Journal 2014

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 29, 2014
Ahh, that’s what I’m talking about, regular 8 hour days and another short week to boot. It is very telling when we say we’re leaving early today and it’s been 8 hours already. Just realized that we’ll be saying goodbye to 2014 in a couple of days. It’s insane that the second half of this year has flown by so quickly. That’s because all I did was work, work, work. Well, at least the bills are getting paid. If only I’d get paid for OT, we would be rich. We have been working so hard, it comes as no surprise that the U.S. is the most overworked nation in the world. Not really ranting, but am guessing will foolishly call my wishing there was a balance in life, whining. Thanks be to God, for his healing hand. How wonderful it is to learn that my friend Dave’s father is already home recovering and preparing for more additions needed surgeries next month.

December 26, 2014
Oh wow, what a beautiful sunny day in the lower 50’s, unbelievable. What was more remarkable was being able to purchase regular gas at a Mobile for $1.999! I’m sure cold winter days are right around the corner. Haven’t see prices like that for nearly 10 years. Albeit, week in and week out, Holy Mass comes at us full blast, the Christmas Vigil Mass was sublime in its own right. Full of grandeur that inspires awe that captivates our soul in the symbolism and liturgy. How can one not contemplate the Christ child in the manger and reflect on the fact that he came to save us? I've been musing about St Mary the past few weeks. I've always have a fondness reading about the saints in general. I was always struck by their devotion to God and living steadfastly according to his will. Albeit, I venerate many of the saints, because of their inspirational stories urges to on, I can see why some would not. I was stun to hear a Hindu friend of mine say that Mother Teresa is highly revered in India could possibly become a Hindu god in the future. There is much to admire about Mother Teresa but one has to wonder about unsound doctrine. Spending time with the family is really a joy.  We've taken the term decadent food to a whole new level and have been ODing on beef brisket and ham. Earlier today, I read a post on Weedon's Blog quoting Herman Sasse about the Lord's Supper. I started to comment that clearly the LCMS need to regain a sense of importance and centrality of the Eucharist in its parishes, but felt I'd be shouting in the mountain top to deaf ears. Folks will do what they will and best leave matters to those who …

December 22, 2014
Finally, winter solstice, so the day will now finally start to get longer rather than shorter. Imagine that, only an eight hour work day, so I was able to get off work and see the sun, sweet. Was able to whip up bitter melon beef before watching the Boca Raton Bowl game. It was a disappointing one sided game. I actually expected a much better showing.

December 21, 2014
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Christmas ay is right around the corner. It’s the festival that commemorates the birth of Christ. But many non-Christians also culturally celebrate it as an integral part of the holiday season with a mythical North Pole Santa Claus and his flying reindeers. Anyway, was struck by Mary, the mother of God, astonishing humility as she said, "let it be to me according to your word." What an aspiring example for us to follow. Prayers for our Lord's presence as my dear friend's father enters multiple surgeries this week following another heart attack.

December 20, 2014
I can’t believe the crowds out so early. Made several quick stops about town knowing all well toady is Super Saturday for last minute holiday shoppers. We stopped by Target first and then to Eddie Bauer and by the time we got out of Sam’s Club the parking lot was filled and crosstown traffic was horrendous. It was a good eating day. BLTs have to be among the all time ultimate comfort food. What in world is Krampus? Sigh… just did a google on it. Without looking deeply into it, it appears to be folklore of a St Nick counterpart of some sort where Krampus, the Christmas Devil, swats bad children with bundles of birch branches while St Nick give gifts to good children, unbelievable.

December 19, 2014
The final goal of man is communion with God. The path to this communion has been precisely defined: faith, and walking in the Commandments with the help of God’s grace. - Saint Theophan the Recluse. It’s been a long while since I posted anything on Larry’s World, but the above quote was too good not to share. I've been so busy with work and all. This week was exceptionally brutal. I don’t think Christian life is intended to be like this. I believe we are called to live in the world in a manner where there is time for ongoing spiritual growth. Albeit, I’m a little bit tire, I want to take this time to reflect as I pen. I know this stream of conscience writing isn't the best for best for clarity; I find it very therapeutic and brings God’s peace.  It is amazing what I've learned about Coran deo, given to us by Christ though his church, from our most learned teachers of him. It’s not clear to me if daily prayer is the foundation of the Christian life. I must be so different from so many folks who see God in the casual light of, Jesus is a friend of mind. Perhaps so, but in my daily prayers, I’m in complete reverent awe. I can’t help but to be humble in addressing the creator of the stars of night, holding each word close to asked clean heart. I hesitated earlier about prayer, because I believe in true presence in the Eucharist. Worship without the Mass just seem so strange and so wrong to me. It is in the liturgy we find the medicine given to us by Christ himself for our spiritual health. “So Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me” (John 6:53-57). Some parishes just don’t get the AND in Word and Sacraments, literally. It’s like has taken it upon themselves to deny Christ to those who desire Holy Communion. Come to think of it, the liturgy is the highest form of prayer. I've been pondering on the word obligation that my Catholic friends use quite often. I don’t know, but perhaps if one sees it like I do as regularly partaking of Christ’s offer of himself to us for the forgiveness of their sins and eternal life, one would no longer see this as an obligation, but as desired. Anyway, enough said, and perhaps too much said.

December 15, 2014
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16). . Ahh, enjoying a nice hot cup of Stash English breakfast tea as I begin penning my journal entry late this evening. O come, O come Emanuel. Indeed. Albeit, in the waiting and preparing for the coming of our Lord, we rejoice in hope and anticipation. It comes as no surprise to me how diverse our secular our society has become. Much of it no longer speaks of Christ, not even during the Christmas season. It holds us Santa Claus and merry making with secular carols. Often times I speak of faith along with good works when musing on salt and light. I am convinced that world do looks at the Christian. Albeit, no unbeliever will be saved by out good works because the little good we do are like polluted rags. I stopped surfing and have abstained from online sites because they are so painful to read and to me are hindering the gospel. I believe the gospel is more likely to be positively received if it is humbly presented then in a rude and tetchy manner. I felt a little out of place having lunch with group of Filipinos because they were all eating asian food and I was only one eating a ham and cheese sandwich. But I became very comfortable sitting at the table when the topic of the Filipino Advent Tradition of preparing for Christmas novena Masses called Simbang Gabi came about.

December 13, 2014
I really love the weekends. It's the only time I can get a little rest. My weekdays just fly by with the long hours at work. Advent, a season all about repentance in which we can’t help but to recognize that we are nothing but poor miserable sinners who have nothing apart from Christ. So why on the third week of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, do we move from the purple to rose?  Guessing it is much like Laetare Sunday during the Lent Season. So let us rejoice in the Lord. I read a very interesting online post, Luther Had His Chance,in the Orthodaox Christian Information Center website.

December 11, 2014
Was thinking about the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. For me, I consider this precept to be dogmatic. However, do appreciate the celebrating of an important mystery of the Christian faith. I am bothered by the terms, Holy Days of Obligation and dispensation. Oh wow, took a look at Jennifer’s global health and service blog. Her reflections are well thought out and her writing style puts my stream of conscience journal entries to shame. I think among the most loving thing one can do for their unchurched neighbor outside of praying for them is to invite them to the celebration of the Sunday Mass. Albeit, corporal works of mercies are in its own rights loving and beneficial to the neighbor, I think it pales by far to the works within the Holy Eucharist. Today was a good day, we took the time to go out a do chicken wings for lunch at the Crosstown Pub & Grill. In my mind, chicken wings have to be the ultimate comfort food. I couldn't believe my ears when one of the guys joking said their getting grilled wings because there healthier than fried. Doing them bad boys are just a plain unhealthy choice.

December 6, 2014
Silly me, thought I was going kick back and have a somewhat relaxing day. Can’t remember the last time I got to sleep in late. Was up early and out the door running errands by nine. Hard to believe we went to Kohl’s, Best Buy, TJ Maxx, Shop and Save, and Dollar Tree. Then it was a quick light lunch at Panda Express before continuing on to JC Penney, Jewels and finally Naper Library before heading home. What a busy day. It was a joy to get the spent the entire day with my wife. With that said, the highlight of the day was going to Mass. What more can one ask for? Heard the gospel preached by the Reverend Dr. Just and received Jesus in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. I know it sounds crazy, but with the kids rarely around, it seems more and more like days past, when we were just getting started. All in all, it was a not just a good day, it was a very good day.

December 5, 2014
It’s really nice to come from a work, have dinner and then relax to college football in the comfort of my home.It was a tough week, but we goterdone. Whoo hoo, NIU reclaimed the Mac championship. Albeit, only Fawn, Andrea and Alex went to NIU, I’m a Huskie football fan. I became interested in the sport as a spectator since the kids started going to school there.

December 1, 2014
It was a super long day, because we got a new load and had to wait for the maintenance window to end before we could start testing. At least I'll be able to sleep late in because I'll be working the later shift tomorrow. I was looking at the Fortress Press website to see the new releases for this coming spring and was thrilled to see Dr. Genig book, Viva Vox: Rediscovering the Sacramentality of the Word through the Annunciation available for preorder. He is among the most learned teachers of Christ. Looks like I can get the book 30% cheaper at!

December 1, 2014
It’s about time, the season for, Dancing with the Stars, is finally over. What, Regan James is already out? Really? Is the show spiraling? It must be me, the audience and coaches seem to remain excited. Of the singers still standing, Taylor John Williams: Royals, by far is my favorite. Three more weeks of increasing darkness before the tide turns and the days begin to get longer. In the darkness, I look to Jesus, the light of the world, to draw us to himself.

November 30, 2014
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:15-20). Our family is usually at church at least 15 minutes early. We love the quiet time preparing for Holy Mass. At one near knows the delays the can be by the zillions of lights and stop signs along the way.  On days help assist at the altar we try our best to get there about 30 minutes prior. Today was such a day, but when I arrived, one of the other assistants asked it he could serve in my place. So I had time for a cup of coffee in the commons and to spend some time with friends as well as meeting and greeting others. I’m not sure why folks are surprise that our family drive from Naperville when there are so many parishes in town as well as passing so many to get to Saint John. I’m guessing they don’t realize that not all parishes are alike in practice. The time and distance we travel pales in comparison to the time and distance Andrea and Rob drive to worship. I glad whenever they stay and visit after worship. I love having them over even if it is for a short time. As much as I love our beautiful Advent candles in the narthex, I’m glad it’s not part of the liturgy at SJ. Winter is my least liked season; I don’t like cold nor do I like snow and especially don’t like being in the darkness for so many hours. With that said, I do like the season of Advent and Christmas. Heck, even the atheist and pagan like this time of year and singing Christmas carols (? at least that is how the secular world sees it). Albeit they most like would cringe at the thought of singing Veni, Veni, Emanuel Folks sings songs like White Christmas, Jingle Bells, We wish You a Merry Christmas, Let it Snow, Deck the Halls, Winter Wonderland, and the list goes on. Very telling how secular Christmas has become. I was filled with the spirit as we sung, Lo He Comes with Clouds Descending. Oh well, better stop penning and get ready to drive Jennifer back to school… Hmm, just ralize it’s already the end of another month and nearing yet the close of another year.

November 27, 2014
Funny, in days past, how it was a big thing when the nieces and nephews and  kids were young and it was spending the entire day shopping for toys and what nots. Nowadays, with the kids are all grown, Black Fridays are no big deal. So glad to find Z96.5 – WZOX, an alternative music station out of Kalamazoo this morning. Yep, it was listening to NIU vs Western Michigan for the MAC West Championship Title this morning. And yes, the Huskies won their 5th straight division title and a second chance at Bowling Green for the MAC Championship Title. Hoping for a different outcome this time around. Guessing Alex and his friends will be heading off to Detroit next week for the big game. It was a nice relaxing stress free day.

November 26, 2014
The day start with watching, The Journey Home program. I though Daniel Ali journey home was was fascinating and read more on his conversion story. We had a good time last night at my sister’s home. We sat around the table eating and conversing at the dinner table over a hot pot. What a great way to entertain and do a dinner party. Thanks be to God, there’s nothing quite like family, friends and feast. The cousins seem to be having to be having a good time as well. It is amazing how times have changed as the kids now join in the adult conversation. Man, time flies, our babies are all grown. Funny how as kids we watched our parents and older folks make zongzi. LOL, the kids call it Chinese tamales. Anyway, the adults sat in the family room talking while the kids made the glutinous rice dumpling in the kitchen. Yummy, Fawn’s spaghetti for lunch. It’s our family’s favorite by far. The plan was to hold back a little on the Thanksgiving turkey and all the fixings was just too much to bear, oh well. All in all, it was a very good day the Lord has made. Love spending days with all my children.

November 26, 2014
No fun, went for my annual with my urologist. The good thing is all continues to be well. Then it was off to the city to get my baby for the holiday weekend. I woke this morning thinking I’m the perfect candidate to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth. But since I wasn’t, was glad to scrape the frost off the car and make my way in to work. I was the only one on the team to hold on to the fort. It was great to have the lab to myself. I filled the room with music from the Saint John CD and my usual chorales then it was onto Lutheran Public Radio, sweet. We found a how2 video the other day on YouTube on making Zhongzi that look very similar to how mom use to make it. So off we’re going to my sister Nancy’s home for dinner and to give it a go. Should be family fun...

November 24, 2014
And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” (Isaiah 6:3). Yesterday’s Mass was beautiful and there were only few empty pews. This becomes quite evident when folks are sitting in the side pews by the altar. The reality is we actually worship God in a sanctuary beyond the walls of our parish. But there is nothing more peaceful then when we invoke God’s name where we take refuge. Albeit, I have a terrible singing voice, I still boldly sing back God’s word. Good thing the parishioners at Saint John are very good singers. A CD recording of music at Saint John was passed out in the commons Sunday. I didn't get a chance to hear it until today at work. I did expect it to be good, because everything that is done at SJ is done to the Glory of God. But, I the CD was even better than I could of imagined. I gave it to one of the guys to take home a share it with his family. I look forward to serving at the altar this coming weekend. The Advent season is very special season for me. I especial love the music of Advent. My favorite Advent hymn is Conditor Alme Siderum. For most Christians, it is a time of preparation while waiting for the coming of Christ. But for me it is a time that proclaims the Christian hope that is in us. Hope that in our uncertainty that God is with us to the very end in the midst of the stress, confusion and mixed blessings of our ordinary lives. It was good sleeping weather. Normally, I get up early in the morning with ease, but this morning was a struggle and I had little time to get out the door. I didn't have time to make a sandwich, so I went to the cafeteria at work and brought a ruben sandwich. I heard the grill chef was pretty good there and mmm, they were right! We got a blanket of light snow today. It was stuck to the grass but was so light it was just blowing around elsewhere. Just a few more days before feasting on a traditional turkey dinner. Hmm, down to three of us holding on the fort at work today and tomorrow and yikes, I’ll be on my own on Wednesday. Praying always quite empty on the front as most folks are taking vacation this week.

November 22, 2014
Love weekends, it’s the only chance we get to do some of this and some of that along with the needed. Only went out to shop for groceries at Sam’s Club. It was super busy, guessing folks are shopping for the big Thanksgiving dinner. Boiled dinner was simple and delicious. We kept the house warm and cozy with corn beef, potatoes and green peas on the stove top. I can hardly wait for Friday’s game. If NIU win at Western Michigan, the Huskies will be the MAC West Champions and will have another chance against Bowling Green who upset them last year for the MAC title. Go Huskies!

November 21, 2014
"Receive in this bread that which was hanged on the cross; receive in this cup that which was poured from Christ's side. For he will gain death, not life, who thinks Christ is a liar" (Augustine). I have been musing for many years about the difference between transubstantiation and consubstantiation and still remain indifferent to either of these doctrines because the sacramental mystery defies rational analytic analysis of any sort. I simply accept from Holy Scripture that the Holy Eucharist is the very body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And believe it to be the very center of Church life.

November 20, 2014
Whenever the weather is so hot or in this case so cold, one has to wonder, how the heck did folks is days past were able to survive? It has been below freezing all week so far. I've been suiting up with long johns and corduroy pants. Hmmm, so all I'm going to continue to be talking about how cold it is and how much colder it will get it months ahead? Hope not. The good news is NIU Huskies beat Ohio Bobcats are now in first place in the MAC WestAlbeit, I don’t get paid unless I work, I look forward for the Thanksgiving Holiday for rest and the joy of spending time with family.

November 17, 2014
I agree, “Ugh!” That is exactly what was posted on the weather channel this morning. Woke up to 9◦F without the wind chill. Crying out, “My God!” is no way to start the day. Clearly, a frame of mind change was needed. There's nothing much to say, just the sameo sameo. I did cook two dinners tonight though for today and for tomorrow, because tomorrow will be an extra long workday.

November 16, 2014
“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:26-30). Funny thought, as the old saying goes, “Happy wife, happy life”, but in my mind perhaps, good wife, good life is better? Hmm, the uncomfortable topic of gays, sins, and gays in the church and the topic of sins and sinners as well as unrepentant sins came up during the week. It seems it shouldn’t be difficult to know the difference between good and evil. This led me to muse on the Satan, the accusing spirit. This Great Deceiver works hard to discredit the work of Christ in our repeated failures as well as to our short comings as if the blood of Christ did nothing to erase them. Seems to me the weekends are great but so short. Work continues to be going well and I actually enjoy what I’m doing, but I struggle with the uncertainty of when this opportunity will end. The economic forecasters can say what they want, but the reality is so many remain unemployed, underemployed, or are continually at risk. Yesterday went by so fast. Fawn and were out and about most of the day. It was a two breakfast day, oatmeal in the morning and a full blown French toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausage links for dinner when we got back in the evening. We were out the door in morning before nine and drove to Saint Charles to the Arts and Crafts Show at the DuPage Expo Center. Hard to believe it took us about three hours to walk through all the exhibits and buys a few Christmas gifts. Lunch was at the Olive Garden, I ordered the Chicken Parmigiana but was too full to eat it, so I boxed it. The piping hot, warm me up, bowl Pasta e Fagioli was so good; I simply had to have  a second bowl with bread sticks and was totally stuffed. We woke to a light snow flurry and didn’t get the expected inch this morning, so that was good. Brr, it is so cold and everyone is saying that it is way too early to be having winter like weather. I’m glad all the kids are grown and we normally arrive at church early and am able to rest peacefully in the Lord and prepare for the fullness and richness of the Mass. The huge increase at Mass and the participation in the Liturgy has been noticeable the past couple weeks, thanks be to God, who builds us up and saves us. Rob stayed after Mass and hung around afterwards for the ushers meeting and gathering, so I hardly got to spend any time with him. Andrea and Alex went to Target while Fawn and I went to Jewels next door in Bolingbrook. The grocery prices there are more reasonable then the one on 75th Street. I can hardly wait for Mariano’s to move in the old Dominic’s store. Rob and I talked a little about the sermon from the, The Parable of the Talents, gospel reading. Every time I muse on anything from Matthew 25, I think about the necessity of good works for salvation. We are all given talents, as gifts from the Holy Spirit, called to be used in God’s service. Albeit, some have more gifts while others less, the real issue is how we use the talents given us. Do we use them for ourselves or do we use them for the betterment of our neighbors? Clearly a rhetorical question, we are to show the love of Christ in our good works. I really love the clarity of the Athanasian Creed when it says, “And those who have done good will enter into eternal life, and those who have done evil into eternal fire.” It is a good reminder of the relationship between our faith and good works. Lord, keep us faithful to the end. Amen. I was struck by was that fact that God trusts us, even with his church. I pray with the early Christians, “Remember Lord. Your Church, to save it from all evil and make it perfect in Your love, and gather it together in its holiness from the four winds, into Your kingdom which You have prepared for it, for the power and glory are Yours forever. Amen.”

