On the Providence of God

26 October 2024

Therefore, do not say: “Why was John allowed to die?” For what occurred was not a death, but a crown, not an end, but the beginning of a greater life. Learn to think and live like a Christian. You will not only remain unharmed by these events, but you will reap the greatest benefit.

        St. John Chrysostom

Treatise on Good Works

25 October 2024

The first, highest, and most precious of all good works is faith in Christ, and as it says in John 6 [:28-29], when the Jews asked him, "What must we do, to be doing the good work of God?" Jesus answered, "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent."  Now when we hear that or even preach it, we pass over it: we think nothing of it and think it easy to do, but actually we ought to pause a long time and think it over properly.  For in this work all good works exist, and from faith these works receive a borrowed goodness.  We must make this absolutely clear, so that men can understand it.

        Martin Luther

Folly of Idol Worship

24 October 2024

And neither do we honour with many sacrifices and garlands of flowers such deities as men have formed and set in shrines and called gods; since we see that these are soulless and dead, and have not the form of God (for we do not consider that God has such a form as some say that they imitate to His honour), but have the names and forms of those wicked demons which have appeared. For why need we tell you who already know, into what forms the craftsmen, Isaiah 44:9-20; Jeremiah 10:3. carving and cutting, casting and hammering, fashion the materials? And often out of vessels of dishonour, by merely changing the form, and making an image of the requisite shape, they make what they call a god; which we consider not only senseless, but to be even insulting to God, who, having ineffable glory and form, thus gets His name attached to things that are corruptible, and require constant service. And that the artificers of these are both intemperate, and, not to enter into particulars, are practised in every vice, you very well know; even their own girls who work along with them they corrupt. What infatuation! That dissolute men should be said to fashion and make gods for your worship, and that you should appoint such men the guardians of the temples where they are enshrined; not recognising that it is unlawful even to think or say that men are the guardians of gods.

        Justin Martyr

Sign of the Cross

23 October 2024

By the signing of the holy and life-giving cross, devils and various scourges are driven away. For it is without price and without cost and praises him who can say it. The holy fathers have, by their words, transmitted to us, and even to the unbelieving heretics, how the two raised fingers and the single hand reveal Christ our God in His dual nature but single substance. The right hand proclaims His immeasurable strength, His sitting on the right hand of the Father, and His coming down unto us from Heaven. Again, by the movement of the hands to our right the enemies of God will be driven out, as the Lord triumphs over the Devil with His inconquerable power, rendering him dismal and weak.

        Athanasius of Alexandria

On Spiritual Growth

22 October 2024

When we stop making grand promises and ask for grace to endure momentary temptations, then there is the potential for real growth. Just as evil takes its time to gain ground, holiness must also grow inch by inch.

        Lauren Myers

On Being

21 October 2024

Wherever the message is preached and brought in whatever language it comes from, the language it comes to and the culture into which it penetrates must, as some stage of its maturation, learn to answer yet again the question: “Who do you say that I am?” Because the “you say” in that question is the culture in which we live. He’s not asking, “Who does the fourth century say that I am?” when it was writing in Greek. That’s important, because without that we wouldn’t be where we are. But, at some point, you have to be who and what you are in the only culture in which you’re ever going to live, the only century in which you’re going to live and die, and, in that century, you have to answer with whatever linguistic and philosophical equipment you have, you have to answer the question: “Who do you say that I am?”

        Jaroslav Pelikan

Concepts and Wonders

20 October 2024

Concepts create idols; only wonders comprehends anything. People kill one another over idols. Wonders makes us fall to other knees.

        St. Gregory of Nyssa

The Bread of Life

18 October 2024

Break one loaf, which is the medicine of immorality, and the antidote that wards off death, but yields continuous life in union with Jesus Christ.

        St. Ignatius of Antioch

On Avaricious Individuals

17 October 2024

What then did Christ say? “How difficult it will be for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.” He was not criticizing money itself but the wills of those who are taken captive by it. If it will be difficult for the rich, how much more so for the avaricious!

        St. John Chrysostom

Earthly Possessions

16 October 2024

Teach us, O Lord, this difficult lesson to manage conscientiously the goods we possess and not covetously desire more than you give to us.

        Saint Augustine

On Being Human

15 October 2024

You are not big enough to accuse the whole age effectively, but let us say you are in dissent. You are in no position to issue commands, but you can speak words of hope. Shall this be the substance of your message? Be human in this most inhuman of ages; guard the image of man for it is the image of God. You agree? Good. Then go with my blessing. But I warn you, do not expect to make many friends.

        Thomas Merton

On Christian Dignity

14 October 2024

Be conscious, O Christian, of your dignity! You have been made partaker of the divine nature; do not fall again by a corrupt manner of life into the beggarly elements above which you are lifted.

        Leo the Great

Our Lord Said

13 October 2024

For He said not, do not hate, but love; He said not, do not injure, but do good. And if any one should examine accurately, he will see that even to these things somewhat is added, much greater than they are. For neither did He simply command to love, but to pray.

        St. John Chrysostom

Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

11 October 2024

When I read the Gospel and find there testimonies from the Law and from the Prophets, I see only Christ; I so see Moses and the Prophets and I understand them of Christ. Then when I come to the splendor of Christ Himself, and when I gaze at that glorious sunlight, I care not to look at the lamplight. For what light can a lamp give when lit in the daytime? If the sun shines out, the lamplight does not show. So, too, when Christ is present the Law and the Prophets do not show. Not that I would detract from the Law and the Prophets; rather do I praise them in that they show forth Christ. But I so read the Law and the Prophets as not to abide in them but from them to pass to Christ.

        St. Jerome

Benediction Hand Gesture

10 October 2024

When giving a blessing or benediction, the pastor’s fingers may be held in a way which approximates certain letters which abbreviate Jesus Christ. The pastor’s index finger is held straight up, approximating the Greek I; his second finger is curved for the Greek C [Σ]; his third finger is crossed with the thumb for the Greek X; and his fourth finger is curved, for another Greek C [Σ]. This therefore makes for Greek letters: ICXC. These letters are often seen on icons as two words: IC XC. In the early Greek Bibles, a common way of abbreviating an often-used word was to write only the first and last letter of the word, with a line above the abbreviation. Thus, IC abbreviates IECOUC, or actually IESOUS, since the Greek C was an early form of S. In English, of course, it’s JESUS. The Greek XC abbreviates XRICTOC, which is CHRISTOS, or in English, CHRIST. In short, ICXC is IC XC, which means JESUS CHRIST. This, the pastoral benedictions are made with the sign of the cross, while the fingers designate the One who was crucified on the cross, namely JESUS CHRIST. The blessing is therefore made with a visible sign that it is Jesus Christ the Crucified who is the source and cause of the blessing given.

        Burnell Eckardt

Faith as a Strong Foundation

9 October 2024

We know how, for the sake of the name of the Lord, trials have beset alike individuals and cities that have put their trust in Him. Nevertheless, one and all have passed away, and the distress caused by the days of darkness has not been everlasting. For just as when hail-storm and flood, and all natural calamities, at once injure and destroy things that have no strength, while they are only themselves affected by falling on the strong, so the terrible trials set in action against the Church have been proved feebler than the firm foundation of our faith in Christ.

        St. Basil the Great

On Baptism

8 October 2024

Even as when he [the priest] baptizes, not he does baptize you, but it is God that possesses your head with invisible power, and neither angel nor archangel nor any other dare draw near and touch you; even so now also. For when God begets, the gift is His only.

        St. John Chrysostom

Of the Spirit

7 October 2024

Newly created and reborn of the Spirit by the mercy of God, let us imitate what we shall one day be.

        St. Cyprian

The Beauty of Christian Marriage

6 October 2024

What kind of yoke is that of two believers who share one hope, one desire, one discipline, one service?  They enjoy kinship in spirit and in flesh.  They are mutual servants with no discrepancy of interests.  Truly they are 'two in one flesh.' Where the flesh is one, the spirit is one as well.  Together they pray, together they bow down, together perform their fasts, mutually teaching, mutually entreating, mutually upholding.  In the church of God they hold an equal place.  They stand equal at the banquet of God, equally in crises, equally facing persecutions, and equally in refreshments.


The Old Man

5 October 2024

Let us then put off the old man with his deeds and having obtained a share in the sonship of Christ, let us renounce the deeds of the flesh.

        Pope St. Leo the Great

The Divine Service

4 October 2024

The majority […] don’t go to the service to be entertained. They go to use the service, or, if you prefer, to enact it. Every service is a structure of acts and words through which we receive a sacrament, or repent, or supplicate, or adore. And it enables us to do these things best—if you like, it “works” best—when through long familiarity, we don’t have to think about it. As long as you notice, and have to count, the steps, you are not yet dancing but only learning the dance. A good shoe is a shoe you don’t notice. Good reading becomes possible when you need not consciously think about your eyes, or light, or print, or spelling.  The perfect church service would be one we are almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God.

        C.S. Lewis

Mother of God

3 October 2024

At this point, my dear brothers in Christ, we have to be careful not to overlook something of great importance to our sisters in Christ; that's to say, how modestly the Virgin Mary behaved.  She'd taken the angel's word literally.  She'd given birth to the Son of the Most High.  She'd deferred to Joseph in conversation.  She could've crowed about the honors bestowed on her, but she didn't.  The humble Christ could have taught her humility but, apparently, she taught it to Him.  Mary had great reason to be proud, but she wasn't.

        St. Augustine

Keep Us, O Lord

2 October 2024

Dear God, we are thankful for guardian angels, who protect us from danger. Keep and protect us always. Never let us go to places where the holy angels cannot go with us. Let us never do or say things which Thou and the holy angels cannot be pleased. Keep us ever, Thou dear children, and finally take us to heaven; for Christ sake. Amen.

