perplexed that the conversation never changes; it is always an urgent call for a decision for Christ. This theology of glory rejects that the kingdom of God is a gift. This can only preoccupy one with what must we fear rather then what we can hope for. Being the gift as truly is, we can view the second coming as the full realization of the promise of the kingdom of God that has already taken root in with the first coming of Jesus. Lord, watch over your people, who come to you in confidence. Strengthen the hearts of those who hope in you. Give courage to those who falter because of their failures. In this holy season of Advent, lead them closer to you in hope, by the power of your Holy Spirit. May they one day proclaim your saving acts of kindness in your eternal kingdom. Amen.

December 4, 2011
Stir up our hearts , O Lord, Never fails, on the Lord’s Day, full blast worship. We get to encounter and participate in beauty of out Lord’s Divine Service. The mysteries inaugurated by Christ is made visible in the beauty of the Eucharistic celebration. I think we all settled in and were all becoming familiar with rubric of our Missal at Saint John. Our bible studies is so helpful is so helpful in learning what and more importantly why Christians do what we do. Pr Bruzek often reminds us that everything teaches. Therefore, everything down to the smallest detail, is used to reveal the beauty and fullness of the Lord Jesus himself. I once talked to a church worker that promoted, what a friend I have is Jesus. But to be fair not to the extent of Jesus is a friend of mine. This mindset drives me nuts. There is more than one side and leave out half the story is no story at all. It really is about is Jesus being of one substance with the Father and him calling us brother and friend. We are his friend? Really? Today we talked about kneeling as both a gesture and an attitude. In humility we are to be mindful of, “the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11). It was nice see Andrea and Fawn out spending time together shopping. Stir up our hearts , O Lord, to make ready the way of Your only-begotten Son, that by His coming we may be enabled to serve You with pure minds; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.

December 3, 2011
We wrapped up Baptism and started on the 10 Words in the Catechumens Class. They class is getting rather lively and many questions were asked. Pr Bruzek showed us his beautiful framed Jesus of Sinai Icon and talked about the eyes. The penetrating eyes seem to stare deep down into our soul. It reminds me of Palms 139. I love icons and think they are wonderful vehicles for prayers and contemplation. I changed the wallpaper on the dual monitor display to the Jesus of Sinai Icon, sweet. It was a little tricky on Windows 7. But I got r done. One as to wonder, what happens to the Christmas tree lights between the time when get stored away and when it’s time to put them back on the tree? LOL, one string is only half lit, so it was off to Target to buy a placement string. The tree is up looks beautiful. Alex did a great job replacing the screens with the glass on the storm doors. It must be me, because I thing they’re getting heavier each year. This year it was up to him to do the needed. There was no way I could have lifted up the full size glass panes. Oh my, about time I got the pan fried pork chops and stuffing right, perfect.

December 2, 2011
I was up early but was well rested. Fawn and bundled up and took a very nice long by leisurely walk. I was blow away by Melanie Amaro watching X factor on line. I was delighted by the epistle from St James parish in Novokuznetsk, in the Life Together. How can I lament on the time and distant it takes me? I spent the day reflecting on this a year and the recent past as well a look forward in the hope of the coming of our Lord. My family had gone through trials and tribulations along with the joys of countless blessing. Viral are not recently coined words but are new to my vocabulary. As time pasts, I am become increasingly aware that when we are growing as disciples of Christ, we are not immune to the misfortunes in life. We love God, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). So what happens to us perhaps must be happening to us for a divine purpose as part of our sanctification. I think everything that happens to us helps us become stronger and enables us continually grow in the image of Christ. All powerful God, help us to look forward in hope to the coming of our savior. May we live as he has taught, ready to welcome him with burning love and faith. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

December 1, 2011
It’s December already. This year is going bye so fast. Thank you Lord, for your grace and mercies. Last night was one of those seemingly sleepless nights. I didn’t fall asleep until sometime after 3 and was up this morning at 6. Talk about a battle to get up, make the sign of cross and start the day in prayer. But it is the hallmark of what Lutheran do when we rise in the morning and do before going to bed, we put on us his name. The great deceiver can never come full blast after us with his lies. Anyway, I got to get some rest …

November 30, 2011
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Dave picked me up to go the Taize Prayer Service for Advent. Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to make ready the way of Your only-begotten Son, that by His coming we may be enabled to serve You with pure minds; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen. God’s beauty and silence was absolutely stunning. His intimacy took my breath away. It is truly a blessing to sing our prayers in Latin and English Adoramus te Domine (We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ) With angels and archangels: With the patriarchs and prophets:  With the Virgin Mary, Mother of God: With the apostles and evangelists: With all the martyrs of Christ: With all who witness to the Gospel of the Lord: With all Your people of the Church throughout the world: Adoramus te Domine (We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ). The oddest thing is the Holy Spirit given worship at Saint John is something my family would die for, yet some reject it and turn from it. It is so strange not having Pr Genig around. The bar is set so high, it makes me wonder What our Lord has in store for us. Raked the leaves to the curb and am hoping there will be one more sweep. If not, I guess I’ll have to bag it over the weekend. It was good exercise anyway. ¼ pound pub burgers with Famous Dave’s Seasoning for dinner and the last of the pepper jack, yummy. Andrea is home overnight. So why am I the only one surprised by her visit? Seems she got jury duty. LOL, that is what she gets for not changing her address on her driver’s license in a timely manner. She was already in bed when I got home. Hope I get to spend some time with her tomorrow.

November 29, 2011
I’m anything but a cheese connoisseur. I'm just a man who loves pepper jack cheese, good stuff. Humming Lo! He comes with Clouds Descending, all day. The music and language is very moving. Advent causes me wonder why Jesus hasn’t return yet. I really love to sing hymns and canticles of Advent in a bold manner of praise. On that very day there will surly joy as well as weeping. “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen” (Revelation 1:5-7). Those who pierced him? The Jews? The Romans? Whose sin nailed Christ to the tree? Our sins pierced him. All-powerful God, help us to look forward in hope to the coming of our Savior. May we live as he taught, ready to welcome him with burning love and faith. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

November 28, 2011
“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us” (1 John 1:5-10). Admittedly my faith is weak and a mere dim light in the darkness. Because of my sinful nature, I confess all my sins and repent of them. I’m no different than the father who cried out and said to Jesus, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). I mentioned several time before about coram deo, living in the face of God. During this advent season I have been musing about living in the light of the imminent return of Christ. Luther wisely said, “There are two days in my calendar: This day and that day.” I think he is referring to what we believe about that day when we meet Christ, face to face, before the judgment seat will determine how we live this day in the face of God. Chomping down on soy nuts for snacks, good stuff. Well Jennifer is back to school. Fawn and I went for a brisk walk and talk after we dropped Jennifer off this morning. I filled her in on the Sunday bible study and the spoke about all the joy we have being a part of St John. After school we took Jennifer for a follow up visit. Thanks be to God, the x-rays revealed that everything is where they are should be and is healing accordingly. Hopefully by the next visit, in 4 weeks, she will be at or near full recovery. Lord, continue to bring healing and peace. Amen.

November 27, 2011
The Color Purple on the First Sunday of Advent. The coming of the Son of Man. “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven” (Mark 13:24-27). During Advent, we look back to the past at the first coming of Jesus Christ and remembering his humble birth. Secondly we give thanks in the present to his continual coming to us in his word and sacraments. Finally, we look to the future with hope and longing for his second coming in glory to judge both the living and the dead. It just wouldn’t be Advent without the hymns Creator of the Stars of Night and Lo! He Comes with Cloud Descending. The organ prelude to Lo! He Comes with Cloud Descending, was most beautiful, totally unexpected.  We finally polished off the last of the leftover over lunch. Fawn and I went to Jewels for shop for groceries. It was beef and broccoli over rice for dinner. It was the first time I cooked since Thursday.  Hmmm… tomorrow is Monday. The bad news is back to work after a four day holiday and the good news is, I get to go back to work. More good news is my contract got extended another quarter. The days are so short and dark now. O how I long for the light of the world to come. Jesus said, “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Lord, my light is dim, but I desire to lessen the darkness. Grant that my desires have brought some measure of light into the world. Amen.

November 26, 2011
3rd day of a four day weekend. Chilling on Captain America, The First Avenger, DVD. I 'm not sure why I published the Wix site. Maybe some one can make some use of it humble beginnings. Hard to believe there is still a little bit thanksgiving leftovers in the frig. I can’t wait for Advent Service. Creator of the Stars of Night and Lo! He Comes with Cloud Descending. Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me the joy and love and peace it is right to bring to the manger of my Lord. Raise in me, too, sober reverence for the God who acted there, hearty gratitude for the life begun there, and spirited resolution to serve the Father and Son. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, whose advent I hail. Amen.

November 25, 2011
I was the oddest read. It seems when looking at the church from a historic point of view, it see the church as an institution rather than being the body of Christ. I posted and listened to Pr Bruzek’s brilliant sermon on Matthew 25:31-46. I spent a few hours evaluating WIX. It seems like a nice canned Website Generating tool. The problem is the free version is very limited and began to become unstable when adding to many more subpages. Oh well, what do you expect for a freebee.

November 24, 2011
Gobble, gobble. Truly a joyous traditional thanksgiving feast, turkey and all the trimmings. It’s official, I’m elected the meat carver moving forward. Cream cheese corn dip lately been a big hit. So good so see my baby girl and Rob. I really enjoyed the last 2 thanksgivings. They have been very peaceful with family and friends. The conversation was great and filled with so many shared joys. What different? Best to leave it alone…  I did some reading about the history of the Roman Empire in regards to the Eastern and Western Church. It was filled with a lot of I did not know that. Blessed are you Lord for families and friends to help us in days of need and to rejoice with us in our moments of thanksgiving. Amen.

November 23, 2011
I'm posting early on this Thanksgiving Eve and the Holy Eucharist is on my minnd. I’ll be assisting on the altar tonight. The word eucharist comes from the Greek word "to give thanks." In the Mass, we are giving thanks to the God who has given us His Son, Jesus Christ who has given us Himself, His Body and Blood in that perfect act of Thanksgiving - The Eucharist! Fawn and I took Jennifer for her her first physical therapy session, they pushed her hard. Once upon a time, after coming to faith, I use to think I choose to be Lutheran. I now come to realize after singing over and over, there is, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism”, there is, “one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:5,6), God choose me. Lord, Creator and Father of all, from you all good things flow. Look kindly upon us and receive our prayers of thanksgiving for all your graces and blessings. You have given us your only son who gave himself to bore our sins in his body on the tree. For which I are forever grateful. Amen. Oh my, I'm back. I just couldn't wait to talk about the Divine Service with smells and bells and musicians. I was surprise there was no holding back the incense. And not a Lutheran cough either. Dr Scaer preached a wonderful sermon on the the 10 lepers and not forgetting to say thank you. Every day we take the Eucharist is a thanksgiving day. I never thought to much about it until Pr Bruzek mention seeing people on bent knees. Tonight, I was up on the altar and was struck by the beauty of seeing so many people, including my family, on bented knees before the Lord in prayer. Ah, the Mass, heaven on earth.

November 22, 2011
Dave’s right, oatmeal is great stuff. LOL, 2 things I thought I would never say in public. It’s a rather cool dreary with continual light drizzling all day. I’m going to have to get use to gloomy darks days all over again. Thanks be to God who brings his light to our darkness. Fawn and I took Jennifer to get her initial physical therapy consultation. She is ready to begin being twisted like a pretzel tomorrow morning. Rev Peter, in Pastoral Meanderings, believes the Reformation is not ours to regret. Maybe not ours to regret perhaps, but it seem the reformation is something to be mournful about in that, who would have imagined the church continues to splinter and reform itself out of the church catholic? I’m certainly grief-stricken by this and the unwillingness to strive toward ut unum sint. I noticed the snarly attacks there were brutal by Lutherans brothers. From the outside looking in, it makes me wonder why anyone one would want to join the Lutheran Church and subject themselves to that. Doesn’t Colossian 3:16 mean anything? President Harrison is calling for a unity within our own church body. Until we can achieve that, I say the color purple. Blessed in the teaching, Thy Will be Done, on Issues Etc with Rev Cwirla The will of God is good and it is gracious. Amen. I think and keep St John and her Pastors in my daily prayers. We have all the signs of a healthy congregation. We are in a new space and our community is a blessing and a sense of ut unum sin. We have a sense of Una Sancta – Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of God is My brother, and sister, and mother” (Mark 3:35). Yes we are prepared for spiritual Warfare. Thanks be to God our sins are forgiven and we are able move on.

November 21, 2011
Episode 164: nasal thanksgiving; great show discussion about the words of institution, liturgical gestures and the proper and reverent disposition of the reliquia. Yikes, bagpipes are horrendous to listen to. I probably ate more than I should of, but white popcorn is so yummy and addictive. The doctor visit went fine. Thanks be to God, looks like everything is healing fine. Lord, source of all health, continue healing and comfort pain, strengthen Jennifer that she may walk physically as well as spiritually in your ways. Amen.

November 20, 2011
It’s a good day, full blast Mass. Our Lords gifts allow us to depart from his presence with peace and joy in the knowledge that we are reconciled to God. One can’t help but to be caught up in the divine life of the trinity. Today’s gospel sermon was outstanding. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to post it later this week. I was struck by the words “you did it to me” spoken by Mother Tereasa. Christ in everyone? Absolutely. The ite missa est concludes the Divine Service reminds us what we get to do. We get to go out into the world in God’s image to do his bidding. Love takes on the tangible form of mercy. Trifecta? You bet. Wowed by the bible study. LOL, even learned a new word, sangfroid. I spent  time exploring website development. I find it really fascinating; the technology has advanced nowadays. It’s mind boggling, how imaginative and creative people are. For the past week, I was bothered by the swordplay found on the internet. Pr Bruzek mentioned the mark on the hand so as to identify whose side you are on. So why are Christians lunging the sword toward each other. Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). There is no love for no another by some bloggers that just seem to be luring in the dark just waiting looking for opportunities to attack each other in their own prideful righteousness; are the disqualifying themselves?  Jennifer has been leg up for the pass 4 days. Hopefully we will get good news tomorrow when Dr Matlock looks at her and we go over the images taken during her surgery. Lord, Divine Healer, have mercy on you servant Jennifer. Amen.

November 19, 2011
And I said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles—to whom I am sending you to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me’ (Acts 26:15-18). The catechumenate class felt a little strange without Pr Genig present. Pr bruzek and Pr Genig are an infamous dynamic duos. However, Pr B is a brilliant theologian and always clearly conveys God’s love and forgiveness. Today was no exception as he nurtures the doubts that arise in the human heart. People, think I am attending the Saturday morning class just to support my sister-in-law Jean and bless the catechumens. The reality is yes, of course I am, but then there is more to it. I am here also to continue to grow and be blessed by her joy and the right renewed spirit of everyone present. Indeed God has answered my family’s prayers for a clean heart and has restored unto us the joy of our salvation. I am more patient now than I ever been my entire life, a Christian virtue I was lacking. I tell you, it don’t get better than to be able to say, “The Christ in me beholds the Christ in you.” I was struck by what Pr Bruzek said about the Mass. He talked about St John likewise in Evensong, when you are here; you are dropping in on a conversation already in progress between God and his people. For a brief moment we enter into the continual stream of worship offered now and will be offered until the end of the age. Lord, embrace the catechumenate in your holy church that they may join with us, at St John, in giving glory to your name. Amen. I read a very interesting take on, What to do with Luther and the Reformation … on Pastoral Meandering and was more stuck by the continuing one line cliché comments that lack content. Seem like Christian charity is common casualty among a number of Lutherans. This is a big threat to Lutheranism and begs the question, why would anyone want to become a Lutheran? They appear to be a hateful lot. They can’t even give am account for the hope that is in them without swordplay. Is this the gentleness and respect require of Christians? One has to wonder, whose mark to they bare? Is it the mark of a god you would worship? Is this a way of life you would want you live?

November 17, 2011
Eternal God, merciful Father, You have appointed Your Son as judge of the living and the dead. Enable us to wait for the day of His return with our eyes fixed on the kingdom prepared for Your own from the foundation of the world; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Our gospel reading for the Last Sunday of the Christ Year is, Matthew 25:31-46, The Final Judgment. Wow. Clear as day, it got God in everyone and good works are necessary for salvation, written all over it. I was stunned the first time I heard that. Lord, by your grace we have your promise to take us to the heavenly home you have been preparing for us. Forgive us when to fall short of behaving as your sheep. Give us your strength to be merciful to our neighbors with the love that flows from your love. Amen.

November 17, 2011
Jennifer’s knee surgery went well. We got to the hospital at 7 and Jennifer was in the OR by 9:30. The surgery took 2 hours. The wait was soothe by hospital musicians performing classical music. The remaining medical issue is the damaged meniscus knee cartilage. It is really interesting, last time on her other leg had only ice flow, but now she is hook up to an ice flow and compression. Sweet, joyfully listernd to the encore sermon.

November 16, 2011
Proud mom and dad took Jennifer to the National Honor Society Ceremony. Prayers for Jennifer as she prepares for surgery for her other knee.  I muse a good part over an article on Jesus First, How Should We Celebrate Reformation Sunday? the article is brilliant, but most of the comments were disturbing. Better go to bed ...

November 15, 2011
The plan was lunch on the contracting firm at Mortons but it was closed so walked over to Maggiano’s. I love their Spaghetti Meatball from their classic pastas, with allowed for a free take home. So I bring home the Mom’s Lasagna. Good thing I ate most of the large portion, because there was no time for dinner. Dave and I head off to Wheaton for the governing board meeting. Wow, I’ve been seeing another side of Paul McCain more regularly. It’s actually disappointing. Hey, he’s human and has shortcomings like the rest of us.

November 14, 2011
Episode 163: Bronze Age Reliquia Hmmm… love the second half of the show about The Sanctus. Receptionist vs Consecrationist and corollaries is something I need to make time to read and muse about. The manly Doctors are a riot with content. LOL. However, once a week is the perfect dosage of the God Whisperers. Awesome news, thanks be to God, Bill is back to 40 hours for the time being. 16 hours a week just does doesn’t cut it. O Lord of my life, take away from me the spirit of laziness, faint-heartedness, lust for power and idle talk. Instead grant me, your servant, the spirit of purity, humility, patience and love. Yes, O Lord and King! Grant me to see my own sins and faults and not to judge my neighbor, for you are truly blessed forever. Amen. Saint Ephrem of Syria (4th-Century)

November 13, 2011
It was a fine Pentecost Sunday Mass. Full blast worship for start to finish. It was interesting to see holy men at the altar; Pr Bruzek, Nelson, Genig, Wietfeld and Vicar Jacobsen and no need for lay altar assistances. I found it interesting only because my nephew Adam asked my why they stopped using acolytes. I was so nice to see Don and Joyce and Rev Wietfeld. It has been while since there last visit to St John. The Farewell Reception for Pr Genig, Abby, Emma and Claire was a little more emotional than I thought it would be. I know… but it’s tough to let go of such a family that is a huge blessing.

November 12, 2011
Lord, you desire all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. Strengthen the catechumens in faith, that they may know you. Bring them into your Church to receive the gift of eternal life. Amen. Fawn and I was up and early for the catechumenate class. We were pleasantly surprised that Fawn’s sister, Jean, brought their mother along. I rejoice, that she seem so happy now, living in the resurrected life of our Lord and savior. Once again I heard from the same person with a lot of personal issues. O how he despises the Christian and their way of life. I takes a lot of restraint to just walk away from this evil.

November 11, 2011
We praise and thank You, O God, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, that You have enlightened us by revealing the Light that never fades.  Night is falling and day's allotted span draws to a close.  The daylight which You created for our pleasure has fully satisfied us, and yet, of Your free gift, the evening lights do not fail us.  We praise You and glorify You through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord; through Him be glory, honor, and power to You in the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.  Amen. (LSB Altar Book, p. 337) The sun did break out, but how fitting this prayer is in during this dark season when the days are so short. Fawn and I bundled up and went for a nice 11.11.11 walk. No buts about it, for Lutherans, worship assumes liturgy and the bride knows herself to be holy and beautiful in the eyes of the groom. Such a timeless church is found in St John who retains the Mass and has no interest in seeking the approval of the world. Imagine that, the church catholic remains in constant real-time communion with the entire church in heaven and on earth. Lord, have mercy and take away the serious financial challenges that we are having. So many of my friends and family are underemployed and unemployed.  The burden is somewhat taxing and overwhelming us. Lord, Grant opportunities. Amen. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Lord, have mercy and take away the serious financial challenges that we are having. So many of my friends and family are underemployed and unemployed.  The burden is somewhat taxing and overwhelming us. Lord, grant opportunities for Bill, Ken, Dana, Ron, Tammy and Phillip. Amen.

November 10, 2011
Almighty and ever-living God, You have given exceedingly great and precious promises to those who trust in You. Dispel from us the works of darkness and grant us to live in the light of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that our faith may never be found wanting; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Nice dinner. Fawn made stewed tomatoes and fish, yummy. I tried making the tomatoes before and just ruined it big time. In regards about reading the bible, I use to foolishly just read it as if I was reading a novel. Only after coming to Saint John and attending the catechumenate class, did I learn to reading and spending time pondering over over Holy Scripture. Especially musing over Jesus actually said really matters. Our Gospel reading is from Matthew, the 25 chapter, The Parable of the Talents. There are many ways to view what is being said. So it will be interesting sermon this Sunday. Judging from the collect, OT and Epistle reading it has much to do with those who are fully aware of the day of the Lord. From that and it being near the passion, Jesus is talking about him leaving and going to heaven to prepare a place in heaven for us and is entrusting us to his property. Love the Bob Dylan song, Property of Jesus. When I say “us”, I mean people in the church. Remember there are both Wheat and Tares in the church. I think Jesus is talking about the 3 types of people in his church gifted in their abilities. The question then becomes abilities to do what? To love God and one another comes to mind. I believe the money represent spiritual gifts. Obviously the one gashing his teeth brings to mind good works are necessary for salvation. The good works are fruits of our faith. Another word, where there is no fruit there is no faith. It is like giving God his gifts back and made no use of them. Lord, you have entrusted your servant to labor in this world with your gifts to bring back into the fullness you entrusted us with. Indeed, Witness, Mercy, Life together in reconciliation and joy in coram deo refreshed by the Eucharist through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

November 9, 2011
“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.” Boy oh boy, did it get cold quick. A spot of Earl Grey, perfect. X Factor was a great way to relax; the only thing I don’t get is the rappers. The Saints have been on my mind this past week as well as painful musing reflecting and recollecting about family and friends no longer with us.  I am thankful for the cherished memories. I am constantly amazed at the failures of notable men of faith and am even more amazed at the grace of God who works through these fallible people to carry out his perfect will. This is a great reminder that that is indeed hope for the likes of a poor miserable sinner such as me. I was musing ahead thinking about the holidays; Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas and New Years. Ah, Advent. Jesus comes and comforts us who are dead in their sins. Lord, grant us your peace and salvation. Amen.

November 8, 2011
Lord, thou hast given us thy Word for a light to shine upon our path; grant us so to meditate on that Word, and to follow its teaching, that we may find in it the light that shines more and more until the perfect day; through Jesus Christ our Lord (Jerome, c 342 - 420). A perfect ancient prayer for a less than perfect day. It continues to be a dark and gloomy day with more rain. I had no idea and was stunned when Bob told me that Buddhism accepts the theory of evolution. I guess I was caught off guard because I just associated evolution with atheist. Got to mention the awesome stir fried chicken and green bean I whipped up for dinner, yummy.  Hmm… I’m glad took a short break for a nice hot cup of Earl Grey. I need to get in the habit of proof reading too. Anyway, what am I saying? This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad it (Psalm 118:24). Just knowing that God has blessed me with my family should enough to remind me to rejoice in the day. The devil wants us to only see the dreadful broken world and hide the beauty of our Lord’s saving grace. I am so unworthy of everything but rejoice because I am his and he loves and bless me. O Lord, who hast mercy upon all, take away from me my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of thy Holy Spirit. Take away from me the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore thee, a heart to delight in thee, to follow and to enjoy thee, for Christ's sake (Ambrose of Milan, c 339-97).

November 7, 2011
Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of thy brightness. Fill us with holy love, and open to us the treasures of thy wisdom. All our desire is known unto thee, therefore perfect what thou hast begun, and what thy Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek thy face, turn thy face unto us and show us thy glory. Then shall our longing be satisfied, and our peace shall be perfect (Augustine, 354 - 430). I got some ranking done as more leaves continue to fall off trees before the rain came in. Rainy Days and Mondays use to really get me down. Now they are just another workday filled with stress. I hated the inconveniences of rain and thought Monday was an obscene word. But the key word is “workday” which is a good thing. The God Whisperers episode 162 is filled with I did not know that on ancient church typologies. These guys are nuts, so learned yet so funny.

November 6, 2011
Rev Weedon in his blog noted, “I suppose it partakes of a boundless theology of glory, but man, oh, man do I love the music for All Saints. I never thought of it that way, but I guess it does. Often times I’m at awe during Mass in the pew, but from the altar. Wow, up close and personal near the altar and to see and hear his people make a joyful noise. Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name (Psalm 30:4). It was great that Rob and Andrea spent the day with us. We tossed a couple Home Run Inn pizzas in the oven and we were good to go.

November 5, 2011
Up early and excited. Fawn and I went to the Catechumenate Bible Study. Pr Bruzek spoke about the generational cross section of believers and what they yearn for. I read the psalms recently and it brought to mind, Tell the Coming Generation, “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (Psalm 78:4). Just think, tomorrow, my family will be hearing the same words that believers in Jesus’ day that he died for our sins and rose again. Our sacramental gifts are the same gifts received by countless Christians in past generations. Our journey is the same journey that the ancient believers taken back to the Eden. Nice day to do some yard work, well just raking up the leaves was a job in itself. I got to get me one of the leaf blowers one of these days. I was hoping to see the worship folder posted to prepare for tomorrow’s All Saints Feast; I’ll be assisting at the altar again. I hear the music is going to be exceptional. Some would say the Feast tomorrow is like the Easter in the Fall. I feel this way every Lord’s Day when the hope of our joyful resurrection is proclaimed in the Gospel. I can hardly wait until tomorrow. Who, in the multitude of thy saints, hast compassed us about with so great a cloud of witnesses that we, rejoicing in their fellowship, may run with patience the race that is set before us, and together with them may receive the crown of glory that fadeth not away. Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, and saying, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, Lord God of, hosts, Heaven and earth are full of thy glory: Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High. Amen.

November 4, 2011
We went to see Jennifer’s surgeon to review her MRI. As we already expected, she will require surgery. She has a torn ACL, sprained MCL and a meniscus tear. Oh my poor baby. Watched President Harrison give an address at the ACNA-LCMS Open Forum held at CTS on YouTube. Hmmm… still no posting of the worship folder. I don’t know triggered me pondering about Pr Genig saying God is crazy. That’s how our foolish mind think, because we can’t comprehend why he would send his only begotten son, who willing came, to save us from our sins.

November 3, 2011
Wow, took out the garbage curbside early in the morning in the rain, high wind, and chilly darkness. What a mess, there were leaves and newspapers blown all over the place. I warmed myself up with a large cup of Earl Grey, perfect. And there was plenty of good listening on the web. The Manly Doctors are back from chilling with a reformation show and ramblings as well as to Pr Bruzek’s Reformation Day Sermon. Wishing today was Friday already…

November 2, 2011
Every time we bend our knees for prayer and then rise again, we show by this action that through sin we fell down to earth, but our Creator, the Lover of Mankind, has called us back to heaven. -- St. Basil the Great, On the Holy Spirit, par. 66. So hard to imagine it being November because in has been outrageously warm, in the 60s. It made for another pleasant walk. The school kids were out playing by the Junior High. I know is keep repeating myself as each month past, time just seems to fly. I wind is picking up it can hear it howling.

November 1, 2011
Thanks be to God for all the saints known and unknown and specially to all the martyrs known and unknown. I find honoring these triumphant saints actually gives the glory to God and not to the saints themselves. Because they were all unworthy poor miserable sinners like us, it is only though God’s grace through Jesus Christ that makes the saints holy and righteous. So how do some dare to honor living saints, church workers, in the Mass and say it for the good of the church? I say it is idolatry. How can it not be? It was a super nice day for an extended walk. I can’t think of a better thing to do with than an afternoon stroll sharing our thoughts. We often talk about St John and the people there that we love so much. It is a tough time for all of us as so many are unemployed and or underemployed. So many friends and family are in our thoughts and prayers. A Reclaim News email was a interesting read. I was stuck by what Rev Cascione said, “There will be an untold number of Christians in heaven from many different Christian denominations, but when they get to heaven they will all be Lutherans.” I agree, only because I believe that Jesus is Lutheran.  I made steamed tilapia with and spinach for dinner. I don’t mine even chirping that it was ever so good. Lord, thank you for all the saints from their labors rest…Alleluia!

October 31, 2011
The walk and talk did me a lot of good. We did get to say much to each other over the weekend and the walk did a lot because I was feeling sluggish from all the festivities. The trick or treaters came out early this year and finished early. I’m actually stunned how polite the kids were. Thank you very much and “Happy Halloween? It is amazing that one has to be careful about the church. The church does not always speak the truth. Only God does. I am still musing over the profoundness of Luther and the reformation. Thanks be to God who set us sets us free and calls us to a life of repentance. We should heed Luther word, “Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word; curb those who deceit by word and sword”, for the evil foe remains determine and as cunning as ever.

October 30, 2011
Fawn and the kids went to the earlier service and I went a later service because I was asked to help as a altar assistant. Funny thing, Pr Bruzek for some reason joking asked me if I still thought I was German. I think he knows the story behind the name Larry Luder. Often times, people confuse the pride our family has in our Lutheran heritage with being German. It was full blast worship with smells and bell. Interestingly I am so happy that so many people came out on a feast day. There were so many people, Pr Nelson had to preside over the words of institution a second time.

October 29, 2011
We resist the Evil One by praying the Lord's Prayer and using it as a pattern for our praying.  -- Dr. John Kleinig, Grace upon Grace, p. 268 Whoa, I am so glad that Dave drove last night to the retreat. The traffic was unforgiving and it seemed to take forever to get there. Dinner was already over by the time we got there, but the chef whipped up a couple of pork chops sandwiches. So much for a gourmet dinner. It is a good thing for the men to get together and spend time getting to know each other better. The bible study was on Prayer. It was a blessing to wake to Peter’s chanting in the chapel. Fawn Jennifer and I went across the street to the Millers. They invited many of our neighbors to their Oktoberfest celebration. My goodness we were there from 5:30 to 11 and we among the first to leave. All the little and young kids out partied us.

October 28, 2011
Bringing out the ice scraper nowadays in the morning is a given. Funky. I went to see my urologist. We came to have an understanding. He said, “Everything felt fine.” I said, “Not really.” Enough said. Fawn and I was wondering if the rain would hold off. Well our beautiful autumn walk was awesome when the sun broke out against the gorgeous colorful leaves that are fighting dearly to hang on and crying, Holy is the Lord." Well, got to get ready for my overnight hiatus…

October 27, 2011
We are weak and sick, O Father, and the temptations of the flesh and the world are great and many. O Father, keep us, and let us not fall again into temptation and sin. Give us grace that we may remain steadfast and fight bravely to the end. Without Your grace and help we can do nothing. Since evil blocks our way with temptation and brings us in conflict with sin, dear Father, deliver us from it. Redeemed from all sin and evil according to Your will, may we belong to Your kingdom to praise, honor, and hallow you forever. Amen. The welcome for our worship folder was for the Augsburg Confession regarding the Mass. I posted it on my Larry’s World on blogger. Awesome, the church posted the long awaited encore sermons and one of the bible studies. I know of no other place in the Chicagoland area where one can worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness with awe and reverence. I’m getting so excited about the weekend hiatus. St John's Men’s Retreat.

October 26, 2011
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; Let the humble hear and be glad. My oh my, Fawn and I did a one hour walk. I got kind of creepy along Naper Blvd because the car s were moving pretty fast and the curb was far from the street. Fawn is in much better shape than me. On the way back, I was puffing and puffing and there was an ever increasing gap. She was never out of my sight, albeit it she looked like she was about an inch tall. I had the pleasure of watching and listening to, Faith Matters: “O Come, My Soul With Singing” . O Sacred Head, Now Wounded – is an extraordinarily stunning passion hymn. I love jazz so hearing Sara Kaiser near the end of the video was a bonus blessing.

October 25, 2011
I can’t help but to mention the weather, mid 70s.Unbelievable. In the midst of the evening thunderstorm, I thought about the thunderous voice of the Lord as described in Psalm 29. Yeah baby, X Factor. Awesome show, but a tad long. It was 2.5 hours.  My favorites tonight were, Josh Krajcik, Drew Ryniewicz, and Melanie Amaro.

October 24, 2011
Unbelievable, another day in the mid 60s and it made for another pleasant walk for Fawn and me. My eyes really itched, but Naphcon A came to the rescue. We ate healthy, garden salad for lunch and baked fish for dinner. We took Jennifer to the orthopedics office a heard the expected bad news. She threw out the ACL on her other knee.

October 23, 2011
O God, because without You we are not able to please You, mercifully grant that Your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. I’m guessing today as well as the past few days have been actually an Indian summer in the true sense since that we did get a frost. Full blast worship and bible study. I rejoice in the comforting Word and Sacraments, evermore knowing that we are reconciled to God. It seem strange and remains a mystery to me that learned pastor as well as learned layman still see the Eucharist as optional on the Lord’s day. I can’t explain why it bothers me, because our parish offers it 6 days a week. Pr Genig made a very profound statement about the OT evening sacrifice the referred the NT. He said, “The True sacrifice, rendered at the evening of the world as the Lamb of God, with hands lifted up in sacrificial prayer for your life and mine was nailed to the cross as ne everlasting evening sacrifice.”  Thanks to Rob an irritating up high tree branch is cut back and leaves removed from the gutters. Another bless in the evening as we went to the House of Emperor Restaurant to celebrate my cousin Jimmy’s 43rd wedding anniversary to Sue. Great their 3 children hosted the surprise celebration. They killed the fat cow and some both Merlot and Riesling was called for. It was good to see the closest of family in joyful celebration. Lord, have mercy. Fawn was talking a low diet for the entire household. I hope I’m up to it and will supportive. Lord, deliver me from all vain thoughts and from evil desires. Amen.

October 22, 2011
O God, You have commanded us to love You above all things and our neighbors as ourselves. Grant us the Spirit to think and do what is pleasing in Your sight, that our faith in You may never waver and our love for one another may not falter; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. I t is so odd that we get overnight frost and then the temperature soars into the mid 60s. It is kind of a bummer that the Saturday morning bible study is on break for 2 weeks, but the blessing is that I got to have breakfast at McDonald with my brother Bill and a nice drive to the city. Fawn and I went for walk that match the long distances we ever did. We got lost in the good conversation about family life. Interesting Welcome on the Worship bulletin, I came to a similar conclusion on October 19th. I was laid back chilling when I heard the ancient prayer, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent. It seems to be both an Advent Hymn as well as Eucharistic that echoes our desire to keep silent and ponder God incarnate. Pr Genig has been on my mind a lot lately because of his accepted call elsewhere. His obvious love for the Virgin Mary, Mother of God has rub off on me. So just as Mary ponder all things in her heart, I silently ponder Christ and him crucified.

October 21, 2011
The frost on the windshield this morning along with the darkness almost made me come to face the reality we are 1/3 the way into autumn. However, it warmed up enough for Fawn and I to go for a nice walk and talk. It was mostly on the state of this poor economy we are in and the discussions we are facing to cope with it. Good thing Carol let me know tomorrow's morning bible study was cancel, Jean and I would had never known it until we got to St JohnI spent a little time surfing the internet and came across a quotable Lutheran quote, As Christ leads us further on our journey through life, we come under sharper attack the closer we come to our destination. -- Dr. John Kleinig, Grace upon Grace, p. 265. I was thinking about and praying for our catechumens and can see that some bring with them some blessing and some baggage while others appear to be led here by the Holy Spirit. Hopefully by the time Easter Vigil comes around everything will be sorted out. I was musing over, The Final Judgment, found in Matthew 31-46. This brings to mind Pr Bruzek, Christ in Everyone, and Pr Genig, good works are necessary for salvation. It has become clear that we are to love and respond to the cries of those who are in need. “It is what Christians do,” Pastor Bruzek puts it a nutshell by noting that St Mary, Mother of God said, “Do whatever he tells you.” Indeed it is really that simple, we are baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity and live in coram deo, evermore in repentance and receiving absolution, and loving our neighbors the way they need to be loved. I remain struck by: When I come before the judgment throne, I will plead the promise of God in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. I will not plead any work that I have done, although I will thank God that he has enabled me to do some good. I will plead merit other than the merits of Christ, knowing that the merits of Mary and the saint are all from him; and for their company, their example, and their prayer throughout my earthly life I will give everlasting thanks. I will not plead that I had faith, for sometimes I was unsure of my faith, and in any event, that would be to turn faith into a meritorious work of my own. I will not plead that I held the correct understanding of "justification by faith alone," although I will thank God that he led me to know ever more fully the great truth that much misunderstood formulation was intended to protect. Whatever little growth in holiness I have experienced, whatever strength I have received from the company of the saints, whatever understanding I have attained of God and his way - these and all other gifts received I will bring gratefully to the throne. But in seeking entry to that heavenly kingdom, I will ... look to Christ and Christ alone. Richard John Neuhaus, Death on a Friday Afternoon, 70.

October 20, 2011
O God, who has commanded us to be perfect, as Thou art perfect; put into my heart, I pray Thee, a continual desire to obey Thy holy will. Teach me day by day what Thou wouldst have me to do, and give me grace and power to fulfill the same. May I never from love of ease, declinet he path which Thou pointest out, nor, for fear of shame, turn away from it. Amen. Saw this beautiful prayer in the worship folder for this upcoming nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Hmm… still no encore sermon or bible study. I saw an astonishing yotube video Metamorphosis: The Beauty & Design of Butterflies brought about smiles.

