Journal 2015

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 10, 2015,
Was out all day yesterday with Fawn taking care of all the what nots during the day, then it was a shopping marathon like there was no tomorrow. Stepping in the malls was a little tricky with all the folks about doing their holiday shopping. It was a record day since I started doing my daily steps. Albeit, I sure there were, but strangely this year I didn’t notice any nativity scenes in any of the malls, just Christmas trees, winter scenes  and secular Christmas music. Today’s walk was solo since Fawn was under the weather. I did pretty good this morning at the park, but the mid afternoon walk was a tough go, trying to finish up the daily 10K steps in the high winds. It was just as well, I still had to finish up the remaining steps on the elliptical. Besides, I think I get a better workout this way. Can hardly wait for this weekend to move Jennifer back home from school. Whoo hoo, last one graduated. Putting three through college was no picnic, but we gotrdun, great kids. I stopped wondering about my job and am coming to the realization that it is really getting late in December and they will most likely not new my contract and will need to start planning what is needed.

December 8, 2015,
Taking the week off. I really, really need it too, just to keep from burning out. It’s a good week to be taking off because the temperature have been remarkably consistently warm for this time of year. Fawn and I continue to enjoy our morning walks when it doesn’t rain. The goal is to do the magical 10,000 steps a day. Most days I was able to do just that. I’ve been recording the daily steps and averaged 9,154 steps a day for the month on November. Hopefully I’ll fair better this month. Hard to believe how comfortable my new Sketchers Go Walk 3 are.  They were on sale so I bought 2 new pairs. With all the walking I'm doing nowadays they aren't lasting very long. One has to wonder how long American are willing to keep up with there insane work load. Well the current budget/contract ends the end of the month and I’m wondering if it will be renewed.

November 27, 2015,
We've been putting in killer hours this week because there was only three of us working from our team, everyone else took the week off for the holidays. No fun working till 8 in the evening even on Thanksgiving Eve. Hmm, so it’s the day after Thanksgiving and its still raining. Its was pretty, downing all those calories yesterday. Peggy’s party started with the Lees side. What joy to see everyone. It is amazing to see the kids with their very own kids, babies and more on the way. Later in the evening it was off to Henry’s for more good food and family. So back to about the rain, its keep me from doing our walk. More importantly, about giving thanks, to God be the glory, thanks be to God. Good thing I still have the elliptical. Whoo hoo, NUI Huskies are the MAC West Champions again. Hope they will regain the MAC Title back against Bowling Green. Prayers for a grateful heart.

November 21, 2015,
Oh my, a ton on snow has fallen and still no sign of it letting up yet. It is just as well, it gave me the time to put up the shrink plastic on the bedroom windows. It was so strangely peaceful. The advent music is a clear reminder it isn’t Christmas season just yet. Last week we were already seeing Christmas displays and hearing secular Christmas music. Been working hard to keep the 10,000 steps average, had to start  use the elliptical just to get all the steps in because of the weather. I think it will actually help since it is a little more demanding. I’m not looking forward to digging out tomorrow. Prayers for my baby and Rob, their stuck out in Tennessee because all the flights to ORD have been cancel.

November 13, 2015,
Wow, how crazy is that? Has it really been this long since I penned a journal entry? The lyrics from days past Rush – Working Man: “I got no time for livin' Yes, I'm workin' all the time It seems to me I could live my life A lot better than I think I am I guess that's why they call me They call me the workin' man … I guess that's what I am” Fawn are still doing morning walks. It stills starts out as walk and talk, but then I eventually drop behind. We love doing the loop several times at Meadow Glen Park. The pedometer really have been a motivator. We’ve been able to do the 10,000 steps thing most days. Albeit, I did lose a few pounds, initially I though I’d would be losing a lot more weight from doing all that walking. Turns out if one adds 30 minutes of brisk walking to one’s daily routine, one would burn about 150 calories. But, one needs to eliminate 500 calories a day from their current diet in order to lose one pound a week. So it seem that dieting plays a big part along with exercising. Better get to bed, got blood work tomorrow morning and a bunch of honey dos all lined up.