        W. A. Kramer

On the Incarnation of the Word

1 October 2024

For this purpose, then, the incorporeal and incorruptible and immaterial Word of God comes to our realm, howbeit he was not far from us before. For no part of Creation is left void of Him: He has filled all things everywhere, remaining present with His own Father. But He comes in condescension to show loving-kindness upon us, and to visit us.

        St. Athanasius

The Holy Spirit

30 September 2024

We affirm therefore that the fire which is sent forth by Christ is for men's salvation and profits': God grant that all our hearts may be full thereof. For the fire here is, I say, the saving message of the Gospel, and the power of its commandments; by which all of us upon earth, who were so to speak cold and dead because of sin, and in ignorance of Him Who by nature and truly is God, are kindled unto a life of piety, and made "fervent in spirit," according to the expression of the blessed Paul. And besides this we are also made partakers of the Holy Spirit, Who is as fire within us. For we have been baptized with fire and the Holy Spirit. And we have learnt the way thereto, by what Christ says to us: for listen to His words; "Verily I say unto you, that except a man be born of water and spirit, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

        St. Cyril of Alexandria

Where God's Angel Abide

29 September 2024

Let every one of you have the Holy Scripture and read from it, since these are God’s word, they teach us how to live and prepare for the future life. Pray at home daily, and on Sundays and holidays, come to church, to this holy place which is devoted to service to God, where God's angels abide and pray together with you.

        St. John Maximovich

Underserved Love

28 September 2024

We Lutherans are subject to a special temptation.  We have been so much assured that our standing with God is based entirely on God's free and undeserved love and not on any action of ours that the devil is right there to suggest:  "Well, if it not based on any action of yours, your actions don't matter.  You have a nice cushion to rest on there.  You have complete forgiveness in Christ.  So do as you please.  You are always forgiven."  There is no more hideous mockery of Christ and Calvary than that.  Christ died in our place so we may not be condemned and punished for our sins.  He takes all that for us so we may be forgiven and may know the living God as a God who graciously involves Himself with us and we with Him.  Are we, then, to make of this the basis for a life that contradicts that we are involved with Him?

        Dr. Norman Nagel

The Host of Angels

27 September 2024

Let us think of the whole host of angels, how they stand by and serve his will, for Scriptures say: "Ten thousand times ten thousand were doing service to him, and they cried out: Holy, holy, holy, Lord Sabaoth; the whole of creation is full of His glory." Then let us gather together in awareness of our concord, as with one mouth we shout earnestly to him that we may become sharers in his great and glorious promises.

        Clement of Rome

Hurricane Helene

26 September 2024

Lord of heaven and earth, You hold all things in Your hands. Once again, as a storm cause chaos and suffering for many, we humbly beseech You to have mercy. We pray with the Psalmist and all those in the storm's path, "Incline your ear to me; rescue me speedily! Be a rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me." Grant that all in Helene's path may find earthly shelter, but most of all in You, whose Son, our Savior Jesus Christ? is our recue, rock and strong fortress. Though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Mystery of Our Reconciliation

25 September 2024

Lowliness is assured by majesty, weakness by power, mortality by eternity. To pay the debt of our sinful state, a nature that was incapable of suffering was joined to one that could suffer. Thus, in keeping with the healing that we needed, one and the same mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, was able to die in one nature, and unable to die in the other.

        St. Leo the Great

Mary the Mother of God

24 September 2024

It was fitting that she, who held the creator in her lap as a baby, should rest in the tabernacle of God.

        St. John of Damascus

On Repentance

23 September 2024

For that no man on earth was righteous, Paul declared, saying, For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 And by this too the others were comforted, I mean, the guests. Why, I am so far, says He, from loathing sinners, that even for their sakes only am I come. Then, lest He should make them more careless, He staid not at the word sinners, but added, unto repentance. For I am not come that they should continue sinners, but that they should alter, and amend.

        St. John Chrysostom

The Holy Spirit

22 September 2024

When you consider creation I advise you to first think of Him who is the first cause of everything that exists; namely, the Father, and then of the Son, who is the creator, and then the Holy Spirit, the perfecter... The Originator of all things is One: He creates through the Son and perfects through the Spirit.

        St. Basil the Great

Under the New Covenant

21 September 2024

What did he mean? He here indicates baptism and forgiveness through grace. This happened not under the law, but under the new covenant. For under the law there was punishment and torture and penalty punishing those who transgressed its edicts. Under the new covenant, grace and forgiveness of wrongdoings and absolution.

        St. John Chrysostom

Turn You Home Into Heaven

20 September 2024

Where the husband, and the wife, and the children are in accord and united by the bonds of virtue, there is Christ among them.

        Saint John Chrysostom

My Love of God

19 September 2024

All I can say about my love of God is, Lord help me in my lack of it.

        Flannery O'Connor

Why We Are Joyful

18 September 2024

All men have an equal part in the great reason why we are joyful, for our Lord, who is the destroyer of sin and death, finding that all are bound under condemnation, is come to make all free!

        Pope St. Leo the Great

Careless or Harmful Speech

17 September 2024

God has surrounded the tongue with a double wall—a barrier of teeth and the fence of the lips—in order that it may not easily and heedlessly utter words it should not speak. Keep it curbed within your mouth.

