Journal 2020

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

31 December 2020
Logged in the laptop and am all setup for the Zoom New Year’s Eve party and gotta make this journal entry somewhat quick. I’m totally clueless to what this is even going to like. Were having Fawn’s spaghetti dinner to celebrate the closing of 2020. As I reflect back on a somewhat blurry 2020, I’m reminded this month that our family has with the addition of two more nieces and a granddaughter has been truly blessed in 2020. Reese Nicole on the 1st, Norah on the 8th and Peyton Emma on the 13th! Truly an ongoing lineage of strong women filled with grace. Download and watched some old family videos from 90s, loving the cloud technology. May come back and pen a little more. If not, Happy New Year!

30 December 2020
Dang, the snow was so wet and heavy, but WE got the needed done without breaking our backs. No need to do my routine resistance training exercises today.  Even though I worked up a sweat, I still felt the need for a hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup. Think it’s the first can of Progresso soup I opened up for the season. I’m glad Miguel posted an excerpt from, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas À Kempis. It has been a while since I read from this book which is filled with the spirit of the love of God. Many of the author’s personal heart felt prayers has have become my own. While chomping all afternoon on chips and what not, thinking I should be opting for a less junk food snacks and seek more healthier alternative more frequently. There no way I can totally abandon eating junk food altogether or for a long period of time, but cutting back is a doable thing. May the Lord’s face shine upon us and give us peace.

29 December 2020

How awesome are your deeds! "Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!" (Psalm 65:1-2). Was out and doing returns at a few stores. The original plan was to be more stops, but seem a lot of folks had the same plan as us. Perhaps we can wait for a more suitable time several weeks from now. Thought about walking in the parking lot, but it was just too cold.  Well looks like our luck ran out and we are seeing our first winter snow storm. Made the perfect comfort food dish for this kind of weather, beef with bitter melon and the “wok hay” flavor hit the spot. We binged watch a couple episodes of, Last Man Standing. Tim Allen is most definitely a funny man. This year, I think I’m going to opt for a new year’s resolution. It will most likely have to with something healthwise, still have a few days to come up with some long term and sustainable resolution. Anyway off to bed to get an early start on shoveling snow.

28 December 2020
Yesterday was a really nice day, we were out and about super early making the rounds and bearing food gifts to the kids. Was too lazy to open up the laptop last night to post wisdom and pen a journal entry. But here I am this morning doing so now since I had to check the I-Pass tolls online. Thought I wouldn’t have to cook any food for days, but I was informed there is a tub of tofu that was expiring today so I’m guessing that will be our meal for the day. Not sure why the Claudine Longet cover of, Here There Everywhere, came to mind first thing this morning. Albeit it a Beatle song, I was always captivated by this version. Am reading and am sadly musing on Holy Innocents icons. "As I ponder this day, I am reminded of the descent into hell. These innocent little ones, waited 33 years for the coming of the Lord to free them and open the gate to Heaven. A sentence of 33 years for simply being thought to be the King of Kings. The King of Kings, who served 33 years here in exile, for us. Pray for us, Holy Innocents." … Made the tofu and was glad I was able to mix in the hamburger peas I made the other day to finish off the dish. Earlier in the year I sadden to learn that Kevin Coyne wasn’t going to run for Naperville City Council but today I was thrilled to learn that Jennifer Bruzan Taylor is. I’m also praying that Kevin will run for Naperville City Mayor, I really can’t stand Steve Chirico, he really turns my stomach. We got a phone call from my sister-in-law Peggy. I was so good to catch up on things with her and learn that all is well. She has been so busy helping out with the grands. Covid has been so stressful. Am praying 2021 will be much better once the vaccines have been distributed.

26 December 2020
I make myself a corn beef sandwich that is somewhat close to a Rueben. What can I say, I work with what I have on hand. It was very good, but different. Cooking, cooking and more cooking, where did the day go? Well, at least the house is nice and warm. I don’t bake, so I think the plan is to say hello and drop off holiday food for the kids.  Mused on the life of Saint Stephen and on the stoning of this Christian protomartyr. Sadly, he was the first of many.
25 December 2020
"Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" (2 Corinthians 9:15). I also love to celebrate with food. Our usual morning breakfast is oatmeal or the distant second, cold cereal. However, this morning I made us a classic breakfast; eggs, hash browns and Canadian beacon. It wasn’t long before we were on the iPad doing a Facetime call all the kids. Virtual gatherings are as good as it gets given the direness of the times. Today is going to one of those days I’ll be going her penning throughout the day mindful of God’s wonderful deeds… Zoom this morning with “ma” and the family was nice. She seemed to be our good cheer and was getting her covid vaccine shot some time late today. Most of the conversation was around Henry and his pending bypass surgery. Making us some corn beef and cabbage later for our Christmas dinner tonight, that should warm up our home nicely. Got to work on the finishing touches on my powerpoint presentation for the Zoom virtual scavenger hunt later in the day… Everyone said they enjoyed the family time together playing the indoor scavenger hunt. Funny how the competitiveness comes out. Mmm, The corned beef was nice and tender and the fried cabbage side was very tasty. Normally, I would just toss the cabbage wedge into the boiling water in the last 15 minutes, but this time I thankfully shredded the cabbage and stir fried them. Moving forward, this is definitely the way to go. I see Rueben sandwiches in the near future. May we all join the chorus with the company of heaven singing, “Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace to men of good will.”

24 December 2020
Brr, never got out of the teens. It was hated to go out to move the trash and recycle bins back from the curbside and get the mail. Think is amazing that despite the temperature being in the teens being in the cold didn’t all the bothersome when our niece Janet and her family stopped by for a social distant visit bearing gifts and Christmas joy.

23 December 2020
O Emmanuel, our king and our lawgiver, the hope of the nations and their Saviour: Come and save us, O Lord our God. Isaiah had prophesied: "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). The weather turned out funky. It was so windy that it was impossible to go for a walk. I’m so disappointed in myself. I made us pork ribs with black bean sauce for dinner and went back for a full second helping. I can’t remember when I went back for seconds outside a holiday dinner party. I don’t make this strong umami flavor very often, but when I do, I always wonder why I’m not making it all the time. It’s comfort food at its finest. Been feeding my soul pondering on the various nativity icons.  So nice, to be spending time with my niece Melissa in California on messenger, penning this journal entry and communicating with her simultaneously. that pretty good for an old dude like me. One of my joy is talking theology and giving thanks to God.

22 December 2020
O King of the Gentiles, and their Desire, The Corner-stone, Who madest both one: Come and save man, Whom You have formed out of the dust of the earth. Isaiah had prophesied: "But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand" (Isaiah 64:8). The king and our cornerstone who forms us. Save us from our divisiveness. Yes sir, got in another good hour long walk and am hoping to get in one more good long walk in tomorrow. Never thought I’d be calling temps in the 30s and 40s nice, but hey, it’s December. Fill me with the light of your Spirit, O Lord. Grant me true faith as I celebrate the mystery of how you came to be with us.

21 December 2020

O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. Isaiah had prophesied: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone” (Isaiah 9:2). Got to continue walking as much as possible these next few days because it’ll going to remain in the 40s until later in the week when our mild weather will take a drastic turn to the daytime high only in the teens. I feel much better now that Jennifer has been inoculated with the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, because today is the first day she started caring for patients hospitalized with coronavirus. I can hardly wait until it’s our turn to get inoculated, the sooner the better. Lord, grant that the global distribution of the various pandemic vaccines be effective, swift and orderly. Started on the list of items for the virtual indoor scavenger hunt we’re going to have on Christmas day. Intercessory prayers for a successful coronary bypass surgery followed by healing and recovery for my brother-in-law.

20 December 2020
O Key of David and scepter of the house of Israel, You open and no one can close, You close and no one can open: Come and rescue the prisoners who are in darkness and the shadow of death. Isaiah had prophesied: "And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David. He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open" (Isaiah 22:22). Today was supposed to be a pull day, but that didn’t happen because I foolishly stayed up last night and when it came time to take out the dumbbells, I opted to take a nap instead. I did however take a pleasant hour long walk earlier in the day. I’m only mentioning that I make us a beef tomato pepper and onion stir fry because the “wok hay” was perfect and the dish came out mouth watering good. Just off a Zoom meeting and it looks Aric, Val and Adam came up way fun way for the family to get together on Christmas day virtually playing a well thought out indoor scavenger hunt that included me as being the moderator. Now all I need to come up with a list of searchable items. So noticeable how short the days have become, but is not surprising so, since tomorrow at 4:02 AM. The thought of, in the darkness will come the light of the world, always come to mind around this time.

19 December 2020
O Root of Jesse, standing as a sign among the peoples; before you kings will shut their mouths, to you the nations will make their prayer: Come and deliver us, and delay no longer. Isaiah had prophesied: “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit” (Isaiah 11:1). I finally loss the ten pounds that I set out to lose a little over four months ago. I haven't been this light for nearly 50 years. For most people it would have been easier to diet to lose the weight, but I love to eat. Love it when the weather is cooperating and am still able to take nice long walks and listen to sacred music, so very peaceful. 2020 hasn’t been a total bust, in the final month of the year, three cousins each gave birth to baby girls! So that makes two more grand nieces and another grandchild. How is that for closing out the year with a big bang? Prayers for the all the hospital workers Prima County as they are becoming more and more overwhelmed with incoming patients and increasing super long hours, especially Jennifer. She is in pediatric care but has also been caring for patients up to 40 years of age for about a month now and will begin caring for patients hospitalized with the coronavirus next week. Continued prayers for the distribution of an effective vaccine.

18 December 2020
O Adonai, and leader of the House of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai: Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm. Isaiah had prophesied: "but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked" (Isaiah 11:4-5). Zoom, zoom, ma’s fine and we’re praying for Henry who is getting outpatient surgery on Monday. The rise in covid hospitalization across the country is very concerning, prayer for all. A special prayer for the Horcher family, May the Lord bless them and keep them. “The Lord said to my Lord” Our Zoom Rector Chat was the royal and messianic psalm, Psalm 109 (110). Additional things to dwell on is Melchizedek as well as Abraham and Sarah’s three visitors, theophany? Anyway, after the study, we are left with considering what rules us and keeps us away from God. Albeit still plenty of food in the frig, neither one of us had a craving for anything, so we just had cold cereal for dinner. Lord, keep me from presumptuous sins and let them not rule over me.

17 December 2020
O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from one end to the other, mightily and sweetly ordering all things: Come and teach us the way of prudence. 
Isaiah had prophesied: "The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord." (Isaiah 11:2-3).Insane, I was able get in a 40 minute walk this morning. It was a very peaceful day, because we had sacred music playing for most of the day. We made a huge pot fuzzy melon soup, that should keep us warm for a several days. Been dreading for quite some time about the new Facebook layout and now I’m have to learn how to navigate my way around. Some people love it while others hate it, I’ll just have to live with it.

16 December 2020
Grant, O Lord, that nothing in my soul may dwell but pure love for you. Awesome, I always look forward to day like today when we get on Facetime with all the kids. Mmm, Italian sausage spinach penne pasta. If only sausages could be a part of a healthy meal instead of being in the once in the while category. Listening to Youtube music videos and came across, Melanie Masson, Cry Baby - Janis Joplin (cover).


15 December 2020
“Give me true faith and love as I celebrate the mystery of how you came to be with us.” Was away from it all on a hiatus. LOL, from it all… more like a break from our Groundhog Day way of pandemic life.
I can hardly wait to be vaccinated against the coronavirse, because it is just too weird moving about the way that we are. Was only able to get a glimpse at a joy from a distance, how sad is that? 

12 December 2020
Lord, grant us a better glimpse and understanding of your miraculous nature. Mmm, an awesome start off with a har gow dim sum breakfast. Can’t remember the last time it continuously rain nonstop for so long. The poor old sump pump has been cycling on and off and is getting a workout. Needless to say that rain is better than snow. Hoping the two Pepperidge Farm Apricot Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies I just had won’t play into tomorrow’s four month big weigh in. I’m expecting to finally reach that down ten pound goal. Not a easy thing to do without dieting. I thought Fawn was kidding when she said that there is a Pepperidge Farm cookie shortage. I took up her challenge to google it if I didn’t believe her. Lo and behold she was right.

11 December 2020
This morning Zoom with “ma” and the family was interesting. Planning to do a Christmas virtual get together on Zoom and play a virtual scavenger hunt. Right afterward, we did another brief social distant visit to drop off Christmas presents for our nephew Zachary and niece Victoria. Sigh, I hate the weather forecast; both the AccuWeather and Weather Channel apps got it wrong. It wasn’t supposed to rain till later in the day. Went for a walk this morning and 30 minutes in, I was caught in the rain. The problem here in the Chicagoland area is that weather can drastically change in a heartbeat. The rector Chat study was on Psalms 45 (46) God is our refuge and strength. LOL, first time I heard a Psalm 46 without a mention of “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” Our niece made the announcement of the birth of their baby girl, Norah. We’re so happy for her and David on the birth of their first child. Lord, lift me from my lowly sins and give me the promise of salvation with no more shame. Replace the darkness with the light and saving grace of your love. I’m clearly a creature of habit, listening to scared music, Phil Magness FB Live Advent #2, while penning this journal entry. Interesting, how these hymns played and sung as a improvising performance is as opposed to these hymns congregant singing to praise God with one voice. Both have their place. Wow, another excellent performance that brings God’s word to the home.

10 December 2020

Can’t help but to talk about the weather, because it’s the first thing that comes to my mind. After all it was a drop dead beautiful day, this time in the mid 50s. And that is coming from a person that thing anything below 72 is cold and above 72 is hot, but what can I say? After all it is mid December. Naturally, I went for a walk and am wondering how many more I can get in before it becomes impossible. We drove over to my sister Nancy’s house for a brief social distance visit. We can hardly wait until David and Natalie announce the birth of their baby. Am clueless about any of the details other than their baby is a girl. Chopped up all the vegetable scraps (celery, onion, peapod and napa) was in the refrigerator and stir fried it with some sliced up boneless chicken thigh. That one thing I like about Asian style cooking, it made of some of this and some of that, tossed into a wok. Lord, you are my refuge; deliver me from the loneliness of these cold dark nights.

9 December 2020
It was an outstanding late fall day to take a walk in the low 50s. Too bad there was only a little over nine hours of daylight. Combined macaroni and cheese to the chili and voilà, two comfort food made in heaven. It was sad to learn from my daughter that one of her friend from high school died a few days ago in a auto accident. Cassidy’s mom was my office mate for several years, but we lost contact of each other after I retired. I can’t even begin to fathom the pain of losing a child. “Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord; may perpetual light shine upon her. “May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”

8 December 2020
Talk about the cousins making babies this month, Sandra gave birth to a baby girl, Reese on the 1st and Natalie just gave birth to a baby girl today, we’re still wait to learn her name. Now we are just waiting for our Andrea who is due later in the month. Five more days before my next weigh in, so I’m determined to walk as much as possible until then and hopefully I will have reached my weight loss goal. If not, it’s the end of the world. Just trying to stay somewhat healthy within reason. Lord, let the joy growing in my heart as we anticipate your coming. Amen.

7 December 2020
"Light in me a desire to prepare for your coming to stand in the darkness, waiting, eager and filled with joy." Wasn’t going to let another day in the 30s slip by without taking a walk, so I put on a pair of thermal underwear and suited up as usual and took to the outdoors. I am so surprised that we are not getting snow and the temps are still in the 30s and 40s. Doing dumbbell curls today and can feel the burn. Not sure if I want to do this many sets moving forward, time will tell. Got to mention I made us beef with bitter melon. This is one seriously Asian dish, but perhaps not suited for everyone’s taste. Finally got around to listening to Phil Magness Facebook Live Advent #1 recording from Friday. I think his improvised praises to our Lord is outstanding. Prayers for our niece Natalie and her unborn child as she is beginning labor in the hospital.

6 December 2020
It was a perfect day to make chili because of the cold, the only problem was the chili turned out a tad too spicy. Hopeful I can somehow tweak and tame the leftover. Increased the number of sets and only did the push dumbbells exercises today and the plan is to do the pulls followed by a day of rest. O 
It was awesome that we got to Facetime with all the kids, but Andrea also sent us a bunch of short video clips of Isaac! Lord, in the darkness, I look for your wisdom and search for your light. My heart desires the warmth of your love. Come, Lord Jesus.

5 December 2020
I haven’t seen or talked to my brother Bill in so long that I just had to give him a call. Clearly food is a part of who I am. I love eat as much as I enjoy cooking. Today I made us chicken parmesan for lunch and beef chow fun for dinner. Good thing I doing a lot of walking in addition to my regular exercises. No wonder why my weight loss journey is a very slow go. Actually my arm was a little sore this morning because I tried to kick it up a notch with the number of reps in a set with the dumbbells. Can hardly wait for the coronavirus vaccines are approved and begin to be distributed and work its way down as soon as possible in an orderly fashion. Lord, release me from my pride and stubbornness that keep me from you. Though Christ our Lord, one God now and forever. Amen.

4 December 2020
It’s Zoom Friday and another great weekly morning chat. Happy to learn that Eddie and Soo have a buyer and a closing date for their old house. That takes away a big sting on having to care for properties after downsizing. The Zoom Rector Chat was on Psalm 41 (42). “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God … Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” (Psalm 42:1, 5). Yearning for God in the mist of distress. Nice that the kids facetimed us and we get to feel the love. Song of the day is, Creator of the Stars of Night. I love Advent Hymns. With the inability of going Christmas gift shopping this year, looks the trend is now shopping online and having it shipped. It sure is going to be a strange Christmas this year for sure. I got a Dutch oven this year and now I’m looking at all the videos of how to braise beef short and trying to formulate how I would go about doing these bad boys.


3 December 2020
O Light of the World, let the ancient dream be fulfilled in you as we stand in the darkness, waiting eagerly and filled with joy. Amen. Talk about a good eating day; I made us Chicago-style pork chop sandwiches for lunch and chicken with celery and onions for dinner. I concur when people say that peas and carrots go well together, but I think that onions and celery go together even more. Hard to believe just how good the pork chop was, maybe it is because I can’t remember when the last time I fried one up. Still walking and am getting really close to the losing the ten pounds I set off to do back in mid August. I think this has to be the longest weight loss attempt in the history of the world. But I love to eat and to do it without dieting is really something of a challenge. Going to weigh myself again on the 13th, which will make it exactly a four month go. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but I’m happy. Despite my moaning and groaning, remain thankful for my family and friends and for his salvation in Christ Jesus. 2020 may not be the best year ever, but I am thankful for it nonetheless.

2 December 2020
"God of power and mercy open our hearts in welcome. Remove the things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy so that we may share his wisdom and become one with him when he comes in glory, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen." It’s not clear to me why I’m so fascinated by this particular full moon. As I went to turn off the front porch light this morning, I saw the moon low in the horizon looking toward the west. I thought for sure I was done with the outdoor walks until the spring, the wind wasn’t blowing at all today and it was in the low 40s. So a nice long walk was the order of the day! Posted a poem written by Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, Advent Calendar. I don’t read much poetry, but thought this was most beautiful and well written.

1 December 2020
Clearly the wind chill is a big factor for this time of year. Settled on walking in place to take the place of doing the outdoor walks. May have to do a few other floor exercises to change it up and make sure I’m burning enough calories during these cold dark Jb months. Was just looking out the rear window and saw one of the biggest and beautiful full moon. It was one of those full moons on a clear night that makes you wish you own a telescope. Was just gazing at it and makes one ponder on the Creator and why he would be so mindful of us. The napa soup was so good yesterday that I made another pot of it again today to go with the National Hebrew hot dogs. Too bad we lacked most of the needed ingredients that we didn’t even come close to building a Chicago style hot dog. 

30 November 2020
It’s the last day of November and it was a very cold day. Made a small pot of chicken napa soup to warm up the soul. Now I have to figure out how to do my cardiovascular routine solely using the elliptical until sometime in the spring moving forward. We went to the Sam’s Club pharmacy for Fawn to get the first of her MMR shots. So we stop by Alex to give him some of my steak penne dish. He thought it was only so-so. What a waste, because I thought it was really good. Alex had me look an “Uncle Roger” video; I thought the stand-up comedian was retarded as well as the video and fail to see the humor. I am reminded that we will do well to practice constant recollection of God’s present to keep us united with him. Today is the Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle. Collect of the Day: Almighty God, by Your grace the apostle Andrew obeyed the call of Your Son to be a disciple. Grant us also to follow the same Lord Jesus Christ in heart and life, who lives and reigns with You and gthe Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


29 November 2020
Happy haircut! Always feel much better after getting a haircut. There must be something psychological to it. Got in a nice long walk, Facetime with all the kids and even did a driveby birthday celebration for Mary. She was so pleasantly surprised that it brought about joyful tears. It was good to see so many of our friends again as we were social distancing on Mary’s front yard. All in all it was a very good day.

28 November 2020
I tried to watch, The Voice, but when I saw John Legend, it sadly struck a nerved and I just turned the television off. It’s just as well, because now I’m here penning a journal entry and posting a patristic quote. Our outdoor social distancing visit to see Andrea, Rob and Isaac wasn’t very long because we didn’t go for a love walk in the park; it was too cold out due to the chilling wind. We just took a short walk to what Isaac calls the woods. Boys like to climb trees and Isaac is no different. Well at least he doesn’t attempt to climb to high that dad wouldn’t be able to catch him if he fell off. Regardless that it was only about a half hour stay, it was still a great joy to be able to spend some time with them. Andrea is a chip off the old block, her turkey dinner with all the trimming was spot on. I thought the smoke turkey was very flavorful. The taste and texture of the turkey meat was exactly like I expected. Andrea and Rob packed me large plate; so I ate it for my lunch and dinner. The problem after dinner was I wished there was more for another meal. Holy Scripture on true happiness - As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" (Luke 11:27–28). The season of Advent begins tomorrow. Come, Lord Jesus.

27 November 2020
Now that Thanksgiving has been kinda celebrated, well differently anyway, I’m looking ahead to Christmas and the Christmas story. Henri Nouwen said, “The story of Jesus is to be proclaimed and celebrated. Some will hear and rejoice, some will remain indifferent, some will become hostile. The story of Jesus will not always be accepted, but it must be told.” Wow, it is so creepy looking this morning with the low lying clouds and heavy fog. Was just looking out the rear window while doing the dishes and saw a bright almost full moon. So weird how creepy the day started out and then the sun came out later and was rather nice and then how all of a sudden the temps took a sharp nose dive. 
Between washing my hands because I touched something and using hand sanitizer so often plus now the air is so dry, I always having to go to the L'Occitane en Provence dry skin hand cream to keep my hands from cracking. Think this morning’s family Zoom call with “ma” was funny, because we back to the what is ailing you and the meds you are on. Think my wife would of made a fine doctor only because she has a good memory and seemed to know a lot about the different test result the ranges and the meds that are used to treat the various conditions. Today looked a little more like thanksgiving only because it was the first time I ate sweet potato in a long while. As excited as I am to do a social distance visit with Andrea, Rob and Isaac this weekend a bonus is that Andrea set aside a plate of her family's thanksgiving meal she prepared. She's probablly right that a smoked turkey is not as good as traditionally prepare one, but I never tasted a smoked turkey, so I'm excited to give it a go. How bad can it be? Barbecue smoked ribs and briskets are pretty tasty. I made egg drop soup again today because it got cold and I also tried to make a ribeye steak stretch a little further by adding penne to it and it actually turned out to be pretty good. The season advent is only days away and I always love preparing my heart and mind for the coming of our Savior.


26 November 2020
Ended up making  chicken shuimai. Totally forgot to soak the dried shiitake overnight, so I did without and it still turned out OK. Surprisingly, Alex thought it was my best go at it and gave it five stars. One thing for sure, if any of the food I cook was subpar, they’ll say so in a heartbeat without holding back. So that’s a good thing. After steaming the shuimai we streamed some frozen store brought har gow and that made for an awesome Thanksgiving dim sum breakfast. We got together this morning with the kids on Facetime. Never get tire of it and more often than not, it is the highlight of my day. Auntie Soo called and we had her and Uncle Eddie join to join and that made this morning call with the kids. Albeit this year’s Thanksgiving celebration is so different not gathering around the table with family. We made the best of it given the circumstances and with a joyful heart give thanks to God. It was since an all day good eating food fest kind of day with a ribeye steak for lunch and stir fried vermicelli noodles for dinner. A far cry from a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but hey it’s 2020. Albeit, I ate more food than usual, I didn’t eat myself into the semi holiday food comma of days past. I was willing to give it a go on the elliptical today, but Fawn thought it wise to just keep giving it a rest and I didn’t argue. All in all, it was a very good day exchanging Thanksgiving well wishes with friends and family. 

25 November 2020
Rain, rain, go away. Trying to stay positive by noting that having a lot of rain is better that having a lot of snow this time of year. Clearly the walking days are numbered. So glad I’m able to do a 20 minute workout on the elliptical now. I wasn’t able to do it today though because I banged up my knee/shin against the coffee table yesterday and it’s still sore and bruised. It’s Thanksgiving Eve and I’m still clueless what will be our Thanksgiving Day Meal will be. L that was the last of the curry chicken. Chicken is my favorite meat and I really love the fiery heat and robust favor of a curry sauce. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1). When we recognize the very nature of our depravity and understand that, apart from God, there is only death our natural response is to be grateful for the life he gives us under his constant goodness and his from his steadfast and enduring love.


24 November 2020
Awesome, it was just as I hoped, there was no need to do any shoveling or any need to salt the pavement. Too bad I wasn’t able to do a walk while Fawn was in the doctor’s office for Fawn’s annual physical. All I did was just sit back in the car with my eyes closed and enjoy listening to the download scared music on my phone. Lots of people must be on vacation this week, because traffic was pretty heavy and the shopping area parking lots were filled with cars. Grr, what a klutz, I banged my shin on the coffee table. It was a dinner and a movie for me. I made myself curry chicken and watched, The Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission. The reason I made myself the curry dish was because there was only one portion on steamed tilapia leftover from yesterday and Fawn doesn’t like Indian food. It was only the last few years that she has tolerated being near the smell of curry. As for the movie, it was very similar to the original dirty dozen movie. So glad the sump pump is holding out, it’s been raining nonstop all day. Song of the day is, Everything I Wanted – Allie Sherlock (cover). "for you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?" (1 Corinthians 3:3). Spiritual pride will stunt our growth as Christians. When we quarrel over doctrine and cling to the teachings of men, rather than following God, we remain mere infants in Christ.

23 November 2020
Albeit in the mid 30s, it was both cloudless and windless and made for a most enjoyable morning walk. We went to Walmart and got 80 pounds of Clean Melt. I also bought a 12 pound jug of Road Runner Ice Melt just for the jug, because I don’t what happen to the old one. Hopefully that is enough for this winter. We are expecting overnight rain that will be turning to snow in the early hours toward daybreak. It’s been a crazy year this year with the pandemic, but it has made me become more health conscientious. I’ve been trying to exercise more and eating a little healthier, today I made us a large stock pot of fuzzy melon soup for lunch to go with the last of the leftover beef chow fun for lunch and steamed tilapia for dinner. It's not that easy to cook for two people and not not be leftovers days on end. Talk about dinner, am clueless what we are going to have for our Thanksgiving dinner, not turkey this year for sure. It wouldn’t make sense to bake a turkey for just the two of us. "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" (1 Chronicles 16:34). How can we not pause from our busyness and give thanks to God in the name of Christ Jesus? 
I was messaging with my niece and am thankful that her injuries from a recent automobile accident were minor and non life threatening. I mention a little about this site and that it has a global presents. It made me think about what Fr Joshua Genig said encouraging us his bible study students which are also globally located to engage with each other using the technology available to us… Went to bed super early and now I find myself sleepless in the wee hours of the night. Looks like we got about an inch or so of snow on the ground already, hopefully it will be followed by more rain and above freezing temperature so we won’t have to do any shoveling. I can’t believe I failed to mention that we facetime with Andrea, Rob, Isaac and Alex over dinner. She has been watching what she eats during her pregnancy and mentioned she can’t wait to eat fish again. Albeit tilapia is low in mercury and supposedly during pregnancy and breast feeding, she is like her mother and errs on the side of caution. The reason I’m surprised is we talked about what Thanksgiving and what special meal is being planned. God willing we hope to see the kids sometime this holiday weekend and do a social distancing visit. Andrea is preparing a traditional thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the trimmings to share with us. I asked Isaac is there anything special he wanted papa to make for him, and with a big smile he said, “Steak and also gon chow ngau ho!” Albeit we talked with Jennifer earlier in the day, we always like it when we are all together on a video chat, given the circumstances. 

