26 January 2017

On Division

Let us intercede for those who are involved in some transgression,
that forbearance and humility may be given them, so that they may
submit, not to us but to the will of God. For in this way the merciful
remembrance of them in the presence of God and all saints will
be fruitful and perfect for them. Let us accept correction, which
no one ought to resent, dear friends. The reproof which we give
one another is good and exceedingly useful, for it unites us with
the will of God. For thus says the Holy Word: "The Lord has indeed
disciplined me, but has not handed me over to death."

                                                                          ST. CLEMENT OF ROME
6 January 2017

A Strange New Flood

Come then and see, this new and strange flood, greater and more
 powerful than that which occurred in the days of Noah. There the
water of the flood destroyed the human race; but here the water
of baptism, by the power of him who is baptized in it, has called
back the dead to life. There the dove carried the olive branch in its
beak, denoting the fragrance of the sweet-smelling savor of the Lord
Christ, but here the Holy Spirit, descending in the form of a dove,
reveals to us the presence of our merciful God.

                                                   Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople