Journal 2022

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

31 December 2022
I'm penning early because going to be a great day for football and it's going to get busy later in the day. Dang it was cold and in the 20s this morning. We went out this morning to the Jewels to buy flowers, cookies and a small Tiramisu cake to take to Sandy's party. I'm not sure why I was taken by the frost on the rooftops, grass and the cars parked overnight on the driveways, after all, its winter. Nice, we found a porterhouse steak that was marked down for under ten bucks, that is going to make for a fine New Year Day meal. I was happy to finally have my morning coffee and hot oatmeal when we got back from the grocery store. Mama washed the 100 percent cotton flannel shirt I got for Christmas from Alex. Initially I thought it was going to be too large, but it shrunk to a perfect fit. I was planning to wear it as a comfort shirt to wear around the house, but It fits like a tailor made shirt. I have a new year’s resolution in mind, but we know how most resolutions pan out over time. I plan to watch the Fiesta Bowl: #2 Michigan Wolverines vs #3 TCU Horned Frogs! This is gonna be a good one. Peach Bowl: #1 Georgia Bulldogs vs #4 Ohio Buckeyes! Thinking I'm way too old to watch the entire game. Well, I wasn't planning to watch the Sugar Bowl, but mama wanted to watch the game so here we are, "Roll Tide!" Can you believe how long we have been dealing with the coronavirus?

30 December 2022

Even though I went to bed a little bit earlier last night, it was still way pass the usual time I get ready to go to bed to sleep. However, I am making progress to get going back to my normal routine. For sure, I don't have desire to need to celebrate the new year exactly at midnight. Interesting oatmeal concoction I made this morning. I had it with pineapple and a splash of hot sauce and imagined it to have a hot sweet and sour taste. Eh, I can take it or leave it. After breakfast we went to the Sam's Club pharmacy and on the way back, we stopped at the Chinese supermarket for some fresh vegetables. Mmm, we couldn't walk out of the store without buying a joong to snack on. It was much cooler today than yesterday, but I'm thrilled we are still above freezing and was able to get in a short walk. Congratulations to the Fighting Irish 2022 Gator Bowl Champions. Albeit Notre Dame had a shaky start, the defense was eventually able to counter South Carolina’s razzle dazzle trick plays and come from behind. Although there were a few bone headed plays called by Notre Dame, I think it was a solid win against SEC team. We had a late dinner; I made us pork chops with a scalloped potato side. Thankful for the day.

29 December 2022
Well, I got up and out of bed 30 minutes earlier. Wow, I knew it was warming up, but I didn't expect all the snow to completely thaw overnight. Talk about a winter day in the upper 50s for most of the day, was a blessing. We went out to pick a package from Old Navy. On the way to Alex's we picked up a Chinese carryout for our lunchtime meal. It was good have a chance to visit Soo again while she is here in town. The kids facetimed this evening. Wow, Peyton is talking so much now. Her vocabulary and sentence structure is remarkable. Wow, she was singing along with a toy microphone the ABC song.

28 December 2022

I’m posting early so that I can toss a frozen pizza in the over and get ready for the Liberty Bowl and the go to bed a little bit earlier. Man, my internal clock has been messed up from staying up late on Sunday night. I need to gradually go to bed earlier so that I can wake up earlier because I'm missing out on some daylight. I am so happy that it got above freezing. I think it is possible that by the end of tomorrow all the snow may be melted. I installed YouTube TV on my tablet and will give it a trial go. We are trying to install it on our TVs but our smart tv are hand me downs and may be too old. Hopefully it can work with Ruko.

27 December 2022

The first thing I did this morning was reach for my phone and looked at the weather app and shook my head. The current temperature read 6 °F.  I am hoping that the forecast calling for above freezing temperatures for tomorrow and the remainder of the week is accurate. We went out to drop off gensing that Fawn made yesterday to Fawn's sister Jean and then went to drop some off to Alex and aunt Soo. We stayed for lunch at Alex's and had dumpling soup. It was amazing how comfortable I was out and about dress properly for weather. I was layered up in my thermal underwear and don my new winter hat and coat gifted to me for Christmas. I really like the thermal hat with the visor and ear flap and the coat was light and wasn't bulky and kept me warm even in this really cold temperature. I was happy to get to see Soo again while she is here for the holidays. She may end up staying here longer, because flights are being canceled due to the poor weather conditions across the country. I love watching SEC bowl games. I'm rooting for all of them except for except for the Gator Bowl. Their W-L bowl stats are impressive, but they’re off to a bad start (0-2), going down in flames at the Las Vegas Bowl and Gasparilla Bowl. I will be cheering for Arkansas in the Liberty Bowl tomorrow. I am grateful for our Father's love begotten, Christ Jesus.

26 December 2022

We got home really late last night. Not only was it the latest I stayed up in a long while, this morning was the latest I got out of bed, everything is relative. I normally like getting up early to maximize my daylight. I can hardly wait to see the day become noticeably longer and warmer and anewed, this hunkering down is getting old. I saw we got light a dusting of overnight snow. Clearly having no desire to eat anything with my morning coffee was a clear sign that I ate way more than I should have yesterday at the family gathering, but that was obvious to me last night. The Lord provided for my needs with thoughtful Christmas gifts from my children, I am truly blessed. We went back to staying indoors today and mama made a pot of ginseng tea. I must be getting use to the bitter taste. There aren’t too many days remaining this year. Just like last year, I am fearful on whether or not something will go wrong with my attempt to merge the two journal pages together for the year. God willing, I also will have to refresh my memory on how to create a new page for my 2023 journal entries and link it. As 2023 approaches prayers for increase wisdom and humility.

25 December 2022

Joy to the world! "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11). Merry Christmas! Albeit was still very cold outside this morning, it was fitting that the sun was out shining bright in a cloudless sky when we made our way to the Baker Square for a couple of their signature pies. I made us an omelet with bell peppers, onions and tomatoes. I wish there was more stuff in our refrigerator to make a righteous omelet, but you can't always get what you want. Regardless, the omelet was still cery tasty. Breakfast anytime of the day is my favorite meal. Albeit I routinely eat either oatmeal or cold cereal, I really like eggs, ham, bacon, sausage links, pancakes, waffles french toast, toast, english muffins, sausage and biscuits, country fried steak, hash browns, corned beef hash, etc, etc... the list just goes on and on and I haven't even mention Cantonese dim sum. It is rare for me to watch nfl football outside of the playoffs and the super bowl in a long while. If I do, I tend to fall asleep in a very short time. Today, I watched the last ten minutes of fourth quarter and Packers ot field goal win over the Dolphins. We went to Fawn's brother's house for a family Christmas party. I didn't go nuts over all the good eats, but I also didn't refrain from enjoying them either. The bad thing is, I ate some things that were most definitely a no-no. Lol, they had the Buccaneers vs Cardinal game on last night, I sat a watched it for a few minutes and started dosing off so I had to walk away or I would have been out cold doing zzzs. Albeit the Christmas parties are smaller and are limited, it is less tense with fewer people. It was the first time I played the 24 math game. It's kind of fun playing with the kids. I especially enjoyed my time with Peyton. I was so moved whenever she took my hand and took me to the playroom. I am so delighted that see that her motor and communication skills continues to develop so rapidly. Today was a great day celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Chris Jesus with our family.

24 December 2022

Mmm, I was so glad this morning that I save a little bit of the mapo tofu sauce to toss in my bowl of oatmeal, the favor and heat was spot on. It was nice to look out the window and enjoy the sun, can't say that about the snow on the roof tops and ground though. We are blessed with the best neighbors ever, they tended to the snow our sidewalk and driveway in subzero weather. They are like family, we watched our kids grow up together. I read an inspirational muse by a friend on Facebook that led me to a muse of my own about how God places people in our path on our journey back to Eden. My muse starts with my earliest childhood memories of being blessed with loving parents, my Grandmother and siblings. I think it was amazing growing up that I went to a non denominational evangelical church and Sunday school well into my teenage years with more unbelief than believe. During the confirmation years in a decision theology environment I chose not to be baptized white everyone else made a decision for Christ. When I met my wife, I started to Church with her family. Strange that I sat in Lutheran pews for over 16 years before coming to faith and receiving God's gift of Baptism. I thank God for my children and am grateful that they turned out the way they did, despite all of my shortcomings. I think it is amazing that God would entrust his children to someone with the likes of me. Our Lord continues to shower us with gifts; our grandkids are truly our crown. I can't thank and praise God enough for showering us with grace upon grace. Mary's Song of Praise: The Magnificat, comes to mind. And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:46-50). "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." It is hard to believe that we have been hunkered down for three days now. It’s way too cold to be outdoors for these old bones. I worry a little about the pipes freezing and busting overnight because the water doesn’t run in the wee hours, so we crank up heat a few extra degrees before going to bed. This prolonged subzero weather is for the birds. I did another five five on the elliptical today, good for me! Oh no, not again! I have a friend whose now had a covid household three years in a row around Christmastide. That is not a holiday tradition one wants to start. Lord, heal our infirmities.

23 December 2022

O Emmanuel... Come to save us, Lord our God! Dang, woke to the sound of the howling winds. I looked at the weather app and it was minus nine degrees Fahrenheit. I felt grateful this morning for this day... among other things. The temperature remained subzero the entire day and we are expecting to be in the deep freeze until midweek. Just the short time outside to take out the garbage and get the mail was enough to freeze my tootsies off. I'm not a fan of a having white Christmas, but this snow isn't going anywhere for a while. Last night we were talking about how high last month's natural gas bill was, but we reluctantly raised the thermostat up a few notches. Just to get a little exercise, I got up off my butt for five five minute goes on the elliptical! There are very few vegetable dishes that I like as a meal, stir fried cabbage with carrots and onions is one of them. Years ago, I would have never fathomed the amount of meat that I have cut back on. Clearly like most Americans, we tend to routinely eat way more than meat than the recommended healthy portion. We got the recipe the for steamed gai loong from my Sue. I hope they will turn out as delicious as the one she gifted us the other day. I am thankful for the our daily provisions, God is good.

22 December 2022

O King of the nations… Come and save us all. So much for looking at the weather forecast last night before going to bed. I went to bed early last night thinking that I had to clear the sidewalk for the kids to go to school this morning, but we didn't get the expected overnight snow. I'm debating whether that was a good thing or not. Does that mean less snow or does that mean delayed snowfall. One good outcome is the garage got collected. I looked at the weather app again this morning and the revised forecast called for the snowfall to begin at noon, but it actually we began to come down at 10. How naive of me think that my expectations of a weather app bold enough with the name Accuweather could better. With that said, it's better than nothing. I had my first go at the snow about two o’clock. It was only about an inch and was really light and fluffy and was a piece of cake. My plan was to go out every two hours and tend to and stay on top of the snow. It was about four o’clock when I went out again and there was about two inches this time around and was very light like before. I was able to get all the snow off my deck out back and about half the driveway before I just gave up because of the cold. It dropped down to 5 ºF and just too cold to do the needed. It’s supposed to be around eight degrees below zero when we wake tomorrow and remain subzero the entire day. Prayers for the safety of all for good health.

21 December 2022

O Dayspring, splendor of light everlasting... Come and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. Last night I heard an oldie after I penned my journal entry, Touch Me - Doors, or ot would have been the song of the day. Well, the pendulum starts swinging the other way now and the days will gradually become longer. We were up early to go grocery shopping so that I could do a big cook so that Alex can have food to cook and have a few prepared meals for the next few days. With auntie Soo flew in and will be staying with him for the holidays. I steamed us a dim sum brunch and made char sui rice noodle soup and ribeye steak and stir fried bok choy side for dinner. It was a good eating day. I made a pot of oatmeal, Mapo tofu and stuffed hamburgers as their prepare meals and we got plenty of fruit and there is spinach to make salad to hunker down. We'll probably see them on Saturday, if the weather permits. Who knows, the predicted blizzard may even fizzle out and we can spent more time with Soo. For sure this isn't ideal weather, but I think it'll be ok for Christmas eve and Christmas day. I stayed behind to watch Nala while Alex and mama went to the Airport. Well, I didn't exactly watched Nala, I watched the movie, Father Stu, on Netflix. I love Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson movies and he didn't disappoint. We're so happy that Fawn's sister made the trip to spend Christmas with us and the family. Prayers for Jennifer and the babies as she begins her month long night shift rotation working the newborn icu at the hospital. I just checked the forecast again and now the snow is expected to start falling overnight now instead of tomorrow afternoon. Talk about a moving target, It was initially forecasted to begin Thursday evening. Thanks be to God for our joyous day with family and good eats. I got to get ready for bed and rest up for the shoveling task ahead of me. May the Lord give me the rest and the strength and the wisdom to know my physical limitations.

20 December 2022

O Key of David and scepter of the house of Israel... Come and rescue the prisoners who are in darkness and the shadow of death. Dang, we got a county winter storm watch alert: beginning Thursday evening and ending on Saturday. We can expect subzero temperatures and a ton of snow to drop. I'm hoping the forecasters are wrong on both counts. Not good, normally I can fall asleep rather quickly in bed, but it took me a while to fall asleep last night because of the sound of the howling winds. We were up early and out the door this morning. My cousin's wife called last night and said that she was going to stop by our house to bring some Chinese dim sum and the diakon and dumpling soup that she made after stopping by my sister's. That was so thoughtful of her to be so mindful of us. That was perfect because we were going to call to go by her place to drop off gifts for her grandskids. We decided to go my sister's house to drop off our gifts for our little cousins, because she always seem to have a hard time finding our house and get lost in our subdivision. Lol, she needs to learn how to use the Google Maps app. It's sad that our kid's kid aren't experiencing the large family gathering like we had and our kids had playing with all the cousins and getting to bond and know them well. We drove down 75th street and we were thrilled to see that the road construction was finally completed. Talk about cream, they sure knew how to milk the heck out of the job. I am grateful for the gift of family. It is so nice to be out and about. This string a sunny days is a true blessing. Gloom and doom skies and the darkness of short days is undesirable for sure. We have to make the most of it before the expected winter storm moves un and causes havoc. Since Alex is on vacation this week and we were out, we went to his house to share the delicious soup. We bought a new carbon steel wok to leave at Alex's to use there, so we put the heat on it to season that bad boy. Man, his high btu stove did an awesome job. It's an uphill battle to fight off the urge to eat all the different good holiday treats and foods. There is no way to get in enough exercise to offset the calories, so I do my best to resist the glutinous temptations of overindulgence. Thankfully, my gos on the elliptical to strengthen my heart, lungs and muscles should help with some of the unwanted holiday calories. Surprisingly, so far so good. I'm not interested in losing any weight, but don't want to gain any. The goal is to get into and stay in shape. I don't expect doritos but losing the pear shape would be nice. I'm grateful for the blessings of the day. It's been months since my cousin Jimmy and his wife. I got to see brother Bill and son Alex. This pandemic has allowed me to see precious moments that were once taken for granted. Anyway off to bed, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Prayers for save travel in the face of the approaching winter storm.

19 December 2022

O Root of Jesse… Come quickly to deliver us. Dang, it was cold last night. I like to dress comfortably in the house, so I asked mama to kick the thermostat up a notch. I think it was cold in the house because we were away all day and so there was no stovetop residual heat in the house from me cooking. It was another sunny day and was pretty much the same temperaturewise today, but thankfully without the wind. Albeit it was still cold out, at least the coldness was bearable. Layering up with thermal clothing is a must. We were are the Fox Valley Mall and got in a 30 minute mall walk. There were a few more people in the mall today, but there weren't enough people about to be concerned over. Actually, I thought there would be more people off from work this week and out shopping, but that was clearly not the case. It was a little tough to do any more than a walk at a slow leisurely pace while walking with my pair of non slip shoes on. For sure I need to be keep up with several gos on the elliptical and doing some resistance training or I’ll end up gaining weight again, more importantly I need to be working on being as physically fit as possible. We were out longer than I anticipated and was glad that we had a package of belVita breakfast biscuits and bottled water. The problem with the cranberry orange is that I can't stop at one. Lol, Alex called and wanted to know if we would go with him to the Chinese supermarket to get the ingredients to make the dumpling dough. He was happy that we already went this morning and got all the needed. Clearly Alex thought his aunt's recipe to make gai loong dumplings was a keeper too.

18 December 2022

O Adonai and ruler of the house of Israel... Come with an outstretched arm and redeem us. I woke up as happy as can be this morning, because I was excited to to gather and celebrate Christmas while making old and new memories with my siblings and family. We were saddened that Andrea and Rob were under the weather and couldn't make it with our grandkids, but we were glad that Alex was able to make it there. I would of loved seeing Isaac and Peyton spend time playing with and getting to know their cousin Norah. It's difficult having Jennifer live elsewhere, but we are happy that she is pursuing her dreams and forging ahead. I'm so glad old children routinely call their mama, almost on a daily basis. Facetiming with all our children is truly a blessing. I remember the notion of video calls was all but a dream. It’s hard to believe that we got another overnight dusking of snow. At least it was only about a quarter inch of the fluff. I didn't realize it until we were ready to leave and looked out the rear window and noticed it on the deck or I wound have shoveled it off, I hope I don't end up regretting not attending to it. What a beautiful sun filled day. It’s sad that it is so close to the shortest day of the year. More sad is how deceiving the sun was in the windy cold, brr. How cold is it? It was in the 20s. How windy was it? Windy enough to have single digits with the wind chills factored in and funny to see snow flurries when there were only a few clouds at a distance. Thanks be to God for UV sun shade clip ons. I always feel nostalgic around the holidays, so recreating taste memories by making Chinese pastries "tay" brings back fond childhood memories. These times with my siblings together with my family create newer joyful memories. This aspect of food and sitting a table breaking bread with love ones is a relished gift from God. Whenever or not our children will relish their Cantonese heritage remains to be seen. I was happy to see that Alex was interested enough to go to the party early and learn how to make gai long dumplings. My vocabulary in Cantonese is very limited as well as being able to cook Cantonese dishes. This was our first go at making gai long dumplings! It was a fun experience for us to recreate our fond childhood memories. Clearly we need to work on our pleating skills, but the tay and filling was pretty tasty. I'm thankful that my sister is good at making tay and for our family time poetically waxing over making Cantonese dim sum dishes. Thanks be to God for the gift of family. Nancy made a beautiful slow cooker pot roast for our Christmas meal. I find it difficult to be patient and have something cook for a long time, found that out when Isaac allowed me to cook his prize Thanksgiving turkey that he won in a race last year. I always wanted to cook a turkey and I am grateful to my grandson to present me an opportunity to do so. I was musing about holidays and special dates, but never understood the need to celebrate any occasion on a exact date. In my mind and stressing one's self out to do so is beyond me, but judging by what a lot people put themselves through, especially flying during the holidays is truly remarkable. Afterwards, we went to our neighbor's home to celebrate Emma's 80th birthday! She is in town for the holidays. The song of the day is, That’ll Be the Day – Buddy Holly & The Crickets. I picked this song because it came on, it was a fun song when I was a little kid. We only just kept singing, “that’ll be the day” over and over, what can I say? It was an awesome day that was filled with God's Glory.

17 December 2022

O Holy Wisdom… Come and teach us the way of prudence. Déjà vu, more overnight snow, it's like Ground Hog Day! I'm glad this time around we only got about a half inch of snow, but I did need to go out to shovel the snow especially the deck and around the sump pump discharge hose out back. We listened to classical music this morning and the background music was so peaceful and good for the soul. I made us fried carrots, cabbage and onions for lunch. I should have given the cabbage a shredded cut like I did last time, it was have tasted much better. Fried cabbage wasn't a very filling lunch so tossed a DiGiorno frozen pizza in the oven mid afternoon to carry us over until supper by then I wasn't hungry anymore, so I had a bowl of cold cereal with blueberries. "This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases" (Matthew 8:17). I'm certain that during the cold winter months our immune system tend to weaken our ability to fight off respiratory viruses and diseases. Prayers for health and healing. May our Lord take our infirmities and bare our illnesses.

16 December 2022

Oh my! Mercy me, I looked at the weather forecast this morning and all I see is cold and colder. It looks like we will be below freezing for the remainder of the year. I even saw subzero temperatures forecasted ahead of us, not good. Well, it had to snow sooner or later. I am thankful for the advancements in thermal clothing and to be healthy enough to be able shovel it. Luckily the two inches of snow we that fell was somewhat fluffy so it wasn't too bad. It's good to be retired and tend to the task without a window of time to getrdun. Having a safe and warm house to call your home is an incredible blessing. Thanks be to God for shelter. We stayed around the house all day today. It felt good doing light resistance training and getting on the elliptical three times today. I didn't push any of the exercises but felt the need to move. Happy haircut, mama did a great job cutting my hair. There is something about getting a haircut that make me feel good afterwards. My brother called me to let me know that the Stagg Bowl was on beween my graduate school alma mater North Central and Mount Union. I'm not able to see the game, so I did the next best thing and listened to the live audio broadcast. Whoo hoo, congratulations to the NCAA Division III Champions, North Central Cardinals for their 28-21 Stagg Bowl victory over Mount Union. It's Friday! I can hardly wait to spend time this weekend with my siblings and family. My sister is going to teach us how to make "gai loong." I'm sure that is going to kindle back fond childhood memories. Our mom could make enough of this traditional Toisanese fried dumplings. It's my understanding that it a very popular street food where my parents lived in China. I loved it when we use to made "joong" and "cheong fun" during the holidays before the pandemic at my sister's house. It's is awesome that she can make a few of our childhood favorites that our mom used to make. Making these dishes is very laborious and now I can truly appreciate the love by our parents that was put into preparing the wonderful food from our Lords bounty that was put before us. I was musing about gifts from God and living in the best of times. There was a time when I thought that my parents and siblings were the best possible gift from God. Then I met my wife to be and my heart was full. It was soon after, that I joined her on our journey back to Eden. Along the way we were bless with children and now crowed with grandchildren. The kids called and facetimed us, our cup overflows with grace upon grace. Our Lord's love endures forever. I got into a conversation with one of my Facebook friends about the price of regular gas finally trending back down but the price of the high octane premium gas is still a dollar more per gallon than regular. I'm just glad that our turbocharged engine doesn't require the high octane premium gas. Even with the price of gas finally coming down, one is way off better with the $/mi with an EV and EVs are becoming more attractive with the rollout of V4 superchargers. I always thought that all those changing stations in the parking lots in town was a big waste of time, but now surprisingly folks are using them. On time will tell if the ev car batteries will hold up in the cold midwest winters. I could be wrong, but I think this transition will take place faster than most folks envisioned. With that said, I don't see us getting one with our days being numbered. But I've learned to never ever say never. Talk about Facebook friends another one of my friends mention an old song called, Toyland, and I’ve being humming the Doris Day rendition most of the day. I made us napa soup with linguine noodles for lunch, (fusion?) Anyway, soup is good for the soul, especially on cold winter days like today. And Fawn fished up the steak while I finished the last of the barbecue drumsticks for dinner. Because I pen whatever comes to mind, it is clear to me I often have food on my mind. What can I say, I love talking about food, loving reading recipes and watching cooking shows on top of cook and enjoying delicious food. Anyway, enough yapping. It’s been a long day and I am grateful for this peaceful and tranquil day. May the Lord keep us through the night and secure our hearts and thoughts in holy reverence.

15 December 2022

"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone" (Isaiah 9:2). We are less than a week away from the winter solstice and it is noticeable how short the days have become. As the winter solstice and the celebration of Christmas approaches, I give thanks that unto us a light has dawned. We had a nice peaceful morning over coffee and looking at recent pictures and videos of our kids and grandkids. Each passing year has been a blessing, "It's a Wonderful Life!" God is faithful and Good.  We went to Alex's for lunch and this time we remembered to bring a brick. I'm surprised that Fawn seems to be able to find ribeye steaks on sale, but I suppose if you go to as many grocery stores as we do looking for the deals on fresh fruits and vegetables, you're able to do just that. I made us rice noodle soup to go with the steak and had scalloped potatoes for the side dish. Albeit, I'm not a health food nut, I have been eating a lot more fruits and vegetables lately and able to maintain a healthy weight. Since Fawn a pickup at the JCPenney in the Fox Valley Mall, I was able to do a 20 minute mall walk. It's been a while since I've done that there. It's not clear to me if there weren't many people in the mall because it is a weekday morning or is there are only two anchor stores remaining there. I think that department stores in general are numbered. Naturally, I gassed up the car on the way to Alex's. I know I talk about gas prices a lot, but it's a good thing to see the price of it continuing to go downward. I was able to get it this week for $2.889 a gallon. Am I overly optimistic or just plain old naive to be hoping the price of every day consumer goods to follow suit? It started snowing mid afternoon today, but so far the temperature has been above freezing so thankfully there hasn't been any accumulation. Nice, Fawn showed me  great photographs of Jennifer and RJ on their vacation/visit to Honolulu to visit RJ parents who resides there. Prayers for health and recovery. We went to Oahu and Maui for our honeymoon and thought it was most beautiful. I never could figure out how folks can afford to live there, but somehow people are able to do just that. Our baby girl is growing up and no longer looks like a teenager. Sigh, I’m on my laptop and I just got a popup notification about a Windows update that will require a restart. I don’t get on my laptop that often, but whenever I do, it seems to need an update for this or that, nuts. I would have never guessed that when we bought the elliptical for Jennifer for her rehabilitation when she tore both her ACLs playing tennis in high school, that I would be using the cardio machine. I knew that I would be using the elliptical more during the winter months. Wow, I just came across, Dream Lover – Dion, I have heard this song in ages. That is why I like having my ear buds on playing oldies while penning my journal entries. LOL, the hits by Dion & the Belmonts is making me bob my head and tapping my feet. I just looked at the weather app for tomorrow’s forecast. It looks like tomorrow will be in the 20s all day so I just peeked out the window and there was only snow on the grass. I hope that street will get salted asap. Prayers for safe driving condition. Hmm, that brought to mind about a noticeable surge in reckless driving this past year. Thank you Lord for the blessings of the day, for health and healing and for comfort in our sufferings, struggles, and sorrows.

14 December 2022

I woke to the sound of pouring rain in the middle of my night, but thankfully I was able to instantly fall back asleep. Waking to another gloom and doom looking sky wasn't what I was looking forward to, but it is what it is. It's a blessing that we are still getting rain instead of snow, but my concern is that the temperature doesn't drop and the roadways become iced over and dangerously slick. I looked at the weather app and the temperatures seem to be thankfully remaining above freezing. I’m praying that the forecasters are correct. I went out early to mama's haircut appointment, too bad I wasn't able to walk while she was getting her hair clipped because of the rain. I'm glad she had the first appointment of the day, because I was sitting in a cold car and she was in and out relatively quick. OK, enough grumpy talk about the cold and damp weather we are having... besides, I did get to sit in the car and meditate while listening to sacred music play list on my phone. I was glad to get back home and enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee. I forgot to mention that our new coffee maker seems to make a hotter pot than our previous one. It kind of reminds me of drinking piping hot coffee from McDonald's. With all this rain, it’s crazy how the sump pump has been working overtime, in December no less. After lunch we went over to Alex's to let Nala out to do her business and dropped off the char sui and some barbecue drumsticks for Alex to have for his supper. Sigh, we forgot to bring another brick to Alex’s house keep Nala from digging in the ground in his back yard. I only remember when she was at it again. It could be my imagination, but the leftover barbecue drumstick chicken I had for lunch seemed juicier and more flavorful today than yesterday. Hmm, it sadden me to see, "Let's Go Brandon" christmas gift wrapping paper advertised on Facebook, no thank you, Christ First! I was able to get to go in on the elliptical and I know that isn't nearly enough exercise for the day, but some days are like that. I diced up the last of the teriyaki chicken and diced up some of the char ribs and made us fried rice for dinner. I'm clueless why a lot of folks claim that you need cold day old rice to make the dish. I scooped my rice hot right out of the electric rice cooked and had no problem making the dish. Thanks be to God for Jennifer’s safe travel. I’m always apprehensive whenever family members fly on an airplane.

13 December 2022

Happy second birthday Peyton! Aren't grandkids the best? Albeit, I’m more than a little bit bias, I think we have the great kids on the planet. Over morning coffee, I was complaining about the about the cold dreary day ahead of us. Mama put my head on right and said that I should be grateful that we were given another day. Of course she was right, thanks we to God. We went out for groceries at Mariano's and Jewels. We are blessed that these two grocery stores are across the street from each other and are so close to our home. Brr, albeit it was pretty much the same temperaturewise, the windchill made it horrid. I was so glad it is a weekday and that we were out the door early enough to be able to walk inside the stores. I made char sui ribs and good old fashion American oven baked barbecue drumsticks. The house was nice and toasty and smelled wonderful, life is good. The char sui ribs didn't come out as juicy and tender as with the pork shoulder butt. I'm not sure I would try making that again, but it I do, it'll need to be done differently to somehow make the meat more tender. The highlight of the day was fametimiming with all the kids and singing happy birthday to Peyton. I best stop penning and get ready for bed, because we need to be up early tomorrow morning.

12 December 2022

Albeit I like my oatmeal sweet or savory, I tend to favor savory whenever there is a little something meaty. I shredded a couple of bite size pieces of leftover teriyaki chicken and tossed in my oatmeal with a couple dashes of hot sauce, so good. Savory oatmeal taste similar to jook. While out and about, I picked up more hand lotion. Crazy that we have to use it all year round now, because I continue use alcohol base hand sanitizer whenever we are out. Now that it's winter again, my hands are so very dry. It was instant relief once I applied the lotion on my hands. It's been a long while since we been to downtown Naperville. Albeit I didn't go to the riverwalk, I still enjoyed a nice leisurely walk. It makes a world of difference being out and about when there is little to no wind blowing. I think that taking a nice peaceful outdoor walk listening to sacred music is so good for one's well being. I just looked at the ten day forecast and it looks like starting this weekend we will dip below freezing and stay there with overnight lows in the single digit., not good. Today's good eat was spaghetti. We took the sauce out of the freezer a couple days ago and today was the first opportunity to have it once it was defrosted, delicious.

11 December 2022

Mmm, I made a fresh pot of oatmeal. Then I scooped a teaspoon of the hamburger peas and a couple splashes of Cholula hot sauce to make my bowl of oatmeal savory. Clearly it doesn't take much to make me a happy camper. I got on the elliptical four times today, good for me. We had a package of chicken tenderloin and since there was plenty of the Colombian chicken sauce, I boiled half of it and tossed it in the sauce, mmm. I made teriyaki chicken with the other half of the package, but it's not a good using boneless chicken thighs. For dinner I made us beef tomato pepper. I got a complaint about the dish from mama last time, so I was really happy that it turned out good this time around. Lord, come and save us.

10 December 2022

After morning coffee we went to the Jewels to buy grounded beef to make hamburger peas and for chicken drumsticks that were on sale for the unbelievable price of 69 cents a pound. It was great be able to find a marked down ribeye steak package and several packages of ground beef marked down by 30 percent during these inflationary times. We stopped by Target on the way to Alex's to buy eggs that were on sale $2.99 a dozen. That's the lowest it has been in a long while. Despite finding all these groceries on sale, to put things in perspective, eggs were about a year ago. Most grocery items have more than doubled since in the last two years. I can let it go that things are so bad under Biden. I wish he would just step down. I have to believe that the Harris can do a heck of a lot better. Besides it being a Saturday, I guess I'll have to wait until the holiday season is over before I'll be able to walk indoors again. There are way too many people out and about shopping in the big box stores. That's fine with me because I'm more focused on doing more cardio on the elliptical for now. We went to Alex's for a visit and bring him some of the Colombian chicken and to make us lunch. As much as I enjoy going to his house and make and enjoy lunch with him on a weekday, he has to work, so it is pretty much an eat and go during his lunch break. A slow and more relaxing time with him for a couple of hours on a weekend is more blessed. Mmm, I fried up the ribeye steak for our lunch. It’s ashamed that I have to limit my red meat consumption, because I really like the way I make a Hong Kong style steak. I made hamburger peas for him to eat at another time. Nala was happy that I made her a plain hamburger patty. I also made char sui chow fun for him too and took half of it home for our supper. The cooking goes so fast in his kitchen. I love these modern kitchens with an fancy high btu stove. On the way home we stopped at a Hallmark store, so I had an opportunity to walk around the parking lot, do some step ups and run in place. We had a good day and thank God for his blessing, his love endures forever.

9 December 2022

I woke early dawn to the sound of the pouring rain and had to look at the weather app to make sure that we are not expecting any freezing temperatures to come about before doing the happy dance. Getting rain in mid December is a heck of a lot better than having with the snow. We ended up just hanging around the house all day, so I was able to hit the elliptical four times today and got a lot of good cardio workout doing intervals without overly stressing my heart. I can't see myself doing HIIT or strenuous workouts, but I am focus on gradually strengthening my heart and increasing my lung capacity. I had mixed feelings yesterday about Brittney Griner's impeding prisoner exchange return, but now that she is safely back here on American soil, I am happy for her. I stand to Flag and for our National Anthem despite her many historical blemishes; there is no other nation I rather live in. Francis Scott Key like some of his contemporaries before him are problematic and do not represent the words for which our nation stands for. I just think the divisive way she and other athletes have chosen to protest only create noise instead of a conversation. Mmm, Sandy dropped by this afternoon and gifted us her signature Colombian Chicken dish, it made for a super delicious dinner. Every once in a while I come across a pop song that I like, Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley. The verse of the day is, “Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!” (Psalm 80:3). Help us, O Lord, to always be mindful of the gifts we receive from your bountiful hands and to restore our lives to your praise and glory.

8 December 2022

I can hardly believe that I stayed up so late last night and when I finally went up to bed, it took me a while to fall asleep.  Normally, I'm in bed relatively early and can fall asleep in a very short time. Michael Mayer... I should have seen that coming. Albeit he will not be playing in the Gator Bowl and will most likely be selected in the first round in April. We got a call this morning from my sister about the change of plan on cooking food instead of ordering food with my brother and sister for our holiday meal. It’s crazy how covid-19 has made large gatherings impossible. We are real looking forward to getting there early and learning how to make "gai loong"! I also have great joy in my heart whenever we get a call from family or friends, I especially love hearing from my brother, or my kids and grandkids. The gift of family overwhelms me. Prayers for good health and blessings to all my family and friends. "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:22-27). Finally, on the way to Alex's we pulled into the gas station and got gas for $297.9 a gallon! I took a bone-in pork chop and shredded the pork and tossed it a large pot along with the store bought mini wontons to make us a napa and silken tofu soup for lunch. Chirp, chirp, this was perhaps the best soup I ever made, delicious! We went full Canto with multiple dishes. I made beef with peapods, lap cheong and steamed rice. Now that's what I call a meal. I love cook on Alex's high btu stove, the water comes to a boil so quickly and stir frying with wok hay is sweet. Surprise, surprise, previously mama always got Alex's hand me down phone, but the kids gifted her with a brand new phone. Alex helped her move her sim card and migrate all her data over from her old phone to the new one. I asked what is different between the two phones and learned that mama needed a new phone because the old phone was too old and couldn't be updated. I swear, we have the greatest kids and grandkids in the world, we are truly blessed. When we got back home, I got ambitious and raked the leaves in front of our house. I'm sure all our neighbors appreciated that, because this is the first year our street looked pretty awesome. I think it is because of the above normal temperatures we have been having and without any hindering snow on the ground. I had a bowl of soup and made myself a salad for dinner and Fawn had a little leftover beef with peapods. After supper, it was just a peaceful and relaxing evening. I think it is important to take time and remind ourselves that there is much to be grateful for because our Lord showers us endless gifts. After all, everything that we have is a gift from God. It is very arrogant and self centered to believe that we have achieved everything on our own. Thanks be to God for all his inexpressible gift and mercies.

7 December 2022

Sitting and enjoying our morning coffee made it a slow morning get out the door, but we eventually head out to the Sam's Club to pick up our meds from the pharmacy. I only time to do a couple of laps. It was just as well, because there were more people around than I liked. Social distancing is out the window and we are amongst the last of people who still mask up in public. On the way home we stopped off at JCPenney to pick up a tee shirt for Isaac that Fawn ordered online. I’m actually surprised that that store is still around, because we hardly shop there anymore. The last stop was to Park and Shop for Chinese groceries since it was nearby. Talk about being blesses, I glad that we only made a few stops because my idea of staving is an hour late for a meal. Lunch was simple, Fawn ate her leftover Mexican from the other day and I made myself a salad. I'm glad I made it a point to hop on the elliptical twice today. I remember when I first started using Jennifer's elliptical machine as a way to burn a lot of calories in a short time. I was so heavy and out of shape that I was only able to go at a very slow pace for a very short amount of time. Now I am more interested in boosting my stamina and cardio capacity by strengthening my heart and lungs. I really need to be in good physical shape to be able to shovel the snow manually this winter again. I made Fawn Cantonese style tomato egg and made myself a green pepper and onion omelet for dinner. I just realized that I went totally meatless today, interesting. I’m slow and behind the news, because I try to avoid news outlets as much as possible. Fleetwood Mac is one of my all time favorite band and Christine McVie passed away last week. RIP, Songbird. Awake us, O Lord, that we may receive your Son with joy.

6 December 2022

Thanks be to God for another day. I was totally surprised to wake up this morning without any soreness or even a stiff arm from yesterday's shot. I was bored did resistance training with the dumbbells twice in the morning and the afternoon. It's strange that I only use 5, 10 and 15 pounds pairs now and gave up on the pair of 20 dumbbells earlier this year and gave them to Alex. I can't even remember why I decided to stop working out with the pair of 20 pound dumbbells. We stay indoors today and just hung out around the house, so I got the elliptical twice this morning. Too bad I'm not disciplined enough to hop on the elliptical every day. I wish I was, because I know the cardio workout is far superior to walking. I enjoy taking leisurely walks but that isn't the case during the winter months. I can see me going into winter mood more and more as we move deeper into the season. I can hardly wait until we are done with winter and we are just at the early stage of it. It was a relaxing morning playing classical music in the background. Mmm, I always love it whenever Fawn make us salad, because she always go all out with whatever fruits are in the refrigerator along with an iceberg lettuce and hard boiled eggs, so good. I especially like the fresh pineapples, because lately Fawn has been buying whole fresh pineapples and cutting it up herself. I was bored in the afternoon, so I had two more gos on the elliptical as well as with the dumbbells. Mmm, mama came up with a great idea to have me make the both for the store bought frozen mini wonton she got from the supermarket. I toss in some bok choy vegetables and my homemade char sui and it ended nice soup for dinner. I was musing about the controversy of divinity of the Son in the Trinity and the use of the Greek terms homoousios and homoiousios. Homoousios is the term used by the Council of Nicea that means “same substance.” So it means that the Son is one substance with the Father and is fully Divine. Homoiousios is the term used by the Arians and other heresies that means “of similar substance.” I also mused about my sister Mary; it is hard to believe that it has been 13 years ago since she passed away. At times I am still sad that she is gone but will cherish the memories of as my big sister. The day is almost over and I am rejoicing in the Lord and am forever grateful for what he has done and is doing in my life.

5 December 2022

I got pretty excited this morning that Notre Dame will be going to the Gator Bowl and will take on a closely ranked SEC team. It looks like South Carolina is a great match up. I was surprised that there is talk about Tyler Buchner because I thought he was out for the season with a shoulder injury. Albeit there is always hope of winning a bowl game even with Pyne leaving ND, the chance greatly increases if Buchner in the game and if he plays up to the high expectations that most had of him at the start of the season. If he does get to start, it'll be a 2nd chance for him, not too players get opportunities like that. #GoIrish We went to the Sam's Club Pharmacy to get out 3rd and final hepatitis shot. We had no warning that the final shot was a very high dosage, so it initially stung like heck and was painful for about 15 minutes and then it was painless. I have no clue what my arm will feel like tomorrow morning. So I think getting our shingles shots the early next year will complete all the shots thing for a while. It was much of a walk doing the indoor perimeter thing, but getting 30 minutes in is better than nothing. Good thing we have Jennifer's elliptical and me getting up every hour or so to do a little walking in place has been helpful. Surprisingly, we got a couple hours of unexpected sunshine this morning before the gloom and doom looking sky moved in. I'm not sure why I all of a sudden had a taste for Mexican food out of the blue. We have done that in a long while. So we went a little out of the way home to the Front Street Cantina in downtown Naperville to pick up a couple orders of shredded enchiladas to for our lunch. The portion was large enough that we ate half of it for lunch and the other half we had for our dinner. Mmm, it was the best idea I had in a while. American style Mexican, Italian and Chinese food is among my favorite cuisines. I actually think every country have at least a couple dishes I would enjoy. One of the best things about living in the Naperville area is that there is the diversity of spices and ingredients that can be found in the supermarkets as well as the many different restaurants cuisines.

4 December 2022

We were out the door super early to pick up the Mulan birthday cake and ice cream. I couldn't win, it was rather cold at the crack of dawn, so I went for the Bronson look to keep my head warm. But the bad thing was that the sun is low to the horizon this time of year and my baseball cap with the visor would have been better suited to keep the sun out of my eyes while driving. Thanks be to God for protective UV clip on sunglass lens. I was happy to see the sunshine because it's my understanding that it will be a while before we will see it again. We are expecting participation several times this week and I'm hoping it will be warm enough that it will be in the form of rain and not freeze over. I was happy to see that the gas prices are continuing to drop during these self inflicted inflationary times. We got gas near Alex's house for $3.099 a gallon. Breakfast was sweet, oatmeal, muffins, french toast, scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage links. Later, I steamed the frozen dim sum, shui mai, har gow and bean curd rolls. Although my best wasn't very good, I did try to curb the day's gluttony. It was great playing with our grandkids. I'm finding it so joyful to actually be talking with Peyton. The word grandpa was music to my ears. Albeit I'm in better shape than I have been in many years, Isaac had be huffing and puffing. I feel bad that there were a few things he wanted to do with me, but I wasn't able to do, like go in a tent with him with because I was fearful that I wouldn't be able to get back up off the ground. Alex has a nice uncluttered play space in his basement that is ideal for Isaac to like his imagination run freely. I hope the kids had a fun visit, I sure did. Rob was kind enough to bless me with a neck, back and shoulder massage. I not much into professional football but I did catch the last 5 minutes of the Packers vs Bears game. Looks like Aaron Rodgers still owns the Chicago Bears. Sigh, I wish I didn’t turn on the car radio on the way home. It’s so annoying to hear the names Biden and Trump and something to do with 2024. I think our nation is doomed if it comes down these two again in 2024. It’s not clear to me what’s going on any why the msm was giving this news blurb. I went way over the meat quota that I set for myself so I just made myself a carrot, green pepper and onion stir fry for dinner. I was listening to music on YouTube and came across, I'll Never Fall in Love Again - Tom Jones. He was one of my favorite singers from yesteryears. The verse of the day is, Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12). We view darkness in many ways. It comes as no surprise to me that the days are short this time year and Christ, the Light of the World, comes to us and brings us light. We tend to view the darkness in the world as evil. The darkness plagues our hearts and our sinful ways deceive us. May the Light of the World light illuminate our hearts.

3 December 2022

Sigh… my machine was running slow and I had to reboot it just to get it to act right. Brr, all that sunshine we got today was so deceiving, we are back into the 20s again. Are you kidding me? People never seem to amaze me, I saw a person out and about just wearing shorts and tee shirt like it was a summer day. I was taken by surprise that mama wanted to go to Party City and prep for a Peyton's birthday party at Alex's. She even had me do a cook. I made char sui gon chow, stuffed hamburgers for the kids. I didn't mind, I love the btu output from his stove. Alex had some leftover Cantonese noodle, so I sliced us some char sui and made soup to go with the noodles for lunch. After lunch I did the cook. PI watched the final two episodes of season five of Cobra Kai and thought season finale was outstanding. Now I'm thinking that this season finale would be a good way to end the series without jeopardizing to ruin the show. We also got to watch the SEC Championship game between LSU and Georgia on Alex's big screen tv. Alex's house has a lot of windows and I the sunlight was good for my soul. Mmm, love making the frozen pot stickers. I personally think they taste better the one that are made in the restaurants. And they were to as game time snack and hamburger sandwiches. It's too bad I have to cut down on the red meat, because I could have gone for a big stuffed pub hamburger like the one I made for Alex and Fawn. Mine was like the kid meal size I made for Isaac and Peyton. Man, did LSU take a beating from Georgia. I'm predicting that the Dawgs will go on to win the CFP National Championship again this year. The verse for the day is, Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst" (John 6:35). I always seem to talk a lot about food and can’t get enough of reading recipes and watching cooking video. I know there is a lot going on about food during the holiday season, but there is another hunger in us, in our soul, that I believe hungers to know and longs to be with our Creator. Today was filled with many blessings and spending the entire day with our son was most notable. Thanks be to God for the gift of family. Going to relax and watch the game between Michigan and Purdue before going to bed. We got to get up early tomorrow morning for a big day ahead of us. Looks like it’ll be another sunny day and will be above freezing, so that’ll be nice. I’m so excited and can hardly wait to celebrate Peyton. That young lady owns me.

2 December 2022

Mmm, the morning started off with thanksgiving and a nice hot cup of coffee. Albeit it was gloomy looking, it was a warmer morning than it has been in a while. It was already in the low 40s when we stepped out the house. I'm not sure if it made it into the forecasted low 50 this afternoon. I just knew it that I would be easily getting a ten thousand steps day in when I stepped out the door this morning. We went out to do a little grocery shopping for our family gathering this weekend. The plan is to celebrate Peyton's 2nd birthday a little early. She is such a blessing and I thank God for her. The must stop was the Jewels by our house to order a special birthday cake for our princess. I think Jewels and Mariano's are the two best places to order a cake at a reasonable price. I know like the breakfast I whip them up whenever t they come down and visit us. Wow, what is going with the price of eggs? Every time we buy them, the price jump up a lot, Inflationary Joe has to go. Eggs was about $1.50 a dozen a year ago for a dozen, now it’s cost about $4.20 a dozen. I turned the leftover stir fried cabbage into a cold plate of what I'm calling kimchee and had it for a late lunch. It really isn't but mixing in chili garlic sauce made it kind of sort of? Mmm, mama took out two portions of lasagna from a tray of lasagna that Sandy made and gifted us a while back. It made for a delicious dinner. Looks like Drew Pyne is leaving Notre Dame, I hope Steve Angeli gets the nod for the upcoming bowl game. #GoIrish I looked at more video and photos and downloaded them onto the laptop. I’m still so amazed that all these photo and videos are captured from a handy hand held phone device. I really wished we had this technology when our kids were little. I know I complain a lot like a grumpy old man, but the reality is, I actually just making noise and am truly grateful for each and every day.

1 December 2022

Mama made coffee with our new Mr Coffee 5 cup coffee maker. I'm glad she was able to figure out how much more grounds was needed to make 20 percent more coffee. It's a new day and a new month and meteorological winter is officially here and the plan is to stay warm as possible. Of all the four seasons, winter is undoubtedly the worst. It brings grey skies and blows in bone chilling coldness. Today was an exception, be had a blue sky most of the day. Albeit made it in the mid 30s this afternoon, the temperatures this morning were just as cold as it was yesterday. I was able to do a morning walk because there was hardly any wind. It makes a world of difference when the sun is out. I tend to muse about Christ as the light of the world. There is no way to get ten thousand steps in unless the weather gets a lot warmer, but at least I am able to get in at or near the seven thousand steps recommended for my age. We went out to Alex's and made us mapo tofu and a nice pot of rice noodle soup with char sui and bok choy for lunch to go with the leftover fried rice from last night's dinner. I stopped for gas on the way over to Alex's and we were able to get gas for $3.299 a gallon this week! This is the lowest price I paid for gas in almost two whole years. I know more than a few of you told me we were able to buy it for $2.99 a gallon, but not in Naperville. I think it's crazy that gas prices are all over the map. While at Alex's, I watched two more episodes of Cobra Kai, so I have two episodes left to finish season 5. What a joy, the kids facetimed us and it made my day complete. I think Andrea and Rob are bringing our grandkids down for a visit this weekend. I just looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow and I was surprised to see that it is suppose to make it to around 50 degrees. I thought for sure we wouldn't see anything remotely close to that warm again this year. Hopefully I’ll be able to get in a decent outdoor walk. May the Lord keep us healthy and heal our infirmities.30 November 2022
Brr, cold cold cold. Yeah, it's sure is tough to accumulate to freezing temperatures. The temperature was only in the 20s with a nasty looking dark grey looking sky and the wind howling on this last day of November. I was shaking my head knowing that it gets a lot colder than today during the winter months. In my mind it’s a blessing whenever we don't have to deal with the harsh reality of the winter's snow and slick roadways. There was a time when I was much heavier and was content to just stay home and be a couch potato, but nowadays I like to get out f the house in the a.m. whenever I possibly can. We went to the Chinese supermarket for fresh vegetables and groceries. We finally finished all the leftovers today and make us fried cabbage and char sui fried rice for our dinner. Some folks are projecting that Notre Dame will be taking on a SEC football team at the Gator Bowl. I would love to see that come to past. I am clueless who would come on top because this year ND has a very confusing team. It seems like it will take a solid SEC to play against to even put up a fight. I'm really hoping for a bowl win. It's only a matter of time, right? Patience is a virtue. #GoIrish I'm getting into the habit of looking at the weather forecast for the next day every time before getting to bed, just to see it it is going to rain or snow. The highlight of my day is when we got a call from Jennifer. She received her post residency match placement! I'm happy for her and will have to wait until she makes her announcement as to where. Anyway... I'm calling it a day and am grateful for this day and each and every day our Lord blesses us with.

29 November 2022

Now that the malls and stores are opened early for the Christmas season shoppers, we bundled up and headed out to the Oakbrook Center right after breakfast. Albeit, the sky was well over 95 percent overcast, the clouds were for the most part translucent and the whenever the sun popped out, it was most welcomed. Considering we are nearing the end of November, I'm calling is a beautiful late autumn day. It eventually worked its way up into the upper 50s and the dark clouds moved in. It didn't bother me though, because we were done being out and about by the noon time hour. It is rare that I am outdoors in the afternoon except for doing yard work around the house. I was surprised that I only got in about 8,800 steps in this morning, because we were out the door earlier this morning than yesterday. Anyway, I did get in another ten thousand steps in for the day. We gifted ourselves a new bare boned Mr. Coffee coffee maker. I say it was way overdue. We could never comprehend the need for all those bells and whistles on a coffee maker. This bought back fond memories of my parents aluminum coffee pot where they threw the coffee grounds it and poured the coffee out through a strainer. I have a grin on my face because I haven't cooked a meal since Thanksgiving day and there is still a ton on leftovers in the refrigerator. I especially like the grilled carrots and just had to call my niece to get the recipe for, The Publicans Barbecue Carrots. I just looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow and it looks like the temperature are going to take a nose dive overnight into the teens and will stay below freezing all. The above normal temperatures couldn’t last forever, in fact it is a safe bet that we will sure have a string on below normal temperature days ahead of us. Thanks be God for our food and clothing and shelter, but more importantly for our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

28 November 2022

I'm not much into watching professional nfl football games so I went up to bed early last night and relaxed with classical music softly playing in the background. Despite getting plenty of rest, I opted to just lie in bed under the covers to stay warm. The overnight frost made it seemed so very cold. I layered up, thermal underwear and all and got in a nice walk. It is nice that I can dress warm enough and still be comfortable when the temperature is above freezing. There was plenty of sunshine and it did eventually make it into the mid 40s. I think it's better to get out and about even for a short period of time, rather than to be coped up indoors all day. I was a walking fool this morning and was able to get in my ten thousand steps day in just the morning time alone. It was glad that I was able to do that before the dark gray dreary looking clouds moved in and darken the sky. We have so much delicious leftovers in the refrigerator to choose from that it like eating at a buffet. I called my sister Nancy to thank her for making the bean curd soup and just to see how things are going.

27 November 2022

A memory from my Facebook post from two years ago came up, the quote was an awesome start for the day. The story of Jesus is to be proclaimed and celebrated. Some will hear and rejoice, some will remain indifferent, some will become hostile. The story will not always be accepted, but it must be told. - Henri Nouwen (1932-1996). I just had to post this on my homepage. Today is the beginning of the Advent season, may we all use this time to reflect on the glory of our Savior. Mmm, I was expecting Fawn to bring back a plate of food back from Natalie's party, because Natalie said she would make sure that I would. But last night Fawn brought back a huge box of food that must have been a lot of everything. There was so much food that it was hard to pick with to start in on, but since it was breakfast time, I opted for the jook with the Chinese fry fritters. I have no porridge preference; both oatmeal and jook taste delicious. I was thinking about the char sui Fawn had me make for the party. That says a lot about how much I improved from my attempt on making Cantonese style char sui. Albeit the char sui still remains fusion, the favor profile transformed to an acceptable ABC char sui. I think last night that three of the four quarters the Irish went toe to toe with the Trojans. Their slow start in the first quarter cost them big time. And the Irish defense was no match against Caleb Williams. I hope ND will be playing a rank team in a bowl game. I made myself a Thanksgiving plate along with my sister's delicious bean curd soup for lunch and yes, I learned my lesson from my Thanksgiving day foolishness of over indulgence. I gave mused about the origin of our Thanksgiving holiday and am pretty sure the way it was packaged in kid friendly way we all was introduced to the history of it wasn't the complete story. But for harvest of God's bounty, we give him thanks. It will be a huge leap from my unbelief when I am fully able to thank God in all circumstances. Lord, "I believe; help my unbelief!” The kids facetimed us and we were so happy that they got back home safely from their Disney World vacation. It was so exciting to hear all about the magical time there along with all the videos and photos. Today was a day of much needed rest, both mentally and physically. I thank God for the time to prepare for the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the expected return of Christ in the Second Coming.