        St John Chrysostom

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

16 September 2024

Those who wish to be saved should meditate on the cross of Christ, they should cling to the cross, they should carry their cross, mortifying their bodies (that is, concupiscence), and they should follow Christ in this world, who was once in the world. And now that he lives in eternity, they should follow him outside this world to live in eternity. And this is the singular and most true theorem of all religion: either we remain in this world, or we flee the world. The wisdom of worldly philosophy does not proclaim this; nor do the commentaries of the philosophers contain this.…

For now Christ is no other than God and the most blessed Son of God in eternity. He was crucified for us, and then and now he was all-powerful and all-knowing. In him alone people ought to place all their wisdom, strength, and glory; they should boast in him alone. And thus God chooses things that are foolish, impotent, ignoble, contemptible, and things that are not, lest people think that they might boast in wisdom, power, nobility, and honor. But they should ascribe the only cause for boasting to God alone, and pay attention to him alone.

        Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples

The Liturgy

15 September 2024

The music, the prayers, the bowing and raising, the incense - all of it was breaking my defenses. That's what good liturgy does. It breaks your heart open and turns you toward God.

        Fred Bahnson

On Repentance

14 September 2024

How pitiful I am; and how pitiful is my daily repentance, for it has no firm foundation.  Every day I lay a foundation for the building, and again with my own hands I demolish it.  My repentance has not even made a good beginning as yet; yet there is no end to my wicked negligence.

         St. Ephraim the Syrian

Law and Grace

13 September 2024

So great, then, is the difference between the law and grace, that although the law is undoubtedly of God, yet the righteousness which is of the law is not of God, but the righteousness which is consummated by grace is of God. The one is designated the righteousness of the law, because it is done through fear of the curse of the law; while the other is called the righteousness of God, because it is bestowed through the beneficence of His grace, so that it is not a terrible but a pleasant commandment, according to the prayer in the psalm: Good are You, O Lord, therefore in Your goodness teach me Your righteousness; that is, that I may not be compelled like a slave to live under the law with fear of punishment; but rather in the freedom of love may be delighted to live with law as my companion. When the freeman keeps a commandment, he does it readily. And whosoever learns his duty in this spirit, does everything that he has learned ought to be done.

        St. Augustine

The Great Physician

12 September 2024

The great Physician of souls, who is the ready liberator not only of you but also of all who are enslaved by sin, is ready to heal your sickness. From Him come the words, 'Those who are well have no need of a Physician, but those who are sick... For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.' What excuse have you, what excuse has anyone, when He speaks this way? The Lord wishes to cleanse you from the trouble of your sickness and to show you light after darkness.

        St. Basil the Great

Incarnation of the Word

11 September 2024

It was our sorry case that caused the Word to come down, our transgression that called forth His love for us, so that He made haste to help us and appear among us.

        St. Athanasius the Great

The Tree in Paradise and the Wood in the Cross

10 September 2024

I ask you to consider the example of the tree in paradise and the wood in the cross. My point is that just as the first tree, though green, bore death, the wood of the cross, though dry, gave birth to life.

        St. John Chrysostom

No Self Conflict

9 September 2024

So let us not be at enmity with ourselves, but change our way of life without delay. For Christ who is God, exalted above all creation, has taken away man's sin and has re-fashioned our fallen nature. In the beginning God made man in his image and so gave proof of his love for us. If we obey his holy commands and learn to imitate his goodness, we shall be like him and he will honor us. God is not beggarly, and for the sake of his own glory he has given us a share in his divinity.

        Saint Hippolytus of Rome

On Prayer

8 September 2024

When the Spirit dwells within a person, from the moment that person has become prayer, the Spirit never leaves them. For the Spirit himself never ceases to pray within us. Whether we are asleep or awake, from then on prayer never departs from our soul. Whether we are eating or drinking or sleeping or whatever else we may be doing, even if we are in the deepest of sleeps, the incense of prayer is rising without effort in our heart. Prayer never again deserts us. In every moment of our life, even when it appears to have ceased, prayer is secretly at work within us continuously.

        Isaac of Nineveh

The Lord

6 September 2024

This is the Son of the carpenter, who skillfully made His cross a bridge over Sheol that swallows up all, and brought over mankind into the dwelling of life.

        St. Ephraim the Syrian

The Church

5 September 2024

The tabernacles or tents that Peter wanted to build for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah are now built for us by God when this church becomes God’s temple in which ordinary bread and wine are transformed into the sacrificed body and blood of Christ. The elements of the Holy Communion become for us and all God’s people that heavenly manna to sustain us in our exodus as we pass with Moses through the sea and with Jesus through His death into Canaan and the promised land of the resurrection, so that we are transformed and transfigured into the likeness of His glory.

        David P. Scaer

On Mercy

4 September 2024

For it is not enough to show mercy, but it behooves us to do it with a largeness and an ungrudging spirit, or rather not with an ungrudging, but even with a cheerful and rejoicing one, for not grudging does not amount to rejoicing.

