Journal 2013

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

December 31, 2013
“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14). Another year ending and with snow, just thankful it was the light stuff and easy for me to manage. Decided to pen one last entry to end the year since I have to wait a bit pick up Jennifer from her New Year Party. Our New Year Eve block is always good, but we always leave early and never make it to the end. How people can eat and drink that many hours is beyond me. Perception is a strange thing. I love my neighbors and everyone is very nice, yet went I’m out and about town a noticeable number of town folks give off narccisstic vibes. Christ our hope comes to mind as I begin the new year: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).

December 26, 2013
Reflecting on this past year, I can’t say that 2013 was a very good year, nor will I say good riddance to it either. Like most people we have our ups and down and we all have our stories of deep sorrow and blessings abound. But looking ahead, not all people have the same hope. My hope is in our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Hmmm, I didn't know NIU got an invite to play in a bowl game. No surprise how badly the defense played and how great USU’s defense would play. I 'm not much into spectator sports, so I'm so really surprise I watched as much Huskies football as I did.

December 24, 2013
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Like many Americans struggling with unemployment, my life has been difficult. I have been pondering for a few weeks about the joy and happiness. I think it is fascinating how grumpy of a people we are and complain on just about anything. I use to think it was crazy and impossible to do the will of God. The game changer come from not looking these are not commandments but words of love from God who wants us to be joyful, praying and filled with thanksgiving. It dawned on me the other day that like the weather, our feeling constantly changes, but our mindset and focus needn't be. There are many circumstances in life that brings unhappiness. Often times we confuse joy with happiness and equate pleasant experiences with joy. But joy is much deeper than happiness and is unrelated to the circumstances that bring us sadness, grief and confusion. If we are to rejoice as the Lord calls us to, we must stay close to the source of joy, touch holy things and not touch unholy things. Living the Christian life is to pray without ceasing, the Latin phrase, Coram Deo comes to mind. No matter what happen in life we can be grateful for the merciful love of God, that we don’t get what we deserve in all circumstances. Rejoice with the family on the Eve of the Feast of the Nativity Eucharist. Love it when I’m so close to altar, and am able to take in the sweet incense aroma from the cloud of smoke. There is something special when your entire family is able to gather around the Eucharist. I saw more a few new faces. It is not clear to me if they are parishioners who normally attend different Mass, have been practicing their faith for a while or visitors. Regardless, I rejoice that they shared in the peace of our Lord with us this evening. Heaven on earth.

December 21, 2013
I woke up this winter solstice morning thinking of today as the shortest time of the year, but actually all days the same, we just have less hours sunlight. Strange to have icy rain this time of year, the roads are very slick and so are the parking lots. Seems everyone is finishing up doing their last minute shopping, including us. When considering the wonders of the heavens, Conditor Alme Siderum, always comes to mind. How blessed are we to have the day and night and the changing seasons. This led me to think of the oracles of Christ, the light of the world, who comes to us in our darkness and brings us hope. I reflected on many things this Advent season in which penitential sorrow sought for a clean heart. Our understanding daily renewal begins with our salvation and to be continued in our sanctified life, where we rejoice in the Lord in all he does for us while in our lowliness.

December 17, 2013
O God, who see how your people faithfully await the feast of the Lord's Nativity, enable us, we pray, to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Crazy day left late morning is heavy snow to pick up Jennifer for winter break and drove back a few hours late to a cloudless sky. Sunday Holy Mass, solemn worship and glad rejoicing is a given. There is nothing like full last worship week in and week out. I’m always blown away whenever the rose vestments are worn on Gaudete and Laetare Sundays where there is restrained Christian joy mingled with some sadness, the Lord is nigh. Watched, The Voice -The Live Final Performances. The final three were great, but I really like Jacquie Lee.

December 8, 2013
Ugh, cold and snow. Thanks be to God for cars able to brave us to celebrate Holy Mass. I never cared too much for Advent candles until I stood next to our new beautiful Advent candle and stand just outside the nave while preparing for the procession. For years on end I use to look at an ugly one in the nave that accompanied the parish tradition of lighting the candles to this horrid song in the divine service at my former parish. Know that everything teaches at Saint John, I became mesmerized as the candles flickered in prayer for the light of Christ’s love to fill out hearts with hope, peace, joy and love. Lo and behold, I've come to realize that the Advent candles are prophecy candles. Today’s OT reading from Isaiah 11 and the Epistle reading from Romans 15 were spot on, “And again Isaiah says, ‘The root of Jesse will come, even he who arises to rule the Gentiles in him will the Gentiles hope.’  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:12-13). We give thanks for the gift of hope in our time of despair to Jesus our source of hope. Last week’s OT reading was from Isaiah 2 where we look to look out from the darkness of our ongoing wars and extreme poverty. I’m even feeling the pinch of our poor economic demise. Wow, the oracles that there will be a day when the nations will climb the mountain and be taught the walk in our Lord’s ways and not learn war. We give thanks to the Prince of Peace for the gift of peace in times of uncertainty.  Next week’s OT reading will be from Isaiah 35, everlasting joy by grace to the redeemed. I’m just guessing now, a shot in the dark, so to speak, but sorrow will turn to gladness and joy. We give thanks for the gift of joy in our sadness. As for love, the angels announced a savior is born. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16-17). We give thanks to God for love, revealed in Christ Jesus. Then there is the white Christ candle who reminds us of the spotless lamb who takes away the sin on the world. It’s getting late and need to ponder more o this. Anyway, a quick voter’s meeting extended a Divine Associate Pastor Call to Seminarian Buchs. Then it was off to buy salt, winter windshield solution and a new backup sump pump battery. It’s really nerve racking to add the sulfuric acid to a dry battery. Shoveling snow earlier was no fun either, but the hot bowl of napa cabbage soup was a fine reward.

December 7, 2013
I'm not sure how often I’ll be penning my journal entries, but I’m not quite ready to hang it up quite yet. It’s been quite an ordinary week filled with blessings. My face is healing and I feel quite well despite foolishly not seeing a doctor. Still no work yet, but my name is in a hat. It such a long shot, I just don’t know what to say, but I have to keep trying. I even hear this week Navistar did some bloodletting. Alex just got back from a MAC road trip to Detroit with his NIU friends with the big conversion van. Fawn and I watch the game on ESPN2. The Huskies defense needs a lot of work. They performed terribly all season long and Friday’s showing was the worst. This morning brought great joy as Fawn and I braved the cold to to the Saturday Morning Catechumenate Bible study. What a clear flow from between liturgy and catechesis. The depth of Christian initiation process at Saint John just blows me away. Dug up a tube and dab on some Le Couvent Des Minimes Formula No. 102 Repairing Hand Cream Honey & Shea, expensive but worth every penny, because it's absolutely the best hand cream. Finally got around to watch, The Sound of Music Live! It was amazing and I hope NBC will do more top notch shows like this.

December 1, 2013
It wasn't much of a stay for Jennifer. She spent much of her time hitting the books and now she’s back in school, but she’ll be done for the semester in a couple of weeks. Holy smoke, another month has gone by. Hard to grasp that work still haven’t come my way. I’ve been sitting on the bench three and a half months now. The weather was real nice and so was the walk. I just did the usual two mile minute, but Fawn carried on for three, so I decided to supplement with a few short goes on the elliptical. I’m thinking about taking a hiatus from this journal, we’ll see.

November 30, 2013
‘Awaken! Remember that God comes! Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today, now! The one true God, "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob", is not a God who is there in Heaven, unconcerned with us and our history, but he is the-God-who-comes’ – Pope Benedict XVI. Advent is a time of waiting, a living wait, journeying back to Eden. I love the music of Advent. Among the great Advent Anthems is, Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending. For years now, I have this image in my head of my family on the hilltop of Saint John, as our Lord descends. Did the walk, but in slo-mo. Bill and Karolyn Slowsky could of pasted me up. But walking sure footed for now beats another fall.

November 29, 2013
Great day listening to Issues Etc. The Te Deum Hymn, We Praise You and Acknowledge You” –Pr Will Weedon and Psalms of Communal Praise – Dr Klenig I looked up the Hebrew word shalom. It means complete peace. Much is the same way, we say, “peace be with you”. But of course there is only one way to be in true peace. So we are actually saying the God of peace be with you. Wow, Advent again already, time do fly.

November 28, 2013
Awesome Thanksgiving family gathering at Henry and Heather’s, good food and conversation. I seem to be the official carver every year now. This year's turkey looked like the incredible hulk at a whopping 20 pound. Albeit, a very big family with a hearty appetite the bounty was way too much, left overs for sure. It's got to be insane what the breeders must doing to these magnificent birds. I must be allergic to cats, was profusely sneezing when the cats were around. I don’t necessarily thing of cars as being a luxury item because it is difficult to get around without one, but they sure are not only expensive to purchase as well as very expensive to maintain.

November 27, 2013
Wouldn't you know it, after a nice walk, later in the day, I lost my balance and fell and bruised my face as well as my ego, stupid. In giving thanksgiving for the freedoms in this country, I also thought how great this country once was and how this two party system is failing its citizens. Great having Jennifer home for the holidays and glad she is able to tend to my wounds. What a beautiful full blast Thanksgiving Eve Service. I even had the privilege to serve at the altar, scar face and all. Dr Scaer’s sermon got me thinking about Thanksgiving and Psalm 100 and the secular contrast of the holiday of giving thanks to God vs giving thanks people. It's always great to be visited by learned teacher's of Christ.

November 26, 2013
Still finding ways to brave the weather while doing our walks. I was actual comfortable during today’s walk. Plenty of layers and I took care of the issue with my exposed face, by wearing a extra hood and used my scarf as a mask. Man, I love my new walking shoes. Made it up to Wheaton and joined in on the Christmas Sharing fun. Wanted to do it yesterday, but the weather didn't permit it. We stopped off at Mariano’s to look around and grocery shop. We've been meaning wanting to do that for several weeks now. The store is huge and the isles are wide. Lot of shoppers and I can see why, they have it all at a reasonable price. Listened to the 3rd quarter of the NIU vs Western Michigan on the radio driving home and only got to see 4th quarter on ESPN2. For some reason, Alex likes going to all the home games and going on nearby road trips with friends to watch the Huskies.

November 5, 2013
Thermo underwear to help brave the elements, sweet. Hmm, we got a light dusting of snow that iced over and ruined our evening plans. Ended up staying in watch, The Voice and The Black List. Can’t even begin to guess which two contestants will get eliminated, the show was that good. I connected with Will Champlin: At Last and Jacquie Lee: Who’s Lovin’ You, but can’t even begin to guess which two contestants will get eliminated, the show was that good. It took me a while, but inserted 132 pictures from Henry and Heather's wedding to a PowerPoint presentation while listening to The God Whisperers. Oh wow, it been a while since I listened to The God Whisperers and just found out Craig Donofrio is now assistant director of Broadcast Services for KFUO.

November 23-24, 2013
One little moan and groan and Skechers GoWalk 2. So far two days of happy feet, but really need to bundle up because the weather is super cold, and walking in the teens is no fun. Wasn't able to pen a journal entry last night because we were out late, having fun baby sitting Zach. I like going up and Andrea always stop by and help out, since she lives nearby. The good news, no Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over and over, the bad news, we had on Dora the Explorer – Choo Choo over and over. It was little hard getting up early to the cold. Last week it was so warm in the robe, but this week all the robe layers was nice and comfortable. The music was fantastic, I always love the brass. The Vicar gave a real nice Eucharistic sermon.

November 22, 2013
Walking fool with sore ankles. My cheap Walmart gyms shoes just ain’t cutting it. I’ll have to breakdown and buy a decent pair of men’s walking shoes. Was goofing around with dollar origami and time really do fly when you’re having fun.

November 21, 2013
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, with lots of good food and family all around. It is also a time of reflecting on all things we are grateful for. Lately, I’ve been pondering on wisdom and foolishness. The wise give thanks for what most take for granted. Just as we thought, the weather only permitted a morning walk, so we changed it up and decided to walk to my mother-in-law’s house. I haven’t driven the van in while, so I took it for a spin. Went to Traders Joe’s and was completely surprise how busy it was. I made steamed tilapia, good stuff. It’s a light fish with a bold taste.

November 20, 2013
Whoo hoo, we watch the Huskies clinch a MAC Championship title game appearance with their win over Toledo. Sometimes things just bugs the heck out of me, fallen blown leaves on my front lawn is one them. So I took out the lawnmower and luckily there was enough gas to mulch the leaves, much better. I’m starting to see 2 - two mile walks a day pattern here this week. The first a nice walks and talk at a comfortable good exercising pace for me where we can enjoy talking about what nots and the second one where Fawn just goes all out, maintaining an excellent pace. So my second walk only turns out to be about 1.5 mile walk meditating on the patterns in Ephesians 5, walking in love and husbands and wives and a past bible study on married couples as symbol of the church where husbands present their wives just as Christ himself the church in her glory, spotless and wrinkle free, holy and blameless. Albeit, my wife is most physically beautiful, her true beauty is in her purity and holiness. So we as loving husbands are to present our wives in her pure splendor, like Christ, who seeks to present his bride exalted, pure and glorious. With marriage being redefined these latter days as worldly and temporal, I am eternally grateful for the divine institution of Holy Matrimony and rejoice in this great mystery. The easiest way for me view this after 29 years is the realization that marriage is not for me. As altar assistant, I’m always struck by the selfless words, “For You.” Marriage is for the other person.

November 19, 2013
Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to everyone that he is a fool” (Ecclesiastes 10:3). Nice sunny day, a little bit cold, but nice, none the less. Hard to believe I went for three walks today. This morning walk, Fawn slowed down a tad and I picked it up a tad and it turned out to be a beautiful walk and talk. We ran errands this afternoon. So while fawn was in the store, I walked and walked alone and mused about a walking fool. It took me many years before realizing or even caring that we should caution against foolishness, for it is our wisdom to safeguard our reputation in carefully managing our affairs. A thought she was kidding, but right after dinner we bundled up and went for another walk. It was cold, dark and creepy, doing a night walk. And Fawn was a woman on the move again, leaving me behind in the dust, much like yesterday. Oh well, she must be wanting to get a true workout. This year, The Voice isn't as good as last year, but I still enjoy watch the show a lot. I don’t normally watch the show when they announce who is eliminated, but I did today. What is this Twitter Save thing? Is it only me that think is bad for the show? Any way on a good note, I think Ray Boudreaux was great singing, “You Are the Best Thing”.

November 18, 2013
It’s amazing how sad it is when we never seem to be happy then we take notice how blessed we actual are? For sure it’s a far cry from being a perfect world. Up early this morning to a hot bowl of oatmeal, then it was time to rake up the leaves as much as possible fighting the wind. The leaf collection truck came by for the last cycle. It ain't a pretty picture out there, but it is what it is. Sure it pales to the devastation caused by the tornadoes yesterday. The governor declared 7 counties disaster areas. There is no comfort is saying how lucky we are and much better we have it then most people planet, but prayers goes out for God’s comfort to all. We went for a walk after lunch, but it wasn't a walk and talk. I think it is incredible that there are still some trees in the neighborhood with leaves just being it autumn colors still on it. Fawn was a woman on the move and I couldn't keep up with her pace. I did half the normal a she still managed to past me up on the way back. Not good on my part. It isn't hard for me to believe it has been three months and still no progress in my hunt for work. For the past seven years I've contracting not by choice. Yesterday, we found out Fr Nelson is going to have another baby. LOL, someone said their betting Fr Genig’s family probably got another baby on the way too. Fifty percent of Saint John is under the age of 35, and it seems like the young couples are having a lot of children. Going to kick back and enjoy, The Voice, the rest of the evening and ...

November 17, 2013
Grant us, we pray, O Lord our God, the constant gladness of being devoted to you, for it is full and lasting happiness to serve with constancy the author of all that is good. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Can’t talk about today without talking about the weather. It was crazy warm, 65• F out the door early this morning. Assisting at the altar was amazing but it was humid and warm robbing. I really love the bell choir, especially now that I can hear the full range clear as a bell. Talk about unbelievable midday high winds and torrential rain. Nice to see Carl, Sandy and our nephew Zach. They are looking for homes in the area and we talked about how wonderful that would be.

November 16, 2013
The gray skies made for a gloomy looking day and for hot tea and milk. I saw a co-worker drink milk tea more than a decade ago but never gave it much thought until yesterday and googled it because there is a need to finish up the milk. It was light rain off and on until night fall then kaboom, we started getting the normal heavy down pour. Soon it will be cold snow so cool weather and rain works for me in mid November. Sometime I have to wonder about my internet journeys, it led me to something called, Mid Week Soul Food, at an ECLA Church in Circle Pines, MN. I really don’t know what to make of it, other than this mid week cuisine is not for me.
November 15, 2013,
Stayed indoors and relaxed. There is no dish better to cheer me up and celebrate life than with curry chicken that was lunch. Chinese fried vermicelli for dinner. It was a good eating day!

November 14, 2013
Almighty and merciful God, graciously keep from us all adversity, so that, unhindered in mind and body alike, we may pursue in freedom of heart the things that are yours. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. I’m so glad I raked the leaves the other day because the leaf collection truck came by today. I city website made no mention of it. I hope there will still be one more collection because there remain blown leaves all about. My days are becoming wearisome because I keep applying for jobs without bearing any fruit. So how do we cope with seemly unanswered prayers? The daily dealing with it is daunting and can shake the strongest of faith. In our Lord’s Prayer, Jesus makes amazing promises. A closer look reveals that it’s not asking and getting what we want, but it is God’s giving us what we need. There is certainly time for humbling reflection.

November 13, 2013
Out the door early this morning to do errands. It’s been consistent overnight cold, mean scrapping the car windshield. I’m in full winter mode now with layers, scarf, gloves, hat, and coat. Yummy, Fawn made spaghetti for lunch. Alex drove off to Dekalb, while we stayed in the comfort of our home with ESPN to cheer on the Huskies to yet another exciting win. I’m not much on professional sports, but do watch collegiate games every now and then. What a joy it was to listen to Arthur Just on Issues Etc, We Sing for All the Unsung Saints. There is nothing like gathering around the Eucharist with his unsung saints.

November 12, 2013
The leaf collection isn't till next week, but I decided to rake the leaves anyway just to get some exercise. Sigh…the Jehovah’ Witnesses were out and about again with their ever annoying door to door evangelism. Actually, they are beyond annoying. The other cult, Mormons, is just as bothersome. The setting is entirely wrong for witnessing by them or to them.

November 11, 2013
Not much of a day to cheer about, only can hope and pray things will turn around. Only light snow mixed with a little freezing rain, dang it’s cold. My midday muse was spent reflecting on the service and selflessness of our military veterans, giving thanks to God for these brave men and women. My dad and brother served, but I still can’t imagine what it really like to be military.

November 10, 2013
Hmmm… even though my calendar is clear for today, I confused myself and somehow thought I was supposed to serve at the altar. Guessing it was because we left early this morning so we wouldn't get blocked in because of the marathon. I surprised the guys in the dressing room, but they told me to put a robe anyway and join in the fun, so I did. I love serving at the altar. The Mass was beautiful and the Wheaton College Concert Choir sung beautifully. Andrea and Rob spent the entire day with us. It’s really great to have them over. One child short of a full house. Can hardly wait till see Jennifer back for Thanksgiving.

November 8-9, 2013
I wasn’t in the mood to turn on my computer last night to pen a journal entry. By Friday night, I’m pretty well beat up and not thrilled that my search for work was to no avail. We went to the Bath and Beyond on Butterfield Road. I was amazed how big that store is. Things are beginning to be marked down for the very competitive holiday season. We also stopped by the Oakbrook outdoor shopping center. The remodeling is beautifully completed. I really like joining the catechumens every year as often as possible. Before class, Carol spoke to class about the history of Christmas Sharing and the glory of God in our parish. She is a remarkable woman of the church. It is interesting that the class begins just prior to winter, the season of darkness. And just days after the peak of the darkness, God gives light to the world.

November 7, 2013
Brrr, I did not to be up so early, bundle up to temps in the 20s to row out the trash receptacle and recyclables to the curb. Every year I probably say how much I hate the cold and snow. I watched The Voice Top 20, online, and was wowed by Jacquie Lee – I Put a Spell On You. Yummy, I love pan frying my pork chops. I saw Weber Kansas City Style BBQ Rub in the pantry and decided to give it a go, good stuff. Thanks be to God. Amen. It is interesting that some folks pray before meals and other folks pray after meals. It is good practice to pray before and after. After dinner we sat around and watched, The Voice Eliminations, and we all had different favorites.

November 6, 2013
The dentist looked did the follow up and thanks be to God, the gum is healing over just fine. I was truly blessed listening to a recent KFUO Book Talk – “Selected Sermons of Norman Nagel”.

November 5, 2013
I’m also fascinated by the colorful use of idioms. I found out this morning though an email from my dear friend that Ascension is once again blessed with a fine pastor. Fr Miller and his family accepted a Divine Call at Atlanta, GA. The notion of a congregational calling and of one accepting a Divine Call is truly a mystery to me. I came across a find article in Homiletic & Pastoral Review, on Preaching IN and TO a Post-Modern World, written by Dr Genig. I can hardly wait for his soon to be published book, The Sacramentality of the Word: The Annunciation to Mary and Corporeality. It was a busy work hunting day, in which I immediately got back two different pre-screening calls and a confirmed submittal for today’s applications. I am hopefully praying that I get beyond just getting my name in the various hats. Ouch is an understatement, had my annual digital examination, no fun. But the good news is, all test results were good!

November 3-4, 2013
Getting real lazy at times to turn the computer on the weekends. Yesterday we celebrated, The Feast of All Saints, which invited us to remember with thanksgiving the saints of times past, to share in the faith with those of times present, and to rejoice in the anticipation of saints yet to be. It was so weird to see the leaf collection truck go by today because not only a lot of the leaves that were rakes curbside blew back on the front lawns, but also because, there is only one collection day remaining, due two weeks from now, and most of the leaves are still in the tree, not good. Watched, The Voice Live Show. Once upon a time, I thought no one could do the song Maggie May justice except for Rod Stewart. I was wrong, Cole Vosbury owns Maggie May.

November 2, 2013
It was a extremely joyful day, Fawn and Alex went in the city this morning to pick up Jennifer. Got to talk briefly to Dee Dee and wish her good luck at the trials in January for the Winter Olympic, just in case I didn't get to see her before then. Rob and Andrea made it home also. That put me on cloud nine. But the happiness didn't stop there, today’s Sandra and Nick’s wedding in the Lisle (Wyndham?) Sheraton.

November 1, 2013
Wow, another month went by. Tomorrow night we’ll be moving the clock back an hour. I’ll be good not to be in the darkness when waking. But that will be short lived, as the days continue to shorten. As the days become more noticeably short, it is reminder that Advent is just around the corner. Good to finally be able to eat some soft food. Can hardly wait until my gums heal and the oral stitches dissolve.

October 31, 2013
Ding dong, trick-0r-treat. Plenty of kids out, guessing as many as 40. Why we celebrate (?) is beyond me, yet we do. It’s already 8:30 while I’m penning this journal entry and the door bell is still ringing. Must be because of the late start, with the rain and all earlier. It’s clear to me, it’s all about candy and having fun for the younger kids and for the middle school kids, I think it’s more about getting to hang out. I don’t feel much like eating but must,  to keep from have low sugar. I’ll start eating some soft solid food tomorrow.

October 30, 2013
Got the upper molar extracted. Not sure what the bill will be, but without dental insurance, I suspect it’ll hurt more than the pulled tooth.

October 29, 2013
Since being between jobs, I’m having so much free time to make afternoon journal entries. Nice to get in the habit of morning walks again. Yikes, a sore tooth that will need to be extracted tomorrow. The lower molar was extracted at least 30 years ago when the tooth cracked. It’s a miracle that the upper molar have been hanging in there all these years without any support. I remember it like it was yesterday, because it was Christmas day when Fawn and I were still dating. LOL, it’s been an ongoing joke every year that it’s going to need to be pulled. I mused about the Sunday Bible Studies on, The Ongoing Reception of the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ Way of Seasoning and Gathering his Church. Fr Buzek encourages us to find new ways to our gifts, because all is done in love for Christ and selfless service to our neighbor. I tried summing it up in a nutshell in Larry’s World.

October 28, 2013
It was a beautiful morning so Fawn and I bundled up and went for a 30 minute walk and talk in the neighborhood. I was surprise we did the normal 2 miles effortlessly. After the morning walk I was expecting to have a fruit day applying online, but I couldn’t find any new postings I am qualified for. The kids think their having fun, calling me  cranky old man. It's getting old, but at least their listening to the sermons.

October 27, 2013
Holy Mass was full blast with God gifts that awaits all. I got to sit next to the altar. There is something special about sitting up so close to the Eucharist and seeing all his gathered holy priestly people. I was expecting to sing the processional hymn, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, but instead we welcomed Cooper Richard through Baptism. Pleasant surprise, Carl and Sandy invited us out for a late lunch. Love our nephew Zach. They stop by on their way to the outlet mall. Listened to the most learned Dr Kleinig, The Family Altar: The Discipline of Table Devotions for Daily Sanctification on YouTube. Afterward, I saw Fawn watching the Packer Viking game alone in the family room and decided to join her to keep her company. LOL, I fell asleep and ended up taking a nap within minutes.

October 26, 2013
Almighty ever-living God, grant that we may always conform our will to yours and serve your majesty in sincerity of heart. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. It took Fawn and me 5 hours to do what a profession plumber to do in an hour, but mission accomplished and we saved about$150-$200. Now that we know what we’re doing, it show go much quicker next time, if need be.

October 25, 2013
I was expecting a call today from a recruiter, but that didn't come to past. So another week has gone by and still no work. It was really nice of my friend Tim C to send me a lead from a recruiter. I need to clear the slow drain on the kitchen sink and today would have been a good day to do it since nothing happened and it wouldn't be tying up my Saturday.

October 24, 2013
Nice day! It started with the sign of the cross and a hot bowl of oatmeal and raisin toast to boot. Instead of starting the morning with a job search I went to this week’s worship folder. I like looking prepping ahead on weeks I assist at the altar. I was surprisingly filled with joy as reviewed the Liturgy for Reformation Sunday. Usually I look at Reformation with mixed emotion. From the get go I noted in the welcome section, Carl Braaten penned, “One thing more life-threatening to the church than heresy, and that is the unwillingness or inability to tell the difference between orthodoxy and heresy.” Mediated on God’s promises that frees the Holy Spirit to work his life and peace, his joy and his enabling in our life. God does indeed does the verb. This week’s music will be most wonderful and we will have the support of fine musicians.  Halloween is a week away. For years, I would get worked up about this pagan holiday, but this year not so much. I get the way kids look forward to it and the candy and treat, but adults getting into costumes is just too weird. Hoping tomorrow something will come my way regarding employment.

October 22, 2013
Let us not abandon the fellowship in our congregation and fail to come to worship services. Already at that time (writing of Hebrews) there were those who made a habit of that. That is and remains a betrayal not only to the congregation, but to Him who is the head, Christ. Bishop Bo Giertz, To Live with Christ, p. 701. I’m a beggar, but thought this is an interesting way of looking at it. What a day. Hard to believe it feels so cold. It is a rude awakening knowing how much more cold it can actually get in the Midwest. I spent the prepping the cars for winter by inflating the tires and putting the battery charger on the cars a couple hours each.

October 22, 2013
Brrr, it cold, saw frost on the car windshield this morning. It never got out of the 30’s. Saw a snow flurries that later turned in to light rain. I think it was the first time there wasn’t a down pour. Albeit it looked like a gloom and doom day, it was anything but. I’m encouraged that the market is not dried up for me because I got calls from two different contracting firms wanting to throw my name in the hat for local opportunities that I am comfortable with. Times have really changed. Having your name in the hat with so many talented people in these hard economic time makes is difficult just to a phone interview, let alone the possible face to face to follow. But I’m lifted and am hopeful.

October 21, 2013
Hard at work the job postings, but only found two that were local. I didn't get selected for a phone interview, so I only have my name in one remaining hat at this time. I can’t help but wonder what God’s plan is for me regarding employment.