September 27, 32015,
During the week I heard the colloquial idiom, living the life. It is clear to me it has different meaning to different folks. In my mind, living the life is living a life is giving up the old Adam and becoming a new creation. But I find it so hard nowadays to equip myself to fight the evil foe. I actually am looking forward to retirement. The normal workdays now are just so long now that there is so little time on the weekend to do all honey dos around the house; the list just keeps growing. And the weekends off is not always a given either. Whoo hoo, yesterday I replaced the downstairs bathroom faucet. The timing was perfect, we found a nice Moen faucet on sale at Menards. It took me while to complete the task at hand. I’m finding that penning this journal entry is in many ways therapeutic. I can’t even find the down time to do it often let alone daily. It is very telling, that it took me several attempts before remembering the correct password for this account. What has the American workplace become? I fail to read the bible daily and when I do, often I fail to ponder on the wisdom in the truth. Thanks be to God, at least I am still able to Mass regularly. What would become of me without the Eucharist? One of the things that should accompany faith is good works, but I find myself of little service to others. The days are noticeably shorter now, a sign summer days are gone. I hate thinking about the darkness soon being upon us again.

August 14, 32015,
Great weekend, Went to the Men’s steak Fry Friday after work with Tony. We at time to stop off at Yogli Mogli Frozen Yogurt and jaw a little over a taste. I thought the yogurt was pretty good, but forgot what I had. I got ever so little just for a taste and only remember it was very good but expensive. There was a good turn out. What more can a guy ask for, meat and fire. LOL, this year they had roasted pig at a steak fry. The Tempo Dust I order from Amazon finally arrived. I wasted money on 6 spray can insecticide. Albeit it does kills the yellow jackets. Tempo dust did the job with a single application over night. Clearly, it’s the only way to go. Fawn is full of surprises , came home to a pleasant surprise, bucatini all’amatricicana. It was a first for me, good stuff.
July 24, 2015,
Went last night with Tony and Weilin after work to the J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerti at Saint John. What a great way to end the day. Had the most relaxing sleep.

July 19, 2015,
I was a altar assistant at Holy Mass this morning. I never stepped up to help with the chalice because I know I’d be too nervous. I always do feel so privileged to assist with the individual cups,  swinging the thurible and ringing the bells during mass. Strange how my mind floats when the various symbols of the church teaches in its purification and sanctification. For example, whenever I see and smell the burning incense, I can’t help but to see our prayers drift up to heaven. Clearly, the visual imagery of the smoke from the incense adds a sense of solemnity to the mystery to the mass which links heaven to earth. As for the ringing of the Sanctus bells just prior to concretion, does two things for me. I alerts me to take notice that something important is about to happen as well as beautifully brings glory to God. Summer is definitely here. I avoided cutting the grass yesterday, but felt I had to do a partial today. So, I did the front. I suspect it’ll take two attempt to do the needed with the backyard in this ongoing heat.

July 15, 2015,
I think the images we are getting of Pluto is quite amazing. From time to time I look beyond what I can see with the naked eye at images of the universe and am immediately rediscover the ancient hymn creator of the stars of night. Albeit, I wore my new pair of Sketchers Gowalk, I didn’t do my noontime walk today. I did Chinese for lunch with Dave and Ignacio. I don’t go out very often, but do on occasion with the guys just to get to know my team members a little better. Besides, getting out on a beautiful day full of sunshine in the mid 70s relieves stress. My feet was dancing all day. I can’t say enough good things about how wonderful Gowalker are. It’s my second pair. I put a lot on miles on them the past two years. I’m looking forward for next week. Hopefully, my schedule will allow me to enjoy J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerti at Saint John next week. The plan was to cut the grass today, but that didn’t happen. I can’t wait to be able to retire. Perhaps then just maybe I’ll have the time to do whatever…

July 12, 2015,
Albeit, I’m not a summer kind of guy anymore, today was the first summer like day this calendar year. It was hot and muggy and actually made it to the the upper 80s. After morning mass we went to the Olive Garden to celebrate Fawn’s and Alex’s birthday. I was super glad that I ventured out the usual and tried the shrimp and chicken carbonara. One of the beauties on a day like today, is God’s revealed love I see beit in the the community of our holy family at mass or home. What great great it is to have my entire family about for most of the day. Our young organist Philip Fillion just graduated and will be moving on to graduate studies elsewhere. Our new organist Nathan LeMahieu,  will be working on his Phd at Wheaton College. Sweet, he has a sacred music master’s degree from Notre Dame.

