
27 May 2024

O Lord, I remember on this day the horrors of war and the mercies of Your providence in the past. I give You thanks for those who have served in our armed forces and the families that have loved them, missed their presence, interceded in prayer for them, and rejoiced in their return. Especially, though, I pray for those families who did not see their loved ones return because they gave their lives in defense of freedom and this land that I love. May I never forget the sacrifices that have been made for me by those courageous men and women. Lord of the nations, I pray according to Your good and gracious will that You would grant peace among nations in this time as well. Put into the hearts of rulers and actions the desire to avert bloodshed, strife, and selfishness, and cause all to see the folly of war. You guarantee to all eternal peace in Christ. May Your Gospel be proclaimed that the foundation of love may be laid in Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace. In His name I ask it. Amen.

         Lutheran Book of Prayer

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