October 20, 2013
Last night was awesome, good food, good company and a nice outdoor fire to boot. For the month of October, beer brats is on the top of list as a feast food that celebrates life. Next month for most Americans, including me, it’ll be turkey.  We celebrated Mass this morning as well as celebrated the Paschal mystery of infant Baptism of Emmett Lee.

October 19, 2013
“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12:4-5). A midday day journal entry, that’s something new for me. It’s just as well, I won’t have time later. Oktoberfest at the Miller’s tonight. I always love it when all the neighbors get together. I can’t think of where I rather be on an autumn Saturday morning than at Saint John. There is something about morning coffee, bagels and being instructed on the ways of our Lord. Albeit, I’ve been taking this same class since coming to SJ, I never cease walking away astonished. I thank God I continue to grow as my pastor continues to grow. I remember six years ago, as if it were yesterday, I asked Fr Bruzek what is that smell. He had no clue what I was talking about. I later thought it was perhaps the incense. But now realize, it is the perfume of the Holy Spirit. St Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, in his Procatechesis writes, “Already there is an odour of blessedness upon you, O ye who are soon to be enlightened; already ye are gathering the spiritual flowers, to weave heavenly crowns; already the fragrance of the Holy Spirit has breathed upon you; already ye have gathered round the vestibule of the King’s palace; may ye be led in also by the King! For blossoms now have appeared upon the trees; may the fruit also be found perfect!  Thus far there has been an inscription of your names, and a call to service, and torches of the bridal train, and a longing for heavenly citizenship, and a good purpose, and hope attendant thereon.  For he lieth not who said, that to them that love God all things work together for good. God is lavish in beneficence, yet He waits for each man’s genuine will; therefore the Apostle added and said, to them that are called according to a purpose. The honesty of purpose makes thee called; for if thy body be here but not thy mind, it profiteth thee nothing.” Things have really changed since the writings of this 4th century church father, we are no longer one. Fr Bruzek touched briefly on this and the reformation. The fight is all about Grace. For me the color is both red as well purple and continue to join Christ in his fervent prayer that we be one. I was struck by Fr Bruzek’s Don Quixote story noting, if you want to be a knight, act like a knight. So it is Christian. This can only happen if we are being embodied by the Church as the Body of Christ and embodying incardinating Love as little christs in the world. So begins our Easter journey with the newbies. In the life of the Church, we discover new relationships, where we are bounded by grace as partakers of the same life, in Christ. We feed on the same heavenly food, bear each other burdens and are heirs of the same heavenly promise. Six years have pasted and my family still weeps tears of joy at the embodied pastoral care, offering us heaven itself, in the Liturgy.

October 18, 2013
Out and about running errands because tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I wore a jacket but perhaps a coat would have been better because it stayed in to 40s. It was dinner and a movie.  Albeit, just leftover chicken and broccoli, I liked Iron Man 3. Clearly, Tony the man makes the suit.

October 17, 2013
Despite the continuing downward spiral of our economy, I was able to move away from feeling sorry for myself and placed my trust in our Lord. I’ve been pondering whether or not if I’m too opinionated of person. I guess because I have been musing on it for a while now, answers that question. That’s a little different than having an opinion and judging. I think it’s OK to have an opinion, but not without all the facts first. Guess I’m penning this because I do have an opinion about a few things I read on the internet and need to work it out as I write. I stopped reading one of the sites because of all the venom, not much has changed. The post came as no surprise and neither was the sameo sameo comments and response. The other site had a really interesting post, actually I was searching for it on a hearsay and it affirmed what I speculated happened years ago. Clearly, I have too much time on my hand, because these things are of no concern to me. I can hardly wait for Saturday to roll around. Too bad Fawn is going to her annual fashion show. I would of love going to the Catechumenate class with her. I called the Millers to confirm our rsvp for their annual home Oktoberfest. It’s a great time with neighbors.

October 16, 2013
Oh my, it was in the 50s. Had to where a jacket just to keep warm. Took a blood test first thing in the morning. Will be visiting my urologist for my annual in a couple of weeks. Reached out to the recruiters that were willing to place my name in the various hats, but the different hiring managers haven’t decided who they are willing to extended an invitation for a phone interview yet. I am reminded by Saint Luther that the cross teaches us to believe in hope even when there is no hope. Was just thinking about Andrea's wedding day and the processional hymn, Lift up the Cross. I agree with Pope Francis that the Cross is a great mystery for mankind, a mystery that can only be approached in prayer and in tears. There is really something about a wedding Mass. By the time we get to the 3rd verse of the recessional hymn, We praise You and Acknowledge You, O God; my voice is cracking and am coughing in my tears. You, Christ, are King of glory, the everlasting Son, Yet You, with boundless love, sought to rescue ev’ryone: You laid aside Your glory, were born of virgin’s womb, Were crucified for us and were placed into a tomb; Then by Your resurrection You won for us reprieve You opened heaven’s kingdom to all who would believe. It's always about the Eucharist for folks like me who glory in the cross gratefully and eagerly look forward to Mass. I am in awe with the Eucharist theology found in Saint Paul's epistles, 1 Corinthians chapters 10 and 11.

October 15, 2013
More of The Voice Battle Rounds and watched the Blacklist, good stuff. Albeit, there were jobs to apply for, it just seem somewhat hopeless, because I know so many people unemployed, under employed or about to lose their job. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy on me a sinner. Amen.

October 14, 2013
Almighty God, You show mercy to Your people in all their troubles. Grant we recognize Your goodness, give thanks for Your compassion, and praise your holy name; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen. Wow, what a cool down, turned on furnace and set it to 68 last night. Every time I break open Luther’s Small Catechism, I am struck how well written it is. It’ll be on my bedside nightstand this week. Got sad news about the death of Rob’s Grandfather but join him in rejoicing in his life with us and that he is now in the presence of our Lord. Been musing about Sunday’s sermon from the Old Testament reading from Genesis, Chapter 50. I learned a lot about myself and that in all the pain and suffering, how important it is to understand God’s very presence and influence in the face of very difficult situations. One would be hard pressed to find a more dysfunctional family. Yet there was forgiveness to be found. I was struck by Joseph realizing the meant evil against him by his siblings and by him seeing how God meant it for Good. Are we able to do the same? Been humming, Creator of the stars at Night, since Mass. Conditor alme siderum is one of my favorite vesper hymn normal sung during advent. I’m not sure how it fits in Pentecost, but I’m good. Been watching The Voice Auditions and tonight we watch a few epic battle rounds.

October 13, 2013
It was a beautiful day and the Mass was breathtaking. Dr Klenig was guest preaching and lead a bible study on doxology. For many years now I have been fully convince that we are called to remember the Sabbath by gathering to celebrate the weekly Eucharistic liturgy. After church we stopped by the outlet mall in Aurora. I found a nice bench and finished reading and highly recommend Bible and the Liturgy. Off to bed now and read Luther’s Small Catechism. I think it is good to read the small book every couple years.

October 12, 2013
Last night was extraordinary, so many folks enjoying the Oktoberfest inside and out. The word must of got out how good the brats and beer was last year. I heard today there were about 250. What a great family outing. I got to see and talk to many pastor friends that moved on and have come back to visit as well as friends in the congregation. It was like a pastor convention. I especially liked listening to Fr Gaede gleam with excitement as he showed Fawn and me all the pictures load on his smart phone. There were plenty of smiles and handshakes as well as chatting, catching up on families. On top of all the laughter and kids playing, it got pretty loud. Everyone was having a good time, indeed. This morning we were blessed to see and catch up with Don, Joyce, Phyllis and Dennis from our old parish prior to the seminar over the good coffee and bagels. Dr Kleinig teaching on, The Power for Earthly work The Ongoing Reception of the Holy Spirit is outstanding. The good Doctor is arguably the most learned teacher of Christ alive on the planet. It makes sense now how we receive the Holy Spirit in the Eucharist. It is truly a blessing that our parish not only offers the weekly Eucharist, but offer the daily Eucharist to parishioners. To this very day, it drives me nuts how some parish denies the Eucharist to parishioners, beit it by frequency or by setting grade or age restrictions. Clearly, it is time to bring out Luther’s Small Catechism for review again. I was reminded of the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer. Thy kingdom come. what does this mean? The kingdom of God certainly comes by itself without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may come to us also. How does God’s kingdom come? God’s kingdom comes when our heavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit, so that by His grace we believe His holy Word and lead godly lives here in time and there in eternity. Clearly Luther is referring to God sending by grace, God sends us, the Paraclete, third person of the Trinity. Afterward we spent spent most of the day out and about. No kids around, Jennifer is at school and Alex is gone for the entire weekend to the NIU homecoming. Funny I still call them kids. Soup at Fabulous Noodles is delicious as usual.

October 11, 2013
Making an early journal entry, since we’re going to attend the SJ Oktoberfest. Got to love how the Germans party. Spent part of the day musing about the Christian church and was creeping myself out with some of the websites. I even saw a few where they seem to have rock stars trapped in a pastor’s body…  I’m just so glad I’m at Saint John. Didn't finish off the bushes, too busy doing applications, finally a few local opportunities posted on the job boards. Anyway, got to get ready to go...

October 10, 2013
I set the lawn mower to cut the grass short as possible. Hopefully it’s my last time it needs to be cut for the year. 90% done with the trimming before getting a finger blister. I’ll wrap up the task at hand tomorrow. Lol, another pun. I can see it don’t take much to amuse me.

October 9, 2013
It was a very peaceful day. I started trimming back the front hedge way back this morning. I’ll take me a day or two more to complete the task, since I just using a hand pruner. I know its nuts to do it that way and not use my electric hedge trimmer, but I find it relaxing.

October 8, 2013
Oh my, Fawn had a brown crown. Good thing she was able to get a dental appointment. We were out the door by 10 and didn’t get home till almost 5, because it was too nice of day to be indoors. Albeit, I never viewed Psalms as the early church Fathers, I have to agree with them who saw Psalm 22 both as prophecy and a summary of the mysteries of Christian initiation. St. Gregory of Nyssa said it best, “By this Psalm, Christ teaches the Church that, first of all, you must become a sheep of the Good Shepherd: the catechetical instruction guides you to the pastures and fountains of doctrine. Then you must be buried with Him into death by baptism. But this is not death, but a shadow and image of death. Then He prepares the mystical table. Then He anoints you with the oil of the Spirit. And finally He presents the wine that gladdens the heart of man and produces that sober inebriation characteristic of the true Christian.”  That read made my day. Since the dental office is in Aurora we stopped by Geneva Commons and then the outlet mall. It was so pleasant walking around. Not going to see many more days like this. Soon it will become dreary and cool. Hopefully it will stay somewhat nice out. We have a few Oktoberfest parties to celebrate. There was a hiccup… but I’m still calling it a perfect day. The day is almost over and is ending well. I listened and mediated on Psalm 22 in a different light. Made the sign of the cross and rejoicing in the still waters our Lord led me to.

October 7, 2013
Jennifer got her needed shots and is another step closer to Panama. I never had the desire to travel outside these united states. The only excitement today was taking Jennifer back to school. Well, she actually did the driving there and Fawn and enjoyed the scenic drive along the Lakeshore Drive. I’m really comfortable now with Jennifer’s highway driving. I know I probably drove all my kids crazy because of all the baby steps we put them through. Ha, a pun.

October 6, 2013
It was a day of celebration, it began with celebrating Mass. I served with Dave. We hardly get assign together that often anymore, but when we do, it's pure joy. He has a great understanding and love for the Eucharist. I hope he'll go to the Octoberfest at Saint John this year. I love it, good food and good company. When sitting near the back altar, the sound isn’t all that. I adjusted my hearing aid accordingly and all was well. Now I remember I was going to say something about the psalms and the canticles as being songs of the church. Over lunch one day, I was telling a friend of mine about the visiting choir from Concordia Chicago, and how God showers us with his gifts week after week in his Holy Lutheran Mass. I love reading and chanting the psalms at home because I get to pray God’s words back to him and are so beautiful chanted as part of the weekly lectionary scripture. Canticles are the non psalms biblical songs of the church that are lyrical witness to God’s goodness. It does not surprise me that people see beauty differently though. After worship we went to Bob and Jean’s for a quick breakfast and then it was off to the wedding feast for Fawn’s brother Henry and Heather at Cooper Hawk’s Winery and Restaurant. While talking to Heather’s parents, we started to talk about St Luke. It’s a small world after all, they know Marty and Julie! Their family is a true blessing to all that are touched by them. I am reminded of blessings of many near and dear to me.

October 5, 2013
The leftover ribeye from last night made for an outstanding lunch. Steak for lunch, how yummy is that?  Spent most of the relaxing, but did do a few odds and ends about the house. Excited that everyone is home! No time now to…

October 4, 2013
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). A friend call me early this morning and was feeling depress and I told him I could only offer him words of comfort from our Lord.  Later in the morning I got a call that my name is going in another hat, so that’s good. I think my afternoon phone interview when pretty good. Hopeful it was good enough to secure a face to face. Fawn, Alex and I went out to dinner at Kona Grill in Oak Brook, it was a big family celebration with Henry and Heather’s upcoming wedding. The company is always good and so was the food, but more than a tad pricy for me for a normal night out on the town. Anyway, time for a quick read in bed.

October 3, 2013
Didn’t know what to do to prep for tomorrow’s phone interview, so I spent most of day going over the what tos and the not tos during an interview. I also spent some time doing research on the LTE reference model since one of my weakness is finding the time staying current with technology. The day was in offering prayers of thanksgiving and persistent (nagging?) requests for help in my search work.

October 2, 2013
After letting the sacraments on Baptism soak in a few days, I can hardly wait to witness the next blessings of one beit it infant or adult. I never view confirmation as a sacrament, but sacrament it is indeed. I started reading the chapter about the Eucharist last night and despite our theological differences, I think Cardinal Danielou is very learned. I could be wrong, but I think Fr Bruzek is as learned in the three sacrament of initiation to church. I can hardly wait for the new catechumenate classes to start in a few weeks. It was a super nice day out and I finally, got around to cutting the grass. My mind was at ease when I got the email when my phone interview is scheduled. The craziest thing is how do you prep for a job without a job description? I have to believe the job must be related to something I have done in the past. I call my friend Bob and was happy to learn he is getting married in November. I was surprise to that he is having a Tibetan Buddhist blessing and wedding ceremony, since it not a sacrament and civil to Buddhist.

October 1, 2013
Oh wow, another month went by. Guess I wasn’t in any mood to log back in last night to pen a journal entry last night. It’s never fun to go to the IDES website to file a unemployment claim. I just spend the day sending out email to former managers letting them know I between jobs and asked for letters of recommendations, since there wasn’t anything new on the job boards.  Today started out like gloom and dome with grey skies and still nothing new to apply for. But wouldn’t you know it, the sky cleared up and the sun was shining brightly. Then an unexpected email came with an invitation to schedule a 30 minute interview. Whoo hoo!

September 28-29, 2013
Yester was a perfect day, least I thought so. The morning started out with at drive out to Vernon Hills. I must be the slowest driver in the world. Everyone blew by me like there was no tomorrow. Fawn met up with Andrea at TJ Maxx and went strolling around outdoors. Then it was off to the Westfield, I sat and read a couple hours while the ladies did their thing. Finished the chapter with the sacrament of Baptism and will start next with the Eucharist. Lunch was a Portello’s. Wow, it is the biggest one I seen and so was the line. No one could tell the state of our current economy eating there. The best was to come we all went over babysit our nephew Zack. Albeit, Zack is 2 years old, he’s a riot and fun. The only tough thing watching him is getting back so late. Earlier this time, but it was still close to midnight. Seemed like I just closed my eyes and then the alarm clock rang. Couldn’t do the late service because I was scheduled to serve at the altar. The full blast Mass was stunning. The canticles were breathtaking. We were visited by the Kapelle of Concordia University Chicago. I’ll have more to say on that tomorrow. For now, I’m ready for some early and much needed shut eye...

September 27, 2013
And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven” (Matthew 23:9). I had lunch at Cuisine of India with my evangelical Tim. It’s always a blessing to break bread with him. I really like the book, Bible and the Liturgy. It is interesting how I am more fascinated by how everything teaches. And shared with Tim the amazing amount of thought the church puts in her symbols and gestures. I came to the realization years ago, what is best for my family may not be best for others. Blessed be, I believe my sister Mary died a Lutheran. Seems I’ll never convince her husband Al and my remaining sibling that though. At one point, he brought up the subject of the noticeable narcissism in Naperville. This led me to muse on what was said on The Godwhisperers. I think people who use this single verse literally out of context to spin. Call no man father, you kidding me? Surly this is a hyperbole. In Matthew 23, Jesus’ criticisms of the scribes and Pharisees for their sinful proud hearts evermore striving for marks of status and prestige still applies today to churches have become narcissistic cults rather than loving God the Father and our neighbors. Jesus just didn’t criticized the faith of scribes and Pharisees with just words, he show them and his disciples what true love and humility he demands. This brings me to the point about addressing teachers as “Pastor” or “Father”, of course we are no to rob the address of Father when applied to God, but common sense tells us it crazy to abolish the word “father” from our vocabulary. A priest should humbled that a parishioner would call him father and acknowledge filial affection for the child God given them to care for. It could just be me, but the actual human father child relationship makes better sense to me in the church militant than saying the shepherd-sheep. Dave provided a few helpful links to help me with the sacerdotalist issue. It just goes to shows to me the stupid things we grumble over. I seen more than my share of the pros and cons of church hierarchy and voters' supremacy applied by sinners.

September 26, 2013
Still nothing new on the job board today, but the good news is two different contracting firm sought me out for opportunities. Just being able to get your name thrown in a hat is quite an achievement. Without that, there is no hope, without God’s love there is no hope.  Looked up recipes online for vegetarian ma po tofu and modified it to things I had accessible to me and behold, it was very good.

September 25, 2013
What a beautiful day.  Albeit, nothing new job board today and the job I was hoping for went to a person that previously held that job in the past.  It was great to clean after the last days of summer to do spring cleaning in the fall. Hmmm… that so how didn’t come out right. Cleaned the laundry room and vents as well as the garage. A lot got done under the directions and help of Fawn. It was the first time I listened to, The God Whisperers, in quite a while. Episode 240: cascione confidential – sacerdotalist in the lcms. It was a very confusing discussion and most of it made zero sense to me.

September 24, 2013
“I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry” (Psalm 40:1). Some days it is harder to be patient than others and confess the desire to take control and do the best I can on my own. That is so foolish, best to reach out and ask the Holy spirit to direct us and continue to wait for the Lord. I find hard to believe, but it seems the rite of Christian initiation of adults has been around for quite a while. Preparation for adult baptism, make no sense to me, in light of infant baptism. It’s a gift given us by grace, right?

September 23, 2013
Broke the seal last night in bed and start reading, Bible and the Liturgy by Fr. Jean Danielou. I just realized it’s nearing the end over the year and I still have so many new unread books that Andrea and Rob gave me last Christmas. Judging from the introduction, the book promises to be a very good read. It was good to see some clarifications from Cardinal George as he warns that some had misinterpreted the pontiff’s conciliatory remarks on homosexuality, abortion and contraception; and is not moving away from long standing church policies, and was just changing the approach. Whoo hoo? Another contract firm called and wants to throw my name in the hat. Just getting you name thrown in a hat is better than not and seems to be an accomplishment. I had a phone interview a few weeks back and that is still up in the air whether I will get an opportunity for a face to face. I swear, looking for work all the time is no fun. Good to have the Lord with me to face life’s issues and time after time over time, our Lord has revealed his good plan. Yesterday’s sermon had to do with trust. It reminded me of a verse in Mark 9, “I believe; help my belief”. And so it is with my struggle with full trust as I pray, I trust you Lord. Help me with my stupidity of untrust. Mmm, pan fried pork chops for dinner, good stuff. Well, off to bed and back to what I trust will be a good read.

September 22, 2013
Totally out of the loop. I knew it ladies night out last night, but had no idea fawn and Jennifer went to Mass last night. I was wonder why no one getting up to go this morning. I was happy to see Andrea and Rob was there and worship with me. It is the first day of autumn and there was a lot of people, a true sign summer vacation are over. The musicians were awesome. There is something so right about the SJ Brass ensemble. It was a good day because I got to spend some time with my son-in-law Rob. I’m not a sports kind of guy but did enjoyed our talk while the flipping channels between the Packers-Bengals and Browns-Vikings game.

September 21, 2013
Up early and made the bagel run to Big Apple, can hardly wait for the start of this year’s Saturday morning Parnera bagels at Saint John with the bible study classes to boot. LOL, or is the other way around?  Went with Jennifer to the post office to submit her passport application and get her photo. I was surprise her ears had to be visible and even more surprise by all the hardware on her ears. I think I saw at least four on one ear alone. Am I supposed to be glad aren’t any piercings on her nose, lips or tongue?

September 20, 2013
I was having coffee this morning and relaxing paging though the news on the internet, then all of sudden out of nowhere I heard, “Why don’t you go out and cut the grass?” to which I replied, “OK dear, right after I finish up with my cup of coffee.”  Clearly, that was the wrong answer. Hmmm… what’s up with that? Guess I should have finished my coffee at the table. Albeit, I was mowing the grass in the cool of the day, I still worked up a sweat. I was shocked to learn that the doctrine of Papal infallibility was only declared in 1870. All this time I thought it was from antiquity. There is really something wrong with many LCMS church, even with some that claim to be liturgical yet only have half the Liturgy. How crazy is that, withholding the Eucharist. I remain struck by and mused on few of Martin Luther’s 95. 82 is a really interesting disputation, To wit: -- "Why does not the pope empty purgatory, for the sake of holy love and of the dire need of the souls that are there, if he redeems an infinite number of souls for the sake of miserable money with which to build a Church? The former reasons would be most just; the latter is most trivial." Happy, baby girl home for the weekend. Glad she to the train back, no fun driving in the city, unless it’s during non peak hours. Fixed her  and the family a nice steak dinner.

September 19, 2013
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). A sin is a sin is sin and we enemies of God, right? Hardly. After musing on the catholic teachings on the difference between mortal and venial sins, Corinthians 6 becomes much clearer. I love Pope Francis but sometimes the things he says is confusing. The headline story today is, Pope Francis: Catholic Church must focus beyond “small minded rules”. Ahhh, Spaghetti. Without a doubt, Fawn makes the best spaghetti sauce in the world.

September 18, 2013
The morning started with the sign of the cross, followed by what seemed like an  gazillion ah-chews cause by pollen allergies. Hard to believe I still went out to downtown and then ran around to do a few errands. It was great to be out and about but I felt like plucking my eyes out afterwards. Thanks be to God for Alcon Naphcon A eye drops for relief. I walked around pretty much on my own because it was hard to keep up with Fawn, she is clearly a women on the move. Stop at Sam’s Club for a few things and to say hey to my Sister Nancy. Then it was on to Meijer and Target. Whoa, kaboom. The storm came in so quickly and turn the beautiful sunny day into a thundering dark downpour. During my walk at the riverwalk. I sat a while and contemplated on what may have in stored for me, but was left clueless. Made beef and broccoli over rice, yummy. The beef was so tender because I beat on the meat like there was no tomorrow with a kitchen gravel. After dinner we went to Madison for an informational meeting about the string of burglaries we been having in town. Yikes, 26 in the last six weeks, not good.

September 17, 2013
Green garden salads was definitely an acquired taste for me. Nowadays, I love eating it. Fawn is so creative when it comes to fixing delicious salads. It’s been a month now and  still hoping to get another contract. It is my brother Bill's birthday!

September 16, 2013
Hmmm… hard to say whether thing are looking brighter or not. I got an email from recruiter wanting to represent me on a matching job opening, the problem is, and once again the pay rate is very low. It’s hard to tell if the employers are lowering their offers or the contracting firm trying to increase their margins. Anyway, spent the morning putting in more applications and researching LTE. I felt like eating light, so I made that delicious fuzzy melon soup again.

September 15, 2013
Look upon us, O God, Creator and ruler of all things, and, that we may feel the working of your mercy, grant that we may serve you With all our heart. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Albeit, it looked like a gloom and day, with grey skies and off and on rain all day. It was anything but it. Nothing can dampen the Holy Mass and a bible study to boot. It was nice to finally meet Page the vicar’s fiancé.

September 14, 2013
Sigh… go figure, it was no picnic replacing the hardware on the toilet this morning. The brass bolt was so rusty; WD-40 didn’t do a thing for one of them. I ended up sawing it off. But hey, the toilet is fixed and go to go. Most likely not a good time to talk about the most wonderful chicken and broccoli dish I made for dinner, good stuff.

September 13, 2013
I didn’t plan on doing taking apart the toilet, but that what doing. The toilet was leaking at the base and I’m guessing it needs a new wax ring. I don’t know how people do these trade jobs with seemingly great ease. Funny how Fawn like most women thinks guys can just jump in and fix anything.  It took me several hours to get it all apart and figure what I need to buy to put it back together with the help of a Home Depot Youtube How-to video. We decided to go to Portillo for dinner before heading out to Home Depot for the needed. There was no way I was going spent the rest on the evening getting funky putting the commode back together, it something that is going to have to wait till tomorrow morning, something I’m not looking forward to.

September 12, 2013
Albeit, in the lower 80’s, there was a slight breeze, enough to make it gorgeous. It was the first break from the heat, in even mowed the grass. There wasn’t anything on the job board, so I did a few lessons on the free online typing tutor and became bored. So Fawn and I went to the Bolingbrook Promenade and walked around. It’s nice just strolling and listening to the piped in music. We stopped at Potbelly for lunch and split their original, A Wreck, sandwich. I’m clueless why it’s called that, but oh so good. I’m really glad I took the time to drop everything and just enjoy the day and chilled to Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall.  She is an amazing song writer, story teller and singer but admit that I’m a little surprise she has such a potty mouth.

September 11, 2013
Had my first phone interview since the end of my last contract. I didn’t think I did as well as I could have, but hope it was enough to get a face to face interview. The job appears to be a good match, but I’m sure I’m only one of many qualified people hoping to land this opportunity. Anyway, continuing to look at job boards. Oh my, came across Westboro Baptist Church while reading the news. It appears to be a hate group and helpful to church catholic. Perhaps it’s best to not to muse and tame my tongue on such matters and just leave it Christ to sort it out. I quieted my mind and spent part of the day reflecting on 9/11. I learned of the attacks of the World Trade Center watching Live TV while having dinner in Shanghai. Everyone was glued to their chair as the surreal events unfolded, but I chose to go back to the hotel and watched it on the BBC. It was the only English specking channel. Several months ago I was at Manhattan on business and everything in the concrete jungle was hustling and bustling. While I was there, I did think about 9/11, but sadly not about so much about the catastrophe, but about Beneke and Yankee Stadium. No interfaith church service could possibly bring about God’s comfort and presence. When great evil of this magnitude is brought about, people often wonder, where is God in the mist of all this pain and suffering? As I read stories and viewed pictures on that day and the days that followed, I saw the visible presence and beauty of the Christ in countless acts of mercy.

September 10, 2013
Talk about never too late, I read a news story about a thief that apologies and returns stolen money 11 years later. The process of God’s work of redemption in the lives of sinners always begins with his call to sinners. Hmmm… can’t trust everything you read on the internet. The other day I read a shocking article on the internet, about the Cold Call Pope, on what he had said as words of comfort. Today I read Vatican’s denials of the report and any change in the doctrinal rigidity of the church on the issue of homosexuality. This led me to believe the earlier report was a hoax. It’s not clear to me how some are able to dismiss 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 as well as Romans 1:26-28. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

September 9, 2013
“Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him…” (Psalm 37:7). I spent the morning applying for jobs online as well as sending email and spent the afternoon reading up on new technology. I’m blessed not to be in my job search alone. Seeking God’s help between jobs makes it easier to be still and not be anxious. I know God has my back. After Mass this week, Fr Bruzek greeted Fawn and me and told me that I’m a lucky man to have a wife that loves me. Indeed I do. A marriage with Christ as the head is an amazing thing. I've been contracting now for the past 7 years in this tough economy and believe our marriage most likely would have been estranged outside of Christ.

