7 August 2020

Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee

Tone 1
        Brothers, let us not pray like the Pharisee:
        He who exalts himself will be humbled!
        Let us prepare to abase ourselves by fasting;
        Let us cry aloud with the voice of the Publican:
        O God, forgive us sinners!

        The Pharisee went up to the temple with a proud and empty heart;
        The Publican bowed himself in repentance.
        They both stood before you, O master:
        The one, through boasting, lost his reward,
        But the other, with tears and sighs, won your blessing:
        Strengthen me, O Christ our God, as I weep in your presence,
        Since you are the lover of mankind!

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8

        I know the value of tears, almighty Lord:
        They delivered Hezekiah from the gates of death,
        And rescued the harlot from repeated sins.
        Tears justified the Publican instead of the Pharisee:
        I pray you, Lord:  number me with the former, and have mercy on me!

Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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