22 November 2020
It was a dreary day, so I was surprised I went for a long walk. Guessing I either just want to get out the house while we still can. I thought I was going to be making fuzzy melon soup today, but we decided to just finish up all the leftovers in the frig instead. "Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion" (Proverbs 11:22). Often times we are blessed with physical gifts from God and are clueless to why gave he has done so and then we profane it with sin. No matter what gifts we are blessed with, beit physical beauty, talent, intellect or what not, we must remember that God blessed us with these things so we could bless others and glorify him!

21 November 2020
Not only did I do an hour long walk, I also was able mow both the grass out front and back. I’m pretty sure that will be the final clipping until next spring. Mmm, life is good, beef chow fun for lunch and beef with tomato, peppers, and onions for dinner. Not sure why I also made a little egg drop soup to go with our dinner, but am sure glad I did. Had to fight off the temptation to over indulge. No wonder we are having a covid spike in town, was on the Nextdoor app and was reading some outrageous comments. So much for having a mature and well educated community. It shouldn't of surprised me, after all we voted opt in for cannabis sales in town earlier in the year. "And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today” (Luke 19:5). Indeed, Jesus came for sinners and picks us. May his loving acceptance and forgiveness eclipse any guilt we feel and may his mercy bring us joy.

20 November 2020
It was a most joyous day, just got off one of the most outstanding Rector Chat on Psalms 29 (30) and then immediately afterward joined in on facetiming with all the kids. And of course there was the weekly Friday morning Zoom chat with Fawn siblings and their families center around ma, who is stuck living in a nursing home without actual visitations allowed during this pandemic. After being in the pandemic for so long, I’ve come to the conclusion everyone and especially our political leaders are clueless on how to deal with it. For sure the lockdown the first time around was a complete fiasco and now sadly they want to try it again. The third and final curbside leaf collection took place on our block. That’s a good thing, because we may be getting some snow next week.

19 November 2020
Whoo wee, the hawk was out last night and for most of day today. Albeit we were under a wind advisory, it didn’t stop me from taking a nice long walk. The wind blowing from the south and we got temps in the mid 60s. Made so Cantonese pan fried noodles and put yesterdays beef chop suey over it. Yes sir, comfort food at its finest. I we struck by a clever meme, "Zoomgiving is better than ICU Christmas." Whoo hoo, best fill up in a long while, gas was $1.849! Song of the day, Cry To Me – Solomon Burke. Verse of the day, "You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (Deuteronomy 11:18-19). God has entrusted us the joyful responsibility as parents to teach the Ten Words of God to our children in the everyday course of family life.

18 November 2020
Am so oblivious as to why all the kids got together and Facetimed early in the morning, but am so glad they did. What an awesome way to start the day. Love making Chinese – American food. One of my favorite is beef chop suey. Of course it is important with restaurants to be consistent with the ingredients, but I think it’s funny that some people have to follow a recipe to the letter at home. I feel as long as most of main ingredients are present, your good to go. For example, with chop suey as long as you have bean sprouts, you’re good to go with whatever else you have in to throw in the mix of various odds and ends that in the refrigerator. Basically, it’s a very tasty refrigerator clean out dish with sauce. Last night was movie night and I watch Red Tails. It is an American war film about the 332nd Fighter Group (Tuskegee Airmen). I loved the movie and get it two thumbs up. "For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep" (1 Thessalonians 4:14). Christ is risen! Jesus is the very reason for our hope in an otherwise worldwide view of a seemingly meaningless and hopeless world.

22 November 2020
It was a dreary day, so I was surprised I went for a long walk. Guessing I either just want to get out the house while we still can. I thought I was going to be making fuzzy melon soup today, but we decided to just finish up all the leftovers in the frig instead. "Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion" (Proverbs 11:22). Often times we are blessed with physical gifts from God and are clueless to why gave he has done so and then we profane it with sin. No matter what gifts we are blessed with, beit physical beauty, talent, intellect or what not, we must remember that God blessed us with these things so we could bless others and glorify him!

17 November 2020
Still trying to walk as much as possible because I’m still determined to still drop a few pounds. I used an online BMI calculator and was thrilled to see that I am no longer considered obese. LOL, funny how the mind works, made spinach and felt like Popeye and did and extra set on the fifteen and twenty pound pair of dumbbells.

16 November 2020
Never thought I would say it was a nice day to do a walk, but that is easy to do after a nasty day like yesterday when you are forced to stay indoors. Fawn raised her eyebrow at all the layers I had on, but that what it takes to stay warm when bundle up to take long walks. Clearly, I should be wearing my hearing aids more often, because I think I am frustrating my wife by having her repeat herself or mistaking what is being said. Praying that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are a God send. Lord, have mercy.

15 November 2020
The high winds and rain finally subsided. Clearly not a fan of nasty weather, beit rain, wind, storm, or snow. But then again, anything deviating from a 72 degree and 50 percent humidity is less than ideal. was stuck indoors all day so I made us comfort food even though there is still tons on leftover food in the refrigerator. Made beef with snow peas over Cantonese pan fried noodles. I love splashing on red wine vinegar on mine. "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:44-45). Loving our enemies is not any easy thing to do, yet that is exactly what Jesus calls us to do. By praying for them, we can come to see others through the eyes of God and to love with God's love.

14 November 2020
Listening to the recorded in, Phil Magness Live, the background as I begin to pen the day’s journal entry he does on Facebook every Friday.  would watch it live, but It conflicts with the weekly Rector Chats. This week Phil is doing a, End-Times Hymn Jam. Went up to see Andrea, Rob and Isaac and dropped off Christmas gifts to them from my sister Nancy and a few Christmas gifts from us. The traffic was very light this morning but the crazies were still zig zagging on the highway like they were race car driver. We’ve been shopping for Christmas gifts early this year, because who know what havoc this pandemic is going to wreak. Everyone was all bundled up and we went for a social distancing walk in the park area. There is not much else we can do when we visit our baby. Glad that there is nothing wrong with Rob’s shoulder other than getting a cortisone shot to relieve shoulder pain and inflammation and needing physical therapy. My baby is only six weeks from having their second child. How exciting and awesome is that? We used up only about a quart tank going up and back, but I decided to gas up again anyway. Unbelievable, this time gas was for $1.939 a gallon. The kids are routinely calling us on Facetime nowadays and we can’t be happier. There was no need to cook today; there is plenty of cooked food in the refrigerator.

13 November 2020

It’s already late, so I’m going to have to made this journal entry short. One can tell we are really getting old because most of the conversation was on what’s ailing you, the meds your on and deciphering lab test results on this morning’s Zoom gathering. Today’s Zoom Rector Chat was on Psalms 23. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Indeed, we must first become sheep of the Good Shepherd. Went for a fill up and was thrilled that gas was $1.959 a gallon!

12 November 2020

"Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow." –Saint Augustine. Slowly but surly. Loss 8.8 pounds in 3 months. So there is still another 1.2 pounds to go. It's clear to me that I like eating and refuse to cut back on even on my poor choices of food. So I guess I'll have to keep up the cardio, but that’s still OK by me because I’m still enjoying my walk. Albeit my progress is very slow, it is by all means sustainable. I’m happy about all the support and encouragement I am getting from my friends and from family members. Andrea and Rob thinks my legs are skinny, that probable because of all the walking and from lying on my back doing leg raises and what not with my legs in the air. Seem like my legs are the only part of my body that is tone. Now it only I can firm up my waistline and lose the gut. Lord, protect my soul. Facetime twice today, this morning we got a call from Alex about his furnace not working. Facetime came in handy as I was able to see that the furnace technician forgot to open back the gas shut off valve leading to the furnace after the annual furnace maintenance work on Monday. Sigh, clearly he didn’t make sure everything was in working order afterwards.  Anyway, glad to see it’s that resolved his predicament. Nice that the kids called on Facetime and we just sat around chatted. Praying that our Lord would undo the dangerous effects of the coronavirse, for health and recovery especially Rob (shoulder), Henry (heart) and David (cancer). Lord in your mercy.

11 November 2020
Whoo wee was the wind ever howling last night along with the heavy rain and loud thunder clapping. Believe it or not, I’m still walking. Did an hour long walk this morning when the temperature was in the mid 30s. The good news is my winter apparel was comfortable; the bad news is that it gets below zero degrees Fahrenheit in our neck of the woods. For sure I won’t be doing any walking in the snow. Am so glad we made a large pot of soup yesterday. The cold was no match for this light soup; it was like hitting a reset button. Mused on with a grateful heart for veterans past and present. Was wondering why it is that the joy all our children brings me continue to grow each and every day, yet it is parallel the joy that Isaac bring. It’s no wonder, “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers” (Proverbs 17:6). Sigh… need to enter the password twice again to login to Facebook. Oh well, it’s not the end of the world. 

10 November 2020
Albeit a tad windy, a walk was still doable. We are under a severe thunderstorm warning as well as under a tornado watch, not to mention the possibility of high winds and hail and the temps to be taking a nose dive overnight to below freezing. What a difference a day make. Lord, have mercy. Well that was the last of mama’s marinara sauce, and the Italian dish of the day was chicken cacciatore. Saw the follow prayer on FB: “Take from us, O God, all pride and vanity, all boasting and forwardness, and give us the true courage that shows itself by humility; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Mmm, mmm good, took out a couple of in-bone pork chops from the freezer and made a large pot of fuzzy melon soup... How can I not append to this journal entry when we just got off facetiming with all the kid, especially now that my day is complete. I'm stunned at how observant Isaac is to notice that it was still daylight where his auntie Jenn is. The rain has begun and the sump pump is working overtime already. Am hearing the thunderous voice of God, but not the howling wind yet. Lord, keep us safe this night.

9 November 2020
Needless to say we were out and about enjoying what we can on what is left of the remaining good weather. It was a perfect day to take a walk. I procrastinated to as long as I could, but it was time to change out the sump pump discharge hose to the larger hose we use during the winter months. Made chicken and Chinese sausage fried rice. I also meant to toss in the last few slices of deli ham, but when it came time to do the prep work, I totally forgot about it. Not sure why I like penning food I cook and like to eat, guessing it is like folks that like to take pictures of food they eat and posting it on social media. Anyway, it was good. One can toss just about any meat or vegetable that suits one’s taste in fried rice.

8 November 2020
Was reading up on and going over the SilverScript transition to the 2021 Aetna Medicare Solutions.  Was also on the computer downloading a boat load photos and videos unto the laptop, so nice to have a two terabyte machine. Looks like Facebook finally resolved the need to enter the password twice to login my account. We went Italian today, Chicken Parmesan and store bought cheese tortellini with mama’s marinara sauce, life is good. Was musing about family, Saint John Vianney said that, “The family is the most ancient institution which God founded in Paradise, when He called the first pair of human beings into existence. The first blessing which God gave was for the wellbeing of the family. With family life, the history of the world commences.” Made in his image, God calls us to be fruitful and multiply to fill and subdue the earth.

7 November 2020
Beautiful Saturday morning and yet another comfortable leisurely walk. There no such thing as taking a brisk walk in my vocabulary anymore. Albeit I still enjoy take walks, time has definitely has taken its toll on this old man. It was too nice of a day to stay indoors that it called for being out and about taking a nice second walk for the day. With the clock turned back an hour at the beginning of the week; it was already nightfall by 5 p.m. I shared a post I saw on FB that had a line from the Green Mile, that seemed so appropriate for today. “I’m tired boss… I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world...every day. There's too much of it.” I loved the video of Isaac petitioning his mama to put together a Facetime call, just prior to the actual call. The little man is such a hoot and is so very smart. I am amazed at how well he articulates and converses with adults.

6 November 2020
I don’t know if I’m using the correct word, but I’m ashamed that I often fail to see beyond how blessed we are whenever the weather is like that of today or whenever I’m talk to family members or friends. It was in to low 70s, just the way I like it and it made for another  enjoyable leisurely walk. This week’s family Zoom get together was a lot of fun. We made the freebie Jewels Signature Select Utra Thin Crust Pepperoni Pizza. It was OK for a frozen pizza, but I’m not sure if I would pay $3.49 for it. Today’s Zoom Chat was called off so I was able to join in on Phil Magness FB Live. He is a very accomplished musician. Talk about another FB issue, I thought it was odd that I was not getting a single reaction or comment to any of my news feed postings for serveral weeks so the goggled and found out that, who could see my news feed was changed, sigh. Its mind boggling the total covid-19 deaths so far is 215,723 in the United States and 1,246,031 worldwide. Lord, have mercy.

5 November 2020
Continuing to be on cloud 9 about this good weather we are being bless with. Went for a nice hour long walk taking in the last of the fall colors. I changed it up to a push pull workout routine the other day and decided to reduce the reps and add more sets. This seems to be working out well for now. We got a Thanksgiving card in the mail from a friend, how thoughtful that we have friends that would be mindful enough to take the time to pen a hand written note. O how I long to be shoulder to shoulder with all my friends and family.

4 November 2020
My nephew said it best, “Watching the presidential election is comparable to watching prime time football except both teams are shitty, Jets vs Giants. It’s the 4th quarter, tied 2-2 (two safeties), 5 minutes left and either team praying for a miracle 15 yrd field goal.” To which I replied, “Déjà vu 2016 was the same way. One would think these two parties could come up better candidates and meaningful policies that we may live peaceful lives. You are so right.” I got a chuckle from a comment, “Then a challenge call on the clearly made field goal that it didn’t go in.” OK, that’s my political say for the day. I kicked up my resistance training back up again, but not by much. Was planning to get on the elliptical because I didn’t go for walk today. Sigh, I ended up doing neither. Since we’re having an Indian Summer this week, I’m hoping to be out and about and enjoy an outdoor walk in the fresh air. I should of realized that a recent update screwed up my FB and started to require me to enter my password twice to login. Good thing I was able to find info on the internet to resolve the issue. 
3 November 2020
I was so nice out that I spent the morning doing outdoor chores. It was hard to blow the leaves out front to the curb for collection because they were clinging to the grass but I gotrdun, it just took a little longer than I anticipated. Then I took the lawn mower down a notch and cut the grass and Fawn helped me clean the gutters. I was struck by a FB post, "Dear person who has severed a relationship over politics, The politicians you love more than your family don't care about you. You are just a vote to them." So sad that some people have done just that.

2 November 2020
Whoo hoo, it’s my understanding that we’re going to have an Indian summer starting tomorrow for the remainder of the week. That is so very timely, because enough of the leaves are off the trees near our home that I can clean the gutters and do some leaf raking.  Am hoping we don’t get any rain so that I’ll be able to use the leaf blower and do a final mow for the year. The HVAC technician came first thing in the morning to do the annual furnace maintenance, so we’re good to go for the winter cold. Am so much enjoying the classical music as I am penning this journal entry… 
Oh wow, I did an hour and a half long walk. Where did the time go? I was reflecting on so many difference things that the time just escaped me. Glad I worked up an appetite because I had one of Sandy’s signature lasagna dish. It was so kind of Carl the bring drop it off late last night. It made for a perfect hearty lunch. It’s always so very good and right up there with her Colombian chicken stew. Gas is now up to $2.089, albeit slightly higher, I still think it is remarkably low and think it is good for the economy. Too bad Illinois motorist are paying the third highest gasoline tax in the nation. How can, For All the Saints, not be the song of the day? I’ve been humming it most of the day. Verse of the day Jesus said, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). This is the most important commandment and Jesus continues on with verse 31, “The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  God seems to be very demanding, but then we realize that he is also an “all in” giving God who loved us first by giving us his son who died on the cross. 

1 November 2020
Oh my goodness, November already! Turned all the clocks that needed so back an hour. Twice a year I think how crazy this daylight saving time biannual ritual is. Thanks to our nephew Kevin for digitizing hours upon hours of old VHS tapes and sharing them with the family. There were plenty of awesome memories. Hoping my kids are not too embarrassed by my captured immaturity. What the heck am I doing? I’m still continually binge eating way over what I daily eat since Friday. Need to kick myself in the butt and stop... 
Life is good, it don’t get much better in 2020 when all our kids get together and give us a Facetime call. We even got a call from my sister Nancy to boot. Am missing all our family members who have gone before us. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Can only prayerfully respond with, Lord, “I believe; help my unbelief!”


31 October 2020
What an awesome start to the day! We drove up to Grayslake for a social distance visit to Andrea, Rob and Isaac. 
After all, how can we not drop off a Halloween gift for our grandson? We love the little man so much. Albeit was a tad cool, I’m so glad the weather was cooperating in that all we needed was warm coat to go for a walk in the their neighborhood and park. Hard to believe our baby girl is only a couple of months away from giving birth to their second child.

30 October 2020
Went to bed super early yesterday and when realized I haven’t entered a journal entry. There was no way I was going to go back downstairs and turn on laptop to do just that. And for sure it would have been too painful to use the blogger app editor on an android device, besides the only thing memorable about yesterday was the intense howling wind. Clueless to how  strong the wind was actually blowing but it was enough for me to conjure up anthropomorphic north wind imageries in my mind. Anyway am up early and the oatmeal is ready… 
Oh wow, looked out the rear window and behold a full hunter’s blue moon to east that is as bright as can be. Did a full cook for Andrea and Alex and ended up missing the Zoom Rector Chat. We bundled up and went for a walk in the neighborhood. It’s something we haven’t done together much this year because of the covid-19 pandemic. Not only are the numbers going up in the state and county, it is also so in town. Lord, have mercy. Didn’t enjoy our family Zoom meeting this morning, why did politics have to come up? Albeit, we already voted, I listened in for a little bit until I heard some absurdities and had to step away until everyone moved on to another topic. Back to the food, I ended up trying a little of all the dishes I made and went way over caloriewise. Lord only knows when I will lose the ten pounds I’ve been working on for the past eleven weeks. I’ve learning that it is a very long journey trying to lose weight with my current calorie intake and just trying to lose weight by doing sheer exercise burn. I’m not much on dieting. Listened to Phil Magness Live (recorded) on Facebook and enjoyed his All Saints Celebration. 

28 October 2020
Albeit was in the mid 30s we had to go out and buy groceries, so I layered up five deep. Wore a regular tee shirt, thermal shirt, sweat shirt, fall hooded jacket and a hooded down winter coat. I would of never have guessed that I would of braved the cold this morning and take an hour long walk. I gave more muse on Amy Barrett It’s been a long while since I made beef chop suey. Even though I made rice, I also like tossing on some La Choy chow mein noodles as a topping to give it delicious crunch. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30). Our Lord wants us weary beggars near him and take his yoke. When we yoke our lives with Jesus we find rest because he carries our burdens and allows us to follow him. Thinking about friends and family, may God bless them with peace and rest.

27 October 2020
With yet another day of waking to a dusting of snow on top of the coldness, I’m officially calling it winter. Made what I call soma soup, soma this and some of that. I had a little soup left I made from the huge pot of it I made on Friday and tossed in all the little Tupperware of leftover that was in the refrigerator and made the heartiest soup ever. Am really enjoying the day listening to classical music playing in the background. Last night I appended to the journal entry using the editor on my tablet and albeit slow, it was doable. So I’m guessing Blogger is still trying to remedy the issue… 
Got in a good resistance training workout today by tacking on an extra set of curl and an extra set of press with the pair of twenty pound dumbbells. Song of the day is, Alfie. "to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:22-24). We must daily put down our old self and daily renew the promises to the new self with the Holy Spirit doing the actual work to put off that old conduct and help us live in righteousness and holiness. So blessed to have kids that call us routinely and share the day with us. Love them all so much.

26 October 2020
Brrr, cold day in the 30s with a dusting of snow. Stayed indoors and did my cardio on the elliptical as well as binge watched season one of, Last Man Standing. It is my hope to celebrate the confirmation of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court later tonight... Congratulations to now sworn in associate Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett. This is a glorious day for America.

25 October 2020
Dang, only got in a ten minute walk before calling it quits. It was just too cold and I didn’t want to risk getting sick. Albeit only a month into the fall, thinking it may soon be time to break out the winter coat. Did a fusion comfort food thing for lunch by simply tossing in box of SeaPak Frozen Tempura Shrimp and some frozen french fries in the oven. 

24 October 2020
So glad I made a large pot of soup yesterday, because it was another cold day and I required a bowl or two to warm the soul. How cold was it? So cold that I wore a fleece hood as well as a pair of ski gloves when I did my walk. I was clueless to what first amendment audit was until I came across a Youtube video of one. What an idiot, guessing people will shamelessly be obnoxious and do just about anything to make money as a youtuber. Saw Andrea’s maternity pictures and thought they were outstanding.

23 October 2020
It’s Zoom call Friday. Was happy to Eddie having a good day, but became concerned that Henry is schedule for an angioplasty is a procedure next month. Ma is well and was of good cheer. What a difference a day makes. Not only did it rain all day, it was also on the chilly side. It worked out that Fawn had some shopping to do at several stores at the Danada West Square strip mall, because I was able to walk for an hour under the canopy-covered sidewalks. So glad on the way back home we stopped by the oriental convenience store in Lisle because they had rice noodles. Made a large pot of delicious fuzzy melon soup for dinner that warmed up the house and hit the spot.

22 October 2020
How can one not spend some time outside on a day like today? I would of never guess that in we could still be getting a sunny day in the mid 70s this time of year and especially after a night like last night. It was one torrential rain outburst after another most of the night that caused a few streets flood in town. Think by town that all the troubled area would have been tended to by now. Was wondering why Fawn wanted to go to Best Buy out of the blue, she surprised me with a nice pair of earbuds to use with my smartphone when I do my walks, how thoughtful of her. Reheated the leftover barbecue drumsticks and slashed on a couple dashes of Cholula hot sauce and that made all the difference. Got exciting plans for dinner tonight, Fawn took out her marinara sauce from the freezer last night, so we can make chicken parmesan with spaghetti. LOL, now I contemplating making dinner a little early. Not sure what I going to do this evening since we already voted, there is no need to watch the final presidential debate. I still don't care for either of the two candidates, but it has never been this clearer to me who to vote for over the other
… My day is complete; the kids got together and called to Facetime us. There is nothing like having kids that are so mindful of us. Here we go again with another round of evening and overnight rain. Our sump pump has been working overtime. The ground is so saturated that it has been cycling three or four time times every hour all day. We ended up having dinner at the regular time, and yes, the chicken parmesan with spaghetti came out perfect. I’m really pleased with the outcome the last several times that this is no need to try to tweak it at all. 

21 October 2020
Albeit has been raining a lot lately, at least it is cooperating in that it has been in the late evening and mostly overnight hours. I heard enough and don’t want to hear any more from the candidates or the bias partisan crap from the news media and political ads. We went out this morning and prayerfully exercised our civil duty to vote. Mmm, made beef and bitter melon for lunch, so delicious. I know I’ve said more than once about some beautiful bitter gourds, but I have to say the two I prepared today would have won a prize at some county fair somewhere. There was not a single blemish on them to be found and they were perfectly ripe and made for my best go at this dish… Decided to go out again and bring some of bitter melon the barbecue drumsticks over to Alex. We stopped by the Park and Shop and this is the third time we weren’t able to buy any fresh pre packaged rice noodles. Hmm, now we’re wondering what is going on? Had a good time looking at some older videos of our grandson Isaac.  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:22–23). The Holy Spirit showers us with these gifts and when we share these gifts they keep relationships working... Decided to give the blogger app another go  because we are having yet another night of torrential rain. Sigh, this editor is still painfully slow.

20 October 2020
I really had to layer up Still trying to get in as much walking time as possible. Was all fired up and got in a hour. 
Have forgotten just how exhausting it is to rake the leaves to the curb. I have a leaf blower, but the leaves were so wet that it was sticking to the grass. Got barbecue drumsticks baking in the oven and just relaxing to some of the most beautiful classical music. Can hardly wait until those bad boys are done. For sure it’s gonna make for a tasty dinner. Strange that whenever we play it for background music, I tend to wonder why I bother to listen to anything else. Of course that is a rhetorical question that I pose to myself, since I may perhaps enjoy more genres of music than most folks. For example, I tend to walk listening to sacred music, pop on the elliptical and oldies in the evenings. "You shall fear the Lord your God. You shall serve him and hold fast to him, and by his name you shall swear" (Deuteronomy 10:20). The verse of the day requires us to fear, serve and hold fast to the Lord our God. Lord, strengthen and empower us to hold on to you.

19 October 2020
“When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent” (Proverbs 10:19). I was struck by this verse of the day, because of all the noise we are being bombarded during this political season the politicians and by the bias media. But as I examine myself, I begin to realize how often I say things that are hurtful or foolish. God's wisdom reminds us to learn to hold our tongue and not add to the noisy words that clutter our world. May the Lord purify our hearts and speech and bring glory to him. This morning was so relaxing, Fawn played a classical music CD. Was surprised that I was still able to get in an outdoor walk before the rain moved in. Actually, I thought for sure I was done with outdoor walks until sometime next year. There’s nothing like solitary walks listening to sacred music on my smartphone. Hard to believe I’ve only had a flip phone prior to this most wonderful and useful Christmas gift from my son-in-law.

18 October 2020
While watching ABC7 televised Sunday Mass I was struck by the act of spiritual communion prayer, “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.” May the Lord shield us from the coronavirus. 
Read an article on First Thing date 9.24.2020, What I Learned From Amy Coney Barrett. I’m convinced more than ever that the Senate should confirm her. Haven’t been able to walk the last two days because it got really cold yesterday and today the rain is adding to the misery, so I decided to make use of the elliptical. Albeit I was only on it for only eight minutes, it’s a start. Hopefully it won’t take too long to work back up to the once upon a time beginner twenty minute workout. Am going to take on a positive outlook of at least I’m beyond the five minute warm up and most of the five the five minute cool down. The verse of the day is, “Stand by the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls" (Jeremiah 6:16).

17 October 2020
Now that’s what I’m talking about, Facetime lunch with all the kids, Andrea, Rob, Isaac, Alex and Jennifer, God is good. Filled with so much joy that is called for a early journal entry for the day. Was up early just to make peel the remainder of the potatoes so they don’t go bad and made a awesome breakfast skillet all the leftover meat, pepper, onion and eggs. With just us two, there is plenty of leftover for tomorrow’s breakfast. Looking out the window and seeing the wind really blowing hard, kinda surprising not to hear it howling. Clearly, it’s going to be an indoor day today.

16 October 2020
Zoom Fridays are truly a blessing. Albeit, we didn’t get to ma in this mornings Zoom meeting, The three sisters and the hubbies did chat for about a hour or so about sorts of things while hoping the nursing home would join in, but they never did. The Rector Chat was on Psalm 22. I think Saint Athanasius commentary sums it up pretty good: “Psalm 22 describes the nature of the death from the lips of the Savior himself…. When he speaks of hands and feet being pierced, what else is meant than the cross? After presenting all these things, the Psalter adds that the Lord suffers these things not for himself, but for our sake.” What a pleasant surprise, facetiming with Alex, Andrea, Rob and Isaac. As much I was loving it, I was thinking how complete the joy would have been if Jennifer could have been on the call. Guess I’m never satisfied and always wanting it all. Last night I stayed up late and watched a John Wayne movie, Hondo on Pluto tv. For as many westerns I have watched over the years, I am flabbergasted that I never seen that one before, and it was a good movie with a great story. Was able to do a walk listening to the sacred music I stored on my smartphone. I use to listen to Phil Magness “live” on Facebook before the Rector Chats, I so glad it is recorded and can still watch and listen to him after supper. Strange that it doesn’t feel the same, but of course it is my imagination. Regardless, the recording are a comfort and a joy.

15 October 2020
We went out to do some grocery shopping but was disappointed at the selection at a few of the stores. We only ended up with a few items from three different stores. Interestingly, I got in ten minute walks in the parking lot in each of the three different grocery stores. It turned out to be a very good day because mama made her infamous spaghetti dish. Thanks be to God for comfort food.
14 October 2020
Was taken surprise that the hot water shut off valve under the kitchen sink started to leak since it in was used only once when I replaced the kitchen sink faucet. It took longer to replace than I anticipated because it was quite hard to free up shut off valve, but once we were able to free it up, it was quite easy to replace the old valve with a new shut off valve successfully. Gotrdun! It was another one of those great days when we got to do facetime with Alex, Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Great to see costumed Superman dad playing with Batman Isaac and then with a blink of the eye, we were off to the races with Isaac’s Speed Racer Mach 5 cars. After three days of watching the Amy Barrett supreme court confirmation hearings, it is clear to me that she is by far the smartest person in the room. It is worth noting that it is nice that the hearing was aired on C-SPAN without commercials or commentary interruptions.
13 October 2020
Only thing exciting was watching day 2 of the Amy Barrett confirmation hearings. I’m impressed with how she responded with such great poise and grace to the onslaught from democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not sure why I brought up coffee candy, but it was my mom's favorite hard candy. Lo an behold, Fawn took out a bag of Werther's Carmel Coffee! Life is good.
12 October 2020

Can’t trust the weather forecast for beans. Sigh, got in a twenty minute walk before getting rained on. Foodwise, it was a soma day. Soma this and soma that cleaning out all of the leftover this and leftover that from the refrigerator. We watched the Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett introduced herself to the Senate Judiciary Committee on her first day of the confirmation hearing. I t was not surprising that the hearing got really old real quick with the nonsense politicking, so we turned it off early on. Rejoicing in blessings of the day. It is safe to say that we are more blessed than we will realize on this side of the veil. The song of the day is, The Shoop Shoop Song – Betty Everett. The verse of the day is “Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you” (Hosea 10:12). May the Lord cultivate our hearts as we seek him.

11 October 2020
Whoo hoo, Fawn found the miss jigsaw piece, gotrdun! Mmm, made pork spare rib with black bean sauce. Felt like I was at a workout boot camp, because I did indoors all day and did various exercises throughout the day.


10 October 2020
Yet another awesome day. We drove up to the northern burbs to do a social distant visit with Andrea, Rob and Isaac. It’s killing me not to be able to get them all a big hug. We try to see them at least once or twice a month, but thinking it may get too cold to be out social distancing soon. Got back home and we wanted to do a likewise with Alex. Alex wanted my Maxwell Street Ziti inspired dish made with spaghetti noodles, spinach, and Italian sausage. Now only if we can do a road trip to visit Jennifer. Oh no, am not able to complete the 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle because I’m missing a piece. Song of the day is, My Girl - Temptation. Verse of the day is, "he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5). In Jesus, God poured out his mercy and made possible our salvation. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a sinner.

9 October 2020
Not sure why this morning’s family Zoom meeting start late, but it worked out so that I could get an early start on the Friday’s big cook and was able to get a big pot of chili started. Turns out there is no need to make anything for Alex so there was no big cook. Andrea only asked for some chili. We had to go out after lunch to pick up a few things because I wanted to fry up a steak for Isaac. The kids seem to like my hamburgers I make stuffed with onion and bell peppers. So I made them that as well a steak for Alex too. It was so nice out, a tad windy, but nice just the same. Was able to get in a nice walk while she was in the store. The Friday Rector chat was on Psalm 12 (13). Hah, learn the number had to do with the Septuagint. This prayer is traditionally a compline prayer and before going to bed. It is a prayer of struggle with Satin, sin and death. And is our Lord’s prayer at Gethsemane. Because Christ prayed this, we are able to trust in God’s mercy. My day was complete during dinner. Yep, you guessed it, Factime with Alex, Andrea, Rob and Isaac. O what great joy. Jennifer calls her mom daily and I get to listen in from time to time. I’m almost done with all the research for the November ballot, there only thing outstanding is research on a circuit court judge up for retention in the eighteenth judicial circuit. I was looking on next door neighbor and am finding it hard to believe a few people are advocating amending the state constitution to remove the portion of the revenue article with “flat tax” and grant the state authority to implement a graduated rate income tax bracket structure as well as other hidden taxes increases. Vote “NO”!

8 October 2020
Rejoicing in the day by walking in the cool of day listening to sacred music and taking in the all beautiful fall colors. Been pounding the pavement a lot more this past four week and fared much better the previous four weeks. Last time I dropped 2.2 pounds and this time around I dropped another 3.6. So there is only 4.2 pounds remaining in my quest to lose a total of ten pounds. The sad thing is when I reach my goal of ten pounds over my high school weight of 140 pounds; I was a hell of a lot more tone and all around fit back then. Thinking with a little more effort I can reach my goal by the end of the next four weeks. Yeah, I know it has been a longer slow journey, but how many people can say they lost ten pounds without dieting and just done it by walking, getting on the elliptical and doing squats? To celebrate I made stir fried ketchup shrimp. This has to be in the top ten Chinese comfort food list for special occasions. The pieces of the jigsaw puzzles are falling in place quickly now and it is almost complete. I am so close to finish it that can just taste it. 

7 October 2020
The temperature doesn’t get much better s far as weatherwise. I really wanted to wait until there were more leaves on the ground before cutting the grass, but it was just getting too long. I hope I have enough gas left for two more goes. Lunch was a easy do, all I had to do was boil the store bought cheese tortellini and warmed up Fawn’s marinara sauce, delicious. It was so nice out, I couldn’t resist going for a nice 30 minute walk. Anyway, stopping to watch the Pence Harris debate.


6 October 2020
Awesome day, out and about this morning running errands and what not. Walked around the parking lot listening to sacred music while Fawn got the need. Thought we were going to have pasta tonight for dinner because Fawn made her marinara sauce. I ended making chicken parmesan with her sauce, delicious. After dinner we had fun working on the jigsaw puzzle and ended up putting my foot in my mouth, because I was laughing taking so long to place her puzzle piece. I must of found about five pieces before she got her first, but then she started putting me to shame. The reality is, albeit I know most of the strategies, I not very good at it but still enjoy the excitement and challenge. 
Song of the day is a Van Halen Eruption Guitar Solo R.I.P. hard to he lost his battle to cancer at the age of 65.

5 October 2020

Ugh, I really hate updates. Not only are they time consuming, but they then to break one thing or another and alter settings. Hate having to do the repairs and resetting things. Despite being aggravated, it turned out to be an awesome day. I bundled up and went for a leisurely walk and called a few friends, just to catch up and see how they were doing while Fawn was in the grocery store shopping. Was glad she found bitter melon. Stir fried them bad boys with some beef, onions, garlic and fermented black beans, delicious. One of my friend’s daughter is getting married this weekend. It’s been a real weird year for weddings. Spent a little more time working on the jigsaw puzzle again and am finding it easier to locate where to place the sorted pieces. The verse of the day is, "for fall have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 3:23-24). Thanks be to God.

4 October 2020
Happy hair cut! Always wait until its way over due. Strange how cutting your hair makes people feel good. Watched the Archdiocese of Chicago broadcast of Holy Mass from Holy Name Cathedral on ABC7 this morning live. I think some will frown, but thought the service was very similar our Divine Service at Saint John. I also thought that Cardinal Cupich’s sermon was outstanding. Came across, Telephone Line - ELO, one of my favorite songs from back in the day. Glad I got back on FB today and plowed though a lot of postings, especially loved Andrea’s posting of their family pumpkin farm outing.


3 October 2020
Woke super energized this morning with a super good night’s rest. My shoulder was pain free, so I even included the day’s 15 and 20 pound dumbbells in exercises. Didn’t want to skip the cardio altogether, so I hopped on elliptical for a five minute short go. Relaxed a bit working on the jigsaw puzzle and think it is coming along pretty good now that most of the pieces are sorted. Dinner was a easy go, just browned ground beef and opened a can of sloppy joe sauce. 
Aah, broke open a large 12 oz. bottle of Cholula Original Hot Sauce, splashed some on my sandwich and it was good to go. I looked at the forecast for next week a hope it comes to past as warm up is head our way near mid week.

2 October 2020
This morning’s family Zoom call with ma was different to say the least. Hated to see that politics worked its way into the conversation when the topic of the POTUS and the FLOTUS tested positive for Covid-19. I surprised myself when I opted to continue to doing an outdoor walk for my daily cardio instead on hopping on the elliptical. I’m sure that I’m going to be switching over some time soon this month. Today’s Rector Chat was absolutely a brilliant teaching. This was his second lesson on the new series, Prayer Book for the Soul. Today’s bible study was on Psalm 3. The biggest take a ways for me were that every sleep is like a death and that each morning is like a resurrection and that is God who sustains us so that there is nothing to fear and that we are not alone in this struggle. for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you” (Ephesians 5:14). Nice, Andrea, Rob, Issaqc and Alex is facetiming, my day is now complete.


1 October 2020
Its a start of another new month already? Got smart today and layered up and wore thermals underwear and was able to walk for a full hour! Made a steamed chicken patty for dinner that came out pretty good. Traditionally, it made with pork, but I used chicken this time and tossed in my own take on it. My arm is still a little soar from the flu shot, so I only use the pair of ten pound dumbbells. Two days now without social media, radio or television and just listening to sacred music. Relaxed for a couple of hours working on the jigsaw puzzle. Need to limit myself to a much shorter interval because I got stiff.


30 September 2020
Yet another cold day and it’s feeling like it’s mid November. Layered up and went to the pharmacy to get our flu shots. Albeit slightly warmer, 10 minutes into my walk I called it quits. So disappointing that both candidates were childish and that last night was anything but a debate. Hopefully the Harris Pence debate next week will fare better.

29 September 2020
Brr, it was 42 ºF at the crack of dawn. I had to wear a heavy sweat shirt as well as a warm autumn jacket with a hood when we went out to run errands this morning, because it only made it to the mid 50s when we were out and think the temp only topped out at around 60 when the sun broke out later in the day. Didn’t want to, but did turn on the furnace. Chirp, chirp, I think I made my best beef with tomatoes peppers and onions ever. It was a struggle to not go back for seconds. We have been playing a lot of Neil Diamond lately and are really enjoying his music. Was musing about Biden Harris Trump and Pence, and came to the conclusion that of the four, only Pence has a presidential demeanor to lead our nation. I decide to pen now before the debate tonight, because I don’t know what to expect tonight from these two and just …

28 September 2020
Was a real lazy day spending it indoors trying to stay warm. The highlight of the day was facetiming with Alex, Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Only felt like doing a few pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, now I’m wondering if it will be completed by the end of the year. I’m really looking forward to watching the presidential debate tomorrow. I just deleted my thoughts on the Biden Harris ticket and my muse about politicians in general and on how much charity can be afforded to their foibles. I deleted it because it is better to focus and tend to my own shortcomings.


27 September 2020
LOL, Fawn was going nuts watching the Bears vs Raven game. LOL hilarious, but I’m guessing not much different than any other Bears football fan with an exciting 4th quarter comeback. Got in a few more pieces on the puzzle while she was watching the game. Got in a nice walk and refreshed myself with a bowl of Strawberry, banana and milk.

26 September 2020
Just knew we couldn’t trust the weather forecast that called for summerlike temps in the 80s. We went up to Grayslake early this morning but wore a heavy sweat shirt and Fawn wore a jacket to boot. Good thing we dress warm because in stayed in 60s most of the day and peaked around 70. Boy, the wind was blowing. We met up with Jean and Bob and watch them do a photo shoot with Andrea, Rob and Isaac as Andrea is at the start of her third trimester. We watch Chris and Rachel’s wedding on Zoom. It was nice all things considering with covid.

25 September 2020
Have a little time before getting on the weekly Friday morning Zoom Chin family call to gather with “ma”, I like to give posting a church father saying at this time and quick it a quick muse… Cooked up a storm and felt like I was a chef working in a restaurant preparing a zillion dishes. Albeit it fun, it was also hard work prepping and whipping up one dish after another. Mid afternoon was a lot of fun doing three short social distancing visits on the driveways with Alex, Jean and Bob, and then with Carl, Sandy and Zach and Victoria. Because we were out and about, we missed the Rector Chat. Hoping Fr. Genig sends out the link to the  Song of the day is, It’s Too Late – Carol King. Thinks she is as good as a singer as an awesome song writer. But we are chillin’ the remainder of the evening with Simply Red.


24 September 2020
Got most of the caulking done; it is a harder task then imagined it to be. We went to several stores to buy the groceries because tomorrow is another big cooking day. Love cooking for the family. While we were out and about on this drop dead gorgeous day took the time to appreciate the goodness and beauty  of God’s creation. I was happy and surprised that Alex called, but it turned out to be an unintended (butt) call. Anyway, got Andrea, Rob, Isaac and him, and do a little facetime. Glad to see that Isaac was back to being a happy go lucky kid. He had a slight fever earlier in the day. Thinking it is associated with toddler growth spurts. Prayers for Jennifer and her patients and she is doing a cancer rotation. Had some fun this evening working on the jigsaw puzzle.

23 September 2020
Made the needed repairs on the patio door and gives myself a fair mark. The door is in worse shape than I   originally thought and will have to reassess it again in the spring. Trying to stay busy to tend to all the needed before the weather turns. Planning to caulk the exterior. 

22 September 2020
Last night before going to bed, I was rocking it, literally with Bob Seger - Old Time Rock & Roll. Woke this morning and wishing I had dressed warmer for bed or had another blanket. Was thinking about turning on the furnace, but it’ll be another month before we will have it cleaned and inspected. Making a pot of oatmeal warmed up the house. We went out to run a few earns and stopped by the hardware store to some wood filler because Fawn noticed some damage on our patio door that needed to be attended to. I watched a handful of YouTube videos and hopefully it was enough to get me through this project. Andrea, Rob, Isaac and Alex facetimed us and we had dinner and chatted a little. It was a short fun get together. Verse of the day is, "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4).

21 September 2020
Did tons of fall yard work prepping for our cold harsh Midwest winter. Guessing it will be two or three more times before calling it quits for the season. It was nice to hear from and to catch up with my sister-in-law Peggy. 
We were previewing the DuPage Country November 202o Ballot online and was struck by one of the referendum question: “Shall DuPage County continue to consider financial support of law enforcement and public safety its top budgeting priority?” Sigh… basically this is a referendum to defund the police.


20 September 2020
There is something about a cloudless day that hovers around in the low 70s that makes me declare it to be most beautiful. Glad I was able to do two nice 30 minute walks because we made fish and chips and I had my fill. It was a struggle to keep from going over my calorie count. Don't intend to be working on the jigsaw puzzle everyday, but I was bored, so I spent a little time sorting puzzle pieces and was able to connect a few of the pieces. I totally surprised myself and watched the 4th quarter ant the OT of the Chiefs vs Chargers game. Wow, Patrick Mahomes and double wow for Harrison Butker!

19 September 2020
Whoo hoo, Fawn surprised me with 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. I really enjoy working on jigsaw puzzles. I started doing the puzzle on my puzzle tale, but the puzzle turn out to be was too large for it, so I ended up working on it using a puzzle mat on the coffee table. So far I completed the border pieces and hopefully I just missed the one missing piece when I sorted out the straight edge pieces. I have a feeling it is going to take a long time to complete the entire puzzle.

18 September 2020
Doing jazz tonight and starting with, Early Autumn - Woody Herman & His Orchestra. Brrr, yep fall is surly here. This morning’s zoom was a bit short with “ma” because we woke her she was tire and wanted to go back to sleep, so it was only a quick hello, but the ladies went on a for a couple of hours. Fr Genig’s Luke 15 parables on Zoom were undeniably most excellent. His insights are truly a blessing. We’re so glad to have the opportunity to be participants. Verse of the day is, "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger" (James 1:19).

17 September 2020
Getting spoiled, shuimai for breakfast for the second time this month. Love all the walking I’m getting to do in the cool and seeing some of the trees beginning to change to their autumn colors. Strange to see something that is dying look to beautiful. It won’t be long before we need to start raking the fallen leaves. Happy We called my brother Bill to wish him a happy birthday. So sad that he can only talk on the phone even though he doesn’t live that far away. I haven’t gotten together with him or my sister Nancy since March. Lord, in your mercy put an end to the pandemic that afflicts us. Been humming, You Are My Sunshine - Kina Grannis. That should have been the song of the day last night, but I didn’t want to long back in my laptop. Sad that Blogger screwed themselves up with their crappy editor. I can hardly wait until tomorrow’s Rector Chat because I never studied or ever mused about, The Parable of the Lost Coin.


16 September 2020
Did a forty minute centurion walk on the far side of the Walmart parking lot with a turkey like trot every now and then. For some unknown reason I was craving for a sloppy joe sandwich, so I broke open a can of Manwich and tamed the crave. Got ambitious and started back on the pair of 15# and 20# dumbbells.

15 September 2020
Upon reviewing my wi-fi data usage, I’ve been spending more time than I should be on the internet since the pandemic. Anyone that knows me knows that I love watching westerns and I’ve been doing a lot of that streaming them on YouTube. Clearly, I need to make better use time moving forward. Tended to my second planned chore for the week and manager to complete the front and back, but on did the weed whacking out front. Just didn’t have the energy to do the backyard. I’m always amazed every time I cut the grass with my self-propelled lawn mower that I work up a heavy sweat. Almost everyone have suggested that I hire someone to do the yard work, but I feel I could use the exercise. I am aware of my limitations and tend to the needed accordingly. Got an afternoon video treat of Isaac performing a coin magic trick, he’s a hoot.

14 September 2020
Glad we are having this good weather and able to go on nice walks. Trying to do that as much as possible before the only cardiovascular option is get on the elliptical. Well, got the first chorus of cleaning the dryer vent is done. 
Verse of the day is, "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18).

13 September 2020
Awesome is the day and it is my understanding that the ten day forecast is calling for it to be likewise. Praying that it will hold true. We were up early and went for a walk in the neighborhood … 
Got two chores lined up. The main one is to clean the dryer vent and the other is to mow the grass. It went from a somewhat dormant state to a tall plush green in a matter of a week with all the rain. Have to confess that I was curious and turned on the television just to see if the players in the Bears vs Lions football game would kneel turning the National Anthem. Yep they did. I’m not a sports fan, so of course as usual; I doused off and fell asleep on the couch within a matter of minutes. Not sure where the zongzi came from, but found one in the freezer, I tossed in a pot of boiling water and we split the bad boy, delicious.

12 September 2020

How can I not mention that it is the sixth day in a row that it has rained? Happy day, we did a virtual Zoom lunch with the kids. Indeed, having is family is a gift from God. Talk about nostalgia, we're listening to, The Very Best of Neil Diamond, CD recording on our Sony CFD-S26 CD/Radio/Cassette Boombox ... Dinner and a movie, beef choy suey and Patriots Day. Thought the movie account of the Boston Marathon bombing was well made and the details seem to be very accurate, remember it like it was yesterday. Mark Wahlberg is a fine actor.  Boston Strong. Thanks be to God for law enforcement who protect and serve.

11 September 2020
Yet another cool day in the mid 60s. Crazy that it has now rained five days in a row. Just put on a sweat shirt and managed to get in a 30 minute walk and prayerful reflected on tragic terrorist attacks 19 years ago today and remembering the heroes and victims. Like clockwork, it’s zoom Friday, Chin family time with ma who is doing rather well despite being trapped in a nursing home during COVID-19. Mmm, for a warm me upper, I made us piping hot chili for lunch! Am on the PC penning while waiting for the Zoom Rector Chat. Today’s bible study will be on, The Parable of the Fig Tree – Luke 13:6-9 … 
9 … Needless to say, another top notch teaching. Beginning to understand something about a tree with that could have beautiful leaves and yet is barren/unfruitful. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:22-23). Am feeling on top of the world, love talking with sister Nancy. Double joy and on cloud nine, Andrea sent me keeper video message from Isaac with a wink. Doing One Hit Wonders tonight, Hey Baby – Bruce Channel.

10 September 2020
Woke this morning to the smell of dim sum shrimp dumpling (har gow). Albeit, them bad boys were store bought frozen, they were so delicious. Usually, they’re just so at the restaurant, but these were so good, I ate five of them for breakfast. Hard to believe it’s stayed in the 60s. We went to Sam Club and Alex lives nearby it, so we dropped some off for him, mama loves her baby boy. We also stopped by the Park to Shop (what an odd name for a Chinese grocery store). Looks like she got so pretty good looking bitter melon gourd. Am looking forward to stir frying them with some sliced beef this weekend. While she was shopping in the stores I stayed out was a walking fool. Walked in the cool for an hour and twenty minutes. Hoping to doing better with my weight loss, because I only loss 2.2 pounds in the last four weeks. Miguel posted an excerpt from Saint Augustine, Confession that was in Portuguese and the automated translation to English was interesting to say the least... Giving the blogger editor another go using my phone and it's still slow as molasses. Sigh, starting to rain again.

9 September 2020
Not much of a day with all the rain. Amazingly with all the heat we had previously, the grass was turning brow, but now it is somewhat picturesque. We couldn’t decide what to have for dinner so I made us fried egg sandwiches. I can’t remember the last time I had one of them bad boys. The verse of the day is, “For he says, ‘In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.’ Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

8 September 2020
Was awaken several times from my sleep by the heavy rain beating on the roof over night. One time I took a peek at FB and was flabbergasted by a comment on friends post about Hitler and doing some good things. I was curious enough to inquire what that might be and became perplexed about Hitler’s economic accomplishments. Have to rethink on how I see gloomy rain filled days not being a good day. Martin Franzmann in his “Pray for Joy” reminds us our ungrateful insolence that put us at the center of the universe, by even judging the weather…

7 September 2020
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). A fitting verse of the day for this Labor Day! Not sure, but think today was the first time this year we went for a walk, sort of, I can’t keep up with the lady. Amazing, just have to mention we got a fill up and the price of gas was $1.999!

6 September 2020
Woke to the early rumbling and pouring rain. So come the changing of the season and it seems like autumn is here early this year. Albeit still we are getting nice weather, the mornings are noticeably very cool and the days are already getting noticeably shorter. The smell of oatmeal and morning coffee was extra special this morning as it brought the much needed warmth. It won’t be long before we’ll need to fire up the furnace. 
With the changing of seasons, I often think of Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:”  and all the changing seasons in our lives... … What is a Labor Day weekend without hot dogs, onion rings and fries? The only thing missing was the apple pie, that’s for tomorrow. Albeit we are far from being a perfect nation, I’m grateful to be American. May God mend our flaws. Chillin’ to some smooth jazz tonight starting with, Secret Garden – Geno Marriott.

5 September 2020
Fawn has a set of oldies CD mix on that is so relaxing. Albeit, I am enjoying the music a lot, I was thrilled when, Ooh Baby Baby – Smoky Robinson, track was played. Anyway, here I am with an mid afternoon pen because I had to login and share it on FB. We took a nice drive up to the northern burbs for a nice visit to see Rob, Andrea and Isaac. You can really tell that this is a holiday weekend, because the crazies or one the road driving as if they were driving on the Autobahn in Germany. Since COVID-19 usually we are social distance visiting on their driveway, but that wasn’t possible this morning because we were downwind from their neighbor who was working on their car and smoking, pee you!!! Nice that there is an open field only a block or so down the street. Actually, it was very pleasant to be out in the park like area where Isaac could run around. Nice, FaceTime get together for lunch with the kids, life is good… I'm not going to mention why, but I reminded of just how lucky of a guy I am being married to the missus. 
The verse of the day is, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever" (Isaiah 40:8). 

4 September 2020
Dang, woke in the darkness and temps in the lower 50s. Finally got the shumai steaming! … The shumai turned out pretty good. Dropped some off to Alex and like buying gas near his home. Sweet, gas was at $2.049! … Friday and Zoom, Fawn’s mother, “ma”, is doing good, I don’t think she fully understand COVID-19 and is perplexed why we are going to visit her. Heck, the experts don’t seem to get it either. The Zoom Rector Chat, was on the Parable of the Friend at Night. Once again I’m so amazed at the breadth and depth Fr Genig took a three verse parable bible study that went a little over an hour. He is such a most learned teacher of Christ. It was another big cooking day and I tried my best, but was unable to meet all of the requested dishes.

3 September 2020
Mixed feelings this morning on my weigh in, one the positive side I did loss 0.2 pound and the negative, I am disappointed that I not able to lose weight with the amount of effort I am putting in. I know I put in more but the willingness is lacking. So I started tracking my calorie intake again. It’s a gorgeous looking morning, so I think I’ll go out for while and enjoy another long walk while Fawn is doing grocery shopping… 
It was still nice out despite at least a 20 mph wind blowing constantly, but it was no fun with out that pollen blowing. Thanks be to God for my nasal sprays and eye drops to bring allergy relief. Only managed a 30 minute walk. I’m a happy camper, all of our kids joined in on the FaceTime call today! The plan is to get super early tomorrow morning and make a ton of chicken shumai. Too bad dim sum dishes are so work intensive, but boy oh boy, are they so tasty. Doing Motown tonight starting off with, What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted - Jimmy Ruffin.

2 September 2020
We got overnight rain again and all was well with the sump pump, so I guess I can relax for now. It was in the lower 70s this morning when I went for an hour long walk in the mild cool breezy, perfect. I’m guessing the weight loss will be at a minimum for this week, if any. It’s really tough to do just burning calories through exercising. Think I might have to cut back on the snacks. The weekly weigh in is tomorrow morning, so I will assess the situation then. We talked to Jennifer this morning and I asked how her chili turned out. She said I was turned out pretty good and that her friend ate three bowls full of it! Yessir, Fawn found a ribeye steak on sale again, the plan is to fry up that bad boy for us tonight for dinner and have it with broccoli as a side… 
Mmm, the steak and broccoli turned out super good, delicious. Looked out the rear window facing east and there was a big beautiful full moon. A reminder of God's creation and that all flesh shall come to worship before the Lord our God from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath.

1 September 2020
We got overnight rain and found I needed to adjust the sump pump float this morning. Keeping my fingers cross that all goes well today, since more rain today is predicted during the time we will be out later in the day… 
Yep, it rained when we out and was so thrilled that everything was working fine. Man o man, do I love sausages. I made us Italian sausages for dinner. It’s hard to pick which is the best, but among my favorites are, Italian, German, Serbian and Polish. Guess I’m saying is my favorite sausage is the one in front of me at the time. Just realized that another month has gone by and am still praying for vaccine and an end to this pandemic. Still think what a hoot Isaac was the other day, he called early morning using FaceTime and was wearing an awesome Batman costume. Guessing he couldn’t wait to show it off. No doubt now that Isaac is left handed and his penmanship keeps getting better and better, kinda reminds me Alex who mastered exemplary penmanship skills. Despite the rain, it was a beautiful day. It always is whenever I get to one or more of the kids. Since Jennifer is on her own now and is cooking more and more, I occasionally get to chat with about cooking. She actually taught me how to improve my pan fried steak. Sounds like she is going to give chili a go and asked me how I go about it. Lord, we place before you the disease present in the world before you and turn to you in our time of need. Amen.

31 August 2020
We finally cut the cord on cable tv and hooked up the Roku 2 Jennifer left behind. Crazy, how much we were spending for all those unnecessary super high speed and bells and whistle. All the kids have been moved out for some time and we have been retired more than a few years, what a waste. The biggest motivators is Comcast just keep raising their service fees every year. We hardly watch tv anymore anyway. It’s so depressing every time you turn it on.

30 August 2020

Went for another nice long trek in the cool and love the weather we are still having with an idea mixture of both sunshine and shade from the cloud. Made penne pasta with Italian sausage and spinach, gusto buonissimo, if I say so myself. Glad we got to spent a little time with Alex and Jennifer on FaceTime.  The song of the day is, The Shadow of Your Smile – Perry Como.

29 August 2020
The only thing that was stiff this morning was my thighs. Changed it up this morning and made a rare and less the healthy breakfast, sausage, eggs and toast. Too a nice long solitary walk in the cool breezy. So nice of a break from the hot and muggy days be have been having. One couldn’t be more thankful for day like this. 
Listened to a magnificent video recording of, Schindler’s List.

28 August 2020
No luck on the battery, so we had to go back to Home Depot this morning. So after the family Zoom gather with my mother-in-law and head out into the yet another hot and muggy day. I’m sick of lead of lead-acid batteries, so we got one of the fancy maintenance free one. It was a rough go to lug that bad boy down to the basement. Couldn’t believe that battery weighted 37 pounds. Turns out the backup sump pump was bad and needed to be replaced too. Since I had most of the pvc piping apart, I really should have replaced the pedestal sump too. But that would of required running back out to the hardware store and time was at the essence. Sigh … go figure, another bad weather prediction day, no thunderstorm, let alone a severe one. Anyway, gotrdun. This is the second Friday in a row that I missed the ZoomRector Chat; hope Father Joshua recorded it again. I didn’t even have time to open the pdf file to see what it the bible study was going to be on. Back to the zoom call this morning, it is clear that everyone is getting older and older, as much of the conversation was on everyone was mentioning what ails them. Kind of nice Fawn making the meals and cooking today. She made us a tuna salad sandwich for lunch and spaghetti for dinner, oh yeah. Now that I’m resting, I’m starting to feel a little soar and am beginning to stiffen up.

27 August 2020
It was a very hot and muggy day from the get go. We been planning and doing a lot of research the last couple of weeks now on what to do about the Watchdog, it’s beyond repair. This morning’s forecast called for a chance for a thunderstorm early evening, so we went made the purchase at Home Depot. Nice, got a $50 discount for signing up for Home Depot Credit Card. Glad the forecast was wrong and the thunderstorm didn’t come to past, because it’s take the battery a long time to fully charge. Hope the battery doesn’t need to be replaced. The forecast is calling for thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. I was struck by Jacob Blake’s mother, Julia Jackson, call for us to examine our hearts. She is truly a remarkable woman, so wise and godly.