September 7-8, 2013
Saturday was a lot of fun. We spent the day babysitting Zack up in Vernon Hills. The kid was a blast and was a lot of fun. Andrea lived nearby and came later to help out. She would have done it but she spent most of the day doing service work with her students. That is something admire about Andrea and Rob, they help their students organize and participate in community service opportunities. Didn't get back home until about 2:30 this morning so we went to the 11 o’clock Mass. I was struck by one of the quotes in the margins on the service bulletin. I don’t know if the blessed Padre Pio is correct in saying, “It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the Holy Mass.” In this profound statement, he is saying the entire cosmos is being sustained by the Eucharist. For sure though, God’s most precious gift, his Eucharist, sustains me. Afterward we went over visit Jean and Bob. It was fun looking at old snaps. There were some pics I saw for the first time. There is something about a picture of a beautiful woman on a sandy beach, and there it was, Fawn strolling on California beach in her college years.

September 6, 2013
Ahhh... Lord, Let at Last Thine Angels Come, on LPR as I begin penning this journal entry. Crazy how I deprive myself at times. It was a very interesting day. I went to the 3G project completion celebration. There was talk about the possibility of calling people back in the future if the negotiations come through and there is funding. It is fascinating how people are actually noticeably quite cordial when they are not placed under the gun. I imagine that includes me, but I like to believe I try my best to be at all times. I prayerfully hope what has become weeks now don’t turn into months

September 5, 2013
I’m worn down and am becoming somewhat frustrated by being unemployed and job searching. Was good to briefly go out and about. I decided to take a break from job seeking this afternoon and got a couple DVDs to relax. I got GI Joe and GI Jane action flicks just for entertainment, but got a little more than that from GI Jane. I was struck by D. H. Lawrence’s beautiful poem, “I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.” There is so much gist that inspires the soul with hope by just knowing that living creatures can move on without self pity, one has to wonder why can’t we? I was surprised to learn that Pope Francis urged world leaders to’ “lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution” in Syria, but I am perplexed at, “Francis has called on the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics to join him on Saturday in a day of prayer and fasting to end the Syrian conflict. He has invited members of all faiths to join him around the world in whatever way they see fit.” What’s that is this Pope Francis ‘religious other’ all about?

September 4, 2013
Frustrated, but carrying on. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day.

September 3, 2013
Not 100% well yet, but it was a much better day. Still draining but am coughing less and finally noticing  some improvement. Spend the day working hard researching and applying for jobs online. Was disappointed that nothing is coming about.

September 2, 2013
Mercy me, sick in bed for a week, seems like I been sick forever. Talk about a person that worked himself in a frizzy on so many unbearable slow days in a row, when sick in bed. It started with on ongoing televised news about Assad. Somehow this led to muse about schism between Shiites and Sunnis and blood bath between them. This of course led me to muse about the schism between Catholics and Protestants and the Reformation blood bath. This of course led me to think about the color purple and our reformation sins. I think Luther is a wise man and I pen with his name. Yet he is just a fallible man with many shortcomings. Finally well enough to go out for the car ride to take Jennifer back to school this morning. My job was to sit in the car a watch it while stuff was being moved. I love taking in the beauty of lakeshore drive. Slow days like today are absolutely amazing because God’s gives us precious moments that made up the day.

August 28-29, 2013
“O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore” (Psalm 131). I was under the weather yesterday and felt miserable and in bed all day long. The day wasn’t a total bust though, it was a day spent in prayer. Yes, I lamented as well as offered prayers of thanksgiving and praise. I love praying the psalms and was struck by how my soul was calmed by the silence of Psalm 131. Albeit, not 100%, today is a much better day and my throat isn’t not nearly as tender and soar. Norma called and I got my invite to the Sprint project completion celebration. Posting early and off to bed.

August 27, 2013
It was so warm and muggy today, I hid indoors and only went out to take out the get the mail and later to take out the trash. I finally broke down to see what this MTV/Miley Cyrus and Robert Thicke thing on the news for the last few days is all about. I looked up the lyrics to We Can’t Stop/Blurred Lines because I was clueless to what was being sung. Hmmm… the lyrics are as disturbing as the video. The media is calling the sex show between a 36 year old man and a 20 year old ‘veered’ between disgust and sadness. Then it was to off to doing something productive, like applying for more jobs and reaching out to contacts. I was surprised to see 2 email responds from recruiters to get more details. That is good to get a response back, now the next hope is to secure a phone interview. Was looking at Bob and Jean’s photos posted online, was a beautiful day that was.

August 26, 2013
Whoa, missed most of the morning. I haven’t done that in a while. Clearly, celebrating way to late. Te Deum Laudamus, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, humming and singing fragment of it all day, as Christians been doing for centuries. I’m getting my some of my much needed rest, but looking for work isn’t a picnic. There is a lot put in the research, applying as well as making phone calls.  Mmm.. went lite and made fizzy melon soup for lunch, surprisingly good, since I only made it using chicken bouillon.

August 25, 2013
O God, who cause the minds of the faithful to unite in a single purpose, grant your people to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that, amid the uncertainties of this world, our hearts may be fixed on that place where true gladness is found. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. The morning began as altar assistant for, The Feast of St. Bartholomew. I love the gifts on feast days. They are always filled with full blast worship that has our family leaving Mass in standing in the awe of God. May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ and the love of God and the hearing of the Holy Spirit be with us always. Amen. Fawn’s right, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, can’t be sung without getting misty eyed and shedding a tear. We celebrated Rob’s birthday at Maggiano’s. We are grateful for the blessing of this young man in our lives. But the day wasn’t quite over yet, we went on to celebrate Zack and Sara’s birthday. Kid’s birthdays are so much fun.

August 24, 2013
Fawn, Alex and I spent the day moving at Loyola, moving Jennifer back to school. We met her roommates and their parents. Everyone was so nice, so that was a big load off my mind.

August 23, 2013
The day cried out, what a difference a day makes. It was a beautiful cloudless day in the mid 70s and was free to walk the light. Did lunch with Jie and Angel at Fabulous Noodles. Funny to see Alex there having lunch with his co-worker out doing lunch. It was a proud moment for me to actually see my son as a man, all grown up. Grooved to an old classic; Layla, and have to agree with the post, it doesn’t get better that this!!!!!!!! Love the song, but not the story behind the song. I love the sound of drums, so I I capped it with watching a Phil Collins and Chester Thompson Drum Duet youtube video. Jennifer, showed me she isn't a one dish wonder, by whipping up the best stir fried green beans ever. Wow, Bradley Manning, is still in the news, now for wanting to live as a woman; I don’t get this transgender thing and can’t even being to imagine the pain of a conflicting image transgender and transsexual people face. Oddly, this reminds me of the song Reflection from the Disney movie Mulan. I went on and muse more on Coram deo and the difficulties on why my life don’t reflect the Christ that is in me. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen

August 22, 2013
Kaboom! Woke up by the loud roaring thunder. The sound of thunder always seems like a loud voice that proclaims God’s majesty. I ended up calling Jie to postpone out luncheon date till another time because of the continuous heavy down pour.  Well, the grass needed the watering and hopefully now we will receive some succor from the heat. Hmmm… there is a lot of bad info on the internet about a patch for a Norton toolbar for Foxfire 23; there isn’t one yet. I wasted my time attempting to resolve and reached out to Norton support who said there isn’t a fix released yet. Why do people put out misinformation?

August 21, 2013
Hmmm… something wrong with this picture, I spent the morning shopping with Fawn to buy Jennifer a toaster and coffee maker. One would think that is something Jennifer should be doing on her own. Guess I’m not done spoiling that girl yet. Got a phone call from Jie, whoo hoo, she invited to do lunch at Mapo Chinese restaurant. I never eaten there, so I’m a little excited. I was a little annoyed because I had to turn in a final time sheet to get paid. The contract firm I worked for operate like a fly by night operation. It’s the first time in 7 years I didn’t get paid up to the last day on the last day.

August 20, 2013
Great day, awesome day, a day to rejoice in. It started with a big hearty bowl of piping hot oatmeal, raisin toast and coffee. Then it was off to Edwards Hospital for Fawn’s last semiannual mammogram. Thanks be to God the test results was good.

August 18-19, 2013
Yesterday was a big day and just too tire to login and pen a journal entry. Sunday morning started out with Mass. And the remainder of the day was truly awesome. We had to take 2 cars because there were 6 of us. A blessing to have the entire family home. I’ll have to listen to the sermon again to digest it all. There was a lot going on in it. Went home to eat a big lunch and rest a tad before turning around back to Saint John for Bob and Jean’s wedding. It was really nice and short. Phil played the organ and Peter was the Cantor. The homily was very good and I managed to come through with Epistle reading. The banquet was at Carlucci’s. I eaten there before and thought the food was good. The party was outstanding, but this time it wasn't because of the food or service, but because of the company. Fr Bruzek was even kind enough to work out the tension in my neck and shoulders. The Iron steak was very good, but everything else was way below par. Today Fawn and I invited Soo and Eddie out to lunch at Francesca’s at The Promenade, to celebrate Soo’s birthday. Albeit, a little pricey  the food was outstanding but the service was again lacking. There are Italian restaurants with better service, less expensive, with good food in the area. But once again, breaking bread with people you love, makes the experience just so enjoyable.

August 17, 2013
I slept like a baby and didn’t wake till about 9:30. Alex and Fawn must of woke up early and went into the city. They weren’t home and went over to her mom’s house to share the breakfast treats with her mom, sister and Eddie, but they left some Chinese dim sum in the refrigerator. That is some really good eating. I always mention when I cook bitter melon, only because it is so usual tasting and think it requires an acquired taste. I mean bitter veggies, really? Funky looking too. Went to Gino East in Wheaton for Jean and Bob’s wedding rehearsal dinner. The deep dish pizza is so filling. I still find myself calling Fr Gaede, Fred. Not good, that is because I knew him before his ordination. The rehearsal went find and everyone is excited. People that visited Saint John for the first time jaws dropped and were struck by it's astonishing beauty.

August 16, 2013
The goal was to do 20 minutes on the elliptical, but that didn’t happen. Spent the time cleaning my desk and setting up Alex’s XP laptop. It’d a bit dated, but I have to say that the laptop is a high end machine with a lot of muscle, and of course, beggars can’t be ch0osy. Lunch was really nice; well actually, I whipped up bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast and coffee for lunch, for Jennifer and me. I think the classic breakfast taste good anytime of the day. We talked and talk and the next thing you know, it was 2pm and Fawn came back after spending the morning with her sister and mom. So off I went with Fawn to do the errands we normally do on Saturday. It was really a beautiful day, so we parked the car on ever stop away from the entrances and walked. LOL, I stopped this journal entry Stern-Helma. I didn’t want to chirp, but I played Jennifer yesterday and came on top by one move. She wasn’t happy, so she just challenged again and whipped me by 4 moves. I printed out and practiced reading the Epistle reading. The general comment was, it was good for me. I’m basically a Chicagoan, and don’t enunciate words clearly. Especially the “T”s, for example it comes out “da’ for the, and “den” for then. Alex normally works from home on Fridays, but for the last three Fridays, he has been going in the Lisle office, what gives?

August 15, 2013
Did 19 minutes on the elliptical and still no problem.  I turned in all my stuff and said my goodbyes. I’m glad I got opportunity and have high hopes to be able to work in town again.

August 14, 2013,
Did 18 minutes on the elliptical and still able to maintain the pace, good for me. Ding dong. I peeked out and two nicely dressed people with smiling faces at the door step. The first thing that popped in my mind was they had to be either Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons. And yep, I was right JWs. I opened the door and said, “Hello!” They both said, “Hello” and the other continued saying they had good news from God and asked if they come in and share this good news with me. To cut to the chase, I told them I was Lutheran and asked them who was God. I don’t want to start penning a she said, he said and I said thing. I don’t think they wanted to talk about good news with me, they wanted a religious conversion. Jesus was God’s first creation? Anyway, they were on a mission and didn’t care to hear what I had to say, so we said our good-byes. I sent out a email bidding my farewells and good wishes and will go in the office tomorrow morning to turn in my laptop and what nots.

August 13, 2013
“And I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 8:15). Silly me, I so wrapped up last I failed to mention I did 16 yesterday. Got up early this morning and started the day with 17 on the elliptical. Went in the office and did a knowledge transfer. Tomorrow will be a full day and will be turning the laptop, cell phone and etc Thursday morning. Eating out was the order of the day. Norma took me out to lunch at Ginger and Garlic. It was surprisingly nice, good food and reasonably priced. I thought the service was only so-so. Eddy and Soo flew in for the wedding, so it was dinner at House of Emperor. Ugh, Chinese food twice in one day. I like variety and rather mix up. Especially, living in Naperville area where there are many different cuisines and tastes for our pleasure. “The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing” (Psalm 145:15-16).

August 12, 2013
“Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:12-17). Got email from Jean with the Epistle reading from Colossians, chapter 3. I will be proclaiming God’s sacred Word during Bob’s and her wedding for all present to hear and respond. Our response of love to one another is just that: a response. We love because He first loved us. This love reminded me of a homily Fr Bruzek gave once upon a time; Christ in everyone and how Mother Teresa count off with her fingers the words “you did it to me” as a reminder that the way we treat others is the way we treat Christ. I have to be driving people who stumble across my journal entries with my stream of conscience writing. But, “Christ in everyone” and “good works are necessary for salvation” are biggies that blew me away the first time I heard it uttered. It takes careful wording to elaborate, but I mused and penned on The Final Judgment in the past. Awesome, I learned at SJ, how to meditate on God’s word. Living together, husband and wives, brings out the best and the worst in us. It becomes difficult to mask the cruelties we can inflict. I've known Jean for many years now and can see why Bob and her chose this NT reading, as I mused on how Saint Paul describes how we are to put on the virtues of God that binds everything together in perfect harmony. Forgive us, O Lord, when we forget others are fallible as we are. Grant that we may extend to others the same grace, mercy, compassion and forgiveness you have extended to us. Amen.

August 11, 2013
Sweet, Baptism during Mass. The infant girl’s name is Fiona Elizabeth. What a usual name, so I thought. Fawn told me Fiona a popular name, meaning fair, white, and beautiful. Live and learn; now I met my first Fiona. Talked brief with Craig about his family reunion at Mackinac Island and how beautiful the island is. I always wanted to go there since seeing the Christopher Reeve movie, Somewhere in Time. What a joy, Jean and Bob getting married next week. I think Bob is a good man and think the couple will do just fine and will be very happy to.

August 10, 2013,
Take from us, O Lord, all pride and vanity, all boasting and forwardness, and give us the true courage that shows itself by humility; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. What a beautiful prayer to start the day as well as reading the Welcome section of the Worship Folder. One can never go wrong with something penned by Norman Nagel. I peeked at the worship folder because I get to sub and fill in and serve as altar assistant. Surprise, surprise. Well at least it was for me. Andrea shows up and off the ladies goes first thing in the morning. Did 14 minutes on the elliptical and still finding the minute increase a day is achievable, so the goal for now is a 20 day running streak to get up to the 30 minute mark. Ahhh, life is good. Andrea loves pasta, so Fawn made here spaghetti for dinner. I can’t say enough about her sauce. It is one of life’s pleasures. All this fuss on the network news about moms breast feeding in public. I’m not against it, but come on, there is such a thing as nursing covers. I must be weird, my mind drifted from that to Psalms 131. I spend quite some time musing on and praying the rather short palms. Our Lord gives us the hope and humility to be able to trust in God and have the contentment and peace of a weaned baby. It is good to go to bed with a still and quiet soul and hope I have attained some little drop of faith.

August 9, 2013
Now that what’s what I’m talking about, did 13 minutes on the elliptical and mowed the lawn. It's not clear to me if I don't have much to say or I just don't want to say... I'm just not musing on things and focusing on the job boards. If the weather is nice, maybe I go with Fawn to the riverwalk again. Fawn and I been going there on weekends lately.

August 8, 2013
Did 12 minutes on the elliptical, and I’m feeling much better. The strange thing is I always feel better and have more vigor afterward. It will be interesting if I’m able to kick it up a notch and where I level off. I learned today was the last day from another team member, we’re dropping like flies.

August 7, 2013
Did 11 minutes on the elliptical and the new plan is to add a little more time each day for now. I mixed the left over black bean with rice for lunch and it was delicious. I figured, why not? I work well with red beans. Fawn and I picked up the kid at Midway. They love visiting their Aunt Soo and Uncle Eddie at San Diego.

August 6, 2013
The plan was to do 2 x 10s on the elliptical today, but I only managed to get in 10 minutes slow mo. There was hardly anything for me to do so I muse a little about my future. This job is ending and I have no idea what is God’s plan for me next, other than God will be with me guiding each step. What a nice dinner downtown, Fawn and I went out to dine at the Front Street Cantina. We never change it up there, Fawn gets the beef enchiladas and I get the pork tamales, good stuff.

August 5, 2013
This is going to be an interesting two weeks.  It’s was a slow day and no news of who to transition my duties to. The sky was overcast most of the day and it only drizzled off and on. It was the first time I noticed it wasn't a heavy rain. Has the weather pattern changed that much that heavy rains is the new norm? I thought about starting on the elliptical again today. That was all I did, thought about it. Perhaps I’ll actually get on and use it again tomorrow.

August 4, 2013
Wow, its Sunday again already? Served at the altar again during Mass. It felt strange to sit in the preacher chair. The day was filled with prayers of thanksgiving and supplication.

August 3, 2013
My day was complete, it was filled with joy. I spend a few hours bumming around the riverwalk again this morning, perfect. I really like downtown Naperville despite its continuing growing popularity. I saw people in town in a different light, and life is good. There was a jam session going on, about a dozen or so a dozen folk guitars, an upright bass and a fiddle. It was nice to see a can for fish and loaves. Great to see people out and about enjoying the fresh air, I sure did. Amazing how bless I am. There was a time I have forgotten what attracted Fawn and I here many years ago. Albeit, Naperville population exploded five folds since then, it has retained much of it charm. I allowed the narcissistic people that surrounded me to think lowly Naperville. The source was a place one would least likely expect. I thank God for his grace and mercies revealed the last 5 years. Downtown Naperville always seem to bring out the stars and stripes in me, so it Hebrew National hot dogs for lunch. Funny how comparing them to Vienna seem to always come about. Both taste so patriotically good, but side by side, I’ll pick NH. Then it was off to O’Hare airport to pick up Rob and Andrea. Love it when family is around. I’m a lucky man to be surrounded with people I love that love me. That made me think about Luke 6. If you only love people who love you, whoop-dee-doo. everybody does that. We are not to decide on how to treat people by the way they treat us. We are to treat people the way we want to be treat, with the same mercy and love God has shown us in Jesus Christ. I've heard this many times and think it is easy to say, but not as easy to be able to do. May God empower me to do his bidding for us to love one another. Amen.

August 1-2, 2013
Hmmm… George Zimmerman’s name showed up on the news again and is still toting a gun. Clearing something is wrong with him and the law. It is really bothersome to me that people like George Zimmerman aren't be held responsible for provoking the fight that they then fear they’ll lose and killing the person. That did he think was going to happen? I went bonkers and played couch potato after dinner last evening. I went on demand and watched the last two episodes of Suits and was too tire to login to pen my journal entry. It was a real boomer with yet another heavy down pour last night. I worked up a sweat weed whacky along the fence and edging. Then I had to spray weed and grass killer on the sidewalk and drive way. First time I spayed some Home Depot brand.  It was a lot cheaper than Roundup and was willing to give it a go, hope it works. Fawn went out with her mom for lunch and brought back Vermicelli, good stuff. I Had to inhale it, because by the time I finish the yard work and showered. My lunch hour was over. Got some good news and some bad news today. The good news came in the mail, Fawn’s biopsy showed no evidence of cancer; the bad news was over the phone, my contract ends in 2 weeks. Glad it’s Friday.

July 31, 2013
Well it's the end of yet another month and what busy day it was. The day started with a full overcast which was great, beats driving into the sun, and later turned into a beautiful sunny day. Fawn and I drove the kids to Midway at 7 and thought the Stevenson would like a parking lot. I was totally surprise things went so well and was back by 8:30. Whew, on the way back the inbound was at a standstill, so we lucked out. I was able to get the daily report reports out along with all the monthly summaries. Sigh… the big push to wrap up the project is on. I have to start an hour earlier to compile a direct daily report on the activities of all the remaining sites to the deployment manager and the technical deployment leads. I think this is to avoid any integration delays on pending issues during the final stretch. The project completion celebration party is set the 12th, so I guess it’s all over anytime after that.

July 30, 2013
The work day went by super fast working on the end of month reports. Getting some more hits from contract house to throw my name in the hat, but had to turn down one because the rate was ridiculously low. Went to the SJ website and listened to a few of the posted sermons. I really like the homily delivered on the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul and not only thank God for his blessed saints but also for outstanding preachers like Fr Bruzek and Fr Nelson who feed us your word to ponder in hearts the mysteries of your salvation given to us by your grace alone.

July 29, 2013
Days don’t get better than this weatherize. Up in the wee hours and was feeling fresh. Thanks be to God, my baby and Rob arrived at their destination safe and sound. I was able to cut the grass in the front and back, but I still need to take out the weed whacker to get along the fence and a few spots, here and there. I got to see God’s goodness in my wife Fawn and my brother Bill. It is something to contemplate, because that very kind of act of mercy is lacking within me. I remember a humanist speaker once threw out the question, “Can you be good without God?” He was alluding to; people who don’t believe in God can still be as good as those who do. Looking through worldly lens, I would have to say yes to random these acts of goodness and agree. But to deny that we are sinful and unclean is a huge problem, because the truth is not within us.

July 28, 2013
“because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79). Sunday, another beautiful day. I always look forward to Sunday Mass, but serving at the altar makes it exceptional. Today, I sat next to the altar and was able up close the entire time with all my senses fully engaged, God is good. Rob took the Chess Elo test and scored 1355. That is slightly higher than mine. Hmmm… that makes for epic battles with him on top? Yikes. Wouldn't you guess it, Jennifer make it back and Andrea and Rob will be leaving tomorrow for their northeast vacation, hitting Boston, Manhattan and DC. Need to go to be up and out the door to make the airport run 4:30. Should be great, I haven’t seen the sunrise with Fawn in a long while.

July 27, 2013
The morning started out funky, but as the day progressed it kept getting better. Fawn and I went bumming around downtown Naperville. All the walking made me in the cool fresh air made me feel pretty good. There were a lot of people out and about. Make Beef and bok choy over Cantonese pan friend noodles, good stuff. I’ve always had an interest in cooking. My dad was an excellent cook. I’m just so so and occasional whip up something pretty good. I love watching food show on cable, but my appreciation for food increase when I hear Dr. Kleinig spoke passionately about it in the bible study the last time he visited. Albeit food is our source of fuel, it is also a gift from God to be enjoyed.

July 26, 2013
Friday, right on. Jennifer left with her friends to Saint Louis for the weekend this morning, but Andrea can down for a visit. That was good. Work is having a project completion celebration luncheon in a couple weeks a Connie’s and I’m guess that will wrap it up and we’ll be out looking for work again. It was a very peaceful and relaxing day.

July 25, 2013
“Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep; man and beast you save, O LORD” (Psalm 36:6). I like reading the worship folders ahead of time on weeks I am privileged to assist at the altar during Mass. In the Welcome Section, I thought it was very odd that William Willimon would end with, “The psalmist even exclaims that God salves not only all people but even all animals.” Seems I come across something to do with animal salvation about every two years or so. It is of no consequence to me. I only find it fascination that is a frequently asked question. Yes, no, maybe? Insane topic plagued with countless questions and speculative non biblical opinions. Played a game of chess on Chess Titans level 5 and gave up. I can beat the first four levels easily but am 4 out 7, 57% at level five. I don’t play enough to improve. I decide to get my Elo rating, it was 1305. Clearly a lot of room for improvement.

July 24, 2013
Did more yard work during the lunch hour, yuk weeds. But it was another good day being outdoors. Pumped up the tires of Jennifer’s bicycle and took a short ride a few houses down the block and back. It was the first time I've been on a bike in a very long time. Anyway Jennifer was a happy camper; load it in the car to go riding somewhere with her friends. Whipped up hamburger with peas over tofu for dinner, good stuff.

July 23, 2013
“And whenever the harmful spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand. So Saul was refreshed and was well, and the harmful spirit departed from him” (1 Samuel 16:23). Ahhh… refreshing and peaceful harp music. Floating my resume around to various managers. It’s a long shot, but you never know. Hitting as many job boards as postings come about. but there just isn't that many opportunities locally. It was a drop dead gorgeous day and so many gathered to bid farewell good wishes to the Vicar and his family. The moving van was filled in no time because there were so many people. So we spent most of the time socializing over cold beer and pizza. Hmmm… Fawn handed me bottle water, O well. I've been at SJ for 5 years now and have seen Vicars come and go. Today was a little different. He somehow remind me of how I felt went Fr Genig left. I am grateful for family and friends in my life, beit a long or a short season, for the blessing received and prayerfully given. It has opened my eyes to stay open and to engage people beyond self, demonstrating God love in the world, Coram deo. Alex just walked in the house with Los Burrito Tapatios tacos, late night delicious cheap eats...

July 22, 2013
I came across an X Factor performance on YouTube and I have to agree it was moving performance. The problem is how easily Satan deceives us.

July 21, 2013
Ahhh, the beauty of the Mass, loved remembered. It’s the best way say it as it carries me through the week. This week end was Vicar Buchs last week at Saint John. He and his family will be returning to the seminary. May the Holy Spirit lighten his struggles and give him courage and perseverance in his studies, until he knows the day of joy of being a parish priest. Amen. His returning reminded me of a recent homily of Pope Francis, discerning vocation. I thought it was very good until the very end, where it becomes problematic. Here Pope Francis is calling upon The Theotokos where it seems more fitting to call upon the Holy Spirit to intercede. I forgot to wear my hearing aid, I’m not quite clear on what he was saying in his sermon regarding the Gospel reading. I’m familiar with the story of Martha and her active life and Mary with her contemplative life. I’ll have to wait till it is posted hear what was said. To me, it seem we need both to be present in our sanctified life. Summer months are when most births occur no wonder why so many Baptisms. Today is Alex’s 24th birthday. Wow, still amazed at how time flies.

July 20, 2013
“And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (2 Corinthians 3:3). This morning started with a fried ham and egg sandwich made with pan fried butter toasted bread. How can it not be a good day? Fawn and I did the usual run about town doing errands. The exception was stopping in the J C Penney  in Woodridge. I haven’t shop there in a while. It’s a really nice store. It didn’t rain all week and it didn’t cool down as predicted. It was in the low 90s again. The day went by way too fast, LOL, kaboom- thunder & lightning and all of sudden a heavy down pour. Well it hope it’ll bring about some succor. Watched, Letters to God, and thought it was pretty good.

July 19, 2013
O everlasting God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: Grant us Thy grace that we study the Holy Scriptures diligently , and with our whole hearts, seek and find Christ therein and through Him obtain everlasting life, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Saw this beautify prayer by Luther for this Sunday’s Mass. Friday and feeling pretty good because I got an email from a contracting firm who is willing to throw my name in the hat for a local 6 month gig. Hope my resume a background is good enough to get an interview. I read an interesting article, Martin Luther’s Devotion to Mary, in Catholic Culture. Finally got hold of the Bruce Willis Movie, A Good Day to Die Hard. Love the John McClaine character.  I’m a big fan of, The Voice, and didn’t know that show was global. I didn’t understand a word , but was blown away with this battle round in China, as well as by, I am a Small Bird, by the power house voice of Zhao Lu. Great voices but funny how clueless what is been said, need some subtitles to keep me interested. Closing the day contemplating the Passion of God, How Great Thou Art.

July 18, 2013
Prayers for Tryvon Martins family as well as for the Zimmerman family including George. But I can’t help thinking, what is wrong with that dude? If it wasn't obvious before, it should be clear to everyone that George has no business carrying a gun. I have to admit I was stunned at the verdict. Hated to go in to the office today, because it was a real scorcher out. Not a good day for leather seats for sure.

