Our Limitations

30 April 2022

We should humbly and realistically accept our limitations both in prayer and in action. It rests with us to devote ourselves to prayer, to prepare ourselves for it, to begin to pray, and to advance as best as we can, but we will come up against a limit beyond which only the Holy Spirit can enable us to pass. It is the same with action. We can indeed expend ourselves on a variety of activities but we shall find our limitations in the strength we bring to them, in our courage an detachment, and, above all, in the perfecting of our charity. Only the Holy Spirit can take us beyond these limitations. Whether in prayer or in action, we are, then, wholly dependent on the Holy Spirit.

        René Voillaume

Taste of Hell

29 April 2022

He who continues in anger, strife, and a bitter spirit, has a taste of the air of hell.

        Saint Philip Neri

Seek God Daily

25 April 2022

Seek God daily. But seek Him in your heart, not outside it. And when you find Him, stand with fear and trembling, like the Cherubim and Seraphim, for your heart has become a throne of God. But in order to find God, become humble as dust before the Lord, for the Lord abhors the proud; whereas He visits those that are humble in heart, wherefore He says: “To whom will I look, but to the one who is meek and humble in heart?”

      Saint Nectarius of Aegina

Life with Christ

24 April 2022

Happy the soul to whom it is given to attain this life with Christ, to cleave with all one’s heart to him whose beauty all the heavenly hosts behold forever, whose love inflames our love, the contemplation of whom is our refreshment, whose graciousness is our delight, whose gentleness fills us to overflowing, whose remembrance makes us glow with happiness, whose fragrance revives the dead, the glorious vision of whom will be the happiness of all the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem. For he is the brightness of eternal glory, the splendor of eternal light, the mirror without spot.

      Saint Clare of Assisi

With Unwearied Steps

23 April 2022

I beseech you in the grace of Jesus Christ, forget those things that are behind, and as if you had just begun your long journey for the first time, set out eagerly on the way of virtue with unwearied step.

      Saint Ignatius of Loyola

On Death

22 April 2022

Pause and reflect, for the day of death is approaching. I beg you, therefore, with all possible respect, not to forget the Lord or turn away from His commandments by reason of the cares and preoccupations of this world, for all those who are oblivious of Him and turn away from His commands are cursed and will be totally forgotten by Him (Ex. 33:13). And when the day of death does come, everything which they think they have will be taken from them. And the wiser and more powerful they may have been in this world, so much greater will be the punishments they will endure in hell (cf. Wis. 6:7).

      Saint Francis of Assisi


21 April 2022

There is no storm worse than calm, and no foe more dangerous than to have no foes.
      Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Arise With Christ

20 April 2022

Today is the day of salvation for the world. . . Christ is risen from the dead: arise with him. Christ returns to himself: you also must return to him. Christ has come forth from the tomb: free yourselves from the fetters of evil. The gates of hell are open and the power of death is destroyed. The old Adam is superseded, the new perfected. In Christ a new creation is coming to birth: renew yourselves.

      Saint Gregory Nazianzen

On Choice

19 April 2022

Only He is worth struggling towards. We have a choice to follow the way the world, of the society that surrounds us, and thereby find ourselves outside of God; or to choose the way of life, to choose God Who calls us and for Whom our heart is searching.

    Blessed Seraphim of Platina

Spiritual Exercises

18 April 2022

By the term ‘Spiritual Exercises’ is meant every method of examination of conscience, of meditation, of contemplation, of vocal and mental prayer, and of other spiritual activities… For just as taking a walk, journeying on foot, and running are bodily exercises, so we call Spiritual Exercises every way of preparing and disposing the soul to rid itself of all inordinate attachments, and, after their removal, of seeking and finding the will of God in the disposition of our life for the salvation of our soul.

      Saint Ignatius of Loyola

On Jesus

17  April 2022

When Jesus is near all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard. When Jesus does not speak within, all other comfort is empty, but if He says only a word, it brings great consolation.

      Thomas à Kempis

Eyes On Christ

16 April 2022

As no darkness can be seen by anyone surrounded by light, so no trivialities can capture the attention of anyone who has his eyes on Christ. The man who keeps his eyes upon the head and origin of the whole universe has them on virtue in all its perfection; he has them on truth, on justice, on immortality and on everything else that is good, for Christ is goodness itself.