26 November 2022

Its halftime and #13 Notre Dame is down 17-7 to #5 USC. The defense is having a hard time getting to Caleb Williams. I hope the Fighting Irish will put up a better fight the second half. Just for kicks and grins, I got on the scale this morning and was happy to see that I dropped off a hair over pound of that Thanksgiving turkey. So that one day diet seemed to have paid off and I can go back to eating normal and feel that I all is well. I 'm still clueless on how to lose the flab around my waist and stay around the  same weight if there is no way to target body fat. Guess I'll just keep focusing on stepping up the core exercises and see what happens. We were out the door before eight o'clock and stopped off at Target and Kohl's. Well that went quick; I'm guessing Fawn did the Black Friday online shopping thing to be getting a boat load of stuff all ready for pick up. That wasn't the end of it, because we were expecting a delivery from FedEx, USPS and UPS. My brother Bill picked up Fawn to go to Natalie's party, so I had the house and day to myself. Because the delivery drivers don't always ring the doorbell, my assignment was to check the porch every thirty minutes for packages. I sat an alarm to go off every thirty minutes to check the porch so that I wouldn't forget. It worked out pretty good, because that forced me to get up a check and then walk in place to get my cardio exercise in. It was nice to get in another ten thousand steps day in. I’m glad all of the package got delivered. I made myself some good comfort food. Sliced char sui, fried egg, stir fried lettuce with oyster sauce, and steamed rice. I sliced char sui and put in a hamburger bun with some hoisin sauce and nuked it in the microwave. Mmm, it actually came very close to tasting like a baked char sui bao. Prayers for healing and safe travel. Anyway, back to the game…

25 November 2022

Naturally, one of the first things I did was to do hop on the scale this morning and I weighed in at 2.2 pounds heavier than I did four days ago, I’m an idiot. Losing back the few pounds is not the issue; the problem is the strain that I placed on my kidneys from overeating. Albeit I got up around the same time as usually do, I didn't breakfast until about 10:30. And I reduced my calorie intake with a super small turkey dinner with fixings portion from yesterday's Thanksgiving feast for lunch, it's the price I had to pay for my over indulgence last night. I am thankful that my diabetes and high blood pressure are under control. We didn't go out and about today, so I did walked in place exercises and got on the elliptical multiple times throughout the day. Mid afternoon I put the eight pounds of pork shoulder that I marinated overnight in the oven and made some of the char sui that Fawn wanted to bring to Natalie's party tomorrow. Funny, that I never reheated char sui before so when Fawn asked me how she should reheat the char sui tomorrow, I was totally clueless. So I presented the question as a post on my Cantonese Food Recipes Facebook Group. I always added the cooked char to a dish, like a stir fry, fried rice, gon chow or soup. I added a few slices of the char sui to the remainder on the leftovers and we had that for supper. I'm really happy how the char sui looked and tasted. I logged on the laptop and ran the virus scan while I was cooking the char sui. I swear the full scan was so slow and seemed like it taking forever. I can hardly wait until tomorrow night when #13 Notre Dame will take on #5 USC. Would it be something if the Fighting Irish could take down a top 10 team in their final game of the regular season. "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17). Everything we say and do is to be offered as a gift of thanksgiving to God with Jesus' name, power, and honor attached! This makes all of life our worship and thanksgiving to God. The highlight of my day was receiving Thanksgiving well wishes from my friend Dave. We had a lot of catching up to do, because we haven't spoken to each for several months because of with illness. Prayers for comfort, health and recovery. Time to wrap this journal entry up and go get ready for bed, because we’ll be getting up early and need to be out and about doing errand and what nots before folks start heading to the store.

24 November 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! The day started out good, we broke open a new bag of coffee grounds. This made me think of blessings in general. I not sure it is true, but I think my first blessing this morning is that we woke up this morning. But for sure, the greatest blessing ever was our deliverance from the grip of sin found in Christ Jesus. After morning coffee, I logged in my laptop and downloaded almost all of the photos I had on my phone onto the laptop for storage. I made Fawn a fried egg sandwich for lunch. Since we still had a hard boiled egg in the refrigerator, I opted to make myself an egg salad sandwich. We just wanted something light for lunch before heading out to Henry and Heather's home for a small family Thanksgiving dinner. I tried my best to limit myself to a single serving, but failed and went for a small second helping. Naturally, I overindulged and began to feel uncomfortable and tire. Ever year I'm left wondering why I am so foolish. It was really good to see Mary again in good spirit. The forecast called for rain, but thankfully that never came to past.

23 November 2022

We woke up super early and managed to be out the house by 7 a.m. to go to get Fawn's semi-annual dental appointment. I got in a nice long walk while she was in the office getting her teeth cleaned. From there, it was easy for me to get my ten thousand steps in for the day. From the dental office we stopped briefly at the Blain's Farm and Fleet and Kolh’s and for gas all on the way to Alex's. I was stunned that I just got gas was for $3.629 a gallon. I am so use to super high gas prices that I actually thought that was a very good price for a gallon of regular 87 octane tier one gas. The old Adam in me wants say more, but why needlessly work yourself into a frenzy. I'm in a Thanksgiving mood and like to keep it that way. Once again morning walk was outstanding. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I had a thought just now, but why work myself up. We found a beautiful ribeye steak that was marked down the other day and I pan seared it up at Alex's for our lunch. It's too bad that I've cut back on my red meat consumption, because that bad boy was pretty tasty. Alex had leftover some macaroni and cheese that was a he made from a Cracker Barrel poach kit that we ate as a side dish with the steak. After lunch, we watched Alex replaced his damaged Moen kitchen faucet hose. He did the needed like a pro and we gave him an A plus! Alex put Cobra Kai on for me and I got to catch a few more episodes. Alex was right; the show did get much better than the first three episodes of season five. I got a boat load of photos sent to me of our grandkids and they look so happy. I hope this holiday brings Andrea and Rob some joy and rest. It's clear to me that I'll be download them to my laptop tomorrow morning. Thanks be to God for he is good.

22 November 2022

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy" (Psalm 103:2-4). I love this thanksgiving prayer. We went out the door relatively early to buy a pork shoulder butt to make char sui for this weekend's family gathering that Fawn is going to with my brother. I'm not comfortable going into the city with all the violence there. It is nice that one of the protocols in for everyone to take a covid test on the day of the party, so that's a good thing. I find if fascinating that I am more concerned about the violence in Chicago than catching covid-19. I was all bundled up and got in a nice outdoor walk. Fawn keeps mentioning that I walk very slow, so I picked up the pace slightly, but it was still a nice leisurely pace. I figure that I get enough cardio on the elliptical every day. What has been nice is that I force myself to get up off my butt about every hour or so and walk in place now whenever I sit around at home. We did a matinee watching, Top Gun Maverick. I always thought the original movie, Top Gun, was a great movie. What is a word for greater than great? Mmm, contributed to the awesome salad we had for dinner. This one had a ton of stuff mixed in; iceberg lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, pineapples and croutons. My contribution to the salad diced teriyaki chicken thighs, so tasty. Anyway, off to bed, need to be out the door super early again tomorrow.

21 November 2022

I woke to the sound of the curbside leaf collection truck working its way through our subdivision. It got above freezing so I wore my regular walking shoes on today. Whoo hoo, I easily got in ten thousand steps. It's amazing how many more steps I could get in wearing a pair of lighter and more flexible shoes. I had an appointment with my nephrologist this afternoon for consultation to review my blood work. Albeit my numbers are slightly higher, he said it comes with aging. That was a great relief because I was previously so apprehensive. I'm happy to be where I am with my weight, but am disappointed that there is still a lot of fat around my waist. The only reason I know that I have slimmed down a lot is by how I swim in my old winter pants, but it is still sad how much of a stomach bulge remains. From what I have read, I just need to be more patient. But I wonder how do I go about reducing my waistline and remain about the same weight. I was set to do some outdoor work on the dryer exhaust vent but we lucked out with the dryer exhaust vent guard. The new one popped right in and that was all she wrote, how cool was that! It was a easy and delicious cook today, all I did was toss fish and chips in the oven along with popcorn shrimp and shrimp spring rolls. Thanks be to God who watches over us. Godspeed and prayers for safe travels during this Thanksgiving week.

20 November 2022
Love it when you can wake up to bright sunny day and enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee. I was sad that my oatmeal boiled over when I reheated it the microwave. But there was joy because the kids FaceTime us while we were having our breakfast. Nothing special to eat, I just made green beans and we had leftovers. All my exercises were done indoor at home. I just walked in place and got on the elliptical and curled 10 pound dumbbells. I guess that is one way to look at a little NFL football. I'm not much on it, but will watch a little during playoffs and Super Bowl. I'm get pretty excited about the upcoming ND game against USC. Win or lose, I hope they play a good game against a very good team. I still can’t get pass that this team lost to the likes of Marshal and Stanford. It was nice of the kids to FaceTime us again this evening. I love the Peyton is starting to learn how to sing the ABC alphabet song. "Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!" (2 Corinthians 9:15).

19 November 2022
I wish we got all the needed when we were out yesterday because it was bone chilling cold this morning and mama wanted to shop for fruits and  vegetables  at Audi. How cold was it? It was in the low 20s when went out the door and the temperature stayed in 20s all day with the windchills in the teens. I know that it will get a lot colder this winter and I hope we will be able to accommodate to it.  We are supposed to get a reprieve mid week into the 40s and that will be my short window to replace and chalk the dryer exhaust vent guard. I'm glad that the municipal finally got around to treating the slippery road conditions we had on our roadways yesterday. We have been getting a lot of snow flurries lately, but thankfully nothing has been accumulating on the walkways. It's noticeable on the grass and on our wooden backyard deck. Mama took out a small tub of her spaghetti sauce from the freezer a couple days ago, so I boiled the bowtie noodles and we had that for our lunch. I really notice hot boiling water really warm up and humidify the house during the winter months. I made us stir fried cabbage with onions and garlic as well as mac and cheese for dinner. I love watching college football on Saturdays. We watched the Notre Dame take on Boston College. They owned Boston College the entire game. How about the "D" and how about the team not playing down to the level of their opponents this time around? I think ND is ready to go head to head next week with USC next week. I was thinking about Thanksgiving and Advent just being right around the corner. "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever" (Psalm 136:1). Giving thanks is not a one day thing nor should it be just before a meal. We have been so richly blessed that thanksgiving for us should be a way of life in response to God the Father who created us, the Son who redeemed us, and to the Spirit who sanctifies us. May this be so.

19 November 2022
I wish we got all the needed when we were out yesterday because it was bone chilling cold this morning and mama wanted to shop for fruits and  vegetables  at Audi. How cold was it? It was in the low 20s when went out the door and the temperature stayed in 20s all day with the windchills in the teens. I know that it will get a lot colder this winter and I hope we will be able to accommodate to it.  We are supposed to get a reprieve mid week into the 40s and that will be my short window to replace and chalk the dryer exhaust vent guard. I'm glad that the municipal finally got around to treating the slippery road conditions we had on our roadways yesterday. We have been getting a lot of snow flurries lately, but thankfully nothing has been accumulating on the walkways. It's noticeable on the grass and on our wooden backyard deck. Mama took out a small tub of her spaghetti sauce from the freezer a couple days ago, so I boiled the bowtie noodles and we had that for our lunch. I really notice hot boiling water really warm up and humidify the house during the winter months. I made us stir fried cabbage with onions and garlic as well as mac and cheese for dinner. I love watching college football on Saturdays. We watched the Notre Dame take on Boston College. They owned Boston College the entire game. How about the "D" and how about the team not playing down to the level of their opponents this time around? I think ND is ready to go head to head next week with USC next week. I was thinking about Thanksgiving and Advent just being right around the corner. "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever" (Psalm 136:1). Giving thanks is not a one day thing nor should it be just before a meal. We have been so richly blessed that thanksgiving for us should be a way of life in response to God the Father who created us, the Son who redeemed us, and to the Spirit who sanctifies us. May this be so.

18 November 2022
We had to get up early to go for my dental appointment. Earlier in the week I had my teeth cleaned and I had my dentist take a look at a filling that didn't quite feel right, today I had to go in to have some repair done on it. Man, it was bone chilling cold. It was a good think that we left early too, because the roadways were slick as can be. I was kind of surprised, because Naperville usually is on top of it. I made more rice noodle soup today for lunch. It was also a great way to heat up and humidify the house. Although being a Fighting Irish Football fan, it is hard to believe that the College Football Playoff Committee moved out team up from #20 to #18 after last week second half performance. I guess the CFP likes a win regardless of the team they play and the margin. I really think they will need to win big tomorrow against Boston College if they want any chance of going head to head in the following week with #7 USC. #GoIrish

17 November 2022
Brr, yep, I think that'll be on my mind for a least the next three to four months. I'm officially calling it winter! Its days like today you can easily appreciate our Lord's bounty from the get go like a hot cup of coffee and a warm bowl of oatmeal from the get go. The blessings didn't stop there; Fawn made us a salad to go with the rice noodle soup I made us with char sui and bok choy for lunch! There is nothing like a hearty bowl of soup to warm the soul on cold days. Layered up and went to the Sam's Club for our meds and to do a little shopping in the Oswego area. It was so cold out with the wind blowing. I did all my walking inside the big box stores, but it was difficult walking with my non slip winter shoes instead of my light and comfortable Sketches walking shoes. My hands have been dry from using hand sanitizer for the last two years, but they are super dried out during the winter months now and l can't keep enough hand cream on them to keep them moisturized. We were able to find gas for $3.949 a gallon. I told myself to curb to wasting my time complaining and dwelling on the high gas prices and everything else because it is what it is and will most likely be like that for the next two years. I still have one outstanding outdoor diy to do. A couple weeks ago when I cleaned the dryer vent, I noticed that plastic pest guard was cracking. The new unit arrived today via UPS. It looks like the mid part of next week will be above freezing and I can replace and chalk the new part. I can't believe that it'll be Thanksgiving next week already, gobble gobble. I’m thankful for our clothing, food and shelter.

16 November 2022
Déjà vu weatherwise, if was going to snow, it was exactly what I was hoping and praying for. We thankful that Alex came to pick us up dropped us back off at the car dealership. Mmm, the sui mai, har gow and bean curd rolls dim sum! Who would of ever thought that I would be content with temperature as long as it above freezing. Hmm, my minced pork patty wasn't all that. Clearly leaving out the water chestnuts was a no-no. The day ended with facetiming with the kids, joy. Love it that Peyton is singing songs now, magical! I love how articulate Isaac is when you ask him questions. Funny how he all of a sudden went into a, show and tell, explaining details about Pokemon! Got to look the little man.

15 November 2022
I was up early and was thankful I didn't need to dig out the driveway this morning for my dental appointment. There was accumulation of snow on the grass and on the cars that were parked overnight on the driveways. Strange how we take some things for granted and fail to initially thank God for him mercies and for his blessings for the day ahead of us. Albeit it snowed most of day, the snow did not accumulate on the driveway and sidewalk because the temperature stayed above freezing. My brother Bill and sister Nancy went into the city this morning and was nice of enough to buy frozen dim sum for us from Chinatown, so we stopped by to get it from him. It worked out great because we had to stop by the nearby Social Security Administration Office to drop a form. I made us Cantonese minced pork meat patty this afternoon and bought some over for Alex. We also brought the frozen dim sum to his house because he has plenty of freezer space and we has to go there to let Nala out to go do her business. We have an appointment to drop our off tomorrow because of a recall and Alex will pick us up when we will drop off the car. The plan is to steam them bad boys tomorrow at his place and have it for breakfast. Man O man, am I looking forward to that. It is suppose to continue snowing until sometime tomorrow late afternoon, but I’m hoping that if it does it will be like today because I am not ready for winter.

14 November 2022
It was another cold brisk day. It was one of days that I wish that I could have just stayed indoors but I had an appointment to have some blood work. Besides we are supposed to be getting some snowfall and I had to buy our 80 pounds of driveway salt for the season. I hope that the forecasters are wrong about the overnight forecast and that snowfall will hold off until later in the day because I have a dental appointment to have my teeth cleaned first thing in the morning. Talk about procrastinating, it's my understanding that there may be some snowfall heading our way, so I started up the lawnmower for the last time this year. I underestimated the amount of gas that was still in tank and ended up mowing the front yard and back. Mmm, I made us rice noodle soup for supper, good stuff.

13 November 2022
It was cold again in the 30s all day again. I looked at the ten day forecast and it look like were settling in for winter. There was even measurable snow in the forecast. I better not procrastinate and buy driveway salt tomorrow. I was prepared to go out with my winter apparel today. Albeit there was still a lot of food for breakfast, I did cut back a whole lot and only made French toast, scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage links. Lunch was pretty awesome; mama went all out on the salad to start things off. I made us three whole inch thick ribeye steaks and sweet potatoes. Alex had some leftover meatballs with barbecue sauce and macaroni and cheese. Thanks be to God for great food and conversation. There was plenty of leftover food on top of the food I made yesterday for them to eat later in the week. Yes, Rob gave me a much needed neck and shoulder massage! I didn't get to play with the grandkids very long, Fawn and Andrea took them to the Barnes and Noble Bookstore to buy them books. Andrea sent me a couple of videos she took today on her phone of Peyton climbing all over me and trying to scare me. Today was truly a blessing; it always is whenever we are blessed with family time. I got in the first three episodes of season 5 of Cobra Kai. So far, I’m not feeling it. I’m hoping it gets better as the season progresses.

12 November 2022
Dang, it's cold outside. Looks like with a high level of certainty, we had our last temperatures in the 70s for the year and the harsh coldness of winter is beginning to settle in. It only stayed in the 30s all day, I actually think it's time to store the fall jackets and take out my winter coat. I suppose it won't be long before we will be seeing driveway salt in the stores. We learned last night that Andrea and Rob are coming down this weekend with the kids, so we got up early to go to do buy some groceries. I got to relax and watch Notre Dame football. The Irish had a great first half, but were less than impressive on the second half. When it is said and done, it seem that they only play football at the same level as their opponent. I plan to cook breakfast and lunch, to celebrate our time together with thanksgivings. I've been doing a huge overkill with breakfast and eating poorly, so at minimum the plan is to lose the bacon. The plan is to kill the fatten cow for lunch to have along with one of mama's super creative salads. I know the little man likes to eat steak. I made stuffed hamburgers and hot dog fried rice today for kids to take home and and have something to eat during the week.

11 November 2022
Thanks be to God for this day. With respect, honor and gratitude, thank you veterans. Talk about a huge temperature nose dive. The song, What a Difference a Day Make, always comes to mind whenever a huge temperature swing comes about. It was in the mid 70s yesterday and now it's below freezing before going to bed. Brr, put on my thermal underwear and layered up before we headed out this morning to the Romeoville area. I'm not sure how the traffic is alleviated off Weber Road with the strange crisscrossing by I-55. It’s a little confusing. The exact thing was done on Route 59 over I-88 a few years ago. I guess that is our state's solution to alleviate traffic congestion. We hit plenty of big box stores in Romeoville, so I took my walk indoors at Kohl’s, Blaine's Farm and Fleet, and the Super Walmart. Wow, they just finished their remodeling and was holding their grand reopening celebration ceremony. Not only was the store huge, it was impressively clean and the aisles were nice a wide as well as clutter free. Mmm, mama made us salad for lunch.

10 November 2022
Wow, wow, wow, when I woke up this morning, it was already in the 60s. We were out the door early to run a few errands all over the place. I think it is amazing that mama has already begun Christmas gift shopping. We always seem shopping for toys all year round, because we are blessed with grandchildren and so many great nieces and nephews. I find it amazing that we even have a nephew and niece the same age as our grandkids. We stopped for gas and paid $4.299 a gallon. I guess I should stop whining about the high prices of everything, because it seems like nobody really care, judging by the way people are voting. I had no doubt in my mind that it was going to be another effortless ten thousand steps day today, I get it now. You just have to be out and about doing stuff and not sitting on your butt all day long. I don't see reaching ten thousand steps during the winter months, but I get it. I read that the average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day. I am routinely walking way more than that, so I don't feel bad. Anyway, I go with the saying, "A man got to know his limitations." I hopped on the scale this morning was continue to be surprised that I am still losing weight. I only decided to weigh myself this morning a day early because I made an unhealthy choice eating yesterday. I'm at about the weight where I need to be, so I just l should start eating a little more. But that would mean I would start feel stuffed all the time. It's crazy all the calories that junk food snacks must have. This confirms mu understanding that weight loss is around 80% what you put into your body and 20% what you sweat off. I'm glad the weather was so nice today because I had outdoor chores that needed attending to. I had to swap out the sump pump discharge hose. Albeit it ain't pretty, I run out a bigger diameter hose during the winter months because the smaller one tends to ice over. It was a good time to climb up the ladder to clear the dryer duct and remove the leaves from the gutters and the downspouts. Thanks be to God for antihistamine eye drops and nasal sprays. Doing outdoor chores with all these dead leaves around is tough on seasonal allergies.

9 November 2022
The curbside leaf collection swept down our street early this morning. The job they did was rather disappointing and I hope that the final leaf collection scheduled three weeks from now will show improvement. This morning's walk wasn't as nice as yesterday because there was very little sunlight shining through the translucent sky. So much for healthy eating, I tossed popcorn shrimp and French fries in the oven and we had it for lunch. I swear that the Lawrence's Fish and Shrimp hot sauce is the best hot sauce for seafood ever. It was crazy how it became cloudless in the afternoon and warmed up instantly into the low 70s at the blink of an eye. While being out and about in the afternoon, I got in a second walk and managed to get in another ten thousand steps day in! At least I got that part right. I actually can’t believe I ate a regular portion of fried shrimp and French fries for lunch. At force myself to eat only a half portion of steamed tilapia for dinner.

8 November 2022
I woke to the sound of the leaf collection truck making its way through our subdivision. It was a beautiful sun filled day and we headed to the Oakbrook Center to walk and shop at the outdoor mall. What was I thinking? This outdoor plaza is by far more aesthetically pleasing than any other mall that I am aware of. I'm glad that we were done before the mall got totally crowded. Clearly, the schools must of been closed because folks flocked to the mall with their kids on election day (holiday??). So much for empty malls on a weekday. I easily got in my ten thousand steps just walking around the huge mall. It was a good eating day; I made us a char sui with peapods stir fry and a Cantonese steamed tilapia dish. Whoo hoo, The CFP committee ranked Notre Dame #20! Albeit I think ND still needs to win their last 3 remaining games, their next big game will be on November 26th against #8 USC. I'm more worried about Navy and Boston College, because we all know how this team plays against unranked teams.

7 November 2022
I started to pen something about Donald Trump, but ended up deleting it. I just wish that guy would just shut his face and fade away. It’s not clear to me if Trump or Biden irks me more whenever either one of them open their mouth. We were up pre dawn and out the door by 5 a.m. to spend the day with our grandson Isaac because the school had a teacher's administrative day and it was closed to the students. Isaac was so active that I barely had time for morning coffee before doing a Star War reenactment battle. Wow, Isaac is only 5 years old in kindergarten and the school issue the kids a chromebook laptop as a learning tool. It is amazing that kindergarteners are being taught computer skill and are learning by playing educational games that teaches reading, spelling and number skills. The best part of the day was when my heart was pounding with pride when Isaac read to me from his kindergarten binder I was so happy and impressed and I gave him two thumbs up. Talk about a super active boy, we went from playing UNO to doing a 64 piece Marvel jigsaw puzzle. It didn't surprise me how quickly he can put the puzzle together, because he was always good at doing puzzles at a very early age. Peyton is exactly the very same way, she is 2 years old and doing simple wooden numbers and alphabet puzzles. Isaac is a hoot, when his mama asked him, "What did you do all day?" He replied, "I baby sat grandpa." I really like it in Rob and Andrea's house as well in Alex's because their houses have a lot of windows that allows the light in. The sunlight gives me a sense of well being. The days are getting noticeably shorter, so the light becomes more precious. Grandkids are the best; the day went by too fast. Thanks be to God the safe travel, for this day and for the gift of family.

6 November 2022
I'm glad that when I woke up this morning I no longer had a sore arm this morning! Albeit it was still a little windy, it was by far a much better day weatherwise. I was especially happy to see the sun was out. It was fun going around the house turning all the clock back an hour. I did a big cook today. I made Cantonese pan fried noodles and stir fried char sui with pea pods and bok choy for Andrea and I made hot dog fried rice and beef gon chow ngau ho for Isaac. They both know all about chowing down on Cantonese comfort food. My afternoon meal was a long and drawn out small sample of everything I cooked! I was musing about November 8th and the election results. It blows my mind that there may be cases that it could take days to count even the election ballots in the age of super computers. Sigh... American Idol can count votes faster. Anyway, I'm more interested to see on Tuesday this week's official top 25 college football playoff rankings. I'm predicting that Notre Dame will be on the list. But they will have to win all their remaining games to remotely even have a chance stay on it. I stayed indoors all day so the only exercise I got was hopping on the elliptical. Mmm, mama made us one of her salad for dinner, so good. Anyway, time to relax and then go to bed, because we need to wake up super early tomorrow morning. Thanks be to God who for his love and grants us this day.

5 November 2022
Talk about having a rough night, going to bed and falling asleep wasn't an easy task. The howling wind and the overnight torrential downpour beating on our roof didn't help the cause either. Basically, I got a little off and on sleep throughout the night. I ended up waking up 4 times during the middle of the night. The real odd thing about this latest covid shot is that my arm was stiffer and sore last night than when I woke up this morning. We went over to my sister Nancy's house for lunch. It was good to see my brother Bill as well as our niece and nephew. Out great niece Norah is a real cutie pie. It’s funny how she initially clung on to her dad until she got use to us. Mmm, My sister made dim sum and oxtail soup. It was so sad that I had to limit myself to only one piece, because it was so delicious. We had a great time visiting, there's nothing like great food and conversation. Thanks be to God for the gift of family. I went meatless for dinner and just made myself stir fry garlic cabbage and onion and watched Notre Dame blow out #4 Clemson. That left me in good cheer before bringing the day to a close.

4 November 2022
Dang, good thing I saw the wind advisory this morning when I looked at the weather app. The temperature was in the mid 60's this morning; it seemed rather cool because of the wind chill factor. Albeit we were very hesitant, we reluctantly went to the Sam's Club pharmacy to get yet another covid shot on our own accord, if that makes any sense at all. It is weird that this time around my arm feels sore and stiff on the day of the shot. A hot shower only offered temporary relief for a couple hours. I hope it doesn't feel worse tomorrow. Well at least there are no other side effects. We have been working on overcoming our covid-19 anxieties and are continuing to cautiously progress. Grandma must really love to spoil her Isaac; she had me drive to the Blain's Farm and Fleet in Romeoville to look for another specific lightsaber. I'm learning that there so many different ones. Clearly, those franchise movies producers also know how to market their movie toy merchandise too. Too bad we weren't able to find the one she sought after. Mmm, mama made us fancy garden salads and I added some teriyaki chicken to it to add some protein to it. I've been eating a lot of salad lately and feel that I maybe cutting too much. Whenever we buy meat like flank steak or chicken thighs I always cut the meat up to bite size pieces and Fawn portions the meat into plastic freezer bags for each meal. It is amazing how much we have reduced the meat portion size this past year. From the portion of chicken and beef today, I could tell there was yet another slight reduction. Albeit, the price of groceries continues to soar, the smaller portions are made because of health reasons. May our Lord watch over us, keep us healthy and heal our infirmities.

3 November 2022
I initially thought that I woke up to the sound of the hollowing wind, but soon realized that it was the garbage recycling trucks making its way through our subdivision. We were up early and out the door early because Fawn had the first doctor's appointment of the day. I think that it was for her annual physical. I was surprised that I was only able to do a thirty minute walk before needing to stop for a break. I enjoy the solitude while taking a walk on Bay Scott Circle. Afterwards we went to the Chinese supermarket and bought some rice noodles to make Gon chow ngau ho for Isaac. While shopping at the store I wished I didn't noticed that they had some char sui boa for sale, because they weren't all that. That was so disappointing. We went over to Alex and I made us a rice noodle soup with char sui and bok choy for lunch. Whoa, on the way we stopped for gas and it was $4.499 a gallon. Those 15 million barrels of oil didn't lower the price of gas very long. Thanks Joe. It just dawned on me that no wonder about the seven EVs that saw at the Meijer using the superchargers. Normally there is lucky be a single car there whenever I'm there. I could be wrong, but I don't think EVs are suitable for the cold harsh midwest winters. I can hardly wait until this election cycle is over because of all the worthless political ads we receive through the mail and hear and see through the media. It was hard to believe that it made it into the mid 70s. It had to be somewhere near the record high temperature for this date. So much for trying to eat healthy, I ate a single slice of pepperoni pizza and a small salad for dinner. I'm over the moon, because we got to FaceTime with all the kids together and thank God for this special blessing.

2 November 2022
Yes, I love it when I get up early and am able to get in my exercises before breakfast and attending to my daily cardio. I think it is good to continually mix things up. My reward for getting up early was that I got to break open a new bag of coffee grounds, what a wonderful aroma. I topped my oatmeal with fresh raspberries this morning, that is favorite fruit so far. I have been topping it with blueberries, blackberries strawberries too. I use to eat it savory with a dash of hot sauce and or with a protein, but for the past month or so I have tried to cut but on having so much animal protein. Albeit I love the taste and smell of burnt meat, continuing to being such a huge carnivore is no long a option for me healthwise. It was another drop dead day much like yesterday, so we took a drive out to the Aurora Outlet Mall. It is win win, mama gets to do a shop and walk and I get to enjoy a nice outdoor walk. I like taking walks at the outlet mall, the Oakbrook Center and the Bolingbrook Promenade on the weekdays when it there are relatively few people who are out and about, but I would have to say that the piped in music at the outlet mall is a hit or miss. Sometimes the volume is too loud and other times the music selection is horrid. Yes sir, it was an easy ten thousand steps day. Whoo hoo, that’s three days in a row, good for me. The weather these past few days remind me of the San Francisco bay area weatherwise, where it tends to be cool in the a.m. and then significantly warms up to an awesomely mild day. Mmm, I can eat salads every day, so long as Fawn makes the salad, so good. I am thankful for God’s bounty and blessings.

1 November 2022
Whoo hoo, it could be me, but it seems to be a tad unseasonably warm for this time of year. Clearly I dressed way too warm for my walk and had to lose my jacket very quickly. The sun was shining was bright as can be to a cloudless sky and the temperature was super nice today hovering somewhere near 70 degrees. I just looked at the weather forecast and we are expecting the temperatures to be in the low to mid 70s for the next two days! Whenever the weather is this nice, I have a good chance of getting in a nice long outdoor walk. Whoo hoo, I got in another back to back ten thousand steps day. Now that halloween is over, we can now turn our attention to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We took a drive out to the Blain’s Farm and Fleet in Montgomery, that store is like a huge one stop and shop. I made us a meatless vegetable stir fry with cabbage, carrots, garlic and green onions. Time to relax and listen the Chicago… they have so many great hits.31 October 2022
It was good to get out and about after staying home all day yesterday. We went out groceries and what nots. And most importantly, we went and stopped in the polling place to vote. We are so blessed to live in a country where we are privileged to be able to elect our governing officials. It is not clear to me if people actually take the time to prayerfully research the candidates’ positions beit in the primary party election or the full election. We found that many of candidates this election cycle avoided saying anything on substance. I got in a decent walk this morning despite there being a light drizzle at times. It felt good to get my ten thousand steps in because it somehow easily came about. Grr, I got frustrated because I missed a call from Fawn while I was taking a walk. My phone ringer was set to mute and I am still clueless how that came about again. It’s crazy how another month just flew by so quickly. We had fun facetiming with the grandkids, they are both a hoot. Funny, that Andrea always takes out her Christmas tree on the 31st. I’m not sure if it has been a month or not since I began trying to eat a little healthier and cutting out junk food snacks, but so far I don’t seem to feel any different. However, I did lose back about eight pounds of the weight I gained during the summer months when we feasting on the big breakfast family gatherings on Saturday mornings when Andrea and Rob would bring Isaac and Peyton down to visit. One good thing is that I don’t have the urge to snack on junk food anymore.

30 October 2022
Happy haircut! I've said it before and I'll say it again, "I always feel better after getting a haircut." Fawn always does a great job clipping my hair. The fresh strawberries went well in the oatmeal this morning. Mmm, the salad Fawn made us for lunch was delicious. She made it with an iceberg lettuce, strawberries and blueberries, parmesan cheese. I also noticed that she removed the egg yolk from my hard boiled egg. I'm so glad I did an internet search on different ways to cook carrot because I came across a carrot and green onion. All I needed was the image and I was good to go to make myself a simple tasty snack. This is so much better tasting than to simply boiling it. It too tasteless and I don’t want to season it salt and butter. I made us one of my favorite nostalgic meals that is so flavorful, Cantonese soft scrambled eggs with char sui, comfort at its finest! I had a very relaxing day and even got in a couple more episodes of Cobra Kai. I hate Halloween and I’m not looking forward for the sound of the doorbell ringing tomorrow, stupidest holiday ever.

29 October 2022
It was an awesome Saturday afternoon that we had with the kids. I whipped us up a big hearty lunch. The little man knows how to eat; he had me fire up a couple ribeye steaks. And I made stir fried char sui with peapods and a chicken with green beans stir fry to go with the Cantonese pan fried noodles. Alex helped out and made mac and cheese for Peyton. It was fun playing Star Wars with Isaac, but swinging the lightsabers for so long, tired me out. It was nice of Rob to work out the kinks in my shoulders and neck with a much needed massage. My day became complete when we were all together and Jennifer joined us on FaceTime. Fawn made a Caesar salad for dinner with an iceberg lettuce instead of romaine. There is something about romaine lettuce that causes it to be recalled for one thing or another. I think it is best to stop eating it all together. I gave muse to marriage and divorce today and was reminded about married people in the Church are icons of the Church and that divorce is contrary to God’s will. I started to pen about my muse in my typical stream of consciousness writing, but ended up deleting it. I am saddened that divorce has become common place in our society and that the topic should not be taken lightly. I know little about what causes people to fall out of love and end up getting divorced. I’m blessed to be in love with and married to a most beautiful godly women. In my mind, as long as we put Christ first, we are following God’s design of marriage as a unity between spouses and him. I’m planning to watch two episodes of Cobra Kai in a little bit before getting ready for bed, because I only have until Thursday to return the dvd. Funny how I think the acting is not very good, but that I’m hooked on the show because I think the writers are very good. Whoo hoo, a big win for Notre Dame against #16 Syracuse! Next weekend the Fighting Irish will be taking on #5 Clemson and another chance to prove themselves. Anyway, I am grateful for the blessing of the day, God is good. All the time!

28 October 2022

We got up super early this morning and hopped on the scale for my weekly weigh in. I am still losing some weight, but there are signs that it is slowing down. It's not clear to me if it is because I ate pizza this week. It was weird to have breakfast and our morning coffee pre dawn. We were out the door by seven o'clock to go to Alex's to let the furnace technician in. On the way over we stopped at the Walmart and bought a package of boneless pork shoulder to make char sui. We were going to buy eggs, but no way were we going to pay $3.51 for a dozen large eggs. We stopped at the gas station for a fill up. Gas was $3.879 a gallon, so it looks like cutting loose the 15M barrels of oil from our reserves is having more than a few pennies impact on the high price of gasoline the Biden is responsible for causing. Mmm, the char sui came out very good despite only being in the marinate for a couple hours. I had mine with a little bit of rice while Fawn and Alex opted having their char sui in their instant ramen noodle soup. I had myself a Caesar salad for dinner. The plan is to sit down and relax and watch the first episode of season 4 of Cobra Kai as soon as I am done penning with this Journal entry. I am so happy learn that Andrea and Rob are going to some event at Cantigny tomorrow and are going to stop by afterwards with the kids for a visit. There is nothing like the joy of spending time with your children and your grandkids. Thanks be God for the blessing of the day.

27 October 2022

Here we go again waking to the howling wind and below freezing temperatures. Thankfully we are expecting the temp to be back in the mid 60s this weekend. I've been tossing in fruit with my oatmeal lately, but this morning I had my oatmeal with a splash of Cholula hot sauce. I haven't done that in a while, so good. That and the hot coffee was a morning blessing. The technician came this morning give the furnace its annual maintenance and tune-up. I thank God for our shelter with central heating and air conditioning. I looked at my pedometer to log how many steps I did for yesterday. If I knew that I was over nine thousand steps last night, I would have got up off my butt a few more times. After the furnace left we went out to a few stores and to America’s Best to pick up Alex’s contacts since we are going to his place tomorrow to let the furnace technician in his home to do the annual maintenance and tune-up. Albeit was only in the mid 50s, I did my walk outdoors today and was able to get over ten thousand steps in for the day. I just realized that it is almost Halloween; I really don’t care for this holiday. Because of covid, the last two years I just left the porch lights off and ignored the door bell and will do likewise this year again. Today I am most grateful to be under the care of a faithful and most learned teacher of Christ.

26 October 2022

Talk about a nose dive temperaturewise, it was only in the 40s when we were out and about this morning. I tried to do an outdoor walk, but it was way too windy and ended up having to take my walk in the big box stores. Good thing it was early and on a weekday. I was able to get a lot of steps in at the target and Meijer while Fawn was shopping. Too bad, because there was plenty of sunshine. Déjà vu when it came to eating, the only difference was that I had my oatmeal with blueberries. It was a salad for lunch and a slice of pizza for dinner. I spend the couple hour looks over ballot and did the research on the candidates and referendums to be an informed voter.

25 October 2022
It was the gloomiest day this fall that just rained and rained and rained. Since I stayed indoors all day, I tried to get in some exercise. I did some resistance training and even got on the elliptical four times as well as walked in place several times. I ate up the last of the raspberries with my oatmeal this morning and I made myself an iceberg lettuce salad with grapes and blueberries. I got hungry again within a couple of hours, so I at the last of the leftover chicken with zucchini and mushroom dish. So much for the healthy eating, I ate frozen pizza for dinner and a cookie for dessert. Now I need to regroup. I downloaded the sample ballot and plan to start my research on the candidates and referendums on the ballot. I’m so happy the kids called and facetimed us, my day is complete.

24 October 2022

I’m not sure why I'm being lazy and not logging in daily here to pen my journal entries. I've been using the notepad on my phone just to jot a few things down and to cut and paste it here. I was up early and got my exercises in before breakfast. Mmm, I thought about topping my oatmeal with a little bit of the minced chicken to make it savory, but then opted for sweet and topped it with raspberries. We stopped by Jean's to drop off some of the ginseng Fawn made yesterday on the way to Alex's. Albeit we didn't need gas, I did look at the price of it at the gas station as I drove by it on the way there and it was $4.099 a gallon. Looks like the 15M barrels of oil is having some effect on lowing the high gas prices that he has caused. This is still a far cry from what it was before he took office and is only temporary. I made Alex's his beloved beef with peapods for our lunch. The peapods that Fawn bought from the Jewels were the best I've seen in a while. We also bought over the napa soup to reheat with our lunch. It made me think about my parents and how we used to have s bowl of soup at the start of every meal growing up. There was an overcast most of the day, but the temperature was in the mid 70s. The mild temperature made for a pleasant outdoor walk. I'm surprised that I didn't get ten thousand steps in. Clearly I must of been walking around at a leisurely pace. I think that these past four days have been outstanding. It looks like we will be back to our normal autumn like weather tomorrow. I thank God for blessing my siblings and me with loving parents. My children were lucky to have strong God fearing women for their mother because there were quite a few times I was less than a role model. I am amazed how well they all turned out despite of having me for their father.

It was another outstanding day in the mid 70s. I'm continuing to eat good healthy food; I made us a chicken stir fry with zucchini and mushrooms for lunch. Mmm, I made us a steamed Cantonese minced chicken patty for dinner. I love the taste of steamed meat patties. I got that dish down pat. Fawn made ginseng, in the past it's rare that I wound drink it, but I drank it that couple times she has made it.

I was so glad that I racked the leaves curbside yesterday because the city came down our street early this morning and collected it. We were up early and out the by 7:30 door this morning for Fawn haircut. She always makes herself the first appointment of the day. Today was an awesome day weatherwise that made it into the upper 70s and got in a decent  walk before climbing up the ladder to clean out the rain gutters and downspouts. I took the hand pruner and did the trim to the bushes. I was able to weed whack three sides of the perimeter of the backyard before running out of trimmer line. Afterwards it was time to relax and enjoy College football! Naturally I watched the Notre Dame vs UNLV game. Even with the 44 to 21 victory, I think this team is an average team. I hope they can prove me wrong next week against Syracuse and against Clemson the following week. I made us a medium sized pot of napa and tofu soup using pork bones.

I went to bed a little early and today was the first time I was up and out of bed pre dawn.  I was able to do a little resistance training and do a little leaf racking out front before heading out to the Sam's Club pharmacy for our meds and to do a little shopping for what nots in the Oswego area. The weather today was super nice and I got in a leisurely outdoor walk. We ate yesterday's leftovers for lunch and l made us beef with tomato, peppers and onions. I am somewhat surprised that I am still losing weight each week. All this good eating and cutting out the junk food is paying off. Saturday, Sunday and Monday are all supposed to be just as nice!

20 October 2022

It's crazy that the first thing I do is look at the hourly weather forecast for the day to dress accordingly. It was below freezing again, 29 degrees. Albeit the day started a hair colder than yesterday and was still quite nippy in the morning, it was a heck of lot warmer than yesterday as the day progressed and the temperature soared into the mid 60s. Yesterday I was thinking that we call this weekend an Indian summer. We head out the door early this morning and went to the Sam's Club pharmacy for our med and ran a few errands in the Oswego area before heading over to Alex's for lunch. I stopped for gas and it was $4.199 a gallon. With the Saudi oil reducing their oil production, Biden is being forced to release some of the US oil reserves. Crazy how the US has gone from a exporter of oil to now begging other countries for oil, thanks Joe. I made us mapo tofu, hamburger peas for lunch. Since I had access to Alex's awesome kitchen, after lunch I made chicken and broccoli and took it home for our dinner. I thought that dish tasted OK, but I was disappointed that I over cooked the broccoli. Whoo hoo, miracles can happen, I got in ten thousand steps again, that makes it two days in a row. I read a quote from the Dessert Fathers that had to do with living quite lives. That is something that I need to work on. "Restore to me the joy of your salvation,  and uphold me with a willing spirit" (Psalm 51:12). Psalm 51, is one of my favorite psalms. There was a time when I thought that I had lost the joy of salvation. I failed to accept the forgiveness given to me though grace that God has given me and allowed myself to only see the darkness that surrounded me. I finished watching season 3 of Cobra Kai and placed a hold for season 4. I think the writers are so good and it is so hard to keep from binge watch the episodes. Nice, got to stop penning and join in the FaceTime call… We just got off facetiming will Rob, Andrea and our grandkids. Words can not express the joy in our hearts whenever any of our kids call or get together to call us. What a great way to close the day, God is good and his love endures forever. Prayers for the healing of all our infirmities.

19 October 2022

It was 30 degrees out when we were up this morning. Albeit was still another cold day, we bundled up and headed out to the Geneva Commons and to the Aurora Outlet Mall. I was all layered up and had my thermals on and was able to do a comfortable outdoor walk. I was able to be a walking fool and got the most steps in since I started recording the number of steps on my pedometer on 9/30. I got in 9.2K this a.m. at the mall alone. Sigh, I'm glad Fawn had me go to the Geneva Commons first and she most of her shopping there because they were surprisingly blasting heavy music at the outlet mall. I’m glad we went to worship at the Divine Service tonight. we haven’t been going as often as we should.

18 October 2022
I still can't believe how cold it is and now we can be facing freezing temperatures overnight. I'm now looking forward for the warmer weather that is heading our way. I made us beef and peapods for lunch and couldn't help but to notice that Fawn has reduced our meat portion size. We buy flank steak from the Sam's Club and slice the meat and pre package the portions before freezing. Albeit the cost of meat and groceries in general is out of control during these inflationary times, the high cost of meat isn't why we are eating less meat, it's because we are shooting for a healthy balance diet. I ate leftover fish and carrots for dinner. I know my journal entries have been looking like a food journal for some time, but it helps me a lot. I think the best thing I done this past week was to abstain snacking on junk food and opting for fruit and yogurt instead. We watched the Illinois Governor Debate hosted by WGN-TV and thought the format and questions were outstanding. The debate didn't change my mind whatsoever, JB needs to go, but that outcome will highly be unlikely.

17 October 2022
I woke to the sound of the howling  winds. Dang, it's thermal underwear time. The high temp of the day was in the low 40s and the wind chill only added to discomfort. The fresh pot of oatmeal hit the spot. Mmm, good eating, I made us Cantonese steamed tilapia fillets for lunch and it was also a good way to warm up the house at the same time! Since Alex took a few days off, head to his place to help him out with the last of his yard maintenance. Rob help him mow him grass yesterday and I help Alex removed a few of his unwanted shrubs, gotrdun. This yard is looking pretty good. It's my understanding that we are supposed to have gorgeous weather this weekend; I hope that forecast doesn't change. I still need to swap out the sump pump discharge hose to the larger one for winter and I was thinking about climbing up the ladder to clean out the roof gutters. We'll see how thing goes this weekend.

16 October 2022

We were up early and out the door to go to Alex’s. The fall colors are absolutely stunning. I was struck by how the tree at the corner of our block, popped. The leaves on were like a neon red color. We stopped at the Walmart to buy breakfast sausage links and for spinach. While mama was in the store, I walked in the parking lot. It is a new day and a chance for a new start. I initially was thinking about my 30 day journey experiment, but now I'm musing about coram Deo and the new man. Anyway for breakfast, I made bacon and the sausage links and reheated the hash browns. Alex made the scrambled eggs. It was great that he even made me some fluffy scrambled egg whites to go with my toast. We had mama's spaghetti for lunch. The best part of the day was when I got to play stacking cups with Peyton. It is nice that she is starting to use phrases instead of just words when she is speaking to you now. I also had fun playing with the lightsabers with Issac. Rob gave me a much needed neck and shoulder massage. Andrea was holding a book and I just assumed that it was hers, so I asked her, What are you reading?" Lol, she was holding on of Peyton's book. I got in another short walk, but to get me over six thousand steps for the day. I finish off the last of the melon soup for dinner. I am grateful for the time I had with my family, for our Lord’s grace and mercies. His love endures forever.

15 October 2022
Because it's the weekend, we were out the door early this morning to buy groceries before most other folks were out and about. We needed to buy the needed for our feast. There is nothing as joyous like gathering and celebrating family at the table. It was pretty nippy this morning and required putting on a pair of gloves. It was in the upper 30s when we were out and about, so I took my walk indoors. I don't care for the cooler autumn days at all. The high temp of the day are now only in the mid 50s. I made us a small pot of hairy melon soup with the remainder of the huge melon the Peggy grew in her garden and gifted us for lunch before starting on the big cook. I started with making my stuffed hamburgers for the kids to eat later in the week and then browned the remainder of the ground beef for mama's spaghetti sauce and for the chili. It turns out that I didn't need to make a meatless chili so that made things a lot less complicated. I then made the hash brown potatoes and boil the spaghetti noodles and called it a day. I was expecting good things from the Fighting Irish against Stanford, but they disappointed. I'm glad I didn't sit through that fiasco and were out celebrating Mauri, Anna and Sonia's birthday. The family style trays of food from Olive Garden made for fine dinner. However I was disappointed with myself for indulging myself with the Italian sausage and with the meatballs. I'll need to regroup and move forward.

14 October 2022

I just knew that there would be noticeable weight losses during this week’s weigh in. I have to agree that routinely eating better food choices makes a big difference. It was a beautiful brisk autumn morning that required layering up and a light jacket. I was able to get in a decent walk. All the fall colors stood out against the cloudless sky. I took a nice long walk this morning and was able to get in over ten thousand for the day. The only reason I was able to get my 10K in was because of Fawn's idea about using the pedometer and penning the readings in a book. It actually motivates me not to sit down on my butt for long periods of time in the house. I had my usual oatmeal this morning. We went over to watch Nala while Alex went for a doctor's appointment. Jennifer called while we were at Alex’s, it was one of those rare moments where I got to have a conversation with her. Usually she spends most her time talking with her mama. While we were there, I made us beef with bok choy and teriyaki chicken for lunch. I really like cooking in his kitchen, because his kitchen is spacious and modern. I was surprised that I was able to help Alex rearrange stuff around his house. I made myself a large salad for dinner and Fawn had leftovers. Nice, Andrea and Rob called this evening and it looks like we are going to gather this weekend at Alex’s. Even though I plan to still cook a big breakfast feast with the likes of sausage and bacon, I’ll be abstaining for the food fest and will eat something reasonable. Sounds like mama’s making her spaghetti for lunch and I’ll be making my chili the day before. The chili should be interesting process that will involve meatless chili, meat chili with no beans, and my classic homemade chili versions. I had to renew the dvd for another week because I haven’t had the time to see the last four episodes of season 3. Thank you Heavenly Father for this day. Guard, O Lord, my heart, soul and mind from the evil one.

13 October 2022

I woke up this morning well rested and without any soreness or stiffness in my arm and was able to resume resistance training with the dumbbells. I managed to eat pretty healthy all day. I ate oatmeal for breakfast, soup and salad for lunch, snacked on fruits, and had teriyaki chicken for dinner. I don’t have a specific weight loss goal, but do expect with the elimination of all junk food snacks for my diet. Albeit there should be some notable loss, the goal is to really avoid certain food and to make healthier choices. Lord, help me make good choice from your bounty.

12 October 2022

Albeit I didn't hear any thunder claps, I did hear a lot of rumbling and the sound of the pouring rain overnight. The torrential downpour knocked a lot of the leaves off our tree. I didn't feel any pain when I got my flu shot yesterday. But when I woke up this morning, my arm was a little sore and a little stiff. I got in a short walk before the rain moved in again, two dreary days now in a row. I was happy to see that the sun broke back out in the afternoon and I was able to get a nice second walk in. After having a bowl of the hairy melon soup for lunch we went to Alex's, he had to go in the office for work today so we went to his home to let Nala out. I decided to do an experiment and go on a healthier diet for a month to see if I can improve my numbers and will feel better. One main thing I will do is completely eliminate the junk food and processed meat, so far so good on day one. This is going to be a tough month ahead of me for sure. I limited myself to a single episode of Cobra Kai today. Looking back, I have to say that it was pretty foolish of me to have binge watched so many episodes in one sitting yesterday. It was crazy how tempting it is to play one episode after another. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6). It is so easy to call on God when things get tough, but when things are going well, we tend forget to acknowledge that all the blessings we received come because of his grace. In my joy and success, I need to learn to acknowledge him and not trust on my own wisdom and strength when things appear to be going well! Thanks be to God for his grace and mercies.

11 October 2022

This morning we went to the Sam's Club to get our annual flu shot. It is rather sad that we need so many different shots to protect us from that and that. Next month we're up for our final hepatitis shot and then we need to decide whether to take the untested third covid-19 vaccine. We have been in the weird time of the year when we need to wear a light jacket in the morning and then it becomes nice later in the day. According to the ten day forecast, things are about to change and much cooler weather is expected. Whoo hoo, I got in my third ten thousand plus steps day! I’m not sure why Fawn wants me to jot down the number of steps I do a day. We stopped at Panda Express on the way back home for a takeout meal. We like to split the three entrée meal because it is a lot of food. It is not clear to me how often we will be going there moving on because I fill out survey to get the third entrée for free, but now you will have only  place another order for the two entrée meal within twenty one days to get the third entrée for free. The dark clouds move in this afternoon and it began to rain. Now I'm glad I got all the mowing done yesterday. I finally got around to making soup with the huge hairy gourd the Peggy gifted us a little over a week ago for supper. It was so good, that I helped myself to a second bowl of it. I binged watched the first five episodes of season three of Cobra Kai. I swear that show is addicting. "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us" (Psalm 62:8). We are by nature sinful and unclean.

10 October 2022

Mmm, fresh raspberries with my oatmeal this morning! Now that's a winning combination. Whenever I have oatmeal with a fruit, it is usually with blueberries, this is a good change up. However, I would opt for a savory bowl given the choice. Regardless, the choices with oatmeal are endlessly good. After getting in close to three thousand steps in this morning, we went to Alex's and I made us teriyaki chicken, hamburger peas, mapo tofu and a Chinese sausage for lunch. It was like eating at a buffet with a little of this and a little of that. Chirp chirp, even I thought it was an awesome lunch. On the way there l had to stop of gas. I am at the point that "grr" seems not to be good enough of an onomatopoeia expression. The cheapest regular tier one gas that I was willing to put in my car was $4.499 a gallon. I know there are several reasons for the recent gas price spikes, but in my mind the buck stops at Joe and this congress. Why are we foolishly willing to continuing reelect these ... candidates? OK, now I feel better getting the rant of day off my chest. I finally got around to mowing the grass and yes, it was way over due. I clueless on how many steps are involved in doing the yardwork, but I'm saying that I did enough physical exercise for the day.

9 October 2022
We went to Jim's memorial service. I thought it was a very good informal gathering to celebrate Jim's faith journey and Christ's light in the world.