July 17, 2013
Albeit, a  another hot day and multiple trips to doctor offices, it was a great day. Prayers for my wife Fawn and my daughter Andrea for comfort and health. Fawn blood test results today were good. Waiting to find out what triggers her summer allergies. It’s always a great day when I get to see all my babies. It’s always is a strange time in the worker place when projects wind down, beit a regular employee or a contractor in a poor economy. The daily prayers led me to give more thought about worship and remain perplex about what is outside of the full a full blast Liturgy. I suppose what God bless my family in his grace differs with other folks. Lord, continue to reveal your good will in my life. Grant the unemployed and under employed work opportunities and open our eyes to your everlasting glory. Amen.

July 16, 2013
Hot, hot, hot, is an understatement. In the 90s and humid, how did people survive, pre air conditioning? Funny, how my mind wander after making comments about the weather which are annoying even to myself. It led me to meditate on, Jonah’s Anger and the Lord Compassion. I use to often sing about our merciful and gracious God who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love at our old parish and new nothing about it back then. I thank God now for his grace offered to all the unworthy shown to us in Christ Jesus. Amen.

July 12-15, 2013
Did not log into the computer the entire weekend. I sprayed the weed killer over the lawn Saturday morning and looked at it today and the yard is looking much better. Sunday morning Mass was exceptional. A family of 3 was baptized and I had the privilege of serving as altar assistant. Once upon a time someone mentioned that Saint John was the Catholic Church on steroids. It was intended to be a compliment, but I took it as one. This Sunday was a somewhat different. Full immersion and Starbucks coffee cups in the pews? What can I say? Well, at least the Evangelicals may have embraced the mysteries of God in liturgical worship which enables us to recognize the rhythms and presence of God in tour lives throughout the week. I heard it through the grapevine that my number is coming up soon, that come as no surprise to me.

July 12, 2013
Super nice day out. Cut the grass during my lunch hour and really worked up a sweat. But exercise really makes me feel good. Tomorrow should be a nice day to spray the weed and feed. The work day went by very fast as I predicted. I thought I finish the report by the end of the day, that didn't happen. It’s not due till next Thursday, and there’s still time, besides there will be more updates between now and then anyway. I’m so happy it’s Friday. I just need to relax and chill in God’s presence.

July 11, 2013
Data cards are great; they allow me to be flexible. I was able to work from my parked car while Fawn met with her mom’s physical therapist. I went to the office for the team meeting. Albeit, we’re nearing the end of the road, folks were upbeat and appear ready to face the inevitable upcoming end of the project and employment opportunity.  Decided to relax this evening and go to bed early. I have a big workday ahead of me tomorrow. I need to write a macro that will generate yet another report…

July 10, 2013
O God, who in the abasement of your Son have raised up a fallen world, fill your faithful with holy joy, for on those you have rescued from slavery to sin you bestow eternal gladness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Ahhh, the abasement of God the Son ends with his resurrection and ascension.

July 9, 2013
Happy birthday. It’s Fawn’s birthday, so happy birthday! Ran into Pr Schumacher at the local Jewels. It was nice to be able to exchange greetings and well wishes. I told Fawn when I got home I saw the pastor from our former parish. She asked the oddest thing, whether or not I was mean spirited or not to him. That was quite revealing on how I appear to react toward people who … I thought about the old cliché how time heals all wounds. The truth is time heals nothing; it only deepens the anger and hurt and magnifies the pain. God heals. I ended the night praying Psalm 56.

July 8, 2013
Not a good day, but not too many good one in sight. Three more colleagues are being cut. We all know the project is winding down and job cuts are inevitable for contractors, but can one be fully prepared?  Only one thing I became certain of is, for the last seven years as a contractor, there is no need to be anxious. St Paul tells us to cast all our anxieties on God because he cares for us and St Paul said, not to be anxious in anything and let our request be known to God. It rained again today. It seems like every time it rains, it comes down heavy.

July 7, 2013
Awesome day that started with Sunday Mass. Did stop off at the office after church to pick up my sneakers, but instead of going home, Fawn and I went to Oak Brook outdoor mall. It was too nice of a day to spend indoors. Can’t believe we didn't get back home till 4. Two days Time flies when you’re having fun. Then it was dinner and a movie. Well it was leftovers from yesterday and the movie Oz the Great and Powerful. A prequel of the Wizard of OZ is great idea, but came about way too late. Albeit, the movie technology is awesome and fitting for the modern imagination, it is so out of place the original classic.  All in all, it was a great weekend. Thanks be to God, from whom all blessings flow.

July 6, 2013
Flip flops? Yep, wore them out to the promenade. This was the first time I wore anything that resembles sandals out and about since I was a youth. That was only because my gym shoes are all muddied up and nasty. I’ll need to stop by the office on the way home from Mass tomorrow to get the pair I leave at the office for my noon time walks there. I hardly go in the office anymore, I just been going in once or twice a week every now and then. I don’t get it, them shoes ain't made for walking. This led me to muse about few of life’s mysteries like , why do women wear makeup,  jewelry, and high heels? Come to think of it, why do men wear ties? Albeit, Fawn’s birthday isn't until later in the week, we began celebrating it today at the Olive Garden. Why not? All the kids are around. Love it when Rob and Andrea come down to visit. I tried out their new item, grilled pork Veneto with ravioli, excellent.

July 5, 2013
Yeah baby. It’s Friday. Came across a gem on my internet journey today, White Cliffs of Dover – Vera Lynn. What a remarkably clear voice. All glory be to God the Father forever and ever. Amen.

July 4, 2013
God of justice, Father of truth, who guide creation in wisdom and goodness to fulfillment in Christ your Son, open our hearts to the truth of his Gospel, that your peace may rule in our hearts and your justice guide our lives. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. We as a nation have distance ourselves from God’s wisdom and goodness. We have forgotten what is to be human. But of course the world thinks otherwise. The irony of it all is that the Godless people call themselves humanist. Are laws and values are It was a nice day of rest. I spent lone time trimming back the hedge out front. Believe it or not, despite owning an electric hedge trimmer, I always opt to do it with a small hand pruner because I find it very therapeutic. Then it was hamburgers and hot dogs and beans. Hmmm… no potato salad, disappointing.

July 3, 2013
On the eve of Independence Day, every now and then I hear a burst of fireworks going off. It reminds me to be grateful in many ways. From the burbs, I can only imagine what it would be like to live in an environment where one hears burst of gun fire or a bomb going off at any given moment. Tomorrow, folks will get to watch a parade, stuff their face with American favorites like hot dogs and hamburgers, and then enjoy an evening filled with lots of oohs and ahs. I know things have been and can be better in these United States, yet I am grateful for my Independence Day, thankful to the men and women to serve this nation, and am thankful to be surrounded by God’s beauty.

July 2, 2013
“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). This is a fantastic verse. I’ve heard this verse many times as most faithful do. Today is a beautiful day and I rejoice it, but it’ll get to that in a bit. What day is the psalmist referring to? Well it’s the day that our cornerstone was rejected, the day Christ was sacrificed for our sins. But hey, when we say, today is beautiful day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it, let’s do and let us remember what Jesus has done for us. The work day was a breeze like yesterday, it was busy and a blink later the day was over. Andrea came down and during dinner, we were still talking about Sunday’s homily for the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. What an unlikely imperfect pair sinner to build his church upon. Goes to show, it’s all about grace.

July 1, 2013
Unbelievable, the front tire had the biggest bolt in it. I couldn’t believe it still had air in the tire and that it wasn’t flat. Whew, made it to the dealership for and they were able to repair it and I didn't need to buy a new tire, whoo hoo!

June 30, 2013
This morning we celebrated the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. I love feast days in the church because they are days of remembrance of what God has done for us. It was full blast worship of the church catholic. Smells and bells, the SJ Kantorei, Brass, woodwinds and Strings! There is something about the beauty of the voices as I listened to chanting of Psalm 46. It is astonishing how we are saved by grace alone. I was struck by what I read in the, Prayer As You Go, section of our worship folder: In Haiti, a Baptist missionary, recorded this prayer of a new Christian, recently converted from Voodooism: “Father, they say we are the poorest country in the world. Thank you father. May we also be poor in spirit, that we may inherit the Kingdom of God.” Spent the afternoon with the kids visiting my mother-in-law. Jean and my 2 nephews Aric and Adam were there too. It turn out to be a grand afternoon. I always amazed at the end of month how quickly another on has pasted. I’m rested now and look forward to the blessings of week ahead.

June 29, 2013
God is good and make all grace abound. Happy surprise, Rob and Andrea came to visit. Joy when the children come home to visit. I the cool of morning before the rain, I finally got around to do the needed weed whacking around the perimeter. My internal clock has adjusted yet, I took a long 5 hour afternoon nap. I backed down from a game night challenge. I need to be at my best game to be able to compete.

June 25-28, 2013
Oh wow, has it been that long? It was work, work. TGIF, literally. TGIF. I’m so glad it’s Friday. Been killing myself all week working all day and nights. But the end regular work and end of month as well as the last 12 month report and slides all done. I was in the office twice this week and it was somewhat gloom and doom. I took the afternoon off because there was nothing left to do for the week. Whoo hoo, next week will be a very slow week because the customer doesn’t want anyone touching their network. Besides, the end of the project is just right around the corner.

June 24, 2013
Hmmm… car issues again. Had to drop off the car for repairs. It’s never  pretty, whenever  it need to be in the shop for a few days.  But it’s still cheaper to fix all the needed than to buy a new car. Cars are so expensive to own and operate.  Words out the bloodletting has actually begun, O well, no surprise there.

June 23, 2013
Ahhh, great way to start the morning, Sunday Mass. What a pleasant surprise in the robbing room, to see Fr Wietfeldt visiting us. Wow, talk about awesome voter’s meeting lately, today’s was voting was unanimous on the governing board slate and 122-2 for the budget guideline, all in 20 minutes. Lunch was at the Olive Garden, Happy Father’s Day? At least, that what they said.

June 22, 2013
Yesterday’s torrential rain brought about today’s hot and muggy day. No doubt summer days are upon us now. I logged in working this morning in the car to complete some unfinished work while Fawn was in the store buying the needed for the week

June 20-21, 2013
Yesterday, sameo sameo, just a regular day. Picked up Rob and Andre at Midway late last night. Traffic was good and we were in and out, just like that. Today was kind of funky. Rumors the bloodletting has already started.

June 19, 2013
It’s clear in my mind my present gig will end sometime soon. I predict the project will end by the end of July and bloodletting will begin in 2-3 weeks. The life of a contractor is no fun. Lord, time is short, be with me in finding employment so that I can provide for my own. Guide me to work I love and in a place where there is respect and cooperation. Remind me daily that, "Love is the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being" (CCC 2392) and to view my work as such for neighbor. Amen.

June 18, 2013
Out the door early and the visual test results were good and prayers for good lab results. I was able to work remotely from the doctor’s office so I got an early jump. Strange work day with some being anxious as more work is being transitioned and no one outside of management knowing exactly what the plan in. The cool weather made for painless mowing of the lawn. I was able to do both the front and back in one full sweep. Today was my last GB meeting. It’s pretty good when things are orderly and the businesses that need attention are fairly routine. I find it fascinating how congregations discern God's calling of her pastors.

June 17, 2013
O God, strength of those who hope in you, graciously hear our pleas, and, since without you mortal frailty can do nothing, grant us always the help of your grace, that in following your commands we may please you by our resolve and our deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Strange, how after a hearing a homily by Fr Bruzek, every time I remotely see or hear of good works or our deeds, I think about the Gospel on 5 fingers, Mother Teresa, and Matthew 25. Wow wow wow, I did not see this coming, but… nah best leave this one alone. Let’s just say I rowed my eyes and said, really? Spent the evening chilling, The Voice Finale was awesome. Sorry, Christina and Ceelo, but this is the show’s best season ever because the coaches this were much better and talented than past years. It’s getting really late and tomorrow is going to be a big day and I need to be up early...

June 16, 2013
I thought I’d pen early today, since I have to work later this evening. It’s a fine Sunday afternoon relaxing and enjoying the day with little on my mind. No special meal out, but did cooked try my hand at filet mignon. Let’s just say they weren't all that. But the story does end there. I thought for sure there was nothing that could be done to it to turn in around. I was wrong, Jennifer put them in a skillet and pan seared them and they turned out to be exceptional steaks!

June 15, 2013
Perfect day revealed. Saturday morning started with blessings at SJ. I so happy so many have taken the time to come out and have their picture taken for our parish directory. I am beyond unbelievable with people’s names and take forever and some. The directory will be very helpful. Then it was running all about doing errands. Evening Mass was amazing and I got to see friends I haven’t seen in a while and well as meet and greet a few new folks. Mass is good no matter the time on day, I am always at peace in his sanctuary. Fr Bruzek is back safely with us. One would be hard pressed to find someone kinder than he. Where else but at SJ one can get a much needed neck and shoulder massage in the pew? It will be sad so see Vicar Buchs back off to the seminary in a month. He will surely be a blessing to the parish under his care upon his ordination. He gave yet another outstanding homily today. It was amazing how it lined up with what I mused about the day before about the humble and less than humble before God. The Vicar does make a good point about how remarkable it is that we would gather and attend liturgical worship and confess that they are poor miserable sinners in the presences of other. I think it is even more amazing that that we would go before our priest and confessor and speak of things that would curl most people toes. Fr Genig is right; the vocation of the parish priest is the dirtiest job, standing in the stead and command of our Lord Christ Jesus. If it weren’t for his gifts found in the sacraments, it would be astonishing indeed. We gather and offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for grace in Confession and Absolution, the Eucharist and Baptism as well as all the sacramental in his church.

June 14, 2013
“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” (Romans 11:33). Beautiful day. No one in the house but me and Jennifer. We had a great conversation over lunch. And I relearning things like what it is like to be young again. How easy it is to forget. All our lives, we have are encouraged to be proud of ourselves and take pride in our accomplishments and abilities. From time to time, I fall into the foolish pride that the world has taught me and voice and pen them here in my journal entries. I googled pride and it listed as one of the “seven deadly sins”. Albeit, wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and glutton identifies the normal perils of our soul in our daily lives; it is misleading because all sins are deadly. Thanks be to God that the depths of our sins are forgivable though our Lord and Savor, Christ Jesus. For simple lay people like me, the mysteries of the God’s glory are just that, mysteries. My prayers are for continued unveiling of his glory, for with each unveiling is there increase awe. Some are convinced that there is a difference between taking pride in job well done. In my mind this remains a self-righteous pride and a hindrance because it is giving credit to ourselves for what God has done through us. To him be the glory forever. Amen. I recently read a book that I thought was terrible in its approach on kingdom, grace, judgment though the parables of Jesus. However it did allow me time to contemplate on them. Perhaps the worst kind of pride we have is in the form of spiritual pride. Jesus, in his parable, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, blessings to those who humble themselves and not to the spiritually proud. Father’s Day is just a days away, and thank God for the my parents. I can’t deep down they must have imperfections, but I no recollection of a single flaw in either one of them. I read the, Homily of the Holy Father Francis, given on May 30th, for the Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, wonderful. It was from Luke 9, Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand. In the context Eucharist. Now I’m wondering if it is by coincidence we go 50 at a time to the altar rails and kneel before the Lord, our Maker. Whoo hoo, time to stop penning, Alex made it back...

June 13, 2013
How can such a perfect day end disastrously?  It started with a nice cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a bowl of Cheerios followed by a walk and talk under a beautiful sky out and about the neighborhood. Generated my report and then off to an earky lunch with Tim at Connies. I enjoy breaking bread with this young man I have high regards for. Then it was to the office for a meeting. Things were so smooth I decided to take the afternoon off using comptime. How cool was that? Andrea and Rob came down for a visit and it was game night again. Rob and I played an epic 3 hour battle with Rob on top, so it’s now its 1-2. Clearly, that was a serious game. I think I like playing Stern-Halma better. I tend to dominate there. But is more fun to play close games and spending time with my son-in-law. What a great guy. What a beautiful day the Lord has made.

June 12, 2013
“O God, from whom all good things come, grant that we, who call on you in our need, may at your prompting discern what is right, and by your guidance do it. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.”Thank God, last night was a short night. I was able to get Nancy on board, just like that, smart gal. Things weren't as bleak as she thought. We went over what we did and things that were done this afternoon and things are bad and clearer in the daylight. Working at night isn't a good thing here because it’s not a steady shift so the mind play tricks on people when having to work whenever like minutemen. As the thunder voice of God roars this evening, I mediated on a few life changing events in my life. Among the ones I plunged into, filled with excitement and anticipation, was when I leaped into marriage with Fawn, the birth of my 3 children and my adult baptism. To this day, I don’t get the church’s teaching of the mystery of baptism between infants and adults. Seem like the church tell adults they have to do something to receive a gift from God. I haven’t heard a thing that makes sense to me why the church does what it does in regards to baptism. One the other hand, there are life changing event I was plunged into without choice like parents, sibling, relatives and friends passing away or the lost of a job. Lost is an unwelcomed hardship to deal with. For me, it is has been much easier to move forward with courage and resolve with life on our journey back to Eden in a life with overflowing love and hope in divine help. I was talking to briefly to Jennifer about some of the theological books she has read. I have read a few of her papers and am amazed by her wisdom. It would be too condescending to say she is wise beyond her years. She is amazingly quite learned. I somehow knew she would turn out that way. At a early age she was very proud of her Lutheran heritage, she was mistake to be be German. And then in middle school, what little girl dresses in monk clothe as Martin Luther for medieval times?

June 11, 2013
Got to make this journal entry early and make it quick and take a short nap. It was too good of workday to be true. Got one of those last minute call after dinner to work later tonight. Got to love those, urgent next maintenance window network emergencies. Wow, talk about all of a sudden blacken skies, thunder and rain in a 15 minute interval and then sunny and bright skies again. I haven’t anything like that in a while.

June 10, 2013
Fawn and I had a great evening watching, The Voice. All the singer was great in the top 5. But I have to say, Fawn and I was blown away Michelle Chamuel, Time After Time.  What a beautiful the Lord has made. Did a little networking with friends in the telcom business, forwarding my resume to float around.

June 9, 2013
Happy anniversary! Wow, 29 years and it only seems like yesterday. Our marriage is filled with many magical moments as well as having more than a few tense times in our relationship, but the Holy Spirit pours out the love of God in our hearts. We are able to love each other because God loved us first.I thank God for my good wife and family. I truly don’t get the “modern family” am grateful not to have to deal with major problems like divorce and remarriage, domestic violence, abuse, sexual immorality and so forth… I can say more on the devastation it leaves behind, but it would be pure speculation on my part. Never get tire of saying how beautiful Mass is, on any given Sunday. It must be, just Fawn and me. Strange how we were looking out the door as Alex got into the hack to the airport. I guess we are a little more than apprehensive of him going to OKC again, on yet another business trip, with all the tornadoes all about. I didn't make anything special for dinner, but Jennifer was happy to see, tacos made from the Old El Paso hard shell taco kit she bought. Was thinking about what the blessing of the Holy Spirit. There is no doubt I believe that we poor miserable sinners like myself are indeed justified by grace alone, though faith alone, Christ alone. But what does this mean? What about good works? I said it before, I was stunned, the first time I heard it from a Lutheran pastor, “Good works are necessary for salvation.” It is most certainly true that good works are the fruits of faith. Saint James said it best, “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead” (James 2:26). And do we dare question if Jesus truly meant what he said in, The Final Judgment? Albeit, I dare to be Lutheran, at times, I think it is a clearer confession to be Evangelical catholic; "lutheran" and "christian" have become abstract words in this broken and fallen world.

June 8, 2013
Had a real big workout this morning, cutting the grass in the back yard and trimming the trees back. Whoo hoo, Andrea and Rob can down and spent the day. I was chirping to Rob to Rob about playing 3 games chess on the computer yesterday and beating the computer hands down on the first 3 levels. As I was about to start a game on the 4th against the computer, he challenged me to a game. I didn’t know he played chess, I got slaughtered and brought back down to earth. However I redeemed myself on the rematch, it was a real close game with me on top, whew. It’s always a good day when all the kids are home. Yesterday must of been drum night and tonight guitar and singing. I like listening to live music but rear go out to see shows. I guess I'm not much into large crowds.

June 7, 2013
What a beautiful morning. It was so nice. It started early with a nice cup of coffee and cold cereal, followed with a nice long walk. It’s been a while since Fawn and I did that. Super duper day and wanted to ROTGL. Too funny to pen though, could get me in trouble. Had the door open all day, the weather is perfect. It was slow enough again to call it a day early and claim back some comptime. It was so nice, I decide to cut the grass on the front lawn to save a little time tomorrow. I need to cut back the neighbors tree from my property. If I don’t do it, it won’t get done. There is only one opportunity a year in Naperville now. The city keeps raising our taxes while cutting back on services every year. The economy seems to just keep spiraling downward. I am really enjoying, Mediations on First Philosophy. It’s only 58 pages long and hope to finish it by the weekend. I didn’t care for Rene Descartes’, Discourse on Method, though. It was also a short read. I had a little free time and decided to relax by giving Chess Titians a go. I only played the first levels of 10 and blew the computer away all 3 games. Most Saturdays, at least on Saturdays before Sunday Mass when I assist at the altar, I look over the current posted worship folder in preparation. I found the Sean Claiborne piece interesting enough to google him and watched, Thursday Night Dome Speaker - Sean Claiborne, I didn’t know what to expect, but I was taken by surprise.

June 6, 2013
When I went to office it was raining and looked like gloom and doom. I was able to leave a few hours early today and surprise, surprise; the sun was shining, sweet. The light make me feel so good. It was a first when I seared two ribey steaks for dinner. Fawn placed those bad boys in a refreshing salad of romaine with tomatoes, delicious.

June 5, 2013
Great day and filled with good cheers. After all, I got calls from both my siblings as well as an email from Fr Genig. I love him and his family dearly. He is among the most learned teachers on Christ I know and has played a huge role in my faith formation. I never realized how poorly catechized I was prior to being gathered to the hilltop at Saint John. I made it a point not to kill myself and work, even though there is still a lot to do. It is clear there will always be a lot to do until the project ends. The schedule is like that daily. I seems like people ain’t meeting it now since rumors are floating around and people taking vacations. . That just makes my job easier to do and bring it to a mere 40 week. Hard to believe I’m hourly and only get paid for 40 even though most people work over that. The thing is people remain honest in their efforts. They’re just not working for free any more is what I’m seeing. I can’t afford a vacation. I don’t get holiday or vacation pay. It’s been many years since taking a family vacation. I feel bad for Jennifer. She was too small to remember our family vacations. They are only faint memories for her from old photographs.

June 4, 2013
Last night plans did pan out fully. I was so relaxed, I fell asleep watching, The Voice. When it was over Fawn woke me to go up to bed. I got a full night’s rest and was fully awake. The morning started out reading personal emails. I read the Feast of Holy Pentecost sermon. What a blessing to be found in the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit. It is quite comforting, what Jesus said about, The Work of the Holy Spirit. Prayers for Fr Bruzek and his family and for their safe journey back to us. It was such a joy to receive a great email that it moved me to pen an catch up email to a friend and teacher and shared the peace. The work day was funky with rumors running rampant. It’s been on my mind and would not surprise me if the rumors are true. The fine thread is much strong than I imagined it to be for some time. But it’s got to give sooner or later. Watched,The Voice, it is so good I don’t bother with American Idol  and more. This show has so many talented singers and yet it so sad because it is a contest and people get eliminated. I like the current judges, their talent level and chemistry is very good.

June 3, 2013
No fun, things didn't go smoothly last night so I work way into the wee hours. I finally got r dun around 3:30 so I was dragging the entire day with only 4 hours of sleep. I was so frustrated last night with my situation last night. I needed to cool down. There is always that one person in every group that you struggle with forgiveness. Just going to relax and watch, The Voice. Then go to bed and fall asleep reading in bed. What a wonderful life. The irony is, I tell myself that it can be worst. That doesn't help one iota. I beginning to question whether being grateful can peacefully and the stress I’m experiencing can coexist?

June 2, 2013
O wow, another month went by and I didn’t even notice. Like any given Sunday, our family went to Mass and attended the ancient liturgy that bears the clearest witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was struck by the hymn, Holy Spirit, Light Divine. What a beautiful prayer. I was surprised; this old man forgot he had a birthday coming up. After church, we went to Outback to celebrate!  It wasn't about me, I was simply thrilled that the family was together and enjoying each other’s company.  Anyway time for a nap and work again tonight…

May 30 – June 1, 2013
Work, work, work. All I find myself doing is working or trying to catch nap. Late morning Fawn and I went to the Mall. We split a 2 entrée meal. I picked the peppercorn shrimp and Fawn picked the kung pao chicken, good stuff. I enjoy mall walking and did it for 45 minutes while Fawn shopped. Then I napped in the car for about an hour. Was going to buy gas but was price shocked, hoping to find a better price. Next stop was Sam Club and Garden Fresh. The broccoli was good so it was that with chicken. Seem like all I do is kill myself during the week and the weekends are sometimes my only chance to, balance? There is no chance of complete balance with my present situation of needing a job and having this one. Crazy, to be thankful for having this job on one hand and wishing I had a different one on the other. Well time to relax and start on another book, Discourse on Methods and mediations on First Philosophy.

May 29 2013
I finally finished the long drawn out Kingdom, Grace, Judgment book today. The ongoing pages could have been reduced to paragraphs because Capon tends to repeat himself over and over. And the language and writing style must be targeting a audience foreign to me. Clearly he interprets the parables quite differently from most. Creepy in many ways. I invested quite a bit of time hoping to get more out of the book than people can come up with so called wisdom for who knows where. Hard to believe this book was a recommended read, it’s a bust for me. This interpretation on the parables leaves me concerned that all a believer need do is rest in the Lord by trusting him and that there is nothing else to do. Yikes! If this book said anything more than that, I missed it. Yummy, Beef with tomatoes over steam rice. Love it when my dishes turn out, super good. Chirp chirp. I just got though putting a few more hours in. I’m supposed to be hourly but most of the contractors are work way over 40 hours. So that’s a joke on just doing these freebies because of the demand and my need for a job. I use to say I might work cheap, but I don't work for free. That appears to nolonger be true.

May 28, 2013
Hard to believe I left asleep midway watching, The Voice. I must of really been tire. I was up early, so it just that my internal clock is still off. I had it a point to actually stop after a 8 hours.  I streamed the show on hulu. All the singers are great and I love the show, because each week the singers kick it up a notch or two. I just assume this be a variety show than a contest. I know it’s best to live in the present, thanking God for the blessings here and now, but I was momentarily taken back to a time not that long ago when times were seemingly better. Most people thing the antonym of sin is virtue, but I think the opposite of sin is faith, only because sin and faith cannot coexist. I believe that ongoing sin will destroy faith or faith will be strong enough to overcome sin. Yikes, it’s booming and we’re get a heavy downpour with hail mixed in. Time to shut ’er down…

May 27, 2013
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:12-13). Today is an important day where we as a nation honor and acknowledge the men and women who died while serving in the armed services. The extended weekend when by fast. Just as well, need to work and earn a buck or two. I think our economy still sucks, big time. I came across, “In any event, you’ll know that the economy’s actually getting better when everyday Americans start dumping on the poor again.” Tell me this ain’t so. What a joy to come across Holy Week music tracks at Saint John Wheaton, thanks Philip!

May 26, 2013
God our Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctification made known to the human race your wondrous mystery, grant us, we pray, that in profession the true faith, we may acknowledge the Trinity of eternal glory and adore your Unity, powerful in majesty. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Mass was so beautiful. Fr Nelson led the Bible study on the stages of faith development. I learned a lot about the discipleship and how we all follow Christ together side by side as disciples back to Eden. Strange how my body still haven’t adjust back to normal yet. From working crazy hours.

