Journal 2018

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2018
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Yes it’s still Christmas, the 7th day to be exact. Now that the plan is to kick it up a notch, up early to start my morning exercises. Was even able to get in a leisurely mall walk in before the noon hour. I suppose I could have whipped up a fancy dish to celebrate the new year, but opted to make tofu to bring in the new year with a healthy low calorie dish. Fawn and Jennifer wasn’t excited over that prospect, so they went to Carl’s for a pizza. With the new year only hours away, am praying for a clean heart to start the new year off. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).

December 30, 2018
Up early to get some of the resistance exercises out of the way. Nice to see the bright sunrise. Sigh, not sure how my browser settings got changed since yesterday, drives me bonkers. Aah, smells and bells. Was seated atop the altar and assigned to ring the Sanctus bells after the words of consecration. Hung around after the late service and chatted with Tim. We had a lot of catching up to do, nice to see him doing well now health wise. Couldn't drive pass the gas station without stopping for gas on the way home, $2.099, wow! The topic of forgiveness came up and I’ve reflecting about this topic many times over the years. Guessing because forgiveness someone is something that doesn’t come by easily for me, especially to the unrepentant. “If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him” (Luke 17:3-4). When the wrongness on ones actions is understood and intimates a remorseful change it can move one to forgive them. I’ve heard the phase to just forgive people out of Christian love. By allowing abusive people to continually have their way and allowing them to sinfully walk over people unchecked is not love. Got a hilarious cartoon from Dennis that sums up how I feel about the progress of my weight loss predicament and the need for patients and perseverance. They say the last few pounds are the hardest. Guessing I really need to set aside more time to kick up the intensity of my current strength training aerobic exercises in order to lose the remaining visceral fat.

December 29, 2018
Dave posted a funny Garfield meme “DIET”: Did I Eat That. Made me reflect on where I’m at on my weight loss journey. Albeit, initially there was significant progress early on, it’s been a slow go since. I suppose as long as there is progress, it’s not all bad. Actually, I’m close to my target weight, but wish to do away with remaining belly fat, what to do? From what I can tell, I’ll need to exercise even more than I am now. Now that Jennifer is home for the holidays, with the few words we do share, I’m left to face the complex challenges of the adult father daughter relationship. It was a much simpler time when we do did things like going fishing or taking her to the pop corn shop or to the dairy queen. Guessing Comcast still haven’t came out to do the needed, because we still don’t have On Demand functionality. Will say that the high speed internet is all that, since the technician came and changed out the coaxial cabling and added the amplifiers. Livin’ the good life, filet mignon was on sale so we couldn’t pass up the opportunity. The super tender melt in your mouth steak went so well with the rice and broccoli. I don’t think this expensive steak isn’t as flavorful as the rib eye, but when it is on sale and a small cut will do, why not try this every now and then. The funny thing is, when it comes to killing the fat cow, I’m just as happy eating a juicy hamburger. So what do I know? Anyway, have to stop penning and get my last go on the elliptical before calling it a day, tomorrow I’m up for altar assistant.

December 28, 2018
Because of my disbelief, had to do a recheck on the scale this morning and was two tenths of a pound lighter than the last week’s reading. Most likely due to taking care of some business prior to the weigh in. Doing the happy dance despite that there will be no way of I’ll be meeting my weight loss goal for the year. Of course, I can always declare a New Year’s Resolution vowing to eat less and moving more again. Was listening to Adele, while attending to my morning exercises. She has such a beautiful voice and got so lost in the music that I ended up kicking it up a notch on the elliptical. Musing on the Holy Innocents, martyrs in Bethlehem that were massacre by King Herod as he was attempting to kill baby Jesus. How can one not venerate these first martyrs of the Church? Saint Augustine said, "They died not only for Christ but in His stead." Wow, baby back pork ribs were cut to about an inch strips and were so meaty. BBQ oven baked half the three pound package and dim sum steamed the other half, food heaven, life is good. Bah humbug, can’t believe Jean photo shopped a Santa hat on me head, really Jean? Hate snow and am glad we only got a light dusting of the stuff that didn't require any shoveling.

December 27, 2018
Woke to the sound of a torrential downpour and to the gloom and doom looking sky to boot, but am so glad there is no snow anywhere to be found. Didn’t expect any weight loss this week, but certainly didn’t expect to gain half a pound back either. What went wrong? And that’s wasn’t a rhetorical question either. With the rain and all, stayed indoors and spent a little time reorganizing and cleaning up emails and junk on the laptop and put in extra time on the elliptical. Big mistake surfing the internet today, saw a whole lot of angry people venting and ranting about this and that with heated words. In my mind, there is a big difference between seeking wisdom and guidance than venting in a way to make one feel better, as to getting it off their chest, so to speak. There are a lot of things pondering in the stillness of our heart that seems to make no sense, but if we are called to engage in the public square, we are to speak the truth in love. A hostile tone does not serve the welfare of our neighbor. Talk about a person with perseverance, the Comcast technician was moving about checking this and checking that replacing old coaxial cables throughout the house and installing cable amplifiers for several hours before determining the resolution will still require additional exterior maintenance at the utility box. I think he did a super job. The problem is the cable signal is too weak for the On Demand feature to connect to the server. He said that Comcast will be back out within 48 hours. Oh my, this past year seemed like a blink of the eye and 2018 will be coming to close in a matter of days.

December 26, 2018
Surprised, cantaloupe for breakfast. That’s a new, the norm is either cold or hot cereal, how refreshing. Hmm, made bitter melon beef for but didn’t get to eat any of it, ‘poor me’. Ha, where did hear that this week? Well, did get to enjoy get to savor the minced the steamed minced beef patty with shiitake mushrooms and water chestnuts. Simply just love cooking for my kids, happy that Alex came by to visit. Went to the Xfinity store get another Comcast cable box as recommended. But after activating the new box we were still not able to connect to the On Demand server, grr. Not sure what happened, but for some unknown reason, the internet is working again with the splitter, magic. Giving up, better not be getting a service charge when the technician comes out tomorrow.

December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas! Gloria in Excelsis Deo! Let us rejoice, for there is no proper place for sadness on this day. Behold on Christmas a new and wondrous reality” – Saint John Chrysostom. Got up super early, as to not neglect the most needed, day’s exercises. Been doubling up the cardio this past week but by no means am expecting it will be enough to offset my foolishness on Sunday. Nice to see our old vicar Joshua and Rachel this morning. Awesome, two dim sum classics for brunch, shui mai and stuffed bean curd rolls. Celebrated Christmas at the Hatley’s, yet another big family gathering. So good to see and make merry with everyone. I even was able to resist the temptation of indulging myself to a second helping, but didn’t fare as well as I would of like to of.

December 24, 2018
Penning a little early so I can kick back and watch the old classic, It’s a wonderful life. Glad to see all my kids back safely. Must be part of a a parent's job description to worry. Instead of rejoicing, my initial thought this morning was Christmas misery. Actually it is the bombarding of inane media chatter that leave so many nihilistic. Even in my efforts to curb much of the ongoing ramblings of a negative world that fans both fear and greed, much of it seeming can’t be avoided. I could be wrong, but think news people are simply angry people for one reason or another. There is no fighting it; Christmas has fully evolved into both a religious and cultural celebration and a chance to be with family. Hearing the plan is a family picture with Santa hats this year. Bah humbug, ain’t happening. I wonder how, over time, Saint Nicholas turned into a north pole character with a sleigh driven by flying reindeers? Suppose I can google it, but the reality is I could care less because the reason is probably something lame. Carry across the quote, “To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” – Aristotle. Loving the absence of snow, that’s what happens when you get old and prefer not to deal with battling the elements. The greatest gift that God gives us is himself. Come, Lord Jesus.

December 23, 2018
Shame on me, nearing the fringes of entering into a food coma (postprandial somnolence?). Clearly, am not a man will power. Failed to resist the temptation of over indulging at the Adriana’s 3rd  birthday party that was like a food festival, after all Nemanja is a professional chef. Love being at family gatherings, always good food with good company. Nice, Malinda Kathleen Reese sings ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ in the Church of Encarnacion in Montefrio, Spain. I think she was also surprised and taken by the acoustics while singing her prayer.

December 22, 2018
Great FB share by Dave this morning that made for an awesome start, Christmas at Luther 2017. The doctrinal contrast between the ELCA and LCMS is flabbergasting. Did a second go on the elliptical and thinking it may be needed several more times this coming week. Have two parties to attend! Talk about a larger quiver and girl power, five girls. Congratulations to Matushka and Fr Genig on the birth of Zoe Elizabeth. Got to stop now and go pick up the kids. When do parental duties end?

December 21, 2018
Was up in the wee hours and on the road by 3 a.m. I know ORD like the back of hand now. Andrea, Rob and Isaac went to see, “the mouse.” Déjà vu, will be picking Alex and Jenn back up tomorrow. Stunned when I heard the notion of one contemplating going to Contemporary Worship this Christmas. In my own mind anything short of the Divine Liturgy is problematic, but then again, it’s not my family. I said to myself, “Dang it getting pretty dark.” Then I realized today is the 21st and the shortest day of the year. Tend to muse about Christ being the Light of the World. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). Almighty God who art the Light of the world, grant us Thy heavenly blessing. May the radiance of Your Light illumine our hearts and brighten our home with the spirit of faith and love. Let the Light of Your Presence guide us, for in Your Light do we see light. Bless us also with Your Spirit, that happiness and peace may ever abide in all men. Amen.

December 19, 2018
Days like today are the best. We went out to lunch with my brother Bill and sister Nancy. Even did a little bargain shopping for inexpensive little bonus kid toys at the Super Target. I really love spending time with my sibling. It was one of those crazy lots to do out all kind of day, yet fun filled.

December 17, 2018
Outstanding day, reading a short meditation Luther on the Nativity on Mockingbird, on my way back to Eden. If I’m not a few steps closer, perhaps at least I’m facing at the right direction. Lord, have mercy. I don’t often do any penning mid day, but was excited to share this gem in Larry’s World. So why not do a journal entry while on line. Can’t decide which I love more, Of The Father’s Love Begotten chant or well, this, Of The Father’s Love Begotten. v2. O that birth forever blessèd, When the virgin, full of grace, By the Holy Ghost conceiving, Bore the Savior of our race; And the Babe, the world’s Redeemer, First revealed His sacred face, Evermore and evermore! Blessed to spend the day with the little man, what a joy. Starting to recite his ABCs and counting objects.

December 16, 2018
Once upon a time I said, some to the fact that there was no such thing a bad Chinese food. Clearly, I was wrong and wasn’t feeling the carry order we got today. How about them Bears? NFC North Divisional Champs! Goes to show how little I know about the game and thought it was a sure thing at the two minute warning for da Bears, but then a third down field goal and followed by an onside kick made the game a thrilled to the very end. I got another Windows update, but am not sure it was this or the prior one that caused the printer driver to be fail. Ended up down loading a new one, to print Fawn a 2019 paper calendar.

December 15, 2018
Up in the wee hours to drop off Alex and Jennifer at the airport. Good they’re visiting their Auntie Soo and Uncle Eddie in Arizona. Brings the old cliché to mind, “Distance means so little when someone means so much.” With the season Advent winding the focus now is starting to be all about Christmas. The other day at the doctor’s office heard a receptionist greeting a patient with a “Happy Holiday” and the old man with a grumpy tone replying back with, Merry Christmas.” Do I or did I do that in the past? Nowadays, I don’t read too much into the different ways people say in December with their well wishes. It doesn’t matter if one replies to a Happy Holidays or what not with a Merry Christmas as long as neither is being belligerent or sounding like the adversarial jerks often found on the internet. I’m a advocate of a single player system healthcare, yesterday Fifth Circuit Federal Judge Reed O’Connor that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional. Now I’m wondering what the Supreme Court will have to say about this ruling. This is the second time I've been under the weather this month. Just when I start feeling better, it start all over again. Have been a long while since I've felt this bad, coughing and hacking away.

December 13, 2018
They’re killing me, was reminded why I hate Windows. Between all the automatic multiple restarts it took almost an hour for all the updates to complete, ridiculous. Did I mention I hate Windows? If only I was willing to fork out the dough for a MAC like everyone else in my household. Ended up reinstalling the network driver adapter that came with the modem and now I’m back on the saddle again. Frustration between the problems with Comcast and Windows, is enough to drive one nuts. Start up counting calories and my exercise routine again and am tracking it with my new and improved Excel file, good for me. Not sure why I don’t take the time to routinely read from the Imitation of Christ, it’s such a good read, second only to the Holy Bible. “Take away from our hearts, O Lord, all suspicion, anger, wrath, contention, and whatever may injure charity and lessen brotherly love. Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy on those who ask Your mercy, give grace to those who need it, and make us such that we may be worthy to enjoy Your favor and gain eternal life.”

December 12, 2018
The annual physical went OK. Now just have to wait for the result of the blood work and need to schedule a stress test the early part of next year. Was musing about things I said I was going to do this year, but failed to do, especially dropping the pounds to a healthy weight, eating a heart healthy diet, and exercising regularly. Ahh, listened to the Advent hymn study, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, on Issues, Etc. the highlight of my day

December 11, 2018
It doesn’t get much better than winter melon soup on cold days. Listened to Week #5 of, Sin, Death, & the Devil: Clearing the Way Back to Eden. Love this St. Innocent Orthodox Study Group Series. The good news is that Moen faucets have a lifetime warranty; the bad news is there they don’t have any pick facilities and its takes seven to ten days to ship replacement parts. Guess a bucket under the kitchen sink will have to do until the needed parts arrive. Have my annual physical exam tomorrow, funny how I decided to have a salad today as though it will make a difference.

December 8, 2018
Broke away from the usual hot or cold cereal again with yet another freebee Panera Bread bagel. Love this daily promotion for the entire month of December. No doubt Panera Bread bagel reigns supreme. Was thinking about the movie Rob and I watched a few weeks back, Vantage Point. Initially, with an eye row, I thought it was boring, but after seeing the occurrence over and over from different people perspective, it became very interesting to realize what was actually happening. There are a lot of things happening in the world and in our lives that don’t make sense. And so in our inadequate prayer lives, we pray to God looking at him and from within for our concerns and to give us eyes to see our situations from his perspective. Was awesome, serving as an altar assistant at the anticipated Mass. It’s been a while serving at the altar, why I fail to sign up more often to assist is a mystery. Love, Create In Me a Clean Heart, O God. Seem like our parish prays this offertory hymn only during Advent and Lent. Got home and made Sheboygan style brats from Jewel. No sauerkraut to be found, but still awesome with mustard. All this sausage I’ve been eating lately may be paying a toll, will be finding out next week, as I’m due for my annual physical exam.

December 7, 2018
Had no choice but to brave the weather this morning. That’s what happens when you have an enlarged prostate that requires examining annually. It was in the teens going out the door, but it worked its way to the upper 20s. Also had to go the pharmacy for meds; why are the meds I’ve been taking for years are 30 days refill restricted instead of 90 days is beyond me. We were near Lucky Panda, so we brought home a takeout order of sweet and sour combo (shrimp, chicken pork), love westernized Cantonese food. Normally, of the three, I would favor the chicken, but I’m really feeling the pork today, mmm. The Advent hymn, Veni, Veni, Emmanuel, made my day. I was moved by my nephew’s FB tribute to his mom, my sister Mary, miss you sis. Hard to believe it’s been nine years, Requiescat in pace

December 6, 2018
Becoming aware of that I tend to rant a lot about the weather, but what can I say? It’s so cold and wonder what to do when it will drop from the 20s to single digit and worst yet when it is below zero. Good that the sun is out, but the days are increasingly shorter. OK, now that that is out of the way, good net news that Fr. Gening is appointed parish rector at his parish in MI. The season of Advent in here and the focus is on preparing our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time, while the tendency of the world is to focus on our preparation for the celebrations of the Nativity of our Lord, awkward isn’t it? Fawn just got back from grocery shopping and noticed that she loves buying steaks for Isaac and Jennifer, brings back memories of my mom buying steak all the time for my brother Bill. My favorite meat is poultry, chicken in particular. I use to favor being a big time carnivore, but nowadays I try to eat healthier being a more omnivorous. Anyway, getting near the dinner hour and need to stop penning and begin preparing the meal. Not the young man that can whip up a meal in thirty minutes anymore.

November 30, 2018
Albeit, a slow melt, the key word is melt. It’s been so cold; above freezing temperatures works for me. First time I’ve went in the Meijer in Plainfield on Route 59 and 135th Street. Wow, super clean and huge with plenty of aisle space. Whoo Hoo, NIU Huskies won the MAC Football Championship in the final moments of the game!

November 29, 2018
Woke this morning in the darkness and rolled out the trash and recycle bins curbside is cold. Lost the wonder of winter and only think of the brutal cold and snow as harshness to overcome. For multiple reasons, it just feels like the dead of winter. Then with confusion, look at videos of Isaac joy bundled up and lovin’ it. We went to Nancy’s hoping to get her medicare all squared away for next year, but her Comcast internet was down. Not knowing when the network problem will be resolved, we setup an appointment for her with our BCBS agent for tomorrow. It’ll be nice to go out and do lunch anyway. Talk about lunch, my sister made us a seafood stir fry over Cantonese style pan fried noodles. I was amazed at how she was able to pan fry the noodles with so little oil. Will be using her cooking technique moving forward.

November 28, 2018
Clearly, nearing the end of the year, had to do a little cut and pasting to create the first quarter worksheet on my excel calendar. Nothing fancy about this pc desktop calendar, just a place enter appointments, ongoings and what nots. I totally amazed gasoline prices have been around $2.099 for several weeks now. Hard to believe people are gossiping and taking issues with WH red Christmas trees, is news worthy. Snarly sinners will be sinners, I suppose. Once upon a time, we bought fresh cut Christmas for new home and really enjoyed the smell. It was knowingly a onetime thing because the costs of the real Christmas trees are outrages. For sure everyone has different taste, as kids, we loved our spinning aluminum Christmas tree with the color wheel, growing up. I started to say that I’m about 80% back, but began thinking my 100% bar is pretty low. Pretty sure, that’s a new year resolution of some kind in the making.

November 27, 2018
Took car to the shop for a rattling noise coming from the back of the car that comes and goes. No surprise the elusive gremlin was nowhere to be found while at the dealership, but they look over the rear suspension and found one of the struts was bad and replaced it, under warranty. I am doubtful that will resolve the issue, but we’ll see. Been thinking about thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day, not much different than any other day in our coram deo, is it?

November 26, 2018
Woke to the season’s first major snow storm. We got about four inches of the heavy stuff and am now waiting for it to stop before tending to the needed. Not close to being at close to being up to the task at hand, but had this silly nonsense manly kinda thing going on in my mind having to do with a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta to do. Couldn’t have completed it without the help of my wife Fawn and my neighbor Ken. Was thinking I would be farer under the weather, being out and all, but turns out all the sweat was helpful. Humorous video of Isaac mimicking me with his own thermos bottle, love it. God blesses us with children and grandchildren. Outstanding homily, “With eyes open, ears listening and hearts full” Amen. Was expecting Jennifer home for dinner, but she unexpectedly called to do back to back surgery rotations. Just like the movies, two separate neurological surgeries operations in a single day. Not the same as studying and getting a little shut eye at the hospital while on-call. She’ll be coming home tonight hungry and beat, for sure. We had tomato beef over rice and watched, The Voice Top 11. Loved all the performances, especially, MaKenzie Thomas - Emotion, Reagan Strange – Complicated, and Chris Kroeze – Long Train Runnin'.

November 24, 2018
Mid afternoon sitting in the quiet and thought about the Desert Father, St. Antony the Great, saying, “He who sit alone and is quite has escaped from three wars: hearing, speaking, seeing: but there is one thing against which he must continually fight: that is his own heart” and prayed from the psalms, “Create in me a clean, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” As the days get shorter and darker, time to prepare oneself for the season of Advent, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Little improvement over yesterday, but loved warming up the fussy melon soup.

November 23, 2018
The over the counter stuff just ain’t cutting and am going through boxes of facial tissues like there is no tomorrow. Am so glad my doctor’s office was open today. Thanks, be to God for antibiotic therapy and inhalers, already seeing some improvement. Not motivated to muse about anything, just want to close my eyes and sleep.

November 17, 2018
Unbelievable, talk about being knocked out. Fawn was kind enough not to wake me in the morning, knowing I took meds for allergies, and went out and about doing the needed. She came home mid afternoon only to find me still asleep. I thought she was pulling my leg about the time. It wasn’t the first time I ever took a 10 mg tablet, but moving forward, I’ll need to rethink doing so. The day wasn’t a lost, we went to Mass and celebrated, The Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost, and the baptism of Lukas Michael. After church we went to Carl and Sandy’s home for a dinner party. Frijoles Rojos Colombianos, rice and slow cooked, fall off the bone pork ribs. Personally, I love beans and rice, but I do canned beans, which pales in comparison to cooking dry beans from scratch. I’m anything but adventurous, but was fascinated by Victor and Sonya’s underwater adventures while vacationing in Cancun.

November 16, 2018
What a wonderful day, we took a cooking class, sort of. Fawn, Alex, Melissa and I went to my sister, Nancy’s home to learn to make tangyuan, a traditional Chinese glutinous rice dumpling soup, so good on a bone cold days. Daikon is not only a super food, but also taste so good. Sleepless in Seattle is one of my favorite movies, but guess what, Finding Mr. Right, is right up there now. Strange, I never ever heard about this movie before today. My eyes have been itchy and have a sinus infection from hell, and instead of tending to the needed all done is moan and groan about it. My darling loves me, wonder why she wanted to stop at the Walmart on the way home, she brought me over the counter antihistamine tablets and antihistamine eye drops.

November 15, 2018
Just started penning and was thinking about what to pen when we got another FaceTime brief hello/good night call from Isaac, wow. Thought we were in for a major snow storm, but once again it came down for only a short time and then completely stopped and it all melted away when the temperature got into the mid 30s. Whoo hoo, suppose to be in the mid 40s tomorrow, didn’t think I’d be saying that mid November. Found a good audio of, The McCoys - Hang On Sloopy. Went on to listen to a few more old school garage band music, The Archies – Sugar Sugar, The Doors - Gloria. From time to time, while penning my journal entries, I pause in the quiet and reflect on my shortcomings and bring them before God seeking grace to change. Noticed that some of the journal pages get get converted properly, what a shabby forced conversion from classic to new. It's going to take time to clean up this mess.

November 14, 2018
It was a grrr, and brrr, kind of day. Grrr, thing were going good until I wanted to listen to, Music to Feed Me. Looks like when converting from the classic goggle site to the new google site, the page stop functioning altogether, sigh. Now am clueless what to do. Didn’t want to brave the cold, but a man’s gotta to do what a man’s gotta do, but I did wait till the afternoon, for the temperature to rise above freezing, before raking up the leaves for the final leaf collection and giving the lawn a final mow for the year. Mmm, what a treat, filet mignon. Albeit was on sale, it was still pricy, but what the heck, have to kill the fat cow at least once in your life. We look at it this way, still cheaper than a night out. Love FaceTime, we got a surprise call from Isaac, for him to call just to give us a shout out, brings joy. Ending the night with, Eric Clapton – Wonderful Tonight, so beautiful.

November 13, 2018
Dang, it’s cold out there. Despite putting up cold weather window film, didn’t want to get up from under the covers. Imagine if the additional insulation wasn't there. Waking to the teens and and not looking forward to a high today of 28 ºF with single digit wind chills. Fawn is braving the weather and is out shopping for groceries at Jewels while I'm hiding out sipping on a hot cup of coffee, was musing this morning about the freedom we enjoy as a nation and offering prayers of thanksgiving for the men and women, servicing and have served in the armed services and their families. Albeit, a broken world, there is so much to be thankful for. It’s not clear and is confusing to me how All Souls and All Saints are to be eucharistically celebrated. Anyway, weeks later, I find myself continuing to pray for the departed. Much like most of our prayers, we just don’t know what’s best for us and for our brothers and sisters waiting like us for the fullness of their salvation on the Last Day, so we express our desires praying, “Lord, have mercy.” Finished off the last of the Sheboygan style brats on toasted sesame seed brioche burger buns yesterday, good stuff. Will be surprised if them bad boys go on sale again for a while, just as well, I’m sure sausages aren’t all that good for you. Soaking brown rice and looking forward to having it with tofu tonight.

November 10, 2018
Today was the first day Fawn was out of bed moving about the house since we got back. It was just the opposite for me; I didn’t wake till about eleven. Waking up in the wee hours changed my sleeping pattern, for sure. Mmm, banana and pineapple made for an awesome snack. Man, these two fruits pair up good together. So good, I decide to make myself a fruit platter later in the day. Just realized today that you can see the gas prices on Google Maps. Nice to have another source beside Gas Buddy. Played around a little with this site, trying to familiarize myself to the technology of this converted site from classic. Nothing ever seem intuitive to me.

November 9, 2018
Looks like Alex’s business trip is at D.C., been wondering if he had time to see some of the sites there? Listened to Fr Joshua – The Historical Significance of the Reformation from the Orthodox Perspective and thought he is spot on. Was surprise we got about an inch or so of overnight snow, it was enough to go out this morning and buy 120 pounds of magnesium chloride. Normally I opt for rock salt, but didn’t see any Lowes. In search of blessings, I’m reminded there are no misquotes and mandarin oranges are bountiful around this time of year. “Blessed is the soul who hears the Lord speaking within her, who receives the word of consolation from His lips.” - Thomas à Kempis. Consider these things my soul. Amen. Think I’ll get a few hours of shut eyes before picking up Alex sometime in the wee hours, as his return flight is delayed.

November 8, 2018
Went to bed much earlier than need, now I find myself wide awake and reading a few chapters from, The Imitation of Christ, while waiting for Alex and sipping on a nice cup of hot coffee. The voice of Christ, “Oh, how good and how peaceful it is to be silent about others, not to believe without discrimination all that is said, not easily to report it further, to reveal oneself to few, always to seek You as the discerner of hearts, and not to be blown away by every wind of words, but to wish that all things, within and beyond us, be done according to the pleasure of Thy will.”  When we are humble and peaceful, our Lord will be with us.

November 7, 2018
Ahh, nothing quite like being back home sipping on a nice hot cup of coffee. Beginning in the quiet and seeking his wisdom this past week, has refreshed me. "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (James 3:17). Have been dwelling on what Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:9-12). Lord, grant me the grace of your love and the will to love others as you love me. Amen. The days are getting noticeably colder as well as shorter and am bracing for the inevitable harshness of winter. Had an interesting conversational muse with Rob several days ago regarding God and science and drifted to the wonders of living in the best of times and the worst of times. Despite all our scientific advancements, our scientific understanding brings us nowhere near being able to explain the deep mysteries of man to create great works of art, music and literature. Nor are we able to explain the mysteries of God’s creation and means of grace. Yet in our feeble attempt to comprehend the unknown, we try to. As for living in the best of times and in the worst of times, I suspect that it has mostly been that way since the “fall”. As Christians, we are to trust in God’s dominion to turn the insanity of the nations to serve his purpose, God is sovereign. Our Lord instructs us to be still and know that he is God. I’m so glad I to have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Isaac this past week. Feelin’ blessed to have spent so much time with the little man, may he grow ever dependent on our Lord, in a world that encourages independence. Think I’ll stop penning my random thoughts for now and go visit my FB friends, love seeing what’s goin’ on.
Achoo! Can’t wait till the leaves are completely off the trees and collected. The weather is getting cold, made a hearty egg drop soup with mixed vegetable and noodles for lunch, perfect. The internet was super slow earlier in the day, guessing people are reading up on and reacting to the post election results. Maybe people are already starting to explore gift ideas? Such a peaceful day, even got a chance to watch the final night of the knockout rounds earlier in the day. Really got stop and go to I’ve been drafted to drop Alex off at ORD in during the wee hours of the morning for a short business trip.

October 30, 2018
It made it into the low 60s yesterday and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to rake the leaves and mow the grass without breaking a sweat. For better or worse, gotrdun and was surprise to see a so many people early voting. We rarely watch the news anymore and completely stop watching talk shows, the negativity and generated controversies is over the top. Talk about a source of divisiveness, it’s all about flooding our mind with content that makes one an angry and bitter person. Mmm, winter melon soup for lunch, nothing like hot homemade soup to warm the soul and reading the psalms, “my soul thirst for you.” We ate dinner at Alex’s, mama made her pasta sauce and cavatappi noodles. Whimsical noodles to cheer one up. Feelin’ good, think I’ll keep it that way with a brief hiatus from technology and enjoy a digital detox while unmasking as many “superidols” that are in my world.

October 27, 2018
AL 288-1, back in 1974, it was pretty much a, “I don’t care, do you?” period in my journey to nowhere. Can’t remember what led me earlier to muse about the, australopithecus afarensis, Lucy. Despite the efforts of the ungodly, there is no place for Lucy in the forever unchanged Gospel of Christ Jesus, and the Genesis account of man’s creation on the sixth day remains an inseparable part of this Gospel. Sipping on, Tazo awake English breakfast, while thumbing through Jean’s pictures taken in New Zealand on FB. Clearly, she’s not acrophobic. And the tea is pretty good, first time. Getting tons of campaign direct mail postcards, must mean the stakes are high this midterm. Did go over the sample ballot and only have only a few undecided choices to consider. Haven’t made to it to the polling to cast my vote on the early ballot yet, but will. A happy marriage is made up of two good forgivers. How trying would a marriage be without Christ in the midst of it? We celebrated my cousin Jimmy and Sue’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. In an age of widespread divorce, this is remarkable. Got to love those Chinese red envelopes, clueless to what the script characters actually mean, but have to say that the red envelope looks impressive. Good to see Alex and Jennifer make to the party .

October 26, 2018
Removed the layer of solidified fat off the refrigerate beef stock, added boiled carrots, red potatoes and onions mix. The oxtail meat was so tender and flavorful. Chirp, chirp, awesome soup. Will most likely do it again in the winter, pending if we can find oxtail on sale again. I’m so-so with country music, but loved Dave Fenley and Keith Paluso, I’m a One Women Man, as well as the battle between Emily Hough and Reagan Strange, Photograph. My favorite pairing was Abby Cates and Delaney Silvernell, Love Me Like You Do. One more battle episode to go and I will be all caught up. Took a peek at this weekend’s worship folder and though here we go again with the musing on what Lutheran call, Reformation Sunday. Instead, I was distracted with the cover page, Welcome. Ha, history according to beer. Comes as no surprise that the, Hymn of the Day, will be, A Might Fortress Is Our God, on Reformation Sunday. Turned to the old, Issues Etc. Classic: A Might Fortress Is Our God - Dr. Arthur Just, for the encore hymn study.

October 25, 2018
Got the furnace cleaned and inspected and we’re good to go. Started to say, “bring it on”, but that’s crazy. Life is good, catching up on bible studies and making the ultimate cool weather comfort food, a hearty oxtail soup. The bad thing was it took about three hours for five pound of those bad boys to be fall off the bone tender. The good thing is, the slow low simmer warmed up and humidified the house. Albeit, I skim most of the fat that rises to top, the broth is still too fatty for me, so I refrigerate the broth over nigh so the fat solidifies on the surface. Seen video where chefs strain the broth or use a fat separating pitcher, but that seems to be kind of a messy thing to clean up grease afterwards. OneUp and Kymberli Joye battles singing, Mercy, was pretty good and concur with judge Jennifer Hudson that they could actually be a group. The singers continue to have outstanding performances. Come on the shows have singers like Kenny Holms and Katrina Cain to name a few of the gifted singers this season. Part 2 of the four battle episodes was unbelievable, hope to get to the other two.

October 24, 2018
BEWARE OF TODDLERS HURDLING HARD PLASTIC OBJECTS. Last night, Isaac managed to hit me up side my head with a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mousekadoer Microphone. That’s what happens when he mimic you dancing and tossing it up in the air and catching it, so much for dancing to the hot dog song. One would think, being a grandpa I would have known better. Miss Fawn, got the, A Star Is Born, booming in the background, while doing chores in the A.M., what’s going on? Looking at FB friends declaring they didn’t win the $1.6B cash prize. Haven’t brought a ticket in years. As a young man and when the kids were young, it was a dollar a dream and played it every now and then. Nowadays, I would be clueless what to do with that much money, except worry. Funny how that works as time goes by and being blessed. The posting on St Innocent Orthodox Church was so good, that I binged on the first three studies, Sin, Death, & the Devil: Clearing the Way Back to Eden, by Fr Joshua Genig. Getting close to the lunch hour, may come back later to add to this journal entry.
The world is just simply a better place with a spot of Earl Grey tea mid afternoon. Crazy thing, albeit once upon a time, I worked at Fermilab in the cryogenic department, I never heard of super-cooled water, until Rob iced my forehead and rambled about it. At first I thought he was messing with me, but lo and behold by cooling water slowly, the water remaining liquid below its freezing point. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. All I know is that it requires impurities for it to crystallize. Was taken by the first of the Battle Rounds, Cody Ray Raymond and Sandy Redd, Cry to Me, so good. I’m still so many episodes behind. Was thinking about the clear sky last night and seeing the awesome Hunter’s Moon during an evening drive.

October 22, 2018
Days later and I’m still thinking about that celebratory pizza at Alex’s, it was that good. Had a lot of fun playing, Wild Ways Stacking Monkeys. I stacked the monkeys and Isaac knocked them down. It was actually more challenging to coaxing Isaac not to knock the wooden before all the monkeys were in place, can’t wait till the roles are reversed. Every time I see him, he speaks more clearly and has learned quite a few new words. Watched part of a weird lesser of two evils show, so creepy I had to turn it off. Yummy, made bbq pulled chicken and a garlic sauteed spinach side. Snuck in episode 5 of the blind audition of, The Voice. This is turning out to be another good season. Learned a little more about how to use google and have relieved some of the frustration by converting from Classic Sites They really need to make things clearer from the get go.  I still prefer the classic site, everything here seem like they are canned routines and do not offer much flexibility. Hopefully nothing else is broken now.

October 21, 2018
Gassed up this morning and was pleasantly surprised that gas was $2.499. Made BLTs for lunch. Can’t remember the last time we had one of them bad boys, but without a doubt, it’s been too long. Had to fight off the urge to put in more than one and a half slice of bacon in my sandwich. Looking over the November ballot and finalizing my thoughts before casting my early voting ballot sometime this week. Know little to nothing about the, The Narrow Path radio program, but came across a caller who asked host Steve Gregg, “Is Christian-Democrat an Oxymoron?” that was interesting.

October 20, 2018
Mama went out with the ladies for their annual luncheon, so I made an unbelievable salad for myself and threw anything and everything in that bad boy. Lettuce, red cabbage, carrots, baby spinach, bacon, pepper jack cheese, strawberries, shredded coconut, onions, croutons, and blue cheese dressing. Couldn’t find anything else to throw in or would of. Alex had the family over for a house warming. Great to have Jenn as well as Andrea, Rob and Isaac, so good to be with family. Jenn had to stop by and give me ride to Alex’s and we got to talk about all exciting things that she is learning on rotation. Wow, during the ride we got a sneak preview of a snow storm. Good thing in only came down hard for about fifteen minutes and just stopped. Rob was handy assembling a pretty cool looking dresser that Alex got from Amazon while Alex and I installed the Ecobee4 WiFi Thermostat w/ built in Alexa Voice Service. Got to look how these kids nowadays take to all these emerging technologies. Alex ordered a huge Papa Saverio’s Pizzeria, pizza that was super good, yummy. Then it was off evening Mass. Rejoicing on this was an awesome day the Lord has made.

October 19, 2018
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17 ).Challenging. Fish, fish all day fish, steamed tilapia for lunch and battered fried salt and pepper fish fillets for dinner. If only I would be more disciplined in the fine Christian tradition of eating fish on Friday to commemorate the day of the crucifixion of Our Lord. Been listening to smooth jazz in the background most of the day, so relaxing, definitely chill out music. Been nibbling on a single slice of pumpkin pecan pie, a bite here and there for three days and finally finished it off, O so good.

October 18, 2018
“Let them play. God will judge at the end.” I don’t know what to make of this short read, but it encapsulates a stinging sadness. We had an interesting morning to say the least. Albeit, Fawn goes out to the movies every now and then, it’s been more than a long while since we’ve been to a picture show together. We went to the first showing of the day at Seven Bridges Cinemark to see, A Star is Born. I should have known we would be seeing the movie when Fawn brought the soundtrack last week. I usually wait for the DVD release because I’m cheap. Who would have thought yet another remake would be so good? Wow, they really set the bar high for any possible future remakes. Guess that was what is called a rhetorical question. So glad to agreed to go see the movie. Night and day when watch a movie on the silver screen. It looked like a nice day, but is running below the average temps and we’re still days away from the beginning of autumn. Guessing this is gonna be as good as it gets for this time of year. Hate the cold weather and am already hoping for an Indian summer to come about.

October 17, 2018
Whipped up quarter pound hamburgers with brioche buns for lunch and we took the remaining two burgers to over to Alex’s. Glad to see him moved in. Mom helped with organizing the cabinets, the only thing I was able to help with was vacuuming. Big weekend ahead with a high likelihood of getting to see my children together. Been enjoying, The Voice Blind Auditions, playing in the background, and managed to get the first three episodes of season fifteen. Despite all the good secular music, I’ve been humming the, Sunday’s hymn of the day, Beautiful Savior. Think I’ll just listen to sacred chorale music for a little while before calling it a day …

October 16, 2018
The plan was to watch Monday Night Football, Packer vs 49ers. Heard it was a very good game, was back to my old self and fell asleep during the second quarter. The highlights revealed a high scoring thrilling down to the wire. Ok, I’ll admit I fell asleep during the Patriots vs Chiefs game during the first quarter Sunday night too. Hard to believe I did that on the high scoring last minute shoot out. Crazy that I’m musing and penning about professional football. The demeaning of personhood has led me to ponder beyond young people choosing to live together, having children out of wedlock. No doubt premarital sex is a sin not to be celebrated, but having a child is by the grace of God, always a blessing, period. Thanks be to God who reaches out to his children though the rebirth of Holy Baptism. Our great commission is to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28: 19-20). Fawn made her ultimate spaghetti dinner with tomato bruschetta and to boot! My children would be wise to learn how mama prepares her sauce.

October 14, 2018
Now that the summer season will be passing the music of church is in full swing. As much as I love the sound of our new pipe organ, the accompanying instruments encourages parishioners to boldly lift up their voices in praise. I thank God for my hearing aids, without them I wouldn’t be able to hear the higher hand bells octave. I took pause when I first read this, but not understand his call to draw on the authority of scripture from the wisdom of the ancient church. I was a little surprised to see a young couple sitting in the pew in front of us sipping on a cup of Starbuck coffee. Initially, I thought it was better that then not being in church. Rod Dreher pens about the Benedict Option for the traditionally minded follower, “The changes have overtaken the West in modern times have revolutionized everything, even the church, which no longer forms souls but caters to selves.” I believe in the Eucharistic feast, besides it’s better to participate in the Mass and worship, rather than to sit there sipping on the coffee and watching Mass. Bringing coffee into the nave is not the cornerstone to build a church, that’s just me. Seem like were leaping from summer into winter and bypassing autumn. Wishful thinking, it’s going to undeniably going get much colder.

October 13, 2018
Been so busy all week helping Alex with his big move. Got today off, while the young men did the heavy lifting. Today was more autumn like and away from the freezing cold and sunny to boot. We went downtown and met up with John and Therese at egg harbor. No wonder why the place is so packed, the food is excellent and so was the service. I’m reminded of being so blessed with so many good friends over the years and wonder why we failed to keep in touch. We went with Jennifer’s friend Denise to buy tires at Discount Tires, crazy how much a set of four tires installed cost. Over the years we always got our cars and work done at the dealership from our friend Norm who always took good care of us. He retired this year and sold Fair Oaks, so we’ll have to face the reality of doing the research and paying what everyone else does moving forward. Prayers for Denise as she wraps up Medial school and begin preparing for residency interviews, may God bless her and give her peace and happiness as she continues to learn and serves in her noble vocation. We’ll the midterm elections are just around the corner and started to review all the candidates on the ballot. It’s so frustrating because I’m neither a democrat nor am I a republican. Both of these parties have a lot of extreme issues and the mouth … Prayers for leaders who serve God and nation as well as for world leaders so that we may live peaceful lives. All in all, great day, saw Jennifer and got a shout out from Isaac, "grandpa", music to my ears.

October 9, 2018
Took a trip back to days gone by, Killing Me Softly With His Song – Roberta Flack, I say A Little Prayer – Dionne Warwick, Johnny Angel – Shelley Fabares, La-La Means I Love You, Let’s Stay Together – Al Green, Heart of Gold– Neil Young, Up On The Roof - James Taylor, Precious and Few, Waiting For A Girl Like You - Foreigner, Hang On Sloopy – The McCoys, I can go on and on marking time with so many songs from so many music genres. What a nice way to close the day last night. I started this journal entry last night, but got lost in music. Yet another beautiful day, it was taco Tuesday and playing with Isaac. He always seemed to be the happiest kid ever, so I was surprise, although it was brief, it was the first time I seen him cranky. Big day from the get go ahead of us tomorrow so I’ll have to stop penning about the on goings on this poor miserable sinner and thank God for showering his family with grace upon grace.

October 7, 2018
Met up with Jim and Mary at Joyce Lee in Yorkville for Friday night dinner. As usual, I have no self control eating at buffets. We ate there for hours yapping about this and that. Good thing we went there a couple hours early so we could do so walking at the mall across the road way. I don’t know how it came about, but am glad and excited we’ll be meeting up for lunch with John and Theresa in the near future. Albeit, Fawn and Theresa meet up every so often and exchange Christmas letters every year, it’s been about twenty years since I seen or spoken to either of them. Now that I penned that, I can hardly believe it’s been that long. Albeit, a far cry from gathering around the Eucharist, glad to learned that Jennifer listened to the live broadcast of this morning’s Divine Service. There’s nothing like warming yourself up with a tasty bowl of soup as well warming up the house with a huge simmering pot of winter melon soup. Chirp, chirp, getting good at making soup.

October 4, 2018
Funny, just got off FB and saw a photograph of young Bruzek dressed as a cowboy. Happy birthday Fr. Just as predicted, my shoulder is sore as heck. What a joy getting a FaceTime call from the little man, my day is complete. I suppose I can muse all day about all the amazing things I get to see Isaac do, but what is more amazing is how God blesses and entrusts children to our care. It would be hard to believe I would watch three entire NFL in a given year, let alone in a given week. Am I morphing? What is going on? Now I find myself watching and enjoying Thursday Night Football, Patriots – Colts, but have to admit I have to get use to all the rule changes. Andrea must be doing the happy dance with another good team performance and win.

October 3, 2018
Been unfaithful in penning a daily journal entry, partly because of time constraints, mostly because it a bite in the butt to do a verify log in to my Google account. Had to make a point to do so today, because I wanted to comment on the crazy mid 80s temperature. Hooray, received the first nationwide wireless “presidential alert” test message. “How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!  And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell" (James 3:5-6). Been musing about our public discourse and how the conversation has turned ugly and angry. Jesus said, "I tell you, son the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,  for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Lord, have mercy. Set a guard on my lips and in me a clean heart. The topic of prayer came up multiple times this past week. I took pause when Judge Kavanaugh spoke of the wisdom found in ten year old daughter, Liza, calling for prayers for Christine Ford. I don’t know what to make about the accusations, so I don’t know that praying for those who persecute you even apply as many has implied. Anyway I love praying the psalms and he evening prayer, Psalm 141, for sanctification and protection. What??? Chris Britt, the cartoonist is an author of children books, mocking a Liza in prayer, really? I’m scheduled to receive my dreaded annual flu vaccination shot tomorrow and can already feel the pain. Hard to believe that it is not the act of injecting the vaccination that makes your arm sore, but that the vaccine is working.

October 1, 2018
Aaa, aaa, aaa, choo! Grrr! Argh! Itchy eyes and a runny nose. How about those Bears? Something outside the Mass to temporarily take … I started to say, the worldly shenanigans our mind off, but it’s more than that, isn’t it? Come, Lord Jesus. Talkin’ Isaac, happy as can be. He brings me so much joy. Think I’m going to stop penning and get ready for Monday Night Football, Bronco - Chiefs should be a good one.

September 29, 2018
Was wondering why Alex came by this evening, he had plans to browse around at IKEA to get ideas and pricing with mom. Away, gives me time to pen a journal entry and then relax in the quiet. “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:1-3). Spent a lot of time glued to the television watching the senate judiciary committee hearings. Time for term limits? Fuzzy melon soup, mmm, mmm good. Got so cold over night and had to turn on the furnace in the wee hours. Awesome day, we went over to my sister’s house for lunch and was joined by my brother Bill, blessed with the joy of family. Nancy is so good to me, she knows I really like stuffed steamed bitter melon. Dessert was phenomenal, tea with moon cake and looking at old photos. Don’t get much better than that.

September 26, 2018
Sigh… I can’t get the PinkFong – Baby Shark Dance Song out of my head. Isaac love dancing to the over 1.7B view song. We got our garage door tuned-up this morning. I initially wasn’t sure why Fawn believes it was needed, but it became very self evident after the technical pointed out parts that needed to be replaced. So much for a tweak here and there and an apologetic take back for my eye row. What would I do without her? Nice cool autumn day and got the grass cut, hoping there is enough gas left for the remainder of the year. I came across, Why the Flag Means So Much to Me, interesting. I think people are polar on this one.

September 23, 2018
We sang all the hymns while celebrating the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, another sign summer is over. I’m not much on “I” hymnodies, but always take pause whenever the congregation sings, Just as I am. Perhaps it was because it was one of my sister Mary’s favorite hymns; perhaps there is more to this hymn of justification. Watched the Bears/Cardinals game highlights, are the Bears on the road to success? Isaac is making me nervous, I don’t know about this toddler gymnastic stuff. Can’t take my eyes off him as he moves about.

September 22, 2018
While reading an article, I had to stop and look up the meaning of, raisons d'être. Merriam-Webster defines it as: reason or justification for existence. Immediately I was struck by the French phrase and drifted away from knowingly biased article. Since then, I’ve been musing about out of the impact of tone set by the mainstream news media fuel and foment anger. Clearly, anger is a viral emotion that both the social and news media, use as a raisons d'être to generate readership. Glad that I have yet to see any of my FB friends post anything that is not adding or negatively impacting my life. With all the ongoings in our broken world, it just begs the psalmist’s question, “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4). Truly, this is a question for all generations. Love. Alex came for a visit, so I made steamed minced beef with shiitake mushrooms and water chestnuts. I also boiled corn beef, but it was a partial fail. Weird, half the brisket sliced up nice while the other half fell apart in chunked pieces. Talk about indecisive, couldn’t decide between making potato salad or an egg salad, so I made and combined both the egg and potato, mm, mmm. Time for Hawkeye football. Think beating Michigan will put them on the map.

September 19, 2018
Not sure why I enjoy watching college football more than professional football, but will say Monday’s game was quite good. There were plenty of moments of exceptional athleticism for both teams offensively as well as defensively. I think it is because professional sport comes with a lot of baggage, especially with the egos and gossips. All this comes to mind when I Fawn was watching one of the seemly many ESPN sports talk shows she listens to. LOL, hearing the commentators yapping reminds me of the workplace. I’ve been lax about watching my weight and exercising for several months but that came to an end today. We went to the gym and I actually started back counting my calorie intake again. I’ve been stalled at 160 for some time now and would really love to be able to lose the final ten to fifteen pounds by the end of the year. Saw a rainbow just before sunset, a beautiful bow in clouds. A reminder that God judges sin, but is also merciful.

September 18, 2018
How sweet the sound, “I Love you grandpa.” Got some new videos of me and Isaac. That’ll help carry me through the week. For safety concerns, I’m liking this Jennifer’s rotation in Evergreen Park better than Chicago. I’m so excited for her delivering her first baby today, surly it’s a day to remember. Good news, thanks be to God, my brother Bill’s medical exam went well. Hard to believe I watched Monday Night Football all the way to the end and had to be up by six this morning, was dragging most of the day, even with two cups of coffee.

September 17, 2018
Achoo! It was another one of the days when I woke to runny nose and postnasal drip, allergic rhinitis? Ragweed pollen and having to sneezing about a dozen times or so is no fun. Can hardly wait for first frost. I’ve seen images of the Durdle Door Arch, but especially love the drone view. Talk about drone footage, Kingston, NC After Hurricane Florence. Day five and am hearing the worst flooding is still yet to come. Time to stop penning and give Monday night football a go. Most likely will fall asleep watch the game.

September 16, 2018
Broke with tradition and had raisin cinnamon bread instead of oatmeal, what a rebel. I even get crazy and have cold cereal every now and then. It is so weird to be looking out the window sipping on morning coffee with yet another cloudless sky only to see the news is dominated by new images of the ongoing relentless torrential rain and flooding continue plaque the folks in the Carolinas, Lord have mercy. I was moved by a posting of a farmer pausing from his labors to stand with his hand over his heart as the National Anthem was being player just before a high school soccer game in the adjacent field. Why is this once norm have now even become emotionally intriguing? Sweet, they already posted Rev. Dr. John Kleinig Sermon and Joy – Philippians 4:4-8 Bible Study. Had fun playing around creating a slideshow, like riding a bike.

September 15, 2018
Rough start this morning with sinus problems from the get go. Morning coffee with my oatmeal was awesome. Guessing Dunkin’ Donut Original Blend must have been on sale. Just the smell alone from breaking open the seal, tickled my fancy. The videos and photos showing the devastation caused by Hurricane Florence were disheartening. Prayers for the families of the first responders and victims of Hurricane Florence. It’s been a long while since we did any shopping at Costco, man that place is super crowed. Because of how infrequent we shop there, I wonder if it’s worth keeping membership moving forward. Had to rush home after church to watch Hawkeye Football and to cheer on Nick's nephew, Jack Hockaday.

September 14, 2018
Kill the fatten cow, and celebrated briefly with my little girl, black angus Hong Kong steak. Albiet, not Wagyu or Kobe, there was enough marbling to suit one’s palate. The only flaw to a Hong Kong Steak is everyone has their own liking of doneness. Not sure why she came home, but am always glad whenever one does, no matter how brief. This morning, Jennifer asked me over the phone about, how the world says with the wink of the eye, “Happy wife, happy life” and me about my muse on, “Good wife, good life.” Is it biblical? “Happy is the husband of a good wife. the number of his days will be doubled” (Sirach 26:1). I am struck by the beauty found in the, Wedding Lectionary: Sirach 26:1-4, 13-16. Hallelujah, blessed is the man and the Women who fears the Lord. Amen, amen. In keeping with Lutheran tradition, we ask, What does this mean? For love of neighbor, I've been praying and musing for sometime about marriage counseling. I actually know nothing about the ongoings of marriage counseling and my ignorance only stems from what is portrayed by Hollywood and Dr Phil. In my mind, marriage thrives on good advice and who better than from God, but that’s just me. I can tell already my stream of consciousness writing is going to make this a difficult read, but I have take time to thank God for my good wife, a women with noble character who fears the Lord. (The Women Who Fears the Lord). Is there room for improvement? You bet, at times I question her patience, but I suppose she has been practicing that virtue with me for a very long time without giving up on me. As for this poor miserable sinner, there isn't enough allocate memory to list my short comings, most certainly it's not something to be proud of,  "but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love" (Psalm 147:11). What is this role of fear in loving God like? I guess one way to look at it as a God the Heavenly Father kind of fear, where the fear of the punishment for our sins which are justly deserved, is less than the gospel fear of disapproval which draws us to God in awe and reverence. I heard a noteworthy TEDx Talks earlier, How to Have a Good Conversation. Flashback, Dancing in the Street, playing in the background, timeless. Guessing now is the time to stop penning and kick back to listen to some old school soul music from artist Joss Stone and browse FB to see what's going on.

September 13, 2018
No good, my sinuses are going bonkers after mowing the grass this morning. How can the upper 60s feel like its mid summer? I think I have enough gas for two, maybe three more goes before calling it quits for the year, premature assessment? Mmm, Fawn made a romaine salad that would rival any salad bar and adding a dap of that Marzetti Chunky Blue Cheese dressing is the bomb. Guessing that romaine lettuce is finally safe to eat again. I’m looking at a small plaque (scripture meme?) that is hanging on the nearby wall. It’s not clear to me what bible translation this is, if any, of 1 Peter 5:7, “Let the Lord have all your worries & cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.” Funny, how I never noticed it before, as it is hidden among all the photos of all my children. Anyway, the verb is much clearer in the ESV, “Humble ourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7). We often think of God as a noun, but the reality is God is a verb, which is why in Lutheran theology, Jesus always does the verb. It’s all about the verb, isn’t it? In confessing my sins, “I have not loved my neighbor as myself” we even find that love is not a verb, but is a noun, God is love. Didn’t I just say God is verb earlier? “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7). It takes my breath away, knowing the divine origin of love, who takes away the condemnation of the sinful lover who is in Christ Jesus. Time to shut ‘er down and escape with a Steven Spielberg movie, Ready Player One, before going to bed.

September 11, 2018
Has it been 17 years since the 9/11 al-Qaeda terrorist attack? Crazy as it may sound coming from a guy that has to pen his stream of consciousness on what I did earlier in the day, I can still vividly recall where I was, what I did and how I felt as the tragedy unfolded from afar in Shanghai and away from my family. I was stunned by unbelief, angered and concerned about my family’s safety, yet in the moments that followed, I saw God’s grace in the midst of it all and take heart in, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Jesus said, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:44-45). Every week, with a broken and contrite heart, I join along with fellow parishioners in our cooperate prayers for the persecuted church, today in addition, I pray for those who persecute us that they may repent and come to the grace of our Lord, Christ Jesus.

September 9, 2018
I finally got around to mowing the grass out front. Nice to be able to do it without breaking into a sweat. Hopefully, I’ll be able to tend to the needed in the back soon. It’s been a while since I navigated to, Music That Feeds Me, sacred music is always a blessing. Alex, Fawn and I went up to visit Andrea, Rob and Isaac. We stopped by, New Chinese Kitchen and picked up a couple orders of Beef Chow Fun Noodles (aka Gon Chow Ngo Ho) to take up and feast on. It’s an awesome go to comfort food, truly a must try Cantonese dish.

September 6, 2018
I really love eating so many different types of sausages from around the world; them bad boys are crazy good. The only two sausages I know how to actually make is cevapcici and hamburger sausage the rest are store bought. Most weeks I tend to make my mother-in-law’s favorite Chinese sausage, so we get to eat a few slices of it and they really go deliciously well with steam rice. I’ve been eyeballing the, Ultimate Gyros on Youtube video for some time now, but never got around to giving it a go. Crazy, I came across and fell in love with, Adele – Someone like you, [CK] KPOP Cover. We went out and made it a night out to close out, The Rockin’ Rock Bottom Concert Series at the Bolingbrook Promenade. Oh What a Night, literally with, The Four C Notes (Frankie Valli/ Four Season Tribute). We even were able to get an awesome view from our patio seats at the Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery. To be honest, it would have been just as happy with our ice chest and lawn chairs and reliving the 60’s. It was anything but rock bottom Good seats, good view, good music and good food. Thank you Rock Bottom, fitting way to unofficially end an awesome summer. Not to mention it was in the upper 60s, nice.

September 5, 2018
Still not feeling the google 2 step verify, but at least I'm able to login. The old saying, “Sticks and stones can break your bones but names can never hurt you", really? It’s fascinating to contrast all the good things I read about posted by my Facebook friends, compared to the toxic environment that is cluttered up with anger and spite on twitter. I could be wrong and to be fair, I don’t have a twitter account, but from what I can tell, it seems to be used as a place used to dump scorning and hateful words, but that’s me looking from the outside in. “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossian 4:6), is something I’m still struggling with. “Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” (Psalm 141:3).

September 4, 2018
Grrr, goggle is driving me bonkers, with the vicious circle of the not able to verify, recovery routine. I grudgingly went for the 2 step verify method that seems to be working, but is so annoying. I never had to verify for over nine years. I had little time to reflect on the Labor Day celebration and on the dignity of labor that contributes to human civilization. I’ve been retired from the work force for three years now and away from the hustle and bustle of the stressfulness to the work place. The workplace wasn’t always that way, once upon a time long hour and the need to travel so often to keep a job, wasn’t the norm. Well, at least now, thanks be to God, I’m living a retired and repurposed life. I get to do the needed at a leisure pace, and get to really spend quality time with friends and family. This has to be one of the weirdest muse, because I penned and then deleted what I penned so many times, for one reason or another. Best to end it here and just call it a night.

September 2, 2018
So far the holiday weekend has been absolutely a joy. The only task that needed to be tended to was taking a spray to a wasp nest about half the size of a tennis ball. Yesterday was truly a most awesome day, as the family gathered for the entire day from near and far to celebrate my brother’s 70th birthday. This morning was pretty awesome too; Vicar Miguel Barcelos gave his first Sunday Sermon. It was nice to say hello Dr. Just. It is always a joy to see him, I thought for sure he was going to be a guest preacher.

August 31, 2018
We just got back from a night out on the town doing the Friday night fish fry, with Jim and Mary. Albeit, still full, I just couldn’t resist trying the Martha Stewart cherry filled and cheese filled Danish pastry they made for us, mmm mmm good. Sigh, I was somehow locked out all week and had to jump through seemly countless verifications to get back in. Not sure if that is a good thing or not yet, but am now doing the happy dance because someone from google took the time get me back on the saddle. The online recovery steps were nightmarishly painful because none of the methods were accomplishing the intended. Anyway, whoo hoo, thanks be to God, got good news, my pathology report result came back earlier in the week and the polyps were benign. I never intended to ever do a Facebook post ever, but did so after reading a children book to Isaac walks through the five senses with a series of, “My heart fills with happiness when…” and concludes with the question querying, “What fills your heart with happiness?” Well for sure, the very child sitting on my lap as I read the book. I began musing about our joyful access to heaven on earth found in the Divine Service, where all of my five senses peak in unison and everything that surrounds me teaches. Dr. Norman Nagel said in the Divine Service, “Our Lord speaks and we listen. His Word bestows what it says. Faith that is born from what is heard acknowledges the gifts received with eager thankfulness and praise. Music is drawn into the thankfulness and praise, enlarging and elevating the adoration of our gracious giver God. Saying back to him what he has said to us, we repeat what is most true and sure.” I did a Mr. Miyagi and took to a hand pruner, but not to a miniature bonsai tree, but to the hedge out front and now the neglected looks a zillion times better.

August 25, 2018
"but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin" (Romans 7:23-25). Looking in the mirror this morning, I indeed saw and declared myself to be a poor miserable sinner in need of Christ and decided to put this very thought as my facebook cover. Man, I bad at it, but it took more than a few tries to figure out just how to do it. It’s been a busy week and was away from laptop. Anyway, the reality is I am both sinner and saint that need to hear both law and gospel. Good that Jennifer wanted to go to Saturday Night Mass.
I always thought that our organist Nathan LeMahieu was a most gifted musician, but tonight he raised that bar. Clearly, he has now beautifully mastered the Rathke Opus 5. Albeit a late dinner, worth the wait for mama’s pasta sauce over mostaccioli rigati, life is good. Just listened online to a homily for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost from St. Innocent Orthodox Church. Fr Genig, remains a most learned teacher of Christ. Anyway, nice way to end the day.

August 18, 2018
“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless” (James 1:26). I watched the evening news and …

August 17, 2018
Had difficulties getting up this morning, but did so reluctantly anyway. I was so mesmerized by the music to the point that I stayed up late watching and listening to Doo Wop on PBS. Went out and spent the entire day with my sister Nancy and later in the evening joined by my brother Bill. I’m so happy to be able to spend time with my two remaining siblings. I don’t understand why folks like my profile picture. Some thought that Martin Luther nailing his 95 Thesis was for some unknown reason creepy, so I just updated it with, The Holy Trinity Icon.

August 16, 2018
Most time of the time I pen my journal entries toward the end of the day, but much like yesterday I’m do so midday as I retreat indoors as not to brave the heat and humidity, while Fawn is out and about with her sister Jean, something about doing lunch and movie, Crazy Rich Asians. This morning I was on Facebook and now have whopping total of three friends. I’m clueless how many of my family member and friends actually social network on Facebook. I’m guessing not many except for those that much young than myself. It so weird having Jennifer at home and not being able to spend much time with her as she stays in her room hard with her studies. Today was a mountain top moment; I was blessed to have a little lone time with her over lunch. I was stuck by the sheer beauty of Seminarian Ralston’s mountain top cover photo. In the course of my life, I’ve had the privilege to gaze up at the majestic view of stunningly beautiful mountain tops. Interesting that in the looking down the valley below, led me to begin musing about contentment. Watching food shows and it goes all the way back to Julia Child, who remains my favorite down to earth chef. One of my joys in life is cooking food and being able to sigh with contentment after eating the very meal with love ones.

August 15, 2018
“I shall pass through this world but once! Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now, in his name, and for his sake! Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” Now that’s what I’m talking about, woke up this morning so excited to login to Facebook and am so glad I created a Facebook account now. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29). I really have nothing to share on Facebook, but do rejoice and celebrate all the positive shared joy of friends and family in prayer, especially we are when separated by distance. Anyway, awesome morning and time to start making lunch.

August 14, 2018
It was chicken night, so we went out and joined friends for a night out. The entire evening was great. I never thought I would be living one of those never say never moments, but finally got around to opening my own facebook account. I did it for the sole purpose of viewing posting of Isaac first hand for myself.

August 13, 2018
Woke up early so that I could mow the grass in the cool of the day, but the problem was the cool of the day was still pretty intense. I was going to quit midway through the backyard, but managed to forge onward toward to doing the much needed and left the weed whacking task for another day. I really need to be careful not to foolishly over do it. I was stunned that Fawn brought a humongous porterhouse steak, what were we celebrating? Turns out that bad boys was only cost a little over ten buck, life is good. Jewel had the steaks on sale for only $6.49/lb.

August 10, 2018
It’s been a while since I said, “Happy Friday!” Guessing it’s because I retired and every day is good day. I made beef chow fun (gon chow ngau ho) for lunch and slayed it. I think this and Chow mein made Hong Kong style are almost always top the list of Chinese comfort food. I often have said that I prefer Chinese American food over authentic, but there are a few authentic dishes that are simply o so good, especially dim sum.

