27 February 2020

True Repentance and Confession

— “The intention to correct his life is also required of the repentant person;
pay attention to this. On your way to confession, tell yourself: after confession
I will try with all my strength to correct my life from all the sins of which I wish
to repent. I will deceive myself no more; I will not lie to God, nor will I insult
again the mystery of repentance.”

— “Finally, a repentant person also must have faith in Christ and hope in His
mercy. Every person who approaches confession must believe that during the
Mystery Christ Himself stands invisibly and receives his confession . . . and that
He, according to His mercy, is always ready to forgive our every sin, if only we
confess them with heartfelt compunction and have the intention to be better
from now on, and to have faith in Him in our hearts.”

                                                                                           Saint John of Kronstadt

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