Mary the Mother of God

16 August 2024

Mary, of whom Jesus was born, Who is called. Christ (Mt. 1:16)

Indeed, if it is customary to call Jesus Christ "the last Adam" (keeping in mind that the first Adam brought death to the world, and the Last defeated death, brought life to the world), then it would be appropriate to call Saint Mary as "the last Eve." Because, if through the first Eve, death entered this world, then through Saint Mary the One who overcame death was born into the world.

The Son of Mary has changed the whole history of mankind. He came to save people from their sins (Mt. 1:21). He died and rose again, so that, believing in Him, listening to His word and partaking of His Body and Blood, we, when we die, will also be resurrected.

The name of Mary is forever associated with the name of her Son. Because the Son of Mary became the Savior of the world. Just think that at every liturgy we are saved by receiving the very Body and Blood that Christ received from His mother:

He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the first day. (John 6:55)

So you understand how great is the role of the Mother of God in the work of our salvation!

It is true that through her Son, Saint Mary became the mother of the Church, the mother of all Christians.

Saint Mary became a tabernacle that bore God in herself; through her God became incarnate, entered our world, became a Man like us. "The Word was made flesh" (John 1:14) in her womb. Thanks to her, we received a wonderful Savior, the Lamb Who took away the sins of the whole world (and our sins also).

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