November 11, 2014
“As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:4-5). Life is good. I watched another night of the Voice Live Playoffs and yet another good show. OF course Aretha Franklin is the queen of soul, but tonight Sugar Joan, purple hair and all, made I Say a Little Prayer, her own, wow. Brrr, the temps are beginning to drop, not good. What’s with Alex and college football? He went to Michigan over the weekend to watch the Spartans and today to DeKalb to watch the Huskies. Listened to Huskies’ 27-24 victory over the Toledo Rockets, on 670 in the warmth of my home. Whoo hoo, now tied for first place in the MAC West.  I’ve forgotten what is like being young and being able to brave the weather. I reflect more on this week’s homily and our life together at Saint John. Words fails to express appreciation and gratitude to all veterans as well as present men and women serving.

November 10, 2014
Watched the Voice Live Show and was pretty good. What a cool name, I really like Ragan James. Unbelievable, at 15 , sing a awesome version of “Try”. Hopefully, this young singer will be a better role model than … I’m not much on folks using other sinners as role models, but will turn to their holy examples.

November 9, 2014
I listened to a Lutheran pastor online last night. He gave his opinion on a First Thing posting written by a former Lutheran pastor that converted to Orthodoxy. As I helped serve this morning assisting at the altar, I was most certain that he was totally wrong. How can any man be above the Liturgy? The Liturgy is the highest form worship where the Eucharist is the font of grace. Something is terribly wrong if the Liturgy isn't the pinnacle all church activity. I once read that Mass should be attend as if one was standing next to Mary, the mother of God, at the foot of the cross. Therefore, we are to pray for the grace of a prolific celebration in the Eucharistic banquet. Andrea and Rob stopped by after church for brief visit. So I made French toast and we had a few bagels leftover from yesterday. Anyway, got to stop penning and get ready to Jennifer back to school.

November 8, 2014
“let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55:7). Yesterday was long 10 hour workday. But it went by very fast. I helped bring but 2 eNodeBs. Days that you learn and try out new things are exceptionally fun workdays. This latest work opportunity has so far been a joy and pray that it will be ongoing for some time. TGIF, and so another weekend has arrived. I came home to a Nathan’s hot dot. My initial thought was what??? But to my surprise, they were pretty good. Right up there with Hebrew National and Vienna hot dogs, in my opinion. Then it was out the door to drive into the city to pick up Jennifer for the weekend. Was up early went to LabCorp for blood work will be seeing the doctor for my annual look over. Hmm, after having a hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, I find myself home alone. Fawn went a bag party, what ever that is with her sister Jean, Alex went to Michigan for the weekend to see college football with friends and Jennifer, well still sleeping, guessing from exhaustion. I took a peek at the worship folder for tomorrow’s Mass and was struck by the mention of Pope Francis on our sins against the unity of the Church not only in schisms but also of very common faults with our communities, the parish sins. Many years ago our parish was divided by things that had nothing to do with a Christian community and divisions were sadly fueled by parishioners engaging rampant gossip, innuendo, spin and outright lies. I thank God all that is behind us now. As I am making the journal entry, I’ve come to realize that repentance is much more than confession, it is not just turning from one’s from one way of life to another, but it is return to the God and journeying back to Eden. Oh well, guess I should bundle up go out and do a leaves again. I’m not sure I’m ready for the predicted polar vortex to arrive during the week. Hope to hear from Fr Bruzek and get an ecopy of the homily from the Feast of All Saints to share. Ahh, came back this evening to add the joy in the listening to Rev Weedon speak on the topic of the Different names of the Lord’s Supper, on Issues Etc. Strange how different people try to enumerate the number of Sacrament. Beit two, three or more. In my mind the Sacraments are given to us grace and the Holy Eucharist is at center, because it not only gives us grace, but the author of grace, Christ. Without the Mass, why bother to gather? In the liturgy, the Mass is most highly celebrated in reverence. It drives crazy... There I go again, shouting from a mountain top to deaf ears.
November 5, 2014
Now that’s what I’m talking about. Bobak’s Polish Sausage with peppers and onions and Huskies football. I was surprise MAC midweek football is back. Albeit, fans get to see games during primetime, that has to be hard on the students as well as the student players. Been going in to work early this week but getting off at a reasonable time. The Voice Knockout Rounds were pretty good. I’ve heard many singers sing “Chandelier”, but I think, Jean Kelley: Chandelier  sang it best. Albeit, the election results are not altogether surprising as predicted by most analysts, they are indeed by me and I’ve haven’t taken the time to reflect on it. Feast days are always an ultra full blast Mass. I always love it whenever Andrea and Rob join us for worship. I had a chance to rehear the most excellent Feast of All Saints encore sermon posted online.

November 1, 2014
“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). Albeit it a cold day, it was a beautiful day, the weekend and a new month. The sun was shining brightly and Fawn and went for a nice walk. If that wasn’t enough exercise, I rake the leaves and mowed the grass super short. Guessing it’ll be for the last time this year. Was pondering the beauty of priestly Aaronic blessing and allowed our Lord’s countenance to express my expectations of the day. Whenever God’s countenance is elevated in grace upon us, he brings perfect peace to our soul.

October 31, 2014
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Revelation 14:13). I’m looking forward to the Feast of All Saints. Albeit, I don’t practice the invocation of the saints and angels, I don’t speak against it either. Both the Orthodox and Catholic Church have always taught and are convincing that the saints do intercede to God for us in heaven. Interestingly, Saint Augustine of Hippo said, “At the Lord's table we do not commemorate martyrs in the same way that we do others who rest in peace so as to pray for them, but rather that they may pray for us that we may follow in their footsteps.” I thank God for giving faithful servants to the church and find that by remembering all the saints, builds up our faith. I looked online at our worship folder for this week’s Mass and was struck by the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. We can learn from as well as imitate both their examples of faith and their examples of holy living according to their calling in life. Oh wow, never thought I’d be saying brrr, its cold out there with my winter coat on the last day of October. With snow flurries none the less. I think the norm is first snowfall in on Thanksgiving week. Traffic is usually somewhat light on Fridays, but today was super light. I’m guess folks are taking the day off for Halloween. When the kids were little, I took off a few hours early myself. Happy Halloween?  Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, trick or treat. Hard to believe more kids today then in recent years, even in the awful cold. The trick or treaters seem to be having fun with their friends. Hopefully there isn't any mischief going about.

October 30, 2014
Despite, the temps really dropping and most of the leaves too, it’s been a great week anyway. Was surprise we got a new load over the weekend, so we started shifts and was assign the early morning shift starting at 6. Sweet, but weird finishing the work days when the sun is still out. Was thinking about Halloween days past. It was fun dressing is simple homemade costumes and collecting candy as a child. There was none of this retarded scary and gory stuff. I don’t get it, what’s with these scaring little kids with that old tradition of haunted spooky stuff anyway? There was tie for a dinner and movie. What a great evening, made really good thick and tender pan fried pork chops and watched, X-Men: Days of Future Past.

October 25, 2014
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). God is good. I know, all the time and in all circumstances, but his goodness is so clear when good things are happening. Two ultra beautiful days in a row, how cool is that? The sun is shining and the temperature in the mid 70s. The team was rewarded with a day off, so Fawn and I went for a rather long morning walk and talk, all about the neighborhood. We haven’t done that in quite a while. The town is so wooded and we enjoyed the magnificent autumn colors. Sadly, it won’t be long before the trees will be bare and the chill will set in. A clear reminder, that everything is only temporary, except for God’s love. Where did yesterday go? Hmm, thought it would be an off day to indulge in leisure, but instead, albeit I did spend the entire day with Fawn, I was helping Fawn tend to caring for her mother with doctor visits that took up the entire day. Goes to show, there remains quite a way to go to be more selfless in Christ. Up this morning way before dawn and drove into the city to bring Jennifer home for the weekend. But not before making a stop at the bakery and for dim sum to go. I was surprise, that the Lakeshore Drive traffic as super light. The drive and the view over seeing the lake was most excellent. There was this amazing single tall funnel cloud that was front lit up by the sunrise, never saw anything like it. Whew, drove back in light outbound traffic all the way back for me, but I could say the same for the inbound traffic toward the city on the Stevenson. There was at least a six mile construction backup near the midway airport exit. Talk about simple and quick; I got a leaf blower that was being used anymore from Fawn's brother. Sweet, normally I rake the leaves and never did it any other way ever, but today I got to use the handheld leaf blower. I was planning to mow the lawn one last time before the end on the year, but then opted not to and chose to just relax the remainder of the day. I looked at the worship folder earlier today in preparation for Sunday Mass. This Sunday is known by Reformation Sunday. Every time, this time of year rolls around, Dr Genig, a most learned teacher of Christ, has me musing on the lack of unity among Christians and the meaning of Christ’s fervent prayer on the night of his betrayal, “Ut unum sint". Albeit, I do rejoice in the rediscovery of the Gospel that is so precious to our faith, I also grieve the resulting schism in the Church. I haven’t given much thought to Great Schism of 1054 that created an earlier division of the church. Talk about a good eating day, dim sum for brunch and Jennifer’s pan seared steak. Anyway, time for bed and savoring the blessings of the day in thankgiving. “Give Thy Church, Lord, to see Days of peace And unity. O Lord, have mercy!"

October 22, 2014
More good days, the sun continues to shine and team remains on cruise eight work hour day mode. Funny how everyone is so relieved that an eight hour day seem like working part-time. Guessing the remainder of the week will be much the same, as long as there is no fire to put out. We won’t get a new load until mid next week. So finally, we have in my mind an ordinary day, a day to mediate and ponder on the reality of God’s presence. The Word incardinated gives us life in its fullness.

October 20, 2014
It was a good day. After all, the sun was shining and team got all the need done in an eight work hour day. Wow, the intensity of autumn leaves coloration on a sunny day is really something to behold. I don’t know how many trees are in town, but it looks like we live in a beautiful urban forest. I got to watch, The Voice battle rounds. I really like this show. Two battles really stood out for me were DaNica vs. Toia: Halo and Ethan Butler vs. Matt McAndrew: Yellow Albeit, there is no comparison to Coldplay: Yellow.

October 19, 2014
Was listening to a few oldies on YouTube and came Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon Live. Back in the day, those were interesting as well as unrecognizable times. I have it the background as I am penning this journal entry. Albeit, I’m not reminiscing about the past, the music of the time is a part of a different me. Yet I still remain a sinner, but with one huge difference, I am a forgiven sinner who is living out my life in the forgiveness God has given me by grace as I journey back to Eden. One of the weirdest thing about music for me is, I care little about the lyrics found in the worldly music and don’t sing along, but when it comes to worship, anything short of God’s word is unacceptable. I was still dark went we woke this morning, but the sun the sun did come up and made for a bright day. Well, it’s cold enough now to force me to scrap the frost of the car before going to Mass. We got there early and listened to the beautiful pre service music. I was going over the worship folder and was struck by what was in the welcome section. Jonathan Merritt rhetorically asks: Have Americans made God in their image?  It was just what Fawn and I was talking about on the drive to church this morning as we heard the news about the Catholic Bishops at Synod. We were saying how unrecognizable Jesus is in the various denominations. One has to wonder if we are even remotely sharing y he gospel. The path back to Eden is narrow, we are to read and mediate on the steadfast word of God which can not be rewritten to satisfy the whims of man,  After church we went to visit Fawn’s sister and shopped for groceries at Mariano’s since we were in Wheaton. Jean made us a tomato bagel sandwich, It didn’t sound all that, but what a pleasant surprise.  When we got home, I whipped up a sausage spinach and penne dish, good eating. No leftovers so it’s a ham sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

October 18, 2014
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, your name! We bless you our King of the universe. Shine Your Face on your poor creatures, so people can see you through us. Let the desire you have planted in our hearts be revealed to mankind for the greater glory of Your Name for ever and ever, Amen. Hmm, where be the sun? It was out briefly yesterday for only a few hours. The sky remains overcast and makes for a less then cheerful, but I suppose, what we do with these types of days somewhat defines who we are. Albeit, I brought my lunch to work yesterday, I opted to go out and eat Chinese for lunch yesterday. I can’t believe I never hear of Chinese Kitchen Restaurant before. The food was really good and reasonably priced. I had the house all to myself today; Fawn went out with the ladies to their annual outing at the Holy Apostles Philoptochos Society Charity Luncheon. She real always looks forward to going and is always in exceptional good cheer afterwards. “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Knock, knock, who’s there? NO, it’s not a knock knock joke, but sadly, I opened the door and saw two men. First thing in my mine was they were JWs or LDS. Guessed right, JWs. Albeit, I once had a close friend that is a JW elder, we drifted apart and I never understood what these folks were attempting to minister door to door. It had a great afternoon, I spent part of the afternoon listening to a few bible studies predating when my family was gathered to our hilltop at Saint John with I came across stored in the SJ online bible study archives. The truth has been said many ways, but I think it is best said by the beauty of Jesus Christ and him crucified. I didn’t feel like going out to the seeming gloom and dome so I stayed indoors and tended to the neglected around the house. Even did a few loads of laundry. My poor baby been all week taking care of her momma. Caring for the tending to the needs of the elderly in not an easy thing, even for a person like Fawn, wh0 always seem to handle most situations with immense calmness. I’m so glad you took the time out to have some fun. I didn’t feel like cooking dinner and scrounged around the freeze and found a box of Old El Pasco beef Enchiladas and toss it in the oven. They smelled and looked wonderful out of the oven, but to mildly put it, don’t foresee it being on any future shopping list. Relaxed watch NIU 51-41 victory over Miami (Ohio) on ESPN. Go Huskies. Hoping to wake to s morning sun.

October 16, 2014
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, your name! We bless you our King of the universe. Shine Your Face on your poor creatures, so people can see you through us. Let the desire you have planted in our hearts be revealed to mankind for the greater glory of Your Name for ever and ever, Amen The good news is I got out of early, the bad news is, albeit earlier than normal, I still worked 9 h0urs. I really find it fascinating, that the day goes by so fast. We have been under a continuous overcast haven’t seen the sun since Sunday. What a pleasant, it was a real nice bonus was coming home to Fawn’s penne and spaghetti sauce. Every Halloween, pumpkins are carved into funny faces and placed on door steps as decorations as a holiday tradition. I use to over think it as a huge waste of food. As a kid we got to carved a pumpkin, but it never made the door steps. It was cut up that evening and was dinner that evening. Was appreciating the fine art carving gift that Rob did on the pumpkin on our door step. Lord, brighten our life with your presence that we may walk sure footed on your path of righteous back to Eden. Amen.

October 13, 2014
Rainy days and Mondays ain’t getting his guy down. It could be depressed about working all these long days, but its work and it’s in town. So I just focus on the great weekend. Saturday was the Oktoberfest. Good food and conversation with great folks from our parish. Sunday with yet another beautiful Mass. They trusted me in the back altar to show the acolytes the ropes. I am amazed how conscientious they were in attending to their duties. Goes to show, never by force. So glad Andrea and Rob was able spend the entire day with us, no rush because they were off today for Columbus Day. Talk about good eating, I made steamed spareribs, with black beans. It’s only mid October and how crazy is it, to leave to work in the darkness and come home in it for some time already? Hmm, still walking and doing the elliptical, but not seeing any weight loss.

October 8, 2014
It was a super great work day. It is good to finally be given ownership  and be able to spend time researching to become the team SME on something. It was fun doing a 30 minute noon time walk and talk with Jesse. It is an amazing small world to be happening to work with the dad of one of the girls Andrea once coached badminton at Waubonsie Valley High School. One of the guys on the team helps out on Wednesday evenings with the K-5 religious education at Our Lady of Mercy. Most of the team members are Rome Catholic and jest that all Jesse does for his parish; he’ll probably opt of purgatory. I wonder if they really fully believe in the RC doctrine of purgatory along with being able to earn and purchase time away from it. For Albeit, I do not believe in a purgatory and believe it problematic is so many ways. It raises a red flag as if it is saying that Christ died for nothing. I do believe that some sort purging is most likely needed. Good for me, did eight on the elliptical again. Hope I can do it again on a regular basis.

October 6, 2014
I'm not on watching sports in general, especially professional sport, but I do enjoy watching NIU football. Been watching them play since the kids went there for school, just like mom did. Whew, the Huskies lucked out and put the stop on Kent State. Yesterday’s Mass was as beautiful as can be. I think being greeted by our pastors just as we enter the parish is so warm and inviting. Goes to show how very young children who are taught well by learned teachers of Christ can discern and partake as well as serve reverently as acolytes, a true blessing. Rob and Andrea spent the day with us and a blessing to be in the pews with Rob and Andrea. We were blessed by the Wheaton College Concert Choir! Thanks be to God, it was so encouraging to receive good test results from the recent blood work for meds. I'm motivated, got on the elliptical and started out with a eight minute slo-mo, but hey, it's a start.

October 2, 2014
Been surfing the web and catching up on emails while revisiting to a few beautiful posted sermons. Many years ago in the distant past, I use to wonder if sermons were actually the word of God preached. Nowadays, I'm convinced the preaching of God's word is God's word, that in itself is very telling. It's been a busy and productive week doing the needed in the workplace, yet I am thankful to continue to learn so many new things everyday. Albeit, I work long hard days, it is sad to say, “beats being unemployed.” It’s important to, but  isn’t always an easy thing to do, but I try my darndest to thank God in all circumstances. It was great to get out for a long lunch at the Crosstown Pub & Grill. It is good to get to spend some time just relaxing, striking up conversations and enjoying really great wings. The boss even flips for the check!

September 26, 2014
What a beautiful start to the day. The sun was out and the autumn colors are about. A co-worker brought in a 31.5 pound watermelon to share. The watermelon like an ordinary watermelon the outside but my jaw dropped when he cut open that bad boy. The normal red flesh was yellow and less sugary and delicious! It was so super nice out during the lunch hour, I decided to do a peaceful outdoor noon walk. Funny thing, it was a cloudless sky, yet I was walking and musing about the simple Petrine Prayer, ("Lord, save me!"). The fresh air in the quiet was just what I needed. I’ve been working in the noisy cell room most of the latter part of the week. Albeit, just barely scratching basic LTE knowledge skills, I’m amazed how far along I’ve gotten knowledge wise. Fawn and I are proud that Jennifer will be inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu. Saw my friend Tim online working late and gave him a shout out. It's good to be able to stay in touch with good friends from the workplace. It is so rare to actually be friends because I have little in common with most folks I know at work, so the relationship is just work related.

September 21, 2014
I was pleasantly taken by surprise at morning Mass. I had no idea that our parish was going using acolytes again. The two young lads did a great job and it was a pleasure to serve with them as altar assistances. I think it’s great to get the young boys involved with out parish ceremonial duties. Who knows, perhaps in may even inspire one to consider the holy priesthood though the laying of hands. Yeah baby, now that’s what I'm talking about, Bobak’s polish sausages with peppers and onions for lunch, quick and simple. Had to put some to the side to take to lunch tomorrow. I took the time to listen to a mention sermon online. It is very telling that someone would consider it to be a good sermon. This is a good example of the idiom that. “Everything is relative.” Interesting … good for me, mused for a while and penned my stream of conscious, read it and then thought it best to censor myself. Some things are best not said. With that in mind, time to log off and relax.