26 August 2020
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” (Roman 12:12-13). Marks of the true Christian. Put on my new pair of Skechers® and the door the thing after morning coffee and did thirty minute walk! I did kick up the cardio this week and will be stunned tomorrow if I didn’t shed off a pound this week. Am overjoyed that Fr Joshua sent out a link to last Friday’s Rector Chat on The Parable of the Lost Sheep, because I missed the bible study. The final verse of the parable, “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance” is ironic in that, we ALL need the seeking and the finding of our shepherd, Jesus. Great hour long teaching on the short seven verse parable. Perfect timing, joined the Akathist to St. John the Wonderworker on FB Live. I was up late last night and should have known the FLOTUS would be the closing speaker of the RNC. Melania gave a first class speech and was worth staying up to watch.

25 August 2020
Went to fill up the car and was expecting the gas price to be soaring because of the Laura and Marco back to back hurricanes in the gulf. Albeit the gas price did go up, it was nowhere near what I was expecting. Got gas for $2.149. We got together with all the kids for a virtue dinner and wished Rob a happy birthday. LOL, Isaac hit another milestone and is now taking a shower like a big kid! I fail to see many blessings I am graced with, but never fail to the joy and blessing of our family. It’s really getting old and am really tire of all this violence and destruction. I didn’t watch yesterday one of the RNC, but am planning to watch the First Lady Melania Trump speak.

24 August 2020

Went for nice walk long walk in the cool of the day while Fawn was having a root canal procedure done.   But it didn’t take long for the heat and humidity to come about. I’m clueless what is involved, but apparently it’s not as painful as what I heard about it. Doing ten on the elliptical didn’t seem that bad today and thinking about bumping it up another minute or two next week. Doing love ballads from the 60s starting with Gina – Johnny Mathis.

23 August 2020
When into Home Depot first thing this morning to look at sump pump accessories. Will need to call on Monday for some technical advice before making a purchase. Amazing that this is only the second time I went indoors to any store since the pandemic. 
Am up to ten minutes on the elliptical and have added a few extra reps on the dumbbells. I know it is much, but I’m trying to avoid injuries as much as possible. Hopefully it’s enough to lose a pound this week. I’m determined to lose ten pounds, but am fighting the need to resort to counting calories again. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16). Been critical of others a lot lately, especially on the politicians on both side of the aisle. Perhaps it’s time to look at the darkness within myself. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

22 August 2020
Best morning, it doesn’t get much better than spending time with family. Was out the door early and went to see our grandson, well Andrea and Rob too. We can hardly wait to all this social distancing comes to an end. Lord, have mercy. 
I was ranting the other day about how terrible all these changes by google that just sets things backward and less usable as far as I am concern. Sigh … now I’m learning that there is a new FB Design 2020 that FB users are branding as being ‘ugly and gross’ … Just when you think the day can’t get any better, it did when we did a FaceTime dinner with family. We are so blessed to have such a loving and mindful family. Learned and am saddened that one of our friend have new undiscovered brain tumors. Prayers for comfort and healing. 


21 August 2020
Was a cooking fool. Where did the day go? Let’s see if I can recall everything we made and for who: (Andrea/Alex) bbq pork and Chinese sausage fried rice, beef stir fried noodles, (Andrea) ribs and taro, stir fried beef with Chinese vegetables, Cantonese pan fried noodles, egg drop soup, beef with French stream beans (Isaac) ribeye steak, gon chow ngau ho, char sui bow, sliced strawberries (Rob) well we have a birthday surprise for him. He reads what I pen every now and then, so … Whew, we gotrdun. Albeit I did most of the cooking, I think I got the better end of the deal because we worked on all the food prep work together and Fawn washed all the pot and pans, utensils, and dishes. It wasn’t all work and no play, I sat in on a little of the Friday Zoom meeting and was glad to see everyone doing so well. Also took a break and dropped off some food for him and stopped to say hello to Andrea, Rob and Isaac on FaceTime. As much as I love Andrea and Rob, Isaac brings me greatest Joy. The verse of the day was so good, I also posted it in Larry’s World, “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15). Funny, an journal entry on a list of food. Did do some light exercises, shooting to shed an entire pound by hook or crook this week. Anyway, it’s already time to get ready for bed.

20 August 2020
Started doing cardiovascular exercises again a week ago with aspirations of losing ten pounds and had no idea what to expect when I hopped on the scale first thing this morning. I shed 0.6 pounds! Now that I got a week in, I’m sure I can do better this week. No plans to go on a diet. Opened the last bottle of a eight – three ounce bottle set hot sauce. Mmm, Pacific Rim Teriyaki hot sauce on my oatmeal. It’s made from dry aged cayenne peppers, so good. Went grocery shopping this morning because tomorrow will be a big cooking day. Was able to get in a nice walk and various outdoor exercises while Fawn did the shopping. Can’t believe I failed to mention we got gas yesterday for $1.989! Heated up leftover barbecue ribs from the other day and they were still delicious. Actually, they were especially tasty with the teriyaki hot sauce.

24 August 2020
Went for nice walk long walk in the cool of the day while Fawn was having a root canal procedure done.   But it didn’t take long for the heat and humidity to come about. I’m clueless what is involved, but apparently it’s not as painful as what I heard about it. Doing ten on the elliptical didn’t seem that bad today and thinking about bumping it up another minute or two next week. Doing love ballads from the 60s starting with Gina – Johnny Mathis.

19 August 2020
It was another beautiful day and was out doing my morning exercises. Saw another monarch butterfly, that makes it two days in a row I saw one of those beautiful orange and black ones. Made two great meals today, beef and bitter melon and the other was the first time I ever bought and made Chinese stir fried noodles. Although the noodles were fresh, I had to boil the noodles before stir frying them with chicken and bok choy. Think I can still tweak it a little, but still was pretty good. Been musing about the state of our nation and am 99.9% I’m not going to vote for the Biden–Harris ticket. I’m basically a moderate independent voter, but am at a loss and am wondering how left is left. Thinking too. 
18 August 2020
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). Beautiful, most beautiful day. So nice, that I did outdoor yard work for a couple of hours. I was able to mow the grass in the front and back yard as well as weed whacking all the needed out back. It’s not often the temps stay in the low to mid 70s in the middle of August... 
Life is good, made char shui and country style barbecue pork ribs in the oven, yessir. Song of the day, Señorita - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello.

17 August 2020
It’s already mid August and was wondering what was going on with this year’s state income tax refund, so we called the Illinois Internal Revenue Service. They looked into our return and we were informed that there was no issue and that it is normal for the process to be 30 to 45 weeks because of COVID-19, sad. There was another charge hike in our Comcast tv/internet bill this month so we are thinking about changing our plan... 
Went for a nice 30 minute walk and am loving just how comfortable my Skechers shoes are, can’t say enough good things about them. The bad thing about being out and about today was just how itchy my eyes became. Thanks be to God for Alaway. The days are really becoming noticeably shorter, rising just a little after six in the morning and before eight in the evening. Song of the day is, Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around – Stevie Nicks. Think I'll spending a little time looking old pictures of our children and at various videos of our Isaac. The little man brings me so much joy.  

16 August 2020
Finally got around to weed whacking and edging the front lawn. The original plan was to hit the front and back yard, but the morning heat and humidity proved to be too much for this old man. I thought about getting a service, but feel I need to get some sort of outdoor exercise, so I do what I can incrementally.

15 August 2020
I did say I hate the new blogger editor? Wish there was harsher word I could use than ‘hate’, without sinning. That’s not even beginning to scratch the surface about how much I loathe new interface either. Went outdoors and did stretches and light exercises. Took out my home made barbecue pork char siu from the freezer and stir fried the chow fun noodles we got the other day from the Park and Shop, best ever! This got to be the best go to comfort food ever. Kaboom! The thunderclap blew the fuse on Basement Watchdog Battery Charger. Am so glad that we didn’t lose the electric power because of the torrential rain. Song of the day is, Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas.

14 August 2020
Liking to get up early and doing a few light exercise and getting on the elliptical before have my morning coffee. Forgot to mention on the way home yesterday we stopped off at the Park and Shop Supermarket for our first visit. I didn’t go in, but Fawn said this new store is much better than the H Mart. Of course it is, it’s new. Hopefully they will keep the store clean and the prices competitively low. Looks like our weekly zoom meeting is pushed back again today, that’s good, now I can finish up my workout… 
Bench pressing them there pair of twenty pound dumbbells are still giving me at tougher than expected go. The number of reps is still less than I would like them to be, but I did manage to get in a few more sets to help compensate. Mmm, mastered how to make delicious egg foo young patties. Yet another outstanding Bible study by Fr Genig. This week’s Rector Chat was on, The Parable of the Unjust Steward – Luke 16:1-8. We thank God for our continued growth and understanding of our generous and merciful God.

13 August 2020
Was up early and hopped on the elliptical even before breakfast, because I wanted to make sure I got time in the elliptical. Am finding interesting on my new perspective on cooking. Once upon a time I cooked according to my own taste preferences. Nowadays, I’m tending to be more flexible and accommodating and am preparing meals like a personal chef and tweak the food in a have it your way without taking offense. I made another pot of chili and this time I had all the ingredients. Alex doesn’t like kidney beans so I left that out and made them separately and just added pinto beans. Yeah, I use can beans. It doesn’t sound like an award winning chili, but I like it a lot and yes, I drain the fat. It’s my understanding is one only skim the excess fat off the top. That was OK when I was a young man and ate delicious chili in greasy spoons back in the day. Nowadays, I really have to eat more healthy. Nice to chat with the Andrea, Rob, Isaac and Alex during dinner on FaceTime. I have the greatest family who is so mindful of us. Wish Jennifer was in our time zone and can join in all of us.  

12 August 2020
We put off changing the oil as long as we could during this pandemic, because we only have one car. The oil change took about an hour, so we were grateful to have such a beautiful and awesome day to be outdoors and go for a long walk. I didn’t bother with the elliptical after that, but did do all the other exercise including bench pressing the 20 pound pair of dumbbells. Thinking 40 pounds shouldn't be difficult. Hoping to do more reps and sets next time around. Hoping it was because I was lifting the weights in the afternoon instead of during the morning hours.
11 August 2020
Blessed we were spared from harm’s way from yesterday’s storm. I’m surprised that I am already able to progress back to using my pair of twenty pound dumbbells. I’ve been doing the weight training everyday and am alternating days between doing arm curls on one day and doing bench presses on the other. I’ve also been on the elliptical everyday for eight minutes every day since starting again on Saturday. Am not planning to bump it up anytime soon. So far this seems to be a good approach for me for now. Hmm, made us oxtails for lunch, delicious. I posted a picture of the plating that did not do the meal any justice. I really wish I knew something about photography and was never any good at it. The presumed democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his VP running mate for the November election. I didn’t give her much consideration during the primaries, so now I’ll have to see what is going on. Off the top of my head, she is more likely to be a better candidate for president the questionable former VP. 
“BUT” … didn’t she say that she believe Biden’s rape accusers back in 2019? That in itself is very telling. Can anyone give me a reason to vote for Joe Biden without using the word Trump?

10 August 2020
Now I’m super excited about, Mulan (2020). Love what I’m seeing in the behind the scenes/trailers, Milan Movie Clips. Glad to see Disney will finally release the movie next month. What’s going on Chicago? Here we go again with the looting, a first class city my butt. Really enjoying the wonton soup for lunch, not to mention the chicken shuimai this morning for breakfast… Decided  to, lol... 
shaking my head and chuckling because I was trying to append my journal entry to comment on the derecho using my smart phone. Why in the world would Google release something that is barely usable? Anyway, the sky darken rather quickly and the high winds began howling. Was expecting a torrential downpour, but the thunderstorm we got wasn't all that. Saw FB pictures of hail by friends in our area. Never heard of a gayageum before today. Been listening to and enjoying Luna Lee's covers most of the day like, Free Bird, Voodoo, Smoke On the Water, Sunshine of Your Love, Layla.

9 August 2020
Back to using my laptop again to pen my journal entries. It never fails, so hard to believe the editor for the new blogger on an android device is so slow. Albeit the editor is slow here, it is totally worthless on a tablet or smart phone. Google really know how to ruin a good thing. I rarely get on the laptop, but looks like I have no choice for now. Yesterday it was the insane number of updates and to it was the 2 hour 5 minute full scan. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t routinely turn on this bad boy. Decided to track my cardio and resistance training workouts again to keep myself motivated. So good to be working out again. Am so surprised I like my foot problem get in the way of being fully engaged in my much needed daily exercises. Am moderately using the 10 and 15 pair of dumb bells and will eventual work my way back up to the 20 pound pair. We made the chicken wonton dumplings and the chicken shuimai and dropped them off at Alex’s. Couldn’t believe how hot and humid it was outside today. There was no way I was going to do any outdoor activity whatsoever. Had the wonton soup today and can hardly wait until tomorrow morning and do a dim sum breakfast. The plan is to watch the Movie Mulan (2009), am not crazy about needing to read subtitles, but my understanding is the movie is suppose to be good.

8 August 2020
Awesome morning, enjoyed adding 4-inch step exercises to the mix, got to start somewhere. Was feeling energized after being outdoors and doing my morning exercises that I even hopped on the elliptical and had an eight minute go on it. I only want to start off doing thing moderately to avoid injuring myself, old men don’t bounce back very quickly. Still have plenty of leftovers for lunch so I’m going to put off making the dumplings until tomorrow. Thinking I’ll have a go at making some chili then too. It’s been the longest time since made that, but I like cooking for love ones. Wondering why Alex brought chili... 
The chili kept calling my name, so I made due with the ingredients on hand. To the best of my recollection, this was far from being my best, but it was still OK. It tasted similar to Wendy’s Chili. Doing the 70s tonight starting with, Band on the Run – Wings.  Had to use my laptop and became very frustrated and I was reminded why I hate Windows  machines. Sigh, it kept installing  new updates and restarting. 

7 August 2020
Wow, the week went by fast. It’s already zoom Friday and everyone appears to be doing exceptionally well. I haven’t seen my mother-in-law so cheerful and alert in years. It’s Jean’s birthday, so we did a drive by to celebrate. Stopped by the H-Mart and picked up some of the needed to make some more chicken shuimai and chicken wonton dumplings. Fawn and I joined the Zoom Rector Chat. Today’s bible study was on, The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector – Luke 18:9-14. Albeit, I’ve read this parable many times and sat in numerous studies, I always learn a thing or two new every time. My foot feels fine and was planning on hopping on the elliptical today, but Fawn thought it be wise for me to wait a couple of days. Snacked on some boiled peanuts today, they are so good. Made vermicelli and chicken taro. I actually like making taro with pork ribs more, but that is far from being healthy. Counting the day’s blessings with a grateful heart. Of course they are uncountable because God showers us with his grace upon grace. I’m so full of joy whenever I get to talk to one of our children, so image when I get to have time with all of them.

6 August 2020
“Grant me, O Lord, the grace to know what should be known, to praise what is most pleasing to You, to esteem that which appears most precious to You, and to abhor what is unclean in Your sight.” It’s a beautiful morning, and soon will be going out to have a podiatrist look at the corn on my foot. How can something that small be so painful? Hopefully something can be done today to heal the sore.... Wow, the doctor used a scalpel and painlessly 
removed the corn on the side of foot. I was so surprised there is no tenderness what so ever. Guess I will be hopping back on the elliptical again starting tomorrow. Great time on FaceTime chatting and watching Alex give Andrea virtual cooking instructions on chicken Parmesan. One thing I'm noticing about this new blogger interface is that it is much slower. Am hoping we can sit down together and watch Phantom of the Opera soon, but tonight I'm watching West Side Story.

5 August 2020
The take away from my doctor’s visit today is that a damaged kidney can not improve and can only deteriorate. Thanks be to God, am relieved at my numbers have not changed over the years and that is very good news.

4 August 2020
Talk about a drop dead gorgeous day. We emptied out the refrigerator with all the up food  we made yesterday and loaded it up into the car and drove up to visit Andrea, Rob and Isaac. So happy to learn that the teachers are given the opportunity to remotely teach their classes. It’s still hard to believe some schools are still opening. It’s so tough to be so close to our grandson and not be able to give the little man a big hug. Life is so strange, having to take the good with the bad. It’s no fun seeing so many different doctors for this and for that. I have two appointments this week, one is to see a nephrology specialist for my kidney and a podiatrist for the corn on the side my foot. We’ve been listening to original motion picture soundtrack to, The Phantom of the Opera, the music is outstanding. We need to set aside an evening and dust off the dvd sometime soon. Thanks be to God for this day.
3 August 2020
Hmm, here we go again. I really don’t understand why blogger updated the interface again. I’m sure there will be some improvements as well a huge step backwards on others, we’ll see as I’ll navigate my way around. Anyway, got up early and had my coffee and oatmeal and did my workout before we started to do the food prep and big cook. We made brown rice, sweet potatoes, hamburgers, barbecue chicken, steamed bbq pork buns, beef and peapods, curry chicken, stir fried beef and broccoli, and of course ribeye streak for Isaac. Was surprised Alex only wanted some of the barbecue chicken and beef and peapods and a couple of steamed bbq pork buns.  We were expecting Alex to take more food than that. Looks like we’ll be bring up plenty of food for Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Hope the weather will be nice tomorrow so we can have a brief social distancing visit. Like always, we like the filling station down the street from Alex’s, gas was only $2.199 a gallon. We left there to go to the Sam’s Club to pick up some meds. I wish all the refills were sync. It’s been a long day already, so I think I’ll relax a little and then call it a day.

2 August 2020
Yes sir, summer days and hot dogs. We were out and about doing grocery shopping. The plan is to be a cooking fool tomorrow. While Fawn is in the stores I get plenty of outdoor exercises in the cool of the day. Whoo hoo, watched Crew Dragon successful return! 
Am having renewed concerns about children going back to school in a couple of weeks because of the Georgia summer camp coronavirus outbreak with 260 positive tests out of 344 campers for COVID-19.

1 August 2020
Was able to mow the unfinished in the backyard before the rain moved in. Looks like the weed whacking will have to wait. Did all the cooking for the day this morning. Made my best curry chicken ever and beef tomato pepper dish. Was looking at our worship folder for this weekend and it was filled a lot of post worth gems… 
It’s a girl! David and Natalie’s zoom reveal party was a lot of fun. It was interesting that we moved to an online after party on ‘gather town’. Albeit room for improvement, much like zoom it’s free but is flexible enough to allow multiple people to hold separate conversations by walking in, out and around those conversations like in real life.

31 July 2020
Wow, hard to believe that this month has gone by so fast. Getting ready for our weekly zoom call again, so a quick pen for now and a wisdom post. The weather looks pretty nice, so the plan after the gathering to go out a little bit and enjoy some of the sunshine before it begins to warm up. It shouldn’t be too bad since the temps are supposed to remain in the 70s today… Ha, was outside doing squats and wouldn't you know it, a young buck in the mid 30s that look like he crossfits just when I was slowing down shouts, "Come on, five more", to which I replied, "Wish I could, but I'm too old for that." Nice of him to say, "Good for you." Since there was overcast in the afternoon and the weather was mild, I decided to cut the grass, but only managed to mow the front and a little over half the back yard. Hope to finish all the needed tomorrow morning, because our family will be celebrating a reveal party tomorrow afternoon via zoom. Feeling great after Fawn gave me a haircut. Today’s Rector Chat was on, The Parable of the Rich Fool – Luke 12:13-21. Am so blessed to be able to attend the bible study via zoom and learn from a most learned teacher of Christ.

30 July 2020
Cooking up a storm this morning. Whoo hoo, think I mastered the chicken shui mai and the chicken wonton soup, delicious! We dropped off the shui mai, soup and stir fried beef with snow peas for Alex, bon Appétit. Had leftover shrimp, so I made stir fried ketchup shrimp for dinner. That is one very tasty dish fit for a king. Enough about food. I really enjoyed last evening listening to music from the fifties. Ended the day with Ritchie Valens singing, Donna and La Bamba. Albeit still listening to 50s music, tonight I’m doing doo-wop, Little Star – The Elegants and One Summer Night – The Danleers. Who doesn’t like listening to doo-wop, so many good ones I could be playing them for days. Street corner do0 wop with friends, those were the days.

29 July 2020
It’s been a while since I’ve done any weight training, but decided to give it a go again this morning with my ten and fifteen pound dumbbells. I can't wait until next week to see the podiatrist to look at the corn on my feet. Hopefully he can do something about it, so that I can start using the elliptical again. Albeit tastes fine, I have to confess it takes some getting use to splashing green on food. I am so accustom to the red hot sauces like habanero and cayenne on my food. Had my first go on chicken parmesan for dinner and it was alright. I’m pretty next time it’ll be more than a tasty meal. There is still plenty of chicken, so the plan tomorrow is to try my hand a making a wonton soup with it. I’ve made it the traditional way in the past with pork, but am will to experiment it with a chicken filling. Doing the 50s tonight, Put Your Head On My Shoulder - Paul Anka.

28 July 2020
Went to bed early last night and woke totally refreshed on this beautiful mourning. Made a package of frozen pot stickers that finally came out good enough to chirp about last night. We went by Alex’s and dropped off the leftover pot stickers. There was really too much for just the two of us. Read, "76% of Americans gained up to 16 pounds so far from mid-March COVD-19 quarantines" Is this fake news? How is this possible? It prompted me to hop on the scale and am thankful I've been able to not gain any weight. We have been an obese nation for a long time before this. Anyway, it was a real nice day, never thought I would say that I enjoyed summer breeze. I stood by a shaded tree and did stretches, squats as well as various shoulder and arm rotations. We stopped at Jewels for some milk since it was on sale. Fawn also found a small ribeye that was on sale, albeit a “choice” streak, it still made for juicy and tasty dinner. I watched and thought the U.S. House of Representative Judiciary Committee Hearing today was a farce. It is my understanding that the purpose of a hearing is to obtain information and opinions on proposed legislation, conduct an investigation, or evaluate/oversee the activities of a government department or the implementation of a Federal law. Was it just me or was there actually more yapping and attacking the attorney general than asking him questions. And when questions were asked, he was cut off. If I hear the civil unrest in Portland for the last two monthsbeing referred as a peaceful protest one more time again, I'm going to scream!!!!

27 July 2020
Was outdoors for only a short while. Took a drive to the Sam’s Club for my meds. Hmm, thought med prices where suppose to be coming down, well my meds went up about 15 bucks, not good. What is going on Portland and Seattle? Why does the word protest keep coming up instead of riot?  Never mind, what is going on in the city? The shootings continues. 59 people shot and wounded, three shot and died. Lord, have mercy.

26 July 2020
We are so truly blessed with mindful children. Loved the morning FaceTime chat. As we were watching Isaac practicing on his penmanship Andrea and Alex was talking about the memories of their aunt Mary having them and their cousins working on various educational activities. LOL, teachers will be teachers. Our Guest pastor, The Reverend Dr. Pattrick Bayens, sermon was outstanding. 
For some strange reason, the one hit wonder, Buffalo Springfield – For What It’s Worth. Don’t really consider all the ungodly riots even remotely close to a peaceful protest. Oh wow, came across, A Time for Us. I can still remember the 1968 Romeo and Juliet movie like it was yesterday.  Openned the 7th hot sauce bottle of 8, this time it was Rio Jalapeño. It takes a while to get use to the green. 

25 July 2020
I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon and I love to cook, so I cooked up a storm for our son Alex who has been really appreciative. I made him teriyaki chicken thighs and stir fried green beans for his veggies for his side. He loves the same comfort as we do, so naturally I made him guan chow ngau ho and hamburger peas for the Cantonese pan fried noodles. Man, he’s gonna be doing some good eating. We hopped in the car and went on dropped it off. Whew, talk about wreckless driving, there was a crazy on the road that whipped out around a side street and turned in front of us without even stopping for the stop sign. Once again albeit not needed, I stopped for gas by Alex’s house. Pretty hard to pass up a $2.129 per gallon fill up. I was sadden by photo taken of little children carrying vulgar language signs given them by their toxic parents in Portland Oregon. Poor innocent little ones.

24 July 2020
Was out the door a little after the crack of dawn. Fawn had the first dental appointment of the day. Since the Sam’s Club was nearby we stopped in for a few what nots and I got my outdoor exercises in, in the parking lot while Fawn pickup up a few items. The Friday weekly family Zoom call went well and “Ma” seems to be doing well. I don’t think she fully can grasp the notion the COVID-19 pandemic as the nursing home is slipping back to a phase 3 precautionary mode.

23 July 2020
Awesome start this morning listened to, Stevie Nicks - Landside. Another good visual listen was American Pie. Albeit, I listen to and enjoy a wide range of musical genres, hip hop rap is not one of them. It was such a beautiful day. I did a Mr. Miyagi and took a pair of garden pruner to the hedge out front while in the morning shade. Albeit, I do own an electric hedge trimmer, I enjoy the therapeutic relaxing benefits of simulating a bonsai tree like horticultural therapy. Was rewarded with one of Fawn’s delicious salads meals for lunch. This afternoon I was listening to, Amália Rodrigues - "Medo", and think Fado is a Portuguese blues musical treasure. Talk about awesome singers from Portugal, The Greatest Showman - Never Enough, Débora Roxo Silva (Cover), I’m a fan.

22 July 2020
We went on a drive for a physical social distance visit this morning to see our grandson. On the way up we had WBBM 780 AM Chicago station on the rado. What's on my mind? FAKE NEWS that's what, they totally misportrayed the federal agents being sent to cities to protect federal properties. I actually had a rather long penned therapeutic rant that got it all out of my system. Thanks be to God, listening to the broadcast did not spoil the joyful visit. There is no need to do any cooking today, plenty of leftover this and that. LOL, we did a fusion thing for lunch. I did pizza, rice, spinach and vermicelli. I’ve been sitting in on FB watch parties hosted by St Innocent, Redford and am mesmerized by the beauty of Christ... Twas a multiple treat day getting to talk with the kids on FaceTime. Alex mentioned a drive by social distancing birthday party last night in the front of his home, how nice. Joy to chat with Isaac and to see him being himself. Life is good, even in these troubled times. 
Thanks be to God for this day.

21 July 2020
Happy birthday Alex! Yes of course we all got together on FaceTime to celebrate his birthday. 

20 July 2020
Did outside morning exercises. No complains about the weather this morning, perfect. Watched, Kevin Jordon – Full Dry Bar Comedy Special, it was a much needed laugh. It was a chicken this and chicken that kind of day. Had another go at making a chicken burger and yes, this time the tweak was spot on! I also had another go at making chicken shumai. Albeit, much much better, I’m thinking it maybe as good as it is going to get. Pork shumai is the traditional way of making them bad boys, and rightfully so. 
The plan is to watch the old 1994 Stargate sci-fi movie before calling it a night.

19 July 2020
Albeit, I stayed up rather late watching a movie last night, I woke up quite early because of the loud torrential thunder storm just before dawn. There was a time in my life, I could of slept through a tornado. I’m always amazed at how green the grass is after a thunder storm. Had to go to the Sam’s Club and dropped Fawn off at the door and waited in the car. I couldn’t believe it, within minutes the parking lot filled up and long a line had formed to just like that. I’m glad we got there when we did to avoid that mayhem. Hmm, snacked on one of Jean's Russian tea cakes. And it's not even Christmas! ... We  just got off FaceTime, perfect way to end the day with all our children. 

18 July 2020
Got a hilarious video this morning of Isaac first thing asking for steak when he woke up this morning. And not just any steak mind you, one that papa made. What a hoot, a kid after my own heart. Wish I could hug the little man and kill the fat cow for him. Ironically, Fawn found a strip steak for seven bucks that was marbled and looked like and tasted like a ribeye steak, delicious. Talk about dog days of summer, the forecasters were correct in issuing a heat advisory, because we got triple digit temps and super high humidity around 80%. Think I’ll relax the remainder of the night and watch the 2008 action / thriller movie, Traitor.

17 July 2020
Doing an early pen again this morning on my laptop again, because it’s Friday and we get on zoom. Guessing it’s a good thing to turn on the laptop and use it at least once a week. In fact, I’ll be joining in two meetings today, once in a little bit to join Fawn’s side of the family for our weekly visit with“ma”. I’m excited to join in on a rector chat later in the day, with Fr. Joshua. Will be out and about to run all the errands today, because there is a heat advisory set for tomorrow and we’ll be hiding out indoors all day. Thanks, be to God for air conditioning. Hat off to Willis Carrier! ... 
Mmm, made Jirou Chao Qincai (Stir-Fried Chicken with Celery). Well, at least it was the only thing I saw on the internet that even came remotely close to this wonderful dish I’ve been whipping up over the years. Words can’t even begin to describe the joy of sitting in on, The Parable of the Good Samaritan, bible study. The in-depth bible taught by Fr Joshua was very well done. Am looking forward to doing it again, clearly he is a most learned teacher of Christ. FaceTime with the kids just after supper, especially loved Isaac’s joy over his new pet betta fish and tank. Today was a very good day.