        St. John Chrysostom

Mary, the Mother of God

3 September 2024

That is the way in which this mother serves me and us all with her own body. Really we all ought to be ashamed with all our hearts. For what are all the maids, servants, masters, mistresses, princes, kings, and monarchs on earth compared with the Virgin Mary, who was born of royal lineage, and withal became the mother of God, the noblest woman on earth? After Christ, she is the most precious jewel in all Christendom. And this noblest woman on earth is to serve me and us all by bearing this child and giving him to be our own!

       Martin Luther

God's Favor

2 September 2024

God's gracious favor toward us was so great that it is impossible for a creature to decide which deserves the most amazement: that God has lowered himself to our level of servitude, or that God has carried us off to the dignity of his divinity.

        St. Peter Chrysologus

Armor of God

31 August 2024

For whoever is protected by this armor will never be overcome by the weapons and devastation of the enemy. They won't be led away to the hostile land of frivolous thoughts bond in the enemy's chains as captives and prisoners.

        St. John Cassian

Acts 4:32

30 August 2024

Not that I think it is absolutely our duty to cut ourselves off from those who do not receive the faith, but rather to have regard to them in accordance with the old law of love, and to write to them with one consent, giving them all exhortation with pity, and to propose to them the faith of the fathers, and invite them to union. If we succeed we should be united in communion with them; if we fail we must be content with one another and purge our conduct of this uncertain spirit, restoring the evangelical and simple conversation followed by those who accepted the Word from the beginning. They, it is said, were of one heart and of one soul.

        St. Basil the Great

Proof of the Gospel

29 August 2024

Note how scrupulously the disciples refused to record those things that might have given the impression of their fame. Note how they handed down in writing numerous charges against themselves to unforgetting ages, and accusations of sins, which no one in later years would ever have known about unless hearing it from their voice. By thus honestly reporting their own faults, it is reasonable to view them as relatively void of false speaking and egoism. This habit gives plain and clear proof of their truth-loving disposition.

        Eusebius of Caesarea

On Repentance

28 August 2024

Repentance is good. If there were no opportunity for it, everyone would defer until they were old the grace of cleansing by Baptism. A sufficient reason is that it is better to have a robe to mend, than none to put on.

        Saint Ambrose

On Holy Scripture

27 August 2024

Be willing to let the Scripture mean what it wants to mean.

        John A. Broadus

Mark 10:18

26 August 2024

It is only by participation in the divine goodness that a rational creature is capable of becoming good.

        The Venerable Bede


25 August 2024

But the cross, as expounded in the New Testament, speaks of a victory that goes deeper than that. Just as evil is more than the sum total of individual act of wrongdoings, so Jesus' victory over is more than the sum total of subsequent of selfless love. Christian faith, faith in the crucified Jesus, is more than the individual belief that he died for me, vital through that is. It is faith that on the cross Jesus in principle won the victory over sin. Violence, pride, arrogance and even death itself, and that victory can now be implemented. This faith refuses to accept that violence, greed and pride are unassailable and unchangeable. This faith will go to work to challenge and subverting those destructive forces, in ourselves, in our local communities, in our corporate and political life, in the belief, albeit often in the teeth of the evidence, that they have been defeated and that the power of God’s love e is stronger than they are. To say that the cross changed the world is a statement of faith, but that is not blind faith, whistling in the dark. It is faith that looks up at the creator God and knows him to be the God of love. And it is faith that looks out at the world with the longing to bring that love to bear in healing, reconciliation, and hope.

        N.T. Wright

Recounting the Wonders of God

24 August 2024

He [The Holy Spirit] is divine in nature, infinite in greatness, mighty in His works, good in His blessings; shall we not exalt Him; shall we not glorify Him? I reckon that this 'glorifying' is nothing else than the recounting of His wonders... To describe His wonders gives Him the fullest glorification possible. The same is true for the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Only-begotten Son Himself: we are only able to glorify them by recounting their wonders to the best of our ability.

       Saint Basil the Great

Unity of the Trinity

23 August 2024

All those Catholic expounders of the divine Scriptures, both Old and New, whom I have been able to read, who have written before me concerning the Trinity, Who is God, have purposed to teach, according to the Scriptures, this doctrine, that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit intimate a divine unity of one and the same substance in an indivisible equality; and therefore that they are not three Gods, but one God: although the Father has begotten the Son, and so He who is the Father is not the Son; and the Son is begotten by the Father, and so He who is the Son is not the Father; and the Holy Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son, but only the Spirit of the Father and of the Son, Himself also co-equal with the Father and the Son, and pertaining to the unity of the Trinity.

        Saint Augustine

Our Afflictions

22 August 2024

He did not say, 'Who keeps us from suffering affliction,' but, 'Who comfort us in all our affliction.'... This truly happened also in the case of the three children (Daniel 3:21-30), for neither did He prevent their being cast into the flame, nor did He quench it, but while the furnace burned He gave them freedom. And such is ever God's way of dealing with us, 'Who comforts us in all our affliction.'