September 20, 2014
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Getting up early is pretty much routine for me. This mourning it was to go to get my regular blood work for meds. I thank God for my good wife who takes care of me. Jesse asked me the other day, “How’s it going?” I replied that, “Life is good.” To my surprise he replied back, “All the time!” One thing I can say about the phase, “God is good all the time … and all the time God is good”, is that it does actually translates to life is good, all the time. I’m really glad that Dave encouraged me to go the parish’s men steak fry and support our parish community. I love celebrating life, eating food with friends, because this gift of eating joyfully bring about gladness and thanksgiving that testifies to God’s goodness. I was really good to be blessed as well as hoping to be blessing others. The joy of friends talking about family and what nots, didn’t end with the car ride to and from. The gathering was the perfect setting for enjoying light as well as meaningful conversation with new and old friends alike. Moving about and sharing the peace beats being around folks the just seem to prefer clicks. Years ago I was wowed by the huge bonfire at the annual gathering. Talk about meat, fire, beer and cigars, it has it all. This time I opted for a more relaxing rest and sat by this huge and beautiful outdoor fireplace where everyone was just sharing their little life tidbits. Chicago Accent? We don’t have accent. LOL, I know we do, as well as having colorful phrases.

September 19, 2014
Work the early shift the last two days. It seems so strange leaving to work before the crack of dawn. Thanks be to God for morning coffee. This the first time I was asked to work early and it wasn’t bad. It is nice and quiet as most opted to work the latter shift. Sweet, I get to listen my usual chorale play list. It is most certainly true that, “God is good all the time … and all the time God is good.” Heard it was going to rain tomorrow, so I mowed the grass right after work. Talk about getting so exercise, man it is a bite that my mower has been reduced to push. I tend to muse about the church and the liturgy quite often. I was surprise that Alex said liked the old sanctuary better. I did love how the old sanctuary spoke but love how God reveals himself in the calm and peace of his very presence. Crazy how we sinners just spoil the beauty at times. The good thing nowadays is we actually behold the Christ in one another. I wasn’t planning to go to the steak fry, but to my surprise I got a call from Dave, it was nice of him to be mindful of me and swing by go to the annual festivities.  Anyway, got to get ready to go…

September 17, 2014
Cool, got off early enough to see Zach play soccer at the Lisle Park District for a few minutes. Watch the finale and the last line summed up the entire show. “Once there was only dark. If you ask me, the light’s winning.” The show reminds us of mans struggle between light and darkness. Albeit, the two detectives, flawed heroes, got their man at the end, I think the movie was as much the two detectives own personal shortcomings and their personal growth. I really loved how the story played out, it had it all.

September 15, 2014
Oh my, never thought I would ever rave about an apple. For countless years, I favored savoring the golden devious apple. There is some thing to be said about a cultivar apple. Talk about a designer apple, I can’t believe I never ever bit into a honeycrips. It is now my new favorite apple. No doubt in my mind why they are so expensive, surly price has to do with the demand. On the third and last disk of True Dectives. Turns out there are only eight not nine episodes. Yikes, I forgotten how sexually explicit HBO can be. For now, all I can say is the show is basically real good story telling, but there were noticeable flawed religious details. Seems like this is the not typical hero type good against evil but a whole lot evil amongst messed up folks type of movie, if that makes any sense.

September 14, 2014
I’m so glad to be able to repeat myself saying how beautiful Mass was. The good news was I was able to pull the variable speed cable to the neutral with a vice grip pliers, so there is no need to buy a new lawn mower just yet. The bad new was I was huffing and puffing after doing the front lawn, sides and only the perimeter of the backyard because the lawn mower. Clearly, I purchase a new one it will need to be a self propel model. All these years I only used neutral and speed one of three, so no need for a variable speed model. The reward for the day was slow cooked oven baked pork spareribs that fell off the bones. Life is good. Last night I watched the first of nine one hour episodes of True Detective and thought it was really good. The second episode was as exciting as the first! Anyway, got to get ready to drive my baby girl back to school. The weekend was great and I'm mentally prepared for the tough week ahead.

September 13, 2014
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Last night, I watched God’s Not Dead, seriously? Overall, I give the movie D- at best and do not recommend, because it was offensive and problematic in so many ways. It drives me crazy whenever the topic of a personal decision to “accept” Christ is impetus for salvation comes up and I am clueless how one can conclude there is eternal salvation for those who make their own public profession of faith. I found the ending of the movie, where the viewers are encouraged to do a text message broadcast to everyone in their contact list proclaiming that “God’s Not Dead”, somewhat odd, evangelism perhaps?  That would not go over well with most people on my contact list. Personally, I find it best to go about our daily lives as ordinary people in a vocation (calling), as to serve and love our neighbors. I concur with Fr Bruzek, that one of the most loving thing one can do along with our prayers is to invite your neighbor to church. “The church is the assembly of all believers among whom the Gospel is preached in its purity and the sacraments are administered according to the Gospel” (AC VII, 1). Christ can be found where he has hidden and revealed himself, in his very mysteries of Word and Sacraments. Every now and then, I muse about how faith comes from hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17) and Eucharistic words of eternal life found in John 6.  Saint Ambrose noted, “If we proclaim the Lord’s death, we proclaim the forgiveness of sin.” So,“For as often as we eat this bread and drink the cup, we proclaim the death of the Lord. If we proclaim the Lord’s death, we proclaim the forgiveness of sins. If, as often as his blood is poured out, it is poured for the forgiveness of sins, I should always receive it, so that it may always forgive my sins. Because I always sin, I should always have a remedy.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church), makes sense to me. Time flies by when you’re having fun. Albeit it a cliché, it sums up my summer. All I did was work, work work … but it really beats being unemployed, so it must be fun, right? The long hours at work flew by fast and I have been learning a lot. Now I’m shock that the fall is almost upon us. The days are cool now and the daylight is becoming shorter. All I hope for now is for the weekend to slow down so that I can savor every moment. This morning we got up early, bundled up, and drove in to the city to pick up Jennifer and swing by Waukegan to visit Andrea and Rob. Naturally we stop by Chinatown to get a good size carryout of dim sum on the way down. Chinese food is all that and dim sum, so the kids say. For me, I love variety and celebrating our family daily thanksgivings with the wonderful world of food. South Indian, Tex Mex, Soul food, Cajun, Mediterranean, and the list go on and on. Today was a very good day in which blessing were found with my children. Fawn heard, HBO True Detective, is suppose to be really good, so she checked out the dvd from the library. lol, my stream of conscience writing wanders all over the place. Anyway time to relax and break out the Chicago mix pop corn, a cherry coke, and watch an episode or two ...
September 11, 2014
Starting at 8 and leaving at 7 is becoming somewhat a routine and all I have to say it is no fun working that many hours. All I can think about is the darkness on the drive back home. The only consolation is the traffic is light late at night. When I think of 9/11, at times it seems like there is a need to rid the world of evil. Sure 9/11 was evil, but after musing on that thought for some time, I can only conclude that that kind of thinking is really dangerous. What Al Qaeda and other similar thinking factions sees as good and evil in the world, others see just the opposite. I have to believe everyone knows in their heart where the line is that divides good and evil. Albeit, Saint Augustine’s theory on “Just War” seems very well thought out and appears to be a tragic necessity at times for the protection of the innocent, surly the taking of a life by anyone is a grave matter that damages the soul and hinders one’s relationship with God and one’s neighbor. With this said, I love our military men and women. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need, Amen.
September 9, 2014
Whoa, that’s bad… What is going on? By the time we finished up the day, it was night. I can’t believe it was dark out leaving work. Every once in a while I get to put on the ear plugs and played background music from my laptop. Today I got to listen to over two and a half hours of relaxing classical music while doing reports.
September 7, 2014
Ahh… finally getting to relax a tad. Sunday morning Mass was beautiful. There is nothing like receiving only what God can give. It was a good eating day, I made Chicken and broccoli as well as beef with bitter melon. Plenty of food now for the next couple of days. I had a lot of chores to do because I was on the move yesterday, so much for a day of rest. I’m the only one in the family that could care less about professional sports. Seems like there is always a game of some type on the tube. LOL, that’s right, that bad boy just won’t quit and I’m too cheap to buy a flat screen just to have one. I wonder how many people still have a 27” CRT TV in the family room and use it daily.
September 6, 2014
I have say it was a gorgeous day out and about. Talk about a being on the road, Fawn and were on the road logging over 200 miles. We went to Vernon Hills to hook up with Andrea and then later in the day to hook up with Jennifer in the City. Super hungry and didn’t feel like cooking, so it was a carryout dinner from Fabulous Noodles. I love roast duck and taro casserole. Wow, what an awesome combination. Happy haircut, especially for one that was way overdue. More and more people are just being let go and hire backed as contractors in this jungle economy. Yesterday, I got an IM for an friend, he’s sees, like most contractors when the project he is on winding down and is networking time to find openings for ongoing projects. It remains a tough for folks to even hang on to temp work. I thing a better word for stress is actually fear, for what is actually happening in the work place. Contracts hardly last their project intervals, talk about white collar sweat shops. Benefits have been nickel and dimed literally to death to a point of none existence for many. Prayers for the unemployed, underemployed and for those facing the seemingly inevitable. Lord, have mercy.
September 4, 2014
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). Love pressure free days, seems like the earliest we will get the load is tomorrow morning if all goes well. It is amazing that there is always something to do to be in the best possible state of readiness. Most days, I eat lunch with one of my co-worker Jesse. His family are devout Roman Catholics so we often talk about life on the rock. It’s not clear to me what he means and am confused when he speaks about days of obligation and about the balance of benefit (beneficium) and sacrifice (sacrificium) in worship. Anyway, he is attending a wedding at an Iglesia ni Cristo church. I was clueless about this denomination and Jesse was only able to give me a very vague description. Now that’s what I’m talking about, it was super nice coming home to Fawn’s spaghetti sauce over a heaping bowl of linguettine pasta, life is good. Then it was off to Trader Joe’s. Albeit, grocery shopping is typically mundane, I love adventuring about on my own. I just leave Fawn be and go up and down the aisles in the store just browsing.
September 3, 2014
It was nice work day where we weren’t under the gun.  We were suppose to get a new load today, but that didn’t come to pass. So we were in maintenance mode, setting up and prepping as much as possible to recoup as much time taken from our testing window. I went out to lunch and did Chinese with Jie and had a super good time, but I couldn’t that for the food, so disappointing. The catching up with what nots and family went by so fast we ended up taking an unexpected long lunch. After work I met up with Fawn at the Lisle Park District Recreation Center to see Zach take his first soccer class. Goes to show I’m oblivious of the going ons, I had no idea there was even a water park there. I had no idea that Fawn was going to some ladies thing at SJ. She told me she had a real good time. This led me to muse a little about the role and importance of the church in a community. I heard and have read many criticisms about the Christian church communities. I even had a few of my own until my family and I was gathered to his hilltop at Saint John. Must like the early church, I find that the parishioners have a deep desire for the word of God and is a community where we share our life together and be beacon of light in a the darkness.
September 2, 2014
“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God” (Psalm 62:5-7). LOL, I knew the first thought that would come to my mind was the holiday weekend went by way too fast. It wasn’t the first time I hear from corporate America, “Great work team. Thanks for putting in the long hours and hard work getting all the testing done in such a short time.” And in the same breath, “We got to do a lot better.” Got a surprise call from Jie, she wanted to do lunch tomorrow. I think it great she call and can hardly wait to some catching up. I know most of time, what I call  long hard days, pale in comparison to so many other things, but none the less, in the midst of these hard days, God is my hope, my rock, my salvation and my refuge. It’s not clear to me how my glory(?) fits in. Perhaps the psalmist feels that God who saves him at the same time sheds on him on him glory.
August 30, 2014.
So glad the holiday weekend is finally here. Woke to a cloudy mourning overcast but waited until nine to get the morning dew a chance to evaporate a tad before moving the grass in the cool of the day. I’m still hoping the lawn mower will last the season, but that hope is fading quickly, because the variable speed cable snapped. It must be me, having a neutral, 1, 2 and 3 shifts is an over kill, what’s wrong with just a traction cable? I have to admit it had this bad boy over 15 years. Couldn’t say TGIF yesterday, well I suppose I could of, but we worked so late into evening just to finish the needed to avoid going in to work on the weekend. Fawn's sister Soo is in town for a week or so and the went into the city yesterday and picked up Jennifer from school. That worked out well, that would of been a tough drive after such a long stress filled day in the office. Well, it nearing lunch time and I’m contemplating on having a Vienna Chicago Style Hot Dog. There is something magical about assembling one of culinary masterpiece adorned with sport peppers yourself. Hard to believe there are only a few places around nowadays that do them right.
August 27, 2014
What a day, sunshine and no rain for a change, it started out really nice, but the cross town traffic getting to work put a big damper on that. Naperville has only a few cross town roadways beit north-south or east-west. With the added summer construction and school starting, it is horrid, the Slowskys could of passed us. LOL, I haven't thought about the Comcast turtles Bill and Carol Slowsky in years. Joyfully, things changed once I got to the parking lot, I saw a few friends I worked with years ago and welcome back joy was all about. They were thrilled to see me as much as I was of them and we gave thanks to God for the blessing. The work day went well and I even got to listen to my laptop Kantorei playlist which is filled with many of my favorite chorales. Jesse and went for a nice walk around the outer aisle perimeter of the complex during our lunch hour. Some of the guys asked to join us if we decide to it again. I’m glad we walked today because it was Bobak polish sausages with green peepers and onions over linguettine pasta. Wow, so good, I made sure to set aside a lunch portion for tomorrow.

August 26, 2014
Was thinking about my comment about Catholics going to Valpo, but realized it is probably not much different than my daughter Jennifer going to Loyola for school. The back to move on Sunday was horrid because of the traffic backup caused by the triathlon. Sad that it is only Tuesday, I can hardly wait till the upcoming holiday weekend. Still hard to believe the summer light came and gone, Alex and I have been noticing how much shorter the days are already. For now, I have to take things in stride, because currently I live a work center week day life style of work, eat, sleep, and repeat. Thanks be to God, for surly, this part of God’s plan, but I don’t even have time to even dwell on the blessing before us.

August 21, 2014
What an amazing relaxing week day, despite the tossing and turning from being constantly disturbed by the loud thunderous booms and the heavy down pour beating on the roof last night. I got in early to work because today was the department picnic and there is a lot that needs to be done, but there was a set back and the lab was not up to par for the needed. So the time was spent on prepping for the challenge ahead of us while the lab support team was at work. There are things I want to say about the picnic, but best left unsaid … but I will say the good food, good company and great conversation. What an interesting conversation, about being back in the day in Chicago. One of my co-workers was from the city and we laughed and joked about the what nots back in the day there. Albeit Americans born, his dad is Irish and his mom is German. He was raised and remains Roman Catholic and went to Catholic grade school and a Catholic high school, but went to Valparaiso for college. Interesting that 25% of the students there are Catholics and 30% are Lutherans. His observation there was that the Lutherans were split, half were liberal and half conservative. I reply was that it was an interesting way to put it. Naturally, he asked, what did I mean? I told him the best way I could say it was said in Saint Paul’s epistle found in Galatians 1 that there is only one gospel. I finally got around to watching America Got Talent. I thought there were a lot of great acts. Twelve year old Quintavious Johnson caught my attention with his amazing voice singing to the glory of God. The Gloria Patri just came to mind, “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.” Well the summer is nearing the end and the pressure is off Jennifer, she had her interview and took the big exam and will be heading back to school this weekend. Prayers for good exam results.

August 17, 2014
I saw the following in the margins of our worship folder, “I am your message, Lord. Throw me like blazing torch into the night, that all may see and understand what it means to be a disciple.” – St. Maria Skobtosva. I think it makes for beautiful prayer. I’ve also seen other writings where she pens, “I am your message. Like a torch, toss me into the night. So that everyone will see, suddenly know, What it is you want from humanity And what sort of servants you send out to gather the harvest.”  I think she is a remarkable woman and can be seen as more than a dim flicker of light in the darkness. Today was a day of celebration. It began with the early celebration of the Holy Mass. I really love the Liturgy with its rituals and all the little detail which many either forgotten are never even knew. There are some that will recognize the beauty; others will appreciate parts of it, while others will just flat out reject it. I think if one takes the time to break down its components each step of the way to understand it more clearly, one will see the true beauty of the Mass and see what God gives us. In my mind, if a parish fails to distribute the Eucharist each service, those who gather failed to ponder on the celebration of the Eucharist. I bothered me for a long time and to the point where my family was led to Saint John for refuge. I could say more, but … Anyway, we when to celebrate Olive Garden to celebrate Rob’s birthday. For many years I loved celebrating of family members and friends, but never thought to much of my own birthday. For no particular reason, I viewed my birthday as any other day, a celebration of life. In recent years, perhaps because I much older now and hopefully wiser, I take the time on my birthday to mediate and reflect where I am with God in my journey back to Eden. It’s time for bed and augh, another work week. Thanks, be to God for both, peace in my sleep and the opportunity to work. What a beautiful day.

August 15, 2014
Can you believe it? It's mid month already. It was one of those cliché kind of work week ending with a TGIF. It started out with a rainy day and Mondays always get me down. I started 7 in the morning and ended the day a little after 6 each day except for today. I took the car in because the needed new power steering pressure hoses. I got in about 8:30 and left at 5 so that I could pick the car. The good thing about this week was that I learned a lot as well as got a lot accomplished. One of the guys is jumping ship, opting to join another team, because of the long hours under pressure. Fire fighting is not for everyone. I’m just happy to be working in the poor economy. When I got home, I was totally surprise to find Andrea and Rob visiting. We sat and chatted over fried egg sandwiches before they left to the Saint John 20 and 30 Something Summer Party. Then Fawn I went to pick up the car. Ouch, $564.09. I thought the cost for parts was reasonable, but the billing for labor was unbelievable. I did feel like cooking again, so it Ramen noodle soup to curb the hunger.

August 10, 2014
Each Lord’s day I’m at awe at the beauty of the Mass, which our Lord give us since that Last Supper with his chosen apostles and will continue to the end of time. What a privilege it is to participate in the most sacred act of worship here on earth. In my mind, the Liturgy is perhaps the highest form of prayer. I am lost for words that expresses anger at the evil in the world that I see and offer prayers for the persecuted church, especially in Iraq. It is always a great day when one receives a blessing from arguably the most learned teacher of Christ alive on the planet today. I haven’t been to a bible study in a while, but made a point of doing so today. Dr Kleinig bible study was on, Seeing What We Hear: Imagining What is Unimaginable. He covered a lot of ground in a very short time and I can hardly wait to go over it again and muse once it is posted. I was stuck on what he said using our five senses and, “By attending to God’s word we hear what He says to us, see what He offers us, sense the fragrance of His grace, taste its goodness, and feel his word as we are touched by it.” One of things that use to bother me, was my family hunger and needed solid food. St Paul’s warning to Hebrews is also a warning for us, “About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:11-14). Lord, open my eyes, that I may behold the wondrous things from your instructions.