16 July 2020
Could have sworn I posted as well as penned in a journal entry yesterday, must be losing it. It’s just as well, because my life seems like groundhog day … getting lazy with my cooking, this time I opened a package of frozen pots tickers and followed the simple stovetop instructions.

14 July 2020
Check, tended to the much needed weed whacking. Yard/Outside work definitely can only be done in the cool of day this time of the year ... It’s been a long while since we had pizza. Tossed in the oven a Homerun Inn thin crust sausage and pepperoni pizza, but not before adding on some shredded parmesan cheese and some fresh organic baby spinach. Also tossed in frozen French fries and called it dinner. Albeit there was still leftovers, it’s been a long while since I stuffed my face like that. Was reminded of God’s goodness thoughout the day.

13 July 2020
What an outstanding day with just the right amount of sunshine and clouds. Saw my first monarch butterfly this year, so beautiful! Was able to get all the mowing done and all the remains this week is to weed whack and to trim the hedge and bushes. Nice to do a virtual lunch with Andrea, Rob and Isaac. I’ve been working on trying to perfect my streamed grounded chicken recipe, and by Jove, voilà…

12 July 2020
It was in the low 80s and tempted to mow the grass today, but saw that it will be in to 70s tomorrow in the morning, so I decided to wait until then. Hmm, I had to shrug off a comment from my darling wife about my habitual procrastination, “mañana, mañana, mañana.” Made a Chinese beef and rice one pot meal and brought some over to Alex since I needed a fill up again for the long drive yesterday. I love the gas station by his house, it usually the cheapest gas price around by far and a pretty good shopping area nearby. I did my outdoor exercises in the parking lot while mama got the needed.

11 July 2020
Woke rather early and rocked away the wee hours to Led Zeppelin – Black DogWent for a drive to the northern burbs to do a social distance visit to see our grandson Isaac. On the way back it started to rain. Naturally I got to go on a rant about the forecast because it was suppose to be a sunny day with zero chance of shower when we left the door. We were caught in the rain running a few errands…

10 July 2020
Listening to Phil Magness Live as I begin to pen. So nice of him to be playing the piano and singing sacred music on Fridays since CORVID-19. Was a good cooking fool for more most of the day. Oatmeal, Cantonese pan fried noodles, gon chow gau ho, bok choy, stir fried hamburger with peas, hamburger with onions and green peppers, spare ribs with taro and of course a ribeye steak just for Isaac! I really really love to cook, especially for family. Oh, just remembered, last night just before sunset , family  and friend did drive by social distancing stop to celebrate Fawn's birthday with gifts, treats and well wishes.

9 July 2020
Happy birthday to my darling wife! Was tire last evening and went to bed super early and didn’t take the time to pen at all yesterday. It’s just as well, since we live in a ground hog day existence. Been enjoying my morning outdoor exercises in the cool before it warms up to a scorching inferno. Ha, Daniel 3 just came to mind, got to love trying to pronouncing the name of figures in this furnace bible story: King Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego… Sweet, the kid call via FaceTime to wish their mama a happy birthday and sang the birthday song and of course Isaac sang a solo Stevie Wonder version to boot. Our neighbor bought over some treats!

7 July 2020
It’s rare I turn on my laptop nowadays except to join in on a Zoom meeting, today is one of those days. Since I’m setting up to join in and have time, I decided to post early and pen here until the family join in a enjoy time with my mother-in-law "ma" who is in a nursing home. Looked at the forecast looking for a gap to cut the grass. Looks like the first chance is either Sunday or Monday, when the temperature will be cool enough to tend to the needed. Tossed in raspberries into the oatmeal this morning and really enjoyed it. Lol, I think it’s funny how I just pen down my wandering stream of consciousness thoughts … So joyful to see everyone in good spirit and to see ma so cheerful and alert. Just seasoned some country style ribs and tossed them bad boys in the oven. It'll be a hour or so, before I'll brush on the barbecue sauce, low and slow... Now that was some good eating. Portioned the leftover ribs into two servings and froze them. Got to wake up super early to run some errands, so am off to bed.

6 July 2020
Have mixed feeling about the reopening. Part of me feels that most people could care less about contracting the coronavirus while other people like our self continue to take extreme precautions to protect myself and those around us. I thank God for the FaceTime App as well enjoyed our time this morning with Andrea, Rob and Isaac. There is only 120 days before the election and think pulling the level is even more difficult than 2016... 
Not sure what the commotion about the NFL plans to play, Lift Every Voice and Sing. Perhaps, because it is oftentimes referred to as, “The Black National Anthem.” Albeit common place in Chicago. Natalia Wallace 7 and Vernado Jones 14 were killed this weekend. This was the third weekend in a row multiple children were killed in Chicago. Can you believe it, 79 people were shot and 15 of them fatally in Chicago. Mmm, made hamburgers stuffed with green peppers and onions. I topped mine with a slice of pepper jack cheese, mustard, and ketchup , delicious.

5 July 2020
Surprised I woke up early like usual, considering I didn’t fall asleep until after the late fireworks came to an end. I tried to look out the rear window, but the firework display was hidden behind all the tall trees. When the kids were small, we had an awesome view, because the subdivision was new and all the trees were newly planted. So I got on FB and listened to Débora Roxo Silva #azoreanprincess sing a prayer like cover, Rise up – Andra Day (cover). Still had some hot dogs left, so I made super easy comfort food this morning, crescent dog. 
Made a few dishes for Alex this morning and dropped the off to him. Albeit, I really didn't need to put gas in the tank, I couldn't pass up the chance to fill up when gas is $2.159. A few of the neighbors was outside, it was so weird putting on our face mask and social distance to interact... FaceTime with all the kids, our day is complete and filled with joy...

4 July 2020
Happy Independence Day! Had the choice of making hamburgers or hot dogs to celebrated the holiday, but all I had was hot dogs on my mind first thing this morning. Normally, with the family around, I would make both, but this year is difference. Our usual go to brands are, Hebrew National, Nathan’s, Ball Park, and Vienna Beef which ever happen to be on sale unless otherwise requested. It was only fitting we ate Nathan’s today. Hard to believe the unstoppable Joey Chestnut downed 75 of these bad boys setting a new world’s record today! Enjoyed video chatting with the kids. Isaac expressed missing his auntie Jenn joining in. She is working so many long hours. Had a tough muse today, reflecting on the sadness of end-of-life care in the pediatric intensive care unit. Lord, have mercy. St. Basil the Great reminds us, “Be perfectly assured of this; although we can’t understand why God ordained such troubles, the One who is wise and who loves us arranged them for us. […] God knows that He is appointing what is best for each person. He knows why the terms of life that He fixes for us are unequal.”

3 July 2020
Am so glad I have the luxury of cutting the grass multiple days during the week, because I didn’t come even close to gettinrdun. Was only able to get the front and along the fence line out back. I don’t see the heat and humidity let up any time soon, so I guess maybe another two gos to getrdun for the week, before it starts all over again. Anyway, now I can say, “Happy Friday!”

2 July 2020
Had to run a few errands and to drop off a few extra meals and portions I made today along with the barbecue chicken I made yesterday. Stunned to see gas price at $2.159, too bad I didn’t need a fill up, but then again, that’s a good thing, right? Saw a share on FB regarding Alabama College Students hosting CORVID-19 parties and made me think about, Brain Damage – Pink Floyd. FaceTime with Andre, Rob and Isaac this morning. Too bad Alex and Jennifer had to work, there you go, another one of those seemingly bad thing on the other hand is actually a good thing.

1 July 2020
Feeling summertimeish, and got oven baked barbecue chicken going on as I pen. Coated four drumsticks with Spicy Patriot Barbecue Sauce. Not sure why Fawn wants to get it a go, but it’s only fitting since the 4th is rapidly approaching I suppose. I went with my usual mix of Open Pit and Sweet Baby Ray’s Honey Barbecue Sauce with a splash of hot sauce… Am not sure why the Patriot barbecue sauce is an award winning sauce, but it’s OK. Watched a few, Dry Bar Comedy acts recommend by my FB friends, The Craziest Police Stop You've  Ever Heard - Sam Adams and All Daughters Are Mean – Leanne Morgan.  Celebrated, The Feast of Saint John, Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco. The Akathist to St. John the Wonderworker is another keeper. Going to have to find time to explore more Akathist hymns.

30 June 2020
O my the end of the month already. That means the 4th of July holiday is coming up. Can. Also tell by all the illegal neighborhood fireworks being set off in the evening hours the past few days. When the chapter is longer than I would like to post, I decided to just post just a small part of the read. Can’t believe how hard and muggy it is from the get go this morning. Had to make a few quick errands. Yummy, beef egg foo young. Whenever I make it a home, I never bother making gravy or rice, we just make it like an egg omelet on a skillet. 
Relaxing afternoon doing a matinee, The Best of Times. Just thought about Charles Dickens opening to his novel, Tales of Two Cites: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

29 June 2020
Think I will post as many short chapters from, The Imitation of Christ. This will serve as a reminder to try do so more often. Reinstalled the sudoku app because it got corrupt somehow. Working fine again now and am enjoying the brain exercise. 

28 June 2020
We listened to this morning’s sermon given by our new pastor, Chad Kendall, for The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, was very good. Love reading and mediating on, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis. Wish it would come to mind to do so more often. Today I decided to post chapter one. We enjoyed a nice virtual brunch with the kids. Love having these family get togethers. Song of the day, Won’t Get Fooled Again – The Who / Rockin’1000

27 June 2020
One heck of a storm last night, was surprised and relieved that there was no damage to the house. Inspected the house at first light. Nice to be outdoor at the crack of dawn and outside exercising. Made a few dishes and extra for Alex. Egg drop soup, chicken and broccoli, and Cantonese style vermicelli. All came out good! ... 
Whoo hoo! Mississippi House of Representatives 85-34 followed by the Senate in a vote of 36-4 with no less a provision that the new flag include "In God We Trust." Don't get much better than that! Our hope is in the Lord.

26 June 2020
Went to Edward Cancer Center, this time for Fawn’s semi-annual hematology & oncology appointment. Thanks be to God that all is well. Because of the rain, I didn’t get to do any outdoor exercises. Can’t help but to mention the wonderful spaghetti dinner Fawn made for us. My contribution was browning the grounded beef and boiling the spaghetti noodles. Slow but surely my corn is getting better ever since starting to use the corn cushion. Only wish it would heal quicker... Not liking the ongoing sound of thunder clapping, howling wind and torrential rain. Lord, have mercy.

25 June 2020
Up pre dawn. Had to row out the garbage and the recyclables curbside before the collection trucks make their rounds. Have forgotten just how nice and refreshing the cool of the day is at the crack of dawn. A quick bagel and coffee and off to Edwards Hospital for Fawn annual diagnostic mammogram. Thanks be to God for the good test results. I like walking around and exercising on the peaceful hospital grounds. I’m now on bottle number six of eight, Pharaoh’s Revenge, the aged red cayenne pepper hot sauce is really good… Dinner was a gyro with tzatziki sauce. Albeit was a heat and serve from a box, good stuff.

24 June 2020
I like going out in the morning hours to get fresh air and a little exercise. The noon hours tend to be warmer and not as pleasant. Even though I don’t care for confederate statues I don’t like seeing mobs rules and the toppling of statues. This total disregard for law and public safety is unacceptable. The calling for and the actual defunding the police is ludicrous. I'm surprised that I have mixed feeling about Illinois moving into Phase IV of reopening the state, because everything went out the window as soon as all the protesting began and seems like most of the young folk frankly give a damn about wearing a mask or social distancing... Not sure why, but crazy not to have noticed how long the days are, in fact the longest 2020 day was just four days ago. 

23 June 2020
Perfect day in the low 70s with just the right balance of cloud and sunshine. In fact the blueness of the sky and the contrasting white clouds was picturesque. Made malanga again today, second time good as the first! Googled it and leaned it’s good for people with type 2 diabetes, nice. Brought some over to Alex along with the brown rice chicken fried rice I made especially for him. I love cooking and mama wants to make sure her babies eat a decent home cooked meal every now and then...

22 June 2020
Happy hair cut. Experimented making chicken fried rice using brown rice. The instruction on the package called for a 2:1 water to rice and the last time I made it came out so mushy. This time I went 3:2 and it came out perfect. So I think I’ll fry some up for Alex tomorrow morning and drop it off for him for lunch.     No special occasion, but we had split a ribeye steak with a garlic spinach side. Truly a most excellent dinner. Haven’t eaten this good in a long while.. Kaboom! Not liking the thunder so loud and shaking the house. The rain is coming down pretty good, hope it's not going to be a flash flood.

21 June 2020
Breaking the seal on a new package of coffee grounds was perfect way to start the morning off on Father’s Day. Video brunch with all the kids was the highlight of the day. Isaac was so excited to show me the picture he colored for me. He’s truly is our crown. Blessed by our children who brings us joy. Alex suggested sriracha sauce as a condiment for the chicken shuimai and it made all the difference, yummy. Still listening and musing on the monuments in the public square. Was listening to Pink Floyd this afternoon. Song of the day is, Comfortably Numb.

20 June 2020
Am excited to take on the challenge of having my first go at chicken shuimai…
 So disappointing, all that effort for just a so-so tasting shuimai. Am totally clueless what to do to improve. Pork instead of chicken is the only way to go. Never thought I’d be happy to see a thunder storm move in, perhaps it will provide some succor from the heat. A lot of conversation going on about monuments coming down, but think it’s a futile debate. I’m not for the protesters tearing them down. I’m OK with the statues coming down in a safe manner. I find no glory and honor in men fighting for a way of life that has property laws that apply to people. When I see a see a confederate statue, it might as well have a KKK sign it too. I was surprised that Grant was being vandalized until I learned he “owned a slave.” How do you own someone? The confederacy and slavery is nothing to celebrate.

19 June 2020
It was another day in the low 90s and I need to start off with a weather rant again. We need more clouds because the heat from the blazing sun is so unbearable. It was Zoom Friday and most of family was there. It was close to an two hour get together yapping away. After lunch we went out for a quick stop at Alex’s to drop off a couple of meals. Tried my best to follow Bobby Flays ground chicken burger, but the package ground chicken texture was way to fine and need to be more coarsely grounded. Oh well, hope the green bean chicken turned out better. Being out mid afternoon is terrible in the heat. Glad we dug out a battery powered portable clip fan, because I just sat in the car while Fawn goes into the store and do all the shopping. Normally, when we are out in the cool of the day, I get out of the car and do light exercises in the parking lot. Kind I nice today, because Jennifer called while Fawn was in the store so I got a very rare opportunity to talk to her one on one and I got to hear about her first week on the job! I’m so happy for her, because she has worked so very hard for so long for this. 
Feeling some, B.B. King – The Thrilling Gone w/ Clapton to boot.

18 June 2020
It was crazy hot and humid. Being out in the low 90s was like being in the sauna. Lord, have mercy. Got all the ingredients I wanted to make the chicken shui mai I’m planning to make over the weekend, but for now, I made Alex some chicken and green beans and his seemly new favorite dish I make with vermicelli. Happy for Andrea and Rob as they celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary. I think it’s become a daily routine chatting with the kids on FaceTime. We’re thrilled. Even chatted with my baby sister Nancy on the phone. Enjoyed listening to, Zombies – The Cranberries. Praying for peace in this angry and mad mad world.

17 June 2020
We went out and did some yard work for about an hour and a half before giving in to the heat and humidity. Start to say summer like weather, but we are only days away from being technically so. Made myself a gyro sandwich from a frozen kit we got from Walmart. It was very tasty but thinking it’s got to be super bad for you, judging from the amount of grease in the pan after heating up the meat. I had to use paper towels to soak up the grease much like bacon. I cut and pasted a Justin Martyr gem that was post by William Cwirla Face Book here in Larry’s World. Got back most of my lab results today and will be needing a few vaccine shots. Whoo hoo, am going off one of my meds...
Nice way to end the day with a video chat with the kids. Don't get must better than that given our circumstance. Bless our family O Lord.

16 June 2020
Started having problems with a corn on the side of my foot near my the little toe, so we were on a mission this morning to secure corn cushions. Aah, much better. Been blessed the past few days with exceptional weather. Albeit the morning was awesome, I started getting warm again by the noon hour. So it’s another day staying indoors hiding from the heat with the AC back on... Nice, Fawn made us tomatoes and eggs over rice for lunch, delicious. Went back for seconds and finished off that bad boy... Briefly mused about the need for the 10 military base currently named after confederate general to be renamed as well as confederate flags and statues needing to come down. Calling it history is a strawman argument.

15 June 2020
Was a little apprehensive about what a doctor’s office visit would be like during this coronavirus pandemic. Was elated to see all the precautions the doctor’s office was taking. Praying for good blood work test results. I always have a tough go with fasting before having blood work. Got home and immediately went to the refrigerator for the leftover barbecue chicken and made our morning coffee... On our family FaceTime, Alex came up with the notion of a chicken and shrimp shui mai. I googled it all the recipes didn't even seem remotely intriguing, but I have my own ideas of how to make this into a tasty treat. I've made regular pork and shrimp a long time ago, but stop because it was so labor intense.  But nowadays I have the time and am up to the challenge. Thinking since Alex and Andrea are interested, I'm pretty sure mama will be buying the needed for me to give this a go. I came across an good news story about the FLOTUS launching a national youth art project for the 100th anniversary women's right to vote. Sad to see the venomous comments that followed the article. What is wrong with people? 

14 June 2020
It doesn’t get better weatherwise than days like today. Made barbecue chicken and had my fill. Now I have to fast the remainder of the day because I have a doctor’s visit tomorrow that includes some blood work.

13 June 2020
Took a sneak peak on the scale today and surprised myself because I went really light on exercising and still loss back a little over a pound. Enjoyed my morning coffee and listening to the blues with Jeff Healey, “Blue Jeans Blues” and “How Blue Can You Get”. After morning coffee we took another drive again to see our baby and her family in the northern burbs. All be we are still social distancing, regardless; we still enjoyed each other’s company. Watched, Jim Jordan’s Opening Statement During House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Police Reform, outstanding…  Am so blessed, we got together with all the kids via FaceTime! 
Watch the movie, The Hate U Give. Loved it and highly recommend it. It’s more than a teen melodrama.

12 June 2020
Since I have my laptop out getting ready for our weekly family Zoom call centered around my mother-in-law, thought I’ll post wisdom from the early church father as well as the start penning a little on my daily journal entry. Went out for groceries to do the big cook early this morning. I really enjoy being out in the cool fresh air with very few people out and about. Continue praying for all that is happening around the Big Horn Wildfire and am anxious to hear first hand in a little bit from my sister-in-law Soo and husband Eddie… 
Think I’ll start calling Fridays, Virtual Fridays. I thought it was quite amazing to him actually count and recognize numbers, but today he was so proud to demonstrate to us his ability to do addition! I think it is impressive to just recognize letters in the alphabet, but Isaac is good at reading and spelling. As smart as all my kids were, Isaac’s analytical skills is beyond that, so yeah, think he is going to excel. Great home schooling by both parents to both happens to be teachers. The thing that brings me the greatest joy is they are raising my crown in Christ.

11 June 2020
Worrying about the wildfires in Arizona and am praying for all the first responders and for all in harms way. Mowed the grass in the cool of the day, but still worked up a sweat in low 70s. Am already dreading what it will be like to tend to the needed in the mid summer heat. Bagging the grass and dumping the clipping along the back fence is way harder than just mulching it... Here l am complaining about the heat, can you imagine being a fire fighter at the Big Horn? Heros.

10 June 2020
Other than saying, “Happy Anniversary” to each other yesterday, our 36th anniversary was just like any other day. So what does that say? I’m sorry but I need to ridicule the weather forecasters, they don’t know squat. Can’t even come close to forecasting the weather for the given day. I checked the forecast before stepping out this morning and it wasn’t predicting rain until mid afternoon. By 9:30, 40 minutes out, we caught out in a torrential downpour. Was somewhat surprised that Fawn brought a malanga. I was clueless how to prepare it until I found some ideas on YouTube. I ended up cubing the huge potato tasting like, root vegetable and boiled in a pot and drain it. Then in a pan with olive oil and high heat, I charred half a Vidalia sweet onion along with green onions, minced garlic and fermented black beans. Mixed in the malanga and Voilà. You have a tasty meatless dinner. I even impressed myself on this first go. Looked online about today’s protest in downtown Naperville. I still don’t get this chanting of the same old same old, for so many days. Glad today’s protest ended today without road closures. All they need to do is get rid of the signs with profanity and stop shouting, then maybe people will start to listen and have a conversation. Listened to sacred music today and especially enjoyed, E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come.

9 June 2020
I didn't intend to make oatmeal soup for breakfast, but that was fine. Guessing  I loss track of how many scoops of oatmeal I was boiling. Nice and cool breeze this morning, just the way I like it. I was able to skip the snacks altogether yesterday and the light exercise was stimulating. Doing squats is a very good exercise… I love omelets, albeit my favorite is a Denver omelet I made egg foo young, because I had a little bean sprout left in the refrigerator. Simply made it with leftover chicken, bean sprout, green onion and an egg using a skillet. A bead of sriracha hot sauce was all she wrote. It was quite tasty as well as filling. Had to fight off the urge to snack today, now I’m wondering if I can last the week.

8 June 2020
Last night I was contemplating doing away with snacking for a week and going back to doing some moderate exercising. I was hovering around 160 pounds for the longest time before COVID-19. Hopped on the scale this morning and am a pound and a half heavier now. Not bad considering. Anyway, the plan for now is to do a few sets of moderate this and that as well as random cardiovascular exercises throughout the day... Was out and about this morning enjoying the cool of the, because the spring day will turn into a mid summerlike day in the mid 90s. The pollen count was high and thanking God for Alaway. 
How awesome is that, we did a virtual lunch with the kids! My hearing is not all that, when it comes to high pitches. Fawn kept complaining about some noise out back, but as soon as I stepped out to investigate, it was clear to me that cicadas, were back and the noise outside was driving me nuts. 

7 June 2020
NBC aired replay of Super Bowl XX this afternoon and we watched and relived it. Super Bowl XX was January 26, 1986, just 10 days after the birth of our first born. Was looking at a picture of her suited up for the big game. Final score Chicago Bears 40 New England Patriots 10. Oddly enough, our little girl grew up to become a Patriot fan. Just for kicks, think I’ll go on an actual one week diet. By diet, I mean cut out snacking on junk food. I’ll weigh in tomorrow morning. I’m sure I up from my low because I haven’t been on a scale, nor have I been tracking my calorie intake or exercising for months. Hope I won’t be shocked. If I am, I may need to go back to counting calories and resorting to do physical exercising again. Don’t even know why I all of a suddenly just completely stopped. This thought came to mind because I have my semi-annual doctor’s appoint the following week. We’re so blessed to have children that get together to FaceTime us, I couldn’t be happier.  Nice short read on, The Logic of RiotsChillin’ the remainder of the evening with Cream, Sunshine of You Love and White Room to start off with!

6 June 2020
It’s a beautiful morning and up early and thrilled to venture out in the cool of the day... 
Not sure if it because of the reboot or because the electronic had a opportunity to cool off. Outstanding drive to the northern burbs. It was the first time we saw our daughter, grandson and son-in-law. Albeit it was only a brief social distancing visit, it was somewhat emotional. Well, it was for me anyway... Had a taste for pizza, so I made two, Red Baron – Deep Dish Minis. It wasn’t all that tasty, but did satisfied the craving. It’s been a long while since eaten a Red Baron pizza, but thought it would have been better. Guessing a thin crust pizza is the way to go with a frozen pizza. Ah, FaceTime with the kids in the early evening, just after supper. Now my day is complete.

5 June 2020
Friday’s are always a good day, but today even more special. So blessed to have so many friends and family offering well wishes on my birthday. I didn’t care too much about birthdays when I was much younger, but as time goes by one realizes the precious gifts and blessings of found in life. I loved the FaceTime and had with my children this morning and the weekly Zoom call with the family centered around my mother-in-law in a nursing home. Thanks be to God for this day and my naming.

4 June 2020
Didn’t wanted to go out into the heat, but had to go to the post office. It was in the low 90s and so very humid. All I could think out and about in the sauna thanks be to God for the modern convenience of air conditioning. Since we were out we stopped by several grocery stores for this and that. I’m pretty sure we were also buying food the kids, no way this was food for just the two of us.

3 June 2020
Normally, I would avoid the news as much as possible, but with all the riot and looting going on, I’ve been ODing on it and now I’m all burned out from all the media BS and the darkness surrounding it.

2 June 2020
We went out in the cool of the day to Walmart and brought a new ZeroWater 10-Cup Filtered Water Pitcher. Albeit, we had our old one for a lot of years, I was still stunned that it developed a hairline crack and began leaking. We got together and did a FaceTime virtual lunch! Not sure who’s idea it was, thinking it was Andrea’s, but it doesn’t matter. It was sweet. Well, not a big surprise, there was looting after the protest in downtown Naperville and offices were injured last night. I have a lot of things to say about what is going on, but best not to. I've comment on a lot of things on FB to a lot of different posting, but ended up deleting hopefully all of my sinful thoughts. Dedicating this one to George Floyd and asking, "what's going on" ...

1 June 2020
A gloom and doom looking morning so far. Thinking it will surly rain sometime later in the day. Am so glad now I tended to all the yard work, including weed whacking. Weed whacking, hmm. Why do we say weed whacking when we are trimming grass in areas the lawn mower can’t get to? And tomorrow is suppose to be a sauna, am hearing that we will be mid 90's. Thank you Heavenly Father for keeping us safe this day. Forgive our sinful shortcomings and grant us your peace. Through Christ our Lord, Amen. 

31 May 2020
There is so much I rather be musing about today than temporarily losing sight what happened to George Floyd, because the story rapidly went from the unnecessary taking of his life by a rogue cop to the supposed protesting of his death. The intended peaceful protest somehow unsurprisingly evolved into anarchy. The media for whatever reason is reporting violent clashes between the protesters and the police. In my mind the protesters gave up the title of protesters when the vandalism, looting and arson began. We had been in contact with relatives that live in the city and everyone is reaching out to each other making sure everyone is safe in Chicago and elsewhere. Everyone is feeling safer now with the presence of the national guard. So far life in the burbs are normal as can be in our phase 3 reopening can’t say the same for the people who are losing even more hope because their cities are burning and now no chance of returning to a job that suppose to reopen, but the business went up in smoke, literally. The most exciting thing for me today was I was out mowing the grass. Imagine forgetting we are in phase 3 and getting excited about an opportunity to get out of the house. I rather be pondering the heavens and what’s going on with SpaceX, like yesterday’s exciting launch and today’s docking and crew dragon arrival at the space station. There is a rally here in town today and in many neighboring towns. Now everyone is bracing for a possible danger and looting. Lord, have mercy.

May 30, 2020
“Of Course I Still Love You” The SpaceX launch was flawless went off accordingly without a single hiccups and it was just as exciting as I anticipated it would be. We even sat and watched the pre-launch show with snacks like it was a Super Bowl pregame show. Today would have been a good day to do some yard work, but that didn’t happen. Honestly, I was literally preparing to go out the door when we got a FaceTime call this morning with all the kids. It was a real good time. We really love the kids and enjoy hearing from them. I can only image the level of joy there would be went we all can gather as a family again in person. Thanks be to God for the gift of family.

May 29, 2020
We had our weekly family Friday Zoom call to Fawn’s mom and was so happy to her sitting up and smiling and the most talkative I seen her in a long while. Ended up making barbecue drumsticks and some chicken patties for Alex. The intent was to limit myself to a single drumstick, so I pick the largest one for lunch. It was so good I just tossed my hand up and went for another piece, I for consolation, I did pick the small drumstick this time around and for dinner I ate the leftover boiled carrots. We stopped by Bob and Jeans for a short social distancing visit in front of their home on the way to Alex’s. Oh, almost forgot, looked at some weird Chinese movie on Youtube Buddha and fighting demons with English subtitles.  Must of got tire off trying to read and follow along and LOL, nodded off. Thanks be to God for this day.

