9 May 2021

Missal of St. Gall

Here comes the day which the Lord
hath made: It destroys death. All
creatures keep a feast of joy at the
resurrection of Jesus.

Flowers spring up, meadows are again
clothed in their rich verdure, and birds,
now that gloomy winter is past, carol
in sweet jubilation.

The sun and moon, which mourned at
Jesus’ death, are brighter now than
ever. The earth, that shook at his death
and seemed ready to fall to ruin, now
puts on her richest green to greet her
risen God.

Let us, therefore, be glad on this day
whereon our Jesus, by his resurrection,
opened to us the way of life.

Let stars and earth and sea rejoice: Let
all the choirs of the blessed in heaven
give praise to the Trinity.


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