August 9, 2018
I intend to look at the up coming’s week’s worship folder this morning, but it wasn’t posted yet. So I thumbed through it and reread some of intriguing quotes in the margins and posted a gem by Thomas à Kemp in Larry’s World, while listening to the encore of this week’s sermon. I was once again struck by, “In loving you, Jesus would rather die than hold your sins against you.” How’s that for love? Later in the day began reading, The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis. The popular public domain book is available over 50 languages and is available many different formats. I chose to download one of the free pdf modern English version versions. I don’t know how this particular translation compares to others, but so far it’s been an interesting Tedx like read. I love watch Tedx on YouTube. Sigh, albeit there is a lot of good how2 info on the internet, there is also a lot of bad or misinformation too. It took me a while to figure out on my own how2 reconfigure my settings to get the pdf file to open with the PDF Reader instead of in the browser. I’m sure there are advantages to open pdf files with a browser, but still prefer the reader instead.

August 8, 2018
What a joyful day, Fawn and I spent the entire day with Bill and Nancy. Spending the day with my siblings was truly a blessing. Indeed they are a God given gift. I see much of the same traits with Fawn and her siblings. I’m thrilled to see our children are blessed with the same sibling relationship. For sure we can do much better with our own brothers and sisters in Christ, especially when it comes to denominational differences, and even more so with it comes to politics. God help us with all the things we overlook that are outside your will. Chilled to เปอติ๊ด ญาดา - Good Times (Thailand), Dreams – Peyton Parker. Thanks be to God for the gift of Music.

August 7, 2018
It doesn’t get much better than steamed Chinese spare ribs with black beans. Normally, I only this dish in when the weather is cooler and the house could use some humidity, but the riblets just looked too good to pass up in the grocery store yesterday. Alex wanted to take us out for dinner, but I made him beef with bitter melon instead and we enjoyed some more of the leftover riblets, which goes extremely well with the bitter gourd. Every now and then, I come across a Tedx speaker with a worthy muse like, The Muslim on the Airplane.

August 6, 2018
We has errand to run, so we were out and about early to try to beat the predicted rain supposedly due for later in the day. Hah, the rain unexpectantly caught us off guard, not to mention the chaos road repair crews who were painting the white line marking on the roadway.

August 5, 2018
Happy haircut early this morning in preparation to altar assist sitting next to the altar in the ringer chair. I like being assigned that task, its right up there with swinging the censer. There’s nothing like smells and bells during the Divine Service. After Mass we jawed with friend over delicious cupcake leftover from yesterday’s reception. Livin’ the life, doin’ Sheoyan brats for lunch, ‘tis truly a highly esteem German sausage to venerate. Last night while I was chillin’ to the 4th Impact while Fawn was watching the 2018 Pro Football Hall of Fame. I’m not much on Professional Sports. As far as the NFL was concern, the only thing that comes to mind was my perceived foolishness of the taking of a knee during our National Anthem. This morning, she encouraged me to listen to the Hall of Fame speeches God fearing men like, Brian Dawkins, Ray Lewis, Randy Moss. Wow, talk about humble men giving all glory to God and gratefully thanking all on their journey with their amazing and inspirational heartfelt stories.

August 4, 2018
Relaxing most of the evening listening to the 4th Impact, SIA - Chandelier, The Greatest Showman - Never Enough, The Greatest Showman - This Is Me, Hallelujah, Stone Cold, Bang Bang, Unleash The Diva. What in the world is going on? With so much talent, why are they doing covers? Anyway, whew, I thought yesterday was hot. Well it actually was, but today was more so. Despite the heat, what an awesome day the Lord has made. We attended Rachel and Joshua wedding Mass to witness and bless their holy matrimony. Hmm, that was awkward thing to say, since marriage is not simply between Rachel and the vicar, but Christ himself is also present. Christ the true vine said, “apart from me you can do nothing.” How can this holy mystery not be a sacrament? Strange, what the world called a marriage nowadays. I thank God that in the midst of the Eucharistic community, the sacramental marriage, where Christ joins the husband and wife together as one flesh, does not belong to the world. May their journey back to Eden as companions bring them joy.

August 3, 2018
Read a sad article about an illegal immigrant, who is a wife of a veteran and two American born children, being deported back to Mexico today. I’m guessing what was problematic for her, was that she was deported once before and illegally reenters again, which is a felony, before being married. Away, I later started musing about the blessing of following God’s precepts and concur with the psalmist that our happiest is found in following God's precepts. Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet, “Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!” (Psalm 119:1). Sadly, most of us poor miserable sinners tend to prefer to look for happiest in our own self-centerness then to follow where Jesus leads us. No fun being out and about in the heat and humidity running errands, but it is what it is. Hearing we’ll be in our outdoor sauna for the entire weekend, not good. Ending the day with a chuckle, Isaac moving about wearing a humorous oversize big foot slipper.

August 2, 2018
Yikes, the echolalia phase. The other day, I said mine to Isaac and pulled back something from him, that didn’t go over too well, now he’s doing the like.

August 1, 2018
"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:3-5). I started thinking about this again after coming across an article about … because the reality was, I was wasn’t thinking about removing moving the speck out of a brother’s eyes, but just wondering this and that and would of never have guessed that about the man. I know this is confusing, but there are there are times it’s best to delete the stream of conscience writing that is only enormously beneficial to me recognizing my need for Christ. Anyway, thanks, be to God for a family who loves me enough to admonish me in all wisdom. It seemed like it rained a lot during the month of July, but the total amount rainfall wasn’t much even with so rainy days. Today, is different story, the house was shaking to the frequent thunderclaps along with a torrential downpour.

July 31, 2018
Wow, another month has already gone by. Lord, teach us to number our days. Mmm, mmm, semolina spaghetti with Fawn’s pasta sauce, it doesn’t get much better than that.

July 30, 2018
Thanks be to God, it was all around a super nice day. Only chore was to check on the gutters. There was only a minimal amount of debris in one corner and tended to the needed within minutes. We went out for lunch to celebrate National Lasagna Day at Francesca’s at the Promenade. I have rave about the texture and taste of the well balance dish was how I imagine food heaven would be like. Hands down, this was the best Bolognese sauce ever. Normally, we would take half the portion home, but this time we just sat there and enjoyed the conversation and the entire dish. Fawn then went to get her freebies at New York & Company and I walk around in the beautiful weather on shaded side of the street. Sigh… another obnoxious Windows update, and yes I had to make repairs and put back settings back to the way I prefer them, someday …

July 29, 2018
Assistant at the altar this morning and met the Rev. Dr. Buss, our district president. Normally, we leave right after service, but today we hung out with friends in the commons after Mass. We went to our nephew Zach’s birthday party. Children are a blessing; they are filled with so much joy and laughter. It made me think about comedians and what is called comedy in general. For sure, there are plenty of things the world finds humorous that are not pleasing to God. On our walk in love back to Eden, “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4).

July 28, 2018
Fawn wasn’t happy with the picture frame mat, so we went out to a get an acid free foam board, perfect. It was nice to be out and about on yet another super nice day once again. While Fawn was getting the needed at Michael’s, I did my walk at the Super Target next door. Every time around, I stop at the aisle with the dumbbells and curl the pair of twenty pounders. I was thinking about buying the set, but Fawn was against it, thinking that I might injure myself. She’s probably right, besides I’m cheap and already spent plenty for the 5, 10 and 15 pound sets as well as for resistance bands.

July 27, 2018
Alex came home for a visit, so I made him beef and bitter melon. He would never eat it as a kid, and is a acquired taste. I don’t think it’s his favorite dish, but he likes it enough to request it. Guessing he like likes the way I make it. Words can’t fully express the joy of spending time with one or more of your children. Since it was semi cloudy and in still the lower 70s, after he left, mowed the lawn and edged it, as well took the weed whacker to the needed areas.

July 26, 2018
I’m clueless who Michael Drejka is, but clearly he is a man that shouldn’t have access to a gun. He appears to be a vigilante of some kind itching to be confrontational. He reminds me of George Zimmermann. What makes a man do something like that? As the day wore on, I am reminded that I too fail to live up to the dignity God given us. “For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust" (Psalm 103:14). As we stand in our dusty frame, the Potter extends us patience and compassion to us in our muddy form. I made fizzy melon soup again this week for Fawn to her mother. Whew, on the way home, I made a left hand turn in a construction zone and almost cause an accident. I didn’t see the oncoming car coming at full speed. Thankfully, it was able to stop in time. I should have known better than to attempt the turn there. I agree with Fawn, thanks be to God, who watches over, protects and keeps us safe.

July 25, 2018
It a short day, didn’t wake until about ten o’clock. That’s because we woke up predawn yesterday for Fawn’s due, let’s just say, a procedural exam that is unpleasant and can be embarrassing. Mine is scheduled for next month and am definitely not looking forward to it. Anyway, I only had a hardboiled egg with my morning coffee, because it was close to the lunch hour. Alex took us out to lunch at Fabulous Noodle. Normally I rave about the food there, but this time missed the mark on all of our lunch entrées.  Talk about a man on a mission, we drove all over the place, as far north as Wheaton and as far south as Shorewood looking for the perfect picture frame to frame her beautiful cross stitch project. Found it in Joliet!

July 24, 2018
What an awesome surprise, Andrea, Rob and Isaac were in the area and stopped by for a visit. Overwhelmed by joy, I said, “bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate.” Well, not exactly (surf and turf?), we fried up a huge porterhouse steak and steamed some tilapia fillets. I’m amazed at the number of words Isaac is able to speak and string together.

July 23, 2018
LOL, we have a overstuffed pencil/pen holder, so I started to throw out three mechanical pencils that were jammed, but then had the bright idea of trying to clean out graphite out of the tip. It was no fun doing the needed on a 0.5 mm mechanical pencil without a cleaning pin, but I gotrdun. It was a clear sign I have some free time on my hand. Off to bed, big day tomorrow.

July 22, 2018
Not sure if it is a good thing or not, but now it’s been three days in a row. What is with all this rain again? For sure, it makes for good sleeping weather. Of course it was all planned, since I was serving as an altar assistance for the late Mass. Nice spending time socializing with friends before and after the Divine Service. It took me a long while before I began to understand what being part of a community of believers actually is. Relaxed and watched, Tomb Raider [2018]. We had a great time watching the movie, with all the amazing stunts. I was struck by the scene when Laura was disturbed after she kills someone for the first time. Because Alicia Vikander kicked it up, I can see her making a tone of these movies.

July 21, 2018
Woke to yet another rainy and gloom and doom looking day, but the grass looks like it made a comeback and is once again anew. By July standard, nice that the day cool in the mid 70s. Mmm, mmm, the rain paused and didn’t ruin the summer backyard barbeque. Either way, it did bother me; I’m the kind of guy that likes a roof over my head when comes to eating as much meat as we desire according to the blessing of the Lord our God have given us.

July 20, 2018
“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!”  (2 Corinthians 9:15). It’s been a long while since I got up so early at the dawning of the day and sip on coffee in the quiet. Guessing I was somewhat restless and excited about the planned day that was ahead of me. Alex drove us up to Grayslake to visit Andrea, Rob and Isaac. What more can this old man ask for than to spend time with his family? Whenever I muse over the gift of family, I tend to ponder over grace as a participation of a life in the face of God, Coram deo. Was wondering if we would get rain because the grass looked Football season must just be around the corner, as Fawn is again into watching the morning sport shows. Albeit, rained most of the day, there was sunshine within and rejoiced in the day the Lord has made.

July 19, 2018
Fawn visits her mom every Thursday, so this time we made fuzzy melon pork soup for her to take along. It’s definitely a refreshing comfort food on any given night.
July 18, 2018
I’ll take it, upper 70s and low humidity in mid July. It was a great day to be out and about and really pounded the pavement, we did go to the indoor track. It’s the only way I can get the intervals in. The only exception was 75th street near route 59. There is always road repair congestion there ever summer for one reason or another. I wonder why it’s been a while since I made steamed tilapia. I’m glad Fawn wanted it for dinner, so tasty and so good for you.

July 17, 2018
Even though I could of got away with not cutting the grass a few more days; I did it anyway, just to getrdun in the cool of the day. My day is complete, saw a video of Isaac and dad in the playground with Isaac having the time of his life on a swing. There’s nothing better than hearing the laugher of a little child, wishing I was there. Isaac is being to speak, Andrea and Rob don’t know this yet, but the first time Isaac says, "I Love You" to them, will be the three most precious words you could ever have the honor of hearing from the mouth of their first born. Thanks be to God for entrusting his little ones to our care.

July 16, 2018
I think the key to appreciating the gift of grace, is understanding the severity of the sin.  I find it fascinating how we look a sin. At times, we tend to look at as sins against one another and view them as varying degrees of sin. For example, we respond harshly to sins like child molestation and premeditated murder than to gossip or sexual immortality. The reality is, “For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it” (James 2:10). That is, before God, all sins are equally condemning. It is imperative that we repent and be reconciled with God through, our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

July 15, 2018
Awesome, Divine Service with Jack Matthew infant baptism. First time I ever assisted the pastors by ligthing a baptismal candle from the paschal candle. Good thing the paschal candle is now low enough for me to reach the burning light of Christ. To add to the day’s blessings, we stopped by MingHin for dim sum on the way home. It’s really been a long while since we gave ourselves such a wonderful culinary treat. Mmm, congee, shui mai and turnip cake. I really like going out for dim sum when the entire family is about and game for doing a dim sum breakfast, because then we are able to order and taste of some of this and some of that from the huge selection of dim sum dishes. From time to time, I let the chanting of the worldly divide disturb my peace. Today I was reminded by the simple Prayer of Saint Teresa of Ávila, that God alone suffices. Life is good, got my Isaac FaceTime fix. So joyous to see my baby and her baby, but missed out on Rob, maybe next time. Hopefully we can see them soon.

July 14, 2018
Albeit, I don’t care much for rainy days, we need rain. So once a week, a moderate soaking, is perfect. I must be in a new season in life. Funny how our perspective of, living’ the dream changes and is confused with the American dream. Once upon a time, in my mind, the dream was the typical strive for the two story house with a two car garage in the suburbs two kids thing. Now that we’re retired, thinking back, I muse disparagingly to account for all the hard work and long hours that was required anxiously to achieve that dream, with a bonus child. Some say, one is living the dream if have achieved that dream. So am I living the dream? Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). The notion of the dream of the nations of the world of living the dream at best is a diversion and in the worst case, a deception. Thanks be to our merciful God, who has place eternity in our hearts and the dream of a life his kingdom as we journey back to Eden, never to be content with who we are in our broken and fallen world, a poor miserable sinner.

July 13, 2018
Nice, listening to one of my favorite hymn, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, in German no less. Wish I didn’t watch bits and pieces of the Peter Strzok congressional hearing on Youtube. I ended up rolling my eyes at the public spectacle that only revealed to the world how dysfunctional the swamp is, as well as the KGB is, oh I mean FBI, ridiculous? I suspect the already low approval rating will hit yet and another all time low. I knew that the two FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, sent disparaging text with foul language, but was actually surprise at the level of his hateful disdain toward Donald Trump. Came across some Bobak smoked polish sausage grocery shopping this morning and it made for a outstanding dish with green peppers and onions. I haven’t made this simple and flavorful bit from heaven in eons.

July 12, 2018
They say if you don’t use it, you lose it. Guessing Jennifer isn’t losing her Spanish anytime soon. I went and gassed up her car this evening. Seems like the every time I drove her car, the radio is on a Spanish speaking station. I didn’t plan on doing an outdoor walk today, but ended up doing so for about forty minutes around and around the nursing home, while Fawn was visiting her mom. It wasn’t too bad and didn’t work up a sweat. So I have to ask again, why do I sweat profusely cutting the grass? It didn’t rain at all this week and it looks like we’ll be able to get away without mowing the lawn. Jennifer every now and then go out for Vietnamese food with friends. I love it when she brings home gỏi cuốn. Albeit, I don’t ready care for the Phở, I drink the soup anyway. Those are the only two dishes I know of, so it easy to say, I’m not a fan.

July 11, 2018
Hid indoors and the only time out was to take out the garbage and to get the mail. Read the book of God’s love and restoration found in Hosea. Not only God’s love is steadfast and unfailing, it’s unconditional. If we return to God, He will receive us back. Albeit, Psalm is my most favorite book in the bible ,because much of it resonates with me, surprisingly the minor prophet Hosea is able to convey in personal way God’s unfathomable love for us, giving it a reason to among a few of my favorite books in the bible.

July 10, 2018
It was truly a nice day to be out and about. Beit a warm day, the humidity was low and there was a nice breeze. The bad news is that got my first mosquito of the year and it was on my wrist and that I tend to welt whenever those blood suckers bite. In my frustration and sinful arrogance, I began to irreverently wonder why God created a noxious pest like misquotes and comparing them to indescribable beauty of the monarch butterfly I saw the other day. Lord, have mercy. It must be my imagination, but I saw a video of someone speaking in Vietnamese and I could be wrong, but swear it sounded just like she was speaking Cantonese. Good thing we went to the gym before joining Jim and Mary as well as Pete and Judy this evening for a chicken dinner with all the trimmings at the social club. I think it’s much more of a relaxing time on a night out dinning with friends than it would be at a restaurant. Thanks be to God for the blessings of the day.

July 9, 2018
Happy birthday to my darling wife, a godsend, on this special day.

July 8, 2018
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). I can’t believe that we were out and about most of the day. After Mass we went here and there at various arts and craft stores and got the needed for yet another cross stitch project.

July 7, 2018
I don’t get it, I got to mowing the grass first thing in the morning when the temp was still in the upper 60s. The self propelled lawn mower does 99% of the work. So how is it I still worked up a sweat in the cool of the day? We went out to lunch at Fabulous Noodle to celebrate Fawn and Alex’s birthday and came back to the house for pie. I wish Jennifer could of made it there. Crazy that the only day she was off was on the 4th and in the hospital today and tomorrow. Talk about putting in insane hours, she’s out the door by 4a and don’t get home till about 7:30p. Love playing with Isaac, its funny, how Isaac repeats words like a parrot. He’s really building up quite a vocabulary. Started thinking about the song, The Sounds of Silence.

July 6, 2018
Downloaded the one year old pictures Jean took of Isaac. Not sure if Jean is that good of a photographer or the little man is making her look good. I seemed like a full day workout, did resistance and light weights early this morning. It was so nice out we went about town running errands and even stop at the indoor track for an hour. I’m really feeling good about doing the intervals rather than just walking. The Youtube Music Spotlight was on, The Beatles. I was thinking, back in the day, I really liked this band because their music was simple and easy to sing along and dance to. There are so many artists that are better musicians and can sing much better than them which are legitimate reasons to hate them just as well. Guess I’m saying they’re not a big deal to me anymore and ain’t feeling the nostalgia. Came across a quotable quote, “If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present... gratefully.”  ― Maya Angelou

July 5, 2018
Kaboom, here I go counting rain days again with the old cliché musing about the weather. This makes it the 3rd day this month so far. Looks like this torrential downpour will provide a couple days of succor. Just hoping the grass won’t be too long. Am grateful for the wonder and blessing of rain. Fawn and I was looking at recent pictures of Isaac, Andrea and Rob. I’m gamed with the two simple rules, buy American and hire American. It worked in 1933 during the Great Depression to support US labor and manufacturing, but greed got the best of best of us all. We often rightfully complain about corporate greed, but what about ourselves as consumers buying cheaper goods? I am unsure of how the trade deficit affects our economy, but I’m all for policies that will bring about holy vocations for the American people. A few days ago we were walking about at the Oakbrook Mall and was really surprise to see a group of ladies wearing what I assume were long Islamic robe like dresses and hijab with a face mask in the heat. Strange, that I would wonder why someone would wear something that warm and not give it a second thought to a nun. I become suspiciously uncomfortable being near masked people and prefer people not to do that. Mmm, first time I made a ginger and green onion dipping sauce to go with the poached chicken breast. Normally, I have the chicken with oyster sauce, both ways are good, but I just had to try out making the sauce since I had all the needed.

July 4, 2018
Happy Independence Day! No wonder when we drove pass the downtown area it wasn’t jammed pack yesterday, just learned today that Ribfest is 4th – 7th. Surprisingly I haven’t heard any fireworks going off this week yet, but there were loud thunder claps this evening that accommodated the rain we got again. Joy, Alex came home a visited, so I made four cheese tortellini. There was no time for Fawn to make her sauce, so we opened the freebie jar of organic pasta sauce we got a while back from Mariano's. It was just OK, but to be fair, just saying, all pales to the sauce Fawn makes.

July 3, 2018
I finally got to try out my new running shoes doing a walk/run at the Fort Hill indoor track. Albeit, no resemblance to doing a Barry Allen, but I think adding intervals to running shuffles to my walk makes for a good cardiovascular workout. I chose not to wear the iPod and while going around and around, I began musing about the goal of running the Christian race and fighting the good fight. Surprisingly, there haven’t been any fireworks going off in the neighborhood yet.

July 2, 2018
It was a real nice day. We got out the door early and walked around the Oakbrook Center Mall. Most of the morning was in the 70s and only worked its way up to lower 80s midday. I thought it was a lot better than yesterday’s indoor walk at Yorktown Mall because it was so noisy and crowded, but will say, indoor air conditioned malls are better than being outdoors when it’s hot and humid. The road warriors were out and about weaving through traffic haphazardly and the word, “idiot” came to mind multiple times. This of course led me to eventually muse about judging others. Nothing change, I still think we are to judge, just not sinful in other judgments, but to humbly recognizing the plank in our eyes as we look at the splinter in the eyes of others. God wants us teach and admonish one other in all wisdom. Another word, true love instructs, corrects and warns. Of course the response, more times than not is, don’t judge me. Patriotic food and livin’ the good life with a couple of picture perfect Chicago style hotdogs for dinner. Well OK, it wasn’t picture perfect, I piled up the condiments so high there wasn’t room for the dill pickle, so I had to eat that on the side and I made them with regular hot dog buns without poppyseeds.

July 1, 2018
Can never get tire of saying the joy of serving at the altar. My only time outdoors today was limited to just going to and from, in and out the car and finding myself wondering how did people were able to endure the scorching heat. It hot for me when the temps are at or above 80 ºF and is cold when at or below 60 ºF, but I suppose everything is relative, 60 would be a Godsend in the dead of winter as well as 80 on days like today. Was reading about, the giant hogweed. Sounds let a plant from hell, that can burn and blind you. I'm not Elijah, but that's one day it rained in ten.
June 30, 2018
Ha, now that’s funny. Luther: No the door is fine, just fixing your theology. Really changed it up from the get go this morning. Now that’s what I’m talking about, had avocado and an egg over super easy on a slice of toasted 12 grain bread along with my morning coffee, black. I’ve been drinking my coffee with milk ever since I started eating oatmeal, but enjoy a cup of black coffee more. We were out the door early again to get the needed done in the cool of the day. It was crazy hot again in the mid 90s by the noon hour. I decided to look at, The Weather Channel 10 day forecast and is calling for three of the next ten days for rain with no succor in sight. Judging by all the rain we have been getting, I predict it will rain more three times. I rain the new norm? Despite the heat glad Carl fired up the gas grill and we share the table with friends and family. Did I say crazy hot earlier? Insane, we left around 10:30 and it was still 90 degrees.

June 29, 2018
It was crazy hot and muggy, good thing we got an early start this morning to the Woodridge Kohls. Albeit, I did my usual walk in the store while Fawn did her shopping, I actual did buy something. I brought a pair of Fila running shoes. I’m guessing from how much cheaper they were than other brands; they may not be very durable. But I thought they were really comfortable, so I’m going to give them a go.

June 28, 2018
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). Not sure why, but I had to put on Layla before I start penning this journal entry. We went to the Promenade and stopped for lunch at the IKEA for my free birthday Swedish meatball meal and a $15 gift card that will be expiring days away from now at the end of the month. Now that is what I call a promotion! Albeit, a little warm for me, it was nice to be out and about. The warmth of summer days are definitely upon us. Because of the heat and high humidity, it was really tough trying to work up the gumption mid afternoon to mow the grass, but I gotrdun. How about closing the day with, Judy Blue Eyes and I’m Your Captain/Closer To Home?

June 27, 2018
I’ve come to the conclusion that the so called “news”, beit network or printed or staged, is a lot of hogwash as well as irrelevant. I remember Rev. Schumacher once said something to the affect about how much better off we would be if we cut back on reading or watching the news. I didn’t get it at the time, but certainly do now. It’s disgusting how the media go about inducing their biases in an attempt to influence society. Fawn and Jean left early in the morning to take one year old pictures of Isaac and guessing, shopping. Not sure what the ladies are doing now, but it’s already pass nine o’clock.

June 26, 2018
Surprise, surprise. I never knew there was a Forgiveness Day, June 26th, interesting. There is no such thing as unconditional forgiveness. Some will disagree with me and do, but forgiveness requires repentance. Jesus instructs us to, “Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.” (Luke 17:3). We must be eager to forgive those who seek our forgiveness and a chance to make things right. To do less and prematurely forgive someone only cheapens the gift of true forgiveness or reconciliation. The Parable of the Prodigal Son, is an excellent lesson on being merciful and always ready to forgive. I did an Andrea, and made a modest portion of linguine with butter, lemon, garlic and then sprinkled it with parmesan, just before diving in. Mmm, mmm good.

June 25, 2018
Isaac is smart, the kid got it right, I wore the dapper shirt he got me for father’s day that read, “Dads know a lot, Grandpas know everything.” God, I need an Isaac fix. I only did a two mile run/walk at Fort Hill. It was still more walk than running, but my time is continuing to improve. Funny, now I’m wondering how it will take me to close the gaps and run the entire two miles. Just think, a little over year and a half ago, I was lucky to be able to bend over and lace my shoes. Doing the elliptical is so much easier, guessing it’s because I don’t crank up the resistance or the incline. K, I convinced myself I need to increase the resistance. That should help with the cardio. I can’t believe I am about to comment on what is going on with our southern border. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with the angry left wing political activists when it comes to President Trump. The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said, "The Obama administration, the Bush administration all separated families. ... Their rate was less than ours, but they absolutely did do this. This is not new." I’m not saying this is right or wrong, but where was the outrage before President Trump followed suit. I do feel bad for the illegal immigrants and their plight, but feel more strongly about first tending to the needs of our citizens that are poverty stricken living in slums. It is not clear if our country even has the will to care for and lift families out of poverty with dignity. I don’t even like H-1B visas, so it is needless to say what I think about illegal immigrants taking away jobs and affordable housing. I am clueless if our current immigration laws are just or unjust. While under the reign of many unjust and outright evil Roman laws, Saint Paul, still instructed Christians to submit to the government. People seeking to immigrate to the United States should obey the immigration laws. Illegal immigration is the breaking of a government’s law and a rebellion against God and believe that supporting, enabling or encouraging of illegal immigration is likewise. I’ve said too much and am debating whether to leave or delete this journal entry. Maybe I'll think differently tomorrow. Lord, have mercy.

June 24, 2018
I always was at awe sitting near the altar while assisting during Mass. This morning was over the top. I was always reluctant to do the chalice, but today was different; it was a feast day celebrating the birth of John the Baptist. Found another quotable quote in the margins of our worship folder. "When we are praying, don't rack your brain to find words. On many occasions, the simple, monotonous stammering of children has satisfied their father who is in heaven." - St. John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent. On groaning in prayer, St. Paul said, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27). Posted, a collect for the Nativity of John the Baptist, in Larry’s World.

June 23, 2018
I don’t know why we stopped going to the bible studies, perhaps … well I kinda know … , but I've listen to most of them online . I just got through listening to part I of a two week class of Organ 101 on the Saint John Website. Nice that the two week class, Introducing the St. John Organ: MP Rathke Opus 5 included a handout. Clearly, Nathan Lemahieu is a very learned man. Seemed like there was no cool of the day, but I edged the lawn as well as weed whacked anyway. I was soaking wet by the time it was all said and done. Anyway, off to bed.

June 22, 2018
I’m sure I’ll missed a few, but thought it would be fun to list types of animal meat I’ve tried: beef, pork, lamb, goat, venison, buffalo, turtle, alligator, squab, chicken, turkey, duck, frog, octopus, squid, snail, crab, lobster, shrimp, oyster, clam, mussels, scallop, fish, and eel. I’ve heard some people say that they would try anything at least once. Not me, I’m unadventurous, there are just some animals or animal parts … but will never say never ever, hope it never comes to that. Nice, Jon Jovi, singing a jazz version of, Livin' on a Prayer, at a wedding with jazz singer Lourdes Valentin. I think the best rock version is back in in 2010 in Sydney Austria, It’s My Life/Livin’ On a Prayer. With one of our pastors on sabbatical, I signed up to assist at the altar for three weeks in a row. The role of a lay person distributing the Eucharist during Mass is a position of honor and privilege, but from my perspective it is chance to have a more intimate union with God and to gain a better appreciation of the liturgy. Yes it rained again and the sump pump has been working overtime. Thankful we aren't flooding like other areas.

June 21, 2018
Rain, rain, and more rain, good thing I was able to mow the grass yesterday. With more rain forecasted for tomorrow, the grass would have been tough to mow and bag the tall grass. I need to move away from the obsession on carrying on about the weather and the need to cut the grass, but that is all I seem to be doing literally tending the yard. With the rain filled day, the summer solstice seems uneventful. Anyway, we tend to think of summer as starting on the Memorial Day weekend and with all the hot days we have had already. Illegal immigration has been on the news a lot since Donald Trump began running for the highest office of the land, POTUS. I am against open borders and believe and should be justly controlling immigration, but the question is how to balance justice against mercy toward those who have broken the law. It’s not easy to have a conversation about illegal immigration, because of our differing experiences. In my world, people are just tending to talk pass each other in the conversation without any chance of swaying those whom they disagree with. Heard a new one, “The Chinese eat everything with four legs except tables — and everything that flies except airplanes” Ha, now that's funny.

June 20, 2018
The water in the toilet tank was overflowing and it was the first time I ever had to adjust the screw on the flush valve to stop the continuous flow. Because it was in the wee hours in the night, I was tempted to just bend the ball float arm, but since Fawn was looking on, I went downstairs and got the screwdriver and thought it best to tend to the problem accordingly. The forecast was wrong; we didn’t get any overnight rain, so I worked up a sweat this morning mowing the grass. I made a huge mistake at the park district indoor track today. We’ll not really; I wanted to see if I could pick up the pace of my walk, by attempting to do a one lap slow jogging pace. I’m not going to mention how I fared, but know with certainty that the transition from walking to running will require much smaller increments than I anticipated. I’m surprised how much more difficult it is to actually run on a track than it is to run on an elliptical. I don’t want to be a runner, but do want to pick it up every now and then as intervals, but it would be nice to be able to run a 5K just once.

June 19, 2018
With all the rain, looks like Saturday will be the first day dry enough to cut grass. The norm is just to apply weed killer on the lawn, but this year I added fertile to the mix. I like how nice it looks, but don’t like how fast it grows. We went early to the outlet mall in Aurora and walk around before the stores opened and then some. The overcast with a nice breeze made for a nice out and about. Much better than the brutally hot days we have had over the last four days. Saw a trailer to, Yellowstone, nice, “That’s the thing about being a grandfather; I get to do all the things I wish I’d done with my children.

June 18, 2018
I mused and penned about the mind-boggling number of people getting shot in Chicago, but deleted it and decided, best to pray for the victims, their families, first responders, and that such act of violence would end. Our hope is in Lord, as he promises to be with us always to the end of the age. I wish that my mindfulness stems from a passionate heart, but the reality is it stems from concerns for Jennifer’s safety going to and from the city and the impact on her seeing first hand on rotation at Stroger. It was a dinner and a movie night, Fawn brought home the Jewel Monday Fried Chicken Special and we watched, The 15:17 to Paris. The three Christian heroes played themselves in the film. Wow, what about the odds of an AK-47 jamming!

June 17, 2018
All glory to God the Father. While serving as altar assistant, I was happy as Larry, literally. Funny, how I enjoy using idioms and looking up their origins. Like always, it’s an honor and a privilege to serve and sitting so close to the altar taking in all just sends me. After church, we ran errands and headed out toward Yorktown and did the mall walk in the cool air condition mall after trying out the new fresh beef quarter pounder. I don’t know why I was anticipating to be wowed, but to think it is juicer and more flavorful than their other burger. Because it was yet another brutal hot and muggy day, I hid indoors the remainder of the day.

June 16, 2018
Awesome day and clearly,  we are nearing the longest day of the year. It's 8:30, and still light enough for my neighbor to be mowing his backyard.  Alex, Andrea and Rob took us out for a Father's Day lunch celebration at Fabulous Noodles and spent the afternoon visiting. Best part of all was we got to play with Isaac. We are most blessed with awesome kids. I was thinking about my parents and miss them, they were the best. Looking back, my biggest regret was taking them for granted, because they were always there for us. I thank God for blessing us with parents and cherish the memories I have of them. Rather than wallowing on things I wish I could do over, I pray and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will improve and take people in my world less for granted than I have in the past. Whoa, watched Zurcaroh, on AGT, unbelievable level of aerobatic and aerial skill and trust. I’m not much into rapping, but I was also blown away and emotionally touched by the 14 year Flau’jae plea to America to “Put Your Guns Down”.

June 15, 2018
Watched the news as reporters interviewed the POTUS on the WH front lawn. One thing for sure, love him or hate him, he is a very candid person and says what is on his mind unfiltered. I just knew it, fake news reporting immediately within the hour. “Trump said that Kim's people "sit up at attention" when he speaks, and Trump wants "my people to do the same." Now that’s funny, and of course he said it with a sarcastic chuckle, but fake news blows it up. Not sure why I’m putting this out there, perhaps just to say that this is the sign of the times we live in. Lord, have mercy. Praise the Lord, Angelica shared the good news of finally finding a job after two years of searching and will start on Monday. On top of that, they sold their home and need to move out by next Friday. It's been on the market for some time. With all their kids grown and moved out, 3650 sq. ft. is too much home is too much for two people. Got back not too long ago from the airport to pick up Alex. It was a short business trip for a workshop in Dublin, Ohio. Crazy that the temperature is warmer this evening, than it was earlier in the day. This weekend is suppose to be a scorcher.

June 14, 2018
Got Alex to Midway and was glad he had such an early flight before the sun rose above the horizon. On the way back I was amazed at the number of car inward bound toward the city so early. It was nice and cool when we got back so I tended to the lawn and sprayed the front and back with weed and feed. I did a terrible job applying the Turf builder. I should have asked my neighbor to borrow his broadcast spreader instead of using my drop spreader to apply the granules more evenly. Hopefully, I will get good results within a few days. I was musing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I especially find the delight in the fear of the Lord is a very interesting gift which enables us to strive to “fear, love, and trust in God above all things.” There are two kinds of fear that oppose each other, timor filialis and timor servilis. Servile fear ties in with hatred, fearful of the punishment more than angering the master. Filial fear ties in with love, fearful of saddening the parents more than it does their punishment. In my mind, the gift of fear the Lord draws us to God in awe and reverence as do all gifts of the Holy Spirit.

June 13, 2018
Aah, Dancing In The Street - Martha and the Vandellas. First sun filled day all week and they finally made it out to tune up our air conditioner. I’m too cheap and didn’t want to throw out the bread, so I changed it up this morning and had toast with my morning coffee and a ham sandwich for lunch. I got an early start hitting the grass while it was relatively still cool. Sigh, between the fertilizer and all the rain, I had to stop five times to empty the grass catcher. I’m good with it though because it working out good dumping the clippings along the back, great not having that issue about all the water at the back five feet or so any more. Because Trump and Kim are talking and listening to each other, I am hopeful that that there will actually be a complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This is huge turnaround, kudos to the two leaders and their delegations and all evolved. Prayers for the persecuted church of North Korea as well as for the church catholic. Off to bed need to make a pre dawn airport run to drop Alex off …

June 12, 2018
Cool, got an email from Tim, a former co-worker and friend that I haven’t heard from in years. Nice that he thought about me while listening to some chorale music on Youtube. I miss talking with him about family life and theology. He’s a grandpa twice now. LOL, the pressures on, and it’s time to give Rob and Andrea a nudge, Isaacs needs a sibling. We went out for a chicken dinner with Jim and Mary. We always enjoy breaking bread with them, but I did over indulged by needlessly getting a second helping. Anyway, thanks be to God for the gift of family and friends.

June 11, 2018
Don’t know if it’s a good thing or not, but we got more overnight rain again. Climate change? Fawn had some shopping to do at the mall, so I did the indoor mall walk. Bought a couple bitter melons at Cermak, $0.79/lbs. can’t remember ever seeing it that cheap. It made for a delicious stir fried beef and bitter melon dish. Strange, how folks like me have embraced an acquired taste for a bitter gourd. I was listening to the 2018 Phantom Regiment and they were amazing, made my day! If this is what they sound like just three days ago, they are surly going to have an outstanding season this year. Old school, drum and bugles corps were never this good. The talent back when I was growing up was nowhere near this good. I have fond memories of playing French horn with the Nisei Ambassador back is the day. Well, I'm tire and stayed up as long as I could, watching the historic summit in Singapore...

June 10, 2018
Déjà vu, as yet another roaring torrential thunder storm passed through last night and yes I was slow in getting up again. We ended up celebrating the late Mass and were blessed by seeing folks we haven’t seen in a while that regularly attend the eleven o’clock. I don’t know it means anything by not doing anything special and out of the ordinary yesterday, but think God is good and continues to bless our marriage daily. I was stuck by a quotable quote in the margins of our worship folder, “To reveal someone’s beauty is to reveal their value by giving them time, attention, and tenderness. To love is not just to do something for them but to reveal to them their own uniqueness, to tell them that they are special and worthy of attention.” ― Jean Vanier, Becoming Human.

June 9, 2018
Kaboom, the loudest of loud thunder clap woke me this morning, but then I managed to instantly fell back asleep despite the rumbling and sound of torrential rain beating on the roof. I must have been really tire, because the next thing I knew, it was already pass nine o’clock. I am not disciple enough and clearly I should be recording my calorie intake. I’ve done just that this past week along with being more faithful to exercising and am pleased with the results. As President Trump has left to Singapore today to meet with North Korea Leader Kim, I found myself praying for both men. May our Lord send his richest blessing and grant President Trump wisdom to carry forth his responsibilities of his office with integrity and honor and that those who surround him with good council. And may the Holy Spirit soften the heart of Kim Jong Un to the saving grace of Christ Jesus. May this upcoming summit bring about lasting peace. Lord, have mercy. I capped the evening off watching, Bugles in the Afternoon. I was struck by the line, “God be with you.” to the dying soldier and by his reply, “He’s never left me. We’ve been partners for years.”

June 8, 2018
I could be wrong, but I think the president has done nothing to actually yet to have achieve his previous promises that he would make sure that all Americans will get better and cheaper health care. I'm all for a single payer healthcare system, maybe someday, just maybe. Seems the opposition even want to eliminate coverage for preexisting conditions. The movers brought in the new extra long twin bed for Jennifer's room. The old bed the movers took out was originally from Andrea's bedroom set. It must be close to 30 years old. We decided to go out for lunch at Portillos, Fawn got the hamburger we normally split, but this time got the combo as well a freebie cake. I would of got their Chicago style hot dog, but I made them several times recently at home. It’s hard to believe once upon a time I could eat their entire sandwiches in one sitting. Naturally the other half of the sandwiches was dinner. I don't do it often enough but do enjoy with a grateful heart, eating out. Thanks be to God for the gifts from his bounty.

June 7, 2018
Crazy, how fast the grass grows when one applies fertilizer on the lawn. What a trade off, beautiful dark green grass and having to cut the grass more frequent. It’s been a long time since I laid Turf Builder on the grass. Betting it hasn’t been since the early years. I usually only use weed killer, but this year was different because some pest was tearing up the front. Between the mole repellent and grub killer, at least that problem appears to have been resolved. Even in the cool of the morning, I work up a ton of nasty sweat. With the sun blazing on my bald head, Fawn dug out a funny dollar Walmart hat I bought two years ago that read, “Dad Knows A Lot Grandpa Knows Everything.” Man’s toil. It just dawned on me, that all of suburbia homes have a front lawn. Whose idea was it anyway? It’s costly to maintain and a lot of hard work. I’ve heard this site being called a blog, but I think it is anything but one. At times it’s just the ramblings of a poor miserable sinners that stubbles on the narrow path repenting and seeking forgiveness. I am a less than humble man, but truly seek to be, especially with my tongue. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29).

June 6, 2018
Up early again, we went to Edwards Hospital for Fawn’s annual mammogram. Thanks be to God for good results. As usual I walk around all over the facility for an hour or so for exercise. I’ve seen the Wings of Hope Angel Garden before. Since it was in the cool of the day and the pollen count was moderate, I took this morning’s opportunity and spent a little time strolling in the Healing Garden. I really enjoyed the waterfall and goldfish pond. I thing the lawn area was nice, but think a wall to block the traffic noise from Washington Street would be a huge improvement. I'm not much of an outdoors kind of guy, because of my allergies, but do find that gardens to be places of beauty that bring joy to our hearts. As I was walking about I do feel a sense of peace and tranquility. I can only imagine just how beautiful and peaceful the Garden of Eden and what it would be like to physically walk with God in the cool of the day.

June 5, 2018
Man o man; I know its lame, but have to wonder why God created allergies. Living in Naperville is like living in an urban forest. With all that pollen, my nose is running and eyes are itching big time. Nice, Fawn did all the research and got me a Norelco 2100 electric shaver. Of the top 5 electric shavers for 2018, it was best bang for the buck. Nice that Andrea and Rob called and wished me well. Fawn showed me a video of Isaac riding a real pony at Santa Village, glad to see the little man out and about. It’s one of those weird feeling where you are happy and thrilled to see them growing up and one of those that you wish was a slower process. I blinked and all three of my children grew up.

June 4, 2018
I’m not an Elvis Presley fan by any measure, but I do like some of his songs like, Can’t Help Falling in Love. Since Alex and Fawn was going to visit Andrea, Rob and Isaac today, I got up early and cooked up a storm, starting with oatmeal while Fawn made cold cut sandwich for Jennifer to take with on her first day. For veggies I made green beans and made stir fried broccoli and carrots. Whoa, there are four in-boned rib eyes, they must have been on sale, big time. I cut them in a way where I could slice some of the meat and made a beef with bitter melon dish. After I pan fried the rib eyes, I cut off the bones and ate two of them with some Baby Ray Barbeques Sauce. Wow, amazing, saved the other two for tomorrow. After that nice treat, I cut up a pack of boneless chicken thighs and made teriyaki chicken. Then I finished up with French toast. I don’t think they’ll have to cook for a while. Hope they’ll enjoy my labor of love. Crazy, awesome oldies, The Drifters – Stand Me and Roy Orbison – Pretty Women. Today is one of those days when playing YouTube music with my headphones on while penning is causing me to pause and reminisce on days past. Going to stop penning and chill a little before going to bed, want to be up early to see my baby girl off in the morning. I’m glad I don’t had to do the dreaded metropolitan morning commute anymore. Between the road construction and frequent accidents getting to and from, I don’t know what is more stressful.

June 3, 2018
“In our churches Mass is celebrated every Sunday and on other festivals, when the sacrament is offered to those who wish for it after they have been examined and absolved.” Amen. Yet another beautiful drop dead day. Talk about food heaven, I made picture perfect, Chicago style hot dogs for lunch. And in the evening we celebrated, just to celebrate, gathering at Carl and Sandy’s home. Soo and Eddie were in town is in itself a cause to celebrate. Now that she finish taking her board exams, Jennifer will begin clinical rotations tomorrow, another good reason to celebrate. Albeit, still days away, my birthday was also acknowledged as a reason to celebrate. Albeit, I’m always happy to celebrate other folk’s birthdays, I was never much on celebrating my own. Nowadays, I view it as a way to thank God, joyfully celebrating a sanctified life with friends and family. Ah, classic soul. Came across a woman with soul, Karise Eden – I’d Rather Go Blind and Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. Nice.

June 2, 2018
Albeit, I haven’t mused on anything profound, I noticed that I have been penning my journal entries pretty regular lately and think that is a good thing because of the many benefits I get from stream of consciousness writing. It gives me insights that I would not otherwise have to what is in my head and in my heart about the world around me in my journey back to Eden. And what is nice is have the option of keep what I pen or discarding it. I’ve learned over the years that reading and writing rants are unhealthy practices and serves no good purpose. With that said, whenever I digress and do begin to rant, I find that it reveals things that are best left unsaid and left in God hands. I got up early and changed it up this morning having cold cereal with my morning coffee. Nice that it was a cool morning with an over cast. I took a lopper to the huge branch I took down several weeks ago and dragged the smaller branches from back yard to the parkway. I’m sure my neighbors I followed up mowing the prairie that was growing around where I dragged the branches to and sat for weeks, another gotrdun.

June 1, 2018
Rude awaking, I haven’t counted and recorded nor weighted myself for a month and getting on this morning wasn’t pretty. I also haven’t been exercising regularly either, so I am going to recommit myself back to my previous fitness routine. I was looking at the satellite view of google map of Naperville and can hardly believe how wooded our town is. Since my niece, Natalie is in town for a few days, she wanted to celebrate my upcoming birthday by inviting me out to dinner. But since it’s a Friday night, I opted for get a nice Chinese carry out, so that we could all down and have a nice sit down dinner in a serene setting. We celebrated and enjoyed the evening with my sister Nancy and brother Bill and with Alex, Jennifer and Natalie. Nothing on this side of heaven brings me more joy than to be with family. Thanks be God, that Isaac ear tube surgery went well and he appears to be doing fine. Well better go to bed early now with a big day ahead of me tomorrow tending to the branches for collection sometime next week.

May 31, 2018
Silly me, I forgot May has thirty one days.  “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossians 4:6). From time to time, I catch myself or am kindly reminded of the unwholesome talk that comes out of my mouth. I still have fond memories and miss going to the weekly the liturgy for evening prayer with Andrea at Bethany, “Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” There is really something extraordinary about praying along with hungry and thirsty catechumens.

May 30, 2018
Strange how there is always something to do or need to be done. Once again, I’m perplexed and wonder how the needed ever got done. This morning we got up early and took the car in for a oil change and had the tires rotated. I always read the local monthly newspaper, Positively Naperville, when I’m at the dealership, and get the scoop on all the reverent goings-on and local lore. With all the rain we have been getting, and the with the turf builder, no wonder the grass is so tall needed cutting again. Since there was an overcast this morning, I decided to mow the grass and did manage to do the front and back. I worked up so much sweat; I had to peel off my tee shirt. I was so glad that Fawn made a mouth watering spring salad for lunch, so perfect for a hot summer day. Well, now the May is coming to a close, I’m looking ahead at the Month on June when we will be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary. May the peace of Christ continue to live always in your hearts and in your home.

May 29, 2018
Now that’s what I’m talking about. I played with Isaac and his new, Step 2 Little Cooks Kitchen. I say it’s never too early for the culinary arts. He’ll be whipping up gourmet meals fit for a king in no time. I was so glad to go and watch Isaac perform at, The Little Gym of Gurnee. I didn’t much about it, when they first told me back that they signed him up for classes. Today the little kids did an end of class show for the family and I was pleasantly surprised at how they approached building kid’s confidence and skill as well as building positive social interaction with other children, but it goes without saying I'm always concern about concussion safety and injuries. Jennifer torn her ACL on both knees playing tennis. So glad Jennifer is done with her classes and got to spend a couple of days with Isaac.

May 28, 2018
Lord, have mercy. After morning coffee, I opened my laptop and goggled Memorial Day and the first article I read was from the Chicago Tribune, Memorial Day weekend closes with 69 shot in Chicago, many of them on West Side. Four days ago, there was an NBC New article, Chicago Mayor Emanuel’s Approval Rating Plummet as Shootings Surge. I can’t believe that his approval rating is at 25% for many reasons, especially in a year where 12 people are shot per day on average. Oh brother, the second article was on a tweet by President Trump. I just read the tweet and left it at that. Later, in the day, I thought, let us not let those who served and have demonstrated the greatest love possible by laying down their lives drift from public consciousness. Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). So Jesus sacrifice should also remain in the forefront, not only on this day, but should be infused in our every thought, word and deed. In the U.S. political website, Jane Cook, opine on, Why do Americans stand for the U.S. flag and the national anthem? I wish people that take the knee, would reconsider. I still hold it to be poor form. We went to Grayslake to visit Andrea, Rob and Isaac. I like a Ruben sandwich better, but will say the corned beef with mustard on wheat bread for dinner, was delicious.  I was surprise that I was able to limit myself to just one, but did manage to get in a small slice of apple pie for dessert. It was a perfect way to end the Memorial Day celebration, after all, “there’s nothing more American than apple pie.”

May 27, 2018
Need a reason for a party, Carl and Sandy threw another party, for Victoria, belated, now more folks can attend this holiday weekend that couldn’t on the actual weekday. Even all my kids were around and came to celebrate Victoria second birthday. LOL, remind me of the back at work when I would joke while eating the cake, asking, what are we celebrating? I didn’t read pass the word food in the email. I left early, well not really, it’s already 10 o’clock. Everyone is playing that LCR dice game. So here I am, home penning this journal entry. Fawn and I got up early and went to campus and loaded up the big stuff from the residence hall back home. Her good friend Sara helped Jennifer pack and move everything else. After unloading, Fawn did some unpacking and I stayed out spreading the GrubEx and the fertilizer and watering it down. There is a huge maple tree across the street that showers a ton of whirlybirds all over the place and had to sweep the off the driveway. I know I was planning to wait for cooler weather but I couldn’t stand the mess out in front of the house. Guessing I have to climb back up and clean the gutters again went is will cool down. Nice, Fawn made a spring salad with mixed berries with blue cheese dressing for lunch. Later we went to the wedding at the Patrick Haley Mansion. What a beautiful place, betting no one expected the temps to be anywhere near 95 degrees outdoors this early in the year planning an outdoor wedding. Not sure why some folks like outdoor weddings ceremonies. As for me, I love wedding Masses. We left the reception early, because I had to be at church early to prepare to lay assist at the altar. Wow, 80/20 ground beef @ $1.88 lb. and made some pub burgers. As I enjoyed the burger as part of the Memorial Day Weekend celebration, I did pause to briefly reflect on honoring the men and women of the armed services as well as the officers of agencies who serve and protect us. Just saying thank you is not enough. We are to live in a manner that honors God and in turn honors them, for "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17). Thanks be to God for air conditioning. I got on Blogger and posted a St. Ambrose quote earlier today and took a peek at the stats and I’m somewhat surprised that I got 98 views so far this month, considering I haven’t posted anything there since last November. Perhaps, I should take time the time to post more gems whenever I come across them in my readings.

May 25, 2018
We just went to Home Depot and bought and bag of GrumbEx and a bag of Turf Builder Weed & Feed. It was crazy hot and humid, as if it was the first week of July, so I didn’t bother to spread it. Baby steps plans to do so when it cools down a tad. Listening to Holy, Holy, Holy. Big weekend of celebrations, its Memorial Day weekend, Tyler and Allierose’s Wedding, and the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

May 23, 2018
I want to say that the mowed the grass and did the weed whacking in the cool of the day, but it was so hot and humid that my clothing was soaking wet by the time I got all the needed done. I’m a allergy sufferer and need to wear a mask whenever I tend to the lawn. Believe it or not cutting the grass is an art form. When the weather is cool, I actually don’t mind mowing the lawn and giving it a manicure. But on warm days, it’s for the birds. Rob lived with us one year student teaching and seemed to enjoy cutting the grass all the time, I don’t get it. To me it is a lot of work. During the summer months, I normally break up the outdoor chores and tend to it over several days. The heat is just too much for me to bear. Away, I hid indoors the remainder of the day and finally got around to spring clean the medicine cabinet. We had on new Energy Star 70-pint Frigidaire dehumidifier for a week now and I have to say, so far it seem to be working pretty good. Our Whirlpool 24-pint Coolerator dehumidifier finally went kaputt after over thirty years of service. Crazy, the headline on the Chicago Tribute read, NFL owners approve new anthem policy that forces players on field to stand and 'show respect'. Now, that is very telling about players and the owners. I was taught to respect the flag and was taught about the men and women that fought and sacrificed their lives for our freedom. I just don’t understand how anyone say can it is not an outright sign of disrespect to not stand for the U.S. flag and the national anthem. Lord I ask that I hear the difficulties that people are facing with your ears. Amen.

May 22, 2018
I wasn’t going to pen a journal entry today, but after musing about Andrea and Rob and the wonderful job they have done so far in parenting Isaac. I was actually thinking about all the things they do and don’t do and then realized albeit important, my joy comes from their go at raising Isaac, teaching him the way of the Spirit, with love and patient, God’s precepts. Sigh… I thought we did all the needed to block the ants from entering the house, so much for the Ortho Home Defense, to protect the indoor and outdoor perimeter. Glad we had some Terro Liquid Ant Bait, which did the trick in years past. Anyway, life is good.

May 21, 2018
I just got through watching, The Voice. I think that all the four performing finalist brought it on. It’s anybody’s guess who the winner will be. I’m not even going to attempt to call it, but will say that I especially enjoyed Spenser Baker, Brynn Catelli and Britton Buchannan performances. Talk about God’s gift of song, I’m penning this entry with, Of the Father’s Love Begotten, playing in the background, in a cappella no less. What a super nice way to close the day.

May 20, 2018
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.” We celebrated Mass marking the Feast of Pentecost, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit together with the full revelation of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For many years, I thought of this feast day only as celebration of an event that took place long ago, but upon this day, I am reminded that this event continues to happen to us in the catholic church, we all died and risen with Christ and have sealed the gift of the Most Holy Spirit. Later, we went to the House of Emperor and celebrated with a belated Mother’s Day along with her siblings and family. I’m sure that my mother-in-law was filled with joy spending a couple hours out of the nursing home doing lunch with her children. I was musing about our sanctification about the Holy Spirit working in our lives. I marvel at Luther’s explanation of the Third Article of the Creed:
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.

What does this mean?
 I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, My Lord, or come to Him, but the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, and sanctified and preserved me in the true faith, just as He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and preserves it in union with Jesus Christ in the one true faith, in which Christian church He daily forgives abundantly all my sins, and the sins of all believers, and at the last day will raise up me and all the dead, and will grant everlasting life to me and to all who believe in Christ.  This is most certainly true.

May 18, 2018
It was a super nice day slightly on the cool side with the right amount of overcast. I was able to get a lot of the chores done. I started with mowing the grass front and back as well as weed whack. Man the front looks really green with all that rain we got. I even gave the front a manicure with the edger. After that I cleaned and flushed out the lower level gutters and since I had the hose out, I washed the outside cars while Fawn tended to the interior. Whew it way pass the lunch hour before we completed all the outdoor chores. We just chomped on fried chicken from Jewels for lunch. I think them bad boys are pretty tasty when they’re hot and fresh out of the fryer. I have to talk about last night. I broke open a bag of Trader Joe’s Theater Popcorn and sipped on a cold can of Coke Zero while watching, Hostiles. Talk about a whole lot of hate going around. I found how the movie depicts PTSD in the western frontier and the touching upon humanity and redemption, somewhat interesting. Strange with all these shootings are making westerns are seemingly now more relevant than ever. I have to believe that United States is the most heavily armed society on the planet as well as most violent nation in the industrial world. Maybe, I’m just thinking that because I live so close to Chicago and violence is the norm there. Is it me, or the people there stoic to their plight? Lord, grant us the grace to purge ourselves of our own violent thoughts and deeds and fill our hearts with your goodness and love. Amen.

May 14, 2018
I’ve been watching TV all night. It began with watching, The Voice Live Semi-Final Performances. I can’t tell who will be making to the finals next week, because all the performances were outstanding. Then I watched, I guess the episode of, The Crossing. I still can’t believe ABC is cancelling the show, and prematurely at that, if you ask me. Maybe it will be picked up by another station. It must be my imagination, but Isaac seems to be all of suddenly, getting leaner and taller. As with all my children, I’m filled with joy every time I see him.

May 11, 2018
Crazy roller coaster weather we have been getting with huge swings between the 80s and 40s, but we once again took out our winter jackets and we went out to dinner and celebrated Jim’s birthday. You got to be kidding, I finally found a new TV show, The Crossing, I really like this show and now I learn that is being cancelled - go figure!

May 9, 2018
Oh wow, they’re already six week in and I’m just now watching the pilot of the TV series, The Crossing. I went on to watch the second episode and then had to force myself going on a binge watch, it was s good. I thought it was interesting that when the sheriff Jude mentioned to the little girl that Leah name was from the bible and that she was clueless what the bible is, only because she is an American from the future. Albeit, most Americans today do not face religious persecution and that incidences of targeted religious hostilities do exist, they are relatively few and far between. I continue to join the catholic church in her corporate prayers for the persecuted church. It is a good think to learn something about and Eucharistically connect the people we are  praying for I now know something about Eritrea.  I made steamed tilapia for dinner. It’s been a while since I’ve done that and now I wondering why I haven’t made this simple and delicious meal sooner. I’m guessing it’s because there is so many wonderful things we can choose to eat. How awesome is receiving with gratitude and thanksgiving the blessings from our Lord’s bounty sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

May 7, 2018
Glad to find the time to pen a journal entry. I watched, The Voice, Top Ten Performances. Albeit, all the singers are so good, especially Kyla Jade, Rayshun Lamarr, and Spensha Baker. And wow, the two young singers Britton Buchanan and Brynn Cartelli were standout performances for me. Everyone have their own favorites, so good luck to all of the contestants. Something Alica Keys said made me mused about some of the knowingly garbage as well as the unrealized hateful rhetoric on the internet and began praying, “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!” (Psalms 141:3-4).

May 6, 2018
The day started with the ongoing battle with whatever critter is tearing up the turf. The repellent calls for applying and soaking the granules once a day for four days. I can’t help but to wonder about the existence of what we deem to be pests or violent and dangerous animals. A short muse leads me to think that everything outside the five basic food groups can be simply be obliterated. I’m not one that is willing to try something new at least once. Some foods just look and taste disgusting. That is how simple minded I am. Without a doubt, our good Lord has his reasons and can only trust and take refuge in him. I’m glad Isaac doesn’t make a fuss about eating whatever is set before him. The only issue is getting him to drink cow’s milk without having to coax him to drink it. I clearly remember when I got a ran a Windows 10 update and all my 2007 Excel file stopped working. I read countless articles that said Windows 10 does not support Excel 2007 and that an upgrade was needed. I was so annoyed at the time, but I now find that misinformation more annoying. I came across an article today that showed how to execute a wizard that repairs a Microsoft Office 2007 installation. It worked like a charm and all the old Excel files work again! It’s not that easy to keep an eye on Isaac now, he’s literally running around all over the place.

May 5, 2018
One would think that being retired, I would have all the time to tend to the all the need in a timely manner. But it seems like there is always something that needs tending to. I finally got around to cutting the grass, both the front and the back. I started this chore in the cool of the day, in the upper 60s, but man did it warm up quickly to the upper 70s in no time and broke into a sweat. While mowing the grass, I started musing about all those years of sedentary working long hours in a office was pretty much a death sentence and made mowing the lawn seem less like a chore and more like a gift of life. I showered and thought I was done for the day, but Fawn was out shopping and came home with a ten pound bag of Bonide MoleMax Mole and Vole Repellent Granules. So after lunch, I was back at doing the needed in summer like weather. Didn’t feel like cooking so we got a bite at the taco place and since we were out we went to the anticipated Mass and celebrated the sixth week of Easter.

May 4, 2018
We went to Jennifer’s bridging ceremony from her didactic years to her clinical years. There were words spoken throughout the night about the noble vocation the students were pursuing. I thought all this talk about vocation without mentioning God was interesting and I suppose, people can possibly respond to that vocation without recognizing God as the source of it. In my mind, a call cannot come from inside ourselves and ultimately can only come from God. Whether or not, one recognizes this truth or not is entirely a different question. I just started musing about common grace, but thanks be to God, "For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace" (John 1:16). May we place his love and grace before all else. Amen.

May 1, 2018
Got Chopin playing in the background, need I say more? I’ve been looking forward to the month of May. Hard to believe it made it to the mid 80s and stayed there for the longest while. Thankfully the humidity was low and that there was a mild breeze. Now that it’s here, I find myself doing a sing ‘n hum of, My Girl -Temptations, joy is my first born, Andrea. Great song and lyrics. Funny, how I still call her baby. Great news about Jennifer too, she just completed her second year and will soon start her clinical rotations. Alex is doing well. Thanks be to God for the blessing me and my family. Being a grandparent is not the same as being a parent and repeating what I did when I was a parent. For starters, I don’t have the pressure of being the primary care giver. I just play with Isaac and in the process, hopefully will be a blessing to him by creating fond memories and perhaps be able to teaching him a thing or two.

April 30, 2018
I was stunned and never heard of Michelle Wolf before, but oh wow, talk about going beyond the pale. Referring to Vice President Mike Pence's anti-abortion stance position, she said, “He thinks abortion is murder,” Wolf said, “which, first of all, don’t knock it ‘til you try it — and when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress." People have different and opposing opinions about abortion, I certainly do, but who jokingly celebrates abortion? I was contemplating deleting this journal entry, but am still finding it so disturbing. I asked about thoughts on this and somehow out of nowhere, the question became, shouldn’t the POTUS be held to a higher standard than a comedian? I agree the bar should be rightly high for leaders, but sadly it’s relative to those who elect them. I don’t think the bar was set very high for the likes of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. For me, better to talk about the policies, beit from the left or from the right, some are good, while others are extremely bad. I’m with Saint Paul, who urges us to pray for people in high positions that we may live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. Insanely super nice day the Lord has made.  I can't think of a better way to end the month weather-wise. “And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word’ And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38). Been musing about the Holy Mother and how by her example of obedience, leads us to embrace God’s mercy and grace and away from disobedience. Anyway, time to stop and relax and enjoy, The Voice. It will surely be better than my oven baked barbecue chicken thighs we had for supper. How is that possible? But kudos to the stuffing, Ha, out of the box and a never fail.