October 19, 2011
What can I say? The days started out cold, damp and dreary and ended the same way. In this darkness, I’m already thinking Advent even though it is more than a month away. I need to leave aside my preoccupations and take rest and refreshment in the presents of our Lord. I was foolish is attempting to mediate and take other measures in stress relief. Albeit, I do find exercise beneficial. Four gifts I dearly treasure are Holy: Scripture, Baptism, Absolution and Communion. Lord, let me never be not in need of gifts of men, but only of your gifts of grace and mercy, do that I will never confused. Amen.

October 18, 2011
Lord, give me wisdom so that what I say and do honors you. Amen. The morning began with a desire to serve the Lord joyfully with thanksgiving for all the grace and beauty to come. But it took Sacred choral music carried me through the day’s relentless onslaught. It was nice of Dave to pick me up to go to Wheaton. The conversion was good and it made the ride seem so short there and back. I got some more info to help me finish up and finalize my initial portion of the little league draft.

October 18, 2011
Lord, give me wisdom so that what I say and do honors you. Amen. The morning began with a desire to serve the Lord joyfully with thanksgiving for all the grace and beauty to come. But it took Sacred choral music carried me through the day’s relentless onslaught. It was nice of Dave to pick me up to go to Wheaton. The conversion was good and it made the ride seem so short there and back. I got some more info to help me finish up and finalize my initial portion of the little league draft.

October 17, 2011
Up and out and about early on this sunny, cool and crisp day. Dropped Jennifer off at school and then Fawn and I went to Edwards hospital for her ultrasound. Prayers for good test results and healing.  It was such a blessing to listen a Issue Etc encore: The Didache, with Dr. Arthur Just. Do I need to mention how rich that is? The document is not very long but Dr Just really bring to life these church father’s teachings. I have often stated and continue to say that we are to gather around the Eucharist on the Lor's Day, the Didache support this. Thanks be to God, that St John follows the teaching of 12 Apostles on how to do church. Blessed am I Lord, for you have led to your light, to life and away from my woeful dark death. Amen.

October 16, 2011
Rob and Andrea brought their friend Robin to Church this morning. It is always a blessing when people come to visit and enjoy the Liturgy. I could be wrong, but I don’t know of any other church that offers liturgical worship in the area. It’s optionally blended at best as far as I can tell. In the bible study today it was strange to see a slide filled with irony. I get the chant, incense and candlelight, but fail to see worship like it was 1099. Especially with women Ordination and homosexually within the church; Fuzzy memory them Anglicans have.  I’m guessing 1099 has something to do with the crusades. I really find it hard to visualize what the church catholic is. I had a little fun working the little league draft and submitted that little I knew of it. Fawn surprised me with delicious spaghetti with a meatless sauce dinner, a first for me. It’s always great when Rob and Andrea come to visit and stay for dinner. They always thank Fawn and me but we just love having our children around. Lord, we implore You, grant Your people grace to withstand the temptations of the devil and with pure hearts and minds to follow You, the only God; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.Amen.

October 15, 2011
Bright and early was the last catechumen bible study where we get greeted and get to know each other informally each. Dave did an excellent job in getting us to speak about Jesus doing the verb which enables us instead of thinking and speaking in the terms of the self. So yes this type of small group bible study under the supervision of the pastor can be done right. I look forward to next week where Jean along with the catechumens and me with the help of the Holy Spirit through our Pastors will learn Christ and him crucified so that our heart may overflow with his love for our neighbors. Ranking the leaves and mowing the lawn is getting harder for me despite have a self-propelled lawn mower. I was huffing a puffing. It’s the last time I intent to do it this year. It made me really appreciate all the times Rob and the kids helped out. I as happy Alex is willing to stay and help out. I feel so bad for Jennifer that she injured her other leg. I am prayerful that she will have full recovery. The Lord's Prayer is Christ's gift to us and all God's children at Baptism as an essential part of our equipment for spiritual combat. That's how it has been used since the apostolic age; we learn from the Didache, an ancient Christian manual for spirituality, that as early as the end of the first century A.D. all Christians were instructed pray the Lord's Prayer as their daily prayer.  It equips us for the daily combat together with Christ and His whole church. -- Dr. John Kleinig, Grace upon Grace, p. 256.

October 14, 2011
It was a mixed day with me saying gratias ago deus is est Friday. Sectional was hosted by Naperville North. Jennifer and Megan passed the first round easily. Winning the second round would qualify her for state. But it wasn’t to be, she went down in tears as her leg gave out midway through the first match. Everyone heart went to Jennifer as she laid on the ground crying in pain. We were blessed that a doctor was courtside and the school iced and bandaged her. I hope her injury isn’t like last time. Lord, in your mercy, heal Jennifer’s injury. Amen. I saw a youtube video of the Pope in a Westminster Abby entrance procession. I was more interested in the entrance hymn; Christ is Made the Sure Foundation. It is about Christ as the foundation and cornerstone of the church. We are the church and will live with Triune God forevermore. I like this ancient Latin hymn.

October 13, 2011
It was a somewhat seemingly dreary day being that there was a overcast and lite rain all day long. Odd I would think of a day being dreary, especially, now as I enter the final season of life. I was just thinking about our walk the other day and thank the Lord for the many positive memories. I was musing about being on the altar and assisting on Sunday again. I was so close and could hear, see, touch, taste, and smell God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said: "Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me." In the same way also He took the cup after supper, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." Make no mistake; we eat the very body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the full forgiveness of all our sins. To believe otherwise will be to eat and drink to a grievous judgment. I read somewhere a while back about 80% of American Christians believe that non-Christian faith can lead to eternal salivation. This erroneous belief is distressing and yet does not surprise me. Lord, grant that our most learned teachers of you, at St John, remain faithful pastors. Watch over them and keep the in good health for our benefit. Amen.

October 12, 2011
Awesome day! The forecast called for rain most of the day, but it was sunny and in the upper 70s once again. I was joyfully listening to sweet sacred music all day. It was I was musing over the gospel reading on Paying Taxes to Caesar for the upcoming week. Interesting that the Pharisees and the Herodians teamed up to try to test and trap Jesus. Jesus noted the image of Caesar is on the coin. So he said, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's” Hmm so Caesar gets the denarius, which it then begs the question, what does God get? Yesterday, we asked, “What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?” (Psalm 116:12) We are made in the image of God and we are his. So God wants and gets us. God has to be nuts. “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1). Continue to be amazed at Pr Genig’s most excellent sermon encore. Hope Pr Bruzek’s bible study will be posted soon.

October 11, 2011
The morning start with a nice long walk and talk. Thanks be to God! Today’s check up reveals that meds that Fawn is on are working just fine. LOL, caught myself starting to rant about work again. I was musing on the offertory, Create in me a Clean Heart or What Shall I Render to the Lord is sung by most LCMS parishes. The reality is we have nothing to offer to the Lord accept our thanksgiving. And at times we do that poorly. The teaching on giving is all over the map, we all need to prayerfully search our heart on this matter. One thing for sure, people are struggling to make ends meet and so is the local church in this poor economy.

October 10, 2011
Odd I still remember this day as double ten day. Too bad it was either almost sunset, evening twilight or dusk, when we finally got a chance to get out for a walk. LOL, I don’t know to distinguish them apart, but we didn’t get very far before the mosquitoes came upon us so we turned back. The walk was only a 15 minute at best and talk was most about what a mistake it was to go out at this time. It was weird to be out and about in the upper 70s and see leaves falling.

October 9, 2011
I had the privilege to be a altar assistant. It is so humbling to serve the congregation at this capacity. I heard the oddest thing I in bible study from a lay, something about pastor appreciation day. Hmmm… so what does that actually mean? I continue to bite my tongue and come to grips with who we are as a people and our need not to refresh but to grow in Christ and the knowledge of him. I am stunned by how physically strong Rob is. It is hard to believe seeing how fresh he was at 4:30 am when I dropped him off at the train station to go to the city. He was just as fresh at 2:30pm when picked him up there after he ran the Chicago Marathon. Fawn cooked her famous spaghetti and meat sauce, God is good.

October 8, 2011
Dave clears up that Israel has a history of rejecting God’s grace and mercy and foretold of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70A.D. He is very learned. I am humored by some comments and not but others. I’m so happy that my sister-in-law, Jean, is taking this my member’s class. It is a blessing that w will both learn and grow in Christ. We now have something in common upon which our relationship can build upon. After bible study I drove to nearby Glenbard East to meet Fawn and Alex to watch the DVC. Jenifer and Megan went in DVC 2nd seed. Turn out that held in the final match that went to 3 close games for match against the DVC 1st seed team, NNHS. At least the Champions are still from town. It came down the same way last year against the same girls but, Jennifer came out on top then. She’s still happy that they medaled. She now has her sights set for sectional this upcoming week. I briefly listened to bits and pieces of Kantor Mueller presentation on the pipe organ in the context of music is a servant of the gospel. Love his sense of humor, love the organ, but not really interested in the what nots of organs in general. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not excited about the coming pipe in our new space.

October 7, 2011
Even after redefining satisfaction and discontent, we continue to struggle with the pain of this poor economy and inflation. Poor talk is no longer poor talk but can and has become a reality for so many of my family members and friends. Unemployment is no fun. I have more gaps then I care for. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers at St John. We seek your wisdom and trust that you will direct us. It is our desire to walk in your truth and be financially sufficient to meet all our needs with enough leftover to giving generously to our neighbors near and far. Guard the hearts and mind of your bride, for you are the source of comfort and encouragement in your provision who will supply us employment according to your riches and glory. We are your poor miserable sinners who can’t even thank you and give you praise on our own accord. Grant that we be in your favor and that we do your will. Amen. Whoo hoo Jennifer and Megan breezed thru the 1st round 6-0 and 6-1 in DVC. In fact all the members of the teams won their matches.I was a good day for the girls. Jennifer wanted to watch the JV team play afterward back at NCHS, so Fawn and I to the opportunity for a walk. Got plenty of fresh air and peace. I only need to put in a few hours today, so that was a good thing. I was just musing over this week gospel reading. Jesus’ parables always capture my imagination. His earthly stories have a heavenly meaning. God the father sends invitations of grace and mercy though faith in Jesus. His chosen people repeatedly ignore his invitation and mistreat and kill his prophets. Jesus foretells that Jerusalem will be destroyed and the people will be scatter. God then turns and then extends the invitation to us Gentiles. Amazingly, it wasn’t until the past few years I understood what the wedding garment was. Never mind what I thought it meant. The wedding garment is the robe of Christ’s righteousness. We would do well to wear on the robe that was given to us in Holy Baptism to cover on sins with his grace and mercy. The communion statement at St John is well written and should be heeded. Jesus tell of the fate of those who seem to accept the invitation, but in reality didn’t. Prayers for our pastors, especially Pr Genig; There remains so many thing I need to say to him before leaves.

October 6, 2011
The days are profoundly shorter now, I’m up way before sunrise. I dropped off the old laptop and was cruising with the new one. I’m a happy camper. It was great to get out and take advantage of the good weather we are blessed with during my lunch hour. Fawn and I went for a sun bathing walk around the neighborhood. My mind is flooded with countless thoughts and it’s time for bed. Lord, Almighty God, source of light, truth, and eternal goodness, transform this present moment into an hour of vision and inspiration. Help me to find wisdom; shed light on my thoughts. May my aspirations come true through righteous and good deeds. Give me the strength to concentrate, to think objectively, and to see clearly. Shed your light on me so that I may see which decision to make. Help me, O my Eternal God, to avoid vanity and pride, and thus be able to make worthy decisions as a true child of yours. Amen.

October 5, 2011
Beautiful, the autumn leaves in the backdrop of Indian Summer. The old laptop is cleaned and the new one good to go. It was work work work setting thing up and trying to keep afloat, but I think there will be a huge pay off realized as time progress. Tire so ….

October 4, 2011
Started the day with the Eucharist. It was like Opus Dei corporal mortification, without the kneeling pads. Hope they get installed soon. I finally got to meet my boss Rodrigo in person. We had a pleasant chat about this and that and whatnots. The new HP 4720 a zillion times better than the IBM T43 I have been using in some many ways. I’m paying my dues by spending a lot of time, after hours, on my own accord to setup the laptop up and learning Windows 7. Couldn’t believe it was in the lower 70s. It made for a awesome walk and talk. It made me thing about the Tymes – So Much in Love. What a fine women the Lord as blessed my life with. I like to snap my fingers but it drives everyone crazy. Well hopefully I can wrap up setting up the new laptop and get rid of the old funky one.

October 3, 2011
Whoo hoo, my new laptop is ready so all I can think about is that tomorrow, I get to make a stop in the morning on the way into the office at St John for the morning Eucharist. Anything is better than the ancient T43. Listen to a Norman Nagel sermon on Ezekiel 37. It was awe-inspiring and directed at seminarians. I started to rant but deleted it and pray for the church catholic. Fawn and I went on a nice walk and the weather was simply awesome, it made it into the lower 70’s. Naperville is very wooded. Every house seem to have 2 to 4 trees along the parkway. The autumn colors are so beautiful. I looked back that the past month at life and all its mischief and busyness that distract me from the true beauty of the moment that we are suppose to live it. I don’t know exactly way I have become extremely critical and intolerant in my dealings people that handle their duties unprofessionally and with a don’t care attitude. I reminded myself that I’m not perfect and yet of God’s love and mercy toward me endures. This stream of conscience writing is very therapeutic for me, but I also hope whoever reads my thoughts and daily happenings be encouraged. God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Amen.
October 2, 2011
With Pr Bruzek and Genig out of town, our Lord is showing us that Pr Nelson is fully capable to carry on. It was blessing for Fawn and me to sit down with Rob and Andrea. I think they are doing fine and our relationship with both of them. Rob is very wise for his age. I think it is perhaps he discerns of things where most would not. He spoke very wisely about worship outside of what he and I would consider it to be. It took me years to get over a place that denies a desire to serve themselves rather than to needing to be served. Like Luther, “I believe that there is on earth a little holy flock or community of pure saints under one head, Christ. It is called together by the Holy Spirit in one faith, mind, and understanding.  It possesses a variety of gifts, yet is united in love without sect or schism. Of this community I also am a part and member, a participant and co-partner in all the blessing it possess. I was brought to it by the Holy Sprit and incorporated into it through the fact that I have heard and still hear God’s Word, which is the first step in entering it. Before we had advanced this far, we were entirely of the devil, knowing nothing of God and of Christ. Until the last day the Holy Spirit remains with the holy community or Christian people. Though it he gathers us, using it to teach and preach the Word” (Large Catechism, Creed, par. 51-53). Christ has led my family to this community. I am so glad St John lacks diversity. It is a place for sinners only in need of a gracious God. The Lutheran Mass, Gottesdienst , is where Jesus, the Lamb of God, sever us poor miserable sinners and have fellowship with us.
October 1, 2011
This beautiful autumn day was bless with an early morning catechumen bible  study. Then it was off to see Jennifer play at the tournament at Naperville North. Central came in 3rd. They are going to have to step up their game to be DVC and Sectional Champions. Go Redhawks. It was relaxing watch some of the matches, but I was tense watching Megan and Jennifer play. Fawn and went for a rather long walk all the way around the perimeter of the high school. I watched a little TBN and can’t great over how the talk about the need to make a decision for Christ. My ears can only bear so much false theology and misinformation. I have been musing about about what someone’s commented to me about a blog. It is really sad that it has evolved into something destructive and filled with offensive slurs which bring no glory to God. I originally had high hopes for it. But it appears to be very secular now and has moved from theology to politics.

September 30, 2011
It was an all out great day. Started early so I could end the day early. Didn’t allow for any adversity. So off we went to relax and watch the cross town rivalry between north and central that was actually a revelry, the girls all know each other and hang out. The outcome was as what we hoped for because despite the friendship, they are all serious competitive on the court. Tomorrow will provide them another opportunity in the tournament. It will be interesting when it comes to DVC. Last year Central took 1st place and North came in 2nd. Fawn enjoys watching and eventually abandons me to chat with the other moms. It’s fine with me, because I like to see her enjoy herself. The hear the ladies laughter is a blessing. The days are noticeably getting shorter. It was already dark by the time the matches were all done. But we did get to see the sun set which was nice. This conjures up beautiful images of Christ, the light of the world, who recues us from the dominion of darkness. Whoo hoo, sermon and bible studies are posted. Last week one of the catechumen mentioned when he moved in the area, he googled local churched and was struck by the sermons. I thought it was a good idea to post them so he can listen to them whenever he is out of town. For me, I find it is amazing joy revisiting the postings during the week. Well another month flies by again.

September 29, 2011
I point my friend Bob the Buddhist to This should provide for a interesting discussion after he reads it. I continued to muse about the ELCA and it occurred to me I was comparing apples with oranges. On has to wonder if the ELCA worship the same God as the church catholic do. The day went by quickly. The work load kept me busy and away from all the worldly ongoings in the workplace. Fawn and I went for a car ride. Our time out and about is truly a blessing. Interesting that Jennifer is writing a paper on The Canterbury Tales, which reflects the author’s views about the religious dissention in England during the reformation. I don’t remember much about as I found because I was a pagan in my high school days. At just thought whatever. LOL, whenever I say whatever nowadays, it is in the context of, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8).

September 28, 2011
It was a cool damp day with little rest the night before. Thanks be to God, Fawn’s visit to her surgeon’s office revealed too results and will not require another visit for another 3 months. Albeit I didn’t finish everything I set for myself to do for the day, it was a great day where I was able to soar above the storms of life like a eagle. There has been much adversity in the work place lately but I managed to embrace it to become aware of my flawed character and ask the Lord to guide my behavior  through it in a godly way and not be tired. What beautiful imagery is found in, “but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Pr Bruzek warned us that the evil foe will do all in power to distract and wear us down. My spot at St John is to work, Adult Discipleship and Fellowship. To help foster and maintain a community that will care for and nurture each other as we journey together back to Eden. Treated myself to Episode 158: alphabet soup and church fellowship. I was struck by the truthfulness in the comparison between LCMS and ELCA on the topic of GLBT. In a nut shell, the LCMS seem to be, “don’t ask and don’t tell”, while the ELCA is open about it to a point, let’s have a parade. Shame on us, on our humanist altitude to want to include everyone and belittle God.

September 27, 2011
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). I remember to walk humbly and not frustrate the grace of God in my life.  Seem Satan is trying to draw me away form God’s presence. Episode 157 was interesting. I wrestled with soul sleeping once upon a time and came to conclusion. Interesting thought, the body sleeps but the soul is with Christ. Pure speculation?
September 26, 2011
Euw, Monday. How will I survive the work week? Within a matter of hours, I was crying, Kyrie eleison. How can this be one day later?

September 25, 2011
Stunning and overwhelming full blast Mass with incenses, bells and chant. Many people worship on differently, but the Lord gather me and my family to where we needed to be. I’ve not wondering about how and why about other people and can only speak about the beauty of his goodness in what the Lord has revealed to me in his Liturgy. I was a little skeptical about the distribution of the Eucharist in our new place. But watching closely how reverently everything is done, perfect. Trifecta! Continued to be blown away by Pr Bruzek’s bible study. Fawn and I talked about the bible study for our entire 40 minute walk. Well it’s official. Pr Genig will take a Divine Call elsewhere.

September 24, 2011
Up super early and was out the door before 5 a.m. to drop Jennifer off at school. The tennis team was on a road trip to the the Champaign Centennial Doubles Invite. Whoo hoo. Jennifer and Megan took 1st  place playing 2nd place doubles. And the Lady Redhawks are the overall team tournament champions. Nice 1st place trophy. I when to the St John New Members Catechumen Class. Truly a blessing to meet so many people with their sponsors. The Wohlrabs are Jean sponsor. How cool is that.   To me, church membership to a local congregation, constitutes a specific revelation as well as realization of the ecclesial meaning of the Eucharist. St John is a community of mercy witness and life together, which assumes [ in my opinion] an extraordinary importance in the Church catholic. Pr Genig and his remains in our prayer as we all struggle with our desire for them to remind here with us for our benefit.

September 23, 2011
Interest, I mused about the changing season in life before in the context of me being in perhaps late autumn or early winter. Odd, that I think about the ever changing season yet Emmanuel, “God [is] with us”, never changes. On this first day of autumn I am mindful of what are actually beautiful dying colors. Great lunch with Tim D and Tim C at Maggiano’s Little Italy in town. Mmmm... Mom’s Lasagna and it was on our contracting firm. Came back and took a nice walk again with Fawn before finishing off the day. Called Jean up to see if she was still interested in becoming a member of St John. Yes! I’ll be there tomorrow morning to study and pray with her. It’s not clear to me why she never became a member at St John. She has been worshipping here for a very long time. Often people will think this will be a refresher. Tell you what, they will be surprise at how much I didn’t know that will come about. It was like that for me. God has revealed so many new oracles of his beauty and glory. It is only though the teaching and preaching of his Word and his sacraments, where our strengthen and establishes me. Were mass we join the heavenly host in worshiping the Lamb that is worth of honor and praise. Pr Nelson hits it on the nail when he simply put it as being a Christian is not a spectator sport. That profound oracle calls us not to be spectators but rather to bring love, mercy and forgiveness to a sin sick world. Lord, grant that we desire and be a community that is worthy of the gospel evermore magnifying your goodness. Amen.

September 22, 2011
Simple have to start off by saying what an awesome day the Lord has made. I released the last day of summer with a hurrah. Light hotdogs lunch and a 40 minute walk with Fawn to corner of Washington and River Oak and back. Easy to do lose track of everything when I’m with Fawn. I finally got an opportunity to watch and cheer the Redhawks on in a home game against  the Glenbard North Panthers. The girls tennis teams are exceptional this year. Wow, all of the won their matches today. Jennifer will be playing at the Champaign Centennial Doubles Invite on Saturday. Good luck. LOL funny expectations. NCHS top player is Cindy Lou and only a sophomore. LOL, I heard a lot about her and was expecting to see someone from the south. Turns out her last name is Lui, Cindy Lui. Jennifer made spanish rice and recorded a how2 video in Spanish, for Spanish 5 class work. That was fun to watch and taste. Great recipe and a great side dish. I’m glad Jennifer is giving me some time with her. Soon the year will go by quickly and she’ll be away at college. She very close to her mother. I actually hold on dearly to a distant memory that she actually cried when I left for 6 week business trip and sent me cam video. Albeit all my children are all closer to their mother, Andrea and shared a lot of memories. Not all good on my part, but what a lady she turned out to be despite my shortcomings. X factor was on again tonight. I was wondering all day if anyone is gifted enough today to give Stacy Francis a run for the prize. Not tonight,  the bar was set really high last night. But not to take anything away great auditions from both 18 year, Melanie Amaro, who sang Listen  and from, 21 year, Caitlin Koch who sang Stop! In the Name of Love. Outstanding. Got email from Pr Genig about the little league draft. I’ll have to set some time on the weekend to work on this. Was slightly  jolted by something less than honorable even in the eyes of pagans. I would even dare to say it is a manner of life not worthy of the gospel in many ways. But hey, dwelling about it for more than a few minutes is giving way to the evil foe who already stole the joy of my salvation for several years. “One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:4).

September 21, 2011
Looks like Simon Cowell has a winner, but back to that later. Awesome day with 20 on the elliptical to start the day. Interesting day at work. Reorg, they seem to do it a lot here. This will be my 5th boss. I cap of the work day with a nice walk and talk with Fawn. Part of the conversation remains about St John and Pr Genig. Prayers for all 3 of our beloved pastors, we are family. Then it was time for dinner and a relaxing new show. The request was for spicy chili chicken with green peppers. Yummy. Sigh... why the flirting between Simon and Paula? I was blown away by the 42 year old stay at home mom, Stacy Francis. She sang A (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Women with so much fervor,  could be I was a little misty eye. The show ended with Chris Rene,  a trash hauler 70 days out of drug rehab.  He sang an original song he wrote, Young Homie. I rowed my eyes, but was stunned. Not not into that type of music, but was pleasantly surprise that is was quite good. I’m so relaxed now, think I’ll stop here and go to bed early.

September 20, 2011
I was a very good day. I was determine to make it so with the help of our Lord. Nothing exciting just and ordinary day. Good for me, did 20 on the elliptica this morning and just came back from a 25 minute walk with Fawn. It's the best doing the walk and talk. Looks like we need to add a little more distance. Making entry and off to the shower and a light dinner before going to St John for a governing board meeting. Love the car pool with Dave. Always a fun ride with the Wohlrabs with meaning conversation.

September 19, 2011
Long day at work and it wasn’t fun. Did 3x20 minutes on the elliptical just to get the bad taste off my mouth. Wanted to say a lot of bad things. “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26,27). I got the needed done. Seem there isn’t enough talented people and there is only so much you can do. Tire...

September 18, 2011
A big day at Mass is an understatement, We are into our 4th Sunday Mass this week in out new space. It keeps getting better as we continue working out the ancient liturgy at St John. From time to time I think about friends living under the falsehood taught them and pray the the Holy Spirit will reveal the path of truth to them. I simple love the Eucharistic Latin hymns, Ave Sacer Christi Sanguis: Ave sacer Christi sanguis, Iter nobis rectum pandis Ad aéterna gáudia. Ave potus salutáris, Nullus unquam fuit talis Bonitátis cópia. Miserére mei, Christe, Fiat mihi rivus iste Peccatórum vénia. Salve me ab omni malo, Fac me frui summon bono In coelésti pátria. Hail sacred Blood of Christ, You open for us the right path to eternal joys. Hail saving Drink. No one has ever been such as source of goodness. Have mercy on me, O Christ, May this stream be for me the pardon of my sins. Save me from all evil, Make me enjoy the highest good in the heavenly fatherland. O my! I was taken by the powerful imagery of a simple doxology hymn, O Spirit of the Living God. Beautiful. I have to shout out Trifecta, Pr Bruzek is teaching a most excellent bible study series on, Where Heaven Meets Earth: What a Joyful Tour through Our New Sanctuary Teaches Us about our Lord. It was filled with countless gems of I did not know that. Clearly, Pr Bruzek is counted among the most learned teacher of Christ. Andrea cheerful shared the great time she had with the kids teaching Sunday School. Coffee fellowship in the spacious atrium is all about hospitality. “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15) which enables us to love and care for each other in our life together adoring, maturing in and embodying Christ. In an attempt to spent some time with Andrea and Rob, I cheered on Andrea’s beloved, New England Patriots. LOL, I dosed off somewhere in the 4th quarter. I'm not a professional sport fan and don't really care to engage in the obligatory conversational sport gauntlet most men seem to enjoy.

September 17, 2011
Big day early again tomorrow so better to make this short.... I smiled with delight the entire day, not even a bad thought. That is  amazing for me lately. God totally blessed the fun filled and active day. May I daily strive to live a life worthy of the Gospel. Up early and out out the house by 6:30 and had an all out breakfast at McDonalds. After all, it was by brother Bill’s birthday. I had the big breakfast and he has the steak and bagel. Then we were off the the city as usual. Came back with a dozen char sui bao from the bakery. Enjoyed it with a nice cup of Chock-Fulll-of-Nuts coffee. The weather was awesome, sunny and in the mid 70s. Fawn was feeling good, so we went for a nice walk around the neighborhood. She even gave me a much need hair cut. Bill and I went to a matinee. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011). Much better than the earlier movies starring Charles Heston. Sausage and spinach pasta for dinner, good stuff. Alex came back from the solder field disappointed. The badgers spanked the huskies big time. Heard it wasn’t pretty. But he enjoy hanging out with his college friends.

September 16, 2011
The demands of of the job nowadays is something else. The corporate expectations of getting more productivity with less people in the work force is making it very difficult to end the work week on a positive note. Only had time to do 20 minutes on the elliptical. I think I need to find more ways to relieve the stress. Maintaining a balance life as a Christian in a world that rejects him is very difficult. As Christians we put on the new self. St Paul advises us to, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:16,17). We know when our life is balance when the Word dwells richly in us when we stop talking about forgiveness and loving our neighbors and actually do.

September 15, 2011
Thursdays are a normal garbage collection day. I only mention it because I had go out to temps in the 30s to move the garage from out back to the curbside. So what what to the upcoming start of autumn? Started the morning off with Earl Grey, perfect. Amen to, A very beautiful type of this is set before us in Mary, who told the servants at the wedding of Cana: "Do whatever He tells you."  That is the constant voice of the true Church. -- Blessed Johann Gerhard, On the Church, p. 222. Changed it up a little, did 2 x 15 minutes with a 15° ramp incline on the elliptical. It had me grasping for air both times. Great hour, episode 155: jesus is calling on the God Whisperers. The two pastors are hilarious and learned. I listen to Pr Nelson’s sermon again about being children. I often read things about spiritual warfare. How we needs each other to fend off the evil foe. But we are nothing without the full amour of God. He alone delivers us. The battle is even fought when we a ill. Fawn and I was talking about the lifetime risk probability that an individual will develop or die from cancer in n the US. Men have slightly less than a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of developing cancer; for women, the risk is a little more than 1 in 3. Our strength is in the Lord who name is is stronger than cancer. Faith and fervor helps us overcome fear. I listened to Pr Nelson’s sermon again about being children. Being an adult does not bring us so much closer to God then we are apt to think. The wisdom from above only comes to those who take refuge in God. In his contrast of wisdom and folly found in Ecclesiastes 7, Solomon invites us to take a good look at our life and muse over what we see.  Some will surely read this as being profoundly pessimistic, but I read this as an affirmation of joy.  Thanks be to God who unveils his perfect wisdom in Christ and him crucified.

September 14, 2011
It was a cool day that required a light jack on this Holy cross day. It never did made it out of the 50s. Merciful God, Your Son, Jesus Christ, was lifted high upon the cross that he might bear the sins of the world and draw all people to Himself. Grant that we who glory in His death for our redemption may faithfully heed His call to bear the cross and follow Him, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. I often trace the sign of the cross over my body or on my forehead as an outwardly reverent gesture that I bear the mark of Jesus and the remembrance of my baptism. Had time to go out run a few errands and take Fawn to see her surgeon. Thanks be to God for his care, there are signs the infection is almost completely gone. I thank God for the strong women of faith in her support group. Sweet, did 25 on the elliptical early in the morning. Steak was on sale so dinner was a real treat. I was weighted down and was in no mood the do evening exercises. Wow struck by how profound the following Lutheran Quote: Political instability and social unrest are signals for Christians to increase intercession so that matters do not get out of hand. We can do more for international justice and world peace by our individual and corporate prayers than by anything else we ever do.  Our prayers are our greatest contribution to the welfare of the world and the salvation of its people. -- Dr. John Kleinig, *Grace upon Grace* p. 212.

September 13, 2011
The days are getting noticeably shorter. I was us so early I had time to kick it up and did 25 minutes on the elliptical filled with the spirit singing to the Lord with my heart the sacred music of Advent. Sweet, did another 20 minutes in the early evening. I only mention exercising as a reminder and encouragement. Seem to be working. Pr Genig has been on my mind most of the day. Our family has grown fond of him and we all love him dearly. I think this where he belongs. I think most parishioners would agree with me.

September 12, 2011
20 minutes before breakfast and 10 more in the evening. I intended to do 20 in the evening but the high stepping at 30° incline had me gasping for air. People say the darnedest thing and have their own precepts of a Christian life. Most seem to live a purpose driven life. Lutherans are an ordinary people doing ordinary things tending to ordinary things in life like family, work, congregation and community. We live in the world but don’t let the world live in us. It is hard to get people’s attention and to listen when speaking about  coram deo. People just don’t care to hear about ourselves as being poor miserable sinners and being beggars. And on how we stand before the face of God in sinful shame on our own. Christ didn’t die for nothing.  But for the sake of Christ, by grace though faith, we stand before the face of God, a holy people. When we bear Christ’s name, we do good works as fruits of our faith. Coram Hominibus, comes to mind when we serve our neighbors in our vocation. I still remember Elder Scheel talking about the worldly view of living the good life. The fact of the matter is Christians live the good life.The good life is God working in us doing the verb.

September 11, 2011
So be zealous to meet together more frequently to give thanks to God and glorify him. For when you meet together frequently, Satan’s powers are destroyed and his destructiveness comes to nothing through the harmony of your faith. – Ignatius, Epistle to the Ephesians, 13:1 Indeed, Amen. Sundays is is the highlight of my week. I always my favorite to post a journal entry.  Like always, it was full blast worship. I overheard someone say isn’t our church and our service beautiful? The beauty of the liturgy is a awe-inspiring expression of God's glory and a glimpse of heaven on earth. St John Basilica is just that. The processional hymn, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, is one of our family’s favorite. This hymn says so much. Usually by the third verse I’m choking in tears as it echoes the second article of the apostles creed. The St John Kantorei and Brass ensembles is truly remarkable. The choral and congregational liturgies coexist in our Divine Service. It wasn’t that way in my former parish. Jean and Adam moved from the later service and we got a chance to talk, Pr Bruzek came by to say hello. LOL, Alex did good. He joking told Pr B I was just hanging around waiting for my back massage. Just the loving I need. Missed Rob but Andrea came and spent some time with us. Got is speak briefly speak with Pr Genig. He remains in our prayers. Initially, I thought I would be remiss not to mention something about the evil deeds of evil men. My personal thoughts the 10th anniversary of 9/11 are insignificant.

September 10, 2011
Sigh... most of the day was working. Why in the world am I killing myself in the workplace as a contractor? Well the evening turned out great. Got to finally meet my nephew, Zachery. Then we went out for dinner at the House of Emperor. Great food. LOL, it always seems to taste better when someone else picks up the tab. Back at the house, I had a great conversation about life with children and moving forward. Great to learn that the plan is not only to have Zach baptized but also going back to church. Sandy was baptized Roman Catholic. I am really fascinated by how Christ like she is, despite not practicing her faith. She is interested in Lutheranism. But didn’t realize that not all church that has the name Lutheran on the door is actually Lutheran. God calls us to repent. We are sinners and knowing God’s kindness will lead us to repentance. I can hardly wait until tomorrow to confess my sin and hear the beautiful words ever spoken. The gospel words of absolution, that my sins are forgiven from our pastor who in the stead of and by the command of Christ. And to partake in the salutary gift of the Eucharist, given by grace for me for the full forgiveness of all my sins. Lord, Fawn is not healing as fast as her doctor and we like to see. I have been persistent in asking you place your healing touch on Fawn. I just remembered that when you speak, it is done. Reality happens. So Lord, in your mercy, speak you healing word. Restore daughter Fawn to good health for our benefit. Amen.

September 9, 2011
I only go in 10 on the elliptical. It was garbage day so I was forced to stop and move it all out from the back. The plan became to do more later in the day, but that didn’t come to past. Work was brutal and I need to put in more hours tomorrow. I hate it when people aren’t playing nice. Also handing off work on a Friday afternoon didn’t earn them points with me. I’m not angry, I know it is the way of the world. Always dealing with people who are just plain evildoers. Bob sent me a snap of a double rainbow. I have to agree with Pr Bruzek, “Beauty is good for the soul!” We talked about Pr Genig today. He has been in our thoughts and prayers for several weeks now. Where he stays and moves on is between him and God alone. I think we are well prepare from spiritual warfare. The last battle was a wakeup call for us. Our family trust the Lord and do not lean on our own understanding of his greater plan. 9/11 has been on the news all week. Seems the war on terror is not about capturing people and/or killing them. That is a whole lot of killing. How do you fight evil people who hate you and are set on killing you at any cost. Make no mistake, they will show no mercy. The war on terror to be about the hearts of the people who are waving guns chanting death slogans at us. With the advancement of weaponry each generation killing more people than the generation before them. Talk about people not being able to get along. Lord, make my life A window for Your light to shine through and a mirror to reflect Your love to all I meet. Amen.

September 8, 2011
Yes sir, 20 minutes before breakfast is a good habit. Just feels so good afterwards. It was a good and ordinary day. Installed Skype is on the laptop and is a pretty good App. Now Alex and I don’t need to fight over the phone because we both work from home. Listened to Pr Nelson’s posted encore sermon. Children of God as a child calling him ABBA. Sweet the Sunday worship folder is already on-line. I Cut and pasted the Welcome onto blogger again this week. Still undecided what to do. So now I’ll just keep doing just that. Ah... sacred music honoring the Most Holy Eucharist evermore expressing the mysteries of the Eucharistic miracle. At 11? Hmmm... O Sacrum Convívium - O Sacrum Convívium! In quo Christus súmitur, Recólitur memória passiónis ejus, Mens implétur grátia, Et futúrae glóriae nobis pignus datur. O sacred banquet! In which Christ is received, The memory of his Passion is renewed, The mind is filled with grace, And a pledge of future glory to us is given. Beautiful

September 7, 2011
I felt good all day the 20 minutes on the elliptical was great. LOL, I start to sing a few bars into the Gloria In Excelsis when Alex said, “Do you mine?” Had a pretty good chat over the phone with Bob about Tibetan Buddhism and what was said by Dr Jack Kilcrease on Issues, Etc.  It was enough set off a few email exchanges exchanges. I don’t know Dr Kilcrease, so I googled and read up a little him. Went with Fawn to the high school for a senior parent meeting about their college process. A lot has changed since we went there for Alex.

September 6, 2011
It was a busy day with a continuous stream of whatnots. It wasn’t until the evening I had time to do my 20 minutes on the elliptical. Everyone had already gone upstairs to bed. So I was able to leisurely exercise and sing a host of melody for hymns to songs of years past. I do not sing well, some in my household have have been brutally honest and said ... while other just say do you mine? But on Sunday, I just do the best I can and and am honored to sing in a church where there are many fine voices singing to praise God and to encourage each other. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16). Our prayer is always a response to the Words of Jesus. Jesus intercedes for us. He takes our prayer and makes it his own.

September 5, 2011
Posting early and planning to relax the remainder of the day. Kicked it up a notch by doing 20 minutes on the elliptical. So happy Labor Day, LOL, I put in a few hours. So I guess I say Happy Feast of Zacharias and Elizabeth. Thanks be to God for the convenience and flexibility of my current employment opportunity. Who would of though 30 years ago that our economy would be in complete disarray and that employment becomes an opportunity. Really nice to listen to Dr. Just about Zacharias and Elizabeth, on Issues Etc. It was joyful to hear him say “we” in reference to St John Wheaton. I have been musing over pastors for more years than I care to admit. What is troubling is they are set apart yet they are not sinless and are subject to the same human failing as the rest of us. Some people remain in a fold, I guess because it is there calling to be good sheep. I don’t know nor do I understand this. For me, I didn’t see a biblical shepherd but rather a hireling. Thanks be to God who keeps his promise to gather back his sheep and gathers my family back into his fold. I stumble upon Amanda Markel’s blog. Truly a blessing. Prayers for Pr Genig on a Divine Call and for safety and protection traveling.

September 4, 2011
Simply an awesome day. Naturally, it’s Sunday and literally approached our Lord on bend knees confessing my sins. Joyous worship in receiving and treasuring all the beauty of Christ. Oracles of the greatest imaginable love, caring and acceptance has manifested itself in our Liturgy. I am grateful for the sacramental manner our Lord gives us his gifts and the opportunity to respond in praise and thanks. Glad Andrea and Rob spent the day with us. That’s what is nice about 3 day weekends. No one is in hurry to go about their own busy lives. Sweet, got a gift from Andrea. A really nice and suitable calendar. I’m cheap and have been making my own log with hand drawn lines on paper. It was an energetic day. 15 on the elliptical after cutting the grass. It was a real nice cool late summer day. A day with the family is just what I needed after a taxing week.

September 3, 2011
Up early to keep the can in work routine maintence. 87,000 miles and 3rd brake pad replacement. Automobiles are so expensive to own. Purchase, insurance, maintence and fuel cost. Had my first go posting on bloggers. For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods. 5 For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the LORD made the heavens. 6 Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary” (Psalm 96 4-6).  Getting the initial page up is rather simple, but what follows is not intuitive.  I’m glad the Blogger generated code was easy enough to modify to get most of what I wanted. I think it easy enough to use if you invest the time watching demos. I not sure how much time I will put into it but it was fun playing with it. I rather stream of conscience pen here. It is really a shame I am not good enough of a writer to capture the fullness of live Coram Deo like all the blessings,  prayers spoken, and God’s faithfulness. 15 minutes on the elliptical. Burning off calories and producing and releasing serotonin and dopamine. No wonder why I feel good after exercising. In his sermon, Pr Genig, mentioned a entry in Facebook about St John doing church right, indeed it does. How so? It does it be being a church not playing church. When we invite or welcome people to worship, to study the bible, we offer royal hospitality to be among Christians growing in Christ and see a alternative to what the world offers. Lord, too thee I send up my sighs, weeping. Evermore asking for thy mercies and for thee to touch my wife with thy healing hands. Amen.

September 2, 2011
Up super early. Easy to beat the sun up nowadays as they becouse increasingly shorter. Great starting the morning off with 15 minutes on the elliptical. Alright, St John recent encore sermons posted. Great joy listening. I download the audio and posted in in the sermon page. So glad the work week is over and it’s a 3 day weekend. Labor Day is a day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women. It really sucks though if you are unemployed or underemployed. Lord, in your mercy, hear our cries for those who carry the heavy burdens of unemployment. Protect us from despair and give us hope and your peace that surpasses all understanding. Amen.

September 1, 2011
Stunned by the news that my dear friend Tim was let go from our project. Prayers for him and his family. It was Alex’s first day on the job. Talk about an excited person. I sure he is going to do fine. He is very bright young man. It was a scorcher, talk about a sauna. It made year day feel like a cool breeze. Wrapped up part 3 of Buddhism on Issues Etc with Zen Buddhism. Seem it’s core is mediation. I also listened to Rev Cwirla talk about No Clergy at the Ground Zero. What no Oprah and Beneke? New York Mayor Bloomberg banned clergy from the 9/11 memorial event. I join Pr Cwirla in saying, “Good for you, Mayor Bloomberg.” Hey, hey the Manly Doctors of Divinity are back, with 7 episodes. LOL, chomping on chilli favored bacon or the air none the less.  I have to agree in their discussion won the structure of the liturgy of the Gloria in Excelsis is more theologically deep then the song of praise found in theThis it is The Feast. I gave Bob for a short chat. He is in Ann Arbor summer retreat with Gelek Rimpoche. Whoo hoo, chalk up another win for Jennifer 5-0 and the undefeated Red Hawks. Looking good for another DVC Championship and not needing to take it from coming in 5 points behind. Beef and broccoli over rice, sweet. Even got a thumbs up from Alex. Stopping now to do my 15 on the elliptical to work it off...

August 31, 2011
Starting out with good news. My niece Janet and Dana borne their 2nd child Nicole. 15 minutes on the elliptical. The IM conversation continued about the inerrancy of the bible.  I can see now now why he is no longer a practicing Catholic. He sounds like he may fit right in the apostate ELCA communion. It’s the end of another month. It was a hot and muggy day. Hard to believe autumn is right around the corner. The forecast is calling for cool weather shortly after a few more days of heat. Marveling the splendor of God and his sanctuary. Indeed, everything teaches.  I’m so glad to have Dr Kleinig explain the church architecture. My former parish calls certain thing incorrectly so I was calling things likewise. Was considering another go on the elliptical but am weighted down by the Brown’s fried chicken for dinner. Don’t know why, but I was thinking about the bulls-eyes on us the Pr Bruzek mentioned several Saturdays back. Because we are relevant, the devil is surly prowling around tempting us away from Christ and the forgiveness of sins. In order to resist the devil, we have to remain steadfast in the faith of Christ and partake in his precious salutary gifts. Bless us O Lord, place thy healing hand on Fawn, heal and comfort her. Guide us in your ways for our hope is in you all day long. Amen.

August 30, 2011
Up early lifting up my heart in gladness. 15 minutes on the elliptical before breakfast. Its a good time to exercise. I think I can actually stick with it. LOL, I talked myself into just doing another 15 on the elliptical. Hmmm... still no update on the sermons on line. Sweet, listen to the Psalm 23 bible study. I was actually Seem like a futile debate during break about biblical inerrancy. The bottom line is if you think the bible has errors in it you might as well throw it away because you are picking and choosing parts to create your own religion. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). The bible is a trustworthy book and one would think criticism of it would not come from other Christians. Another Kleinig gem, We also stand in for others with Christ by our intercessions on their behalf when they have sinned.  If they have done something wrong, we don't damn them, but we act as if their sins are ours.  We ask God to have mercy on them and give them the opportunity to come to repentance. -- Dr. John Kleinig, *Grace upon Grace* p. 210.

August 29, 2011
15 minutes on the elliptical before breakfast. The conversation was still on Sunday’s worship and how nice it was to to enjoy the company of fellow saints. Managed to cut the grass in the front and the back yard awaits me. Been dying for the A1 pub burger with cheese on toasted rye, perfect. Got a query about when the new member class starts this fall. I’m hoping for the best.

August 28, 2011
Our first Sunday service and it was glorious. Dr Kleinig’s bible study and and the octave of the consecration of our church and altar has truly prepare us for the move to where we are in our journey as a community back to Eden. I was a bit nervous serving as altar assistant. But I think it went well. 15 minutes on the elliptical and feeling good physically. Sundays are a relaxing time with the family. Listen to Rev Troup on Issues Etc. on Matthew 16:21-28. “Get Behind Me Satan.” A rebuke out of love for having a begin wrong headed a world view based on man. I recognized  it when now former parishioners with clouded minds became tools of the devil. So glad it is behind us now. Also had time to listen to Rev Kilcrease, on Buddhism. This time be discusses Tibetan Buddhism and next week he will wrap it up with Zen Buddhism. What comes to mind about is how the human mind works. It reminds me of all the different flavors of Christianity to satisfy of creating of a God in his own image. Pr Genig has received a call to be Senior pastor at a in parish in south. Everyone in our our family is having mixed motions in our family to this announcement. Gracious heavenly Father, grant your Holy Spirit provide Pr Genig inspiration and wisdom to submit himself to your will. Amen.

August 27, 2011
Had a little free time so I played a little FreeCell. Whoo hoo new record, 44 straight wins. It made me think about my sister Mary. She like playing games like me. Miss her, my brother and parents. Back in college I took a course in death and dying and didn’t anything more than the mechanics of it. Death is never a easy thing. It has been a thing I witness early on on life starting with my grandmother, aunts and uncles, my parents and eventual a few my siblings and friends. I use to fear death when I was outside of Christ. Thanks be to God, my family live in the hope of God’s promise. Albeit we continue to grief in the lose of love ones, we cling to Christ is carry up though our difficult times. Way to go Jennifer 4-0. Great way to start the season. Go Redhawks.

August 26, 2011
Did 15 minutes on the elliptical before breakfast and physically felt better all day. Thinking this become a good habit. Let’s see what happens. Hmmm... still sermons posted beyond the 8th Sunday of Pentecost. We’re already move in our new space, so I really wish we completely stop calling it the “North Campus.” I’m looking forward to our life together in our new space and to keeping it stain free. When I log off work on Fridays, seems to my I’m like Pavlov’s dog, salivating in anticipation of the Sunday Eucharist. Looking forward to the Hymn of the day, All for Christ I Have Forsaken. It is hymn of hope and comfort with asian flare. My prayer is for Dennis and his famly, Lord gather them in your santuary where the joy of their salvation is restored. Amen. In intercession we don't just use our faith for others, we also show our love for them. We give of ourselves spiritually to them. -- Dr. John Kleinig, *Grace upon Grace* p. 207.

August 25, 2011
I miss Andrea, I still call her Baby. Yet I rejoice in life and happiness with Rob. I enjoyed going over the worship folder and was moved by what is in the margins, “One thing I ask of the LORD, one thing I seek: that I may be constant in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple” (Psalm 27:4). Being aware that God has redeem us poor miserable fallen beings makes his beauty even more astonishingly breathtaking. Mighty and beautiful is his now consecrated sanctuary at St John where his holiness is beautiful and celebrated.

August 24, 2011
Up early with prayers of thanksgiving for the day to come. “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1). Started worked shortly after the crack of dawn to ensure all the day’s needed be done know that the evening will bring about countless blessings from our Lord. Thanks be to God, Fawn’s check up this morning reveals continued healing. This compounded with joyful thoughts of the realization of the consecration of our church and altar, had me busting out in good cheer the entire day. If only I would allow the Christ in me to illuminate, perhaps I can do some good. Full blast worship: the beauty and glory of Christ found in Lutheran worship. First impressions: the worship folder, now that is what I’m talking about. Beautiful well thought out design, not cumbersome and on bounded paper. I remained at awe during during the entire service and was a little misty eyed at the closing hymn. I was grateful for the gifts received and responding with thanks and praise. I am beholden to all who served in our worship. Could just be me, but it appeared as though many came thirsty and left satisfied. Pr Genig allowed me to get a close up and touch the beautiful Chasuble. I was struck by the prayer as we go: Oh God, do not leave me. I have done nothing good in your sight, but according to your goodness, let me make now make  a beginning of good – Prayer of the the blessed Macarius, Desert Father. We are making good use of our spacious . As I sat and watched everyone was hanging out in the atrium of our basilica, I immediately thought about my Random Lutheran Thoughts on Christ in Everyone and a “alter Christus.” Thus new thoughts on, beholding the Christ as the Christ in me beholds the Christ in you. “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Prayers for Carol H for employment opportunities. Not enough said about this day the Lord has made, but it’s late ...

August 23, 2011
Weird weather day. Kept flipping from sunny and raining. Did 2 10s on the elliptical.  The highlight of the day was a brilliant presentation at St John by Dr Kleinig titled, On Entering A New Sanctuary. Believe it or not, I had more than a few misunderstanding of the architecture of holy place and gain an even more appreciation of our new place. I was all smiles and expected nothing less than his commentary on access to the heavenly sanctuary in Hebrew 10:19-25. Conclusion Luther: Before the advent of Christ heaven was closed, but in and through Christ heaven stands ajar again. Now Christians see heaven opened. The Heavenly Father still addresses us these words to us: “This is my beloved Son!” When you are baptized , partake in Holy Communion, receive absolution, or listen to a sermon, heaven is open, and we hear the voice of the Heavenly Father; all these works descend on us from the open heaven above us. Still we hear God speaking to us from heaven; we called and cry to Him, and He answers us. Now that is a quotable quote indeed. Took another sneak preview of our space and am at awe because of my new learned perspective. Thanks be to God.

August 22, 2011
Exceptional day. Stayed focus and managed to be all caught up despite a continuous flow of of incoming work. Felt great getting on and doing 10 minutes slo-mo on the elliptical. Alex and I went to Nancy home to borrow folding tables and chairs. Jennifer is hosting a pasta party for the team sometime this week. Did a dinner and a movie. I cooked one our favorite dish, sausage and spinach with parmesan cheese. The movie, Battle: Los Angeles. Action packed PG-13. Well summer is nearly coming to an end. Kids at already back in school. So some will start coming back to the fold from there vacation break from Jesus while other may never come back. Maybe, just maybe this time some will hear and believe.

August 21, 2011
The Divine  Service was all it promised to be. God continues to exceed our expectations. I learned a lot more about what is the Divine Services is and what id does. The closing hymn was A Mighty Fortress  is our God. Indeed he gives us hope amidst the struggles of life. Like Kleinig, Luther reminds remind us of spiritual warfare against our “ancient foe” Satan, who constantly strive to bring us down. The devil is a formidable enemy and we are doomed to lose with our own feeble efforts. We should place our struggles in the hand of God so that we can confidently know we will survive the  battle. The Psalm 23 bible study was most excellent. I’ve said it time and time again, Dr Kleinig is arguably one of the most learn teachers of Christ alive on the planet. After bible study, I greeted and introduced myself to Dr. Kleinig. He got a big chuckle when I told him and name was Larry Luder and was a direct descendent of Martin. We had a great time celebrating Rob’s birthday at Olive Garden. He is remarkably good man.

August 20, 2011
Awesome day! Short walk enjoying the cooling in the morning. Had a little time before Dave picked me to to go to St John. There was training for Greeters, Ushers and Altar Assistants. It was also a workday and things  are coming together in our new space. I even managed to get a much needed back massage from Pr Bruzek. I is so kind. Pr Genig enlighten me that in the liturgy of baptism and out celebration of that baptism as we watch one claimed by water and the Word is filled with confession and absolution. I really enjoy the car ride there and back always, we get to talk about family life and our life on the rock. Dave mentioned that that his neighbor can really cook some Chinese food. I gave it a go a whipped a pretty good spicy stir fried green beans. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s bible study after Mass, it’s been a while since out last Sunday bible study. "The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple" (Psalm 119:130).

August 19, 2011
So glad the work week is over. I didn’t forget but the Pentecost IX sermon still isn’t posted yet. Previewed the worship folder for this week, sweet. Have to admit, I’m not able to to serve others without first being fed and nurtured by the Word and Sacraments found in the Divine Service. Was on the LCMS website. It’s been a while since I read any of the What About... I was struck by what Dr Barry had to say about Lutheran Worship. It is clear to me that blended and contemporary services don’t fit the bill of Lutheran Worship, so what is it then? Signs of remarkable improvement to Fawn’s health as we continue to pray for her complete recovery.

August 18, 2011
I usually don’t like to talk about work, but it was a long tough day. I can’t help but to complain I couldn’t get my work done because I was too busy putting out fires. Then I though to myself, guess that is why I have a job. So why am I complaining? Just have time for a few lines...

August 17, 2011
Wow, what an honor and privilege it is to be asked to assist the pastors at the Lord’s table in our new place. Woo hoo Alex was offer a 12 month independent contracting job with AT&T. Thanks be to God. This lead be to muse on our Lutheran understanding of vocation as embracing every aspect of our life in all that we are and all that we do. St Paul teaches us, “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). So vocation is truly a call to faith as well as a calling to love our neighbors. As you glimpse at my life though this journal, you will find that my life is extraordinarily unremarkable. I simply tend to the ordinary things in life such as family, work, congregation, community and in service, with the good gifts God gives me to share with the world. God brings glory to himself in the restoration of all things. In our new place through the visible proclamation of the gospel in the preaching of the word, prayers and grace of the sacraments will point poor miserable sinners like my self to Christ. I said this before, I agree with Pr Bruzek, the most loving thing one can do for his neighbor is to invite them to come to church.

August 16, 2011
Great you hear friends praying for my family, especially for Fawn and Alex. Carol authored a remarkable interceding prayer in behalf of Fawn. I wished I would have thought of cutting and pasting it here. No time to cook, ate Panda Express. Don’t take much to make me happy. Good stuff. Ah, got the ecopy of Pentecost 9 sermon for Pr Nelson and posted it in the Sermons. Hope I remember to download and include the audio when it comes out later in the week.

August 15, 2011
Going back to work on Mondays is not the easiest, but working is the only way I know to earn the needed. Father, thank you for the employment where I am able to use the gifts and talents  you have given me. Grant your divine help and guidance to Alex as he continues looking for suitable employment. DO not abandon him in his search, but rather grant him favor that he may return with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance. Thought Christ, our Lord. Amen.

August 14, 2011
Just posted yesterday’s entry. It was too last to to rap it up, because it was past 11 when we got back. The reception was really nice. The Sheraton Chicago Tower is really nice. I am always fasciated at the ongoings in my family. Half of the are Envangelicals and the other half pagans. The Evangels always bring up and give a testimony sharing the very moment when they accepted the Lord as their personal savior. We left when the dancing started. It difficult to stay in touch with everyone. They are spread out all across the country. No one lives in the old neighborhood anymore as it continues to way to new immigrates. Just when you think there are no surprises in the Mass, there was one today. Thinking it must be a last minute Baptism. It was great, but I was the Confession and Absolution was omitted. There is something to be said for public confession. But it all worked out, there was time before receiving the Eucharist to reflect and cry out mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa in shame. Guessing Luke 18:13 would be the Lutheran version of this. The Gospel sermon was a keeper and worthy of being posted. I’ll have to ask Pr Nelson for a ecopy to share. The following caught my eye in the worship folder: In the Holy Supper of our Lord we have a mystery placed before us that should cause the deepest awe and excite our profoundes adoration. Johann Gerhard - Sacred Meditations XIX: 103

August 13, 2011
Starting this journal entry mid afternoon because I’m clueless when I be back this evening. Cut the grass, it grew so tall in just a week. I did the front in 15 in the hot sun and took a break, then off to the back for 10 when the clouds quickly moved in and the rain began to pour. Jennifer just got back from tennis practice. The tryouts was on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Go Redhawks! Zachery had his red egg and ginger party. It’s a month month old birthday party. LOL, I been to a few and there’re all different . I think the old folks from the old country just make up things as they go and call it tradition. Had to miss it and was committed to go wedding dinner in the city. Party, party, party, with friends and relatives. Rob and Andrea just rang the door bell. Great! The kids at going the the birthday party.

August 12, 2011
Lunch at Maggiano’s with Tim D and Tim C. I is it just me? It always seems to taste slightly better when someone else is buying. Good food and good company.  I’m so glad I listened to Dr Kleinig on Issues Etc on Prayer. Most Christians has the misconception that prayer is I speak first and then God responds. This is quite pagan. Christian prayer is trinitarian, prayer is to the Father though the son by the Spirit. If we abide in Jesus, he  intercedes for us he takes our prayers and make it his own. So prayer is in the name of Jesus together with Jesus according to the word of Jesus. This make praying a privilege. Amazingly we are allowed to stand in the shoes of Jesus and call God, Father.  This is astonishing and remarkable indeed. God showers my family with his good gifts. I really can’t get enough of the Rev Dr Kleinig. It’s the same with the Rev Dr Just and Bruzek. Then there is Genig and Nelson to boot.

August 11, 2011
Been an awesome week weather wise. Fawn got antibiotics several days ago and fluids drained yesterday. She is feeling much better today. It is amazing how God guides the hands of surgeons and heals us. I believe that all healing comes from God whether it be through miracles or medicine. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

August 10, 2011
Hmm..., first the Manly Doctors, then Weedon, and now McCain all taking a break. Well it turned out to be a blessing. I have been neglecting my reading of holy scripture. Jesus reveals a lot about himself in John 14.  In addition to I am the way and the truth and the life, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26). Thanks be to God for teaching all things by his his Spirit though his Word and his pastors. It is though his Word we are able to make our confession.

August 9, 2011
Oh my, Rev Weedon going on a short blog hiatus. Where will I find such Lutheran quotes like: The gates of hell quite often prevail against particular churches, as experience teaches.  No force and power of Satan, however, can overthrow the church catholic. -- Blessed Johann Gerhard, *On the Church* p. 132. Indeed! Was negatively opining on state of of the union. We need to keep our faith in hand a pray diligently for our leaders.

August 8, 2011
Fawn isn’t feeling well today, so we went for a office visit and got a prescription for antibiotics. Lord, place your healing hand on Fawn and restore her to full health to bring glory to your holy name. Amen. Life moves on and I got another glimpse of the wilderness we call life. I am grateful to be spare the agony of living in a inward community that courts itself. Albeit, I have been in my parish now for 3 years and a member of the governing board, I still feel the joy it felt the first time I enter the courts of his sanctuary. The veil has been open so widely I am filled with the joy of my salvation. I am always at awe at the sermons that points a finger at me and make me uncomfortable and then reminds me of his grace and mercy at awaits this poor miserable sinner. Law and Gospel preached by 3 of the most learned and faithful pastors standing in the stead of Christ.

August 7, 2011
I’m little stiff and could of just laid in bed. But even the rain couldn’t dampen my spirit. After all it is Sunday Mass. The church can live through the delay of Christ’s return [the parousia], for in every celebration of the Lord’s Supper a parousia already occurs. We are the people of God wandering through the wilderness of this world, preserved by the spiritual food and drink of the Lord’s Supper. Hermann Sasse We Confess, p. 132 The sun broke out and it became hot and muggy. Oh how a long for balmy weather. I’m still not use to the worship folder but am appreciating the Life Together. I am excited about the upcoming Lecture by the most learned Rev Dr John Kleinig on Hebrew 10:19-25: On Entering a New Sanctuary. I’m sure he will reveal oracles of Gods that I’ve never muse upon before. Few can match my love for the Eucharist. My prayers are that we all mediate on the mysteries of the Mass where God gives us the full assurance of faith though Christ Jesus and him crucified. Once our eyes are open to what is conveyed in this great epistle we will realize that God the Father has given us access to him. One only have to remember what happened upon the death of Jesus. God tore curtain of the temple in two, from top to bottom. This is huge. Like David, I long to be in our Lord’s sanctuary. Surprisingly, I know a lot of parishioners travel greater distances than me to worship and be part of the body of Christ at St John. But is is not surprisingly why. Turns out that 112 people show up to work yesterday, awesome. Can't believe it. Where did the sun go? All of a sudden I hear thunder and it is raining again.

August 6, 2011
Nothing but smiles all day in coram deo. Awesome. It was curbside workday at church and was out and about helping. There was enough hazy early in the day to allow for working outdoors in the summer. It was nice to be among I guess 100 cheerful people. Besides getting a good workout while helping out, I got to hear a few stories about the joy individuals have when the Lord gathered them to St John. I actually surprised myself and faired much better than I thought I would. I got sluggish and gave up a half hour after lunch and left when most of the 80+ gang began to leave. Got home, cool shower and a short nap. “A man has to know his limitations.” Glad to see the Andrea and Rob was able to carry on. Took a peek at the inside during lunch. It is looking really smart inside and out. I am so the about the nearing of our Ecclesia de Eucharistia becoming a tangible and visible sacrament  to the the world. St John is truly a church of the Eucharist. What a magnificent altar upon which our Lord will feed us and the world. Indeed, I agree with Pr Bruzek, Jesus does exceed our expectations. Hmm... Andrea and Fawn criticize my poor grammar and spelling. Guess I should be more careful while doing stream of conscience writing. I’m not sure if it will be just that, if I reread and proof it. Lord, allow my pen and the e-ink bring you praise and glory as I live out my life in a different world in the the world. Amen.

August 5, 2011
No walk today. Cutting the grass was enough exercise. Ah, smells and bells! I saw Rev Weedon’s pics from Higher Things Bloomington. Pastor Bruzek says, “everything teaches.” Indeed it does. I’ve come to love the Lutheran Mass with all it’s rich symbols. The icons, vestments, incense, chant, architecture, stain glass, gestures, sacred vessels, candles and the like engages all of the senses and gives us a taste of our heavenly home.

August 4, 2011
A day of thanksgiving, it's incredibly a drop dead gorgeous day the Lord had made, 2 in a row. I was even bless to see a beautiful monarch butterfly.  I had four little tubes of blood dawned and reward the end of 15 hour fast with a McDonald $1 breakfast sandwich. That is an amazing deal. We followed that up with a walk. Believe it or not. it was my suggestion to kick it up a notch by adding a little more distance. It was that nice of a day for a walk and talk. We laughed about my ability to contribute to the Curb Appeal Day, only because I huffed and puffed most on the time on other attempts and that was indoor work. Oh well. I listen to the Rev Dr Just on Issues Etc. on the Faithful Women (Joanna, Mary and Salome). I can’t enough of this most learned teacher of Christ.

August 3, 2011
Fawn therapy now includes lifting weights. Wonder if she’ll be buff. Just kidding, the exercises consist of light weights under 5 pounds. I think I mentioned it before how glad I am about what is missing from the TV in the waiting room nowadays. Good riddance, soon people will be saying Oprah, who? The cool front and heavy rain last night did wonders and made for a really nice walk and talk in the cool of the morning. I highly recommend it.  There is nothing like sharing the joys of life under the care of our Lord and talking about concerns. Fasting tonight for blood work tomorrow morning. So it is not by any means a biblical fasting between me and God. Yeah baby, sermon encore, sweet. Woe to whoa, was stunned when I came across a YouTube Video of a United Christ of Christ Flash Mob Eucharist. Looks like people with a scarf giving out juice and dinner rolls. People came up and dipped the dinner roll in the juice and ate it. There is a lot one can say about the 20s and 30s years old, but there is more that can be said about the UCC. But is not flattering and the bible already covers it. Lord, you have prepared this salutary feast for our salvation.  And at your invitation, we come to you for rest, comfort, and for pardon. Amen. Ahhh... New Vicar and wife  moving in this week. Thanks be to God that our most learned pastors continue to be part on the seminarians journey through pastoral formation.

August 2, 2011
Two walks with Fawn, one short one longer, totaling 45 minutes. Why am I Lutheran? So people laugh and think I’m kidding when I say, because Jesus is. First they think I am kidding, then they are stunned when I tell them that I wouldn’t be one if it wasn’t so. I’m at St John Wheaton because our community is build around the Eucharist. Mass is offered 6 days a week at all services. We can not get more intimate with God outside the Eucharist. It is at the center of everything. How can it not be? Christ is really present in the sacrament of his very body and his very blood. We keep good company at Divine Liturgy. Dr Just calls it Heaven on Earth. Indeed, when we gather around the Eucharist we are with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, his Blessed Mother, his angels and his saints. Ah, a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. May all who come eventually participate in the partaking of his good gifts and have it become a way of life. Amen. Hmm... starting to hear the sky rumbling, perhaps there will be som rain to provide succor from the extreme heat we have been having lately.

August 1, 2011
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. Exultemus, et in ipso jucundemur. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Simul ergo cum in unum congregamur: Ne nos mente dividamur, caveamus. Cessent iurgia maligna, cessent lites. Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus. Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Simul quoque cum beatis videamus, Glorianter vultum tuum, Christe Deus: Gaudium quod est immensum, atque probum, Saecula per infinita Amen.
Where charity and love are, God is there. Christ's love has gathered us into one. Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him. Let us fear, and let us love the living God. And may we love each other with a sincere heart. Where charity and love are, God is there. As we are gathered into one body, Beware, lest we be divided in mind. Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease, And may Christ our God be in our midst. Where charity and love are, God is there. And may we with the saints also, See Thy face in glory, O Christ our God: The joy that is immense and good, Unto the ages through infinite ages. Amen. The more occasional brief Latin part of the Mass at St John is so beautiful. Mainly because the English translation is noted in the worship folder.

July 31, 2011
There really is something about receiving gifts from God and giving him thanks  and praise. “Say what Jesus say and do what Jesus does, It is simple as that.” There was a nice farewell reception for Vicar Hoem and his family as the head back to the seminary to complete the final year of study. Odd feeling of joy and sadness. Will truly miss them. Hope they come back a visit. Wow, the end of yet another month. Is it me, or does time really seem to fly as you get older?

July 30, 2011
No fun working on a Saturday morning, but there was a need to meet the EOM numbers. I was out most of the week. I’m encouraged by the example of Christ. “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3 For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.” 4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, 6 that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:1-7).

July 29, 2011
3rd and final road trip. This time to the visit the hawkeyes. They really like to talk about their football. A nice campus but noticeably hilly . We enjoyed the 60 minute walking tour and then later another 30 minutes of walking around their downtown area. We felt like at home because it was resembles downtown Naperville. Now the excitement is all over for Jennifer. She’ll need to make a decision which campus she wants to go to. She qualifies easily for all 3 campuses. It was great that Alex drove to Iowa as well. He know this campus too. He played college tennis here several times also. They posted the upcoming “Worship Folder” and the “Life Together”. Hmmm... too bad, no use pouting about it and guess I’ll have to get use to it until the economic times change and the pinching of pennies like this fade away. This has to be just making a statement. So the question becomes, is it actually  helpful or harmful?

July 28, 2011
What as great work day. Listen to sacred choral music. There is truly something about singing that nourishes  the soul in a way the the spoken word isn’t able to. I heard some people say they love the diversity of music style found in the LSB. To me, it only adds to a blended confusion. Why so many congregation has abandon such a beautiful treasure is beyond me. St Paul said , “be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18-20). I don’t sing well at all and can only make a joyful noise. There isn’t anything quite like liturgical worship that is celebrated in the noble form of congressional participation of song solely directed toward the glory of God. Most beautiful and reverent.

July 27, 2011
Got on the scale today and to my delight, minus five pounds. The question becomes can I keep that off. Just an ordinary day in my walk toward Eden.

July 26, 2011
Road trip day 2. This time to visit the Fighting Illini at Champaign-Urbana. Another nice big campus. The walking tour was 60 minutes on level ground. Hmmm... additional walking at a outlet mall not far from the university. I’m so tire from the 2 days of walking.

July 25, 2011
Went on a road trip to visit the Badgers at UW Madison. What a beautiful campus off stunning Lake Mendota. The information session was very edifying. Hard to believe I survived the guided 100 minute walking tour. It was tough keeping up, but I did. We visited the LCMS campus chapel. It made us appreciate St John even more. The flavors found within the synod is... never mine, each their own. Alex wasn’t kidding about the nice and huge tennis complex at UW. The played there many times while playing at NIU.

July 24, 2011
Unbelievable, the continuous thunder and heavy down pour all through the night and until we got out of church this morning to a sun filled sky. Going to worship was tough gettinh past the flooded road ways. The dark of the night brought back memories of a strobe light, only it was out in nature.  Never saw anything like it before. The rain briefly provided succor from the heat.  Fawn and I enjoyed a nice walk together, sweet. Andre cooked a real nice pasta dinner. Too bad about cost saving on the beautiful bulletins. What a shame. Nice sermon by Vicar Holms, next week will be his last week with us. I think he is correct about his assessment about how most of us view Christ and the Christian walk. He revealed the reality of the beautiful imagery though the eyes of God. O God, You have prepared for those who love You good things that surpass all understanding. Pour into our hearts such love towards You that we, loving You above all things, may obtain Your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

July 23, 2011
Best of times. It is not often that Jennifer and I just get to do things with out the rest of the family. So it is a very special time for me at least. It is hard to know what come on in the mind of young people, I hope she feels the same. We went for breakfast at Baker’s Square in Downers Grove. It is a really nice and friendly place and serves an awesome breakfast plate. Fawn and I went for the shortest walk ever, less than 10 because it start to rain again. O well. Sweet, the link is fixed on Issues Etc. to Mary Magdelene and James the Apostle. I was struck by Rev Wilken when he said you may want to consider leaving your church. Right, baloney. Abandoning  your post, my eye. The enemy from within and will kill you. Each their own what church is. Not all churches with Lutheran on it’s door are Lutheran. People will believe what they will. Can’t believe I’m getting fired up about things in the past that don’t matter anymore. It is unfortunate that all eyes are not open for whatever reason. Funky read on Cyberbrethen, New York Bishop Gets Tough on Homosexuality: Orders Gay Couples to Marry. Clearly, “tough” is an abstract word. Episcopal Church, hmmm... My, my howling winds and the loud thunderous voice of God again tonight. Lord, thank you for this day and all the blessings it holds. Amen.

July 23, 2011
Best of times. It is not often that Jennifer and I just get to do things with out the rest of the family. So it is a very special time for me at least. It is hard to know what come on in the mind of young people, I hope she feels the same. We went for breakfast at Baker’s Square in Downers Grove. It is a really nice and friendly place and serves an awesome breakfast plate. Fawn and I went for the shortest walk ever, less than 10 because it start to rain again. O well. Sweet, the link is fixed on Issues Etc. to Mary Magdelene and James the Apostle. Funky read on Cyberbrethen, New York Bishop Gets Tough on Homosexuality: Orders Gay Couples to Marry. Clearly, “tough” is an abstract word. Episcopal Church, hmm... Lord, thank you for this day and all the blessings it holds. Amen.

July 22, 2011
The day start out beautiful and ended that way, but what happen mid morning was pretty. Fawn and I decided to get a jump on the weather before it got hot, so we went for a early walk and talk. Sweet. An hour or so later the skies quickly darken and the winds picked up just like it did a week or so earlier. Out came the thunderous voice of God and followed by a heavy down pour. Later in the day the sun broke out and just as quickly, there was a cloudless sky. Amazing. I was slightly sadden after reading, Talking to a friend today ..., on Weedon’s Blog. It appears even many Lutherans have forgotten and don’t even know what a Lutheranism is. Certainly the ELCA is not, even on paper, it appears to be off the deep end make me wonder with we even worship the same God. And good grief, the LCMS ??? Lake Pointe, what is that all about? Anyway the post was great and I was struck be: “Our doctrine of original sin and our rejection of freedom of the will in the unbeliever already signs our death warrant.  Add to that our belief in the Sacraments - you know, like Baptism actually saving and the Eucharist being Christ's true body and blood for our forgiveness, and the word of our pastor absolving us from all sin, and well, most Americans will simply think we're nuts.  Our clinging to the liturgy (in confidence that God's Word bears fruit) ... our insistence that words actually convey meaning ... and that we walk our Christian pilgrimage both as saints (wholly absolved and perfect in Christ) and as sinners (struggling against hereditary sin until our last breath)” These words ring so clear. Christ has open my eyes to behold and believe in him. Word can not describe the joy in my heart as our Lord reveals more of himself to me and my family each week where his Word is purely preached and his Sacraments are rightly give and received to save and forgive us. Lord, my son Alex interviewed for employment the other day and is excited about the prospect. In your mercy grant it be your will that this be his vocation. Amen.

July 21, 2011
I was up very early just slightly before the dawn of the day and was prayerfully pondering over St John. We began this week with what is labeled fellowship as part of everyone finding a spot and working it. I need realized that so many people are and can be connected to the community in so many ways. There are so many adult discipleship and fellowship opportunities at St John to learn and grow in Christ Jesus with along with fellow parishioner. Lord, in your mercy, grant your disciples the wisdom to encourage each other to grow in the likeness of your son, Christ Jesus though bible study and community. Inspire us to make worship and weekly priority and the highlight of the week. May your love for us spill over through us to love our neighbors. Amen. Out early again to Naperville Central H.S. and returned a refund check that was sent to us by mistake. It counted as a short walk. When we got back it was still before 9 in the cool of the morning. LOL, mid 80s already, but went for another short 15 minutes. Whoo hoo. We went to Olive Garden to celebrate Alex’s 22nd birthday. Thanks be to God, what a fine young man God fearing man he turned out to be, the influence of all my shortcomings. “And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:50).

July 20, 2011
Wasn’t able to do our walk this morning, We decided to give it a go during my lunch hour. It was a sizzler, 100 °F. My goodness, ended up do 2 15 minute walks. It was too hot to do the normal.  I’m tire, so...

July 19, 2011
Nice walk and talk. Great conversation about the joy we have in Christ these past 3 years at Saint John. I couldn’t believe it, before the conversation ended, we were back at our door step. What a blessing and privilege it is to be a member of a parish where the Word is rightly preached and taught Christ, and him crucified. The Eucharist is the center of everything. Without it you have nothing. Another word, if the the Eucharist is missing, everything is missing with it. Try telling that to some thick headed pastors, sometime. I think it is amazing what some family members and friend become comfortable with and are willing to call it worship. It was good to car pool again to Saint John with Dave. Much better weather conditions this month. It’s a nice drive and plenty of time to talk about many thing likes catching up with family matters and the Christian life. Lord, there is much that remains for us to do prior to sanctifying our new place of worship. May we be willing and able to support St John and her staff with grateful hands and with grateful words of encouragement. Amen.

July 18, 2011
Unbelievable the rain provide little to no succor from the heat, it was another sizzler. Fawn and I were soak from the heat and humidity after our 30 minute walk. Lord, help us endure the seemly cruel and extreme weather conditions. Amen.

July 17, 2011
The morning Mass was outstanding. Clearly, I have become an Eucharistic addict. And need to be showered with his gifts to sustain life. I’m am both sad yet rejoice in the time we shared with Vicar Holms and his family. He will be leaving us in 2 weeks back to the seminary. I was wowed by Rick Lenser, he is an amazing videographer. We watched Andrea and Rob’s wedding and couldn’t be happier with the video. I ate half a leftover skirt steak sandwich from Tango that Fawn brought home from lunch with her sister and friend yesterday. It was awesome. I had no choice but to put out diazinon ant killer. The bad thing was I did it in the tropical like weather. It was blazing hot. 101°F. How people survived in days past is beyond me. I was wondering why Rob and Andrea wasn’t visiting last weekend. Rob did an ulta marathon, 50 miles at Devil’s Lake. I don’t get it. I have been questioning myself about my penning on this site, but know I have at least a few readers. But if one has faith, how can the conversation in our daily life not be about our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus?

July 16, 2011
Fawn and I are in the good habit of going out for a walk around the neighborhood. It is good that we are keeping it simple and are able to walk and talk about all sort of things together. Bill and I when to the city around noon so naturally we went to Lawrence’s Fishery and indulged in 1/2 pound of popcorn shrimp and ½ pound of fish chips. Stuff and happy. I re-listen to the manly doctors of divinity again to today. It was the good. I think  there thoughts about the LCMS is accurate. Interesting thing is that many confessional parishes sends their youth to higher things, come back and think is the greatest. Yet after so many years they take back nothing. Their parish remain the same. Why don’t  their parish look like higher things? My children think St. John is better than higher things. Dinner at the House of Emperor. Great Chinese food in the burbs. LOL, not sure what the celebration was about. something about multiple birthdays on Fawn’s side. I just heard dinner and that was good enough for me.

July 15, 2011
Uncle to a new born boy Zachery. Carl and Sandy’s first born. Alright, Fawn and I was out and about for a slightly longer walk. Episode 147: time mismanagement edition is so edifying. Their wisdom is far beyond what they lead on to have. The reflection on the LCMS and the trails and tribulation of the ministry is very good. They were spot on about many confessional Lutheran behave like piranhas. Always seemingly on the attack. How do they think they can get prople to listern when they are on the attack? I use to read this one confessionLutheran blog. It became very distasteful. They should take a big step back an look at how secular they have become with all their venom. I haven't visit it  the site for quite a while now, who knows what has evolve to nowadays. It makes me wonder what my pen appears like to those who happen to stumble upon this site. My goal is to edify myself while documenting the life of this this poor miserable sinner who relies on the grace and the gifts of our Lord and Savior to sustain a reconciled life in the face of God and to share a glispe of my joy, living as a disciple along with joyous hardships that comes with lifting up the crucified cross of Jesus.  Grrr... that song, Jesus is a Friend of Mine, drives me bonkers. I got a reminder email with the agenda for my first upcoming governing board meeting. Lord, in your mercy. Protect us as we wage war against the evil foe on behalf of the church. You have made known the path of life, may we have and continue growing and consistent walk with a steadfast devotional life and prayer. May St John be a community of grace and forgiveness, evermore offering genuine hospitality to all comes though your doors seeking comfort and refuge. Amen.

July 14, 2011
Whoo hoo, got email announcement that our new church and altar will be consecrated on the feast of St Barthomew. Fawn and I when for a short 15 minute walk in the neigborhood. It was really nice. I think the walk and talk is so refreshing for the mind and body. I hope we get into this good habit like before. I read a posting on Cyberbrethren about Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada: To Vote on Gay Clergy and Gay Marriage. The wording made me want to throw up. Church bodies are so funky. Even the LCMS voted on this matter.  How offensive. Bah, to affirm whether or not God’s Holy Word is erroneous or not or acceptable to us or not. Lord, have mercy on us sinful beings for even entertaining heresy. Discussion on Little League Draft. LOL, nice play on words.

July 13, 2011
Lord, in your mercy, grant peace and comfort the Sanford family in their time of bereavement. Amen.

July 12, 2011
The day started out and was pretty much ordinary. But by night fall, the air is filled with excitement as talks begin about how close we are to moving into and consecrating the new sanctuary. I have the privilege of being a member of St John for 3 years now. The original plan to move to a larger to accommodate seating for all the parishioners.  A lot has happen since then. The new space will be a blessing for many other reasons. Thanks be to God for his steadfast love. Lord, make us worthy in all things and be acceptable unto your goodness. Amen.

July 11, 2011
Talk about about a sudden change in the weather, tense. Fawn and I headed out toward 95th St this morning. Out of nowhere the sky darken. Boom, down came buckets of rains and 60-65 mph winds. Branches were flying everywhere.  I was so nervous and turned back. Thanks be to God we made it back home safe.  Funny how the mind works or the Holy Spirit works. The only thing that doesn’t change is God’s steadfast love. His mercies endure forever.

July 10, 2011
My savior dwells within my heart: How blessed am I! How Good art thou. Sunday Mass was a beautiful as expected. We were  blessed to share it with Jennifer’s friend Dee Dee. How sweet it is, got a shoulder rub from Pr Genig. How cool is that? They must know I’ve been so tense and need it bad. Pr. Nelson must not have got the memo. I was struck when Pr Nelson said, “Jesus talks to us in a way that gives us an opportunity to follow him.” Indeed. May those who hear his Word, understand and follow. Amen. St Ignatius of Antioch once said, “The Eucharist is the medicine of immortality, the antidote we take in order not to die but to live forever in Jesus Christ.” This is most certainly true. I still don’t get why some church refuse to serve it each and every service as well as parishioner not caring. The Lutheran Church claims to be a church of Word and Sacrament. Our Lord gives himself freely to the world. It is unconscionable to deny him to parishioners. It use to laugh at it is like offering one a peanut and jelly sandwich without the jelly. Nowadays it just doesn’t seem funny. Thanks be to God. The Lord’s Supper is the heart of St John and is offered to parishioners at a early age. I was so thrilled to see so many parents take their children for instruction in preparing them to meet our Lord in this body, body, soul and divinity to forgive, heal and enliven us.

July 9, 2011
It was a great day in many ways. It began with thanking the Lord and wishing my dear wife Fawn and happy birthday. Off we went to Saint John for pot luck. Great food with so many great friends. It is such a joy to be among so many caring people. Community comes to mine. Pr Bruzek once again gave me a much needed back rub. He can see that I am so tense. We got to walk around and new sanctuary. The floor is in and the beautiful font was overflowing. Gracious heavenly Father grant us your Holy Spirit, that we might learn Christ Jesus, so that our heart will overflow with his love. Amen. Next in our Liturgy, we stand and joyfully sing the Post-Communion Canticle:  Indeed a joyous conclusion of the the service of Holy Communion. At the end comes the Benediction: The Mass is complete. The parishioners are given an blessing. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Away, these are some of my in thoughts and the historic church. It doesn’t come close to expressing the joy in my heart. If only i could write. Thanks be to God for for learned teaches that are able to pen articulate and pen Christ Crucified.

July 8, 2011
Got to love short work weeks. I wish I could work 4 tens all the time. I was only outside briefly but long enough to be able to declare it simply beautiful. Next in our Liturgy is the, Service of the Sacrament:  It begins with the Preface: The Lord be with you. Proclaims the presence of our Lord. Lift up your hearts. Announces the attitude we are to take. Let us give thanks to Lord our God. Thanksgiving draws toward the gift of the sacrament. Next is the Sanctus: The singing of it though Christ, acknowledges that we join with heaven in their adoration of the Trinity. Next the Prayer of Thanksgiving and then the, Lord’s Prayer: this is way our Lord teaches us to pray. How fitting to recite this as a table prayer to his supper. Next is the the, Words of Our Lord: This proclaims the presence Of Christ very body and very blood. Next is the Pax Domini: which proclaims the gift of peace from our Lord. Followed by the Agnus Dei: which again acknowledges the real presence of Christ’s body and body who take away the sin of the world and the implores him for his peace. Then the, Distribution: This is the very blood and the very body of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Shed for you, for the full forgiveness of all your sins. As he gives himself to us with his body and blood in order to redeem us from our misery, so ought we too give ourselves with might and main for our neighbor".

July 7, 2011
Truly a beautiful day. Simply had to get out and enjoy it a bit. So Fawn and I decide to do some errands. We hit the post office and then a stopped by Michael’s for groceries. Wowed by the manly doctors of divinity. Episode 146: july 4th edition included a lively and edifying discussion on liturgical gestures. These guys are so down to earth and a joyful blessing. Next in our Liturgy is, The Prayer of the Church: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs. According to 1 Timothy 2, we are to pray for all people. We then share the peace with one another and then we render to the the Lord what we will with thanksgiving for all his benefits. This includes collecting monetary gifts from the generosity of parishioners to support the congregational ministries.

July 6, 2011
I am of good cheers. Am reminded and and thankful of God’s countless gifts. I even got a much needed back massage  from Pr Bruzek. God is good. I drove Fawn to Edwards yesterday for for preventive lymphatic therapy, and no Oprah in the waiting room! Something to be thankful for. Next in our Liturgy is the Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only‐begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. And He will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead, whose kingdom will have no end. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Truly a Christian symbol. I find it very interest that the German translation of catholic is Christian and in our service book it notes the ancient text uses the word catholic. Since we recite the creed in English, why don’t we use the word catholic? Onomatophobia? Foolishness? I am also surprise that the word “we” is not used instead of “I”. I listened to Chris Rosebrough on Issues Etc. about the Crystal Cathedral. It is interesting how the newer Mega Churches is geared to attracting large numbers of people with giving people self affirmation of the seeker driven church growth movement. Entertainment corporations. Kyrie elesion.

July 5, 2011
What an interesting combination, adult discipleship and fellowship. It is used in an entire different context than I originally thought. It is used in a local context within a parish, an out of the ordinary use of words in my opinion. But 5 days in, I can adapt. We are now talking about about the privilege of being a member God’s family within a community. So Jesus’ fervent prayer that we be one, let it be so at St John. God calls us to fellowship with his son Jesus. This is found in the Eucharist. Our Lord come to us in his true body and true blood for the full forgiveness of all our sins. And there is also a koinonia between the recipients with one another. “The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? 17 Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread” (1 Corinthians 10:16, 17). I think open small groups, which are not a conventicle, is a great for parishioners to find a spot and work a spot in the community. Next in our Liturgy is the Sermon: The preacher stands is the stead of Christ evermore preaching the Law in all its condemnation and evermore preaching the Gospel in all its sweetness. Psalm 77 takes us with its speaker through our troubles.  As we meditate on it and apply it to our situation, it encourages us to see the hidden presence of our Lord and Savior with us in our darkness.  We meditate on our trouble in the light of God's promises and on God's promises in the light of our troubles, in order to see His light in our darkness. -- Dr. John Kleinig, *Grace upon Grace* p. 140.

July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July! Did a few chores about the house and then the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the day and reminiscing. I finally got around to looking at some of the snaps of Andrea and Rob’s wedding. Next in our Liturgy are the Lectionary. The Reading and Hearing of God’s Word in our current worship is a result of the Second Vatican Council. Although it is not adopted in it’s entirety it is in agreement to the Roman Catholic Lectionary the vast majority of the time. They are a collection of  reading Sacred Scripture arranged according to the Church’s Liturgical calendar. The Word of God speaks  to us in two ways: Law and Gospel. God’s Word not only convicts us but it also redeems us as well. All of Scripture is nothing but a continuous witness of Christ. -- Blessed Johann Gerhard, On Christ, p. 3. The first reading is from the Old Testament reflects the Gospel reading. For centuries the singing and chanting of the Psalms have inspired the worship of God people. In the Lutheran Mass they are varying responsorial antiphons, usually in Gregorian chant. Just imagine, we are singing God’s Words back to him from generation to generation. The second reading is from the New Testament which are call epistles formal letters written to Christians discerning God’s will for their community. We stand crying alleluia as a sign respectful honor in the hearing of the gospel because we believe that Jesus comes to us in his Word and his Sacraments. Lutheran believe and proclaim the Gospel as the living Word and that his Words literally does what they says. That’s what makes it good news!

July 3, 2011
Whoo hoo! Put on my dress shoes and made it to Mass and rejoiced in the Lord. Outstanding, couldn’t be happier. After the service, it was good to talk with so many warm people. Saint John is indeed a fine community. That is one thing really nice about 3 day weekends, no one is in a hurry, dashing off in a busy world. Beit our community is more reverent than ever and the evil foe is more eager, the saints are prepare now prepared for spiritual warfare. I haven’t mention good food in a while. I am simple man and think country fried steak with country style gravy is a fine meal. Next in our Liturgy is the, Salutation and Collect of the Day: The Lord be with you. Dominus vobiscu, is more than just an ancient greeting, it expresses a desire that the Lord become ever more present both in the assembly and in each individual member of the body of Christ. Et cum spiritu tuo, And with your spirit. It our hope that the celebration on the Mass bare fruit, that the Holy Spirit will move visitors toward conversion and for the baptized to deepen their faith. Lord, grant us thy Holy Spirit, that we become your true disciples. Amen. I hear fire works ever now and then the past few days and am reminded and thank God for the freedom found our great nation.

July 2, 2011
Alleluia! Limping, but mobile! Things are looking up. Funny thing just now, Jennifer is bang on her electronic drum set. LOL, I thought it was fireworks going off for a second. Next in our Liturgy is the, Gloria in Excelsis: Lord, may You receive all glory and honor, and grant that my heart might be free from seeking any for myself. It is with great joy that I worship You, One God in Three Persons. Amen. We lift up our voices in praise, singing the song of the angels heralding the birth of the Christ Child. Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. Lord God, heavenly king, almighty God and Father: We worship You, we give You thanks, we praise You for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God Lamb of God; You who take away the sins of the world; have mercy on us You are seated at the right hand of the Father; receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

July 1, 2011
Whoo hoo, a holiday weekend! Once upon a time there was a notion that this is one nation under God. Yet as I look around it is very secular and pluralistic. Thanks be to God, that my brother-in-law Ken’s Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair was quick outpatient procedure. Unbelievable, it took an hour and another hour to recover and he was on his way home. My foot feels much better today, prayerfully I will be crutchless and mobile by tomorrow. I was hoping last week’s sermon would have been posted by now. Anyway, it gave me an opportunity to listen in the pastors roundtable on Issues Etc. on the The Parable of the Great Banquet. We are the beggars invited to his table. Amazingly, about 2/3 of most LCMS congregation’s membership come up with excuses not to attend the banquet. More amazing is most congregations appear to care less if the Eucharist is even offered. I thank the Holy Spirit for his work in me and my family. Next in our Liturgy is the, Kyrie Litany of Praise: As we prepare to receive God’s grace in Word and Sacrament, we cry out for mercy. The Kyrie is a chanted prayer that offers petitions by the pastor on our behalf. The, Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy, response by the parishioners are simple yet are powerful words which reminds us that God desire to favor us and will love and care for us. Blessing us with whatever we need as we journey back to Eden.

June 30, 2011
Wow, the end of another month. My, my time sure do flew.Again I am disappointed that I still can’t get around with crutches. Lord, be merciful and place thy healing hand on me so that I may move about readily. Amen. Apparent that meat and potatoes goes well with milk at the age of 3 Next in our Liturgy is, Invocation: The sign of the cross  may be made by all in remembrance of their Baptism. In the name of the Father and the  Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The invocation reminds us we are baptized in the name of the Triune God. God Himself is addressed as His Holy Name is invoked.  We call upon the one true God asking Him to be in our midst and to fill our hearts as we receive His wonderful gifts of life and salvation! My friend, Bob, who I call Bob the Buddhist had a great conversation today about a few Buddhist tenets. I shared with him our Sacrament of Confession and Absolution: We kneel humbly before our God, acknowledging our sin and seek God's mercy and grace that enables us to focus on our loving God. It is proper and fitting to confess we are poor miserable sinners and at the same time rejoice in the forgiveness of sins. But let us be clear, the forgiveness of sins, is instituted and won by Christ and is something we can ever earn. This pure gift comes to us through the means of grace and received by faith. Our worship services follow the pattern and principles of both Old and New Testaments. First, our basis for entering into worship is that God calls us to worship him. But we can only come near to God if our sin has been removed, lest we be consumed by his wrath. When we confess our sin, some will use a scared sign of striking the breast three times. It is a humble outwardly visible sign that the inner self, behind the breast lies all our offenses by own sinfulness, mea máxima culpa, my most grievous fault.
“O Almighty God, merciful Father, I a poor, miserable sinner, confess to you all my sins and iniquities with which I have ever offended you and justly deserved your punishment now and forever. But I am heartily sorry for them and sincerely repent of them, and I pray you of your boundless mercy and for the sake of the holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death of your beloved son, Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me, a poor sinful being. Amen.” Then our pastor stands in God’s stead when he forgives our sins.

June 29, 2011
I listened to and was wowed by Rev Matt Harrison speak about Preaching on Issues Etc. Smart man. It led to give thanks and praise to God for my pastors who all hold the preaching office at St john. An extra treat is a short read, Preaching Is All About You, . Next in our Liturgy is, Entrance Rite: Open the gates where the righteous enter, and I will go to thank the Lord (Psalm 118). Nothing less than a grand and elaborate processional pageant will do. The censor leads the way with the procession cross followed by the candles, the gospel book, and pastors and altar servers. This gathering rite in the presence of God is an expression of joy and awe, while singing a hymn of praise. It is an ancient custom to bow in reverence as the corpus cross of him crucified pass. Signifying prayer, incense is one of the most liturgical signs in the church. “Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!” (Psalm 141:2). By using incense as it in shown to be used in the worship of the saints in Heaven, we confirm the unity of the Saints in Heaven and on Earth, as well as our participation in the things of Heaven. "An angel came and stood at the altar, with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden Altar before the Throne of God; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the Saints from the hand of the angel before God"  (Revelation 8:3-4).

June 28, 2011
Beautiful sunny and mild summer day at hovering around 80 °F. Easy going, a lot of people are on vacation this week. Hopefully expecting much of the same next. A good time to get ahead of the game. My foot didn’t progress as much as I had hope for today. Pretty much as it was yesterday, that is so disappointing.  It’ll be almost been a week. Got a paper from Dave by Rev. Curtis and was able to to get through Part I on election. The other part is on A look at the Ministry of Jesus Christ and the Apostles. I downloaded  the 1st  of 4 audio files of the actual 4 hour presentation it was on justification, election and evangelism. I have to say, Rev Curtis is remarkable lecturer, evermore edifying God’s people. I was filled with joy when Carol reached out with kindness and is including me in her prayers. Next in our Liturgy is, Prelude and Lighting of the Candles: Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Altar candles are used as remembrance of Christ’s own words: “I am the light of the world.” I read somewhere that the pure wax extracted by bees symbolizes the pure flesh of Christ, the wick signifies the soul of Christ, and the flame represents His divinity. When I look at the beautiful candles, the flicking glow appear  to be reciting the Nicene Creed. Anyway, why not? Even the rocks will cry out. Current at St John, this is either a gathering time or a quiet time. Most Lutherans parishioners are warm, friendly and actively greeting each other and are  a welcoming sort. Other times, Lutherans are very quiet in church before a service and use this time for personal mediation and devotions. When the chimes or music is played, it is a reminder that worship is about to begin. Often times parish concerns are noted in a public announcement prior to the liturgy and take on only a preparatory temperament. When significant concerns are sprung on parishioners for the first time within the prayers, people will sometimes respond to the prayers like startled listeners to a news broadcast and will find it difficult to move into the depths of prayer.

June 27, 2011
Limping around a little with crutches. Most of the swelling and ouch is gone. I think  I’ll start doing something a tad different and add little tidbits of my thoughts about the Liturgical Worship . It all started several years ago when Elder Scheel ask our catechumen class what out favorite part of of the Liturgy. There is no wrong answer. However, my thought is  it’s all good. I actually have a lot of random thoughts already penned and think it will be good so share it here. The Lutheran Mass (Gottesdienst) is full blast worship in slow motion. It’s all about the privilege of fully receiving all of God’s gifts and joyfully  thank and praise him for his love toward us in Jesus Christ. It starts with A Prayer Upon Entering the Church: I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear I will worship toward thy holy temple. Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before me, that with a clear mind I may glorify thee forever, One Divine Power worshipped in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. It is the ancient custom upon entering church to kneel or bow in one's pew for a prayer of personal preparation for worship. It is also customary to bow to the altar on entering and leaving the church as an act of reverence for Christ. Albeit, there is no mandate to bow, kneel, or geneflex; I would propose that these gestures of lowly positions outwardly shows the humility of one’s faith.
June 23-26, 2011
Gout flare up. Need I say more?

June 22, 2011
Oh well, no takers on Four And Twenty+ Blackbirds on my Baptism question. I was in the basement today and was wondering about the florescent light. The shaking from the storm make most of the light not work. Eventually they starter to work on it’s own accord, interesting. The only other thing was the circuit breaker trip for the garage door. I posted on the 16th. Protect us from ourselves, from our own cowardice and tepidity, from our self-seeking and avarice, from our envy and mistrust, from our craving for satiation, comfort and recognition, free us from the bonds of sin and attachment to worldly things, take from our eyes the blindfold we ourselves have put over them so that we need not see the misery around us, but can complacently think about and pity ourselves. Set the road of holy restlessness for God in our hearts so that we do not cease to seek God with longing, contrition, and love! Seek in us the Precious Blood of Our Lord which was shed for our sake. Seek in us the poor, faded, ruined image of God, after which God once formed us in love! Help us to know and adore God, to love and to serve Him. Help us in the battle with the powers of darkness that insidiously stalk and oppress us. Help us so that none of us may be lost, but that rejoicing, we may one day be united in eternal happiness. Amen.

June 21, 2011
The day was petty much uneventful until the evening. Went to the governing board meeting as an observer. It was nice of Dave to drive. Actually I am so glad he did. What a difference a few hours made. High wind and a treacherous downpour. Lord, have mercy and protect us from all physical and spiritual dangers. Amen.

June 20, 2011
Woke to the extremely loud thunder and heavy rain. It was up close and personal. Shaking the house for close to 15 minutes. Was thrilled by the light show and clapping noise when it finally moved on toward the distant east. Make BLTs for lunch. LOL, I chuckle and think about Cwirla and Donofrio from The God Whisperers when it come to bacon. LOL, did a look up on the Precious Moments Religious Figurines. It was just like Pr Genig said, cute and adorable cherub. Far cry from the Genesis 3:24 cherubim angle with a flaming sword that God placed at the garden of Eden.

June 17-19, 2011
Wow, the three awesome days. I’m am sure my know my word will not be able to express the joy that is in my heart. Friday was fill with so much joy and happiness. We went to Saint John to set up and prepare the for the reception. There was a lot of help, so it only took a few hours. It was fun and I can see it was a labor of joy. The it was rehearsal time. The did an encore because everyone wanted to make sure it will go without a hitch. Then it was off to Gino East for the dinner. Every was so happy and excited. We got up early in the morning and did all the last minute finishing touches dressed and was good to go. My baby girl looked as beautiful as her mother. At first I thought she looked like Cinderella. But then thought Prince and Princesses on wish they come look like this fine couple. Everyone I spoke with was at awe at the beautiful Mass. Our Lord showered us with countless gifts. We are so bless to celebrate the  with so many people who are near and dear. The day was perfect. Talk about three. I got a call this morning from Rob and Andrea, wishing me a Happy Father’s Day. LOL, one would think that would be the last thing on their newlywed mind. I played the family man video Dave send me a few months back. Beautiful. We celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity. As we were sing many on the hymns, I thought about the church catholic. Many of hymns today are indeed sung by his church. Found another gem in the margins: Here [in the Holy Eucharist] the high holy God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, comes to reside in us so that our bodies becomes holy places, living temples of the living God. Here the risen Lord comes to live bodily in us (John 6:56). That simple mystery is the heart of out spiritual life, its secrete center. John Kleinig, Grace Upon Grace, p. 82 Lord, I confess you are one eternal God in three persons. Keep me steadfast in this faith. Amen.

June 16, 2011
There is often talk about a broken world, a place where chaos is the norm. However, very now and then a orderly game of  Stern-Halma come to play. Rob, Rob, Rob, as intend, I win. They got that baptism thing going on at Four and Twenty + Blackbirds. I can never get a clear answer. Maybe it’s me and I just don’t get it or just don’t agree. Nancy, Ken, and Natalie came to visit. Strange, Ken ended up fixing the pluming fixture to my kitchen sink. That was exceptionally kind of him. I was of little help.

June 15, 2011
Awesome lunch doing Indian with my neice Melissa. In for Andrea's wedding. Beautiful young lady who looks a lot my sister Mary. I always have a great time talking theology with her. She is a distance education student at Western Seminary. I find it interesting that most of my relatives are either pagans or evangelicals. Clashes always come about with weddings and funerals. Good day hard at work, wanting to make Friday a short day. QUICUMQUE vult salvus esse, ante omnia opus est, ut teneat catholicam fidem: Whoever wishes to be saved must, above all, keep the Catholic faith. Isn’t this weird the the Rob Bell Loves Win controversy comes about at the same time as Trinity Sunday? Glory be to the Father, Who by His almighty power and love created me, making me in the image and likeness of God. Glory be to the Son, Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell, and opened for me the gates of heaven. Glory be to the Holy Spirit, Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism, and continues to sanctify me by the graces I receive daily from His bounty. Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen. Whoo hoo, Andrea got hire to teach in the fall. It’s high school, she prefers elementary. O well, better than no work and subbing. Prayerful Alex will not be discouraged. I had been working hard looking daily. Lord, grant Alex gainful work to serve and glorify you. Amen.

June 14, 2011
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day. Read a very excellent article written by Rev Hall in the Lutheran Witness on the Holy Trinity and Life Together. Guess we will be saying the Athanasian Creed this coming Trinity Sunday. We confess the ecumenical creed and know them by heart. The Apostles creed is short and rather straight forward and easy to remember. I took a while for the Nicence, but it came about because we recite it every week. But Quicumdue Vult (Athanasian Creed) is long yet is a full statement of the Trinitarian faith. It is damnatory not to accept this teaching. Pr Genig is right about good works. “I am confident of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus … so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ…” (Philippians 1:6, 10) Thanks be to God, Christ our Savior, our advocate who declares us worthy of eternal life by his grace.

June 13, 2011
The perfect model weather day. It will be interesting to find out how Pr Genig will wrap up the bible study on making disciples and making them stronger. I’m also interested in the coming up,  why do the things we do. Listened to Entertainment Worship vs. The Divine Service on Issues Etc by Rev Jon So;;berger. It was very informative. Gracious Heavenly Father, grant me your Holy Spirit that I may learn and remember all things that Jesus said to us. Amen.

June 12, 2011
Veni Sancte Spiritus, Come Holy Spirit. The Feast of Pentecost, was spectacular,  full blast worship. I called an old and dear friend. Our families were close and our children love to play together when they were small. It is hard to believe that I allow so much time to come between us. Lord, hold Peter in your strong arms. Supply him with courage to face each the day and trust in you as he fills the gaps for our protection.

June 11, 2011
Super busy day. It started very early to the bagel shop in the heavy rain. I was stunned that it actually stop within a few minutes. So we got fresh dry bagel. Then off we went. Fawn and I dropped off Jennifer a Neuqua to retake her ACT. These kids are so competitive. Her present score is enough to get her in most schools already. We then went to the post office and then to the cleaners to pick up my suit. Then to Jewels and Dominick’s and home. I then put in a few hours at work to make sure all the needed will be done, because the later part of the week has to be stress free. A few hours later, back to Nequa to pick up Jennifer and stooped by Potbelly for a small Wreck sandwich for Jennifer on the way to the SheRox Naperville Triathlon where she was a volunteer. Then off Fawn and I went to Aaron’s college graduation party. It was something Mary want to hang on and be around for. But day wasn’t over yet, went to Midway to pick up Andrea and Alex. Now my day is complete. It was a busy and joyful day. No wonder I have been singing all day, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad all.”

June 10, 2011
A nice and relaxing day. It was good to get out and break up the workday with a team lunch on the contacting firm. Went to Hamburger Paradise for a tradition burger and fries. First time I ate fried pickles, pretty tasty appetizer.  Jesus stood up and cried out, "If anyone who thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’" (John 7:37-38). Amen. Tire and off to bed early...

June 9, 2011
Last night was quite a boomer. Lighting and heavy rain the entire night into mid morning. Streets in town were flooded and some were barely passable. Thanks be to God my street and basement didn’t get flooded. The temperature plummet  to the mid 60s. Listen to my first Catechism Service on youtube by Rev Weedon, sweet. Celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”  ... So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:18-24). Soon Andrea will be doing the same, leaving us and holding fast to Rob as they become one flesh, like Fawn and I. I constantly evaluate all my relationships in light of of my my relationship with Fawn, to make sure they do not put a damper on our marriage. If we men do our part, working hard doing our duty, God will surely bless our home and marriage. Lord, thank you for the many year of happiness we have known together. Forgive any failure on part, especially when we lack sympathy and understanding, and are less than perfect. Bless us a life that the best is yet to be. Amen.

June 8, 2011
Encore sermon posted! The sermon is even better the second time. I enjoy getting the most possible out of God’s Word. I have been listening to the oracles of God with amazement each week at St John from the get go. One can not help but to listen with reverence and awe and a sincere heart that desires to understand what God says. “Eternal God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give us Your Holy Spirit who writes the preached Word into our hearts. May we receive and believe it and be cheered and comforted by it in eternity. Glorify Your Word in our hearts and make it so bright and warm that we may find pleasure in it, through Your Holy Spirit think what is right, and by Your power, fulfill the Word, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son our Lord. Amen.”

June 7, 2011
Sauna. Oh my, guilty of embellishment. But it did come to mine as it made it’s way to 99 °F. Great to get a call from Andrea and Alex, they are having the time of their life with their aunt and uncle, enjoying to cool the sunny and mild southern California weather. All this talk about California, calls for The God Whispers. Treated myself to 2 episodes, post post –rapture throwdown and gottesdienst. I find it amazing that some people like a follow the the loud clanging sound of cymbals instead the voice of the Good Shepherd. Wow, it has been 30 years still I been in California. A memorable  road trip, I think.

June 6, 2011
Blessed with another ordinary day, perfect. I was surprised Jennifer cooked fried rice. I was interesting. I had was more like Spanish rice but good. I’m not sure why she is branching out, but I am glad is is being more helpful.  “Lord Jesus Christ, Open the and eyes of my heart, that I may hear and understand Thy Word and do Thy will. I am a pilgrim on earth; hide not Thy Commandments from me. Take away the covering from mine eyes, that I may see wonderful things in Thy law. Amen.” Ephraem (306-373).

June 5, 2011
It was a very interesting dayand beautiful day the Lord has made. I took Andrea and Alex to to Midway. Off they went ascending up into the clouds, on the way to California to visit Fawn’s sister, Auntie Soo, for a week. I didn’t know whether I should have been happy or sad. Perhaps a little of both. Miss those guys already. Best to rejoice and be glad. Naturally this brought to mind the Ascension of our Lord. This week has Ephesians 4 written all over it. Dave called me today to let me know that the congregation has affirmed me to become part of the joy of serving our Lord and his congregation. There is many reasons to celebrate today. But I can’t think of anything better to celebrate than the gifts our Lord gives us. When Jesus ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. What does this mean? He received all authority in heaven and earth. This means that he is not far, but is so close we can taste him. He put his body and blood into of mouth for the full forgiveness of our sinful transgressions. What a joy it is to celebrate our community. St Paul notes that Jesus grants grace to all members of the church and gave some to be pastors. Our three most learned teachers of Christ, are truly a blessing. St Paul goes on to say Jesus gave them to us to prepare and equip us for works and service for building up the body of Christ. I pray that God will grant me wisdom to help our pastors until we measure to the stature of the fullness of Christ. Vicar Holms noted that I blog on Lutheranism. Much like Ascension is oddly not given much fanfare, we tend to overlook our Vicar and church workers and the family of those whose vocation is to serve in the church, gracious gifts. I thank the Lord and celebrate them. O please, just don’t entertain the notion to celebrate them during Mass, and make idols of them, it is a false teaching of, for the life of the church. I am thankful for the hilltop our Lord has gathered us and find comfort and refuge. But we need to also note the words the disciples heard  while gazing up into heaven. The two angels said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). What a great question! I think it was a nice way of saying what our pastors have been saying for more than a few weeks now, “Being a Christian is not a spectator sport.” This past year, more than a few have left our community for various reasons. Some for mind boggling reasons while others I can only speculate. Regardless, it is time to move on and soon to his new statuary. For sure there will be plenty of room to invite people to hear Law and Gospel. Inviting someone to church is perhaps the greatest act of love one can show for his neighbor.

June 4, 2011
Oh my, it late. I spent the last 3 hours on my reflections of the Lutheran Mass. I got all fire up. I’ll get back to that in a moment. We up early, with Jennifer banging around trying to get out of the house. Guess I shouldn’t be complaining, she works Saturday morning as a tennis instructor for the park district. Since I was up I did some light yard work in the cool of the morning. Then Fawn and I went out doing errands. First I dropped off my suit at the cleaner. Got to get that bad boy ready for Andrea and Rob’s upcoming wedding. Then we went to target for some summer clothes for Fawn. Like most guys, I don’t get it. Jeans and with t-shirts in the summer and jeans with sweat shirts in the winter, works for me. Then we stopped at the grocery store for a few odds and ends. Spent part the afternoon amending Andrea’s tax return. We we not able to claim her as a dependent. It worked out for her. Whoo hoo, worship at St John. I since can’t get over so many people and of all ages worship during the Evening Mass on Saturday. Nothing is truncated and is the same full blast service. With a heart  filled joy and hope I added more to my reflections on the Lutheran Mass. I haven’t did much with it lately. I am please at what I was able to express in words today. Well it’s late and ... Yesterday as well in many other places,  I end with ... on my thoughts. One of these days, I will fill in those blanks. The thoughts are painful scars for things once said in love. But first I must learn to a share this in way to edify and not come off as vile writings like I seen of Lutheran blogs that appear to be very secular ranting.

June 3, 2011
I was struck by, “Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation for such a life.”  It is one of those TGIF day. It was a gruesome week. Not difficult, but tedious. Sheer volume. But hey, got it done and the week is over. Won’t even think about work again until Monday. Ah, my sister Nancy came over to visit and brought dinner over, wonton soup and chow fun. Good food and conversation. What a great time, love her dearly. Hmmm... still no sermon posting. I forgot what lead me read 2 Timothy 2 but much wisdom is found here. I like our modified African bible study method at St John. Many thoughts came to mind, as I went thought this chapter several times verse by verse.

June 2, 2011
O my Jesus, let me be where You are. Draw me to Yourself, to the place where You are exalted at the right hand of God. Bring me to the company of the holy angels and all the saints. Let me behold Your glory, the glory You have prepared for Your believers. Read the Issues Etc Journal spring journal. Rev Wilken describes what begins as an exception eventual becomes the rule and  Jordan Cooper describes how the assurance of the the biblical teaching of sacraments brought him out of the uncertainty of reformed theology. Both articles are a good read. sermon posting yet. O well.

June 1, 2011
Was so busy, I didn’t even realize yesterday was the end of another month. I will the end of this month because it will be the end of a quarter. Whoo hoo, I finished making up the time for Monday. I normally work hard the first couple days of the week anyway. Wow, Christ and grace are not preached so that people may remain in their sins.  On the contrary, the Christian doctrine teaches:  You have been released from captivity not so that you may do what you please but in order no longer to serve sin. -- Blessed Martin Luther, Homily for Ascension (HP II:122,3) Reading and studying the God’s Word is habitual. Always praying that my allotted portion of wisdom increase. Hallowed be Thy Name. I’m grateful that I now have pastors that faithfully continue to learn and study God’s Word, purely preached and rightly lived. The pure Word of God rescues us from our sins and teaches us the godly course of life that glorifies God and serves our neighbor instead of exalting ourselves.

May 31, 2011
Paid the piper today off yester, did a 12 hour work day. But it was totally worth it. Besides every week is front end heavy just to make the number line up to what upper management wants to see. Enough about work. Tire and want to just go to bed ...

May 30, 2011
It was a beautiful cloudless summer like day hitting 90 as be celebrate Memorial Day . Such a huge contrast to the cool rain filled Seattle like weather we have been having for weeks. Our Lord Jesus once said, “Greater love has no man than that he lay down his life for his friends”. May we see in the soldier who lays down his life in battle, a reminder of our Savior who laid down his life at the cross. Was up early and put in a few hours at work in the morning just to provide the numbers. Sigh... numbers numbers numbers. Great to be out and about town with Fawn. I really enjoy spending time with her. Cooked steaks for dinner, what a treat. Haven’t done that for a while. Ah, it’s a Issues Etc. day. Listened more specifically, the first of a 4 part series with Rev Weedon, The Athanasian Creed, Part 1: “One God in Trinity, Trinity in Unity” and to Unforgiveness, by Rev Heinz.

May 29, 2011
It was an awesome and emotional day.  It started with the Lutheran Mass. The Gospel reading and Gospel sermon was up there with the Eucharist. Indeed the true mark of the church. The Holt Gospel according to St John, the fourteenth chapter, Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. 18 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 20 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” Jesus will manifest himself to us and will manifest himself and will make himself known to the all world though his people. Pr Genig is right, good works are necessary. Stanley Hauserwas said it well, “Belief isn’t isolated from the context in which you believe; it’s the doing the work of what it means to believe, it this place at this time ...” The greatest act of love is to invite someone to church. I took a much needed afternoon nap, the rest did me good. It was a bit emotional as some of Andrea’s belonging were being loaded and being move out. A new reality is beginning it settle in. My baby, seems like it was only yesterday, I was holding all 8 ½ pound and 21 inches of you. Whoo hoo, just learn today the Universal Church of Oprah is finally off the air along with her misguided voice several days ago. Heated debate about small group bible study on a blog? LOL, it is nothing more than a debate about where or not whether small group bible study is good or bad practice based on opinion. OK, whatever. Nothing will become of this, because there is no biblical context. People will do what they will and it really depends. I am so glad to be away from all that distracting nonsense. Grant, then, O God, Your will be done, That, when the church bells are ringing, Many in saving faith may come Where Christ His message is bringing: "I know Mine own, Mine own know Me; You, not the world, My face shall see. My peace I leave with you. Amen."

May 28, 2011
So far this holiday weekend has been pretty good. And tomorrow, Sunday, promises to be even better. Rob’s the man. I glad he has an mechanical aptitude. May lawn mower died. He resurrected it by replacing the air filter. He was kind and helpful mowing the back yard too. The ladies were party animals, first to Sandy’s baby shower and the to Andrea’s bridal party. I gave Rob, Alex and me time to bread bread at Patio’s. Really great food and conversation. Alex gave me a much needed hair cut. I will be having my picture taken. I have been musing about, Free Will and God’s Will, for some time. St John Wheaton comes to mind, as we prayerfully find and work our spot. I guess my reluctance come from the painful scars left by a post that turned out to be nothing more than a fictitious outpost in the wilderness. Abandoning a post? Nay, It was anything but that. I leave people to their idols. It was Fawn’s words of encouragement that lead me to prayer and to the Bless Mother. In the Gospel according to St Luke the first chapter, the birth of Jesus foretold, the angel Gabriel, told Mary the virgin betrothed, she would conceive Jesus. “38 And Mary said, Behold, the handmaiden of the Lord. Be it unto me according to thy word." It has been a while since I said that until I said I would stand for Adult Discipleship and Fellowship. It will be interesting to learn if the congregation will have me. The Christian Life is simple. We have no free will. But we make it complex. Our desire is to say yes Lord be it to your will, purpose, plan. But it often times turn out, we say mean, yes Lord, but ... Lord in your mercy, grant that we may rise with confidence in Christ the young girl Mary had in God the Father and always say yes Lord be it unto me according to thy will. Amen.

May 27, 2011
Interesting post by Rev McCain on small groups. He mention a heated conversation that has erupted on the internet. ROTGL, I can guess where that might have occurred. I personally would not give the time of day to a bible study that wasn’t pastor lead,  that’s just me. However, I am neither for or against small groups. I heard the weirdest thing. Someone asked me about a nearby church as if I may know something about it. The reason they wanted to go there was to meet people and hopefully make friends. Fascinating. Time after time conversations with people that stop attending church never really did became to faith. They were going there to listen to sermons or to pray. It was about going there find happiness, to make friends and building social networks. People are lonely and what to be loved. I guess that is why certain churches the only say Jesus loves you and we love you.

May 26, 2011
Our need to pray in the face of imminent peril is great, for a Christian is never safe from the devil and his own flesh, from falling into sin and shame. -- Blessed Martin Luther, Homily for Rogate (HP II:106) Indeed! Sadly, I normally just pray the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. If it comes to mind, I will pray before and after meals. I don’t know why God is not always first in my mind and even then, O how my flesh rebels. Listen to the God Whispers post rapture show. Hilarious, yet edifying.

May 25, 2011
Since we have been baptized, we join Him in His journey and receive all that He has gained for us in His death and resurrection. -- John Kleinig, *Grace upon Grace* p. 12. This is most certainly true. I truly enjoy stream of conscience writing on the reality of carpe diem in coram deo. Everyday I make every effort to be Christ-like and every day I fail miserably. Yet Christ, amazingly forgives me just like that, when I turn to him with a broken and contrite heart of sorrowful repentance.

May 24, 2011
The tools at work were misbehaving mid afternoon so I took a break and enjoy the day. Fawn and I went to Edwards Hospital to attend a seminar by Dr Olson on Laparoscopic Robotic Surgery.  The technology  is so fascinating, mind blogging. Fawn had a few questions answered and got up at doctor Olson’s invitation and spoke about what she experience. I think it is grand that she is able to speak eloquently. I was like a kid, had a blast playing a da Vinci surgeon. Got on-hand control of the robot, so thrilling. It was really nice to run into one of the nicest lady I knew at my former parish at the seminar. She joyfully filled me on parish life and on goings and what nots, I just listened.  I think it is so amazing how different we perceived the parish. Of course I have a different vantage point then she did. Got back home and finished off the day toward the wee hours of night. It’s midnight now and I am tire ...

May 23, 2011
What is going on with this funk weather? All these tornados is really something. Lord care for flood and tornado victims and their families and grace our land with fair weather. Amen.

May 22, 2011
LOL, just looking at yesterday’s entry, Not sure why, but I sang Create in Me a Clean Heart several times today. Talk about being in denial. I’m a sinner who can not by his own power over come the power of sin. Thanks be to God for for his gift found in his Divine Service. Pr Gening said either parishioners are crazy to be in Church on a beautiful spring day or they believe. I use to be in a Evangelism community in one of my former parish. But I found out quickly people don’t think like me. There are many reason people go to a church. One of the most disturbing reason is because of a day school. Some people come because of they enjoy the service or fellowship. I have been musing for years about why people go to church. I am fearful so many go for the wrong reason. But perhaps over time everyone will eventually say I go to church because I am a poor miserable sinner and believe in God, and develop an appreciation for the Liturgy where we are showered with his gifts in Words and Sacraments, given by grace to us for the forgiveness of sins. I think our pastors are spot on about working a spot. Most people want to feel needed in their parish. It is a lonely feeling being in a sea of people and not to feel needed. We had a congregational voters meeting and I am glad we are more unified than ever. However, a few questionable cloaked voices remain. My sister-in-law Soo, flew in yesterday for Andrea’s Bridal Shower. Fawn, Alex, Jennifer and went out to the tennis court. I’m glad Fawn was out for some fresh air. She sat and watched with a cool drink on her Eddie Bauer outdoor chair with a canopy, it is awesome chair. I managed to hit a few balls before feeling the weight of a neglected body. Listening to the thunderous voice of  God and the the heavy downpour. Nature is really active and swing temps all over the place.  Summer is only a month away, and it can’t decide on between if it is early or mid spring.

May 21, 2011
I watch a taped Billy Graham outdoor evangelistic crusade on cable. It was a God love you Jesus love you watered down gospel. Which is no gospel at all. His call for public decision for Christ to insure salvation had me totally flabbergasted. Not sure why, but I sang Create in me a clean heart several times today. “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.  And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). May the Holy Spirit dwell in the my heart and teach me to Christ Jesus so that it may overflow with love. Amen.

May 20, 2011
It was beautiful in many ways. I couldn’t stay in on a day like today. Fawn, Alex and I went out for lunch and briefly enjoyed being out together. I’m listening on-line to a track by track to of Marvin Gaye’s  Classic LP, What’s Goin On: . Talk about having a good time, I’ll have to do this again sometime while just relaxing. End of the world tomorrow? Judgment Day? I cling to the promise of Jesus and don’t worry about such things. I can’t think of a better hilltop to wait for our Lord to come back than at St John, come Lord Jesus.  I am reminded of God’s gift his church catholic and for St John and her faithful pastors who church the church with intrepid hearts doing Christ’s bidding. May we all do Chris’s bidding in his love for his glory. Amen. Funny that Fawn mentioned that my hair is all white now. LOL, I’m grateful that it did, it usually falls off before it does. What do you expect at my age? But despite my age, I still think it is OK to buy green bananas, and still have green banana aspirations. Besides, some will still eat it if you don’t. I guess it depends on the context of who and why a person would say I don’t buy green bananas anymore.  Hey, awesome. Rob made it in today. Prayer for Fawn and Dave’s mom for comfort and healing. Amen. Whoo hoo, just happen to run across and old favorite of mine. Al Green, Let’s Stay Together  I thank Thee, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast graciously kept me this day; and I pray Thee that Thou wouldst forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Thy hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Thy holy angel be with me, that the wicked Foe may have no power over me. Amen.

May 19, 2011
Whoo hoo, finally bad to awesome weather. Jennifer looked stunning today. She dresses up on clinical days when her class visits health care facilities. It will be awesome to be able to call her Doc someday. Prayers that her vocational dreams comes to pass. The Comcast guy came out and rewired. We have been calling in reinitializing their digital box every month since we got it. Last night it was able to remotely.  Hopefully, there will no longer be a need to in the future. Great Lutheran quote,Whatever we do that is acceptable to God we do "in Christ."  What we do by our own native powers is only to resist the impulse and to handicap the operation of the Holy Spirit - to quench the Spirit.  Yet the good that we do, even though we do it in Christ, we do.  It is our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, our oblation of serving, our offering of faith.  But because the impulse and the power comes from Christ, because He works both the will and the deed within us, it is still Christ who is the ultimate Priest, the One who is really offering the sacrifice of perfect obedience in deed and in suffering to His heavenly Father.  To deny this or to minimize this, is to deny the biblical doctrine of the unity of the Head and the Body, of the Bride and the Bridegroom. -- A. C. Piepkorn, *The Church* p. 241,242.

May 18, 2011
I didn’t have time to watch AI 2 hour show, so i watch the top 3 youtube performances on I thought all the songs were fantastic. I must be a Hayley fan now, because I think she slayed all 3 songs. I think anyone can still win that is how close and good these singers are, amazing. It is going to be tough to see any one of these 3 go home. Each have different music style and each are very talented. Good luck to each. As for the best singer this season, I think it was Pia all the way. “Your face, Lord, do I seek; hide not Your face from me.” Amen.

May 17, 2011
A beautiful and peaceful morning. Jennifer drove herself to school today, so I had time to enjoy the morning  a little before staring work. I didn’t even mine placing in a few extra hours to meet the day’s demands. Lord, in your holy name, hear my prayer for Fawn, heal and restore her completely though your touch. I ask for mercy concerning her, in Jesus Name. Amen. Whoa, keeping an old car usable is very costly. But hey, it is a lot cheaper than buying a new one. Last year was really costly. Thanks be to God, so far it is nowhere near as painful. I read with amusement, an article about searching for inhabitable planets for human expansion. Such a quest in baffling. LOL, it has humming Conditor Alme Siderum, love the Latin hymnody, Creator of the Stars of Night. All things are created for the glory of God. The world does not surprise me, God placed us here and the world wants to be there. Weedon’s posted, Last thought of night..., is now mine, “...the proper distinction between law and gospel is mirrored in the proper distinction between this world and the life of the age to come which has invaded this world through our Lord's life, death and resurrection and the outpouring of the Spirit on the Church.”

May 16, 2011
Hmm... interesting, as much as I love the ladies in my life, I seem to enjoy having Alex around. Maybe that’s it, it could be he has been around. I’m so happy for Andrea and Rob, but I’m surly going to miss baby. Watched the televised installation of Ralm Emanuel as mayor of Chicago. The interfaith prayers by various religious leaders brought back less than fond memories. Lord, preserve us in faith until we die. Amen.

May 14-15, 2011
Wow what a weekend. I might of prayed too hard for cooler weather. JK, but it was a cool damp weekend. It was in the 40s yesterday and today. Back to wow , what a weekend. Yesterday we all when to De Kalb for Alex’s commencement exercise. Hard to believe we got seats about 30 feet from where he was sitting. It was all smiles. Funny on the way back home just before we got off the tollway we realized it was near time for Mass and we were near Church so we got another bless added to the days’ celebration. Hard to believe Rob, Andrea, and Alex were up and out of the house 5am. Rob ran the Chicagoland Spring Full Marathon. It wasn’t his best, but not bad considering the bad weather and it being the first for the year. Why people spend so much time running is beyond my comprehension. I went to the Voters information meeting. It was very informative and filled with many challenges. Despite the challenges we will be facing this up coming year, I see an abundance  of opportunities for us as a congregation and as individuals to be a blessing to each other and to our neighbors. I have been praying and pondering over God’s will for weeks now, ever since I was asked to stand for Adult Discipleship. I agreed to stand and the nominating believe that up to the task. So it appears I will be working a spot if our congregation would have me. Getting back to God’s will, our lord Jesus taught us how we should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’” Matthew 6:9-13). It is important that we pray in God’s will. Some people will disagree with me that it is OK to let God know what our will is, but it is our desire to defer our will for his. Even Jesus in Gethsemane, “... fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). Father, for give us, for the sake of you Son Christ Jesus. We are thoughtless sinner who are reckless. Often times we petition you with the very words our Lord taught us. Grant that our petition be sincere and not be mindlessly uttering, when asking that through us, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Amen.

May 13, 2011
Another beautiful morning to start off the day with his name on my lips. A simple prayer of thanks be to God. Welcoming in a new day, a new creation and a promise of resurrection. I drove Andea and Jennifer to school again. It was a short day for them I picked the up just before noon. By this time, the day was drop dead glorious. Then a few short hours later,  the clouds move in and it began to rain and the temp dropped at least 14 degrees to a pleasent 70° F. Ok, enough about the weather. F13, lol. Paraskevidekatriaphobia, a concatenation of the Greek words Paraskeví (Παρασκευή, meaning "Friday"), and dekatreís (δεκατρείς, meaning "thirteen"). LOL, I am clueless what is is all about. Something about St John, I is a blessing that our pastors incorporate Hebrew, Greek and Latin in the teaching of the Word. I find it extremely helpful  in our aiding our English concepts of holy scripture. Wow, wow, wow I viewed a A must watch video on Gay Marriage from Pastor Fisk. Lesbian/gay and Lutheran/Christian Mutually Exclusive. Well said and unapologetic. Prayers for the person who posed the question, that hearing the Word of God and not of man, will bring about repentance and life saving faith. Amen. Whoo hoo, Alex called and was happy he passed all his final exams. 2 As and 2 Bs. So graduation is a go! My sister Nancy, what a joy. She brought over dinner and visited. Rob made it in tonight. It is always good to see him. Ending this day with continued prayers of thanksgiving...

May 12, 2011
What a great day! It began with good positive thoughts and prayers of thanksgiving. Father, I thank thee foremost for the passion of the Christ your son given for us; for the gift of family; for St John and her pastors who stand before us in the stead of Christ. Amen. Hard to believe we remain in the lower 90s. Perhaps the expect rain will  succor. Praying for relief for the extreme heat in May. Crazy of me not to have mention yesterday's AI show. Fantastic. Fawn and Andrea called it yesterday. It was kind of sad to see how emotional it was for James to go home. Best wishes for the top three still in the running for the title American Idol. Listen to this week’s bible study on-line. The Eucharist is everything. Join in the risen Christ, the more you touch the flesh and blood of Jesus the more he actually makes you Divine. So touches at the altar over time, the more spiritual mature you become. It is the very koinonia of the body of Christ. That is how we are united as a body of Christ. Strange, because my mind start wandering afterward about church that gather weekly around the Eucharist. The Mass of the Catechumens comes to mind of the ancient church, but there is no need for any exclusion because there is no Liturgy of the Eucharist to be found each and every time parishioner gather. Our Lord bids us to come to his table when he said, “Do this in remembrance of me” and he also said, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day” (St. John 6:54). My prayers are for the churches that deny Christ to parishioner that they repent so their joy may be complete. For you.

May 11, 2011
It was a good bad day. At times I seem to over reflect. For the last 2 weeks I have been contrasting the Church of Philippi (a model church) and the Church of Corinth (A church gone wrong). There is much to learn from reading both epistles. This is the good. Then I began ruminating about Bethany and St John. That was the bad. Like most people, I respond to the bad more strongly and persistently than to to the comparable good. But I see the bad as harmful to my salvation and that of my family. So we don’t allow it to be part of our life. Of course people will see things differently than I do and find joy in there own communion. Oddly enough, St John has always been the model church in all that she does. Her shepherds are faithful and steadfast. There was a very angry and vocal minority that didn’t see that and was willing to cause division at any price. It is not clear to me that the anger had subsided because of repentance or it move on to a different parish. I thank the Lord where he has gathered us and that there is renewed joy and that we have moved on forward in our journey back to Eden. So it was a good bad day. A day the Lord has made. Now I feel better, rejoicing in it.

May 10, 2011
90° F? Crazy hot and muggy. As we move move forward with joy and optimism, lingering thoughts of the inward church keeps crossing my mind. It matters whether God's Word is taught purely and not twisted. The worst possible thing is turning a sermon into a bible commentary making it cloudy. God’s Word is to rescues us from our sins and teaches us the godly course of life that glorifies God and serves our neighbor instead of exalting ourselves. The pure word of God teaches us true repentance. Every statement of the Gospel is a corollary of the forgiveness of sins.  -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Lectures on Systems II Lord, grant us a thankful heart, that we may reverently hear, understand and love your holy Word and live in accordance with Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. Amen.

May 9, 2011
Up bright and early to a beautiful and unique day. Drove both my baby girls to school, one to teach and the other to learn. It was in the lower 70s and sunny for the most part. But in mid afternoon the sky darken all of a sudden lighting was flashing brightly with a loud voice. It rained heavily for about 15 minutes and then sunshine again. A funny thing happened at work. A coworker kept apologizing about typos while IMing. LOL, I do it all the time. I think reading and writing are innate skills Any reader that follows my journey here, knows that. I sure there are typos and fragments sentence structure all over. Even lost thoughts in this stream of conscience writing of my life’s journey back to Eden. It is my hope and prayer, that my sharing of joy and sorrows in Larry’s World, brings Christ and his love and comfort to any reader who may stumble upon this site. Faith comes from hearing God’s Word.  Andrea and I have talked about some of the Miracles of Jesus which includes cures, exorcisms resurrection and control over nature. These Words are written that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only son of God, and by believing we may have life in his name. Amen. Lord, let it be thy will that Fawn be restored to full health. Amen.

May 8, 2011
E3, rejoicing in the day the Lord has made. A trifecta, Alleluia! Back to back feast. The on going feast at St John and Mother’s Day at Outback.

May 7, 2011
Awesome day. Mostly cloudy but a day without rain. It started out very early with Bill and I having coffee at McDonalds and a drive to the city. What a blessing it is, to be out and about,  briefly at the mall with Fawn. Slow as it is, she is able to move about with nothing but smiles. It has really been a while since I have been there. Shopping has been very limited these past few years. There was a time I didn’t blink. Wow, Rob is so helpful. He took out the lawn mower and was cutting the grass. It is looking good, now that the grass is trimmed back and the dandelions are nowhere to be found. Found this notable New Lutheran Quote in Weedon’s Blog: When salvation is only Christ's doing, nothing of mine, His proprium, it is outside of me - extra nos. The salvation is altogether His and is as sure as He is sure! To the extent you insert a reference to yourself you lose the certainty and rob Him of His honor.  -- Dr. Norman Nagel, notes on Systems II. Whoo hoo, finally got to watch a recording of AI Wednesday, super show and no commercials.  Hmm... this week’s bulletin not posted, still last week’s. Still need to find time to post last week’s outstanding sermon.

May 6, 2011
Sweet Friday. Dead and killing of OBL is still dominating the news. It is clear to me that OBL and his follower are just cold blooded murdering terrorist. We mused over the 2 kingdoms and reflected on divine justice and civil justice. I thank God for for courageous soldiers who take the sword to people who will stop at nothing to kill us. In the stillness of the night, I got a chance to read Gottesdienst Online - Do Not Be Afraid: Fear the Lord. I was stuck by  Fr Petersen’s great clarity: Joy need not always be mindless, fleshly pleasure. Joy can also be sober. In fact, the deepest joy is. There is time for trumpets and timpani, and there is a time to pray in silence. But there is never a time to forget who God is or that the Lion of Judah still has claws. Do not be scared. Do not be terrified. For your heavenly Father loves you in Jesus Christ. You are precious to Him and in Him you are safe. At the same time do not dismiss fear altogether. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You are not His equal. Those who know His love respond in reverence, even as did Isaiah in the Temple, Peter, James, and John at the Transfiguration, and St. Mary at the annunciation. The Lord has not given you a playmate out of the Virgin's womb. He has given you a Savior. The point is Jesus is the friend on mine mentality to the point of no formality and seriousness in worshiping your buddy.  Deliver us from fear - O Lord, we beseech thee to deliver us from the fear of the unknown future; from fear of failure; from fear of poverty; from fear of bereavement; from fear of loneliness; from fear of sickness and pain; from fear of age; from fear of death. Help us, O Father, by thy grace to love and fear thee only, fill our hearts with cheerful courage and loving trust in thee; through our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Great to talk about hymnody with Andrea. I find her choices for her wedding interesting. She seem very happy with them. She is very excited yet remains calm and peaceful. Knock, knock, Rob knocking on the door just before midnight. LOL, only a quick hi and good night sir. Joy, the good young man brings. And yeah, loving forward to Alex coming home for the weekend. In another week he’ll be college graduate!

May 5, 2011
Dying Dandelions, like the sound of that. I was a pretty nice day. Rain was in the forecast but don’t remember any mention of heavy downpour and gusty winds. So what are my rainy day thoughts? Nothing but joy in my heart for starter. My precious wife, a gift from God, together as one, in joys and sorrows, living it all in Christ. I listen to the posted encore sermon for the second week of Easter. I have been so busy at work, I haven’t found the time to post the sermon text and audio, but did shared the audio with friends. Love the improved sound quality of the Bible Study. There is extremely noticeable overall congregational joy since this time last year as we near our voter’s meeting. I think we moved on remarkably well as a congregation. It will be very interesting to see if there are new challenges for us to face. The word vote in a voter’s assembly makes me cringe. The better way to think of it is discussing and coming to a consensus. The question becomes is the Church a democracy? My thought on this matter is somewhat dogmatic yet problematic. To me, the biblical model for leadership within Christ’s church involves qualified and tested leaders making decisions on behalf of the body. In the book of Hebrews, the leaders were the pastors. “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you” (Hebrews 13:17). But it is problematic because I have seen pastors governing lay church leaders forge a foreign path to where there is no light. Lord, grant that my quest for knowledge and wisdom from above, leads me to glorify you alone. Amen.

May 4, 2011
Another beautiful cool spring day. Fawn had another follow up visit for her earlier surgery this year. We got good news that her post surgery recovery from breast cancer is coming along. I like the sound of the word perfect, music to my ear. Thanks be to God for his healing touch. Prayers for comfort and healing as Fawn continue her post surgery recovery from robot- assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy and herniated umbilical card.  Fawn continue to improve daily. After 3 surgeries in a very short period, she is amazingly steadfastness in placing trust in our Lord. Hmmm... the dandelions are resisting the weed and feed. It’s the first and last I’m buying that stuff.  I made a quick run to get some weed killer and spray it on the front during my lunch hour. I have high hopes it will do the trick. Andrea went for workday and I had a committee meeting. I peek in the sanctuary, the lighting fixtures are incredibly beautiful and stunning. Pr Nelson showed me his office and the Office area is coming along. Today was a very edifying day with some, I did not know that. Look back at Philippians now, I have gained an apt perspective on unjust suffering and persecution. Cleary, to live in Christ, is to have the right perspective toward life and toward adversity. No way a person can remain grouchy and be in Christ. It’s late and I’m so tire ...

May 3, 2011
This beautiful cool spring day called for Earl Grey, ah, perfect. Hmmm... I was expecting to see signs of dying dandelions. But instead, I saw bight yellow dandelions and super green grass. Weed and Feed? I hope tomorrow brings about the expected outcome. I am finding it difficult to write in the cool of the night. I suppose I can talk a little about “The Voice”. Not sure if it is going to be all that, but I always love hearing someone singing, Rolling In The Deep. Ah, hot Earl Grey and Pepper Jack Cheese. Now that’s what I’m talking about! Let’s take a little time musing over the church at Philippi. Seems to me St John is that church. I see her as an example of generosity and is committed the proclamation of the gospel. We are getting ready to move to our new sanctuary across the street. For parishioners that still have lingering issues, clearly there is no desire to drop the baggage behind and move on with the congregation. True “koinonia” or fellowship will be defined in Philippians. Why there are some grouchy parishioners in our parish is beyond my comprehension. It is not that I haven’t heard what they are saying, but it is because of what they are still saying. O Lord, although you are rightly angry with us on account of our sins, you never deserted the human race. You have always preserved a church for yourself among those who have looked to you for all blessings and comfort. You have been their dwelling and their refuge. Dear God, keep us your little flock, that we may escape the bitter wrath. May you find us among those who honor and serve Christ, gladly waiting for the judgment with the blessed at his right hand. Amen. Lord, tomorrow is a very big day, prepare, strengthen, and establish me in your wisdom and knowledge to serve thee according to your will. Amen.

May 2, 2011
Whoa, talk about dandelions gone wild. They’re pop up all over. I sprayed the front with weed and feed hopefully it’ll do the job in a couple of days. Strange the thoughts of pesky weeds come to mind first before the thought of Osama Bin Laden. There is some sign of relief that he is killed. But the reality is her has followers that are potentially just as dangerous. The day of the Lord will come, “he is patient, not wishing that any should perish, but should reach repentance” (2 Peter 2:9). So how do one even approach people with God’s mercy in Christ that shout death wishes and most likely take you out in less than a heartbeat? Very risky business. What blessings it is to read St Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians. His outpouring of the heart express joy and high regards for the Church of Philippi. This mirrors my love and affection for St John Wheaton.

May 1, 2011
Aah, E2. O how I love the Lutheran Mass, the Liturgy at St John clearly invites nurturing love. I can see there is much joy and excitement  in the faces of parishioners. Truly, the idiom, music and the reverent liturgical actions of the pastors,  servers and the congregation speaks well to a act of love toward one another. How wise the church is with her liturgical seasons which now invites us to pause and muse for 55 days the resurrection of our Lord to soak. He is Risen! Whether we care to admit our own doubting or not, the end of Mark 9:24, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!", says it all about us. Risen Lord, help me conquer my doubts and moments of unbelief. Amen. This week’s collect, readings and sermon are personal very helpful to me. I hope to get a copy of Pr Bruzek’s sermon to share later in the week. Pr Genig’s bible study today was the bomb, Finding Your Spot and Working Your Spot: The Philippian Way. It is quite an eye opener. Perhaps there may be a spot intended for me in the making. Another notable quote caught my eyes in the margin of our church bulletin, Of all the qualities, sadness is the worst. It is the attribute of the incurable egoist, who is always thinking: “This should have been mine; I have been wrongfully deprived of that.” It is always I. – Chenoch of Alexander, Gates of Forgiveness. Lord, grant that you alone be in us. Amen.

April 30, 2010
When the temperature is between 70-72° F it is spectacular day. Today was one of those days. I was thinking about tomorrow. Faith comes from hearing the Word. My prayers is that visitors and parishioners that that do not frequent worship. Prayers that they heard and will reflect on the message of the sermon and grow one step closer to God and that the Holy Spirit draws them to Christ. Wow, the end of another month already.

April 29, 2011
Stunned, well not really, I realize we are poor miserable sinners. Based on observations, sometimes I wonder if 15 weeks of catechesis is enough instruction for adult catechumens to become members of a congregation. Frankly, I think some parishioners are confusing what the Church should be doing and what they should be doing. In a matter of this year, our community has drastically changed, mainly as a result of our struggling national economy spewing out red bloodlike color ink. Perhaps the anger and frustration or some parishioners stems from what the church offers and what they actually want are two different things. Luther said, “In this Christian church, wherever it exists, is to be found the forgiveness of sins, that is, a kingdom of grace and of true pardon. For in it are found the Gospel, baptism, and the sacrament of the altar, in which the forgiveness of sins is offered, obtained, and received. Moreover, Christ and His Spirit are there. Outside this Christian church there is no salvation, or forgiveness of sins, but everlasting death and damnation.” Seems to me St John is doing just that.

April 28, 2011
I have been writing now almost 3 years. It has been very therapeutic. I know I have a few readers who are friends and perhaps a few more may have stumbled upon this site. I continue to pray I do no harm. At times I am tempted so say more and share a little more about myself and my world. People that know me know my candor. But I feel putting certain things here may be harmful because it isn’t the same as  face to face sharing as well as exchanges of thought s and opinions. I’ve seen to many blog sites literally become secular in many way and are turned less than God pleasing. Thanks be to God. Andrea and her kids made it back safe for Elgin. Quite a drive for her from WVHS to Elgin and and back driving a school bus in stormy weather. I forgot to ask her how her team did, was just so happy she is home safe. Today, reading and listening was a blessing. The Liturgy Resource page on the LCMS sites is really good and wow, wow, wow, the Triduum Sermons are posted on the St John Wheaton Website. I listen to 3 anointed sermons by 3 of  the most learned teachers of Christ 3 times and download the 3 anointed messages that taste like sweet honey to the soul. Like Blessed Mary: keep treasures in your heart and ponder on them. O Lord, draw me evermore closer to you, set my mind on things that above and let you peace rule my heart, that I may no longer live in myself  but in you. O Christ, remove all diseases and fully heal Fawn that she may serve you. O Lord, shelter our pastors, Pr Bruzek, Nelson, Genig and their families. Preserve their time together and preserve their health for our benefit. Amen.

April 27, 2011
Super day,  no holding back the smiles. My oh my with all the rain we got the last 2 days, the tree in front of the house is starting is bud and my grass needs cutting. It's my sister Nancy's birthday, happy birthday! Carol encouraged me to listern to the posted women's bible study. I was on 1 John 5,  That We May Know. Paul address believers that we are to pray in confidence according to his will. He continues to to say pray interceding for nominal brothers and sister’s in Christ who we see committing sins not leading to death. We are different and God keeps us safe from the evil one and the rest of the world lies under the power of the evil one. We recognize the one true God found in the Trinity and are to stay away from idols. AI Carole King night was the bomb. Once again all the singers slayed it. All the songs brought back many memories of of my youth. I didn’t have too may albums back in the day, but I did own Tapestry. Strange, thought of the word “Easter” and immediately I thought about about the secular Easter bunnies and baskets and color decorated eggs. Clearly Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord. It is all about resurrection and is the very foundation of Christianity. St Paul said, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” 1 Corinthians 17:17). I am still at awe, renewing  the promises we made at our Baptism to renounce the devil, all his works and all his ways and confessing the Baptismal Creed, the Apostles Creed, in the Paschal Vigil. O Risen Lord, the way, the truth, and the life! Make us faithful followers of the spirit of Your Resurrection. Amen.

April 26, 2011
It was an ordinary day and of good cheer. On weekdays,  my life seems somewhat boring. It always seems like it is work, work, work and I wait for the weekend to relax and I can’t wait until Sunday to come about so that I can go to Church. But each and everyday day I find rejoicing and discovering a lot about God and what what is in my heart ad well as the important thing in life, thinks that really matter. So no matter what the circumstances are, here the words of Jesus, “Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid!” Lent and Holy week this year was very interesting and reflected upon, even in the hustle and bustle of my busy life. Coram Deo has been increasing important. I never talk specifically about my short coming other than I do have them and that I am a poor miserable sinner. I suppose I can elaborate but it it is better to speak in terms of the absence of the wilderness life of sadness and of sorrow when I have Christ with me and in me. Most of us want to have the presence of Christ with us and to continue in our worldly and sinful walk. Some churches that created their own christ allows for it, a have it your own way jesus so to speak. If we want to walk with Christ, we must walk as he walk. It is the only way to continue the the unbroken fellowship of his Blessed Eucharist. Christ Jesus, before ascending into heaven, You promised to send the Holy Spirit to Your apostles and disciples. Grant that the same Spirit may perfect in our lives the work of Your grace and love. Grant us the Spirit of Fear Of The Lord that we may be filled with a loving reverence toward You the Spirit of Piety that we may find peace and fulfillment in the service of God while serving others; the Spirit of Fortitude that we may bear our cross with You and, with courage, overcome the obstacles that interfere with our salvation; the Spirit of Knowledge that we may know You and know ourselves and grow in holiness; the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten our minds with the light of Your truth; the Spirit of Counsel that we may choose the surest way of doing Your will, seeking first the Kingdom; Grant us the Spirit of Wisdom that we may aspire to the things that last forever; Teach us to be Your faithful disciples and animate us in every way with Your Spirit. Amen.

April 25, 2011
Happy Easter Monday? Never heard of Easter Monday before. LOL, googled it and still can’t make heads or tails out of it whatsoever.  Looked over the LCMS face lift and found it aesthetically pleasing and very easy to move about. However, some links still lead to funky things within the synod. But that is only my honest assessment. I think the Liturgy page will be a valuable resource to aid me in describing the Lutheran Mass. Lord, make haste to come and show your mercy to the sick, the inflicted and the dying, that all may receive strength and courage from your boundless love. Create in me a clean heart and allow me to reflect daily the joys of your resurrection. Amen.

April 24, 2011
Christ from death is risen; let us rejoice and be glad. We celebrate this day the Lord has made in his Word and Sacraments. It was standing room only at St John, another beautiful 2 hour service two days in a row. Way beyond the Lutheran norm and there was no stop watch anywhere to be found. Pr Bruzek’s Easter sermon was directed to the living and the dead; evermore delivering blessed oracles of God. Pr Genig chanting of the Words of the Lord, was well done. A seemingly endless stream of people came to our Lord table at his gracious invitation. Albeit, we were there 30 minutes before the service it was difficult to find seating. We ended  up sitting next to and was blown away by the Kantorei and brass ensemble. Every hymn became a glorious anthem. We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God and This is the Feast are 2 stand out Anthems, beautiful. Everyone was of good cheer and seem to recognize that we belong with each other as a community because we belong to Christ. May we all realize this now and forever. Amen.

April 23, 2011
What a beautiful day, the morning brought great joy. Fawn was up early and was moving about the house. Slow as it may be, it is noticeably much improved. Breakfast at Baker Square in Woodridge with Bill and Al. It was a great time talking about everything under God’s green earth. It is hard to keep up with everyone. These  post modern kids are seemingly always on the move.  I have mention the food was excellent, leaps and bounds better than buffets. While we are on the subject of food. I used the remaining roasted chicken to make chicken fried rice and kicked it up a notch with Tabasco. It was a fiery delight. My palette was singing with joy. I installed Google Earth and zoomed in on the Via Dolorosa it is anyone’s guess where Golgotha is, but the traditional venerated site is within the Church of the Sepulcher.  We had a big dinner at the Dama’s to celebrate Adam’s conformation before the Easter Vigil. The Dama side of family join us for the Easter Vigil, abeit they are ECLA, they came to join in celebrating Adam’s reception of  Confirmation. The Easter Vigil wasn’t what I thought it would be, it was all that and some. Talk about full blast worship. All the Lutheran Masses at Saint John are reverent and beautiful. But the Easter Vigil is the most beautiful liturgy in the Church. I am left somewhat speechless and in awe, but am able see clearly the baptismal focus of the Easter Vigil where the sprinkling of water, yes can you believe it? The sprinkling of holy water in the Lutheran Mass, is directly related renewal of baptismal promises. Sundays are normally the highlight of my week. But this night is the highlight of the year. It was really nice talking joyfully and in good cheer with fellow wowed parishioners and all our pastors, vicar and Dr. Just after the Vigil. Everything became really clear to me when Pr Genig said this is Easter. This is most certainly true. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Imagine that, the presence of the risen Christ among us. Evermore proclaiming our faith in the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. The new fire is struck outside, the new paschal candle is lighted, the sprinkling of holy water,  the scripture readings foreshadowing  and explaining Baptism is proclaimed, and the First Eucharist is celebrated as a means of grace. These are very unique symbols that proclaim our faith in Christ. I rejoice that Fawn and all my children in including Rob was able to partake in the celebration. May all that that came to see the resurrected Christ heard the message and believe. Amen. What a beautiful day, the evening brought great joy. Alleluia!

April 21, 2011
Christe, lux mundi, qui sequitur te, habebit lumen vitae, lumen vitae.O Christ, light of the world, whoever follow you will have the light of life. Whoo hoo made it though another week. There was a time when I was a regular employee instead of contracting and was given vacation and personal days. And this would have been the perfect time to take week off and escape the daily grid. Alex is the bomb, fixing a fine brunch; country fried streak, hash browns, scrambled and eggs. Not only did he cooked, but did the dishes afterward too! Pr Bruzek called on Fawn to see how she was doing. I thank the Lord for placing up under the care of his Good Shepards. Nancy and Natalie stopped over bringing with them a fine dinner. Fish, Chicken and beautiful broccoli side. Hey! Rob made in. What a nice young man. Maybe a nice game of Stern-Halma is in the making this weekend. LOL, Not only do I like playing this game, I like winning. Lord my Savior, blessed Jesus, Crucified for my offenses, hear my cry to you, O Lord. O Scared Head, Now Wounded. I almost choke is sorrowful joy. Crazy huh? Visioning Christ Crucified and seeing his wounded head weighted down in grief and shame. The hymnodies and scripture readings brought the parishioners up close and personal to our Lord's passion and reached deeply into the soul. It is easy to say the bore all the sins of the world. But admitting he is boring my sins, grievous sins that will curl toes, would have me crying out,  “Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa” during confession. I wonder about tomorrow's Easter Vigil. Pr B said it is going to be rather long. I know there will be confirmation and I'm thinking pehaps new members will be brought into the Church. I think this Service will be a beautiful Service with the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where the whole church is called to to join the company of heaven in the table Christ prepared for us through his daeth and resurrection.  So, I am guessing the Litany of the Resurrection is in order also. I pray that the crowds will come to see Jesus and many will hear and believe. Amen.

April 20, 2011
I began the day with prayers of thanksgiving, with our Lord’s help, Fawn is getting stronger with each passing day. I anticipate, she will be able to attend Mass this weekend. There was frost on the car windshield. I said to myself, this can be a good thing considering it is a third of  the way into spring. But it warmed up into to 50s, slightly below the norm, I’d say, but a pleasant day none the less. Whoo hoo, Alex is home from school for the weekend, an added blessing. Called again to serve of Lord, what a privilege and honor our Lord bestowed unto me. What happened on the first Holy Week  was prophesize. Holy week reminds me of God’s good news of forgiveness and reconciliation. Some recognized Christ for who he was, messiah,  and some did not, the same remains true today. It grieves and sadden me as I am filled,  this holy week with the same compassion that Jesus had looking out at the shepherless crowd (Matthew 9:36). It is fervent prayer that all people might someday be united to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of Christ. Holy Thursday - Maundy Thursday; Maundy is derived from the Latin word mandatum, meaning mandate. Jesus said, “ A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I have the highest regard for the Eucharist. On this holy day, our Savior instituted and left this wondrous sacrament in remembrance of his passion. The very body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, shed for you, for the full forgiveness of sins. It is crucial to recognize the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist; the bread is the very body and the wine the very blood of our Lord and Savior.  In so doing, recognizes the connection of the forgiveness of sins to the body given, and the blood shed (Matthew 26:28). “Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup” (1 Corinthians 11:28). When we examine ourselves, we find nothing in us but sin and death from which we are helpless of deliverance on our own accord. So confess and repent and leave our your sins at our Lord’s table, he will forgive you and strengthen you to believe, love and fight the devil. Dear Lord Jesus, we thank and praise You that You again have refreshed us with the gift of Your holy body and blood in this comforting sacrament. Bless our participation that we may depart from Your presence with peace and joy in the knowledge that we are reconciled to God. We ask this in Your name. Amen. - Prayer After Reception of Holy Communion. Ending this day with, Holy Spirit, Sweet guest of My Soul, Abide In Me and Grant That I May Ever abide in Thee. Amen.

April 20, 2011
Super day, did everything up front this week so the remainder of the the work week should be smooth sailing. Seems everything is needs to be up front. I’m not fond of this change in work flow. Sunday’s sermon is already posted. Jesus come today to call us to the light to himself and to his father... He come so make us fully human again. I was recapturing the Divine Service and a very quotable quote caught my eye in the margins of the service bulletin: Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to to die. Malachy McCourt, quoted in the London Guardian. Helped Andrea make tons of cold pasta salad for her girls at WVHS. Hope their hungry. AI was the bomb. Good as usually. Tonight I liked James and Haley performances the most. I thought Rolling in the Deep was perfect for her voice and actually like it more than Adele which is awesome. But contend any of them can become the next AI.

