15 February 2020

On the Character of Men and the Virtuous Life

"The greatest sickness of the soul, its ruin and perdition, is not to know
God, who created all things for man and gave him the gifts of intellect
and intelligence. Winged through these gifts, man is linked to God,
knowing Him and praising Him."

"God, being full of goodness and ungrudging bounty, not only created

man with free will but also endowed him with the capacity to conform
to God if he so wishes. It is the absence of wickedness in man which
conforms him to God. If, then, man praises the good actions and virtues
of a soul which is holy and enjoys the love of God, and if he condemns
ugly and wicked deeds, how much more so does God, who wishes for
man's salvation."

                                                                                Saint Anthony the Great

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