July 4, 2015,
“Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God” (1 Peter 2:16). What a beautiful morning. Interesting that we typically usher in Independence Day with good food, beer and fireworks. Today will be no exception. BBQ party at Jean’s. Wow, Adam’s graduation party to boot. Yesterday was sweet as well. Hard to believe we actually had more than a few days without rain for a change. Not just that, the temperature was in the low 70s. Went for Carne Asada at Burrito Parrilla Mexicana for lunch earlier in the week with Soo and Eddy, good stuff. I normally eat half and take the remainder home, but this time, regrettably, I ate the whole thing. Went to pick up the Exploer with Jennifer last night. They had to repair the rear window hinge and shock assembly. Since it was dinner time we decided to try out the at Patio at the Fox Valley Mall. Their ribs and chicken wings are awesome. Don'Don’t know why I do that to myself. Well I did get to work some of it off cutting the grass and spraying it again with weed killer. No way was I going to use a combination weed and feed. Had a therapeutic morning taking back the hedge out front with a hand pruner. It’ll take at least another few more 15 minute go before it will look somewhat presentable. Been taking a fancy to iced green tea lately, especially coming in after doing outside chores but still love to kick back to my summer iced coffee. Fawn and the kids went early to help out for the party so I'm looking forward for Andrea and Rob to pick me up to go the the party later in the day.

June 25, 2015,
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).  I  haven't had time for much for some time, but I had to share this morning's joy,

June 15, 2015,
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2:14). Seems like time just keep flying so fast and don’t have the time anymore to truly reflect the blessings of our journey. It's sad that I can only sporadically find to leisurely read. I think St. Augustine was perhaps the most learned among the early church fathers, and am musing on his thoughts on free will as being a choice between good will and what is evil and that it is the duly of the individual to determine what is good and what is evil based on the truth. I think that’s fine and dandy, but how does one will good? Apart from grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, I think we are lost. I remember once upon a time my son told me about an elder led youth bible study on free will at my former parish. Sad how some of the kids and their parents know so little and were in attack mode. They fail to understand as Luther said in his Bondage of the Will, "All the passages in the Holy Scriptures that mention assistance are they that do away with "free-will", and these are countless...For grace is needed, and the help of grace is given, because "free-will" can do nothing." The grass was too wet to mow over the weekend and rain continues to insanely fall. Surly, I will have fun cutting tall grass when there is a window. Been like this most of the spring. But at least were not flooding like over part of the country.

May 30, 2015
Oh wow, has it been that long since I penned a journal entry? Goes to show how busy and hectic life has been, mostly consumed by long hours at work. Hard to believe the work place is so busy and yet there was a rif. All the Sunday worships have been literally out of this world and this coming Sunday will be no exception. How fitting it is to find time this rainy Saturday morning to be listening to sacred music and reading St. Augustine The Trinity from the CUA, The Fathers of the Church series. I don’t know how large Tony’s collection is, but he let me borrow, The Trinity, along with Pope Leo the Great – Letters, and the Apostolic Fathers. Previous to meeting Tony, I didn’t know there was Byzantine Rite Catholics. I always struggle with our parish not reciting the Athanasian Creed in Mass during the Feast of the Holy Trinity. I think it good form for a evangelical catholic to do so. What is there to fear of a creed on the work of Christ written from Holy Scripture?  How good it is that more than 15 centuries later the church continues to confess the three person of God and what he has done for us. I seldom go out to eat during the lunch hour, but I did this week with and actually found a place that knew how to make build a Chicago style hot dog, I love Nicky's.

May 7, 2015
Can't play drums, but love the sound of drums. Today I enjoyed rock drummer Neil Peart. Albeit, a nine hour day, I was out early enough to enjoy the weather a little bit before Fawn and I went for our doctor appointment. Praise God for our good check up results. Wow, Fawn even lost 13 lbs. Hmm, so what about me? My thoughts were all over the place, was thinking about mother’s day and my mother and of Fawn, the mother of our children. I got an email reply from my friend earlier in the week and rejoice in knowing all is well and the good news of their expecting date of August 15th! I never could understand the dogma of Assumption and how it relates to dormition. Much easier just to celebrate the Feast of St. Mary, Mother of Our Lord and the exemplary life which she led. Interesting, I wonder if it is a coincidence that Mother’s day is during the month of May along with the Christian custom of dedicating the month of May to the Blessed Virgin. Theotokos Virgin, rejoice, Mary full of grace, the Lord is with You. Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have borne the Savior of our souls.

