24 November 2017
Rid us, O Lord

Rid us, O Lord, of the arrogant delusion that our age is harder to live in,
harder to live through and be decent in than any age that ever was, that
we are being tried as our fathers never were, that we have more excuse
for our neurotic screaming, our pitiful muddling, our eroded standards,
our sentimental slobbering, our pinching terror at the shadows of the
future cast upon our way than any men who ever walked beneath Your
heaven and on Your earth.

Teach us, O Lord, by Your sane and steadying Word that we stand before
You as we always stood, living of Your grace and moving toward Your
judgment, that the Bomb and the terrible technological trifles of our time
have not altered the great plain, steady fact that You are Lord and have not
changed the blessed time of Your coming as a thief in the night.

                                MARTIN H. FRANZMANN, Prayer for Joy, P 51.

3 October 2017
On the Psalms

If any oppressive sorrow has come upon you […] pray with
psalms to the Lord lest the sadness of the world which is
death swallow you up; drive destructive sickness of grief from
your heart by the frequent sweetness of the psalms.

                                                   THE VENERABLE BEDE

2 July 2017
Guide My Tongue

Guide my tongue, O Blessed Wisdom, so that it may not
Deviate from truth for the rest of my life. Remind me of 
Your presence, so that I may be afraid to utter falsehood.
Encourage me with Your presence, so that I may freely
speak the truth. 

                                                   Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich
                                                   Prayers by the Lake, p. 138

16 June 2017
Christ in Need

When you receive another, you receive Him. [...] 
Let a hungry Christ be fed here, a thirsty Christ to be
given drink, a naked Christ to be clothed, a foreigner
Christ to be taken in, an ill Christ be visited,” he said.
“These are needs that arise on the journey. This is
how we are to live in a world where Christ is in need.

                                                         ST. AUGUSTINE
11 June 2017
The Politics of Discipleship

 As Christians, we bring to God all the concerns and connections
we have with the contemporary world [...]: the crisis of democracy,
the reduction of life to economics and consumption, and the
various roles that religion is playing and being forced to play in the
public sphere. Praying is thus the most political act any Christian
can engage in—richly layered, nuanced, and continuous.

                                                                         Graham Ward

04 June 2017

Come, Oh Holy Ghost

Come oh Holy Ghost, come from heav'n above, light of light divine,
Oh come to us, oh father of the poor, You are the source of all earthly store,
Guide our coming, guide our going, as we pray to you,
You alone the saving grace, Spirit of truth heal our wounds,
Our strength renew,  Come oh Holy Ghost.

26 January 2017

On Division

Let us intercede for those who are involved in some transgression,
that forbearance and humility may be given them, so that they may
submit, not to us but to the will of God. For in this way the merciful
remembrance of them in the presence of God and all saints will
be fruitful and perfect for them. Let us accept correction, which
no one ought to resent, dear friends. The reproof which we give
one another is good and exceedingly useful, for it unites us with
the will of God. For thus says the Holy Word: "The Lord has indeed
disciplined me, but has not handed me over to death."

                                                                          ST. CLEMENT OF ROME
6 January 2017

A Strange New Flood

Come then and see, this new and strange flood, greater and more
 powerful than that which occurred in the days of Noah. There the
water of the flood destroyed the human race; but here the water
of baptism, by the power of him who is baptized in it, has called
back the dead to life. There the dove carried the olive branch in its
beak, denoting the fragrance of the sweet-smelling savor of the Lord
Christ, but here the Holy Spirit, descending in the form of a dove,
reveals to us the presence of our merciful God.

                                                   Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople