Journal 2009

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2009
Not much of day as far as excitement goes. I did however spend a little time reflecting on some of things from this past year and on life in general. Whatever wisdom I hold is not of my own making but is given to me through grace.  The majority of the meaningful thoughts I hold are entirely someone else’s or are modifications of someone else’s thoughts. I am so blessed to be around most learned teachers of Christ. When I reflect on what I have learned this past year, I am happy to see growth and progress. My prayers are that I remain teachable. Fawn and I stayed up last night, it was the first time in years we stayed pass midnight together for any reason. Amazingly, it was to bring in the New Year though. We were watching the Mass of Reparation on EWTN. It is truly a perplexing view that by virtue of the Communion of the Saints, the oneness and solidarity of the mystical Body of Christ, we can make satisfaction and reparation for our sins and for the sins of others.

December 30, 2009
Sweet, got the needed confirmation call on the employment start date and details. The background check is cleared and the only thing withstanding now is the drug test. The UMTS Network Engineer contract position is an exciting opportunity. I continue to be at awe at God’s perfect plan at extends beyond our lifetime.  Heard, Where Shepherds Lately Knelt from Pastoral Meanderings and simply had to include it on Music – Video 2. My evening prayers enumerated the benefits for which I thank God.

December 29, 2009
Fun at the doctor’s office. Not really, good physical test results but had a few unmentionable you’re going to do what tests on me? I saw this New Lutheran quote on Weedon’s Blog which most certainly true, “For an appreciation of worship one must be firmly convinced that God is worthy to be praised for His own sake. -- Ernest Koenker, *Worship in Word and Sacrament* p. 18 It was movie night. We watched Star Trek (2009) and I like it overall but there were no surprises.

December 29, 2009
I added a quotable note for life on how the world is a different place when we understand Jesus incarnated from Pastor Bruzek, on to the left margin. The best part of the day came in the evening, Al and his family hosted an informal dinner party for all of my sibling’s family. Initially it felt awkward for me without Mary being there.  But all the cousins were jabbering with each other from the get go. The dinner was a huge feast with all the trimming. And the dinner conversation was of good cheer filled with laughter. Some started working their way to the family room to watch the Bears vs Viking game. It kept getting louder and louder. The next thing I knew Fawn was in the other room watching the forth quarter. I’m not much of a sport fan, but had to admit the OT was pretty exciting.  Well it late and offer prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessings and graces He provides.

December 27, 2009
Dusted the snow off the car and off to Worship. Two treats, we were visited by Dr. Just and Vicar Wietfeldt gave the sermon. Friend at church remain thoughtful and offered comforting though and pointed to God's love as our strength and comfort. I spent an hour redoing the internet connection. I was surprise the router settings were all gone. Anyway all is well and my network is fine. I spent part of the reading blogs and reflecting on the way people Worship. I find it fascinating what is offered back as our best.

December 26, 2009
Thanks be to God for 4 wheel drive. The storm was not an issue. Andrea and Rob got the initial snow on the dive and walkway. Off to Michael’s, Sam’s, Family, Library, Verizon, Best Buy, and Jewel’s. Got back just to do the redo the drive and walkway again. The snow finally stop in the early evening I brushed off the cars. Fawn and I did the snow thing again. The total accumulation was 6 inches. I hate winter and especially snow. Guess that mean I’m old and lost all desire play in it anymore.

December 25, 2009
These past 2 Christmas’ has been different. I love Christmas and have grown leaps and bounds. In years past, I would spend much of it literally in a secular season’s greeting and have given little thought toward the birth of the Christ child. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. 10And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:9-11
I was immediately struck went the processional cross past. I remember that Jesus was born to die. Salvation is a joyous affair that God fills me with in His presence. That joy was stolen and caused me to live in sin. For a seemingly long period on time, I was going around with a long face carrying the sackcloth of despair. The Lord has gathered the Lees to the hilltop and answers our prayer, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation.” Blessed be the Lord and His church found in Saint John Wheaton.
Ox tail is delicious. I took about 3.5 hours for it  to boil tender. We simply dipped it a tad of oyster sauce.  I kicked mine up with the addition of hot sauce. I don’t know how in world a soup can be made with it even after trimming the fat.

December 24, 2009
Alright, beef and bok choy over pan fried noodles. It wasn’t a traditional meal with all the trimmings by any means, but this was pretty tasty. I bought about 4 lbs of ox tail. I’m not sure what I will do with them yet, but a soup or stew may be in the cards tomorrow. I was doing a lot of paper work and organizing things. I have been doing things far too leisurely for a while. I signed last minute Christmas cards and was lost for words that would articulate the gratitude for God’s gift found in the Pastors and Vicar faithfully serving Christ’s Word and Sacraments as well as for the Deaconess’ that care for our soul. It is best said in our prayers of thanksgiving and in our daily prayers when we ask they be blessed them with wisdom, strength, and peace. Come to think of it, it is actually beneficial to us that we do just that. We just got back home a little past midnight. What can I Not say about The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord at Saint John. It was full blast Worship; pastoral care at its finest. I can’t think of a place I rather have been at than this Silent and Holy Christmas Midnight. It is one of the few time and place sinful beggars, like the Lee family, can publicly participate in receiving His gifts and in turn give back the best we can possibly offer to God. From the get go, all the senses were stimulated by the rich symbols of our faith found in the Lutheran Mass. One can think of it as worship without words. The lighting of so many candles, each reminding us that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, the light no darkness can overcome.  The swinging Censer, with smoking incense, reminds us of the sweet aroma of Jesus, the Rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys. It also reminds us of our petition to let our prayers rise to the Lord as incense.  2 Corinthians 2, the fragrant Triumph of Christ, also comes to mind. There couldn’t have been an anymore appropriate time to accelerate the smoke than when the Lord comes to us in the Eucharist. Pastor Genig beautifully chanted the Eucharistic Prayer and the Words of Institution; it move worshipers to acutely listen. The slow methodological gestures are so meaningful and reverent from the processional to the recessional.
After the service, I had the pleasure of shaking the hand of Tom DuBois. He is a fine artist and writer visiting from Texas. I was flatter when he said he reads my site. It  is  late now so ...  forgive me putting notes on the day all so clumsily and badly.

December 23, 2009
The day started with my semi annual blood letting. I went to Walmart to buy my 2010 dated planner. I’m old school and am lost without it. Fawn and went out to lunch with Bill at New China Buffet in Darien. Great food for a Chinese buffet and it is reasonably priced. The day wasn’t even close to being over and my eyes were already set on tomorrow promises. Psalm 141 is my evening prayer.

December 22, 2009
Just another ordinary day. I guess I can take a little close look at it. I kind of help Andrea shovel the snow. Not really, I chipped away a little ice and spread some salt. Andrea really loves being out about in the snow. I feel bad because yesterday I was extraordinarily hard on her. I have allowed myself to be affected by ancient people that behave badly. Lunch was interesting; I found three succulent New York strip steaks and pan fried them. Jennifer made the mash potatoes. What a royal meal for the 6 of us from His bounty.  It was Chinese for dinner; I played to safe and cooked Chinese sausages stir fried Chinese green vegetable and rice. I’m clueless to what the vegetables are called but everything came out perfect. Being between jobs for nearly 6 months can easily bring about anxiety for many people. Trust the Lord, from Romans 8, we learn that “… all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  His goodness goes far beyond just providing for our well being in this temporal world, He graciously saves us from the righteous harshness of God towards sin with the spilled blood of the Lamb, Him Crucified. In return we are to repent and give thanks to the Lord that is always for us and never against us. Like Dave, I am counting down the days before the eve of His birth. The 10 pm Lutheran Mass at Saint John Wheaton IL is truly something to behold.

December 21, 2009
We got to sing Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending during worship yesterday. I have been humming that hymn all day and decided to add it to the music video 2 collection. I watched the Discovery Channel Who was Jesus, Childhood, The Mission and The Last Days. It is an interesting deduced perspective.

December 20, 2009
Trifecta this Sunday.  Word, Sacrament, and Bible Study.  As a bonus, I got more than a back rub, Pr Bruzek was extra kind and massaged my neck and shoulders. Afterward, we went and spent the day with Craig, Jean, and our nephews. The kids usually help baking cookies this time of year. This year they may have out grown that. Fawn and Jean did the bulk of preparing the dough and the actual baking. The kids pretty much played outside in the snow. 10 of us ate 2 of the largest pizza I ever saw.  I think they were 20 inchers loaded. Great Pizza from Papa Saverio's in Carol Stream.

December 19, 2009
Bill and I went to Chicago first thing in the morning.  Of course we had to stop by McDonald’s for coffee. It reminded us of our dad who loves their coffee. I don’t know why they just have to make it so hot. The kids made 3 snowmen. We had roast duck for dinner. It has been a long time since we done that. It tastes so good; too bad it is a high saturated fat. I couldn’t convince Rev Weedon to branch out by going all out and try eating pheasant feet. LOL. I know I  couldn’t do it even on a dare challenge fear factor style. There was a bunch of guys at AT&T, Hoffman Estates, who plays fear factor. I stepped up one time and bit into a habanero pepper. I thought I was going to literally die. I could believe the bad boys from Texas won hands down.

December 18, 2009
Thanks be to God, it was an all around good day. I got a call from my brother-in-law Henry. He got hired back to Motorola.  Albeit at a different location, it is local and he remains near to those who love him dearly. Fawn and I went out to lunch with Tim and Stephanie at Hamburger in Paradise. The hamburgers are delicious, but it hard to justify spending so much for it.  I’m so glad Fawn finally got to meet them. Things look promising for employment in January. I think my chances are pretty good. We have received numerous sympathy cards from friends this week. All have been helpful during this time. Fawn has most of the afternoon writing back expressing our gratitude. I can’t help but take notice the card from Pr. Bruzek. He is truly a wise man. A card from Dennis and Ina was a total surprise, I only seen Dennis once in the pass year and a half at a seminar given by Rev Dr John Kleinig. I called and only spoke to him briefly because it would be so easy for me to get back to saying the things I found repugnant.  Yet with great difficulty, I am determined to be defined by what I love and not what I hate. I thank God for the Eucharist.

December 17, 2009
I spent the day in preparation for my interview tomorrow. I called my brother-in-law Al to see how he and the family are doing. It is so cold; we have been warming up with hot soup the last two days.

December 16, 2009
It was a day full of reading. I finished the JW book, What does the Bible Teach? They are post modern day Arians. Also, my understanding of what the Bible immensely differs.  I lost my old and very good friend Johnny; who now teaches biblical heresies.  My prayers are that they will come to know the joy and peace I have receive from Christ Jesus. The AofR Final report came in an email from Saint John. It was a 31 page pdf file. Two things were initially highly noticeable. Much of the report was most likely off a template and it didn’t say anything new. I am very skeptical of the recommendations offered by AofR. Could be because of my bias against the likes of Bruce Zagel. I know it is not over; Satan can still do much with the sinful attitude of pride.  Thanks be to God.  We still have the Eucharist. All is well. This bump in the road will pass. My prayer is for the guidance from the Holy Spirit. My evening prayers are for Tim H for a good job interview tomorrow; for Craig, Henry, Andrea, Rob, Bill and myself for employment opportunities; for the Moy and Bruzek family for comfort and peace.

December 15, 2009
It was a sunny day but deceptively cold. Fawn and I went to the outlet mall, and then went see Mark and Bethany Heimsoth in Aurora. Mark’s mother is Fawn’s godmother; she is close to 90 and is now living in Wisconsin. My prayers are for her as aging is taking a toll on her. We were out most of the day hitting numerous stores; I will find it hard to believe if Fawn is not done with all the Christmas shopping.

December 14, 2009
Most of the day was pretty quiet until I got a call to update my resume. I will have my first job interview this coming Friday since being between contract opportunities in July. The economy is terrible. The last time I was out of work was back in 1980. Jimmy Carter was our 39th President and inflation was topping 18%. Jennifer had her first physical knee therapy. I pray for proper healing.

December 13, 2009
Congratulations are in order for Rob, he graduated from NIU today. Alex and I watched it live feed from the NIU website. Amazing technology. I added a page with the eulogy I gave at the Funeral Service for my sister Mary. Prayers of Peace and comfort for the families of Tom Bruzek and Mary Moy.

December 12, 2009
Mary’s Funeral Service was held at Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church. I got there a little early, read and cleaned up some problems with my grammar. Melissa was extraordinary; she spoke about her relation with her mother and about the reality of being perfectly imperfect in Christ. She recited verse after verse speaking of God’s goodness. My family didn’t know any of the songs, except for Just as I am, without one Plea. I think it was one of Mary’s favorite hymns on justification. So it should be with us. Rev. Dr. Yip gave a fitting homily. There was a lot of family and friends present and the long line of car driving to Mount Auburn Cemetery in Berwyn.  That must of cause some traffic delay. Everyone went from there to a restaurant in Chinatown. The good food and conversation truly made the occasion a celebration of Life. There wasn’t much time, but we made it the Divine Service to hear His word and receive his gifts.

December 11, 2009
I went to visit Tim H in Hanover Park this morning. Tim makes a really good cup of coffee. We sat and talked about his mother and my sister’s passing. Later we went out and ate lunch at the Indian House Restaurant. In the evening we went to Mary’s wake. I saw many old pictures and heard family, friends, colleagues, and students shared their stories and fond memories. The Lord is good. I just finished another re-write of the eulogy.  I removed much that was already said today. It’s late and I’ll need a few hours of sleep.

December 10, 2009
Brrr, it cold. 4°F with a wind chill of 19 below.  The day went by fast doing errands and shopping. I can’t believe Fawn and I braved the cold weather. There was so much to do; we only had time to split a beef sandwich at Portello’s for lunch. I was so hungry when we got home. Andrea loves pasta and wanted me to make mostaccioli lisci with cheese for dinner. We did a dinner and a movie which was supposed to be a fun evening, but I fell asleep once my large bowel of pasta was gone. Unbelievable, I woke up… I’m writing this journal entry 3 am. I miss my sister Mary, but it hard to remain in the dumps knowing where she is and all the blessing which are endless --- salvation, hope, joy grace, mercy... Guess I can finalize the eulogy in calm and peace.

December 9, 2009
Alright already, enough of this white stuff. I woke up and finish the eulogy and I met with Al and Rev. Dr. Yip at Sweet Tomatoes in Downers Grove for lunch to go over the Eulogy and Homily. Love the huge salad bar and what not. Mary’s passing was beautiful, but I fear it may have tweaked Satan. A Christian funeral may not sit well with pagans. Fawn, Andrea, and I went to the Advent Prayers. The roads were nasty. I wish the whole family could be there. Adoramus Te Domine, we adore you, lord.

December 8, 2009
OK, it is winter like. Two days in a row, I had to shovel light fluffy snow. Al Gore can shut up for a few months. I spent several hours writing a draft eulogy for my sister. It is clear how to say things from my heart that would be understandable to Evangelical Protestants.  I’m meeting with Al and the Reverend that will be giving the Homily tomorrow for lunch and go over who will say what. Andrea said my original drafts were way over their head and will be meaningless and would mostly clash with the homily. Jennifer's test results were hopeful. The MRI reveals there is a subacute tear of the anterior cruciate ligament, which is ill-defined. She will undergo 4 weeks of therapy. We are hopeful only therapy will be required and that no surgery will be required for full recovery. Prayers are for Jennifer and for my sister's family.

December 6-7, 2009
Where O, where do I begin. The morning began just like any given Sunday begins with Worship at Saint John, where we hear Jesus’ gospel of repentance and receive His gifts. This Sunday Bible study was a field trip to the North Campus. I can only begin to touch the tip of all of the blessings soon to be bestowed upon our community and to all who are elected to proudly bear His name. On the way home I turned on my cell phone and immediately received a call from my brother Bill that our sister Mary was dying. We went directly to the hospital and there were about 30 people, mostly family. I call Pastor Bruzek and told him of Mary’s condition and asked if he would come. He showed up about 30 minutes later along with Pr Nelson and Pr Genig as well as Vicar Wietfeldt. The last rights strengthen and gave her peace. She wrote on a paper pad, Hello Sad and drew a picture of a smiley face.  Everyone there saw and heard by grace was blessed with the courage to endure death and the struggles associated with death in a Christian manner. My friend and most learned brother in Christ, Dave Wohlrab, put it best, “What a beautiful image to see, hear, smell, and feel His physical touch as Christ prepares you and welcomes you back to Eden.” Precious is the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. So it shall be with us also. Mary was peacefully called to eternal rest with the Lord Sunday just before midnight with her husband Al  and four children Melissa, Andy, Allen and Aaron at her side.

December 5, 2009
First thing early in the morning, Alex and I went to drop off the Escape at the dealer for service, it needed new rotors. With four cars, it seems like I’m at the Ford dealer all the time. The service guys know me by name.  The Shui Mai went quickly at breakfast. We kept eye balling the ribs, so we had them for lunch. They were good and flavorful and enjoyed, but I was hoping for exceptional. I’m afraid there is no substitute for baby back ribs bathed in smoke. Mary is at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. My fervent prayers continue and are in the hands of our Lord Christ Jesus.

December 4, 2009
What a busy day running around.  It started out by dropping off Jennifer at school. Then I dashed directly over to go with Bill to Chicago. Then I rushed back home to get Fawn come with and pick Jennifer back up to get a MRI. Then we went to the tennis club to talk with billing. Then we went to Sam Club and then finally back home by 4 pm. Alex was home, so I had to start cooking dinner right away. Whew, I would of screamed mercy, if I had to help do the dishes too. Tim H called; we are planning to do lunch hopefully sometime next week. Both of us have been out of work since the summer. Prayerfully the New Year will bring in employment opportunities. No game night today, the family sat around and watch Comedy Central; Gabriel Iglesias: I’m Not Fat… I’m Fluffy. He is one funny man.  Afterwards, I marinated 3 lovely slabs of pork baby back ribs, shamelessly with something daringly new. I mixed a 40 oz bottle of Baby Ray’s Barbeque Sauce, 5 oz of Hoisin Sauce, garlic powder, and red wine vinegar. I can’t wait to slow cook the ribs in the oven tomorrow for dinner.  I’m thinking 250 °F 45 minutes each side, and then crank it up to 350 °F for about 20-30 minutes. I betting the ribs will turn out exceptionally well. It’s really late and planning Chinese steamed pork dumpling (shui mai) tomorrow morning. May we stop saying “I” and practice humility anonymously as “lowly servants”, while waiting in joyful hope.

December 3, 2009
I got a chance to listen the bible study on-line. Pr B truly shares with us the wisdom from above. I’m spending more and more time with Mary. She is requiring more assistance. I continue to fervently pray for her comfort and health. Alright, Andrea got a call to substitute teach at Naperville North High School tomorrow.

December 2, 2009
Comcast, what a bite. One the signal adapter unit went bad, so I had to make a trip to get a replacement unit. After initializing the unit it cause the digital box to require initialization. What a pain. I was happy to find and add a link on my navigation pane a music video to one on my favorite hymn, A Mighty Fortress is Our God. I stopped going to midweek Advent services years ago. I’m afraid it didn’t seem like worship, but a performance, entertainment, and a sing along. However, the best part of the day came in the evening, Fawn and went to the mid week Advent Service, it was beautiful. What a difference a parish makes. All 3 of our pastors and the vicar lead the worship prayers and readings. Worship was deeply enriched by the Winds and Strings and Chamber Choir. I became aware of the blessings of choral music when I attended the Good Shepherd Institute and have been listening to it most days since. I love the Sacred Music of the Church. I’m so blessed to have worshiped the Lord today and should have known better, that there’s nothing shabby about how Saint John does Worship. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Be near to all who call upon you and worship you in truth and spirit.

December 1, 2009
A new month, how fast the time goes by. Fawn and I took Jennifer to the orthpeadic surgeon office. There was some improvement for the exercises, but he ordered an MRI for this Friday. He thinks she may only need to go in for therapy. I pray this is the case. Andrea and Rob set up the Christmas decorations, it looks nice. I pick up boxes of clothe and various items from Mary for Christmas Sharing. It is unbelievable how increasingly important this has become to people especially in this less than prosperous economy.  I had any interesting conversation with Melissa about the purity of the Gospel. Often people inside and out side of Christendom are put off by the on going bickering over doctrine and how harmful it is. I believe in the doctrine of plenary verbal inerrancy of Scripture. A Lutherans can not indolently standby and allow impurity but to offer, not in dogmatic spirit, but with the kind hope the clear doctrine will prove beneficial in strengthening faith. I didn’t go to any of the Wednesday Advent Services last year. I’m not thrilled about Taize.  Fawn want to go this year and Pr Nelson encourages us to go, so I’ll be looking forward to giving it a go tomorrow.

November 30, 2009
Good news, Andrea will be taking bus driver training tomorrow in prep for her spring coaching job at Waubonsie Valley High School. She’s now also signed up as a substitute teacher in Naperville 203. It will be closer than Plainfield 202. Between the 2 districts she should be able to work pretty steady. Rob got and interview out in Rockford for a teaching job until the end of the current school year. Prayers he does well and secure the opportunity.  I heard from Dave there was a bible study Sunday. I can’t believe we left thinking there wasn't one. I’m glad they are available on-demand via the internet. I just read in awe, What the Use of Praising God? by John W Kleinig. What a nice way to end the day.

November 29, 2009
Our good weather streak broke, it was a cold and rainy day. However, it didn’t dampen the first Sunday of Advent. I look forward to the Liturgy of the coming of the flesh, glory, and grace found in Christ Jesus. In his sermon, Pr B painted the whirlwind picture of Christian eschatology. I can listen to this most learned teacher of Christ until the day of Jesus. I briefly watch History Channel on the Beatles. I’ll date myself by remembering seeing the movie A Hard Days Night in South Bend Indiana. I liked the Beatles back then, but now see clearly their unholy legacy. Al asked about my conversion last Thursday. Again I emphasize it was passive and there was nothing of my own doing. Jesus always does the "verb". My faith came about from hearing the Word. Romans 10. Thanks be to God for his patience and for the death of my unholy past.

November 28, 2009
Another beautiful day in the mid 50’s. Fawn and I went to Mary’s house and spent most of the day there. Fawn and the ladies spent several hours in what is called a Tupperware party.  I’m not sure what it is all entails, but they made a lot of noise and laughter. I hid in my nephew Alan’s and watched him play video football on some game box. The graphics were amazing. I’m so glad we got to talk and bond. I think this was the most we ever talked. Alan cooked a nice spaghetti and meatballs dinner. We ate and participated in joyful conversation. We even talked a little about the Eucharist. Funny how the mind works on a fine dinner setting with people you love. Luke 24 comes to mind in the breaking of bread. I’m grateful and thank the Lord for this day. I'm looking forward to partake in the Eucharist tomorrow. I just realized Advent started at sundown!

November 27, 2009
I give up on the unpredictable weather. I’m snow blower ready for the winter and the mower put away, yet I spent the morning raking up the last of leaves and trim back the hedges again. I went through some old papers dealing with AofR and information meetings. The Exodus people were irrational with there counterfeit god, the golden calf idol. Yet God’s people today irrationally cling to idols and are not only willing to abandon but willing to destroy the community. It is best not to reflect on past evil, so I threw the papers away.

November 26, 2009
The morning started and ended in good cheer. Dave petitioned for, our ever gracious Lord that brought us His peace and comfort, to be with us as we give thanks back this day. It seems like every year this holiday is clouded because of the broken relationship that separates pagans from reconciliation. Sadly, it spills over into the life of my family this time of year. I am to be blamed because I failed to be Christ-like toward deliberate transgressions against me. I fear not only my behavior was anything but an an example that would lead one to Christ but perhaps it may also prove to be a stumbling block. I can't believe I have allowed the evil doer to occupy so much of my soul. Much of the day was spent watching TV and some reading. The best part of the day was at Nancy’s house. Mary’s family and Bill were there too.  Ken’s turkey, barbecue ribs, and trimmings was awesome, he’s a profession chef. I never saw so many fresh baked home-made pies. The parents sat together enjoying the meal and each other, while the cousins sat at another table where there seemed to be a lot of stories. Indeed, conversation and laughter was plentiful. The kids were having a blast doing ROCK BAND. The adults talked about theology and church life. I rejoice that we are being preached Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. It was reassuring to know we all have taken the first step in faith, by realizing that we can do nothing to save ourselves; but by the grace of God has done everything for us in Christ Jesus. Melissa is doing a great job starting up Mary’s google site. I’m impressed with her writing, but then again, she is a scholarly journalist. Anyway, it is getting late … “But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Corinthians 15:57

November 25, 2009
Dr. Payne took several x-rays and examined Jennifer. The initial prognosis is that the injuries to her knee ligaments may only need therapy. She needs to do specific exercises for a week before her next visit. I visited Mary and spent a little time helping Melissa set up a google site. We all went to the Thanksgiving Eve Service. Vicar Wietfeldt preached the sermon like a season teacher of Christ. Pr N and Pr B brought Christ to Jennifer, because of her crutches.  It was nice afterward to get my needed back rub from Pr B. Everyone was of good cheer and slow to getting out, shaking hands and having friendly conversations. My day ends with Prayers for Mary, Jennifer and Joyce Lohrentz for comfort, health, and healing; for our pastors; and of thanksgiving for the blessings and graces our Lord provides us.

November 24, 2009
Funny how the mind works. As I ponder thanksgiving, I began to wonder what makes God happy. Precariously, 1 Thessalonians 4, A Life Pleasing to God, comes to mind. There wasn’t much going on today so I send emails with thanksgiving well wishes to old friends that I haven't see for a while like Marty, Jim, and Nick. I called Tim in hopes of offering blessings and comfort. It was a very good conversation with a very good friend. Alex is back home just in time for dinner; no leftovers. I got caught up in reading Weedon's blog and it is now very late so ...

November 23, 2009
The doctor said Jennifer has ligament injuries to the knee. She will be seeing an orthopaedic surgeon to evaluate the extent on the injury.  My prayers are for comfort and good test results.

November 22, 2009
What a fitting Lutheran Mass and bible study presided by Pr. Bruzek for the last day of the church year. As Thanksgiving approaches, I begin to think more and more about the things I am thankful for. Of course I’m thankful like most people are for family and friends, but I have been at Saint John for just over a year and I am also grateful for how we see ourselves as His choosing us brings us salvation and just as importantly how see our neighbor under Him crucified. I have to hand it to Satan; he was able to momentarily burst my bubble a few weeks back; but lo and behold my faith is now stronger than ever. I've learned despite us earthly lot's shortcomings that yearns for a theologia gloriae instead of the theologia crucis; God still comes to us in Grace. The Greek word Koinonia now comes to mind, where Jesus clearly binds us in the Eucharist and in the task of building each other up.  I’m starting to enjoy Sunday football, I can fall asleep and nap before the end of the first quarter despite all the excitement everyone else seem to display during the game. Rob got the snow blower out and fixed the pull cord and replaced the spark plug and got it started, I’m a pretty good supervisor, we got it done in no time. Jennifer injured her knee during training; I hope it is not serious. My prayers are for Jennifer and Mary for comfort, health and recovery.

November 21, 2009
What is going on? What a beautiful day the Lord has made. So it begins with some yard work I didn’t think I was going to do again until the spring. Unbelievable, can you believe it, Alex and Jennifer when to play tennis outdoors? Alex took Jennifer to the USTA tournament. She came back smiling, doing well. Fawn and Andrea went to the movies to see New Moon while Rob and I watched The Devil’s Advocate on DVD. All in all, even though everyone paired up separately, we all had a great time.

November 20, 2009
It was a good day, it always is when Alex comes home from school. Although I love all my children, there is always something special about the relationship with a father and his son. The weather was mild and sunny, so I raked and bagged the remainder to the last stubborn leaves for the season. Guess it is best to take out the snow blower this weekend and prep it for what is to surely come. Fawn asked what I pray for when I pray for St. John. Today, I pray that our faithful pastors, “…always lead us in triumphal procession, and through us spread the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.”  2 Corinthians 2:14 She then asked if I was praying for the school. I should be doing as our pastors ask, to especially pray for the school, but it is impossible for me to pray an interceding prayer for something so perplexing, sincerely. So may His will be done on that matter.

November 19, 2009
It was a good day for me. I got to see and talk with all my siblings and my nephew Andy. Thanks be to God; Nancy’s finger seems to be healing well and Mary is loved. I spend time listening to Pr. G bible study on-line again and reflected on it. Some people have made day schools an idol and best that they repent of it.  May the seeds of strife and chaos be replaced with seeds of mercy and concord in our community. Andrea cooked a fine dinner. I’ll have to keep this short, everyone went to bed already, guess that means I’m suppose to do the dishes.

November 18, 2009
We went to see Mark about a legal matter. He is a friend we haven’t seen since Carl’s wedding last year. We got around to talking about his mother, who is Fawn’s godmother. We didn’t realize is now in a nursing home in Wisconsin. Her memory isn’t very good and require around the clock care. I’m saddened to hear this. Last year she seems to be the same charming Christian lady I always known her to be. My prayers are for her and her family. Oh shoot, I forgot its Wednesday, I missed the men’s bible study.

November 17, 2009
ComCast was a bite in the butt again. We had call to reinitialize the digital box again. I’m thinking there box can’t be on a surge protector, which is fine with me since it’s not my equipment anyway. We have been watching the food channel at Mary’s house lately. So Fawn seems to be cooking more, especially Italian, she cooked a delicious Cheese Tortellini dish. I foolishly ate until I was stuffed and could hardly move. What are the odds of seeing themselves on you tube. Rob ran a marathon in Michigan back in early August and someone posted a 2 minute clip and he was in it. Prayers are for Saint John.

November 16, 2009
Brrr, it was a rather cool day for a walk, but we’ll starting to move, shaving the time down to 30 minutes. We got around to switching the screen with glass on the storm door.  There was nothing special about the day. I thank the Lord for mercies sure and sweet.

November 15, 2009
What a difference a day makes. It was rather cool and scattered showers. Fawn and I made to the Bible study on Mark 4:1-20. Pr G was spot on with Justice and Mercy and how Jesus engages the world and us. I’ll definitely have to forward this to family and friends when it up on St. John website. I find it amazing that people are introducing themselves to me and are thanking me of saying what I did and are amazed at the courage to stand up and say it. But then again I did a get a glare for someone and nodded that yes I see you. It is clear that there is still much healing needed. While I was talking to people Fawn went overa talked with Del and Kate. The kids like to watch football and took over the television. I’m not much for professional sports, so I pretty much faded in and out most of the afternoon. I cooked spinach and sausage with spaghetti noodles. Good stuff and always a winner. Tennis was interesting. Alex didn’t want to talk about how he did against Iowa.  Jennifer got hit in the head by a tennis ball at training. The boys in the USTA are hard hitting. Only 3 girls that are toughing it out with them. The tennis drills and situation implementation are pretty intense. Alex wanted to go to Oak Brook for USTA training, I wish I would have listerned to him. I feel bad about it now. We stopped by the Chinese grocery store in Wesmont and brought bitter melon, Mary likes it and so do I. I heard Melissa will be in town for Thanksgiving, it will be nice to see her then.

November 14, 2009
I could hardly believe it. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the mid 60s. The bible study this morning was awesome. Pr B presented the 10 commandments in contexts as the 10 words Christ would have. It was nice seeing Dave and Carol. Carol gave me some reading material that will be fun. It was so perfect coming home to a nice spaghetti and meatball meal with bruschetta. God is good. Fawn is a really good cook. I started to talk about all the wonderful dishes she use to make, all she said was that's nice. It was such a beautiful day, we had to go out. So we went downtown and got Jennifer a jacket to put her varsity letter on. We thought that would make her day, but the best was yet to come. We went to worship with Mary and Al and Jennifer’s friend. Dee Dee is a very nice young lady. All of us liked her very much. Pr G gave Mary a blessing and said that the will anoint her with oil next time. We had had a good time at Fabulous Noodles, good food and good conversation. Prayer are for Dee Dee and Mary.

November 13, 2009
It was a very good day. It started out with His presence found the Eucharist. There was also comfort and joy in His people and faithful pastors. I was so happy to share this with Mary today. I think her son Alan has grown up to be quite a nice young man, very mindful of his parents. It saddens me that I was not much of an uncle when I was younger. But that was a different life and a different world. This evening was a blessing for Fawn and I as the time was in “whatever” conversation with our sponsors and Pastor Nelson and his family. It is amazing that Faye and I went to the same high school in Chicago. It is late and I have yet to begin my evening prayers.

November 12, 2009
There was frost on my car this morning again. It was just like yesterday; we bundled up and went for a walk. I have come back to my senses and am thinking clearly again. I hope we never have to go though that again, but I am fearful of things to come. Our family have seen these things before. Prayers are for the Howard family. Tim's mother asleep in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection.

November 11, 2009
I’m guessing drop dead gorgeous are to be set aside. There was frost on my cars this morning that require a winter like effort to remove. The sun did bring enough warmth for Fawn and I willing bundle up and go for a walk. I actually suggested mall walking, but Fawn said it just wasn’t the same.  I cooked a dish that was to be Chinese Chop Suey; the best I can say was it was edible, everyone else was understandably less kind in word.  Young people are just amazing; I’m thinking a level of gloom and doom when Jennifer asks if I would drive her to worship and an unchurched pagan friend of hers to visit the Divine Service Saturday evening. How can I say no to joy? Oh my, Nancy accidentally cut her finger it required 6 stitches. My prayers are comfort and healing.

November 10, 2009
Fawn and I, well actually Fawn decide we are going to start walking again. I thought it was ambiguous big we paced the neighborhood for 40 minutes. I’m glad we premeditated to move the day’s conversion from what has burdensome.

November 9, 2009
I morning began with reflections. God’s love was conveyed in kind and encouraging words from His people.  I thank God for the Wohlrab, Lovitsch, Hoffman, Brown, Heidorn, and Scheel families for reaching out to us and expressing what our family mean to the community. Pr B express his love for my family and encouraged to try to come this week to the Eucharist where I can find Christ and comfort. Fawn and Andrea are wise and told me I should not allow the misguided few to steal the joy. Stop wondering if you commune; your pastor gives you an alter call. Would you turn the invitation to invitation? Andrea, Rob, Jennifer went out for a snack at McDonalds. I love how all my kids love each other so much. Life just get better and better as be move away from the world and walk back toward Eden. I can't wait to see Mary tomorrow and dwell on "whatever".

November 8, 2009
I really don’t know where to begin, so I start without any reflecting. The day started out like any given Sunday with worship and Bible study. Then the day deteriorated; my family sat in a field that seemingly had as much tare as wheat. I realize it wasn’t representative of the mysteries of the kingdom but after sitting 5 hours in something that divided and hateful cause distress. It was the first time in my life I wasn’t allowed to speak about Christ and talk among Christians. I thank God there were wise men and women able to address the assembly with reason. The Sword was meaningless to the adversaries . I am confused what that means in the context of a congregation; I hope that they do carry the spirit and that the spirit is a misguided one and can be brought back into the light.

November 7, 2009
Once again another drop dead gorgeous fall day, it could be our Indian summer. I went to the new member class and Pr Genig continues the Baptism. Since I was there, I stayed for the last informational meeting for the voter’s meeting to be held tomorrow. I spent a good part of the afternoon reflecting on our parish. My prayer are Saint John, her pastors and for repentance. All the girls were out so Rob and I got to go spend a little together. Alex it made it home just after we got back. I was surprise he made it back today. I was expecting him back tomorrow morning because he was a tennis tournament at Rockford. He did good 2-0. Oh, Jennifer had a good varsity season, 8-3.

November 6, 2009
Another drop dead gorgeous fall day. Fawn and I went downtown Naperville for lunch at the Front Street Cantina. Our initial plan was to go there for a nice lunch and a nice brisk walk to follow. The nice lunch part worked out as planned, but the brisk walk part that was to follow was anything but that. The Slowskys could of passed us up. It wasn’t Fawn’s fault. She had to shake her head and wait for me every block, but I still enjoyed the day.

November 5, 2009
Today was a magnificent day. I got a call this morning from a contracting firm. They are throwing my name in a hat for a two year contract opportunity. I imagine it is a pretty big hat but at least it is in there. I cooked steamed tilapia for us today. It was pretty good, normally I blacken it.  We took Jennifer to tennis team award night and we all had a great time.  Mary, I know you read this from time to time,  I love you and are in my daily prayers and trust in the goodness of God.

November 4, 2009
Today was a day strange day. It started by dropping Jennifer off a school. I then drove Fawn to the Salon to get her hair done and what not that ladies do in there for an hour. I forget to bring along a book to read, so I paced up and down the strip mall 265 steps down the walkway and then 265 steps back for the entire time. The time actually went by quickly and I got much needed exercise. Fawn I made it the informational meeting. The presentation and the objectives of the meeting were clear, albeit not what many didn’t want to hear. It reminded Fawn and me about the Exodus people and their grumbling. It's late and all I want to do is close my eyes. It is best just to say my evening prayers and go to bed.

November 3, 2009
There was frost in the morning, but it turned out to be another beautiful autumn day. Not much was going on. I loved the Walmart out in Plainfield. It was huge. It was strange to buy groceries from there. We stopped by Little Caesars. The pizzas were good. See what happens when you only eat frozen pizzas for a while. Fawn and I are not thrilled to but feel a need to go to an important parish informational voters meeting tomorrow. We pray that the Holy Spirit will help guide us. I can believe how much time was spent cleaning up old email, but it done. Mary’s test result was stable. Thanks be to God.

November 2, 2009
It was beautiful autumn day. I had a phone interview today but the opportunity was a mismatch. I got a nice email from Sean. I’m blessed, he is mindful of me and keeping my family in his prayers. I was so happy to learn how much he has grown in faith. Fawn and I got in the car and drove to around in the Plainfield area and shop then picked up Andrea. She will be subbing at the Central HS until Wednesday so she rides with Rob in the morning. Dave lit up the day with a youtube link to a virtual pipe organ rendition to God of Grace. He is so kind and thoughtful, his entire family is truly a blessing to all who know them. I was happy to see a Christ like end to a blog tread that went wrong. Satan is very active in polluting the mind. It took a tangent that was a cognitive distortion of fellow saints. I cooked a bitter melon dish today. I liked it, beit not as good a how it made at Fabulous Noodle. I just found out it lower blood sugar. My prayers are for Mary for good test results, for St John and her shepherds.

November 1, 2009
It was an extraordinary Sunday.  By far the best All Saint’s Day festival ever for the Lees. I think particular festival summarizes all the other church festivals. Think about it, we glorified God not just for the faithfulness of all the saints, but also honor His faithfulness to the saints. This great festival reminds us that it was Christ’s perfect life and death that we are made saints in the sight of God. Imagine that, we died into Christ in our baptism; live that baptismal life, then reign in eternal glory. We honored the saints who are now in fullness and perfection, especially those in our parish whose faith inspires us and gave us joy. The music was exceptional. I’m glad Dave fit right in. Too bad the parish ended the departure the way they did. Despite the our shortcomings as individuals and collectively as a community, we still have the Eucharist.  The Lord is near and all is good. I can’t help but to reflect on past idolatrous rites that glorified people in the Lutheran Mass. Silly me, it wasn't a Divine Service , was it? Got to let somehow go. We signed Jennifer up for USTA Tennis Training at the Oakbrook Racket and Tennis Club. It is a little far, but worth the trip. NTC is nearby but has its limitations.

October 31, 2009
Pr. B led the morning Bible study.  He talked about death and resurrection, baptism and the design of the baptismal font. It was very encouraging as Pr. B talked about our near future move to the north campus. Fawn Andrea, Rob and I went to visit my niece Janet. 4 month old Marcus is so big and adorable. Jennifer went a hanging with her friend as a burrito. What a character. Straight A’s so I can’t complain. I’m glad there was only a few trick or treaters and it was over by 6pm. They were all small kids with parents. Oddly, there were a few with gory type costumes. One has to wonder why a parent would dress their child like that. Alex made it home just in time for a delicious spaghetti dinner Fawn and Andrea made. Although we were a happy to see him, we razed him for not coming home sooner to share in the blessing of the day with us. OK, so he grown and has friends. It was tough dragging Jennifer from her friends,  but it was alread 9 o'clock and we need to get up early on Sunday morning.  After visiting Weedon's blog for several day, I just had to visit Cyberbretheran (Rev McCain's blog). I like what I see sofar. Actually, I'm not much of a blogger.

October 30, 2009
Wow, I can’t believe how late it is, I lost tract of the time with some interesting reading. I’ll have to make this and evening prayers quick; Bible study tomorrow morning. Jennifer was well enough to return back to school. What a day it was for her with a school lock down. Thanks be to God, the day was filled with good news. Mary is doing very well. Got a call from Dave, his test results were very good and Carol was not affected by her company layoff. My sister Nancy passed her exam with flying colors and good to go for another two years.

October 29, 2009
Poor baby, Jennifer is still sick, but doing much better now and Fawn and I took her the doctor’s office. They think she has strep throat. A few hours after taking her prescribe medicine; she was leaps and bounds better and ready to take on the world.  Thanks be to God, Dave got back good test and his watchful care over Mary. I read a brief blog thread about a CD, The Concordia Organist, I think it could this could be an incredible resource. Sadly, some of the disagreeing comments were expounded upon in a very unchristlike matter. I was not surprised given …. Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the doors of my lips! My prayers are for the church workers of the Lords vineyard and for rising up musicians Seem like He just done that before I even asked. I hope Dave’s first rehearsal tonight at St John to be a joy.

October 28, 2009
Grumble, grumble, grumble, the Comcast digital box went kaput. I only got installed it recently. I didn’t want to wait so I took the unit to the local office for a swap out. Good thing I still remembered the procedure to install and activate the digital box. Got to work and I’m a happy camper again. I have been attending the Exodus Bible study; the constant grumbling of the Israelites is so profound and noticeable, it forces the reader to say, can’t you see the merciful love God is showering you with. You have to laugh then sadly begin to realize the same foolish lack of trust in the Lord we have. Often we are just as blind to same grace and mercy, yesterday, today, forever. Today’s Men Bible stud y was led by the Vicar. He was awesome. My sinful nature wants to compare him to other teachers, but let’s not go there.  Life is good. It has been a while since cooked ham today for dinner, there not much to it. Andrea got me and asked me if it was her ham. I’ve been teasing her for some time about a carved ham I brought on sale in the freeze for a do-it-yourself wedding reception. Jennifer was home sick with a soar throat and a slight fever. My prayers are for her and Mary.

October 27, 2009
It was a busy day out the door early doing errands with Fawn. I can’t believe we went to so many places; the library, post office, 2 different Meiers, and Sam’s Club. It’s hard to believe it was the first time I saw my sister Nancy working at the Sam’s Club. I most go to Costco instead. She asked for and has my prayers as she prepares for the pharmacy technicians recertification exam this Thursday. Mary mentions that Melissa is considering creating a google site. I think that is just wonderful because she is so creative. I’ve read several of her newspaper articles and a proud to be called her uncle. She is a gifted writer and journalist. I called Dave about how his father was doing. He is recovering well from a stent procedure and is doing fine. Thanks be to God. Dave is up for medical testing this week. My prayers are for comfort and good test results and for continuing employment for Carol. I dwelled and reflected on the dangers of compliancy for the last few years. Our loving pastors for the past month or so have been preaching Godly sermons that are hard on the ears. This is in contrast to false shepherds that are fearful of making people uncomfortable, lose popularity, tithes, or they are just plain sloth. To put things in the best possible construction, they may not know that they have a hand in causing the laziness and complacency of their congregation as the people degenerate. One thing I know for sure, it can lead to the loss of eternal lives. I think idolatry is the heart of the issue. It runs rampant in the Lord’s house and is seen only by a few. The centurions sound the alarm to the deaf ears of the idolatrous elders, “these men have taken their idols into their hearts, and set the stumbling block of their iniquity before their face”. Blinded by theirs sin, they can’t even see that the stumbling block is any dogma that justifies an idol. They present the glorification of man in the Lutheran Mass as a blessing to the life of a congregation, but it is a perversion of the blessing that God intends as means of Grace: Word and Sacraments for his church. May these harsh words cried out in love, from the mountain top, be heeded.

October 26, 2009
I spent the morning somewhat energized and hopeful. I applied to quite a few job opportunities found on a job search engine I never tried before. What a joyous day of reflection. I keep busting out in joy being at Saint John. This past year has been awesome; worship is a means of receiving grace. There definitely has been a very noticeable paradigm shift, if you will for me. The best way I can explain it is we are living the life Christ Jesus died to give me. From Mark 10, Bartimaeus repents then sees. For the first time I seeing God’s grace and love in everything I do. What a blessing it is to be able to gather not just weekly but can you believe it, almost any given day around. I started to say something, but… Father forgive me. All Saints Day is next week. This brings to mind, the pastor addressing God saying, “With angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify Your glorious name.” Imagine that, heaven and earth joined together.

October 25, 2009
All agreed Pr. N gave a great and astonishing sermon delivery from Mark 10. Pastor G led a great Bible study. What a nice climb to the top of the hill for His Word and Sacraments. The Reformation celebration and conversation joyfully carried for a good part of the day. As Jesus fervently pray, that we be one church catholic.

October 24, 2009
Made it to the morning bible study. It is so amazing to always be able to learn something new regardless of the topic. I was a blessing to see the hungry catechumens. Got good new from Heather that she found work. Alex was just getting home as I was leaving to go worship with Mary and Al. Anyway got to go God vs. Satan is just starting on the History Channel. This should be interesting.

October 23, 2009
It is funny how we ask sometimes ask rhetorical questions. Fawn said let’s go to the grocery store, and I said for what. LOL. There was no game night, the kid were pretty tire and run down. We watched the premier of tv show White Collar. I liked it. I can’t wait until tomorrow morning bible class for new members. It is led by Pr B and G.

October 22, 2009
The conversation continues about living the baptismal life. Mane Nobiscum Domine as my prayers are for all to remain faithful, especial people I know and love dearly.  It is heart wrenching to see family members faith wane or openly rebel against. Pastor B mentioned about us tweaking the devil for sometime and devil is tweaking us back. I’ve noticed lately that the evil one is working hard to stop us from proclaiming forgiveness and bringing forth Christ Crucified.I'm thinking about eventually getting rid of the drumline page. It is getting old real quick.

October 21, 2009
Wow, the sun was shinning and in the low 70’s. Got out and about town doing the errands and what not. The men’s bible study was a review with an emphasis on our baptism and living our baptism. When I got home I looked in the LBS at the baptism rite and then looked up WELS and noticed the “Flood Prayer”!

October 20, 2009
It is so refreshing to have the spiritual support of three of the most humble and learned teachers of Christ. They have never failed to reply to all of my emails Christ like, beit guidance, agreement, correction or offering an alternative way of viewing the wisdom from above. It beats the frustration of sending email to the abyss. I don’t know why I seem to always refer to the past. It is my own sinful nature. Surely it is not Satan, because at the end of the day Christ wins.

October 19, 2009
Thanks be to God; the Lord watched over me and sent His Holy angels to be with me, so that the evil foe would not have any power over me. I had a very restful night.  Today was a picture perfect autumn day. Many Christian would often say, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”, on a day like this. But what is the day the Psalmist and we rejoice and glad in? I learned from a rabbi, to always look at the few verses before and after; that’s where the conversation begins; Christ Jesus is that cornerstone. Let us rejoice and be glad each day, for is a gift from God, blessed with the blood of the lamb. Jennifer is blessed with so many friends; so much we had to add a text messaging plan to her cell phone to save money. She thinks it because we love her; that too. There was a minor bout about what to watch; Monday Night Football or Dancing with the Stars; I will not say who sided with whom nor will I name the victorious. Actually, there were things said thing done today as in others that are best left unsaid. It is best not to intentionally cause harm and to put the best construction on things. My prayers are for faith to live in the promise of Holy Baptism; for Carol, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Wohlrab; for faithful pastors and receptive hearts and mind.

October 18, 2009
This morning Andrea woke up ill with a slight fever. Rob stayed behind to watch over her.  She is much better now. I learned some interesting facts about how Luther was able to chase the devil away from Pr. B, LOL. And got my much needed back rub. Pr G recommends the reading of Psalms 121. St. John is the hill the Lord had made for us and we find Him in His Word and Sacraments. We stopped at Noodle Company for a quick lunch. I had a delicious bowl of Curry Thai Soup. Hurray, the bright thing in the sky finally shineth and warmed things up enough for me to rake the leaves. It was a blessing that Rob made the time to help out and cut the grass. He has been really busy with his lesson plans and job. My prayers are for St. John and her pastors, my sister Mary, and Carol.

October 17, 2009
Rob was telling me about his friend Vic who was on the Chicago Bears Drumline. I never knew there was such a thing. So naturally I did a googled it and was fascinated by this form of music and decided to add this to my things of interest. Guessing I like the ancient sound of banging drums.  I started to go to Worship but it was getting late and felt it best just to go to the AofR event.  The oral presentation part of event was better than I expected.

October 16, 2009
Fawn and I went to my Mary’s house for lunch.  Melissa is back home for a few days. Nancy and Bill were there also. I was good talking to all my siblings. We miss our older brother Dan who triumphantly past away a few years ago. Our sister-in-law Peggy is so thoughtful. She cooked Mary and I a wonderful lunch on Tuesday.  It is so nice of her; she really has a busy schedule.  Yet she is still able to make the time.  It is a example I hope to learn for. My prayer is for the Holy Spirit to teach her not to fight thee.  I often reflect on “While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the word…”  It does get better than that.  I asked Rob it he enjoyed the night of the fire, meat and beer. He was honest and said, “No, but I really enjoyed the ride back in the car and the conversation with Mr. Wohlrab” and added how intelligent he was.  I have to agree, he is amongst the most learned men of Christ that I know. My point is, it is never about us. Jesus does the “verb”, even in our word, conversation, or reflections. May the Spirit be felt and no harm comes about through any of my entries.

October 15, 2009
It was good and edifying day the Lord has made. I had several email exchanges with Pr. Nelson on the subject of church music and the ancient custom of making a joyful noise unto the Lord. I have a passionate appreciation for music. I use to play the french horn in grade school and high school and well as in several drum and bugle corps. I’m so glad to under the care of so learned teachers of Christ.  I use to have so many unanswered questions about music in the Lord's because of the difficulty communicating with a very talented person that a seemingly takes on a defensive posture and at times seemly a confrontational one. The conversation was never allowed to be about the theology of music. I’m hoping for an Indian Summer soon. The good weather we had all summer had to eventually end I guess.

October 14, 2009
I was extremely bad today; it is tough to be good when there is carry-out from the Patio. The buffalo wings and barbecue baby back ribs are excellent. It was good to get a call and hear from Tim H and Curt. Curt stop by on his way back to Minnesota. The Men’s Bible Study was lead by Pr. Schlecht. He is very knowledgeable and easy to follow. I wonder what happened to Pr. Nelson.

October 13, 2009
I took Jennifer to school this morning. It was so strange not to have at so have all her sports gear. I then stop by the dealer to car maintenance. Norm looked under the weather. My prayers are for his speedy recovery and for my sister Mary. I was reflecting on the Sunday hymn Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer. “Bread of Heaven, Feed me until I want no more;” Seem like it should be, Feed me until I want evermore. And the hymn Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray, “Beneath these forms of bread and wine”, should be, in with and under. Perhaps, I’m reading too much in it.

October 12, 2009
My children are happy, I finally took the initiative to and hook up the adapter units for the cable TV. As expected I was difficult to understand the offshore assistance. I got transferred to someone stateside and within minutes all was well.  I worked very hard to find an employment match with no success. I is so difficult to even find something locally. I resorted to applying for opportunities I feel I didn't meet enough of the qualifications of the position, just to get my name out on company files. It is long short, but you never know.

October 11, 2009
I can hardly believe how cold it was overnight. I have been scraping the frost off the windshield of my car the pass few days. It’s only early October. I guess I’ll have to get everything for winter early this year. It was good sharing the warmth of God’s love at Saint John. Andrea and Alex made a delicious pasta dish for the family dinner. I initially thought we were going to have enough for next day. I guessed wrong.

October 10, 2009
The family braved the cold weather and went to West Aurora High School to cheer on Jennifer in the DVC. We were bundled up in winter clothing as if to watch a football game. It is amazing to begin making hot soup so early in the fall. I’m beginning to think Al Gore, the weather prophet, is pulling our leg. I must have been really tire because I fell asleep mid afternoon and missed most of the day.

October 9, 2009
Jennifer game got canceled. Since we in were in beautiful downtown Naperville, Jennifer wanted some Five Guys comfort food. I thought it was a bit pricey for food that is so-so.  I cooked spinach and sausage. Oddly, I hadn’t done that for some time. I taste soooo good. Had a good email exchange with Dave about our challenging call to live under grace. Dave is so learned and kind. Friday is game night and Fawn rose up to the Stern-Halma ultimate challenge after defeating Rob. But of course I victorious and remain undefeated. I guess I need to stop chirping because that was the end and no longer fun. Andrea and Rob dash to the library to get a movie instead. We watch Flash of Genius. Good movie, guessing I be reminded of the Ford’s poor form every time I turn on my intermittent windshield wiper.

October 8, 2009
It was just another ordinary day. Jennifer was off so most of it spent spoiling hear and chauffeuring her and her friends around. The Lord has blessed us with time and conversation with Jennifer. Life is good for her. She is excelling academically and with sports. She really likes her music classes.  I don’t understand why she is taking on such a heavy load. The tennis DVC is this weekend and the season will be over so she is going to join the Jazz band and play the electric guitar next week.

October 7, 2009
I’m so blessed to be at Saint John. The pastors are so very learned. We are up to the Passover and the morning promises joy and redemption in our Exodus bible study. My prayers are for those who celebrate the yearly Passover may come to truly understand what it was all about. This bible study is giving theological meaning the death of Christ Jesus, law and liturgy. Andrea had a day off. It was nice spending part of the day with her. She really gets along well with her mom and is a fine lady. I got home late and wonder how Jennifer did in tennis. She really loves the sport.

October 6, 2009
I finally got around to trying the audio bible feature on I like the idea of reading scripture then listening to it. This was the first time I tried the dollar McChicken sandwich. It is spicy hot and crispy. I liked it. Most days are typically the same. I wish I could find work, but then again, I enjoy the time I have with Fawn, visiting, and slowing down agrees with me.

October 5, 2009
It was a gorgeous fall day. Mid morning Mary, Bill, Fawn and I went and had free Olympic coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts. We lounge around and had great conversation.  The topic has been Justice and Mercy as we study “Practical Mercy – How Jesus Engages the World and Us”.  So many people miss the point about not everyone is not given this gift of celibacy after divorce as God’s Mercy in Divorce and Remarriage found in Matthew 19.

October 4, 2009
Our parish was under the pastoral care of the liturgy this morning, Dr. Just presided. It is note worthy, that there is really something special about the musical tone of the Eucharistic Prayer and the chanting of the Words of Institution that demands an even more acute attention of the participants as well as of observers. It could just be me, but it seems like everyone took on an extraordinary reverent posture. How can this peace from above not enter the heart thought the Divine Liturgy and allow us to go forth living it? I made a random thought entry on married couples as Icons in the church. The Gospel is the Gospel beit from the East or Rome.

October 3, 2009
I went to the 13th Annual Eli Cheese Cake Festival with my brother Bill. We didn’t stay very long because the weather was quite cool. I think it would have been a lot better if the it was a tad warmer. I glad I got the time to do something with my brother Bill. We use to do a lot of things together. Jennifer’s tennis was called off because of bad weather. Alex made it back so we finally made the steamed the dim sum we brought last week. It went fast.

October 2,  2009
This morning was a little annoying; I got a call from a contracting firm that wanted to toss my name in the hat on a possible opportunity. The problem was the agent didn’t appear to be remotely technical. One has to wonder how in the world this person could be an advocate on your behalf. Fawn and I went to Culver’s for lunch. One can’t miss with the Ruben or Pork Tenderloin sandwich. Chicago not getting the nod for hosting the 2016 Olympics was all over the new. One comment from the street was, “God hates Ugly”, I have no clue what that means. I love Friday nights, it game night. Only one stood up to the challenge. Albeit, a close game by only two moves, I remain the Stern-Halma champion. The opposition is improving quickly. Alex didn’t make it home tonight. I really like it when he comes home. He called and said he’ll be here in the morning.

October 1, 2009
I’ve reside to fact that fall is truly upon up and the days are to be rather cool and damp. One thing led to another on the internet and I ended up on Luther Quest. It has been a while since I been on that site. The discussion board is actually quite good. I read a few devotions by Pr Rolf David Preus. They were edifying. Andrea and Rob just got back from their Spanish class at COD and started a Red Baron 4 cheese pizza in the oven for a late snack. Got to go yummy.

September 30, 2009
Fawn and I had lunch at my sister Mary’s home. We went for a walk afterward s at Mc Cullen Park in Downers Grove. It is beautiful. We went on the 2K walking/jogging trail. The trailed led near a house that boarders the park. I swore there was a black bear. Of course it must have been a very large dog. But I didn’t go close to see. We stopped by the nearby Wal Mart; Is it my imagination or there are no longer greeters. I thought the park would be the highlight of the day, but it was the men’s bible study. Pastor Nelson led the study on the book of Exodus. The class a fast pace yet allows for questions. The intent is for the disciples to read larger chucks of the bible daily. This is a good thing. The class is for 1-1/2 hours and Pastor N is respectful of the start and end time. But he stays afterward for additional questions. I like his informal yet well prepared teaching style. I wish the class was a little longer, because I fear some theology may not be fully brought out to the forefront. But that could be a tangent and the disciple may already be edified. I just find it amazing as well as helpful how the pastors at St. John use Greek and Hebrew key words to bring out the depth and breadth of scripture as they expose.

September 29, 2009
It was a nice brisk fall day. Fawn and a bundled up and went for a walk. Talking about a bundle of joy, Tim O and Maria are now parents. Their adorable daughter’s name is Sophia. I spent a little time reading about contemporary worship. I did this several times in the past. Willow Creek and Harvest are among the largest in the area. It is amazing so many Lutheran congregations are moving toward this and blended services. I think that is one of the main reasons St John is rapidly getting so many new members transferring in is that they desire liturgical worship and it is becoming difficult to find such a parish. I have seen my former parish make itself a higher priority than God. It looked like group therapy for narcissists deceptively being passed off a church. Nothing like a weekly talent how and sing along to boot. I have not been back that for quite a while, my prayers are that things are not what I have perceived them to be.

September 28, 2009
Where did this cold wind come from? The day required a sweatshirt and light jacket. I stayed in this morning to hook up the newly required cable box. The instruction to install the hardware was straight forward, the nightmare set in when it was time to activate the box. It required a toll free call. I’m guessing it went offshore to India. Fawn and I couldn’t understand the lady, she had a strong accent. It got pretty frustrating, so the call got transferred to a male, it was worst and the guy was rude. We could not help it if he had to repeat it so many times and needed to speak slowly. Eventually after about 45 minutes we got the needed signal. Fawn and went out for a bite and visited my sister Mary and brother Bill. Rob said he was glad our families finally met. I wish it was sooner. My heart has grown a little larger to include them.

September 27, 2009
Sunday, need I say more? Word and Sacraments and a bible study to boot. Justice and Mercy wasn’t what I thought it was. Thanks be to God, my understanding of it is no longer worldly. Oddly, we met Rob’s family for the first time this evening. I am grateful Bob and Michelle and their charming daughter Maureen reached out and invited us out to dinner. We went to the Texas Steak House in town. The food was excellent as well as the portions. I am glad they are so nice and down to earth.

September 26, 2009
I got up early this morning and went to Saint John to meet David and Corinne at the 2009 catechumen class. They are a very nice couple. I spent after class time chanting with Dave, Deaconess Dittmer and Heather. It was nice to get to know them better. The highlight of the day was participating in the Divine Service with Mary and Al. Pastor B and N was very caring and the love of Christ was just overflowing. And yes I got my back rub.

25, 2009
I went to Chicago Chinatown today with my sister Mary. I did something totally out of the ordinary. I haven’t been there for years. We bought  dim sum and took it over to my sister Nancy’s home. We all talked about the Life under the cross and at time it feels like a surreal one.

September 24, 2009
What a great morning, Fawn and went for a nice walk. It has been some time since we done that. Hopefully we will do that more often. I went over to my sister Mary’s house for lunch and had a long talk alone. It is truly a blessing to be able to have time to share together.  We haven’t done that in years. I called my friend Tim H. just to say hello.

September 23, 2009
The day started out by driving Jennifer to school. It was a interesting ride. She told me about a friend at school that goes to a electric guitar strumming drum banging church. Surprisingly, her friend seem to be able to carry a conversation that explored the difference between Jennifer’s Lutheran understanding of scripture and liturgical worship and that of her contemporary protestant friend. She told her about her erroneous left behind end time rapture, great final tribulation, millennial version of Revelations and fail to comprehend Jennifer when she said the Revelation of Christ spiraled and was not limited to a single time or a single event and obviously not a chronological table of events. I told her to be nice and that it is a difficult book even for some Lutheran pastors let alone Protestants. She was happy that she has someone to talk doctrinal theology with. There was a group of students gathered out front, I think in prayer. Jennifer said it was an annual protestant public student prayer event called See You at the Pole. I told Jennifer that is a form of unionism.
September 22, 2009
It was pretty much a quiet and lazy day that went by too fast.

September 21, 2009
Wow, what an exciting weekend. It began with fire, meat, beer, fellowship; joy and wedding banquet; Word, water and blood. It made today seem anticlimactic being a rainy day and Monday.  I’m glad we got the grocery shopping done before the down pour. I reflected on what a wonderful life I have which can only flow from the Eucharist. I am a little anxious about the upcoming AofR update on October 17th. I am amazed that the dissenting few can or allowed bring about a discourse.  Anyway to end on a good note,  I made oven baked barbeque ribs, yummy.

20, 2009
The morning was special, it started out with Word, Baptism, blessings and the Eucharist. Only thing missing was a Bible study afterwords. But we did gather to meet persons who have been called by the Holy Spirit to inquire into the Christian faith and life the congregation at Saint John.  Fawn and I got to meet a lot of new people at the reception for catechumens and sponsors.  This may be good for the life of the church. I'm not sure. There is so much our pastors have to offer that disciples can learn from.

September 19, 2009
Today was a celebratory day the Lord has made. Carlina and Michael were brought together in marriage. I am so happy for them. Rightly or wrongly, I did take not attend the protestant wedding ceremony. I have been to several including my own. I could be wrong, but I fail to see the Christological and ecclesiological flow in the marriage theology of Ephesians in the protestant church. Sadly this is  also true in area Lutheran Churches. I also sadly see that only the Word is offered and omission of the Eucharist. My family and I enjoyed the wedding reception. The food of excellent and there was no need of wine from water. There was much talk about the couples love for Christ and their acknowledgment of Christ as the head of the household. That is a good thing.

September 18, 2009
The Lord is good. He provided many blessings this day as with all days. Under the evening sky men from Saint John gather around fire, meat and cold beer. I was surprised to see the sheer size of the roaring fire and flames. The thick juicy grilled steak was awesome, a blessing for any human carnivore. I got to meet many fellow saints that I most like would not had the opportunity to. The parish is large with so many different service times. I sat and listened most of the evening. Most people talked about professional sports which I know little about. It is amazing how my mind work, always wanting more. I could image a similar setting with just the 3 pastors, vicar and Dave sitting around talking about the goodness and wisdom of God. Good or bad? I don’t know. I was so glad Rob went. We talked a little and I got to know him better. I think Andrea and Rob will live a fine life together. Dave, Rob and I had a nice ride there and back.

September 17, 2009
It was pretty much an average day. Fawn and I went out to Olive Garden for lunch. I really enjoyed the lone time with her. I went inside H Mart for the first time. It is a Korean Supermarket that was formally a Dominick. The size was impressive but what was inside wasn’t. I downloaded and listened to the Spiritual Warfare by Rev. Dr. John Kleinig. He is a gift to the Church. I forwarded the file to my friend Sean and Tim O.

September 16, 2009
I briefly met my new neighbor Steve this morning hurrying out the house and welcomed his family to the neighborhood. Fawn and I went to Crate and Barrel Outlet Store in town to pickup gifts on an on-line wedding registry. It is a hugh place but nowhere as nice as the regular store in Oak Brook. Since it was nearby, we swung by the outlet mall again and walked around. I was a little hungry, so I went to the food court. Big mistake, the food was horrid. Rob, Dave and I can’t wait for Friday night comes about. It promises to be a night men aspire for, fire, meat, beer and good fellowship. Is it my imagination? I keep talking about the awesome weather and beautiful days we been having all summer.

September 15, 2009
Wow, what a gorgeous day. The weather was perfect. It was so nice; I actually did a little yard work on my own accord. I listened to this week’s sermon recording. It is as Pr. B said; there is much to learn from Rev Dr. Klenig. My initial struggles came from my perception of the Saints and defining the we in Hebrews 12. I don’t even need to go outside our synod let alone Lutheranism and beyond to imagine the chaos. But I hear nothing said outside the gospel. All the Saints are indeed joined by the shed blood of Christ Jesus with all the company of heaven by the shed blood of Christ Jesus in a hidden reality. I rejoice as we prepare for the heavily banquet yet to come.

September 14, 2009
Rev Kleinig's teachings last night may be too hard. I am already seeing the signs of offensive misapplications and accusations.  It will be a good thing for all to listen to the seminar again when it becomes available on-line. Spiritual Warfare is not an easy thing to comprehend in the way of the Gospel. “Set a guard. O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!”  Psalms 141:3 Although I am not the least bit anxious, I am hopeful about employment opportunities eventually being available locally. I was a nice day, Fawn and I walk around the outlet mall off I-88. It is a nice place to stroll outdoors is partially shade.

September 13, 2009
It have been several weeks since my last entry. There were many issues rushing in my mind.  Some I thought I have come to terms with. I thought it seen enough of the good and bad that was in me and was afraid of putting down the ugly here. But here we go with no intent to offend or harm. I spent most of the 30th thinking about AofR and St. John. Inadvertent it brought about thoughts about my former congregation. There is very little that can be said about Bethany, her pastors, and leaders that can be said in good construction. We are so far apart - in that I believe that most have left their post - not physically, but more dangerously, in what a Christian Sentry is called to do. The irony having said that, is that I may be alone in this.  It became  a place where there no longer spiritual growth to be found for my family. I learned today that best way to bring them to Christ is pray for them. I shared with AofR my love for St. John and her Pastors as well as issues I saw at our recent voters meeting. By grace, whatever came from my honest critique about Saint John and Bethany that was not in the way of the gospel was drown in the chalice. I went to lunch a couple days ago with my friend Ken Krakman. We shared the same office for numerous years at Lucent. It has been about a year since had lunch together. The food and conversation was great; Connies has a awesome lunch buffet. We laughed and talked about family and being fathers. Fawn and I are visiting my sister Mary more often as we are having a lot of free time. She has been a blessing to me over the years. We talked about God's gifts and grace and how my Lord has gathered me from my youthful perception of Christ as the accuser and judge to the latter reality of Him Crucified as Savior and Comforter.
This morning was great. The sermon was given by Rev. Dr. John Kleinig. There was much said and will require time to inwardly digest. I will wait to listen to it again midweek on-line. I think there will need to be a lot of follow up discussions. His bible study was excellent. This was the first trifecta in a while. It was good to see my sister-in-law and nephews as well as Dave and Carol. I can wait to go back to St. John tonight with Fawn. There will be a seminar on Spiritual Warfare.

August 29, 2009
The morning started early; Jennifer had a quad game. NCHS won it all 7-1, 7-1, and 8-0 against Plainfield Central HS, WVHS and Palatine HS. Jennifer won all her double matches. It was a good family outing. Fawn, my sisters Mary and Nancy when to Divine Service at Saint John. We had a nice chat afterwards with Pr B and Pr G as well as Deaconess Dittmer. I have to admit I love getting my back rub.

August 28, 2009
This site has been a safe haven for where I can flesh out my thoughts of a life under the cross. I have been reluctant to write about certain things that are frustrating because it is impossible to express direct things  in love and kindness in this type of medium. Sean told me read the ELCA Convention Summary and was very disappointed. He is new to the ELCA from an RC background. Guessing he is in remnant church body that the Gospel remains pure.

August 27, 2009
"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."  2 Corinthians 3:18 We had a very interesting discussion on comments made by people with opposing views about contemporary worship and liturgical worship. Andrea expressed so well how grateful she is that God has led our family to St. John. Our faith have  grown substantially under the nurturing care of faithful pastors  and our knowledge that come from the wisdom above have increased leaps and bounds this past year. I have come to believe that disputable matters of worship styles be best left up to personal convictions.  If we are judging others, we need to repent and yet vigilantly guard the bride from being led away from the pure Gospel. Watch over our lips and our own hearts and allow the Holy Spirit do His job. I can only say that the HS bent my knees and in full blast rejoice in splendor adoration of the Lord. I talked to my sister Mary. Her call was totally unexpected; she was telling me how excited Al and her and possibly my sister Nancy as well was about going to St. John this Saturday. Thanks be to God. Can hardly wait for Saturday.

August 26, 2009
What a heavy down pour. I haven’t seen rain come down so heavy is long time. I can’t believe I was out in it. I cooked Rob’s favorite dish, BBQ ribs but had to do them in the oven. I came out pretty good. The death of Ted Kennedy was all over the news. I’m afraid I hardly know anything about the man other than him being a Kennedy and a liberal senator. I got a call from my niece Janet. All is well with her family. She got a facebook and thinks it great. I thought about it but know much about it. What a joy it is to have Jesus the way he wants to be had, hearing His Word and receiving it as a gift and not not a burden.

August 25, 2009
I got an email from the LCMS pointing me to the SP response to the recent ELCA unscriptural declaration. It had a link to the LCMS website with a response to the actions. I was surprise that there are ties with both synods although it is questionable if the LCMS is orthodox. Love the facelift the website got. It has taken advantage of more recent advances in IT technologies. Today is Rob’s birthday. Andrea baked him a pan of brownies. I wish I could remember what they taste like. NCHS tennis team defeated WVHS 10-2. Jennifer played varsity doubles and won 6-0. Sweet.

August 24, 2009
I spent more time on the computer than usual on my job search. Tailoring my resume to the only two job match posted. Rob and I talked briefly about marriage and divorce. I started reflecting on this week’s Epistle reading, Ephesians 5, and what St. Paul said about how a husband is to love his wife. I am convinced that the major cause for a family breakdown is abuse masked as construct criticism.

August 23, 2009
What a beautiful day. It couldn’t help but be; it started off with the Lutheran Mass. It is great to have Andrea and Rob around. They bring much joy and not to mention all the helpful things they do around the house. Rob and I went for a nice long walk around the neighborhood. Hard to believe he is planning to run an ultra marathon. Wonder if Jennifer will feel up to school. She has been bed most of the day.  What a pleasant surprise, Alex came home for a couple hours, his roommate Alex drove home to get something so he tagged along. I was so happy to see him. Rob just showed me some very old pictures that Andrea had. They brought back many good memories.  With the help of God, may our family be a blessing to each other and our neighbors.  My prayers are for those who are troubled, to be able to flee from strife and division in a manner that is representative of who we are in Him.

August 22, 2009
I am thankful for the hope we have in Jesus Christ. The news about the ELCA haunts me. I have the same bad feeling about the LCMS. It begs the rhetorical question, “Why do synods apostatize themselves?” I believe a Lutherans today have to diligently search for a congregation that is actually Lutheran. It’s not an easy task to find one. What a nice surprise and blessing, my brother-in-law Carl stopped by for a brief visit. We had a frozen Red Baron 4 Cheese with garlic pizza for lunch today. It was good. Strange how the mind works; it made me think about Pr G’s sermon. So of course we had to listen to again. I talked my sister Mary, she went to take Aaron back to school at U of I and took a detour at Springfield. She wanted to visit Saint John but wouldn’t be back in time. I can hardly wait until tomorrow.

August 21, 2009
Poor baby, Jennifer had all four of her wisdom teeth extracted. I talked with my friend Tim H. Seem like there are so few opportunities to even apply for. September will begin a new quarter. We are prayerful the new quarter will bring about funding for additional workers. It is truly a blessing when our pastors are so diligently watching their flock. Rob and I went for a walk after dinner. We didn’t get very far because it started to rain. I miss my son Alex.

August 20, 2009
What a beautiful day Lord has made. It started very early getting the garbage to the end of the driveway by 6. Rob has been helping with it the last 2 weeks learning the manly duties as head of the household (a sad inside the straw the broke the camel’s back joke).  The next blessing was a brief conversation while driving Jennifer to school. It is wonderful to hear some of her hopes and aspirations for this school year. I have to admit she is highly motivated in both academics and in sports. The on-line job search was brief. The remainder of the morning was spent with Fawn out and about. It is a joy spending time with her. I got an unbelievable gift from Dave W (see about me page). What a talented artist and writer. I was looking at old pictures of my children with Andrea. It was fun. Look like were finally getting some rain. My grass is actually green again and I will have to cut it. Poor me. The farmers are sure to be happy. Guessing we should be too.

August 19, 2009
The day started with the partaking of the Eucharist. God provides gracious care for the church. He has led us to baptism, along with the gospel and the Eucharist. I also witnessed God’s gracious care for us in Pr B. I rejoice that Mary and Al finally met Pr B.

August 18, 2009
What a lazy day. I’m not sure if relaxing all day is a good or bad thing. Regardless, I thank the Lord for it and the presence of family and love ones in my life.

August 17, 2009
I visited the Luther Hour Ministry Website and watched the first episode (1952) of This is the Life. I liked it so much that I decided to include the video on this site. Fawn and I went to Costco with Mary and Al. It was nice walking and talking. Fawn is really enjoying retirement. It’s not clear with me. I think I would still like to work 6 months out of the year but may not have a say in the matter. The summer is almost over and yet the humidity and heat does not seem to dictate that. Alex is back in school and Jennifer will start back next week.

August 16, 2009
The pre-service organ music was quite different and a little awkward. It was distracting my mediation. However, once the service started it was beautiful. There wasn’t any Bible study again. But the time was a blessing. We got to speak briefly to all our pastors and our dear friends the Wohlrab family. I had a wonderful time visiting my sister Mary and Nancy.

August 15, 2009
I went for a short walk with Rob. It is short because there wasn’t much time. We went to Dekalb to move Alex back to school. We had a broad discussion on Christendom, dogma and theological certainties. The good thing is it Saturday and Tomorrow is Sunday!

August 14, 2009
I went for a short walk with Fawn. It was 20 minute walk around the neighborhood because it was midday sun provided no shade. It was the first family game night in a very long time. I near realized how competitive we are in Chinese checker. We were happy Jennifer made the tennis team. It was disappointing not to be  able to visit my sister Mary. My continue to pray for God's peace and comfort.

August 13, 2009
I had a nice long walk with Rob. I really enjoyed the exercise and diverse conversation.  Fawn was a prankster. I asked if I could have some of her soda. She said yes, but of course the can was empty. She then asked was there something wrong. I said it was empty. She said, “oh, it is? Can you go to the frig and get more? “ Funny lady. Jennifer is doing really good in her tennis tryouts so far 6-1. Alex has been a big help with her training over the summer. Andrea cooked an awesome pasta dish for dinner. I really love all my children. What a blessing they are.  It will be a little sad to see Alex schoolward bound. The book of Leviticus was an interesting topic of discussion.  A review from the archives of Issues Etc Dr. John Kleinig of Luther Seminary Australia on the Worship & Holiness in Leviticus was helpful to me for correct understanding.

12, 2009
The job outlook is very bleak. I have only gotten a few hit from contracting firms just to thrown my name in the hat. It is difficult to even find matching opportunities to apply for. I continue not to be anxious, trusting in the goodness and mercy of Christ.

August 11, 2009
It was a beautiful day in joyful prayer. I have become to be patience this past year. I find this fascinating because of my long history of intolerance. It could be possible that I have not changed at all and that I am just living in totally different environment.

August 10, 2009
It is viewed with great clarity that our life is a continuous chain of gifts from our gracious God. Most of this week my entire family is home. This is wonderful. I did a little yard work because the weather was bearable. I was hoping to get feedback on a possible contact opportunity.

August 9, 2009
It is always a good day when my family and I receive the gratuitous gift of both Word and Sacrament from our gracious God. Andrea and Rob got back home safety. I am happy Rob was completed his marathon. I can’t believe the energy Alex and Jennifer have to be able to play tennis in the extreme heat.  I only went out of the house this morning to go to St John.

August 8, 2009
The day was hot and humid so I spent most of it indoors. Sadly in much of it was in worthless recreation. I am glad for this review of the actions and mercies of the day. May reflecting on the Lord’s glory increasingly transform me closer to His likeness. Their has been no weight lost for the second week now, guessing I need to work on trim a little more food and increase a little more exercise.

August 7, 2009
I was notified that I will be considered for a remote contracting position on Monday during a business lunch. I was told that I received exemplary feedback for my past AT&T managers and peers. I am very hopeful despite a history of them wanting workers on site. I reflected praying all vocations, lay and cleric, take to heart Colossians 3:23-24. I have heard many boast they are a man and real men take pride in their work. I will not say this is wrong, but the way of a Christian vocation is a blessing. May His word be heard, as the Labor Day holiday approaches. My prayers are for my sister Mary for peace and comfort and Andrea and Rob for safe travel.

August 6, 2009
I hope I'm not soar tomorrow morning because we to move the rest of Andrea’s stuff back home. On top of that a full truck load of Alex and his roommate stuff was moved back to Naperville for a week and then back to NIU. I could never make it as a mover. One would think all the exercise I been getting this past month, it would be a snap. It just shows me how out of shape I have a long way to go. My prayers are for a safe trip for Andrea and Rob to Wisconsin tomorrow and for Rob to run a good and fun marathon on Saturday and for my sister Mary.

August 5, 2009
It was blessing to see Pastor Nelson overseeing the young disciples. Now that’s what I’m talking about. I visited the Islamic Center during the 3 prayers as an observer; it was nothing like I thought it would be. I got a nibble and pray for a remote contractor position until the end of the year. Fawn and I took a stroll down the riverwalk while Jennifer registered for school. She signed up for 2 music classes.

August 4, 2009
We are created for His glory. His Word rings out so clearly. I rejoice that Saint John fully understand this in their worship practice. It is hard to believe that my previous congregation is championing Liturgical worship within the LCMS and yet I am to the right of them. This speaks poorly of the typical LCMC congregation. It was a strange walk pacing back and forth in the shaded area as though I was a sentinel.

August 3, 2009
Fawn and I unloaded the van early this morning. Man, she is so strong. Jennifer’s room looks small now with her studio move into bedroom. She had to hang all her guitars on the wall. I didn’t even know she have four of them not counting the ¾ size one she started out with. I took the time to read my journal and it is doing exactly what I predicted it would be. I am living an increasingly life of a grateful believer. My daily walks have helped me physically as well as spiritually. Much of this time is spent tuning out the hustle and bustles and being attentive to the Lord. During this slower period of opportunities, I have become aware that everyday we are showered with an unbroken string of gifts from the goodness of Him Crucified.

August 2, 2009
I went to the late worship service. Cool, it was just like any other service. We move most of Andrea’s stuff back home. It will take one more trip. She was hoping to have found a job and not have to move back home. I’m glad to have her back. I hope her as well as my job search goes well this week.

August 1, 2009
It’s August and we are still on a good row, weather wise. Nothing out of the ordinary happen. I normally cook pan fried hamburgers with salt and pepper. But Alex brought Famous Dave’s Steak & Burger Seasoning, yummy.

July 31, 2009
July was an awesome month because of the Lord’s great love. The many walks and cool weather reminds me about Eden. God walked in the Garden in the cool of the day.

July 30, 2009
The day is almost over. I can't help be to mention how beautiful it was. I took a long walk by myself and reflected on His many blessing, even during my mocking and rebellious years. I spent most of the day with Andrea running around. I love to spent time with all my children, but it is so nice to spend one on one time also.  I often thought about writing something about the current LCMS Synodical President. He is very interesting person. One would either have to love him are hate him. The latter is a bad thing so what do you do? Many prayers are made for him.

July 29, 2009
It was a nice cool summer day back into the 70s. Unfortunately Fawn and I only had time for short walk at the riverwalk. There were a lot of people at the beach and the park was quite busy. Tim H call me with some good news, He got a 6 month contract back at T-mobile. Thanks be to God. I was looking closely at a beautiful stained glass replica and read notations from the artist Dave. It is so amazing how much detail and thought that was put into this beautiful biblical teaching. My prayers are prayers of thanksgiving and for God's guidance during these hash economic times.

July 28, 2009
I celebrated Tim’s birthday during lunch at IH. The new location decor was really nice. Leaps and bounds for when it was across the street. However, I was disappointed with the buffet selection and it was up to expectation. Tim shared some good news, Maria and he are expecting a baby girl in September. I had to bring up infant baptism, but it didn’t register. There was talk about baby dedication. Oh well. I reflected on pastors, elders and all His disciples and their sacred responsibilities.

July 27, 2009
Today was a talk to Tim day. It was nice to get a call from Tim H. He is doing fine. Both of us contracted at T-mobile. We remain hopeful a new opportunity will come our way and trust in our God’s plan for us. We talked about family and laughed about amusing things. I called Tim O and made plans for lunch at Indian Harvest. I haven’t been there in years. It has been a while since I visited the Confessional Lutheran website. Rev. Todd Wilken wrote a edifying paper Bible Believing Liberals. I noticed A Bible Study of the Apocalypse of St. John and forward the link to Sean. I knew he was reading the Revelation of St. John the Divine, because I thought it would be helpful. He replied with one of his quotable. Exposure to the Son has been proven to prevent burning. Fawn and I walked the mall again. I’m not sure if it is normally so empty during the day or it is because of the economy. Everyday seems pretty much the same; it begs the question, is it Sunday yet?

July 26, 2009
We thanked and praised the Lord. It was good to see Pr. Genig safely back. Pr. Nelson encouraged our family to participate in his college aged and young adult summer College Bible Study.  I’m starting to sound like a weather report, the summer heat has catch up to us. It was sunny, hot and too humid to walk outdoors. Fawn and I opted to power walk the mall. I wasn’t the same but sure beat attempting to it uncomfortably. I talked briefly on the phone with my sister-in-law Soo. It was nice to have a conversation with her.

July 25, 2009
Amazingly the days remain cool and comfortable. I had a nice walk in downtown Naperville and the riverwalk, even though I had a hard time keeping up with Fawn. I was a little stiff because I’m starting to lifting minor weights as part of my exercise.  I was not able to meet my goal this week despite my concerted efforts. However, I am not discouraged and will carry on vowing not give up.  I listened to an old Issues Etc Podcast by Pr Genig’s on Campus Crusade, clearly they have who is doing the verb completely wrong.  It is getting late so I’m off to bed and pray that I have conducted myself worthy of Him Crucified and that my worship is not only acceptable but also God pleasing.

July 24, 2009
I being to feel strange, usually I look forward to Fridays. Usually it signifies the last day of the work week. Nowadays, everyday seems pretty much the same except for Sundays. One thing nice is that Fawn and I are spending more time together.

July 23, 2009
I went walk around the neighborhood with Rob. He is a marathon runner.  I don’t understand how people and do that. I drove Andrea out to Plainfield. It was nice to spend a little lone time with her.  It was a lazy day sat around and watched a movie with the family. Jennifer made herself me a nice cup of green tea. I don’t know what I did, but she shared her pistachios with me.

July 22, 2009
Another perfect day as God intended. Fawn and I went for a walk on the riverwalk. Despite our children being part of the conversation, it brought back wonderful memories of the way we were. Albeit, we were not holding hands and I wasn’t being frisky. I enjoyed part of the day listening to Music: An Appreciation by Roger Kamien around the house. I took a trip down memory lane to a less than a happy place but then I got whacked in back of head and began  rejoicing  in being  gathered back into his fold.

July 21, 2009
I broke down and a brought a new pair of sneakers. The old pair was not wearing evenly at the heels with all the walking I have been doing lately. I went with Fawn to the dental office and we got to talk with Sandy. It was pretty cool seeing Dr. Soderstrom ride up to his office on his motor cycle. He is in his early 60s and a real down to earth guy that got kinda Grizzly Adams thing going on. We talked about his old Navy days and motorcycles in general. We usually talk about trap and skeet shooting. We went up to celebrate Alex’s birth at Villa Verone in Sycamore. The posted restaurant reviews are all over the map. This was the third time we ate there. It is pricey, but we always thought the food was genuine and the service excellent. Love the middle age Italian waiters with their accent. We always enjoy the cozy authentic atmosphere which leads our family to good conversation and laughter. We always have a good time away from the hustle and bustle of the over crowned large and noisy Italian chain restaurants. The Lord is good.

July 20, 2009
I got to spend most of the day with Andrea and Rob. It was nice to witness the openness, love and care they have for each other.  I can hardly believe the picture perfect days we been having this month. Love the cool summer breeze, awesome. Now that's what I talking about! I read column from what was once to be a promising website. It is so disappointing that is prompted me to look to see who was on the steering committee. I think Satan has been kicking LCMS’s ass for quite some time.

July 19, 2009
Know surprise where I was this morning. It was kind of sad to say goodbye to Vicar and Deaconess Miller. They are heading back to the seminary at Fort Wayne; they were most helpful in assimilating my family into our community.

July 18, 2009
Nothing out of the ordinary happen today. It was just an ordinary day. I'm glad I felt that way about the day, because that means an ordinary day for me is a peaceful day without chaos. This doesn't mean that everything go perfectly the way I want it to. I love the path of love, goodness, family and friends the Lord has blessed me with.  Sometimes I stray either unintentionally or on my own sinful accord from that path. But by His grace He invites me to walk the path with Him crucified. Fawn got good results from her lab tests. Thanks be to God. It is questionable if I met my weight loss goal this week. I’ll have to make sure I reduce my portions this week.

July 17, 2009
It was a nice cool day. Ironically having said that, the air conditioner failed and I had to replace the circuit breaker with the help of my brother Bill. Rob and I went to the riverwalk. We enjoyed a nice slow pace walk and also stop to sit on several park benches and talked about many different things. It is really nice park. Jennifer did really well at the tennis tournament; she advanced and will continue tomorrow morning. We went out for dinner but the restaurant was really packed so we decided to go to another restaurant and will celebrate at another time.

July 16, 2009
I leisurely walked along a different riverwalk path from the park district office on Mill Street to Hillside Avenue and back. It is about a 45 minute walk. However, this is certainly dubious to the young and old whose walking pace is hurried. Strangely I notice several groups of young people with shoes on instead of flip-flops, amazing. Alex’s 20th birthday is coming up next week. What a fine young man and a great blessing he is. I’m thinking about celebrating tomorrow since everyone will be around.

July 15, 2009
What a nice peaceful day with the family. There was a little excitement in the morning though. Rob and I went to pick up Jennifer at Fair Oaks Ford. Her driver ed class had a field trip there. We got to see a air bag intentionally deployed. I'm so happy to see Andrea been teaching VBS this week, she come home in such good cheer. I am thankful for my sister Mary. We talked about so many things and being thankful for all the blessing God provides. Too often we have the audacity to want more and more. It is so easy for us to sinfully live with a sense of entitlement. I did this and I did that, therefore I deserve this and I deserve that. The reality is that, what we truly deserve is erased at the cross. My prayers are for Mary and Wally for health and comfort … for our pastors to be strong enough to stand firm as they are tested …for calmness, peace, wisdom and healing in His flock … for employment opportunities.

July 14, 2009
I got to spend a little time with my future son-in-law. It wasn’t a third degree; I’ve known and liked Rob for nearly 5 years now.  I now see him in an elevated light since I’ve been taught how harmful, perhaps even sinful, it is to demand perfection. I got an edifying email from Dave. I like running theological things by him. He is a very wise man, very astute in the wisdom from above. Most of my prayers are prayers of praise and thanksgiving or prayers of intercession. My job search is not going well as I hope. So lately my prayers of supplication are not only for the hunger to be with and walk with God, but also for my vocation.

July 13, 2009
I find it amazing that there are so few matching local employment opportunities being posted. It is great to have the entire family home, there are plenty of things going on that the day goes by so quickly.  I caught a small dose of Joel Osteen. He always manages to tell a funny story from the onset and then digress until I just have to move on. I took the time to see if I could see the Christ in the people I know. To my surprise, I was able to with most. I think this because I learned from my pastor that it is best not to demand perfection. However, it seems hopelessly impossible for me see Christ in people who have deliberately transgressed against me and others with no intention or desire to repent. So where does this leave me on my journey back to Eden, if I am not able to love everyone? Perhaps just move on without them and wish them well.

July 12, 2009
How do I say Sundays are the best without sounding like a broken record? Guessing it really doesn’t matter, because it is by far the best day of the week. My family got the trifecta. We helped Andrea setup her classroom after bible study for VBS. It was a pretty cool family project.  Afterward, we went down to the gym to see what was being done there. I was impressed; it didn’t surprise me, being it is St. John. The kids (churched and unchurched) are going to have a great time. This mission is both evangelism and edification.

July 11, 2009
I didn’t stay for last week’s bible study and finally listened to it on-line with Fawn. Pastor Bruzek is truly amazing, I could listen to him talk all day. He is such a learned teacher of Christ and a very humble gentle man. Today was a gorgeous day; I spent most of it outside working on the neglected. I have no excuse about time anymore. I spoke with my sister Mary today, she have request intercessory prayers on her behalf.

July 10, 2009
Fawn and went for a nice walk along the river walk. On a good note, I did still managed to meet my goal despite the fine meal yesterday. I started to say we went to the library and got some DVDs, somehow the statement seems ironic; a library turning into a video store. I did sit a while and read a Christian magazine article about the Church of Sweden appointing a lesbian bishop. The Lutheran church spokesperson boasted of having the first lesbian bishop in the world. The lesbian bishop pride herself on now having the power to make changes on suffrage and injustices in the church. I have to add The Kingdom to my list of favorite movies.  I spent a little time with my brother Bill. We don’t do that often enough.

July 9, 2009
Oh Fawn, my love! Happy birthday!  My wife think I'm a nut and sound like Urkel. My Jennifer is growing up too fast. Every year I get everything ready for her to bake a birthday cake for mom. This year she did everything one her own. I started to write down my thoughts about Scriptures placing the Lord’s Supper at the center of worship (1 Corinthians 11) but decided it was best left to each parishioner, each congregation to … It is a losing battle to try to reason with the undiscerning. I went for a ride up to Wheaton with Andrea, she had a VBS meeting. I don’t get many opportunities anymore to talk and spend time alone with her anymore.  I just love walking around town. Wheaton is such a nice place. This time I walk a little in the downtown area, I saw most of last time. So I walk over to the college, what a beautiful campus. Hard to believe I could walk around for an hour. I just barely got back to the park across from St. John to sit down on a beach. It was 6 pm and suddenly all these different church bell began ringing. I was at awe, it gave me the sense that God was nearby and that His church was alive and well. We met up with the rest of the family at Fabulous Noodles. I couldn’t tell whose birthday it was because everyone got to order their favorite. When we got home it was cake time!

July 8, 2009
I got my teeth cleaned today. Most people don’t like going to have their teeth clean, but I actually look forward to it. I simply love to see and talk to Sandy. She is one of the finest Christian women I know.  We have gone to our family dental hygienist for over 20 years! The day isn’t even over yet and I’m already looking forward to the blessing tomorrow promises. It will be Fawn’s birthday. I think she going to be 29.

July 7, 2009
I spent time in prayer and reflected on my journey. My pastors are wise to instruct us not to look back and trust in the full forgiveness of sins. The problem in the past was I wanted to walk with God. Talk about the clay trying to spin the potter. Jesus does the verb. He wants us to walk with Him. It is His plan for us and not our plan for Him.  I also reflected on things I could of should of done.  God willing, tomorrow presents another opportunity.

July 6, 2009
Blessed is this day which the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. I let Jennifer drive the van today. She did quite well. I refined some of my random thoughts and added the something about the Mass. Alex took a peek at this site and thought it was pretty good. I told him how therapeutic and helpful this is to gather my thoughts. My prayers are that of the church, for all people according to their needs, and especially comfort and health for my friend’s cousin Wally and my sister Mary. Wow it late again, past midnight.

July 5, 2009
The day started out a little shaky with a debate on which Divine Service to attend. Wimbledon Men’s Final was on already. When we got home we made a nice simple brunch; sausage and eggs and a little pasta. Fawn later took the kids to their Uncle Henry’s house for a barbecue. The reason I didn’t go is better left unsaid. I did tend to some neglected things, but very little I’m afraid, it is a holiday weekend after all and my first break in a year.

July 4, 2009
Yuck, it rained all day. We didn’t get to go to my siblings church picnic. I love to table talk with Rev. Paul.  I spent the entire day indoors. It was a lazy day. I cooked the hot dogs and we sat around watching movies. I shuffled some paper and updated records. The highlight of the day came later in the evening. Jennifer usually is up in her room playing something electric (piano, drums, or guitar). I was pleasantly surprised when she came downstairs with an acoustic guitar and sang serenading songs of sentiment. I was moved. What a blessing, thanks be to God.

July 3, 2009
I started off the morning with email and a job searching. I got a surprise email from a member from a member in my congregation who forward my resume to a local company that may have opening. Thanks be to God my family live in such mindful and supportive community at St. John. Wondering how many more days like this are we going to get? The temperature is in the lower 70’s and a perfect balance of sunshine and overcast. I was looking forward to spending part of the day with Jennifer but she found a friend to go with instead. So I drop them off at the Ribfest. It was OK though; I got to spend time on the tennis court with Alex and we played for an hour. Them ball were flying at me so fast. I am so out of shape. I couldn’t get to most of them. Hopefully my endurance will pick up and we can play longer. The evening was awesome. A great meal as expected followed by wonderful conversation. As usual we finally get around to talking theology. It is usually just about the difference between Catholics, Lutherans, and Evangelicals.  There was some of that, but Neuhaus got in the conversation and so we talk about common doctrinal beliefs also. My brother-in-law Al, is a high school history teacher and an all around nice guy. He started talking about the book Utopia by Thomas More. It seems like a great short book to read and discuss. It would be a scary thing to form a family book club. It is really late so I’m off to bed.

July 2, 2009
What a gorgeous day the Lord has made. I when over my lab tests with my doctor and thanks be to God, all is well. I weighted in today and lost 4 lbs this first week. I know most of this lost was water loss, but I’ll take it. I'm really excited about this upcoming forth of July weekend. I once hear someone say that the Revolutionary War, Loyalty & Liberty, was a ungodly one. I'm not sure what was his point. I have chosen not to look back and will celebrate tomorrow and daily rejoice in that Christ  afford me freedom. Paul wrote to the Galatians, in our baptism we are called  for a purpose, with our neighbors as the beneficiaries.  I often hear on our pastor say, "God does not need our good works, but our neighbor does." The plan is to start the day off spending time at Ribfest with Jennifer.

July 1, 2009
I can’t even begin the express the joy of starting the day in fellowship amongst the saints in His Divine Service. Afterward, I actually walked around the Wheaton downtown area for 45 minutes. I never spent much time here, just come to worship and the occasional stop at the popcorn shop when I am in the area. Downtown Wheaton is absolutely beautiful, quaint and charming. My younger sister Nancy called inviting the family to dinner this weekend. It will be good to see all my siblings, nieces and nephews. The nice thing is that my brother-in-law Ken is excellent chef. It will be tough to limit my portion and I already know a second helping is a given, at it won't be because I'm being polite.

June 30, 2009
I started the morning off by dropping my daughter off at the train station. When I got home I logged on the internet to get my email and begin a job search. To my surprise I got an email from a telecom recruiting firm. It is a good local opportunity, so I threw my name in the hat. Hopefully I will get an interview. I then dash off to pick up my other daughter at driver ed class. Then I had lunch with Pete. He has been on the road providing training. It was really good to see him. Then I took Jennifer to her tennis lesson. Wow, she is really getting good. I wrapped up all the running around by picking up Andrea back up at the train station. How do domestic engineers do this day after day? Andrea has her interview tomorrow morning. She doesn’t need me to drive her there, but we thought it would be blessing for both us to participate at the 7:40am Lord’s Supper.

June 29, 2009
The day started out like any typical Monday. However, I got the news midday that my contract was not going to be extended. There was a glimmer of hope, but with the economy the way it is, the extended PO was denied. The afternoon went by quickly, wrapping what I initially started, transitioning and of course the well wishes. My prayers are for the security of the regular employees, they were kind and cooperative. I spoke with my sister Mary today we had some catching up to do. She is valiantly battling cancer, my prayer are for health, comfort and healing. Got a reminder today about the, perfect trifecta, Sermon, Supper, and Study. I had a nice conversation with my oldest daughter today. We talked about her life journey from infant baptism to the joy of today of truly living a Eucharistic life. What an opportunity it would be her to serve as a Lutheran day school teacher at St. John and grow wise in the wisdom from above (James 3:13-18). I am looking forward to having lunch with Pete tomorrow.

June 28, 2009
"This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24 I suppose I should rejoice each day equally, but I just have to favor Sundays.  My family get to partiscipate in the celebration of the Holy Euchartist. Got a hear a bible study by Dr Just. He is as edifying as our teachers,  but a treat none the less. Seems like the budget is addressed and everything is back to normal. I was glad the weather is cooling. The yard work would have done me in.

June 27, 2009
I got a email Father’s Day greeting from Dave. It includes a June 20th post from Rev. Cwirla’s Blogosphere titled Fathers. “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.”  Malachi 4:6 I only know Rev. Cwirla though his fine pen, sermon podcast, and radio interviews. My children met him several times though Higher Things and hold him in high regards. I often wondered what it was like at the annual gathering. My children thinks Saint John is HT, only better. The only thing different that they miss is getting to hangout and seeing new things week long with other teens.
June 26, 2009
Talk about exercising, the Lord is good. He provided me an opportunity to help move my daughter and her fiancés (sp?) belongings into storage.  I barbecued chicken, despite there being plenty, I and was in control and was actually good at dinner. I dare not claim to still be hungry, because I gratefully have no true understanding of hunger.

June 25.2009
I have set a modest exercise goal and to less frequent second helpings. The hopeful result will be I'll be losing 1 pound a week. I got a physical exam coming up and I have been kidding myself for years. It is not like if we we say we are without sin.  We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But, like dealing with my sins (repent), my weight is something I need to deal with.
June 24, 2009
I got to do some exciting things at work on Nokia RNC and RSP transmission today. It was refreshing to work on newer technology. I also downloaded a trail version of Macro Express Pro. I am hopeful this tool will automate repetitive tasks. The sliding company came out to my home today and replaced a small fascia section that had recently blown off. As I looked over the workmanship and my home, I thanked the Lord for opening my eyes to His blessing, for each day, and for Christ Jesus and Him Crucified.
June 23, 2009
It was tough to say good-by to Kirt. Guessing it is because I had time to dwell on it. Unlike for Christian and Jonathan, their last day was without notice. We are taught, the Lord is near. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  Philippians 4:6

June 22, 2009
Today was uneventful, pretty much like any given workday. However, I did get an email from a co-worker. It was about Children in the Church. It was fill with numerous quotable from little children, some were cute while other reveal the questionable spirit in worship. I found this amazingly coincidental to yesterday’s entry.

June 21, 2009
Today is Father’s Day. We went to Saint John and worshiped in spirit and truth and left with the Lord’s blessings of joy and peace. I cooked a Beef with Chinese vegetables over Cantonese pan fried noodles dish for lunch. It was pretty good (chirp, chirp). Later in the evening, my youngest daughter Jennifer wanted to take me out and insisted on paying for the dinner. We went to Portillo’s. It was a special day. But in many ways, the activities of the day seemed much like any other Sunday, thanks be to God that no special day is needed for us to love each other. St. Paul teaches, "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4. I have been given the high calling to teach my children about Jesus and living out their faith! There are numerous times I messed up and fell short as a father, yet I am redeemed. The Eucharist gives me the strength and the drive to carry out my calling to be a faithful witness of Christ to my family.

June 20, 2009
Today was a gorgeous day. I took the time to read about a Neuhaus legacy, the Lutheran Evangelical Catholic.  It is time to end the day and am looking forward to the Eucharist in the Divine Service tomorrow morning. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, that you have graciously kept me this day. Forgive me all my sins, and graciously keep me this night. Into your hands I commend my body and soul and all things. Let your holy angel be with me, that the wicked foe may have no power over me. Amen.

June 19, 2009
It has been one week since the creation of this site. Not bad, since there was no design. I hope to have a little time down time reading and relaxing this Father’s Day weekend. I spend a few hours each day building the site. OK, so a lot of it was fun listening and posting songs from the past.

June 18, 2009
Today was just another run of the mill day. It was filled with His many blessings. I went out to Lunch with a co-worker, Kirt is a contractor and will be leaving at the end of the month back to Minnesota. We ate at a nearby Indian Restaurant, Viceroy of India. Love the tandoori chicken and curry lamb. My prayers are for all my contractor buddies, especially  for my friend Tim, times are getting tough and opportunities are few.  Tim surely think I'm a character, but I need to say, I know of no one with a bigger heart than him.

June 17, 2009
I had some issues today with IE. I finally had it and decided to give Firefox a go. Wow, the pages look and navigate much better. I got an edifying email from my artist friend Dave W. and what a nice family he has. He designed a beautiful stained-glass window for Bethany Lutheran Church.  I’ll post it soon.  Getting back to the email, it was about Lavabo and the Ablutions. I would like to see a recovery of the Lavabo and the ablutions, for confessional reasons at St. John and assert, that Eucharistic Elements to be the sinner's most precious lifeline.

June 16, 2009
I dropped off my nomination forms at St John this morning and recieved the 7:40 a.m Lord's Supper with a prayerful disposition. This was my first time, I can't think of anything better to start a work day. I continue to openly rejoice that the LORD led my family from rags to riches.

June 15, 2009
Dr. Neuhaus, what can one say about this learned teacher of Christ. Had a lot of fun adding music videos.

June 14, 2009
The day is almost over, but what a joyful day it has been. The entire family was home! Morning began with our family source of life at the Divine Service. The day was spent in conversation and peace. Hopefully soon, I’ll write down something about living a sacramental life is to live a truly human life. The pages are being to take a form and will most likely reveal the good, the bad, and perhaps the outright ugly. My prayer is that I will practice what I have learned and received by His Grace.

June 13, 2009
Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lip! (Psalms 141:3)
May what I write be beneficial to me and to the reader who stumble upon this site and do no harm.

June 12, 2009
I am finding this undefined endeavor to be therapeutic. A good friend once told me it was helpful to put certain thoughts in writing. Despite my poor grammar, it reveals astonishing things about yourself and the world around you. I thought about being a blogger, but feel it would be too time consuming. My Space had uninviting language issues and I really didn’t explore Face Book. Thanks to my college age son, I got a few how-to pointers to kick-off this site.

First Entry (Friday, June 12, 2009 humble beginnings)
This is my very first go at this; and don’t really know where to begin or where this adventure will lead to. For now salutations - "The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2 Timothy 4:22). I’m guessing this page and things will be moving around as I be come organize and make good use of resources.