August 9, 2014
"A seven year-old-child knows what the church is, namely, holy believers and sheep who hear the voice of their Shepherd." - Martin Luther.  Ahh, the weekend is here. I really like my job, but life seem only to be an existence.  I’m in early and I stay late during the week days and the team just hope to get all the needed done so we don’t need to go in on the weekend. It’s sad, that I can hardly wait for the three day holiday weekend at the end of the month. The last two Labor Day holiday, I was between opportunities, unemployed.  I can speak from experience that it is really an emotional time being reminded you’re not involved in a working community and contributing to society. So, what about this thing called the American dream? For most Americans like myself, it was never about becoming a one percenter, it is about security.  Is it now just a fading dream and we are ramping down our expectations? I read on USA Today, the price tag for the American dream for a family of four is 130K a year. It was nice to get up and see the sun and go out and about. We shopped and got some good end of the season and back to school deals. We even found a great deal at the grocery store, a nice thick bone-in New York steak for eight bucks. I’ll get to that it a bit, but for lunch it was a hot ruben sandwich. There is nothing quite like corn beef with heaps of sauerkraut on butter toasted rye bread. I didn’t bother with the chores and opted for a much needed quick afternoon nap. I'll be able to do it during the week because I'm pretty sure we'll be splitting the team up into two shifts again for the new upcoming load. Before I knew it was time for dinner. Hmm, Jennifer does an excellent job on the high end steak. She pan fried that bad boy with just the right mixture of garlic powder, black pepper, A1 sauce, hosin sauce and oyster sauce. We split the steak three ways and it was a serious eats. I spent part of the musing about the premises of the one true church. Rightly or wrongly, seems everyone has their own opinion on the matter. In my mind, the church is body of Christ, those who are among called to belong to Jesus Christ. Saying I’m Lutheran in the LCMS is meaningless to me, because the denominational practices are a free for all. But surly the true church primary essential doctrines are found in our three catholic ecumenical creeds that God exist as a trinity person as: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Jesus is both God and man; the nature of the incardination the Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary; Salvation is Grace through faith (I have to get back say more about this); The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ; There is only one God. Albeit hardly ever mention in churches anymore, of all the creeds, I love the Athanasian Creed the most for its clarity on what is the catholic faith. Now Subdeacon, once Fr Genig blew me away by saying good works are necessary for salvation. I agree this is most certainly true. “... From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies; And shall give account of their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting, and they that have done evil into everlasting fire. This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved." So, by grace, our faith and good works goes hand in hand and should not be separated. Another words, say so faith that is not backed up in works is dead.

August 6, 2014
Odd, how my week days are now. It’s just been work, work, work. I’ve thought about logging in to make a journal entry, but what is there to say? There is no time to muse about anything meaningful and the week days all just seem to be the same, work, eat and sleep. Day in day our same ol’ same ol’, but I still don’t mine the long hard work day because I am still able to learn a few new things on a daily basis which help make the day go by swiftly. It’s already August and I’m not seeing much of summer because of the long days. Given the choice of this or unemployment and given my circumstances, I opt to continue doing my best to learn and carry on with the needed. Because I’ve been so busy, I often forget to pray for the unemployed and underemployed.

August 3, 2014
Remember, Lord Your Church, to save it from all evil and to make it perfect in Your love, and gather it together in its holiness from the four winds into the kingdom which You have prepares for it, for the power and glory are Yours forever. Amen. – The Didache . Yesterday was Zach’s 3rd birthday, so happy birthday to my nephew and an awesome a summer barbeque party to boot! Unbelievable, it took Carl and me two hours to burn the meat, talk about killing a fat cow. But it was awesome as everyone sat around laughing and just having a good time. Great to see the kids of all ages all about. Something about when Columbians people are partying, it goes on forever. I learned my lesson about over indulging and was on my good behavior. Thanks be to God for morning coffee. I was altar assist during the early Mass and yet another infant baptism. I declare, I never been a parish where are so many baptisms and so many young children all about. I am so blessed when I am able to be seated so close to the mysteries and take in all the goes on in the liturgy. At times I call myself a Lutheran while other times, I say I’m an Evangelical Catholic. I think about when people say our parish is like the Catholic Church on steroids. How can one not take that as a compliment? After all, are we not the Catholic Church? Non papal, of course and differ from our adversaries. For whatever reason, one hardly ever hears, “Whoever desires to be saved must, above all, hold the catholic faith.” It comes the get go of the Athanasian Creed, which I completely and wholeheartedly agree with its entirety.  Years ago, I use to turn to the internet for a source of learned teachings, because it was very difficult to come by. Even then, I only found a handful; most of the rhetoric and polemics out there was and most likely continue to be bad for the soul. But hey, some folks are addicted to that kind of stuff, and Satan wins those bouts.

August 1, 2014
OK, I should be use to it now. Clearly this job consists of long hard days. It’s ashamed one has to work this way to earn a living. I’m suppose to only work a 40 hour week as a contractor, but … I suppose a man got to do what a man got to do. Well at least I we are finished with this week’s needed and won’t have to go in this weekend. Next week I’ll start the week off with a fun job of setting up Chromecast on our new big screen TV. How cool is that? It is mind boggling all the mobile different mobile devices and apps. To my surprise last night, Jennifer needed to unwind so it became a late game night, and the game was Stern-Halma. Funny how a game invented in Germany is now called Chinese checkers. Needless to say who won by four. I had lunch with Brad and he told me he became a member at Saint John just before Fr Bruzek was called there and it comes as no surprise to me that he said he still remembers Fr Bruzek very first homily he preached there. My understanding is that the weekend promises to be nothing short of being great. So let’s do the things we do and bring glory to God in all we do, now and forever.

July 31, 2014
“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring me out of my distresses” (Psalm 25:16-17).Got home from another late night and just wanted to relax, so I watched America Got Talent online and was glad I did, because I totally blown away by Emily West singing, Chandelier. What a beautiful voice and equally, what a hauntingly sad song. How messed up the darkness of alcoholism can be when celebration and self destruction is blurred and at the end of it all only emptiness is felt? Anyway, turns out were all back to the normal morning shift tomorrow and will most likely be working one of the weekend days. So off to bed it is ...

July 30, 2014
It was a beautiful morning, so I trimmed the hedge back a little using a small hand pruner. It’s not only sounds crazy, but most likely is in many ways. I just find it very relaxing and therapeutic, so there. The persistent weeds are too much of a challenge for me to remove the by hand, so I sprayed weed and feed herbicide again in hopes of some what controlling the pest. Rob and Andrea stop by briefly this morning and then it was off to work for me. Working the noon shift is sweet for me and I love it when it comes around.

July 29, 2014
It was a super full day. We finally wised up enough to run to the Comcast in Lisle, to return a box that enabled cable TV to Jennifer’s bedroom. Sigh… she hadn’t used it in years. A few stores over is John Dough Bakery. Their pastries are something to behold, especially their jam kolaches, which are very pricy, but taste out of this world good. The grass in the back yard didn’t need to be cut just yet, but I went ahead and mowed it anyway. Who knows when the next rain fall will come? When things get super busy we split into two shifts, and I opt for the one starting at noon. I ran into Brad at work and got a big welcome back. Love it when I see caring folks from our parish. I posted Sunday’s brilliant sermon, outstanding. Well, it late and nearing midnight, so …

July 27, 2014
“ […] the early Christians in the New Testament congregations did not reflect upon the Church and the means of grace; they lived in them and of them.” – Bo Giertz. Just had a nice dinner and am decided to pen an early journal entry and then log off and relax. Andrea’s dinner request was nothing short of our love affair with Hong Kong style pan friend noodles. I stir fried Beef with pea pods bok choy and placed it over the noodles. Man oh man, good stuff.  A few days ago I read some of my old journal entries. What struck me most about m was that in my world, Larry’s world, was what Fr Buchs noted last week about keeping calm and carrying on by just doing what Christians do, “they come to church, say their prayers, go to the Eucharist and love our neighbors.” I think one of the hardest things to do, for a sinner like me, is not just loving our neighbor, but loving them the way they need to be loved. Now that’s what I’m talking about, as I walked in the church, I barely got to say hello back to Fr Bruzek when I got a totally unexpected shoulder massage.  Talk about going beyond seeing Christ in everyone, try, seeing God in all things and living in a sacramental world where one feels God’s love in something simple as a shoulder massage. Last week, Rob quoted Oscar Wilde, “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” This week I came across a quote from Michele Edward Harshenin, “What we perceive as a small act of kindness may actually be a huge act of love for another person. Never underestimate the power of love, no matter how small it may seem…” It is amazing how the sermons our pastors, just keep getting better and better. I can imagine all the effort that is put into each and every one by these most learned teachers of Christ. Talk about learned teachers, whoo hoo, I see that Dr Kleinig will be visiting our parish again in a few short weeks. I need to get an ecopy of today’s sermon Fr Bruzek gave to share. I was struck by God’s love, despite knowing all there is to know about each and everyone one of us.

July 26, 2014
This morning I did a 45 minute indoor mall walk at Yorktown. Then I mowed the front lawn in the afternoon and gave it a weed whacker manicure. It doesn’t look as good as if I did it with an edger though. But nice just the same. I really worked up an appetite of dinner. I thought we would be early, but at 4:45 it was still a 15 minute wait to be seated at Lou Malnati’s and it too about 40 minutes for the pizza order to come out. I’m betting it must be close to 15 years since I dine inside there. Normally, I’m a thin crust kind of guy, but their Chicago style deep dish pizza is out of this world. It was nice to dine out with Bob and Jean. When we were done, the was a long line outside to get in. It was amazing to see so many people out and about in downtown Naperville. Jennifer and I opted out of the walk about, at the riverwalk, but Fawn and her mom went with them. I had enough exercise for the day.

July 25, 2014
“All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast” (Proverbs 15:15). We got home late last night, so there was no way to pen the wonderful her family signature Colombian chicken stew dinner Sandy made for us. It was nice of Carl and Sandy to invite us for dinner to celebrate Fawn and Alex’s birthday. Sitting around a dinner table with great food, great conversation and joyful laughter is truly a blessing. It’s so easy to grumble and complain about hard work and long hours, but then God blesses us with moments like this and nurtures gratefulness. I’m glad the severe weather forecast for this evening was off. In fact, the sun even out and the air was calm, so Fawn and I went out and did the grocery shopping. I just realized that I start penning my journal entries in 2009. For me, doing so has been very therapeutic, for others it allows one a rather small glimpse of my corner of the world. I only ask forgiveness if what I pen hinders the grace of the Holy Spirit because of my sins and prayerful ask for the Lord’s blessing, upon all, expecially those who stumble upon this site.

July 23, 2014
I’ve pray daily for help in my job because the technology is so new to me and I need to learn and do whatever task I am given correctly and shazam, I had a very good day doing the needed. I really want to say hey to some really great folks that I known for many years and haven’t seen since the last time, but I have been so super busy to do so. My day was complete when Norma and Shina briefly stop by to welcome me back.

July 22, 2014
Whoo hoo, only a eight hour work day, works for me. Came out to what was awfully warm and muggy. Thanks be to God for air conditioning. We did some serious eating today. I had time to stir fry Chinese pork spareribs with black beans and bell peppers. Life is good.

July 20, 2014
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). Today was noticeably one of the most beautiful Liturgies. I was robed and sort of assisted, we had more helper than was required at the altar, so all I was assigned to do was to lit the coal in the censer and sit in the back altar. As beautiful as liturgy is from sitting and serving at the altar, I had a different view and observed the ongoings of the liturgy at Saint John. I continue to be amazed at how well planned everything is with the resources at hand; the flow liturgy here has so much integrity and beauty. I’m thrilled we have a third pastor again and look forward to perhaps a forth someday, I’ll get to that in a bit. But back to the liturgy, and how every thing that is seen, heard, smell, touched and tasted needs to convey the beauty of the very mysteries we celebrate, indeed everything teaches. When I look at the beautiful altar, which represent Christ himself, or the beautiful chalice and paten that is worthy to holding the very body and blood of our Lord and Savior, the list just goes on and on to the point one can write a book. Nothing is spared; not even the curved pews where we as parishioners are gathered as the body of Christ are in full view of one another around the altar. Back to pastors, albeit as friendly and welcoming everyone is at Saint John to all, which is important and significant in itself; being greeted in a warm and inviting way by your pastors goes a super long way. Jennifer mentioned Alex and Fawn got a shoulder rub but didn’t get one. Hmm, come to think of it, I haven’t got one in a while either. I say well done to all who serve in providing a beautiful liturgy and a worthy place for worship. I agree with Rob, that our parish took a big blow when Fr Genig left to serve elsewhere. It took a long time to recover, but I think we back on track with full blast worship in truth and spirit. Lately, we have been celebrating one thing or another, today we celebrated Alex’s 25th birthday at Fabulous Noodles. It’s great blessing to have the entire family around most of the day and feeling God's love.

July 17, 2014
Albeit, I mention I’ve been working a lot of long days an awful lot, it turned out to be an auspicious day and I’m not complaining, it’s just a fact. I’m gladly doing so on my own accord because I’m learning a lot. My hard work is paying off, because so far I have been able to complete all that is expected of me. It is amazing he long hours and how hard people work nowadays. I’m so glad to be able to work again not only because it is essential that I provide for the family, it is good for the mind and spirit. But having so much on my plate is both a good as well as a bad thing, because I’ve becomes so absorbed in my work there is little time for anything else. I found the Jesuit Media very helpful; my days have become so busy I hardly ever go to daily prayers in the ignatian spirituality form, pray-as-you-go. For better or worse, I’ve opted for a different Jesuit Ministry through Loyola Press, which are daily 3-minutes retreats.

July 15, 2014
Where did the day go? I went to work earlier than usual in order to take some of my to review some of my notes and format it in a clearer how2 ecopy, but that didn’t happen. Right from the get go, I was given a new task. It required me to research in the morning and complete the needed by the end of the day. Needless to say it was a longer day than normal long day. However, I joyfully met the all the challenges presented to me. There is so much to do that we will mostly have to work one or both days this weekend.
July 14, 2014
“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8). It was just another long work day and the only thing that was note worthy is the odd cool summer breeze this evening. It brought to mind how the Holy Spirit is like a gentle breezes that blows though our lives and changes everything.

July 13, 2014
I came across a blog a few months back that had a post about extra ordinary ministers. The comments were all over the places and of course I have my own opinions. After all I’m an alter assistant myself and served at the early Mass this morning. I started pondering on it again because I noticed yesterday at on the Youtube video yesterday that the extra ordinary ministers were women and they distributed the host. Rightly or wrongly, this raised a red flag for me. And then there is the issue of open and closed communion. The list just seem to go on endlessly, even to who is and isn't a parish priest. All I know is, our Lord gathers my family to SJ and the joy of my salvation has been fully restored. As I examined the different practices, I though about Dr Genig and his family as I reviewed the orthodoxy. I'm sure so many are blessed by the wisdom from above through this most learned teacher of Christ. I was thrilled to see returning new faces. I wish I was better with names. I’m so happy our congregation continues to grow. Unlike past years here and elsewhere the parishioners are sustaining a holy and faithful parish even in the summer months. Anyway, after church I made a light veggie skillet thing with potatoes, onions and green peppers for lunch so that I could mow the grass. It’s tough now to find a weekend day that doesn't rain. The rain is always high nowadays. It’s crazy when it rains at least 3 days a week. The day was very nice, so afterwards, we went walking around the beautiful outdoor mall in Oakbrook. There were plenty of people out and about enjoying the good weather.

July 12, 2014
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved” (1 Corinthians 10:31-33). Just sitting around and penning this journal entry and listening to random music on YouTube while waiting for Andrea and Rob. Another torrential down pour in the early morning. Alex and I had the door open just listening to the rhythm of pouring rain. Went to the doctors office and my gout flare up is under control again. So much for feasting at all those summer barbeques I’ve been attending. Hmm… consumption of tasty burnt food in moderation. It got me thinking about the Eucharistic hymn, This is the Feast of Victory. I remember the first time I hear/sang this hymn, much like the wow moment in the hymn, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, where the words overwhelm you. Talk about a wow moment it must have been for Saint John to have experienced. One has to be concerned when we take to heart the glimpse Christ reveals to us the angels call to worship. I’ve heard many say they love the way we praise and honor God in worship and just as many just at our liturgical form as being the catholic church on steroids, yet I feel still we always can do better, especially when it comes doing all for the glory of God. O how we cling to wanting some of that glory for ourselves. Sometimes, I feel I don’t feel I belong at the Eucharistic celebration and need to do something to make it right, but then that would be saying Jesus died for nothing. So I just become the thankful beggar, for the body and blood given, for the full forgiveness of sins. Noodles are a big hit in this family and it ranges from Ramen to ma cans cheese to my favorite any pasta with Fawn sauces over them. I recently heard a commercial that mentioned a Ramen noodle every night budget. Albeit, Ramen, like most noodles is very inexpensive. I love eating it because it tastes good, simple as that. Today was no exception; I made Chinese pan fried noodles that Alex requested.

July 11, 2014
Groovin’, had my ear plugs on listening to sacred music while going over the test plan and researching on how to prep myself on how to use various tools to extract network data. Just when you feel comfortable with what you learned, you move on to new and additional responsibilities. To my surprise, I came to a perfect pan fried sirloin steak. Jennifer did a fantastic job. I’ve done sirloin before, but it wasn’t very good. I’m much better at doing pan seared rib eye steaks. Anyway, my eyes are itchy and heavy, time to go to bed and close them.

July 10, 2014
It was an awesome day at work. I got there early so that I would have time to go out to lunch with my very old friend Tim. We went out for an Indian buffet so that we could have time to eat a quick lunch and do some catching up. Despite, how smooth everything went in lab, there is always something to do. So long hard days are like a given. One thing for sure the time really flies.

July 9, 2014
Happy birthday darling wife, more beautiful than ever. Been working long hard days, but they were very productive. As I gain more experience, the stress level should go down. I started walking during the lunch hour again for better overall well being. During my walk, I looked back to my time of need between jobs, when most of our republican representatives were not helpful. In fact, a few were down right nasty. During my time of employment struggle, keeping a positive attitude and a thankful heart was a good respond to my jobless circumstance and inability to find employment. In his epistle, Saint Paul encourages us to, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). It was a good day, filled with grace, joy and peace from God our father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, who abounds us with hope in our sanctified life.

July 7, 2014
Albeit being a long day, have time to pen a few lines. Just wanted to say how beautiful Sunday Mass was and nice to meet a few local visitors. Since everyone was around, the family went out to Maggiano’s to celebrate Fawn’s birthday. We always love to start out with their bruschetta and calamari. I broke away from my normal order of baked ziti that I’m so fond of and order the chicken parmesan, loved it. There is so much going on at work that I have to put in extra time just to stay afloat. The day just goes by, way too fast.

July 5, 2014
A much better day and rather than choosing to do a little ranting, it was much better opening myself to just receive the blessings of the day. Funny how we rant and ramble on... yet are so blessed. It started with finishing off waking to a full blown breakfast that Alex made to celebrate Fawn’s birthday, which is later in the week. Mmm… fresh baked croissants, scrambled eggs and bacon. Then it was off to mowing the bottom portion towards the back. Yikes, the second honey do project was a pumping project. Sad, I naturally started it and denied my limitations and ended up recruiting Alex to finish the needed pumping project again. I had a hard time getting way back to where the flex hose connect to the facet. Anyway, mama’s happy. Fawn and I were invited to a backyard BBQ in Montgomery. Every time I go down 34 & 30 it surprises me how much it changes. I thought I would be out in the boonies, but to our surprise new homes. There smaller homes but nice. The funny thing is, we were the young couple there. It is so good to see folks to active and full of life. Most of them were friends from St Lukes. I’m starting to realize that Lutheran folks have a lot of energy, good humor and really know how to party with brats, burgers and beer.

July 4, 2014
Hmm, missing cutting the grass last weekend and paid for it this morning. The cool of the day was even hot and muggy. No fun with all the rain making the grass tall and the bottom quarter of the yard uncuttable. OK, enough of the ranting, the rest of the day was spent relaxing and of course with the traditional all American hot dog. I really ike listening to the God Whisperers, especially when they review Norman Nagel sermons.