May 6, 2015
Today was a most excellent day. It was so beautiful; sunny and in the mid 70s. Albeit short, I did get outside for a brief noontime walk. I haven’t had the pleasure of watching The Voice for sometime, but I did manage to catch Meghan Linsey on YouTube singing, Steamroller Blues. It brought me all the way back to my youthful James Taylor days.

May 1, 2015
Albeit, the lawn mower still fires like at champ, the self propelled gave out last year. That was fine and dandy then, but I wasn’t thinking and procrastinated, neglecting to find time to cut the grass. I was too much for me to push through the thick. Hard to believe lawn mowers cost to much nowadays. I look at Home depot and Menards. We ended up selecting a Briggs & Stratton Brute, so far so good. This hasn’t been a good week for me financially, with buying a new lawn mower as well as four new tires for Fawns car, what’s next? The weather finally warm enough the past week, so Fawn and began our walk and talks again. Love listening to sacred music on Lutheran Public Radio. Talk about excellence, school will be out soon and I’ll miss the Wheaton College music students who sing and worship with us during the school year. We don’t get to see, Andrea and Rob as often as we like, but they’ll be back this weekend for a visit!

April 18, 2015
Up the norm up and out the door before the crack of dawn. I won’t be able to say that shortly, sunrise was 6:04 this morning. Penning and enjoying a nice of coffee and the peace of God in the still. I haven’t done that in a while in the early hours. At least Saturday’s the start isn’t until8:30 and beats having to go in on Sundays. That’s be to God for Saturday night Mass. How else can one work on Sundays mornings? Wow, in the mid 70s yesterday. Too bad I was only outdoors for the briefest. I can across an article, After Five Centuries of Division, Catholics and Lutherans Consider Their Common Heritage, and am reminded of Dr Genig and the liturgical color purple. I am totally convinced that Reformation Day is not a celebratory day in our struggle for truth and that both side share some guilt in division of church unity.

April 13, 2015
To my surprise, we’re off this weekend. That only means a killer week awakes the team. Was up to a most beautiful morning. Picked up some warm Big Apple Bagels to go with our morning coffee. Then it was off to the city to drop off a college care package, spring clothing and bring back home her winter clothing. The lake front drive was amazing. I never realized there was a Patio Restaurant in Lombard. Fawn and I shared a Combo. The ribs are greats as usual. The norm is with chicken but was decide to give the beef brisket a try. We prefer the chicken. Outside of rain days here and there, the weather has been great and holding in the mid to upper 60s. The grass is green and the trees are starting to bud. Been musing on what Jesus said to doubting Thomas, “Do not disbelieve, but believe.” and his response, “My Lord and my God!” Like the father of the boy with an unclean spirit who Jesus healed, I prayerful cry out, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

April 9, 2015
Kaboom, it’s been booming all night so I finding myself up a little earlier than the normal. Nice to have a hot cup of coffee and pen in the … lol, I started to say in the still of the night, but it is anything but that, with all the thunder and heaven down pour. In a way there is some truth that there is some peace, because the workplace is filled with background noise and a great deal of stress. Thanks be to God for noontime  walks. Easter Sunday was awesome. Talk about full blast worship. It was incredible that so many folks were able to attend the early morning Mass. I was so privileged to serve as an assistant at the altar. It was the second time I was a thurifer. Albeit, I’m not comfortable enough to do long swings, I did add several extra scoops of incense and was able to swing the thurible far enough to make that bad boy really smoke prior to the reading of the gospel. Standing there when Fr. Nelson proclaimed the gospel and with all the accompanying manifestations of reverence, how can one not respond in faith and receive the gospel message into their hearts and pray that it purifies and transform their lives. I was glad the entire family came for the Easter Mass and home for the traditional Easter ham dinner with all the trimmings. The work week has been exceptionally heavy with two folks off on vacation. One does have to be clairvoyant to know we’ll this and next weekend to complete the needed.