8 October 2022

I finally logged in to pen/publish a journal entry. I actually still have been penning my entries all week using the Samsung Note App on my phone, but didn’t bother stop and take the time to log in to publish them. We actually had a busy week, but it was a good one none the less. Its half time, so I only a short time to make an entry and to append cut and paste the entries from earlier in the week. Notre Dame had an awesome first half against #16 BYU. If we can hang on to the lead against this ranked team, we stand a good chance to get back in the TOP 25. We made our annual phone call to Eric to catch up and to offer him happy birthday well wishes. I changed it up today and did four 5 minutes gos on the elliptical. Other than that, we pretty much kicked back and had a relaxing day. I am grateful for all the blessing of this past week. God’s love endures forever.
I got up a little early so that I could get a little jump on my morning exercises, because just before going to bed, Fawn conducted a surprise audit on the pedometer. I would like to do a minimum of 7K steps every day supplemented with gos on the elliptical. I really like the idea of tracking the number steps instead of time. I forgot to mention that I got gas while we out and about yesterday and this time it didn't shock me that I had to pay $4.099 a gallon. Albeit, I still blame Biden for the high gas prices, this last huge spike was caused by Hurricane Ian wreaking havoc. Today was another huge leap for us as far as for covid. This was the second time we ate at a restaurant since the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. The first time was about a year or so ago when our niece came from California for a visit and we went out for dim sum at MingHin. Albeit the restaurant is extremely big and spacious, it turned out to be a little nerve wracking despite only a few people were dining at the restaurant at the time. We didn't go to our nephew's wedding early this year because didn't really want to be a crowd. Today we accepted his invitation to a much smaller outdoor patio post wedding family gathering at the LaBarra Italian Restaurant for lunch. I am glad that we felt comfortable enough to join in on the celebration. Sadly, the only our time we were able to see family was at funerals. I am sure that I am not ready to do indoor dining. Afterwards we went over to Alex's to feed Nala and let out and watch her for a hours. Mmm, my sister-in-law gifted us lo bak go and we had that for dinner. I don't know why it is called a turnip cake in English, when diakon is technically a radish. I saw a video of Isaac completing the length of playground monkey bars. Not bad, considering he is only five years old. Wow, I already know the young man can out run the kids in his age group, but now this! I am happy to see him developing mentally and physically. There is nothing quite like the joy that our grandkids brings us.
I’ve been stepping in place most of the day just to get in a little over 7K steps. It is my understanding that walking in place is just as effective actually walking.
We were out the early this morning for my initial dental appointment with our new dentist to replace a filling that fell out. Our old dentist finally got around to retiring. Alex is away on another business trip, so we spent time at Alex's to sit Nala. Lol, I actually enjoy spending time there and think of it a getaway vacation spot. If I had a do over, I would have a house with more windows, because I really enjoy having the well lit room. Boy oh boy, the weather is so nice and it is expected to remain that way until Thursday when the rain is expected to move in. Then the temperature will drop and cool down again, until then we'll enjoy the mild temps in the lower 70s. I suspect we will be doing a lot a driving around so I gassed up the car and not liking it at $4.069 a gallon. I made us a kung pao stir fry, celery, onions and pea pods. I love the crunch from the peanuts on this dish. I usually like chicken with dish, but Fawn always have me make this dish meatless.
Ahhh, I love the 5 cups coffee maker at Alex's, we only have a 4 cup one. Just having the few extra ounces of coffee makes all the difference. I think it is weird that Mr. Coffee considers a cup to be only 5 ounces. Mmm, made us spinach, green pepper and onions egg omelets for lunch!  Yikes, now Agh, I'm so glad we stopped off for gas yesterday, we drove by the filling station we got gas from yesterday and it spiked another 53¢ a gallon to $4.599. I only got in 6,568 steps yesterday, so I made an extra effort to get in a decent walk this morning. Normally, I enjoy going for a morning, but all the fun is deflated when you keep looking at the pedometer to see where you are at with your step count. Albeit at the time of this journal entry, I'm at 10,775. I am certain that the goal of routinely walking 10 thousand steps a day is way too ambitious for me. It will be interesting to see tomorrow morning what was the final total steps I did for today. I was planning on doing more trimming back on the patio border plants; they are still way too high and wide. But then Nala became mischievous and started digging a big hole under the fence, sigh. Good thing I noticed, because she would have gotten out of the back yard. Anyway, carrying a 40 pound bag of topsoil to the backyard proved to be a challenge for me, but I got it back there a back filled the hole. I just put a couple of bricks on top of the dirt for now to keep her from digging there for now. I tried to start trimming back one of the plants, but was too winded and just gave up. We stopped by Sandy's this morning while were out and about and pickup her infamous Columbian Chicken dish that she made yesterday. It made for a delicious and hearty dinner. Man, we always love it she makes that dish and her lasagna and are mindful of us. Her recipe for these two dishes in particular, is out of this world!
I ended up with 11,423 steps yesterday. I'm giving up on trying to meet a daily number of steps goal and will only record the number of steps as an incentive to just get my butt up and keep from sitting around long periods of time. Anyway I got in over 6,000 steps sofar. I worked on pruning back the patio border plants. It is a much bigger of an undertaking than I anticipated. It is going to take me a ton of gos to get to all the needed. I made us chicken and pea pods for lunch. I've have been doing a lot better at what I have been eating. Whenever I eat rice, I only have the smallest portion. But now I am eating my Chinese without any rice with my meals whatsoever more and more. The autumn colors are really starting to come in and it won't be long now before the leaves begin to fall off the trees. Dinner was exceptional; I made teriyaki chicken for Fawn and the boiled chicken with ginger and green onion sauce and had it with a boiled carrot side.
It was an exceptionally beautiful morning. In fact today was an outstanding day before the rain moved in on us in the early evening. I enjoyed the outdoors and got in a little more pruning on the patio border plants. Today was the last day that was forecasted in the 70s. We are expecting it to drop into the 50s moving forward. There is still more pruning that needs to be done. But that will have to wait until another day. I fill two 30 gallon paper yard waste bags and it looks like I'll need to fill one more before I complete the needed in the backyard. We went and got another fillup today because we got a long drive ahead of us tomorrow and gas is by far the cheapest in the area in Plainfield. I got in a short walk and then opted to take a nap with the seat leaned back in the car while Fawn went the Target. Thanks be to God that Alex's plane arrived back safely early this evening. I made my Italian sausage with penne and spinach dish as well as some with spaghetti noodles in it to celebrate Alex's safe return of our supper. What can you say, you got to make do with what you have on hand. I made plenty so that I could have extra to bring up tomorrow when we go spend a day watching Isaac. The kid is a hoot and I wonder what activities he has in stored for us.
Nice, I’m still doing well on my weigh ins and am continuing to lose weight. This week was mostly because Fawn stay on my case about not only how much I an eating, but also on what I am eating. Dang, talk about a temperature drop. We got up early and we were out the door by five 0’clock. Brr, are you kidding me? It required layering up on top of donning thermal underwear to brave the start of the day in the upper 30s. I was reminded of how stressful the drive is on the highways with the crazies weavers in traffic. I’m glad that those daily drives are all behind me. There was joy in my heart from the get go, I barely got in the door with Peyton gave me a huggie and lol, Isaac was already waiting with his lightsaber. But I was able to get out of the Jedi training until later in the day. Luckily Andrea got him to read to us from him school workbook binder. I was good to go right after I got some coffee and a hot cake in me. We went down to the basement and did the Star Wars reenactment thing. Interestingly he had me using two lightsabers against his one. After huffing and puffing we went back upstairs to play cards. It was fun playing crazy eight on the jumbo Marvel Avengers playing cards. Lol, now we know why Isaac kept wanting to go to the Target store. When we got in the store, he made a b line to the big screen Nintendo Switch display to play Kirby. Whoa, the hand game device cost $200 and the Kirby game cartridge cost $60. On the way back we got Isaac a 6 piece Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal. It didn't surprise me that it cost over $5. Yikes, I accidentally elbowed Isaac right in his schnauze. I'm glad that he is so resilient. Nice, our next activity was going on the bicycle path. Fawn and walked while Isaac rode his bicycle. Talk about getting in a decent walk, I was glad that Rob came after work to went with him to the playground which was still another mile or so away. I already had close to seven thousand steps for the day already, that is way better than the 2,953 steps I did yesterday. Now it was time for us spend some time Peyton. She is really funny, she seems to enjoy mimicking me and repeating everything I say. Lol, what a hoot. I made us gon chow ngau ho for dinner. What an awesome day it was. In fact, the entire week was awesome! I am thankful each new day filled with God's mercies.29 October 202230 October 202231 October 2022
It was good to get out and about after staying home all day yesterday. We went out groceries and what nots. And most importantly, we went and stopped in the polling place to vote. We are so blessed to live in a country where we are privileged to be able to elect our governing officials. It is not clear to me if people actually take the time to prayerfully research the candidates’ positions beit in the primary party election or the full election. We found that many of candidates this election cycle avoided saying anything on substance. I got in a decent walk this morning despite there being a light drizzle at times. It felt good to get my ten thousand steps in because it somehow easily came about. Grr, I got frustrated because I missed a call from Fawn while I was taking a walk. My phone ringer was set to mute and I am still clueless how that came about again. It’s crazy how another month just flew by so quickly. We had fun facetiming with the grandkids, they are both a hoot. Funny, that Andrea always takes out her Christmas tree on the 31. I’m not sure if it has been a month or not since I began trying to eat a little healthier and cutting out junk food snacks, but so far I don’t seem to feel any different. However, I did lose back about eight pounds of the weight I gained during the summer months when we feasting on the big breakfast family gatherings on Saturday mornings when Andrea and Rob would bring Isaac and Peyton down to visit. One good thing is that I don’t have the urge to snack on junk food anymore.

30 September 2022
Albeit ever so slightly, slowly but surely I'm still going good with the weight loss and have not plateau. We were saying this morning how quickly this month flew by. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed my morning walk. It only required putting a light jacket. Albeit, it is questionable how accurate the pedometer is, but I got in 5,526 steps in while we out and about this morning. I have forgotten what a huge endeavor it is to routinely take on ten thousand steps a day without putting in some effort. Clearly, there is not way to even come close to ten thousand steps just going about the day. I did have to do a lot of stepping in place and a lot of walking around the house like Fawn to get the 10K in. At the time of penning this journal entry, I'm at 10015! Happy haircut! There is something about a haircut that make me feel really good. It was a dinner and a movie. We watch the Elvis 2022 movie that came out on dvd. It was my understanding prior to watching this movie that it was supposed to be really really good, but I'm guessing that you have to be a fan to appreciate the movie. Fawn thought the movie was alright. I'm not saying it was bad, but I wouldn't use the really good and the great for this movie. I made us a simple breakfast sandwich for dinner, English muffin, ham, egg, and cheese. The kids called for a quick hey on FaceTime, awesome way to end the day. God is good. "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ" (Philippians 1:9-10). May we make walk a godly life as we continue to grow in Christ.

29 September 2022

Last night I decided to watch three episodes of Cobra Kai and finished disc 1 of 2. I think to show is addictive because the writers of the show are very talented. Since Fawn and Sandy were going to visit Mary today I made stuffed hamburgers for the ladies for their lunch. I had one of those bad boys for lunch and made it a matinee by watching the entire 2nd disc. I place a dvd hold on season 3. Fawn wasn't happy that I just sat around all day and did nothing, so she took out my old pedometer and installed a new battery in it and handed to me. Guessing I better log in some place around 10K daily or else on top of my time on the elliptical. And besides keeping an eye on my calorie intake, I really need to watch what I'm eating.

28 September 2022

Up early and out of the house for Fawn's dental appointment. We always schedule our to be the first one of the day because of lur covid concerns. While she was in the dental office, I did my walk. Albeit today was identical weatherwise as yesterday, in the low 60s, today's walk was far more pleasant because there was no wind to speak of and the drop dead beautiful sky that was picture perfect. I walked and walked and walked and before I knew it, an hour and a half gone by! We stopped at Panda Express and picked up a takeout. I like the food there and it is comparatively still reasonably priced considering we get one free entree for filling out their online survey. Mmm, I finish off the leftover chicken with the ginger and green onion sauce. That was so tasty and now I’m wondering why I don’t have that more often. We decided that it was time to switch the thermostat over to heat and set it to come on if the temperature falls below 70 ºF. Anyway, I’m stopping now so that I got in a couple more episodes of Cobra Kai.

27 September 2022

Brr, it was cold this morning. Now I wished that I scheduled my yearly furnace maintenance earlier instead of toward the end of October. I'm not liking it that the cold is setting in this early. I wasn't in the mood to do a outdoor walk this morning, so I stay indoors and made it a gym day on elliptical twice in the morning and twice as well as did a lot of sets with the pair of both the 10 pound and 15 pound dumbbells. I'm not supposed to be doing any more intense workouts anymore, so this is one of the ways I am able to get in any meaningful exercise. We final got around to having the stuffed hamburgers I made Saturday for lunch. I thought that it was still pretty tasty. After lunch we just went out to run a few quick errands. Today was the last day that yogurt was on sale. It just barely made to 60 degrees and it still felt a little chilly even with a windbreaker and sweat clothes on. I hope that I can acclimate to this unseasonably cool weather that quickly came upon us. I'm giving myself an attaboy for getting in a decent walk despite the coldness that had a lot to do with the wind. I would have been more than glad to remain indoors the entire today. It looks like I should cut the grass and change back the sump pump hose this weekend before the temperature really takes a nose dive. I’m guessing the grass will still need to be cut at least one or two more time after this next mowing. Alex told us he got his flu shot and his 2nd covid booster shot today. I'm glad he did that because he going on another business trip soon. We plan to get our flu shot sometime in October and our 3rd covid booster shot in November. I have forgotten all about the Cobra Kai spinoff of the karate Kid. I remember that show being pretty good and I binge watched the first season of the show over a course of a few days, a long while back when it was a freebie on YouTube. I can't believe that Alex binge watched five seasons on that show in a week. Anyway, the season 2 dvd came in off hold and I watched the first two episodes doing a dinner and a movie. I made us a stir fried chicken with French green beans. Since there was a whole package of chicken, I also boiled some of chicken and had it with a ginger and green onion dipping sauce, mmm. I prepped the remaining chicken for teriyaki chicken and tossed them in the freezer.

26 September 2022

Out the door early to have a redo on my blood work because one of my numbers was high. Prayers for good test results. At least there was no need to for fasting and we were able to run a few errands while we were out and about. I was so glad to be in the car when Jennifer called her mama. All our kids are so mindful of her and takes the time to give her a call her almost every day. It is so nice to talk with her and learning what is going on with her first hand. Facetiming in the evenings with the kids in the evening always makes my day. Not only do you get to talk to them, you get to see them too. I kind of wish we can find smaller hairy melon so that I don't need to make such a large pot of soup. I did three five minute gos on the elliptical in addition to doing a nice long walk.

25 September 2022

Joyous day with the kids and grands. We began celebrating our time together at the table with a grand breakfast. I made us sausage links and bacon to go along with a no name country skillet. I can’t believe Alex thought that the diced peppers and onions were too big, so took what I prepped yesterday and chopped the pepper and onions into smaller bits, tough crowd. The skillet turned out very tasty. Wow, the grandkids were so full of energy. We went from crayon coloring books to Jedi sword fighting to bubbles to playing toss and catch. They had me tired out less than an hour; good thing grandma took over so that I could start on lunch. I boiled the spaghetti noodles to go with the spaghetti sauce mama made ahead of time. I also poured the sauce over the store bought packages of spinach and cheese manicotti and tossed those bad boys in the oven for 30 minutes and they were good to go. Thanks be to God for great food and family time, God is good. I love it that Rob knows exactly how to give me a neck and shoulder massage. He spoiled me to the point now that I look forward to getting a therapeutic massage every time I see him. The verse of the day is "My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1 John 2:1) It is amazing how I sadly continue to fall back into the same old sinful ways. The goal is to live God pleasing lives and not sin even one sin. I am thankful that we have Christ our advocate.

24 September 2022
Last night was a nice sleep because I took the initiative to dress warmer before going to bed. We did the big cook thing again for the kids to take home to have later in the week. I made stuffed hamburger patties with green peppers and onions, beef with bitter melon, and hot dog fried rice and mama made her infamous spaghetti sauce. We went to Ashley and Perry's home to celebrate Perry's birthday. Mmm, Rosati's Pizza! Half the pizza was with pineapple and green peppers and the half was with Italian sausage. What an awesome pie. It was great be to watch the Notre Dame vs North Carolina game. It was about time ND played like a top ten team.

23 September 2022
Dang, it may be time to consider switch the thermostat over to heat. I'm not sure why I decided to do a weigh in this morning, but I was glad I did. I was happy to continue to see improvement. My walks have been shortened lately, but this morning I made a point of making sure that I got an hour in. I think that I should start using a pedometer like Fawn, but I doubt that I can get in over ten thousand steps a day like she does. We went to the Chinese supermarket and finally found some decent looking bitter melon and a nice hairy melon. I took out some pork bone out from the freezer and made us a large pot of fuzzy melon soup with silky tofu. It was a good way to warm us up as well as the house. Song of the day made my day, Don't Worry Baby - The Beach Boys.

22 September 2022

Oh wow, talk about delicious. I ate a quarter of a Mariano's blueberry muffin. I really wish I could have eaten more. It went so well with my morning coffee. I noticed that my walks have gotten a lot shorter; perhaps it is time that I begin to seriously make more use of the elliptical. It was nice to take a walk in the cool, albeit it required wearing sweats. The beautiful white clouds contrasting against the blue sky was a thing of beauty that makes one ponders on the wonders of God's creation. We went grocery shopping for this weekend when we get to see the kids. I can't begin to express the joy in me because of the willingness of Andrea and Rob come down for a visit and bring our precious grandchildren. It may rain this weekend so everything is still up in the air for our weekend plans. During yesterday’s muse about the seasons, now it is clear to me that winters are worst than summers because it becomes more difficult to travel when the weather is bad and the road conditions make for hazardous driving. We packed up the needed to make lunch at Alex's. Naturally, mama was mindful of Nala and packed some blueberries as a treat for her. I made us tacos using an Old El Paso Taco Kit. We had a really nice visit since Alex is relaxed because he took the remainder of the work week off. Funny, he said that a good friend from work gifted him a work phone lock box for vacation days. We got good news from both our daughters, Andrea got back good test results from her doctor and Jennifer passed had work related exams. Thanks be to God who watches over family. I better go to bed early again so that I can get my exercises in before heading out. God is good.

21 September 2022
Awesome start this morning, we broke open a new bag of grounded coffee. That smell always makes me think of my dad. He used to let me start up the coffee bean grinder at the grocery store. We went to the Sam's Club to pick up my meds and Fawn picked up her free monthly covid test kits. The mornings always seems to start off pretty nice in the mornings, but tend to still warm up rapidly. It's my understanding that things will start to cool off quite a bit and will become very seasonable. This morning I noticed that the autumn colors are becoming very noticeable now and with the wind starting to pick up now, the leaves are falling off the trees. Saying goodbye to summer is joyous occasion to me. I love the late spring and early fall. I'm the kind of guy that loves it whenever the temperature is 72°F with 50% humidity. Summers and Winters are equally the sad. It's funny that during the summer I think that I wound rather shovel snow and deal with the cold and during the winter, I think that I would rather mow the grass. I was bored this afternoon so I downloaded an offline chess game. I played level one twice and it was way too simple. I'm guessing that that was for beginners. I made us grilled egg sandwiches for dinner and of course mine had to have a slice of pepper jack cheese. After supper we headed out to Saint John for Service. I was actually comfortable seated toward the back of the nave distancing ourselves from folks.

20 September 2022
Talk about huffing and puffing, that wasn't a pretty go on the elliptical this morning. In my mind, I was going to do a eight minute workout starting out with a 30 degree incline and reduce the incline by 5 degrees every minute. Thirty seconds in, I scraped that plan was revised to every 30 seconds. I still found that challenging, but stuck it away. We ran a few errands on the way to Alex's for lunch. Naturally, we had to pull in a gas station near his home for the cheaper out of town gas prices, love taking a moment to look over the gas prices on Google Map. We were able to get gas for $3.539 a gallon which is still about 50¢ cheaper a gallon than in Naperville. Albeit I made teriyaki chicken, beef with pea pods, and hot dog fried rice for lunch, I chose to help myself to a couple slices of leftover Domino's that instead. I can cook Chinese fusion for myself anytime. Fawn had me boil a little chicken for Nala, it's no wonder why she seems so happy whenever we visit. It is hilarious how she hangs out with in the kitchen with her hopeful look whenever I am cooking something in the kitchen. Wow, I would have never guessed that it would get into the low 90s again this year. I am thankful to have central heating and air conditioning in our home. I can't even begin to imagine living without the modern day conveniences afforded us. Torrential rain moved on us in the early evening. I hope that it will provide us some succor from the extreme heat we got today. Yummy, I made up ramen noodle soup and pot stickers for lunch. I'm the only one who prefers the frozen store bought one over the one made in Chinese restaurants. I played sudoku today and like playing the extreme level one. Today's game, #30 was finally a challenging one. I've been playing this game for more than a several years now and have been playing it a lot since the onset on the pandemic. I started getting bored with it lately because I figured out a way to play the game with a strategy that is routinely complete the extreme level puzzle rather quickly. Once I figured it out I reset all the puzzles. The longest time was 8:53 for the first 29 games. Then I hit a wall with game number 30 and couldn't figure how to complete the puzzle. I finally came up with a new strategy to complete this particular game and it took me 12:52 to do it. Now that was a fun game and was so satisfying to finally complete the puzzle after giving up and resetting the puzzle on so many attempts.

19 September 2022
My semiannual at the doctor went well. We went over my numbers from the lab work from my last visit and the doctor said to keep it up. So hopefully the lab work done today will be good too. Prayers for good test results. We are blessed with a very good doctor that has helped me keep my diabetes under control. He is a very patient man that takes the time to go over test results with us and fully explain them. On this visit, I was loaded with a tons of covid related concerns and questions and was struck that our physician was fully confident with all the advances with treating covid, that his office would be able to treat and keep his patients that have already received their booster shots out of the hospital. That has put my mind at easy and now I feel that I can start taking baby step toward some form of pre pandemic normalcy, that is huge. So many people have already been there for a while. We had a severe thunderstorm last night and we heard that lightning struck a house in town and caused over thirty thousand dollars to the home. Thankfully no was harmed. I'm always amazed whenever I see a cloudless sky following a severe storm. I was only able to take short outdoor walk and didn’t get to get any exercise in.

18 September 2022

I’m going to bed early and relax as soon as I’ll finish this quick pen, so that I can stay away from food. I have to fast, because I have my semiannual check up that requires labs. Prayers for good test results. I'm glad that I kicked it up a notch and slightly changed it up by doing six minute intervals twice on the elliptical. That seemed to be working out pretty good, but it was a little bit tougher of a go than I anticipated it would be. I made us a beef stir fry with tomatoes, peppers, and onions. It's one of our favorite go to dishes. There was still a half patty of leftover egg foo young from the Lucky Panda carryout in the fridge. So I had for dinner. I have been musing about what seems to be a week of political drama about the busing immigrants to northern cities from our southern border. It will be interesting if these two political parties will finally get together to do something about immigration and homelessness in America or just continue to blame each other. So far I'm still hearing the sameo sameo political posturing from both these two divisive parties. Lord, have mercy.

17 September 2022

I decided to change my weigh in day to today instead of the beginning of the week. It's a very slow go, but at least it is still coming back down without the need to keep track of my daily calorie intake. Eventually, I'm going to have to change it up and learn how to do something with the resistance levels as well as incline. I think that I'm really to slightly increase my time now with a interval in the mix. Finally... Notre Dame got a win under their belt. Even with the win, it is clear that there is still a lot of room for improvement for this team. Fawn made ginseng. When I was a kid, my mom would have to force us to drink it. But nowadays I can take the bitter drink or leave it. We got on the phone and made a few wellness call. We called Mary and offered our condolences. We use to go out and break with bread her and Jim about once a month before the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. We also gave Henry a call to Heather and he was doing and offered them our condolences. Prayers for our Lord's peace and comfort. The highlight of my day is the FaceTime call from the kids.

16 September 2022

Getting my exercises in early in the mornings is working out pretty good for me. We went to the Sam's Club to pickup our meds and then went to a few stores in the Oswego area before heading to Alex's because I left my phone there yesterday. Fawn said that was just an excuse to get a carryout from Lucky Panda. Dang, the menu prices took another big jump. There is no curbing of Joe's inflation in sight. Nice, Soo facetimed us and we had a real good time catching up. It was one of those day days jawing on the phone; Bill gave us a call too. All in all, I say it was a very good day. Thanks be to God for the blessings of the day. "Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom" (James 3:13). The true mark of a wise man is living a godly life.

15 September 2022

We received sad news this morning that Jim has fallen asleep in the Lord. I got up early and got in my exercises before heading out this morning. I'm glad that I am mixing it up with my cardio on the elliptical, because I am seeing a great improvement. I am able to bring my PRbpm up to my target heart rate and see it drop over 25 heart beats within a minute with a five minute go on the elliptical. I think that that I will try to slowly bring the five minute go to eight minutes. I am finding out that just shooting for more time at a slower pace isn't meeting my fitness goals and the pushing the PRbmp at 80% is a better way to go at improving my cardiovascular endurance. The bonus is that I am also burning more calories per minute! We went to Alex's for lunch and to watch Nala because Alex had a doctor's appointment. On the way over to Alex's, we stopped for a fill up and got gas for a remarkable $3.599 a gallon. Joe still has about a buck to go before I can stop sarcastically thanking him for the high gas prices. Anyway, we brought BOGO thinly sliced loin pork chops at Jewels yesterday, so I pan seared them bad boys for our lunch and had them with spinach and a mac and cheese side, yummy.

14 September 2022

Fawn had her annual doctor's appointment at Edwards Hospital with her oncologist, so that's where I did my morning's walk. The trees and the buildings provided ample shade while walking in the cool of the day. I think that I am opposite of most people, I love the sunshine, but prefer to be in a shaded area while enjoying the sunlight, if that makes any sense at all. I saw a white butterfly; it has become rare sighting for some years. I remembered a time butterflies were common thing to see in the summer. I use to especially love seeing the beautiful monarch butterflies. Albeit, it became a nice day in the 70s later on in the day, the mornings start out quite nippy in the mid 50s and require putting on a pair of sweats before heading out. I think that this will be last overnight temps in the 50s and the temperature will be above the norm for the remainder of the week. I am thankful that all is well and that her numbers were great. May God continue to bless us with good health. My semiannual visit with my physician will be next week and I pray for good test results. It saddens me to learn that Jim is the hospital under hospice care. Prayers for divine mercy. Afterwards we stopped off at a few stores in the Bolingbrook area, so I stayed in the car and gave my brother a wellness call while she shopped in the stores. It's hard to believe that he will be 74 in a couple of days. Whoa, what am I saying? I'm in my 70s too. I made us fried rice for lunch. The beauty of fried rice is that you can toss just about anything in it and it will still be a pretty awesome dish. It's a good way to clean out the refrigerator. There was two slices of deli ham and salami left that I used for the protein and the rest was the usual peas, eggs and green onions. After lunch, we did a matinee and watched, Last Seen Alive. The reviews were all over the place, so I’m guessing it is one of those either you like it or you don’t kind of movie. I like Gerard Butler movies. Yes sir, I made us gon chow ngau ho for dinner. I think most people will agree with me that this dish and Cantonese pan fried noodle chow mein are among the top must have Cantonese comfort food dishes. Song of the day is, Autumn Leaves - Nat King Cole.

13 September 2022

Dang, these overnight temps that drop into the 50s are something else and will continue for a few more days. I was hoping to wake to the sun, but there was a complete overcast. However, the sun get eventually did come out mid morning and it made it into the 70s mid day. Albeit I had to dress up with long pants and a fleece shirt when we went out this morning, I was able to get in a nice walk and that there was a nice mixture of sun and clouds. The verse, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24) came to the back of my mind several times during my walk. I really love this time of year. I imagine that in less than month the fall colors and the autumn leaves will begin to appear and start to fall. It is a amazing the that beauty can be found in something dying and becoming dormant. My phone speaker was turned off and Fawn couldn't get a hold of me when I was on my walk. It is so frustrating because I couldn't tell if it was something I am unknowingly doing on the phone or if there is something actually wrong with the phone. I have been having issues with the sound on the phone on more than few occasions recently. When you start getting up in age like I am, you begin to be concerned about dementia and being reading up more and more about it. I often think about Eddie and how fast the brain deteriorates with aging. I do my best to try to exercise and also try to keep my mind active by doing puzzles and penning here. I know I often ramble a lot with the sameo sameo when I pen my journal entries, but I find it therapeutic and it provides me an opportunity to meditate on God's goodness. It’s ashamed that my pen isn't more like that of the psalmist. Fawn came up with the idea today that I should do three five minute gos on the elliptical just to mix it up. I think it was a good idea since I was able to burn way more total calories per minutes on the elliptical. Mmm, I made up teriyaki chicken and stir fried lettuce for lunch. It's a nice deliciously simple comfort food dish to whip up. We did a Andrea. I made us plain rice noodle soup. Too bad we're out of char sui. Years ago we use to go Fabulous Noodles and would order these huge bowls of delicious soups and Andrea would just order her a plain rice noodle soup. Now that we know that we can freeze char sui more than a few months, the next time I'll make more, especially in May just before summer. There is plenty of rice noodles left, I hope to make us gon chow ngau ho tomorrow. It was great facetiming with the kids; it was most definitely the highlight of our day. Proud mama had Isaac spell the basic colors! Peyton enjoys being on the call too; she cracks me up with her memoji. Grr, I just deleted a Biden rant… I can’t let him get to me. With that said, God help us, surly the donkeys can do better than Biden and the elephants can do better than Trump. Anyway, I’m beginning to go down a rabbit hole and show just stop. Praise the Lord oh my soul.

12 September 2022

I had a lazy start to the day and just laid in bed until the alarm went off. The gloomy weather gives you no incentive to jump out the bed. It's hard to believe how much rain we are still getting, it was one rainband after another and the dehumidifier is working as the sump pump. Once I got a cup of in me, I was good to go. We took out a leftover package of short ribs last night that wasn't able to fit in the dutch oven the last time I made them. I couldn't justify cooking them, so I just tossed them bad boys in a pot and boiled them. They were still good, but nowhere near as tasty as the usual low and slow braising in the oven. I ate two of them last night and decided to drop off the other two for Alex since we going there for lunch anyway. I made us my Pasta with Italian sausage and spinach dish. I made it with spaghetti noodles, but I think that penne, rigatoni, or ziti are much better pastas for this particular dish. But sometimes you just have to make use of what you have on hand. It definitely wasn't ideal weather to be out, but I'm glad we did take the time to go out for our brief visit to do lunch with our son. Mama had me pull in the Walmart to buy a small package of chicken so that I can it boil Nala. She inhaled it and was a happy camper. Because of all the rain, things have certainly cooled down quite a bit the past few days. It was so downright nippy that I had to wear a pair of sweat pants and shirt. I'm glad that the more seasonal temperatures are expected to come tomorrow. We did stop at Target on the way back home and I did a nice indoor walk. It was nice that the store was hardly any shoppers in the store; I think it was most likely because the weather was nasty. I was surprised to see that there was another couple that was wearing a cloth mask in the store beside us. It was clear to me that I wasn't going to get on the elliptical today at all. I made myself egg drop soup with the both from the boiled chicken I made Nala and had it with the last of the tuna that was in the refrigerator for supper. Fawn didn't think too much of the egg drop soup because she likes mixed vegetable in it and somehow forgot all about that, so she ate the last of yesterday's leftover tomato pepper beef. Prayers for my sister Nancy, may the Lord her though these difficult times.

11 September 2022

Whoa, talk about thunder claps and a torrential downpour from the get go this morning. Today was my weekly weigh in day and I’m continuing to slowly but surely lose weight. I loss another half a pound. Every time 9/11 comes around, how can any American not take pause on this day of infamy? We remember and we pray.

10 September 2022

Happy Mid Autumn Festival! I was looking a new photo I got last night of Peyton holding a sign noting that it was her first day in the toddler class. Our granddaughter is growing up so fast; she's such an adorable cutie pie. I'm grateful that we are being blessed with outstanding weather. I've been carrying on about how nice the weather has been, especially during the a.m. when we are out. But now I am starting to notice the huge temperature drop during the wee hours of the night. This Notre Dame football team is so disappointing, I had higher expectations. Facetiming with the grandkids was the highlight of the day. 

9 September 2022
Man-o-man, I love this time of year. I think the month of May and the month of September are the two best months of the year temperaturewise in our neck of the woods. It is so times like this I can see many of God’s blessings. I'm surprised that ND only dropped from #5 to #8 after losing to OSU last weekend because the second half was a disaster. I think ND will need not only to win each game for the remainder of the season, but they will need to win big especially against Clemson and USC to even make the playoffs. In my mind, only ND football and SEC football is worth watching. One more day - Go Irish! I had no intentions to bump up my time on the elliptical by another 30 seconds again but I did, and now I'm up still easily up to nine and a half minutes. I was asked about my affiliation with Norte Dame. My dad and uncles own a Chinese-American chop suey restaurant in South Bend for a number of years when we were very young and we spent our summers there. Since it's Friday, we popped a DiGiorno Three Meat Pizza in the oven. I like to listen to music videos while I am penning my journal entries and I came across, (Every Thing I Do) I Do For You – Bryan Adams, what a great song. I think this a good time to stop penning and enjoy this song.

8 September 2022

It has become highly noticeable that the days are becoming shorter, both in the beginning of the day as well as toward the end of it. I got up early this morning so that I can make that I can get in my exercises before heading out. I use to wonder how and why folks exercise early in the morning and now I know. I sure am glad that I am using that workout checklist to keep me honest. There was a change in plans and we ended to doing this and that. But there is no regret in getting up early and getting a good workout in. We bought a watermelon the other day and finally got around to cutting it this morning. I opened up that bad boy with our Cutco Santoku knife. I can see why that razor sharp knife is so expensive, we had the knife for more than a year and a half and haven't had to sharpen it yet! We put away half the watermelon and then I cut the other half up into quarters and handed it over to Fawn to cut it up into cubes. We had mama's roast beef, ham and salami croissant sandwich for lunch. I squirted some Wahl sauce on mine, I still don't think it is anything special, but it's OK. I just happen to like French's yellow mustard better. I made a steamed minced chicken patty for Alex. Steamed pork patty is a classic canto comfort food, but we opted to make him a healthier steamed minced chicken thigh patty instead. Mama was mindful of Nala and had me pan fry a small chicken burger for her. Clearly we all consider her family. It is funny now, how I use think people were nuts to think along those line. Back in the day growing up in Chicago, we use to have two German shepherds and albeit they were pets they were considered more to be watchdogs. Albeit people love their pets, most people back then viewed pets as pets, times have changed for sure. Nala really loves eating watermelon. Fawn could bare keep with cutting her small pieces of it. On the way up I had to stop for gas, not because we needed it, but because there always seem to a gas station that is selling gas much cheaper than everyone else. For sure all the gas stations near him are way cheaper than in Naperville. We got gas for $3.779 a gallon. Every time I get a fill up, I sarcastically say, "Thanks Joe." I really wish the inflationary Joe who is also decrepit would just step down.  I’m thinking that maybe our VP Kamala Harris can do better. Albeit Fawn watches a lot of sports all year round but she is totally in her element during football season, Thursday Night Football, Bills vs Rams. Well at least I get to watch college football with her. I saw a memory post of Steven Scott Martin who sleeps in the arm of our Lord. Steve has a great sense of humor and was truly a man for all seasons. Prayer offers for health, comfort and recovery for our friends and family, especially for our son-in-law Rob. May the Lord take up our infirmities and bore our diseases. The day becomes extra special whenever we get to spend time with family and I am reminded of this how awesome our God is who blesses us countless gifts with grace upon grace.

7 September 2022

I am so glad that I have decided to go back to logging and checking off my daily workout routine because I have been slacking off on this and that. One thing good about finding time to exercise in the morning is that I am more energetic. I easily bumped my time up to nine minutes from eight and a half and was able to maintain the ideal 80 percent of my maximum heart rate during my entire go on the elliptical. I would like work back up to at least fifteen to twenty minutes on a single go during the winter months. Yummy, I made us a vegetable stir fry with celery mushrooms and onions and topped it with hard chow mein noodles and peanuts, for lunch. If I were a vegetarian, this would be my go to dish, except I would need to substitute the oyster sauce with a mushroom sauce. After lunch I went outside to do a little yard work. I did all the necessary weed whacking and then sprayed the grass with weed killer. It is rare that I do that early and usually procrastinate until to the point the dandelions and crabgrass begin to appear. I don't think that the yard work I did today was all that physical, but I still ended up sweating bad enough that I had to peel off my tee shirt. Gotrdun and the yard is looking pretty good. I played more than a few games of Sudoku today and can now strategically solve the extreme level puzzles well under ten minutes! Now the game just seem like doing grunt work, oh well.

6 September 2022

It is not clear to me if my allergies are acting up because we are moving into the autumn season or is because I cut the grass yesterday, it is most likely both is having something to do with it. I am so thankful for antihistamine eye drops and for the allergy relief I get from using nasal spray. Albeit, I eyeball it when I make oatmeal, I am surprised whenever it is watery because I make it the same way almost every day. It doesn't bother me because I skim the excess water from the pot into my bowl and enjoy a nice hot bowl of oatmeal soup! We went out to Sam's Club to stock up on facial tissue and paper towels and to get flank steak. On the way back home, it was bam, bam, bam. Mama stopped in three grocery stores mama got the needed Park and Shop for Chinese groceries. And then we went and shopped for the sales items at Jewels and Mariano's. Fawn clearly must have looked at the grocery ads before we headed out the door this morning. There is going to be another new covid vaccine that is going to be rolled out soon that is designed to target the omicron variant. The CDC is advising that people over 65 and people with an compromised immune system take the vaccine, but I feel reluctant to do so because I feel that the CDC has lost all credibility and am opting on a wait and see approach for now. We watched the movie, Lost City. In my mind, Sandra Bullock movies are very much like movies Julia Roberts would be in. I was surprised that I didn’t recognize Brad Pitt in his cameo role in the movie as Jake Trainer. As I sit here penning my journal entry Fawn is doing a double feature watch an old 1970 Elvis Presley documentary, “That’s the Way It Is” I never was a fan of his, but I think he is actually a very good singer. But of course his millions of fans already know that. Anyway, time to listen to listen to some sacred music and learn more of second verse and about the blessed virgin birth the Savior.

5 September 2022

Finally, a nice cool autumn day. I'm hoping the hot dog days of summer are truly behind us.  It's time to enjoy the nice cool days before the dreaded cold days of winter storms begin to set in. Happy labor day! I am grateful for all the workers who keep our society in good order. It is good to view all our labors in the light of a vocation toward our Lord's glory. I especially give thanks to the men and women our armed services who protect us and to all in the medical field. Of course we can point to many other noble vocations. In fact I believe the noblest of all vocation is a priestly one. I only pointed to our military and perhaps I should include police officers as well and the medical field because of the troubled times we live in. One of the saddest things is that most of the manufacturing in our country has gone offshore and has left many people in our nation idle and frustrated. We went out this morning to run a few errands and stopped by Alex's and made us steamed Cantonese style tilapia for lunch. Mama has me pan fried up a couple pork chops and cook him hamburger peas for later to enjoy. Mama love babies and so do I. Since they were bone-in pork chops and Alex don't like to gnaw on bones like me, I took them bad boys home. Albeit ginger is an important ingredient for steamed fish, I totally forgot to bring it, but was still tasted good. When we got home I ran out to buy a half a gallon of gas and hope that will be enough gas for the mower for the remainder of the year. Since it was still cool and there was a complete overcast, I mowed the entire backyard, gotrdun. All that remains now is to weed whack along the fence line. I made us French green beans and mushrooms to go with two meaty pork chop bones. Fawn shook head looking at me suck all the meat clean off the bone. I was listening to the original cast recording of “Ghost the Musical” and thought the entire album was most excellent. My favorite track was, With You. I was so to come across the recording, because I never knew there was a musical. Today was a great day and I am thankful that we got to spend time with our son. We are so blessed to have awesome kids.

4 September 2022

I was filled with joy this morning. I remembered to petition for wisdom and aid to ward off  Satan's deceptive lures in addition to offering thanksgivings during my morning prayers. I was glad that I remembered most of the first verse and only required a minutes to be able to sing the entire first verse by heart, there are five verses to the hymn, Of Our Father's Love Begotten. I was a little worried about hopping on the scale this morning because of all the game time snacking that I did. But to my relief, I still managed to drop almost a half a pound this week. Whew, I initially thought I might have blown it. I know that watching Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral is not ideal, but... since it is the start of a new week, I decided to kick it up a notch and added 30 seconds to my go on the elliptical and did eight and an half minute cardio on the elliptical and also did my resistance training this morning. Of all the different exercises that I do, I think that doing squats has to one of the most beneficial to me. Lunch was pretty tasty; I made us Canadian bacon and egg breakfast sandwiches on a croissant. Ha ha ha, got a few more photos and videos of Isaac and Peyton, I think it was from the same outing they were Six Flags. I love how the kids enjoy music and dancing to it. The second verse is so beautiful and speaks about the birth of Christ. Thanks be to God.

3 September 2022

Lazy day, got smart and got all my exercises done in the a.m. and then sat around and watched college football. I watched the Arkansas vs Cincinnati and Notre Dame vs Ohio State. I was rooting for the fighting Irish to win, but ran out of gas in the 4th quarter. Albeit the point spread was 17.5 point that favored the Buckeyes, I expected a better showing. Am I the only person outside of South Bend that had higher expectations from the road trip. The highlight of my day was the kids facetiming us. Peyton is a hoot with her emoji. It is clear that kids love things that are animated. I love their family photos and videos of there out at a water park. I memorized the 1st verse of, Of the Father's Love Begotten. Hopefully, I learned this hymn by heart.

2 September 2022

I was only able to do five minutes on the elliptical just now, before coming here to pen my journal entry for the day. Clearly, it is not a good idea to exercises toward the end of the day. I know that I sound like a broken record about these beautiful mornings we have been having, but that's a good thing. I really enjoy the nice mixture of clouds and sunshine. I really love listening to sacred music and think it’s about time to learn the words to another one of my favorite one by heart, Of the Father’s Love Begotten. I was able to do a nice walk and step ups before heading out to Alex's for lunch. Doing the step up today went a lot easier today than yesterday. Naturally, I had to gas up while in the Plainfield area. Gas was $3.949 a gallon there and yes, it was a heck a lot cheaper there too. We got to thank Joe for the continued high prices for gasoline and everything else. I made us teriyaki chicken and mapo tofu. Mapo tofu is not that hard to make and I comment on how much cheaper it is to make at home. Apparently, I make it just the right way for Alex, because he said that my dish taste better too. Home cooks have the advantage of tweaking dishes to whoever is eating, especially when my wife and kids will always let me know exactly what they think about the dish. I enjoy cooking and their comments have greatly helped me get better at it. While looking for a quotable quote to post on my homepage, I was reminded by Saint John Vianney about the importance of saying our morning prayers. "The earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love; teach me your statutes!" (Psalm 119:64). Most days while I take my morning walks I look up at the sky in awe at his majestic creation, at times it may be totally cloudless or totally overcastted, my favorite times are when there is a mixture of sunshine and clouds. Often time when the weather is perfect I tend to think about and thank God for blessing and grace and forget about asking his for wisdom to seek his ways.

1 September 2022
Albeit most people don’t consider it fall until the autumnal equinox occurs, but I go by the meteorological fall which begins today. I did eight minutes again on the elliptical first thing this morning. Initially, I thought that was enough for now without taxing the heart and besides, the weather is still so nice in the a.m. and I still enjoy going a my walks while listening  to sacred music. But I did another eight on the elliptical later in the afternoon. I'm sure I will be doing more on the elliptical as the weather will eventually turn. Although the morning cloudless baby blue sky looks so beautiful, I prefer a mixture of both sunshine and clouds. I did a bunch of step ups and hope I didn't over do them, because by my huffing and puffing, I could tell that I haven't done those in a long while. I wonder if my upcoming semiannual doctor's appointment has anything to my sudden motivation to increase doing my daily exercises, regardless l hope to keep it up to where it need to be. We were on the way to Kohl's this morning and just happen to be passing the Nothing Bundt Cakes and remember that they were celebrating their 25th anniversary and were giving out their confetti bundt cake as a freebie. I was shocked that there wasn't a line there, so we pulled in and got our freebies. Mmm, I made us a small pot of broad rice noodle soup for dinner using pork shoulder bones from the freezer. Mama thought it was just OK, but I liked it.

31 August 2022
We stayed in this morning and couldn't afford to be out and about because we had an important meeting to attend on Zoom, so we stayed in and did a home gym. It's been a long while since on hopped on the elliptical. I absolutely could have done more time on the elliptical, but out of caution, I only was on it for eight minutes and moved on to doing my resistance training with my pairs of ten and fifteen pounds dumbbells before doing another six on the elliptical at a slightly higher speed. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it's a start. It was so relaxing to listen to classical music playing as background music. I was only outside brief to take out the garbage and get the mail, so sad that it is still getting into the upper 80s. I was looking at my neighbor's tree. Albeit seems to continually lose leaves during the summer, the leaves are really beginning to die and are beginning to rapidly fall. So many of the branches are dead on the tree, yet the tree surprisingly manages to continue to blossom every year. I came across the Lanie Gardner - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac and continued to be blown away by this cover. I was so happy that the kids facetimed us, now my day is complete. Thanks be to God for the gift of family.

30 August 2022
Wow, August went by rather quickly. Clearly early mornings are the only times to enjoy the days, because it still get into the 80s in the afternoons. It was sunny for the most part this morning and I was thankful whenever I came across a shaded area during my walk. I saw that the point spread was 17.5 points favoring #2 Ohio State over #5 Notre Dame for this Saturday’s night game. Really? I don’t think so. Mmm, mama found a nice one inch thick 20 oz bone-in ribeye steak. It is crazy that the steak was marked down to almost to the same price as the grounded beef. The juicy steak made for a super delicious lunch. Chirp chirp, love to hear the comment that there is no need to go to a steak house for a nice steak. I am grateful for God’s boundless love.

29 August 2022
I made my semiannual doctor appointment for the year. It made me think about aging and how our days are numbered. May we live each day to God's glory. Strange that all this musing is being done on a gloom and doom thunderous looking rain filled day. A friend of mine made a timely Ecclesiastes 3 post on Facebook. I think that it is amazing that one big sentence this covers a wide range of seasons in our lives that beautifully calls us to faith. It brings me peace to know that every season under heaven is in God's hands. We often focus on the contrasting seasons in our lives, when the focus should be living in the moment the best we can coram Deo. I finally finished watching season nine of NCIS. Ah, it's been a long while since I have enjoyed hot cup of tea and a longer time since sipping a cup of oolong tea. Since we were stuck indoors all day I spent a little more time doing resistance exercises, hope I didn't over do it.

28 August 2022
Mama was up early to make the coffee and prep the vegetables for the beef and bok choy stir fry we had for our noon time meal. The breakfast was very limited this time around; we had scrambled eggs, bacon, breakfast sausage links, and hash browns. We did a taste test between the Cholula Sweet Habanero and the Original and found that each has their own merits, but the sweet habanero is was by far much hotter than the original. I made hot dog fried rice for Isaac and Peyton. I should have known better, Andrea and Alex had more than taste, my bad. Once again, I have proven that there is actually not necessary to make fried rice with refrigerated rice made the day before. Mmm, the beef and bok choy over the Cantonese pan fried noodles was spot on. We had fun indoor fun playing bubbles, stacking cups, tag, and hide and seek with the grandkids. I am grateful that our kids enjoy visiting and have time for us. Summertime is most definitely was hanging in there today, it was a hot and muggy day in the low 90s. Thanks be to God for the modern day convenience of air conditioning. I would be remiss if I failed to mention the awesome back and shoulder massage that I was hoping for and got from my son-in-law Rob. It was so mindful of him. I got on the scale this morning and only managed to lose two tenths of a pound from a couple of weeks ago. Clearly, I still need to cut back a little more. I think I'll routinely weight myself every Sunday to make sure I drop at least something every week. I made myself a vegetable soup from the leftover mushrooms and green beans vegetables dish for dinner from the other day hiding in back of the refrigerator, it only tasted so-so.

27 August 2022
I decided to log on the laptop and pen my journal entry early so that I can watch another NCIS episode since mama is got the television watching the Bears vs Browns preseason game. Mmm, mmm, mmm, a couple of splashes of Cholula hot sauce on my oatmeal this morning. I was off to an awesome start for the day. The sky this morning's sky was baby blue as can be and the few white clouds at a distance made for beautiful picturesque sky reminding up God's beauty that can be found in his creation. How sad it is that we could bring about so much ugly in the world with our sinfulness. Lord, have mercy. I don't like being completely in the sun so opted to tend to do my walks in the shade areas. Mmm, I made us instant ramen noodle soup for lunch. I jazzed it up with a little Shanghai bok choy and the last of my homemade char sui. I was hoping that the batch would last until the fall. We're seeing the kids tomorrow, so I did an afternoon cook while listening to classical music. I know Isaac and Peyton like my hamburgers too so I made them ahead of time so that they can nuke them as a treat. I don't do anything special to the ones I make for our grandkids, but they seem to like them. I made the ones for Andrea and Alex like the way we like them, stuffed with diced green bell peppers and onions to take home with them to eat whenever. We ate ours for dinner just a short while ago. I turned mine into a patty melt, delicious. Since the plan is doing the big breakfast thing again tomorrow for our get together, I made the hash brown potatoes ahead of time, because that was going to save a lot of time tomorrow morning to put the breakfast buffet together. I did the same for the Cantonese pan fried noodles today because that would take a lot of time to make for our noon time meal. I feel blessed to have enjoyed another peaceful day, God is good.

26 August 2022
Wow, what beautiful morning! My morning walk was most excellent; it was nice and cool and had the perfect mixture of sun and clouds. Whenever the temperature is in the low 70s and I am able to find our Lords peace in his scared music, I'm a happy camper. Since there was still nice mixture of sun and clouds during the noon hour and the temperature was in the mid 70s, I wanted to cut the grass. I made us hot dogs for a quick lunch. Even though I didn’t have all the needed to build a Chicago style hot, I managed to make myself a couple of decent Vienna hot dogs with French’s yellow mustard, kosher dill spears and sport peppers, before going out to cut the grass. We had hamburgers yesterday and hot dogs today. Funny how that is making it feel like we are celebrating a holiday weekend and waving the grand old flag. I was able to mow all of the front and about a third of the back yard working from the perimeter along the fence line inward, until I ran out of gasoline. Happy haircut! Crazy how getting a haircut makes a person feel so good. Anyway, I want to stop penning this journal entry on this laptop and watch an NCIS episode. Thanks be to God for this awesome carefree day.

25 August 2022
We woke up to a rainy gloom and doom looking day. Albeit we never set the alarm clock anymore except whenever we have an early morning appointment we pretty much wake up pretty much around the same time. The nasty looking weather didn't provide us any incentive to immediately jump out of bed. It's one of benefits to being retired is that it is entirely up to you when to get up out of bed. I'm not sure if it is all in the head, but I was energized after breakfast and my morning coffee. Mama loves me, she saved me a little of the taco grounded beef to add to my oatmeal. I did my morning walk in the Target store because it still drizzling out. I was wondering why we went grocery shopping, looks like we’re getting together with the kids this weekend. What a pleasant surprise, because I was just hopeful to see them on the Labor Day weekend. I'm not a fan of processed American cheese, but it had cheeseburgers written all over it, mmm. I don't know why, but whenever I eat a hamburger or a hot dog, I'm waving old glory in my head. I know I rant about Joe every now and then, but I beginning to see more and more pointing out absurd policies. I truly would like to him step down from his post as the POTUS. My afternoon outdoor walk was really nice for the most part. Albeit it was by far mostly a cloudy afternoon with a slightly cool breeze, whenever there was a small gap in the clouds and the sun popped out, it became muggy and uncomfortably warm. It is amazing for those brief moments how one can perceives the day totally different. It's been a long while since I listened to a song by the Grass Roots, so I was so thrilled when I came across a, Grass Roots song medley. Verse of the day is, “Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble” (Psalm 119:165). We can find great peace from knowing that God loves us and doesn’t want us stumble and fall. Guide my ways, O Lord, that I may reflect your character.

24 August 2022
A Facebook memory came up this morning that included a photo of scale with me weighing in at 144.8 pounds a year ago. I've gained back more a few pounds this summer. I definitely need to start watching my weight again and curb eating this and that late at night. According to the forecast, it is suppose to rain tomorrow so we made it a point this morning to head out early to the Oswego area to run errands and do my morning walk. We had to make a stop at the Sam's Club pharmacy to pick up my meds. It is nice to be in a store early and when there are few people around. Even from the parking lot and seeing fewer cars now, I can tell that schools are back in session and most people are back to work and done vacationing. It is so nice to be out during the early morning and walking in the cool shaded areas listening to sacred music. It is definitely much better than walking indoors and trying to distancing myself from maskless strangers. Albeit warmed up into the low 80s by the noon hour, it was an awesome morning. Sigh, Halloween candy and costumes are already on display. I think it is one of the worst celebrations and right up there with April's Fools. Mmm, broke open an, Old El Paso taco kit and made us hamburger taco for lunch. I had two of them bad boys and really had to fight off the urge to go for a third one. I learned that the due check out due date on the five disc dvd for two weeks and the was no need to binge watch the NCIS episodes every day, so I took a recess from it today and decided to run a full scan on my laptop. It has been a long while since I done that.

23 August 2022
Lunch almost looked like a typical canto family meal. I said almost typical because I didn't make any soup. I made us lap cheong, steamed pork patty, and beef with bok choy. We make a good team; mama prepped the bok choy and made the steamed rice. No wonder why Fawn had me make all this food, she was watching out for her baby and went out dropped it off at Alex's for his lunch. Albeit we didn't to, we pulled in the filling station on the way to Alex's because the gas was $3.979 a gallon. And yes it's 53¢ a gallon cheaper than in Naperville. It's always a good thing to check gas prices on Google Maps before heading out. It got into the mid 80s this afternoon and felt too warn to do a walk, so I did a indoor walk at the Meijer while Fawn did a little shopping. It seems like summer wants to hang in there a tad longer. I much rather do my walks in the mornings during the cool of the day outdoors. When we got back home I watched a few more episodes of NCIS. I posted a Johannes Tauler quote on this site’s homepage that articulates my thought the notion of free will. I always heard people say that we have free will but I always found that to be troubling and incomplete statement. In my mind, a Christian has no will and only has the desire and will to do God’s will. Thanks be to God for his grace and mercy, I am grateful for his presence in my life and in our family lives.