May 28, 2020
Awesome start on the day. Broke the seal of new package of Dunkin’ Donuts Original Blend Ground Coffee. Love the smell and taste of Arabica medium roast. The technician can out first thing in the morning for the annual A/C tuned up and we’re good to go to take on the summer heat. There was only enough vermicelli stir-fry leftover for one, so I made just ate a bagel and boiled some carrots for myself for lunch. Hard to believe how tall the grass has grown this week. Thinking this weekend will be a good time to tend to it, but most likely I won't get to it until Monday. Let's see how ambitious I'll get... … Gave a call to friend I haven’t seen or talked to a long and enjoyed catching up. It’s ashamed this novel coronavirus. Ascended Lord, hear the prayers of Your people and grant our supplication. When shopping for groceries at Jewels because it was the last day to redeem all Jewel-Osco Monopoly tickets for freebies. Amazingly, we even got a dozen eggs for only 29¢! Made Beef and snow peas for dinner and there was no holding back on the beef, wonder why. From what I’m seeing, clearly I’m going to be cooking a few meals for Alex tomorrow as well as drop off food for him to cook. Mama is always looking out for her babies. Anyway, the plan is to watch something on Youtube before calling it a day…

May 27, 2020
Singing, It’s a Beautiful Morning. The weather forecast is so funny and unpredictable. Earlier this morning, rain was predicted to come about at noon, now it's pushed back to two o'clock. Yesterday, the rain prediction was on and off and never came about. Been playing a few games of Minesweeper and Sudoku daily to stimulate the mind, but have been playing it a little more frequently now out of sheer boredom and think I am getting pretty good at it… So it did rain. NASA's SpaceX launch called off due to incumbent weather, so disappointing. Back to boredom central.

May 26, 2020
Insane, stay indoors even in the cool of the morning because it was already nearing 80 ºF first thing in the morning. Strange that the hourly forecast keep toggling between a chance of showers and not. The helicopters have begun falling from the huge maple tree from across the street. A lot of talk about the large crowds over the holiday weekend despite COVID-19. This coupled with phase 3 reopenings next weekend, hoping I'm wrong about a new spike on deaths related to the coronavirse. Listening to, Billie Eilish – I Love You, mesmerizing.... Nice, Isaac gave us a call and sang us a few Disney songs Kristoff from Frozen or something like that. The kids tend the call their mom pretty often and every now and then, but not very often, I do get may invited into the conversation outside of getting a hi or hello dad. Today was a little different, got a few cooking questions from Jennifer. She's taking on a stir fry with Cantonese style pan fried noodles. That's not a easy culinary undertaking by any means... Now that's what I'm talking about, just saw a picture of the plated dish, and it looked wonderful! Way to go Jenn! Can hear the chipping.

May 25, 2020
Can’t help myself on reflecting on the beautiful mornings we have been having in the low 70s lately. The days are summer like in the afternoon in the mid 80s. Way too hot and humid for my liking, so I run back indoors where I enjoy the A/C. Made stir fried chicken and bok choy and there was so little meat in it and I’m finding our diet very interesting nowadays, only because warm weather holidays normally bring about the burning of a lot of meat on the grill… Guessing I could of made the tomato pepper beef with more meat, where's the beef? No not really, really need to cut back on the protein. Thanks be to God for the day.

May 24, 2020
Went for a walk in the cool of the day. Thinking it must be one of the most beautiful mornings in a long while. But by the noon hour it started warming up and by early evening it was in the upper 80s, think summer time now. Pulled out the last of the country style pork barbecue ribs from the freezer and diced up the meat and made bbq pork egg foo young. With just the two of us again, we either save the leftovers for the next day or just freeze it for a later date.

May 23, 2020
Verse for the day in these difficult days, "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10). Did a fusion food thing for lunch that came out way better than expected. Made a sandwich using naan bread, the last of the taco meat and held it to together with 3 cheese Mexican. Nuked that bad boy and it was good to go. Albeit, we’re not eating that much meat anymore, the plans moving forward is to drastically cutback even more on the meat and do even more fruits and vegetables and see how that goes. By no means do we have any intentions of becoming vegetarians. Went to the grocery store to buy more fruits and vegetables., what a drop dear beautiful day so far today, but am anticipating heavy rains to move in the area later in the day.... Dark sky, big boom, high winds, followed by a brief downpour and then the sun came back and mild temps. Sweet, Fawn took out the last of her pasta sauce from the freezer last night and it made for a fantastic dinner, life is good. Sigh … having trouble deleting my google site account with fears it may interact with this blogger site. Hopefully, the email to the google support team can do the needed. This weekend, I am thankful for the soldiers who laid down their lives for our nation. May we be always gratefully remember. Another beautiful day the Lord has made. 

May 22, 2020
Third day in a row of no rain and awesome weather. Our family gathered this morning for a virtual graduation celebration using FaceTime while simultaneously watching Jennifer’s Virtual Commencement Ceremony. It was just as fun, but not as emotional as Match Day Was. Nice to get out a do a little yard work, mowed the grass and sowed grass seeds. It turn out good last year so I’m doing it again this year, about half the bag of grass seeds in the spring and the remainder in the fall. Albeit am ready to kick off the holiday weekend, Memorial Day won't be the same this year, now will it? Ascended Lord, hear the prayers of Your people and grant our supplication.

May 21, 2020
As promised, another gorgeous day. Got up on a ladder and cleaned out the gutters. Am expecting to do it again in two to three weeks after the whirlybirds fall from the maple tree from cross the street. We did a Facetime with all the kids and Isaac was so cute and delivered a riddle for us, “Where does a boat go when it gets sick? Answer: “The Dock!” Celebrated the Ascension of Our Lord with a reading and a muse on, Sermon 73 (Leo the Great). Christ is ascended and now reigns! Alleluia!

May 20, 2020
Drop dead gorgeous day today and tomorrow is just as promising. Would have been content with just the sunshine! The Goggle Search Doodle today was, Israel Kamakawiwoʻole. Made us grounded beef tostada for lunch and swear that there is no mess free way to eat this delicious simple meal that is easy prepareFinally, our tree out front. The ornamental crab tree next door began flowering last week. Every year it looks like it is on its last leg in the autumn but then flowers again every year in the spring and makes a semi comeback. I really wish our neighbor just have it removed. Illinois is finally going to phase 3 of the state's reopening on the 29th. The majority of folks I see when out doing the needed when we're out shopping for the needed do wear a mask a try to social distance, but there remains the rebels without a cause. And whenever a see stores that don't comply and there is a herd, we just rightful avoid the them altogether. "Spare Your people, O Lord! Preserve us from this and every illness. Give healing to those who are sick, protect those who care for them, and grant us steady minds and calm hearts in the face of fear. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen."

May 19, 2020
Alright all ready, more than enough rain. The sump pump and dehumidifier has been working OT. Every now and then I watch the Q&A after a White House Briefing and nothings has changed, the reports are demon possessed and are demented … wrong way to start the day. Went to pick up Alex from Midway and was surprised that there were only a handful of cars for arrivals. It was so easy to drive in and out of the airport. Mmm, the leftover barbecue chicken tasted even better today! 

May 18, 2020
It was kind of a lazy day and somewhat a boring one at that. So I did some cooking and made Alex several Chicken dishes for him to take home when he get back tomorrow. Chicken and snow peas, Chicken and broccoli, and barbecue chicken. Hope he likes chicken! I’m now on bottle number five of eight, B.V.I. Blazes hot sauce. It’s a blend of Cayenne pepper, Habanero peppers and Tabasco peppers. Very tasty, ask me if it’s hot. Hot, hot, hot, but Chillin’ to Carly Simon – As Time Goes By. The tops stories on Nextdoor are all about people not wearing mask as required by law in Illinois. I just wish everyone would be mindful of others and just comply. We gave Mary and Jim and wellness check call and wished Jim a happy 80th birthday.

May 17, 2020
What is going on with all this rain? Listened to the Divine Liturgy and making the best of it. Glad to see that Andrea, Rob and Isaac are doing likewise. I can't even begin to imagine what the Divine Service will look like when our parish will eventual reopen. While looking at videos of Isaac playing with his new scooter, lo and behold we get a video call from Andrea and Isaac. I look this technology. Never gave it much thought until recently. Three stores more businesses have closed down in downtown Naperville due to the impact of COVID-19. I really don't know what the answer is to the reopening the economy in a safe manner. I think wearing a mask and social distancing would be in everyone's best, but clearly it ain't so... Rain, rain go away. Alebeit has been raining all day, we for a flash flood and the torrential rain caused the rear portion of the backyard to flood. Thanks be to God our basement remained dry and the water receded quickly once heavy downpour stopped. Talk about a sump pump working OT.

May 16, 2020
Woke to quite and most beautiful morning. The problem I faced this morning was what to do with the remainder of the bag of Starbuck coffee Jennifer left behind. We both think Starbuck coffee taste awful, but I’m too cheap to just throw it away. Thinking brewing it for iced coffee with a lot of milk should be OK, we’ll see. Been playing, Minesweeper and Sudoku on my Android Tablet to help my mind sharp… Now that Jennifer is gone, I was drafted to do a walk with Fawn. I’m pretty sure this was I first walk I’ve done since the stay at home order was enacted because the CORVID-19 pandemic. As I expected, I was only able to keep up with her for about the first few minutes and then she eventual got so far ahead of me I just decided to turn back. I love watching cooking shows, and just watched a virtual cooking class and think my nephew Alan (VIET NOM NOM) did a super job and will most certainly will grow a large following as the word gets out, he already is off to a very good start… Mmm, mmm, now that's what I'm talking about, paprika chicken with bell peppers and onions for dinner. 

May 15, 2020
Up early for morning coffee and made everyone the quintessential breakfast consisting of, scramble eggs, hash brown potatoes, and back bacon. A far cry from the usual hot oatmeal, life is good. Before we knew it the kids were on the road. Know we shouldn’t need to be worrying but just can’t help doing that until they reach their destination. In a time when our country should be coming together, what do politician do, offer up absurdities… Got pretty warm mid day climbing all the way up to the mid 70s. Posted a album from the past, 1967 DCA World Championship, vol 2. I played French horn in the Nisei Ambassador Drum and Bugle Corps and in my high school marching band.

May 14, 2020
The day started with a continuous thunderous roar along with a torrential down pouring, but turn into a beautiful day later on. But the sky is rumbling again now and am expecting thunder storms again tonight. Made Jennifer a beef and yu choy stir fry over Cantonese pan fried noodles. It felt like I was cooking her final meal, my little girl is moving out to be truly on her own. I posted the, Cream – Disraeli Gears album cover. Let us pray for the whole people of God in Jesus Christ and for all people according to their needs.

May 13, 2020
Super nice day. Was taken totally by surprised and with what we are eating. Fawn made an exception to healthy meals today and made us BLT’s for lunch. It’s been a long while since that has happened… Got out in the upper 60s weather and weed whacked all the needed. Albeit a ways to go, the yard starting to look pretty good. Saving the edging for another day, clearly I am doing the chores in moderation. Not being able to buy all the meat needed, has it’s benefits. Had to get a form notarized, glad to find out that the UPS store does that for only a buck. We pulled out a frozen lasagna Magginao’s free meal we got from Andrea’s birthday dinner, it was delicious. Spend the day listening to Jewel songs and really like them. I never heard of her until my niece posted the “Jewel pieces of you” album cover. Prayers for our country as parts of it is beginning to open back. As for us, we will be continuing to do what we are doing, most likely until there is a vaccine. 

May 12, 2020
Out the door to go to the Sam’s Club and fill a prescription and pick up a few items. Whoo hoo, found TP. Guessing there must be a meat shortage, they were limiting it to a single package. Good thing the packages of meat there are rather large. Not sure why the family did another zoom call to my mother-in-law, but it was fun none the less. Mowed the grass both the front and back, saving the weed whacking and edging the lawn for another day. We drove over to Alex’s because he had a flat and wanted someone to be around, just in case, while he swapped out the tire with a screw in it to the spare tire. We follow his to, Discount Tires and they patched it for free, because the tires were still under warranty! Posted, Al Green – Let’s Stay Together. Am feeling feeling pretty good being out and about.

May 11, 2020
Sweet, the family was able to get together and was able to do a zoom conference Fawn’s mom in the nursing home. Not sure who hosted the event, but it was a great idea. Had to go out clear the vent flap out back so that the clothe dryer would work properly. Wanted to cut the grass, but felt it was too cold to do the needed. So0 was on the call and was saying how hot it was in Tucson, in the mid 90s and wishing she was here. Hard to say which is worst.  Made ham and eggs for lunch, can’t remember the last time I did that. Posted Adele 25 album cover today, what a remarkably gifted singer she is, love all the songs on the album. FB drives me nuts sometime, somehow some of the setting get altered...

May 10, 2020
Happy Mother’s Day! Remembering my mother and step-mother. Thankful for my wife mother of Andrea, Alex and Jennifer.  The kids arranged a Mother’s Day FaceTime call warly in the morning. What a beautiful way to start the morning. Posted Carole King – Tapestry album cover. What and amazing singer songwriter... Watched the Divine Service at St. Innocent this morning. Fr Joshua's sermon was outstandin, nothing new  there. I'm amazed at how beautiful the cappella choir sounds. I made us a tasty beef and snow peas lunch,but was surprised Fawn had me make hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and baked beans for dinner. Surprisingly an OK comfort food dinner of a sort.

May 9, 2020
Bright beautiful morning, but cold as heck with the temp currently at 28 ºF. It’s suppose to sunny and bright all day and warm up to the upper 50s, a far cry from the norm of around 70 this time of year. Posted the Bad Company album cover this morning and think it will be the last classic rock album I'll post that has greatly influenced my taste of music. After all, I enjoy a wide range of music genres... Did a little research for Jennifer on third party compatible wi-fi cable modem routers and am leaning toward recommending a Netgear. Watch the live streaming from St. Innocent Orthodox Church, Redford of the Vigil for the Sunday of the Paralytic, beautiful.

May 8, 2020
Download and played around a little with hosting a Zoom meeting. Not sure what bells and whistles you get with a monthly subscription, but am liking the basic freebie. I really cranked up the flame on wok to make a beef, tomato, pepper stir fry. In Cantonese, its “called wok hay”, the breath of a wok. I always knew the high heat and oil that create a Maillard reaction is crucial is creating a beautiful and flavorful dish, but don’t do it that often because it making cleaning tough. Posted the Led Zeppelin IV album cover. My favorite track on the album is, Stairway to Heaven. I challenge my niece Janet to do a ten day posting, that’ll be interesting. Actual, I think the diversity of my FB friends that I will be challenging will bring about a wide range of genres. So nice to see Janet accepted my challenge. Been eating good lately, think Fawn is having me cook special for Jennifer because she will be leaving us next week. Albeit it she has been out of the house mos of the time for the past eight years. This is going to be for three whole years totally on her own.  

May 7, 2020
Awesome day. Technology is getting better all the time. Fawn called to make a doctor appointment, but ended up just doing a video chat with our doctor later in the afternoon. How cool is that? Last night I posted Jethro Tull – Aqualung and posted Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon, today. It’s been a while, but made a delicious pot of winter melon soup, mmm, mmm good. 

May 6, 2020
Woke up early this on mused on heaven and hell. Many people tend to swear there isn't a heaven and pray there ain't no hell. Well, at least I did, once upon a time. There are those that believe that even believe that hell is not even mentioned in Holy Scripture, but I haven’t found the reasoning for their hypotyposis remotely convincing in anyway. Funny, Isaac called me and asked if his mom was my baby. Because of the shelter at home orders Andrea and Rob has been learning to cook more and more. Good to be cooking healthy meals at home and move away from process food. Albeit all the weed and dandelions are not complete gone, it's getting there, slowly but sure. I've got a FB challenge to post a album cover with no explanation each day for ten days. I enjoy a very wide range of music, so it'll will be interesting which covers I will choose to post.  

May 5, 2020
It’s mid afternoon and has been continually raining all day. Because of the coldness, am just so glad it isn’t snowing. There is even a day later in the week that will have an expected overnight low below freezing. Andrea, Rob and Isaac gave us a call last night after my journal entry or I would of pen about the Isaac sing a bunch of his Disney song. Also mused about the tragedy that happen 50 years ago at Kent State. Enough about yesterday, today  is Cinco de Mayo. Started to say how weird it is to be celebrating a non American holiday, but then no weirder than St. Patrick Day or Chinese New Year. Not sure why, but always think about the old Sinko de Mayo jokes. 

May 4, 2020always 
Dang, a huge temperature drop, way below the norm for this time of year. We went to Sam’s Club to pick up a subscription and we were stunned that there was a long line that was formed outside to get in the store. The good thing was at least people were waiting in line social distancing and that the store was limiting the number of people in the store at a time. I was going to turn back away when in her wisdom Fawn decided to call the pharmacy and asked for curbside pickup. The wait was for 20 minutes, so we went to gas up the car and then went to the nearby $5 car wash. Nice, gas was at $1.639 and the car wash had a manager’s special, $2 off! Swung back to the Sam’s Club and made the pick-up and was a happy camper. Was looking at the grass out front and was hoping to see all the dandelions dead. I do see them dying, but looks like it going to be a slow death. 

May 3, 2020
There was a nice of enough overcast that allowed me to do quite a bit of yard work, including laying down weed killer in the front yard. There remains quite a bit of yard work out back, but that is for another day. Watch the season finale for season 1 of, The Chosen. Can hardly wait for season 2. A fb memory post from a year ago came up with a family photograph that must have been taken close to sixty years ago. Am missing both my parents and brother Dan and sister Mary. Saw a notice about a city council meeting next Tuesday, am am interested in Agenda item M. Reports and Recommendations includes "Provide direction regarding the roadmap that will be used to facilitate the creation of zoning regulations for adult-use cannabis facilities." Now wondering what the mayor and others considers the shadows in our town.

May 2, 2020
Amazing day indeed. Watched episode 7 and sadly there is only one episode left in season one. We listened to the Liturgy the Fourth Sunday of Easter podcast and enjoyed Vicar Smith’s Sermon. The plan for this evening is to just kick back a watch a few tv episodes of whatever. Nice way to close the day with a FaceTime call from Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Prayers  for healing and a end to the coronavirus pandemic.

May 1, 2020
What a drop dead beautiful day. How fitting of a day for the first of May. We are always out the door super early when we go grocery shopping, just to be able to be social distancing. I say it is literally impossible to do so otherwise. Bought and made a couple of New York strip steaks on sale. Don’t think they are as tasty as a ribeye steak, but a steak on sale is always a good thing. Gave a check up of both my sibling and a few friends. Wish I would take it upon myself to initiate the calls more often. Watched the sixth episode this afternoon while the Ladies went for the daily walk. They only have a few weeks left before Jennifer will be on her own. May our Lord continue to be with her and guide her. Doing James Taylor tonight, First of May and Everyday

April 30, 2020
Going out in the cold rain to roll the trash carts curbside was the last thing I wanted to do., thanks be to God, at least the rain wasn’t a torrential downpouring. Anyway, time to make oatmeal for breakfast. Lately, I’ve been enjoying a bowl of it every morning with various fresh berries along with my morning coffee. “I am thankful before You, living and enduring King, for you have mercifully restored my soul within me. Great is Your faithfulness.” … It was just the opposite today, the day cleared up and the temp got up into the low 60s. The next three promises to be idea. Pray that comes to pass. Ahh, earl grey and raspberry kolacky while watching the fifth episode. Life is good.

April 29, 2020
Don’t know about all this torrential rain we been daily having. Couldn’t fight the urge to binge Jesus last night and ended up watching to episodes of, The Chosen. Looks like we are back to the cooler gloom and doom type of looking day. Anyway, time to enjoy my morning coffee and a nice hot bowl of oatmeal … Talk about wanting to puck you eyes out, thanks be to God for Alaway®. Moved by an original song sung on a BGT audition, You Taught Me What Love Is – Beth Porch, well done. Did a matinee, watched the forth episode, and once again well done. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who casts the bonds of sleep upon my eyes and slumber upon my eyelids. I thank you for this day and confess my sin and trust in your protection.

April 28, 2020
What yet another beautiful morning. And the temperature is supposed to soar into the low to mid 70s. Just the weather I’ve been longing for. Planning to be out and enjoy the day as much as possible social distancing before the rain sets in again this afternoon ... I hardly use my laptop now that I have a tablet and smartpone but did today and decided run Windows Defender. Hard to believe it took 3 hours 27 minutes to run a full scan. The problem the internet download speed, rebooted the modem and the router and everything was running fine again. Kaboom, accompanied with torrential down pouring, but not before we were out front enjoying the sunny mid 70 temps as promised. The ladies cleaned and vacuumed the interior of the cars as scrubbed down the floor mats, while I tended to sweeping out the garage and some yard work out front. Albeit the WeatherTech custom, Made in America floormats are a little pricy, they are worth every penny. In fact the factory/showroom in just in the neighboring town, Bolingbrook. Surprise surprise, we got a call from Andrea, Rob and Isaac and had a great video chat again. We’re always so glad to receive a call from them, especially from the little man. Andrea call told us that the oven baked barbecue she made from the recipe I gave her yesterday came out good. Got my popcorn and sparkling black raspberry water ready and am now set to watch episode 2 of season 1 of, The Chosen. I thank God for the blessings of the day and for keeping us all safe.

April 27, 2020

Misericórdia Dómini plena est terra, allelúja: verbo Dómini coeli firmáti sunt, allelúja, allelúja. The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord, alleluia: by the Word of the Lord, the Heavens were firmly established, Allelluia, alleluia. Today is my sister Nancy’s birthday! Happy birthday! It’s a most beautiful morning and am expecting rain later in the afternoon. Need to get motivated to mow the lawn before that happens ... gotrdun, front and back! So how did I manage to work up a sweat with temps in the low 60s with a self propelled lawn mower, anyway? Dandelions and various weeds of sort all about, will need to get some Weed & Feed. Hard to believe, once upon a time, we tended to dandelions with a dandelion weeder. Watched episode 1 of, The Chosen and had to fight the urge to binge watch the eight episodes for season 1. Bottle number four of eight, trying Incan Heat, a garlic and aged cayenne pepper hot sauce. Good, but nothing exceptional about it. Awesome way to close the day with two video chats, one out call wishing my sister a happy birthday and an incoming call from Andrea, Rob and Isaac, God is good.

April 26, 2020

Outstanding Divine Service and sermon for the, Third Sunday of Easter, so comforting. Nice weather for a change and promises to be the same tomorrow before the rain will move back end toward the evening. Should be dry enough to mow by then. Good eating day today, made oven baked barbeque chicken for lunch and the plan is to make stir fried pork sparerib and green bell peppers with garlic and black bean sauce, for dinner. Can hardly wait. I engaged in making a political statement again, what’s wrong with me? Really need to turn that off. Nice song, See You Again - Charlie Puth & Wiz Khalifa.

April 25, 2020
It’s rare that I would make a political statement, since I am neither a democrat nor am I a republican, but seems people are ignoring the democratic presidential front runner Joe Biden’s cognitive impairment issues. I would feel a whole lot better if a democrat like Andrew Cumomo was the democratic nominee. Not sure why I so interested, but in these difficult times, leadership is upmost when in a crisis. Unbelievable, last time is between Clinton and Trump and this time possibly between Biden and Trump. One would think we can do better as a nation. Though for sure my huge tube of L'Occitane on Provence hand cream would last two winters, but because on all the extended time washing my hands with all the hand sanitizer, it's already 3/4 gone. Never knew we were suppose to wash for twenty seconds before. 

April 24, 2020
Doing my best to make due of these cold dark dreary days. Kind of getting old staying in the low 50s when we should be consistently in the mid to upper 60s by now. They already posted this weekend service, not sure if I will listen to the podcast tomorrow or on Sunday. I watched the White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing and think the POTUS is getting smarter by not having a Q&A afterward. I thought it was good that the briefing was short and wasn’t rehashing the same things over and over. Sadly, the reporters are only combative and have not been asking any beneficial questions.

April 23, 2020
Often times whenever we muse on God’s love, John 3:16 comes to mind, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Today’s muse was on how God relates to us, St. John Chrysostom concluded that, “God loves us more than a father, mother, friend, or any else could love, and even more than we are able to love ourselves.” Seems like a lot of people are getting antsy about beginning to reopen the economy. My fear is without a vaccine many lives will needlessly perish. The Governor announced today that stay at home order is extended to May 31th in Illinois. Personally, I think this is a wise thing to do and is good news. Mmm, awesome dinner. Made cubed flank streak and served it with steamed rice and a side of broccoli.

April 22, 2020
April showers is a given. Twice today, having so much fun facetiming with Isaac. I mused on reopening of the economy. In my mind, I think it’s best to wait until there is a vaccine, especially in urban areas. But that is easy for me to say because I’m retired and am not counting on a paycheck to meet our food, shelter and clothing needs. God of Infinite Mercy, We call upon you in this time of illness and challenge. Grant healing and comfort to the sick and strength to all caregivers. Aid our perseverance and lessen our distress. May we put our trust completely in you. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

April 21, 2020
Should We Denounce Them that have Sinned? It is better to pray with good will for our neighbor, rather than to denounce him for every sin. (St. Mark the Ascetic, Homilies, 1.132). We watched the White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing and then began musing about infectious diseases in my lifetime. I can remember scary diseases like measles, smallpox, tuberculosis and influenza outbreaks. In 1957 there was the Spanish flu pandemic, in 1968 the Hong Kong flu pandemic and in 2009 we had the swine flu pandemic. One of the ongoing pandemic is HIV/AIDS since the 1980s. Then in 2002 we had SARS and in 2012 MERS outbreaks, oddly enough that SARS and MERS are similar virsuses to the now COVID-19 and are members of the coronvirus family of viruses, but neither one killed like this new invisible one is. So what gives? Fawn when with Jennifer to drop her car off for a full check up, an oil change and routine service maintenance. We feel good that the car is deemed road worthy and good to go. Am feeling happy and sad at the same time as our youngest will soon be off to begin a new chapter in her life.

April 20, 2020

I ended up staying indoors all day today because the tree pollen was high and my allergy was bothering me big time. I boiled the pasta noodles and browned the ground beef while Fawn Fawn made the spaghetti meat sauce, mmm, life is good.

April 19, 2020
Twas a beautiful day in the mid 60s. Got gas and fired up the lawn mower and managed to do the front and back, just wear a tee shirt no less. If tomorrow be the same, I’ll weed whack and feed and feed. Since I mowed the lawn, it was only fitting I did likewise with my head, Happy haircut! Was starting to look like Bozo, clearly both was overdue. I still can’t get over the way our parish is able to edit last year’s service with this year’s readings and sermon for today. Andrea called and we did a FaceTime chat, so glad Isaac is back to his super active and cheerful self. Jenn was going thru her things and began packing a few things she’ll be taking with her and gave me a crossword puzzle. I love doing them, but am not very good at it. K, I stuck at it. That in itself begs the question, “Why do I love doing them?” It’s more like, love to try to answer a few of them.

April 18, 2020

It’s turning out to be a pretty nice and bright day at or about the norm. So much better than the cold we have been getting this past week with the snow and all. We got a nice well being checkup call from my sister and thank God for her. Prayers for doctors, nurses, first responders and healthcare workers and for those enduring infirmities, especially for Isaac with a fever.

April 17, 2020
Déjà vu? Sort of, woke this morning with about three inches of fluff and a winter advisory until noon. LOL, I’m not the only one view seasons according to the weather. "If I wash myself with snow and cleanse my hands with lye," (Job 9:30). Seem to be a fitting verse for the day. Mmm, made watercress soup with shiitake mushrooms, water chestnuts and silk tofu, it warmed up and humidified the house on this cold and dreary day. Video chat with Andrea, Rob and Isaac again, so joyful. I remember a time when I didn't think video phone calls was all that, but nowadays with not being able to be with love ones, it's the next best thing. Came across, Audrey Hepburn – Moon River and it made me think about the movie, "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

April 16,2020
Up super early to go our grocery shopping at Sam's Club and Jewel before the morning rush. Whoo hoo, even scored TP and facial tissue. Nice, gas was $1.679 a gallon. Don’t know how much longer I can put off mowing the grass but it was just too cold. What a live stream of the Matins with the 12 Gospel Readings of Christ’s Passion and thank God for His love and for Fr Joshua Genig. It's getting really crazy, not knowing or forgetting what day of the week it is.

April 15, 2020
Albeit hasn't happened in the recent past, it doesn't surprise me got about an inch of overnight snow. Weather is insane and highly unpredictable. Guess I'll  get ready to do some shoveling, since more is in the forecast later in the week ... God is good. Got dressed accordingly to do some shoveling. Looked out front and to my surprise, the snow that was on the walkway had melted away! We did a virtual chat with Soo yesterday and what a contrast weatherwise between Tucson and here. I was too lazy to log in my laptop to pen a journal, but am realizing how how easy it is to append to the entry throughout the day. Made ground beef tostadas for lunch, delicious. LOL, there is no way to take a flawless bite without making a mess ... Edward Hospital is currently treating 57 coronavirus cases and there has been 8 deaths. Thanks be to God, the encouraging news is 100 patients have recovered a have been released since March 24th.