July 1, 2014
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:6-18).Well we survive the lighting, thunder and heavy rain beating down last night. Oh my, when I turned the corner this morning on the way to work, there was a downed tree. Glad the large tree didn’t damage anything. Luckily it was the parkway tree. Things weren’t that smooth today at work. Guess if everything was always hunky dory, there wouldn’t be a need for me. It was good to row up my sleeves and analysis what the issues and find ways to resolve them. The research for the next assignment went well and I am applying for access to all the need. There is plenty of reading to do to familiarize myself for the pending task at hand. A new month and we heard one time or another, “Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. Look around and serve God. Look within and find God!” I use to say nah and never gave it much thought until now. And it is becoming a maybe, nah. Albeit, no pay for holidays because it time not worked, I’m looking forward to the time off to relax and be with family and friend. Reflection on our independence has much to good with thankful prayers of our freedom. Though we are far from being a perfect nation, there is some goodness, after all we are free to worship and live out a sanctified life without fear. I am trouble by our government leaders and feel corporate and individual prayers are both important parts of our prayer life. Lord, grant these leaders your wisdom and guide them in your ways. Lord, grant all hearts to seek you and your truth. Amen.

June 30, 2014
“Keep listening to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. Under the whole heaven he lets it go, and his lightning to the corners of the earth. After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice, and he does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend” (Job 37:2-5). It’s been booming for days. Who needs an alarm clock when we have wall shaking, window rattling, thunder and lighting up close and personal, to keep you up? Is it time to build an ark? This ongoing torrential rain is really giving the old sump pump a workout.  It was a good work day, as I got my next assignment which I only have a short time to understand and able to do all the needed. Once upon a time people got actual class room training for the needed, but it seems much of the learning is done researching and querying a subject matter expert on a need to know basis this past decade. Wow, another month as gone by. Time goes by so fast, My work days are like that. I get to work, blink and it's time to go home.

June 29, 2014
I don’t go to the anticipatory Saturday evening Mass that often, but every time I do, I see the flicking flames from the altar candles joyfully praying. After all, all of creations praise God and rejoice in their own way. This morning I was reading more about what was once called the disease of kings, gout. It’s been a while since my last flare up back in June 2012. Guess I'll be needing to more proactive to minimize another reoccurrence. Besides the magic bullets beginning expensive, I really do need to take better care of myself and eat healthier. Stayed indoors and relaxed my foot all day and watched the remake of Robocop. I have to say it was similar in many ways but the differences made for updated and more interesting movie. Most of the inflammation is gone  from my foot and thanks be to God, I should be able to move about freely tomorrow just in time for the work week.

June 28, 2014
“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:19-25). Ouwee, a gout flare up, no fun. Thanks be to God for modern antiinflammatory meds treatments. Sitting back this morning penning and listening to sacred music while resting my foot. It was a very good work week and am learning a lot. The guys kid me about the joyful relief in my face when I was able to execute my first set of network level tests. Fawn and I went to Saturday evening Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul with the ordination of David Buchs. I always find it visually striking it is to see a man that is being ordained to the priesthood lying prostrate before the altar in submission to Christ and his church. I’ve read the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, beit Tappert or the reader version, more than a few times. I struggle with being able to confess to it to be in full accord and a true and correct exposition of Holy Scripture. There is much written in it beside biblical creeds to be steadfast to and outside my confession of hope. Yet I and Lutheran and believe there remains a lot for me to learn, with the hope of the Holy Spirit. And wow, Fr Buchs chanted the words of institution. Whenever words are chanted I think people take notice and the words noteworthy words carry better to the listeners when sung then spoken. There is something about music that writes the words the heart and mind of the listeners. The Mass was full blast reverent worship, start to finish. It is mind boggling to know there are churches that put themselves above the liturgy. The liturgy draws us out of ourselves into Christ by faith and love for our neighbor. We go to receive the gifts of Christ that binds our community together encouraging each other to love and good works. At the party following, we got to say hello to the Rev. Dr, Just. I love it when he visits our parish. We chatted a tad with our new vicar, Jonathan who asked us how long we have been parishioners at Saint John. I told him 6 years ago, in our family’s time of need, the Lord gather, us here. We are so blessed to be under the care of most learned teachers of Christ. I can't say enough good things about our parish common area, where we have an opportunity to meet a greet one another and a hello, how are you is actually a hello, how are you as a literal body of Christ.

June 25, 2014
Work, work, work, work, work … been so busy learning and doing, but I ain’t complaining. Times have really changed. One has to be flexible enough nowadays to learn on fly at a very fast pace. No wonder folks get all stress out. Now I’m really wondering if I will be able find time to pen a journal entry. For now I just work and thank God for this employment opportunity and fervently pray for the unemployed and underemployed as poverty continue to rise in these United States.

June 22, 2014
“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” (Psalm 115:1). I love barbeques! Be it grilled meat or vegetables. Our family went to Henry and Heather’s for a barbecue. I did not expect so many people there. I guessing it must have been a house warmer. They moved in their beautiful new home Memorial Day weekend. I was wounded by the exceptional beauty of this morning’s Mass. I assisted at the altar and the power of the smells and bells help me realize that it God’s work and not ours. As much as I try to stay focus while assisting at the altar, brief spurs of not knowing whether I’m in heaven or on earth. The Liturgy draws us in full union with the Holy Trinity who speaks to my heart and soul and heals me. My darling daughter stopped by for a brief visit, what a joy. Well, it’s time to go to bed, tomorrow is a work day.

June 20, 2014
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. I’m up early and was awaken by the ongoing sound of thunder and pouring rain, so I deciding to take the time to pen the joy in my heart and erase my disdain for the harsh and unkind words for people in need by the far left republicans. I’m back in the saddle again, with a job! A good and perfect gift from the Father. I just started on Wednesday this week and will am grateful this opportunity is in town. Telcom technology just keep advancing in leaps and bounds, so I've been so busy, putting in long hours, taking classes to get onboard and certified.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:1-5). I’m back…Yeah baby! Now that’s what I’m talking about; I worked hard and I completed the initial three compulsory classes and my laptop is all set, so I’m good to go. Indeed, work is good for the mind and soul. I set up my sacred music playlist in wma format and just enjoying it as I am penning. What a blessing it is to be able to play it as background music at work again. I’m looking forward to weekends once again and rejoicing with prayers of thanksgiving and not failing to offer intercessory prayers for the unemployed and underemployed.

June 17, 2014
“A man’s got to know his limitations.” – Clint Eastwood: Dirt Harry. Call me crazy, but I mixed red wine vinegar and hot sauce and used it to dip potato chips. I thought it was wonderful snack! I took out the Explorer for a spin from the garage and it started up like a champ. The AC worked like a champ and kept up with the heat and humidity. All that was needed was few pounds of air on the back two tires. Hmm, I’m not much of a plumber. I tried my best to fix a leaky pipe for the shower. The parts for the shower head assembly is made of plastic and the thread leaked. The job seemed easy enough, just replace the plastic arm with brass chrome plated one, right?  Hmm, I was unsuccessful and became frustrated, so I gave up and handed the job over to Alex and thanks be to God, he was able to do the needed. I rewarded him with what turned out to be a pretty good chicken fried rice dish. Normally, my stir fried rice is only so-so, but this time it was yummy. I've been musing about infant/toddler communion for some time now and and still believe the orthodox church is correct and not erring on this particular matter.

June 16, 2014
O God, strength of those who hope in you, graciously hear our pleas, and, since without you mortal frailty can do nothing, grant us always the help of your grace, that in following your commands we may please you by our resolve and our deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Nice collect found on Catholic Culture this morning. I finally got the staples removed from my leg this morning. They been in there for 18 days, but seems as though they been in there forever. I got a call from a contracting firm to put my name in the hat for a remote contract position. I've been unemployed since August and still would like to work as much as possible. The position doesn't pay much, but I view work as a vocation and an opportunity to serve. It is much better to do something rather than be idle. It burns me up when seemingly heartless politicians like Paul Ryan speak ill the way he does. Why people keep him in office is beyond me. It would have been helpful to get unemployment benefits while I’m still searching for work. I still have to put my baby through school on top of meeting ongoing bills. Watching my savings dwindle is no fun. I can say more ... but it's best to just place my trust in God. Jennifer pointed out examples of people who clearly fully place their in God to provide, on the way home from Mass. If all goes well accordingly, perhaps an opportunity will come to past this week.

June 15, 2014
Happy Father’s Day! The day’s celebration began with the Feast of the Blessed Trinity. Despite faithfully and firmly believing the catholic faith, one cannot fully fathom the sublime truth of this mystery, we humbly say: Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. The Baptism of Fr Nelson’s daughter, Daphne June, was joyous. It is amazing how many Baptisms there are in our parish. Over half the parishioners are under the age of 35. Years ago, there were many empty pews during the summer months, but recent years, parishioners seem to understand the third commandment now as days of obligation and joyously come to the Liturgy which causes us to praise and adore the mysteries of shown mercy toward us in his shared life. Actually, the 10 Words are more precise rather than calling them commandments. The first person of the Holy Trinity, the Father of all, tells his children what is good for us as human beings. Wow, the St John Brass, led by Phil Rudd, made every hymn a true anthem. Afterwards we went to the Hatley’s for a mango pancakes breakfast. On the way home we stopped by Fabulous Noodles for a light lunch, the kids wanted to celebrate Father’s Day. Fawn and I worked it off on the backyard and deck in the heat and high humidity. Every Trinity Sunday now, I think about about Fr Genig, Sacramental preaching and the Trinity Icon. I was so happy Andrea and Rob called, my day is complete.

June 10, 2014
Oh my, strange to find myself can’t waiting to watch season 9 of America’s Got Talent. There were four or five wow auditions alone on episode 3. It took them a while, but the show now seems to be able to attract a few good acts worth watching to audition.

June 9, 2014
It is hard to believe 30 years has gone by … and though the joy and trails, God remains faithful. Thanks be to God who has blesses and hold us together. We only got a few more days of getting up early in the morning to watch Zach to give a few extra hours of sleep before taking him to the daycare and picking him up. Yikes, what’s up with him lately? All of a sudden he is beginning to show little signs of rebellious defiance. LOL, I have forgotten how defiant these little people can be at times, terrible twos, tantrums and and the word no. I think I did a great job trimming back the tree branches but didn’t think I fared well with the job I did on trimming back the scrubs. Often time, whenever I do any type of pruning, I tend think of John 15 and the Vine. Perdue chicken drumsticks were on sale, buy one get one free, so it oven baked BBQ chicken. Yummy, they turned out very moist ns tender. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, republicans calling Clinton out of touch with the average American. Both the democrats and republicans party are extreme in their ideologies.

June 8, 2014
Almighty ever-living God, who willed the Paschal Mystery to be encompassed as a sign in fifty days, grant that from out of the scattered nations the confusion of many tongues may be gathered by heavenly grace into one great confession of your name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Pentecost Sunday, what can I say. One thing, I can the day started with a most beautiful Mass. I think, Rev Gaede, our guest preacher, and a blessing to the church. I've seen some blogs and blog comments that are apprehensive and outright against the LCMS SMP program. I have my own opinions on what makes a person the “pastor teacher” of, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11). And for sure, there are the seminary trained wolves that come to us in sheep's clothing. Great news, congrats to Pastor Nelson and Holly for the birth of daughter Daphne June. Oh well, no BBQ, instead I whipped up French toast, scrabbled eggs, and pork sausage links brunch and dinner was a carryout from Fabulous Noodles. I had a great day with Rob. We had a great time talking about this and that , as well as played with learning Python programming. Rob went on to impress me with his YouTube Channel. It comes as no surprise to me and why his students love him. Interesting, that I spent more time with him than with Andrea when they come to visit.

June 7, 2014
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27). Woke early so I made some of this and some of that, meaning hot oatmeal, scrambled eggs, French toast, and Colombian coffee. I waited until 8 then put on a surgical mask. Oh yeah, with the mask on, I was able to breathe allergy free and the usual in your face gnat attack was less annoying, so I was able to cut the grass all at once in the cool of the day, sweet. The remainder of the day was peaceful and thanks be to God for making it possible to receive the Holy Spirit and blessings revealed.

June 6, 2014
Almighty and merciful God, we beseech Thee to give us rest from the storm of war; for Thou wilt bestow on us good things if Thou givest us peace both soul and mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The weirdest thing just happened, I was surfing the internet attempting to find Georgian chants to listen to in the background while I made my journal entry. I unexpectedly found Gregorian – Masters of Chant. The songs they sing are actually modern pop songs arranged in the form of chants. Guess I'll be chillin instead as I pen. A lot has been going on my mind since Memorial Day about honoring the death of men and women who serve and protect us. As I reflect in awe that more than 9,000 Allied troops were killed or injured on D-day alone. War is so ugly and yet there is a doctrine that tolerates Just Wars, Lord have mercy whenever we wield the sword to restrain wickedness. I watched a few WWYD on YouTube. There were a lot of them on homosexuals and transgender. It led me to muse and ask, is it wrong to walk in truth toward our neighbor and do right by them by affirming what is good and right by them? I found it disturbing how some countenancing sin by naming it as something else and not conforming their sexual behavior in thought word and deed toward the will of God extolled in loving their neighbors. I think the world will say I’m wrong, but it is sinful and believe that the homosexual need to overcome their sexual inclination toward others of the same sex as well heterosexuals needing to overcome their inclination toward multiple partners. I know we are sinful by nature and it is easier said than done. I actually am very uncomfortable being around people that need to PDA. The consensuses on the video seem to lean toward narrow minded thoughts should be kept to one’s self. My 30th wedding anniversary is right around the corner and thanks be to God for I am bless with a both good wife and children. My family and friends and church community all blessings and make the journey back toward Eden easier. Yesterday was my birthday and I was surprisingly elated that my daughter and my brother and sister called me with well wishes. My birthdays in the past for me were thought of daily days of thanksgiving, but now I’m much older and desire to view the remainder as a special day to celebrate the very person God created on this day and reflect on where I am in the process of becoming that person.

June 4, 2014
Graciously grant to your Church, O merciful God, that, gathered by the Holy Spirit, she may be devoted to you with all her heart and united in purity of intent. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Another beautiful collect found in This ancient prayer and the email from Carol about the Fourth of July Parade. This year’s theme is Generations of America and our parish float theme will be, Serving Generation for Generations. This led me to muse about the enculturation that flows from the liturgy. It’s not clear to me whether it was my rebellious ways of my youth or that the prosaic evangelical contemporary form of Christian worship in Protestantism just appears to me to be stage show of some sort. The contrasts from the get go of the feeding and stroking of the narcissist is exciting to some compared to ancient liturgies that began with asking, “Jesus Christ, son of the living God, to have mercy on a sinner.” The theology of glory appears to be subjective and the theology of the cross is objective. The object of our salvation is base on what Christ does for us on the cross and not subject to our choosing and giving Jesus the OK nod that he can be the acceptable God of our minds. I’m hoping to barbecue this weekend, but the forecast calls for 30% both Saturday and Sunday. So perhaps between the raindrops on Sunday or I’ll have to use the broiler? Thinking about changing it up with grilled brats with sauerkraut.

June 2, 2014
“O Lord, Our God, you have created us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” - Saint Augustine. What a beautiful prayer. As time goes on, the realization that this economy simply tanked for people like myself. I’m no longer absorbed on self focus on my own needs and am more focused on the loving presence of our Lord in my daily life. Fawn and I have been blessed with so many great opportunities and was able to provide for more than a comfortable living. Those days are behind us now, but by watching the pennies we do OK. Thanks be to God, monies that were set aside just for times like this. I think that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl matters and the news story will be fascinating once he is back. It’s not clear if he is a hero or a deserter. All the different stories are running rampant.

June 1, 2014
Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God, and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving, for the Ascension of Christ your Son is our exaltation, and, where the Head has gone before in glory, the Body is called to follow in hope. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. I can’t rightly say that our parish haven’t retained the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord on the proper Thursday, since it offers the daily Eucharist and acknowledges it to faithful. For the rest of us, the solemnity is celebrated today on the Seventh Sunday of Easter. It was blessing to see and hear Rev. Wietfeldt preach. Today was the first time I got to sit next to altar since all the stained were put in, beautiful. To my surprise, I stumbled upon, The Imagined Danger of High Church, while searching for high church. I don’t really like making a big thing about my birthday, but the family surprised me and took me out to Outback for a lunch celebration. I was so happy to just to sit a share a meal because most of the time everyone is out and about and on the move. I took out the weed whacker on one of the hottest and muggiest honey do day this year and put a real nice edge on the front lawn.

May 30, 2014
I watched, Brian Williams: Inside The Mind of Edward Snowden. The interview did humanize him. I won’t by any means call him a patriot but not sure I would outright call him a traitor anymore either. To my surprise he was more intelligent then I imagined him to be. I think he may have gone too far in his approach to make his point.

May 29, 2014
Ouch, stupid me. I accidentally cut my leg yesterday with broken glass in the garbage that I forgot about. It required 6 stitches. Fawn had to take Jennifer to the train station so she could see friends in the city. That left me to wait and watch Zach in the morning. He cracked me when he woke and asked me where everyone was, one at a time. We ran errands in the morning and did lunch at Panda Express. Their entrees large enough we always just split their two entrée meal. We had sweetfire chicken breast and honey walnut shrimp.

May 26, 2014
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). Whew, it took to attempts, but mission accomplished. I mowed yard and front lawn and before the rain. Now the green grass looks beautiful even, though it can still use a manicure, but it was just too hot in the blazing sun to edge it do a once over with the weed whacker. I have a weed whacker story, but reflecting back on it now, I think I was foolish in some ways to say what I did out of anger. It is a good to be able to continue to grow and improve on our shortcomings. I was mindful of the prophet Micah as I reflected on this Memorial Day on our ongoing human story and journey back to Eden. I give thanks to God in remembrance of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus the True Vine said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). I believe, in some way, that the men and women who died in the service is a true expression of this greater love. Prayers for the safety and protection of our servicemen and servicewomen.

May 25, 2014
I was going to wait until tomorrow to pen a journal entry after reflecting on Memorial Day, but I can I not say something about a perfect day on the sixth Sunday of Easter. It began with early morning Mass. It’s rare, but every once in a while Jennifer sits next to me. Normally the kids don’t sit between mom and me except when they were small. As we joyful sat in the nave prior to the Divine Service just marveled at the bold clarity the architecture spoke to all present in the nave. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to sit in a mega church that resembles a monster barn on a Sunday morning. Anyway, the procession began with Beethoven hymn of joy, Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven. I saw young Ryan at church today. Well not so young anymore. The guy seems to still be growing and is well over a head taller than me now. It’s amazing to see young lads grow up to be fine young men. All I had time to do was to be cordial and wish him and Rachael well and offer them words of encouragement when apart. Alex and all his high school buddies were all back in town and went for shoot ‘em up combat paintball course and the lady went out and do whatever ladies do. So Rob and I had down time to bond. I think we have an extremely good relationship. Sadly, I can’t say the same for what ever it was with my father-in-law and me. Guessing it wasn’t meant to be.  Anyway, it was a last minute decision on Sandy and Mary’s part, but tradition Memorial day weekend BBQ came to be. BBQ ribs, hamburgers, hotdogs and all the trimmings. Just four families, the parents got to talk and for hour and get that much closer. It’s truly amazing how we can exchange love, because Christ loved us first.

May 23, 2014
Was totally out of it for several and needed to see the doctor. I feeling much beter because he gave me a magic bullet, Linzess. With the heavy rain we have been getting, everything seems much greener.

May 20, 2014
I love my nephew Zach, but I’ve forgotten just how challenging a two year can be at times. He has been a handful the last two days. It was in the upper 80s today and normally I’d be complaining at the temp, but the summer breeze was most welcomed. It’s been way too cool. I’m sure the heat and humidity will be unwanted soon enough, but for now it’s a blessing. Earlier in the day, I thought the pending storm would provide a pleasant succor, but instead the ominous night was filled with torrential rain and hail that is causing a lot of flooding in the street all about town, but thanks be to God, out basement was spared. Last night the top singers gave it their all. Congratulations to winner Josh Kaufman.