22 August 2022
Pretty boring day, the plan was to do a matinee and lunch. We had on, Everything Everywhere All at Once and mama made us StarKist white albacore tuna sandwiches. Albeit the movie rating and reviews were high, but we didn’t get it and we popped the dvd out after 15 minutes in, but sandwiches was good. I just got on my laptop binge watched a few more NCIS episodes.

21 August 2022
Whoo hoo! I got a notification for Nichols Library that my hold for the NCIS season 19 dvd has came in. I like watching episodes on disc. I sure that I've mentioned, well most likely ranted on the number of long and lame the ads are online. It was another one of those super nice temperaturewise days in the mid 70s and was good to briefly get out and go pick up the dvd. Sigh, while we were out, one of those dumb idiots with one of those cars that have a loud subwoofer blasting a stereo. The vibration was bad enough, but the sound of the cracked speakers was unbearable. Anyway, I got to binge watch three episodes. So I'm seven episodes in and had to pull myself from the dvd player on my laptop so that I could download pics and videos that were on my phone. Ha ha ha, it is clear to me that Isaac was playing with my phone and knew how to use the camera on it. Anyway, love NCIS and apparently so does a lot of other people to be on so many seasons. The verse of the day is, “By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life” (Psalm 42:8). Indeed our Lord showers up his grace and mercies throughout the day and his song is with us at the end of the day. May we always in our evening prayers, offer a heart of praise and thanksgiving.

20 August 2022
I use to be able to sleep through anything, but I woke to the sound of the pouring rain in the middle of the night. I was glad that I was able to instantly fall back asleep because we needed to be out the door early for a 7:20 a.m. imagining appointment. Of course the rain would prevent me from doing my morning walk while waiting so here I am penning my journal entry using notepad on my phone at the Edwards hospital parking garage which I'll cut and paste later today. I don't have data on my smartphone so I can't log in to pen a journal entry without a wifi. It's not comfortable sitting in the car in the north parking lot. I can feel the ground beneath me shaking as though the garage was going to collapse. I had the same sensation the last time I parked in the garage... I intended to log in, but I just came back here to the notepad and decided to just wait until tomorrow to cut and paste what I have here instead. It rained all day today and turned the day into a total bust. I made us a mushroom and celery stir fry for dinner. I really like it when I toss in peanuts and those crunchy hard chow mein noodles that come in a can. It was nice and light yet tasty. It is one of those rare good for you healthy dishes that we enjoy eating.

19 August 2022
I went to bed early so I was up relatively early. I opened the Saint John worship folder on my smartphone and went through the entire document. It's been a long time since I've done that. I went downstairs and did my stretches and a few exercises before breakfast. There is a debate on whether it better to exercise before or after eating breakfast is most beneficial. I think both arguments have some merits, but I don't matter in my case, my exercise routine isn't very strenuous and is done over the course of the day. We went to the Sam's Club pharmacy to pick up our meds and some home covid antigen test kits and stopped by Alex's to have him update something on Fawn's iPad, because Apple devices had some kind of security issues. I made us a pot of char sui rice noodle soup for lunch, mmm. We rarely order pizza because they cost so much, but since it's a Friday night and Domino's pizzas are half price this week, how can we not treat ourselves to one of their custom hand tossed pies? We got creative with the toppings and ordered the pie with chicken, bacon, and parmesan garlic sauce. Outside of eating a white pizza (Pizza Bianca), I’ve always eaten a pizza that had some sort of tomato sauce on it. Anyway, our custom pizza was awesome. The verse of the day is, "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life" (1 John 5:12). The teaching of God’s word is unmistakable. Jesus himself said that, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace.

18 August 2022
It was so nice out this morning that it had me humming, It's a Beautiful Morning  - The Rascals. Andrea sent more photos and videos this morning, look likes Isaac is excited and happy to be in kindergarten. I think the little man got this. Whoa, gas prices are back up all over again. I'm so glad that I saw for $4.089 in Plainfield on Google Maps. It is ridiculous that the next lowest price for tier one gas is 58¢ more, thanks Joe. We went out shopping in the Plainfield area and then stopped by Alex's to make lunch. I made us mapo tofu and hot dog fried rice. Mmm, both dishes turned out fantastic! Nala got to eat a little of the egg I made for the fried rice and got to eat some watermelon. Looks like she was a happy camper giving me  high fives.

17 August 2022
This morning started out full of excitement, it was Isaac's first day of school. It is so hard to believe that with a blink of the eye, he is already going to kindergarten. Mama had the first appointment in the morning to get a haircut, so I went along and walked around the outdoor strip mall. The weather is so nice in the upper 60s and lower 70s. There is nothing quite as nice as taking a walk in the shaded areas during the cool of the day listening to sacred music. When we got back, it was still pretty early and still nice and shady in front of the house, so I decided to trim the hedge with a hand pruner. I swear, it is so therapeutically relaxing cutting back evergreen shrubs. I was happy how nice the front hedge looks. I was rewarded with one of mama’s layered sandwiches. She makes it with roast beef, polish ham, hard salami and gouda cheese on a croissant. Nancy gave us some beautiful big white mushrooms the other day and I made it French green beans and garlic for dinner, mmm. . Facetiming with the kids always seem to be the highlight of my day whenever I don’t get to see them in person. I’m wondering when will be our next opportunity to get to see Jennifer. I didn’t remember to do my daily resistance training until after dinner today. I started doing daily resistance training since Sunday instead of doing it every other day. Albeit, I don’t many sets anymore, I do a lot more reps. I’m focus on toning or muscular endurance to burn fat. That is why I have been only working out with the 5, 10 and 15 pound pairs of dumbbells. I actually feel a lot better overall and more energized in general now by just doing both walks and doing light weights daily. I am grateful for my health. As I look around at this world plague with infectious diseases and illness, everyday of health is a blessing. Lord, guard your body and save your souls. Amen.

16 August 2022
How can one not rave about the today being sunny and in the mid 80s, especially when the humidity is so low? I started to say that it was supposed to stay in the 70s all week, but silly me. Since when is weather forecast ever have that level of accuracy in the 10 day forecast? I guessing this it feels like in Arizona when it's in the mid 80s. Normally, I would be carrying on when the temperature is this high, but with the addition of nice mild summer breeze, all is good and I got the song, Summer Breeze – Seals & Crofts, in my head most of the day. We stopped by Nancy's home to pick up char sui bows. My brother Bill went with her to Chinatown and stopped at the Chinese bakery. Albeit was pretty much a hi and bye, I'm glad see him and say hello to him in person. So we had that for lunch along with a spring salad. After lunch we dropped a gift and say happy birthday to Jean and stopped by Alex's to gift him some char sui bows. This covid pandemic has dramatically changed how we interact with people. I think it will be a long while before their will be some normalcy with how we interact folks. I know that a lot of people have fearlessly moved on, which is why I am still somewhat reluctant to be near them. Catching covid seems to be no big deal to a lot of our friends and family members. This makes it difficult for me, because I definitely do not wish to contract the covid. All in all it was a good day, I got to see my brother and my son. I thank God for his many gifts.

15 August 2022
Last night I noticed that our front porch light burned out, so my 2do for the day was to replace the bulb. So much for outdoor LEDs light bulbs supposing to lasting a lot longer the incandescent. I love it when I get to keep repeating myself on how nice the weather continues to be, if only the weather could be like this all year long. I got in a nice walk while listening to sacred music. I love it whenever there is a perfect mixture on sun and clouds. We got a call from my sister Nancy and thank God for his comfort. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to lose one's spouse. It is painful enough to missing love ones like your parents and siblings. Albeit we still was drinking soup for lunch, Fawn was well enough to have me make us beef with tomato and pepper over rice for dinner. I hope that I remain motivated to doing a little more exercises, because I've been eating more lately than I should be.

14 August 2022
I woke up this morning with leftover joy in my heart. The only response to this overwhelming joy in my heart is, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” After watching Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral, we went out to run a few errands. I am truly enjoying my morning walks in this nice long string of beautiful days in the 70s. I’ll take nice cool days over the hot and muggy. Fawn took out a couple pork shoulder bones from the freezer and I made a nice pot of fuzzy melon soup with them. I thank God that she continues recovering from being under the weather. Having soup is working out for me too, I’m still can’t believe I am still recovering from overindulging during yesterday’s celebration. I looked at the college football ranking for this upcoming season and am getting all psyched out for it. I can hardly wait for September 3rd, when Notre Dame #5 takes on Ohio State #2! Song of the day is, Power of Love – Huey Lewis and the News, I love this song in the, Back to the Future, movie. I am grateful for a day filled with grace and the peace of our Lord.

13 August 2022
We were super early and it didn't long before there was a need for my eye drops and nasal spray. My allergies were acting up big time. As soon as we got to Alex's, I put on my apron and started on the breakfast buffet. I made us sausage links, bacon, hash browns, and Alex made the coffee and scrambled eggs. There was even a box of Entenmann's Frosted Donuts. Every time I see these donuts, I think about my mom. She used to buys these from the grocery store every now and then. It’s funny that I never cared for them simply because the chocolate frosting looked like wax. Alex's grass looked so nice after Rob mowed his lawn. I got to admit that the way he overlaps his go; it is essentially like mowing the grass twice. Lunch was as awesome as I anticipated it would be. Once again, we had a buffet thing going on. There was a spring mix for the salad and a pepperoni pizza from Domino's. Mama's pasta sauce was spot on, over either the, spaghetti, penne or manicotti. I found myself questioning as to why I am unable to stop myself from overindulging after lunch. To complete the Italian buffet we celebrated Rob's birthday with a tiramisu birthday cake! We also had a German chocolate cake too. Once upon a time, German cake was one of my favorite cake, but that lost out to the tiramisu. I thought about have a little of the chocolate cake, but I was literally too stuffed. How stuffed was I? I was so stuffed that I only ate a small plate of fruit with grapes, strawberries and kiwi for supper. We had a great time celebrating Rob and being with the grandkids. Albeit was a party to celebrate Rob's birthday, he gave me a much needed neck and shoulder massage! I filled the car up by Alex's for $3.929 a gallon, so why is still $4.499 near our house in Naperville? I think about this every time I gas up while sarcastically thanking Joe. I was glad that Soo called Fawn while we were in the car. Albeit, Fawn and Soo cal each other often I rarely get to say, “hello.” I’m glad she is doing well, staying close and in touch with family is important. It would truly sad if we were to squander away God’s blessing of family. As I sit here penning I just can’t imagine how can a day like today with family not be an awesome one? I thank God for our family time together.

12 August 2022
Now that's what I'm talking about! It was truly a super nice day that topped in the mid 70s. We had a translucent overcast that was totally fine for my morning walk. Albeit I only have six mp3 sacred music playlist, I never get tire of listening to them over and over. I browned the hamburger for mama's spaghetti sauce and set aside a little of the hamburger meat for Nala. We love our grandkids so much, that’s why I’m calling it our "last fling." I'm thinking we’ll be seeing less of our grandkids because the school year will be beginning next week. I love went we gather and celebrate with a feast. For sure, we will b start the day off with a big hearty breakfast and will be having our tour of Italy spinach manicotti and spaghetti lunch. I have to keep my Jedi master happy, so I made him a char sui chow fun, kids love noodles. Wow, David posted, Caoineadh Cú Chulainn – Davy Spillane. I had to look up what a uilleann pipes was. What a beautiful deeply soulful sounding instrument. Anyway, off to bed, we have a big day ahead of us and need to be up and out the door early.

11 August 2022
The days seem to be stable and have been pretty much the same the last few days. Once again, I was able to enjoy a nice leisurely walk while listening to sacred music, God is so good! I looked ahead at the 10 day forecast and think that we are done with those 90+ dog days of summer for the year, knock on wood. We ran a few errands and then headed over to Alex's for lunch. We bought him a quart of the napa soup I make and a quart of the ginseng tea mama made. Just to be safe, Fawn took another at home covid antigen test before heading over to see Alex. Always happy to see a negative covid test result. We found a nice ribeye that was marked down and pan seared it and had it with scalloped potatoes. Sigh, Alex's entryway door lock leading into the garage was jamming up again, so we went to Menards to buy a new one to replace Kwikset lock. I don't know if locks are a standard fit or not, so I just bought the exact same make and model. Albeit, I feel good about spending a little time with Alex replacing the lock together, I have little faith that a Kwikset is a durable lock. I am very skeptical about anything made in China. The Schlage entryway locks we have in our home are the original installed one when we had our home built 38 years ago. I think I only sprayed them with silicone once or twice over the years. They are not the best locks, but they are way better than the el cheapo locks that Kwikset manufactures by far.

10 August 2022
Temperaturewise, today was pretty much the same as it was yesterday. I waited until 9 o’clock before going out to cut the grass, just to give some of the late raisers a chance to peacefully enjoy their morning coffee. I was able to get to mowing both the front and back. I hope I didn’t prematurely lowered the blades down a notch. I worked up an appetite so, I boiled some ramen noodles add to the napa soup and took it up a notch and added a little chili garlic sauce. I made us teriyaki chicken with rice, delicious. I like making this simple dish, because the teriyaki marinade sauce comes in a bottle. The verse of the day is, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). I love praying the psalms, our ever loving God is our mighty fortress that protects and preserves us. Thanks be to God for hearing our cries. Awesome way to close the day facetiming with the kids. I am grateful for my family and friends, may the bless and keep us all.

9 August 2022
Overall, it was a pretty nice day that stayed in 70s. This morning was exceptional; it was nice and cool with just the right amount of sunshine and clouds. I was able to enjoy a nice leisurely walk while listening to sacred music, God is good! Fawn is still under the weather, so I took out two pork bones from the freeze and made us a nice big pot of napa soup.

8 August 2022
Yet another day of rain, now I'm really surprised about how much rain we have been getting. If it wasn't so warm, l would think that we have already moved into early autumn. I am really pleased about the Vornado Tornado Fan Tower. Albeit the fan stopped working for some unknown reason it was still under warranty. It was an easy process to get a new replacement fan shipped to us within a matter of days! I think it is a great fan with a great customer service to back it up. Alex hasn't had much luck with the Greenworks company. One of his rechargeable batteries went bad but he has tried numerous times to call to only hear a busy signal, two thumbs down for them. I love playing a couple of games of Sudoku on my tablet. I think it is a fun way of daily exercising my brain. Lately I only start off playing a very easy game and then jump to the extreme level. I love the singing reality show, The Voice, and wow! I came across, Bruises (cover) - Natan Dagur. I broken a new bottle of chili garlic sauce and had it with my mushroom lo mein, so good. I finally got around to checking the tolls.

7 August 2022
I'm thankful for the rain we received today. Obviously, I don't care for so much rain, but it is helping the grass keep from scorching. Cardinal Cupich gave a very timely sermon this morning. It was one that I really needed to hear. Fawn is still under the weather so I made us egg drop soup for lunch. Covid, covid, covid, seems most people has moved on from it and are fearlessly catching covid multiple times despite people are dying from it. We learned today that Sandy tested positive for covid. Her family has been on a two week vacation in Boston for a week now. Prayers for health and recovery. We also learned that another friend Ken caught covid several weeks ago. I am glad that he is OK. Since we have ample covid test kits at home, Fawn tested herself again today and thankfully she is still testing negative. One can only take whatever precautions they see fit to protect themselves and their love one from this deadly virus, because the guidelines are ridiculous, illogical and absurd. I am happy that my nephew Alan and Maria got married today. It is so sad that I did not except their wedding invitation, but I remain uncomfortable being in a crowd of people that may or may not have been vaccinated and are taking the precautions. The only way I would feel somewhat safe is if everyone takes a covid test just before gathering. Why some people are covid asymptomatic and other infected by the virus die remains a mystery to me. Good eating, made us a beef with tomato, peppers and onions stir fry. Thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow.

6 August 2022
It was so hot! Which begs the question, "How hot was it?" It was so hot today that we hid indoors all day. I wish, I wish these 90+ days would end. I binged watched the first three episodes of NCIS. The online commercials are a bite in the butt and is consuming about a third of my time, so I placed a dvd hold from the library. I know that tv streaming companies need ads to be able to pay their employees and make a profit, but so have many ads are ridiculous. It may be a month before I'll get to see the show because I'm third on the hold list. Mmm, I made us mushroom lo mein for dinner. Fawn have a sore throat and so she took an at home antigen covid test. Thanks be to God the test result was negative.

1 - 5 August 2022
As the song goes, I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon. So here I am penning in my journal. Not that it matters that it is raining even though look at the weather app, it is say that it is still suppose to be sunny. Got the love how accurate these forecasts are. I was too lazy to log in to pen my journal entries this week because we have been staying with our daughter while Rob is out town at a math conference. It was a great opportunity to spend time with our grandkids before the school year will start and we will be seeing them less frequently. So the follow is just a cut and paste of what I penned on the notepad app on my smartphone. 8/1 Now that's the way I like it. If it's going to rain, it's best when it happens at night. I heard the rumbling in the early morning and just before the rain came down. Too bad it didn't provide us any succor from the summer heat. We cooked a few dishes to bring up so that we didn't need to do a whole lot of cooking while we were up visiting our grands. Mama made her infamous spaghetti and I made Cantonese steamed tilapia. We also went to the Jewel deli to buy cold cuts to bring up. I think we bought enough to tie us over without needing to spend time with a whole lot of cooking while we create a mini vacation like atmosphere. On the way up to the northern burbs, we noticed a whole lot of construction going on, they have I-294 all torn up. Illinois must have gotten a ton of new infrastructure funding. 8/2 We were up super early and out the door by 4:15 to drive Rob to the airport. I was surprised to see so many cars on the road that early in the morning. I suppose that is the only way to avoid a total rush hour nightmare. I was so glad that Fawn came along to navigate. I love that I got to play with Isaac with the Star Wars lightsabers. I like the fact the he has quite an imagination and is able to elaborate as well as articulate on the Star Wars themes and characters so well. It was like being in a Jedi training camp. We had two training sessions, one in the morning and another one in the evening. I learned that the blue lightsabers are used by the Jedi and the red lightsabers are used by the dark side. So when whenever we are training we both use the blue lightsabers. Whenever we are mimicking a battle Isaac would use the red saber. I thought it was fun to use two blue lightsabers when I fought the dark side. At the end of the fight day I asked for an evaluation and Isaac said that I did good, but that I had a long ways to go before becoming a Jedi Master like him. Brr, clearly folks must hate the heat more than me, Andrea's house is like Alex's house, and they have the AC set on a level that is so cold. But everyone think the temperature is fine. The highlight of my day was Peyton called me grandpa several times today. Thanks be to God, for a most blessed day with our daughter and grandchildren. The kids miss their daddy, so we are all thrilled to  FaceTime with him. 8/3 Grandpa, grandpa, wake up! Obviously I was the last one to wake up and get out of bed. Isaac run a tough camp, we went to the basement and commenced with the Jedi basic training before breakfast. Isaac told me that I have improved a lot from yesterday. Your hand and eye coordination does improve with a little practice. Lol, Isaac stepped up his came with some spinning move. I did a poor imitation of mimicking that move. After an oatmeal breakfast, Isaac read me three books from his Scholastic little readers set, training the mind and the body. I made us packaged instant ramen noodle soup for lunch. That is the only type I have ever eaten. I added bok choy and my home made char sui to it. More noodles for dinner. We had mama's spaghetti for dinner. After dinner, we started my advance Jedi training, but it got interrupted because Isaac had to go to the Kindergarten Kickoff Party at the Grayslake Public Library. While Isaac and mom were out I got to watch a Minnie Mouse cartoon with Peyton! I'm just on cloud 9 that she knows to call me grandpa. I think it is fascinating that she uses sign language when she talks. Isaac came back from the library with a bunch of books and was a happy camper. God is good and I am grateful for the blessings of the day. Our Lord showers us with grace upon grace. 8/4 I got in my sixth and final training at Isaac's Jedi training bootcamp. It was fun to spinning time with the little man and a hoot listening to him going on and on about the Force and the difference between the Light Side (good) and Dark Side (evil). Fawn ask Isaac where was his green light saber. He said he lost it, bur Fawn found it underneath the tv stand within a few minutes. Anyway, Isaac was kind to me on his final assessment. We the Ladies went out shopping and came back with a carryout from Portillo's! We left after dinner. Rob's plane back was delayed so he wasn't due back until late in the evening. For our safety Rob said that he would take a hack back home from the airport. Thanks be to God for what was pretty much a mini vacation for us. 8/5 Whoa, we stepped out into a sauna this morning, it has been so crazy hot lately with not sign of relief in the forecast. It was so hot that I had to do my walk in the store. These 90+ dog days of summer are something else. Setting the thermostat at 72 degrees Fahrenheit is all year round is ideal for me. When the AC is set below that, I feel extremely cold. Hats off to folks before whole house heating and air conditioning. Clearly, we are amongst the last of folks still wearing a mask while in the stores. I'm glad we tend to only go early in the morning when there are few people around. I can hardly wait until the school year start so that there will be even less people around. I came across a confrontationally determined man today, but with God's peace, the incident did not allow my day to be ruined. I thought the man wanted to discuss what was bothersome to him, but his cussing didn't let up. It was best to move on when the onslaught of FUs was the only thing coming out of his mouth. I actually penned about the incident but deleted it. Sometimes elaborating on things are better left unsaid. We have more than enough negativity to satisfy the evil in the world. I know that what happened this morning pales to much that goes on in this broken world of ours. I thank God for the beauty that we often times overlook or fail to ever open our eyes and mind to. We went to three different grocery stores to shop for all the need. We went to Jewels, Walmart and Whole Foods as well as made a stop at Macy's and Kohl's for a pickup. I find it interesting that the brick and mortar stores don’t carry an inventory like the days gone by. Mmm, hamburger stuffed with onions and green peppers for lunch, I haven't made that in a long while. The last time I tried the Wahl sauce, I didn’t find it memorable. But this time I tried it with the stuffed hamburger and thought it was pretty tasty. Fawn nuked the leftover Italian beef sandwich and we had sandwiches with the leftover French fries. I nuke the leftover French fries for 30 seconds and then crisp them back up in a frying pan. For supper I boiled some spaghetti noodle so that we can have it later tonight with mama’s sauce. Anyway, God is good.

31 July 2022
Wow, the month of July went by rather fast. Hmm, after saying how nice and cool the morning have been, today was a warm day from the get go. Regardless, I did go for a walk and found so relief in the shaded areas. Ahh, refreshing… I love drinking ice cold water.

30 July 2022
It's a beautiful morning, the weather is so nice and cool. Early morning is definitely my favorite time of day. I'm not sure why some folks moan and groan about waking up in the morning. In my mind, mornings are the best part of the day and are relative to when you go to bed. I actually don't know the difference between a skillet and a scrambler and just use the term interchangeablely. Anyway, it basically consist scrambling eggs with green bell peppers and onions and a meat protein and a good eat with hash browns. It seems to be a staple when we get together on weekends. We celebrated our time together with a Cantonese classic for lunch. Beef and bok choy with peapods over Hong Kong style pan fried noodle. The visit was short and because Andrea, Rob, Isaac and Peyton had a date at the Brookfield Zoo. When the kids were small we use to take mini vacations to zoos. We haven't gone to a zoo for quite a number of years. It's been in the mid 80s most afternoons lately, but it felt nice whenever the sun was behind a cloud otherwise it was uncomfortable. The price of gas has finally dropped below five bucks in town down to $4.959 a gallon. We brought gas for $4.179 by Alex's, a whooping 78¢ difference. Oh my, my grandson wants me to visit him and duel with him using his Star Wars lightsabers. I told him I didn’t know how to play and that I was fragile and didn’t want to get hurt. LOL, he told me not to worry and that he will teach me how to combat saber duel. It’s not clear how much Jedi training he does with his dad, but he seems to go on and one about Star War trivial. Thanks be to God for our time with family.

29 July 2022
Covid is on my mind again as more people that I know is catching it. Take about expecting the unexpected, these pass two weeks I have noticed a lot of crazy driving on the roadways. It is one thing to make to accidentally make a mistake while driving, but to willfully drive recklessly with total disregard for the safety of others is unacceptable. I took the time to mow the grass. Even though it was nice and flat, I clearly didn't seem to have hardly taken it down any. I guess Fawn was right, it didn't really need to be mowed.

28 July 2022
The day started out in the cool, but within an hour the sun broke out and it became hot and muggy at the blink of the eye by the time we got to Alex's. I was able to prune back the last two fountain grass plants. I need to understand what it takes to keep the weeds from growing alongside the patio border plants. I’m starting to take a liking to a few country music. I listened to a Chris Stapleton Greatest Hit Playlist, playing in the background. Decisions, decisions, decisions, I couldn't decide between having coleslaw or American potato salad, so I opted to have both sides with my hot dog for dinner.

27 July 2022
We were out super early and ran a few errands. Stopped at the Sam's Club to pick up a prescription and went to the Blain’s Farm and Fleet and brought a nice manual weeding tool. There was no way I was going to pass up pulling into the gas station on the way back from the Oswego area even though I didn't need to do fill up. Gas was $4.259 a gallon, which is over 83¢ a gallon than in the Naperville area. The gas price west of our area has been constantly way over 60¢ cheaper for over a month for some unknown reason to me. Lol, I only was able to pump 3.7 gallons before the tank topped off. But hey, saving a few bucks is a few bucks, for a couple minutes of your time. We are still a long way from getting the gas prices where they need to be. People are so mad at this POTUS. I'm praying that our country will have better candidates to choose from in 2024. I personally didn't think that Biden was the best Democratic Presidential Party choice nor did I think Trump would of ever have been taken seriously as a primary candidate back in 2016. That's enough political gibberish for the day, so depressing. I walked in some of the larger stores and outdoors when there was shading available. There are only a two or three weeks left and the school year will begin. Man O man, hard to believe Isaac is five and will be in kindergarten already. We love facetiming with the kids and can hardly wait to see them again this weekend. Rob mentioned something about ring of Gyges. I think he is talking about Plato’s Republic. I was confused last week what Rob was talking about, now it makes sense was what he was alluding to on moral, justice and truth. It is good to see that they are balancing play time and reading time with Isaac. I see that like Isaac, Andrea and Rob are reinforcing reading with Peyton very early too. July has been a very good month, we are feeling blessed that Rob has been willing to drive down every weekend and allow us to spend so much time with our grandchildren. I made us a tomato and egg stir fry. This simple and beautiful dish is a classic and can arguably be called the glory of a Cantonese comfort food. It’s a funny thing about heritage, I know so little about Chinese heritage. Even though I went to a Chinese Learning Center (CLC), I am very limited and can barely speak and understand the language and mostly only say phrases. Reading and writing is even worse, because Chinese is not a phonetic language and is a pictorial language that requires memorization of pictographic symbols. One thing handed down to me though is the love of so many childhood Cantonese dishes. That is why I love being a member of the Cantonese Food Recipes Facebook group. I getting a little long winded again and it’s time to stop penning and to get ready for bed. Thanks be to God for this day. Bless your holy name.

26 July 2022
Embarrassing, I had to do a word search and correct a typo. Normally when one do stream of consciousness writing they don’t edit and just pen a narrative. Andrea and Rob noticed that I misspelled Peyton twice this year. So I did a word search and made the corrections. Good thing I didn’t do that last year. Funny thing, Fawn reads my journal entries from time to time too and has commented on poor grammar also. Alex has it made with the yard work; from time to time Rob helps him mow his grass. He did the same for me whenever he came for a visit. He once told me that mowing grass was therapeutic. I think that it is not only therapeutic but you also get a good cardio workout to boot. I try my best to help him out with pruning his shrubbery. Manual pruning it therapeutic for me, it’s kind of a Mr. Miyagi bonsai tree thing for me. I filled a 30 gallon lawn bag today and will most likely fill another one on Thursday. Ahchoo, I can't be more grateful for antihistamine eye drops and allergy nasal sprays. During Alex’s lunch hour, I helped him back fill a hole that some critter dug to get under his patio. We shoved as much pea gravel and sand as we could, well go back on Thursday and toss dirt and mulch over it then. What a get up a go guy, he assembled table and chair set we got for Peyton while I pan fried us a ribeye steak to go with the store brought mac and cheese as well as a scalloped potato sides we just nuked in the microwave. Dinner was another good eat, I made us a skillet with eggs, green peppers, onions and hard salami. I think today’s skillet using hard salami was tastier than the one I made on Saturday using ham instead, mama agreed.

25 July 2022
Unbelievable, we got a day that topped out in the upper 70s and was in the lower 70s when we out and about in the a.m. We were out only briefly collect on birthday freebies. We had a $10 IKEA coupon and used it toward a children table and chairs set for our granddaughter. She has reached another milestone and does not like to be in a baby chair any more. It was so nice out that weed whack and gave the front a yard a manicure. How in the world did I work up a sweat when the weather was so nice?

24 July 2022
I was so relaxed last night that I went to bed early. I think that it's amazing that I don't have any issues falling asleep; all I need to do is close my eyes and the next thing you know out cold. Déjà vu, we got loud rumbling sound at a distance and a torrential downpour again this morning. The music lyric, "Summer breeze make me fine," came to mind musing about this morning's walk. I'm pretty sure the lyricist most likely had a warm summer breeze in mind, but I loved the surprising cool breeze we got under the complete overcast while it was in the 70s during the a.m. Naturally, it got eventually got hot and muggy toward the noon hour, after all, we are in the dead of summer. I love going on solitary walks and listening to scared music and taking in God's peace. Normally, I would be complaining about all this rain we have been getting, but with this heat wave been having, everything would either wilt away or become dormant. We had a few errands to run in the Oswego area, so naturally I pulled in the Shell there. It is sad when you start thinking that $4.389 is a good price for regular tier one gas a gallon. That is just how long we have been paying outrageously high prices for gas, thank Joe. I began thinking how terrible and extreme the Democratic and Republican political parties have become. In 2016 it was between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. It was very telling then if these were the best two candidates these two parties could mustard up. Then in 2020 it was between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Now a year and a half into this POTUS leadership, I already wish he would step down. Albeit Kamala Harris approval ratings are lower than Biden's, I feel her cognitive skills are better than his. We’re blessed, it was so nice of Sandy to come by today drop off and gift us a tray of her infamous lasagna.  I have been listening to the Supremes while penning this journal entry; Supremes Greatest Hit. What an amazing group!

23 July 2022
Nice, Fawn has classical music playing as background music. Albeit we are awake pre dawn most days, we usually just lie around and relax for a little while, but this morning an emergency tornado alert on the cell phone and we went downstairs. I got a little apprehensive hearing the rumbling sound of thunder along withdrawals the sound of the torrential downpour. Thanks be to God for keeping us safe. I was a little surprised that mama had me do a stop at the Big Apple Bagel on the way to Alex's this morning, although as much as like their bagels, I think with the latest price increase they are too pricey. I made us hash browns and an egg skillet with ham, green peppers and yellow onions. Good for me, I only ate a eighth of a bagel and a reasonable breakfast portion. Lunch was awesome; char sui chow fun, Cantonese comfort food at its best. I carried Peyton and she is really starting to feel heavy. I'm guessing that she is somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty pounds. It is amazing when little kids have growth spurts. We went to visit my brother and sister and just jawed a little outside in the fresh air. It was so good to see them face to face instead of just yapping on the phone. Since there is a nearby Culver's, we went to get Fawn her frozen custard birthday freebie! She seemed to savor the sundae in the car on the way home. Fawn made us another one of her sub sandwich and we decided to go light by splitting the sandwich for dinner.

22 July 2022
Whoa, I hopped on the scale this morning and it is clear to me that I have been doing quite a bit of celebrating during this month. I really need to stop my overindulgences. I was able to get a decent walk in cool of the day as long as I was a shaded area. I said it many times before, "I hate the 
hot dog days of summer." Once upon a time, I heard that someone said that a hot day is not prayer worthy. I really don't what the context was though, but I pray for cooler weather and for the safety of people whenever the temperature soars up to 90+ degrees. The fried up a couple of ribeyes for the kids and went back to the old way which I called Hong Kong style. It's not clear why we are all going to Alex's house tomorrow, but I'm glad we will have family time again. I sure we can whip an awesome breakfast and for sure I will be making up some char sui chow fun for lunch. My char sui supply is running low and may have to buy another pork shoulder butt to make another batch of char sui sooner than expected. I called my my sister Nancy to see how she doing. I think wellness calls are important and am grateful whenever we receive one as well. We are living in some strange times. Come, Lord Jesus.

21 July 2022
Happy birthday to my wonderful son. I'm glad we were able to stop by his place during the noon hour with a carryout from the House of Emperor. We got their pot stickers, crab rangoon, black pepper beef tenderloin, ginger and scallion fish, and chicken fried rice. Great choices Alex! I'm not a fan of restaurant style pot stickers and actually prefer the frozen store bought one instead. It is clear to me that we are among the last few people that continue to wear a mask when we are out and about. Looks like the key lock on Alex's door leading to the garage is still working properly since the my third go at it. It was so relaxing this morning with classical music playing as background music. What am I going to do? It was in the lower 90s and it was so uncomfortable and the temperature is going to continue to climb along with the humidity though out the weekend. We saw a squeeze bottle of Whahlburger Whal Sauce and was intrigued by it. I tried on mama's usual sub sandwich. The only sub sandwich that can compete with a roast beef, polish ham, hard salami and gouda cheese on a croissant is the Potbelly Wreck. We didn't see what the big hoopla was all about. It was no better than anything other condiment that we already had in the refrigerator.

20 July 2022
Hmm, let me get my grr out of the way. I hardly use my laptop nowadays, because between my smartphone and tablet there is little use for logging on it anymore. The reason for being aggravated is because it seems like every other time I get on the machine it frustratingly does a software update that requires a reboot. I logged on because I wanted to download a few videos and photos for keepsake as well a create this new page that I will append to the original 2022 Journal page at the the of the year. I do this because the file is too large and that makes the editing painfully slow for some reason. Anyway, weatherwise we have another warm day, but is tolerable enough to do a walk in the morning. It was nice to do a walk at the Aurora Outlet Mall when there are only a few people around before the stores are open for business. Now I know why mama wanted to go to outlet mall, Old Navy was opened early this morning for the super clearance sale. I was surprised that the store wasn't jammed pack, because Fawn was in the store for almost an hour and a half while I was doing my solitary walk. She came out the store with huge shopping bags of 99 cents this and that kid clothes. There was a nice breeze and the huge overhead structures provided ample shading from the sun. I was so glad that opted out of going to the Geneva Commons, because I was all walked out. I was looking ahead and it looks like the temperature will continue to climb toward the weekend and get up to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Lord, have mercy. I am most definitely not looking forward to that. I have a wide range of music appreciation. Country music kind of grow on you after a while, Tennessee Whiskey is one of my favorite. To my surprise while watching AGT on YouTube, I heard an original song that I thought was really really good, You Can Have Him Jolene - Chapel Hart.

19 July 2022
I thought that yesterday was a bad day, but today was even warmer. It was fine walking in the shade, but so uncomfortable whenever the sun was shining in you. I did part of my walk in the Target around the store's interior parameter and even got in a few dumbbell curls each time I got to sporting goods section. I'm sure that I have mentioned more than a few times that I really don't care for the summertime heat. This afternoon was so peaceful; we had classical music playing in the background. I’m grateful for the blessings of the day.

18 July 2022
I knew the good weather we have been having wouldn't last. Sound would say today we are having a nice summer day, but I call it a hot and muggy day. It was already in the mid 70s when we stepped out this morning. We when shopping in the Oswego area and was able to get in a walk in the shade before the big warm up. I started to say a nice walk, but I was actually a little annoyed by a parked car that was blasting the stereo with the ridiculous annoying subwoofer. How can these folks not be deaf and brain damaged. How can people stand sitting in a vibrating car? What was more interesting was that I was expecting it to a teenage boy sitting in the car, but it was a middle aged adult well into her 30s. Albeit, we didn't need gas, I filled it up again because the gas was $4.589 a gallon which is about 70¢ cheaper a gallon for gas than in Naperville. It was likewise last week and this makes you wonder what is going on. I took the last of Isaac's turkey out of the freezer on Saturday to defrost and made curry turkey out of it for my dinner and made beef and broccoli for Fawn for her dinner. We have plenty of leftovers for tomorrow.  I thought the curry turkey we OK and prefer chicken instead. The best news I heard all day was Steve Chirico is not running for reelection next year. Hard to believe that … won a second term. Better stop here before working myself into a frenzy.

17 July 2022
I wasn't in the mood to make oatmeal this morning so I just popped a couple of slices of wheat bread into the toaster to have with my morning coffee. We went to Alex's to do a few home improvements. It was good to see Alex's willingness to take on the task of replacing the torn screen mesh with a pet proof screen mesh. After figuring out what to do, the second half of the job went smoothly and quickly like a boss. Two thumbs up on a job well done. I had my third go at the garage door key lock. Hopefully the third time is a charm. Afterwards, I made us bacon and eggs sandwiches as a reward. I went for a walk at the same place I went to yesterday. The weather was nice again today, but the walk seemed so different when you’re not wearing your hearing aid and not able hear the birds chirping. Happy haircut! I feel so good after a getting a haircut. Like usual, mama always does an awesome job. Mmm, I made us tomato and eggs for supper. I think I can eat this every week! I'm not sure why it as juicy this time around though.

16 July 2022
I just knew today was going to be an awesome day from the get go. I love the smell of breaking open a brand new bag of coffee grounds. The fragrant of fresh coffee grounds always makes me think about my dad. I remember going with my dad to the A&P grocery store and seeing how my dad would buy a bag of coffee beans that had to be grounded in a grinder in the store, I missing my dad. We were raised in a home blessed with the most loving parents. I was a failure in the dad department when the kids were small, but luckily they were blessed with a godly woman for a mother. It is a good thing that they turned out to be great kids despite having me for a father. I think I’ve may have improved being a father over the years. I love the big breakfast we have we gathered, coffee, bacon, sausage links, eggs and pancakes this time around. I believe that celebrating life with food is gift from God, so we continued celebrating Alex with a big lunch. We enjoyed mama's spaghetti and also poured her spaghetti sauce over the tasty store bought baked spinach and cheese manicotti. We finished up the celebration with a tiramisu birthday cake and wished him the happiest of birthday. It was a fun time with the family. I was a little worried that Isaac was starting to try to stretch his allotted video game time on the Nintendo Switch, but he stopped playing it when instructed. I thought it was great to see when the family room was turned into a miniature golf putting range, now that is what I call family fun. God is so good blessing us with family time. I love and enjoy talking about theology, so I was glad the topic of worship and Holy Mass came up as opposed to what I would consider less reverent and non sacramental worship gatherings. The question of being wise and the topic of wisdom came up today. The world knows wisdom as the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. I really didn't know how to articulate my words, so I am grateful to be afforded this time to gather my thoughts and muse. I was once told by one of my pastors that I was a wise man. I think that is because the wisdom of the world is foolish and that I had some knowledge of the wisdom from above. Holy scripture says that, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!" (Psalm 111:10). I personally believe that the love and fear of the God is displayed in a reverential affection for God, and is the guiding principle towards gaining godly wisdom and a good understanding of who God is. The fruit of holy reverence for our Lord helps me develop a deeper understanding of our Lord's beautiful attributes that will bring forth praise and thanksgiving. The subject of whether or not Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God, always seem to come up. And my answer always remains the same, as sinners, everything hinges on faith in our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. All I can say is John 14. This is how I am able to walk in my daily coram Deo. Looks like I got volunteered to help Alex replace the torn patio screen door mesh. We stopped at the Menards and bought a pet proof screen mesh. It cost a little over 50 percent more than the standard mesh, so I hope it's worth the investment. Hmm, the lock seized up again, I guess I'll have to take the lock apart and see what is going on with it. The translucent sky and slight breeze was so nice that it made being outdoors so pleasant and a nice long walk enjoyable. It’s hard to believe we are having 70 degree weather in mid July. Was still a little full from the big eat that dinner was only a fried egg with fried lettuce with oyster sauce. The day is almost over, let the prayers of my repentant heart rise before the Lord in thanksgiving and praise before the one true God.

15 July 2022
I woke to the sound of the heavy pouring rain beating on the roof. The word of the day is rain, because we got a lot of rain throughout the day. Often times whenever we get a heavy downpour for an extended period of time I tend to muse on Noah and the biblical story of the Great Flood. I always find Satan's attempts to cast doubts on the infallibility on the inspired word of God intriguing. Because of sinner saint that I am, I often cry out in prayer, "I believe, help my unbelief!" The ground is completely saturated and our stump pump was definitely get a workout. Mama did the big cook for Alex's birthday celebration tomorrow. She made two pots of her spaghetti sauce! Funny, Nala must be family. Fawn hard boiled a egg for Nala and I cooked her a hamburger patty to enjoy during the birthday celebration. Since "rain" is the word of the day, how can the old musical tune, Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly, not be the song of the day? Especially when I've been humming it all day long. Thanks be to God for the blessings of the day.

14 July 2022
I’m feeling blessed that we are having a nice string for beautiful days and am able to enjoy nice leisurely walls in July. We went grocery shopping for the needed to celebrate Alex's birthday this weekend. We are always on the lookout for sales and good fresh produce as well as for needed items. Not only are we facing inflation, the supply chain is broken in our country. Today was a good shopping day; we have been looking for olive oil and corn starch on the empty self for over a month and we shop at a lot of different grocery stores. Since we were near Lucky Panda, how could we not stop in to get a carryout and bring it over to Alex's for lunch? Mmm, I love their salt and pepper fish.

13 July 2022
Just like yesterday, it was another beautiful day. We went for a nice outdoor walk at the Promenade. Every time I go to this outdoor shopping centers, I think about my sister Mary and miss her. We use to like walking around there and enjoy the fresh air. It's ashamed that they changed it and allow curbside parking, because initially it was a awesome pedestrian setting. We finish up the tuna sandwiches for lunch and Fawn made us one of her awesome salad creations for dinner. Time to relax and watch the movie, In the Heat of the Night: Who was Geli Bendl?

12 July 2022
It was a beautiful morning to be out and about and got in a nice walk. Albeit warmed up into the mid 80s later in the day, it wasn't so bad because of the summer breeze. Since we were in the Oswego area, we stopped in the Portillo's for Fawn's birthday cake freebie. I’m pretty proud of ourselves for being able to resist the temptation of ordering their delicious fast food for lunch. We had made tuna salad this morning for lunch this morning before heading out. Talk about a tasty albacore sandwich! Mama made it lettuce and tomatoes on a croissant. We had it with Fritos corn chips, I can't remember the last time I eat corn chips, but it pair well the tuna sandwich, delicious. Nice way to close the day facetiming with Alex, Andrea, Rob, and the grands.

11 July 2022
The temperature was in the lower 70s and there was a complete overcast, so I dragged my lazy butt out to mow the grass and to the weed whacking. It is not clear to me how difficult it would be to restring the weed whacker but it was super ease for me to pop in the spare replacement spool that came with the weed whacker. I pretty happy with the nice job I did in the back. All that remains now is giving the front a manicure with the edger and finish up pruning the hedges. I did a Youtube matinee and watched Scarlett (2020).

10 July 2022
We went to Alex's to give the key lock another blast of silicon spray and it is working fine again. Hmm, I wonder why it seized up again. I left the can of spray for him just in case it seizes up again. While Fawn and Alex was watching Wimbledon, I made us ziti with Italian sausage and spinach for lunch. That is one great tasting dish. I thank God that Alex is not having issues with his new med and that it seems to be doing the intended. Alex finally set his AC to a reasonable temperate. Normally his home is like a ice box, but now he set it to 72 ºF. Oh no, The good news is that I am learning that some people I know are finally testing negative, the bad news is I am learning more people I know are coming down with covid symptoms and are testing positive. It’s not clear to me if the new variant is more contagious or it is because people are no longer masking up and social distancing. We can’t trust the CDC or our political leaders.

9 July 2022
Happy birthday to my darling wife! I would pen more, but more than a few people have stubble across my open journal. Some of my feelings are private and other times one get to read a little about the life of this poor miserable sinner saint in need of Christ. Albeit much I pen is blah blah blah, perhaps at times one may get to see a glimpse of my attempt to be a righteous person before God through faith on account of Christ. The Latin phrase for this is Coran Deo. Another Latin phrase is Coram Mundo, which is the righteousness in the eyes of the world by works when we carry out our God-given responsibilities. I'm glad I just penned what I did, I love theology. It's been a while since read any of the writing from the church fathers or done a deep theological mused. I'm thrilled that our kids down early and had lunch with us. I took the flank streak that was part of the meat package that was gifted us by my sister-in-law and niece for Christmas from the freezer and made tomato beef over pan fried noodles. We also took out minced pork and steamed the patty. This traditional classic Cantonese dish is so good. I love cooking for my kids, because I they seem to enjoy my successes and because of their candor, I get to improve on my failures. After lunch Andrea and mama went to the bookstore, so we walked to Meadow Glen Park and the two grands had a field day at the playground. I was assigned to watch Peyton while Rob and Isaac were all over the place. Little did I know that Peyton was going to be handful. She was an adventurous daredevil that had me huffing and puffing and fill with anxiety. You want her to have fun and at the same time fearful she is going to wipeout. It was a beautiful day to be outdoors. Covid is on my mind again, because we are going to have a small outdoor evening family gathering to celebrate our nephew's birthday. It is hard to believe that he is already eleven years old. His parents got him a dog for his birthday. I'm glad that everyone took a covid test before attending and social distancing was practiced for the most part. The weather was cooperating and the temperature stayed in the low to mid 70s, nice. Covid became part as the conversation as we were learning that more people are catching the covid virus. I thank God that Fawn, Alex and I want not caught the coronavirus yet. I've have heard people say that it is not a if but a when and pray it ain't so. I am thankful to God for all my love ones that have recovered from the ongoing pandemic. Lord, have mercy.

8 July 2022
Sigh, I logged in the laptop and it was slow as a dog and it rebooted itself because of some error, but everything seems to be OK now. I just wanted to download some photo and videos off my phone. Happy Friday! That was a joy to say before I retired. Now all week days are equally joyful. It is clear to me I would have been great at being born with a silver spoon. I finally was able to do a walk this morning. Albeit the sky was a gloom and doom looking, it was nice and cool in lower 70s. It was nice to get the walk in become the pouring rains moved in. Today is one of those rare days that I am thankful for the much needed rain. It has been a long while since I crossed path with a cigarette smoker, phew. What is going on? Why are we seeing so many people all over the place with card board signs day in and day out all over the place and there are so many businesses looking for help? The radio is saying there is a high demand for workers. Am I missing something? I’m feeling pretty good from the morning walk. Well at least enough to go light on lunch, we just had a bowl of instant ramen noodle soup with some bok choy and char sui. We still have plenty of char sui in the freezer and only take it out as needed.

7 July 2022
We spent the day at Alex's because he was prescribed a medication that he has never taken before and we wanted make he didn't get an adverse reaction to it. We even introduced watermelon to Nala and she seemed to enjoy that a lot. He had me make hot dog fried rice for lunch and char sui chow fun for dinner. We also finished off the leftover soup from yesterday. The days continue to be hot and muggy and I've been praying for more reasonable temperatures. It was a long boring day, so I went out briefly to water Alex's grass with a water hose to keep it from becoming completely dormant. It was so hot and humid, even Nala only wanted out to do her business and come right back in.

6 July 2022
Surprise surprise, I'm thrilled that we woke up with zero arm pain or stiffness! We went out to run a few errands in the Yorktown area and on the way home we stopped by the Nothing Bundt Cake for Fawn's birthday freebie and at Lawrence's Fish and Shrimp for a carryout order of fried fish and popcorn shrimp. Oh yeah, naturally we had to pick up a few bottles of their infamous hot sauce. I think winter is better than summer except when it snow. I made us pot of tofu and napa soup. When am I going to learn to save a little more minced pork to go a long with the pork bones. I'm able to make soup in thirty minutes; to this day I don't understand the need to simmer soup for several hours. These dog days of summer are for the birds. Oh my, what happened to the nice small family friendly town we moved in? Crime is on the rise and we are selling drug. Last night there was a armed carjacking. I definitely would like to see more police cars patrolling and have more surveillance cameras in town.

5 July 2022
I googled “Chicago shootings” to see what it was over the holiday weekend, but never did find out. The mass shooting in Highland Park dominated the news and the Chicago shootings was buried. Dang, stepped out into a sauna this morning. It got into the upper 90s and the heat index was well over one hundred degrees. I know that I complain about the weather a lot, that's because I only love it when the temperature is in the low 70s and about 50 percent humidity. I have to believe that was what it was like in the Garden of Eden. We went to the Sam's Club and got our second hepatitis a and hepatitis b shots. I really hope that any stiffness or soreness will be minimal tomorrow morning. Well, the third and final hepatitis shot will be six month away. We went to Alex's and filled in the hole that Nala dug, what's with that? I also bought my can of silicone spray to do the key lock to his garage. I'm glad to be able to do a few diy projects with him. Mama made us her delicious deli meat sandwich on croissant. It's right up there with the Potbelly Wreck sandwich, so that is saying a lot. It was nice to get a wellness call from Henry. I am glad to hear that all is well with him and Heather.

4 July 2022
Happy Independence Day! I’m thankful for our freedom and am grateful for the men and women who have serviced and are currently serving in our armed services. We went to the Lowe's and bought two bags of top soil early this morning. We're clueless to why Nala started digging a hole in the backyard. It is crazy how temperaturewise it was the same as it was yesterday but with the high humidity today, it was so muggy and uncomfortable. I stuffed my face with two brats today. I can't seem to help pigging out on holidays. We got a brief but heavy downpour this afternoon that was much need.

3 July 2022
Out side of exploding fireworks, the most exciting thing I did was eat stuff my face in a half pound flame broiled hamburger. I hate works, especially the one that are exploding in the neighborhood. I'm so glad that I don't live in Chicago, so far over 60 people had been shot, 15 fatally this weekend and the sun hasn't even set yet today. Lord, have mercy. Albeit the temperature made it into the mid 80s the humidity was low and the summer breezy a actually felt pretty good.

2 July 2022
I just knew it was going to be a great day when I stepped out into the garage this morning and it it didn't feel like stepping into a sauna. It was the first time in a long time in a long while since feeling the cool of the day. Albeit, the temps got eventually got up into the mid 80s the humidity was low and it felt very comfortable wearing shorts and a tee. I been meaning to say that I have been growing fonder of Nala, I think it is because I see how much she happiness, joy and unconditional love she give to my son. The morning started with the usual big breakfast of sausage, eggs, bacon and french toast. Happy haircut Peyton! Alex helped Andrea give Peyton her first haircut. I reheated the pork riblets and made teriyaki salmon for lunch. Yes sir, no need to tweak the teriyaki salmon, it's spot on for the way we all like it. It is such a blessing to be surrounded by our offsprings. Albeit, Fawn's birthday isn't till next week, we celebrated her today with a tiramisu cake, best cake ever! Thanks be to God for this day.

1 July 2022
Happy Friday and the start of the holiday weekend! I went to bed early last night and got a good night's rest. It's hard to believe that another month has gone by so quickly. I made steamed the dim sum style pork riblets for the kids to take home with them when we will see them tomorrow. I like to make this dish ahead of time because it is time consuming to steam two packages of riblets and I like to put the jip on the refrigerator overnight so that I can remove the harden layer of fat from the jip. I also made the gon chow ngau ho for the little man. I sure it will bring about a big smile. I think Peyton likes it too. I can hardly wait until she is able to ask me to make it for her too!

30 June 2022
Achoo, achoo, achoo, thanks be to God for Alaway and for Fluticasone Propionate nasal spray. My allergies were acting up big time this morning. We went to out to Jewel and to Mariano's to take advantage of the Independence Day sales. After lunch, we went and dropped off a quart of gensing off for Alex. On the way back we got  some strawberries and a few sale items at the Meijer. I stopped for gas and it was $5.499 a gallon. We have Joe to thank for the high gas prices and for the high cost for groceries. Crazy, with all the sales going on, we still have to hunt for the deals. It is so sad that the sale prices are even higher than the regular prices before Joe came into office. Begin out and about felt like being in a sauna, it was in the 90s again today. The dog days of summer are upon us. Here we go again.

29 June 2022
We got a food request yesterday for this weekend, so it was déjà vu. Fawn brewed a pot of gensing early this morning and we stopped by Jean's and dropped off a quart of it for Bob and Jean and then head over to the Sam's Club to buy fresh salmon for this weekend. Then we stopped at the Chinese supermarket to buy pork riblets and some rice noodles to make gon chow ngau ho for Isaac. I was so happy you see that they had fresh joong. That bad boy made for an awesome savory lunch. I'm not much of a gensing fan and rely on my eye drops and nasal sprays for my allergy relief. Nice, I saw that the DIY weed killer did it's magic on the driveway. Thanks be to God that Peyton ear tubes surgery went well. We had left over pizza for dinner. I nuke the pizza and then crisp it up on the stovetop using a frying pan. It got crazy hot in we are back in the 90s.