        St. John Chrysostom


21 August 2024

There is something spiritual, even sacramental, about forgiveness – a sign which moves and touches those who are witnesses to its enactment.

        Pumla Gobodo Madikizela

The Psalter

20 August 2024

A psalm is a city of refuge from the demons; a means of inducing help from the angels, a weapon in fears by night, a rest from the toils of the day, a safeguard for infants, an adornment for those at the height of their vigour, a consolation for the elders, a most fitting ornament for women. It peoples the solitudes; it rids the market places of excesses; it is the elementary exposition of beginners, the improvement of those advancing, the solid support of the perfect, the voice of the Church. It brightens feast days; it creates a sorrow which is in accordance with God. For, a psalm calls forth a tear even from a heart of stone. A psalm is the work of angels, a heavenly institution, the spiritual incense.

        St. Basil the Great

On Prayer

19 August 2024

Every time we bend our knees for prayer and then rise again, we show by this action that through sin we fell down to earth, but our Creator, the Lover of Mankind, has called us back to heaven.

        St. Basil

Acts 1:9

18 August 2024

Everywhere creation offers obedient service to its Creator. The stars indicated his birth; clouds overshadowed him in his suffering, received him in ascension, and they will accompany him when he returns for judgment.

        St. Bede, the Venerable

Mary the Mother of God

16 August 2024

Mary, of whom Jesus was born, Who is called. Christ (Mt. 1:16)

Indeed, if it is customary to call Jesus Christ "the last Adam" (keeping in mind that the first Adam brought death to the world, and the Last defeated death, brought life to the world), then it would be appropriate to call Saint Mary as "the last Eve." Because, if through the first Eve, death entered this world, then through Saint Mary the One who overcame death was born into the world.

The Son of Mary has changed the whole history of mankind. He came to save people from their sins (Mt. 1:21). He died and rose again, so that, believing in Him, listening to His word and partaking of His Body and Blood, we, when we die, will also be resurrected.

The name of Mary is forever associated with the name of her Son. Because the Son of Mary became the Savior of the world. Just think that at every liturgy we are saved by receiving the very Body and Blood that Christ received from His mother:

He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the first day. (John 6:55)

So you understand how great is the role of the Mother of God in the work of our salvation!

It is true that through her Son, Saint Mary became the mother of the Church, the mother of all Christians.

Saint Mary became a tabernacle that bore God in herself; through her God became incarnate, entered our world, became a Man like us. "The Word was made flesh" (John 1:14) in her womb. Thanks to her, we received a wonderful Savior, the Lamb Who took away the sins of the whole world (and our sins also).

Sermon on the Mount

14 August 2024

He says this (Matt 7:13,14) not because the Lord’s yoke is rough or his burden heavy but because there are a few who wish their labors to end. They do not put their full trust in the Lord when he cries, “Come to me, all you who labor, and I will give you rest....” Hence the humble and the meek of heart are named at the very beginning of this sermon. But because there are many who spurn this smooth yoke and this light burden, it comes to pass that the way that leads to life is demanding and the entry gate is narrow.

        Saint Augustine

Perfection in Righteousness

10 August 2024

And every man that has this hope towards Him purifies himself, even as He is pure,— purifies himself, not indeed by himself alone, but by believing in Him, and calling on Him who sanctifies His saints; which sanctification, when perfected at last (for it is at present only advancing and growing day by day), shall take away from us for ever all the remains of our infirmity.

        St. Augustine

The Holy Spirit Convicts “the World” of Righteousness

9 August 2024

But what are we to understand here by “the world” [John 16:8-11]? We dare not understand by it the coarse, outward sins, as adultery, murder, stealing and theft. There are instituted for such characters the wheels and gallows, with which the worldly powers, the kings, emperors and princes, have to do. But we will interpret “the world” as the subtle and secret sins, of which the Holy Spirit convicts, which the world does not know as sin. Yea, it pronounces them divine works; it applauds them and will not permit them to be called sins. How else can unbelief and other secret sins live in the heart while the heart itself is not conscious of them and knows not that they are sins? But those who convict the world must, on that account, be reviled as heretics and be banished from the country, as we see at present. Therefore, the Holy Spirit must convict the world.

        Martin Luther

The Glory of Man

8 August 2024

In the beginning, therefore, did God form Adam, not as if He stood in need of man, but that He might have [some one] upon whom to confer His benefits. ... Nor did He stand in need of our service when He ordered us to follow Him; but He thus bestowed salvation upon ourselves. For to follow the Saviour is to be a partaker of salvation, and to follow light is to receive light. But those who are in light do not themselves illumine the light, but are illumined and revealed by it: they do certainly contribute nothing to it, but, receiving the benefit, they are illumined by the light. Thus, also, service [rendered] to God does indeed profit God nothing, nor has God need of human obedience; but He grants to those who follow and serve Him life and incorruption and eternal glory, bestowing benefit upon those who serve [Him], because they do serve Him, and on His followers, because they do follow Him; but does not receive any benefit from them: for He is rich, perfect, and in need of nothing. But for this reason does God demand service from men, in order that, since He is good and merciful, He may benefit those who continue in His service. For, as much as God is in want of nothing, so much does man stand in need of fellowship with God. For this is the glory of man, to continue and remain permanently in God's service.