April 4, 2015
Wow, April already. Last night I watch the movie, The Passion of Christ on TV. Hard to believe 10 years ago since I watched the movie in the theater with my friend Tim. I can still remember taking the afternoon off from work to do lunch to catch the movie. Rightly or wrongly, Holy Saturday remains a day of reflection and anticipation filled with peace and joy. Benjamin Franklin is often quoted around this time of year, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” To the world, when thinking about death and one’s own mortality, often times bring about fear and sadness. With Christ, death holds no power over us and we are free to walk each day in our journey back to Eden in the grace offered us.

March 28, 2015
Awesome day. A tad nippy, but at least it was sunny. Sigh… hard to believe it snow twice this week. As usual, blah blah blah about working a hard long week again, nothing new there. Bundled up and Fawn and I did a couple hours of yard work. To my surprise, I was huffing and puffing more than expected. I though I was in better shape than that. Andrea and Rob went to a wedding at nearby Wheaton Bible Church and stopped by for brief visit before going to the reception. Albeit, we don’t get to see them as often as we like, sweet two weekends in a row. Last we the entire family went in the city to celebrate Jennifer's 21th birthday. Wow, my baby girl? The years really go by fast. We had Colombian at Las Tablas. While the food was super good, I haven't flinch at a bill like that in a long time. Ate Chinese all day for lunch, I made beef and snow peas over Cantonese pan fried noodle and for dinner and a movie, Fawn made, Chinese style stir fried eggs and tomatoes, good stuff. Laura Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. Hmm… nearing the end of another month and the cry is where is spring? Pass years I'd be thinking about Song 2:12 by now.

March 21, 2015
"Don't be yourself, be someone a little nicer." - Mignon McLaughlin. Ahh, Saturday morning and being able to sleep until 8. This week was great week. I kind of like penning in the morning with the sun shining having a nice cup of hot coffee. Sweet, spring is upon us and so the days being to get longer and I’m finally getting some sunlight. Albeit I start at 6:30, we've been able to get out by 4:30. Sad, that 9 hours work days seem like part-time and getting out early. Once again, for this time in my life, it beats being unemployed. During this Lent I reflected on my numerous sins and on Psalm 51: Create in me a clean heart O Lord. In the past I studied the circle of redemption found in Psalm 32, in one of St John bible study classes. Interestingly, seems like David outlines characteristics of repentance of sinning; pleading as beggars to mercy of God, acknowledging and then confessing sins, desiring a pure heart again, and recognizing that by grace we are forgiven.

March 14, 2015
O come, ye faithful, and let us drink, not from a well of earthly water that perishes but from the fountain of life, as we venerate the cross of Christ; for his cross is our glory. Amen. – Byzantine Liturgy. Was looking at our worship folder and sipping on my morning coffee and came across the above in the margins. I could be mistaken, but I have not recollection of ever singing, Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness. I took the time to listen and muse, looking at heart and life. Albeit, our good works are like fifty rags, I still believe good works are necessary for salvation and how reassuring it is to be justified solely by the blood and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. I think both truths are found in, Titus 3: 1-11, where we are called to be ready for all good works. May God help us to know ourselves. Amen. I also acame across a most beautiful devotional reflection by Heni Nouwen, God’s Imagination. OMG. It was anything but a slow melt. Looking forward to spring and hoping the cold is behind us now. Having a nice cup of coffee and looking out the back window and the snow is all gone and the sun is shinning. Unbelievable, it is suppose to be in the 60s the next few days and maybe in the 70s by Monday! So far, so good. Been doing the elliptical again and doing the walk. Don’t know why I stop, believe I always feel better after exercising. I had a nice big bowl of Italian soup mid week. I’m actually a big chili fan, but really love pasta e fagioli instead, from time to time. Hmm, prep for Saint Patrick’s Day parade on the news. Interesting that certain saints are popular even by the secular world, like St Patrick, Valentine and Nicholas. Plans to celebrate the day later with the popular Irish-American corn beef and cabbage.

March 8, 2015
Still not sure why, but am still routinely going to the Saturday vigil Mass. One sure benefit is being able to catch up on some much needed sleep. Finally, it got into the 40s both yesterday and today. With all the snow on the ground, thinking it’s going to be a slow melt. Relaxed and enjoyed the movie, The Judge. Put back on more than a few pounds. It motivated me to start back on the elliptical again at the beginning of the month. Hoping to lose the gained weight and some.