28 June 2022
Covid is on my mind again as I learned that friends and family are still catching this horrid virus that has already taken so many lives. I don't understand why folks are fearlessly getting in a crowd of people they don't know if they are antivaxxers and not taking any precautions at all. Getting sick multiple times covid doesn't seem to faze them. Prayers for health and recovery and for this virus to go away. We went out early this beautiful morning to run a few errands before heading out to Alex's. First stop was at Jean's to drop a a gift then it was off to the Sam's Club for meds and the to a few stores in the Oswego area. I missed my turn to Montgomery, so we decided to the Oswego area first. That actually turned out to be a better plan. Last night I took out my meat tenderizer mallet and pounded the half pound of round steak. It has been a lot of years since I used that bad boy. I was somewhat successful making the black pepper steak dish. We blew it by forgetting to bring the onion and garlic. I think that a bell pepper would have been helpful too. I think my next go on this dish will be spot on. Now I have another recipe that we can enjoy from God's bounty. Prayers for Peyton for a successful surgery. Why do I do it to myself, I over stuffed my face this evening with DiGiorno three meat pizza that we got from the Sam's Club. It's strange how eating pizza makes it feel like a Friday night. I'm a Stevie Nick / Fleetwood Mac fan, and I came across, Lanie Garner - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac (Cover). Wow, her voice is incredible. Earlier today I mentioned how surprised I was that folks haven't started setting off fireworks yet this year. Clearly I spoke too early, because as soon as the sun went down, I heard a few go off. Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

27 June 2022
Whoo hoo, another day in the 70s. I really wish the weather could be like this all year round. It’s always a good day when I get to eat a second breakfast. I can do all three meals like that. We had fruit and oatmeal in the morning and Canadian bacon and eggs for our noon time meal. Weeds were coming up on the driveway so I whipped up a DIY weed killer mixing white vinegar, salt and liquid dish.

26 June 2022
It was totally a nice day in the 70s. Cleary the rain we got yesterday has provided some succor from the heat wave we have been having. It is funny that I have been walking through a black pepper sauce kata for about a week now. I think l will attempt to make it at Alex's on Tuesday for lunch at his place. Ring, ring, surprise, surprise, the grands were at Brookfield Zoo and wanted to stop by visit. Of course we said yes to their rhetorical question. I whipped them up a hot dog fried rice, I think every kid love to eat hot dogs. It won't be long now before Peyton will be putting together simple sentences, she has a quite an extensive vocabulary, that brings us smiles every time she talks.

25 June 2022
Kaboom! Normally, I'm not crazy about a thunderstorm, but I 'm thankful for the much needed rain. We've been in a very hot dry spell for quite some time. The grass was starting to turn brown and go dormant. I came across a father and daughter music video cover, Stand By Me / My Girl - Matt and Savanna Shaw. Mmm, I made just a Cantonese Ketchup Shrimp for dinner! This is a super awesome dish that we don't get to have very often, but when we do, it is sheer pleasure. Thanks be to God for blessing us from his bounty.

24 June 2022
On the way over to Alex's, we stopped at the Fox Valley Mall for early voting. It was nice to be able to walk in and out without waiting in a line. Mmm, love the sandwich Fawn makes with polish ham, roast beef, salami, pepper jack cheese and mustard on a croissant, so tasty. After lunch I made a stir fried vermicelli dish as well as made a hamburger pea dish that he can eat for his dinner. Although the call wasn't very long, our day was complete. Outside of the entire family being present, it doesn't get much better when all the kids join in the FaceTime call. Thanks be to God for his blessings.

23 June 2022
It wasn't much, but I managed hand prune another third of the hedge out front this morning. Our house faces the west and when the sun came over our house, I lost the coolness being in the shade and called it quits. It got up to the lower 90s again with a cloudless sky. I'm so glad that Alex was able to drive us back to the dealership to get our car back.

22 June 2022
Achoo, dang! My allergies were really acting up this morning. Thanks be to God to eye drops and nasal sprays. We took are car in for a routine oil change and have the dealership look at what was going on with the check engine light. It turned out to be major $2,400 repair that Ford will pick up $800 of it. That is still a huge repair bill for a car with only 60,000 miles on it. The car won't be ready until tomorrow, so we had Alex pick us up and drive us home. We ordered an all out takeout from the House of Emperor that was exceptionally good all out lunchtime feast. There ordered ginger scallions fish, black pepper beef, and steamed shrimp tofu! We facetimed with the kids and the grands and once again, my day is complete.

21 June 2022
Grr, I got on laptop and wouldn’t you know it, got one of the long stupid Windows software updates that took forever. Today was not only the longest day of the year, it was also the hottest day so far this year. The grass is overdue to be cut, so I googled, "what is the best time to mow your lawn without annoying your neighbor." 8 a.m on weekdays and 9 a.m. on weekends. I found it funny to be sitting around eagerly waiting for eight o'clock to come about to begin mowing the grass. There was no cool of the day unless you call the start of the day in the mid 80s cool. I was sweating bullets, but gotrdun. I wish I could have got to the weed whacking, because there is a dire need for that to be attended to. We just hid indoors the remainder of the day. I made some thin Cantonese pan fried noodles and made stir fried char sui bok choy to go over the noodles for lunch. There was still plenty of noodle leftover, so I made beef with tomatoes to go over them for dinner.

20 June 2022
It was a drop dead gorgeous morning that quickly turned hot and muggy by the noon hour. It was already in the mid 80s by the time we got back and the temperature peaked in the mid 90s by mid afternoon. We drove out to Sam's Club in Montgomery and did our shopping in the Oswego area. I was glad to be able to walk around on the shaded sidewalk outside the stores because now that school is out for the summer, it didn't take long for people to make me uncomfortable being inside the stores. It seems to me that it is very difficult to find good fresh fruit and vegetables and that it requires us to pull in a grocery store whenever we are near one. It is a good thing there are so many around. So between Sam's Club, Jewels, Meijer, Mariano's, Hmart, Park and Shop, Trader Joe's and Audi's we usually are able to find a few good produce as well as sales from time to time. Congratulations, I ran into Shelly and learned that she and Miguel just closed and moved into their new home over the Memorial Day weekend. It's always a joy to learn how young people are being blessed. Mmm, we stopped by Portillo's for a carry out; Alex got me a gift card from there for my birthday. They had a combo sandwich with my name on it, screaming eat me. I ate half that bad boy for lunch and the remaining for dinner. I probably could have eaten the entire sandwich in one sitting, but would have been so stuffed. There is no need to get back to my old gluttonous ways.

19 June 2022
I got ambitious today and finally got around to climbing up the ladder to clean out the storm gutters and downspouts. At my age, I'm not fond of doing climbing up ladder and am grateful Fawn help steady the ladder turn the water on and off. It was nice to spend a little time jawing with our neighbors and tending to a little of the outdoor chores. Yee and him family was took a road trip to Disney World to see the mouse last week. They ended up getting covid when he was out there. Covid cases and covid related deaths remain on my mind. I really don't know what to make of covid. It's ashamed that the CDC and their guideline recommendations are the way they are. Lord, protect us.

18 June 2022
It was a joyful day, we celebrated Father's Day and Rob and Andrea's eleventh wedding anniversary. The kids came down early in the morning, so the celebration began with a big breakfast. Sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs and french toast! We are blessed to the ability to be able to celebrate at the table with wonderful food, mama made her infamous spaghetti. As a bonus her sauce went well over the store bought spinach & cheese manicotti that only only needed to be baked in the oven for 35 minutes before serving. As if seeing our kids wasn't enough, our grandkids truly completed our day. Talk about an awesome day weatherwise, it was a cloudless day in the mid 70s. The sky was a beautiful baby blue. I thank God for eye drops and nasal sprays for my allergies. Later in the evening, we got a FaceTime call from all the kids. We are truly blessed and feeling the love. Song of the day is, On A Carousel - The Hollies. "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). On this Father's Day weekend, I pray that as adults, they continue their journey home walking toward Eden.

17 June 2022
Mmm, mama's spaghetti! Need I say more!

16 June 2022
We went to bed super early so that we can wake up early and enjoy our usual coffee and oatmeal breakfast before heading over to Alex's. I actually woke up a hour earlier than I intended, because somehow the time on my phone changed to eastern time. He had his annual air conditioning  maintenance tune-up. The high temp of the day was in the low 90s, but it seemed just as hot and uncomfortable out to me. That makes it official that we're having a tropical heat wave. Wow, talk about good eating, I didn't know that Fawn bought a joong the other day at the Chinese supermarket. I think they were pretty expensive. They cost four dollars for one of those bad boys, because making rice dumplings are labor intensive. I made us teriyaki salmon and a broccoli side for lunch at Alex's. I really like cooking in his spacious kitchen. Song of the day is, Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin.

15 June 2022
Today was almost identical weatherwise except a few degrees warmer in the morning than yesterday. This upper 90s as the high for the day in mid June is not good. I think if it wasn't for a dental appointment we would have stayed indoors all day. I went for a short walk while Fawn was in the dentist office. I saw my first butterfly for the year. Albeit, wasn't a monarch, it was still a beautiful sighting. I'm not much of a tree fan, but they sure provided a nice shade against the cloudless sky. Hmm, I steamed us a Cantonese minced pork shoulder butt patty for dinner. I think minced pork is a zillion times better than using ground pork and well worth the effort. Song of the day is, Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest.

14 June 2022
I’m totally bored and decided to do a mid afternoon journal entry. First thing I told myself after looking at my weather app was that there was no way that I was going to do any outdoor work today. It was already 75 degrees when I woke. We went out to the grocery store to look for fresh vegetables. Clearly I am a chronic complainer, first I complained about how hot it was and then I complained about how it seemed like walking into a refrigerator at Trader's Joe. There is nothing much to say about hiding indoors just to stay cool.

13 June 2022
The day started out in the low 60s and by early evening, we were in the low 90s. We had our annual air conditioning check up and maintenance done this morning. It was very timely and reassuring, because we are in for a heat wave. Of course I waited for a hot and muggy day to swap out the sump pump discharge hose. We did the research for the Illinois midterm primary election. The best part of the day was facetiming with all of our kids and grandkids and offering them Aaron's prayer. Alex told Jennifer that it was in the 90s and that we were having her Arizona temps. Her reply was that she wished it was on 90 instead of 110. Lord, have mercy.

12 June 2022
Hmm, here we go with the inaccurate weather forecast again, today was supposed to be a cool clear day, but instead it turned out to be a rainy day. Albeit, the sun did come out in the afternoon and it was muggy, I did prune a bush and yank out a few good sized weeds. It’s a good thing I don't have a window to get all the needed done. It was so summery that I just had to make myself a pepper jack cheese burger smothered with grilled caramelized onions. I’m not sure why, but I’ve noticed that I’ve been penning less, today is no different. I was reminded today that I should be more sensitive and that I needed to curb my tongue regarding superstition. "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!" (Psalm 141:3).

11 June 2022
Ken's funeral was today. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints" (Psalm 116:15).

10 June 2022
It was a nice cool day in the a.m. so I went out super early in cut the grass in the backyard. There are still two 2dos pending to do out back, weed whacking and changing out the sump pump discharge hose for the summer and fall season. Talk about procrastinating, I should have done that in the spring. I pruned back the thorn bush out front and started hand pruning the front hedge. I'm so retarded to that, but I find it therapeutic. Hopefully, I can get up the ladder and clean out the rain gutter, I'm pretty sure there is debris in them. The hose and gutter should be the highest priority. Nice, made cold cut sandwiches for lunch. I can't remember the last I drank a large glass of milk. Alex had to go to the office part of the day, so we went by his place to let Nala out to do her business. I think she likes when we visit, because she knows she is going to get a treat. I was too lazy to cook so I just popped store bought frozen shrimp egg rolls and frozen popcorn shrimp in the oven for our dinner. "Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the LORD has j dealt bountifully with you" (Psalm 116:7). This verse came up as a Facebook memory. I love the Lord.

9 June 2022
Happy anniversary! What a team, we had to replace a tube water supply line with a flexible one for our downstairs toilet, gotrdun. Per request, I made us rice noodle soup with char sui and bok choy. I love this soup, it’s so good.

8 June 2022
I wished I got around to cutting the grass earlier this morning. I was able to mow the front and along the fence line before it started to rain. The plan is go up and relax in bed and listen to Adele 25.

7 June 2022
Went out to pick up meds at the Sam's Club and stopped at Portillo's, Bundt Cakes and Panera's on the way home for my birthday freebies. The worst stop was at the gas station. Gas was still going up and was $5.899 a gallon, thanks Joe.

6 June 2022
It was a sad day, I learned that my brother-in-law Ken, passed away.

5 June 2022
We woke to the rumbling sound of thunder. We didn't get much rain, considering all the noise. I spent a little time in the garage cutting down a few boxes to fit in the recycling bin. I also opened up the trimmer head thinking that I needed to restring it with new trimmer line, but I found there was still plenty of line in the head. So all I did was manually pulled more line out. I guess the auto feed couldn't keep up when I was doing the edging. Lunch was good, we had scrambled eggs and rice with sliced char sui. Love it when it is about 20 - 80 ratio of fat. It’s best to stop penning because we are about to watch, The Batman (2022), before calling it a day. The movies is 2h 56m long!

4 June 2022
I woke up super early, mostly because I went to bed super early. It must be all in the head, because I did get plenty of sleep but felt the need of morning coffee. We packed up all the food and headed out to Alex's. Wow, what a gorgeous day in the upper 60s and lower 70s. No bees hovering around this morning or late afternoon! The day with family started with an awesome breakfast: coffee, OJ, fench toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage links. We watched the women's finals, congratulations to Iga Świątek for winning her second French Open Title! The ribs were delicious, when will I learn not to over indulge? Mmm, Alex and Rob baked a sugar free classic yellow cake with sugar free chocolate fudge frosting to celebrate my birthday! I'm just happy to be with family. I was still full at dinner time, so I only had a small bowl of egg drop soup for supper. Came across, Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel. Today was an awesome day, felling blessed to have spent it with God's gift of family.

3 June 2022
Today is the start of the dragon boat festival. I don't know any of the details of the festival other than it starts today and traditionally people make joong as part of the festivities. It brings back childhood memories of my mom making these delicious bad boys for us to eat. Making joong is very labor intensive and her labor of love to custom make them with different ingredients for me and my siblings is very telling, miss you mom. I had a big day prepping and cooking in front of the stove for a food festival with the kids tomorrow and some of dishes are for them to take home and enjoy during the week. I made Isaac char sui chow fun. What kid doesn't like noodles? Andrea and Alex always ask for the beef with bitter melon and for egg drop soup. I made steamed dim sum spareribs and Cantonese pan fried noodles for lunch. I made plenty the riblets so that there will be leftovers for them to enjoy during the week. We also brought the needed to start tomorrow morning off with a big breakfast. For sure there will be sausage, bacon, eggs, and French toast. I stayed indoors cooking all day and didn't get a chance to do the bee survey this morning but Fawn went out a took a look and said that she didn't see a single carpenter bee, but I did go out to bring out the trash and get the mail later in the day and saw two bees still hovering around our house. We got some sad covid news and are continuing to praying for God's comfort and healing. Lord, have mercy. I digressed and started penning a rant about ... but stopped and deleted it, ugh. This year's primary elections will be very telling and the fall midterm elections will ... I better stop here before l work myself into a frenzy.

2 June 2022
It was sure nice day in the a.m. I really enjoy being out and about early in the cool of the day when there are few people around. Even before the pandemic I wasn't much on being in a crowd outside of family. I love to ultra white clouds against the baby blue sky, beautiful. We went grocery shopping at the Chinese supermarket and got the needed to meet the kids requested dishes when we they visit this weekend. It was very timely to find a lot of nice unblemished vegetables this time around. We took a piece of char sui out of the freezer this morning and sliced it up for dinner. It was an outstanding piece with the perfect meat to fat ratio. Wow, so good. I also made a tasty tomato and egg dish. Happy hair cut! I love the nice job Fawn does, I always feel good and refreshed after she gives me a clip. "so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him" (Hebrew 9:28). Come, Lord Jesus.

1 June 2022
Nice, zero pain in my arm this morning. Sameo sameo with the carpenter bee watch. I made us a spinach, Italian sausage and bowtie noodle dish. Let's just say that it was my best go at it. I made Alex the same dish except I made his with spaghetti noodles instead per his request. His said his was was good. I jazzed my dish by adding a Chinese chili galic sauce and it changed the meal into an Asian fusion that was better. Sigh, pulled in the filling station and gas was for $5.559 a gallon and my eyeballs popped out when the meter read $51.89! It seems like forever that we attended Mass in person. I think the last time was back in October. Fawn and I felt comfortable attending the Divine Service. Prayerfully we can routinely attend on Wednesday night.

31 May 2022
Albeit was in the 70s again this morning, at least it wasn't as humid, but it got really warm and humid in the afternoon. There was a complete overcast, but thankfully the clouds were translucent enough that I could see my own shadow following me during my morning walk. I still saw the carpenter bees still hovering around. I'm glad that there isn't a large swarm of them anymore, but this taking seven to ten days thing to rid the dirty dozen is killing me. We drove out to the Sam's Club and got out Hepatitis A & B shots. My initial reaction was that was more painful than most shots, but the soreness went away rather quickly. Hopefully there won't be any stiffness tomorrow. I wonder why medicare doesn't cover the shots. While we were out and about, I had the car radio on and surprise surprise, the first thing I heard treading was about the shootings over the holiday weekend in Chicago, 52 people shot and 10 killed, what a hell hole. Other news that is trending is the rise in covid cases. Sadly, it seems like most people could care less. Today's good eats was chicken teriyaki for lunch and beef and peapods for dinner.

30 May 2022
We couldn't ask for a better start for the day, we facetimed with the kids. Today is Memorial Day. It is a national holiday where our nation pauses to honor the brave men and women who lost their lives protecting our freedom. Sadly, we often fail remember their sacrifice and take of freedom for granted. Over morning coffee, I told Fawn I hardest decision I will have to make today is between having a pizza or a burger, which to eat for lunch and which to eat for dinner. I opted for the burger for lunch. I went out in the cool of the day, if you can call it that. It was already in the upper 70s this morning, but it was nasty being out in the high humidity. I was only outside long enough to spray the perimeter of the house with Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer. I have no idea how hot it got later in the day, because we stayed indoors with the AC on the remainder of the day. It was disappointing to see the carpenter bees hovering around. They were on the north side of the house. I think they are feeling off our neighbor crabapple tree. Bad news, they have Ken on a ventilator. All we can do is to continue to ask God to hear our voice when we cry to him. Since it is near the end of the month, I download the photos and videos from my phone to laptop because I place them monthly folders.

29 May 2022
Today was the day we finally got around to firing up two filet mignon that we had in the freezer that was part of a large Moink box that my niece and sister-in-law gifted us for Christmas. I've only eaten filet mignon maybe a handful of times in my entire life and not once was I ever disappointed. This time was no different. I'm more of a bone-in ribeye steak kind of guy, because I like the more flavorful meaty bang for buck, but one can't deny the tender texture of filet mignon has to offer. Since it's a holiday weekend, we had burgers and hot dogs, corn on the cob and a pasta salad later in the day. Albeit the high of the was in the upper 80s, the summer breezy made it comfortable to be outdoors. Talk about survivors, seems like a half a dozen to a dozen of carpenter bees are still hanging around. We were on the phone with my sister and the news about Ken was mixed. Some of his vitals has improved while other remained critical. Continued prayers for his health and recovery. It's really is confounding how covid effect people, some are asymptomatic while others become very ill and others die from the virus. Lord, have mercy.

28 May 2022
Great start to listening to music as I start to pen today’s journal entry, I never heard this song before but what can you say about the blues? I Feel The Pain – Lucky Llyod. Wow, it was truly an outstanding day weatherwise. I consider the weather to simply outstanding when it is in between the upper 60s and lower 70s with 50 percent humidity. The first thing I did when I stepped out the door this morning was to see it there were any Carpenter bees flying around. This morning I only saw one hovering around, but chirped too early, because I saw about half a dozen hover around our home this evening. This was still a good thing, because it beats a swarm of the bad boys. The exterminator said if we see any after a week, they will come back no charge. I didn't have much time to do this weekend needed yard work, because we needed to be out and about this morning before the weekend crowd came out. I did manage to clip a few tree branches. But much more work is needed before the city come out to do annual curbside tree branch collection this coming week, so when we came back home, I finished pruning the tree. As the unofficial start of summer begins the weekend, this will be the third summer I have coronavirus on my mind. This year more troubled by it than I have been in previous years because people don’t seem to give a damn anymore. People are taking cross country and oversea vacations and jumping into crowds. Cases are at about 100,000 cases a day in the US, 5 times higher than it was this time last year. So much for people masking up and social distancing. I can only pray and do what I can to protect myself and my love ones subject to me. To be subject to someone is to be under their protection and care. “Praised be you, Merciful God of all creation! Blessed be the Health Care Professionals, for they are your merciful presence. Blessed be those who suffer sickness, for they are in need of your healing mercy.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Crazy weather, the weather forecasters are calling for the next three days to be in the 90s before dropping back to the 70s. It doesn't take much time to cut branches off the trees, but I'll need to tend to them in the cool of the day. We stopped by Alex's to help him out with a little of his yard work and cook food. By the time we got there, he had the backyard already mowed, so I only helped with the front yard. His house is bigger than mine but his yard is smaller. It is so nice to be retired and tend to physical labor in moderation. It's good exercise for this old man and gives me a sense of usefulness. Mom made us ham and roast beef with gouda cheese croissant sandwiches for lunch. We had a little bok choy left from yesterday's soup, so I made him a beef and bok choy stir fry with it and made Cantonese pan fried noodles for him to have with it. I made us a fusion hot dog and Cantonese lap cheong for an early supper. I started to say that fried rice is an inexpensive meal, because even the price for a package of hot dogs is outrageous. We only buy hot dog when they are bogo or on sale, but even then it still cost more than before Joe took office. This new green deal POTUS is... argh... Anyway, what is summertime holiday without hot dogs? I was hoping to see our grandkids this weekend, but perhaps maybe next. As a young man, the blessings of having children were most joyful and never expected the exponential joy that our grandkids would bring us. God is good! "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another" (Romans 12:15). God blesses us with the gift of family and friends. In our journey back to Eden, we are to share each other’s burdens and soar on each other’s joys.

27 May 2022
Dang, never mind that it is another day with rain again, I'm not that it cold and in the 50s again. I was so happy when turned on the stove to make oatmeal and sipping on a hot cup of coffee. I feel so sad and learning that more friends and relatives are contracting covid. I keep hearing that the latest new BA.2 omicron subvarient is more highly transmittable. It is not clear to me if this true or not. People may be catching covid because people in general are not covering up with a mask and not social distancing themselves any more. It seem like all precautions seem to have fell to the wayside. I made us Canto comfort food for lunch, char sui chow don. The only other dish that can stand up with this dish is chow har don. We were so thrilled that the pest control service came out today. The pain was slightly eased with the $30 discount for first time customers, but the $155 service charge is still a hefty chunk of change. Not taking my freedom for granted.

26 May 2022
Kaboom! I just heard a super loud thunder clap that shook the house and we are getting a heavy rain. I’m surprised and think that this is the first time this year I’m ranting about the frequency I have to go down to the basement to empty the dehumidifier, because we have been getting to much rain. Man, that sump pump is working overtime. Lord have mercy, we are getting so many nerve racking thunder clap. "Keep listening to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. Under the whole heaven he lets it go, and his lightning to the corners of the earth. After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice, and he does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend" (Job 37:2-5). The voice of God is powerful and full of majesty. I woke a tad earlier than normal this morning, so I laid in bed and looked at the CDC covid guidelines and shook my head in disbelief. Most of them are illogical and fit into one of three categories: Nonsense, Absurd or BS. The lack of common sense is beyond sad. I started the big cook right after cold cereal and hot coffee. First thing was to toss the marinated pork in the oven and then it was time to make another batch of sauce to baste the char sui. The last two flips I added honey to the remaining sauce to give it a glaze and cranked up the heat to give it a slight char. I char sui tasted great, but the next time I make it, I will trim less of the fat off. While the char sui was cooling, I made the chicken teriyaki. Once the char sui cooled, I sliced up a few pieces and made us char siu chow fun for lunch before going to Alex's to drop off food for him. We ended up staying there a few hours to watch Nala while Alex was taking work related instructor led remote training. I’m not sure why I am growing a soft spot, but I spent time playing with Nala. Albeit slow, she does have a way to grow on you. Earlier today we finally got a nice sunny day in the mid 70s. I prefer it to be in the low 70s, but I I’ll take it. I can't wait until tomorrow for the exterminator to come out to treat our house against the swarm of carpenter bees. I’m getting a little sleepy so I think I’ll just stop penning and get ready for bed. Prayers for health and recovery.  

25 May 2022
The day started with a gloom and doom and was raining off and on the entire day. Fawn was right, the carpenter bees are flying around the house again. One would think I would have leaned by now, that she knows just about everything. I learned that carpenter bees will stop hovering around when the temperature drops below 55 °F and will cluster together to protect the queen. I know that bees are pollinators, but that don't stop me from wanting to get rid of all flying insects in my presence. Since it is still cool and summer and warmer temperatures are inevitably going to come, we thought it would be great to make a char sui. I really like how the char sui turned out on the last tweak enough that I am planning to do repeat of it as is. We bought eight pounds of pork shoulder butt and have it marinating overnight in the refrigerator. The plan is roast the char sui first thing tomorrow morning. I also prep chicken thighs and am marinating that overnight too, to make chicken teriyaki. I made us stir fried beef and broccoli and a steamed minced pork patty for dinner and I made plenty so that we can put some away to bring over to Alex's tomorrow. I haven’t made yuhk béng for a very long time; this Cantonese comfort food is so good. When we were out to buy the pork shoulder, it was déjà vu fear of covid again. Even when there are few people in the store, I was uneasy about almost everyone being unmask. I am seeing friends and family infected with the coronavirus as the cases are on the rise again. Song of the day is, A Change Is Gonna Come - Sam Cook. Is evil on the rise, or is it just my imagination? When the wicked increase, transgression increases, but the righteous will look upon their downfall" (Proverbs 29:16). It is crazy how the wicked evildoers seem to flourish and prosper. But eventually they will indeed meet their downfall. At some point they will receive the consequences for their sinful way. Prayers for our broken world Lord, have mercy.

24 May 2022
Nice, I see a more healing improvement this morning and am contributing it to the finger splint. Fawn had a doctor's appointment for a physical so I did went for nice long leisurely walk on Bay Scott Circle. Funny how the old Fung Fu television series "grasshopper" came to mind when I heard all the birds chirping. Mind you hearing birds chirping is not remotely anywhere the same as being able to hear a grasshopper, but I went many years without hearing the sound of a bird chirping until I got a pair of hearing aids. Albeit got into the mid 60s by mid afternoon, the a.m. was pretty much like yesterday and required the same warm clothing attire as yesterday. Not only did I do all the needed weed whacking I also gave the front a manicure. This corded 5.5 amp self feeding 15 inch dual trimmer line is the bomb compared to my old weed whacker. The edger is really nice too. With that said, I have mixed feelings about this tool. Seven pounds doesn't sound like much, but the bulk of that weight is at the far end , so it feels pretty heavy after a while. It may prove to be OK the next time I use it because it shouldn't ne that bad like today's go of taking back between two to three feet of thick weed to the fence line. Anyway, gotrdun! I have two more chores on the 2do list, one is to swap out sump pump discharge hose and the other is to clean out the gutter. There must be a ton of whirlybirds in the gutters because they are everywhere and had to clean out all the downspout extensions which was filled with them. I suppose I could have done that today, but they are still falling from the huge maple tree from across the street. On thing good about being retired is the only time constraint I has are weather related windows of opportunities. I came down from the shower and mama surprised me with a ham and roast beef croissant sandwich with a potato salad side and strawberries, the plate was beautiful. Covid-19 is on my mind again. I'm learning family member and people I know are getting covid. I learned that covid can lead to pneumonia, which is not a good thing. It can wreak a lot of havoc on a person's lungs and can take anywhere for one to six months to recover and in some cases may result in death. Prayers for healing and recovery. Lord, have mercy. So I looked at the covid dashboard today and am seeing that the cases are on the rise again, but the hospitalizations are are not. Fawn mentioned monkey pox. I never heard of it before, so I did a little bit of research about it, and it seems something I need not worry too much about for the time being, given all the precautions we are currently taking to protect ourselves. I have been listening to Adele and my song choice for her today is, Set Fire to the Rain. "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor" (Romans 12:10). One of the marks of a Christian is bless other and allow others to bless you. May the Lord watch over and keep us.

23 May 2022
My day is complete, we just off facetiming with kids. Our little Payton is getting smarter and prettier by the day. It gives me great joy to hear her call me grandpa and give me virtual kisses. We love our family dearly and always want the best for our children and our children’s children and continually pray for their well being. May our family never lose sight of what God has done for us and may we be evermore grateful for showering us with grace upon grace. Albeit was a bright sunny day, it was deceiving. It is hard to believe that I am still wearing sweat pants, sweat shirt and a light jacket toward the end of May. It only made it into the lower 60s today. We went to the Walgreens to buy finger splint and a few other first aid supplies, I'm guessing Fawn didn't approve of my make shift finger splint. Fawn thinks my finger is continuing to look better, but I thought it look pretty much the same as yesterday. I've been routinely wearing my hearing aid for over a week now. What a pain in the butt it is to have it on. It was bad enough to have them on with my eyeglasses, but it is even worse with a mask added to the mix. But I suppose it is what it is and I will just have to deal with it. We didn't see any bees flying around our house yesterday or today, so I mowed all the grass. Hopefully, I'll have the opportunity to do all the needed weed whacking tomorrow, because it needs it big time. Fawn thinks the bees aren't flying around is because of how cool the weather has been. There’s nothing like having breakfast for dinner. In my mind it’s great to eat breakfast food anytime of the day. I made us a grilled ham and egg sandwich, but of course mine had to have a slice of pepper jack cheese in it. I’ve been listening to soul music and was going to name, I’ll Be Around - Spinners, the song of the day, but then the very next Spinners song played, Could It Be I’m Falling in Love. Guess two songs are making the cut. "Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up" (Romans 15:2). Let us follow the example of Christ and become selfless. Thanks be to God for another day. Bless us, O Lord, so that we can bless others.

22 May 2022
Thankful for this day and for continue healing. I’m moving my finger more than I should be, so I made myself a finger splint to keep it from wiggling. What in the world is going on? It's been in the 50s the last couple of day. And it looks like it will be more than a few days before it will start to warm back up to the norm for this time of year. I went out and inspected the new section of sidewalk and thought the job was OK. Looks like they were skimpy on the grass seeds on the dirt that they back filled, but that wasn't surprising. We went over to Alex's to help him pull weeds and lay cedar mulch along his back porch. Albeit he bought enough to do his entire property, apparently he is intending to do it at a later date. We did a fusion lunch at Alex's and had roly poly sandwiches that Fawn bought home from yesterday's baby shower. Alex made the Cantonese pan fried noodles to go with the beef and peapods stir fry that I made. Initially, we were contemplating on switching over from Mobile gasoline to getting gas from Meijer but when it came time to pulling the level, we opted to give Shell a go, only because that the gas Alex buys and it was really close to his home. $5.159 is the going price for a gallon of gas, thanks Joe. I was surprise I didn’t list a song in my journal entry yesterday because we were talking about Rod Stewart and the song, Maggie May.

21 May 2022
Whoa, big time thunder claps and a heavy overnight downpour. We got a little more progress today with the sidewalk maintenance project. A crew came out this morning to remove the frame and backfill and rake the dirt. I was initially surprised that the crew didn't take the wooden barricade with them, but then another crew came by a little later to pick them up. We got another heavy spurt of torrential rain during the noon hour. I’m glad she made to Christopher and Rachel’s baby shower and back safely driving in the pouring rain. I’m surprised we didn’t flood, but our sump pump is surly getting a workout. It is amazing how much rain can come down at any given moment. So far I'm happy with how my finger is healing. Prayers for continue healing and that the cyst does not come back. Wow, l didn't see that coming. Fawn was playing country music most of the day in the background.

20 May 2022
Albeit not in the best of circumstances, I managed to still get in a hour long walk in the March like winds. The Men in Black came out but had to reschedule for the oddest reason. The worker that came out didn't have the needed ladder for the job. We had to reschedule for next Friday. Thankfully that Fawn is helping with dressing the bandage on my finger twice a day. So far the healing looks like it is progressing well.

19 May 2022
We went to the doctor's office to have our primary physician have a look at my finger. It turned out to be a ganglion cyst on my finger. All the doctor did was numb the skin over the punctured it to allow the fluid to drain and bandaged it up. Hopefully everything will be back to normal in a short time. Love my a.m. walks because of the cool. The afternoon seems to be warming back up into the 80s again. We are clearly getting those crazy temperature swings again. Yesterday was such a boring indoor type of day with the rain and all that I actually got off my lazy butt and finally replaced the boots on the chairs in the kitchen. Fawn made gensing and I drank it without making a fuss about it. It is suppose to be an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation. Not sure if that is a true benefit from this bitter root, but at this time in my life, why not give it a go? I hated the taste when I was a kid. We went and dropped some off for Jean and for Alex's. This time before going to Alex's, we stopped off for Portillo's sandwiches. I got their combo. Funny that anywhere else in the country a combo is sandwich with fries and a soda pop, but here we call an Italian beef with an Italian sausage a combo. What a hearty and tasty sandwich! In my younger days it was nothing to easily down one of those bad boys, but those days have long gone. The plan is to eat the other half tomorrow for lunch. Nice, while we were out the concrete for the sidewalk was poured, so it looks like the only thing remaining is for a crew to come out and remove the wooden frame and backfill the dirt. We were talking about American Idol and it sounds like the 2022 season finale is coming up. I’m not sure if I ever heard the judge Katy Perry sing before, so I searched for her on YouTube and listened to, Roar –Katy Perry. Whoa, over 3.5B views. "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (James 3:17-18). The wisdom from above is unlike what the world perceive as wisdom. It is not necessarily found in those with the most education, money, or friends, but is found in people with humility, participating in good works, and living peaceful lifestyles.

17 May 2022
Sweet, we have been getting awesome days for a morning walk. It was so nice to out and about taking a walk in the cool of the day and listening to sacred music. The mixture of clouds and sunshine was spot on. We saw a little more progress with the sidewalk; a crew came out this morning and installed the wood framing to help form the concrete when it is poured. We went to Alex's to celebrate Nala's birthday and on the way we stopped at PetSmart for some dog toys and at McDonald’s to get her a plain hamburger as a birthday treat. I haven't ate a McDonald’s hamburger in quite a while and don't have plans to do give their burger a personal try. I can't say with certainty, but I'm pretty sure the last time we had their burger was pre pandemic. At the time, McDonald’s was promoting their cooked to order quarter pounder and I wanted to give it a try. It was nothing to write home about and was bordering on terrible. We were shocked that their dollar menu burger cost $1.62! We thought about making Nala a hamburger patty before going to McDonald's. Lol, maybe we should have given it a little thought. I made us ground beef tacos for lunch. I'm not sure why I get a kick whenever we have tacos on a Tuesday other than getting say the phrase "Taco Tuesday." I thing I have a blister or a mucous cyst on my metacarpophalangeal joint for about three weeks now and it is not showing any signs of improvement so we made an appointment for our family physician to look at it. I'm actually hoping he will pop that bad boy and be done with it, because the sizable bump is creeping me out. I came across, Tennessee Whiskey –Chris Stapleton, while listening to songs on YouTube. "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!" (Romans 11:33). Christ First! Open our minds, O Lord, to your works and your will in our lives. Glory to you, O Lord.

16 May 2022
Thanks be to God that Isaac’s rash has subsided and that he is back to being a happy little boy! It was a good start to a good eating day, Big Apple jalapeño bagel with my morning coffee. I was thrilled to see a wooden horse barricade out front this morning. It only meant that work on the sidewalk was going to soon begin. Oh wow, times have changed. I was expecting a crew to come out and bust up the sidewalk, but a huge truck with a huge claw came by and reached out and just grabbed and lifted the entire section up out of the ground. I have to believe that they will be pouring the concrete sometime this week. It was a nice day to be out, so we drive to the Sam's Club to buy meat and picked up few items at the Walmart. Whenever we go out that way there is a good chance that we would stop at the Lucky Panda and order their luncheon specials for takeout and go over to Alex's to do lunch. So yes, another good eat and plenty leftovers for dinner. I use to just think that a dog is a dog is a dog, and that it was absurd that some people think of their pet dog as family. But over time, I’ve been taking a shine to Nana and we will be celebrating her 3rd birthday tomorrow. We went to the backyard and were looking at the so many bees just swarming back there too. We have had our share of bee problems but we never seen it remotely this bad here like this ever. I’ve been listening to easy listening music most of the day and it’s been a pretty relaxing day. I’ve been doing a mum sing on, Keep on Loving You – REO Speedwagon. What a great song from days past. "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing" (Zephaniah 3:17). May I remember these comforting words bring me peace as I seek refuge under our Lord and Savior's sheltering care. Make us aware, O Lord, of your joyful singing in our lives.

15 May 2022
I decided to pen early today so that I can go bed early and be wide awake early in the morning just in case I need to be on the road super early. We gassed up the car just in case we need to go up and watch Isaac tomorrow, the poor boy as a rash all over his body and looks so sad. Prayers for his good health and recovery. I thought about hopping on the scale this morning after celebrating mama with the festive feast, but I couldn't bring myself to face the music. Now that's what I'm talking about, thanks be to God the heat wave came to an end. The temperature stayed under eighty degrees. I did a 45 minute outdoor walk as well as did step ups. I supposed that I could have gone for a longer walk, but... Before I went to bed last night I looked out the back window and saw a big bright beautiful moon toward the south east. Too bad that the clouds moved around noon and it started to rain, because we were expecting to see a full flower moon with a full lunar eclipse. Mmm, mama had a good idea to have me make tomatoes, onions and eggs stir fry. That dish is always a great tasting dish even though we didn't have any ginger to make with it. Earlier today for some unknown reason, Karen Carpenter came to mind. I think she has an awesome voice. It's hard for me to comprehend how someone so young could die of heart failure bought on by anorexia nervosa. There are so many outstanding songs to choose from, but I chose for the song of the day, Yesterday Once More - Carpenters. "As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything" (Ecclesiastes 11:5). God by his grace has revealed what we know of him. All of creation discloses who God is and declares his glory. Our hearts have a longing to know him and he has revealed himself in the person of Christ Jesus and he has taught that the Holy Scriptures reveals who he is. May the bless us and keep us, now and forever.

14 May 2022
Ugh, I had it with the Weather Channel and deleted the app off my phone and replaced it with the Accuweather app. There, now I feel better and got the grumpy old out of me. I'm seeing more and more of my Facebook friends posting about high gas prices and inflation. The comments are divided about placing the blame on Biden. How can one not blame Joe and his policies for our woes? The man needs to step down. "Voting stupid has consequences" never rang truer. What do I know, I could have sworn mama said she bought sausage links; I ended up tossing thick center cut bacon frying pan to go with the scrambled eggs and bagels this morning. Our kids like crispy bacon and when I was done, Andrea asked Alex if the bacon was crispy and Alex replied, "Yes, but not NIU crispy." After enjoying big hearty breakfast, I opened up and assembled my new toy and gave it a go at Alex's while Rob mowed the back yard and used the heavy 4A battery on the weed whacker. My corded weed whacker is a little heavier than I like it to be, but yes it was nice. It is crazy to see so many carpenter bees fly around all the houses on our side of the block. I’m not sure of the extent of the problem elsewhere on the block, but I wish the Men in Black could come out sooner than Friday. There is no way that I am going to out doing yard work before they come out. It was in the upper 80s today. Albeit "hot" is a relative word, there is no doubt it being hot when the temperature is eighty degree and above in our humidity ridden midwest climate. There was plenty of food for lunch. It was like being at a buffet and being able to take food home to boot. In addition to all the food I made yesterday for today's festivities, I also made fried rice and Cantonese pan fried noodles. What a joyful blessing it is to be surrounded by the love of family and thank God for the mother of our children. Song of the day is, You've Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ – Righteous Brothers. "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well" (Psalm 139:13-14). Amen. Thanks be to God for this special day celebrating Fawn and Andrea in their Holy Office of Motherhood.

13 May 2022
Immediately after morning coffee, I started on steaming the two packages of riblets. I filled the pan three times to steam all the riblets for thirty minutes each to get bad boys nice and tender. Andrea will be doing the happy dance that I made her requested dish. We bought all the ribs to Alex's and ate some of it for lunch. And there is more than enough for tomorrow's festivities and then some. Cantonese dim sum style ribs a must in one's life. After lunch I got volunteered to help Alex out by mowing his front and side yard. Even though his yard isn't very big, I still got a pretty good workout because his battery powered mower is not self propelled and I did a Rob, and overlapped each pass. Albeit it still doesn't look like a golf course, I can see why he does that now. It is very satisfying to have the grass looking so good. I didn't bother to check my back yard to see if it was dry enough today. It was in the 90s for the fourth day in a row. On the way home, we stopped at the grocery store for a last minute idea for eggs and pork breakfast sausage links. Initially it was just getting Big Apple Bagels. Clearly our family love to celebrate by sitting around the table. We were totally surprised and thrilled to find our new weed whacker sitting on the porch. Usually, we get a text whenever a delivery is being made. Guess I'll bring it over to Alex's tomorrow and help out with the weed whacker. The 2A battery for his weed whacker went bad and couldn’t take a charge a couple weeks ago and he has tried more than a few times to contact customer service on the Greenworks toll free line and just sat in a wait que for a very long time, that is terrible. I googled the company's customer service review and it is apparently their norm. When we got back home, I started prepping for the next dish. We bought two packages of tofu yesterday to make mapo tofu. I made one of the dish completely vegan and one with chicken broth and ground beef. I'm not sure if Rob will like the tofu dish I made especially for him, because it calls for a unami favor from black beans, and he doesn't like them so I left it out. The last dish I made was for Isaac, gon chow ngau ho! The kid clearly knows how to eat. Lol, he called this morning to make sure that we don't forget to bring the can of La Choy Chow Mein Noodles I showed him yesterday. What a hoot, it was one of my favorite things to chomp on as a kid. "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30). There are many things this world tend to admire and exalt are shallow and temporary. This verse reminds us that we should value the qualities that reflect God's Holy character. Now that I’m done for the day, it is time to relax and enjoy some piano music on jango, The End Of A Love Affair by  Cedar Wright, before going to bed. I can hardly wait until tomorrow, because it will be a big fun filled day to celebrate mama. Thanks be to God for the gift of family. May he bless and keep us now and forever.

12 May 2022
We were out this morning talking with the neighbors and noticed all looking at all the carpenter bees flying around all our houses. We decided to see if we can get a four house group discount rate from a exterminator but they said that the prices were all fixed. They are booked solid and will be out is next week on Friday. We had a few errands to run this morning. Our first stop was to stop at the bank to pay this the property tax. Crazy how much of the property taxes goes toward Unit School District 203. Then we went to the Chinese grocery store to buy riblets to make for the kids this weekend. I personally like to make steam ribs with black beans and garlic. One has to wonder just how much longer this tropical heat wavy is going to be around. It's the third day in a row we have been in the lower 90s. Took another piece of char sui out of the freezer and sliced it up and made us a char sui chow fun with bok choy dish for supper. Yes sir, great comfort food. When we were facetiming with the kids, Isaac asked if I could make him chow fun. Great minds think alike. I can hardly wait to see family this weekend. A Facebook memory came up and I have been humming, Let's Get Together - Al Green, all day. Ugh, Joe Joe Joe. The Wall Street Journal headline read, “Biden Administration Cancels Oil-and-Gas Drilling Leases in Gulf of Mexico, Alaska Coast”. There was sobering news that the United States has recently surpassed 1M Covid deaths. Lord, have mercy. Think I’ll stop penning and go to bed early so that I can do a big cook tomorrow and there will be no need to cook while we celebrate mama this weekend.

11 May 2022
Nice, What Becomes of the Broken Hearted – Jimmy Ruffin, so many good songs from the 60s. We were out the door early, Fawn had the first appointment for a bone density test. Prayers for good test results. While she was in the office, I did a few laps around the Bay Scott Circle. We made a few stops on the way home. Surprisingly, the DMV wasn't that crowded, so we went and got our license plate sticker. We were shaking our heads at the filling station; gas was $4.899 a gallon, thanks Joe! Warm as it is, I am surprised that the ground was still so damp and soft. I’m hoping and can hardly wait until we get the new weed whacker and I can go to town on all the needed. I was surprised we went back out after having bagel and coffee. I guess that's better than hiding indoors from the heat. We went to the outlet mall in Aurora and walked around. It's been a while since I got in over an hour of walking time. What was nice about the outdoor outlet mall is that there is plenty of overhead shaded areas. Weekdays there are awesome even in the afternoons, but I'm sure that will all change when school year will come to a close several weeks from now. Walking around in the low 90s makes one wonder how in the world did people cope with the extreme heat and humidity. When we got home, I was thrilled and felt blessed to be in a house with air conditioning. I think most Cantonese people unrelentingly love roasted meat like char sui and siu yuk. I made us char sui scrambled egg over rice, so good and on the list of comfort foods.

10 May 2022
The first thing I did when I stepped out the house this morning was to say to myself, “What a difference a day makes.” Yesterday I was musing about how spring was in the air and now I musing about the dog days of summer. I went back to check to see the condition of the grass in the backyard. Albeit wasn't muddy this morning, I could still feel the ground was remained soft and was giving way to my weight. That is very telling to just how much rain we have been getting. I'm not sure why I've been only taking shorter thirty minute walks. It's just as well this morning because it got hot and muggy really quick. Alex was really lucky to have gotten a AC service appointment when he did. God is good. The problem turned out to be a loose wire to a circuit board in the furnace. It was time for us to crank up our basement dehumidifier as well as switch over to cooling mode on our thermostat. It made it up into the low 90s. We have been thinking about buying a cordless weed trimmer for some time, but today we got online bought a new corded auto feed duel line string trimmer instead. I thank God for his blessings.

9 May 2022
What a beautiful day, spring is in the air. Out and about and enjoying the a.m. We stopped at the hardware store and brought a few replacement combo CO2/Smoke Alarm detectors and booties for the chair legs and snag us a couple of carryout Portillo's sandwiches before heading over Alex's to watch Nala while he went to a training center. We saved the other halves of our sandwiches because I made us beef with bok choy over Chow mein broad noodles for dinner. Alex was a happy camper to see me making that when he got home. Cantonese pan fried noodles are by far. The AC went down at Alex’s house and the service will be out tomorrow, so we will be out there tomorrow to greet the technician. The first thing I did when we got home was to look at the uncut grass toward the back fence line and it was still damp and muddy to mow. Yikes, look like we got bees fly around the house again this year again.

8 May 2022
It's not clear to me why I was surprised to see an overcasted sky this morning even though the forecast called for sunshine all day. I thought we did all the grocery shopping the other day, but I was wrong, we went to the Chinese grocery store. I can't get over the name, Park and Shop. We ended up buying a pretty good size diakon, bok choy, napa, a couple packages of vermicelli and a bottle of dark soy sauce. We did a quick stop at the nearby Target and still couldn't find the dress grandma wants to get Peyton. It must be some special dress to be looking this hard for it. Mmm, I made us a nice pot napa soup for supper. The plan is to celebrate Mother's day with Andrea and Alex another time, but it didn't stop me from musing about my most wonderful mother, my stepmother, mother of my children and the mother of my grandchildren. I pretty sure most fathers would agree that these women are an extraordinary blessing. One can not overlook the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

7 May 2022
How can I not pen a journal entry today when we got an outstanding cloudless blue one beautiful blue. Whenever we get back to back contrasting days, the song, What a Difference a Day Makes, always come to mind. It was so nice to be out and about taking a leisurely walk. I heard the song, Summer Breeze – Seals and Crofts, coming from a parked car and was feeling it. I was surprised that a crew came out today to start work on the sidewalk. The first crew to saw cut the sidewalk. According to the City of Naperville website, the next step is a crew will come out to remove the side walk and a third crew will install wood framing to help form the concrete when it is poured. A fourth crew pours the concrete and puts the finishing touches on the surface of the concrete. A separate crew will replace the asphalt at the driveway apron or street if needed. Finally, the area around sidewalk or curb is backfilled with topsoil and seed by a landscaping crew. I’m guessing it’ll take about week to getrdun. It's not clear why we went to Alex's yesterday, but we ended up needing buying gas and paying what most of the gas stations in the area were charging, $4.599 a gallon for regular, thanks Joe. We hate the idea of buying gas when it's raining but we have been it off for some time now. Normally, we buy gas when we are down a quarter of the tank, this time we ended up getting 9.6 and felt the pain, $44.30. It was no fun wiping down the down near the gasoline port and wiping down the gas pump nasal before filling up. It is stunning that there is no longer a need for a gas cap. I wonder, what people with EVs do? It is a miracle that so far the technology has prevented people from getting electrocuted. It’s only a matter of time? Whoa, almost out by a speeding car that was weaving in traffic on route 59 yesterday. Thanks be to God who watches over us. Albeit, I don't like being out in the rain, I'm glad we got the grocery shopping out of the way yesterday. Fawn must clearly look out for the sales because we stopped in Walmart and got a few produce items including bananas at 18¢ a pound. This has to make you wonder. Then we stopped at Jewels for bogo pork chops and pan fried them onions and had them with scalloped potatoes sides for lunch. Them bad boys were nice and tender and turned out so juicy and flavorful. We had hot dogs and one of Fawn's amazing salads for lunch today. Somehow it just felt right. I looked at the ten day forecast and saw it will be in the 80s. I might have to switch gears and start complaining about how hot it is. After lunch, I decided to mow the grass out front and was planning on saving the grass in the backyard for another day, but it was so nice out that did a good potion the backyard. I think that the grass should be dry enough in a day or so to mow all of it. Hopefully after a few more gos, we'll be able to have enough clippings along the back fence line to stop the water from running into our yard. There is plenty of outdoor chores that needs tending to. I'm so glad that I have the time to do a little bit of it at a time without the urgency of a time window. Happy haircut! I like the way mama cuts my hair. I made us tomato beef. There wasn’t enough leftover rice for a single serving as well as enough spaghetti noodles for a single serving, but be made due with what we had. Goodbye – Kenny Rogers, is a beautiful song for remembering love ones. I’ve been remarkably blessed with family and friends that are so true. I thank God for my most loving parents and siblings. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). May our lives reflect the joy in our heart in all circumstances for the saving grace given us from our Lord. Nothing else matters. I feel at peace and rejoice in the blessings of the day.

5 May 2022
I wasn’t intending to pen a journal for a while, but since was on the laptop and asked if I wanted to use it before logging off the machine, I said, “yes,” so here I am. I woke this morning feeling great and back to my old self, literally. There was a little stiffness in my left arm and with the expected pain level of one the scale of one to ten yesterday. It was no different from the other previous shots. I don’t care for the taste of plain oatmeal, so I try to be creative and often find myself trying different things with it. The last couple of days I’ve been added a table spoon or so of Fawn’s spaghetti sauce to my bowl of oatmeal. The turkey fried rice I made yesterday tasted just like turkey fried rice and was nothing to write home about, so disappointing. I was hoping that it would taste like chicken fried rice. In my mind, only the dark meat taste good on a turkey unless it is slice reasonably thin and served with gravy or a sandwich. We went to the outlet mall in Aurora and got in a real nice walk this morning before the rain moved in. Rain, sigh! The walk in fresh air did me a lot of good and the piped music was relaxing. I thought I lucked out using the gasbuddy app and was going to get gas at a Mobile for a quarter less than other stations in the area, but it turned out that the gas station is now a Casey. I was thinking that Gasbuddy needs to update their app to reflect numerous Mobile stations that are now Casey, but then I realize it was not the Gasbuddy app, but Goggle Map was the issue. I intended to get a fillup at a Mobile station on the way home, but then it started to rain and we never pull into a gas station when it rains if we avoid it. When we got back home, I saw a notice on our front door that the city will be out front tomorrow to replace one of the sidewalk sections that have been ponding. I’ll be shock if they will show up because it is suppose to rain overnight and most of the day tomorrow, but you never know. It’s not clear to me the residents goes 40-60 on the city sidewalk replacement program. Over the course of almost 38 years we only had two other sections replaced. This will be interest how long this will take to five different crews to getrdun. I made us pan grilled hot dogs for lunch. I thought we were going to have franks and beans when Fawn handed me what I thought was a can of beans. I was stunned that it was a can of Signature Select Spaghetti Rings in Tomato Sauce. I didn’t dare asked and ate it like a good little boy. I ate the hot dog simple, with a slice of bread with bead of mustard and sport peppers. Dinner was awesome, I made us beef with bok choy and also made fried rice this time with Chinese sausage and char sui. Today’s fried rice bring with it redemption for my last go with the turkey fried rice fiasco that was so sad. The song of the day is, American Pie – Don McLean. I don’t know the true meaning of the song, but the song bring a ton of nostalgia to the table. "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable" (Isaiah 40:28). It is so comforting to be reminded that God's love for us does not waver nor does he ever become weary of us. I am thankful for God’s love endures forever. Our hope is in the Lord. Covid related prayers. Lord, have mercy.

3 May 2022
Listen to the Music - Doobie Brothers, is playing and how can I not post a link to the song? Great upbeat song from the past. We woke to the sound of the heavy pouring rain. It didn't matter because we had to get up early this morning anyway. We were out the door by seven o'clock because we had the first dental cleaning appointment. We didn't have our coffee until we got back home, talk about dragging and having low energy without a fix of morning joe. Why is it still so cold and so rainy? I know we need rain, but this is utterly ridiculous. We stopped on the way home at the Sam's Club and got our second covid booster shot. Prayers for good health and protection. Lord, have mercy. It is incredible how much time parents spend worrying about their children. Mmm, moma made her infamous spaghetti for supper. I intentionally steamed some rice to make turkey fried rice at Alex's for lunch tomorrow. A lot of people say that fried rice is best when made with day old rice because the rice fries better when it is drier. I'm not sure about that because I have made fried countless times with fresh hot rice from the rice cooker and it doesn't seem to make any difference to me. I only made it today to save on time tomorrow. Albeit the turkey is defrosted, it’s not clear if we are going to have turkey fried rice or turkey with stuffing for lunch tomorrow. I not sure why my journal entries are becoming shorter and shorter, perhaps it is because my stream of consciousness writing hasn’t been longer therapeutic for quite some time or perhaps I’m tire of penning pretty much the sameo sameo day after day. Who knows, maybe I need to take a some kind of hiatus. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Grant, O Lord, that we may be resolve with the true marks of being a Christian.

