
29 April 2023

Should you ask me, What is the first thing in religion? I should reply, The first, second, and third thing therein – nay, all – is humility.

        Saint Augustine

Guard Our Tongue

28 April 2023

Let us always guard our tongue; not that it should always be silent, but that it should speak at the proper time.

        Saint John Chrysostom

The Cross

27 April 2023

O the divine mystery of the cross! Weakness hangs on it, power is freed by it, evil is nailed to it, and triumphal trophies are raised toward it.

        St. Ambrose of Milan

Imago Dei

26 April 2023

To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love.

        Thomas à Kempis

Gift of the Gospel

24 April 2023

Jesus came to raise the dead. The only qualification for the gift of the Gospel is to be dead. You don't have to be smart. You don't have to be good. You don't have to be wise. You don't have to be anything... you just have to be dead. That's it.

        Robert Farrar Capon

Walk Like Christ

23 April 2023

One who claims to abide in Christ ought to walk as he walked. Would you follow Christ? Then be humble as he was humble. Do not scorn his lowliness if you want to reach his exaltation. Human sin made the road rough. Christ’s resurrection leveled it. By passing over it himself he transformed the narrowest of tracks into a royal highway way Two feet are needed to run along this highway; they are humility and charity. Everyone wants to get to the top - well, the first step to take is humility. Why take strides that are too big for you-do you want to fall instead of going up? Begin with the first step, humility, and you will already be climbing.

        Saint Caesarius of Arles

On Prayer

21 April 2023

The desire to pray is already an effect of prayer.

        René Voillaume

On Prayer

19 April 2023

Each prayer is more beautiful than the others. I cannot recite them all and not knowing which to choose, I do like children who do not know how to read, I say very simply to God what I wish to say, without composing beautiful sentences, and he always understands me.

        Saint Therese of Lisieux

Call Upon the Lord

17 April 2023

You cannot conquer any passion, any sin without gracious help; therefore, always ask the help of Christ, your Savior. It was for this that He came into the world, for this that He suffered, died, and rose from the dead, in order to help us in everything, to save us from sin, and from the violence of the passions, to cleanse us from our sins, to bestow upon us power in Holy Spirit to do good works, to enlighten us, to strengthen us, to give us peace. You ask how you can save yourself when sin stands at every step, and you sin at every moment? There is a simple answer to this: at every step, at every moment, call upon the Savior, remember the Savior, and you will save yourself and others.

        Saint John of Kronstadt

Forgiveness Has Risen

16 April 2023

Let none mourn that they have fallen over and over again, for forgiveness has risen from the grave.

        St John Chrysostom

On Humility

14 April 2023

One who loves God retains this humility at all times, not with weariness and struggle, but with pleasure and gladness.

        Walter Hilton

On Prayer

12 April 2023

The great method of prayer is to have none. If in going to prayer one can form in oneself a pure capacity for receiving the spirit of God, that will suffice for all method.

      Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Never Forget

11 April 2023

Seek Jesus Christ with faith and love. Do not forget that He gave His life on the Cross for our sakes, to deliver us from sin and eternal torment, and to dwell in our hearts, that we might have great joy. Do not forget, we have all been bought with the price of His blood, and we should belong to Him, as to our Redeemer.

        Saint John of Kronstadt

The Love of God

10 April 2023

Anyone who loves God in the depths of his heart has already been loved by God. In fact, the measure of a man’s love for God depends upon how deeply aware he is of God’s love for him. When this awareness is keen it makes whoever possesses it long to be enlightened by the divine light, and this longing is so intense that it seems to penetrate his very bones. He loses all consciousness of himself and is entirely transformed by the love of God.

        Saint Diadochus of Photike

On Self Love

8 April 2023

Whoever is in love with himself is unable to love God. The man who loves God is the one who abandons his self-love for the sake of the immeasurable blessings of divine love. Such a man never seeks his own glory but only the glory of God.

        Saint Diadochus of Photike

Coram Deo

7 April 2023

Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage.

        Pope John XXIII

Following the Light of Faith

6 April 2023

It is absolutely necessary, both for our advancement and the salvation of others, to follow always and in all things the beautiful light of faith.

        Saint Vincent de Paul