May 25, 2013
It was a cool day but a great day, none the less. Clearly, it wasn’t a good eating day, Little Caesar Pizza for dinner. It started with Archer Farms, store bought blueberry mini bagels. They were surprisingly good, but not the good stuff from Panera Bread. Can hardly wait for the Cetechumenate classes to start back up in the fall. The inside joke about me and the reason I go to church is for the bagels and great neck and shoulder massages. Then it was out the door, dropping Jennifer off at the train station. She went to see friends in the city. Fawn wanted to do the outlet mall in Aurora. Unbelievable, that place was packed solid. People were in lines and could only get in certain stores when people came out. I’ll be assisting tomorrow at the altar, so I peeked in preparation at the worship folder for, Feast of the Holy Trinity. The sacred music is always awesome. Our young organist, Philip Fillion, is amazing and our Cantor, Peter Sovitzky, voice is angelic. And I love all the musicians who are led by Director, Philip Rudd. Sometimes I listen sacred music on LPR.  Albeit, whenever I mediate on the daily prayers, I add the hyperlink to the date. The OT reading to mediate lines up with tomorrow’s Feast Day. It begs the question on who God is. It led be to muse on the wisdom given us from above and mediated on beautiful detailed creed on the nature of the Holy Trinity. To me, The Athanasian Creed, helps me hold on the one Catholic faith, is found. It pains me to not see the Quicumque vult used at Saint John. Perhaps, someday. After all, “This is the catholic faith. Everyone must believe it, firmly and steadfastly; otherwise He cannot be saved. Amen.”  Interfaith, drives me crazy. I realize this language in unpalatable and offensive even to “christians”, but this creed is a reminder of undeniable truth that our faith rests on a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. John 14

May 23-24, 2013
Work, work, work…fast forward, work, work, work… TGIF and a holiday weekend. So what happened on a week that wasn’t? It didn’t even come close to being balanced. Awesome lunch, Jennifer made the perfect fried egg and avocado sandwich. Anyway too tire and need sleep…

May 21-22, 2013
Not much to say as accept I’m working day and night, crazy. Everybody seems to be angry and thinking the big push is on to end the project. Nine hours is part time we're up to thirteen, rediculious and unsustainable.

May 20, 2013
Hmmm… a nine hour day and no time for stress relieve. Glad there was family time watching, The Voice. Hearing the loud thunderous voice on God, as I am penning this journal entry. Guess I should not be complaining, as it will do no good. Oh my, heavy rain pouring down all of a sudden. My thoughts and are with the storm stricken people in the midwest who have loss lives and property.

May 19, 2013
Great Feast day and by grace wisdom of God’s love for us. It was amazed to hear Fr Bruzek say that we receive the Holy Spirit in the Eucharist. I forgotten and didn’t make the connection with the Sacraments since the topic heading was Warning Against Idolatry.  I continue to be at awe by how my appreciation for the Mass at can possibly increase and yet it does. The Bell Choir and the Latin was most fitting. Talk about smells and bells, wow. The voter’s informational meeting went well, but I have to admit that I was surprised by few of questions. Fawn made a real nice salad for lunch. Then it was time for washing cars with Rob. I really like spending time with him. Be saw a few bees, so Rob climbed up the roof to tend to them. I shot off an email requesting today’s sermon which I hope to find time to post. It’s hard to believe there are people that either is following or stumbling upon this site. But then again, likewise, some of my internet journeys have turned interesting wisdom to muse.  Funny, Alex share with us stories about his business trip to OKC and guess he’ll be going back there again in month. I didn’t realize he had to take a taxi to get about there. Funny, he’s doing business trips and not even old enough to rent a car.

May 18, 2013
I went to bed somewhat early last night, but was out like a light only after a few pages. Up early and started the day with nice bowl of oatmeal. Well I though it 7 was early. Andrea rang the door bell, so obviously the world early is relative. Postmodern view of beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Perception is reality, is another view that is thrown out there in the mix. As one can see, I just pen whatever comes in my mind as I make my entry. Since everyone is out and about and I have time to myself on this hot and muggy afternoon, let’s see if I can pen this stream of conscience muse on beauty in a postmodern world, all together coherently. But first, let’s crank up LPR, ahhh. I’m sure I don’t think like most people and view the world and our walk back to Eden differently than most. I love the people that surround me, but I’m most happy when I’m with friends from SJ. We walk is pleasant and are at peace and as journey thought life together. It wasn’t always that way there. There was no pleasure in seeing yet another rude dragged out voters meeting LCMS parish voter’s meeting are sadly common for. I thank God those days are behind us. Back to perception is reality, there are some that are struck by the peace and beauty of SJ while others think the money can be better spent. The extravagance of God, found in Jesus Anointed at Bethany, by Mary over the objection of Judas Iscariot, comes to mine. As our financial are now back in order the muse becomes clear. The question, “Is the expense justified?” I seen other beautiful churches that lose sight of the adoration and it wasn’t clear if the God or the parishioners were being glorified. Perhaps God will say we too have “done a beautiful thing to me.” I believe that everything teaches as all my sense take in God’s beauty, yes the building always win. And with so it is with the eyes of beholder, where there is either darkness or light. Hmmm… broke trend of thought, the door bell rang and it was Henry. We talked a lot different things. It’s good to have quite conversations with family every now and then. Anyway enough said for the day, Fawns already back and I have things to do and I have to move things around and put the car back in the garbage, everyone’s home...

May 11, 2013
Ahhh, Saturday morning fresh blueberry bagels from, Big Apple. Then it was off to Food 4 Less. It’s rear that I shop there but sales made it worth the while to go there this morning and to stop at the Promenade. I had a little problem with itchy eyes due to pollen there. Dinner was with Fawn’s siblings and their family and mother at the House of  Emperor Restaurant. The day went by rather quickly. I can hardly wait for Sunday’s Mass and celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.

May 10, 2013
I decided to pen today’s journal entry early because they moved the Monday morning meeting up and it’ll be on at 8 pm tonight. Good thing I worked late last night. My doc isn’t as clean as I’d like it to be, but it has all the needed framework and info to handoff. Brrr, hard to believe it got so chilly we’re wearing sweats in the house. The high today was 50 ◦F. Crazy, it’s suppose to be mid spring. It could be me, but I could swear the forecaster enjoyed telling us the cooler than normal weather will be with us a little while. Looks like a 20 degree swing from Monday to Tuesday, went it jump back to 80 again. Ambrose Pluming made it out and got the sink unclogged and everything seems to be working fine. Whoo hoo, Bob call me this afternoon and told me he got a regular job with a tier 2 telecom company in Pittsburg, so won’t need to move.  I’m so happy for him; it’s actually a regular job and not a contracting one. I think he’s been without work for almost 7 months.

May 9, 2013
It was one of those crazy work days again. Started at 7:30 in the morning and ended up working till 8 in the evening. I guess I could have stopped at the normal time but I was on a row. I’m hoping this won’t need to work into the weekend in preparation for Monday’s meeting. I heard some bad news about one contractor got terminated, there was no detail shared. I don’t know her enough to have an opinion, but do pray for her and her family in these hard economic times. Today’s prayers from the Gospel of John the sixteenth chapter, is quite fitting, as I face my own uncertainties meditation on his voice of hope. I’m nearing the end of the book I’ve been reading for the last few months. It seems so strange how people interpret the bible. I don’t think all interpretation that differs from the Lutheran Book of Concord is necessarily perverted but rather foreign.

May 8, 2013
I’ve been starting earlier and earlier at work. As more work are shifting toward the maintenance windows. It was encouraging to add 13 new sites to my project tracker. Hopefully that translates to work till  the late summer months. Jennifer was banging away on her drum set and is quite good at it. I can’t play the drums but really like listening to beat. Funny, how the subliminal mind works. She’s back home from Loyola, which is a Jesuit School. That led me to think about PAYG and mediating on the prayers. Fawn and I was home alone in the evening and we watched, The Voice again. It was tough to see some go home and now it’s down to the top 12.

May 7, 2013
I really like this time of year, when the weather is just the way I like it. Fawn’s car was ready for pickup from the shop so I took the rental back to Enterprise. It was less than a half a mile away from the dealership, so I turned down the free ride there and opted for a nice pleasant short walk. After a hard day on the job, I relaxed to, The Voice. I do have a few favorites, but boy oh boy, the singers are all so good and the judges are not annoying. We really enjoy sitting together watching the show. Funny, how Alex is away and Jennifer just sit in his spot. Just like church where people tend to sit near the same spot week in and week out. It will be interesting who will be in the top twelve.

May 6, 2013
It’s late and I need to go to bed, so I’ll just jot down a few things down. It was Crazy 12 hour day that was all work and no play. The work load was extraordinary demanding. I was practically glued to my seat the entire day. I was almost 8 pm when I cried uncle and told them I had to call it a day. I needed to drive in the city to pick Jennifer up from school, schools out for the summer.

May 5, 2013
Awesome day from the get go. We got to church early very Rob was a usher. So I sat congregating with fellow parishioner in the commons over coffee. A good cup coffee with friends is one of those pleasures Lutherans hold dearly. I even got a shoulder massage from Fr Bruzek this morning. The man works magic. Ahhh, the Divine Service was just that, divine. It’s beauty is unmatched by anything this side of the veil. I visited to more than a few churches and I don’t believe I can find a church that remotely comes close to SJ. We stayed briefly after the service and spoke with more friends. It is always a pleasure to see Don and Joyce when they visit our parish..  It was so nice to send time with Andrea and Rob. Well Alex is gone for a couple of weeks, I hope he has fun and is successful with his trip.

May 4, 2013
Beautiful, up early and so Fawn and I went to the city for Dim Sum and to visit Rob and Andrea in Waukegan. They gave up the VIP tour of Saint Martin de Porres, the school they teach at. I was surprise that we were so close to Gurnee Mills and the ladies didn’t go shopping. Man that Rob is so good to me. How good of him to cut my grass on his own accord, when Fawn and I went to drop off the car for repairs at the dealership. I can’t think of any son-in-law and father-in-law relationship as good as ours. He claims that I wasn’t always kind to him in the beginning. I have no recollection of ever being mean to him though. Alex will be leaving tomorrow to Oklahoma City a a 2 week business trip, so we decided to go out as a family to Maggiano’s. We got there at 4 to insure sitting. We did get immediate sitting but within 15 minutes, there were people having to wait for seating. One could never tell from that large restaurant that we are in a poor economy. I have to say, it was a very good day with family.

May 3, 2013
Dang, in the 50s but with the warmth be been having all week, the drop made it feel like the dead of winter. Well, OK so I’m exaggerating some. It’s Friday and I just want to call it a day and rest. Have plans for a big day tomorrow, so I just want to kick back, lay in bed and read...

May 2, 2013
It was less than a perfect day, yet I am thankful God for such a day. More thankful that tomorrow brings a new beginning and prayerfully not another less than perfect day of bliss. Thursdays are tough but I manage to get through them. The week was going so good too. . I just deleted something I penned. I wasn’t putting the best construction on people and am letting some frustration get the best of me. It was about less than perfect co-workers in general. Now in his wisdom, in this less than perfect day, I realize I am less than perfect. Wow, did I just pen on this less than perfect day, that I was less than perfect?

May 1, 2013
Second consecutive day of summer like weather in the low 80s. I took a did more yard work during the lunch hour and was huffing and puffing. I hope my back holds up and that I didn’t over do it with the bending and all. Hoping the good weather continues and less than the norm is behind us. It was a busy day chasing people to tie up all their loose ends, but it made through the day with good cheer. Ahhh, read, “Since faith cannot be idle, it must demonstrate the fruits of love by doing good and avoiding evil. The Holy Spirit is at hand; he does not let us rest but makes us willing and inclined to do all that is good and earnest and diligent in opposing all that is evil. Thus a Christian by such a right use of the sacrament continually, increasingly, day after day, renews himself and grows in Christ, as Paul also teaches us that we should always be renewed [Eph. 4:23] and increase [in holiness].” —Blessed Martin Luther, AE 38:126. Lord, the day is almost over and I come to you in thanksgiving. Amen.

April 30, 2013
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19). Another all around good day. Doesn’t that statement beg the question, what defines an all around good day? I’m guessing I’m being sheltered under the wings of the Lord so I can get the needed rest. The work day was unusually calm and things went smooth. I went in the office today, thinking since it was the last day of the month, I would be called upon. But all was good. I even had a little time to exchange pleasantries. I watched the CTS video and James Hopkins is assigned to Redford Evangelical Lutheran Church – Detroit Michigan and our new vicar will be Benjamin Ulledalen.

April 29, 2013
“The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). Today is about as good of a Monday as one can ask for. It was a stress free day. Because things are so fluid in the workplace, often times I would allow the unknown to get to me. Today I was able to replace it with the calmness and assurances of God’s words in prayer. Alex, Fawn and I sat together and watched, The Voice. I always enjoyed family entertainment TV. I missed the Vicarage Assignment Service at CTS but hope to see posting later on their website.

April 28, 2013
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved" (Acts 2:42-47 ESV). As I read these few verse in regards to the fellowship of believers, I thought about the expression, "There’s no place like home." The cliché Home is the most satisfying place to be. And so, I was at home this morning at SJ. I can’t say enough about the what a privilege it is to serve at the altar. This morning I was up close and personal, I sat next to altar during Mass and all my senses were fully engaged. Sight - All the visual cue, his beauty, glory, splendor, during the entire Liturgy reminds us what the Word did when he became flesh as well as what he is doing for us now. Sound - In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus said, "He who has ears, let him hear." O wisdom, let us stand and listen to the Gospel. Amen. I once told Fr Bruzek about how awesome I thought the sacred music was during the Liturgy at SJ was. It fills our heart and mind with praise of God and remembrances of his works as we join the chanting and singing with Angels and all the heavenly host in their creaseless hymns. Smell - The fragrant and pleasing smell of incense are hopeful reminders that our prayers are as pleasing to God. Taste - The Eucharist is central, we are lost without the Mass. As soon as we taste the gift, our body is inundated with Christ himself. After the Divine Service, we went to Egg Harbor at downtown Wheaton. I don’t get to spent much time with sister-in-law Jean and her fiancé Bob and my nephew Adam. Good eating and good conversation. I spent the afternoon snaking out the drain. 25’ feet and it was still stopped up. Since I had to clean and hose down  the snake and the weather still relatively nice, I sprayed fertilizer and weed killer on the front lawn and back yard. “What’s for dinner?”, was the cry. Benihana got nothing on me. I made teriyaki chicken to go with Fawn’s salad. Now that’s living the good life. A little more reading tonight. I’m determined to finish Kingdom Grace Judgment on Jesus’ parables by the end of May.

April 27, 2013
I’m about to faint. I can’t help but to talk about the perfect weather day. It was sunny and in the 70’s. I was out with just shorts and a tee shirt on. It was so nice it took glass off the front storm and replaced it with the screen mesh. We moved most of Jennifer’s stuff back home. She’ll wrap up all her finals by next weekend. Fawn’s brother stopped by to say hello, after visiting his mom who lives in town. I asked if Heather and he will get married in a church since they were both LCMSers once upon a time. He said no. It wasn’t clear to me if he was just kidding or not, when he asked if I would officiate the wedding at the reception. Seems more and more to be the trend with the unchurched nowadays. Then it was off to Sam’s Club for bottle water and paper plates. We were hoping to see my sister Nancy there and wish her a happy birthday, but it was the off day, so I just called her from there. Fawn’s marinara sauce went quick, but there were still plenty of spaghetti noodles left from yesterday. I can’t compete with her, but I did manly spaghetti with spinach and sausage dish. I can hardly wait until tomorrow…

April 26, 2013
It’s one of those TGIF Friday. The killer week is finally over but am dreading Monday. I will have only 2 days to put together an end of the month report. But hey, let’s not think about that and enjoy the weekend. It’s off to a super start, Fawn made spaghetti! Making this entry a little early in the evening so I can hop in bed and do some reading ...

April 25, 2013
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16). Albeit, I routine keep my pastors in my daily prayers, sadly I don’t thank God often enough thank God for blessing our congregation with such faithful and learned teachers, one can see more than a glimmer of God’s glory in them. It is hard to believe that I muse far more about Saint John than is revealed in my daily journal entries, but I do. I know of no other hilltop I rather be at, waiting for our Lord's return with my fellow brothers and sisters "in Christ". Now that's an interesting motif. Albeit, we are indeed brothers and sisters "in Christ", we are taught not to nelect the "Christ in us." Saint Augustine renders the word glory, both divine and human, as clara notitia cum laude, “brilliant celebrity with praise”. Fr Nelson once said that being a Christian is not a spectator sport. I take that as we are to participate in divine glory as image bearers because we are created in God’s image. What a great vicar we presently have in Vicar Buchs. We will know Monday night  who will be our new Vic when the second year students receive their vicarage assignments. Boy, I really get a kick out of going out and about in town in the evenings. Even though we were just running errands, it brings back fond memories of our early years getting to know each other. Fawn just thinks I’m a crazy old man, for reflecting in the past, but I thank God everyday for knowing her. Alex is all pumped up, looks like he booking a two week business to Oklahoma. Wow, 23 years old and only his 2nd year in the business and he's already doing business trips.

April 24, 2013
I was dragging my feet all day long, but the good news after a hard issue filled night and completion of the work on 2nd site, I get to go to bed early tonight and get a full night’s rest. Double duty is no fun. I don’t enjoy work day and night, like this. I’ve been reading a lot about Jesus’ parables in Kingdom, Grace, Judgment and thought Pope Francis brilliantly said this afternoon to the pilgrims at Saint Peter’s Square, “Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Creed, we now consider the article which deals with Christ’s second coming: “He will come again in glory, to judge the living and the dead”. Just as human history began with the creation of man and woman in the image of God, so it will end with Christ’s return and the final judgment. The parables of Jesus help us to understand our responsibility before God and one another in this present age. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins reminds us that we must be spiritually prepared to meet the Lord when he comes. The parable of the talents emphasizes our responsibility to use wisely God’s gifts, making them bear abundant fruit. Here I would ask the many young people present to be generous with their God-given talents for the good of others, the Church and our world. Finally, the parable of the final judgment reminds us that, in the end, we will be judged on our love for others and especially for those in need. Through these parables, our Lord teaches us to await his coming with fear but confident trust, ever watchful for the signs of his presence and faithful in prayer and works of charity, so that when he comes he will find us his good and faithful servants”, was spot on.

May 12, 2013
Woke up this morning thanking God for blessing me with my good wife Fawn, the mother of my children. What does one say different about Sunday, other than it’s the highlight of my life. I had mixed feelings about the day, and support setting a day a side to honor mothers. Why? Because we fail to do follow the 4th commandment. Perhaps by some small chance, if we focus on it, we can do it one day out of the year. SJ is an amazing place. The Feast Ascension was beautiful and the sacred music blows me away. I was happy to see all glory be to God and not doing funky thing people say are for the life of the church. I was struck by Fr Bruzek’s noted keen observation and commentary about the attendance at the early Mass during Bible Study. We had many visitors attend the Divine Service. The day was so peaceful. If Alex was home instead of being on the road on a business trip, it would have been perfect. The dinner request was for my sausage spinach pasta dish. I found a way to easy cook the sausage separately because Rob’s a vegetarian. I tried being one once upon a time in my youth and lasted about three days. It’s not clear to me why Rob stop eating meat, I’m not sure, but I think it might be as long as a year ago now. There are many meatless dishes I enjoy, but there are far more dishes with various meats to enjoy.

May 13-14, 2013
Busy, busy, busy, I literally worked around the clock and some, yesterday and didn’t have time to pen a journal entry. I had a conversation today with a co-worker wondering why we work like this knowing full well each passing day brings us closer to the end of the project. We concluded that it’s in most of us to always to the best possible job despite knowing our days are numbered. It’s no secret that more and more work being transition to an outside contracting firm. Well at least today I worked a normal day, but tomorrow I’ll have to work during the day and tomorrow night during the maintenance window. I shaking my head as I’m penning now, because I just realized all I’m doing is talking about is work. So, I just decide to stop now and relax. I missed watching the Voice last night so it ain’t happening tonight.  One last thing, mid 80s, outrageous. Lord, help me with my priority choices. I need to truly maintain a balanced life. It’s out of whack. Help me spend time reading and mediating on your word, spend time in prayer and spend time dwelling in the intended resurrected life you enabled. Amen.

April 22-23, 2013
I did my normal data collection and generated the usual daily report as best I could, then I took a midday break yesterday for many reasons. Mostly, because it was much too nice and beautiful to stay in.  I did a little yard work and went with Fawn for her regular annual physical and all is well. The sun was shining and the temp was 71 ◦F, perfect. Then I went through a kata of what I was going to do later in the evening during the maintenance window. Ahhh, whipped a nice tomato beef over rice dish and watched 2 hours, The Voice. Then it was a time for a pot of good fresh brew coffee and 4.5 into the night and then it was the morning routine all over again. Then the madness begins again later tonight. The final battle rounds of The Voice, a pot of coffee and then remote work on the customer site. The keywords are work and remote!

April 21, 2013
“It's a beautiful Sunday morning and a great opportunity thank the lord for reminding us of how blessed we are.” Indeed it was, it started with a fresh Big Apple blueberry bagel with honey walnut cream cheese and a piping hot cup of Chock ful o’Nuts coffee. Fawn was up early and made the bagel run by herself. I didn’t even hear her move about. I've been following the news on the Boston Bombing. This morning the news is moving on with stories about the 3 bombing victims and statements from their family and friends. It led me to muse about prayers for the dead. Often times, we pray for "Peace and comfort for the family and friends of:" However, it seems so natural for Christians to pray for our departed brothers and sister. Fr Will Weedon once concluded, On Prayer for the Dead, “God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers...but we pray in this petition that God would lead us to realize this and receive our daily bread with thanksgiving." Similarly, God gives eternal life to all His people, even without our prayers, but when we pray for the dead, we ask God to give precisely what He has promised so that we would realize this and receive His promise of eternal life with thanksgiving, and be comforted by His resurrection Gospel. I’ve been learning not to limit nearing and approaching the fringes and claiming all that is catholic. Grrr, more ants. Went to target and bought more ant traps and spread diazinon ant killer along the exterior perimeter of the house, hopeful that will do the job. Relaxed to a dinner and a movie. We watched, Zero Dark Thirty. I’m sure the decade long search for Osama bin Laden was Hollywood upped, but the portrayal of the hunt for the world’s most hunted man made for a great action pack movie.

May 15, 2013
I’m nearing the end of the long book, but it in the cards tonight. It all seems to boil down to God’s gift, grace and forgiveness. It’s time for a good old fashion rant about work. Oh well, the day deserves at least grunt, argh. I worked all day, part of the evening and more work awaits me later in the maintenance window. Most like will miss tomorrow and no report or meeting. Got an uplifting email, what a lineup we have of learned teachers coming to SJ for the upcoming fall and next spring. Prayers for my aging mother-in-law as the years is taking a tow on her aging and weary body.

April 20, 2013
What a beautiful early spring morning. Albeit, the temp was on the cool side, the sun is shining. I sitting in the car in downtown Naperville making a early journal entry while Fawn is in the post office and doing what nots. We drove passed by the riverwalk and the river is very high and the current moving rather swiftly.  I hope the roadways are OK toward Wheaton. The plan is to help out with the parish pictorial directory gain and attend evening Mass. Still wonding, like most people, what gives with the the 2 brothers. It’s hard to believe that all measures to improve background checks and ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines failed in the Senate. Something is definitely wrong with that picture. Funny, this is like social media, document my whereabouts in real time. I’m starting to see what Fr Bruzek is saying about the Christian life especially at Saint John where we receive gifts for our journey together back to Eden in the Mass. We got a few more families signed up for the directory and at about 100 families. It’s a good start, but we have a long way to go. The Saturdy night folks are really nice and friendly. It so easy to strike a conversation just about anything. The energy is very high as well as positive. We stopped at Fabulous Noodles for a light supper. They made very good soup. It's feels like dating because the kids are all but grown now and the conversation is nolonger 100% about them. There is time for us. I looking forward for fairer weather so we can go for our walks.

April 19, 2013
O gracious light, pure brightness of the everliving Father in heaven, O Jesus Christ, holy and blessed! Now as we come to the setting of the sun, and our eyes behold the vesper light, we sing your praised, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices, O Son of God, O Giver of Life, and to be glorified through all the worlds. – Phos Hilaron. I was listening to The Daily Prayer Offices by Fr Weedon on Issues Etc. at the start of the day, and was immediately struck by the spellbinding lyrics and tone of this ancient hymn. I made my day from the get go. I’ll be working over the weekend on and off to make sure all my ducks are lined up for next week. Now I’ll be doing 2 different sites during the night during the maintenance window so it is understood that there is no way the PM work I’ve been doing will somewhat suffer. Oh wow, the manhunt is over for Dzhokhzr Tsarnaev. It’s crazy how friends and classmates remember him as a nice guy. So what gives?

April 18, 2013
Wow, talk about a sump pump working overtime. Naperville flooded, but as Fawn put it, thanks be to God, for sparing us. I didn’t want to, be had to go in host my meeting. Go figure, the only folks there were the PMs, all the engineers were either calling in from the field or from home. I don’t blame the ones calling in and working from home. It was nasty out and many of the streets and roadways were flooded. I spent a lot of time gathering all the needed reference documents and the software configuration manual needed to re-image the mobility manager hard disk drives. I’m to do the 1st site and then to train and lead the project over 2 other engineers. Hmmm, got to start to reading, my first site is Monday night. LOL, one of the engineers are already asking questions and I only just gather the documents I need to research. I told them I will train them when I can successfully do one site. I can tell this guy is super hyper. I made the time to watch the Obama Interfaith thing Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. I was bewildered by the worldly civil event being held in such a beautiful cathedral. Now I have to wonder what god it serves. It only confuses the issue, when the heterodox and pagans get together and do what they do. I guess it don’t really matter, because Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one” (John 10:27-30). Or does it?

April 17, 2013
“Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word!” (Psalm 148:7-8). Kaboom! With all that heavy down pour, I didn’t even consider going in and just worked from home. I heard the rumbling of thunder at a distant as well as loud clashing that had me jumping out of my seat. How can I not muse about the water stories, when the Lord declares the storm does his bidding? I missed the part 2 of The Battles of The Voice last night, but caught it online. Albeit, my new 20” monitor isn’t HD, it still is pretty cool to watch it over the laptop screen.  Now that I’m relaxed, I think I go to bed early and do a little reading...

May 16-17, 2013
yep, it was work, work, work, all day and though the night until 5 this morning. I slept till 11am and then worked again. K, that enough about work. Fixed a nice dinner, steamed tilapia, delicious. I went over the slide presentation for our upcoming parish budget meeting, I was all smiles. Listen to Jennifer cut loose on her drums. LOL, briefly fantasized playing an air drum. Whoo hoo, Alex just made it home. Time to log off and …

April 16, 2013
Got to make this journal entry short, it was a super long day and I’m tire. I found out I have to do my job as well as re-imaging hardware for the deployment team. So I had to spend extra time reading the MOP and service manual in preparation for yet another task. Go figure, the work has to be done during the maintenance window. Sigh… that means I’ll soon be working during the day and night. The only good thing I see out of this is that I have access to an installer, which means; I can do it remotely and won’t need to travel to the customer site. Then it was off the governing board meeting and the budget was part of the agenda. We didn’t get out until 10.

April 15, 2013
Oh my, a terrorist attack in Boston. The sad thing is about me is my second thought was someone in the LCMS will join in on or will lead an interfaith worship service again. Once in a lifetime events? Lord, have mercy. Fawn and I watched, The Voice. The singers in the battle rounds are so good.

April 14, 2013
“He also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat,’ and it happens” (Luke 12:54). I looked to the west to a cloudless sky and felt a southerly breeze. It was a sunny day in the 70’s. The weather forecast yesterday for today was for it to be in the 50’s with rain showers. So I had no plans for any outdoor activities, bummer. I took a tour around the exterior of the house and have my work cut out for me. I’m not a spring chicken, but do plan to tackle a few of them with my own hands. I often wonder and am fascinated by why some people would go to see the same movie over and over. I do watch some movies I consider classics over and over, but they’re far between. Then it dawned on me, I listen online to sermon I just heard days earlier. And then again, this morning’s Mass was a beautiful as last night. Sign up for the pictorial directory is going well. I was in denial, wondering and looking for signs that the economy is taking a turn toward happy days again. It ain’t so, not at least for people I know. A music teacher friend told me today he got his RIF notice this week. When will the downward spiral end? I heard far more about RIFs and rejoicing in folks finding jobs. The7.7 % unemployment numbers, really? I know people off the employment rolls and still haven’t been able to find work. Ahhh, Fawn’s marinara sauce was most excellent with the store bought 3 cheese ravioli from Costco. Got to go and take Jennifer back to school …

April 13, 2013
There was great joy in my heart. Jennifer came home for the weekend. Fawn and Alex went in the city to pick her up. Along with Jennifer was a bag of dim sum treats too! Made a run to the Westfield Mall and then to Costco for what nots. I mall walked for an hour, while Fawn was shopping. The mall was noticeably filled with a lot of people. Is it a sign the economy is picking up? Went early to Mass and worked at getting folks to sign up for the directory. Mass was beautiful and Vicar Buchs gave an excellent homily. He sounded like a seasoned preacher and octet choir singing on Saturdays really helps support the parishioners with the singing of sacred music. Stopped off at Best buy on the way home to buy a HP monitor that was on sale. I couldn’t past up a 20 inch HP monitor right out the box with taxes and a 3 year no question warranty all for 9o bucks, sweet. This should be helpful and allow me to work from home more often.

April 12, 2013
“My heart is steadfast, O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being!” (Psalm 108:1). It was a good day. It was a good day. TGIF, there was plenty of work, but I made it a point to stop. Dinner was simple, Bobak's Polish Sausage with green peppers, good suff. Seem like there I've been humming a lot lately, with a song as a prayer in my heart. I really love scared music. Just going to relax and do so reading …

April 11, 2013
It was a very good day despite being a long hard day working, was humming Adoro te devote all day long. I started work at 7 this morning. Went to Connie’s Pizza for a group lunch. That was sweet, got to see a lot of my team members in a better light.  Perhaps, that goes both ways. Then it was back for my meeting. It went rather well and we got a lot accomplished. The flip side is I had to document everything and I just got done at 8:30. No Más, I am counting on the Lord to help me balance all that is on my plate already. I think it rained everyday this week, enough already.

April 10, 2013
How can I not muse about the loud thunderous roar and extremely heavy downpour I was awaken by in the wee morning hours. Enjoyed a piping hot bowl of oatmeal with a fresh brew cup of Chock Full o’ Nuts  coffee.  I wasn’t about to weather the storm, so I login in early from home and put in another long day. Seems like I need to start earlier now as more and more of the work is being done during the maintenance window.  Sad, tried my hand at making streamed tofu. The best I can say about it is that it was edible. Got an email from Tim H. I just realized I have a lot of friends with the name Tim. He's fine but still have noluck in finding work. Prayers for him and for those unemployed and underemployed. Lord, have mercy. Amen. It's out now, I'm not standing for another 2 years in the GB, I've been a lay leader as well in a past parish and is good to help out but it is a hard thing to do well because you want to do your best but there isn't enough time to commit fully. Best to let someone with a pure heart and has a lot of energy serve selflessly.

April 9, 2013
Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed. Alleluia! So what does this Easter cry say? One only needs to read about Christ’s resurrection means to us in, 1 Corinthians 15. Cloudy day with mild temps. I was amazed at how green the grass was this morning. On a day like today, I am glad to see any indication that winter is behind us. I’m so glad Fawn talked me into going into work a little bit earlier today, there was so much data to add to my tracker and I barely made my 10:30 deadline. Yummy, beef and tomatoes over rice while watching the final blind auditions of, The Voice.

April 8, 2013
“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Wow, time does fly when you’re having fun. Wrote a few more macros and my job is morphing into a PM role. I excited to be hosting my own first weekly meeting this Thursday.  Fawn and I watched, The Voice, It’s really a great show. The singers that make to the blind auditions are all pretty good singers. The news commented on the funeral and belief of a celebrity on how he embraced parts of the bible while rejecting other parts. Good reason for him not to become a priest. It wasn’t that long ago that I thought the word of God was foolish and unreasonable. People then ask, “What changed you why do you believe now?” or would ask, “When and why did you accept Jesus?” I can understand non-believers asking these types of questions, but from Christians? Coming to Christ is not of our doing. Faith comes from hearing the word of God. So many people don’t believe in the inerrancy of the bible. I think the reason I am grated understanding of wisdom of God is because of his grace. God has predestined me to eternal glory. Thanks be to God, what was once foolish and unreasonable, I can now say with certainty that Jesus is Lord because God discloses it and the spirit reveals it to me.

April 7, 2013
“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:16-18). So now I know what low Sunday is. Its call that because, for whatever reason, it is the lowest attended Mass. For whatever reason, there were few parishioners less than the norm, but you would not be able to tell that from the number of people who attended bible study. We have be studying fasting and prayer. I was struck by what Jesus had to say about fasting. It appears that hypocrites that fast seek the admiration of men do succeed and get their admiration from men. Jesus goes on and about the rewards people get from faithful fasting. Earlier in Matthew 6, Jesus said, “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:5-6). Again, the hypocrites seek and succeed in getting the admiration of man. So what is this reward for fasting and prayer? Could it be Jesus is talking about our inheritance and the many rewards that await us in heaven as well as the joy of what we long for in our Lord’s Prayer? Despite know that Jesus said, “And when you…” and not “And if you”, I’ve been struggling with it and have been saying; I don’t get this notion of incorporating fasting with our prayers. Of course Satan’s kingdom is threatened when we pray, but am I making Satan happy, because I struggle with fasting, because I’m not using all the spiritual weapons at my disposal? There is much to muse about in Matthew 6. I finally got around posting the Easter sermon, but think the Maundy Thursday Sermon was outstanding too. I really can’t get over week after week the blessing of his mysteries. At times I would say I’m Lutheran because Jesus is Lutheran. But other times this label is not all that and best to just confess I’m chief sinner who relies on fully on the Trinity in my helplessness.  Ahhh… dinner and a movie. What a treat, double meat, beef and chicken with bok choy over Cantonese pan fried noodles. Man, I’m good at stir frying this dish. It must be me; I was the only one who like the DVD, Skyfall. I was never super much on James Bond flicks and only thought they were so-so, but I thought this was one of the best 007 movies ever. LOL, Fr Bruzek did say people will be blogging tonight. Anyway, much to share with friends on the blessing of the day with emails. Then off to bed early again. I’m a little more than half done with Kingdom, Grace, Judgment. I still have to admit I still find Robert Capon fascinating on how he interprets parables.

April 6, 2013
O God, who by the abundance of your grace give increase to the peoples who believe in you, look with favor on those you have chosen and clothe with blessed immortality those reborn through the Sacrament of Baptism. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Fawn and went shopping at Sam’s Club and the high winds was really blowing. I was a little fearful of fly debris but once back home, all was good. It’s so strange the wind completely dies down and then picks up off and on. I have no recollection of weather ever doing that. The southerly wind brought warmer temps and light rain. Hopeful spring has arrived and is not a tease.

April 5, 2013
Super great day, Tim and I did lunch at Maggiano’s. Great food and great conversation. The work day went by fast and I got a lot done. Looks like my duties are upped another notch again. I’ll have to host weekly meeting with the deployment team to manage open issues. I think this is the correct level to fully utilize my knowledge and skill set. I’m out of bandwidth and my time is fully accounted for. So ongoing things I’m doing now will have to take a backseat. I was thrilled when it time to go. All I had in mind was a quick supper and going to the Easter Choral Vesper. LOL, quick dinner it was. Just like being in, The Middles, hard shell tocos from Toco Bell. Fawn and was blown away by the mediations that are built on the Holy Scriptures readings and choral responses. I have to admit, I may have to rethink my statement about, “Why even bother gathering without the Eucharist?” But by the time I got to pen the question mark, I realized, it would be better to combine the vesper with a Mass. Create in me a pure heart O Lord. Amen.

April 4, 2013
Well what do you know, the lunch time conversation at work was on Easter Sunday Mass. Surprise! Surprise!  Charles said he was at the most beautiful Lutheran Mass he ever attended. He and his family normally worships at the Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church, but his daughters who are students at Wheaton College and are violinists,  joined in the fun like so many students from the college, playing with the  Saint John Chamber Choir, attended the late Mass. I’m not familiar with how they worship there other than they are Evangelicals. Hmmm… labeling on my part?  All I know is, my side of the family are all either pagans or Evangelicals. Whenever I the word sacraments or sacramentals to them, they start fidgeting and start thumbing their bibles. It’s sad that to them, the Eucharist has been reduced to relatively meaningless, optional recollection.  Anyway, I extended an open invitation to come visit us again. They met Fr Nelson and said he was really nice. I was scribe for the team meeting this week, no fun, that set me back an hour. I got an unexpected email from Tim to do lunch torrow. I was planning to work from home, but how can I miss breaking bread with such a nice guy. Fawn asked if we were going to do Indian, I already had my Indian fix this week so I'm not sure where we're going. We usually either do Indian or go to Connie's Pizza. One time we went to Joy Yee's. The Chinese is good there, but the place is so noisy.
April 3, 2013
In the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen. I listened to Fr Bruzek’s Resurrection of Our Lord, outstanding audio posted sermon. I asked for ecopy of it and hope to have it to post the keeper.  I’ve resisted on commenting on North Korea and Iran nuclear weapon capabilities, but wow it’s been all over the news the past few days, the word alarming comes to mind but that would be an understatement. I heard people say these 2 countries just bark, but I think anything can happen, especially when these 2 countries don’t have stable leaders and appear to be psychotic. I did a power walk and was able to do my normal daily 30 minute walk along the interior perimeters at work in 20 minutes. It took me awhile to get my heartbeat back to normal but I felt pretty good. I’m thinking about doing it twice a week now. It takes my mind off the stressfulness of work, but it hard to meditate on anything when the focus is just putting on foot in front of the other.

April 2, 2013
I was up super early, so I decide to go in to work early thinking I could leave early. Silly me, there is always something to do.

April 1, 2013
O God, who give constant increase to your Church by new offspring, grant that your servants may hold fast in their lives to the Sacrament they have received in faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Easter Monday, I’m somewhat clueless what it is all about. Perhaps I’ll look it up some time this week. It was Indian Monday, and I got my Indian food fix. I always just get the combo and just point to what I want. I was smart enough to bring in tupleware so I didn't pig out on the huge portions. I was happy the meeting at work went well. At least now I know the meeting will be held on the first week of every month and can manage my time accordingly. My plate is pretty full, so I hope no more things will be piled on my plate. I’ve been thinking about the resurrected Christ-like life. It’s been a while, I haven’t view life as I should be and have missed out on countless blessing in the midst of deadlines and daily duties. I need to pay more attention to God goodness and open my eyes and give thanks to the ordinary amazing grace that is about. Anyway, got to get ready and drive Jennifer back to school. Hard to believe and month has gone by and Jennifer’s school year will be over in less than 6 weeks.

March 31, 2013
Wow, wow, wow and then wow. Easter blessings started out with the morning Mass. The weather forcast was wrong, there was no rain to be found, the sun was shining and the temps was above the norm. There was over 450 people at the early Mass. There were families even seated at the back altar. I had the privilege of serving at the altar and this time we were totally prepared for visitors to our parish. We made use of 100 addition individual cups that are normally set aside. With the aid of 50 musicians, the parishioners sang loud and boldly. It was impressive. We left with his gifts and out Lord’s words on encouragement to live out the resurrected life to his glory. The bottom line is, He is Risen: by prayer and sacraments, Jesus wants us to have his life and eternal life begins here and now. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26). IT is truly a blessing to be surrounded by family, today was one of those days. Come to think of it, it was a complete all around good day being around parish friends this morning too.

March 30, 2013
Hmmm… making journal entries again. Catechumenate classes have ended weeks ago and now it seems like it’s become our early morning routine to have bagels on Saturday mornings. Albeit we don’t make a special run to get the good stuff from Panera Bread, the nearby Big Apple Fawn and I make will do. Love their Signature Blueberry Bagel with Honey Walnut cream cheese on it, perfect. Jennifer went with friends and drove downstate to U of I to visit some of the other friends they hung with in high school. It’s getting a little earlier now to let them go. Poor Andrea, our first born wasn’t allowed to go half the places Alex and Jennifer got to go. Learning to be a parent as you go wasn’t easy on her or on Fawn and me. We’ll be going to the Easter Vigil tonight; I think it is one of the amazing liturgical celebrations. A full blast Mass that speak directly to the very mysteries we celebrate. Is a celebration at the center of faith, that Christ died, risen and will come back again. Is it too catholic to join heaven and earth with all its sights, sounds, smells, touches, and tastes? O well, better put in a few hours this morning so I can have time to run errands and then joy the blessing of the remainder of the day. He is Risen, Alleluia! I just got home from SJ and life couldn't be better. I logged onto the computer to check work email and was happy not to see any new ones since last time on.  I didn't think the last years service couldn't get much better, I was wrong.

March 29, 2013
Ahhh, it’s a beautiful morning so I decided to pen the morning blessings just before starting work. Fawn really is so mindful of me. She noticed I was beating up my pillow the other day and bought me a Sealy Posturepedic Pillow. I’ve been sleeping soundly!  Anyway, I’m up early and need to put in a few hours from home and then pick up Jennifer at school before going in the office later in the afternoon. Oh my… I met with my boss and got all the needed data, but I had no idea that next task is to make executive presentation sides. The regular did that before, but it’s over 10 years. I was given a format example from previous meeting to model after. I was wowed by the visualization of these summary slides. It’s amazing how far, what is known as slide:ology, the art and science of creating presentation slides have advanced. The problem is I only have until Monday morning to produce a slide or 2 that will resonate for an 8 minute presentation window.

March 28, 2013
“waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:13-14). Here I thought I was going to get some comp time back today but ended up working 10 hours instead. Got to love it when the boss said he has to have a report first thing in the morning when the norm is at 10:30. Oh well, this job is still better than having travel to customer sites. Actually, California is a beautiful place to live, but all my friends and family live here and most importantly, the Lord has gather the Lees on a hilltop like no other. I once had a conversation with my Tim who’s favorite topics is the end times. I hate in engaging in uncertain speculations but it difficult to give a clear proclamation of the gospel when his theology is all over the place. So I stay high level and talk about sacramental theology and the need for daily repentance whenever the opportunity presents itself.

March 27, 2013
“Whoever walks in uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways despises him” (Proverbs 14:2). Funny, how walking bring about thoughts of walking, or as scripture would have it, our own notions of what seems to be the right way, which are the paths away from Eden. Can’t believe I’m thinking it’s just an ordinary day, especially on Holy Week.  It’s has been a while since I’ve been able to say that the norm is not chaotic nor was it hectic.

March 26, 2013
During my noon walk I was musing about statements like, “Saint John is like a Catholic Church on steroids.” Yesterday another person stated we were, “too Catholic.” What????? LOL. Well, maybe I shouldn’t be laughing, but should be praying for. It’s not clear to me whether the statement was made out of pure ignorance or was intended to be an attack. It is clear to me there is a lack of understanding of things that are sacramental which excites good thoughts and help devotions and thus secure grace. The sacraments were instituted by Christ Himself while the sacramentals were founded by Christ's Church. Sigh… the tires are a little low and good thing I tried out the compressor/jumper, the pressure gauge didn’t work. I brought the same unit last year and it was awesome. Rob needed one, so I gave him mine and brought a new one at the beginning of the month. Good thing there is a 30 day return at Home Depot. I’m going to just replace it because I’m extremely happy with the previous one. Fawn and I sat and watched, The Voice, after supper. I like the 2 new judges Shakira and Usher. They work well with Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. I think the show will continue to be an entertaining hit in our home.

March 25, 2013
“And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it” (2 John 1:6). Hmmm, a light dusting of snow that required brushing off the car and a little salt on the driveway at spots in the morning. The days go by fast at work now that I’m having so fun spreadsheets and coding macros to give it some punch. The lunch time walks are seamless. Before I knew it, I completd the noontime walk. At times I think about my shortcomings and what the Holy Spirit is teaching me in areas I need to grow. Of course this walk is figurative and an ongoing pilgrimage back to Eden. We are to conduct our lives accordingly to his commandments. Blessings of day include a visit from Andrea and Rob and the joy of family. I can hardly wait to celebrate Jennifer’s overdue birthday when she comes home from school mid week.

March 24, 2013
Palm Sunday summons us to behold our king: the Word of God made flesh. We are called to behold Him not simply as the One who came to us once riding on a colt, but as the One who is always present in His Church, coming ceaselessly to us in power and glory at every Eucharist, in every prayer and sacrament, and in every act of love, kindness and mercy. This morning’s Mass was beautiful. What a great start to Holy Week. So many people came out and joined in the loud praises, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” The music was hymn choices were outstanding. It’s been more than a few weeks since Fawn and I been to the bible study. Every time I go to one, I walk away astonished at how learned Fr Bruzek is. Folks must really take good care of themselves. I had no idea that Alan was 72 years old. After bible study, we went stopped off at not one Target store bur three of them on the way home. LOL, it remains unclear to me why, I just sat in the car reading. “The Kingdom of God is within us when God reigns in us, when the soul in its depths confesses God as its Master, and is obedient to Him in all its powers. Then God acts within it as master ‘both to will and to do of his good pleasure’ (Philippians 2:13).”

March 23, 2013
“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love” (Song of Solomon 2:4). I woke up early feeling hungry and great. LOL, the first thing I said was, “Oatmeal, honey?” The reply was, “How about bagels?”  The sun was just start to show its face and so Fawn and I went out to make a Big Apple bagel run. Ahhh, the smell and taste of fresh bagel and Chock full oNut’s brand coffee. I logged in the internet and researched Google Calendars and was surprise that it was only a matter of minutes to have it set up. So since I had a little free time opted to be working class fool and worked on my tracker and coded a few macros subs. That’s one thing about programming, we an idea comes to mind, it’s had to let it go. It was a great day to be out and about, the sun was out and the temps made it up the mid 40’s and no wind. Fawn and her sister Soo went out to dinner with their mom to the House of Emperor again. Alex and I opt to stay home and we made breaded pork tenderloin that was simply delicious. I had a good time cooking and enjoying dinning with my son. Hope we do that again some time again soon. He pretty good and knows his way around the kitchen. My Lent experience is the complete opposite of most. Albeit a few times I did hold back, I mostly enjoyed the good food God has blessed me with and enjoy the smell and taste as a reminder of the great banquet to come.

March 22, 2013
Unbelievable, my googlesite about me page broke, because google move things about and rendered my page in disarray. Good thing I know how to code in html and was able to go manually fix it. Well, I did the soft roll out mid-afternoon and got a few looks good. The next step is to put some muscle in it with some macros to automate and generate useful views of the manually collected data entries. It was no surprise to me, another person quit. What is a surprise is people are finding jobs elsewhere. Ahhh, Andrea came all the way down after work to visit with her aunt so. We invited Soo and her mother for a nice dinner out at the House of Emperor Restaurant. Funny how we accommodate Fawn’s mother will eat at going out. My favorite dish there is the Szechuan Eggplant. Albeit, the food is very good there, I like a wide variety of food. The family had a good time because the conversation and food and service was exceptional.

March 21, 2013
“Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed” (Psalm 34:5). When thinking about Psalm 34, I normally see it as Eucharistic with, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). But, it’s time to give up the rant about the cold because it isn’t going to warm up to the area average March temper temperature of 47◦ F anytime in the near future. So, I just muse and rejoice about the cloudless sky we been having all week long. The sunlight is a reminder that ordinary time is not a time for darkness and gloom; rather it is a time for new life and emerging from the darkness. We are to the respond to Christ, the light of the world, to look toward him and be radiant. It was a good day at work and I am ready to do a soft roll out of my Core Tracker design to the deployment teams for comments. I made beef and broccoli for dinner without getting any accolades. The beef and sauce was tasty but I over cooked the broccoli. I’ve been going up to bed early each evening for about a month now to do some reading. Kingdom, Grace, Judgment is a big book and I’m only a third of the way through it. I won’t say agree with Robert Capon on his interpretation on scripture, but will say that he does offer a fascinating look at the parables.One thing always lead to another thing in my stream of conscience writing and I can just go on and on. When I see the word grace, I think about the means of grace for sinners like myself, found in the gospel word and sacraments.

March 19-20, 2013
“The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Solomon 2:12). This was so fitting last year when the temperature was unseasonably warm, 85◦ F. Today was no different than yesterday. Well, actually it’s colder. The winds continue to howl and it feels like the dead of winter. My new project is taking up a lot of my time, but is coming along well. Rumors about sweeping changes to peoples assignments are filling the hallways. I guess light will surly be shed on it in tomorrow’s team meeting. I attended the GB meeting and all is well at Saint John. I have plans to look into and play around with online calendars and will attempt to embed it to a website. That should be fun. I spoke with a friend who wants to go visit her aging mother in China, who was recently hospital but is better now and at home. I can’t image ever moving away out of state, let alone immigrating to a foreign county. I only live in the next county over from Cook where I was born and my siblings live in DuPage County too. Dinner was at Fawn's mother's house where Fawn's sister is visiting home from Arizona this week. LOL, we were like the family in the ABC sitcom called, "The Middles". There was no cooking, just comfort food, Brown's Chicken and all fixings. Fawn's brother Carl was there with his son Zach. The little toddler is a buddle of joy.

March 18, 2013
Crazy, I'm looking forward to the first day of spring, but am still scrapping ice off the car windshield this morning. I’m so glad I left the salt jug on the porch, because there was a sheet of ice on the walkway. I was focus and the workday went by very fast. I was creped out by not surprised when I came across the following on an ecla website: Lutherans hold a number of teachings in common with the vast majority of Christian denominations, both Protestant and Catholic. Many of the differences in Christian denominations are not so much over differences in core beliefs, but rather, over differences in tradition, style, and emphasis. News footage of Pope Francis continues to reveal just how humble he really is and about Christ’s Example of Humility. This then made me ponder the simple prayer commonly known as the Jesus Prayer, where we invoke the holy name of Jesus. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

March 17, 2013
By your help, we beseech you, Lord our God, may we walk eagerly in that same charity with which, out of love for the world, you Son handed himself over to death. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. The roads were noticeably pretty empty on the way up to Mass. Then I realized instead of getting there 20 minutes early, I get there 30 minutes early so I can robe to assist at the altar. It great that Andrea and Rob have been coming down and joining us for Mass. It was nice to see Dr Just and exchange well wishes. I consider him one of the most learned teachers of Christ. Working on Sundays is a bummer, but I put in 3 more hours just to get a jump on my new assignment. It is important for me to do well and then perhaps I’ll be able to do this regularly instead of being on the road. Nice 30 minute walk late afternoon. It’s still nifty but a nice warm coat does the trick for Fawn and me. The walk and talk are so good for us as a couple not to mention the overall health benefits. This is interesting, Regret says “I can be a better person than that”; repentance says “I am nothing without the grace of God.”ys “I am nothing without the grace of God.”

March 16, 2013
“Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to everyone that he is a fool” (Ecclesiastes 10:3). Great day walking day. In fact, Fawn and did a nice 30 minute walk in the morning. And if that wasn’t enough, after a light lunch a 30 minute walk to the library and another 30 minute back. Walking fools? Hardly, in Christ, we walk in love. Anyway, at least we try our best to. We are to be imitators of God, “… And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2). We talked a little bit SJ and then went on to talk about the good things we are hearing about Pope Francis and his humility. Looked at the Loyola website and saw the details of Jennifers dorm for next year. Seems to be a much better accomindations then what she has this year. Had to put in a few hours brushing up on my advance excel skills. I went to the SJ website and listened to Fr Nelson’s sermon from the 3rd Sunday of Lent and heard God’s word. It was on, The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. It is clear that it was about Jesus admonishing us and our need to repent. The Father is looks at his vineyard and is unable to see the fruits of faith in us. But Jesus intercedes on our behalf and in his Holy Mass, he gives us everything we need to bear fruit.

March 15, 2013
Wow, not sure it’s going to be a daily activity, but Fawn asked if I was up to taking a morning walk. LOL, I threw the sheets over my head and laughed out loud, “Your kidding, right?” But she wasn’t. So after a bowl of cold cereal and a cup of hot coffee, we bundled up and did a walk and talk all the way over to Fawn’s mom house. It’s a 30 minute walk there and back. I have to admit, I love taking a walk with her. I was able to easily keep up with her because I’ve been doing 30 minute walks at work almost every day to ward off the stress. Killer day and just get out of work a little before 9 pm. I’m cold and hungry…

March 14, 2013
The sun was shining on me.  It was a great day the Lord has made and I rejoiced in it. Thanks be to God. I have been laminating for so long and those laminating prayers are now prayers of thanksgiving. By the grace of God I’ve been given a new assignment which will not require traveling without seeking it internally! This brought to mind the Parable of the Persistent Widow. One reading this parable can miss the boat on what is going on here. I’m looking forward to get to this and many other parables that are hopefully discussed in the book I am currently reading. The choice is really ours to either trust in our own efforts or trust in God. Works, tell us to pray harder and do more if the breakthrough doesn’t come; just look at the widow, she is weak but never gives up. For me, it is we should always pray and never be discouraged. We are to keep trusting the goodness of God. I for where it was Fr Bruzek, Nelson or Genig that said, “God is for us and never against us.” LOL, most like all three said it at one time or another. One can easily missed out on the grace of God and think it was because of the many prayers offered. I shared my good news with my friend Bob, and asked how his interview went, thinking it was a perfect match and was work he could do in his sleep, given his skill set. He replied back he didn’t get the job here in Illinois but did get a second interview in Pittsburgh. I hoping and praying this one come through so he won’t have to move. I offered words of encouragement that God has a plan for all of us and that while it may be a little gray right now, rest assure, he has a good plan for us all. Better go to bed now I’m going to need the rest for another killer day that awakes me. Not easy to prep a lab and learn the challenges of the new assignments at the same time.

March 13, 2013
“And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever” (Revelation 22:5). It was a bright sunny day. The much needed sunlight was most welcomed. While walking to the car after work, just being in the sunlight noticeably brought great joy to the soul. I look forward to the day to see God’s face and having his name on my forehead. Strange drive home, thinking about Joshua 10, the day when the sun stood still at Gibeon. It is really a tough thing to do, working hard to excel at what I do while at the same time wishing there was some other employment opportunities. Prayers for former Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Pope Francis. He is the first Jesuit pope! I never knew much about the Jesuit order until Jennifer applied for Loyola. As much as I admire the Jesuit, at times there are hints of erroneous liberation theology that is troubling.

March 12, 2013
So weird to be waiting in the darkness for the light. But 7:07 sunrise came about. It stayed around till after lunch anyway, and gave way the gray clouds. The upside is that it does not start to turn dark when leaving work. Strange, I could of swore I took a drug test before starting working but I guess not. Left work a little early to stop by LabCorp on the way home. I’m hoping it’s just poor journalism when the newscaster spoke about when on when one of the cardinal found Christ. The language is so poor and the offense of decision theology robs God of his salvation glory. Christ lost? The Parable of the Lost Sheep, teaches us a better theology. I reading Weedon’s Blog and came across another blogger who wrote a short but well written essay on St Basil on righteousforsilver blog. Prayers for Lily and Tim, I just heard from Tim, they got let go from their contracting job at the end of February. Lord, in your mercy.

March 11, 2013
O God, who renew the world through mysteries beyond all telling, grant, we pray, that your Church may be guided by your eternal design. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Prayers for the papal conclave in their prayerful considerations for there is only one Christ whom the church catholic behold together. Got pulled off the trip to Connecticut and have to work in the live test lab prepping it for other migration features. So much is happening at such a fast pace, one have to work hard at keeping up, because constantly learning and moving implementing the needed more rapidly than what I have ever been accustom to. So I spend part of the day in a high level training and then loving at the lab specs. I’m not exactly a Indian food junkie, but it sure seem like getting a fix. I never go to the cafeteria at work except on Mondays. They have a yummy Indian Combo for only 5 bucks. When I was in Manhattan, I wanted to go to the historic Sylvia’s Harlem Restaurant; I look at their menu and wasn’t impressed so I didn’t venture to go. I’ve only been to a soul food restaurant once in my life and it was fantastic. It was during a diversity outing to the DuSable Museum of African American History and lunch at Pearl’s Place. Strange, that it was many years ago, but I can remember the buffet as if it were yesterday. This only came to mind because a peer mentioned on his trip last week to Connecticut, he said he saw serve discrimination against blacks in a restaurant and was like a flash back to pre civil rights days. How sad is that?