2 May 2022
We got to the tire store a few minutes before it opened. It would have been nice if they would have had the matching tire in stock. We ended up leaving the wheel with the bad tire on it with them so that they can install a new on the wheel ahead of time so that all they needed to do it mount it on the car and put the spare back in the car when we come back. Sure enough they called at the end of the day near closing time, but they got the job done. "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him" (1 John 5:14-15). If we believe in Christ, we can confidently approach God the Father in prayer in the name Christ.

1 May 2022
It was a good eating day, I made beef with bitter melon stir fry and mao pao tofu. It's a big win when you get to eat savory comfort food that is also healthy. Oh wow, thanks be to God we were able to pull over safely into a side street when the side of the rear tire literally blew out this morning. Initially, I thought we were going to have long wait to get roadside service on a Sunday, but the wait was only about 30 minutes and the serviceman installed the spare tire within a few minutes. Hopefully the tire store will have the needed replacement tire in stock. The joy of the day was facetiming with the kids. I hoping to see them next weekend. Actually, I think some time during the week, Alex is defrosting the turkey breast and the plan is to make turkey fried rice. I'm guessing it will taste very close to chicken fried rice and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

30 April 2022
Kaboom! We got dark skies, thunder, torrential rain, tornado warnings and whatnot on the last day of the month. April and her April showers is not giving up without a fight. Lord, keep us safe from harms way. It is insane the number of day that it has rained during the month of March and April. I'm so thrilled that the old faithful sump pump is still working. I know the jerry rigging that I did years ago will give way some time down the road and I should replace the main pump. Counting on the replacement back up I installed two years ago is not reassuring. I'm been hesitant because newer doesn't necessarily mean better. Everything seems to be cheaply made and from China. I think I may need to stop procrastinating on the inevitable. Hopeful we will have nicer days ahead of us during the month of May. The song of the day is, Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley. I never thought to much of this song before, but it seems to grow on you after a while. "Keep listening to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. Under the whole heaven he lets it go, and his lightning to the corners of the earth. After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice, and he does not restrain the lightings when his voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend" (Job 37:2-5). Much like the men of old, I can see the glory and majesty of God in the lighting and thunder.

29 April 2022
It’s always a great breakfast when you have raisin bread with your oatmeal. We went out shop for Chinese groceries. We got some tofu and we finally came across decent selection of Chinese vegetables and ended up getting bitter melon, napa and bok choy. It was an awesome day to go for a outdoor walk, it’s about time. "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth" (Job 19:25). This verse has resurrection and messiah written all over it.

28 April 2022
The only sure thing about the weather forecast is that it can change on a dime. Of course it rained. I wish we are between mid May and June. I think it is the best time of the year in our area. At least I have an excuse for my rant this time, the only reason that I put off weed whacking until today was because the forecasters were promising a warmer and better day to do the needed today, but when I woke this morning the Weather Channel showed rain in the forecast out of nowhere. I bought my corded weed whacker and was glad that I was able to hit the parameters along the fence line before it began to rain. Lol, perhaps I can take a breather from ranting a out the weather then. The reason I bought my own weed whacker was because after I mowed the lawn the other day, the 2 amp battery wouldn't take a charge. I assume it is still under warranty since Alex bought the battery powered mower and trimmer set last year. For some reason, I like talking about food I enjoy eating and the food I had for the day. One of the fun things I am glad I did back in December was to join the Cantonese Food Recipes group on Facebook. I made us hamburger peas over Cantonese pan fried noodles made for an lunch at Alex's house. The lucky guy plane landed shortly after I made it. Thanks be to God for his safe return. Some people like eating out all the time, but I enjoy home cooked meals more and like food that are difficult to make or dishes that I am clueless how to make. I haven't eaten in a restaurant since the start of the covid pandemic, that's well over two years ago. It was down to the wire on how I was going to make the salmon. Normally I would pan sear teriyaki salmon, but this time I opted to pan sear a honey garlic glazed salmon. It was my first go at it and it was spot on. Fawn and Alex thought it was good too!

27 April 2022
Brr, it was a sunny but a rather cold one for a late April day. The a.m. sun was deceiving as temps was only in the 30s. By the early p.m. the clouds had already moving in and the high only made it into the mid 40s. It is ridiculous to be having early March like weather with overnight freeze warnings this time of year. I've been sipping on green tea most of the day. My plans to weed whack Alex's grass today went to wayside because it was too cold and tomorrow will be ten degrees warmer. Mmm, I was totally taken by surprise when mama bought back a Potbelly Wreck sandwich for our lunch, that is what I call one great sandwich. Dinner wasn't too shabby either; we took out a package of potstickers from the freezer and had it with fuzzy melon soup! According to my family, House of Emperor and Lucky Panda, have the best potstickers in the area. Call me crazy, but I only enjoy the frozen Pork & Vegetable Dumpling made by Wei-Chuan. We also too out some frozen salmon to make for dinner at Alex's tomorrow when he gets back tomorrow. I don't think I will ever get use to the high gas price, especially as long as Biden is president. We got gas for $4.359, thanks Joe.

26 April 2022
Christ first! He is Risen! I made the call first thing in the morning for assistance with the online application and I was taken by surprise that the wait was only a few minutes. It turned out the call was to activate the new account to proceed with the application. Sigh, that's our government for you! The weather continues to be crazy with ongoing overnight freeze warnings. So I went in the freezer this morning and dug out the pork butt bone that was from the last time made char sui to make a huge pot of fuzzy melon soup. I really enjoy eating the meat off the bone. I gnawed all the meat clean off that bad boy that Fawn made a comment it. We're dog sitting Nala while Alex is away on a domestic business trip. She has a way to grow on you, but still not enough to want to be pet owner. It is way too much work do all the needed to properly care for a dog. While at Alex's, I got in a good workout cutting his grass. Got to love how mama volunteers me. I like using an electric battery powered lawnmower, but too bad that his is not a self propelled one. I think I'll make myself useful again tomorrow and help him out by weed whacking along the fence and edging. I think he will be pleasantly surprised when he gets back. I made a simple and light delicious dinner, fried eggs and fried lettuce, both with oyster sauce. "Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them" (Hebrews 7:25). Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, blesses us and sits at the right hand of God the Father and intercedes for us. As offensive as it may sound to some, make no mistake, there is only way to heaven and that is through Jesus.

25 April 2022
I woke up early this morning fully rested! I was so energized that I was able to do all my light exercises in effortlessly. Nowadays, I only do a fraction of the resistance training with a band and the 5, 10 and 15 pound pair of dumbbells. I hopped on the scale this morning and was surprised to see that I have dropped a half a pound already in less than a week. Guess that what happens when you don't over eat and routinely exercise. We went to the Sam's Club to pick up our meds. I like the fact that we have the Sam Club Plus membership for two reasons, the discount alone on our meds is more than enough to cover the entire cost of the membership and it allows us to get in early and when there are fewer people around. I feel that is really important for us to stay away from maskless people because we don't know if they have been vaccinated or not. Dang, the temps dropped and it got pretty cold. We are nearing the end of April and we are getting an overnight freeze warning. That is insane, because we were in the low 80s just a couple of days ago. I'm giving more thought on getting my second covid booster shot as well as to getting my hepatitis A and hepatitis B shots and am now leaning towards pulling the trigger on getting all the shots. Mmm, I made us beef and bok choy for lunch. I liked it a lot because I made it this time with a lot gravy and the whole thing came together over rice. There was plenty of broth leftover from yesterday and still half a pack of the fresh rice noodles that need to be eaten, so that made for another nice large bowl of soup for dinner. The day was going so well until I got on internet to do an online government application and the frustration set in. Grr, of course I had issues with the application and now I have to give them a call on their helpline tomorrow morning to untangle the mess. The song of the day is, I'd Rather Go Blind – Etta James. "To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ" (Colossians 1:27-28). May the Christ within me with the help of the Holy Spirit to proclaim Christ and him crucified.

24 April 2022
With the exception of going out to drop off Victoria her birthday present that finally arrived from Amazon, it was a pretty much another stay at home day. I made a pot of chicken stock for to make rice noodle soup. I was little surprised that Fawn only had her soup with bok choy. I ate all the carrots that I made the broth with and sliced up a few slices of char sui from a small piece that I took out from the freezer and garnished soup with green onions. I personally think that green onions are more than a garnish, because it definitely adds so much flavor. "knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot" (1 Peter 1:18-19). I lately have been and am most likely not the only one complaining about the high cost of everything. Clearly, we must be incredibly valuable because God took his most precious treasure in heaven to pay for the wages of our sins and adopt us. We are called to holy living to honor God. May our thoughts, words, thoughts and deeds be permeated with our Lord's sense of our worth.

23 April 2022
Now that's what I'm talking about, spring was in the air this morning and I noticed that some trees are starting to bloom and the grass is about as green as can be. There is a lot to say for the nitrogen dioxide that is produced by the lightning in the air and carried down by the rain to the ground that and like a fertilizer. How can song of the day not to be, A Beautiful Morning – The Rascals,? Hmm, the way I walk must be peculiar during my morning walk, because someone driving by stopped and asked me if I was alright. Granted, nowadays I walk at a slow pace and look downwardly concentrating on each and every step because I don't want to fall. But it was nice to know that someone concern enough to check to see if there was an issue. I was actually thought the worse when the car stopped and the driver looked my way. I finally finished my first bottle of hot sauce yesterday. Albeit I loved the cayenne pepper hot sauce, it took forever to finish it because I've been favoring the large bottle of Lawrence's Fishery hot sauce. One has to love the names of the different hot sauce from Dat'l Do-It. I open their Down Under which is made from a combination of cayenne peppers, haraneo peppers and tabasco peppers. Mmm, nice! I make mapo tofu for lunch, it tasted really good and now I think it is spot on and I couldn't be happier. The plan was to initially wait just a little later in the week to mow the grass, thinking that the grass would be still a little bit wet from last night’s thunder storm. But it surprisingly was dry enough to mow, so I went to the gas station for a gallon of gasoline. $4.499, thanks Joe. I was able to tend to everything in the backyard except for the last ten feet toward the back fence. After a few more times cutting the grass and laying the clippings along the fence line, it should hold the water back from coming into my yard from the neighbor’s property. I was able to tend to the mowing when it was stilling in the mid 70s, but still worked a sweat. Hard to believe that it was like a June day by mid afternoon, when it hit the high of the day at 82 °F! I didn’t bother getting on the elliptical today, because the yard work was more than made up for my cardio workout exercise. for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” (Romans 14:11). One way or another, every knee will bow and confess to God!! I joyfully bow before God now and forever. After death, fearful bent knees may not be a good thing.

22 April 2022
Just going to do a short pen and go to bed early and relax because we got up early and went to Alex's to watch Nala. Oowee, I had itchy eyes and a runny nose this morning. Thanks be to God for nasal sprays and eye drops for allergies. Albeit the sky looked gloomy all day long, there was sunshine in my heart. After all that talk yesterday about eating healthy went to the wayside this morning. I made breakfast sausage links and Alex scrambled the eggs. I end made a early lunch so that we could head home before a package was due to arrive at our home at noon. I made sausage and spinach pasta using cavatappi noodles for lunch. I love most type of sausages but the Italian sausage has a special place in my heart. Whoa, the grey overcasted sky turned suddenly extremely dark and with a loud thunder clap, the torrential rain came pouring down mid afternoon. Whenever I hear the sky rumbling, I always think about the thunderous voice of God. "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse" (Romans 1:20). Thanks be to God for his beautiful creation that leaves us in awe at his majesty. May we believe in him and move away from our wickedness and rebellious ways and not face his wrath.

21 April 2022
Kaboom, we heard the thunderous roar and heavy rain move in late last night and continued well throughout the wee hours. But when I woke up this morning, it was gorgeous. I was so glad that I saved some of the green and red chilli peppers for the oatmeal. Albeit I normally have it splash of hot sauce whenever I don't have it with fruit, having it with spicy peppers is the way to go. After coffee, we went out for a nice walk. It was so nice to enjoy the temps in the upper 60s I was energized and even did some step ups as well as had a go on the elliptical. I made us beef and broccoli for lunch. And we snack on grapes and sliced apples and oranges. I decided to get back into monitoring the calories and tracking my cardio and resistance exercises again so that I will be routinely. I did gain back a few pounds, but it was nothing to be alarmed about, but I do feel the need to not let myself go and stay physically in shape and as healthy as best as I can. I noticed that if I don’t log the exercises I then to slack off and when I stop guesstimating the calories, I tend to take liberties. I have been following various covid stats since the beginning of the pandemic and came across a tracker that said that as of mid April of this year 1 million people in the U.S. have died of COVID-19. The report said that an estimated 234,000 deaths since vaccines were free of charge and readily available in June of last year could have been prevented. Lord, have mercy. Help us and comfort us during these uncertain times. I heard that there was some violence in one of the schools in town, so I turned on the television to see what was going on. I wonder why we can't just get the news without a commentary from the newscaster. I really loathe the mainstream media. I learned more about what happened from the Nextdoor Neighbor app. I download, Thoughts of St. Ignatius Loyola for Every Day of the Year, by Patrick J Ryan, S.J. onto my smartphone ebook collection. The thought for today is, "Love even the most abandoned: love whatever faith in Christ remains in them: if they have lost this, love their virtues; if these have gone, love the holy likeness they bear, love the blood of Christ through which you trust they are redeemed." The song of the day is a real oldie that we played when I was in a drum and bugle corps back in the day, It Had to be You, Steve Tyrell. I better wrap this journal entry up now and get some shut eyes; we’re getting up early tomorrow to go watch Nala again because Alex has another important phone call again and can’t have Nala disturbing the call. "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one” (John 10:28-30). Our Lord holds us in his protective grace and assures us eternal life with him. Thanks be to God for showering us with grace upon grace and for the countless blessings of the day.

20 April 2022
Normally there isn't much you can say about my morning oatmeal other than it's a good healthy start with my morning coffee, but this morning I kicked it up a notch by tossing in a little on the leftover salt and pepper fish. It was bowl licking so good. Naturally, I saved some of red and green chili peppers for tomorrow's bowl of oatmeal. I belong to the Chinese Food Recipes group on FB and I couldn't believe someone asked if anyone in the group if they would tryout a boba topping on their pizza. LOL, talk about insulting two cultures in a single meal. Song of the day or should I say the last two months is, Rhythm Of The Rain - The Cascades. I’ve been neglecting getting on the elliptical, but since we were stuck indoors all day, I decide to hop on it to get the much needed cardiovascular exercise beyond walking. Tomorrow is supposed to be a decent day, so we will most likely be out and about. I was ecstatic on the facetiming with the kids today, not only was Peyton was speaking clearly, But she can associate and say Alex and Grandpa, properly. At times I wonder if we are overly cautious with covid. We have two nephews getting married this year and we declined both wedding invitations. I really need to know if people that get near me have been vaccinated. And now that the mask mandate has been dropped and folks are not wearing masks only adds to our uneasiness being near people. I was talking with my sister Nancy and she is also seeing that most people are no longer wearing a mask. We have been managing to be able to stay at least six feet clear of people we don’t know by go out early on week day morning. “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). Amen amen! Christ victory over death is our victory.

19 April 2022
Sweet, today was a lot better than was yesterday temperaturewise. I’m still longing for a long steady string of super nice springtime weather. Come on man, we are nearly a month into spring already. We went to Park and Shop to stock up on our Chinese groceries and to Meijer for our regular groceries and came out of both stores shaking our head on how much the price of food continue rise. We did find a package of ribeye steak that was marked down from ~$17 to ~$10 because it was nearing the expiration date. Alex called when we were out and asked if we would watch Nala because he had an important call and couldn’t be disturbed. So we stopped by Lucky Panda for a takeout. I always thought their food was good, but today I thought it was exceptional. We really love their salt and pepper fish, so it was pretty much a surf and turf meal day with fish for lunch and steak for dinner. I have to give a shout out for the gasbuddy app, we were able to get for $3.999 instead of ~$4.499 from everywhere else. I can understand around a 10¢ a gallon difference, but 50 cents? Thanks be to God for this day.

18 April 2022
Thanks be to God for another day! That was a great way to start this pen and a lot better than one of my initial thoughts this morning; I was looking out the rear window over morning coffee at the gray skies and the overnight snow. Albeit there was not much snow on the ground, there was enough to make me shake my head grunt. It however it will start getting a little better and will work its way up with a couple of rain days to the 60s by Friday. And the all of sudden soar into the low 80s on Saturday before swinging back into the 60s and then stabilize in the 50s. That’s a heck of a lot better than being in the 30s like today. I made myself another ham and cheese sandwich today. I really love polish ham with pepper jack cheese and yellow mustard. For dinner I made us stir fried celery and water chestnuts. This is a really light and refreshingly tasty dish. I’m feeling pretty good now and have fully recovered from my Saturday food frenzy. Jennifer called to make sure she had all the ingredients to make ketchup shrimp. She sent us a foodstagram of the dish and I have to say that it looked pretty good. Val posted a playlist meme on Facebook of #1 Songs of 1965. Turn! Turn! Turn! – The Byrds, caught my eyes and brought back some old memories. It is funny how when you hear a song it sometimes evokes memories from day past. "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved" (Romans 10:9-10). Jesus is Lord. I marvel at Lord and Savior's sacrificial and triumphant grace. Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

17 April 2022
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Ham is the traditional Easter meat, so I made myself a Krakus Polish ham and cheese sandwich. similarly, I have been occasionally known to have celebrated Saint Patrick day with a Ruben sandwich. I took the time to enjoy looking at a bunch of photos and videos while downloading them to the laptop.

16 April 2022
O Sacred Head Now Wounded. Lord, we cling to cross. Big breakfast: scrambled eggs, french toast, sausage links, donuts, and bacon. I can't remember the last time we had bacon bacon. The only thing that we had this morning that resembled healthy was oatmeal. I started to say that I had a little bit of everything except for the donuts, but the reality was that I had a lot of everything except for the donuts. That was pretty close to an all out breakfast. Since we're talking food, gobble gobble! It was a full blast lunch with three sides: stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese! Wow, I was right about the turkey drippings, about 1/3 of it was fat. I spooned the lard out and it make for spot on turkey gravy. I opted to reheat the turkey by steaming it. I'm glad the kids enjoyed all the food. Whenever I eat like this, I wonder how people like Matt Stonie is not only able to down so much food, but to inhale it down so quickly. Rob was a hero today and was able to get rid of two wasp nest way up at the roof peak. Like always, it is truly a blessing to spend the day with the kids and our grandkids. We had a relaxing evening kicking back and watching the movie, West Side Story (2021). At the time, I though the original 1961 movies awesome and rightfully so. I think this new 2021 version’s music, dancing and acting is way better than the original 1961 version by far and give it two thumbs up. "Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law" (Romans 13:8). We are to love God and love our neighbors.

16 April 2022
O Sacred Head Now Wounded. Lord, we cling to cross. Big breakfast: scrambled eggs, french toast, sausage links, donuts, and bacon. I can't remember the last time we had bacon bacon. The only thing that we had this morning that resembled healthy was oatmeal. I started to say that I had a little bit of everything except for the donuts, but the reality was that I had a lot of everything except for the donuts. That was pretty close to an all out breakfast. Since we're talking food, gobble gobble! It was a full blast lunch with three sides: stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese! Wow, I was right about the turkey drippings, about 1/3 of it was fat. I spooned the lard out and it make for spot on turkey gravy. I opted to reheat the turkey by steaming it. I'm glad the kids enjoyed all the food. Whenever I eat like this, I wonder how people like Matt Stonie is not only able to down so much food, but to inhale it down so quickly. Rob was a hero today and was able to get rid of two wasp nest way up at the roof peak. Like always, it is truly a blessing to spend the day with the kids and our grandkids. We had a relaxing evening kicking back and watching the movie, West Side Story (2021). At the time, I though the original 1961 movies awesome and rightfully so. I think this new 2021 version’s music, dancing and acting is way better than the original 1961 version by far and give it two thumbs up. "Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law" (Romans 13:8). We are to love God and love our neighbors.

15 April 2022
Gobble gobble, woke up excited this morning and thanked the Lord for this day. I had my first go at oven roasting a turkey and it wasn't anywhere near as good as the Thanksgiving turkey Heather makes, but I was pleased anyway at how good it looked and tasted. I feel great joy striking that off my bucket list and have our grandson Isaac to thank for that. It was a lot of work and now I have a new found appreciation for this particular labor of love. I hope the kids will enjoy the big bird tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my go at making turkey gravy from the drippings. All the YouTube videos I watched made the gravy using the drippings as is, but there is no way I in the world I am going to do that. I'll put the drippings in a container and put it in the refrigerator so that I can remove most of the fat after it solidifies overnight before I will make the gravy. There is suppose to be a Easter egg hunt tomorrow weather permitting. With the big rain we got this evening, I will be surprised if it will be still on. I made us vermicelli for dinner and made enough for the kids to take home. I think it was one of better ones because I made it with two proteins in it, char sui and Chinese sausage. Off to bed early, big day tomorrow. I thank the Lord for enduring his Passion.

14 April 2022
Brr, I was up before the sunrise because it was raining all day yesterday and I wasn't able to roll the garbage and recyclables to the curbside. I liked that it was a bright sunny day today, but I believe that we can do without the howling high winds. It was insane how windy it was today, but the forecasters were saying that the winds could be gusting up to 50 miles an hour at times. We stopped my sister's house to drop off a gift for our grand niece. I have mixed feelings about our niece moving back to Illinois from California because they opted to move to Chicago. I truly don't understand that at all. I did my walk inside the Walmart and at Meijer and think that my wife and I were the only ones in the entire stores wearing a mask. I'm so glad that there are so few people out and about so early in the morning on a weekday. It's not clear to me how that is going to play out during the summer months. Since the number of covid case are down and the number of hospitalizations and deaths are relatively low, I suspect a combination of a number of things like... but I would just be guessing like the statistical bean counters. "Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures" ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Jesus' death pardoned our sins and his resurrection assures our future.

13 April 2022
Changed it up this morning and pan toasted an Asiago bagel for myself for breakfast. I think it was a Panera freebie we had in the freezer a while back. It was another day in the low 70s, too bad it rained most of the day again and we were stuck indoors. I had to turn off the television I all the noise coming from it was giving me a headache. It looks like things will cool down and that it will be little over a week before we will warm up like it is now again. Lunch was awesome, Fawn dug out some Cantonese noodles from the freezer. So I pan fried them using a stainless steel frying pan and like the results. I just didn't want to use a non stick frying pan any more to make Cantonese pan fried noodles. The leftover hamburger peas went well over the noodles. I'm glad that I stepped through a turkey roasting kata preparing for this weekend. Do or die, I'm so excited about roasting the turkey and making the gravy from scratch. "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 3:23-24). No one is righteous are we all fall short of the glory of God. Thanks be to God that by his grace, we are justified through faith. This Holy Week I am grateful faith, family and God’s grace.

12 April 2022
We were up early and out the early because I had my annual visit to the dreaded urologist. Of course Fawn shut down my whining by saying that I should be grateful to be alive each year to visit the doctor. Thanks be to God for the good report. My PSA has been in range and stable. The doctors have been monitoring my prostate and kidneys for a very long time. The only thing left is to wait for results of the urine lab work that was sent out to check to see if there is any microscopic blood in the urine. Anyway, wow wow wow, today was so close to my idea of the drop end gorgeous day. It was a sunny day in the low 70s. The only thing we need is to lose to the wind. It's got to be my imagination, because I'm thinking that it is windier so far this month in April than it was last month in March. How can one not be out and about enjoying the beautiful weather? I'm thankful for nasal sprays and eye drops designed for seasonal allergies, because the pollen count is high. Today's grocery store fund was a five pound bag of russet potatoes on sale for $1.99 at Meijer. It is funny how things change on a dime in our house, I took out the thawed grounded beef and was just about to make tacos for dinner, when Fawn changed her mind and wanted hamburger peas. So I make her that, but not before taking some of the meat to make myself a patty melt. There was still a few slices of bread that I didn’t want to see go to waste. So everyone was happy!

11 April 2022
Temperaturewise today was pretty much the same as yesterday, but a difference this morning was not having the sun out and the added wind chill. However, the sun did eventually come out mid afternoon and the wind did die down, so the afternoon outdoor walk in the mid 60s was most pleasant. If the forecast is correct, tomorrow promises to be another beautiful spring day before the rain moves in the evening. I fact not only is it suppose to a sunny day, it is also supposed to be in the upper 60s! I'm glad we stopped in the Aldi and found a dozen eggs for $1.20, naturally we brought two dozen. One of things good about being retired is having the luxury of being out and about just buying groceries that are the freshest and lowest priced because you are not pressed for time. "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed" (1 Peter 2:24). How great your love is beyond my imagination, to allow your son to bore my sins and the sins of the world.

10 April 2022
Oh wow, a drop dead gorgeous spring day filled with plenty of sunshine and temps in the low 60s. As for the days ahead, I know we will be see temperature swing. I hope the downward swings become less dramatic and that the upward swings continue. I can hardly wait for weather to be sunny and mild in the lower to mid 70s. We drove up to sit Peyton while mom and dad hosted a Chucky Cheese birthday party for Isaac and his friends. We love spending time with grandkids, just watching their imagination and creativity brings us great joy. Song of the day is, Your Song: Elton John (How Wonderful Life Is). I just heard a cover of this song playing as background music; we got AI on the television. I’ve heard a few on the contestants and they sound pretty good. I use to love watching this show all the time a while back. “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6-8). It is so amazing that Jesus knowingly died for the likes of a poor miserable sinners like me. I’m really excited now, I had aspirations to roast a turkey for a very long time. I excited because we took Isaac’s turkey out of the freezer for our roast for our Easter celebration next week. I think I have a good idea on how I’m going to go about it. I think Fawn is pretty excited about it too, because she gifted me a roasting pan with a rack and cover. We were talking about how great it would be for making my char sui with it too.

9 April 2022
It was another brisk day and it's not clear to me how much longer we will need to continue to need to be wearing a coat. The sun was out and shining bright and it deceivingly made it look like nice spring day through the window. Once we were out the door, one can see the frost on the rooftops and the cars that are left out on the driveways. We went out to run a few errands. It's been a long while since we gone to a Joanne's. Fawn bought some thread to mend a seam on Isaac's Sonic t-shirt. I had fun looking at clouds and saw a turtle, a whale and a buffalo! The contrast between the white clouds moving slowly against the blue sky was breathtaking during the a.m. It’s been a while since I given muse to the shootings and violent crimes in Chicago. It is not clear to me why it crossed my mind again today. I'm sure that nothing has changed and that the shootings killings continue to spike in one weekends. Nowadays, even when I hear about the various crimes that occur the on a daily basis in Chicago, it don't even phases me anymore as politicians continue to yap with their empty promises to curb crime. I understand the need to hold bad police officers accountable, but the call for defunding the police is insane.

8 April 2022
Albeit it rained again most of the day, I 'm not going to complain about it today, because it is April after all. However, I not thrill about the cold. Guess that's not really curbing my whining about the weather. We just stayed indoors and stayed warm by drinking hot oolong tea and soup. I still the song, La Bamba – Richie Valens, on my mind today. I’m sure that every time I hear song moving forward, I’ll be thinking of Andrea and Peyton. "For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation" (Romans 5:10-11). Not only did died for our sins, he lives for us victoriously sitting at the right hand God the Father, reconciling us claiming us to be his own before the Father.

7 April 2022
Dang, here is where I harp about the weather and needing to bring put the winter coat again. The strong wind ain't helping out the situation either. And when the rain move in, well that made for a total dismal day weatherwise. OK, now that I got my rant out of the way, my morning prayer like always is, "Thank you Lord for another day." I've been humming the La Bamba song all day. That's because I got a video of Andrea singing it to Peyton and she trying to do it too while giggling. I swear, she the cutest and brings us great joy. Since we went out to buy groceries, mama likes to pick up a few groceries for Alex too, to make sure her baby eats right. I’m glad that he like to and is able to cook his own meals. From time to time, he sends us foodstagrams. His latest was the French toast he made himself for breakfast. Today's good eat was ribeye steaks and a mac and cheese side we made at Alex's for our lunch. To warm us up, I’ve been sipping on oolong tea and made us napa soup for dinner. There is nothing like tossing pork bones in a soup pot and making soup to warm the up the house and comfort the soul. Thankful for God's bounty. "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose" (Galatians 2:20-21). We are justified by faith, if this were not so, Jesus died for nothing. But faith alone is very problematic. My posting for today was, “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” - Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Although our good works can not earn us, I believe that the fruits of our faith, the presence of good works are necessary.

6 April 2022
I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of the heavy pouring rain, but was glad that I was still able to immediately fall back asleep. When we woke for the day it was still raining and it was a pretty sight looking out the rear window with my morning coffee, but it cleared up rather quickly and it the day ended up looking gorgeous with a good mixture of sun and cloud. Good thing the temperature was in the upper 50s and it made wind less challenging. During my walk, I did my turkey trotting with whenever the wind was to my back. Sadly, the high winds blew back the clouds and without the sun, I opted to cut the outdoor walk short. Of course after doing that, it didn't take too long before there was a mixed sky again, regardless; it became too windy judging from the sound of the howling wind. This toggling between complete overcast and mixed skies continued throughout the day. Fawn said that she couldn't believe how the wind to her back felt like it was pushing her. This bought back a childhood memory of walking home tightly holding my mom's hand afraid that I was going to be blown away. Looking at how fast the clouds were moving eastward, I have to believe the airplane that were flying from the west were making good time with the strong tail wind and that airplanes flying toward the west were facing a challenging head wind. Actually, come think about it, I didn't notice any planes in the air. Of course they were mostly flying above all the clouds. Whenever I see an airplane in the sky or think about one, I always think about Andrea because one of her early words was 'airplane.' She would excitedly point to one in the sky and everyone would not see it until a long while later until it got a lot closer. Lol, I see the same happening with our grands. One of Isaac's early words was 'bird' and get all excited seeing and pointing at them. Peyton excitedly does the same wherever she sees a dog and says 'Nala' referring to Alex's dog. Good eating, I made us pork spare riblets with green bell peppers and onions in a black bean and garlic sauce for dinner. This dish is a beloved Cantonese comfort food stable and is one of my favorite. This is where I tend to name a song of the day, so I just went to jango and the song, The Loco-Motion – Little Eva, came up. This of course led me to search out, 60s Dance Moves. I think the two gals are very talented dancers with a lot of energy. They looked like they were having fun! “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Timothy 2:1). I think that some of us are more gifted intercessors who are able spend a tremendous amount of time and effort in prayer, yet we are all called to intercede for one another. Lord, teach me to pray on behalf of all people to your glory. Thanks be to God for the day, the grace and mercies and for the fond memories of days past.

5 April 2022
Putting on 70s music and starting out with, Band on the Run – Paul McCartney & Wings. Temperaturewise, today was pretty much the same as yesterday, but the key difference was there was significantly less wind and the sun was out. Not only did I do an hour long outdoor walk, I gave myself a pat on the back for doing what I call a turkey trot several times. I think that I'll try to slowly increase the number of gos at it, but I have to keep reminding myself to keep an eye on my footing. Outdoor walks are definitely better than walking around in the big box stores dodging folks when the weather is cooperating, bug free and when the mold and pollen levels are low. Lol, lots of variables that fell in place today and made for an awesome early spring day. I came across a article that was listed major companies that were originally American that are surprisingly no longer American own companies and were brought out by foreign investment companies. I wish there were more American companies that were actually manufacturing in the United States. I think rain was forecasted for this evening, but it looks like it is being push back to be overnight rain. "For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; 15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised" (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). Christ our Lord died for us that we may live. His victory over death is our victory.

4 April 2022
I saw that it rained again last night and suppose that if it's gonna rain, its best that if it does rain it happens late at night. It was 52 degrees this morning, but it felt very cold with wind chill and gloom and doom like skies. I ended up walking indoors at the Target and at the Sam's Club. The last few times that I did a indoor walk I was OK with about 90 percent of the people no longer wearing a mask anymore. Today, I only saw a handful of people other than us wearing a mask (98%?). I'm actually OK with that too, as long as we are able to still do social distancing from people that may or not be vaccinated. It will be interesting how 2022 will play out. I made a marinated grounded beef rice pot for lunch. It was a first go for me at it and it tasted good. "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace" (Ephesians 1:7). May we never take lightly the cost of our sins and may we in our Coram deo, live in appreciation for his grace.

3 April 2022
Last night was one of those rare occasions when it took a while for me to immediately fall asleep at will. It was nice of a day not to not talk a walk. Lol, not to not? Albeit, there was slightly more clouds than there were clear skies, I'll take it! As if we actually had a choice in the matter. Not much of an eating day, but felt bless none the less. Opened up a bunch of Tupperware containers that was in the refrigerator and called it lunch. I tossed in some bok choy and char sui into a pot instance ramen noodle soup and called that dinner. I moved a bunch of photos and videos to my laptop and watched them, but didn’t take the time to label them yet. I just wasn’t in the mood.
2 April 2022
Clearly food is one on biggest joy, beit watching cooking show, eating it or simply just talking about it.  Today's joy was mama's spaghetti! I'm glad Alex requested it, because initially that plan was to make tacos with the grounded beef. I not sure where Alex went, but we stopped by his house to drop it off and to let Nala out to do her business. Awesome dinner parm and spaghetti, afterward we just sat around and enjoyed smoked Gouda cheese and summer sausage with Ritz crackers. Andrea sent us a ‘foodstagram’ of the tofu and peapods that she made for dinner, it looked pretty good. We had to gas up again today and gas was $4.109, 13¢ cheaper then the next lowest gas price in the area. That offers me little consolation and we have to thank Joe for that. Surprisingly, the last few times the cheapest gas in our area was at the gas station by our house, which is far from the norm. Well another weather report, surprise surprise, it rained again. I don't dare to say that it can't get any worse than it was in March. I have been musing about the forgiveness of sins lot lately and am thankful for grace of God's forgiveness. However, today I was musing about Jesus’ warning about unforgivable “sin against the Holy Spirit” found in Matthew 12, Mark 3 and Luke 12. It is the Holy Spirit that brings us to faith. To reject or blaspheme the third person of the Trinity is to reject Christ’s forgiveness. In a nut shell, it is unbelief. Time to stop penning and listen to the hymn study, My Song is Love Unknown – Arthur Just, on Issue, Etc.

1 April 2022
Today was a good day, better than most. Actually, it was a great day. We were out the door super early and drove up to the northern burbs to baby sit our granddaughter who was slightly under the weather. Of course I'm using the word "we" very loosely. Moms and grandmas are without a doubt a blessing. It is so creepy being out in the wee hours. Even though we were in our car, we need to stay on guard because of all the evil that is lurking about in the darkness. Nowadays, there are more and more instances violent crimes being committed openly in broad daylight. It wasn't always this bad; something has happened in America that we are routinely seeing unprovoked acts violent attacks. We need to stand on guard with the whole armor of God. Like the psalmist, I need to continually pray that a watch be set on my mouth to guard the doors of my lips. Crazy weather we are having. It's nice and sunny today, but we have been previously getting so much rain. Some of friends has been posting pictures of the snow that they got overnight in our area. Morning coffee was exceptional; we stopped at Dunkin' Donuts for the fresh brew. Albeit, I like the taste and convenience of making our own cup of Dunkin Donuts at home, it's never quite as good as the coffee shop. I'm so impressed, reading more Bizzy Bear books to Peyton. She likes pushing and pulling the sliders and tabs while I read to her. She is just like her mama and love reading books. Isaac is also the same way. Mmm, comfort food for dinner, char sui with scrambled eggs over rice. This simple dish is the bomb. No need to go to the meat shop anymore for char, I'm totally satisfied with the way I make now. "The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good" (Psalm 14:1). When we deny the Trinity, we rob ourselves of grace, hope, and future.

31 March 2022
It’s already late and I was going to go up to bed without coming here to pen a journal entry. But I decided what the heck and so I here penning. There was snow in the forecast for this morning last night and saw this morning that it was suppose to still be snowing until noon today even though it was clearly raining. Clearing the forecasters did a terrible job of forecasting the weather. Wow, had to be a first, I made us two meatless meals for the day. We had e-fu for lunch and zucchini with mushrooms for dinner. Now I can see why I was going to skip penning a journal entry, I really don’t have much to say on this last day of the month. Lord, remind me of the cost of your love to heal sin sick soul and fill our hearts with your grace.

30 March 2022
Life is good, the morning started out with taking out some leftover lo bak go out of the freezer and toasting up them bad boys on a skillet. One can easily see how the Cantonese phrase "dim sum" came about, it literally mean to “touch the heart.” Happy hair cut on this dreary weather day. I changed up the bowl of soup and threw in left over this and that and added curry to it and called it lunch. Not much of a day hiding indoors from yet another rain filled day. I don’t think anyone expected to have gotten this much rain in the month of March. So what should we be expecting in April? Hopefully it will begin warming up a little and it will begin feel like spring. I saw a posting on the, Cantonese Food Recipe, group in Facebook on one of Fawn’s fave dish, Steamed Tofu with Minced Prawns. I think I can make this dish for her! I’m also getting pretty excited about the process of roasting the turkey in a couple of weeks. There are a lot of things running through my head, but it is better leave it alone and unsaid and unworthy of a pen. In the psalmody of Psalm 141, “Set a watch before my mouth, O Lord, and guard the door of my lips.” Elsewhere in the Bible, it tells us, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" (Ephesians 4:29). As we all know it is easier said than to do. Saint James said, "but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so" (James 3:8-10). O let us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, curb our evil ways with the lips of my mouth and ask for the appropriate words that are kind and constructive to building up. Also remember the idiom, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." That’s pretty much what most people’s mama would teach teach their children. I love our common prayer, “Let the incense of our repentant prayer ascend before You, O Lord, and let Your loving-kindness descend on us that, with purified minds, we may sing Your praises with the Church on earth and the whole heavenly host and may glorify You forever. Amen.”

29 March 2022
Dang, it was cold as heck with the wind chill. We went out to the Jewels to get the BOGO pork chops that were on sale. While Fawn was in the grocery store, I went next for the daily free promotional bagel that will end at the end of the month. Pork chops smothered in onion and stuffing made for a delicious hearty lunch. I’m so mad at my lack of disciple, this is the second time this week that I over ate. Good thing I made a big pot of soup yesterday and was able to enjoy a light bowl of soup for dinner. I really need to start eating smaller meals throughout the day again. Today is Isaac's 5th birthday and naturally we all got together on FaceTime. Our children are such a joyful blessing to us and to have that joyful blessing extended by Isaac and Peyton is simply amazing. I got another boat load of photos and videos that I need to download onto the laptop when I’m done penning this journal entry. I learned today that Elon Musk is seriously considering on creating a new social media platform. The first thing that came to my mind is Twitter. Albeit, I don’t have a Twitter account, it is my understanding that it is a social media site where its primary purpose is to connect people and allow people to share their thoughts with a big audience. All I ever hear about it all the ugly mudslinging that it churns. So do we need another platform for this kind of engagement? On one hand there is there is something to say about free speech and on the other hand there is something to be said say about who can and who can’t be heard. Maybe I’m not informed enough to under what is really going on. Is it my imagination? It seems to me that Satan is working really hard during this season of Lent and I'm not just looking outwardly at our broken world as I cry out, "Lord I believe, help my belief!" I'm currently trying to learn by heart the Psalmody Psalm 141 evening prayer hymn. I think that learning hymns are helpful spiritual exercises. I like so listening to many different genres of song, but I mostly like listening to and singing sacred music. It's ashamed that my singing is so terrible and that am only capable of making a joyful noise. I came across the following prayer for Lenten Grace: Loving God, During the sacred season of Lent, bring me closer to you. Prepare a place in my home and heart for silence and solitude, so that I may re-discover the grace of a prayer-full life. Help me to fast from those things that threaten the well-being of body and soul and remind me of the grace of simplicity. Enlarge my heart so that I give to those in need and, in so doing, re-discover the grace of gratitude and generosity. May this season be a grace-filled time to rekindle my love for and faith in you. Amen.

28 March 2022
I suppose that if we are not to have spring weather, the next best thing is having a sunny day. It is hard to believe that we still need to be wearing a winter coat to go out near the end of March. We had to run a few errands and stop off at the outlet mall. Albeit was cold out and in the 30s, it was above freezing and was tolerable enough to go do an outdoor walk. After a cold hard winter with sub zero Fahrenheit temperatures, I'm OK with cold temperatures above freezing. Comes late autumn or early winter, I'll be singing a different tune. We opted for a light lunch and went with a Cantonese tomato egg stir fry. It was good to warm up the house making a delicious fuzzy melon soup with silky tofu in the middle of the day for dinner. The rich broth made from the pork butt shoulder bone was outstanding. "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time" (1 Timothy 2:5-6). Praise be to God who makes access to himself so freely available to us. I still can’t get over how Christ could ransomed himself to us poor miserable and undeserving sinners.

27 March 2022
Whoo hoo, woke up this morning and saw the sunrise. One of morning joys is having sunlight coming through the rear window while having my morning coffee. There is nothing quite like having a beautiful blue cloudless sky the entire day. We stop by Jewels on the way to Alex's to buy a small birthday cake. While Fawn went to the Jewels, I went next door to Panera to get an Everything Bagel for my favorite son-in-law. Well the complete truth is, he is my only son-in-law and the bagel was a freebie promo, but we love him just the same. We watched the televised Sunday Mass and I thought that Cardinal Cupich's sermon on Prodigal Son was outstanding. It's not clear to me why the parable not called the Father's Love. Well, breakfast went well, it turned out really good that I was to make it relatively make it fast. I was able to heat up the potatoes and peppers in the skillet pretty quickly and slowly fry two packages of sausage links in a separate skillet. While I was tending to the sausages, Alex helped out and scrambled the eggs. I actually think he makes his eggs fluffier than I can. There was so sausage and eggs leftover that the kids had me make fried rice with it to have at another time. Talk about a good eating day, I made us chow fun with char sui and pea pods for lunch. Fawn bought two packages of rice noodles, that's a lot of noodles, so had two pan going and so cooking up a storm. I thought for sure there would be leftovers for the kid to have another day, but every bit of it was eaten up. It was a fun celebration and it brought everyone great joy to see how happy Isaac was the entire time. He was thrilled with all his Mario Brothers toys and clothing. LOL, Alex is sitting Shela for the week, so he did an AGT and entertained us with a few synchronized dog tricks. I was dragging my feet the rest of the day, because I foolishly overindulged. Every time I do that, I regretfully say to myself that I should have known better. I’m reminded by Saint Paisos the Athonite not to despair when we see no progress in struggles and to hope in the Lord because Christ gives value to our small human efforts. Anyway, I'll stop penning and will download some photos and videos before calling it a day. Thanks be to God this day and for his mercies.

26 March 2022
Penning a little early, because while Fawn is penning the potatoes that I’ll be browning on the skillet for tomorrow’s breakfast with the kids. Several weeks ago we came a deal at Jewels and got a three pound bag of russet potatoes on sale for 99¢ and made simple breakfast skillet with just with potatoes and green bell peppers. I couldn't believe she didn't want a single pan skillet with all the goodies in it and had me cook those all separately. I'm guessing she really liked it because we bought a five pound bag of russet potatoes at Walmart yesterday for $2.64 and had me prep the entire bag of potatoes and peppers ahead of time today for breakfast with the kids tomorrow. I think there is going to be pork sausage links and scramble eggs to go along with the potatoes and green peppers. Several weeks ago we came a deal at Jewels and got a three pound bag of russet potatoes on sale for 99¢ and made simple breakfast skillet with just with potatoes and green bell peppers. I couldn't believe she didn't want a single pan skillet with all the goodies in it and had me cook those all separately. I'm guessing she really liked it because we bought a five pound bag of russet potatoes at Walmart yesterday for $2.64 and had me prep half the bag of potatoes and peppers ahead of time today for breakfast with the kids tomorrow. I was glad to see only a dusting of snow on the ground and on the rooftops this morning and only the lightest snow fury blowing in the wind. It was such a wintry windy day that didn't get above freezing until the early afternoon. It got so cold last night that Fawn went downstairs to crank up the thermostat. Looks like tomorrow we will be seeing another wintry day, but at least we are expecting the sun to be out. I was so happy to have a delicious baked char sui boa with coffee for my breakfast. For as long as I can remember, there was no particular time when folks would snack on a steam or baked boa because they were always available night and day in the Chinese coffee shops in Chinatown. My sister Nancy buys them for us and we freeze them and take them out every now and then. It is amazing that they taste as fresh as the day they were made. Brr, layered up and wore a winter coat to boot. I was a little surprised to see mama wanted to go out this morning on a Saturday. I was good with that because normally when it's early and cold people tend to stay in until a little later in the day. It was a way for me to get my walk in. I was only able to get about a 40 minute walk in because I started feeling uncomfortable as there were more and more people started showing up and I wasn't able to social distance myself. Fawn and I are clearly among the minority because about 90 percent of the people are wearing a mask anymore and could care less about social distancing. We stopped for gas and was able to get it for $2.259 near our house. Thanks be to God for the gasbuddy app to locate lowest gas prices. I continue to find gas prices so ridiculously high and all over the map, most the other are at or slightly above $2.549 a gallon. Most of our fill ups are about 4 to 5 gallons unless we get on the highway and go somewhere. I cleaned out the refrigerator and put myself together a garden salad concoction with the last of the hard boiled egg, and the last of the Canadian bacon. Of course there were a lot of other things in the mix that made up this salad that would make someone shake their head, but I don't like being wasteful if it can be avoided. I clearly don't have the patience and creativity to make the awesome salads that Fawn come up with. My earl grey afternoon tea was delicious. I had it with honey and lemon. The sweetness of honey is definitely a game changer. I roasted the char sui to oven this afternoon and it warmed up the entire house. I couldn't be happier than the way the char sui turned out. The honey glaze was deliciously spot on and tasted like it was store bought from the meat shop. We had it for dinner with stir fried lettuce with oyster sauce… I had to stop to brown the potatoes and peppers, gotrdun. I just put on, Freddie Freeloader – Miles Davis. I was planning to cut up the rice noodles ahead of time for tomorrow’s lunch, but eh. However, I did char sui chow fun for tomorrow's lunch earlier. My niece posted, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!" (Psalm 103:1). I think that Psalm 103 is one of the most beautiful prayers in the Bible. The psalmist sees the need for his soul to do better in praising the Lord for all his benefits. Away, I’m get long winded and should just stop penning. I thank God for our grandchildren and will be celebrating Isaac’s 5th birthday a little early tomorrow.

25 March 2022
Today was pretty much like yesterday about the rain moving in on the way home. It's crazy that we now got four straight days of rain in a row. So the remains, "Why are we getting so much rain?" The temps were in the 40s and I think we would have gotten snow. Dang, was looking at the forecast and temperature is expected to be in the 30s tomorrow and Sunday. So much for spring is in the air. I'm full of surprises and apparently I'm not entirely a creature of habit, I had a bowl of cereal and an eggo with my morning coffee. We layered up and went to pickup our meds at the Sam's Club pharmacy and do a little shopping in the Oswego area. I can't say enough good things about the pharmacist Donna and the excellent service that she provides by taking the time to explain things. Because we have the premium membership at are meds are marked down and we are able to go in the store earlier the than those holding regular memberships. I like it because I'm able to do my walk and easily social distance myself from other folks. We went to the meat section and saw most of the meat prices were marked pretty high except for the pork and hamburger. The ground beef was $3.98 per pound which is somewhere between two to three dollars a pound cheaper than the grocery stores we shop at. I'm glad we have space in our freezer because we bought a five pound package and froze three of four portions. I also bought a seven pound package of pork shoulder butt that cut up in six strips and am marinating it overnight to make char siu tomorrow. I have high hopes that this will be my best go at it. Simple dinner, sautéed baby spinach and garlic over steamed rice. I put on my earbuds and have been listening to the same jazz playlist as yesterday while penning this journal entry again. So far I’m still on the first song; it’s a long one, Take Five – Dave Brubeck Quartet. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1John1:9). It is incredible that God not only forgives our sins, but he also cleanses us from all unrighteousness. This is so very comforting during this time of Lent, when we pray and focus on our need for God’s forgiveness. Lord, create within me a clean heart.

24 March 2022
Awesome facetiming one of Isaac's early surprise birthday celebrations as we gathered to sing, Happy Birthday! I just got through looking at downloading a bunch of photos and videos on the laptop of today’s celebration. I think we will be surprising him again on Sunday at Alex’s. I changed it up this morning and made a Canadian bacon and egg breakfast sandwich for myself. I was surprised that Fawn didn't want one and opted for usual morning oatmeal breakfast with our morning coffee. What a pleasant surprise this morning to get a call from my sister Nancy. We were talking about our nephew's wedding. I have no plans to attend. I know there is something wrong, and am sure that it is me that may be overly cautious, but it is what it is. In the past two years, I've went out to a restaurant only once, a single funeral and to Mass less than a handful of times. And in each of those occasions, I was so uncomfortable because of either being near people that I don't know are vaccinated or not. We missed several celebrations because they were somewhere in Chicago and I avoid that hell hole as much as possible, period. Why in the world are we getting so much rain? This is the third day in a row that we have had long periods of rain. We were left with no choice but to put on windbreakers and go out early in the light rain and run a few errands. After we out and about, I wished I wore a liner under the windbreaker to bare the chilly rain. Thankfully we managed to do all the needed before the heavier rain moved in. Mmm, yummy, beef chow fun for lunch and earl grey tea. I saw one of my nephew’s Facebook posting regarding new year weight loss and body building journey. The posting had three topless photos of him, one was about seven years ago and he looked like he could have pasted for the martial artist Bruce Lee. The second photo was of him letting himself go big time. I’m guessing all the weight gain was from the last two years that was cause by the pandemic. The third photo was of his progress and it was impressive enough to get me on the elliptical and do two six minute gos on the elliptical and eat a light dinner. I have been listening to the playlist of the top 100 jazz songs of all time while penning this journal entry. I love and am very familiar with George Gershwin’s, Rhapsody in Blue - Libor Pesek and the Slovak National Philharmonic Orchestra, outstanding and beautifully done. I’m so glad I came across this playlist. "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life" (1 Timothy 1: 15-16). I am thankful for the liturgical season of Lent; it allows me to reflect on my true sinful nature. As I get older, it seems that my penitential preparation for Easter gets harder and hard. It may be perhaps because as one ages, the need for our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus becomes clearer and clearer. For sure we do deceive ourselves of the depravity within. It is good to know that God loves a repenting sinner. Lord, you call us to live in purity and holiness. Protect and guide us to love to grow in virtue and all godly living.

23 March 2022
Not good, yet another dreary rain filled day. I know that I've been eating more than I should be lately and need to move away from that bad habit as well as doing should be doing exercise more routinely. I started on the elliptical again today and only did five minutes on it twice. Fawn made us one of her sensational green garden salad with fruit for lunch. I did a matinee and was glad that bought up the Denzel Washington movie, Fallen. I have to give this supernatural thriller movie two thumbs up to for creeping me out the entire time. Had fun video chatting with the kids on FaceTime again. I read an article that Biden’s approval rating is at an all time low this week with a 40 percent approval rating. I’m actually stunned that it is even that. Albeit, I’m neither a democrat nor am I a republican, but it is my hope that the democratic party loses their thin majority in both the House and Senate and bring Joe Biden’s agenda to a screeching halt after the midterm election this year. “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12). Only Christians can persevere and win the crown of life, because our lives are in the hands of the one who defeated death!

22 March 2022
Gray skies, not good. I like looking out the rear window while drinking my morning coffee, but the gloom and doom doesn't cut it for me. It looks like we will be facing more rain all day tomorrow again with a thunderstorm somewhere in the mix. With all this rain, the lawn is starting to turn green and it won't be long now before there will be a need to mowing it. I added a little bit of dried Szechuan chili peppers to my oatmeal this morning and I was sweating bullets, but it was so good and flavorful. It was good eating day; I made us pork spare riblets with green peppers and black bean sauce for lunch. It is one of our go to comfort food. It’s so sad whenever I can’t control myself and go for seconds. We all got on Facetime to wish Jennifer a happy birthday. Thanks be to God for the technology. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ephesians 10-11). Often times come our difficulties and life challenges come from the hand of our enemy Satan, who always prowls about looking for ways to cause us to sin. May we stand firmly wearing the whole armor of God in the spiritual warfare against the evil foe.

21 March 2022
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17: 7-8). Each time I read this verse different things come to mind about trusting the Lord. I boldly say that I believe and trust the Lord and with the same breath I cry out, "help me in my unbelief" because we still try to go it alone on our own strength until we fail and cry for help. I love watching westerns and last night’s showing was a pretty good one. It was nowhere near as good as Tombstone, but still pretty good. It is my understanding that the ideal humidity level between 35 percent and 50 percent because it allows the body to function normally and also prevents the growth of allergens like dust mites and mold. I have always maintained that the ideal day weatherwise is when temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit with 50 percent humidity. Today it was in the low 70s with 37 percent humidity, I'll take it! We thought about driving out to the Aurora Outlet Mall to walk around and enjoyed the gorgeous weather, but by the time we were ready to go, it was rather late so that didn't come to pass. While out and about, we noticed that most folk are maskless indoors so it is up to ourselves to try to social distance ourselves from folks, especially since now we have the new highly transmittable covid 19 BA.2 variant that is spreading across the country. We gassed up again and did see another slight drop at $4.279 which is still ridiculously high. I would still say the same the same even if it was a buck cheaper a gallon. I always say thanks Joe whenever we buy gas nowadays because on the last day when Trump left office, the average price for a gallon of gas was $2.399. It never stops amazing me how the actions of certain people can impact the lives of so many people. I better stop here and guard my lips before I work myself into a frenzy. I thank God for this day and ask for peaceful rest.

