23 June 2021
Glad to went out yesterday, because we had to go dentist office this morning. It would have been a stressful attempt to be on time for the appointment just trying to find a way out of our subdivision. Since it was raining, I stayed in the car listening to sacred music and read the, Didache, as well as chapters from, The Imitation of Christ. I love my smartphone. It was the best gift ever, making use of downloaded music and ebooks. We stopped by the Hallmark store on the way home and I was able to squeeze in a 20 minute walk in the parking lot, since the rain ended and the sun came out. Got ambitious this afternoon and took out the weed whacker. Hard to believe I was sweating bullets just tending to all the needed. 
Stopping to watch, The Chosen Livestream Season 2 Episode 6.

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