1 October 2021  The Great Commission

The task of the apostles transcends all human possibilities. How could this little band carry out the Great Commission of Matt. 28:19 and 'make disciples of all nations', 'go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation,' as Mark 16:15 reads? How could they be his witnesses not only in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, but even 'to the ends of the earth' [Acts 1:8]. The impossible task, a commission that goes on without limitations in space and time, became impossible, like the task of the prophets, only through the 'I am with you' [Matt. 28:20]. So they obeyed the call, leaving it to him how he would see to it that the Great Commission was carried out, even after the last eyewitnesses of the Risen Christ would have died.
        Hermann Sasse

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