March 5, 2015
Hmm, so daylight savings time is this weekend. I like it moved up to the beginning of March and pushed back till the end of November. Hard to believe it’s still so cold, but the weather forecast for next week looks too good to be true. Sunny most of the time and in the 40s and 50s! Been reading icons more then usual during this season of Lent and was struck by the Extreme Humility icon. Christ himself reminds us that we are called to be humble. Among of the various humility icons were a few with Christ and the Holy Mother. It left me musing toward a tangent which brought me to the fringes of and the wholeness of the church catholic Folks talk about the Theokotos as “Co-Redemptrix” (I have no clue what that means) and a tough proclamation. But when one really take the time to contemplate on her extraordinary life, one can’t help but to be comforted and admire her role in salvation history. For whatever reason, I think so many people unduly shy away from the holy mother, especially the evangelicals.

March 1, 2015
Add yet another month flies by. Nowadays, it seems like the weekend is the only chance I get to slow down and prepare to mediate. We went to Mass last night instead of this morning because the forecast called for several more inches of snow. I was expecting to have to dig out again today, but we only got a dusting!  Albeit, we set a new record of -10 ◦F yesterday and I've been ranting about the long cold spell and snow, I probably should tapper off singing the winter blues, before it really brings me down. I wish I was on spring break in Florida, like Jennifer and her friends. Blah, blah, blah… it’s the sameo. sameo about the weekdays and work, except it’s not clear if Jie was let go yesterday are was given a two week notice. Brett said that he really loves mushrooms and gets it from some local high tech mushroom farm. His favorite are shiitake but I think most folks call them Chinese black mushroom. It lead me to try making chicken with the black mushrooms ever earlier in the week. It was a awesome and had to make it for lunch today. Talk about being the poor miserable sinner that I am, self examination has made this past week’s Lenten journey somewhat brutal. I thank God for his grace; he calls us back to Eden. It is good that this liturgical season presses hard on us and makes us fully realize our need for Christ and our desire to be refreshed by his Holy Eucharist.

February 22, 2015
It’s been a crazy week and has brought new meaning to TGIF. It’s not hard to believe that it has been 10 days since my last journal entry. What happen to the American workplace? The long hours are now a stable. I’m not alone in seeing so many out of work or underemployed. Today’s Life Together had a longer than usual list of folks needing our prayers. Outstanding Transfiguration Mass last Sunday. Beautiful to be serving and sitting up close to the altar. Today we went to the later Mass and then went up to see Rob and Andrea. Lunch at Olive Garden! As usual the food was good and so was the conversation. I really enjoy being around my family. I’m glad I gave the stuffed chicken marsala a go. They really are stepping up and I think they are better then Macaroni Grill now. I’ve forgotten how sweet it is to go to the daily morning Mass. Ash Wednesday was the first time I had the morning Eucharist since being back to work. I made it a point to go instead of working the norm. Friday, lunch was with Norma and Jie. Albeit, I don’t work in the same group with them anymore, they are really a blessing. Next Friday will be Norma’s last day. I’m glad Jie got extended yet another month. There is much to muse about ISIS. I have read about so many biblical martyrs and have prayed for the persecuted church, but was truly cut to the heart during today’s homily when Fr Bruzek mentioned the 21 Coptic martyrs beheaded this past week. I was struck by the faithfulness of the martyred and by reaction of their family. My reaction earlier in the week was quite different and unchristlike. Dang its cold. I lived here all my life and can’t remember it being so cold for so long. The average low temp is 18◦F and average high is 35◦F. We are entering the last week of February and even insanely below the January averages. I made huge pot of delicious fuzzy melon soup, I think the hairy gourd is creepy looking as well as peaches being fuzzy. Think I’m going for extra layers tomorrow. Waking to sub zero temps out the door is no fun.

February 12, 2015
Whew, thought I lost my keys at work. Thanks be to God, I didn’t. I knew it would be another 10 hour day, so I started at 6 and got out at 5. It’s been a while since I made fuzzy melon soup, good stuff, especially on these cold winter days.