20 March 2022
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, plenty of sunshine! What a wonderful day, love the morning sunshine while sipping on my morning coffee. Awesome first day of spring! It made it into the low 60s and it was perfect for doing outdoor work and tomorrow is suppose to be even a better day weatherwise. I raked the leaves that the March winds have blown on the front yard and tossed the leaves along the rear fence. Fawn helped me clear the lint from the dryer vent duct. That was quite an undertaking, but now we're good until the fall. We probably could have got more done today, but it was an opportunity to get some fresh air and jaw with the neighbors. We had two stalks of broccoli in the refrigerator, so I make Fawn beef and broccoli using just the florets and I stir fried mine separately with the stems and use the Szechuan red dried chilies that Jennifer got for me while she was here. I’m thrilled that she is so mindful of me. I watched, For All Time, starring Mark Harmon, last night and give the movie two thumbs up. It kind of reminded me of the movie, Somewhere in Time, starring Christopher Reeves. I’m not sure if it is a good thing or not to be watching so many movies, but I love westerns and I plan to watch, Winterhawk later tonight. Praying Psalm 116, the prayer of thanksgiving. I’m always struck by the psalmist’s question, “What shall I render to the LORD for all his benefits to me?” (Psalm 116:12). We can render unto God the glory, the praise, and honor that is due to him.

19 March 2022
It is yet another gloom and doom looking rainy day with cooler temperatures again today. It looks like it's going to but a tug a war weatherwise, because I'm seeing 60s forecasted for tomorrow and 70s for Monday before it cools down again.  Albeit, we stayed indoors today, it was still a pretty good day. We feasted on the dim sum Jennifer gifted us yesterday, that was some pretty good eating. There is very little one can do when it is cold and damp. The facetimed with Andrea and Peyton and that was fun. I always get a big kick when I see our cute little granddaughter. I only did a little light exercise today and spent most of the just relaxing. The plan is to kick back a watch the movie, For All Time, after penning this journal entry. The song of the day is, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You – Van Morrison. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:22–23). This fruit is foreign to our soiled hearts and can only grow is if we are attached to Christ the vine. May be live by and keep in step with the Spirit. Thanks be to God  for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

18 March 2022
Oh well, we're back to the normal temps and and rainy days with the season of spring being only days away. What a gift of awesome weather we had earlier in the week. Aah, earl grey. I changed it up today and had my afternoon tea with lemon and milk, so delicious. Jennifer seems to love going into to the city and I always worry when she does. I personally think that place is a hell hole, but what can you say to a grown women. It was a tough saying our farewells our Jennifer as she left to stay overnight to spend time with her sister Andrea and her family. Albeit we are sad to see Jennifer leaving, we rejoice in the time we had this week with her. Thanks be to God.
17 March 2022
Hmm, albeit there was a total overcast, the grey was translucent and allowed enough light through to still call it another nice balmy day in the low 70s. It doesn't get must better. Where was my mind this morning? I was so engaged into looking up a few things up on the internet that I totally forgot to do my morning exercises, but I did get in a short walk and did stop step ups. I learned my lesson and was focused on being extra careful on my footing. It was so nice out that I had to set up the lawn chair out back and enjoy the blessing. There was no need for any background music. I loved the quite that gave me the opportunity to muse about the verse of the day. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake" (Psalm 23:1-3). This beautiful and comforting metaphor that compare Christ as the "good Shepherd" and compares us to poor miserable sinners. A sheep must live entirely by its shepherd’s help, protection, and care. The godless world will tell you that we are not like sheep that have gone astray and that we can fend for yourself. It is not really late this evening, but for some reason I feel a little tire and sluggish, So I guess I’ll just stop penning now, clean up and get ready for bed. Looks like we are going to rain moving in and a dramatic temperature drop. Praise the Lord, his goodness endures forever.

16 March 2022
I really only have time for a quick pen while Jennifer is here visiting this week. I was all fired up this morning and felt the need to do a little extra on my daily morning exercises before hopping on the elliptical. I did eleven minutes and was thinking about going for twelve, but I easily talked myself out of that. Of course I didn't come close to burning off all calories from all the food I ate yesterday and know it is going to be a tough week to avoid gluttonous behavior, so why fight it. I made us a big brunch. Naturally, there was steak in the mix. And there was pork breakfast sausage links, eggs, and rice noodles. Hard to believe It was another drop dead gorgeous day in the upper 60s. So close to what I perceive as the ideal temperature of 72 °F with 50 percent humidity. I can not fail to mention the beautiful clear evening sky that is revealing a bright near full moon. It is still in the mid 60s this late in the evening. Jennifer and RJ went out and about and spent time visiting the Riverwalk. Fawn and I use to love going there all the time and have taken countless walk there over the years, but we don’t get to go there that often anymore because I don’t like being near a crowd of people that I don’t know if they were vaccinated or not. The patio door with a sliding screen door has been open most of the day, letting the fresh air in. We stopped to get gas up. Who would of thought that $4.459 was a low gas price? The narrative is to blame Putin, but the reality it's all on Clueless Biden. Thanks Joe. I saw something on Facebook about retro clothing brands it bought back memories of my mom making us clothes she sewed us using clothing patterns. I miss you mom and dad. "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience" (Colossians 3:12). Lord, grant that I may be clothe with the character that is a blessing to my neighbors. Thanks be to God for another blessed day filled with so much joy. 

15 March 2022
It’s already late, so I’m gonna have to make this a quick pen. I am so totally at peace and basting in God's goodness right now. I knew today would be a totally awesome day with Jennifer's return. She came with her friend RJ. It's not clear to me what that exactly means, but he seems to be very nice young man. I woke up feeling pretty energized and did ten minutes on the elliptical. Impossible, how can one not go out and do a walk. I can't get over that it made it into the low 60s this afternoon. Mama must really really like rice noodle soup with char sui and bok choy, because I make another fresh pot that for lunch. I must admit it is a pretty light and refreshing soup. Talk about killing the fatten calf, not only did we have the beef short rib for dinner, I pan seared three black Angus ribeye steaks as part of the celebration! Of course there was way too much meat and we'll be eating that for the next few days. Nala was pretty happy to see Jennifer. Betting this was the first time she got to eat so much steak. We celebrated Jennifer's birthday with cupcakes after the big eat today because she's only in town until Saturday. Thanks be to God for blessing us with this day.

14 March 2022
O happy day, O happy Monday. I was so excited to start on braising the beef short ribs this morning immediately after my coffee and oatmeal this morning. Joyfully in my mind, I'm killing the fatten calf to celebrate the return visit of my daughter. No, she's not prodigal; all my children are and have always been a joyful blessing to us. I like to do the short ribs the day before so that I can refrigerate everything overnight because that not only intensifies the flavor but it also makes removing excess fat easier because it congeals. This time I'm expecting the short ribs to be up a notch and be even tenderer and flavorful then my first go at it. God is so good to me and my family. Prayer for God’s speed as our little one makes her way home. We are so looking forward to tomorrow. Now the next thing on my cooking bucket list is roasting a turkey in the oven. Thanks to Isaac for coming in 1st place in the park district race in his age group and gifting me the turkey and an opportunity to check that off my bucket list. Not only did the kiddo win the race, he literally blew the other kid away. I hopped on the elliptical again this morning and did nine minutes on it this time around. I'm sure that I could have done more, but there was no need to place unnecessary stress on my heart. The plan is to keep gradually increasing the time and not over exert myself. I'm actually surprised that I already going at it in my previous workout pace. Who knows, maybe I'll be doing interval again in no time. I feel so alive with all this good weather. I’m really hope that we are done with the cold and with the grey gloomy skies of winter. Albeit I worked up a nice appetite for the teriyaki chicken with sauce over rice for lunch, I was able to make a reasonable portion dish using three pieces of boneless thighs. We ended only eating one chicken thigh each only because there was so little left over rice to go with it. There was plenty of broth and cut up bok choy and sliced char sui and rice noodles left over from yesterday. All I needed to do was bring the broth up to a boil and toss everything else in the pot to make mama happy. After I made a fresh pot of rice, I took the leftover teriyaki chicken from lunch and converted into a curry chicken dish and then mixed it in with the last of the failed zucchini and mushroom dish on the stovetop. Not only was I able to I was able to successfully salvage the zucchini and mushroom dish, I was able to turn it around and made it into a delicious meal over steamed rice.  I love the quote I posted today, “In prayerful silence you must look into your own heart. No one can tell you better than yourself what comes between you and God. Ask yourself. Then listen!” Johannes Tauler. Song of the day is, Beautiful Savior – Concordia Choir (Moorhead, MN). It’s time for my evening prayers and bed time. “Let the incense of our repentant prayer ascend before You, O Lord, and let Your loving-kindness descend on us that, with purified minds, we may sing Your praises with the Church on earth and the whole heavenly host and may glorify You forever.”

13 March 2022
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐋𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆!!! Joe needs to step down. Not in 2024, but yesterday. Pence 2024? One of the biggest problem in our country is that there are no term limits to for the congress and senate. Grr, just needed to get that out of my system, that's all... Ahh, spring is in the air. Fawn encouraged me to start using the elliptical again. Albeit, I was only on it for the eight minute do a warmup, it’s a start! I really need to really get back to both a comprehensive cardo and physical exercising routine. Daylight savings time. It is unclear to me how DST affects my me other than it being a pain in the butt twice a year needing to manually reset clocks here and there as well as time on my digital watch. I'm betting that I had this watch for over twenty five years, but I plan to retire the watch this time around when the battery dies. Made a light rice noodle soup with just bok choy and char sui for lunch. Mama likes this soup a lot. That's a good thing, after my big time fail yesterday with the vegetable dish. My soup was much hearty because I also added the zucchini and mushroom from yesterday to my bowl of soup. Pee-ew, I had to move the trash bin out of the garage to the back. I’m not sure how often the trash bins really need to be cleaned and sanitized, but I hit that boy at least once a year during the spring and on a as needed basis thereafter. Hard to believe that the day is almost over and the temps are still in the mid 40s. For sure we will be out and about in the a.m. Hmm, I’m surprise I never gave a.m. and p.m. much thought, it’s Latin: ante meridiem (a.m.) means "before midday" and post meridiem (p.m.) means "after midday). I have some cooking plans later in the day for tomorrow. This is going to be an awesome week not only because of the exceptional weather ahead of up this week, but because our youngest will be back home for a visit. Naturally I plan to celebrate with good food, we’re so excited. I was watching a few X Factor YouTube video clips and was wowed when I came across, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face – Tamera Foster. While watching, I was dipping on pop corn in the Lawrence Fishery Hot Sauce as a snack. I learned that from Alex the other day. I know sounds crazy, but it’s actually addicting. I mused on what a poor miserable sinner that I am and being nothing more than a beggar in need of Christ. "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool" (Isaiah 1:18). God is assuring us that forgiveness is inevitable and that the scarlet and crimson sins can become white as wool. All we have to do is go to God and ask him to set things right. A big part of seeking forgiveness is to be whole heartedly remorseful. “And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31–32). We are all sinners, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). So if we consider ourselves sinners, we have a savior who is a healing physician that is calling for us to not just be sorrow for sin. It is a willingness to change our lives and turn away for our sinfulness.

12 March 2022
Normally we stay in on weekends, unless we are out the door early enough to avoid the crowds. There is no surprise that only few people are out and about early this morning in the frigid. The weather is so crazy that we were in the teens today and will warm up into the 50s tomorrow and into to the upper 60s by mid week. While in the Meijer in did the unthinkable and bought a four pack of 187 ml bottles of cabernet sauvignon wine. I plan to use one of the bottles to make the short ribs and am hoping it makes a difference. Alex mentioned that he thinks he can make a Sandy lasagna copycat! We think her infamous recipe includes red wine. I also surprised myself and bought a bottle of honey. It's not clear to me why I was so reluctant to buy honey, my guess is that I am frugal, OK I’m cheap. We stopped off at Alex's to drop off several pieces of char sui and have lunch there. He seems to welcome us there and I enjoy time with him there. I made char sui fried rice and a beef and pea pod stir fry. Mama want to make he eat his fresh veggies. Talk about veggies, I made us a zucchini and mushrooms dish for dinner, but it didn’t turn out very well. I’m clueless as to what went wrong, maybe I can do something with it tomorrow to salvage the dish. I was thinking about Isaac and his recent interest in dinosaurs. I found it interesting that he was eating dinner with his, Fred Munch Time Animated T-Rex Chomping Chopsticks the other day. In my mind, using fork and knife is many folds easier to eat with than eating with a pair of chopsticks. But with that said, there is something to be said about how pair of chopsticks has been bearing the hearts of Chinese families for thousands of years and is worthwhile tradition to learn and past down. I’m going to wrap this up and watch a Dry Bar Comedy special on YouTube, Junk- Cars And Valet Parking - Chad Thornsberry - Full Special. "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire" (2 Peter 1:3-4). We are made in the image of God and are called to participate in the divine nature. Everything in this broken world is subject to corruption and decay, except those of who lives are united with Christ. May the Lord protect our hearts from corruption.

11 March 2022
Dang, what is going on? We are getting way too many snow days toward the end of winter. I guessed that I should have set the alarm clock before going to bed last night, because I didn't get up until just a little after 7 o'clock and slept like a baby. I had no time to waste to get to the snow before the kid started trekking to school. So I just nuked some water to make a cup of earl grey tea and popped two slices of bread into the toaster. Gotrdun, before the neighborhood kids started trekking to school! Thanking God we only got about a half an inch of fluff. Now I'm praying that that's the last of the snow because I used up the last of our driveway and walkway snow melt. I ended up pigging out with a double breakfast. I made oatmeal and a pot of coffee when I came back in. I was glad that albeit below freezing, it didn't feel that bad out while shoveling the snow. Yes sir, I made char sui and warmed up the house. I'm really happy with this homemade char sui. The only tweak that I still want to make is using honey. It's hard for me to justify buying honey just for this, but I think that it will make a world of difference and will give it a go next time I make it. I made us ramen noodle soup and added the char sui and bok choy to it for lunch. I logged in I-Pass to check on the transponder readout. It is amazing how infrequently we use the tollways nowadays. Today’s muse was on overcoming the sin of worldly temptations that I often fall into. "Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations" (Deuteronomy 7:9). Our Lord is the one true God found in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

10 March 2022
“My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things.” We were out the door before 5 a.m. yesterday to go and watch Peyton. She is a total hoot, she like talking gibberish along with the words that she knows. It's hard to tell if Isaac or Peyton likes reading time more. Peyton likes all of Isaac's Bizzy Bear books and has quite a few of her own. It's not clear how many there are, but there must be a boat load of them. I think that she likes the 'Pizza Chef' book the best. Isaac had me read him three different dinosaur books he got from the library. Of course I couldn't pronounce any of the dinosaurs and Isaac had to pronounce them to me. It was truly a blessing to have spent time with the grandkids. Initially I wasn't sure why we ended up staying up another day because that little girl was full of energy; she had me continuously climbing up and down the stairs as a game. But later it became clear because she became all tired out and napped for hours on end. I thought we go to bed early, we were in bed by eight, but everyone is up by 5 o'clock. This morning was the first time we bought coffee at a coffee shop in very long time. We got our caffeine fix from Dunkin and got Andrea a frappuccino from the Starbucks next door. Starbucks, yuck, no thank you. Oh yeah, I didn’t notice any discomfort on my left hip this morning, so when the black and blue bruise fades away, it should be ancient history. Well finally finished off the last of the corned beef. Hope we don’t make that mistake of buy so much of the stuff. I think it wouldn’t have been that bad off if we would have bought some sauerkraut, I love that with corned beef, especially if a ruben sandwich or two was some place in the mix. There was a lot of people on Facebook letting off some steam by sarcastically with, “Thanks Joe!” I think exactly that every time pull in a gas station. I will most likely be doing just that this weekend again. There is a lot of crazy and bad things going on in the world. May we be resident strangers in this world. During this Lenten season not only have I been reflecting on the sins that find myself continually repeating and on what triggers my sinful ways, but also on gratitude. There is much to be grateful for, but ask "Forgive us, Lord, for shallow thankfulness" unaware of countless grace. My head have been spinning thinking about some amazing prayers like the man with the epileptic son who cried out, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) or the tax collector in Jesus' parable, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, who beat his chest saying, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!" (Luke 18:13). We headed back home as soon as Andrea got back home from work, to beat the snowfall and traffic. Still plenty of crazies weaving in and out of traffic on the tri-state.   We weren’t sure what was in the refrigerator and I really wasn’t up to cooking, so we stopped by Portillo’s for a couple of takeout sandwiches on the way home. We weren’t thrilled that some of the employees were maskless, but that was going to happen sooner or later. Regardless, we always nuke the food I don’t cook in the microwave before eating it for the last two years. "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15). May we be a reflection of God's love for us and be ready to share the hope that is in us in a manner that is respectful and gentle. OK wrapping it up and going to relax and listen to some classical music and then call it a day. Grateful for the past few days to spend time with our grandchildren. Prayers that we may be blessed with many more.

8 March 2022
Finally, the bruise on my left hip is so negligible that I can give the pain level a 0.1 out of 10. I think it will take another week before the black and blue will begin to fade away and affect of the fall will ancient history. There is a saying about how the weather in our area can change on a dime. This week the temperature will remain in the 30s and like a light switch will be in the 50s the following. It is as though winter is looking at the calendar and trying to make the most of it. Happy Tuesday! Got up early and did a nice indoor walk in the Plainfield Walmart. Funny how we like being out about on weekdays instead of the weekends. Albeit, I worked up an appetite, I refrained from over indulging in the infamous spaghetti mama made for lunch at Alex's. It is really impressive to see him work so hard. Mama made her infamous spaghetti for lunch. The plan was to just limit myself to a single serving, but of course that didn't happen. It was only a slice of leftover pizza for dinner. One can’t help but to talk about the rising gas prices. The last time I got gas was six days ago at $4.099 a gallon. Today we paid $4.599 a gallon for gas, good thing it only took a couple of gallons to top it back off. I need to stop penning and go to bed early, so there I no time to muse on a bible verse. Thanks be to God for his grace found in Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

7 March 2022
Looks like Old Man Winter ain't giving up without a fight. We only got somewhere between 2 to 3 inches of snow, but it was the heavy and wet type, gotrdun. Clearly we bought way too much corned beef, even after dibbing up the leftovers, well be eating corned beef this and corned beef that for the next few days. Frozen pizza and French fries in the oven for dinner was an easy welcome change as well as a way to warm up the house. "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" (Psalm 139:23-24). God knows us and we cannot pretend we to be someone we are not with him. But because of his grace, we can be confident that he loves us. Lord, I am truly sorry for the grievous sins that I have committed in thought, word and deed; fill me with your Spirit so that I can become more like Christ.

6 March 2022
Wow, what a difference a day makes. I woke up this morning to grey skies and to howling winds, but was still excited for the day nonetheless. We had scrambled eggs and pork sausage with my morning coffee, life is good. Looks like Andrea had a wee morning excitement and missed out on the breakfast. However we did save her breakfast sausages to take home. I so glad they did make down here for lunch. Funny, how I tend to think of corned beef as a traditional Irish national dish. But it's actually isn't. I find it fascinating that what we think of as Irish-American corned beef that we throw into the pot today is actually a Jewish-American and Irish-American collaboration. Traditionally St Patrick Day is celebrated with corned beef and cabbage dish in America, but we had our corned beef today with scalloped potatoes and with mac and cheese side dishes. My heart is filled with joy having spent the day with our kids and grandchildren, life don't get much better than that. This is far better than facetiming for sure. I can hardly wait for Jennifer to come home for her visit mid month. I was thrilled to see that Alex was willing to learn how to make his own Cantonese pan fried noodles. I think he did a super job, good for him. We had our fill of corned beef for lunch, so we ate a light meal for dinner and went meatless opting for a bowl ofrice noodle soup with just bok choy. I forgot that I got back my blood work test results yesterday and it was pretty good. There are areas where I can still able to improve, but I’m happy. One of the tests was a covid antibody test and that came back showing that I never had covid. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I thought for sure that I must of caught covid sometime during the past two years and just didn’t know it. Now I think it could mean that I have been super careful avoiding covid or covid has been avoiding me. Thanks be to God who watch over me. This covid-19 is craziest thing, taking some lives and seemingly not doing anything to others. No wonder there is so much varying opinions about it and the CDC incoherent guideline along with our political leaders lowly mandates makes for dismal bewilderment. Don’t get me started on the mainstream media. I better stop before I work myself into a frenzy. Lord, steady my emotions and guide my feelings. Give me peace and rest. I just looked at the forecast for tomorrow and see that we have been issued a winter weather advisory from midnight tonight until noon tomorrow and can expect 1 to 3 inches of wet snow with freezing drizzle ice accumulations. I hate heavy wet snow because it will present a challenge for me to shovel it for sure. I better wrap this up and go to bed and rest up to do the needed early in the morning. Wow, this video made my day, Come Thou Font of Every Blessing - Oakwood University Aeolians. God’s grace and kindness is so amazing, he is truly our Ebenezer. "O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure" (Isaiah 25:1). God's actions are not reactions to current situations, but are wonderful perfect plans for us. I am grateful for God's wondrous deeds and his thoughts toward us. To you be the Glory. Lord, have pity upon me and take away the awful stain of my sin. I am grateful for this day, O Lord, for my health, and for the joy that is in my heart.

5 March 2022
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 6:5–7). We are to begin each and every day with God. Every breath we take should be a reminder that our God has granted us another day of life to grow in him. It is our duty to raise our children in Christ. Wow, wow, wow, it was a drop end gorgeous day from the get go. There is nothing like sipping on morning coffee on enjoying the sunlight through the rear window. Some of the deciduous shrubs are already starting to respond and the call of nature. How can someone not fire up a hot dog on a day like today for lunch? A Chicago style hot dog would have been perfect for a day like today, but I made due with a slice of bread, sport peppers and a bead of mustard. Since we had to opened up a entire package of hot dog we decided to make the kids their childhood fusion food, hot dog fried rice! It a hit with Isaac too. I spent the afternoon cooking food for tomorrow when we'll see the kids. What is March without corn beef? I made about seven pounds of the stuff, which should be enough for lunch and still have plenty leftover for them to take some home. To make sure Andrea and Alex have some wholesome Cantonese food, I made them a beef and bitter melon stir fry and pan fried noodles. I made Isaac his requested pan seared steak; I swear that kid knows how to eat. Kaboom sounds like the thunderstorm is about to moving in. Guessing it’s best to log off and unplug this laptop, I was going to do some more down loading but that will have to wait.

4 March 2022
I'm giving up and residing on that fact that the bruise on my hip is  going to sometime and will be noticeable for at least a couple of weeks. I’m just happy that it was only a minor injury. It was awesome day for a walk with plenty of sunshine. The walks are so much more pleasant when you’re wearing your comfortable shoes. I took a look at tomorrow's forecast and it's still calling for an over the top day for tomorrow before a thunderstorm moves in during the evening hours. Song of the day is, No Limits – Alvin Lee. Wow, can the man play the guitar or what? "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). We are not alone, God promises to be with us through all the seasons of our life even through death. Lord, help me become more steadfast and faithful. Create in me a clean heart.

3 March 2022
It's tough to rate my discomfort level. But I'm going to give it a 0.8 out of 10 solely because I can still tell l fell the other day. When I looked at the weather app this morning and albeit the temperature was going to above freezing, I wasn't doing the happy dance. It goes to show that the days in the 50s has totally spoiled me and I'm really longing for mid spring weather, ideally 72 °F and 50% humidity. My annual physical went well and my physician was very pleased. All my meds are at the minimum manufacture dosage for some time now and my doctor discussed with me about dropping another one of my prescriptions and see how I doing in six months. The caveat is that I will have to carefully watch how much I’m eating in one sitting as well as what I'm eating very closely. I like my current diet and like the idea that my meds are putting my numbers where they need to be. So I opted to stay on what I'm currently taking for the time being. The doctor looked at the bruise on my hip and checked it out and thinks it fine. I was inspired to bundle up, put on my Skechers® walking shoes and go for a walk. I’m glad Fawn took a picture of the previous time that I braised pork and daikon radish, because I forgot how I cooked the dish the last time. There wasn’t that much pork, so I cube cut half the daikon and cooked it with the pork for Fawn and then I julienne cut the remainder of the daikon the way I like it and cooked it with lap cheong. Andrea is coming down this weekend and has something going on about a phone with Alex. LOL, Isaac knows how to eat and what grandpa to make him a steak. We looked a few stores, but couldn’t find a decent one. If I going to be paying outrageous price for a steak, it’s going to have to be a really good looking one with plenty of marbling. I looked at the 10 day forecast, sweet tomorrow and Sunday’s expected will in the upper 40s. It’s not clear to me if there is a typo for Saturday, because it said it will be in the upper 60s, really? They will be super awesome if that comes to pass. Hmm, Steven Zajonc … I can’t understand the Biden’s administration resistance to calls to increase domestic energy production and to block Russian oil. Look like Sen Joe Manchin and Sen Lisa Murkowski is introducing a bipartisan bill to ban importing Russian oil. Even without the ban western companies like BP, Shell and Exxon Mobile have stopped touching Russian oil since Russia invaded Ukraine. Good for them. Song of the day is, Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd. "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples" (Psalm 77:11-14). God always does the verb, so it right and salutary to recognize the greatness of God. I am grateful for my good health and am praying for good test results from today’s blood work.

2 March 2022
Today is ash Wednesday. It is a holy day of prayer and fasting and opens the season of Lent. I don't steadfastly follow any practice to aid myself to reflect on my sinful shortcomings and to repent. I will be doing a 12 hour fast tonight, but it has nothing to do with the season of Lent. My annual physical just so happens to be scheduled for tomorrow. "All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return" (Ecclesiastes 3:20). Man and animal alike are created from dust and after both die and return. It is a ashamed that the world see man as an evolved animal and both perishes to the unknown. The reality is albeit both do return to dust and those outside of Christ can only temporarily rejoice in a frustrating way in their own works. Hmm, there wasn’t much improvement this morning, but there was improvement nonetheless. 0.9 out of 10? This morning’s walk was outstanding as was the weather again. I usually like to walk and muse about stuff, but nowadays I have to stay focus and take each step carefully. I knew that the rice noodle soup with bok choy and char sui was a winner. Alex called and requested it for lunch. You know you got that soup down pat when you get compliments without fishing for them. My afternoon muse was on gas price, Russian oil and Ukraine. Ukraine gave up thousands of nuclear arms in 1994 under false assurances from the west. The US is shamelessly betraying promises and buying oil from Russia and costing Ukrainian lives for an estimated 30 cents per gallon more at the pump. I think we are betraying Ukraine for far less pieces of silver than Judas. I see that gas prices are $4.099 now and wondering what it will be at the next time we need a fill up. It doesn't make me feel any better knowing that it is $6.099 somewhere in California. The nurse at the doctor’s office called today and went over a questioner as part of my annual physical. I’m guessing it is a way to save some time tomorrow. Few of the things she asked stood out to me like vision and if I wore eyeglasses, about my hearing and if I had hear aids, about depression, memory and etc. I am grateful for my sense of sight, hearing, immune system, mind, and overall good physical and mental health. The list of things to be grateful and to give thanksgiving for, are seemingly endless and only limited our awareness. Our Lord showers us with grace upon grace and I am most thankful for the free gift of salvation. Yes there are countless things to be grateful for, but they all seem so pale to eternal life.

1 March 2022
Strange how the mind works, normal I wake up with stiffness on my right shoulder that I need to stretch and work it out, but this morning I woke with stiffness and a little pain on my left hip and ribs and was able to see slight bruising there. The good news is that on a pain scale of 1 to 10, I give it just a 1. We couldn't stay indoors and not take advantage of the early spring like weather. I took a leisurely walk, taking each step carefully look at my surroundings and essentially looking at the ground for hazards. I think I have given slo-mo a whole new meaning. While out and about, we went to Stan’s Donuts. After all, it’s Fat Tuesday! I was surprise that they didn’t have my beloveth coconut cakes and even more surprised at myself for walking out empty handed while Fawn got herself a couple of their glazed donuts. On the way home, we stopped at the Lawrence's Fishery in Lombard for a takeout. I can't remember how I learned about this location not too long ago. Albeit $$, we are thrilled that they have opened a location in the burbs. But it was a fav going up in the city. We lived within a short walking distance from the original location. It was a must go to stop whenever we went to the city before Chicago became a third world hell hole. It’s crazy how crime seem to go unchecked there. Anyway, back to talking about their popcorn shrimp and fish chips, outstanding. That and their hot sauce is as every bit as delicious as I remember them to be. Sad news, late last night we learned that Ted is resting in the arms of Christ. We stayed up to watch the State of the Union. It came as no surprise that there was little said about state of the union and more about the future and elsewhere. Blah, blah, blah. After all, we all know the poor state of the union and the policies that we knew would lead to where are at now. But people voted not necessarily for Biden but against Trump. Talk about cutting one’s nose off to spite your face. 2020 was a bad year; both the Democrat and Republican parties need to come up with their party’s presidential candidates than Biden and Trump in 2024. "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" (Psalm 73: 25-26). It is truly amazing that our Lord know us by name and since the beginning of time and will care for us forever and ever. Nice, just looked at the weather forecast and tomorrow is still promising to be another awesome day. God willing, I’ll be given another opportunity to be renewed in Christ.

28 February 2022
Woke up doing the happy dance. Plenty of sunshine and above average temps for the last day of February! Crazy that it made it low 50s. According to the 10 day forecast, Tuesday and Wednesday are promising to be outstanding too. The  It was so good to be out and about. About half the people in the the Old Navy store are going maskless now since the Illinois mask mandate is now lifted. Go figure, just like we figured, everyone in the Chinese supermarket was still wearing a mask, just saying. There was no problem because we were out early on a weekday. I made us a beef and bok choy stir fry over Cantonese noodles for lunch at Alex's and then took the car to the much needed car wash. It didn't get all of the road salt off the rear of the car, but did do a decent job for a five dollar basic wash. Fawn stopped at a few more stores and I was able to get in a decent outdoor walk and did a bunch of curbside step ups. What a klutz, l slipped and fell to the ground because of a crack I didn't notice on the curb while doing the step ups. I guess I need to stay more focused on my footing. The winters are harsh here and the sidewalks crack and there are tons of potholes on the roadways. Prayerfully hoping tomorrow morning won’t be revealing a serious injury. It was a good eating day because I made us omelets with ham, salami, onions, bell peppers and tomatoes. It interesting that I always like to talk about food, but don't really say too much about it. I love watching food shows and recording. I joined the Facebook Cantonese Food Recipes group at the beginning of December and think this group is pretty awesome. The dishes members share brings back many fond childhood memories of sitting together with family at the table enjoying the each other's company and the delicious meals our parents made. Jennifer will be back for a short visit mid March. It is not clear to me if the plan is to roast my first turkey when she is here or roast it for Easter. I really hope I don't botch up Isaac's turkey. I believe that I've watched enough different roast turkey recipe videos to have be a produce a fail proof bird. The question becomes, do I buy the turkey gravy or have a go at making it? Of course I can kill the fatten calf upon her return and have my second go at the beef short ribs using the dutch oven. I had aspirations of starting a food blog and actually started to jot a few things down, but it became so evident that a food blog is not my cup of tea. One of Facebook friends posted, Sukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukou) - Kyu Sakamoto. I remember this song being played at a school sock hop back in the day. No one knew what the song was about, but liked stepping to it. The song was right up there with, La Bamba – Richie Valens. "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7). God gave us the spirit of love and self control to live our life to the fullest, evermore sharing his love and as a light in the darkness displaying his virtues. All glory be to you, o Lord. I am most thankful for my salvation on followed by the love of family and friends.

27 February 2022
It was a typical covid winter weekend where we tend to stay indoors from the cold and away from the crowded stores. Hard to believe we have been doing this for two years now. It will be interesting when we go out tomorrow and see the percentage of people who will no longer be wearing masks in the stores. I'm hoping it will be warming up soon and we can start going for walks again. I didn't post or pen a journal entry yesterday because I was on edge. I had the television on as well read the news wanting to learn what was going on with the Russian bloody aggression in Ukraine. When yesterday evening came around I was in no mood to log on to anything. Until now, I only turned the television set to watch Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral. Rather than getting all bent out of shape about Putin and his evil force of darkness that show no mercy or compassion for human life. My biggest disappoint getting on the internet now is seeing, “Some 59% of attendees at the CPAC conservative conference in Florida want former Republican President Donald Trump to be the party's 2024 presidential candidate, according to a straw poll released on Sunday.” Say it ain’t so, Lord have mercy. I hope that the Democrats and Republican Party do better than the presidential candidates going back for some time. I’m tire as a moderate independent voter voting for the candidate that I see as less harmful extremist. Mmm, I made us ramen noodle soup for dinner, good stuff. The last couple times made it with char sui and bok choy, that made all the difference. I came across a article that noted bok choy was the #2 of 47 powerhouse food in the cdc defining powerhouse fruits and vegetables list. "Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth" (1 John 3:18). May our words be followed by acts of kindness to reveals God’s love and bring him glory.

25 February 2022
We were up at the crack of dawn to shovel the snow. We ended up with about two to three inches of the stuff and was surprised that it took up a little over an hour to getrdun. Clearly my body and mind are at a disconnect, because I initially thought that I could have it done by myself in a half hour. After being out in the cold for so long, we warmed up with a hot bowl of oatmeal, raisin toast and a cup of coffee. I was feeling pretty good enjoying the sunlight coming through the rear window sipping on a hot cup of coffee on sunny days. Went full blast whipped up a Cantonese dish like mom use to make. I stir fried yu choy with lap cheong and char siu dish over rice for lunch. I was so happy how well it turned out. Sliced up the two pieces of flank steak against the grain and portioned them in baggies and froze the meat that I take out as needed. I marinated two small portions and made Fawn beef with broccoli and made myself curry beef for dinner, that worked out great! We got and whimsical call today, I swear that Peyton is a hoot. Normally her hair is up like Pebble Flintstone, but today her mama changed it up and she had her hair up in a double bun. She’s a cutie pie no matter what hairstyle she has. I started penning too late and just want to wrap it up now, praising God and thanking him for the blessings of the day.

24 February 2022
Sigh, here I go again with my mixed feelings about the weather forecasters. Out of the blue, we got a winter advisory this morning, forecasting 2 to 5 inches of snow. It’s already nightfall and so far the accumulation isn’t enough to go out to tend to the snow. It looks like I’ll need to go to bed early and wake up early to do the shoveling. Hopefully we won’t be getting much more over night. We decided to go out and run a few errands early this morning before the snow moved in, guessing more than a few folks thought likewise. It was another frigid day, but this time there was a complete overcast. It’s strange how translucent the light grey sky was, not at all like the normal gloom and doom. I suppose if there is going to be a complete overcast; this would be the ideal norm. But the sky did darken just prior to snow moving in. The Illinois indoor mask mandate is supposed to be lifted at the end of the month, but it looks like more than few rebels have already set them aside. That does not surprise me at all. I'm actually OK with that, but I'll need vigilant in finding a way to social distancing myself from other people who will surly stop doing that. Wow, it is clear to me that I have not been shopping stores for some time, I was clueless on how self service and use the little credit card keypad at Whole Foods, now that's scary. Have I become the dreaded senile old man? Oh, I forgot to mention that I finally opened up the 8 bottle set of hot sauce Fawn got me for Christmas. I decided to open the aged red cayenne pepper hot sauce first. I loved a splash of that on my oatmeal whenever I don’t have it with blueberries. What made me think of that? I went in Whole Foods to buy organic oatmeal while Fawn was taking a peek next door at the Sierra Trading Company. When we got back, we heated up the last of the egg drop soup from the other day and had it with the char sui bao for lunch, perfect. Dinner was pretty awesome; I made us gon chow ngau ho. How awesome was it? Awesome enough that Fawn said it was pretty good and that it was one of my better gos at it without me even fishing for a compliment! Wow, war is such a downer. So much for the “war to end all wars.” What is going on? Is Vladimir Putin single handedly calling all the shots? He has been barking about Ukraine for some time. Xi Jinping has been doing likewise about Taiwan. It was a surreal day seeing evil being played out. The psalmist asks, “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?” (Psalm 2:1). I have to believe the people in Russia and China of wish to live quiet and peaceful lives. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). For the people of Ukraine in harms way and for national leaders to be inclined to walk in the ways of righteousness and peace. Lord, have mercy. More easy listening to soothe the mind, song of the day is, You Were On My Mind – We Five. With all the bad news, one can easily get caught up in the brokenness of the world and over look our blessings like the first blessing of the day is just waking up and being given an opportunity to grow in knowledge and faith and to glorify God in our walk. “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). We are able to love because God is love and we are made in his image. May we learn to selflessly love others like you, O Lord, so they may know that they do not have to earn your love, only receive it. Anyway, I need to go to bed and get up early to shovel snow so the kids have a path to walk to school.

23 February 2022
I'm always happy whenever I wake to sunshine. We went out to grocery store. Albeit it was cold and brisk it was nice to see an awesome color of blue contrasting against the few whitest of white clouds. I pretty sure that we go to grocery stores almost every time we go out early, we always like to see what fresh fruits and vegetables are available as well stock the pantry with non perishables that are on sale. All the pennies here and there add up over time. I wanted to pull in the car wash and give the car a much need wash, but Fawn thought it was too cold to be doing that. The only thing I'm aware of was back in the day with winter cars washes was the key locks would get frozen. In my mind that is no longer an issue with pop locks. But rather than debating something so trivial, it's always best to say, "Yes dear, you’re right dear." Trust me on this one, life is much better. Beside, most times she actually is. At $3.659 a gallon, I'm still shaking my head. But I was surprised that it hasn't taken another sharp spike yet with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the new imposed sanctions. It's a good thing that our mileage is relatively low. Dang, albeit the temperature made it to the low 20s, but it felt like it was subzero out. Crazy that we didn’t go anywhere the last two days and the temperature were way warmer than today. I made us char sui rice noodle soup with a little bok choy. Dang, I love drinking soup, especially on cold winter days. I one percent agree with folk who say that soup is good for the soul. I can see this soup in the mix whenever I make char sui. The temperature swings are insane here in the midwest. I was contemplating on getting an early start on my Lenten diet meaning abstaining on over indulging. I’m not able to fast for medical reasons. I was doing so well with just enjoying the delicious soup for lunch. I did great with just eating half a serving of lasagna for dinner, but then I went and ate the Danish butter cookies with my earl grey tea. Oh well, perhaps I’ll do better tomorrow and abstain. Good day to start working on the taxes and plug in the numbers. Taxes are literally EZ when you’re living on a retirement income. I sarcastically mentioned something lame as being the highlight of my day, but reality is just something simple as a call from the kids whenever we can’t see them in person. The video chat has been a godsend since the beginning of pandemic. I’ve been relaxing to evening easy listening music this evening. The songs of the day are, Killing Me Softly With His Songs and The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, by Roberta Flack. I remember these two outstanding songs by her from back in the day. I use to think the best singer ever was Barbra Streisand, but now I’ve come to realize she is only one of many talented artists. “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2:4-5). Undeservingly, it is only because God has extended his grace and mercy to us we become alive and saved. Another blessed day for which I am most grateful for. Lord, I thank you that you have showered us with grace upon grace and have brought us to the end of another day. Give us rest and allow us to wake physically and spiritually renewed. All glory be to you, O Lord.

22 February 2022
Looking at the positive side of things today. It's been raining all night and most of the day today. Albeit we have getting periodic heavy downpours from time to time, I am grateful that it remains warm enough that it is a rain storm and not a snow storm. I was thrilled to see the updated forecast of the rain ending sooner before the temperature began taking a nose dive. Having freezing rain would have been disastrous. We Sandy’s lasagna was spot on, good stuff. That perhaps was the highlight of 2-22-22. I think I penned too much today and ended up do a delete and here I am, needing to stop thinking lowly of certain people and to pray for them as well as for a clean heart. Thanks be to God for another day and the opportunity to growth in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Lord, increase our faith.

21 February 2022
I tend to look at the weather app when we get out of bed and today was supposed to be cloudy all day, but there I was looking out the window and seeing sunshine enjoying my morning coffee was really nice with baked char sui bao. Even the expected mid afternoon rain got push back to 7 pm and then to 8 pm. Can you believe it? It made it into to low 50s today and everything melted away. The rain did eventually move in this evening and will not stop until sometime mid afternoon tomorrow. I don't know why meteorology is called a science, at best it is guesstimation. I know I shouldn't be ranting so much about it so much. Because it is a useful tool regardless of its short comings. I called my sister to ask about my brother and thanks be to God, he is doing much better. Oh my goodness, ramen noodle soup with char sui and bok choy for lunch. My tummy was doing a happy dance. I did more photos and video downloads onto the laptop. What a mess I made of things and think if there are duplicates or whatever webbed mess, it will have to be. I’ll pray that I won’t let things get all behind and to all the needed at least once a week to prevent this sad state of affair to come about again. I really don’t understand what is going on between Russia and Ukraine other than the possibility of a bloody conflict. War is never a good thing and is a evil, regardless of how it ever got started, so lives will be loss. But I suppose it is necessary if the hostile nation is aiming to invade and kill you and you are left with no choice but to fight or die. Lord, in your mercy. Fawn wanted egg drop soup for dinner and I saw it as an opportunity to do something with the little leftover loose ground beef that I browned the other day sitting in the fridge. What do you do with brown unseasoned loose ground beef that is barely enough for one? I tossed in a little bit of julienne cut onions and a little bit green peas with it and made a curry beef and had over Cantonese pan fried noodles. I suppose I could have a loose ground beef sandwich with it, but it was an opportunity to make curry. Talk about a late night surprise, Sandy brought over a tray of her infamous lasagna. It going to be good eating tomorrow and some. “And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate” (Luke 15:23). Even though it is totally out of context, this verse always comes to mind whenever we get to see any of our kids. How can there not be a celebration?

20 February 2022
Being grateful for the night’s rest and for another day and to see it as an opportunity to grow and bring glory to God. May be a joyful blessing to our neighbors. Brr, it's been so windy the past few days and we are still more than a week away from March. Albeit made it into upper 40s today, you would have never guessed it with the wind blowing like it was. I still can't get over us having so many sun filled days. The sky was cloudless and was as baby blue as can be. We had a food fest that started out with fresh bagels from Big Apple Bagels. I was licking my chops when Fawn started making her pasta sauce and lunch couldn't have came too soon. I stuffed my face with a big bowl of spaghetti with a couple of store bought spinach and cheese manicotti. This combo goes well together. But then again, most things do with mama's spaghetti sauce over it. I’m feeling blessed and am so grateful for this day with the kids and our grandskids. God is so good. Happy haircut! It was way overdue again, so glad that Fawn is willing to cut it and more importantly, she is able to do a good job cutting it. With the possibility that Russia will invade Ukraine, it is strange that the stereotype beauty pageant “world peace” cliché comes to mind. Lord, turn our hearts towards you. Help us to live peaceful and quiet lives. Came across an oldie but goodies and now is the song of the day is, Kind of a Drag - The Buckinghams. "Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends" (Proverbs 17:9). Gossip comes to mind. May we turn away from listening to gossip and nip it.

19 February 2022
I'm truly loving these sun filled days. It could be my imagination, but it seems like we are getting more of them during this season than we normally do. Albeit, I enjoy visiting Alex's beautiful home and find it very peaceful. Staying there for a week dog sitting a high maintenance dog is very taxing. It was good to be home sleeping in my own bed. Brr, went out in the single digit cold super early this morning. Had to spend a little time tending to a few areas where there were snow drifts. It was our first chance to go grocery shopping. The only thing nice about the added bone chilling wind was that it seemed to have kept people home that early and we were able to move about in the store. Got some good and so good health news. The good news is that my sister Nancy's annual physical was great and her numbers are tracking in the right direction and is better they been in a long while. The bad news is that my brother Bill had a pseudo gout flare up. We went and dropped off my pair of crutches for him to use. Prayers for a quick recovery. The kids are coming for a visit tomorrow so I made char sui. This was my best go at it so far, but I think that it still needs some tweaking. The five spice powder made a huge difference. I then used some of the char sui to make a stir fry with some vegetables to over so Cantonese pan fried noodles to take back with them. The kids are having mom make her infamous spaghetti for lunch tomorrow. I'm so ready to dive into that tomorrow too! It was a great day, being able to spend a little time with my brother and sister was such a blessing. Well off to bed, have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

18 February 2022
Thanks be to God for the night's rest and for and for another day. Woke in the pre dawn darkness and here I am penning. Total surprised that Nala was begging to go out to do her business. Grabbed my phone first thing and saw the temperature was 4° F. Naturally the song, "What a Difference a Day Makes". What an insane temperature swing. I'm not looking forward to going out in the cold to tend to the snow… Gotrdun, there wasn’t that much more snow and a single pass got all the needed taken care of. I’m kinda surprised that I chose to do all the shoveling before morning coffee. Looks like I’ll be in and will be appending to this day’s journal entry… The sun came out and make for gorgeous looking day, simply love the sunshine. Go figure, Alex's flight back from his week long business trip got cancel. So he booked another flight. He was supposed to be back around noon today, but he is now schedule to arrive by 7 o'clock this evening.  Poor guy what a long hectic day for him at LaGuardia. Yummy, chile verde shredded pork sandwich, it's the bomb, had it for lunch with a cup of egg drop soup. There is no doubt about how soup and sandwich goes so well together. The smoked pork came in a 14 oz package and I'm the only one eating it, guessing it's good for three hearty sandwiches. Made a run back home after lunch to take care of the snow, but it was super nice that one of my neighbors took care of the needed. We are so blessed. Anyway back to Alex's to dog sit… Watched Unforgivable on Netflix. Wow,wow, wow, I don’t agree with the negative reviews and thought it was an awesome drama. Thanks be to God, for my son’s safe arrival. This will be my last pen for the day. I need to kill the fat cow. Frying up a ribeye steak as pork chops to go with mashed potatoes and some mac and cheese for celebrate Alex’s return home. I’m sure he’ll be tire and hungry after a day like today. And certainly can do with a home cooked meal after being on the road. "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39). What another timely verse about separation. Christ endured the separation from the Father by becoming flesh and on the cross so that we never have to fear being separated the the love of God.

17 February 2022
Nice, there no precipitation, the rain did not change over to snow overnight! So we were able to relax and enjoy our morning coffee. I eventually began to snow around 1:30 this afternoon and it came down pretty good. It didn’t take long, by 3:30, before I had to go out and tend to the needed because of the blizzard like conditions. I did a second go a little after 5 o’clock to give it another once over before it turned dark. It seemed hardly worth the effort, because by the time I got to the bottom of the driveway, it barely looked like I did anything. I’m not sure it the intense snow was any worse than being in the wind gust. I needed something that was warm and hearty that was quick and easy to make, so I made us a nice and much needed piping hot pot of egg drop soup. Outside of shoveling, it was kind of a boring day, so I brought up the laptop and intended to download a boat load of photos and videos off my phone, but it proved to be too big of an undertaking. I should have just kept up with them. So the plan to do some as often as I can until I’m all caught up. The last time I ran a full virus scan was back in December and it took 3 hours and 5 minutes to complete. This time it took 3 hours and 28 minutes to complete, that’s and insane amount of time. Song of the day is, Soul and Inspiration – The Righteous Brothers. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?" (Romans 8:35). No matter how the battle is going, we win at the end and nothing will separate us from the love of Christ. Well time to relax and get ready for bed and count my blessings and being grateful to God for our Champion, Christ Jesus.

16 February 2022

Went out to put some gas in the car, $3.759, Thanks Joe. Dang, talk about being windy. Albeit, the temps did climb into the low 50s, it was still chilly. The grey skies and howling winds made for a dismal day weather wise. And when the rain move in, well, blah blah blah. Did a matinee, watched, Men in Black: International. It was only a so-so, but did help to pass the afternoon. I give the movie a 5 out of 10. One can't help but to routinely muse on covid related issues and just deleted a rather long pen about ... and ... Lord, you are the only one that can eradicate covid. We are too narcissistically obsessed with ourselves to work toward the common good. We got a winter weather advisory warning from midnight tonight until 9 pm tomorrow freezing rain and icy roads followed by snow. The temps will be taking a nose dive. It’s not going to be fun day tomorrow tending to the needed. We confess our sinful nature of not loving God with our whole heart and not loving our neighbor as ourselves. "For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another" (1 John 3:11). We are by the grace of God, called to love another.

15 February 2022

Aah, a good night’s rest and great cup of Joe. Couldn’t wait to pen the start of an awesome bright sunny day with a heart fill with gratitude, thankful for another day that is starting out rather cool but will continue warming up and not stop until it hits somewhere in the lower to mid 50s sometime tomorrow afternoon! Thinking this should be a super good melt. After that the temps will be bouncing up and down with a wild roller coaster with rain and another snow storm is approaching with 5 to 8 inches of more snow. That’s the Midwest for you… It ended up being a super nice relaxing day. Now this is what retirement is all about. We got notified that by Sam’s Club that the facial tissue and paper towels are stocked now. There wasn’t a supply chain issue in general; it was just that their Member’s Mark brand was out of stock the last time we were there. It was good to briefly out and about just to run a few errands for the needed. We finished up the last of the fuzzy melon soup; it was good to the last drop. I was musing about Nala and dogs in general. It’s funny how she grows on you after you spend time with her. It’s not clear to me as to why many people say that a dog is a man’s best friend, but I’m not going to dispute that. After seeing Fawn going around the backyard scooping up Nala’s poop, I can say with certainty that there is no way that I will ever have a dog as a pet. Believe it or not Alex has us playing country music for on the radio for Nala. Anyway, song of the day is, Check Yes or No – George Strait. "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." (1 John 4:10). We will never fully understand God’s love for us. It comes to us a grace. The reality is that apart from Christ, we are enemies of God and were reconciled to God through the passion of our Lord.

14 February 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day! I thank God for the blessing of an amazing family. Talk about changing it up, it’s been a while since I made us hash brown and sausage links for breakfast. We’ve been getting some pretty awesome sun filled days, but can do better in the temperature department. It’s my understanding that that will be coming about tomorrow as well as the after before dipping back into the cold. Thankful for the tease, but still wishing we were done with winter. Whoa, talk about big bucks, Super Bowl XVI 30 second commercials sold for roughly $6.5 million this year. The top three fan favorites where the Doritos: Flamin’ Hot, Amazon: Mind Reader and Rocket Mortgage: Barbie’s Dream House. My personal favorites were, Nissan: Thrill Driver, Avocado Mexico, and Lays: Golden Memories. Valentine’s Day ain’t complete without a little Ol’ Blue Eyes in it, My Funny Valentine – Frank Sinatra. “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it” (Psalm 118:24). All in all, it was a most beautiful day. But then again, how can it not be?

13 February 2022

The highlight of the day was chomping down on Colombian empanadas during Super Bowl LVI. It didn't matter to me which team won the game. In fact, I barely watched any of the first quarter because I was too busy snacking. Wow, there was a lot going on during the halftime show. Just didn't know what it was. It amazing that I couldn't even make out a single word that was said/sung (?). Congratulations to the Rams.

12 February 2022

I got a good night's rest and woke to bright sunlight, now that's sleeping in late! Thanks be to God for the night's rest and for another day. I looked out the window first thing this morning to see if the spots where there was water froze over, to my surprise the driveway and walkways were all dry and there were no icy spots and remnants of salt. Did the water evaporate? We were discussing over our morning coffee about the lifting of the mask date in Illinois and came to the conclusion that it had to happen sooner or later. It is clear that a lot of folks are comfortable enough to do away with social distancing and face covering. It seems that people are OK with the omicron covid variant for one or another. We continue to err on the side of caution, because we believe that so call experts and our leaders have failed us providing coherent safety guidelines. Prayers for the end of this plague. Lord, have mercy. I’m not sure why, but sunny days tend to truly rises up my spirit in contrast to overcasted days. Albeit wasn't an ideal day to go for a walk this morning because of the cold, but it was well worth it to catch some rays and get so fresh air. It is safe to say that today was the longest walk that I have taken so far this year. That's a good thing, because in my foolishness I ate half a paczki. And we are still 17 days before Fat Tuesday, I couldn’t help myself, it kept calling my name. One can see how the change in mood comes about when the sun gave way to clouds later in the day. Talk about lifted spirits, another blessing is soup for the soup. Today I made a big pot of fuzzy melon soup using pork bones. I got pics forwarded to me with Isaac and Peyton playing with calculators with a funny caption, "Typical Asian kids." I bought back memories of the pocket mechanical adding machines we had when we were kids as well as an abacus. Oh my goodness, Peyton is hoot. She’s talking more and more. . I’m so happy because we were on a video chat with all our kids on FaceTime. It’s not that often that Jennifer is able to join in. Because I’m feeling so good, how can the song of the day not be, Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys. I specifically looked up today's of the day that prayed for patience. “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2). I am so weary of the so called news media that seem to just hype everything up to attract readers and listeners to invoke a reaction to their agenda narrative to get views. I suppose it's a business and Satan is making use of the mass media. In my eyes, Biden and Trump are the opposite sides of the same coin that the different self righteous media personalities use fire up emotions that divide our nation. Wish the news was presented in manner with the two cents put in it. K, now I got that out of my system. Lord, help me to be more patient and understanding and work on my own shortcomings and purge the evil in my own heart. Thankful for my family who brings me great joy. Thanks be to God for the gift of family.