        St. Irenaeus of Lyons

The Imprecatory Psalm

7 August 2024

The enemies referred to here are enemies of the cause of God, who lay hands on us for the sake of God. It is therefore nowhere a matter of personal conflict. … therefore he must dismiss from his own mind all thought of personal revenge. …The prayer for the vengeance of God is the prayer for the execution of his righteousness in the judgment of sin. … I myself, with my sin, belong under this judgment. I have no right to want to hinder this judgment. … God’s vengeance did not strike sinners, but the one sinless man who stood in the sinner’s place, namelt God’s own Son. … that was the end of all phony thoughts about the love of God which do not take sin seriously. … Only in the cross of Jesus Christ is the love of God to be found. Thus the imprecatory psalm leads to the cross of Jesus and to the love of God which forgives enemies. I cannot forgive the enemies of God out of my own resources. Only the crucified Christ can do that, and I through him. … I leave the vengeance to God and ask him to execute his righteousness to all his enemies… ”

        Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Our Daily Bread

6 August 2024

[Give us our daily bread] But do we not also pray for our physical bread? God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil people, but we pray in this petition that God would lead us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving.

        Martin Luther

Sign of the Cross

5 August 2024

But imitate Christ at all times, signing your forehead with sincerity. This is the sign of His passion, shown and proven against the devil, if you make it with faith, not in order to be seen by others, but knowingly setting it forward as a shield. For, when the adversary sees that its power comes from the heart, because it shows forth publicly the image of baptism, he is put to flight. He flies, not because of your spittle, but because the Spirit within you blows him away. When Moses made this sign, rubbing the blood of the slain paschal lamb on the lintels of the doorposts, he signified the faith which we now have in the perfect Lamb.

        Hippolytus of Rome

On Prayer

4 August 2024

Prayer is the language of the Christian community. In prayer the nature of the community becomes visible because in prayer we direct ourselves to the one who forms the community. We do not pray to each other, but together we pray to God, who calls us and makes us into a new people. Praying is not one of the many things that community does. Rather, it is its very being.

        Henri Nouwen

On Baptism

3 August 2024

We thank and bless thee, O God, for thy full and perfect grace; make our life one and joyous amen to the word of forgiveness which we have heard in our baptism, to where we died to this world with thy son. Amen.

        Martin Franzmann

Why Forgiveness Must be Found in Christ and Not Our Works

2 August 2024

But God speaks thus: If thou wilt be rid of sin, thou must do other works wherewith to pay the price. But with all the works which thou dost, thou canst do nothing but sin, even with the works wherewith thou thinkest to reconcile me and to do penance for thy sins. How wilt thou then, thou fool, blot out sin with sin? For even in the works which thou considerest the best and which thou canst do, thou sinnest if thou dost not do them willingly and from the heart. For if thou didst not fear punishment, thou wouldst rather not do them at all. Thus thou dost no more than that thou seekest to blot out little sins by doing greater ones; or else to commit such great ones that thou mayest lay aside others.

Wherefore, it is ever great blindness that a man does not see what sin is, nor know what good works are, but accepts sin for good works. When the Holy Spirit comes, he convicts the people and says: The works which thou hast done, as well as those which thou art still doing, are nothing but sin; therefore, it is all in vain that thou dost attempt to make satisfaction for thy sin according to thy ability. Then they feel compelled to say: Behold, this I did not know. Then says he: For this purpose I am here, in order to tell thee this. If thou hadst known it, it would not have been necessary for me to come and make it known. What wilt thou do now in order to be helped? This thou must do: Believe on the Savior, the Lord Christ, that he has taken away thy sin. If thou believest this, he is thine and thy sins will disappear; if not, then thou wilt never get rid of sin, but wilt always fall into it deeper and deeper.

          Martin Luther

Sacred Music

1 August 2024

The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.

        Johann Sebastian Bach

Daily Prayer

27 July 2024

Faith has to do with daily reception from God. Daily discipleship therefore involves daily prayer.

        John Kleinig


26 July 2024

Faith prays mountains of worry into the sea.

        Wilhelm Lowe

Father, Son and Holy Ghost

25 July 2024

You have professed your faith in Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Do not abandon this deposit; the Father— origin of all; the Son— Only begotten, begotten of Him, very God, Perfect of Perfect, living image, showing the whole Father in Himself; the Holy Ghost, having His subsistence of God, the fount of holiness, power that gives life, grace that makes perfect, through Whom man is adopted, and the mortal made immortal, conjoined with Father and Son in all things in glory and eternity, in power and kingdom, in sovereignty and godhead; as is testified by the tradition of the baptism of salvation.