May 18, 2014
 I learned a new word, flummoxed, several weeks ago. But I am not flummoxed by inaccurate statements made by some Christian leaders. I am however disheartened by the venom some spew. I pray I have not done the same.  I heard about the Nascar Skokin Hot Wife Prayer , unbelievable. For whatever reason, it made me think about the LCMS-ELCA schism on Cheers. Ants, ants and more ants. It couldn’t believe all the ant hills all about my yard. I had to spray triazicide and hopefully it will keep them at bay. Jennifer made eggs and avocado on whole wheat toast. It’s up there on the best breakfast ever list. The price of avocado is insane and all over from store to store ranging from 79 cents each to $3.00 each.

May 17, 2014
I never cared much for the show called, The View. The legendary Barbara Walters was on the news as she farewell exits the show. There were pictures of her through the years. It never struck me that once upon a time she was actually once a young women. I’m no spring chicken and yet I have no recollect of her as a young woman. She always looked the same to me. Seems Larry King is the same way. I was able to mow most of the grass except for about the bottom quarter which was still wet.  It is not clear to me why the Athanasian Creed is rarely if at all in the Liturgy of most church anymore. One guess is that the language of the creed may be unpalatable to the seeker or for some Christians new to the faith, so perhaps the Liturgy may not be the use of it, I just don’t know. But do know that this creed , with great clarity, teach that we do worship one God in three persons and  teaches the great truth that we can only be saved because of  our faith which rests on a Savior found in Jesus Christ who is in the Father and the Father in Him.

May 16, 2014
You got to be kidding, mid-May snow. I’m trying to curb my comments on the weather, but how can I when it just keep on raining and the temp remains at least 20 degrees below the norm of 70 for this time of year. It even snowed this morning in the northwest burbs. There is much going on and have been cooped up indoors. Hope the weather breaks so that I can cut the grass. With all the rain, it’s pretty tall. I'm pretty naive to think that racist in the US is in check. With all the racial slurs about in the news, I have to rethink it.

May 14, 2014
“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). I read, An Orthodox Christian View of Non-Christian Religions, and don’t fully grasp everything that is beings said here and admittedly raised my eye brows in a few areas, but do agree on the great need for peaceful coexistence of all people of all faiths. Hmm Hmm, Fawn made spaghetti for lunch. This dish is definitely a crowd pleaser in our household. Funny, it was an Italian cuisine all day. We had dinner at the Chin’s and they made lasagna with a red wine sauce, good stuff.

May 13, 2014
It was dinner and a movie the other day with steamed tilapia and Captain Phillips. I really like playing chess and like the rest of the world, would love to think I’m an better than average player. But I guess I’m not very good at it. Sigh… Jennifer was able to beat me and she is just learning how to play and she don’t even know all the basic rules yet. Tonight it was Ramen noodles. Is it me? I added a dash of red wine vinegar, hot sauce and ketchup to it and came up with something that tastes similar to a hot and sour soup. I watched the top five of The Voice show and the contestants are doing it. I really hate to see any of them get cu. So weird for not wanting to know who made it to the top 3 finale, because I don’t want to know who got eliminated.

May 11, 2014
Albeit, we are still in the season of Easter, the 4th Sunday of Easter to be precise, it looked almost like Easter morning in attendance. We were down to singing the last verse of last hymn in the worship folder concluding the distribution of the Lord’s Supper. Many random thought always occur for me on Mother’s Day. My siblings and I was blessed to have a loving mother. Am I crazy to think that all the love and guidance our parents gave us, made Ozzy and Harriet seem like dysfunctional parents? Naturally, I was venerating the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos. I must be too simple minded and couldn’t care less, whether or not Jesus had brothers and sisters as well as about other Marian dogmatic doctrines, both sides failed to make their point on why it mattered. The kids took mom and I out to lunch at Fabulous Noodles. They went all out and order a feast. I was looking online on different mojo criollo marinade/sauce recipes. Most of them were the same except for a few that had cilantro. I love eating chicken and am always looking for wonderful ways to have it. I think people who like eating chicken owe it to themselves to give tandoori chicken a try. It was a blessed day having all the kids about and I thank God for the holiness of the day.

May 10, 2014
Now that’s what I’m talking about, perfect weather for a barbecue and everything went off without a hitch. There’s nothing quite like beer, fire and meat. Add the gift of family to make for a good time. I grilled drumsticks that have been swimming in Sweet Baby Ray’s all day; 80/20 burgers with onions, peppers that have been marinating in A1 and Worcestershire sauce all day; and National Hebrew hot dogs. Fawn did the fruits and salads and condiments and everyone brought deserts. So how do one top a day like today? Simple, celebrate a more perfect day at the Eucharist tomorrow.

May 9, 2014
When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said "Repent", He called for the entire life of believers to be one of repentance – Martin Luther. The day started in darkness, rain and a gloom and doom looking sky. Zach woke up earlier than expected and we had him over at the daycare at 8:30. Then it was off to Stop and shop and Sam’s Club to get the needed for a BBQ this weekend. By noon it was sunny and quite nice out. The ragweed and grass pollen was low, but the high tree pollen count had my eyes itching. Thanks be to God for Alcon. Episode 264 of the God Whisperers was pretty good. I use think that adding water to wine in Mass was weird but I have become enlightened today on my internet journey as to the symbolism of it. How some put themselves above the liturgy is beyond me, through its words and symbols, the Holy Spirit puts us into communion with Christ. For me, the way we worship reflects what we believe and determines how we will live.

May 8, 2014
Fawn and I woke at the crack of dawn to give Zach a few extra hours of Zs Since moving to Lisle, he been dropped off at the daycare at 6:30. He slept like a rock until 9:15 and was fresh and was off to the daycare center to play with his friends. Then we were off to run errands and walked around downtown. I thought yesterday was outrageous, today it was soaring in the lower 90s. With Trinity Sunday right around the corner, how can one not contemplate, Genesis 18 in the heat of the day. I simply love reading the icons in the icon book Andrea and Rob got me several years ago.

May 7, 2014
OMG, low 80s summer like weather. And where was I? I was on the beach overlooking Lake Michigan. Fawn and I went to the city to move Jennifer out of the dorm and into her apartment. She and her friends, found and apartment on the North Shore literally on the beach and their balcony faces the east, blocks away from the school. I think the apartment rental is steep, yet it’s cheaper than the dorms, what a racket. I found that to be also true in the past with the older kids. Anyway, thinking about it now reminds me of the prayer like poem about faith and perseverance, Footprints in the Sand.

May 6, 2014
Super nice spring like day, perfect for cutting the grass. Wow, the singers on, The Voice, keep getting better and better. My favorite for the night is Christina Grimme: How to Love. I didn’t want to watch who got eliminated today. I finally got around to watching the CTS 2014 Call Service with David Buchs receiving his Call to our parish as Associate Pastor and our new Vicar will be Jonathan Scheck.

May 4, 2014
Mass was beautiful. It was nice to have so many visiting pastors. The Reverend Dr. Paul Kofi Fynn, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana, was the guest preacher. I was serving today as altar assistant and sitting in the back altar and found it difficult to hear the homily, so I am looking forward to hearing it during the week, when it gets posted online. After Mass, there was a pancake breakfast served to us from Grace Christian Academy. It was nice to meet the students and their parents. Many people have been praying for me since I became unemployed last August. Unexpectedly, an opportunity to bid on a contract came via email from a local contracting firm, so I spent the day putting together my profile. Perhaps this is a opportunity our Lord is providing. The odds are so high in this poor economy, but I had to try and I will know soon enough.

May 3, 2014
]uste et pie vivamus, exspectantes beatam spem, et adventum Domini - Let us live by justice and by mercy, and wait with bright hope for the Lord to come. I was thrilled to get an ecopy of the bible study from Dave, it’s priceless. I was struck by, “Both justice and mercy are righteous acts of God- because all God's acts are righteous - but which kind of righteousness do you want? Justice righteousness - this is absolutely good, pure, holy – and everybody ends up dead- we hear our sins in our bodies. Mercy righteousness - this is absolutely good, pure, holy- and everybody ends up living- Christ hears our sins in his body.” Jennifer and I have discussions on Justice and mercy and it brings to mind Origen, Treatise on Prayer, where he wrote, “He prays without ceasing who combines his prayer with necessary works, and suitable activities with his prayer, for his virtuous deeds or the commandments he has fulfilled are taken up as a part of his prayer. Only in this way can we take the saying ‘Pray without ceasing’ as being possible, if we can say that the whole life of the saint is one mighty integrated prayer.” Wow, will be picking up my baby girl back from school mid week for the summer. Finally, a spring like day. It was simply gorgeous.

May 1, 2014
It’s the 1st of May? So where is spring? I haven’t been to Sunday Bible Study for some time, but was encouraged to listen to this week’s bible study so that is what I’m doing while penning this journal entry. I read John T. Pless’ 13 Theses on Infant Communion on Blogia. For me, the Eucharist is the heart of Christian Worship. It is like a free for all in the LCMS when it comes to communion. Sadly, some parishes don’t offer the sacrament to parishioners who desire it on the Lord’s Day. Some set an 8th grade conformation age restriction while others are given what is called early communion. Just calling it early communion is very telling. At least that struggle is behind our family now. Albeit, I have no say in the matter and know most Lutherans speak against the ancient tradition of infant communion, but I’m not convinced and believe that one is either in the church or is not.

April 30, 2014
Hmm, last day of another month. Been listening to The God Whisperers episode 263; blood moon arising. Wow, what a great episode and a Norman Nagel sermon to boot. I’ve been doing some reading about the Orthodox Church as well as criticisms about the LCMS. Prior to the Holy Spirit leading my family to Saint John, I briefly left the LCMS and was worshiping in a WELS parish. So yes, I just happen to agree with almost all of criticisms, which in itself is very telling. I better stop and go to bed now because the day is going to start super early tomorrow morning with caring for our nephew Zach.

April 29, 2014
There were more pot holes then I ever seen in previous years. Not only was there a bumper crop of pot holes, they were huge. I thought the car just needed a frontend alignment. Ouch, I also needed  to replace the coil strut assembly, not good. Hmm, I’m the only one that thinks The Voice is great this season, so I watched it on demand this afternoon alone. We are at the point where all the singers were really good and there were numerous performances that were exceptional. So for me it is all about song choices. My standout for last night’s show is Christina Grimmie: Hold On, We're Going Home. Getting plenty of rain to turn things green, but only wish it would warm up to the norm for this time of year. One thing about water though it’s a remembrance of our baptism. Besides, how can I rant when many global wide continue to face the effects natural disaster and extreme weather?  We picked up Zach from the daycare and watched him for a few hours. Our nephew is a riot and fawn and I love caring for him. Albeit, Zach is no longer a infant I really hope baptism is in the near future and the parent become open to it.

April 27, 2014
Not sure why, but I had a tough time waking up this morning. So we went to the late Mass. There were many parishioners I haven’t seen for a while. All the stained glass windows are installed now and are as beautiful as the story they tell. I started up the lawn mower and was surprised that old bad boy fired up on the first pull. Anyway the grass is cut and looking smart. I even applied the weed and feed because the dandelions are starting to pop up.

April 25, 2014
Now that’s crazy, it was a beautiful sunny day back in the lower 70s and a tease, because it is going to drop back down into the 50s again tomorrow. It’s not clear to me why Fawn slowed down her pace today, but we went on a leisure walk and talk, sweet. I successfully changed my watch battery without any special tools, but it was a very challenging task. The parts are so small. I was glad the manuals were on line and now I’m good for another 10 years. Yeah, that’s the estimated life of an CR2016 lithium battery. Contemplated the passion of Christ, in the hymn, My Song is Love Unknown, with Dr. Arthur Just.

April 24, 2014
There’s a first time for everything. Today it was making ground beef and potato tacos with soft corn tortilla, good stuff. I would love to put my recipes on this site, but the problem is I never ever measure anything when I cook and have no idea what quantity of ingredients and often just use a pinch of this and a dash of that for the seasoning. I listen to Seminex Convocation. I heard about Seminex before but never took the time to even learn anything about it.

April 23, 2014
Rob pointed out to me a while back that I talk about the weather a lot and just the other day a friend pointed out they often visit my site to see what is cooking both literally and figuratively. Like the ancients, the weather causes me to stop and consider the wondrous works of God. Beit, “For to the snow he says, ‘Fall on the earth or likewise the heavy downpour or beit the warmth from the stillness of the earth from the south winds. And like the ancients who references thunder plays relevance to their life and faith. It's been ridiculously cold and our walks less fun all bundled up. I can't keep up with Fawn anymore with this fast pace, so much for a walk and talk. Guess I can try to walk a little faster and call it exercise. As for food, I love cooking, and receive food with thanksgiving for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. My Easter joy continues to overflow, I was thinking about Rublev’s Trinity Icon and how the reading invites us in as table guests and feed on his faithfulness.

April 22, 2014
We finally got around to watching the Dallas Buyers Club and thought it was a very good movie. Funny how we go to the library to get DVDs. I’m way behind on The Voice and am just playing yesterday’s show in the background as I’m penning this journal entry. Our primary health physician is in the process of changing his medical practice to be an affiliate with MDVIP which will reduce his practice from 4,000 to 350 patients. We went to the Q&A meeting held at the White Eagle Country Club. Seems like they opened this place not that long ago, well they’re celebrating their 25th anniversary. Believe it or not, that was the first time I’ve entered there and have to say, what a beautiful place. Anyway MDVIP is a fine idea but comes with a hefty price tag and not for our family. LOL, background nothing, I have just been penning between the singers during the commercials because they all are so good singing their genre. The temper swings are insane. I went from walking yesterday with just a t-shirt on to us walking with our coats on today. Wow, Josh Kaufman: Stay with Me. The live top 12 show was really all that and I agree with Blank’s assessment of who the front runners are from the teams. I have been reflecting on an email I got earlier in the day. Especially in regards to lex orandi, lex credenda, lex vivendi. The implication of this truth of how we worship (pray) reflects what we believe and how we live. Saint John, need I say more?

April 21, 2014
Albeit a cloudy day, it was warm and sweet. We waited until mid morning to allow the traffic to tame before heading out to the city and bring Jennifer back to school. Jennifer drove so I got to look out the window and fully take in the Lake Shore Drive. I proved the Lake Michigan is beautiful even when there is overcast. Jennifer’s final exams are right around the corner so we loaded up all her musical instruments to take back. One would have thought she was a music major. We got in a nice walk in the afternoon. I love taking a walk in my pair of Skechers Go Walk 2 shoes. They are so incredibly light weight and comfortable. I only wish they would lower the price for them. They aren’t cheap, but I’m glad Fawn brought me a pair last autumn anyway. Anyway, was thinking about how different people journey back to Eden. I really wish I was a better writer so that this journal, which is a catharsis of gratitude for me, would be a blessing to anyone who stumbles upon it.

April 20, 2014
He is risen, he is risen! The splendor of Christ risen from the dead has shone on the people redeemed by His blood, alleluia. Mass was something to behold as 400+ flocked to worship in this morning’s early Divine Service. I’ve seen our parish nave filled before but this morning the nave overflowed and many parishioner and visitors filled the balcony with the musicians. Oh my, St john Kantorei, Woodwinds, Strings and Brass. I did something different assisting at the altar today. Albeit I have lit the coals in thurible many times before, I never swung the censer before during the gospel reading. Fr Bruzek wore a beautiful white cope. Truly, a vestment are sacramental and is set apart to bring about good thought and increase devotion to those who see them and those who use them. I can attest to that when I suit up as altar assistant how I am reminded of what the dignity of the Mass requires of up. Great having everyone home. When we got home it was time for Thick center cut bacon and Canadian bacon with scrambled eggs and rolls. LOL, Fawn’s Canadian and I’m guessing they just have to have their back bacon. Well she’s right in saying that at least it’s healthier. It was gorgeous out and Fawn and I went for a walk. It was indeed a day of praise. Alleluia, the Lord is risen as He promised, alleluia. This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia. We did not allow the news of devious people and evil tongues spoil our day. The voice the sheep hears is very telling.

April 19, 2014
Normally, our family would be at the most beautiful liturgy in the church, but we spent the entire day at a big family gathering to celebrate Carl’s and Ken’s birthday and celebrate the move into Carl’s new home. Somehow I ended being the grill master. I haven’t done that in ages, I didn't mind it though because it was a lot of fun and the help was appreciates. There is nothing like good food and good company. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the spacious outdoor deck with a fire burning in the fire dome.

April 18, 2014
Remember your mercies, O Lord, and with your eternal protection sanctify your servants for whom Christ your Son, by the shedding of his Blood, established the Paschal Mystery. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. Hmm, went to Stratford Mall this morning to what was supposed to be a Spring Art and Craft Show. But there was no show or apologies anywhere to be found. There were many stores that we interested in. We made the most of a bust and went across the road to Bloomingdale Court Outdoor Mall. It was perfect with the nice weather and all. On the way back we stopped at Los Burritos Tapatios for a carry out. It’s a great hole in wall Mexican restaurant, love their tacos. It always remind me of the American sitcom, The Middles, when we buy fast food and call it a meal. Another stop at the train station for my baby girl, home for the weekend from school.

April 17, 2014
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26). As Lent comes to close, hopefully our discernment with the help of the Holy Spirit enables us to Walk in Love. I decided to pen early today because if I don’t, I’ll just skip again. Besides, I’ll be assisting at the altar tonight during the Mass of the Holy Supper. As a young man I thought I got a great education. Little did I know back then how much I actually missed out on. I worked hard and focused on engineering and technology. I think I was good at what I did, but technology keeps advancing at a rate very difficult to keep up learning the next new thing to a point one has to be at the right place at the right time to be on any value to a corporation. I am in a season in my life where I realize the importance of good philosophy and theology. I was just thinking about my baby girl and how blessed she is to be going to Loyola. Fawn and I did our grocery shopping early this morning to make sure there will be plenty of food this weekend when everyone will be around. Interestingly, During Lent, I've eaten a lot of seafood, especially tilapia. Seafood has been on sale. What I don’t get is there isn’t really much to give up now is there? Especially if meat isn't the only delicious food we can eat and if you’re a vegan. I think it now has to do with the disciple of obedience to the church and not being rebellious. Of course I could be wrong. Regardless, this isn’t an issue for me to dwell too much on, since I’m not Catholic.

Well I'm back and just had to say I was blown away at the Mass. Being up close and personal to all the ongoings is something to behold. The words, "For You" rang in my ears during the distribution. It just dawn on me that something is so wrong and confusing when some churches do not offer what Christ has given freely of himself to parishioners on the Lord's Day is beyond me. It my mind, they have taken it upon themselves to deny Christ to those who wish to receive his gift. Wow, as I am adding to the day's entry, I have been listening to Fr Bruzek's Homily on the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Dave was right, a fine sermon it is. Maybe I can get a copy of it a share it here. I got my first lesson in what is a "Bar Mitzvah". I learned a little bit about Judaism from my friend Jewish Ken. We shared an office cubical for many years.