April 19, 2011
Thanks be to God with prayers of thanksgiving. Fawn's thyroid is not cancerous and her initial hysterectomy surgery follow up exam was good. Seems like an ongoing thing with these doctors because so many things are happening all at once with Fawn. What a strong courageous God fearing women. I’m glad she was finally able to get out of the house. It wasn't the best the days weather wise. Thunderstorms and hail can in the 30’s, not good. Seems a spot may have come my way at Saint John. There are so many talented and successful people at in our parish, it is very difficult  to figure out where I may be of some use. There was a lot of recorded things that happened on Holy Monday acording to the Gospel. But I was stuck mostly by Jesus cursing the fig tree. I did an internet search on this and there were so many different takes and seeming speculations, because it doesn’t line up with the text of the power of faith. Here I go with with glory of man on Holy Week. Just think what Jesus did at the temple. We are so twisted and so turned inward, that even the praises of men worshiping God is sometimes under a delusional banner called for the life of the church. There is just enough days of Lent left, that maybe, just maybe, one can look at light and see idolatry for what it is.  And end the practice. O Great Physician, I am so thankful that Fawn is under your care, grant us your grace as we bear in mind this Holy Week, the Passion of our Lord that we may be receive pardon of sins. Amen.

April 18, 2011
Where did the day go? I worked for dawn 8:30 this morning until 10:30 this evening. There was a lot to do. But now I finally have someone to help out. It was good to have someone to back me up in the market. The temporary problem is the need to show where things are. But Hank is pretty sharp, so I think we’ll get along just fine. His market slow now. It is about time I’m not the lone ranger. Weird how I had to work alone for so long. But it was just as well, because I like to run a clean ship and have a low tolerance for shabby  work. Jennifer took the time to show me how use Goggle Voice. This type of message texting I can relate to. Sigh... the other day I needed to Text her and it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to do it on a cell phone. Sad. Only foung a little time to review what happen on Holy Monday. Too late for anything else ...

April 17, 2011
Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. An appeal for help, save; while at the same time an affirmation of praise. Flash back to the past; Fawn and I sat the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar at Drury Lane. Vivid memories of the scene high were Caiaphas was mocking Jesus while Jesus followers praise him as Messiah. Pr Gening preached a fine sermon providing to start off Holy Week. The church ensemble made up of the Kantorei . Winds & Strings and Brass richly enhanced worship. Not to mention Cantor Mueller and Sovitzky. Oh how wonderful it is the gracious invitation to eat and drink his holy body and blood, evermore knowing that  our Lord meets us at His altar with joy. As a consequence, we participate in divine life. After the service we went across the street. The new sanctuary is starting to really take shape. Beautiful can’t even begin to describe it. I was talking to talking to Vicar Hoem and Pr Bruzek about the the new paschal candle. I image it will be something to behold.

April 16, 2011
Strange to dwell on “being in the right church matters” again. Being in area where many people are highly educated. Yet having a lot of knowledge is not wisdom. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10). To fear the Lord does mean to be afraid of him, it means that in all things, we are to an tremendous reverent respect for the Lord and his ways. The church that looks inward at itself do not fear the Lord and are fools who despises wisdom and instruction. I’m am amazed at church bodies that dare mock God by blatantly entering things unholy, deceiving themselves, the truth is not in them. The harsh reality is our walk back to Eden is an important one. We are to walk humbly with other wise men so that we can be wise. If we walk with fools we will be destroyed. Thanks be to God for graciously placing me and my family under the care of his most learned teaches. Ahh, Sunday and the Eucharist, his real presence of Christ, is only a heart beat away. In the Lutheran Mass, God is giving his good gifts to us. For you, and for me, Christ offers us his very body and shed blood for the forgiveness of sins. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, I always have the urge to lay down the palm during the Procession. But no one ever do so I don’t. Weird huh? Easter Vigil promises to be Epic in many ways. I never attend this Mass that celebrates Resurrection of Christ at St John. I’m actually surprise. I suspect it is a full blast Service of Light with the Exsultet and the Holy Eucharist. This year it is with some certainty I will be attending. My nephew Adam will be confirmed. Jean is planning a big family celebration prior to the service. It is my hope and pray that by hearing God’s Word there will be a renewed a desire faithfully attend Mass. Some times Satan make me think about  Matthew 6:5-6 when I post a prayer. O how cunning is the great deceiver. Lord have mercy. Our Lord has taught us though the parable of the persist widow that we are to always pray and not lose heart. Also, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6). Lord, you already know before I ask but I will remain persistent in prayerful hope that you will restore Fawn to full health. Amen.

April 15, 2011
Lord, grant Fawn comfort and fast healing. Let her story be of hope and miraculous healing in your Name. Amen. Whoo hoo happy Friday and the work week  is over. Taxes done with time to spare and the weekend is free to tend to the neglected. Listened to, The God Whisperers, to 2 very interesting and somewhat disturbing episodes on all things islamic. Look at Palm Sunday Service bulletin. I was stuck by the Gospel Reading according to St John, the twelfth chapter, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” Amen. Indeed, Dave, “being in the right church matters.”   If we look to the church that looks inward at herself, we only get discouraged. I tell you the truth, there is no joy to be found in the hour of self indulgence. For the life of the church? Crazy, “for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.” It is looking at Jesus, in his glory and sovereignty, that ends the chaos. That allows us to look outward and become selfless people that can do some good. Lord, above all, may we seek your glory and not our own. Amen.

April 14, 2011
Hard to believe it I didn’t mention how great AI was last night. The contestants continue to improve and no way is it karaoke. I love the show and is really entertaining and know doubt about it, this is the best season ever. I usually don’t watch on Thursdays, but did so today.  Pretty good. I think everybody has a shot at being the next American Idol. That is how good and close the contestants are, just a matter  of who gets the votes because they all have different genres. Work is crazy busy. I can’t wait until the work week ends. No time to even cook ate McDonalds for dinner. Insane. No balancing work and family the expectations are high and there is no compensation. It is really tough being bombarded with all the can you this and can you that, from so many different people. It time to start saying no. Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum The Word of the Lord Endures Forever. What a great motto of the Lutheran Reformation. Weird how the mind works, especially mine. In thinking about separating work and family life my mind streams. This is very event in my stream of conscience writing. I reflect on the Coram Deo a lot at the end of the day. What happens happens in Larry’s World between the weekly Sunday gathering and the my daily walk with God. It starts with the beautiful Lutheran Mass, receiving his gifts and strengthening us to be Romans 12 and Hebrews 13 sort of people. I’ve learned from being at St John though scripture and her trials, that we belong to and with each other and that we are called to a life of service. Petitions for our Church: Lord, thank you for your boundless goodness and love you have shown us, especially for Fawn. Counsel and guide our pastors who reveals your oracles and for our governing board who selflessly labor in service. Keep us in your Word that we may walk before you in humility. Let our faith bear enjoyable fruits to a hungry world, let our faith be a light to a darken world that shines on your goodness and love. Glorify us so that we can glorify you. Help us to live and act according to your Word bringing  glory alone to your Holy Name. Amen.

April 13, 2011
Just read a great email from a friend the pointed to an interesting post by a young pastor. There is room for growth and wisdom from above. But that is true for all of us poor miserable sinners. I may be say this a lot but some would be offended if I shed light on the worm that we are. So I remain a beggar and cry out Kyrie elision. I took a short walk alone for stress relieve. It is best to leave out the details about work related stress. Being out and about on such a beautiful does wonders God is good. I hope to be able to take a walk with Fawn again soon. Better stop and work on the last leg of the federal tax form. Lord, blessed are you the source of healing, bring blessings of healing to Fawn, so that she may bring glory to the Name we bear. Amen.

April 12, 2011
“for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.12 The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Solomon 2). Pastor Genig once said several years back, something to the effect that, “its still February and the cold harsh winter is still upon us”. Like winter, the harsh world cast upon infants who do not realize we are reconciled and remain troubled from a deep sense of the guilt of sin and afraid of the wrath of God. As Spring time comes upon us the flowers begin to bloom at the most receptive time to hear what God has done. And realize we can come to before Him Crucified. Spring is in the air, another beautiful spring day the Lord has made. Even April showers are due this weekend. After a good soaking, I wouldn’t be surprise if I will see the budding of trees and the blooming of flowers about town. Ahh, springtime, as we will soon see God renewing the earth, bringing about about beauty out of the bareness from it’s winter sleep. Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me and renew the the areas that have become cold and barren. Amen. I was foolish last week, briefly living in the past. I was think about a friend’s pain and then it turned into thoughts of my own past hurts. The bad thing about living in the past is it keeps you from living and rejoicing in present and future blessings, evermore failing to see how God daily graces our lives. I pray that I am in someway a source of encouragement. That even a poor miserable sinner like me never alone and never unloved. My family and I have been gathered into the community of the Eucharist, and so we are always loved, never alone – and that is the Church. Taste and See the Lord is Good. Amen.

April 11, 2011
Even though the temp plummet 20° it was still a beautiful spring day in the lower 60s. As expected after missing 2 days at the end of the week, tons of emails. What was not expected was were so many queries from my Area Manager and coworkers asking about Fawn and saying she was in their thoughts and prayers. This was huge in turning this heavy work day a pleasant one. Still pondering about Sunday’s sermon from the Holy Gospel according to St John, the eleventh chapter.  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” The death of two of my sibling is a harsh reality. But we look at Christ and see the resurrection and the life and the Christ that is in us become a living sign of hope, of resurrection and life to others  in this broken world seemingly filled in darkness. Lord, there is much to be thankful for, but today we thank you for your boundless  grace and mercy in health, recovery and deliverance that we may labor to your glory. Amen.

April 10, 2011
Summer like weather in Naperville and early April. I’m sure this two the squeak with end and the temp with plummet back to the norm. So typical the unstableness in the midwest region. It’s ashame I had so spent part of the day organizing the data to prepare for taxes. My fault for procrastinating.  The thing is we have been rendering diligently to Caesar all year long and the question is have I rendered all that is due or is more blood letting required of me. It’s crunch time with five days to do the necessary. I’m a little surprise that the news media and everyone isn’t cry bloody murder to the outrageous gas price exceeding $4 again. Our house in in good cheer and grateful for the many interceding prayers and well wishes from our family, friends and good neighbors. Our Lord loves us in a very concrete way, showers us with his gifts. Thanks be to God. We have been talk in general about the world around us and the need to take head on the onslaught of liberal postmodern thinking that are obstacles to victorious faith. I find it fascinating that that I was adult baptized in a time of highly noticeable transition from modern to postmodern thinking. I always stunned when I hear processing Christians saying things that are unbiblical mantras. They appear to gliding though life playing church and don’t take into consideration how their tongue can create a sinful  spiritual transformation. Albeit not 100%, I am rejoice at the bible study attendance of so many, especially the catechumens, actually seeking God’s wisdom and studying his Holy Scriptures to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ.

April 9, 2011
What an incredibly beautiful day. Fawn is in good cheer as usual and able to move about on her own accord at home. Jennifer was out the door early this morning to take the ACT. Naturally, Alex and Jennifer were out later in the day to play tennis. Rob made it in today, but Andrea was out and with her aunt Jean. So what did Rob do? He dared to give it a go with Stern-Halma. Of course whenever I call the game by this name instead of Chinese Checkers, it means I won. I can be beat, Fawn, Rob, and Jennifer each beat me once over the years. I was stunned to learn that Pia was eliminated. I’m sure she will have a great career. She has a very beautiful strong voice. I went to evening Mass. At times, love going to in the evening, especially on a starry night. I should of started out the entry with what an incredibly beautiful day, perfect in Christ. The sermons are always astonishes me, always revealing oracles of God. As our pastors continue to grow so do I. O God, Who, by the passion of Thine only-begotten Son, and by the Blood shed through His five most sacred Wounds, hast raised up mankind, lost because of sin; grant, we beseech Thee, that we who on earth adore the Wounds our Saviour received, may in heaven rejoice in the glory He, at the price of His precious Blood, hath bought back for us. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. – Prayer of the Missal

April 7-8, 2011
Thursday was a  very good day and we are evermore thankful. Once again, Fawn’s surgery had the best possible outcome. Her waking words said it best, “God blessed us and pull us though this again.” Dr Wright, Olson and Signorino are very gifted and humble  surgeons. Thanks be to God for guiding with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical team. We are blessed pastoral care ford in Word and Sacraments. I spent a large portion of the day in prayer and reflection. Some thoughts are best left unsaid and requires continued prayers for a clean heart. I initially I had a lot to say. I am glad I deleted it. Satan would rather have me reopen old wounds instead of rejoicing in his love for us. Pastor Bruzek came to share in our suffering and bring the presence of Christ. Before leaving, he left us a beautiful Icon of Christ Enthroned. It is paying attention to small details like this that is huge, revealing  in a concrete way that we are truly under the care of our Lord’s Sheppard. Friday, our Lord who is the source of all health and healing had Fawn dancing with me up and down the hospital hallway, albeit a modestly slow one, it was good to see her up and about. The discharge papers about 7:30 this evening and we we home around 8:30. Lord, in your mercy, come quickly and laid your healing hand flow though Fawn’s entire body, swiftly restoring her to wholeness and full strength for the service of your kingdom. Amen.

April 6, 2011
Seems like endless pasta. Ate Mom’s Lasagna Marinara for lunch yesterday, Taylor Street Ziti for dinner last night and the lasagna for lunch today and then Fettuccine Alfredo for dinner tonight and there is still a whole order of Lasagna still left. Alex? Hoping it got his name on it tomorrow or we’ll have to freeze that bad boy. I think the family is all pasta out. It was a nice day, mid 50s again, so Fawn and I did the longer walk in the neighborhood. Hmm... did see anyone else walking. Perhaps it was supper time, because all we had to do was warm up our dinner when we got back. AI, Rock-N-Roll night. Super job by all. I was wow, by Haley, James, Pia, and Paul. Albeit they were my favorite, I think it is up for grabs, because everyone has their favorite. Can’t believe how talented the singers are, I’m really enjoying season 10. Nice Lutheran quote found on Weedon’s Blog, Where Baptism is rightly taught, there the Gospel is rightly proclaimed, for the whole Gospel is contained in this sacrament:  Christ's death and resurrection, our dying and rising with Him in repentance and faith, the bestowal already now of future heavenly treasures, eternal righteousness, innocence, and blessedness.  -- Hermann Sasse, *We Confess:  The Sacraments* p. 23.  Heavenly Father, I am thankful for you many blessings and for being in our family lives. Forgive us and renew us as we live our lives in hope Coram Deo, forgiven in Christ your son. I ask that you attend Fawn’s surgery and guide the surgeons and medical staff and the surgery go well without complication and bless her healing with your healing touch to rapid and perfect. Just like that so that she can return to her responsibilities serving you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

April 5, 2011
Was a super long day started work at 8 this morning but didn’t finish the day until 9:30 this evening because I was in and out and about all day. Went to Maggiano’s for lunch with Fawn and Andrea. We had some a coupons. We all order from the Classic Pastas. The food was unbelievably delicious and so was the service. The portions were dinner size and at lunch time prices. I am only able to eat half the dish. Now get this, full size complimentary servings to take home for each of us! That blew my mine. The food beats out Olive Garden and Macaroni Gill hands down. We went there because only because we had some business to attend to at Fidelity next door. Andrea left from there to tend to our affairs. From there we went to Naperville Central High school to pick up Jennifer. We got there 30 minutes early so park by the tennis courts across the street and went for the long walk around Knoch Park. I was breathing a a little hard because Fawn is able to walk a faster pace than me, but i did manage to keep up. Then school was out and Took Jennifer to her Tennis lessons at NTC and from there homeward bound and back to work. LOL, Before you know it, it was time to pick Jennifer back up and then dinner and back to work. Wow, now I’m hear doing my journal entry after a quick peek at Weedon’s Blog. A Patristic Quote caught my attention, Lo, I have gathered up all of my thoughts and cannot recall anything good before Thee, except the fact that I know no other God than Thee. -- St. Ephraim the Syrian, *A Spiritual Psalter* #68 Wow, what a busy long day? Wouldn’t have it any other way. What a joy is, my family and vocation; Blessings from our Lord.

April 4, 2011
Fawn had a taste for stir fried yu choy. So I thought I’ll give it go. Off I went to a nearby Oriental market. Came back home with with gai choy by mistake. LOL what do I know. It all look the same. Decide we’re going to bring it over to Fawn mom to cook. I’m clueless what to do with a mustard green. Oh well. Was able to recover and put together a decent beef tomatoes and pepper dish. I sat down and watched Dancing with the Stars with Fawn. I can’t correlate the judges comments to the dancing. I wish it could be but I can’t rightly say there is joyful acceptance of the surgery that awaits, but do trust our Lord. Lord, I pray you, that this procedure will not have complications and that her recovery will be swift and complete. In your Named. Amen.

April 3, 2011
Lent 4, another beautiful service showering with God’s gifts in Word and Sacraments. One thing that has been highly noticeable lately in the Mass is the is music in the air. The hard word and selfless giving of all the talented musicians and choirs has continue to be a parish blessing. Something really special and epic is going on singing in Latin. From generation to generation, beautiful. I often speak about the Sunday and the  overwhelming  joy found in my heart. I’ve ask our Lord for a clean heart and for the restoral of the joy of my salvation, we where gathered to St John, thanks be to God. I’ve used words like Liturgy, Eucharist and Mass, but think it is meaningless to most, even in Christendom. So I’ll speak in terms of our outstanding community, we actually care for each. I think the chaos the that was brought in from the world is replaced with Christ-like love for one another. We are stronger disciples now more than anytime in the short history I’ve been at St. John. We sinned as individuals and as a community are once again a redeemed people. The Holy Spirit has made us true learners of Christ and we have acquired a heart overflowing with love, mercy and witness. And our pastor? I concur with Dave who said it best, “I am reminded each week, my Pastor says, I love you, and with this, a physical touch. Every word exudes Christ in his humility To think other is admittedly gleeful and a sin. Every breath taken in - speaks we are home and in His presence. Worth any travel to get this need satisfied, and the joy it truly delivers -- a gift most never know.” Most of what I know, I had to learn on my own asking for the help of the Holy Spirit. At times, I use to I feel like the Ethiopian Eunuch. Much of that has been rethought over the past three years as now I am blessed learning and growing with teachesrs who are among the most learned teachers of Christ on the planet. Boy that tub of chicken salad we brought from Costco yesterday was awesome. Made for a quick fine meal while watching the Miami Open slugfest. Wow, nearly 3.5 hours of tennis in the south Florida heat. Can you believe it? Mid 70’s today. Fawn and I went for a really nice long walk about. At least the longest one for me this year. I’d only be repeating myself saying how much I enjoy being with her. Oh my, hearing loud thunderous roars. Any way getting late and time for evening prayers ...

April 2, 2011
The day is almost over, so it is safe to it was a beautiful spring day. The temperature is finally back to the norm for this time of year. Fawn and I went for a walk around our neighborhood and then more walking around the the Costco. There is nothing like a walk about with my darling wife. What a blessing it is to have a sacramental marriage that mirrors the church and to be able to say because of you, I am living life as intended, because of you I am the person I long to be. I see many weaknesses in my being and am thankful that Fawn has great strength and wisdom. God has a way of giving us gifts which are far more than what we deserve. I had a nice talk with Andrea midday. She reminded me, what a blessing my children are. It is far too long since I shared my joy, God gift and reward; Andrea, Alex, and Jennifer. Andrea is stunningly beautiful. Albeit she is the oldest, I still call her baby out of habit. energetic, love playing tennis and badminton. She is really good and badminton. Varsity team captain, red and white medalist, and competed in State. She is currently couching badminton at Waubonsee Valley High School and substitute teaching in school district 203. Soon Andrea and Rob will be getting married and the transition beginning to set in. God have spoken decisively in his Word about what a man should be to assume the role of a Christian husband and not our daughters are not to settle for less than God’s best. I’ll be walking Andrea graciously down the aisle as a gesture of my confidence in Rob, with whom God will unite her in the beautiful sacramental covenant of Holy Marriage. Alex, is a quit gentle man. Early on it wasn’t so. He demeanor is something is something to be cherished. He very athletic too. He love playing tennis and is good at it too. He is doing well on the NIU traveling tennis team. He manages his money well earning it as a math student instructor. Guess being a business major is helpful. He will be graduating next month. Prayerfully meaningful employment opportunities will come his way. The one thing I saw him give up was playing the violin. What a shame, I use to enjoy listening to him play.  Jennifer, the beautiful and tall fireball; working hard and into so many things. And do them all remarkable well. She is so humorous, always coming up with something witty to say. And she is a mad hatter, LOL, not in the sense of a crazy person; but in reference to the so many different types of hat she has, unbelievable. She is the varsity tennis team captain. How she balance school, clubs, sports, music, work and friends is amazing. I only got to see perform only once at her high school variety show. The thing that brings me the most joy is knowing they are devout Christians despite my many shortcomings. O Heavenly Father, I commend my children unto Thee. Be Thou their God and Father; and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, to resist all solicitations to evil, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, faithfully serving Thee here, may come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter. Amen. Downloaded the service bulletin as usual for preparation for tomorrow’s Mass. The Holy Gospel reading is from St. John, the ninth chapter. It begs the age old question why do bad things happen good people, right? But the oxymoron is there are no good people. We are all sinners. We fall into the trap of wondering, what did we do to deserve this. We fully trust our Lord and believe he is going to reveal something amazing through this tribulation. Why he does what he does and the way he does it at times is beyond our understanding. Guard my heart from unholy judgments about the circumstances of others and in our own lives, guide me into any acts of mercy or compassion you provide for me to do for others, as I wait for the coming of our Lord. Amen,
April 1, 2011
It was great seeing Andrea bake cupcakes for her girls. It’s a long story, but basically she was returning something evil with Christ-like goodness. Bet Satan was flabbergasted.  A light in the darkness. Good for her. I was a little long winded yesterday, but am glad at least one person found some value in it. I heard some good news about a friend and his family in our prayers. It is the first noticeable sign that the Holy Spirit is guiding him. A belief, water cooler, IM at the end of the workday was a meaningful Tibetan Buddhist-Lutheran dialogue on Old Testament teachings. I have been fervently praying for Fawn for some time now and kindly ask all who are in one with Christ to join in praying for her by name and for her whole surgical team.
March 31, 2011
Lord the day draws near, soon Fawn will have her surgery, her faith is remarkably strong and secure in your love. In your mercy and love for you child, guide the surgeons hands and bless the surgery that it will heal her to your glory. Amen. The weather was slightly below the norm but was reasonable. Fawn and I did a walk about downtown Naperville doing errands and what not in the morning. Whoo hoo, everyone is home today Rob and Alex made it back. Rob and I did the long walk from the Barn down to the tennis courts to the baseball fields and back about a 30 min walk. We had a real nice talk about a lot of different things. It is my hope and prayer to carry on our good relationship. Wow, it the end of another month already. I saw a must read posted on Weedon’s Blog. Indeed it is a must read by Rev. Petersen on Gottesdient, It is a astonishing response to the LC-MS Koinonia Project. I try to remain calm and I listened to many Evangelicals. Most of my family tree are pagans who literally worship idols or are Evangelicals who favor Contemporary Worship and say oh I do old school. I have been penning about the liturgy of the church, the Lutheran Mass, the authentic  physical communion with our Lord. It is my heart written to myself not as a expert subject matter but something that our Lord given to the world as his gift though the eyes of this poor miserable sinner. At St John everything is predictable. The preacher, celebrants, servers are all reverently and historically vested; proclaiming Christ crucified. The altar with the elegant  gospel books and the venerable candles flickering glow reminding us the Son, light of the world, evermore silently confessing the Nicene Creed. And on this altar we find the Cornerstone, Christ himself in the Eucharist. In contrast, I see CW as nothing more than entertainment on a stage with a talk show host suit preaching very much like a motivation speaker and band that get the audience fired up. I just don’t know, just being honest. So the conversation continues ... Kyrie elision.

March 30, 2011
Heavenly Father, may it be your gracious will to place your healing hand on Fawn and restore her to full health. Amen. Fawn and I went out for soup for lunch and later did the walk on Martin Street near the Barn. It was a slightly warmer and the walk was really nice. It was Elton John Night on AI, great performances again by all  contestants. Laura Alaina, Haley Reinhart, Pia Toscano, Thia Megia and James Durbin are the front runners this week is the way I see it. Ah yes, Naphcon-A, happy eyes. Strange it is also made by Alcon and seems to so the same job as Patnol which cost 6 times more.

March 29, 2011
I went with Fawn to the Imaging Center on Route 59. Prayers for good test results. In the waiting room I got to read up on AC XXIV(XII) The Mass again. I read the BOC Tappert and McCain than a few times already but wanted Pr Genig’s commentary on sacrifice. I am sure we are in agreement, but our pastors at St John are so learned, I always walk away with some new insights on oracles of God. Every time I drive by the Mega Church in Naperville along Route 59, I get chills running up and down my spine. I guess only because I don’t understand how the wide path Jesus theology is able to attract so many people and can lead them to death. You can’t just say Jesus loves you, Jesus is a friend of mine and I love Jesus. To fail to peach Christ and him crucified is in opposition with God’s plan for salvation. We are poor miserable sinner needing forgiveness! Repent and seek the kingdom of God. We are to hunger and thirst for righteous and separate ourselves from sin. This is how we can with joy in our hearts  journey on a narrow path back to Eden. I went to pick up Jennifer and was surprise at my willingness to do a walk on my own. Fawn and Andrea went off on their own. Funny, like I always say I do, I mention when I make stir fried beef and bitter melon for dinner. We do have a strange delightful fondness for this particular bitter dish. Lord, I heartily thank you for all the graces I have received from you. I am sorry that I have not made a better use of them.

March 28, 2011
Lord, have mercy. I have been fervently praying for your comfort for Fawn. You are our only hope in time of need. Grant her sickness be turned from health and our sorrows into joy. Bless the means of your grace though the skill of surgeons and nurses to restore her to usefulness in the world with a thankful heart. Thank you and continue the good works you have begun. Lord, hear me and fulfill my hope. Amen. Fawn I bundled up with winter clothing and went for a walk near the Barn Recreational Center. It is still a bit cool. Winter is fighting, as we remain 10° below the norm. Rev. McCain, letters written to St. Paul on Cyberbrethen, ROTGLOL. Was up so early this morning getting so tire ...

March 27, 2011
Nothing but Joy in my heart as I am starting this entry. Our pastors and vicar are so nice always offering a friendly heartfelt welcome. Pr Bruzek like a ninja came up to me from and gave me a much needed shoulder and neck massage. The trapezius muscles are happy. Trifecta. The Lutheran Mass was beautiful. Our Lord is so good to us. Vicar Hoem preacher a fine sermon. There was some pre-service ribbing about the the sermon that lead to a brief but interest comments and observations about sermons in general. From time to time, I would mention my joy found in the Eucharist, but it is more than that, it is also, “The sacramental food in our participation, for this food forms us as a community with Christ and we become part of both His humanity  and His Divinity” – Saint John Damascene. Liturgical music such as Gregorian chants and sacred music is such a blessing to the church. Diverse music only confuses me and the service become blended and my head literally feels like it has been tossed in to a blender. I really appreciate church musicians. They selflessly work their spot. Sacred music is one of the greatest treasure in the world. I started to say Pr Bruzek’s bible study is nothing short of brilliant. But in reality, it beyond that. God’s glory is revealed to us in the face of Jesus. Despite how simply this is, we fail to understand the fullness of God’s glory because our sinful shortcomings. I think what Pr Bruzek is saying is, as the body of Christ, channel the glory of God to the world. We need to allow what God can do in us and through us. We kept lunch simple by taking out all the leftover the last couple days and called it a buffet. But dinner was great, oven baked barbeque ribs. Put in a few more thoughts about the Lutheran Mass while the clarity of the day is fresh in my mind. Heavenly Father, for the sake of you son Jesus, see us as as yours, with the power of your command, remove all forms of sickness and disease, and restore her to renewed health. Amen.

March 26, 2011
What a day, left the house around 9 to the city with Fawn to visit the Fonseca family. The morning was filled with warm welcome and hospitality. We sat and talked over coffee. Wow, early in the conversation was a query about, was I still fighting with my pastors? So it has been that long since we haven’t seen them. And their daughter is now 7. I shared  him them to joy and the peace the Lord given us by gather our family to a different parish. Palms 27:4 comes to mind, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” I guess it really has been that long. Eric is like a brother to Fawn, the shared a office for over ten years. All that know me, know the conversion always include Christ, unless asked to. And that actually happen. What is great is Eric and Marlyn are devout Roman Catholic. We always manage to have lively conversion on our Lord. What is unique, is that are both immigrants from India. They go to Holy family, a glorious Victorian Gothic Church. It is ashamed that so many people called themselves Catholic yet does practice. They mentioned the number of empty pews and how like much like most Churches in America, the pews overflow on Easter and Christmas. What a small world, we know Fr Boland’s brother. I was stunned the neighborhood is near the heart of the city. They showed up their beautiful new home. Urban renewal in Chicago is amazing. It was great catching up with them and can not thank them enough for their hospitality. We had so much fun the literally spent the day literally. Time went by so quickly we didn’t leave until a little after 6. LOL, reality set in with a phone call, we had hungry kids wondering what was for dinner. It’s a funny thing, even though we had conversation talking about our children, it was great having stress free time to ourselves. Love our children and love doing things selflessly for them. But just a little time away is a blessing. How weird is that? As usual, I look at the bulletin on-line in preparation for the Sunday Mass. I acquired this good habit over from the St John catechumens class in the modified African Bible Study of the Gospel reading. Lord, guide us to live in perfect harmony with you and our neighbors. Amen. Anyway, it is getting late, prayers for the Fonseca family in their journey back to that first garden of paradise with intimacy and connection to God; for my wife Fawn, for God’s healing touch; Lord during this Lententide season, we are reminded of our mortality and humanity and with humility we welcome your healing miracles to be revealed. Amen.

March 25, 2011
Woke up this morning on bent knees. Thanking the Lord for keeping though the night, begging for him to be charitable to this poor miserable sinner and for his holy angels and spirit to carry me though the day. Lord, create in me a clean heart, filled with Christ, a never ceasing fountain, overflowing with love.  Amen. It is still a bit chilly but Fawn and I still did a walk about the neighborhood. It great to do that again. One of the engineer was let go from the project. The team was formed over a year ago, so we are well extended beyond our contract. Prayers for Anthony for new opportunities; for Fawn, Joyce and Ken for health, comfort and recovery; for Pr Bruzek, Genig and Nelson, that they truly are standing in the very stead of God; for our church community, may St John be a beacon of hope. Amen. The other day I wondered, Why is it that I only occasionally notice the splendors of God creation? Though a conversation with my friend Tim C, there was some revelation on Coran Deo, living all of life before the face of God. We often see chaos all around us, there is stress, anger and death. Our hope is in the Lord who brings us comfort, joy and everlasting life. Almighty God, through the death of your Son you have destroyed death. Through his resurrection you have restored innocence and eternal life. We who are delivered  from the power of the devil may live in your kingdom. Give us grace that we may believe this with our whole heart. Enable us, always, to steadfastly to praise and thank you in this faith, through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Wow, initial it stop here with this journal but entry but I came back to note how thrilled I am at the progress of the Lutheran Mass. I spent over 4 hours on it today, reflecting and writing. A lot was removed and refined. I'm up the the Gospel Reading now. I realize that I am not capable of writing for others, but what a joy it is to pen for myself the joy I have in receiving God’s precious gifts through this means of Word and Sacraments.

March 24, 2011
Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant, Fawn, for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy, that, with her bodily health restored, she may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I was some busy today Fawn recorded AI for me. I usually don’t watch it on Thursday. Hate the drama of cutting people. This time no cut and all 11 will be doing the tour and I get so sell all 11 again next week. Winter is truly back it was 23 °F this morning and worked it’s way up to mid 30s. Call this spring? At least the days are getting longer. I listen to last week sermon on-line. I’m amazed how much Pr Bruzek can say with so few words. Truly a remarkable teacher of Christ. I’ll wait on the bible study and see how it fits together this week. Wow. it’s 3 am guess I better get some sleep ...

March 23, 2011
Lord, cure the cancer by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all time without end, a song of gratitude for your great goodness and mercy. Amen. AI Motown Night. Wow what a show. All the contestant showed up to win. The front runners tonight were James Durbin, Paul McDonald, Naima Adedapo, and Pia Toscano. But I love them all and don’t want to see any of the go. What happened? In the low 40s again and swore I saw snow flurries. So much for spring is in the air. I was thinking about the about individual sins and the sins of the community are your sins. Indeed there is a communal responsibility for sins. Most however will not appreciate this truth. Lent is a painful time of reflection. At times I see myself  battling for the Gospel and earnestly trying to put down the sins in my life. Why isn’t it so all the time? Why is it that I only occasionally notice the splendors of God's creation?

March 22, 2011
One my my joys is praying the Psalms. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, 3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, 5 who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's” (Psalm 103:1-5). Bless the Lord , O my Soul. May his steadfast love and mercy heal my wife Fawn. Amen. So it was Jennifer’s birthday, she was happy her school  friends remembered. I stir fried a spicy beef and green bean dish upon her request. Thanks be to God, I had good test prostate test results today. At times I think of Psalm Getting old and aging in God’s grace is a blessing. I was blessed by the the St John modified African bible study of 1 Corinthians 15.

March 21, 2011
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord hear my voice! O let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleasing. Lord, in your mercy, touch Fawn with your healing hands, and restore her to full health. Draw close to her and give her peace and comfort. Domine Deus, Filius Patris, miserere nobis. Amen. What a drop dead glorious day that made it into the mid 60s. Couldn’t stay in, so we ate a quick lunch with leftovers from yesterday and Fawn and I went about town getting what nots for about 2 hours. Then I had to play catch up all the way to 6:30. So a another quick bite, a hot dog and a bun and out the door by 6:40 to take Jennifer to the 203 Admin building. I sat there along with other proud parents watch their children receive achievement awards. Jennifer took 3rd in state in the BPA and qualified for nationals. I thought she didn’t qualify. 203 must be pretty good. 12 students qualified for nationals. I found out Jennifer and mom didn’t want to travel and participate in the nationals. She wasn’t really that interested. I think it is amazing to be good at something your not really interested in. We went from there to North Central College too the college fair. There was over 200 different colleges and universities there. The place was packed and we only got to talk to 4 schools. It’s only 10:15 and I’m nodding off writing this, best I better stop and thank the Lord for the beautiful day and and the rare opportunity to spend time with my youngest daughter alone ...

March 20, 2011
On the first day of spring, always seem to think of, “The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Solomon 2:12). It was raining cats and and dog this morning. With only a brief intermission midday. Now the day is almost over, the sky has darken and I hearing the thunderous voice of god in our land along with heavy pour.  Yet the rain is unable to dampen my spirit. Great is the day, the Lord has made. After all,  today is Sunday and the highlight of my week. LOL, before the service Pr Genig stop by we greetings and heartfelt concerns. Then a little ribbing about our where was Worship and Spiritual Care Department Head was. Blessings, I saw someone I never saw before and rejoice. Christ said, “Blessed are they who hear God’s word.” He sat toward the back. Albeit it he was with a parish family, I am sure he was greeted with open arms, much like our family was greet I first time we enter the Lord’s court at St John. This same family are our dear friends from a former parish, and understood. We were briefly at a WELS church when invited us to join them in worship. We went on a Saturday night instead by ourselves. There was no embellishment, but rather an understatement. Looking back, Psalm 100 comes to mind. In his steadfast love that endures forever, not only did God calls us to worship, but tells us how to. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! 2 Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! 3 Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! 5 For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. Although I remained devout in worship attendance, it wasn’t until being gather at the hilltop at St john was the joy of our salvation restored. It was hard to believe that it is possible one can lose their fellowship and joy. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34). Worship, is the most highly prized treasure. Dear Lord, thank you for honoring my family, our congregation, by gathering us over so many other at St John. It is by your grace that you place us on this hilltop, providing us living waters and the bread of life. We praise you and thank you in eternity. Amen. Trifecta. It was a very unique and illuminating bible study. I am not sure where or what it leading up to, it will be interesting to find out. I rather not speculate. We celebrated Jennifer's 17th birthday at Outback. It was a lot of fun. There was a time when we go out all the time. Nowadays, it on special occasions. My, how economy has changed. I feel bad that the kids realize it too. They begun asking if they can order this and that. Lord have mercy, look upon and touch Fawn and restore her health. Thought Christ our Lord. Amen.

March 19, 2011
Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You. Hear us for Your sick servant Fawn, for whom we implore the aid of Your tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health, she may give thanks to You in Your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Up early and out of the house by 6:30 to the city with my brother Bill. Surprisingly, we didn’t stop at McDonald’s for coffee. But we did stop at a Chinese bakery for baked char siu bao. Streamed or baked, they are awesome. Spring is in the air. Not officially, but the weather is way above normal. Fawn, Alex and I went for a walk. LOL, 7 mins out we were at Madison Jr High School, 0.3 miles. They started to break away, well actually, I was slowing down, so I turned back making it a 15 minute walk. They went on and was back 10 minutes later, shaking their head at me. I stopped taking the drugs for my back days ago, so the hot shower on my back feels great on my back. “The things we love, tells us who we are” – St Thomas Aquinas. I love the springtime and coming out of the darkness. Our conversations foretell a springtime of new life and the coming springtime in our church at St John. Soon we will be moving in to the north campus. Can’t wait to get rid of that name, sounds so Contemporary Evangelical. We are the first fruits of a coming renewal of faith and life in this broken world so darkened by sin. So let Christ be part of our conversation with our neighbors. Let’s not be Ablazed with encounters, but witness to the graces God wants to sent to mankind, a life in Eden. I was reviewing the bulletin in preparation for tomorrow’s Mass. Many years ago I was struck by the Gospel of St John the third chapter. “ 13 No one has ever ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heave, the Son of Man.” I posted a sermon by Saint Augustine. I also posted the text to last week’s sermon from our pastor Rev Dr Bruzek’s on Matthew 4:1-11 along with the audio. Well it’s mid afternoon and it’s too nice of a day to stay indoors. I’ll have to start the corn beef soon too and let that bad boy slimmer. I’m looking forward to Rob giving me a much needed hair cut later this evening. He is really good at it.