April 27, 2018
Talk about a tough job, I had to replace the flush valve in one of the washroom. I struggled with the two rusted flange bolts, but once I got those bad boys sawed off the rest of the job was easy going. There was more celebrating to do, it was my sister Nancy’s birthday. What a joy it is to celebrate life, the very person God has wonderfully made. Wonderful are his works, may our souls know it very well.

April 26, 2018
Super nice day. Decided to cut off a branch off the tree in the parkway. I knew I should have done it years back when I could just took a lobber to it. My laziness at the time caused me to have to take up a chain saw to the four and a half inch diameter branch. The city brush collection won’t be until the first week of June, so I cut back the huge branch into reasonable pieces and drag them to the back yard. The popped a few of my aluminum siding panels near the roof. I know my limitations and got Mr. Handyman of Naperville come out nail them back as well as chalk the second floor windows and a few other odd and ends, since they charge by the hour. They’re not cheap, but I’m happy with the work. Carl and Sandy fired up the gas grill and we celebrated Victoria’s second birthday, nice way to close the day. A reminder, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you” (Isaiah 46:4).

April 23, 2018
Treated myself with an egg roll, pot sticker, shrimp egg foo young patty and fried rice dinner then took an hour long indoor mall walk at Gurnee Mills. Rob, Andrea and Isaac join Fawn and me and we had a good time at the mall.I was surprise that Isaac didn’t require a lot of attention to have a fun time out and about. Sweet, it’s about time we’ve been getting seasonable weather. Achoo! I think it is now safe to say winter has past and flowers will soon appear. I know I should enjoy and appreciate each season, but there is something about when the earth turns and face the sun and the days gets longer and warmer that gladden me.

April 21, 2018
Whew, lucked out. Good thing we were home when the vinyl faucet hose under the kitchen sink cracked. I replaced it with the braided stainless steel ones. Despite all my weight loss, I still found it still a little difficult to move about under the sink, but we gotrdun. I like the sense of accomplishment when I do things with my hands, but projects like this got to be near the bottom of the list of to dos.  After all that hard work, I didn't feel like cooking, so we decided to go out for a tacos and to the anticipated Mass to celebrate the fourth week of Easter.

April 18, 2018
I can’t help but to muse about the weather, it’s so crazy to still be getting snow, let alone talk about how cold it still is. It is so weird to still be donning winter apparel. Outside the two nice days we got last week, it been insane. Nice bright sunshine though, that’s good. It was nice to warm up to old school comfort food. We went downtown to the Apple store first thing in the morning. Love their quick friendly customer support. Despite that there were so many people in the store; we were in and out of there within a hour.

April 15, 2018
I just knew it was going to be absolutely a good day from the very get go. Because I was going to serve as an altar assistant, so I put on a new pair of dress pants that Fawn got me for Christmas. It was thrilled that they were size smaller with room to spare! It is always a blessing whenever there is a Baptism. Savannah Rose, what a beautiful name. I can’t remember the last time we brought a Little Caesar Pizza. Normally, we get the Classic Hot and Ready for five bucks, but we changed it up got the, Three Meat Treat, and made it a dinner and a movie night. Well, actually we binge watched three episodes of, How to get Away with Murder. I like to work with my hands every now and then, so I was thrilled when Rob asked me to help him assemble a shelving unit, gotrdun. Best part of the day was getting to play with Isaac. Albeit, I’m partial, he’s a bright bundle of joy.

April 12, 2018
I thought yesterday was a nice day. Well it actually was a nice day in the mid 60s and Sandy made a spaghetti dinner to celebrate Carl’s birthday. It’s just that today was an outstanding one in the mid 70s with just the right mix of sun and clouds. We were out and about all day enjoying ourselves outdoors at the outlet mall in Aurora and then at the Geneva Commons. I’ve been musing on our pastors in regards to persona Christi. It’s now clear to me now why the congregation responses with, “And with your spirit” during the salutation in the Divine Service, when the celebrant says, “Peace be with you”, it is because we are acknowledging the grace and presence of Christ in the spirit of the celebrant.

April 10, 2018
Albeit, I’m not a Facebook user, I watched the live steaming of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg testify at a joint hearing before the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees, there were certainly some fascinating day one questions and responses. Personally, I think your data is never safe online.

April 9, 2018
Hmm, besides being cold, we got snow, snow, snow and more snow. The five day forecast calls for two days in the 70s! Perhaps then the low overnight temps will stay above freezing moving forward. Talk about community, I was thrilled to see my old friend Nick and to finally get to meet his wife Randy after Mass in the commons. “Peace be with you.” As we celebrate the second week of Holy Pascha, I’m continuing to reflect on the passion, death resurrection and ascension of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Yummy snack treat, crescent dogs. I like to make crescent dogs with Hebrew National, because they are long and you can cut them in half for a perfect fit. Nice, corned beef and potatoes and just enough time to watch an old Randolph Scott western before calling it a day.

April 5, 2018
April? Insane, we're still getting snow in April. I’m sure we must have had weather like this before, but I can’t remember when the last time it has been this cold for so long, this time of year. It really makes it hard to believe in global warming. Now that’s what I’m talking about, I had to take out the roto punch and punch out an eyelet on my belts. Been enjoying, The  Voice Knock Out Rounds. So glad to have, On Demand tv, because at times, two hour shows are just too long for one sitting.

April 1, 2018
He is risen! We celebrated, The Resurrection of Our Lord. It came as no surprise that Mass would be full blast and that there would be so many worshipers. After Mass we went to our friend’s home for a big all out Easter Brunch. I use to wonder and rant on about Easter and the Easter Bunny but have since moved on, now realizing that Easter is actually a pagan spring festival. So why do Christians say, “Happy Easter?” If people say Happy Easter to me outside of church, I reply back Happy Easter, but while in church, I prefer the traditional greeting, “He is risen!” and the traditional response “He is risen indeed.”  I was so happy to be able to play a little while with Isaac. Unbelievable, one year old already. Nothing beats worshiping with family on this side of heaven.

March 31, 2018
It was a good run, but the Wolverines proved to be too much for the Ramblers. I lost about another pound and a half this month, but was hoping to do a little better. The goal is to be down to my ideal weight by my next birthday, but that will not happen at this slow weigh loss rate. I think shedding the pounds this way is a super good thing and for sure, very sustainable, but I just would love to be down to the needed. I am up to doing the walks two to three times a week but am failing to hop on the elliptical daily.  So, I will definitely have to kick it up and be faithful to the proposed cardiovascular exercises. I have learned that’s easier said than done. No sense moping about it, the important thing is that I am still continuing to shed away the pounds and getting myself down to a healthy weight.

March 29, 2018
I saw a meme of Moses holding two tables of stone with the caption: “Technically, Moses was the first person with a tablet downloading data from the cloud”, now that’s funny.  Talk about funny, we watched the reboot of Roseanne, and thought the sitcom was nostalgic, yet very current and filled with humorous sarcasm. I think it is interesting, that some people renounce sarcasm as being offensively crass and cruel while others understand it as being a witty joke. I think it is depends on the context and the delivery. Today is Isaac’s birthday and we were saying to ourselves this morning how hard it is to believe that today is our baby’s baby first birthday. What a joyful blessing it was to get a mindful FaceTime video telephony call. It’s got to be the next best thing to being actually there playing with the little guy. Well, got to bed early so I can get up and make one of the crazy early morning beer runs for Founders KBS 2018.

March 28, 2018
Took the van in for an oil change and am having in inspected for its road worthiness. Am praying little to no other maintained is required. We finally got a beautiful spring day. Albeit, I’m a big fan of, The Voice, I do think that American Idol Hollywood Week was so much better than the auditions. What a difference singing in the Dolby Theatre make. Mmm, Fawn’s pasta sauce over whimsical cavatappi noodles while watching more battle rounds on, The Voice. I especially enjoyed, Liva Faith vs. Terrence Cunningham: Stars and what about, Dallas Caroline vs. Spensha Baker: I Could Use a Love Song. Actually, all the battles are incredibly impressive. I’m sure I using it out of context when Martin Luther said, "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."

March 24, 2018
Celebrated Isaac’s 1st Birthday. Andrea and Rob got a nice big party room at the party district. Love when there are tons of family and friends all about. I especially enjoy all the little kids running around making all that noise. Not that 50 - 60 miles is walk in the park for family members, family also drove in from Iowa as well as Indiana, now that is love. Funny, after the party, being so close to Gurnee Mills, naturally the ladies insisted on shopping. I didn’t mine walking off the food at the indoor mall. I’ve been at this mall during the week and it looked like a ghost town, but today was a weekend and there were so many people and the noise level was intense. I couldn’t believe it, that wasn’t enough shopping for them, so we then drove over the nearby Wisconsin border to the Pleasant Prairie outlet mall. Nice mall, too bad it was cold out. That would have made that experience more pleasant. Thanks be to God for all the blessings of the day.

March 23, 2018
I’m sure I said it before, but I hate Windows. It was a dog today and I ended up doing a PC reset and had to reinstall a few apps and tweak the settings before getting my laptop back to an agreeable machine. I can go on ranting, but what is the use? MS is, what it is. Big day tomorrow, party, party, party!

March 22, 2018
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). Whoo hoo, Jumped on the Loyola Ramblers basketball band wagon and cheered them on to their Sweet 16 victory. Today is Jennifer’s birthday, so the Ramblers had no choice but to win.

March 20, 2018
For some strange reason, I always anticipate that the first day of spring is going to zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah day. Perhaps it is because, “The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Solomon 2:12) is always my favorite verse on the first day of spring. I could be wrong, but it seems to be more times than not, the first day of spring isn’t all its cranked up to be. It will be about another three or four weeks before that comes about in our neck of the woods. But I guess the first day of spring is really about the vernal equinox and a sign that warmer days are ahead. For me, it’s all about the month of May. Isaac is having a blast with his new Fisher-Price toys, Laugh and Learn, piggy bank and his Thomas Train set. Clearly, my grandson will be spoiled like my kids were. I don’t know why I say that, when in his trust, we pass on our faith, raising godly children. I’m so glad I capped the night off watching, The Voice Battle Rounds. I thought all the battles were pretty good, but especially was wowed by, D.R. King vs. Jackie Foster: "Sign of the Times".

March 19, 2018
Normally, when out and about, I do a walk around and round the indoor perimeter of the stores, but today I stayed out and pace up and down a strip mall. The mid 40s was a great as yesterday’s mid 50s, but I was dress properly. I was a fun day playing with Isaac. Holy teeth batman, he has about eight teeth and man, that kid chomp down them veggies and minced meat like there is no tomorrow. Dinner was tasty, we feasted on barbeque drumsticks, yellow potatoes and stuffing. I would have never believed it, if I didn’t see it for myself; Rob got a swing dance move goin on. C.S. Lewis said, “The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance.” Perhaps, it is the same for Rob. I see the psalms as a prayer book that always seems to have the right thing to pray, after all, it praying back God’s word. I find myself praying Psalm 2: The Reign of the Lord’s Anointed. O let us pray for our leaders that God may grant them wisdom, "that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."

March 17, 2018
Just have to say serving at Mass and being so close to the altar is remarkable. I concluded earlier in the day that, It’s a mad world. I’m unimpressed on the swift action of an outraged GOP senator over a death of a dog aboard an airliner. I had a lot to say about it, but ended up deleting it and will just call it low hanging fruit. I think its ashamed how telling how our lawmakers react to the shooting deaths compared to … Well, human deaths period. What are we doing about it? Lord, have mercy. The closest I came to celebrating Saint Patrick Day is boiling some delicious yellow potatoes.

March 15, 2018
Listening to, Oh My Love, My Daring - Roy Orbison. The other day was the craziest thing I ever saw. One moment the sun was shining bright as can be and the next a snow blizzard only toggle back and forth several times. Well at least today was another beautiful sun filled day and the daytime warmth melted the snowed. I’m still waiting for the overnight low temps to stay above freezing and begin deeming that spring is in the air. Albeit, the transition from winter to spring is seeming slow, I am reminded God promises to make everything new one day. We were out and about grocery shopping. The first thing we did was go downtown to city hall and early voted in the primaries. Do we have ourselves to blame for what is going on? It's tough when both parties are so extreme. Lately, we have been shopping at Whole Foods and transitioning to organic food. Anyway, it’s late, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner!”

March 10, 2018
Before the end of the day, I enjoy listening to a little music. I watched, The Voice and loved Spensha Baker’s rendition of Blackbird and was especially blown away by, My Girl - Terrence Cunningham. Anyway, I’m still looking in hope for early signs of spring. Albeit the calendar says spring is only a little over a week away and we’ll be setting our clocks “spring forward” before going to bed tonight. The coming of spring is out of our control and we just wait, because there is nothing we can do to hurry it along. I look forward for light rain, blooming flowers, longer days and the absence of a cold grey sky. I like the POTUS idea about imposing mirror tariffs and truly believe we need to level the playing field for American workers. I don’t know this as a fact, but I’m betting even robots are even having a hard time finding a manufacturing job in America. I just deleted a long rant about corporate greed as well as union greed and got it off my chest. Mmm, Alex took us out to lunch at Fabulous Noodles. I ordered the shrimp egg foo young combination lunch special. For sure it is not one of the healthier choices on the menu, but them bad boys taste so good. Most of the time I limit myself to half an omelet, but this time I ate a whole one. Yesterday, Alex started his new position and excitedly told us a little bit about it. He’ll be traveling mid April to Atlanta for a couple days meeting. I think that he’ll be doing a lot of traveling for the next two years. I’m the opposite of him; I had several jobs that required extensive domestic travel as well as abroad and hated it. “If God had really intended men to fly, he’d make it easier to get to the airport” – George Winters.

March 6, 2018
The snow we got is hardly worth mentioning, but do so, just because I hate the stuff and thought we were done with it. I think in another week or so, we will be staying above freezing. Fawn boiled some hard boiled eggs for Isaac and I thought to myself that it has been a long while since I made a simple open face egg salad sandwich on wheat. Talk about food heaven, it is an amazingly savoring light sandwich that I had to fight off making myself a second serving. I finally got around to the Fifth Station: Jesus is Judged by Pilate (Mark 15: 1-5, 15). Surly, the crowd that Pilate wanted Jesus crucified and Barabbas set free wasn’t the same crowd that was crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” a week earlier in his triumphal entry. Israel’s rejection of Jesus’ kingship showed God’s love, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16-17). Many years ago in China, I heard two sayings from evangelicals, "You are the only Bible some unbelievers will ever read" and “You may be the only Jesus some people will see." I don’t know if this rings true or not or even if it is good theology or not, but we are to walk worthy of Christ before others. Perhaps, in our strive to live holy, blameless lives, we can provide a glimmer of light in the darkness. Lord, grant us discernment that we may see as you see, not as the world sees.

March 3, 2018
I weighed in about a pound and a half less than I did last month and is still close to my weight lost goal by my next birthday. The problem with that goal according to Jennifer is, it is still five pounds more than I need to be. I’m content with my calorie intake, so I will need to kick it back up a notch or two. I think that for the best, because my current exercise regiment is comparatively extremely lax. I watched the Illinois Democratic Governor face off debate the other day and loved Robert Marshall’s idea of dividing up the state. Since I can’t convince Fawn of moving out of state, it’s the next best thing, anything to having nothing to do with cities with the likes of Chicago. Wonder how that would play out or even be possible. Being a moderate, I really can’t stand how far right the Chicago democrats. I think the state is messed up because outside of Chicago, most of the state is moderate and our laws don’t even come close to reflecting that. I’m not sure if it a cultural thing, but I was brought up calling my first cousins my brother, then their children call me uncle. This only came to mine as the family gathered today to celebrate my first cousin second removed Nolan’s first birthday party and that some of younger generation remains confused by how we are all related as they are exploring lessons in family heritage and their different structures and compositions. I think that all families have a unique history and believe that some stories are precious gifts that can inspire and provide direction for future generation. In my mind, the most important thing one can do with grace, kindness and patience is to bless and pass down one’s child and grandchild a godly heritage found in the mystery of the Trinity. What a joy to watch Isaac play with his cousins and believe that one of the pinnacle human experiences is becoming a grandparent.

March 2, 2018
Awesome day to be out and about shopping for the needed. It was such a beautiful day; I even broke down and drove the car through the car wash after gassing up. Grrr, gas prices going back up already. We went out again in the evening for fish at the Phoenix Club with Jim and Mary. The place was jam pack with a lot of people. One can see the impact of Lent on a Friday night. Needless to say, good food with good friends. Fourth Station: Jesus is Denied by Peter (Matthew 26: 69-75). One has to wonder why, having been with Jesus, Peter would deny knowing Jesus. For Peter, I suspect it was at least partly out of fear. Judging from the prayer of this station, I guessing the muse intended was on lies and the various shades of it, but I’m drawn the word “deny.” There are many ways of denying Christ; one of them is the hypocrisy of professing to know God, but denying him by our works. Lenten repentant reflections on my disobedience and being unfruitful. Lord, grant us the gift of honesty that we may not fear to speak the truth even when difficult.

March 1, 2018
I’m not much in to rainy day, but take it as it goes. Prayers that I improve on that attitude and learn to admire God’s beautiful works as I turn to Psalm 104. “May my meditations be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord” (Psalm 104:34). Now that we have a clear sky and a renewed outlook, I just marveled and enjoyed a glance at the last winter full moon. It didn’t take long for the Olympic fallout to give way to a political hate platform that must have stolen some of the joy of the games from her. I feel so bad for the silver medal winning, Lauren Gibbs. Lord, guard my lips. I intentionally disable the default comments pen my journal entries for multiple reasons, but mainly for my own growth and transformation on my journey back to Eden. It is my hope for those who stumble into my world that they will find a glimmer of light in our dark world and join in on the narrow path. This week, I noticed that Isaac was often falling and realized that he wasn’t walking but was stumbling because he was trying to run. It was his continue getting up and giving it another go that was a reminder whenever I backslide or dishonor our Lord’s passion that in our repentance, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (John 1:9). Third Station: Jesus is Condemned by the Sanhedrin (Luke 22: 66-71). It's hard to pull something positive and hopeful out of this. The council had no interest in hearing what Jesus has to say wants Jesus dead. I have had a much longer time to form an opinion of Jesus. For sure, our confession about who we believe Jesus is makes a difference not just in terms of confirming prior opinions but shaping our coram deo. Lord, grant us your sense of righteousness that we may never cease to work to bring about the justice of the kingdom that you promised. Amen.

February 28, 2018
Oh my, it’s the last day of the month already and closer to spring. It doesn’t seem that way because it’s much cooler today than it’s been the past few days. Looking ahead at the ten day forecast, I see the weather will rollercoaster all over the place. Fawn went out to spend the day with her sister, so I was home alone and decided to try be helpful by doing a load of laundry. I can’t remember the last time I did a load of laundry, but I surprised myself and gotrdun. Second Station: Jesus, Betrayed by Judas, is Arrested (Mark 14:43-46). Like most folks, I suppose, have the tendency to disdainfully think of Judas as the one who committed the most unfathomable act of treachery and with a kiss no less. A kiss is an expression of affection, love, greeting, reverence, etc. It is a huge mystery to me and can only speculate as to why Judas chose to identity and betray Jesus to soldiers with a kiss. We are all sinners and instead of heaping on the distain of Judas. Perhaps not with a kiss, but I think of the countless times I have you worshiped with words, songs, and prayers, only to sinfully betray him in my thoughts, my words and my deeds need to be confronting the Judas in ourselves. Lord, grant us the courage of our convictions that our lives may faithfully reflect the good news you bring. Amen.

February 27, 2018
Now that’s what I’m talking about, I learned today Alex got an offer on the position he wanted, so thrilled and happy for him. The day was exceptional and the joy didn’t stop there; spend the day wearing my crown and playing with Isaac. Hard to believe he’s now eleven months old, so next month there will be two birthday celebrations, one for Jennifer and one for Isaac. From time to time, I pray the stations of the cross and am drawn to reading both the icon and associated scriptural passages prior to mediating. Especially during Lent, I tend to favor celebrating The Spiritual Stations of the Cross, as presented by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991. First Station: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-41). Two things really stood out for me. It was a time of unfathomable agony for Jesus and in his suffering, needing to prayerful pour out his heart to God the Father and have his disciples stay close to him. So no matter what trails or sufferings, no matter how great the darkness and pain we face in our lives, Jesus understands. The disciples failed him multiple times when he needed them to stay awake and watch over him, they fell asleep. We are no different them when it comes to spiritual warfare. I’ve learned from Dr Kleinig and Bruzek the need to stay alert, man our post and do our part. Lord, grant us your strength and wisdom, that we may seek to follow your will in all things. Amen.