April 15, 2014
“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1).Woke to a little over than an inch of snow, didn't see that coming. I was just shy of the record cold for this date. While running errands, I was force to come to a complete stop by three beautiful deer. Fawn and got see them up close as they leisurely cross the road in front of us going north crossing 75th street. It was a dinner and a show at home. Stir fry beef with tomato over rice as we watched, The Voice. Albeit Christina Perri have an amazing voice that can’t be beat, I think Tess Boyer sang the heck out of Human, and Devin Choice with, Let’s Stay Together was awesome. Bria Kelly was a standout singing, Wild Horses. She is the front runner in my opinion. All the singers on Team Adam, Shakira and Usher rose to the occasion and gave a good showing. Too bad it’s a competition and each had to bench two from their team members. Looking forward to Team Blake playoffs next week.

April 14, 2014
Today’s liturgy mediation on Mary and Judas was outstanding. Dang , so much for spring. Why is it still so cold? The brief warm up was just that, brief. Albeit, purple is an acceptable liturgical color for Palm Sunday, It think red is more fitting and be considered for churches that are not lacking. Was chillin on James Taylor’s Midnight Hour/Knock on Wood Bluesfest 08. For no particular reason, one my favorite JT song is Mean Old Man.

April 13, 2014
I’m a little tire and want to go to bed, but how can I not pen something about today’s Mass, awesome from the get go. Ahh, the procession with palm and gospel around the font. I was privilege to assist at the altar where our Lord delivers his true body and blood into so many mouths today. Can’t say enough about music with the St John Kantori and Brass along with the Wheaton College Senior Quartet. It don't get better than a blast feast to start off Holy Week. Five of the eight panes are in place and are absolutely stunning. And the the installation on the new pipe organ is suppose to start this year too!

April 11, 2014
Now that’s what I’m talking about, out and about in the sun without a jacket. Low 70s baby!  It’s nearing April 15th, Tax Day and is no surprise to me that Mark 12, Paying Taxes to Caesar always come to mind. It is unclear to me why the Pharisees and the Herodians marveled at Jesus, but I marvel at Jesus’ reply, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" They said to him, "Caesar's." Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." That means to me, the image on the coin was Caesar, so give back Caesar his coins. We are made God’s image, so we are to give ourselves back to God in the form of love to our neighbor. Just thought about the George Harrison/Eric Clapton version of Taxman, it is way better than the original Beetles Version. Sandy and Carl invited Fawn, Alex and me to dinner. An interesting question came up about not eating meat on Friday. LOL, I took it all the way back to Genesis and the Garden with eating plants and then after the flood where God said that everything that lives and moves is food for us. Some practice fasting while others practice abstaining. I think that is well and fine, but I do neither and do not pass judgment on another as Christians are free to eat or not eat meat according to his conscience and giving thanks to God. Sandy made her mother’s Colombian Chicken Stew with potatoes and rice, good stuff. It’s very similar to chicken paprikash. It was a real nice evening and they were receptive to our invitation to visit our parish once they are settled in.

April 9, 2014
Beautiful, simply beautiful, could be spring time has finally arrived. It was busy morning out and about. Needed rear brakes, and yes it came with a painful bill. With the price of gas, we planned of trip accordingly. The next stop was emission testing. Why the short interval between testing is beyond me. We use to have Costco membership as well as Sam’s Club. It didn’t make sense to have both for us any longer so we opted to keep Sam’s. I think both are good places to shop. I listened to a clear teaching on Issues Etc. on the subject of Women Pastors. I think Dr. Kleinig is perhaps arguably the most learned teacher of Christ alive on the planet. It is very telling that he held the opposite view once upon a time and has changed his mind. Goes to show, it is possible for with the help of the Holy Spirit to continue to grow. I was outdoors most of the day and did a lot of walking and self examination. I truly am so glad to be bless with a pair of amazingly comfortable walking shoes. It made me think about how Christians are to take off the shoes of fo0ls and walk in the shoes of the wise. In contrast, I listened to a sermon posted line that was basically a bible commentary in the form similar to storytelling. I only mention it because, once upon a time I thought this man was wise and that there was much that I could learn from him. That was a time when I was still sucking on milk.

April 8, 2014
“When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood” (Revelation 6:12). Abeit, blood moon tetrads are not all that rare, as I read, “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes” (Joel 2:31) and begin to wonder if the blood of the moon this is what John and Joel alludes to and the time is nigh. What a spectacular sight and awesome that would be if it was so. It’s got my joyfully singing; Lo He Comes with Clouds Descending. I was a good day of Lenten reflection looking to Jesus and rejoicing in the salvation secured on the cross and verified by his resurrection and accession. I put on the Sketchers and Fawn and I went for a 30 minute walk in the neighbor. It made it up to 60 and was super nice when the sun shined and we could feel its warmth. Talk about doing the old man thing at McDonalds. I sat down there with a hot cup of coffee and read the rest of the Divine Comedy. One can only speculate as to why he would pen what he did and if there is a hell as the imagines. My guess is he is venting and places his dislike for the Pope and other political characters in his hell. Fawn came across a First Thing article written by Dr. Genig, Journey Into the Orthodox Church. This answered questions I have been wondering about. This came as no surprise to me. I love my parish but have many reservations about the synod. I think our race back to Eden is an amazing walk.

April 5, 2014
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). I’m finally getting around to reflecting on Obama and Pope Francis meeting for the first time last week. I wonder if the Pope and the President of the United States really are the two most powerful people on the planet. … I thought it best delete some thoughts about Obama. But will say there was some musing about The Light of the Gospel and pray our minds, like the unbeliever, are not blinded by the gods of the world. Time to time outside of our corporate prayers, I do pray for our president and encourage other to all out leaders. Anyway, ponder on what I think is meant by a social gospel. I could be wrong, but I think it has to do with the Christian calling of social ethics. It could be confusing and be seen as a worldly gospel of good works outside of grace. I have to be careful whenever I say good works are indeed necessary for salvation, because it can be easily misunderstood and meriting it. The Lenten season is an amazing time where we experience a joyful sorrow. Joyful in the godly grief that leads to repentance. It was pretty nice out, so I raked leaves that have blown on my front lawn. Looks like I’ll be doing that for a while until everyone finds the time to rake and bag. Happy haircut! Normally, Fawn cut my hair, but she’s under the weather. So Alex did it, nice job. I’m amazed he is able to cut his own hair. I've been wanting to read, The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Infero for some time, so off the bed and a bedside read...

April 4, 2014
Rejoicing in beautiful but windy day. It was certainly cold and windy, but Fawn and I made the best of it. It started out with a nice hot bowl of oatmeal. I’m got the down it down pat to just the way we like it. We spent a couple hours at Fermilab. I don’t think I’ve haven’t been there since kids were in middle school. Madison Middle School participates for a day there on the prairie grass restoration project and was at awe seeing the huge bisons. I remember one time the kids even got to see a controlled burn. It was quite a challenge to go to Wilson Hall with the winds off the building, but well worth the trip up to see the view from the 15th floor observation area. I spent an amazingly beautiful stress free day with my wife. I think at times, we can actually choose between having a difficult day or an amazing wonderful day. We chose amazing day walking and talking. We did lunch at Portello's. Funny how we always split a hamburger there. The normal use to be either a hot dog or a beef sandwich. We just starting eating their burgers within the last year or so. Most like because we gave it a go because of Jennifer ordering one.

April 3, 2014
Whoa, a huge thunder clap with heavy downpour woke me up at 5:30. What a difference a day makes, the grass went from dormant to green over night.  Hmm, the high winds blew off a few shingle from the front porch roof, not good. Whoo hoo, rigatoni with Fawn’s delicious pasta sauce. I took a peek the worship folder for the Fifth Sunday of Lent and mused over the Gospel reading from St. John, the eleventh chapter. I thought it was interesting that Jesus said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Yet in the Gospel of Mark, the eighth chapter, asked his disciples who people say he is and then followed up asking them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” I was struck by this because, that was an amazing leap of faith for Saint Peter. In our walk back to Eden, the road is often clouded ahead. So I’m glad Christ is leading and we are following together trying to answer the question together and as individuals. Albeit, we may never get the answer to Jesus’ question quite right, we will continue to grow and begin to recognize who he say he is. Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish me with Your Word of life and make me one with You in love and prayer. Amen.

April 1, 2014
I just put on The God Whisperers, something I haven’t chimed in a while. April Fools’ Day is celebrated by some as a light hearted day for pranks. I have not use for such rubbish. The atheist and Psalm 14 comes to mind when thinking about fools. Dang, old man winter just won’t up. Fawn and I went out to run quick errands. Albeit, the temp this morning was slightly above freezing, it felt like it was in single digit with the wind chill factor. The sun broke out in the afternoon and zippy doo dah. The temp soar to the lower 50s, but sadly still felt like in was in the lower 30’s. Anyway, I had to go to Home Depot to get a new under the sink shut off valve that started to drip. Hmm, it was a healthy food day. Oatmeal for breakfast, salad for lunch, and stir fried tofu for dinner.

March 31, 2014
Read an impressive essay Jennifer wrote. It was quite moving. What a way to begin stunningly beautiful day with plenty of sunshine. Yikes, just planted the Zippy Doo Dah song in my heady. Unbelievable, it made it to the mid 60s. Fawn and I decided to go for a walk to her mom’s house. I’m not sure that was a good idea though. The winds made the walk quite challenging. Kaboom! The perfect ending to a beautiful day. “The LORD roars from Zion, and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth quake. But the LORD is a refuge to his people, a stronghold to the people of Israel” (Joel 3:16). Battle Rounds 2? Interesting. Battle rounds on The Voice are more amazing, especially on a second pass. The singers are so good. So another month has gone by in a flash.

March 30, 2014
Ahh, Laetare Sunday Mass with rose vestment, as we rejoice midway that Easter is near. We adore you Lord, with the Virgin Mary, mother of God. Weird, how we had to scrap frost from the windshield this morning and how the day turned out to be a beautiful early spring day in the mid 50s with plenty of sunshine. I got to spend the day with my son-in-law Rob, while the ladies were out and about. We don’t get to see each other as often as we like, so there was a lot of catching up to do. Lenten self scrutiny was part of the topics as well as Christian ethics. Then it was game time. We both were doing great with the free cell card game without any losses, so we decided settle the challenge with a timer and yes I losss… loss… OK, so I’m not good at accepting defeat and enjoy being on top. Sweet, I even got to chat briefly with Jennifer on the phone, we don’t get to talk as often as I would like.

March 29, 2014
Rejoicing in this annual celebration of our Lenten observance, we pray, O Lord, that, with our hearts set on the Paschal mysteries, we may be gladdened by their full effects. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Fawn, Alex and I were up early and drove in the city for some serious eats, dim sum and then we picked up Jennifer to go to sign a lease for an apartment near the school. The cost for dorm room for upper classmen is outrageous. I love eating dim sum most the dishes are so good and it is hard to go wrong with any of the selection. But some things might be funky and would require an acquired taste. I do have favorites like:  shumai, har gow, turnip cake, rice noodle roll, taro dumpling and lo mai gai. While in Chinatown, I notice people were prepping for Ching Ming. Well, that is a story in itself as well as a muse for another day.

March 28, 2014
Pour your grace into our hearts, we pray, O Lord, that we may be constantly drawn away from unruly desires and obey by your own gift the heavenly teaching you give us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Fawn went out with Soo, so I cooked a lazy steamed tilapia and steamed corn. Not only was it a simple but it was delicious as well a healthy meal. After dinner, I went over to pick up Fawn, but not before being called to action, helping to move a heavy desk. I sure there will be more rearranging of furniture before they become comfortable.

March 27, 2014
We implore your majesty most humbly, O Lord, that, as the feast of our salvation draws ever closer, so we may press forward all the more eagerly towards the worthy celebration of the Paschal Mystery. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. The gentle rain today couldn't dampen the blessings of the day. Fawn’s sister, Soo flew in town to spend time with her mom. Ended up she spent the day with us. The movers unloaded and everyone pitched in with some the unpacking. Sandy’s sister came by and so did Alex after work. With so many hands, we got a lot of the bare needed done. There a lot more needed to be done, but at least they will have a nice bed to sleep in. It was fun pitching in, yapping, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. It was another one of where did the day go day. Got email on the April’s altar assistance schedule, whoo hoo, I get to serve on Palm Sunday and Easter. I love serving, especially on feast days. It is not clear to me why there is huge spike in churches on and around Christmas and Easter. I know some of them are parishioners that don’t often attend worship, but seem to make to make special efforts to attend Mass on Holy days of obligation while others are visitors. Whatever the reason, I join the joy heaven over the lost sinner who repents and return to God. I think it is interesting how often we hear, The Parable of the Lost sheep, as well as hearing, The Parable of the Prodigal Son, and yet we rarely speak about, The Parable of the Lost Coin.

March 26, 2014
Grant, we pray, O Lord, that, schooled through Lenten observance and nourished by your word, through holy restraint we may be devoted to you with all our heart and be ever united in prayer. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Alright, all the final touches are done and the moving truck arrives tomorrow. May the Lord bless them with his presence in their new home. Like Dorothy in, The Wizard of Oz, I feel like, "There's no place like home."

March 25, 2014
O God, who willed that your Word should take on the reality of human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, grant, we pray, that we, who confess our Redeemer to be God and man, may merit to become partakers even in his divine nature. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Hmm, I love praying collects and sharing them here, but the word merit here is troubling for me. Am I reading it wrong? "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8). In my mind there is nothing we can do to merit God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness. We got a dusting of snow last night and its cold, but at least the last two times it snow, winter wasn't able to muster up much like it has been. I think this past winter produced the second most recorded snowfall in the area. Bundled up and ran a few earns and notice the new Walmart on 75th finally opened. It’s been open for 2 weeks now. It is super big with isle space. Albeit, a huge improvement. For a newly open store, it still isn't as appealing as the competition. I have mixed feelings about the day. I see the beauty and blessings of the day and less than beautiful. The more listen to house speaker John Boehner or house budget leader Paul Ryan, the more frustrated I get. What subhumans do they represent?

March 24, 2014
O God, author of every mercy and of all goodness, who in fasting, prayer and almsgiving have shown us a remedy for sin, look graciously on this confession of our lowliness, that we, who are bowed down by our conscience, may always be lifted up by your mercy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. It is amazing how defiantly winter is hanging on and refuses to give way to the spring. Temps in the 30s today and expecting to be in the 20s tomorrow. Snow? Hmm, we’re expect another inch of the stuff. As I was going through my book shelf I thumbed through Dr. Koehler’s, A Summary of Christian Doctrine. Law and gospel are the two main doctrines in the Holy Bible. I often kid around and say that I am Lutheran because Jesus is. By that, I mean that the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church believes, teaches, and confesses in alignment with Holy Scripture. Lutheran? Hmm... the problem is now being Lutheran can mean almost anything. Sin have it's way of messing things up.

March 22, 2014
O God, who grant us by glorious healing remedies while still on earth to be partakers of the things of heaven, guide us, we pray, through this present life and bring us to that light in which you dwell. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. I love praying collects because they are well structured prayers. It was good to spend the day with Andrea, but day went by too fast. Today was Jennifer’s birthday and I couldn't resist reminding her it’s her 20th not her 21st birthday.

March 21, 2014
Albeit it was just shy of 60, I cheerfully embraced to today’s fine weather. I house kept and was fascinated by how the tradesmen laid the carpet. I though they did a great job and was in and out of the house in no time. It was a blessing to listen to this past week’s Lenten Sermon, by Dr Wenthe as I ponder the wonder and depth of God’s love. I can hardly wait for tomorrow, my baby coming down to visit. Albeit, I know she’ll be spending most of the day with Fawn, I treasure every moment I get to spend with Andrea. Funny how we are happy to see the all grown up and yet miss the days when they were daddy’s little girl.

March 20, 2014
O God, who delight in innocence and restore it, direct the hearts of your servants to yourself, that, caught up in the fire of your Spirit, we may be found steadfast in faith and effective in works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Beautiful collect found in today’s reading in Catholic Culture. Wow, was expecting to see snow this morning, but the light dusting quickly melted away with the temps soaring to the upper 40s. The forecasters are predicting temps to be in the lower 60s tomorrow, so all the remnant snow of winter should finally be gone. But I’m betting it will go well into April before the high snow piles in the parking lots melt away. Thanks be to God for good test results. We went to Edwards Cancer Center for blood tests and for doctor follow up yesterday and all is well. Went to Sam’s Club for groceries and say hey to my sister Nancy. Yummy, I tasted a sample potato jalapeno pierogi, good stuff. I think one of the greatest thing about pierogies is that the recipe is simple they can be filled with just about any filling the heart desires. Finally got around to seeing the first week of the battle rounds of, The Voice. I really love watching the singers perform. Carl and Sandy’s house is coming along just fine. The painters and carpentry work all done. All that remains now is for the new carpets to be laid tomorrow, then they will be able to move in next week. I can hardly wait to invite them to worship with us once they are settled in town. It had me musing on Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus - Outside the Church There is No Salvation. Hmmm, interesting dogma and would not equate the catholic church Christ founded solely with Rome though. In my mine, God can save whoever he desires to. But in defense of this dogma, I wouldn’t explore outside the fringes of where our Lord has gathered us and embrace the fullness of Christ’s divine life and participate fully is Mystery of Christ in his Church, and Word and Sacraments. Prayers for the unchurched.

March 19, 2014
“Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth” (Hosea 6:3). I woke up early to the gentle morning rain. Sweet, it wasn't snow nor was it a heavy downpour, but rather it was a pleasant sign that spring is right around the corner and that the Lord is with us. It will not surprise me if the temps drops below the freezing mark several more time before this defiant winter surrenders, but it reasonable to believe we done with subzero temps until next winter. Like the adoring bride, I can hardly wait to hear the voice of turtledove.

March 18, 2014
Wow, it made it to the lower 50s. There is still a tad bit of snow the need to still melt. It is a grim reminder of the large amount of snow fall this winter. Just a few more days before spring! Albeit, it is suppose to be about freezing, it will be close if all the snow will be gone by then, crazy. Fawn and I went early to the polls. Albeit, I'm neither a Democrat nor am I a Republican, I voted in the in the democratic primary this time. Both the parties have so many extreme issues which leave voters like me shaking my head in disbelief and discern over the lesser of two evils. Let us give praise to God for the day. For the glory of warmth of the sun. Amen.

March 17, 2014
I’m dumbfounded about Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter which are also popular secular holidays.  Secular christmas with its Santa Clause and flying reindeers and secular easter with its egg laying hare. Fawn and I were talking about the blessing of Children. God be praised, for the gift of children. Amen.

March 15, 2014
“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” (1 Chronicles 16:34). The first thing I did was peeked out the window. Whoo hoo, thanks be to God no snow. So I jump back in bed and got an extra 15 minutes of zzz’s, sweet. Serving at the altar was a blessing. We had a full team of nine which made things run so smooth. Good thing too, the nave was pretty full. Bible study was completely full and some people had to stand. So there must have been well over 200 people in the room. Did I hear right, Dr Arthur Just, Bishop in Spain? After church we went to ate at Portillo and then went to Yorktown. I like mall walking. It beats been out in the cold. Albeit the temp was in the mid 20s, that wind chills is horrid. God be praised, for restoration of creation in Christ. Amen.

March 15, 2014
What a super Saturday morning, Dave came by again for the another session of the men’s retreat. It started out with a full blown breakfast buffet followed with a presentation on, “The Enfleshment on the Narrative of God’s Gifts and Goodness.” Holy Scripture is the word of life and reading it daily enriches and refreshes us. I can hard wait to hear the homily Fr. Wenth will give tomorrow. Our family are so blessed to routinely hear sacramental preaching, hoping for more of the same during Mass this week. Hey, cool, got back home and there Zach. We sat for a few hours while Carl and Sandy was out and about in town doing the needed. Later in the day we saw Henry and Heather, the stop by to visit and see their brother’s new home. Wow, the time went by fast today. It is as they say, time fly when your having fun. Let us praise the Lord, for family and friends who rejoice with us in our joy, cheer us in our trouble, and lighten our tasks; that He may help us repay them in fellowship and service. God be praised for for our family and friends. Amen.