February 11, 2015
Work, work, work, that is all that been on my plate. Bad enough I've been working 10 hour days, this past weekend, our team even had to work one of the weekend days. Guess it’s better than not having a job. At least there are no plans for us to go in this coming week. I look forward for the Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Albeit an honor and privilege assisting at the altar, I’m at awe on feast days of the Master. I was reading a few of transfiguration icons and now wonder how I could not be struck by the glory of God revealed in Christ, when I was a young man.

February 3, 2015
I still don’t see improvement in our economy. Is it just me? I got an email from my friend Norma. She informed me that her contract is ending at the end of this month and requested intercessory prayers on her behalf. Heavenly Father, look with love on those of us who are afflicted by unemployed, underemployed and are at risk. Especially, favor your servant Norma. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. How can I not talk about the obscene amount of snow we got over the weekend? Albeit I did the shoveling in moderation, I’m still stiff and sore. Sixteen inches of snow will do that. The city of Naperville scattered 1,000 tons of salt on the roadways in response to the blizzard. Unbelievable, 2 million pounds of deicing salt. It was no picnic Monday morning. It took 3 hours  to clear the side walk and dig out before going to work. I'm not fortunate enough to have a job that can be done remotely.

February 1, 2015
Wow, February already. Woke up this morning and looked out the window, hoping we be getting the low end of the forecast. But it was not to be. Thank be to God for young bucks, Alex was a big help carry the bulk of the work digging out. I've been out three times this morning and once this afternoon already, the plan is to continue going out every couple hours until the snow stop falling. I know that that uniqueness of each individual snow flake stimulates the wonders of God's glory, but it is a good reminder of how much I don't like  shoveling it.

January 31, 2015
Ahh, it’s early afternoon and have time to sit down and relax. I enjoy musing and then penning about random stuff. A major winter storm is on it’s way and is suppose to arrive late tonight and bring 24 hours of snow, yikes. Guess I be shoveling every couple of hours. The plan is to go to Mass tonight before all the excitement. Jesus makes it clear in Luke 22 as to why we should go to Mass, “Do this in remembrance of me.” I just don’t understand how folk see the Eucharist, the very body and blood, as optional or worst yet, a mere symbol. Christ said it very plainly, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him” (John 6:53-56).
Back and full of joy. Albeit, I shouldn't of been, I was surprise how many parishioners showed up tonight. There was a need to consecrate additional elements for the communicants. I have been musing about an altar tabernacle for several years and was in favor of one but after reading an article by Dr Ziegler, ). Should Lutherans Reserve the Consecrated Elements for the Communion of the Sick? Perhaps our current practice is best left be.

January 30, 2015
Thanks be to God, it’s Friday! I simply find it amazing to somehow manage to make it through another stress filled work week. It ended on a somewhat of good note though. My friend got her contract extend for another month, others were less fortunate. Strange, I didn’t hear anything more on my very own predicament. Well, it’s the weekend, time for a little rest, a little fun, and the dreaded shoveling of more snow.

January 24, 2015
What a great day, Fawn and I was out the door at the crack of dawn. First stop, some serious eats. Man, it doesn't get better than a dim sum breakfast in the city. Then it was time for a quick visit to drop of a college care package for my little girl. I can’t get over the camp view off Lake Michigan and her apartment literally being up against the beach. Talk about parents aspiring to live the life of our kids. Then it was off to visit Andrea and Rob and doing the Gurnee Mill Mall. I've forgotten how huge that place is. Surely got my exercise in with all that walking. On the way back we attended Mass. I've said it time after time, high church full blast worship, where I am wounded by the beauty of the liturgy, God’s work, heaven on earth. I once said how therapeutic it is penning my journal entries, but it is quiet reflective moments of the peace that our Lord offers us, that allows us to quiet our hearts. What a perfect way to end the day thanking God for his peace.

January 22, 2015
“even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save” (Isaiah 46:4). I was bushed yesterday and went to bed early. I knew today was going to be another long day, so I went in early to do the needed. Sigh… tomorrow we are going out to do a holiday lunch that didn't happen last month. It’s nice to take a break, but the problem is there remains so much to do. What can one do in the mist of everyday stress, but to carry on?