11 February 2022

Totally relaxed listening to, The Best Bill Evans, playing in the background. Funny, that I can't wait for the first drop of coffee in the morning, but prefer drinking tea the remainder of the day. Aah, earl grey. Wow, the temp soar up into the lower 40s and that was enough to cause a huge melt. I had to take a push broom and sweep the puddles of water as best as could give the ongoing melt. I ended up spreading an abundant amount of salt because the temperature is going to drop and the water will surly freeze over making the sidewalk super slick. I had a go at the pork with diakon stir fry for dinner and it turned out exactly as I envisioned this savory dish would be. I really loved how this dish turned out and love the health benefits of eating diakon. Prayers for our military and their families, especially for the troops that are deployed in foreign lands. So sad there are so much evil conflicts in this broken world, come Lord Jesus. Today would have been 110th birthday, happy birthday dad. The song of the day is, In the Still of the Night - The Five Satins. From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17). To repent is to turn away from our sins. It is good to keep in mind that, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

10 February 2022

All in all, it was pretty much a quiet day. The only thing that caught my attention was news on how the Full House actor, Bob Saget, hit the back of his head and thought nothing of it and went to bed and die. It brought a childhood memory of playing martial arts and one of the kids fell and hit his head on the concrete sidewalk and no one thought anything of it and then later he died in the middle of the night. It is best to err on the side of caution when it comes to a head trauma. I remember when Andrea was a toddler and a little boy and her collided with each other in the forehead. When I saw the quarter size goose egg protruding I almost fainted. Brr, the temps never got above freezing and with the wind chill, it felt so cold. These grey winter days make one truly appreciate whenever we get a sunny day. We have been doing a lot of driving and needed to gas up again. I was shaking my head a couple days ago, but now I’m really fuming that the price of gas is still climbing. Today we paid $3.689 a gallon for gas. Good thing we only needed five gallons. I suppose that is the price one has to pay if we prefer to shop at stores away from the crowds in town. We use to love walking and doing things in town, but it has grown so much. It’s really going to be something when people stop wearing mask altogether at the end of the month. We video chat with Andrea twice today, this morning Isaac was under the weather. Its crazy how parent need to keep testing for covid with their children. We were thrilled to learn that didn’t have covid and that he was back to his old self by the evening facetiming call. I always love seeing Peyton, what a cutie pie. Her vocabulary continues to increase and the clarity in her pronunciation is reminiscent of Isaac. Looks like another smarty in the making. "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing" (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Valentine's Day is only days away. I took a few moments to muse on the true meaning of love and that a selfless love for one another is what is asked of us. Always remember that we are able to love only because God loved us first. Actually, love starts and begins with God — not us. I was in a drum and bugle corps at a very young age and one the songs we played was called, “More.” One of the verses included, “More than the greatest love the world has known, this is the love I give to you alone.” When I first heard this, I thought to myself, wow! When I came to faith as an adult, I realized that was an untruth.

9 February 2022

It's clear to me that it didn't stay above freezing overnight, I had to chop the ice that formed from the water from the downspout. It got up into the low 40s and made for a nice short outdoor walk. We ended up with a relatively decent melt, but now the fear is how slick everything will become as the overnight temperatures will drops below freezing. Mmm, made a delicious zucchini stir fry for lunch. I have a diakon sitting in the refrigerator waiting for a recipe. Since the zucchini came out super good, I think I’ll cook diakon the same way I made the zucchini tomorrow. Oh wow, learned that the Biden administration is distributing crack pipes. What is that all about? Gov. Pritzker announced today that the Illinois indoor mask mandate is set to end at the end of this month. Prayers that this is the right thing to be doing and that the pending covid vaccine for young children will be safe and effective. My brother Bill called and told us that he finally received his free government home covid test kit. Hopefully ours will come in the mail soon too. We called Peggy to offer her happy birthday well wishes. This  covid pandemic is so frustrating. Song of the day is, Dust in the Wind –Kansas. "We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing" (2 Thessalonians 1:3). Increase our faith, O Lord. Lavishly fill our hearts with your love that it may over flow so that we are able to love our neighbors as you love us.

8 February 2022

It wasn't the warmest, but it was warm enough to inspire us to go to the outdoor outlet mall in Aurora and walk around. The outlet mall was relatively empty with only few people about. It makes one wonder how brick a mortar stores stay afloat. The thawing that took place today wasn't as much as had hoped for, but there was some melting and that's a good thing. I was really hoping for a big melt from the above freezing temperatures from today and tomorrow. More importantly, I hope we are done with major snow storms for this season. The overnight temperature is supposed to staying of freezing so all hope for substantial melting is not loss. I got creative today at lunch and made myself a taco dog? Albeit chili dogs are way better, I wouldn't take a pass on this hot dog concoction. I love watching cooking videos on YouTube and I subscribe to quite a few channels. It has become quite noticeable that many of the new video are bringing back depression era recipes and are commenting on inflation. I can't think about blaming inflation on anybody except for Joe Biden.

7 February 2022

Great, we only got negligible snow flurries again today! I can cope with that the remainder of the winter season. Albeit it was cold, it was good to get out of house and be out and about. The sun even eventually came out too. It's great to be noticing that days are slightly getting longer too. Guessing that is mostly my imagination with the sun shining so brightly against the blue sky. It's no fun being in the house on weekends, but that's what we do. With so few people out and about on weekday morning, I am comfortable doing my walks indoors in the big box stores like Target in the smaller and less populated towns like Plainfield and Oswego. Funny, how we use to work hard all week and couldn't wait to enjoy the weekends and now it is just the opposite. We had to stop for gas and paid $3.589 a gallon for it. Naturally, Biden's name came up with a grumble. We also had to buy groceries and our eyes rowed again, but we love the fact that we live near so many supermarket grocery stores and are able to buy groceries on sale as we well as able to pick the freshest fruits and vegetables available. Pork chops were on a bogo sale and made for a tasty lunch. Having tacos for dinner was awesome. I had to fight off my desires and limit myself to two of those bad boys. I’m seeing that the weather forecasters are expecting above freezing temperatures for the next two days. I’m praying that will come to past. I talked to Jennifer today and she is planning to come home for a visit some time is March. I’m pretty excited and plan to kill a fat cow to celebrate. It will be an opportunity to have a second go at braising beef short ribs in my dutch oven. Maybe that will be good time to have my first go at roasting a thanksgiving turkey. The turkey that Isaac won for coming in 1st place in the park district turkey trot race has already been sitting in the freezer for three months. It’s not clear what she wants me to cook for her, if at all. But dining out is out of the question and the best I can do is order takeout and nuke what’s on my plate. Song of the day is, Blinded by the Light – Manfred Mann’s Earth Band. "O you who love the Lord, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked" (Psalm 97:10). We need to oppose Satan and his evil works in our lives. Often times we associate evil things to the wicked people who do evil things and forget that they are in the evil one’s embrace. Let us pray for them also.

6 February 2022

I’m not sure why I felt so run down yesterday. I wasn't sick or anything, it was a low energy day that required several naps and going to bed super early. I thank God for the rest and for another day. I looked at the covid deaths in DuPage and Will County. So far there have been 30 deaths in DuPage and 19 deaths in Will County 5 days in the month of February. It's not clear to me why I keep tracking these statistics because we plan to continue taking precautionary measures even if so many folks don't seem to be. Fawn made us an outstanding summer fruit medley garden salad and tossed in a hard boiled egg in it to boot for a big hearty lunch. I watched the Pro Bowl for a couple of minutes. Their effort was so disappointing; I'm never going to get those minutes back. Thanks be to God for the quiet rest.

4 February 2022

Today is a much better day, the beautiful sun was shining and the sky was blue as can be most of the day. I am so happy whenever the sun is out during the winter months when the norm on most days a gloom and doom grey overcast. Late afternoon the sun gave way to just that and we got a short period of light snow flurries like yesterday. No complaints here after the dreaded 8+ inches we got a couple of days ago. At least we're half way done with winter. The cold is not a good feel, but it's better than 90+ with high humidity. Funny, I wonder if I do a 180 in the summer about sub zero weather. Normally I make beef chow fun for us, but with all the barbecue pork that I made the other day, we had a taste for some char sui chow fun. It was a delicious and much welcomed tasty change up. It is not clear to me if I prefer char sui chow fun or the gon chow ngau ho, both of them are so good. Here in America we are so blessed with the abundance of God's bounty. The supermarkets are always stocked plentifully. The only time I’ve seen empty shelves was at the beginning of the pandemic and people started hoarding goods. I really don't understand why this POTUS much like Obama insists on creating inflationary policies and creating a burden on the average American. With the skyrocketing prices across the board meat portions are starting to look like days past. Maybe that's a good thing. Fawn is very good at tracking things when they go on sale. Naturally, mama had me drive to Alex's to prepare the dish. I don't mind one bit because cooking is one of my joys, especially for the kids. I find it amazing that so many people actually like Starbucks coffee. I know Jennifer and Soo like drinking that bitter burnt stuff. Alex made a pot of that stuff that Soo bought when she was in town. I tried to dilute it down with milk, but nothing was going to help that coffee. It was hoping that it was just a figment of my imagination that it was bad as l always thought it was, but it was exactly as nasty as it always been. I just sipped on it with my meal and eventually finished half a cup before tossing the rest of it down the drain. If I remember correctly, I did enjoy a cup of their ice coffee, once upon a time masking it with a drizzle of caramel favoring. Fridays and Mondays are the best days to be out and about, I think it is because most people who are able to work from home choose to do so on these days in particular. The song of the day was a d00-wop, Image of a Girl – Safaris. I swear, those were the days playing vinyl. Verse of the day is, "I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold" (Psalm 18:1-2). I love you Lord because you have loved me first. May we always keep his charge and statues.

3 February 2022

Albeit it snowed, it was so negligible and hardly worth penning. Funny, that I always manage to find a way to complain about the weather most of the time. Made us bbq pork fried rice with the char sui I made yesterday and added a little Chinese sausage to make it a little more flavorful. There are countless variations of this rice dish but mine always seem to include peas and eggs.

2 February 2022

Happy Groundhog Day! 2/2/22 on a Tuesday no less. I'm reminded how blessed I am for having so mindful neighbors on both sides of me who helped with the bulk of the snow removal from our driveway and sidewalk though out the day. I went out and did the needed four times. I made us egg drop soup to soothe the soul. After a full 24 hour marinate, I warmed up the house roasting the char sui in the oven. It is a far cry from all ones I see posted on the Cantonese Food Recipes Group on Facebook, but it's getting there every time I make and tweak it. It is actually missing the five spice powder which is one of the main ingredients. It was still so very tasty nonetheless. Song of the day is, My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion. But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). There are many things we dream about that in reality are glorious in real life than they were in our imaginations. But when our Lord returns this event will be far better than we can imagine. Come Lord Jesus!

1 February 2022

Happy Lunar New Year! It was too nice of a day to stay in the morning hours, it was sunny and in the mid 40s. We just had to be out and about before the rain moved in the early afternoon. I'm guessing today was the first time I did an outdoor walk this year, sad that all the days blurred thanks to the covid pandemic. I'm resided to the fact it is here to stay. Not enough people are taking the coronavirus seriously. I don’t get it, 127 people died in DuPage County and 158 people died in Will County in January of this year. It is my understanding that a large portion of these people were unvaccinated and died needlessly. I started to say that I went for a long walk but the reality is that it wasn't any longer of a walk than usual, it just took longer. Gave some thought to the notion of heritage. This is not something new th i me, because for some strange reason American Born Chinese (ABC) seemingly don't quite fit in the way people perceive them. I always chuckle at my story about Jennifer and the reference to being German. That reality is we handed down our Lutheran Heritage to our children. Albeit Chinese people migrated to this country from the Guangdong province in China in the 1800s growing up ignorant people (some even educated) would ask me where I come from. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen that often anymore. To this day, I remember a U.S. border guard telling me that I didn’t look American. On the other side of the coin, there seems to be an expectation by Chinese people for me to be able to speak Chinese. I sliced up a pork shoulder butt and am marinating it in my version of a char sui marinate for tomorrow. The end result is close enough to call it char sui. I saw a video of Isaac, celebrating Chinese New Year with his preschool classmates. A worldwide view would be interested in how he sees the world and how the world will see him, but that’s not being a human being is. To be human is being righteous (which is a gift from God) and conforming to the will of God. It is our relationship with God that defines who we are. Talk about a mixed weather day, we have a winter storm warning of 4 to 8 inches is expected and a huge temperature swing downward. We finish up the store brought lo bak go and had some of the gai don go. I made up beef with bok choy for dinner, so all in all, it was somewhat like a typical eating day in China. Well, not really, we had oatmeal for breakfast. Well oat porridge as similar to “jook” the Cantonese word for Congee which is a rice porridge. Song of the day is actually two song by the same artist, Someone Like You / Roling in the Deep - Adele. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart” (Deuteronomy 6: 4-6). We would do well to take to heart to fear and love God and to teach this to our children.

31 January 2022

It’s already the end of January and 48 days before spring. The warmth of spring can’t come too soon. The plans to watch and care for Peyton today didn't pan out and didn’t see them. We made extra food for Andrea, Rob and Isaac, but since we didn’t see them, we decided to drop it off to Alex’s instead. Because the forecast calls for snow storm for both Wednesday and Thursday, we decided to go out today and shop for the week's groceries today. We made extra food for Andrea, Rob and Isaac, so we decided to drop it off to Alex. There is more food than we could possibly eat for the next couple of days. We stopped in the Walgreens to get our three free N95 masks. The temperature this past week must be idea for it to be barely melting the snow enough to form a slick sheet of ice on our driveway and walkway to the front door. Once again I had to chip the ice and lay more salt. I thought for sure there was surly enough salt on the ground to prevent that from happening. It was a sunny day and was hovering around 30 degrees most of the day. For sure today was the warmest day we had in a long while and it didn't even get above freezing. I grew up always thinking that, "Gung hay fat choy!" meant Happy New Year in Cantonese. It wasn't until I was much older that I learned that Happy New Year in Cantonese was a actually, "Sun nin fai lok" and that the previous actually means "wishing you great happiness and prosperity". I belong to the Cantonese Food Recipes Facebook Group and was looking at quite a few postings. Most of the Chinese New Year celebratory meals posted looked incredibly delicious. We went in the Chinese grocery store hoping to buy some car sui and roasted pork belly, no such luck. The Chinese grocery store was jammed pack and it seems that you needed to order ready made stuff  for Chinese New Year ahead of time. We ended up getting an overpriced diakon radish cake called "lo bak go" , and a sponge cake called, "gai don go". We didn’t get to the sponge cake, but the turnip cake was pretty good. Song of the day is, White Flag – Dido. I’m kind of I never hear this song or of this singer before, what a beautiful voice. "For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you" (Psalm 86:5). Let us therefore repent and cry out asking for God's forgiveness.

30 January 2022

Early pen and a short post before heading off to bed, gonna be a big day tomorrow. I'm more aware of the blessings we have been taking for granted and have often times failed to gratefully acknowledge them as gifts from God. First blessing of the day is simply for the rest at night and for another day. We are blessed with warm shelter and running water, food and clothing. I suppose I can eat just about anything I'm willing to buy and cook. Today we made sausage and spinach penne rigate for lunch and chicken and broccoli for dinner. It is ashamed that sausages are not a healthy choice, because I love eating sausages. I started to say that Italian sausage is one of my favorite. That is a true statement, but I can say also say that my least favorite is one of my favorite too, if that makes any sense. I had to go out again today to chop the ice the driveway and salt. The ice that formed came from the water from the downspout. Wish there is a better way to run the gutter water away from the house. We watched the AFC Championship game between the Chiefs and the Bengals and we were totally surprised at the outcome, congratulations to the Bengals.

29 January 2022

I have been eating toasted raisin bread with my oatmeal every day this week. It's so good, but I am pretty sure that it will eventually be showing as time goes on. I somehow injured my lower back not too long ago, but have since recovered from my infirmities. The problem is that I have neglected to get back to doing some sort of physical exercises for health and fitness, that changed today. I bundled up and had to go out and use the ice chopper on the driveway and the spread more snow melt on it. I swear, I don't understand how the snow melt and then freeze to a slick sheet of ice when the temperature stayed well below freezing. Best lunch in a long time, I make us gon chow ngau ho! This classic Cantonese dish is amongst my favorite comfort food since childhood. Another classic goto fave is Hong Kong style beef chow mein. One can’t consider one without giving thought to the other. And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35). May we be humble and first in the service of others and first in the eyes of God. Blessed and thankful, I woke up, have heat in our home, running water and food to eat and clothe on our back. God is good.

28 January 2022

The forecasters totally missed the call for today's snowfall. Luckily we only got about a half an inch of fluff and I had an easy go at it. Looks like we are going to get another night of subzero temperatures. I know it is supposed to snow in winter in the Midwest, but … Look like more snow is forecaster for a couple more days the middle of next week. This winter is going to be the worst gas bill we ever got because Nicor is now charging somewhere in the neighborhood of a whopping 110% increase compared to twelve months ago when it was 29 cent a therm. That even was a lot of money and was a big chunk of household budget. I learned that Nicor is going to lower the price of gas again for the second month in a row. In December Nicor they were was charging 68 cent a therm and is currently at 61 cent a therm. The price will go down another 10% to 55 cent a therm, but who is celebrating when they have doubled the price of natural gas from a year ago? I guess I’ll reside to not understanding this CPI and COLA 7% malarkey. All I know is amount of money I bring in from social security gets a COLA, but my expenditures exceed the money I bring in and we continue to deplete more and more of our savings every year at a higher rate than 7%. I think it is amazing that there are so many politicians with broken crime campaign promises who dare run for reelection and more amazingly get reelected. I know I often criticize about the violence in Chicago without offering any solutions. I've read countless articles about root causes of violent crime and means deterring crime, but violent crime still increase year after year. In my mind, I think it is caused by a breakdown in marriage, family and community and these are the areas that we need to address as individuals and collectively. Thoughts of crime in Chicago come to mind because my niece is moving back from California because they need a bigger place with for a growing family and it too expensive there to afford one place. The problem in my mind is they chose to move to Chicago. That is bewildering to me why anyone would choose to live there by choice. As newlyweds we moved into Naperville thinking it was a family friendly small town, which it was at the time. But now Naperville has become the fourth most populous city in the state that thinks it is a good idea to sell cannabis products in town. Our community moral values are eroding with the rest of America. Lord, have mercy. “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). Worship is a matter of the heart. May our wisdom and increase and by grace the gift of faith, our love and appreciation of God grow in spirit and truth.  

27 January 2022

Good to get out of the house on weekdays because there are fewer people around and we are able to practice social distancing. We went to the pharmacy to pick up my meds and stopped in the hardware store in the same shopping center. I think the mail-in rebate process Menards is stupid, but I guess paying the 58 cents postage to get the $2.30 rebate coupon is still money and a way for them to get people to come back to the store. Glad we drove by a Discount Tire, Fawn made a good call to tell me to pull in tire check drive thru service, because all the tire were about 3 psi under the recommended. Whoa, just looked that the covid deaths in Dupage and 25 more people died since I recently looked. That makes it 111 people died in the county so far this year and 26 more deaths in Will County making it 131 death so far this year. That is a 7 day average of 6 people. It drives me crazy that Covid-19 is the third leading cause of death in the united States. Why am I getting so worked up about something I have no control over outside of prayer. The song of the day is, How Deep is Your Love (cover) - Portrait. I am surprised every time I come across cover that I think is better than the original.

26 January 2022

Whew, we survived the cold of the day. I know I talk about the weather a lot, but today's excuse is who doesn't when you wake up to - 11°F? Albeit, we have coffee and oatmeal for breakfast most days, one can really appreciate a piping hot bowl of oatmeal and on a day like today. Wild horses couldn't drag me out the door today. Going to have to row the garbage curb side early tomorrow morning, it’s too darn cold go out to do it today. "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you" (James 4:10). We live in a culture of self-promotion. Our public schools teach us to get ahead to a point where humility is a forgotten virtue and often times seen as sign of weakness. We are coached to toot our own horn not just to get ahead, but to so just to keep your job. That’s be to God for our daily provisions.

25 January 2022

Brr, I thought for sure we were going to stay in ant hunker down, but we ended up layering up and braving the weather.  I was surprised at how much groceries we ended up buying from three different grocery stores. Guessing mama found a lot of stuff on sale that will keep for a while. We made stop at the Walmart to buy a bag of the Roadrunner Pet Friendly Ice Melt. It's the first time I ever bought the stuff and was blown away that a 20 pound bag cost $10.24. Really? I thought that was expensive. So we got on the internet and it turns out that price was the cheapest and the highest was $27.99 for the exact same thing. Since we were going to drop it off at Alex's, we decided to buy takeout food from Lucky Panda. It is by far one of the best Chinese American restaurants in the area. I returned a call to my brother Bill and couldn't believe that he wanted to go out to a Chinese buffet on Chinese New Year to celebrate. He should know me by now. I'm really am amazed at people's willingness to put the coronavirus behind them. I thought I would have too after receiving my booster shot, but with all the breakthrough cases happening, no thanks. I'll just stick to nuking my takeout food. I was surprised that the sun is now far enough off the southern horizon that there was no need for a visor, especially when I opted to do a Bronson and don a blank beanie hat to keep my head as warm as possible. As I am ready to rap up the journal entry, I looked at the forecast to see if there is an update, but everything looks the same. But dang its already -1 ºF. "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" (Philippians 4:8). It is so easy to find the negative in life that we that we more times than not, fail to pursue the character, the qualities, and the things of God's goodness. May we live up to the higher standard set before us. Lord, you are most worthy of praise.

24 January 2022

Déjà vu, the day started out pretty much like it did yesterday. We got about the same amount of overnight snow and my neighbor tended to the needed before I could get to it again with his snow blower. All I did was take the shovel to the snow on our deck in the backyard. Dang, what’s worst cold or snow? I just looked at the weather forecast to see if it will snow again. I ended up shaking my head the temperature was going to continue to drop to near zero degrees Fahrenheit and that tomorrow’s high temp will remain in the single digits. The good news is that there is no snow for the time being in the 10 day forecast, the bad news is that tomorrow's morning rush will start off at 2 ºF and will work its way all the way up to a whopping 10 ºF by mid afternoon and then continue to drop over night to -9 ºF to start the Wednesday morning rush. Lord, have mercy. Fawn made the exact same salad as yesterday for lunch, but toss in kiwi fruit to boot. She also heated up some tomato basil soup. Soup and salad is truly a lunch combo that really goes well together.  After lunch I kicked back and watched, The Marksman. They did a good job of portraying the drug cartels as the bad guys they really are. "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." (Galatians 6:1). It is tough to intervene in someone's life because we fear being branded judgmental and self-righteous. However, by not speaking up, we let many who are trapped by sin go to their spiritual death.

23 January 2022

My friend made a statement about the Omicron as being mild and the percentage of people with it have mild symptoms and the hospitalizations are low, but I didn't bother to engage in an argument about it. In my mind, albeit those statements are true, it is misleading and don't tell the whole story. The problem is we are talking percentage, the number of people getting covid has spiked to a point that the number of covid related hospitalizations and deaths are notable. My point is that our hospitals are affected. I've been looking at the covid deaths in Dupage County since the beginning of the pandemic, but Naperville is actually in both Dupage County and Will County. To my surprise the number of covid deaths in Will County since the beginning of the year is 106 compared to 86 in Dupage County. I suppose all I need to know is the Naperville Sun Headline, "Edward Hospital in Naperville  reports highestest COVID hospitalizations count of pandemic". Enough gloom and doom talk. Happy Sunday! Thanks be to God for the blessings of the day. Once again I am thankful for my good neighbor Ken, he must have been out super early and tended to the 4 inches of overnight snow. I bundled up and salted the driveway and walkways and shoveled the snow off the deck in the backyard. Crazy that another winter weather advisory have been issued, this time for 2 to 3 inches more starting overnight until the noon hour. Fawn made super garden salad garden salad that was loaded. Iceberg lettuce, carrots, red cabbage, strawberries, blueberries, mandarin orange, hard boiled egg, and croutons, perfect with blue cheese dressing. A little over a week ago, we were missing three puzzle pieces. We were so thrilled to get the replacement puzzle until we noticed that the new puzzle pieces color didn't match the original puzzle. Sigh... we were hoping to just sort out the three pieces and be done with it. Oh well, guess we'll have to have another go at this puzzle another time. My grandson Isaac is a real good dissectologist and it take a lot to impress me. I only mention this because as impressive as he is on how he goes about solving a new puzzle, he is even more impressive at his second go at the same puzzle. He is super fast at it and don't need to look at the box as a reference and just knows where every piece goes. I have no recollection of ever doing the same puzzle twice, but I guess that will change now. We watched the Buccaneers vs Rams game. Grr, feeling bad for the goat as they got knocked out of the playoffs. I'm totally blaming the defense. The second game today was between the Chiefs and Bills, and it was one heck of a shootout between two good quarterbacks. The Chiefs walked away on top in OT. This was the best NFL game I seen so far. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5). Lord, grant me spiritual wisdom from above to guide my heart and lead me in your ways. Hope to get up early enough to get to some of the snow and at least clear the sidewalk for the kid that need to walk to school. Thanks be to God who provides us food and shelter.

22 January 2022

Yummy, good eating day that started out with breakfast sandwiches. The toasted Big Apple asiago bagels with ham and eggs were very tasty. Oh wow, there was about an inch of lard on top of the broth. So glad we got rid of fat and simmered short rib on the stovetop and thicken the broth into gravy. Folks were right, beef short ribs taste better the next day! I'm thrilled that the short ribs came out so tasty and delicious. I think I'll make it for Jennifer when she comes back for a home for a visit. Alex joked that she's the prodigal child that I'll be killing the fat cow for. Albeit, we got a store bought birthday cake for Andrea, the plan was for Isaac to make funfetti cupcakes with his uncle Alex, but he was too mesmerized watching the Disney Encanto animated movie. Alex ended up making the cupcakes with Rob. I loved the chocolate cake with whip cream and a strawberry filling. Whip cream beats frosting anytime of the day. Ten more people died of covid in our county yesterday, which brings the covid death toll to 86 people since the beginning of the year. I given up tracking the number of new covid cases because it is rampant and I am residing to the fact that it is out of control and people seem to frankly don't give a damn. It is also clear that our hospitals are being overwhelmed and that adequate medical care is in jeopardy, Kyrie eléison. It was so cold out, that the first thing I wanted when we got home was to finish off the soup we made earlier in the week. I changed my bowl of soup to a hot and sour soup by adding hot sauce, ketchup, lemon juice, and red wine vinegar to it. Ah, that hit the spot! Better go to bed a little early now, we have a winter weather advisory in effect. The weather forecasters are predicting 3 to 5 inches of overnight snow. Thanks be to God for the awesome day with family. You are good, O Lord, your mercy endures forever.

21 January 2022

Brr, yep it was one of those days when you go out in the cold and was wishing spring was around the corner. The temperatures in the teens seem is so so cold. Well at least the sun was out. It's hard to believe we went out to buy groceries three times this week. Albeit, the price for groceries is higher than ever, we are blessed to have so many grocery stores competing in the area. I can imagine how high the prices would sky rocket otherwise. I remember when the Dominick closed down and the Jewels took advantage of the situation until Mariano's took over the property. Mmm, it was a two breakfast day, the morning started out with a hot bowl of oatmeal and a toasted eggo waffle. And the noon time meal was a ham, tomato, pepper, onion omelet. It was the perfect timing to break open the twelfth bottle of the twelve bottle set of hot sauce I got Christmas 2020. Turns out the Sizzlin' Scorpion Fiery hot sauce was the best. It was the perfect blend of cayenne peppers, habanero peppers and tabasco peppers. Normally, I go through a single 3 oz. bottle every month, but I not sure why this past year was different. Well, I did it! I had my first go at braising beef short ribs in the oven with a dutch oven. Some folk say do those bad boys low and slow at 250 °F while others say 300 °F and other as high as 350 °F. I opted to go with 290 °F. Why 290? LOL, it was just to make it my own. I used carrots, onions, garlic and thyme as my aromatics and purposely left out the celery because Alex doesn't like the taste of celery. The house smelled so good and it was nice and toasty all afternoon. And yes, it is as good as folks say it is and I didn't use cooking wine. Now I'm hoping it will be even more flavorful tomorrow. Another perfect timing, russet potatoes was on sale for 9 ¢ a pound at Jewels. We only three potatoes because it was limited to 3 pounds and the three potatoes weighted about two and a half pounds. I tossed the potatoes in the oven as a baked potato side. I wasn't done cooking through, made Andrea and Alex beef with bitter melon and rice for an umami flavor fix from the fermented black bean. The name is somewhat confusing, because it is a salted fermented soy bean that turns black. Thinking about my three kids and how they have all grown up so quickly. Seem like only yesterday that they were like Isaac and Peyton. The American singer Meat Loaf passed away today. I only know of him through the movie, School of Rock and the Rocky Horror Picture Show. In honor of his memory, the song of the day is, What Ever Happened to Saturday Night. What the heck, I saw that I somehow had a ton of Youtube subscriptions and had to manually unsubscribe them. Hmm, what’s going on? "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life" (Galatians 6:7–8). God is not to be mocked. We are to walk in the Spirit and not by the sinful nature of our flesh. May the gift of the Holy Spirit transform us. Time for bed for a early start. Funny thinking about Rob, love him like my own. He has proven himself to be a great Dad and Husband as well as blessing. It’s going to be a great day tomorrow!

20 January 2022

Sweet, I came across a reassuring article about, making beef short ribs ahead. "The good news is that braised short ribs can be a make-ahead meal. The beef is braised until it is fully cooked, and then cooled in the pan and refrigerated overnight, still in its liquid. The next day, all the solidified fat is scraped off from the top and the pot is gently reheated over a low simmer... You don't have to refrigerate the ribs after cooking them—you can serve them right away—but the flavors do intensify overnight and become more complex. The amino acids in the proteins of the meat combine in various ways to produce new flavors. Meanwhile, the carbohydrates in the carrots and shallots break down into sugars, enhancing the dish's sweetness. The fact that you can skim off the solidified fat the next day is also a plus." I made us a stir fried medley of vegetables using broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms and onions for dinner. Fawn likes for me to whip up meatless dishes for us every now and then. I started penning about covid with blah blah blah, and just deleted it. I'm sick and tire of covid and we all know what we have to do. The song of the day is, Born Under a Bad sign - Cream. The verse, "If it wasn't for real bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all" cracks me up. It started musing about luck and don't believe there is such a thing as luck and believe all things happen for a reason and that God works all things together for the good of those who love him.

19 January 2022

“The essence of morning prayer is to thank God for sleep, rest and regained strength and to pray that He will help us do everything to His glory. Express this to Him with your mind and with your whole heart.” –Saint Theophan the Recluse. Thanks be to God for the rest at night and for the gift of another day. May we glorify God in everything we do. Talk about psyching myself out, I did a cooking kata of how I perceive what I was going to go about preparing the beef short ribs, crazy. I finally got around to breaking off a piece of the Chunky chocolate my sister Nancy got for me for Christmas. It was one of long time favorite candy that I haven't had for so many years. "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12). May we follow this golden rule.

18 January 2022

No way we were going to be locked in on a weekday when the temps were in the mid 40s on a January day. So we drove out to the Danada area. Fawn went to town with the Sierra gift card she got for Christmas. We got a much better melt than I anticipated. I gave the driveway and all the walkways a good salting because the temperature will drop back below freezing again and will most likely make the pavement slick. It's not clear to me when was the last time we were at the Yorktown mall, but for sure it's been a super long time since we been at the food court there. We weren't sure if the Sarku Japanese place was still there. We went there just to get two orders of their teriyaki chicken to go a brought it over to Alex's for lunch and to get the beef short ribs we stored in his freezer. Yes sir, it's going to happen. I have the three packages of short ribs thawing in our refrigerator now. Because it will take some time to braise in a dutch oven, Fawn wanted me to make it ahead of time on Friday for Saturday's celebration. She also thinks it will somehow taste better the next day. So I looked it up and I saw the flavor do intensify with time and chilling it to defatten it is a plus. "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). May the Lord strengthen us with his Holy Spirit to overcome the temptations that separate us from him. Thanks be to God for the gift of life.

17 January 2022

I'm not a fan of gray skies, but at least it was a light gray and not a dark gloom and doom overcast. I may be sharing too much information, but I put on my thermal underwear and layer up to go out and run errands. I tend to complaint about the weather a lot and came across some wisdom? “When we complain about the weather, we are, in reality, murmuring against God.” ― A.W Pink. If this so, forgive me Lord. The day started out in the mid 20s and held steadfast to it the entire day. We had to get meds from the Sam's Club and stopped at a few store to get more groceries. It’s so hard to find good fresh organic vegetables. The biggest shocker was the price for jasmine rice from Thailand. I think it cost $27.99 for a 25 pound bag last summer; it cost $36.99 this time around. The 7% COLA is total BS. I read the other day that even Dollar Tree is even selling items for $1.25. Initially walking in the big box stores was fine, but it started to getting crowded with teenagers off school for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It is great that Martin Luther King Jr. is being honored as one of America’s greatest hero. I made us some fuzzy melon soup for dinner. I am thankful for this gift from our Lord's bounty that comforts our soul. I tossed a couple of the leftover dumplings from the other day in my bowl of soup, yummy. I’m so excited about finally doing the beef short ribs this coming weekend in the super nice dutch oven I got for a two Christmas ago. That is how long I have been thinking about this day. It will be a first for me, and have been looking a ton of how2 cooking videos and am staying away from trying to reproduce what the British chefs are doing. Everything I’ve seen points to them as being very terrible cooks. I still have Isaac’s turkey in the freezer and am clueless when I will get the opportunity to do my first turkey too. I’ve always wanted to make a turkey but… well I’ll just keep that to myself. I played it the equalizer settings on my smartphone and was thrilled at the sound quality on it using my JVC earbuds while listening to music. Song of the day, I’m Your Captain (Closer to Home) – Grank Funk Railroad. "Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:14-15). May we be more than a flicker of light that shines God's glory to a dark world around us.

16 January 2022

Oh wow, albeit a cold day, the sunshine alone made my day. I was grateful yesterday that my neighbor Yi went over all our walkways and driveway with his snow blower. How easy it is to overlook just how blessed we are to have such caring and mindful neighbors on both side of us. Happy birthday to my baby girl! We did a Facetime and even though it was Andrea’s birthday, I found as much joy just seeing how happy the our grandkids are playing with each other. I more videos and photos, but I’m not even close to wrapping up the ones I downloaded yesterday. I've been complaining about the high cost of meat, but I failed to mention that we got a package of center cut bone-in pork chop for only $2.28 a pound the other day at the Sam's Club. The pan seared pork with caramelized onions made for a most delicious lunch. Initially I thought it was weird that Fawn handed me a can of cream on corn to heat up, but it worked out well as a side. I find it so odd that I'm the only one that loves eating the meat off the bone. But that works for me when everyone cut the meat off the bone and gives it to me. I'm glad my family is able to put up with my lack of etiquette while I'm satisfyingly gnawing the meat off the bone. Clearly they are unaware that this is the best tasting meat of all. There was a little pork chop left and some leftover rice from a couple days ago that needs to be eaten up, so I made fried rice with it for dinner with all the different small leftovers dishes to clean out the refrigerator. The song of the day is one of my all time favorite, Layla - Derek & The Dominos. Thanks be to God there wasn't any covid deaths in our county yesterday, but am sad that the seven day average was six deaths. I continue to opt to watch the televised Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral instead on attending the Divine Service in person. Prayers for day the day that it will be safe for us to gather with other parishioners and receive Holy Communion. "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16). May we keep in step with spirit who gives us life.

15 January 2022

Thanks be to God for the rest of rest and the gift of another day. It looks like we got a dusting of some overnight snow. Initially it started out looking like a gloom and doom day, but the sun broke through mid morning and brightened up the remainder of the day. The cold returned and we stayed indoors. We tend to do that on weekends and avoid the crowds that are out and about. I better watch it, I'm starting to eat big again on breakfast, I ate a raisin toast along with my oatmeal. It may not seem like much to some, but my metabolic rate is slow and I eat only eat around 1500 calories a day to stay at about 150 pounds. I got on the laptop and downloaded a ton of videos and photos from Christmas on. So much joy watching them, we can't get enough them. I see that Peyton is starting to say words very clearly now. I remember Isaac being able to put sentences together at an early age. I think it has a lot to do with Rob actually speaking to him instead of baby talking to him when he was small. I was inspired by a video of Rob doing a indoor cardio workout with Isaac and Peyton. I took a baby step with starting back up with doing resistance training again since my lower back injury and only did a few stretches with the resistance band and a few reps the pair of five pound dumbbells. Naturally, one can barely call that exercising, but I rather cautiously go about it than regretting it. That's me in a nutshell, always trying to err on the side of caution. We did a fusion lunch today, still doing can soup because we need to consume them before they reach the expiration date. The Progresso Tomato Basil was so good. I also took out a bag of store bought frozen gyoza potstickers and cooked them on the stovetop. I can’t believe I sat through and watched one of the dumbest sci-fi on Youtube. I must have been totally bored. I made us stir fried beef and bok choy for dinner. Meals are so good fresh vegetables. Jesus said, "... If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32). Lord, help me made better choice and free me from the bondage of sin.

14 January 2022

Whatever covid-19 variant is going around the all time covid cases graph in our county is showing an unbelievable spike. Folks are calling the symptoms mild, but try saying that to the families of the 55 people that have died of covid in DuPage County since the beginning of the year and to the folks in our over run hospitals. Good luck to us if you need surgery or a hospital bed. Fawn made us tuna salad sandwiches and I heated up a can of Progresso creamy chicken noodle soup to go with it. Albeit, canned soup is a far cry from homemade soup, it is quick and convenient. Sigh, we finished the puzzle and there were three missing pieces. Hoping to get the missing puzzles pieces soon. I came across some really good music covers, Under the Boardwalk (Cover) – The California Honeydrops   & Gramps Morgan -People Like You (Saxophone Cover) by Ariana Stanberry. As much as I enjoy the Drifters, it is so rear to come across a cover that I think is better rendition than the original.

13 January 2022

Thanks be to God for the rest at night and for another day. Wow, a gorgeous sunny day in low 40s. How often does one get to say that in January? I am so the forecasters were wrong that that it was going to be a cloudy day in the mid 30s. I was able to get in a very nice 40 minute walk. Clearly, I'm not very good shape again, because I haven't been routinely exercising. I’m thankful that my back pain has subsided and that I'm able to walk again without any discomfort. I’m a little sad that I was only doing a Slowsky and will need to gradually pick up the pace. It’s nice that the sun is starting to head back north and is getting higher off the horizon. I can wear a baseball cap now and not worry about the sun glaring straight ahead while driving. We finally had some luck finding some really good looking fresh vegetables at the Chinese grocery store. I'm not sure why, but I finally got around to look at the food court area to see what was there. I was surprised to see that they had a typical fresh cook meat vendor there. We decided not to buy any; well actually Fawn decided against buying anything and said that I could make it. Now that's flattering, well I'll take it as compliment anyway. I made us a beef, tomato, pepper and onion stir fry over Cantonese pan fried noodles. This dish also brings back childhood memories; the only thing missing from the recipe is a splash of Seagram's.

12 January 2022

Thank you Lord for the warmth of the day. It is strange that it made it into the upper 30s on a cloudy warm while it remain in cold on the sunny days we had. Albeit the forecast for another cloudy day for tomorrow, I’m glad it will make it into the mid 30’s. So we be thawing a tad more again. After penning my journal entry last night, I joined mama in a little more fun. We just went on and on talking about these two little bundles of joy. With the addition of today's efforts, the photo puzzle is now about 70% complete! Is it too early to start thinking about how to go about framing the gem? I woke up hungry this morning, so I had raisin toast with my usual bowl of oatmeal. I pan fried us some burgers and made mine into a patty melt with pepper jack cheese. Normally, I like the classic American hamburger like the ones Portillo's make, but do enjoy hamburger sandwiches regardless whichever way it is presented. What's not to like about ground beef? There are so many comfort food recipes that use it. We went out to the pharmacy and run a few errands in the Oswego area, since we use the Sam Club pharmacy. I actually like shopping in the Oswego and in Plainfield area. I used to love doing things in town, but Naperville has grown way too much and has lost the small town feel that attracted us here many years ago. I never liked being in a crowd, so imagine how I feel now, with the coronavirus spike. Going in the big box stores early on the weekdays when few people are out and about works out great for us. Crazy to be celebrating the above freezing temperatures. Two months ago, I would have been mumbling and grumbling. I'm already looking forward to spring. I am reminded just how hard our healthcare workers are working and am appreciative of them, thank you, thank you, thank you. "I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness" (Isaiah 42:6-7).  Lord, take my hand and lead me back to Eden.

11 January 2022

Thanks be to God for Alex's safe return! So I did the cowboy steak, and ... K I didn't follow the how2 reverse sear. I just gave it good sear and did slow and slow and the steak came out just OK. I prefer the way I make my normal inch thick in-bone ribeye steak. This ended up tasting like a cross between a steak and a roast. The reason I didn't go with the reverse was all the video did butter bath, ewww. Not that butter is disgusting; it's just that when I see that much melted butter, I cringe. I gasp whenever I see people soak up seafood in a melted butter. The stir fried snow peas side and rice made for a satisfying fusion meal. Fawn requested egg drop soup for dinner. I thought it was a good idea to go light too, because lunch was definitely on the heavy side, but that what happens when you kill the fat cow to celebrate. After dinner we had fun working on the jigsaw puzzle. We are about half done with it and the pieces are starting to fall in place a little quicker now. In fact mama is still having some fun with it as I'm penning this journal entry. "Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (Psalm 118:5-6). May we be aware of God’s presence in our lives.

10 January 2022

Here I go again talking about the cold. It got all the way up to 15 °F during the noon hour before dropping back into the single digits in the evening. Still hoping the cold snap will come to an end soon. By ending, I mean getting above freezing for at least a day or two would be nice. I’ve been drinking organic green tea to keep warm. It's my understanding that there are many health benefits from drinking green tea, but just enjoying a warm cup is reason enough for me to do so. Talk about enjoyment, I’m going to have to make this a quick pen so that I can watch the CFP National Championship between #1 Alabama and #3 Georgia. I think this will be a good game and a closer one when these two met a month ago during the SEC Championship game. We went out to buy some grocery items for lunch tomorrow to celebrate, Alex’s safe return home from another one of his business trips. We can’t help but worry all the time whenever one of our kids is away. Among the goodies, will be my first go at cooking a black angus cowboy steak! It’s my understanding that something this thick need to be reversed seared. “Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name” (Hebrews 13:15). I was reminded by a FB friend of mine how easy it is to praise God when everything is going well and not so much whenever we are down in the dumps about one thing or another, but she was found it easier to do by listing the things that come to mind that she is most grateful for. May we continually praise and acknowledge God to be the Lord.

9 January 2022

Mama joined in the fun and we spend the evening working on the puzzle. Before we knew it, it was late and I didn't feel like penning a journal entry and went to bed, so here I am in the morning penning a journal entry in the morning. The jigsaw puzzle is now about 35% complete. Anyway yesterday, we layered up and went out early to the grocery store again to get some fresh vegetables before it got crowded. I hate below freezing temperatures. How in the world did we some freezing rain when the temperature is so cold? I looked out the window this morning and it looked like an ice skating rink. Even though I like thermostat set at 72 all year round, we have been leaving it set at 74 because it has been below freezing temperatures for so many days now and have had had several sub zero overnight temperatures. We are doing our best not to let the water pipes freeze up or worst burst on us. Praying for an end to this cold snap. We watched the televised Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral this morning. I only mentioned it because it we left the television on afterwards and the Lakewood Church Service came on. Joel Osteen, what a contrast! My poor hands, its bad enough what the harsh winter does to them, but with the constant use of hand sanitizers when out and about, they are so dry and I need hand to apply hand cream more often to moisturize them... I’m not much into watching NFL games until the playoffs, but here I am penning a journal entry at 11:30 pm after watching the Chargers and the Raiders go at in OT for a playoff spot. Congratulations to the Raiders for their win in an exciting game at the final game of the regular season. The question isn't whether or not I was going to have to open the bag of ice melt, it was when I was going to. Hard to believe how thick the sheet of ice was. I ended up spreading about 25 pounds of it on the walkways and driveway. The sun was deceiving, albeit in the upper teens and layering up, it still felt very cold. You got to be kidding, you need a vaccination card and a ID to to eat in Chicago, but you don't need a voters card and ID to vote. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:19 - 20). Out of the riches of God's grace, may we lay up treasures in heaven. Thanks be to God for a day in him.

7 January 2022

Brr, another day in the deep freeze. It was -4 °F outside when I woke this morning and it was single digits throughout most the entire day. The high of the day eventual made it to 10 °F. I really don't know what to expect on the week ahead because to forecast keeps changing every time I look at it. Lord, have mercy. Was musing about the importance of morning prayer giving thanks for the rest of the past night and for the gift of a new day. I've been singing, "We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God" every morning when I wake and every evening before going to bed for a while now and have come to learn this most beautiful canticle by heart. It is also helpful to petition God to be with us and to guide us to walk upright in his ways. Had a go at sorting the puzzle pieces and whew, what a relief it was to find all the missing perimeter tabs. I completed about 20% of the puzzle and my happy with the progress. I was stunned to see the January 6th Coronavirus Report for DuPage County, Deaths: 6, 7-day avg: 3, People Hospitalized: 109,026, People in ICU: 20, 219. This is not a good report. I was shocked to see this today. Most of the time when I look, the covid deaths is usually 0 or occasionally 1 and the 7-day average is usually 0 or occasionally is 1. More alarming to me is the spike in covid cases in Naperville and to what is happening at Edwards Hospital in Naperville. "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:1-2). Lord, grant that I may walk in selfless love. Time to relax and watch the US Figure Skating Championships.

6 January 2022

Brr, it was another bitter cold day. The high of the day was 14 °F, a whopping one degree warmer than yesterday. We are expecting sub zero overnight temperatures and the expected high for tomorrow will be 11 °F. Thanks be to God for providing food and shelter. Well at least the global warming and climate change police aren't crying wolf today. I'm glad some action has been taken like vehicle emissions testing to get those otherwise nasty cars off the road, the only objection I have is the frequency of testing and the few number of facilities. And it makes no sense not to test those diesel buses and trucks. Like usual the rules make no sense. I personally think the big contributors to green house gases are those forest fire in the US. I wonder if China can do more to mitigate their poor air quality. There I go again, yapping about others like a hypocrite. I need to be more like Fawn and try to practice conservation and be more mindful of my own carbon footprint. Another good eating day, made us e-fu noodles with mushrooms for lunch. I had a little more fun working on the puzzle, so relaxing. I think that I've completed about 10% of the puzzle, but I'm concerned that I seem to be missing four boarder pieces. Hoping I just missed them and will come across them during my next sorting phase. Loved the collect of day (Epiphany). Outside of praying the psalms, I love praying collects because they are so well structured and succinct.

5 January 2022

The most difficult decision I had to make today was to choose which puzzle to work on, because I liked them both. I ended up choosing to work on Christmas Toy Shop one only because it would be too weird to work on that puzzle any other time of the year. But silly me, mama told me to work on the photo collage jigsaw puzzle gifted to me by Isaac and Peyton instead. I limited my time to sorting and doing the perimeter pieces. Too bad, the puzzle didn't fit on my puzzle table because of the extra column on the 1,014 piece puzzle at had to take out the puzzle mat. I look forward to finishing this one and framing this keeper. I’m finding it a little annoying that I am seeing a few of my friends on Facebook making fun of people wearing mask. Its one thing not to want to wear a mask but it is another to make fun of others that want to wear a mask and social distance themselves is just wrong.  I read that unvaccinated people are about six times more likely to test positive than vaccinated people, nine times more likely to be hospitalized, and 14 times more likely to die from COVID-related complications. Edwards hospital reported the highest covid hospitalization count of pandemic and Naperville reported a 3,712 covid cases in 14 days and is a new record of covid cases for the city. No visitors are allowed in the hospital and has postponed all elective surgery so the hospital beds remain available.

4 January 2022

I hopped on the scale this morning and had mixed feelings. Initially I was thrilled but then I googled, "average american holiday weight gain". According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American gains around a pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Guessing that means the gaining 5 pounds is only a myth. Anyway, I gained a lot more than a pound, but my weight varies more than a pound from day to day at times. I'm thinking that I should be fine if I just go back to eating normal portions. And at least all those sweet temptations aren't in my face calling my name. It's very telling when you had your fill of holiday sweets when you have chance to buy a Stan's donut and turn it down when we were out and about running errands and shopping for groceries. The truth is, I thought hard about it and only said no to it because there was leftover pizza slices in the refrigerator that still needs to be eaten. We had to do a return at Eddie Bauer's and was totally surprised that downtown Naperville looked a ghost town with all ample storefront parking in the street. Glad I able to be able to start doing a few more different exercises, but am staying away from even doing a few reps with a five pound pair of dumbbells for now. I'm sure that may be overly cautious, but lower back pain is no fun at any age. Doing it old school Cantonese style by having a cup of soup with your meal. Albeit it was only leftover soup with leftover beef and broccoli over leftover rice. Was looking over the utility bills and felt that the city of Naperville approved modest increase for water and electricity was reasonable, but Illinois Commerce Commission approved natural gas cost by Nicor Gas increase is totally unacceptable. I thought the price for gasoline was bad enough. Biden vs. Carter immediately came to mind, hoping we don't have a repeat of those inflationary Carter days. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8). May we always act justly and pursue mercy. Teach me O Lord your ways.

3 January 2022

Brr, it definitely wasn't my idea to go out and brave the weather this morning. How cold was it? The high of the day was 20 °F. We went to hand full stores to do holiday returns. Among the returns was a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that I bought for myself to work on be sometime during the winter months, but the two puzzles I was gifted will keep me happily busy for a while. Even though it was much colder today than it was yesterday, I was able to get away with a lot less layers because I wasn’t out in cold very long and walked around in a few of the stores for a little of the much needed exercise. So glad to see masking up because the average covid-19 hospital admissions at Edwards Hospital spiked in December and has been going up every week since. Fawn got me a nice scarf. It is kind of surprising that a piece of cloth around the neck is able to keep you so much warmer. I haven't hopped on the scale for some time and plan to do so again starting tomorrow. I know I've been enjoying food more than I should on been since Thanksgiving. It's time go back to eating normal portions and abstaining from overly indulgence so often. Had more of the soup today, but added some ramen noodles to it to turn it into a hearty meal. I still have one more quart left in the refrigerator. Song of the day is, I'm Not in Love - 10cc. "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age" (Titus 2:11-12). Salvation by the costly grace of God summons us to move away from a ungodly lifestyle in response to God's grace.

2 January 2022

Every morning when I wake I hope that I don't feel any discomfort on my lower back. But at least when I shoveled the snow yesterday in didn't seem to add to anything. I'm thankful that the initial nagging stiffness and pain has faded away and am praying that all discomfort will do likewise. Brr, I'm going to have to relearn how to deal with the dreaded coldness of winter again. Anybody that knows me well knows that I think anything below 72 ºF is cold and anything above is hot. I’ve yet to acclimate to temperature below the freezing point, especially subzero weather is brutal. I love my old hooded winter coat, because I am able to layer up wearing a tee shirt, thermal shirt, fleet shirt, ultra light down jacket, and hood sweat jacket, under it. Talk about once upon a time, being big and overweight. It was definitely no fun to tend to the overnight snowfall. I thank God for my neighbor and long time friend Ken, who helped me out by hitting my driveway with his snow blower. Yummy, mama made spaghetti! Getting spoiled with a store bought spinach and cheese manicotti that you just toss in the oven along with your own pasta sauce. Normally, we have spaghetti is an entrée, but with the addition of manicotti, what did we have for lunch? Did we just eat two sides, two entrée or an entrée with a side? LOL, who really cares, it was good eating and I shamelessly licked my plate clean. Oh my, another awesome Christmas present, a Shutterfly 1014 piece 5 photo jigsaw puzzle collage from my two crowns, Isaac and Peyton. It's going to be fun year with three new jigsaw puzzles. Interestingly, I have completed more than a few jigsaw puzzles over the years, but never had one framed and have no doubt in my mind that I will be framing the puzzle collage of our grandkids with grandpa. It was a tour of Italy eating day, popped a DiGiorno frozen pizza in the oven for dinner. The slogan commercial slogan, "It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno", may be a slight exaggeration, but I do think it's the best tasting frozen pizza I’ve come across. "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). We prayerfully ask for the wisdom from above in the way that we number our days. Let us make the most of the time we have left in this world guided by wisdom as we go about our daily lives in the face of God. A thankful heart has won the day. I thank God for my children and my and grandchildren and the love and joy they bring me. May we number our days and gain a heart of wisdom.

1 January 2022Happy Year! I’m guessing that the lower back will have issues for a little while longer before I won't notice any difference between the left lower back side and the right. It's not clear to me if I strained a muscle or sprain a ligament on my lower back. I’m clueless as to even it was injured. I've been avoiding doing any lifting exercises, but that all ended this afternoon with the snowfall. I had a go at it right after watching the Fiesta Bowl game. Hard to believe that Oklahoma State owned Notre Dame and made an incredible comeback during the second half of the game from such a huge deficit. Made up a silken tofu soup with pork, napa, waterchestnuts and shiitake mushrooms to bring celebrate the new year. Lord, bless this new year.