      Saint Gregory of Nyssa

On Satan

15 April 2022

Remember that the Devil doesn’t sleep, but seeks our ruin in a thousand ways.

    Saint Angela Merici

Returning Thanks

14 April 2022

We should not accept in silence the benefactions of God, but return thanks for them.

      Saint Basil the Great

Correct Our Faults

13 April 2022

It is not enough to acknowledge our faults; we must correct them.

    Saint Mother Théodore Guérin

On Difficulties

12 April 2022

If we are faced with difficulties, we will turn to God for help with many difficulties, we will turn to God for help with increasing frequency. As God continues to help, even the coldest heart will be warmed.

      Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Fix Your Eyes on Christ

11 April 2022

We shall be blessed with clear vision if we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, for he, as Paul teaches, is our head, and there is in him no shadow of evil. Saint Paul himself and all who have reached the same heights of sanctity had their eyes fixed on Christ, and so have all who live and move and have their being in him.

      Saint Gregory of Nyssa

On Holy Scripture

10 April 2022

How could one live without the knowledge of Scripture, through which one learns to know Christ himself, who is the life of believers?

        Saint Jerome

Fear of God

8 April 2022

The fear of God illumines the soul, annihilates evil, weakens the passions, drives darkness from the soul and makes it pure. The fear of God is the summit of wisdom. Where it is not you will find nothing good. Whoever does not have the fear of God is open to diabolical falls.

      Saint Ephrem of Syria

On Words and Deeds

7 April 2022

Love is shown more in deeds than in words.

        Saint Ignatius of Loyola


6 April 2022

Heaven is filled with converted sinners of all kinds, and there is room for more.

    Saint Joseph Cafasso (1811-1860)

Thanks Be To God

5 April 2022

We must take to heart… from what we were created, who we were and what kind of creatures we were when we entered the world, as if from a tomb and from utter darkness. Having prepared for us bountifully before we were born, He Who fashioned us and created us brought us into His world. Since, then, we owe all this to Him, we ought to give Him thanks for everything.

      Saint Clement

Loving Christ

4 April 2022

The choice is yours! Love the world and you will perish with the world. Love Christ and you will reign with him (forever)!

    Richard Rolle (c. 1300-1349)

The Working of Mercy

3 April 2022

For, in truth, we shall see in Heaven for all eternity that though we have sinned grievously in this life, we were never hurt in God’s love, nor were we ever of less value in God’s sight. This falling is a test by which we shall have a high and marvelous knowing of love in God forever. That love [of God] is hard and marvelous that cannot and will not be broken for our trespasses. In love mercy allows us to fail somewhat, and in failing we fall, and in falling we die. Our failing is full of fear; our falling is marked by sin; our dying is sorrowful. Yet in all this the sweet eye of pity never departs from us and the working of mercy never ceases.

      Saint Julian of Norwich

Become Christ Like

2 April 2022

Let us become like Christ, since Christ became like us.  Let us become God’s for His sake, since He for ours became Man. He assumed the worse that He might give us the better; He became poor that we through His poverty might be rich; He took upon Him the form of a servant that we might receive back our liberty; He came down that we might be exalted; He was tempted that we might conquer; He was dishonored that He might glorify us; He died that He might save us; He ascended that He might draw to Himself us, who were lying low in the Fall of sin. Let us give all, offer all, to Him Who gave Himself a Ransom and a Reconciliation for us.  But one can give nothing like oneself, understanding the Mystery, and becoming for His sake all that He became for ours.

      Saint Gregory Nazianzen

Despise Earthly Vanity

1 April 2022

This is the greatest wisdom—to seek the kingdom of heaven through contempt of the world. It is vanity, therefore, to seek and trust in riches that perish. It is vanity also to court honor and to be puffed up with pride. It is vanity to follow the lusts of the body and to desire things for which severe punishment later must come. It is vanity to wish for long life and to care little about a well-spent life. It is vanity to be concerned with the present only and not to make provision for things to come. It is vanity to love what passes quickly and not to look ahead where eternal joy abides.

        Thomas à Kempis