April 13, 2020
Bored in the house …

April 12, 2020
“He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay” (Matthew 28:6). Easter morning video chat with the kids again this morning, God is good. Made a few meals for Alex to bring home. One of my FB friend posted, “There's nothing wrong with President Trump saying ‘Happy Good Friday.’" Which led me to ask query who was saying that was wrong and learned that there are multiple news outlets and individuals saying it was in bad taste to say that Good Friday could be happy. The news media and for those that hate the POTUS comes as no surprise to me, for the rest we can ask why do they think it is in bad taste. Jesus was born to die; it's the climax of the Gospel Story, his Death and Resurrection. Hmm, Fawn was right; I shouldn’t have been in such a rush to complete the puzzle so fast. LOL, now what am I going to do the remainder of the day? Sudoku!

April 11, 2020
Gotrdun, did a 500 piece puzzle in two days!

April 10, 2020
It was a two video chat day, Isaac in the morning and then the family got together in the evening and celebrated Carl’s birthday. Love the virtual technology, it's the next best thing to actually being there. Got pretty far on the puzzle today and with a little luck, might even be able to finish it by tomorrow.

April 9, 2020
What a tease, we’re right back in the 40s and the temp is suppose to drop below freezing tonight. The past few days made today seem like we’re in the middle of winter. Get use to the chipotle hot sauce now, it went well with the ground beef tacos we made for dinner. We listened to our parishes Liturgy for Maundy Thursday Service. Once again they did a fine job of editing and spicing. Nice to also see they already posted the Liturgy for Good Friday, Liturgy for Easter Vigil and the Liturgy for the Resurrection of Our Lord. Fawn set up a nice folding tray table for me to work on a 500 piece puzzle.

April 8, 2020
I was reminded the other day by my pastor to stay focus. This Holy Week is truly the most significant celebration of the year, where we contemplate Christ’s journey to the cross and celebrate the gift of new life. Because we incredibly have so much to be grateful for, the enemy, the great deceiver, will do everything possible to distract us away from the true meaning of our Lord’s Passion and Resurrection and the events leading up to it. “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” : Jesus Christ. Spent a couple of hours midday fiddling around in the garage with the door up and enjoyed the fresh air and spring weather, which was the ideal low 70s, perfect. The day became complete when Andrea and Isaac called and we video chatted. Keep watch, dear Lord. Amen.

April 7, 2020
"For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you" (1 Thessalonians 4:7-8). What a drop dead gorgeous looking morning we are having. I did not see this coming after the thunderous torrential down pour we had last night. We are expecting the temperature to climb up to the mid 70s before the rains move back in later this evening.

So glad the thunder and heavy rain didn’t move in until later than expected. Am listening to Phil Magness FB Live, O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (LSB 450). So beautiful and comforting. Indeed we can fearlessly die well. Now that’s what I’m talking about, it made it all the way up to 8o ºF. Higher than the ideal 72, but I’ll take it. It was enough to get me off the couch and tend to the neglected. So glad I did and will most likely do some work in the garage tomorrow. So much better than being cooped up in the house, that’s for sure. Mused on, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, Jesus warns us to be spiritually prepared. No one knows the day or hour, not even Jesus (Matthew 24:36), so we must wait expectantly.

#SomeGoodNews    Marshal and Kolyssa Frisque - Welcome baby Boaz! Trevor Magness and Amalia Helmkamp - Engaged!

April 6, 2020
Holy Monday - "a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice" (Isaiah 42:3). What a beautiful verse that is packed with God’s gentle servant and his passion in the name of justice.

April 5, 2020
And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9). We listened to Palm Sunday Liturgy and thought it was put together very well. Pastor Nelson’s sermon was outstanding and call Andrea and Rob that it was available. After the service, we did FaceTime with them and Alex, funny Isaac kept calling auntie Jenn, Doctor Jenn. Changed it up this morning and made scrambled eggs with spinach and opened the third 3 oz bottle of a set of eight. The Desert Heat Chipotle hot sauce was only just so-so. Most merciful God, you know us well. We are quick to speak of faith, but slow to live it fully. Forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

April 4, 2020
Didn’t bother to pen anything yesterday, being that my life is like a Groundhog parody. We helped moved Jennifer’s stuff back home today and now am wondering how much of her belongings is she going to take with her when she begins her residency.  Wow, what a long educational journey she has had. We’re so excited for her. Looks like all our children vocational aspirations are coming to past; Andrea is education, Alex in business and Jennifer in medicine. Didn’t feel like cooking after we got back, so it was frank and beans for dinner. “Spread your wings above us, dear Savior. Protect us from all harm and danger. We know that we are your dear children and that you love us with an everlasting love which will shield us all the days of our lives. We ask in your name. Amen.”

April 2, 2020
Whoo hoo, we did it! We snaked the drain pipe from the drain cleanout in the basement early this morning and the kitchen sink drain is working like a charm. I feel a great sense of accomplishment after changing out a light bulb, so just imagine how euphoric I was when we gotrdun. What a remarkable mediation. St Andrew in his humility constantly mentions his own sinfulness placed in concurrence to God’s mercy, convincing himself to repent.  Much like St Andrew, we can have a dialogue with our soul. “Come, wretched soul, with your flesh, confess to the Creator of all. In the future refrain from you former brutishness, and offer to God tears of repentance.”

April 1, 2020
Oh no, the kitchen sink and is draining slowly again. It’s been seven years since the last time that has happened. We tried snaking the drain in our kitchen sink, but we were unsuccessful at unclogging it. So tomorrow we’ll have to go to the basement and run the plumber’s snake from the drain cleanout like we did last time. Watched a few mid week live stream Lenten Services and thinking Holy Week will be so strange.  Grant me patience, O Lord,  and led me through the wilderness.

March 31, 2020
Good to get out of the house to run errands. We really didn’t need to pull in the filling station when we were only down less than a quarter tank, but who could pass up gas for $1.919? Albeit 75 Mbps download speed is still more than enough to meet our needs during daytime nowadays with the stay at home order, it’s crazy that in the evening we get more than our 200 Mbps once after 5 pm. Our souls cry to you O Lord to hold on to the faith that you are ruling and will set everything right in our evil and broken world.

March 30, 2020,
Some will say it's starting to look like springtime. Nature is doing its part, the grass is completely green from all the rain. Spring is in the air begins when we have mild temperatures in the mid to upper 60s, but will say with the sun out, it's a beautiful morning.  Am starting to like penning from my phone and not needing to log in on the laptop.

Watched Phil Magness Live, My Song Is Love Unknown (LSB 430). Only Phil can praise to God like this for the glory of God. Talked with my sister Nancy and all is well with her. Oh my, the are now 29 cases of coronavirus and the second  coronavirus related death at Edwards Hospital. Lord, bless and protect the doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers who are tirelessly seeking to heal and help those who are affected and by doing so are placing themselves at risk. 

March 29, 2020
Happy birthday my crown! So much excitement, first thing this morning celebrating Isaac's birthday via a video chat. The grass is turning green and it won't  be long before it'll need tending to. This is the first time I  am penning (poking away) a journal entry using my phone. Lord, how long? Have mercy on your people.

March 28, 2020
Woke to the sound of a torrential downpour and the thunderous voice of God. We had a lot of virtual fun on FaceTime with Isaac and of course with mom and dad too. Hard to believe the little man is going to be three years old tomorrow. I posted, Into the Unknown from the movie Frozen 2 - Débora Roxo Silva Cover. Betting Isaac will love it as much as I do. I thought about Débora and David while reading coronavirus news in Portugal. Be merciful, O Lord, come to our aide.The other day we 9 cases of coronavirus in town, now there is 17 and we had our first related death. The daily resistance training is proving to be too much and will just have to go back to the old routine. Listened to our parish’s Liturgy for, The Fifth Sunday in Lent, albeit virtual, it was still most beautiful. 

March 27, 2020
Pretty much a do nothing day just holding on the fort. Thought I was going to cut back on the eating, but them corned beef sandwiches were just too hard to resist building a Dagwood tall sandwich.  Bless us, O Lord, with your grace and fully move and transform our hearts.

March 26, 2020
Unbelievable, hopped on the scale this morning and saw only a negligible weight loss. I suppose it’s better than continuing to gain weight during this stay at home order. Am praying everyone is taking this pandemic seriously for their sake and mine. The headline read, “Nine Cases of Coronavirus Confirmed at Edwards Hospital in Naperville” this morning …

Decided to go light on the exercise today and will go on another seven day challenge starting tomorrow and will cut back on a few calories. Albeit virtual, what a blessing it was to view the Divine Service - Augsburg Zion Lutheran Church, London Arkansas on YouTube. Another blessing is watching Phil Magness on FB Live improvs, playing and singing Paul Gerhardt hymns all week. In your mercy, bless us and keep us, O Lord.

March 25, 2020
Chanted Psalm 45:6-17 and mused on the very moment when the Second Divine Person of the most Holy Trinity assumed human nature in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Finally, got around to boiling the 3.72 pound Vienna Beef corned beef that we got initially for the great American traditional St. Patrick Day meal. But with the stay at home order, well that wasn’t going to happen. So it was corned beef and cabbage for dinner and set aside the remainder in the frig for Ruben sandwiches. I use to think that corned beef was just corned beef, but this Vienna Beef brand is mighty tasty. Day 7 and thankfully the final day of my extended workout challenge. “Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.”

March 24, 2020
Got a pass from the stay at home order for essentials. Went to Sam’s Club for our meds and toiletries. It felt so food to be out for a short bit. Posted the last station of the cross and found them to be a blessing. Man, I love French green beans. Stir fry beef with green beans and served it over steamed rice. Watched FB Live: Devotion with Pastor Harrison for March 24, 2020 on Romans 13. Completed Day 6, so just one more day of a full blast workout and then a weigh in. Lord, you know my very needs to prepare for your kingdom, bless me with those gifts.

March 23, 2020
Danggg, at first light I saw about four inching of fluff out the window, must of kept snowing most of the night. During this coronavirus pandemic is really something, am finding praying Psalm 23, 27, and 91 this morning is so refreshing for my soul. Posted Station 13 ... continuing reflecting on and acknowledging my sinful ways and seeking help to truly repent of them. Anyway, time to start my daily exercises, Day 5 ...

Had a fusion food thing going on enjoying garlic naan bread with my spaghetti for dinner. It’s always a good day when mama makes spaghetti. Did Completed Day 5 and two more to go. Praying that folks are heeding the stay at home order so that it buys some time for researchers can to come up with effective treatments for the coronaviruse. Lord, have mercy. Guide me, O Lord, to the fullness of your love and life.

March 22, 2020
Watch the live streaming of the Hour / Confessions and The 3rd Sunday of Great Lent Divine Service from St Innocent Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate, breath taking. Posted Station 12, “Behold your mother!” our Lord gives his mother to us, what a gracious gift. Completed day 4 and three more to go. I will be hard to believe that with all this additional exercises I don’t drop a pound or two and be back. For sure, I’m not going to gain any more anyway. Actually, I’m surprised that I’m not sore. Crazy weather again, we got an inch or so of snow. Since I had time, I completed putting together the last two biblical stations of the cross. Think I'll work on that 300 piece puzzle I got for Christmas. We made a quick run to get a Tiramisu cake to celebrate, Happy birthday Jennifer. Still can’t get over that she’ll be starting her residency in a couple months, seemed like she has been going to school forever. Gracious Heavenly Father, help me see and acknowledge my sin and humble myself before thee.

March 21, 2020
Lord, grant us perseverance that we may never stop seeking you. Lovein’ it, we just had family time with all our children via the Zoom App. It’s the next best thing to an actual family gathering given our current circumstance. Thanks be to God. Mused on Station 11, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Brrr, it just barely got above freezing. So cold, is it spring yet??? Traditionally, we celebrate the first day of spring on March 21, but astronomers and calendar manufacturers alike by the arrival of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. Funny that meteorologist observe seasons over different time periods. Meteorological spring began March 1, summer begins June 1, fall begins on September 1 and winter begins on December 1. For me, I say it ain’t spring until it warms up and feel like spring is in the air. Day 3 ü, trying to keep myself accountable. The state is more week behind us in their stay at home order, we personally have been in a precautionary shelter in home mode on our own accord for some time now. Listened to our parish’s Liturgy podcast for, the Forth Sunday of Lent.

March 20, 2020
Since I’m online and will be joining a virtual party soon, I decided to post Station 10 and thought why not give a quick pen here. Rob’s the man. He set up a Zoom: Video Conferencing so the family can virtually celebrate Jennifer’s Match Day. Albeit will be a virtual party, it is still a pretty awesome idea, especially given the CORVID-19 pandemic our world is facing. We were out the door early and got all needed groceries for the week. Shopping is so different out here in the burbs. Growing up in the city we would buy the needed for each day or sometime just for a given meal. I was surprise that there a lot more people grocery shopping than I imaged it would be and the shelves were less stocked than I anticipated. A lot of items were limited to one per customer. I wasn’t even able to buy milk. Sigh, so disappointed, yesterday was the first day and didn’t even complete the workout plan goal, but will give it a concert go today ...

Whoo hoo, the virtual celebration when on without a glitch! We are so proud of our youngest. Thanks, be to God for overflowing tears of joy. Completed Day 2 workout, it’s time consuming, but it went well only because we are protecting ourselves for the two week period for now, since we are in the high risk category.  Hopeful I can burn enough calories so that I don’t need to curb my calorie intake. Hate to start gaining back the unwanted pounds. Watched and listened to Phil Magness Live on FB today. Not sure what he is trying to accomplish, but his music and singing is that of an accomplished artist. Loving sacred music. Joyful praise, O God beyond all praising, fill me with the joyful praise of the salvation found in Christ Jesus. Also Fr Genig has been streaming live a lot too, loved the Akathist to the Divine Passion.

March 19, 2020
Totally, taken by how thick the fog was at first light. Hopped on the scale this morning a saw yet another slight gain. Thinking it is because we have confined ourselves as much as possible during this time uncertainty accordingly for our own welfare as for love of other. Since we are limited in our daily activities, decided to see if I can create myself a seven day exercise boot camp challenge starting today. Been confined at home since Monday except to get the mail and take out the garbage. Guessing I should go to bed soon so that I can go to the grocery store early and get fresh fruit and vegetables. Am debating where I should drive all the way to Sam’s Club or not. The last two trips were a bust just driving around the parking lot and back out. Must have been a mad house inside. Anyway, off to bed. Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, that I might love others as a way to glorify you.

March 18, 2020
What a pleasant morning surprise, we got a FaceTime call and video chatted with Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Clearly I don’t know my neighbors. I’m stunned that my fellow townsmen voted to opt in to sale cannabis in town. In these times of uncertainty, the rain today reminds me all tears that I hold back. Lord, have mercy. We have been staying in more and out about for basic provisions and a few what nots only. Fawn was an herbalist today and boiled some panax ginseng roots. Interestingly, she was able to convince me to drink a cup of the brew. Talk about a super nasty bitter brew, no wonder I haven't drank that stuff since I was a kid, when my mom forced me to do so. All is not lost, am able to some both reading for leisure and research as well as relax to sacred music and a few old pop tunes from back in the day. Precious the Few - Climax. Lord, release heart from my self-absorption and accept my small acts of sorrow.

March 17, 2020

Day 2 of living the indoor life, so reminiscence of the indoor life prior to retirement with long hours indoors in the work place sitting on my butt. Doubtful we will learn out town’s fate until tomorrow morning. Am optimistic my fellow townsmen will vote “NO” to the sales of cannabis in our town. Crazy that this is right up there with the coronavirus on my list of concerns. Our parish is closed for all public gathering for now and will podcast the Liturgy weekly. Lord, have Mercy.

March 16, 2020
Move from the morning darkness only to a gloom and doom looking overcast. Was a little worried about the heavy snow fall, but was relieved when it turned to a light flurry in a matter of minutes. Last year I experimented with over seeding in the spring and it seems to help. So I guess I’ll do likewise again this year. Now I just have to figure out when to give the grass its first cut and to weed and feed, guessing early to mid April and the over seeding just before Memorial Day weekend. Began gathering all the needed to prep for doing the dread task of doing the annual federal and state taxes. Whoo hoo, so it’s official, Jennifer matched! Am so happy for her and her classmates, a blessing from God. Now the only thing that remains is where she will be doing her residency. Been listening to the news and turning to for information regarding to or pertaining to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) updates. So sad that there is so much misinformation as well as disinformation about floating around the internet. Strange that drugs possibly being sold is being Lord, grant us patience in our times of suffering.

March 15, 2020
Looks like the frenzy at the grocery subsided a tad and was able to manage to buy a few essentials. Even got some naan flat bread, good stuff. Well, not really, but so delicious. Started to say, “first senior siesta in a while,” but just saw I had one a couple weeks ago, god I miss football season. I’m probably the only guy on the planet that routinely nods off before halftime. Got to see to Issac sing on FaceTime, my day is complete. Oh yeah, forgot Andrea and Rob too. Getting reports of CODV-19 cases here in Illinois and the state is taking unprecedented lock down steps now to combat the pandemic outbreak. “Lord, grant us discernment that we may see as you see, not as the world sees.” 

March 14, 2020
Well that was a total bust. We went to Sam’s Club super early, but the parking lot was already packed. Didn’t bother to even try to go in and just turned back. On the way back, we decided to visit my sister Nancy. The bonus was she made Chinese watercress soup! Can’t believe how cold it got and it even snowed a little. Wishing the pendulum would stop swinging and settle down to a mild spring. Ponder and posted the third station of the cross. Each station bring me closer to Christ as I meditate on the great love showed in his most sorrowful Passion.  Lord, grant me the gift of honesty that I may not fear to speak the truth.

March 13, 2020
Hmm, looks like blogger is acting up again, had to repost the image for station 2 from yesterday. Clueless to what happened. Today it cooled off back to normal, but gave me an opportunity to reflect on how mild it was last night being out and having the evening dust being later. The trade off is being up longer in the pre dawn darkness. The coronavirus (COVID-19) has been in my since it’s outbreak. "Spare Your people, O Lord! Preserve us from this and every illness. Give healing and strength to those who are sick, protect those who care for them, and grant us steady minds and calm hearts in the face of fear. You have borne our infirmities in this human flesh and purchased us with Your own blood. Keep us in this faith and embolden us in love; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

March 12, 2020
Was up super early so I posted and reflected on the second station of the cross, Jesus, Betrayed by Judas, is Arrested. “Lord, grant us the courage of our convictions that our lives may faithfully reflect the good news you bring.” Then it was off to pickup Alex at the dealership and dropped him off. His car was ready in the evening, so we picked him back up and drove him back to get his car. Crazy, how much it cost to repair a car nowadays. Away, he’s back in saddle again. Albeit was cloudy all day, it was a mild day the upper 50s, about 15 degrees above the norm. Yikes, saw our first mosquito, one down and how many zillions to go? Watch a video on, The Pros And Cons of Recreation Cannabis in Naperville. It is so disappointing to see our mayor continue to push for the sale of cannabis in our town. Lord, have mercy.

March 11, 2020
Penning early because I’ll need to be out the door early again tomorrow, Alex needs a ride after he drops off his car at the dealership. We were out the door early for early voting and have forgotten what it is like to drive in the morning rush hour. Have the recent late McCoy Tyner, playing in the background.  Mmm, made steamed tilapia, which brought me to making my second hardest decision of the day, which was which new 3 oz bottle of hot sauce to break open, because the Jamaican Habanero was good to the last drop. I opted for the Eiffel Tower Cayenne Sauce for my second choice from the eight bottle set and it’s good too. LOL, now I got a dumb parody in my mind - Eight bottles of hot sauce in a box, eight bottles of hot sauce. Take one down and pass it around, seven bottles of hot sauce in box … Started the first of fourteen, Scriptural Stations of Cross, and intend to post one each day and reflect on his suffering and death. “Lord, grant us your strength and wisdom, that we may seek to follow your will in all things.”

March 10, 2020

I really hate voting because I am so discontent with the swamp and I … anyway we’re going to early vote tomorrow and am praying that my fellow citizens in town will at a minimum go and vote to opt out of allowing cannabis to be sold in town. Changed it up this morning and made pigs in a blanket for breakfast. Why does all the bad for you food taste good? Lord, help me to think beyond my own wants and guide my heart back to you.

March 9, 2020
Sigh … couldn’t avoid the need to go out briefly and run a few errands in the rain. We were looking over both primary ballots as well as the Naperville Cannabis Referendum. Wish there was a mayoral election … It was a good eating day, made oven baked bbq chicken, finally found a good technique on Youtube that I could tweak and work with, mmm … mmm. And the garlic sautéed spinach went well as a side. Lord, without you and without your love, I can do nothing.

March 8, 2020
Insane, feeling joyful and doing the happy dance because we got in 60+ weather. How can one not have the Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah song on the back of their mind? With spring just a couple of weeks away, am now hoping we are done with the winter cold. The internet was a dog this morning, but once I rebooted the modem, everything was hunky dory again. Andrea sent video of Rob and Isaac playing Open Saseme, what a hoot. Still hard to believe he’ll be three toward the end of the month. Lord, grant me wisdom and guide me to the fullness of your love.

March 7, 2020
Perfect day. Alex came home for lunch, so I made oxtail. Good stuff. Since it was a relatively and nice day, we decided to go to Mass this evening. Think a lot of folk had the same idea, but then again, been seeing quite a few parishioners on Saturdays lately. So glad we got there early for the Prelude. Was blown away by Nicolaus Bruhns: Preludium in e minor. Think it’s great that Pastor Nelson is routinely chanting the Words of Institution. Think it will only be time he will also be singing the Eucharistic Prayers too. I love the Psalm 51 (v. 12-13) Offertory: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and uphold me with Thy free spirit. Amen.

March 6, 2020
Am tickled pink that Google Play Music was on my mobile phone and it was able to play my collection of sacred music in the background. That begs the question, why are there multiple mp3 players installed on the phone and why is the default player is a funky one? We spend a fun day catching up with my sister Nancy. Guide me, O Lord, to the fullness of your love.

March 5, 2020
Keeping myself accountable for my daily walks, since we had to pick up more meds, today it was at the Sam’s Club. Hoowee! Talk about the howling March winds. Lord, be with me as I new my life in your spirit.

March 4, 2020
Awesome day to be out and about. We did lunch with Jennifer at the Lombard Burrito Parrilla Mexicana and did my walk in the Yorktown Shopping Center. That mall in one of my favorite place to do my indoor walks, because it is well lit with natural as well as artificial light and is relatively quiet for such a spacious venue. We watched, Black and Blue, and thought the movie was great. Two thumbs up. Lord, help me recognize the fullness of your love and free me from the darkness in my heart.

March 3, 2020
We were shopping in the Promenade area and Jennifer had an eye exam nearby so we did lunch at the IKEA and did the maze walk. Naturally, we all the Swedish Balls. Once in a while I’ll get adventurous and will try something new, but that really really rare. Think we’re doing lunch again somewhere again tomorrow. Nice to be spending time with the kids and who knows where she’ll be for the next three years? Picked up the movie, Black and Blue (2019), but didn’t have time to watch it today. Funny how all three of the Naperville Libraries are always busy and in use and we use to take the kids to the library all the time and now we just go to the library to check out movies. Nowadays we just buy paperbacks or download ebooks. Nice, just move one to my phone to have something handy to read. Still haven't decided if I'll be voting in either of the two party's primary, but for sure will be voting to 'opt out' and will cast a no vote on the referendum for sales of marijuana sales in town. Lord, help be more patient and to let go of judging others. With a grateful heart, O Lord, I acknowledge your love.

March 2, 2020
Did a nice hour long walk in the Target while Fawn was looking at toys. Albeit, I routinely do a lot of walking as part of my general exercise, there is something special about reflecting and praying while literally walking as part of the Lenten journey. Wish I would of made bigger hamburger patties, because the diced onions and green peppers made them bad boys so flavorful, next time. Lord, guide my mind with your truth.

March 1, 2020
Now that’s what I’m talking about, mid 50s and plenty of sunshine. Lord, I am so painfully aware of my sins and weaknesses. Let me also remember your tender love and limitless forgiveness.

February 29, 2020
Today was a special sun filled day and not just because it is leap year day, but because Jennifer came home. We went to Sam’s Club to pick up our meds and got a package of country style ribs to celebrate. It was the first time I made this serious eat causing a senior siesta. I’m not sure how long she’ll be here, but anyway, welcome home! Still hard to believe that she is only three weeks away and will be graduating in May.  I feel so at peace. O Lord, accept my small acts of sorrow today and release me from the vanity that closes my heart to you.

February 28, 2020
Hard to believe we made two different Walmart stops, hitting the one and Bolingbrook and the other in Romeoville, looking for clearances. Well, I got a lot of the much needed indoor walking exercise and no need for the elliptical. Hard to believe we are expecting spring like weather by Sunday, because it was bone chilly cold again today. Praise the Lord my soul.

February 27, 2020
It was one of though days when I was longing for spring. Am hoping the pendulum will start swinging back at least back to above freezing. Yes I know it’s still February and yes I know it’s still winter, but … It’s been a while since listened to music from the 60s and then came across, Crossroads - Cream. Lord, come beside me and let your light reveal my uncleanness, come walk with me on the road back to Eden.

February 26, 2020
Aah, nothing like shoveling snow to make one appreciate sipping on a nice hot cup of earl grey. We got about two inches of fluff, luckily a lot less than predicted and was able to tend to all the needed in about 40 minutes. I was struck by a FB illustration that Rob posted the other day because I never appreciated oil painting of Sisyphus by Titian, only because I couldn’t understand the moral behind the story of eternal punishment for his bad deeds by rolling a massive boulder to the top of a steep hill in vain, because whenever he got near the top the rock would roll down and he would have to start his labor all over again. With the illustration of a man carrying a heavy heart and embracing his circumstance (rock), what a twist of being persistent and never giving up. For me 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 comes to mind. Nice, dinner and a movie, Badland (2019). Fawn made spaghetti and I watched a western and totally disagree with a lot of the critics, I thought it was a good western.

February 25, 2020
We went to the, World Performance Night at Steeple Run Elementary and watched our nephew Zachary performed Los Pollitos Dicen. It’s clear to me that I can be easily entertained with song and dance by little kids representing their personal heritage. There is something to be said about the diversity of our town, 68% White, 18% Asian, 6% Latino, 5% African American, and 3% multi-racial. Had my Fat Tuesday fill of Paczki, they’re truly a must for the feast before the fast.

February 24, 2020
Picked a bad day to be in the garage breaking down cardboard shipping boxes, but gotrdun. Lazy cooking day, just made mac and cheese from a box and popped frozen breaded cod in the oven and called it dinner, oh well. Nice, moved my sacred music play list unto my smartphone. Seems one should be able to play the music in the background, but it’s not intuitive how to go about it, perhaps another time. Yikes, hearing it’s going to snow tomorrow. Any amount is too much.

February 23, 2020
Is it just me? I’ve become accustomed here at Saint John to full blast worship, but today just seemed to be extraordinarily festive even for a feast day and was blown away from the get go and how about the hymn of the day, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God? I can barely get to the second verse without my voice cracking and becoming all misty eyed. And what about Beautiful Savior during the distribution of the Holy Eucharist? Hats off to all the musicians for aiding our respond of joyful praise and thanksgiving to all of God’s wonderful gifts. After celebrating, The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, we went grocery shopping at the Angelo Caputo’s in Carol Stream. Man, that one noticeably huge and clean grocery store, outstanding. It was a remarkable day to be out and about. I’m sure these past few days are a fluke and winter like weather will undoubtedly be swinging back and forth like a pendulum.

February 22, 2020
Days don’t get much better than days like today. We were up bright and early and on the road to visit Andrea, Rob and Isaac. Was expecting pancakes when we arrived, but … oh well, maybe next time. Isaac is going to be three at the end of next month, but his birthday present was delivered yesterday and was taking up so much space that we drove the present up early. I only played a minor role in assembling the Little Tikes 2-in-1 Food Truck. Think the little man liked it and role plays with quite an imagination. Got a call from my brother Bill and sister Nancy to do lunch, but we were all ready out of town, hoping we can get together again soon. My rest is in the love of our Lord.

February 21, 2020
It's already late, so just a quick pen. Dinner and a movie, made chicken fried rice and watched, Terminator: Dark Fate. Hard to believe the first of the six Terminator movies was back in 1984. Just learned we're having a big day tomorrow.

February 20, 2020
Made red beans and rice and was out of hot sauce so I broke into Jennifer’s Dat'l Do It Global Collection Hot Sauce Gift Set and went for the Jamaican Habanero, hot, hot hot. I’m guessing it’ll be OK, since it been taking up space of over a year. Looks like we’re getting a second Costco in town. Can’t believe I’m about to be penning my thoughts on last night’s democratic presidential primary debate, since I’m neither a Democrat nor am I a republican. What I found most striking is that of the twenty something initial candidates these are the remaining potential nominees, this is not a good sign. Last time around I thought Hilary was … am now totally flabbergasted. Need to hear Te Diem, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God.