        St. Basil the Great

The Good Shepherd

24 July 2024

If we are sheep, we conquer; if we are wolves, we are overcome. So long as we continue to behave as sheep, we are victorious. Even if ten thousand wolves surround us, we conquer and are victorious. But the moment we become wolves, we are conquered, for we lose the help of the Shepherd. He is the Shepherd of sheep, not wolves.

        St. John Chrysostom

Empty Hands

23 July 2024

When a pastor stands at the altar and prays, he stands like this - with his hands open, empty, and up, waiting for an answer, waiting for his hands to be filled with whatever our Lord wishes to bestow. It is recognition that Jesus can only do his best for us when we have empty hands.

        Scott Bruzek

The Eucharist

22 July 2024

Recognize in this bread what hung on the cross, and in this chalice what flowed from His side... whatever was in many and varied ways announced beforehand in the sacrifices of the Old Testament pertains to this one sacrifice which is revealed in the New Testament.

        Saint Augustine


21 July 2024

Jesus does not coerce. His way is the way of gifts, of bounty, of always more. That is the way of His love. Jesus does not pull out a scale and weigh out three ounces bread and 1 ¼ ounces of fish. "That is enough for you. Move on, eat it, go away." He keeps on giving, so all thought of calculation of what is your just portion is left behind and you have Him going on giving, more and left over.

        Norman Nagel

The Fount of Truth

20 July 2024

Though they do not stand by the gospel and discipline and law of Christ, they call themselves Christians. Though they are walking in darkness, they think they are in the light, through the deceitful flattery of the adversary who, as the apostle said, transforms himself into an angel of light and adorns his ministers as ministers of righteousness. They call night day, death salvation, despair hope, perfidy faith, antiChrist Christ, cunningly to frustrate truth by their lying show of truth. That is what happens, brothers, when we do not return to the fount of truth, when we are not looking to the head and keeping the doctrine taught from heaven.

        St. Cyprian of Carthage

Celebrating the Liturgy

19 July 2024

I die when I am not celebrating the Liturgy… There is no true life in us without the Source of Life – Jesus Christ. The Liturgy is the source of true life, because God Himself is in it; The Lord of life gives Himself as food and drink to the believers, gives to His communicants life in abundance, as He himself says: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life" (John 6:54).

        St John of Kronstadt

On Worship

18 July 2024

Before the people leave the place of worship, the Lord bestow on them his blessing which protect them from evil, enliven them to live as his children, and empowers them to do his work.

        John Kleinig

A Loving Heart

16 July 2024

God reveals Himself most clearly to a loving heart. A loving heart is uncompromising, energized by truth, and always defaulting to mercy.

        Joshua Genig

Real Presence

15 July 2024

After this you hear the singing which invites you with a divine melody to the Communion of the Holy Mysteries, and which says, 'Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Do not trust to the judgment of the bodily palate - no, but to unwavering faith. For they who are urged to taste do not taste of bread and wine, but to the antitype, of the Body and Blood of Christ.

        St. John Chrysostom

The Gospel

14 July 2024

The Gospel makes no sense at all. It takes God to do it. This little blob of earth, a speck in the universe, and you for a few years a speck upon it, that the Lord would think you worth going through Calvary for. If you can swallow that you can swallow anything. Actually it is not a matter of swallowing, but of hearing. What is the sound of that eardrum listening? The answer, my friend, is not blowing in the wind, but in the breath of Jesus, into words, into earholes. Calvary and everything that’s somehow bound up with it we are given with the words given by the Spirit of Jesus of whom Jesus said, “He will take of mine and give it to you.” The Spirit gave the words, and is alive in the words to bestow the gifts they say, that is to create faith where and when He pleases in those who hear the Gospel, the words that are possible only because of Jesus.

        Norman Nagel

The Paschal Meal

13 July 2024

The unbroken connection with apostolic times is also revealed in the external forms of the liturgy. The altar is today the only place in our modern life where, with unbroken tradition, the vestments are still used which were worn by people in that olden day. Within the walls of the church one can still hear musical settings that preserve something of the very tones of that hymn of praise which our Lord and His disciples sang when they ate the paschal meal. The church is the one place in the modern world where one can still hear the best of medieval music and see the choicest treasures of medieval art as a living part of our culture. There is nothing in all the world today which embraces so much of an ancient culture or so many revered traditions as our chief liturgical service.

        Bo Giertz

The Eucharist

12 July 2024

You have noted those who teach heterodox things about the grace of Jesus Christ which came to us. How they are contrary to the mind of God! They are not concerned about love, neither the widow, the orphan, the afflicted—whether bound or free, the hungry nor the thirsty. They abstain from the Eucharist and from [set times of] prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, that flesh which suffered for our sins but which the Father raised in his kindness. Those who contradict the gift of God with strife will die.

        Ignatius of Antioch

On Love

11 July 2024

Our life and our death is with our neighbor. If we gain our brother, we have gained God, but if we scandalize our brother, we have sinned against Christ.

        Anthony the Great


10 July 2024

To confess your sins to God is not to tell him anything he doesn't already know. Until you confess them, however, they are the abyss between you. When you confess them, they become the bridge.

        Frederick Buechner