March 10, 2013
Woke up this morning and it was still dark. Daylight Saving Time always is bitter sweet. It brightens up the evening but causes havoc on the sleep schedule. The effect on the body is very similar to jet lag. There was not need to cook lunch after Mass because there were plenty of leftovers, but the demand was for French toast for some unknown reason. It was a lazy day and zero drive so I just sat around and watched TV.

March 9, 2013
Seems we’re back to repetitive grey sky days and yesterday was a tease. I can hardly wait for the first day of spring. I’m finally rested and felt good about the day. Cold cereal and then Fawn and I were off to do errands. It was a little nippy with the wind. With the continual high price of gas, it was fascinating how Fawn planned the efficient trip linearly, stopping at Dominick’s, Jewel, Garden Fresh, Home Depot and finally Meijer. Days of taking a drive on the whim are gone. Corn beef and cabbage and sweet corn too! Life is good. In the silence of the night as I write, I ponder on life’s changes on the way back to Eden. Albeit, I whine about my present job, I no longer focus my life on empty pursuits any longer and prefer to strive for the fullness of Christ in my life. Much of the chaos in my life has been muted, yet problems still exist in my life. I remain reluctant to share them. I can’t imagine penning all my thoughts, because many of them are impure. Some of my thoughts would most likely curl some folk’s toes. How lost are we, that we dishonor God in thought, word and deed? “We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. (Isaiah 64:6). Family and friends from days past would say to me from time to time how difference of a person I am from my faithless youth. Strange as it may sound, I was loved then as I am loved now. I can hardly wait for Mass tomorrow to receive gifts from God.

March 8, 2013
I’m tire because I so relaxed now and have to make this journal entry quick. Regrettably, I haven’t made time to listen to Issues Etc in a while, free time is so limited, but I couldn’t pass up, The Historic Liturgy, Part 24, Conclusion, with Fr Weedon. I streamed it in the bedroom and now about to retire for day. Albeit, Fr Weedon is no longer a parish priest, his wisdom from above remains a gift to the church. Woke up to a bright and beautiful morning. I was able to find time to eat a ham sandwich for lunch at my desk and listen to LPR. Polish ham is so wonderful with a little mustard. The sandwich wasn't a dagwood, but I walked it off doing the interior perimeter along the glass and enjoyed the sunlight. I'm like a plant and love sunlight. I only mention a sandwich because I haven't eaten a cold lunch fir quite some time. For the most part, I'm a creature of habit. I got a shout out and did some catching up with Bob. He got a phone interview with Verizon contracting in Schamburg. People must be really flexible to be willing to pack up and move around the country from job to job. Prayers for him and the unemployed and under employed. I’m so glad today is Friday and the level of stress in very low. Crazy how we laminate about our life in these United States and then realize the beautiful life our lord has given us, which is fills with his grace and mercies. Lord, forgive me for not loving it enough.

March 7, 2013
“Jesus Christ lived in the midst of his enemies. At the end all his disciples deserted him. On the Cross he was utterly alone, surrounded by evildoers and mockers. For this cause he had come, to bring peace to the enemies of God. So the Christian, too, belongs not in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes. There is his commission, his work. 'The kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies. And he who will not suffer this does not want to be of the Kingdom of Christ; he wants to be among friends, to sit among roses and lilies, not with the bad people but the devout people. O you blasphemers and betrayers of Christ! If Christ had done what you are doing who would ever have been spared'” – Luther. I was struck by this because I much rather withdraw and sit among the roses and lilies. I’m slower than most, but feel I may eventually get it. Our lessons on fasting still haven’t soaked in. Reading the Resurrection Icon has made it clear why St Paul said, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14). I haven’t posted in quite a while in Larry’s World but found The Paschal Homily of St John Chrysostom a blessing and helpful in the mystery in fasting with prayers. May it be a blessing to whom ever stumbles upon it. However, musing still on the blessings of mediation in silence has great benefits in listening attentively to the will of God and has allowed His Word to penetrate and dwell within.

March 6, 2013
“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” (Isaiah 1:18). It was the darndest thing to hear about snow on the morning new about people either was digging out or digging it. It was referencing to people that had to dig out of the snow or people out enjoying the snow. Clearly, everyone has their own opinion about snow. While digging out the remaining 2 inches the fell after my last sweep, Isaiah came to mind and the Eucharist.  During distribution, I would often say, “Take drink, this is the very blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, shed for the full forgiveness of all your sins.” For it is the very blood of Christ that makes our forgiven sins white as snow. How blessed it is to be declared righteous. These past few years since being gathered to his sanctuary at Saint John, my relationship with God has vastly improved. I have learned to think less highly of myself and stop ignoring God and go to him in all circumstances. I’m still somewhat tire and enjoy relaxing in bed with a book. Just have to post the Lenten hymn Lord Jesus Think on Me: 1. Lord Jesus, think on me, and purge away my sin; from earth-bound passions set me free, and make me pure within. 2. Lord Jesus, think on me, by care and woe oppressed; let me your loving servant be, and taste your promised rest. 3. Lord Jesus, think on me, amid the bitter strife; through all my pain and misery become my health and life. 4. Lord Jesus, think on me, nor let me go astray; through darkness and perplexity point to the heavenly way. 5. Lord Jesus, think on me, that, when the trial is past, I may your radiant glory see, and share your joy at last. What a beautiful Eucharistic prayer before retiring for the day.

March 5, 2013
May your grace not forsake us, O Lord, we pray, but make us dedicated to your holy service and at all times obtain for us your help. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. This was a great prayer I came across in Catholic Culture.  They often post wonderful collects. Every time I have LPR streaming, I find myself wondering why I don't have it on all the timeard to believe. I’m hoping not to be sore tomorrow, because I really got a work out. I got about 9 inches of snow so far, but it appears to be tapering off. I’m betting it’ll be 10+ before it over. I’m an old man with a shovel that hate snow, let alone being in a winter snow storm. My snow blower went kaput. It went out 5 times to shovel the snow. It is easier for me to tackle this storm a little bit at a time, so I went out about every 2 hours or so. Glad it wasn’t windy or extremely cold, so grateful it wasn't a blizzard. Grateful? the world asks. I’m still not fully recovered yet. Hard to believe as a young man I was able to care on. Think I’ll stop now and do a little reading in bed before turning in.

March 4, 2013
Hmmm…we’re expecting another heavy snow storm, not good. I was thinking about all the good men I serve with at the altar. Next week Saint John is having their Men’s Retreat. Sadly, I’ll be out of the out of town on business. Are things really that good at SJ? It sure seems like it to me. I haven’t heard a disgruntle peek in such a long time and everyone seem to be of good cheer. It is so good to take refuge in his sanctuary. Maybe that is why I appear to be whining and complaining when I in the world and away from the light. Outside of family, I really like being around our parish parishioners. We tend to honor each other because of the Christ that is in us. By that I mean, all honor we receive literally goes back to God. We do this by faithfully attending Mass and worship in spirit and truth, living holy lives and by serving our neighbors. Took Jennifer to the doctor for physical assessment and all is well. I still in recovery mood from last week's trip. By the time I get back in sync at the end of the week, I be hitting the road again. Thanks be to God for my good wife who cares of me. I just noticed that more than a few years have gone by since I started to pen journal entries. It seem like it was just yesterday Dave W help me with this site's art work. He's a great friend and naturally a parishioner in our parish. Hard to believe I've been doing stream of conscience writing for so long. I need to spend a little peek back in memory lane one of these day, but for now I’ll mediate in quiet prayer. After all, God said for us to “Be still, and know that I am God."

March 3, 2013
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Had the privilege to serve as a altar assistant again today. Now that is a job with many blessing. My day is complete all my children are home making it a great all around day. I have to log into the Manhattan site later tonight and work remotely. Everything have been soaking and ready to be committed. Prayers all goes well. I’ve been complaining about my job since I’ve got it. Laminating to God may seem strange to some, especially to those who are jobless. But to me, it is perhaps my most honest form of prayer. Most would think I lack faith. It takes a lot of faith on my part to continue laminate when so many are worse off than I am on one hand and rejoice in thanksgiving on the other. Do the world understand that praying help turn our complaints to give thanks to God? At times I just want to scream. It is not that I am not content with the lot God has given me but at times I just feel so out of place and the brutal hours is so unforgiving.

March 1-2, 2013
“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish” (Jeremiah 31:25). I’ve been so busy. Got home around fiveish last night and said hello is my darling wife, ate a bowl and chili and went straight to bed, and didn’t wake till about 10:30 this morning, brutal. I’m thinking this job may not be my cup of tea. Not much a day, I spent most of it preping for the remote commit Sunday night and just trying to re-orientate. Hey, Jennifer is home for spring break and her friend Deedee is visiting! Hopefully, things will be better tomorrow after all, Mass! I looked at the Saint John Site, it keeps getting better and better. Awesome prayer found in the worship folder: “Heal us, O Lord out God, from the pain our heart; and weariness and sighing do Thou cause to pass away from us; and cause Thou to rise up healing from our wounds. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who healest the sick of Thy people Israel.” – EIGHTEEN BENEDICTION, FIRST CENTURY A.D.

February 28, 2013
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:2). Let’s see, I think I said the Manhattan was unique, noisy, crowded, and expensive and the only think positive was the weather was mild. Mid 50’s in February is doing pretty good. I’ve been here 4 days now and have failed to see images of God’s peace. However, I must be getting use to the noise and crowds, the trade off, at least with a lot of people around, day and night; I’m guessing it is safe. Unlike Chicago, there is a noticeable police presence about. Actually, I doubt if I could get use to being here. I was here as a young man for a day and didn’t like it here back then. So nothing has changed. I love life in the burbs. I think everyone living in the states should visit New York for a day. It will change their outlook of life in these United State in many ways. We are to rejoice in God’s message to us and let it be heard though our lives. My impression of New York is that it is tough here. I though being here and seeing would change my mind about Beneke, I was wrong. “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ” (Galatians 1:6-7). His idea of being in the public square of interfaith worship only confuses and distorts. I disagree with my beloved Dr Genig about letting by gone be by gone in regards to Beneke. Can hardly wait to get on a plane back tomorrow.

February 27, 2013
Today’s Manhattan exploration was fun. I worked hard and was well prepare and got the needed done. So I won’t have to go in until Thursday night. I walked eastwardly and came across Broadway in Times Square, wow. I headed southwardly and came across the infamous Macy’s department store. I knew it was big, but big is an understatement. I didn’t know it was the world’s largest department store. The store is like a shopping center with a million square feet of merchandise, nine floors. It’s crazy to be so lonely when I’m surrounded by so many people and eating alone is no fun.

February 26, 2013
Decided to make this journal entry early because my clock is already messed up the second day going in. I really miss Fawn when I’m away and It’s so hard to gather my thought later in the evening when I’m focus on getting to the customer site and all the needed prior to going. Since the weather was in the upper 40’s, I decided on another walk about time square. Once again the streets were overly crowded and the noise level was terrible. I walked up to 44th street over to 7th Avenue and back. Looks like rain this evening, but it’s really easy to hail down a hack in midtown, literally all you have to do is raise your arm and one will come up to you within seconds.

February 25, 2013
Got to the hotel a couple hours before check in, so I did lunch at a Japanese restaurant. Teriyaki chicken, good stuff. Hard to believe there is walk to wall people in Manhattan. It is so hard to move about, reminds me of Shanghai. I’m staying at hotel in Time Square on 40th St. so I walked to 42nd and turned back down to 36th and back. People here must love their pizza. There are at least 1 or more a buck a slice pizza stores on every corner and some mid block as well and a pretzel/hotdog street vender cart on every intersection. For now, I will just say, Manhattan has a unique personality. Quite different from the burbs is quite and understatement. It made me think about our corporate prayers from Sunday again for the unemployed and underemployed. The long list of names makes me wonder. I should be grateful? Is this what this once great nation has become? Are we to say we remain a great nation? I say we can and have done better. I  guess I should stop my rant and get ready for a late supper and go in to the customer site. Thanks be to God from whom all good things flow. The read on, The Sower: The Watershed of the Parables, really got me thinking...

February 24, 2013
Penning this journal entry late afternoon and plan to go to bed early, pickup to Midway is 4:45 a.m. Ahhh, the Mass is the heart of the church because Jesus who is grace comes to us in word and meal. It can’t get any simpler than that, yet … I was privileged to severe as altar assistant during the early Mass. It is always an extraordinary blessing to be seated near the altar. From the altar, now only one can see and hear everything going on, all of one senses are fully engaged.

February 23, 2013
Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). Whoo hoo, so Henry finally proposed to Heather. Way overdue. I’m done with most of my prep and it looks like a solid 5 nights of work in Manhattan. I just can’t get a break. I started to pen that this job is for the birds and only good for a young godless person, but that might not be true. There perhaps could be people of faith that find this job to be a piece of cake and have plenty of time to mediate of God’s goodness and mercy. LOL, albeit Fawn I went out shopping for groceries and what nots, forgot to buy a lotto ticket. Guess that meant I’m having a better day today. I still worked 3 hours day and most likely will do the same tomorrow.

February 22, 2013
Sigh… at least in only snowed 3 inches. It could have been worst. I worked from home but it ended being a 11 hour work day. There were issues with the growth frame and work left undone. So I spent most of the day reading training material to learn how to do the work left undone when I go out next week. I’ll have to go in the office and procure some testing cables and what nots as well as finalize my own prep work. They are really killing me. I need to buy a lotto ticket tomorrow. I know it’s foolish but hey, a dollar a dream.

February 21, 2013
“How pitiful I am; and how pitiful is my daily repentance, for it has no firm foundation. Every day I lay a foundation for the building, and again with my own hands I demolish it.” —St. Ephraim the Syrian, Spiritual Psalter #10 I came across this outstanding Patristic Quote of the Day on Weedon’s Blog. Hoping we miss the major storm that is heading eastward. The predicted overnight snow fall is between 3 to 6 inches I last heard.

February 20, 2013
“When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the tax?” He said, “Yes.” And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?” And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself” (Matthew 17:24-27). So even Jesus paid taxes. Spent a couple hours working on my taxes. Hoping to wrap it up by the weekend. I really hate doing this and am an advocate for some form of flat tax. I think it would make things a whole lot simpler. Wow, installed a softphone on my laptop and love my new toy. The technology is truly amazing. Great to see a couple faithful parishioners join in as altar assistants.

February 19, 2013
Look upon your family, Lord, that, through the chastening effects of bodily discipline, our minds may be radiant in your presence with the strength of our yearning for you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. I was struck by this prayer; I came across in Catholic Culture. I question the value of various bodily disciples. But can this ancient collect withstanding the test of time be that wrong? I'm remined that Dang, one day its raining and in the upper 40’s and the next, bitter single digit bone chilling cold. Another long tough day and the demand is outrageous. I bowed and cried uncle and told the boss I’m out of bandwidth and it is either or now. The SJ governing board meeting was swift and filled with many good reports. The staff is stellar and the parishioners are engaging with each other as a community in life, witness and mercy. I’m so blessed to be a part of this.

February 18, 2013
“Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit; let the earth cause them both to sprout; I the LORD have created it” (Isaiah 45:8). Luther once said, “God’s Word and Grace is a passing rain shower, which does not return where it once was”. Brilliant as Luther is, I’m betting against this one. Unworthy as we are, God will not abandon us. “O stay with us, Lord Jesus Christ, For evening is now upon us; Thy divine Word, that glorious light, Let it burn among us bright!” Albeit it’s raining cat and dog, got to love it when it in mid February. Beats having a snow storm any day.

February 17, 2013
“Now John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. And people came and said to him, “Why do John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day” (Mark 2:18-20). Brrr, had to scrape ice off the windshield in single digit weather this morning. Got to Mass about an half hour early this morning. Normally, we get there about 20 minutes early. It is difficult to gauge the travel time because of so many factors like traffic lights and freight train crossing. I had time to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and a chat with Bob until the ringing of the bell to call the community to Mass and put the demons to flight. By the time we reached the nave, most of the pews were accounted for, so we ended up sitting across the aisle. Thrilled so many are attending Mass. We sang, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, it’s one of my favorite hymn. O how I the sacred music of the church. Bible study is really fascinating because fasting is all over the bible and yet there is so little discussion about it. I was always under the impression it was no big deal and only a Catholic thing. We’ve already spent several weeks going over how fasting goes hand in hand with prayer and charity. Now I’m wondering why we seemingly only hear of during the season of Lent. It remains unclear to me how the disciplinary practice of fasting will, with the help of God, help the soul more perfectly freely pray and care for our neighbor. Albeit, I continually ask myself, “How can the denying oneself possibly strengthen the soul and allow one to be filled in Christ?” Seems, like it is one of those things that Christians do. Somewhere in the mix of it, Isaiah 57:2-7, lies between the fine line of Justice and Charity, and how we are convicted by love. From my experience at SJ, after some soaking time, the Holy Spirit will reveal the wisdom from above taught through his most learned teachers at St John. Speaking about learned teachers, it pains me not to be able to attend the upcoming men’s retreat. I have high regards for Dr Just and won’t be in town for what will surely be a blessing for those will be attending. Great to have Andrea visiting us. Hope Rob can be with us next time. He's been putting way too many hours working. Part on my promblem is I'm not doing what I want to be doing and don't have my heart in my job. I'm so frustrated by need the income while the opportunity is available. So I struggle with putting in vast amount on time in when needed and trying to get some of the time back whenever I can. That is the crux about these temp jobs.

February 16, 2013
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Log in and booked my flight and hotel for my trip to the big apple. It will be interesting to stay in Time Square working the Manhattan midtown site.  It was a real nice day. I spent a good part of the afternoon just cooking.  Fawn and Andrea went out and did a girl’s lunch while I made fried rice for Alex and me. I really enjoy cooking so it was off to boiling spaghetti noodles al dente, stir frying spinach, browning breakfast sausage, before making tons of my sausage spinach pasta dish. The intent was to have plenty of leftovers. I was struck by what I saw in the margins of tomorrow’s worship folder. “What good does it do to speak learnedly about the Trinity if, lacking humility, you displease the Trinity? Indeed it is not learning that makes a man holy and just, but a virtuous life makes him pleasing to God. I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it. For what would it profit us to know the whole Bible by heart and the principles of all the philosophers if we live without grace and the love of God? Vanity of vanities and all is vanity, except to love God and serve Him alone. This is the greatest wisdom—to seek the kingdom of Heaven through contempt of the world” Thomas Kempis - The Imitation of Christ. Everyone can’t be learned, but everyone can be humble. With humility comes the realization of our need for God’s grace. God hears the prayers of the humble and broken hearted who cry out to him. Most of my early years, the world has taught me to set my hopes and trust on things of this present world. My latter years in Christ, is a sobering reality of vanity’s pointlessness. The things from above are incomparable to the things of this world. Hmmm... yesterday I had Adoramus Te Domine in my mind all day, today, I have Angus Dei in my mind all day.

February 15, 2013
“according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:16-21). Ahhh … I’m not a New Yorker type by any standard, but love rich bold taste of Chock full o’ Nuts to start the day. This morning I prayed for spiritual strength as Christ entered and filled my heart with his fullness. I’m not much of a taize type of guy either, but for some strange reason, I’ve been humming Adoramus Te Domine. It was too much of bright sunny day, so I didn’t go in the office and worked remotely for a few hours and broke out to do lunch and run a few errands. Fawn and I love share the Panda Express 3 entrée meal builder plate, because there is plenty for the both of us. For about eleven bucks, we did the honey walnut shrimp, tangy jumbo shrimp and kung pao chicken. It wound of been under nine but shrimp cost extra. Then it was off to the DMV for plate stickers, Whole Food and Sam Club for groceries. A few more hours reading emails and doing some pre-checks. Overall, it was a very nice day with Fawn and was able to reclaim back some comp time. Lord, just started reading, Kingdom, Grace, Judgment, it’s a pretty big book and I’m a slow reader who like to read a little at a time and muse over what I read. So this trilogy read on Jesus’ parables, may take some time.

February 14, 2013
Ahhh, a rare work day, where I could prep for my next site without interruptions.  I was able to read the site requirements while listening to sacred music streaming online on LPR. Seems to be added pressure to raise the bar. For me, I’ve been giving it my all along, so what they see is what they get. The only question is whether it is enough or not.  I finally finish reading Grace Upon Grace. Dr Kleinig in his writing on hidden holiness speaks prophetically on our daily and weekly journey with Christ where he gives us his holy body to eat and his most holy blood to drink. I so happy Andrea and Rob got this and so many other books to read on top of all the one Jennifer gave me. By the time I finish them all, I may be learned in a small way with perhaps a little more wisdom and perhaps become more than a dim flicker of light in the darkness which surrounds us. The thing that struck me was, learning how to fight the good fight of faith. It is about our own struggles with faith and good conscience. Can’t help but to be a Steve Urkle with a, Fawn My Love, on Valentine’s Day.

February 13, 2013
Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting this campaign of Christian service, so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils, we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Working way too hard and forgot today was Ash Wednesday. The sad thing is I’ll have to stay up till 12:30 for a quick call to a switch tech working during the maintenance window. Mediated on my sinful short comings and pleaded for God’s Mercy. I listened twice to today’s daily prayer, it was that good. It is encouraging to know that God longs to heal our weaknesses and troubles. Because of God’s mercy and grace, our response should be to fall on knees in praise and thanksgiving.

February 12, 2013
“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Was sadness by the loss of Eddie’s mother. I had no words of comfort other than those found on Holy Scripture. The string of death is difficult because I wasn’t sure if the mourning occurs with or without Christian hope because the only true comfort regarding death is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

February 11, 2013
“And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:16-18). I’m learning so much about fasting from our bible study. How strange it is for Fawn and I to be musing over it over breakfast. In fact the breakfast is derived from the words, “break” and “fast”. It is amazingly how clear scripture is when one reads it slowly and meditates on God’s word. Notice that Jesus didn’t say “if you fast”, but said, “when you fast”, it makes it clear that he expects his disciples to fast. As Fr Bruzek said, we can fast between meals, by not eating snacks, or we can engage in a complete fast by abstaining from all food. During the time of Lent, prayer and almsgiving go hand in hand with fasting. In Isaiah 58, we are told that true fasting is not simply not eating, it is also caring for those who regularly go without food. As we experience extreme hunger, perhaps it may awaken our sympathy for the Christ in those who regularly go without food or water. Tempwise it was above freezing, but with the high winds, the wind chill factor made it bone chilling cold. Did a MOP review with the PM on the Manhattan Project. I couldn’t help myself, I got 2 week to prepare for my next trip, surprisingly after four trips to California, I’m not thrilled to go to the big apple and work a week in Manhattan. I’ve been blessed to be living in the burbs for some time. I’ve lived in the city as a young man and know well the lurking dangers that a waits.

February 10, 2013
O God, Who in the glorious transfiguration of Thine only-begotten Son didst strengthen the sacraments of faith by the testimony of the fathers, and Who didst wonderfully foreshow the perfect adoption of Thy children by a voice coming down in a shining cloud, mercifully grant that we be made co-heirs of the King of glory Himself, and grant us to be sharers in that very glory. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen. Ahhh, The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Gift received twice! Last night from the pew and this morning from the altar. The Wheaton College Concert Choir, the St John musicians and the magnificent music selection was outstanding. I use to be so frustrated prior to coming to SJ because the music was all over the place and the choir would hoard the singing. I’m Lutheran and Lutheran like to sing. I have to confess that the music was at its finest. The choir sang music in the context for which it was composed - the Eucharist liturgy! Jesus is the light of the world. Lord, grant us your light to protect us the onslaught of darkness. Took a short nap earlier because I’ll be working later tonight remotely commit the work that has been soaking the past few days. So I continue with my laminations in hopes of some other means of livelihood.

February 8-9, 2013
Traveling like a road warrior is very taxing and does not leave much time to pen thoughtful journal entries of these small snapshots of my life back to Eden. The trip was success and the is soaking. I’ll be doing the full commit remotely late Sunday night. I was so beat up, that I fell asleep 15 minutes after takeoff and slept the entire flight back.  At times it is so hard to believe that despite my lowliness, I remain his in Christ. I try to figure the mystery of why this vocation at this time and just cry from the belly of the whale in prayer, surly there has someplace more suited for this old man. Oddly enough, my world, Larry’s World, with its ups and down is a life filled with many prayers of praises and thanksgiving. The mystery of prayer was definitely a good read and has immensely changed the dynamics of my daily prayers.  I was struck by one of the desert father, Agathon, who said, “There is no labor greater than that of prayer to God. For every time a man wants to pray, his enemies, the demons, want to prevent him, for they know that it is only by turning him from prayer that they can hinder his journey. Whatever good work a man undertakes, if he preservers in it, he will attain rest. But prayer is warfare to the last breath.”  From time to time, I think about Fr Genig, strange how it always leads me venerate the Theotokos and reminds me that good works are indeed necessary for salvation. I am will to bet most Lutherans are confused and see it in a different light. For me, each one of us has to look into our own heart and life from the eyes of the one who saves us. We need to cast out all notions of religious works and penances as merit and trust in Christ alone for salvation, evermore knowing he is merciful and forgiving. But the Christian life don’t stop at faith alone, we are called to hate sin and live a righteous life of Coram deo, for if we love God we love of neighbor. It was a good day in many ways. Nice to be home with the family. Because of the weird schedule we opted to participate in Holy Mass this evening. I really love the ministry of hospitality at St John. From the get go, our parishioners never wait until the Sign of Peace to behold one another. We are a sacramental sign of God’s hospitality. My recovery is not complete so I’m off to bed early. I still need to get early to assist at the altar for the early Mass.

February 7, 2013
Hmmm… a great night sleep last night but only had time for a banana to start the grueling day. Didn’t get to go to lunch until 2pm. Go figure, I went to Benihana and Japanese food is notorious for taking forever. But the scallop and hibachi shrimp lunch duet was most excellent. I’m making this journal entry mid afternoon because I’m sure I won’t have time later and will have to work till 4 am. This is clearly a young man’s game. I can’t wait to be homeward bound.

February 4-6, 2013
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3). Sometimes I feel like laminating because it is so hard to see his perfect peace. But Jesus confirms, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27). So, at least for this moment, I leave my worldly concerns behind and mediate on God word in music. Love LPR sacred music streaming. Monday started off really really bad. The taxis arrive 30 minutes late, which caused us to be in traffic and I missed my flight. The driver made an over the top comment that struck a nerve with me and required admonishment. Years ago I would have most likely went ballistic but the Christ me told him he is getting half the tip I normally give because I missed my flight because he was late, wasn’t respectful and perhaps he may have a family to support. While waiting standby for the next flight out to LAX, I did more reading from Grace Upon Grace and prayed for the taxis driver and for a seat on the next flight out. Two hours later I got 1 of 3 standby seats. I did my days prep in the plane and things were back on track. I had two days on grueling work day and night, but I had today off and I slept like a log and had my first descent meal. I have to work part of the day tomorrow prepping, take a nap and then work most on the night. If all goes well, I’ll be able to sleep on the a.m. flight back.