February 25, 2018
OMG, food heaven. I was given the honor of ordering and I went way overboard, ordering an obscene amount of food. Everyone had plenty of leftover to take home. There was no sign of anyone fasting today for sure, just our fill with food and the gift of family. We watched the Olympic Closing Ceremony and thought it was just as entertaining and colorful as the opening ceremony. I was especially awe struck by the spectacular drone light show. I’m not sure what is going on with K-Pop music genre. Hard to believe all the sporting events are already over and will have to give the couch. Wonder how I will fare at the end of the month. I’m still hoping to drop a pound or so. How fitting is today’s bible verse, “And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone’”” (Luke 4:4). We know when our physical body hungers and attend to it with gifts from God’s bounty, but we don’t fare as well when it comes to feeding our heart, mind and spirit when it becomes hungry. Let us seek the Bread of Life to nourish and strengthen us with his word and sacraments. Amen.

February 24, 2018
I like listening to drums always somehow Clyde Stubblefield manage to savor his legendary funky drummer riff. Love it when we get to church early, get to sit in the pew and relax and escape from the world. As I was listening to the prelude, “Adagio” from Cello Concert in C, kept thinking beautiful, in nomine Domini. As much as I enjoy and find some secular music very entertaining, but think it pale by far from sacred music that praises and glorifies God. Nice to be able to go to anticipated Masses on Saturday evenings every now and then. The plan is attend a family gathering over dim sum brunch at MingHin. Hah, I’m salivating in the mouth just thinking about it.

February 21, 2018
Dang, its cold out there. Beit cold, cool, warm or hot, everything is relative, for sure. Looking out the rear window, over morning coffee, I saw a glaze of ice on the deck and thought about how dreary the weather has been. My ideal climate is 72 degrees Fahrenheit with 49 percent humidity. It’s just as well, I been a regular coach potato glued to television watch the Winter Olympics. I’m glad I was wrong about South Korea as a host country. Several weeks ago, Fawn got me a very thoughtful gift, the Golds Gym Easy Reach Neck & Back Massager. Love the ability to give myself trigger point therapy to bring about immediate relief. Was thinking about my conversation with our dental hygienist Sandy about worship at the dental office. Albeit, I only see her twice a year for teeth cleaning, we known since she started twenty-five years ago. Crazy, how long we have been with our dentist. Fawn has been with Dr Soderstrom since she was a little girl. With all the family visits over the years we got to know everyone well, Sandy even attend to Andrea’s wedding. Anyway, albeit we embrace the liturgical sacramental spirituality of the high church tradition, we’ve come to not think lowly of contemporary worship and think more charitable of other forms of Christian worship.

February 20, 2018
It was a busy day, drove out to Geneva Commons to do a little shopping before going to the dentist office to get my annual teeth cleaning. I was listening to a few Ray Peterson oldies, The Wonder of You and Good Night My Love, then began thinking about some of the things old friends and family said at the couples shower. I’m glad there were so many good memories shared. The reality is reveals to me in Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans, “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Romans 7:15). I can’t think of any chapter in the bible that is more accurate about our human nature. As Christians, we are going to struggle with the sins until our dying day. Martin Luther said it best in his Latin phrase, “simil justus et pecator.”  Just when you think you heard it all about the national anthem, what can one say about the Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie’s rendition of the national anthem? I didn’t care for her rendition, but will say she does have an outstanding singing voice. Please, please, please, just sing it like it is was intended to be sung. At least this is how I think it should be sung, Whitney Houston - Star Spangled Banner. It’s an understatement to say that the five piece ice cream puzzle was challenge. It sure took longer than expected, but we can finally say gotrdun. It little man got the honors of putting in the last piece. What a difference a week make, Isaac is steady as a rock and is walking all about at a fast pace. I can’t tell if he walks fast like grandma or at the early stage of becoming a runner like his old man. It rained all day yesterday night and today the temps was in the 50s, so the snow disappeared just like that. Glad to see young kids getting politically active and demanding common sense gun control laws, good for them.

February 17, 2018
What a delightful Chinese bean curd soup my sister Nancy made for lunch. I’m so glad my brother and sister live reasonably near. We love hanging out with my siblings. After lunch we went with my Bill and Nancy to my first cousin twice removed couple shower in Algonquin. LOL, times have changed, so now I know what a couple shower is now. How time flies. Was thinking, Illinois might just be America’s most messed up state. At 2.32 percent, I thought Illinois had to be worst state for property taxes. It was not comforting to learn we are the second worst state, with the worst going to New Jersey with a tax rate of 2.38 percent. Some folks would say its all relative with tax breaks, but the fact of the matter is states like New Jersey and Illinois impose higher taxes across the board. Looks like the FBI failed to investigate a very specific tip on Florida shooter, this is very disappointing. Prayers in repentant joy in this season of lent for discernment, strength and joyful obedience to our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

February 13, 2018
Albeit it’s so cold, we had whooping total of fourteen inches of heavy wet snow and having to shovel snow six times over three days. I am so glad we are done with the snow for the time being. Good to know we are going to have above freezing midweek for two days with even a chance of rain! So it Fat Tuesday, over the years, I finally learned not to wag my finger at the world which have moved away from God and towards immortality and debauchery, but to help where I can to find him again. I sure it can be done, but I still wonder how it is possible to participate in worldly Mardi Gras activities with a level of dignity fitting of Christ alongside side culture that has forgotten God. For sure we can enjoy and celebrate and enjoy life, but as Christians we are to do just that, in a manner that will that will bring glory to God in all we do. We pigged out, literally. I could be wrong, but I think the last time we ate crescent roll wrapped around hot dogs was when the kids were still small. I still remember back in the day when my parents baked this classic comfort food even the simplest of food tasty. This made me think about my mom, Savanna, GA. and the song, Moon River. There was no way I was able to indulge all day. But I did manage to get in ¼ of a donut, a bag of Doritos nacho chips and a few other forbidden goodies. I started to pen and comment on the Chicago police commander that was gunned down in the Loop, but will just leave it at a reminder that Chicago remains a crime infested hell hole. I wish daughter and her friend reconsider moving to an apartment there next year. Away, some good news, I was so happy to see the gas price down to $2.269. Yeah baby, Shaun White, insane, just took gold in the halfpipe! Man o man, having a slow go at the 500 piece ice cream puzzle. Well at least its over 75% done. How can not mention my grandson Isaac? He is among my greatest joys. The kid never gets tire of me stacking his toy cups and getting to knock them down. These are exciting times for the kids at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep new state of the art facility in Waukegan. Prayers to bless the teachers and students, may they be anew with a positive and hopeful spirit, especially Andrea and Rob. Prayers for peace and comfort to the family of Commander Bauer as well as prayer for health and recovery for my friend Ted . Time to relax and enjoy the pair figure skating cometition.

February 10, 2018
“So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: "I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!” – Martin Luther. It wasn’t that bad, only had to shovel once. We went to celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord. I can’t get enough of the biblical canticle whenever pondering Christ and am always blown away by; We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God. Albeit, the gospel reading on the transfiguration of Jesus was from the, Holy Gospel according to St. Mark the ninth chapter, I find St. Peter’s account of Christ’s Glory and the Prophetic Word more encouraging as Christ’s glory brings light and life to this dark world just waiting to be born anew. Wow, Ash Wednesday this upcoming week already? I’m not especially looking forward to bring myself face to face with my most grievous faults and with a repentant heart bring them before God and to allow his forgiveness to remove the sins from our lives.

February 9, 2018
Whoa, woke up to a ton snow! Shovel, shovel, shovel… shovel, shovel, shovel… and more shovel, shovel, shovel… Thought the intense snow would never come to an end, but it finally did mid afternoon. Surprisingly, I gotrdun with minimal grumbling, but the bad thing is it’s my understanding is there is more snow to come our way overnight and again over the weekend. So it is far from being over. For sure I got a good workout today. Thanks be to God for hot steamy showers. Prayerfully I won’t be stiff and sore tomorrow morning. One can’t help but to contemplate on the all the snow. Between all the shoveling, looking out the glass door was like looking inside a snow globe. I have to say, snow is beautiful and have to marvel at God. One of my favor prayers is from Psalm 51, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:10-12). But with all the snow, I started musing about how God takes the imperfections in our hardened hearts and turn them into something pure and clean and divine. “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7). Boy, I really like the tomato soup with basil and it went well with the grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Some things just go so well together. Well, it time to get ready to the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. Hopefully, Korean sportsmanship has improved since 1988. It's pretty bad, when that is all you can remember about Korea. Funny how I hate the winter season, but love watching winter sports. I actually have a high school varsity letter for speed skating. I was just an OK skater.

February 6, 2018
This week we are beyond the midpoint between winter and spring! The days are beginning to noticeably longer and hopefully warmer weather will soon be upon us. Mean while in our wait, we’ll have to deal with the snow and feel cold temps. I’m hearing two to four more inches overnight. Having lots fun with Isaac. I find it fascinating to watch him walk all over the place not crawling at all anymore. He is between a wobbly wonder that doesn’t fall and a walking pro. Soon we will have a own manly strut. Rob and Andrea finished the five piece jar puzzle last week, so I started the five hundred piece ice cream puzzle. Mmm, Fawn made the Chinese steamed eggs for the first time, perfect. Yesterday, I sat down to watch Super Bowl LII and to help Andrea cheer on the Patriots. LOL, despite all the noise, I fell asleep before the end of the first quarter. Clearly, I’m not into sports at all anymore.

February 3, 2018
Déjà vu, it’s been years since I saw my old friend Dennis, and yesterday I saw him two weeks in a row at the local Walmart. I actually penned something last week, musing over some good memories as well as some now so good and ended up deleting it all of it, choosing to rejoice in the mountain top where he has gathered my family. Today was yet another blessed day, Alex came over this morning to have us review his federal tax return before filing and we gave him a gold star. Then in the evening, we went out and joined Jim, Mary, Henry and Heather for the Saturday night spaghetti dinner special at the Phoenix Club. It was the first time we went there on a Saturday night and I was pleasantly surprised how good it was, seeing that it better than most, but still pales to the likes of Fawn’s sauce. It came with two huge delicious meatballs and two Texas toast garlic bread and a salad bar all for only eight dollars. There was so much food on the plate, we had to box leftovers. The evening went by so fast; we didn’t realized that we sat there yapping for over two and half hours. I really enjoy all the countless meals I’ve shared with my friends and family that it can be considered an icon of God’s grace and goodness. “Blessed are you, O Lord God, King of the Universe, for you give us food to sustain our lives and make our hearts glad.” Amen.

February 1, 2018
Dang, talk about being cold. This morning we were forced to go out and run the needed errands, else I would have stayed indoors where it was nice and cozy. Hard to believe another month has gone by. I decided to do a weigh in and have dropped a few pounds for the month. So, that’s a good thing. So just counting the calories to maintain and drop a hair every now and then seems to be working. All in all, it was a very good week, got to play a little music and play with my grandson. I even got to spend time working on a five hundred piece puzzle with Andrea and Rob! I watched and listened to the State of the Union Address and wonder what eggs on people to work themselves into a frizzy with this unpopular president. There are plenty of past presidents with less than exemplary character traits that didn’t get the level of disdain, that some make it a point to demonize Trump on every talking point. Maybe, it is brought on by the fear from the far left that he is capable of implementing the policies he promotes. I thought it was interesting to the see how intense the liberal democrats loathe this president. It was much like how the republicans reaction to President Obama. Being in the middle, dishearten me to see such a starkly divided Congress. I really don’t get the far left or the far right and their unwillingness to be able to work thing out for the benefit and defend the American people. I think American politics has reached and point where people in the middle are learning it may be best to not speak about it at all. The liberals and conservatives are steadfast in their ideologies and strongly oppose differing views. Whenever, I agree with the president, I’m called a Trump lover by some and whenever I disagree, the opposite by others. Deceptively, Satan will have us rest our hope on our cultural morality and godly living of our governmental officials. Albeit, worldly governments are ordained by God, they can’t save us. The reality is our hope lies in God’s own work of faith, love and grace.

January 25, 2018
Amazing, that “fake news” is so rampant that Pope Francis has condemns and likens to the “crafty serpent” in Genesis and warns against it saying that it's a "sign of intolerant and hypersensitive attitudes, and leads only to the spread of arrogance and hatred." Of course it means different things to different people, but it is much larger than low life journalists (?) putting out a false news story. Prayers against sinful distortions and outright lies. And what is going on with the FBI? OK, now I got that out of my system and time for some self reflection. I watched the movie Dunkirk last night. What a disastrous military fail and a scramble for survival. Weird, I never heard of Jericho trumps. I just thought that was the sound planes made when in a dive. What a beautiful sun filled day so far, it’s my understanding it will make it to the mid 40s later this afternoon and into the 50s tomorrow. Fawn is under the weather, so I need to stop penning and run to the Jewels for a few odds and ends. Nice that it’s already above freezing.

January 23, 2018
"but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile" (1 Peter 1 15:17).  Surprise, surprise, I need to look at the weather forecast more often. I had no idea that it was going to snow overnight. Isaac and I looking out the rear window earlier this morning and he was laughing with joy and babbling away. His babbling made me think about one of co-workers from days past who went to Calvary Temple. He use to talk and demonstrated about his gift of speaking tongues. It sounded like gibberish to me, but you never know. I decided to pen in my journal entry this morning since I have nowhere to go. Being set apart, we are called to be holy, because God is holy. This for sure is no small task that requires a concert effort with the help of the Holy Spirit to conduct myself in a manner that would allow others to catch the smallest of a glimmer our Lord’s present. Because of my rebellious self, I still often knowingly fail. Lord, have mercy. The piano course is coming along as expected. My noting reading skills are up to par, but I have difficulty trying to coordinating playing the left hand and right hand together. Supposedly, it will get easier with patience and enough practice over time.

January 20, 2018
Whoa, where did the day go? It was a beautiful day to be out and about. We were out the door 8:30 this morning to go to the Sam’s Club in Hodgkins as well as a few other nearby stores with Bill and Nancy. Afterwards we gassed up and drove through the wash to get all the salt off the car. Then we went grocery shopping at Meijer and Jewel and didn’t get back until 4:30. Strange that it’s been above freezing for three days now and yet there is still some snow on the ground. Yummy, something new, I fried up a burger today and heaped on a ton of guacamole that was hiding in the back of the frig. American politics, what the heck is going on with the Senate, shut down? What a bunch of …. Wish there was a way to vote them all out of office. If there ever was a need for intercessory prayers for wisdom, it’s now. Lord, have mercy. Last week, would have been my sister Mary's 67th birthday, my siblings and I miss and love her dearly and continue to celebrate her life on this side of heaven.

January 16, 2018
Happy birthday to my first born. I think Andrea is older than her mother by now. Too bad Jennifer is busy at school; the family went to the Vernon Hill Maggiano’s to celebrate. The roads weren’t all that, I’m glad Alex did the driving. The food is getting a little pricy but will say, the food and service is awesome as usual. All in all, it’ a wonderful place for a dinner celebration. I loved being surrounded by my entire family at the dinner table; even Isaac is beginning to eat solid food now. Thanks be to God for the gift of children.

January 15, 2018
We got about five to six inches of snow, but thankfully it was the fluffy stuff and with Fawn’s help, we gotrdun in about fifteen minutes. Other than shoveling snow, the day was uneventful. I have to talk about yesterday, it was the first time in a long while since going to the eleven o’clock Mass. I normally go to the earlier Divine Service, but have been less than faithful lately. The last two times we attended Mass was because the vicar asked me mid week if I am able to help serve as an altar assistance. Clearly, I need to be asking myself a few questions. Anyway, I was surprise that there was quite a few attending the later service now and are going with the full eight. I was surprise that Fawn went out and about yesterday in the cold, I finally had the TV to myself and got to watch the U.S. Figure Skating Championship. Funny thing though, when she got back she turned on the NFL and we watched the last three minutes of the Viking / Saints game, talk about a thriller. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a man I continue to admire for his courage to stand up give voice for social justice which was instrumental to the civil rights law. I listened to his sermon, "But if Not", from Daniel chapter 3 and found it difficult to follow the slow crescendo and cadence of traditional African-American preaching.

January 11, 2018
Was musing a little about the network news bias and have been extremely curbing watching the it. However, I did watch WGN today and did notice the slightly loading of words that that promotes liberal causes. Surprisingly it seem only moderately liberal because it’s a local Chicago station. And yes, there were more shootings, this time three were fatally shot and four were wounded in Chiraq. I was looking at the Naperville crime map and albeit it is relatively lower than most area burbs, it is higher than I like to be. I guess we encounter enough worldly distractions without searching for it online. Guessing I shouldn’t be complaining though about life in general, because the only impacting news that I gave a second thought to is, the Sam Club in town immediately closed today without any early notice. It took a while, but all the snow finally melted away. It’s really wild that the temperature was close to sixty degrees earlier in the day and is now rapidly dropping back down into the deep freeze.

January 8, 2018
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy" (1 Peter 2:9-10). A good reminder of our heritage clothed in his righteousness. Wow, it got above freezing! What is more incredible is we are forecasted to continue to climb into the mid 50s by Thursday. The little man is a riot, no problem standing unsupported. Although he’s still a little wobbly while walking, he’s doing pretty good with about a half dozen steps before flopping down. I’m betting he’ll be routinely walking in no time. I finally got around to cracking open the level one, Basic Adult Piano Course that Rob got me for a Christmas gift. I think learning to play a piano will prove to be an activity beneficial to my overall well being.

January 5, 2018
It was nice to go out with Jim and Mary to the Phoenix Club for their Friday night fish fry. I’m sure that the anticipation of eating fish and chips made me muse about the God’s grace found in the gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke where Jesus feeds five thousand people with a single lunch of two fish and five loaves of bread. Regardless of whether we are carnivores or vegetarians, one has to marvel at the cycle of dirt with a little rain water and sunshine to vegetables to animals to us humans. There is nothing like sharing a meal with love ones. Funny thing though is, what is all this table talk about country music? Anyway, googled the top trending music video on YouTube and got, Ed Sheeran – Perfect. Man is cold and we are going to get an overnight low of -13 °F, but I’m hearing next week we will be moving out of the current deep freeze and the temperatures will be above freezing for a couple of days. What the heck is a bombogenesis? All I know is the northeast region of the country is being hit by one and it sounds wickedly dire. Wow, good for us, we made it to Fort Hill Fitness two days in a row. Hoping I can continue to make it out there at least once or twice a week, but it’s clear to me doing it two days in a row is too intense and is pushing it for me.

January 3, 2018
I’m somewhat surprised that I here penning a journal entry, because I thought I would be cutting back on doing so. We got about a half inch of overnight snow, but it was so light and fluffy, that I gotrdun in a matter of minutes. It took longer to bundle up to go out then to do  the actual shoveling. I saw the following on this upcoming week’s worship folder: “O my child, child of sweetness, How is it that I hold Thee, Almighty? And how that I feed Thee, Who givest bread to all men? How is it that I swaddle Thee, Who with the clouds encompasseth the whole earth” - Orthodox Liturgy. Possibly, something the blessed virgin could have said? The world says, the Christmas season ended on New Year Eve, but on this tenth day of Christmas, I continue my reflection upon the Incarnation and the mystery of Christ made flesh in it. Saint John affirms, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). With this truth, my world is turned upside down and now live is a community called to go out and witness this truth.

January 2, 2018
Wow, what a beautiful invitation to begin the day, “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool" (Isaiah 1:18). Despite, our sins, God is ready to meet us with grace and mercy. Dang, it was -6 °F this morning with a wind chill of -23 °F and warmed up to a whopping 9 °F. Mmm, warmed up with penne served with piping hot, you guessed it, Fawn’s pasta sauce. When will it warm up again? it is incredible that we have been below zero six days in a row. I was surfing music on the internet and came across the American singer/song writer Amos Lee. Once again, I’m astonished that I never heard of him before. I know nothing about him, but loved listening to, Colors and Arms of a Woman.

January 1, 2018
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). Happy New Year! The plan was to append my 2017b journal entries over to 2017 page. I only created the 2017b because it was taking too long to do a save the last few months. It turns out I’m able to do the intended, because I get a save error – “Unable to save: page content too large.” Oh well. I’m not planning to pen a journal entry as often this year as previous years, but will make an effort to pen one at least once a week at least. Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to work on shedding a few more pounds. I’m over thirty pounds less than I was a year ago, but could still lose a few more, especially around the waist. It was a perfect first day of the year in many ways, with my entire family, Fawn, Andrea, Rob, Alex, Jennifer and little Isaac to boot. We drove up to Grayslake and picked up a couple of Giordano’s stuffed deep dish pizza. Good thing one slice will totally fill you up, because that bad boy is about a whopping five hundred calories. Hard to believe it has been so cold for long, that double digit temps sounds pretty good right about now. I’m thankful that it was a sunny day. And talk about seeing a bright beautiful Supermoon on the drive home. And just think, with a little luck, we might get to see the first blue moon total lunar eclipse at the end of the month in 150 years. I join the world in hoping for a better year, while keeping in mind the reason for our hope. Saint Paul reminds us of our time without hope, saying, "remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world"  (Ephesians 2:12). How great is this mystery, which is the Christ in us, the hope of glory.
For auld lang syne I’m closing this journal entry while nostalgically listening with amazement to, Julie Andrews – The Hill are Alive.