March 14, 2014
It was a beautiful sunshine filled day in the lower 50s and a pretty good melt. Not fully complete , but sweet. Fawn and I have been babysitting Carl and Sandy’s new house in town that was built in the 70’s. We were just letting the trades people in and making sure the painters, carpenters, and electricians do all the needed repairs. It’s hard to believe all this work in needed. I think sometime next week new carpets are going in. We had our house built new so this is all new to me and an interesting learning experience. Dave swung by to pick me up to go to the men’s retreat. Albeit, a very short across town, the car ride, to and from, is always a good time. There was about 75 men showed up for fellowship and to hear Dr Dean Wenthe, president emeritus of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana presentation on, "The Truth of Beauty and the Beauty of Truth: An Incarnational and Sacramental Reading of Sacred Scripture." I am not surprised at how many people feel about Saint John and there is something to be said for community, truly a remarkable revelation of God’s glory.

March 13, 2014
I finally finished clearly the snow off the driving, just before the sun came out and the temp rose slightly above the freezing mark and the slow melt began. I’m hearing we getting a temp swing into the 50s again by tomorrow. Spring is far from being in the air, but it getting there. I finally got around to watching the last two nights of the blind auditions. Season 6 promises to be as good or better than season 4.

March 12, 2014
Up early, well not really. Moving the clock forward puts me in the dark in the morning again. I’m a cold cereal lover, but I’ve been eating oatmeal in the morning all winter instead of the normal cold cereal because it’s warm and more filling. I need the hearty meal because of the cold and all the snow shoveling. This morning began with clearing the heart attack type snow, super wet and heavy. The predicted was spot on, five inches. Looks like the tug-a-war fight between winter and spring has begun, but I have no recollection on the extremes we are seeing.

March 11, 2014
“and it was the duty of the trumpeters and singers to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the LORD), and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the LORD, ‘For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever,’ the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God” (2 Chronicles 5:13-14). It was cloudy day in the mid 40s. It was finally warm enough to bring out the water hose and hosed down the driveway to get rid of all the mud and debris. The temp is expected to drop 20 degrees and we are expecting 4-6 inches of snow. Whoever is praying for snow, please stop, enough is enough. Usually cloudy days bring me down and I think about dreariness, darkness and disparity. But began to realize there is glory in the clouds because God’s presence is there. We often offer God thanks and praises in our fun filled moments of life, but I’m finally getting the rejoicing in God in all circumstances. The there are times when the meaningful deep kinds of lessons are reserved for the cloudiest, darkest times, when we wonder if God has forsaken us. Satan deceives us and we forget is that God dwells in the very clouds that overshadow our paths and carries us.

March 10, 2014
Convert us, O God our Savior, and instruct our minds by heavenly teaching, that we may benefit from the works of Lent. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. I had the sniffles all day but I still managed to be out and about most of the morning taking care of the needed. Looks like the big melt is finally happening and I can actually see the ground in some spots. But I suspect it will still take a few more day to completely melt where the shoveled piles are. Praying the forecasters are wrong about Wednesday’s winter comeback with cold and yet more snow. One thing that came out good about this cold I have is, I stayed in the remainder of the drinking hot liquids. I even took a few moments to become still and silent reflecting on the grace received, being called to belong to Christ. Thanks be to God, for leading my family to a community (Saint John) that will help us grow in holiness.

March 9, 2014
Hmmm, made to the lower 40s, but it didn’t seem all that warm and it was a very slow melt. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the mid 50s, so I hoping we will feel some warmth before it drops back to below freezing on Wednesday. I not feeling all that hot, think I’m coming down with a cold. It was nice of Alex to drive Jennifer back to school. What as great big brother and wonderful son. I fact, I’m so blessed with an awesome  family and wonderful friends. Life is beautiful struggle.

March 8, 2014
Praise to you O Christ, king of eternal glory. My brother Bill came by this morning and took me out to lunch, great time. I came across an very old Weedon’s Blog posting on, Are Lutherans Protestant? Fr Weedon thinks we conditionally are. Of course, some commenter’s agree with him, while others did not. It made me think about the evolution of meaning of words. Even calling myself a Lutheran nowadays requires defining what a Lutheran is. I’m not fond of the notion of being called a protestant and fervently pray with Jesus that we be one. Dinner was simple; all I did was boiled corn beef and had it with steamed sweet peas. Then it was off to Saturday Vigil Mass. I was stuck by the Catholic House Blessing and Prayer in the Prayer As You Go section of the worship folder and had to include in Larry’s World.

March 7, 2014
Only four republicans voted to extend unemployment and Mark Kirk was not one of them, shame on him.  I’m not chucking and no longer find any humor in the old two cow joke anymore.  About time we got a beautiful sun filled day with normal temps. The men’s retreat isn’t until next weekend and that turned out to be a good thing. Fawn and I watch Zach while Carl and Sandy closed on the home, their moving into town. Once they are settled in I’ll invite them to visit our parish. Alex and Jennifer were a big help, it takes a lot on energy to care for a two year old toddler. May the Lord bless us beggars during this time of repentance with joy knowing that Jesus love sinners.

March 6, 2014
Prompt our actions with your inspiration, we pray, O Lord, and further them with your constant help, that all we do may always begin from you and by you be brought to completion. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. What an amazing day, albeit I still jobless and on somewhat contemplating retiring, several contracting firm called and threw my name in the hat. Perhaps there is still hope for an interview. Out of the four interviews I did get, only one is still pending. It’s no fun being out of work for so long. Things just cost so much. I just sign the paper work for an apartment near campus. It cost so much, but much cheaper than the dorms. Having Jennifer home this week is such a blessing. I’m at awe at how bright young people are nowadays and so many things seems to come so naturally to them. They have so many things going on yet know their limitations. We talked about morals vs ethics and concluded that morals define personal character, while ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied. In other words, ethics are codes of expected conduct. Funny, that I’m writing about Jennifer because she’s on my mind. It’s nice to hear her singing and playing her guitar. Music in the house is so relaxing. I’m glad her does play the stuff I listened to and played when I was a kid. I got a call from Dave about the Men’s retreat. I wasn’t planning to go, but I just might go with him. I really enjoy spending time with him and talking about family and matter of the heart. Albeit, he is lay, his wisdom would fare better than many teachers. We enjoyed many rides to and from governing board meeting in Wheaton. He mention my old friend Dennis reads this blog and made a query about about me. Hi Dennis, you and your family are in my players.

March 5, 2014
“Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments” (Joel 2:12-13). Now is the time, when I think about Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, the prophet Joel comes to mind. Many Christians make personal vows what this time giving up and making sacrifices. Perhaps this is a good thing, but for me, I rather think of Lent as a time for repentance and turning once more to God and giving ourselves to him. In Mark 1, Jesus begins his ministry by saying, “repent and believe in the gospel.” I didn’t go today for the imposition of ashes which serves as a reminder of our human immortality, mourning, and repentance before God this year. The sacrament of Confession and Absolution is an amazing gift, like all good gifts from God. God just wants honesty and for us to speak to him from our heart, confessing all those life denying facts in our lives which causes us to be subhuman. We can afford this because of what our Lord has done for us as one of us. For some strange reason, I thought about the notion of free will and what people think it is. In my mind there are only two wills, the great deceiver, Satan’s will, and the other, God’s will. St. Therese of Lisieux said, “I fear only one thing – to keep my own will; take it, my God, for I choose all that You choose.” Interesting quote. Hmmm, snow again this morning. The dig gout wasn't too bad, but the drive to the imagining center was quite challenge, with the snow and traffic. Prayers for Fawn for good test results on bone density. Three more inches when it was finally over. I haven't seen the much snow like this winter for some time in the Chicagoland area. I'm guessing it's well over twice the average snowfall. I’m still at awe about Sunday’s Mass, when we celebrated the Holy Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, when we sang, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God. This versification of the Te Deum always choke me up. I had an interesting conversation with Jennifer about Jesuit philosophy and social justice. This reminded me of LCMS President Harrison’s twitter response to, “Does Jesus care more about social justice or individual purity? The answer: Jesus cares about the law but he cares about the Gospel more.” Love it.

March 3, 2014
Because it’s been so cold, out of curiosity I decided to look at the monthly forecast at the Weather Channel  just to see the averages and record highs and lows. They forecast 10 days out and nowhere near the average temperature. We should be in the mid to upper  40’s and today’s high was 19◦F. Well I guess being 20 below the average is better than last week’s 30 below, sad. Where’s spring? My eyes are so dry and itchy and my hands are chapped. Strange to be thinking about a nneed for a humidifier in March. Yesterday’s dinner party was like most social gatherings at Saint John, filled with good cheer and love for one another. But what was more amazing is the demonstrated love for our neighbors in our good works.

March 2, 2014
The day start just prior to dawn’s light with a piping hot bowl of oatmeal. Then it was off to dig out of 5 inches of snow. The good news was it was all fluff. Ahhh, the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord was full blast with the Baptism of Miles David to boot. Despite the less than ideal conditions, parishioners made it out. I was thrilled that Andrea and Rob made it to the early Mass. The last time it snowed like this, they had to turn back. Since everyone was home this weekend and Jennifer had no plans to come back home again anytime soon, we decide to celebrate her 20th birthday a little early. She picked Fabulous Noodles. I love their braised duck with taro. Worked off the lunch by finishing shoveling the sidewalk and the rest of the driveway, but worked up an appetite just in time for Carnival at Saint John. Have to say the blessings of the day was outstanding.

March 1, 2014
Oh my, it’s March already. Hardly seems that way as brutal winter advisories are for more winter storms this weekend. In her poem contemplating the month of March, Lorie Hill penned these famous words: March roars in like a lion, so fierce. The wind so cold, it seems to pierce. The month rolls on and Spring draws near, and March goes out like a lamb so dear. I find interesting how my mind works. I’ve been ranting about the weather some time now and yet at this moment I am thinking about the Lion of Judah who is also the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. What a great joy it is to have Jennifer home from school. If everything goes as plan, my entire family will be at Mass tomorrow. It doesn’t get better much than that. I made Chinese BBQ pork with bok choy over pan fried noodles for dinner. That was fine meal fit for a king. The snow is already starting to fall. My hope is that the forecast snowfall prediction wrong and we won’t get anywhere near the expected 4 to 6 inches. As a precaution, I’m going to bed early so I can dig out early in the morning.

February 28, 2014
GOD, who before the Passion of thine only-begotten Son didst reveal his glory upon the holy mount: Grant unto us thy servants, that in faith beholding the light of his countenance, we may be strengthened to bear the cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I was reading the transfiguration icon which invited me to reflect on the amazing truth of who Jesus is and who we will become at the end of our Christian life. I think that the Saint John, Transfiguration mailing this week to all the parishioner was spot on in noting that, “As Jesus’ disciples, we ourselves are charged to be fit people – a community, a family, a church – who always love God and serves our neighbors well.” I continue to be amazed at even in the midst all my challenges, life is beautiful and good, and God’s abundant love is fully revealed in Christ Jesus. It is hard to believe it has been over six years ago since our first catechumenate class. All I can do is rejoice in our life in the Lord and in his church which is only the beginning of what is to come in the kingdom. A glimpse of heaven on earth is found in his Holy Mass.  Oh how I delight in being transformed by our participation in the Eucharist which does not end at the end of Holy Mass but continues on throughout the week in our Coram deo. We are called to response to the invitations of grace into our ongoing transformation into little Christs which reveals God’s glory and bring his light to the world. I think of my sister Mary from time to time. It would have been her 64th birthday this past January. I thought about how hard it is for Evangelicals like her, to embrace the reality that the Eucharist is indeed the very body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, shed for the full forgiveness of sins. Oddly enough, it wasn’t pointing to scripture which brought her around, but it was only realization that is God’s love that attracts and transforms us and that only what Christ freely gives us, we find the fullness of truth about the love God has for us. God of life and glory, your Son was revealed in splendour before he suffered death upon the cross; grant that we, beholding his majesty, may be strengthened to follow him and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen.

February 27, 2014
I hate to keep dwelling on this 30 degree below normal weather, but the relentless cold just keep coming. I saw Fawn get on the scale and she is doing much better than me with her weight loss. The delicious beef and bitter melon for lunch and the chicken and broccoli dish for dinner didn't help me at all. I really need to avoid second helping. One would think I would of lost all hope in getting a job by now, but I continue to dig on and continue to look the apply. I still have contracting firms reaching out and doing my bidding. Hopefully it is just a matter of time. I’ve been contracting now for seven years and this is the longest time I’ve been out without work. My prayers are often a request for work when pursuing work but mostly I open my heart prayers of thanksgiving because I have come to realize that despite all my problems, life is beautiful and good, and God’s abundant love is fully revealed in Christ Jesus.

February 26, 2014
I made sausage-spinach rice bowl dish for lunch, good stuff. Then spent a couple hours in the afternoon with Fawn watching, The Voice. I really like that show, especially now that Usher and Shakira are back. In the evening I watch Blacklist. I can hardly wait for this Sunday when we will celebrate The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord.

February 25, 2014,
It’s time for a good rant. My dry eyes in winter is driving me bananas.  Wouldn’t know what to do without my eye drops. In my eyes, Naphcon A is a God send.  And what about this cold weather? Seems like if it ain’t snowing the temp bottoms out with bitter cold and that Midwest wind chill just add to the misery. Last week was a tease and now spring is nowhere to be found. Ok, I got it out of my system. Wow, I didn’t do anything special, just the usual salt, pepper and a dash of garlic powder on the hamburger and it somehow was so tasty. Every time around this time of year I ponder about fasting and abstinence as spiritual discipline.

February 24, 2014,
Fawn and I took her mother to the doctor’s office to follow up on her finger and thanks be to God my mother-in-law’s finger is healing well. I kept thinking about Sunday’s sermon and decided to watch various Post Apartheid TRC stories online

February 22-23, 2014,
I use to look forward my weekend by nowadays every day except for Sunday seems the same. I see my brother several times a month but this Saturday was different, he treated for lunch and we pigged out at the Golden Corral in Bolingbrook. We haven’t been to a buffet I guessing since last spring. He’s really doing great and has lost a lot of weight and is down to about 175. So he is doing better than me. I was doing good with my weight loss until Fawn and I stopped doing our walks but am holding at 182. Today’s Mass was beautiful. I’m beginning to understand true law and gospel and “Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, always pondering spiritual things, we may carry out in both word and deed that which is pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.” Amen.The weather got chilly again and will continue to be cold all weeks with several more sub zero days. With all this cold, the tires got low and it was not fun filling the air back in them.

February 20-21, 2014,
Seems I able to find time pen a little every other day now. Perhaps as the days become longer, it will inspire me to make more meaningful entries. Yesterday was a very long day. We spent most of it in the emergency room at Edwards in Plainfield. Driving there in the heavy fog was not fun. My mother-in-law had a cut on her finger that got infected. Her finger was so swollen I would had freaked out if it were me. Prayerful, the antibiotics will take care of the infection. I at the age now where asking and learning about Medicare will be helpful. It is hard to believe it made it into the 50s. What a difference a day makes. It’s sunny, but the temps drop. It is hard to believe there is still snow that there is still lingering snow on the ground after all that thunderous heavy rain along with the warm temps the pass three days. It is hard believe I only was able to get less than a handful on interviews from so many applications over the last six months. I use to look forward to my weekends, but being jobless for so long my Saturdays have become meaningless and I ask everyone to pray for me for work. It’s tough to pay for the tuition at Loyola without work. I don’t get it, her scholarship isn’t enough and we don’t qualify for any grants and how to one get a loan without means to pay it back? It’s bad when your child asks if there enough money for her to finish college. I read on Catholic Culture the St. Peter Damian wrote, "If I may speak figuratively, drive out the roaring beasts from your domain; do not cease from protecting yourself daily by receiving the Flesh and Blood of the Lord. Let your secret foe see your lips reddened with the Blood of Christ. He will shudder, cower back, and flee to his dark, dank retreat." Now he a Eucharistic Cardinal Bishop! “Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.” Wherever love is true, God is there. What a beautiful chant that expresses the presence of God in every act of goodness, of kindness, of love. For Lutherans this is a Coram deo as we live our daily lives, and yes, good works towards our neighbors is indeed necessary for salvation. Asking how much good works is necessary is barking up the wrong tree. Our polluted good works can earn us nothing. Lord Jesus, our Light and our Salvation, You alone are the One Who has come to save us. We thank you for your coming, and your will to perform in us Your saving works, Rule us Your Holy Spirit, that henceforth we may wait for none other and put our trust in nothing in heaven or earth except You alone, out Lord. Amen.

February 18-19, 2014,
Wow, back to back beautiful days. Lol, I’m calling mid 40s in the sun great. Albeit the snow is melting and giving the sump pump a workout, there is plenty of it still around. What can I say, when we had 20 plus days of sub zero weather? I’m hearing that ALU is laying more people off tomorrow. Prayers for the unemployed and under employed.

February 17, 2014,
I see it has been quite a while since I penned my last journal entry. I went on a writing hiatus because it seemed like all I was doing was repeating myself in the darkness of winter. Yes, it the snow continues fall and I continue to go out shoveling most of the day. Fawn and I were out the door early to beat the snow fall. We went to American Best in Bolingbrook to pick up my new glasses. You can beat their prices. When I’m out that way, it like going to Ikea as well as the walk around the Promenade  but there was no time. We did shopping groceries at Meijer; the store is huge, spacious and clean. And much cheaper than Osco Jewel. When the Doninick closed, they Jewel got crowded and the price went up. Well, it was my last certification for unemployment and still no work to be found. I must be doing something wrong. Out of all the applications, I only had four interviews and none of them panned out. Well, the heartless republicans don’t have to worry about extending any extended benefits to aid me while I continue my search. In reality the democrats don’t fare much better. They have their issues too. All I can do is keep trying and continue to cast all my cares upon the Lord and wait with a joyful heart. I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics and am amazed what these athletes can do.

January 6, 2014,
I was outside to brush the snow off the car and clean the frost off the windows this morning. It is definitely the worst part of the day living in the cold. It was so cold outside that it begs the question, how cold was it? I was born and raised here in the Chicagoland area and thought it’s brutal. According to the weather channel a polar vortex pushed us to a whopping -12 °F with a dangerous winds chill factor of -38 °F. Funny how the weather was enough to motivate me to make my first journal entry of the new year. I have been continually shoveling the snow more than a few times everyday this past week and albeit it still more work to be done, it ain’t happening today. Thanks be to God for efficient furnaces and air conditioners for extreme temperature. I was thinking about penning something about God and the weather, but it would only be speculation on my part. Best I just do my best to live a life that will bring glory to God and seek his help with a repentant heart whenever I fall short.  I was surprised to get an call out of the blue for an initial HR phone interview from a company I applied for months ago I given up on. Hope to get an interview with the hiring manager. It is amazing I only been able to only get 3 calls backs from hiring companies from so many applications. With my current situation and with so many much worse off than myself, one has to think about how heartless some politicians seem to be with providing funding for people in dire needs. For sure, the heartless rhetoric is uncalled for. Fawn and I were up Saturday 4:30 am to take our baby to O’hare. It was tough seeing her off to Panama for a week. Were sure it will be an adventure filled with stories to last a life time. One of my favorite joys this past week was watching Zach later on Saturday. Carl and Sandy brought Zach over while they went house hunting in Downers Grove. Alex tagged along with them so soak in the process.