February 3, 2013
Ave Verum, Corpus: Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, who having truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for the sake of man. From whose pierced flank flowed water and blood: be a foretaste for us in the trial of death. O sweet, O merciful, O Jesus, Son of Mary. I thought it was going to be bad with all that snow on the car, but it was light and just brushed off. So we so we got to church extremely early and the coffee was still brewing. I sat and reviewed the Worship folder and all the wonderful quotes in the margins over the first of two cups. I could agree more with Bishop Kallistos Ware, “To me, the most important missionary witness that we have is the Divine Liturgy, the Eucharistic worship of the Orthodox Church. This is the life-giving source from which everything else proceeds.”  Another, was a Luther gem, “Christ […} is fixed and cemented to me and abides in me. The life that I now live. He lives in me. Indeed, Christ Himself is the life that I now live. In this way, therefore, Christ and I are one.” – AE 26:167. If only this was so with me. One can’t find a better place to mediate than sitting in the nave and allowing the beauty of the building talk to you. I opened the Lutheran Service book to a versification of the Te Deum laudamus, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God: 1 We praise You and acknowledge You, O God, to be the Lord, The Father everlasting, by all the earth adored. To You all angel powers cry aloud, the heavens sing, The cherubim and seraphim their praises to You bring: “O holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth; Your majesty and glory fill the heavens and the earth!” 2 The band of the apostles in glory sing Your praise; The fellowship of prophets their deathless voices raise. The martyrs of Your kingdom, a great and noble throng, Sing with the holy Church throughout all the world this song: “O all-majestic Father, Your true and only Son, And Holy Spirit, Comforter—forever Three in One!” 3 You, Christ, are King of glory, the everlasting Son, Yet You, with boundless love, sought to rescue ev’ryone: You laid aside Your glory, were born of virgin’s womb, Were crucified for us and were placed into a tomb; Then by Your resurrection You won for us reprieve—You opened heaven’s kingdom to all who would believe. 4 You sit in splendid glory, enthroned at God’s right hand, Upholding earth and heaven by forces You command. We know that You will come as our Judge that final day, So help Your servants You have redeemed by blood, we pray; May we with saints be numbered where praises never end, In glory everlasting. Amen, O Lord, amen! Inserting the hymn makes this journal enter a bit long but perhaps if someone should stumble upon this journal entry, just perhaps he or she will be blessed and be moved by this most fine tribute to God in his tribute majesty. The Bell choir and Wheaton College Quartet was breathtaking in Mass. Needlessly, the same can be said about Peter and Phillip, week in and week out. Just watched a neighbor girl on YouYube, Dee Dee Leng US NationalsFigure Skating Championship, cool. Well, I better stop now and see what is going on in the family room, with the Super bowl. And I still need to pack a suitcase and get get up early to fly out to Ontario, CA.

February 2, 2013
“Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!” (Matthew 18:7). I was thinking about how wonderful Friday night was and how peaceful the past year has been. It’s not clear to me what is going on here with this verse. Albeit, the evil one deceives us, we are lured and enticed by our own desires. I’ve read about and have listen to many people about sin. Some say a sin is a sin and are equally damning, while others find ways of grading sins and their consequences. My own concern, are the toxic sins. The one that harden my heart and pulls me away from Christ. We sinfully demean ourselves and other in a way of denying one’s humanity. Sometimes it’s better to just be on the road then to be in a cut throat workplace. Not everyone is like that, but it seems so prevalent nowadays. LOL, according to the Germans if the Groundhog peeps out of his winter quarters and if he sees his shadow he pops back for another six weeks nap, but if the day be cloudy he remains out, as the weather is to be moderate. I didn’t bother to find out what the GH did today. All I know it is it wasn’t pleasant shoveling the snow and dust snow off the car in the brutal cold. It never fails, I had to work and make some last minute scheduling changes. My original plan was to fly out Tuesday, but the powers to be wanted me to fly out Monday and start immediately up front. So I had to make contacts and line up support staff, book a new departing flight. Guess I’ll need to pack my luggage tomorrow too. Seem there is going to be a Super Bowl party of some sort. I’m a non sport fan, but may drop in every now and then if the family goes rowdy. My day is complete, I got a call from Bob, and had a great time catching up on family. He just got back from 2 week trip to Spain, France and Italy and had a lot to share. Again, it never fails he had the trip booked months and months ahead and got cut from his job just before the holidays. Bob mentioned the possibility of moving to Ann Arbor in March and it just so happen I had a job lead of a opportunity in Troy MI. Grant us, Lord our God, that we may honor you with all our mind, and love everyone in truth of heart. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

February 1, 2013
Brrr, it’s cold out there and the car was making all sorts of funky noisy starting up this morning. TGIF, for many reasons. It’s the last workday of the week and I’ll leave at that. We have been looking at the facelift Saint John got earlier in the week. Our family looks at it all the time and the votes are both thumbs up and down. I think it is an improvement. Fawn and I thrilled be to a full blast Mass with rite of ordination to the priesthood. It was a great time of joy and celebration. The most moving moment of the ordination ritual was when Fred prostate himself before the altar and the most solemn moment was the laying on of hands. Ahhh, then of course the vesting of a stole and chasuble and his first Mass of Thanksgiving. I have to mention the music was at its finest. What a closing hymn, Te Deum Laudamus, We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God, I always get goose bumps and choke up. The Divine Service was over by 8pm and the celebration continued with a reception. We had a great time celebrating with so many caring people from our parish. It was especially great to see and spent a little Don and Joyce from days past as well a few Vicars that are now priest elsewhere. LOL, Fr Bruzek was warning people to be careful what they say to me, or it may end up being on my blog. We left at 11pm and the common was still filled with joyful families, friends and parishioners sharing a life together. Today was a good day.

January 31, 2013
I’m so glad today is the last day in January and that much closer spring. I guess I have the January blues. The season of goodwill, family gatherings that overflow with laughter seem so distant and haunted by disappointment and sadness. I’m doing all I can to find suitable work. It doesn’t surprise me that someone else quit. Just goes to show even in this poor economy how funky some job really are. I started work at 7 am and didn’t get out of the office until 6pm. This single digit cold is really bumming me out.  So yes, it is a low day where even the smallest of task is like climbing a mountain singing the blues. Lord, have mercy.

January 30, 2013
Not much to say about this cold winter day. I think the overnight low will be close to 0◦F. Just praying my sump pump won’t freeze up. Got a 7am class, and feel I many soon suffer information overload. There is so much going on and there are human limits on ability to learn. I see this as a jack of all trade and master at none. Guessing that is what they want, Git-R-Dun.

January 29, 2013
Unbelievable spring like day in Naperville. It was extremely damp, but in credibly warm as if it was a late April day with showers. I was extremely busy preparing for my business trip. The expectation is high as to please the customer. So I’m double checking that all the i’s are dotted and all the t’s are crossed for the remainder of the week. It is my understanding that the weather will turn tomorrow and cool back down to the season’s norm. As I mediate on the mystery of prayer, it is becoming quite clear to me what Luther means in that, “Christians fight best on their knees.” Amen. I am encouraged to be bolder in my prayer of supplication.

January 28, 2013
Unbelievable spring like day in Naperville. It was extremely damp, but in credibly warm as if it was a late April day with showers. I was extremely busy preparing for my business trip. The expectation is high as to please the customer. So I’m double checking that all the i’s are dotted and all the t’s are crossed for the remainder of the week. It is my understanding that the weather will turn tomorrow and cool back down to the season’s norm. As I mediate on the mystery of prayer, it is becoming quite clear to me what Luther means in that, “Christians fight best on their knees.” Amen. I am encouraged to be bolder in my prayer of supplication.

January 27, 2013
Ahhh, Indian Mondays. The cafeteria serves an Indian combo every Monday.  I love the taste of curry this and curry that with garam masala. The portion is just right and for just six bucks. Of course the selections are better going out, but it’s double the price and I lack self control at a buffet. Booked my hotel and flight to Ontario CA. I think that will be an interesting trip. I was just in the LA area several weeks ago. It’s not clear to me if people really enjoy having a job that requires so much traveling. My longest trip many years ago was to Shanghai. I absolutely hated being away from my family for 6 weeks. I had a restless night so I’m off to bed early…

January 27, 2013
“How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!” (Psalm 84:1). The wintery mix of rain and ice held off this morning and was able to attend the morning Mass and assist at the altar. Today’s antiphon was, “Your words Lord are spirit and life” from Psalm 19. Indeed the law of the Lord is perfect. When we meditate on God’s word hold heartedly, it will reveal where we have strayed, individually and as a community, from the way of God and his precepts. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). I love having coffee and jawing with friend in the commons. It’s where parishioners can gather in comfortable fellowship with a common purpose of growing together an abundant life in Christ. I don’t know what it is like in the rest of the country, but it’s cold, dark and dreary. Wow, Watched the US Figure Skating Championship yesterday with the family. I had no idea the Jennifer’s friend Dee Dee Leng was the 2009 US Jr Ladies Figure Skating Champion and was competing yesterday in the US Sr Ladies Figure Skating Championship. We have a national sports hero that hangs out in our house all these years and I didn’t even know that.  What a humble, polite and sweet down to earth person. Chowed down on yesterday’s goodies. Albeit, we’re down to slim pickens, it was all good. Think I’ll wrap it up and go to bed and continue off with where I left off last night with the mysteries of prayers. I read so much until I could hardly keep my eyes open. Darn, the Klenig is good at revealing how God with his fullness,  lavishes grace upon grace on us.

January 26, 2013
Started the chapter on the mystery of prayer and continue to be amazed how leaned Dr Kleinig is in pointing out I agree that praying should be as breathing yet it isn’t. I’m more comfortable praying back God’s word back to him, especially the psalms or joining with him the prayer he given us. Most of my prayers are indeed short prayers, asking for forgiveness, mercy, thanksgiving and praise.  So often we are reluctant to pray and foolishly rely on our own strength and then cry out to God in our helplessness and sufferings. The good doctor emphasizes that prayer is not our work but God’s work in us and is a gift without obligation. We pray to receive from God what He alone can give us. For us Evangelical Catholic types, it’s always the, “For You!” because Jesus does the verb. It all about Jesus, his life, his forgiveness, and his prayers; all gifts for you. Fr. Bruzek once said someone need to use that thing in the Men in Black flashes and erase memory on me. No kidding, I wish there was a neuralyzer. Because, I often refer to my old parish where Christ is denied because the church has not done it part. In a early Christian document, called the Didache, dated as early as A.D. 50-70 says, "On the Lord's Day, His special day, come together and break bread and give thanks."  I believe God offers no greater gift on this side of eternity’s curtain than the Eucharist; given for you. No church has the right not to offer what God has given for you to receive. St Paul reflects on the Eucharist in 1 Corinthians 11, noting that it is the reason they are meeting in the first place. Once upon a time I try reasoning with McCain that it was Word and Sacrament and not Word and/or Sacrament to no avail. Odd is my stream of consciousness as I begin to pen about gifts and that every good and perfect gift is from above. It’s been a month since Christmas and some will remember it was a celebration of Jesus’ nativity while, Christians and non, alike will mostly remember the great joy that go along with the giving and receiving of gifts. How strange it is that the pagans and Christians alike would turn the Bishop of Myra into a Santa. But let us think of God’s great love gift to the world, his only begotten son and the giving joy of the wise men as well as the joyful tidings of the angels. Fawn and Alex was up early and went to the city. Whoo hoo, they brought back Andrea and Jennifer’s along with dim sum goodies. Bless my palate and touch my heart, there is absolutely nothing like the tradition Chinese past-time, yum cha, observed as tea time. The family sitting around table eating bite size, yet delectable palatable dim sum treats. It should be on everyone’s things to do in my lifetime list. The ladies are back from their afternoon shopping and this enough musing for the day and time to enjoy the remainder of the day with the blessings of the arrows in my quiver.

January 25, 2013
Fawn made a fresh pot of Starbuck blonde coffee and it cured the morning blues. I knew I had a tough job ahead before work. Talking about my pretty darlin, she’s a knockout wearing violet or purple. Fawn and chuckled about what was the guy thinking when he ran the discharge pipe out the side of the house instead of the back, strange. Went to the Ace Hardware for the supplies. It’s only one and a half mile but traffic was so bad, it took about 15 minutes to get there. The job went smooth. It ain’t pretty, but I just followed Greg Kiebig’s YouTube Video and it met the needed. There was no sense trying to stress myself out going in so I worked from home. Looks like I’m slated for Manhattan, NY and Irvine, CA too. I’m good with southern Cal but not thrilled about going to the Big Apple for many reasons. But for now, I need to stay focus on Ontario, CA because it will be my first new customer site. I read the Homily for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. I really love Pope Benedict XVI. But I have to wonder. “Jesus shows his solidarity with us, with our efforts to convert and to be rid of our selfishness, to break away from our sins in order to tell us that if we accept him in our life he can uplift us and lead us to the heights of God the Father.” “… if we accept him in our life”, really? I just don't know about this type of wording; sound like revivalism and you having the power to make a decision for Christ. While surfing I joyful came across a revise, Litany of the Saints, that is suitable for Evangelical Catholic Church usage by Fr Esget. In addition, to the blessings of the day, news that the contractor is starting this weekend to remove and replace the stained glass. I can hardly wait, funny who St Augustine come to mind now when I think about stained glass.

January 24, 2013
The intent was to go to the morning Eucharist. Traffic was much heavier than I anticipated. By the time I got to Warrenville Road, there was no way I would make it on time so I turn into to the office and listened to pray-as-you go and reflected on the single most pivotal event of human history, Jesus’ death and resurrection. The complexions of the day changed as I sought God’s voice. It was too cold to go out and thaw a frozen sump pump.  So Fawn and I bailed the water out. Fawn is in really good physical shape and I was puffing and puffing. It’s embarrassing that Fawn did the bulk of the work.

January 23, 2013
“The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land” (Song of Solomon 2:12). Living the life in the cold. I’m placing greater emphasis on my early morning mediations. I go on and on in the evenings but have troubles with unhurried and unhindered time first thing in the morning. A lot of it has to do with the darkness and stillness of the winter season. It makes it tough to go out in the cold and scrape the ice off the car and go in the office and face the unknown. I can hardly wait for winter to past and living things manage to appear. The most loving thing we can do is to pray for our neighbors and invite them to church to hear the voice of the turtle dove. Twas a tough day in the office with back to back meetings. I was able to wrap up the customer’s meeting satisfying them my intentions will meeting their needs. Then there was a kick off meeting to determine approach and schedule for degrowth for the 9 upgraded sites completed last year. I was surprise there wasn’t anyone to lead the effort. That is the bad thing about companies that rely on yet drop contractors when projects are completed. We were hire in for this new customer and trained on the tail end on the last customer project. Seem a lot on companies operate that way now. Skill sets and being at the right place at the right time seems to be the new norm. Dave sent me an awesome Luther quote, “Beautiful music is the art of the Prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.” I’ve witness this week after week at Saint John in the splendor of the Mass as well as how it nourishes my spiritual life though out the week.

January 22, 2013
Ahhh, just got through catching up on my emails and got LPR, sacred music playing in the background. Dave sent me the blessing of this link. I listen to LPR quite often as well as, Issues Etc, the radio talk LPR produces. Their hymn studies by Dr Just are most excellent. At times I wish I own an iPhone so that I can listen LPR and pray-as-you-go, when I’m on the move. I'm sure many of my friends are like me and mediate way beyond 5 minutes for many years. After reading Grace Upon Grace and listening to Fr Bruzek my mediations have become more fruitful and am able to dwell in the light, evermore seeing what has been hidden from me in my darkness. Like St Paul, I know nothing dwells within me. So I go before our Lord with bent knees as a sinful beggar seeking and receiving his forgiveness. I’m glad my MOP Review with the customer went as well as it did considering all the conflicting activities need to be resolved before I get a go – nogo and my planned travel dates. Well, off to bed, have to be in early for some cross-training. I wish I can just focus on one project at a time. I have so many things going on. Clearly the team is way under staffed.

January 21, 2013
"Everybody can be great...because everybody can serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Just another cold beautiful day with the sun shining brightly and just beginning to notice the days are getting longer. Been cramping all day for tomorrow’s MOP Review with my Ontario, CA trip. I’m the 3rd site for this new customer and hope to get their blessings. Whoo hoo, Fawn went with me to see Dr Fang today. A common complication for people with diabetes is kidney disease. I get blood work every 3 months and my numbers remain the same for the last 12 years. My darling wife doesn’t need to say she loves me. I can see the joy in her in her face we got the good news. Her love for me and the kids is in everything she does. “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” (1 John 3:16-17). Often we hear encouraging words like these about living holy, Christ-like lives of love. We all often fail to be little christs and show compassion to another person in need. Thanks be to the One who forgives and loves us first.

January 20, 2013
Brrr… it was so cold this morning. How cold is it? Bone chilling cold. With the exception of taking out the garbage after dinner, I hid indoors all day after coming home from Mass. 7◦F  now as I pen this journal entry. The overnight low is expected to be -4◦F. Needless to say, Peter and Phillip are outstanding, but the Wheaton College Octet sang beautifully and sounded like a full choir. The bible study on “silence” was very good. Clearly, I need to develop some new habits. There are many things I utter that need to be silenced. I was struck by the following prayer of Saint Dimitri of Rostov, found on the cover of our worship folder: Come my Light and illumine my darkness. Come my Life and revive me from death. Come my Physician and heal my wounds. Come Flame of divine love and consume my sins, kindling my heart with the flame of Thy love. Hmmm … The Kingdom of God is Justice and Peace is an interesting taize and for some reason the word “justice” was a confusing red flag to me. I’m guessing the text is taken from Roman 14:17. And the taize is us seeking the kingdom of God. Justice? Shouldn’t it be, The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit? Something lost in the translation or my thinking?  In the circle, filled with the Holy Spirit, means we are in the state of righteousness, right?  In my mind, God’s own righteousness given to us by grace is the acceptable condition and “justice” is a virtue which gives us our due. Am I missing the point of this taize? I think it is about seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness because it is our desire to be under his gracious rule.

January 19, 2013
Fawn and I got up early and out of the house by 8 do go to the vehicle emissions test center. This time all the OBDII codes readiness monitors passed. Lesson learned, the car needs to be driven for about a week if the battery was disconnected to reset the monitors. Then it was running errands for the remainder of the morning for what nots at Target, Meijer, Costco and Whole Foods Market. Hard to believe the excellent weather we are having. Today was a good eating day. Whenever I cook bitter melon, my taste buds leap for joy and I end up penning it. It’s got to be the weirdest dish ever because we seem to be born with an aversion to bitterness. I usually do the cooking, but Fawn made supper. She made an all out spinach salad and her infamous spaghetti. Got the good news about Fred Gaede’s Ordination set for February 1st. Now I’ll have to get use to calling Fred, Father. It's getting late and the wind is really howling now, so off to bed it is.

January 18, 2013
“Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures” (James 1:16-18). This week was a mixed bag. I was surprise that there was repentance on things said. Admittedly, the hope of overlooking other people’s shortcomings is very limited. I rejoice today was not one of those day. My prayer is that others can overlook mine or be kind in their admonishment. Because, I was taken by surprise it brought back an old vague recollection of attending a workplace diversity class where the humanist spoke in a godless way about our human potential for goodness and living a life with compassion. The Mass, and all its glory and beauty, still lingers in my mind and senses. I’m blown away at St John. In his confessions, Saint Augustine, brilliantly penned, ‘You called and cried out loud and shattered my deafness. You were radiant and resplendent, you put to flight my blindness. You were fragrant, and I drew my breath and now pant after you. I tasted you, and I feel but hunger and thirst for you. You touched me, and I am set on fire to attain the peace which is yours.’ On my, Jennifer gave me 6 of the 10 books she read during her first semester.

January 17, 2013
“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day” (Genesis 1:31). I’ve been so busy and have been neglecting my morning prayers and mediation but today was a new and beautiful day. Above all else is the beauty of God found in it. I’ve been reading a few pages at a time on the chapter of mediation in bed. Grace Upon Grace, is a wonderful book. I read the psalms a year or so back. It is amazing how difference, Worship in the Splendor of Holiness, reads today, as I now see God’s strength and beauty are indeed in his sanctuary. I often think about how blessed my family are, that the Lord gathered us and keeps us. How is it that we are part of God’s creation which was very good, yet have fallen to where “all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment” (Isaiah 64:6)?

January 16, 2013
Surly they jest…. I penned more, but came to my senses. It’s best to leave certain things unsaid. Whipped up a great chicken and green bean dish for dinner. I like to chirp when dishes turn out extraordinarily delicious. From time to time, I actually believe I can cook with the best of the best.  It’s my baby’s birthday, so strange not to have her around.

January 15, 2013
Almighty ever-living God, who, when Christ had been baptized in the River Jordan and as the Holy Spirit descended upon him, solemnly declared him your beloved Son, grant that your children by adoption, reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, may always be well pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Oh my, an unexpectedly long governing board meeting, but it we all good. There are a lot good things going on and a lot of good news to share.

January 13-14, 2013
Yesterday was an all around grand day that ended so late which is why it’s another one of those combined journal entry. The day was bitter cold and required deep ice scraping off the windshield before heading out to morning Mass to celebrated, The Baptism of Our Lord. In the evening, Fawn and I went back to St John to a really nice party in the commons. Then it was off to the city to drive Jennifer back to school. It was pass 11 pm by the time Fawn and I got back and we were bushed. This morning was just as cold and required additional layers to stay warm. I didn’t have time to pack a lunch so I ate at the cafeteria. Turned out to be a blessing in that they have Indian food on Mondays and I went down with Hector. It’s good to be able to spend one on one time with individuals on the team. The hymn, Jesus, Once with Sinners Numbered, been running though my mind most of the day. IT’s not as bothersome as it use to be, but it still occupies my mind from time to time that things can be better. Surly God has our best interest at heart. He is for us and never against us, but I’m like most where our flesh wants cast a vote and makes its desire known. But how can we laminate like the psalmist?

January 12, 2013
This morning’s bible study was outstanding. Fawn and I along with all present received our sacramental portion of grace through faith as Fr Bruzek read to us, Rublev’s Holy Trinity Icon. He also taught us about the creeds and doctrine using supporting scripture. Fr Bruzek read excerpts from the results a Christian poll survey. I was not surprised, yet am creeped out by the survey results. It basically reveals that either, “US Christians” do not even believe in the basic essentials and do not hold orthodox beliefs, but define their own beliefs and/or the teachers do not hold firmly to the trustworthy message of sound doctrine. Seems so many now don’t even bother to pick and choose, but rather created a God in their own image. Fawn and I helped out a little with the Time and Talent Fair. Carol H is an amazing person in all that she does for our community. I can go on and on about selfless parishioners. I think people can be confused about the verb when we talk about things Christians do. In the way of the law, it’s all about what we should be doing. In the way of the gospel, it’s all about what God does though our human callings. About to end the day mediating on the hymn study, O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright.

January 11, 2013,
“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15). What incredible weather we had as Tim and I ventured out for lunch. I love Indian food, so Tim recommended Cuisine of India. It was the first time I ate there and it will not be my last. I’m thrilled we have a good Indian Restaurant in town. I also eat from the buffet because I love the variety.  My favorite Indian restaurant is Viceroy of India in Lombard, but it a tad far to go for lunch. I’ve heard our pastors and Dr Kleinig on many occasions talk about enjoying friends and friends, celebrating over a fine meal. They opened my eyes that it is part of the daily divine to celebrate the beauty of an ordinary day. Thanks be to God for the good time spent with friends, for it is God who knits and fills our hearts with love for one another. Before going out to lunch, I told myself to go easy with 2 small plates. I was successful only with the first. So for dinner, I only had the spring salad. But that’s OK because Fawn makes a awesome salad.

January 9-10, 2013
“Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way” (1 Samuel 12:23). Unbelievable, the most astonishing thing today is it raining as I am penning this journal entry and the temperature is suppose to continue to climb throughout the night to a high of 52 tomorrow. Hope the forecast is accurate. Not good, but will have to say that the time readjustment is better than having to do with jet lag. At least I’m working days the remainder of the week. I didn’t pen anything last night because I was tire and went to bed early. The travel schedule came out and I’m third on the lineup and slated to go out to Ontario, CA which is a suburb of LA. So I’m granted the blessings of being with my family a little while longer. Albeit be a full day with it's blessings, I'm looking ahead for better days, like looking forward to doing lunch with Tim tomorrow and looking forward to the catechcuminate bible study on Saturday morning and setting up tables for our parish talent fair. Like most places, the workplace gossip is rampant and had to walk away from it. Just by penning this, mostly like  is a poor reflect of me because I haven chosen not to hold the people around me in the best possible light. There are limitations to what one can say to another person, so like Samuel, we unselfishly pray for other. My family surly is in need of the prayers of others, especially for health and our shortcomings. St. Paul clearly didn’t know of me when he said he was the foremost sinner. Lord, in this the darkest of times, we thank you for your light in the depths of our despair. Grant that we may remember to confess our shortcoming to one another and pray for one another, so that we may be healed. Amen.

January 8, 2013
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night”  (Psalm 1:1-2). I’m still not quite done with the long chapter on mediation, but one can see how we surly receive grace upon grace when we routinely mediate on God’s word. Switch from day to night takes its toll and requires the body to adjust. So I’m glad to be going in again tonight and not have to change gears again unto the following day.

January 7, 2013
Work, work, work … put in a full day and have to go back in tonight at midnight for training. So a quick nap and …

January 6, 2013
May the splendor of your majesty, O Lord, we pray, shed its light upon our hearts, that we may pass through the shadows of this world and reach the brightness of our eternal home. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Today was a day of celebration. It started with Epiphany Sunday Mass, celebrating the visit of the wise men to the Christ, signifying the extension of salvation to the gentiles. It doesn’t happen that often, but when I am seated on the altar, the view and sound is spectacular. All my senses come alive. The music is always outstanding. The bass, woodwind, strings and organ made for extraordinary voices during the Epiphany Divine Service. There was no bible study today, but people just love spending time enjoying each other’s company. Fawn and I enjoyed catching up with so many friends. O how time flew, before we knew it an hour and a half had past. We were talking a little about the Pope. I think Pope Benedict XVI is an extraordinarily wise man. His homily on the, Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, is brilliant. It leaves one much to reflect upon. Then it was over to pick up the infamous Portello Chocolate Cake and over to meet the kids at Fabulous Noodles to celebrate Andrea’s Birthday! I put in another 2 hours of coding. That is one thing about being a software engineer, whenever you get a resolution epiphany; you have to act on or document it or risk losing the thought.

January 5, 2013
Busy day just running about town. Downloaded an X Server unto my PC and had some programming fun. Whipped up and awesome beef with bok choy over pan fried noodle for dinner. Now that’s what I’m talking about, food heaven. For crying out loud, it took me 5 days before I realized I need a new journal page for 2013.

January 4, 2013
Seriously, thank God it’s Friday. Contracting is for the bird. Sigh … it was one of those days. Took the Escape for emission testing, it didn’t fail but it got rejected and I’ll have to take back again. Reason being, I disconnect the battery to replace a headlight bulb and that cause the sensors to be in the not ready state. They said that I’ll need to drive the car around for about a week so that it will cycle enough time to collect data. O well, live and learn. I can’t recall any bad weather that would cause my car to get so dirty. So Fawn and I when to the self service car wash. Going to one of those automatic places just wouldn’t cut it.

January 3, 2013
Albeit, I’m not working my dream job, but I am learning lots of new things. What I’m doing is at best bearable in this poor economy. So I work hard and continue to give it my best effort. Not settling is a good thing, because we should be doing what we do best at what we are capable of doing. I’m more than a little ticked that my travel expense reimbursement check hasn’t be cut yet. The things of this world is so depressing. So glad we can turn to God and his church for comfort and know of God’s love begins before time. The ancient hymn, Of the Father’s Love Begotten is just sublime. I just melt every time I hear it. I’m at peace at the end of the day aware of God’s presence and love.

January 2, 2013
On my, clearly the Huskies were overpowered and no match for Seminoles last night. The day pasted by far too fast. This job is the strangest job I ever had, in that everything here seems to have sense of urgency about it. Everyone is under the gun and the compulsion is to continually work under pressure. This got to be an unhealthy work environment. Blessed listening to an archived 2008 Issue , Etc Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, with Fr Genig. Far too many of us take the time to mediate the mystery of grace and our salvation. There is no incarnation of Christ apart from the mystery of the Theotokos.Well, off to bed early and do a little reading.

January 1, 2013
“I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Wow, 2013. I blinked and another year pasted by. Yesterday, all the parents were saying who amazingly fast our kids grow up. I was reading the beautiful, The Nativity of Christ icon. I find it fascinating that Mary, is not looking at her new-born Son, but rather compassionately at her Saint Joseph who is in distress and being tempted by Satan with doubt, who tries to persuade him that a virgin birth is impossible. There are many examples of disciples throughout the bible that have fallen to doubt. I am struck by the honesty and humbleness of the father found in Mark 9.