February 19, 2020 Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, curtains drawn back all day and loving the sunshine, feeling like a plant doing the happy dance. So much hating the seasonal darkness of shorter days.  Made beef chow fun or gon chow ngau ho (乾炒牛河) for lunch, comfort food at its finest. One of the few dishes I actually order in Chinese and say it correctly in a restaurant. Watched former Gov Rod Blagojevich family press conference this morning since his commuted release from prison yesterday from a seemingly insanely harsh sentence and am happy for the family. Yes, of course there are those who would disagree. Finally got around to listening to last week’s catechumenate bible study. Year after year, never get tire of this new study series.

February 18, 2020
Went to Stratford Mall in Bloomingdale this morning and knew that mall days are numbered and has been on the decline for numerous years, but didn’t realize just how dismal the mall is. It will take a miracle to revitalize this brick and mortar shopping center. Albeit on a much smaller scale, Naperville has its own woes at Ogden Mall. Wondering if the city council will give Costco the tax break incentive they request to open a second store in town. Reflected on, stewards of God's grace, "whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." (1 Peter 4:11). Am reminded it is God who supplies the strength to serve. Strengthen me, O Lord, so that all I do in word and deed may give glory to you.

February 17, 2020 Gas prices were all over the place today. Most of stations were between $2.499 to $2.759, but Fawn found us a nearby Mobile station on Gas Buddy for only $2.099, nice. Did my walk at the Walmart and bought 40 more pounds of calcium chloride. Hopefully that will meet the need for the remainder of this winter. Make a classic Chinese-American chicken chop suey for dinner. I’m not sure why, but there is something about ethnic Americanized food that is preferably for me. I saw a couple picture posts from Weedon on FB with Psalm verse captions that were really good; love how the man prays the psalms. I also saw on FB that my niece went to the Donna Summers Musical in Chicago. LOL, it made me think about a temporary insanity phase of my life when I wore a body shirt, bell bottoms a pair of platform shoes.

February 16, 2020 An amazing sun filled day in the lower 40s and am so glad we are not being tested. Wishing spring was here already. Interesting change of pace to be running errands and doing my walk in the morning before going to church. Miguel preached the sermon today. He had come a long way since I first met him and sounds like a seasoned pastor. Got home and immediately made us a nice meatless skillet: scrambled eggs, country hash brown potatoes, green peppers, onions, and baby spinach. I know I always seem to talk about food and the weather, but I think these two things are the easiest ways to strike up a conversation. A. A. Milne said, “Food is a subject of conversation more spiritually refreshing even than the weather, for the number of possible remarks about the weather is limited, whereas of food you can talk on and on and on.” So true, the weather is very limited and is really relative. I love watching cooking shows as much as I enjoy cooking and my favorite celebrity chef is Bobby Flay.  Fawn is actually a pretty good cook. She use to cook all the time in the early days and am not sure why she doesn't do it so often anymore. But she did make her infamous meat pasta sauce for dinner. I haven't found anyone that can make a better sauce than she anywhere. Still lovin’ my smartphone, downloaded the audio files from yesterday’s catechumenate study and today’s bible study from St. John to listen later this week when the opportunity arises, the Rev Dr Scott Bruzek is among the most learned teachers of Christ.

February 15, 2020 Great joy, Jennifer our youngest stopped by briefly and joined us for lunch. I always know when she or one of children is coming home when we kill the fat cow (ribeye streaks). Took out two of them bad boys because she was going to visit her brother Alex. Dinner was an entirely different story altogether, took out three tupperware from the frig and tossed all the leftovers on a plate and nuked mix in the microwave. Having a great time discovering and downloading beneficial apps for my smartphone and am like a kid with a new toy. Mama is a little under the weather and went to bed early so guess I’ll kick back and catch up on a few NCIS episodes.

February 14, 2020 Woke and it was -4 ºF and went out and about and braved the cold -5 ºF with wind chill of -16 ºF in the Romeoville area and did my walk in the Kohls. We spent a couple of hours sitting Victoria, what a hoot. It was near the oriental mart so we picked up a few what not and made a chicken stir fry with a medley of vegetable, bok choy, snow peas, shiitake mushrooms, green onions, waterchestnut and bean sprout; Chī hǎo hē hǎo! (lol, got this phrase off the internet and clueless how to pronounce it). Another plus for my smartphone, I downloaded and listened offline to an awesome Gospel of Luke bible study, Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, by no other than the Rev. Dr. Arthur Just, a most learned teacher of Christ. 

February 13, 2020 I know many seem to like snow and see the wonders of God’s creation in a snowflake, but ugh, I hate snow with a passion and we got about five inches of the stuff. Regardless, for sure it does God's bidding, the psalmist said, "Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word!" (Psalm 148: 7-8). It took a while to shovel it, but we gotrdun. Been sipping on earl grey most of the day and am about to float away. Crazy insane weather we are having and we are expecting to wake to the temperature tomorrow morning at -3 ºF and a wind chill of -14 ºF. This is much like the typical first week of January type of weather.  I read today that Amazon bought Old Chicago which paves the way for a possible distribution center, but Mayor Roger Claar, of Bolingbrook is not happy and had choice word about facility, "That would be one monstrosity sitting on our skyline." Sigh, I’m starting to thing mayors are so out of touch. Just look at our pusher Naperville Mayor Steve Chirico, who wants to sell cannabis in our town. What kind of person wants to push that poison? And what about the 1,500 news jobs to the area? Took a peek at the stats again and it's up to 286 previews this past month. Now thinking I should post more wisdom more frequently since more people seem to be previewing this site.

February 11, 2020 Instead of just do it a walk, I mixed it up with a power walk/turkey trot kinda of thing that wasn’t pretty by any means, but at least I gave it a go this morning. Since we were in the Willowbrook area, we stopped in the Whole Foods there, what a beautiful store. Naturally I headed to the bakery area and their jalapeño cheddar bagel caught my eye, man do I love their bakery. Happy haircut that was way overdue. Oh wow, the holy season of Lent is only a few weeks away and a time for self reflection as a means of confronting our sinfulness and remembering our mortality. Be grateful, always giving thanks for the salvation found in Christ Jesus. May our words and deed glorify God now and forever.

February 10, 2020 I have no recollection of ever indulging on any type of pastry from Whole Foods. Today my taste bud was doing a happy dance after tasting their apple turnover and almond croissant. Hmm, mama mad I eat more than my half. But honestly, it was unintentional. Actually it was a good eating day, dinner and a movie, made myself a steak and pepper jack with smother onions sandwich. And a slice of tomato brought that bad boy over the top. Watch the action packed thriller, Gemini Man, starring Will Smith, two thumbs up. Started looking at the ballot for the March primary, and praying town folks will choose to opt out of cannabis sales in town. Who would of ever thought elected officials want to push drugs. Only mentioning the beautiful bright sunny day because the days are beginning to be noticeably longer. Getting excited for Jennifer as Graduation and Match Day is getting closer to becoming a reality. I'm surprise that this site has grown from a handful of people who may have stumbled upon this site to an all time high of  273 previews this past month. Prayerfully, hope my posting is beneficial and offer wisdom from our early church fathers. I'd be totally surprise if anyone is following the journey of this grateful sinner on his way back to Eden.

February 9, 2020 Everyone has heard the old saying, “"Don't like the weather? Just wait five minutes." Well it took longer than five minutes, for the heavy snow to subside. Good day to be indoors and played the Osco-Jewel Monopoly game. Got three game cards yesterday and am not sure why I look forward to playing the game every year. Setup the contacts on the smartphone! Going to have to curb my time fiddling in the phone, it’s clearly occupying too much of my time. Going to bed early, Fawn have an early blood work appointment.

February 8, 2020 I don’t get better than days like today where we g0t to spend lone time with Isaac while mom and dad out on a matinee date at Rosemont watching, Dancing with the Stars performing. The little man is truly our crown. Good thing there are two of us, because he has so much energy. It’s thrilling to see him actually being able to carry a conversation, count instead of reciting numbers and recognizing letters and words. Love my new phone and couldn’t believe it was prepaid for three years, so generous of a gift. Sur I’m going to spend a lot of time over the next few day getting acquainted with the smart phone. Nice filling up the tank when the gas price is down to $2.179 a gallon for a change.

February 7, 2020 Happy me leaping for joy, learned that my son-in-law Rob brought me a Samsung smart phone and a year on Tracfone Wireless as a gift!  What an awesome and thoughtful gift. A reminder of yet another undeserving gift by grace. May we respond with a life of grateful holiness.

February 6, 2020 Thanks be to God for my good neighbor Ken who removed all the snow from the front of the house and driveway with his snow blower. All I had to do was salt out front and snow the snow off the deck in the back. There was some national prayer breakfast thing on TV this morning, anyway it led me to post and pray a small collection of litany collects. These interfaith things are kind of confusing; I thought it had to do with a National Day of Prayer, but I was wrong. I was completely surprised when Fawn took out the Chinese checker game and wanted to play a couple of games. I won the first game by four and lost the second game by one. She was relentless and was able to fend off my normal strong endgame comeback. No chirping tonight. Love playing board games.

February 5, 2020 One thing I can say about hanging and making use of my old winter coat is that I can really layer up with room to spare. So I was able to take on the coldness of winter. Not liking that we are starting to get snow and are expecting two to four inches tonight. I was sad to see the demeanor of our elected officials and just how divided and the partisan us and them remain. As expected with nowhere near the 67 needed to impeach, the Senate Impeachment Trial concluded with the acquittal of the POTUS. I love C-SPAN and CSPAN2. Turning on Fox, CNN, or to the network news is so detrimental to one’s health.

February 4, 2020 Brrr, not only was the temps in the lower 30s, with the wind in the mix, not good. My day is complete, got a FaceTime call from Isaac, Rob and Andrea. I can’t say enough good things about this technology. Planning to listen to hopefully an optimistic State of the Union Address in a few moments. It has to be weird to address a congress that has impeached President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on the eve of Senate impeachment verdict vote.

February 3, 2020 Today was very similar to yesterday weatherwise, so I was glad to be out and about most of the day because moving forward, the remainder of week is suppose to be hovering around the freezing mark as a snow storm approaches our way. We did lunch at Culver’s and split a delicious Reuben sandwich. From time to time I opt for my own pork tenderloin, but I’ve been eating more than I should be lately. Every month I try to alter my exercise routine. I continually adjust the hand gripper resistance, so I’m sure that my strength is increasing, but my forearm now seems more skinnier, unfirm and flabby instead of getting firming or bulking up. So I decided to increase the number of sets. Too bad Sprint is pulling the plug Virgin Mobile and moving it over to Boost Mobile. It’s just as well; I’m getting excited about soon moving over from a Virgin Mobile Alcatel flip phone to Tracfone Wireless Samsung Galaxy smart phone.

February 2, 2020 LOL, its Ground hog day and Punxsutawney Phil's inner circle revealed the groundhog declared: “Spring will be early, it's a certainty.” Take no credence one way or the other to this popular tradition, just enjoying the glorious sunshine and the insane 51 ºF of the day. Did the happy dance during lunch, mama made linguine with her classic meat sauce. We went the Carl’s again to watch Super Bowl LIV. Plenty of party food left over from yesterday. Was wondering if it made any sense to be cheering for the big offensive and defensive plays today instead of for a particular team to win? Anyway, that’s what I did. Congratulations to Andy Reid and the KC Chiefs. Well, that’s two days of stuffing my face; hope to stop doing that for a while. I am totally undisciplined when it comes to food at gatherings.

February 1, 2020 Nice indoor walk for a change. It was so much easier to do my walk with my Skechers shoes than the heavy non slip shoes by far. I’m so glad Andrea, Rob and Isaac can over for a brief visit before the party.  We all went to Carl and Sandy’s home to celebrate Sandy’s 50th birthday. Albeit God blesses every single day of our lives, a 50th birthday is an important in that it marks the beginning of the latter years of a person’s life. There was plenty of food and a lot of laughs. Just checked the forecast to see if there are any changes and it looks like we are staying above freezing overnight and will make it to at least the upper 40s tomorrow. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Blessed and God is good.

January 31, 2020
End of January and another day closer to spring. Those weather forecasters can’t get jack right. Got light snow overnight that required attending to. Am hearing temps in the lower 50s on Sunday, if only I could believe them. Moving better on the day’s walk with Fawn’s prodding. Watched C-SPAN and thanks be to God, it look like the senate impeachment trial and hee hawing is finally whining down. I swear, there should be term limits in the house and senate. Jennifer came home for a short visit and dinner, so it an exceptionally good day.

January 30, 2020 I’m clueless to what happen to my sidewalk ice scraper. Had to go to Home Depot and purchased a new Bully Tools All Steel Sidewalk Ice Scraper. Not sure what brand my missing was, but this new one is far superior to my old one. I hate how the plow trucks push and cake up the bottom of the drive way, but was able to clear it up comparatively with relative ease. Did a slow mo indoor walk this morning at several stores that would made Bill Slowsky proud.

January 29, 2020 It was a bad day for me from the get go … and I’ll leave it at being dumb.

January 28, 2020 I know I talk too much about the weather, but where is the sun? We went to the stores on all four corners of Weber Road and Airport Road in Romeoville. Aah, much better, did today’s walk in the largest Walmart  I’ve ever been in and then went to the Farm and Fleet across did more walking. Then we went to the T. J. Maxx and finally the Aldi grocery store. One thing noticeably stood out in all the stores, they were all very clean and clutter free. Not the healthiest of meals, but the Chinese sausage fried rice I whipped up for dinner was really tasty. One of my FB friends posted a meme of the nine people who died the other day in a helicopter crash. I naturally prayed for the departed souls. I know this raises the eyebrow of many of my Lutheran brother and sisters, but have concluded that this type of supplication is not useless, but rather fruitful and good for the church for those resting in Christ. Remember them O Lord on the last day.

January 27, 2020
Walk around and around for about an hour at Whole Foods until the store looked like the size of a postage stamp, while Fawn shopped at Home Goods and at the Hallmark store. We did lunch at Patio and split the usual barbecue ½ chicken with all the trimmings, delicious. Not sure why I turned on C-SPAN and watched, Impeachment Trial of President Trump, Day 7 just in time to catch the retired Harvard law professor’s Alan Dershowitz presentation, is he right? Find Rest, my soul waits in silence.

January 26, 2020
Clearly, I ate too much last night. Woke up after sunrise and had to go to the later Mass. Don’t like the idea of getting up so late in the day, but it waking to the daylight is so natural. Albeit a cloudy day, at least there is no snow or rain we have to contend with. Mama’s pasta sauce went well with the angel hair noodles. Normally, I don’t care for thin noodles. It was a nice and enjoyable day.

January 25, 2020
There wasn’t that much overnight snow but it was wet and heavy. Am thankful we teamed up and gotrdun. We went out and joined Jim and Mary, and Henry and Heather for a night out at the Phoenix Club for dinner and live music by The Heavy Lifting Band. It was already after eight o’clock and the place start getting loud from I’m guessing all the alcohol and the band didn’t seem interested in playing, so we just left. I’m getting too old for late night out. Saw a video of Isaac dressed in a Chinese costume for Chinese New Year, what a hoot.

January 24, 2020
Penning early so we can watch the Figure Skating U.S. Championship this evening. Was expecting the defending U. S. Women Figure Skating Champion Alysa Liu to be on top last night in the women’s Short Program last night, but she came in second to the new high record scoring Bradie Tennell. As expected the top three was Tennell, Liu, and Marah Bell. The 2017 champion, Karen Chen in the running to possibly medal.  Albeit still waking in the darkness, it’s becoming a shorter wait till sunrise. So weird of a looking day in a fog. Lord, shine your light on me and open my eyes to what you want me to see. Changing my resistance exercise routine once again to be less strenuous and time consuming. Thinking shoveling all that wet snow yesterday had a lot to do with my decision. After my morning cup of Joe, it was earl grey the remainder of the day to keep warm and stay hydrated.

January 23, 2020
Not liking the snow, been coming down all day. Glad mama helped me out shoveling this morning. Seems like the heavy salting is working enough to melt the on the side walk and driveway. On top of that, it’s my understanding that we are going to get overnight rain to boot. It was another good eating day; we cashed in the Jewel MyMixx reward toward a ribeye steak! And we also had a birthday freebie Panara almond croissant that Andrea didn’t redeem, so we did so on her behalf. Listening to, Samuel Barber Adagio for Strings, so beautiful.

January 22, 2020
Absent minded professor, left one of my bag of grocery behind this morning at the Meijer grocery store and had to double back to get it. Hate it when I do lame things on simple tasks. Wanted to be informed on what was going on in the impeachment hearing of the president, so I watched the first 30 minutes of Adam Schiff’s opening arguments, before needing to turn the television off. I can’t even imagine three days of this from the impeachment managers. Outside of the two dumb things I did today, it was a very good day the Lord has made. How can one not rejoice in a rich and precious gift from God.

January 21, 2020
Grieving at the hardness of the heart before our nation. Lord, have mercy.

January 20, 2020
Today is the third Monday of January and our nation celebrates and honors the America hero Martin Luther King Jr. Growing up 1950s and 1960s, I saw firsthand how this great orator’s words that called to conscience help changed American society. Prayers ascending for our elected official "... that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way" (1 Timothy 2:2). May they seek wisdom from above that they be just and upright. Lord, have mercy. Thrilled gas was $2.259. It was usual for me to make just a vegetable stir fry for dinner. Chirp, chirp, turned out to be quite a tasty merger dish. The calorie count was low and I can hardly wait to hop on the scale tomorrow morning.

January 19, 2020
Dang, woke to single digit temp that eventually made it into the teens, brrr… K no more talk and reside to the fact winter is upon us. Unfaithfully, stayed indoors all day and listened to morning mass and later the bible study online. What a week not to go, Bishop Vsevolod Lytkin preached and the Rev Dr John Kleinig led today's Bible Study. Arguably, I think that Dr Kleinig is the is the most learned teacher of Christ alive on the planet. Did watched a little of the beginning of the Packer 49ers game, but turned away since the Packers were no match against the 49ers.

January 18, 2020
Penning early so I can go on my puzzle. Bah, cold and snow, I really hate winter. But with that said, hats off to IDOT, the toll road was plowed and well salted. Still had to drive with extreme caution, but was pleased with the drive to and from the O’Hare.  More times than not, I don’t think I started a conversation without laminating about the cold. I hid indoors the remainder of the day dreaming about sunshine and blue skies, while wondering why I can’t seem to be able to embrace winter.

January 17, 2020
I enjoy going out for a couple hours on a daily basis. Albeit not very efficient, I can’t stand it when were out and about for hours on end. This morning we went to Panara for the freebie breakfast sandwich. Their sausage, egg and cheese on a brioche bun is pretty tasty. Next stop was at Boost Mobile and a total bust. Then it was off to IKEA for a walk in the maze and a nice cup of their complimentary coffee, before stopping off to pick up the dry cleaning and back home. Not feeling good about the winter storm that moved in the early evening. We’re expecting snow accumulation of about three inches and then changing over to ice. Not looking forward to shoveling and driving to the airport tomorrow. Well, off to bed super early. Big day ahead tomorrow.

January 16, 2020
What a gorgeous looking day the Lord has made. Am so glad the sun is moving up away from the horizon and driving is much better without the need for the sun visor down. It was in the teens when were out running errands this morning and think it barely made it to low twenties later in the day. I layered up and felt comfortable, but my face could feel the winter bite. It’s amazing that I’m still so flabby around the waist line. If it wasn’t for swimming in my corduroy pants I could not tell I loss close to 50 lbs from my peak weight, I must have been really huge. Don’t know why I hopped on the elliptical so late in the evening, I only had the energy to do a short go with a poor showing. Today was my baby’s birthday, hope she had an awesome day.

January 15, 2020
Was expecting the roadway to be chaotic this morning and was totally taken by surprise that the rush hour traffic toward the airport was much lighter than I anticipated and was able to do the speed limited most of the way there and back! I’m a cheap old school wireless flip phone user and not sure what to do now that Virgin Mobile is transferring accounts to Boost Mobile and getting rid of the 90 day pop-up. Where else can someone get a 90 day pop-up for $20? Well, at least I have until mid February to use up the remainder of my balance. Starting to investigate other wireless options, there has to be a market for minimalist cheapskates like myself.

January 14, 2020
Albeit rare that I watch sports, I clearly I enjoy watching collegiate sports over professional sport. Today would have been my sister Mary’s 70th birthday. It has been 10 years since she died. I miss her and my brother Dan and am blessed by my remaining brother Bill and sister Nancy. My brother and sister’s loss and memories of them will be with me a lifetime just like they are suppose to. Life is so short and fragile. Have to get ready now to hit the road to pick up Jennifer at Midway…

January 13, 2020
After a big night of celebratory indulgence, decided it was best to go light on lunch with a bowl of hot and sour soup and dinner was the unfinished portion of baked ziti. Jennifer was kidding she had interview all over during this month, she in Houston today. I don’t understand why I’m picking her up at the airport tomorrow and then driving her to the airport again the next day to the airport to fly to Florida, so confusing. Love and commend that more and more pedestrian countdown timers being installed in town and the removal of all the red light traffic cameras in town years ago. I actually loathe towns that use red light traffic cameras because as far as I can tell, they are used and implemented in a way to generate revenue rather than to improve the safety on dangerous intersections. Getting set to kick back and watch the 2020 NCAA National Football Championship game between Clemson and LSU.

January 12, 2020
Albeit, we woke early enough to attend the early Mass, choose to relax and enjoy the morning coffee and celebrate the, Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord at the later Divine Service. Besides I need time to get energized to shovel the overnight snow. Of course the processional hymn was, To Jordan's River Came Our Lord. Love the hymn of the day, Jesus, Once with Sinners Numbered.  It was absolutely stunningly beautiful how Pastor Nelson chanted with clarity, the Words of Institution. I’ve been a parishioner at Saint John for close to twelve years now and was taken by surprised that he did so. I’ve heard that he has done that in the past at weddings. We also went up to celebrate Andrea’s birthday at Maggiano’s Little Italy. Great being with our family and wish Jennifer was was with us instead of interviewing in Arizona and visiting her aunt Soo and uncle Eddie in Tucson. Got home just in time to watch the second half of the Packers vs. Seahawks game while finishing off the remainder of my push resistance workout.

January 11, 2020
Alex stopped by for a quick visit; he dropped off Nila at the dog daycare for a compatibility evaluation. My day is always joyfully complete whenever any of my children are present. We were watching a video of Isaac working on his penmanship; this only came to mind because Alex had notably the most beautiful and clean handwriting style. Nowadays it’s rare to pen anything outside of one’s own signature. Reminiscing on days past listening to music from Motown, Ooo Baby Baby, Let’s Stay Together, Walk On By.

January 10, 2020
Had to pen this morning, because I’m disappointed in myself for making a commenting in FB. I’m normally able to fight off the urge to comment regarding anything political, there are times our political leaders are too much to bare and think term limits on all levels is the best solution. 
Prayers for our troops and their families.

What an eerie looking day out and about and stopped by Panera on the way back for my freebie pastry and always choose their bear claw, so yummy. The fog stayed with us the entire day. Not liking the sound of the torrential rain and the having the sump pump working so hard this evening. The forecast is calling for rain most of the day tomorrow and may turn into snowfall later in the day. Hoping that won’t come to past. Nice, was able to do all my “pull” resistance exercises, so the hopefully I can do all the like “push” resistance exercises next time up. Mused on the mystery of the Holy Trinity revealed in Jesus’ baptism. Then my mind wandered and I began thinking about the relatives on my side of the family are non denominational Evangelicals (whatever that means), and it makes me go bonkers whenever they give testimonials on the moment when they decided to accept or receive Christ. So different from Luther’s Small Catechism , “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith. In the same way He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.”

January 9, 2020
Talk about a loaded spring salad with so assorted fruits and berries as well with a hardboiled egg for lunch. We made it a lunch and matinee and watched Judy. Not sure how much of the movie was her real life and how much of it was Hollywood, but it made for a good movie. Watched countless Judy Garland movies, but knew nothing of her personal life. Thought I would be able to do my normal resistance routine today, but was mistaken and ran out of gas while working out on the pair of twenty pound dumbbells. Saw another milestone moment video of Isaac. Starting to recognize and write letters in the alphabet. Burst of pride over writing the letter “I” and saying, “ ‘I’ for Isaac!” God is good.

January 8, 2020
Just looked out the back window and only days away from a full moon. So the following new moon on the 24th will be the Lunar New Year! Albeit only got only up to 25 ºF, it was an awesome day. I never thought I’d say a day below freezing still felt bearable, which leads me to truly believe coldness is a state of mind. Just think about it, normally we’d be in the single digit or less, so yeah, awesome weather and swinging back to the low 50s for the next two days. That’s Midwest weather for you, unpredictably fluid. Dinner and a movie. Went meatless with potatoes and carrot and watched, Joker. What? A movie without a single super hero? The movie was sheer genius, so good. Two thumbs up.

January 7, 2020
Got my blood work results back and the numbers were in range, but they left out the PSA was the main test I wanted and they screw that lab work up somehow and had to go in this morning to have blood drawn for that again. Still improving and a lot less congestion and coughing, am hoping to improve enough to resume my normal exercise routine sometime this week. One good sign is I have my full appetite back. Hmm, lol, that may not be a good thing. Surprise, surprise, for some reason, I though the liturgical season of Christmas begins with the vigil Masses on Christmas Eve and concludes on Epiphany, perhaps because of the twelve days of Christmas deal. Anyway the season of Christmas doesn’t end until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. During this season, we celebrate the birth of Christ into our world and into our hearts, and reflect on the gift of salvation that is born with him and not excluding the fact that he was born to die for us. Prayers for the POTUS and our armed services in these troubled times.

January 6, 2020
Was in bed all day yesterday and then decide to do a sweat with thermal underwear, sweat shirt and pants and four blankets. It paid off and am feeling a zillion times better. Hope to be back to normal by tomorrow and resume back normal Happy Epiphany! “The glory of the Lord has shone upon us, and shall ever manifest itself among us until the day of His return. Through the rhythms and changes of time let us call to mind and live the mysteries of salvation.” Naturally, following western tradition, The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew the second chapter: The Visit of the Wise Men (not sure where the notion of "three" wise men came from). I also think that Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River and his first miracle at a wedding in Cana are noteworthy epiphany moments. 
How Brightly Shines The Morning Star.

January 5, 2020

Been sick in bed all day. Did watch the Viking vs Saints game and thought it was a thriller, believe it or not. Praying tomorrow will be a better day. Never knew a person could sleep so many hours.

January 4, 2020
Going back to bed after this pen, fell asleep in the first quarter of the Bills vs Texans playoff game. looks like their in overtime now. Aah, earl grey. I could be wrong, but don’t recall being sick last year at all, feeling congested and coughing all day. I suppose I can be more descriptive, but it’s best not to. Disappointed this morning with the ranting in my mind about the overnight snow. Some people see the beauty in it, but instead of embracing it, I view it as burdensome. By the time I was ready to go out and do the needed, already started to melt, whoo hoo. Upon inspection, it was only about an inch of fluff. Who needs a national spaghetti day, been eating it once a day for a while now. That’s the problem with cooking for just two people. Looks like I’m not the only one who still like to watching westerns. Logged into NPL to hold a copy of Badlands (2019). I’m number 26 of 26 holds on a dvd that is being purchased.

January 3, 2020
Embracing God’s grace. I confess there are few things more comforting than a nutritious piping hot bowl of winter melon soup.  Glad we were able to find a cut quarter melon at the oriental store, about a pound and a half, which is more than enough to make a good medium size pot of soup. Mmm, mmm, good, I had two bowls for dinner! Jeff of Little Rock shared a video of Chicago, 25 or 6 to 4. So good I had to listen to more of 7/21/1970 Tanglewood, I’m a Man and Colour My World / Make Me Smile.

January 2, 2020
Rejoicing in the season of Christmas. “O spring in the desert, O shelter from the heat, O light in the darkness, O guide for the feet, O joy for our sadness, O support for the weak, O Lord with us always, your presence we seek.” Hopped on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised, the holiday pounds already shed! Whoo hoo, Christopher and Rachael picked a date! Downloaded the 2019 Chin Christmas photos, Jean took so many pictures. Was out only briefly to run a few errands, but mostly just to walk and enjoy the above freezing and above average temps.

January 1, 2020
Happy New Year! First thing that comes to mind is the very fine spaghetti meal we had for lunch. I can’t think of a finer meal to bring in the new year. What a bright sunny day that made it to into the lower 40s. Anything above freezing is OK by me this time of year and that seems to be the case that the ten day forecast is calling for! A sad day in Illinois as our elected officials are publicly celebrating and encouraging marijuana use today. Kind of nice to relax and sip on a nice hot cup of earl grey tea. Mused about St. Mary, mother of God. In the fullness of time …“O Mary, you have opened for us the gateway of paradise. O Mary, queen of glory, who share the joy of the angels.”