March 18, 2011
Most days begin and end simply with Luther’s mornings and evening prayers prayers. They are helpful in beginning and ending the day with the Lord. But I been been so concern with Fawn that my petition are mostly for her like the persistent window. You have taught us to pray in the manner that you will hear our prayers, dear heavenly, for the sake of the truth, graciously and mercifully grant our requests. Amen. Fawn and I dropped Jennifer off at the park district office to pick up her pay check. I have forgotten fow beautiful the riverwalk is. I picked up the car from the dealer, it was in for warranty work. I  saw a new Cobra in the showroom. Outstanding. Hard to believe people can afford them. $51,000. The last one was in the show room a month ago. He must sell one every month even in this poor economy.   It has been a real busy week at work but we are making a very good showing despite the high demand. I will be posting the text and audio of last week sermon tomorrow on this site. I thank the Lord who have enlighten my heart with his truth. Amen. Fawn surly knows how to put together a fine meal, spaghetti that can’t be matched. That is how good it is. Tomorrow’s meal will be great too. 2 packages of corn beef in the refrigerator have been saying eat me all week.

March 17, 2011
Persistent and fervent prayers for my wife Fawn for health, comfort, and healing. Kyrie eleison. It is heartrending to continue to hearing about the Muslim extremist persecution of Christian, Prayers for peace and comfort for those who suffer in your name. Amen. You can’t not mention it’s Saint Patrick’s Day. Folklore has it that he used the Irish shamrock, a three leaved plant to explain the Holy Trinity; three leaf one plant. Remind me of the German pretzel, each pretzel has three rings, but together make one pretzel. I believe in the doctrine of the Trinity as naming God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Litany of the most precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and him Crucified: God the Father of heaven and earth, have mercy upon us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us. God the Holy Spirit, have mercy upon us. Grant, we beg thee, for healing for Fawn, Joyce and Ken; for grace to Pr Bruzek, Nelson and Genig to gladly proclaim Christ and your Word. Bless each week as we gather around your Holy Eucharist, may we laudably adore the price of our salvation and be strengthen by it to forego the evil of this present life and rejoice in the fruits of Eden forever. Amen.

March 16, 2011
Up early in the morning and worked off and on all day, taking frequent breaks. but it was great. Can’t believe the morning started out 28 °F with scrapping frost off the windshield and 63 °F by noon. Alex was out all day playing tennis. Alex has been cooking meals all week. Today cooked beef  and bitter melon for dinner. Why would someone eat something bitter? Good stuff! I think all the contestants were great and I hate to see any one of them are capable of taking it on a given night, but I think Pia Toscnao took it this tonight. Congrats to Coach Lee WVHS can in second in the West Aurora Quad. Last year the came in last in this quad. Her team is seasoned now, last year they were all freshman playing JV1 against juniors and sophomores. Listened to the posted sermon and bible study on the parish website. This technology is truly a blessing. Got the sermon from Pr Bruzek today and passed it along to friend and family. Plan to post it here this weekend along with the audio. Wow, it’s already midnight...

March 15, 2011
I think the stress is getting to me. I can’t talk about work here other than it’s getting close to the end of the quarter and the pressure is kicking up and people are playing hardball and I don’t have the elliptical to work out the tension. I just stopped the normal time today and will just relax and will pour it on tomorrow. I need to step it up because I’ll be out of the office a couple of days next week. I really like working with me lead engineer. He has been helpful in developing a strategy to meet and or exceed the expectations. It was a great sitting down and chatting with Jennifer. We did one of those one of those wholistic life interview. And contrasted my dead life and contrasted it to my present resurrected life. Albeit, I remain a sinful being, I strive to be be a human being as God intend us to so. So we follow Christ as we journey back home to Eden. Dear God, give us peaceful hearts and a right courage in the confusion and strife against the devil. And so may we not only endure and finally triumph, but also have peace in the midst of the struggle, May we praise and thank you and not complaint or become impatient against your divine will. Let peace and victory in our hearts, that we may may never impatience initiate anything against you, our God, or our neighbors. May we remain quiet and peaceful toward God and toward other people, both inwardly and outwardly, until the final and eternal peace shall come. Amen. - Luther

March 14, 2011
I have been irritable and seem to be snapping at the smallest thing of of the blue. I really don’t know why I acted so poorly. I turned off my IM at work because I may not be able to control myself. Some little things, nothing in particular, become annoying. A beggars cry Kyrie Eleison. I am tire and will just go to bed ...tomorrow will present another opportunity to be more Christ-like.

March 13, 2011
Thousands, thousands thanks shall be, Dearest Jesus until Thee. The Mass was beyond my highly anticipated exceptions. It was full blast worship in slo-mo; Word and Sacraments. Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Prelude and Lighting the Candles; the beautiful altar candles served to me as a remembrance of Christ’s own words: “I am the light of the world.”  Have to shout out trifecta. Pr Bruzek’s extraordinary sermon, a keeper. Hoping to have it posted by mid week. A must for me to reflect again upon and to share with friends. And the Eucharist. I can’t add to what I said thousands of time already other than it could of been my imagination, but the host appeared to be larger than normal. Then Pr Gening wrapped up the bible study on the Practicalities of the Priesthood of the Baptized. I still stand firm that we should reflect daily upon each and every day striving to be Christ like in every thought, word and deed. Acknowledging our sinful shortcomings and seeking forgiveness. But yes this church season does have its way with in in its heighten awareness. I was standing looking at the books in the showcase, and was eyeballing Reading the Psalms with Luther  something to consider the next time I reflect on the 150 Psalms.

March 12, 2011
Lord, I remain persistent in asking you to restore the health of friends and family, especially my with Fawn, fellow parishioner Joyce and friend Ken; Prayers for a struggling friend; may he recognize the difference between a muck and sanctuary and find comfort in his sanctuary. Amen. I struggle to be charitable toward people who have injured me.  It is ashamed there was no possibility of reconciliation even during terminal illness not by my choosing. At times I do try to charitable to the pagan widow. I find it hard to believe how bitter and insensible I am. Lord, change me by your grace. Amen. Alex is big help around the house. He went out to buy the needed and fix the tail light on the car. I glad he is learning to do things on his own. He even cooked a meatless dinner for the family. I’m a true carnivore, but the the pasta dish he made was tasty. I found out later he boiled the noodles with beef bullion. That explains it. Bill and I when to city around noon time. Imagine that, 2 coffees, 2 double cheese burgers and  a large order of fries for less than $6. What a great car ride, the conversation on the way back. It was one of our better conversations where we mused on biblical truths and canon along the line of inerrancy and infallibility. Wow, wow, wow. Was on Cyberbrethen, an excellent Lutheran blog than mentioned John Kleinig. I believe Dr Kleinig is among the most learned teacher of Christ A link to Christian Spirituality is priceless. It is a lecture series that was recorded in 2009 at Australian Lutheran College. Can you believe it, it is available mp4!  Dear Lord God, bring blessedness and salvation to the holy church which is the kingdom of of Christ. Send us faithful and God-fearing teachers who will reveal your name to the world and who will proclaim that you are gracious and merciful, forgiving us our sins for the sake of your son. He will grant us eternal life in order that all people may reply on your grace and mercy, call upon you, and give you praise and thanks. Abolish all human doctrines and let Christ alone be our King, ruling through his gospel and making us his servants (John 13:13-16). Amen. - Luther

March 11, 2011
Stunning video coverage of the news this morning about the massive earthquake and tsunami and fear of nuclear meltdown in Japan. “God is our refuge and strength, a very presence help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). We sinful people that inhabit the world are all bound together by your grace. Grant the survivors courage and the knowledge that you are with them always. Allow your servants to reveal  your presence in acts of mercy so that all may know your healing, hope and love. Let their suffering and mourning give way to peace restoration and hope found in you. Amen. As the day went on, memories of ... best to let it go. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Create in me a clean heart. Exclude from your holy church all strange doctrine, preaching and practices in which Christ is not made known. Amen. It warmed up, Fawn and Andrea went for a walk. They must of had a real good time; they came back with big smiles on their face. I wish I was up to it. I did go to Sam’s Club and walk up and down the isles. The shopping cart made for a good support.  Andrea is back coaching badminton at Waubonsie Valley High school, and sub teaching as as opportunities match her schedule. This is her last semester of Spanish and then the big certification exam remains. She love working with kids and has been looking for an opportunity to teach elementary education for some time now in this challenging economy. Lord, you know Andrea’s needs for meaningful work.  Lord, end your Holy Spirit to guide her in her search. Amen. I can’t believe Jennifer’s schedule. Always out and about and into so many things. She is even working for the park district teach tennis to little kids. I never met anyone who is constantly moving about with so many interests. She is really excited about the mini med class and visits to  hospitals. This is really a great exploratory class. Whoo hoo, awesome,  Alex is back home for spring break. He is always a blessing.

March 10, 2011
Fawn has been on my mind all day today and I cried out to the Lord like the persistent widow as our Lord bids us to do to the effect we ought to pray and not lose heart. I came across a Litany prayer read by Rev Matt Harrison for the Church on Weedon’s blog. Thanks be to God. We poor sinners implore you to hear us, O Lord. To rule and govern your holy Christian Church; to preserve all pastors and ministers of your Church in the true knowledge and understanding of Your wholesome Word and to sustain them in holy living. To put an end to all schisms and causes of offense; to bring into the way of truth all who have erred and are deceived. To beat down Satan under our feet; to send faithful laborers into Your harvest; and to accompany Your Word with Your grace and Spirit. We implore you to hear us , good Lord. Got some good new from James Yonder about Ken Rach biopsy report form Mayo. I will keep him in my prayers as well as for other parishioners I knew at my former parish. Some have stayed while others had moved on like myself. It brings back lingering memories I much rather erase. At least the anger is gone. LOL, I can’t believe it. I was waiting all day for Ai to come on, then when it was time, I sat down on the couch to watch; before the first commercial, I dosed off. So I had to goggle the recap. Asthon Jones got eliminated and now they are down to 12. They are all so good , but some one had to go.  Previous years it was easier to see who were the leaders. Now the competition is tough and difficult to root for someone over the other. One thing I really miss is chatting about AI with Carol, she is a big fan also. My stream of consciousness writing has to be driving people nuts, I know of a few readers. President Harrison mentioned about getting on your knees to pray. From day one, that was the only thing I saw missing from Saint John, to which Pr Buzek replied, we will have them in the statuary when we move across the street. I was a little surprised because of how beautiful the current sanctuary is. Just needed kneelers to the current pews. Hoping the catch up we the sermon and bible study postings soon. It’s been quite a while since the last posting. They are a blessing and play a big part in my mid week reflection. I look at the bulletin for the First Sunday In of Lent . Wow, what a way to start the Lentide Season. I am grateful to the the Holy Spirit is aiding  me is my studies of the Lutheran Mass. I always  appreciated  high church and appreciation for the Liturgy. Now the appreciation for it has reached another high. God is so very good. Often one will see high praises for our 3 most learned teachers of Christ, rightfully so. I do not worship  my pastor, but he tells me of a Lord whose name is Christ, and makes me known to me. I will be attentive and listen to his words as long as he leads me to this Master and Teacher who is the Son of God Amen. – Luther.

March 9, 2011
Today is Ash Wednesday, it marks the the beginning of Lent. Every year my kids ask me when is Ash Wednesday and when is Ester. It’s easy enough to look it up on the calendar. I find it interesting Easter and Lent is calculated since Easter is movable feast and Ash Wednesday is 46 day before Easter in the Roman tradition. The council of Nicaea (325 A.D.)  set the date of Easter as the Sunday following the paschal full moon, which is on or after the vernal equinox. Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation like the Duty  of Sunday Mass. However, Lutherans are encourages to attend  service to receive the sacramental palm ashes as a reminder of our own sinfulness. Many Lutheran like Roman Catholic leave the mark of the cross on their forehead all day as a sign of humility. Most people will tell it is a season for self examination repentance and growth in faith and grace. I say it is better to be a man of all seasons in Christ Jesus and him Crucified. We should always be mindful to the holy suffering and death of our lord Jesus Christ. Keeping the fast is a real touchy subject with various traditions within Christendom. So I limit penning my thoughts. For many Christians, to keep the fast is to follow the footsteps of Christ in the wilderness and find it a blessing. There is much for me to learn about fasting as it also for Lutherans and RC. It is very much misunderstood. I found it striking what Leo 461, the bishop of Rome, had written: “What we forgo  by fasting is to be given as alms to the poor.” Got home late and missed most of AI, but what I did see was very good and entertaining. It is hard to predict who will be eliminated from the completion.  The singers are all so talented. We got news today what was better the early expectations. Fawn’s surgical procedure for hysterectomy is better that the original. She is now expected stay in the hospital one day instead of three and the recovery expectation is 2 weeks instead of 6-8 weeks. It is a startling fact that 1 in 3 woman undergo a hysterectomy. Lord, we entrust Fawn in your care and ask for your healing touch.  On the day of her surgery, guide with skill the mind and hands of the medical team, granting that every cause of illness be removed and restored to soundest. My prayer are in your holy name for my benefit and especially my children.  You know how dysfunctional we are most of the time without her. Amen.

March 8, 2011
Fawn and I went to see her Oncologist for her 3 month follow up. Fawn talked her new developments. They went over the lab work and got some instruction. We came across a lady in her support group and talked for a few minutes. It was near the lunch hour when we got out of the cancer center, so we decided to go the the Cattlemen’s Steak House and Saloon. A great lunch for two for under 20 bucks. We talked about he upcoming surgery and  the blessing of knowing when she waits up she will either be the Lord or with her love ones. The workday was odd. Usually it is a god one, but today I allowed a coworker to get under my skin. I won’t let that happen again, it brought no glory to God.

March 7, 2011
While working on the Lutheran Mass I was musing on its ordering. Seem like worship begins with the invocation. We make the sign of the cross to remind us we are baptize in the name of the Tribune God. We invoke his name asking him to be in of mist and to fill our hearts as receive his give of life and salvation. But it seems to make sense that we must be holy to be in his presence and on holy ground. Something like the removal of ones sandals and washing of feet. That is where Confession and Absolution comes in. The default, is sins are forgiven just like that. That is why I was thinking the procession should then follow and begin the service. But it dawned on me sins are forgiven in Confession and Absolution but the problem of sin remains. Instead of living according to God's ways, I fail miserably an often want it my way, like Burger King, in my daily living. So it is important that we confess our sins each time we gather as much as partaking of the Eucharist. But then again it is really only because of the shed blood and resurrection of Christ are we reconciled and made worthy to come to the presences of God. So the correct ordering of the Lutheran Mass is not an easy task. I'm to thankful to God to have gather my family to St. John. The LSB has 5 different settings, but leave many things as being optional. Sigh... I don't get it. Things were optional at my former parish and the service became somewhat blended. I suspect it is like that at many LCMS congregation that offer traditional worship. I want to thank God for for full blast worship in slo-mo (reverent). No stop watch and drive though meals here. Pope Benedict XVI once wrote, "Worship cannot come from our imagination: that would be a cry in the darkness or mere self-affirmation. True liturgy supposes that God responds and shows us how we can adore Him. The Church lives in His presence - and its reason for being and existing is to expand His presence in the world." Scripture instructs us that in worship everything must be done “decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40), i.e., intelligible and edifying to the church, and not for the purpose of entertaining. Lord, you are the giver and the sustainer of life and the one to whom we travel to. Forgive us and remove all shame  when we fail to follow stray from the path back to Eden. Give Fawn continued peace, assurance and a quiet spirit as we reach out to you for the touch of you healing hand and trust in her body to the hand of the surgeons. As  another surgery awaits. We live our lives according to the faith you assigned us. Grant Fawn a double portion of faith that all doubts, fears and apprehensiveness be drive out of her heart. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison.

March 6, 2011
This morning prayer began my love for wife Fawn. I wish  it were true that  my starts as with the Aretha Franklin song- I say a Little Prayer for You. I think of and love my wife and child often, but fail to pray for them as I should. Lord, continue to touch Fawn with your healing hand as she faces yet anther surgery for another complication. It been too long. I had no time to muse on the Lutheran Mass, everyone is home this weekend and the time with the family is a blessing. Alex is was back all weekend from school. My son is a blessing not only to our family, but to all who knows him. And Rob was here yesterday and today. I think he is a fine man and will make a find husband for my oldest Andrea. Once my baby girl now a grown fine caring women. Jennifer, what can I say, I never meant a person so blessed in so many ways. She is really quite a character. Thanks be to god my back is getting better everyday. The mobility is improving, thats good. Hoping to be off the drugs soon. Yes, yes, yes, we celebrated Feast of Transfiguration. This celebration of Christ’s divine glory on Mount Tabor. It had to be shocker to the 3 apostles to witness Christ’s metamorphosis, see Moses and Elijah and the hear Christ revealing he was going to be put to death. As Lent will be upon us mid-week. We will begin hear how Jesus would soon experience the humiliation, suffering, and death of the Cross. Soon I will be moving from the late autumn of my life to early winter and can see find no better way to face death  than that vision of Jesus shining, knowing fully that we are looking at the glory of his death  and resurrection. It is so comforting to know with certainty and faithfulness that await us on the other side of the grave. Back to the feast. Wow, procession and the kantorei and symphonic band to support the the bold voices of the parishioner’s praise in song. What gracious gifts found Confession and Absolution, Oracles of God preaching of Christ and him crucified by Pr Genig and the partaking of  the Eucharist. Trifecta. A brilliant bible study. I was stuck by the level allocation of faith given to us in 1 Peter 2 and will need to continue to muse on this against what The Apostle Pauls said in Philippians 3. Pr Genig called it right about my Burger King life. Dear God and Father, we thank you for your infinite goodness and love in us. How quickly the learned become infants, the far-sighted become simple and the wise fools! They are deceived by Satan into thinking they know everything and have no need of pastors. They become slothful and ungrateful and are soon ruined.  Help us remain steadfast in fervor of faith evermore striving to grow. Amen.
March 5, 2011
Odd to review what I have penned so far on the Mass. It seems to say a lot and at the same time say nothing. Clearly there is much work ahead and to redo. Now I think it is best to get everything down then reflect and discuss it. I finally got to listen to the Sunday sermon I missed on the 20th. Rev Nelson is really brilliant. Wow, love. I came to expect nothing less from our 3 pastors. What a blessing it to just find one learned teacher of Christ. But three? God is Good. The bible study are worthy of addition time to reflect. Evil does have a way to trying to take control. What a pleasantly surprise call from Peggy. She invited Fawn awn and I to dinner at her home. Peggy is and excellent cook. We showed up at 4 for a learn to cook dinner party. The 3 of us had so much fun preparing and eating. We talked about everything under the sun. The time went by so fast, it was 9 by the we were done. She was the perfect host and we walked away with left over food. I simply could not turn down and with hopes of being able to reproduce the 5 course meal for 3. I consider myself a pretty good chef, but I discovered new culinary skills that will impress and will knock the socks off the toughest food critics.

March 4, 2011
Ya di ya di ya. Struggles? Just because I fail  to see it, or understand it, certainly does not mean I am right. My prayers are for what appears to be homeless people living in a barren wilderness. Our Lord extends his hand to those who struggle and invite them in to his community,  yet they refuse refuge, in his sanctuary.  What can I say? I was one of them and thank the Lord for where he has gathered me. Wow, pinch me. Fawn, Andrea, and I went to Saint John to attend evening prayer with the rite of marriage. God joined Matt and Jenna as husband and wife. The pews were fill to capacity with parishioners, family and guests from Fort Wayne CTS. The Hymns thundered with strong bold voices supported by organ/piano, St Jon brass, cello and clarinet. I was wowed and in awe . The procession and vestments and etc. Every thing teaches, indeed. There was much our Lord has revealed to me. Prayers, encouragement  and support to the husband and wife. Matt is really some one special and a blessing to anyone who has ever meat him. I did know Jenna, Andrea knows her and first met her in VBS several years ago. I have been to 2 weddings now at St John , both are so f different in many ways and alike in so many ways. I found both stunning. It is all about God and his sacramental gift. I favor the Latin Rite where the marriage celebration takes place during the Holy Mass, because it is fitting the the spouses gives themselves to each other thought the offering of their own lives in the very body and blood of Christ, forming but one body in Christ.

March 3, 2011
There were thing that I saw and hear that literally turned my stomach. I shared my thoughts with a dear friend. The is nothing she can say or show me that will be a bolt from the blue. New lows continue to reach beyond the point where the cries appear to have become meaningless chatter. I have moved on and refuse talking nineteen to the dozen. Sometime we have to leave love one behind in our journey back to Eden and pray for the one we left behind find a way to finish the race. I decided to rejoice and be glad to carry on with my new family rather than damaging my own soul. At times I feel I have failed. I shouted from the mountain top to deaf ears. It is by their own choice to stumble along in the night traveling on a crooked road where countless danger looms in the darkness. I can still remember what it was like wandering in the wilderness. Congrats to the top AI 13. Everyone is very talented.  So hard to pick a dominate singer at this point. Did not  feel bad for some of for talented singers that had extremely notable character flaws. Well it’s getting a little late, but I think I’ll sneak in an hour reviewing what I got down so far. Lord Jesus, healer of the sick, I turn you in petition to ease our family worries with your gentle love as we accept this burden of cancer. Our family has place Fawn under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant’s mother and wife to health again for our benefit. Grant us the grace and knowledge that your holy will is for the love of us. Amen.

March 2, 2011
Had a great time with more research on the Lutheran Mass. I am learning so much. The breadth and depth in its majesty is overwhelming. It was Ladies Night and they all sang a did great. Karen Rodriguez, Ashthon Jones Thai Megia, Pia Toscano were the stand outs. I actually thin 7 of the top 10 will be ladies. This year contestants are by far the best I've seen in the 10 season the show has been on the air.

March 1, 2011
Hard to believe it, time flys by fast when your having fun. The original intent was to spend an hour or so on penning the Lutheran Mass. Three and a half hours flew by before I stop to look up and was in need of a break, you know. Got to stop and call it day. O Lord Jesus, great physician of souls and body, touch my wife Fawn with your healing hand, restore her body to thy praise and glory. Create us a clean heart, O Lord, one that is fixed on your great suffering upon the cross. In your faithful love, O Lord, hear my cry. Amen.

February 28, 2011
Hazardous driving conditions out about own this morning. The stormy heavy thunderous rainfall from last night turn the streets and sidewalks into a ice rink. Slow moving even with a 4x4. The good thing is it is the last day of February and another day closer to spring. Congrats to Jennifer for her performance in the state competition. Not bad for a 1st semester business student to take regional and advance to state  just into her 2nd semester to come third place. She won’t be advancing to nationals . It is just as well, she really needs to be studying hard to do well in her ACT exam. She has aspirations of becoming a surgeon. I still find it amazing that people this young already aspire  a particular vocation. Andrea always sought after to become an elementary school teacher. Times are tough and my prayers she will become one someday soon. Alex will be graduating the summer majoring in business. Will opportunities come his way? Lord, allow the talents you bestow upon my children to bring glory to you and blessing to others in their vocation. Amen. Slowly by surely, it is kind of easy to put a lot of words down on paper about the different parts of the Liturgy, but to try to express the fullness of God’s love given to us in his Divine Service is not so easy or perhaps not even possible.

February 27, 2011
I woke up at 4 this morning and put in a couple more hours of work and a couple more again in the afternoon. I think doing this with make the week easier on my back than a straight 8 five days a week. Ah, the Mass was extra special for me today because I miss last week.  Thanks be to God, with repentant joy, I ate his body and drank his blood as he bids us to do in his own testament. Nourished by the very body and blood of out Lord we are sent on out mission to the world.  Today’s bible study was again filled with so many, I did not know that. Anyway, time to put in a little time on my paper ... while listening to the thunder of God’s voice as it rolls from his mouth.

February 26, 2011
I woke up a little stiff this morning, but it slowly worked it way out. There was sign of slight improvement which is good thing. My hope is the ever so moderate easing of pain will eventually be at an acceptable level where I can exercise regularly again.  Was thinking people must on vacation at St John, no posting again yet. Then it dawn on me, the church workers are busy packing and getting ready for the big office move to the north. Wish I was able to help today, but that is clearly an impossibility. I started on a project and intend to devote at least an hour daily toward it. The goal is to have a cohesive draft by Easter. Describing the Lutheran Mass (Gottesdienst) and how it is celebrated will be an interesting exercise. It will be a collection of my thoughts through years of observations,  readings and instruction from our most learned teachers of Christ at Saint John, Wheaton. One has to realize the Larry’s World is quite different from the the way the worldly views. Unfortunately we fail miserably at being God’s people. So even my views on the Lutheran Mass will certainly differ from many other self proclaiming Lutherans. I’m not sure how this paper will evolve or what I am actually trying to accomplish. I pray that my pen will be guided by the Holy Spirit and  will reveal the splendor of God giving gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation, and how we respond is not adiaphorous as some people who promote self glory for the life of the church would have us believe. Rev Dr Scott Bruzek captures it best when he wrote and said “Everything matters becase everything teaches.” Everything we say and do is a reflection of who God is and who we are.

February 25, 2011
Hmm... hard to believe no new sermon or bible study this week. So I went to Cyberbrethen, a top notch Lutheran Blog site. LOL , the very first post was about Paul McCain’s hobby: shooting. I seen some of his other post about his shooting and guns that he own. He owns quite a few really nice guns. It brought back youthful memories. Shooting my BB guns. I love watching my dad shoot his Rifle. He had a passion for shooting. He served in the United States Army Air Force during WWII.  He little me shoot his rifle once when I was very young, and I can still remember the recoil to this day. I still have it. It’s just laying around like my Browning BT-99. I shot a lot of trap for many years. I had just as much joy pressing my own shell. Shooting is a very expensive sport. I got my kids shoot BBs and pellets when they were small, but the lost interest and rather play video games.  Shoot hand gun was fun. I did that for a while Fawn brothers. We always talk about going to the gun range, but never do. But I always keep renewing my FOID card..  It’s Friday night, my body is feeling better and the interval between needing my meds is evermore increasing.. I should be rejoicing yet I find myself melancholy musing over dog ministries in churches. Or at least people gathering with their dogs in the pews and playing church. Cynophobia? Who let the dog out into the church? Yep, that is what the internet is revealing. The LCMS is even playing a role. One comment was mind boggling, “I stop going to church several years ago and now I have a reason to go back.” Wow. The night just got darker. Epiphany is almost on its last leg and soon the season of Lent will be upon us. The season of light and praising offering praises to God who is gracious to not leave us in darkness at St John. Without our Lord, we would be wallowing in the darkness groping in like blind men in their own glory. This Epiphany, our most learned teachers of Christ has delivered God’s light which now shines in our once darkened hearts and unenlightened mind. I’ll never forget what Pr Bruzek said to me when we first talked, about not limiting myself and thoughts and to stretch my mind to the fringes of God’s ways. We worshipped in joy and reached out to each other is excitement and anticipation of our move to the north. Our pastors did a very good job in explaining every thing in detail as to what we are doing and why we will be doing it.  I’m so glad a high percentage of parishioners attend the bible studies. Everything is in motion now and we are leaving the baggage behind and everyone is finding their spot. I was told the other day that I was homophobic. I’m not intimidated by ridicule and am not willing sell out. This makes people nervous. People can do what they want to, it is just bothersome that preachers and false believers are filling the churches and bring in false doctrines and apostasy. I am left with no choice but to speak out for what God has revealed in scripture for our own good and for the good of others, lovingly and patiently calling sinners to repentance. Prayers for the persecuted church, for the unbeliever and prayers for my wife Fawn for healing and mental well being. Amen.

February 22-24, 2011
Wow, I see I haven’t posted for 3 days. So I guess I’ll start with today, because it’s the best of the three and the other other 2 days were under the influence. Best because I got news from my doctor that they think it is a muscle spas in my lower back and should heal back normal over time. So for now just pills, heat, slowly stretch and time. Back to see him in about a week or so. At this week was really good. They brought them down to top 24. The talent was so good this year,  it was tough. There was still a few contestant that made it and didn’t less than likable personality, but only a few. I expected more with ego issues. Andrea and I was going the the LSB today before AI, I love the hymn Once in Royal David City, beautiful.

February 20-21, 2011
Oh my, some time after midnight, I had a sever  muscle spasm of the lower back while standing upright. I couldn’t move. An ambulance took me to Edwards hospital. The pain was so intense, the paramedic gave me morphine. CAT scan and x-rays ruled out injuries and kidney stones. And there was no urine infection. Valium and vicodine are very helpful. My entire Sunday was pretty much non existent. I have no recollection of it. I was able to walk around the house slowly with the assistant of a cane today. And with the meds, I am able to manage the pain and put in a days work.

February 19, 2011
2 hour breakfast with my brother Bill and brother-in-law Al. It was Bill’s treat. He is starting to get back on his feet. He has a temp job now and was jobless for quite a while. Thanks be to God he didn’t loose or was force  to sell his house. Great food and conversation at the Golden Coral. I really feel great. I am so blessed to have family members and dear friend unashamed to include Christ in everyday their everyday conversation. The reviews say the place was busy, noisy with a lot of kids running around and not clean. But we were there at 8am and it wasn’t extremely busy, no kids and the place was clean. So I’m guessing it gets busier as the day goes on. But is was Saturday morning and they open at 7:30 a.m. and so everything was fresh and clean. I had my fill and there was no need for lunch. Made some great hamburgers with Famous Dave’s seasoning for dinner, yummy. I was surprise we had to go grocery shopping again, we just went the other day. Fawn and I took the explorer to the hand car wash and got the road salt off, look good for a 13 year old car with 107,000 miles on it. There was a time when the economy was so good, I bought a new car every other year and never kept a car over 50, 000 miles. Those days are gone. I just keep fixing them because it is a lot cheaper than buy a new one. I think there are a lot of fine people that live in Naperville, but the higher than average percentage of people with narcissistic personality disorder in town is very noticeable. Strange that these traits are not even curb in church community, beit in worship or in the voter’s assembly. I learned about an recent unbelievable event serval days ago. I know people see things differently than me and will believe what they want to believe, pride will do that to the less than humble. We are suppose to gather and take refuge in his sanctuary. People are misguided in thinking a sanctuary is only a sanctuary during worship. That is like saying a bedroom is a bedroom when you sleep in it, a kitchen is only a kitchen when you are cooking, and a dinning room is a dining room when you are eating, etc etc etc... you get it, I hope. Imagine a dog comforting people in the Lord’s house instead of finding comfort in our Lord. Am I missing something? Why don’t I always have nice things to say? I don’t really know. Maybe it is because I feel if I don’t, it is like saying I’m undiscerning and it’s OK. Lord have mercy on a poor miserable sinner like me. Amen. Thanks be to God for he is gracious and meriful; Ken Rach is home and out of the hospital and cancer is ruled out. My prayers continue for health, comfort, and recovery for my wife Fawn and for Joyce; may God's healing hands touch and remove all signs of cancer. Amen.

February 18, 2011
So Glad it’s Friday. Did 22 on the elliptical. I decided it was best to tact on an extra 2 minutes for a slo-mo cool down. I feel much better do that. Took time to relax and surf the web, it is one of my pleasures. I was wowed by a must watch presentation by the LCMS President, Matthew Harrison. It was posted on the 15th, just a few days ago. It seems the the editor was having a hard time loading because the Journal page was too much for the editor to bare. So I simple broke up the my journal into multiple pages. I’ll have to savor Rev Harrison’s presentation again before my evening prayers. His ability to eloquently articulate a vision of witness, mercy and life together is astonishing.

February 17, 2011
Sigh, look like the google site editor got issues again and in not loading. I’ll preserve my thoughts for the day using MS Word. Only did a brisk 10 today, oh well. AI Hollywood Week  was really good. This season contestants are are looking up from previous. They are down to 50. I predict watching the top 24 and onward this season will be a real treat. I hope I don’t hear, “I deserve to be ...”, anymore; it is so annoying. Whatever they [pastors] advise as they preach the Word, may they be diligent in this matter in their own lives, so that they do not labor in vain to arouse others.  Whatever good works Your ministers encourage in others, may they first be zealous in these works by the fervor of the Spirit.  May they first proclaim by their works whatever actions they exhort by their words. -- Blessed Johann Gerhard, *Meditations on Divine Mercy* p. 136. I saw this fine quote posted on Weedon’s Blog, amen. I couldn’t disagree more with the comment, The pew never rises higher than the pulpit when it comes to living the Christian lifestyle on a daily basis. Coram Deo captures the essence of the Christian life and it is strengthen by the means of grace.  “Any theology that denies the Means of Grace, or which diminishes the Means of Grace is neither Scriptural or Lutheran” So why ... To me, denying the means of grace is like denying God’s gifts to parishioners. Strange thought just came about in reference to Baptism and what it does. I use to hear about how good of a swimmer the old Adam is. I now just rejoice that our Lord as gather my family. What grace water has, before God and his Christ, for bring out the meaning of Baptism! Christ is never unaccompanied by water. He himself is baptized in water, and when he is invited to a marriage, he uses water in his first show of power [...]. His witness to baptism continues right up to his passion. Tertullian (c.a. 220). We swim in the well-spring of faith and the Christian life. Amen.

February 16, 2011
Doing 20 on the elliptical is proving to be very good at relieving stress. Is it Sunday yet? I worked longer hours today so that I can have an extended lunch tomorrow; it promises to be in the be near 60. Today wasn’t shabby either, low 50s. A nice drive south on route 59 for Fawn’s ultrasound. Prayers for good test results. I always feel uncomfortable passing Calvary Church. Jennifer dropped off her HR paper work after school and will be starting her job on Friday. She don’t even know what it pays. She’s just happy to be do something she enjoys and get paid for it. The good, the bad and the ugly was what I saw on AI, referring to both  the singing ability and personal character under pressure. The young kids showed both character and the ability to sing well under the gun.

February 15, 2011
It could of been a terrible day at work, but I refused to get angry, and took things is strive. I am reminded of the distructive engery of a person that was really a very angry person, not good. The damage to relationships of all near is incrediable. Our Lord is a good and shows us that my anger was unnecessary. I got on the elliptical and did 20 minutes. It felt good and all the tension subsided. Jennifer’s class hospital visit was with the hospital chaplain. It is interesting that she was asked how did she become interested in this career. More interesting, her response was, she said, the holy spirit called her. She is mistaken. I should of but never realized there are interfaith chapels in some hospitals. That would blew my mind. Wonder if they do interfaith worship service there too. That has become very popular ever since 9-11. Even a LMCS president, district president, and other false teachers of Christ, outside the stead of Christ, think there are times of allowances. Repent, repent, repent. Sunday’s sermon is already posted, so I posted audio along with the text in the Sermon page.

February 14, 2011
Have to start toward the end of the day.  It is most fitting to speak of darkness from where is is no light. Come Lord Jesus Crown of gladness, lift us from our shame to the place of his honor. I don’t know what happenedd, and I don’t have all the facts, I am only left to wonder. There was once great joy in my salvation in a place that now looks like wilderness from a far. 2 Timothy 4 comes to mind, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”  Best I keep my distance and let it be. It was a really nice day again for this time of year. Mid 40s again, down to less than a foot on snow, a couple more days like this, there won’t be any sign of snow. The days are finally getting noticeably longer. Was planning to do lunch Fawn, but that didn’t come to past. Perhaps another day this week. We had a tasty combination egg and tuna salad sandwich on wheat. It was delicious and pleasing to the pallet. Had fun thumbing though the LSB briefly singing all the communion hymns. It was a great blessing. Now we are back full circle in to the night. Christ, Be Our Light. “Longing for light, we wait in the darkness. Longing for the truth,  we turn to you. Make us your own holy people, light for the world to see.” I struggle at times being that light. The Christ that is in me did not repay evil for evil but returned it with an act of kindness. Not of my own doing, for sure.

February 13, 2011
The day was swimming, literally. Water all over the place. Was in the upper 40s and the snow is rapidly melting. It did not quite feel the spring, but it was an exceptional day for mid February. Beautiful Mass and a round table bible study to boot. Funny I should mention round table. The bible study was in the substory and it was standing room only. I would venture to say sadly there are few congregations where the parishioners devoutly attend Mass and bible study. Pr Nelsons sermon was exceptional . I hope to get a copy to post this week. Dave was a lay assistant today. Strange reminder of lame idle talk and wasted time with people who don’t get it. “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:54). The Eucharist is God’s most precious gift, his very own body and blood, given to us for the full forgiveness of all our sins. One can not partake of it too often. I posted the oldest known icon of Christ Pantocrator Spas vsederzhitel sinay, Christ the Saviour. It is a beautiful 6th century encaustic painting on panel. The dual facial expression is striking. I wish I had still had by college day skills expressing art appreciation. Perhaps there will be time later in life to renew that passion. The Gospel reading was from St Matthew, the fifth chapter. I mused on adultery and divorce and look at law the gospel way. The world tells you, never say never and despite seeing Christians couples getting divorce, never. Fawn and my marriage is a sacramental blessing.