January 20, 2015
Today was not so good of a day. Albeit, last week I was rejoicing that my nephew Kevin found work, it was out of state. I was sad to hear the project my friend Jie is working will end at the end of the month along with her contract. Lord, have mercy. It is not clear to me it we are still in a downward spiral, but as I look around I still don’t see any improvement in our poor economy. Prayers for unemployed, under employed and for those at risk. For no particular reason, I decided to change the Christ Pantokrator Icon on my homepage and replaced it with the Trinity Icon.

January 14, 2015
Sunday was a most joyous day, got to do fine birthday lunch celebration at the Outback Restaurant after morning Mass. Not saying how old my oldest is but … Been crazy busy at work. Today was the first time in a while I just worked only an eight hour day, so am able to get a little rest mid week. Better go to bed early so I can go early for blood work before going in to work.

January 10, 2015
I was dead tire Friday night and was in bed by eight. Was up early to shovel the snow and off to work in darkness. My body is taking a tow on these cold brutal days. Surly getting old has nothing to do with it. Had breakfast at the new IHOP at the Bolingbrook Promenade with my brother Bill and brother-in-law Al. The food and service was really good. We sat and talked for several hours. Time really flies when you’re having fun. It’s best to go early in the morning, because before we knew it the place was packed with loud noisy kids. Strange life we have, when so much of it is spent at work and having little time for anything else.

January 8, 2015
I’m clueless to how cold it actually got overnight, but it was -6◦F when I went out the door this morning. This extreme cold has me weary of trying to cope with this seemingly frostbitten earth. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I opted to leave work a little early because it started to snow. Albeit, only a few inches fell, it was enough to cause havoc on the unplowed and unsalted road. Look like it will snow a few more before it’s over. I’m definitely not looking forward to shoveling tomorrow morning in the extreme cold. Doesn't look like it will be above freezing anything soon, but double digits right about now would be considered a blessing. It was nice to sit in on a training class for a change and activating those technical grey matter neurons connections. Fascinating, how much the mind can absorb.

January 7, 2015
Albeit, I was born and raised in the south side of Chicago, cold weather acclimation has always been and continues to be a challenge for me. Brrr, it took me about an hour to shovel a little over 3 inches of snow yesterday morning in subzero weather, but I gotrdone. Last night was no fun either. I drove Jennifer back to school. At least the traffic was very light and the roadways were well plowed and salted. I took my sweet time driving Jennifer back to school and prayed the entire trip that there be no car problems. It’s -5◦F now and suppose to continue dropping to -12◦F with a wind chill factor 0f -30◦. Thanks be to God for a warm home as I sit here sipping on a hot cup of earl grey tea on a cold winter day and pondering on the grace of God. The idiom, “there but for the grace of God, I go”, rings clear.

January 5, 2015
Dang its cold. It was a long john and layers kind of day. Nowadays they are called thermal underwear. Once upon a time, I learned about bundling up to survive the cold weather with the acronym COLD. Clean – keep clothing clean, Overheating – avoid getting too warm, Layers – wear loose layers, and Dry – Keep clothing dry. Looks like the snow fall just begun. Yikes, the forecast is for 5-8 inches overnight. Thanks be to God for the comfort of modern homes.

January 4, 2015
"O God, Who by the guidance of a star didst this day reveal Thine only-begotten Son to the Gentiles, mercifully grant that we, who know Thee now by faith, may be so led as to behold with our eyes the beauty of Thy majesty. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen." Obviously, it was only a matter of time. Bone chilling cold and snow. Got up early to shovel the snow and scrape the ice off the windshield. Albeit, the roads were plowed and well salted, I took my time driving to the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ, because I didn’t want to get into an accident because of a slick spot on the road. Well, off to bed, sure it will be another cold brutal day. How people survived the hardships back in antiquity is beyond me.

January 1, 2015
And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:8-11). Albeit New Year’s Day, my mind still ponders on the Christmas Day good news with great joy. Like most Christians, I wonder how to share the Good News with a seemingly unreceptive world. I think it begins with the Eucharist and in response continue to worship God in our everyday live expressing the joy of Christ’s presence in my own life. I can't believe I made a Star Trek reference the other day, "dif tor heh smusma". I must be watching too much Big Bang Theory on TV. Got to watch the FSU get blown out the Rose Bowl. It is amazing the nuclear level of hate Jameis Wilson, has rightly or wrongly, brought on Florida State Football.