February 12, 2011
Today was the bomb just got back in at 9:30. Somewhat a night on the town, but I get to that a little later. Things are starting to melt and I helped it along shovel back the snow a tad and salting just in chase the water freezes over night. Unbelievable contrasting weather, it still in the mid 30s this minute. Fawn and drove Jennifer downtown for a job interview at the park district. Whoo hoo, She got the job teaching tennis in the spring and summer. It promised to get better for her, but I’ll get to that later. I went to city with Bill in at noon. We didn’t do our breakfast at McDonalds for a good reason. Not only he has been working a temp job, he’s getting OT on Saturday. Thanks be to God on both accounts. Perhaps the dark times are pasting. While Jennifer was interviewing we walked around downtown. She went to a few shops and I stopped at the library to pick us a few tax forms. It was a short walk but nice. Fawn must be feeling much better, she got on the elliptical. Lawrence fisheries never fails to be treat, popcorn shrimp and fish chips. Stopped at my family’s favorite bakery and went to the meat shop, can’t believe I still don’t the name of it. LOL, keep forgetting to look at the sign. Just charge in the store for the goods. This time I only got half a pound of roasted pig. Slim pickings the afternoon. Anyway getting back to the night on the town. Andrea went to NIU to take her language certification exam, she said it was tough, their 5 of them for spanish, lol 3 of the were spanish and were already flent in it. Anyway, Andrea got back just in time to drive us to see Jennifer perform the high school variety show. She leat the house earlier with her amp so I thought she was going to play with her les paul. I was surprised, she played her electric hallow body gutiar unplugged and sang beautifully and fearlessly. Her friends thought she was amazing, so did I. Was surprise there were only a few parents there among hundreds of high schoolers. The kids were having a great time. It was held in the school cafeteria. A perfect setting for the kids to enjoy time together. The kids ran the entire evening themseves. There was only one teacher chaperone present just sitting onto the side enjoying the show. How awesome is that? I’m still glad we went, had a great time and the kids didn’t seem to mind us there. What a great day and it is not even the highlight of the week. Strange, how I perceive Sunday as the end rather then the beginning of the week. Perhaps, it is because I see it as the 8th day. We have but studying The Office of the Holy Ministry. God’s love comes to us from the waters of Baptism, Confession and Absolution, and from the preaching of the Word of God and his Eucharist. Our Lord’s promises are sure, because he is under the authority of the Father  and our faithful pastors at St John are under the authority of Jesus. Gracious gifts of forgiveness and eternal life for us. Amen.

February 11, 2011
Funny, I seem to start out by talking about the weather lately, today is no exception. The day started in the lower teens, that’s still cold, but not so cold that even my bones feel cold. I am humbled to learn some people would read the penned interior monologue of thoughts, impressions and perceptions in a stream of conscience writing. As always, from the get go, In the name of Jesus, I asked God to Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lip! (Psalms 141:3). May what I write be beneficial to me and to the reader who stumble upon this site and do no harm. Wow, wow, wow; got an incredible email link from Dave. He shared a Godtube video that was just posted, Family Man - Incredible Time Lapse Drawing The artist, music and lyrics is so good was so good and true, I immediately downloaded it. It required a Final Media Player. The video and sound quality from the download is much better then the web posting. I mused about what St Paul tells us boast in the Lord and if we are to boost about ourselves, let it be about our weakness.  The world will not understand this, some of Christendom won’t either. That wouldn’t be boosting about ourselves. Our Post-Communion Canticles saids it best, “Thank the Lord and sing His praise; tell everyone what he has done ...”  yeah, that’s right tell everyone what he has done in his life, death and resurrection and how he continues to work in us though the means of grace, found in his Word and Sacraments.  Not unto us, not unto us be glory, Lord; Not unto us but to your name be praise; Not unto us but to Your name all honor be given. Amen.

February 10, 2011
I thought yesterday was was cold. I truly am looking forward to the above freezing temps over the weekend. The day started in sub zero again. -13 °F when I was out the door this morning. Can’t help but wonder what it was with the wind chill. It was a whopping +14 °F when we went to to the doctors. The doctor ordered more tests. In the name of Jesus, prayers continue for Fawn; for the Father’s healing touch. Read Pr Bruzeks ‘1997 most scholarly paper for the Institute of Liturgical Studies, Valparaiso University. AI was pretty good. It was tough on the some of the contestants that had to go home. Some that I thought was  pretty good folded under the immense pressure. Muse about the bible and bible studies. Christian theology is not the study of God, rather it is God’s revelation of himself. God always does the verb. He talks and we listen. Anyway, that’s the thought of the day.

February 9, 2011
Another brutally cold day. Sub zero temps again. It is suppose to start warming up, hearing above freezing. Hope it comes to past. Fawn visit with her surgeon brought smile. Thanks be to God, healing accordingly. Another visit to another specialist is planned for tomorrow. It is not clear to me other than it has to do with a women thing. AI San Francisco auditions were OK. I especially liked Stefano Langone singing “Heard it Through the Grapevine” Birthday girl Julie Zorrilla singing “Summertime” was the best. I’m glad the auditions are finally over. Ah, I can hardly wait, Hollywood week begins tomorrow. Something was bothersome most of the day, a lingering thing I thought had pasted. It is not clear what triggered it. It was disappointment in my old parish and how they conduct what was suppose to be worship with a ceremony; said supposedly for the life of the church. It only suggests the glory of man and the church is our work not God. Don’t people know that the Devine Service is the Lord’s service to us with his gifts? Yet here we have in the middle of his service, praise for a church worker. I really don’t get it, idols. Why I still dwell on this after so many years is beyond me. But at least the anger is gone and leave people to their worship. C. F. W. Walther once wrote: The Lord doesn’t want us to remain children, who are blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine; instead of that, He wants us to grow in knowledge so that we can teach others. I have learned so much from our most learned teacher’s of Christ at St John. I listened to posted sermon.  It was striking when Pr Bruzek talked about every last detail of the new place north. “Everything teaches ... everything matters”, especially struck me. Adiaphora are “things indifferent” which suggests “things that don’t matter.” Yet everything in the church teaches and do matter, even us. Coram deo, Jesus lights us up for the world to see for better or worst. People see our good works and learn to praise God. When they see us do less than our best and the learn it is OK to neglect God.

February 8, 2011
Cold and colder, below 0° F and I’m I’m not talking wind chill either. Kyrie eleison . Even though I lives here in Illinois all my life, I loathe  winter. At best, I have tolerated it, without it I could not appreciate spring. And so it it also with long dark days of winter. So on this cold dark night, I thank the Lord, the light of the world, for his mercies. Fawn has several doctor appointments this week. Prayer for healing and good results. Amen.

February 7, 2011
Got a little ribbing about pappas. Oh well, had it coming. Had fun with it though. There was an excellent post on Weedon’s Blog called, Winkel Presentation; the Magdeburg Cathedral book written in 1613. It reminded me of just how blessed my family is to be gathered in Word and Sacrament at St John. There is no other hilltop we rather on waiting for our Lord. Prayers for God's healing touch for Fawn, Joyce and Ken R.

February 6, 2011
Satan is good at what he does. I was giving him credit for snow. Anyway, dug out and received God’s good gifts. Trifecta! Amazing that St John is blessed with 3 pastors who are among the most learned teachers of Christ. Pr Genig’s bible study, Churching the Church and Churching the World, was nothing short of brilliant.  Anyway, posting early and prepping for Super Bowl XLV festivities ... LOL, I’m back with a tail between my legs. I was delusional, believing I was the infallible. Ex cathedra from my lazyboy. Andrea nailed, prophesying NFC and AFC Champions and the Super Bowl XLV Champions. There Andrea, you can stop chirping now. Great game and great time despite Fawn and Andrea in my face rooting Go Pack.

February 5, 2011
God is good. Another day at the board game and and another victory. Rob challenged and went down by one. Those are the tough ones. I enjoyed the game and time with Rob. Did a little more shoveling, not much, but enough to call it exercise and a chance for fresh air. Mid 20s again, that’s a good thing. Even went for a car ride with Jennifer to the library. Tomorrow’s Gospel remains in my mind as so does Coram Deo. I still think about Dave’s Christ Crucified Coram Deo, sweet. I believe that Christ’s charge for us to be salt and light is not an impossible one. In Him we are salt and light and so we are to live out by faith what he has made us to be. Satan would have us be discouraged by your saltless darkness. In our shortcomings, we need to remember that Jesus declares us to be salt and light and press on. Christ is alive in us when we feed on him in the Eucharist and we truly become a witness to him before the world. I venture to believe most people are pumped up for Super Bowl Sunday. I am somewhat too, but I am more pumped up for the Lutheran Mass and bible study.

February 4, 2011
I really didn’t wanted to face 1° F this morning, but got my baby girl to school. A lot of the parents doing the same. Wow, was the snow piled up at central. There were very few parking spaces in the lot and no curbside parking. The day did warm up later to the mid 20s though. Rob made it here early, it was good to see him. Andrea was thrilled, wonder where they went. Was hoping Alex would be back too. He is coming back less frequent this year. My skin is really get dry, thanks be to God for Aquaphor. Kids and their activities, drove Jennifer and one of her friend to LaGrange. Never met this one, but she was very polite and good natured. Can’t they find something to do in town? Hey, so funny, she just walked in, back safe as I am writing. Amazing sequence of events with all the salting down about town; I read the upcoming Gospel reading, Matthew 5;13-20,  for Epiphany 5 earlier in the day. Allow me to appreciate the love and authority, the teaching and the wisdom of our Lord Christ Jesus. Jesus teaches us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. All of reality places Christ in the center, even the rocks. It seem so prevalent, man tries to put himself in the center, even in a service of some sort. Yes the world is becoming darker. We not let our light be hidden but let it shine in our good works  so that the world will know the goodness of our heavenly father. Game night and just got a 2fer, quality time with Jennifer and a win. Love Stern-Halma.

February 3, 2011
Woke up feeling pretty good and not sore as expected. I even did 3 x10 slow-mo, got to get back in the exercise groove. IMing with the guys in my OHPA market, the guys in PA are all fired up about this weekend super bowl. AI L.A. was a bust. Only the Gutierrez brother’s Lean on Me was good. I’m not sure if they are Idol material though, their personal demeanor was … Epiphany is an extraordinary time, Jesus tells us who he is and who we are. Wow, nice day; listern to the posted sermon, posted bible study, and read and was blessed by an extraordinary Epiphany 5  homily posted by Rev Weedon on his blog. A prayer for the persecute found in the Treasury of Daily Prayer: ...strengthen them for a good witness, and let them not waiver in the confession of Your name.  Teach us through their example, and the example of so many holy martyrs, to be ever watchful for the confession of Your Son's name.  Let us not be put to shame when the evil foe lays his hand on us.  But if it is Your will that we be persecuted for confessing Jesus as our Lord and our only Savior, then strengthen us in Your grace that we may withstand all trials, and grant us peaceful rest...

February 2, 2011
42 inches of drift the entire front of the house to the street when it was over. I as so luck to have Andrea and Jennifer help with the shoveling and snow blower it still took 9 man hours total to clear it all. Casey Abrams
rhythm and soul man, awesome. And then there was the power love birds, Jacqueline Dunford and Nick Fink, both sang extremely well, top 12? I just love to watch AI, so entertaining and relaxing. Christ's priestly office is that by which He placed Himself in the middle between God and men, reconciled the whole human race to God by completely satisfying the divine Law, by taking on Himself the penalty for sins, and by interceding before God. -- Blessed Johann Gerhard, On Christ, p. 320.

February 1, 2011
Hectic morning trying to get out the door to take Jennifer to school. The power went off so I everything was done using flashlights and I had open the garage door manually. Left early enough to drive slowly and got her there safely. Was expecting the heavy snow today but not the intense howling wind gusting at 60 mph. Read through the bible study handouts. Wow, I couldn’t believe my ears, well yes I can. I listened to a sermon that was anything but standing in the stead of God. I could go into details but ...  I guess I am critical because I’m learning a lot about the Office of the Ministry from a learned teacher.

January 31, 2011
No surprise it is already the end of the month. In fact where did today do? I started work before 5 am an put in a 12 hour workday. Bracing for a winter storm. Clearly a reality check that yes, it is still winter. Watched Chuck to relax then fell a sleep for an hour, just like that. Dozed off 5 minutes into brainless bachelor show. Good words ignored, Illinois became the 6th state to recognize civil unions. I am troubled that this is step farer away from Eden and call for repentance.

January 30, 2011
Knock on wood, the editor loaded leaps and bounds quicker than it has in a very long time. A bless prayer upon entering church, “Almighty, ever-lasting God, grant that I may gladly hear Thy Word and that all my worship be acceptable unto thee; though Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.” And of course we had the Lutheran Mass and bible study. Trifecta! My heart leaped for joy as well as the church catholic for Rob at the Eucharist. Pr Bruzek’s sermon on the Matthew 15 was astonishing. I realize we are not blessed and less than persecuted and will venture to say the major of people gather on Sunday to play church. It made me realize, full blast worship is not for everyone. I don’t know why a poor miserable sinner like myself  feel so poorly about others who profess Christ. I think it may be best not to dwell on ... The Old Testament reading was from Micah chapter six. I was struck by verse 8, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” I have a boat load of handouts from today’s bible study. Plenty of material to muse over this week.  LOL, the kid’s snowman was on the current Positively Naperville,

January 29, 2011
Took Jennifer to see her doctor about a sty that just seem to not want to go away. See just got prescription. Then dropped her off a school activities. Fawn and I when when to kill some time at the Fox Valley Mall. It has been quite a while since I’ve been there. Mall walking was good for me since I haven’t been on the elliptical. My lower back is still a little sprain since I slipped on the ice a few weeks back. Great that Alex is back today. I am so happy when my entire family home and not to mention that we will be able to worship together tomorrow. Loaded the Matthew 4:12-25 sermon text and audio  finally. Goggle site seems to be cooperating now TBTG. More on the bible study, wow. What a learned teach of Christ, and shepherd. I came to realize, good enough or adequate is not an option with our pastors.

January 26-28, 2011
Unbelievable,  Googlesite server has been down since Thursday, and my Wednesday entry is gone. Well it’s early Saturday morning, so hopefully  things will look up tonight. Can’t remember much about about it except Fawn doctor say all is going fine. I also went to pick up my glass during my lunch out. I couldn’t be happier. There is definitely still something wrong with the Googlesite network. To say that it is noticeably slow is an understatement. But at least the editor loaded. I intended to post last week’s sermon. But that is going to have to wait. Not much more was going on  Whoo hoo! Done with work be 3 pm. Albeit I started work 5:15 am. Took a nice long lunch. It was great, we went to Cattleman's Steak House and Saloon. LOL, it is a honky tonk, country music and a buck of peanuts. Simply love the complimentary fresh baked corn bread starter. I had the 6 oz sirloin and Fawn had the rib basket. Both lunches were great. I was surprise by the restaurant’s mixed reviews, inconsistent? I’m sure to give it another go. Besides can’t beat the $7.99 specials . After listening to country music over lunch, I really, really love to listening to God’s very own sacred choral hymns. For as soon as Christ says, "This is my Body," his body is present through the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.  If the Word is not there, it is mere bread; but as soon as the words are added they bring with them that of which they speak. -- Blessed Martin Luther, AE 36:341 I love it when I run into gems like this. After a brutal week like this one, it was great to go out and about town. Dropped Jennifer  off at some school activity and the Fawn and  went to Fabulous Noodles for duck soup. Then shopped at target for what nots. 2-1/2 hours later picked up Jennifer and homeward bound. I like night driving, it is so peaceful. Living in the burbs is a true blessing. The only thing missing is I wish I was living in the north end of town, only because it would be closer to my parish. I only live 10 miles away, but there is about a zillion lights and it takes on average 25 minutes to get there. A great way to cap off the quiet of the evening was by listening to the sermon again and last bible study, The Office of the Holy Ministry: Biblical and Confessional Considerations (Part 2), first time hearing the bible study. Sweet, and they adjusted the volume controls. God is so good, gathering us to the parish.

January 25, 2011
In and out and down 2 to sessions remaining. Ditto ...

January 24, 2011
Fawn was in and out just like that and now down 3 sessions remaining. This work week is projected to be exceptionally demanding. Leaving only time to tend to a few what nots, eating and sleeping. Well, evening prayers and off to bed ...

January 23, 2011
Today was a day totally out of the ordinary. I was king of the couch potatoes. Not only did I watched pro football, I watched two games to its entirety and cheered on the teams I predicted to win.  Kudos to Jennifer, she qualified for BPA state competition. Thanks be to God for the time shared with family.

January 22, 2011
Up early before for sun. What is it with these kids? Isn’t the weekday enough?  Drove Jennifer to the High School Business BPA Area Competition. Then off to the optometrist. Normally I go to For Eyes for eye exam and glass. But the cost increase for insurance for eye exams are too ridiculously. So we dropped it and was better off out of pocket. I went to American’s Best It was the first time there. The frame selection was good and so was the service. Hoping not to be disappointed when I get the glass later this week. Well that took up my entire morning. Reflected on coram Deo and what I said way back last October about it. I started writing mid day because I’m not sure it I will log back on this evening, going to Mass tonight ... I’ back. Wow! There is no mistake that the Divine Service is the highest form of prayer. Confession for the sake of absolution is literally the forgiveness of sins in an audible concrete way given by Christ to the Church in the Office of the Keys. Dr. Barry said it best, in his What about ..., “Rejoicing in the forgiveness of sins, we pray that God gives us the strength to resist temptation and to live lives that glorify Him, seeking to please Him by what we do, in accordance with His holy and perfect will. And as we do, we always are aware of our sin and so we flee for refuge to His boundless mercy, seeking and imploring His forgiveness for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for the gift of confession and absolution!” Pr Genig delivered astonishing oracles of God in the gospel sermon. Full Blast Coram Deo. I hope to post the text and audio in the sermon page in by mid week. Then of course the Eucharist and the prayer after reception of Holy Communion. “Dear Lord Jesus, we praise thank You that you again refreshed us with the gift of Your holy body and blood in this comforting sacrament. Bless our participation that we may depart from Your presence with peace and joy in the knowledge that we are reconciled to God. We ask this in Your  name. Amen.”  There is something to be said for his people gathering in the evening.

January 21, 2011
Thank God, thank God, that be to God. What a stress week at work. LOL, TGIF. Now I know why some people shout TGIF. Logging off and shutting down from a stressful week feels so good. AI during the week was a helpful escape. Ah, a nice cup of hot green tea with pomegranate to relax, perfect. Fawn had a bunch of x-rays taken, for the last leg next week. I see I missed the down down yesterday. Anyway, 4 to go. Fawn and I had a lunch date at Fabulous Noodles. It was nice to get out and do lunch. We like talk about our children. One of our concern as a parents is raising our children in Christ, making sure they have a life long love for Christ and his church. I started work so early it’s 4:30 pm and I find myself  looking out the window watching the sun go while sipping on my tea. I wondering, 2° F, how in the world did people before, survive on a cold winter day? We are just about one month into winter and the days are getting longer. That is a good thing. Listened to the encore sermon and bible study. I start to write something, but deleted it all. It was Satan’s hand in the writing, want me to hold on past hurts. Got to remember to bring my bible to church on Sunday. I rarely open it anymore. I read and/or listen to scripture on ESV Bible online. “... these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” John 20:31 Alleluia.

January 20, 2011
Ouch, slipped and fell taking out the garbage this morning. That is what I get for wearing gym shoes instead on my boots. Hard to believe the driveway was a sheet of ice. Had to pour out a ton of salt. Well at least 10 pounds of it anyway. Fawn in and out, just like that. I had a doctor’s appoint today to go over the test and to go over meds. The insurance  company is pushing for generic drugs. So I’ll be one them and need to retest again in 2 months. What a racket the insurance. I’m in favor for national health care. The GOP vote passed to repeal the health care law. What a shame. AI in New Orleans was exciting. Music teacher, Jordan Dorsey, awesome rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Wow, the red head outcast, impressively sings "Bohemian Rhapsody."  I remain so moved by Dr. Luther’s prayer, so much as to break out Luther’s Prayers, from the book shelf. How about a prayer in preparation for prayer? That’s Luther for you. “My God, you will not abandon my hope. You will hear my prayer and satisfy my desires. I will pray pray and wait for your grace. Hear me and fulfill my hope.” It is not the late, but it is peacefully quite. The only true peace on earth comes from knowing Christ Jesus. Is it Sunday yet? OJesus! Thou hast given us in the Holy Eucharist Thy Body and Blood to be our spiritual nourishment, through which we may have life everlasting.

January 19, 2011
Fawn’s progress is good, but her blood pressure is slightly high, so they/we will be monitoring it.  Good is good and is doing what is best. I am grateful to so many praying in the name of Jesus for his healing touch, comfort and recovery. Count down 6 to go. I added yesterday’s prayer to the Prayer page. Rev Weedon posted an excellent catechesis today on the fourth commandment. Only had time to do 1 x 10 had to American Idol. Whoo hoo it is back. Betting my friend Carol watched the show. My family loves the show. Poor Jennifer only watch briefly. She always has a ton of homework. I really liked Robbie Rosen. He is a 16 year old that sang a breathy version of “Yesterday.” I also liked the signing waitress Devyn Rush. Her version of “God Bless the Child” was the bomb.

January 18, 2011
Radiation therapy 7 left to go. Prayers for good results with her doctor tomorrow. Was thinking about Psalms 103 Bless the Lord, O My Soul -“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, 3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, 5 who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's”. This Psalms calls upon me to keep in mind of his steadfast love and abundant  mercies to my family and that we should always praise God, from whom all things flow. The plumber had to come out again. This is the 3rd time it needed roting 2 x 10s and feeling good. “Behold, Lord, an empty vessel that needs to be filled. My Lord, fill it. I am weak in the faith; strengthen me. I am cold in love; warm me and make me fervent, that my love may go out to my neighbor. I do not have a strong and firm faith; at times I doubt and am unable to trust you altogether. O Lord, help me. Strengthen my faith and trust in you. In you I have sealed the treasure of all I have. I am poor, you are rich and came to be merciful to the poor. I am a sinner; you are upright. With me, there is an abundance of sin; in your is the fullness of righteousness. Therefore I will remain with you, of whom I can receive, but to whom I may not give” – Martin Luther, For All the Saints Vol. I p. 190

January 17, 2011
Was able to sleep about an hour longer today because Jennifer has a day of from school to celebrate Martin Luther King Day. He is one of my person hero and by far outweighed his personal shortcomings. He epitomized what what the civil rights campaign was all about. Back then, opportunities were bleak for for people than white males. Fawn’s treatment went well, nown to 8 more treatments. Someone did good over the weekend with the jigsaw puzzle. A lot got done. It made it easy for me to do quite a few pieces. Possible for be to see it completed. I was stunned, 1830 for 20 on the elliptical. Pastor Jon Sollberger of Immanuel Lutheran-Louisville said something striking on Issues Etc, “The pastor is not to not speak his opinion, he is not to have his own slant and curve on thing,  he is to speak God’s word in its purity.” So much for sermon commentaries.

January 16, 2011
Sundays are always the best day and highlight. Faithfully gathering with praise and gratitude  to him who should count us worthy to share in the Eucharist. Trifectia! Awesome bible series starting on, The Office of the Holy Ministry – Biblical and Confessional Consideration. There are already a few, I did not know that on the 1st day of this series. I have my own set of thought on this matter drawn from Walther, Grabau, and Löhe and always open to considerations that alter my views. I thank the Lord for Pr Bruzek, Nelson and Genig who stands in the stead and watches over our family. Happy birthday my daughter,  I rejoice in the women Andrea as become. Simply a joyful treasure from God. All out celebration at Macaroni Grill. Great food and conversation. What a nice peaceful evening but it's late ...

January 15, 2011
In My Mother’s Womb. Beautifully written by Rev Weedon for a Life Sunday. Alex was gone for a couple day and was filled with joy upon his return for the weekend. His final semester be begin on Monday. Same joy late last night when Rob came for the weekend. Did 6 x 5s on the elliptical thought the day. It seems to make me feel good and energizes me after each ride. My playlist of hymnodies are such a blessing during the workday, but even more so while just relaxing and during devotional. Listened to the encore bible study, seems to be Romans 12 in a nutshell. I was struck by Pr Bruzek to the when he spokes about being in a different kind of world, you unstick it to them. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 17-21). No evil escapes God’s noticed and goes unanswered. One has to wonder, how could evildoers like myself possibly be rescued from the judgment of God? I mused on the somewhat yesterday and a little more today. Our salvation rests with all that Christ achieved in him crucified, on the cross where our salvation was won, Christ delivers to in his word and sacraments. Jesus defeats all the evil in the broken world with goodness. If we are to bear the name of Christ, we need to bear the marks of a true Christian. Epiphany for the last 2 days. Ah, tomorrow.

January 14, 2011
Let’s start the countdown. 9 radiations treatments left to go. Prayers continue for Fawn and Joyce with the battle with cancer. Rejoicing in the memories or the good times shared with my sister Mary and in the good day she is having with our heavenly father. Happy birthday dear sister, see you at the Eucharist. Comforting words are found in Psalm 97 O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked. Indeed, in the Lutheran Mass, our Lord will deliver us out of the world and we will be in touch with heaven on earth. My pen do not unveil my life filled with sinfulness, teeming with things I have done against others as well as things others have done to hurt me. The evil one is always trying to ruin our life and separate us from Christ. On any given Sunday, we see the holy font where the Lord first delivered us, splashing the living waters the washes away sins and bring forgiveness. In confession and absolution, where with the sign of the cross, we are absolved of our sins and receive forgiveness. In the Eucharist, where we are feed the body and blood of Christ. How can we not rejoice and thank the Lord for all his gifts knowing with certainty and full confidence that we been delivered from the the wicked. Only had time to do 2 x 5s on the elliptical. Brown's fired chicken for lunch and salad for dinner. Does an oh well, on a Friday cut it? Prayer for the unemployed, underemployed and at risk; especially Bill, Ken, Julie, Peggy and Carol; for our pastors and St John, who delivers God’s gifts. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

January 13, 2011
10 more radiations treatments left to go. Prayers continue for Fawn and Joyce with the battle with cancer. Of the Father’s Love Begotten. Beautiful. Stuck in my head all day, so I did the hymn study on it from Issues Etc by Dr. Just again. What a brilliant most learned teacher of Christ. I just reviewed it several weeks ago and still learning from it. Much like listening to the encore sermons and bible studies. Kills me to hear people say rehashing. 1762 in 20. Wondering what to do. Fawn is querying, what happen to being on the elliptical twice a day? Ate a frozen dinner for lunch and loved it. Stouffer’s Chicken a la King. In the church our Lord comes to us in his word and in his sacraments to keep us in eternally in one true faith. We receive forgiveness in our baptism, in holy absolution, and in his body and blood. Jesus comes and recues us also in the sermon where he is preached and in bible study where the heavy lifting of his word is taught. We can argue about what is sacrament but i have come to cherish all that is sacramental and all the beautiful symbols found in the Lutheran Mass.

January 12, 2011
Joy, Fawn’s treatment progressing well. Thanks be to God. Feel good, 1748 in 20. Ah hopefully it is good news, Comcast will replace will be do outdoor cable maintence on the back yards for the block. We hate the monthly frustrating ritual of calling service to initializing the digital box. Listened to The God Whisperers 3rd microphone with Jeff Schwarz, of Issues Etc. I think this format makes for a fine talk radio show. It was an extremely lively discussion on Christian broadcasting, world religion, politics and other strangeness. Got email from Sandy. Rejoicing that she 13 weeks along and all is well. She calls the article on Chinese moms interesting, I call it absurd.

January 11, 2011
Snow, snow, snow .... shovel, shovel, shovel. But it finally ended. Tricky drive Jennifer  to school and Fawn to Edwards. Pray tomorrow will reveal continued good progress report with the doctors and tests. We know all so well that we are in loved by an in God’s care. But it is also comforting to have have good friends the like the Wohlrabs who take the time to bless us as we all follow Christ back to Eden. St John is indeed a fine community. We also received a card from Pr Genig today too. Our pastors and fellow parishioners are so friendly, caring. God is showering us with the love of Christ through them. Offering us consolation in Christ’s name. God is good and I remain so thankful evermore praising him. Jennifer is back in tennis at NTC and upped the level in a class with a few varsity girls and boys. Had to remind her not to push like before and guard against injuries. This is nowhere near the level as Oakbrook but she is still having fun. Wow still improving, 1713 strives in 20 minutes. Pale in comparison to Alex who followed on the machine after me. I was dwelling on the special beauty and sublime expression of God’s glory found in the Lutheran Mass. The really cut loose and removed all the stops this weekend. Both celebration produced a great joy, full of symbolism and significance. Adiaphorous? Hear it all the time from people carrying out something less than desired by God.

January 10, 2011
Back to normal and running about town dropping off Jennifer at school and the to Edwards hospital. Seems Fawns treatments are going faster. It was “just like that”. Sins are forgiven, “just like that”, followed by , what sins?” Pr Gening is a wise man. It was a good exercise, did 1696 in 20 just before lunch. A lot of talk still going on about Heather’s wedding. Andrea is even more fired up about going all out with incenses, bells, and embroidered roman style vestments. Be sweet if , just if ... a Chasuable? Just have to wait and see. Once upon a time it communion was troublesome in many ways, but there is no reason for me back to a seemingly less than ... I have taken a renewed joy in the Eucharistic salutary gift since called to his table at St John. After partaking in in the body and blood of Jesus our pastors say “depart in peace” and we say, “amen”. By no means is the celebrant saying your excuse from the supper table. It’s Luke 2 Simeon’s “depart in peace.”  It means you have received the sacrament and have seen Jesus. And so you like Simeon are ready for anything even death.

January 9, 2011
What a beautiful and “righteous” day. Jesus took our place. Sunday worship don’t get better than how God’s gifts comes to us than at St. John. Trifecta, and back to having bible study. Beautiful words from Pr Nelson. This is my beloved Son, with whom I am pleased. We can rejoice in the sonship from God though out own baptism in Christ. Pr Genig got me all excited about the vestments coming our way. Hard to imagine the being more beautiful the one wore yesterday. Two days, heaven on earth. Got on the elliptical twice 1 x 10 and anther 1 x 5. Getting lazy again on weekends. When in the city this afternoon with Bill. We ate at Lawrence’s Fisheries on south canal street. A south side staple renowned for it’s unique breading and hot sauce. Only blocks from where I was born and raised.

January 8, 2011
Up early to get a blood work at LabCorp. Was first so I was in and out. Because I fasted a hearty bowl of hot oatmeal was a welcome sight. Normally I eat cold cereal at home in the morning. Talk about normal, I hardly ever suit up. I got comments that I clean up pretty good. Maybe I should do it more often? Nah. Celebrating God’s gift of holy matrimony in Christ Jesus, Aaron and Heather are one flesh. God is good. Full blast worship where God’s sacramental gifts are delivered by our most faithful pastors of Saint John. The recessional hymn was, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God. It is one of my favorite hymn to sing at church. I listen to 2 beautiful recording of it tirelessly. No matter how hard I try to control my emotions in a manly way, I always get so choked up and my voice crack. I often said in the past I don’t understand why. So I mused over and reached an epiphany of why tears begin to flow by the 3rd verse. It reflects what Christ done for us and why we praise God. Christ died for, was raised again for and grants faith to me in the waters of Holy Baptism. The Gospel, indeed! The reception that followed in the North Campus was a most excellent continuation of the joyous celebration. I even got an most needed back and neck massage from Pr Burzek. Didn’t feel up to a single 20 on the healthrider, so I did a 4 x 5 minutes during commercials of the original True Grit with John Wayne. The kids always make fun of me because a western fan going all the way back to the black and white TV with rotary turret tuner days of old. Stern-Halma with Jennifer and victory by one move. Simply loved the time share the boards with her. Truly a worthy opponent despite her youth. “Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what is what God and angels know of us.” – Thomas Paine. Albeit I am neither, I was impressed with my future son-in-law Rob. He demonstrated exceptionally good character. I'm not easily impressed.

January 7, 2011
Started the day so early this morning I was done with the workday by 4 pm. Sweet. Fawn radiation treatment was short. Practically in and out. Yep, I just knew that one lady was a wiz. A huge chunk of the puzzle is now complete. I was able to do a lot on it today because everything is falling in place now. I say it is highly plausible the puzzle will be complete before the end of the month. Our Lord gladden the wedding in Cana of Galilee with his presence. So shall it be tomorrow with Heather and Aaron’s, rejoicing in all God’s gifts, may at lengths celebrate with Christ the marriage feast which has no end. Amen. 1613 in 20. I am surprise that I continue to increasing the number of strides. Especially after the fine lasagna dinner. The baptism of our Lord is just around the corner. One can’t help but wonder why the sinless one need a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Christ is our substitute sacrifice taking on the sins of the world. He plunge  himself in the fifty sinful bathwaters of the River Jordan, turning it into a cleaning baptismal of forgiveness, living waters. Baptism is the beginning of something that takes a lifetime to complete. In his Large Catechism, Luther states, "Therefore let everybody regard his Baptism as the daily garment which he is to wear all the time. Every day he should be found in faith and amid its fruits, every day he should be suppressing the old man and growing in the new. If we wish to be Christians, we must practice the work that makes us Christians. But if anybody falls away from his Baptism let him return to it. As Christ, the mercy-seat, does not recede from us or forbid us to return to him even though we sin, so all his treasures and gifts remain. As we have once obtained forgiveness of sins in Baptism, so forgiveness remains day by day as long as we live, that is, as long as we carry the old Adam about our necks" (LC Part IV 84-86).

January 6, 2011
Busy morning, radiation treatment at Edwards and then to the vehicle emission test center before work. Funny thing, I was stunned and could be eating crow. I was wrong about not getting help on the jigsaw puzzle. A young lady in her 20s was impressively placing puzzle pieces like she owns it. Fawn laugh and said she could actually finish in no time. 1572 strides in 20. Yeah baby. Far cry from the youthful but progressing back in the right direction rebuilding this neglected old body. Amazingly Larry’s world is utterly different from the world. Early this morning I was joking told to get real and come back to the real world. It was in a different context, no evil intentions. But initiates an epiphany. The Word made flesh dies on the cross is his victory. How crazy is that the world espouse? Christ’s resurrection is evidence that his death conquered death itself. Christ crucified is our salvation. He alone redeem, sanctify and becomes our wisdom. Our Lord’s salvation is delivered us in his promises to us holy baptism, words of absolution and in the body and blood given to us to eat and drink. By now the world cries, is it Friday yet? When Friday comes about, even by godless people shout out, TGIF. In Larry’s World, is it Sunday yet? Can’t wait to celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. Hmm... referring to myself in the third person, narcissism? [grateful for the glory revealed today through God made man.] Father of light, unchanging God, today you reveal to men of faith the resplendent fact of the Word made flesh. Your light is strong, Your love is near; draw us beyond the limits which this world imposes, to the life where Your Spirit makes all life complete. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal

January 5, 2011
A little tough getting up this morning. The Kids were somewhat sleepless. So Andrea, Alex, Jennifer and I stayed up late last night and we took out a deck of cards to play Gin Rummy. I opted out after a few hands and watched. After they were done, Jennifer was embolden to challenge me in a game of Chinese Checkers. I clucked. Whoo hoo, did 1541 strides in 20 minutes. Hope I’m not pushing it too much. I’m start to feel much better all around. Her doctor comes to the Fawn radiation treatments every Wednesday and her assessment is great and her blood pressure is down. I got quite a few pieces completed on the jigsaw puzzle. I think is is highly doubtful if I will be able to finish it by the end of the month. doesn’t appear as if anyone else is contributing to it. I opened up the LSB and did the evening prayers. The Psalmody was from Psalm 141 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Jesus said, “...Hear and understand: 11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person” (Matthew 15:10-11).

January 4, 2011
Fawn is pass her midway point  on radiation treatment and is feeling pretty good about it. Thanks be to God who loves and care for us. Another new high for me on the elliptical again. Did 1488 strides in 20 minutes. I listened to President Harrison Blessed Epiphany and New Year greeting. He reminds us that no matter what challenges the new year brings, we can look ahead with the certainty – Jesus came for us! Indeed, he did. I posted a comment and a query on Weedon’s blog about Excursus: Use of the Divine Service without Holy Communion. I hope to gain wisdom from learned teachers of Christ. Went with Fawn to her primary doctor’s office. Amazing, a 6:45 pm office visit. There is something about evening drives alone with her, nostalgia. Prayers for Fawn, Joyce, Carol and Jean for comfort, healing and recovery. Amen.

January 3, 2011
The encores sermon up to Christmas are posted! 10 on the elliptical. 2 before and 1 after the pan fried black angus streaks, mashed potatoes and gravy. Truly a bad showing. Hawaii Five-O is on. Got to go ...

January 2, 2011
Ahh, celebrated the Feast of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus, “God saves.” The gospel reading was a single verse from the holy gospel according to St Luke, the second chapter. “21 And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.” Pr Nelson preaches an exceptional gospel sermon on the name we bear. Funny how the mind works. It caused me to remember how long it took me a while to soak in Pr Genig bold assertion that good work were necessary for salvation – a blasphemy if it were not true. The heart of Lutheran theology is our justification by grace, for Christ’s sake, through faith alone, apart from works of the law. It eventual became clear that good works inevitably  follows faith as a living tree bears fruit. O how refreshing is his salutary gift found in the in the Eucharist as our Lord bids us to eat his body and drink his blood. I was stuck by, “St. Athanasius of Alexandria wrote that God became man so that we might become God – a blasphemy, were it not true for Christians ... As Saint Paul  put it in his Letter to the Galatians: “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” We sang, What Child is this. It is one of my favorite Christmas Carol. I love the vintage sound of of the Moody Blues singing this carol. Thoughts of the new year still remains fresh on my mind as well as thoughts on the times gone past. One never truly forget old acquaintances. All the noise from the colts-titans game in the family room didn’t draw me to sit and watch the football game, but the hotdogs, cold soda pop, chips and pizza did. LOL. I enjoyed the game until the food was gone then I dosed off a tad in the chair despite all the cheering. Good thing I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. A new high, 1407 strives. Not much to boast. But good for me anyway. Evening prayers are such a blessing to night as I reflect in the quite of the night. Thank you Lord for giving me your name name to bear. Pardon me for the evil I have done and if I have done any good, be please  to accept it. Amen.

January 1, 2011
Yesterday was definitely not a good day for board games. Late night game after midnight with Jennifer, we split one win each in Chinese checkers. Got an email from Dave. It made for an most excellent morning reflection and prayer. Hard to believe he is so gifted on canvas and paper. It led to contemplate on our beautiful journey back to Eden. I thought about journey on the road less traveled. People wrongly think of it a narrow path. It’s actually a huge, ample room for all his creation. And it doesn’t matter who gets there first. The point is getting there and bring along as many neighbors as we can guided by God’s love for us and his church. 20 on the elliptical. Rob ran impressively on the elliptical and tighten the screws so that it doesn’t make all the funny noises. Glad we got the health rider after the big beef and bok choy over Cantonese pan fried noodledinner I whipped up. Goood stuff. Gracious heavenly Father, help me not limit my future by my past, for your love knows no boundaries. Amen.